2009 ACTIVITY REPORT Permanent seat : 3, Rue Arrissani, Hassan - Rabat - Maroc Adresse postale : B.P. 4253, Rabat Phone : +212 (0)5 37 26 36 37 / 38 - Fax : +212 (0)5 37 26 36 39 E-Mail :
[email protected] - Site : www.fm5.ma Rapport d'Activité FM5 2009 anglais.indd 2-3 05/11/10 11:19 Rapport d'Activité FM5 2009 anglais.indd 4-5 05/11/10 11:19 Sommaire 6 PURSUING «INTEGRATION THROUGH TRAINING» 9 HIGHLIGHTS OF THE FOUNDATION’S 2009 ACTION 17 PARTNERSHIP 23 ACTIONS UNDERTAKEN IN 2009 43 FINANCIAL SITUATION Rapport d'Activité FM5 2009 anglais.indd 6-7 05/11/10 11:19 • PURSUING «INTEGRATION THROUGH TRAINING» Building on human resources to rise to social challenges: The Centre for Training and Qualification in handicraft skills, this is main line of action, achieved via «Integration through inaugurated by His Majesty King Mohammed VI within Training», which characterized the Foundation’s action in 2009. the framework of the opening ceremony of this 12th National Solidarity Campaign, falls within the framework of pursuing This has resolutely placed beneficiaries at the heart of the economic development projects with high social impact being Foundation’s concerns, and every effort has been made to implemented at national level in keeping with the instructions of His provide beneficiaries with tools tailored to their specific needs to Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God Assist Him. Featuring an achieve successful social, professional and economic integration. innovative design, the Center set up in the imperial city of Fez is characterized by the handicraft activities it covers, with a high potential for the creation of jobs.