No 82, 1 November 1928, 3119
f,lumb 82. 3119 ",- THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1928. Land set apart as an Addition to a Public Domain. the Otokia Creek ; thence towards the north generally by ' said bank, 2650 links ; towards the east generally by the [L.S,] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. ocean, 700 links ; towards the south generally by the ocean, A PROCLAMATION. 6100 links ; towards the west by a beach reserve, 60 links ; again towards the north by Beach Street, Township of N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by sub Brighton, 2307·2 links ; and towards the west by Bath I section nine of section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, Street, 440 links, and the main road, 328 links and 60 links, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General of to the point of commencement, and excluding therefrom a the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare closed road intersecting Section 47 and numbered 1318R, a that from and after the date hereof the land comprised in deduction for which has been made from the area. the portions of close~ road describ~d in th~ First Sc~edu le Also, all that area in the Otago Land District containing hereto, being land adiacent to and mtersectmg the Brighton by admeasurement 2 acres, more or less, being Section 60, Domain described in the Second Schedule hereto, shall be Block I, Otokia Survey District, and bounded as follows : rleemed to be added to the said Brighton Domain. Towards the north generally by the Main Road, 87·6 links, 792 links; towards the south by the Ocean, 350 links, and the FIRST SCHEDULE.
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