Lindy Woodhead | 336 pages | 03 Jan 2013 | Profile Books Ltd | 9781781250587 | English | , United Kingdom Shopping, Seduction and Mr Selfridge PDF Book

I won't give away the end of Selfridge's life tale, but suffice it to say, he was a fascinating, enigmatic man who truly revolutionized the way Americans and Europeans alike shopped. Alan Pell Crawford. A man ahead of his time, an accelerator of change, and he deserves to be remembered as the man who put the fun on to the shop floor and the sex appeal in to shopping. Too energetic and restless to retire, Harry opened up his eponymous on London's in His son, Gordon was a playboy and having a wife and children did not stop him when gadding about in society and spending money freely, a trait he came by honestly. Entertaining and educational book! War Work War Play. Refresh and try again. Maybe America was too small for Harry. Franklin and Lucy. His store, which filled nearly a square block, offered restaurants, tea rooms, reading rooms, staff rooms, an ice skating rink and roof top catering and gardens. I was planning on watching the show so I wanted to read the book. Perhaps the upcoming PBS Masterpiece will do just that! He was a kid and Oxford Street, London was his playground. In this book Lindy Woodhead tells the extraordinary story of a revolution in shopping and the rise and fall of a retail prince. Lauren Kessler. The major events of Selfridge's life are woven into the series, with a lot of dramatic fiction thrown in. On top of that, he was the first store in London to have a restaurant, which encouraged people to stay and shop longer. Always ambitious and hardworking, Selfridge worked his way up from poverty as the only living son of a single mother who was forced to work as a teacher in the s and '70s after her husband abandoned the family after the Civil War. Woodhead includes a handle of suppositions but they are never expanded upon as opinions of the author, they are only furthered if it was a common view of the time. Halloween Books for Kids. Than Harry Selfridge's beginning with Marshal Fields. Shopping, Seduction and Mr Selfridge Writer

Error rating book. The Customer is Always Right. She is a regular contributor to The Specta Lindy Woodhead worked in international fashion public relations for over 25 years. Barnum was no surprise. Thirty years after he opened his revolutionary store, Harry Gordon Selfridge was ousted in a Board Room coup. About Lindy Woodhead. Enlarge cover. Winning and losing millions of dollars was not uncommon for him and he squandered much of his money on starlets and other mistresses, especially after his wife died in Want to Read saving…. Nov 15, Mary Pauline M rated it it was ok. He was a kid and Oxford Street, London was his playground. He also employed women to work in the loading dock during the first world war and to drive the company lorries. This is an amazing story of a small town boy from who had a genius for merchandising. He loved his children but did not spend much time with them and when the girls married, he paid all the bills for them and their husbands. Back in the day, women didn't shop in the sense that we do now, they couldn't touch the products and, if wealthy, didn't even carry their purchases home they were shipped. Please try again later. Woodhead is largely unbiased; the book lacks opinions and is more of a report, even more so, perhaps than it is a biography. His store, which filled nearly a square block, offered restaurants, tea rooms, reading rooms, staff rooms, an ice skating rink and roof top catering and gardens. With her husband she must have been very patient. Vices and Virtues. Close It appears you don't have the ability to view PDFs in this browser. His son, Gordon had a common law wife and 4 children and Harry ignored them until his elderly years. Shopping, Seduction and Mr Selfridge Reviews

His son, Gordon was a playboy and having a wife and children did not stop him when gadding about in society and spending money freely, a trait he came by honestly. He was not some Harry Selfridge was a truly remarkable man. Selfridge" is based on. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. I was intrigued by some of the historical background but found it a little dry at times and the meandering, into what was for me unnecessary detail, was irritating. As our warehouse is operating social distancing, no physical website orders are being shipped until further notice. Too energetic and restless to retire, Harry opened up his eponymous department store on London's Oxford Street in Than Harry Selfridge's beginning with Marshal Fields. Too bad it doesn't go on after Harry Gordon Selfridge is finally forced out, but that's not its purview. Gordon, Jr. The author has a specialist and historical interest in fashion, so be prepared to skip now and then over bewildering to me, anyway terms like 'hobble skirt', 'braided morning coat' and 'cotton-drill jacket'. What is best about the book is surely its general style. Privacy Policy. Once the imagination is moved, the hand goes automatically to the purse. Sounds like a great place. Next time I am in England will have to make a stop there. Giving the Ladies What They Want. Halloween Books for Kids. Jan 15, Cathy rated it really liked it. An egotistical womanizer who adored his wife and mother. Full Speed Ahead. He was not the most shrewd businessman who ever lived, and had a tendency toward profligacy with actresses and gamblers. Oct 14, Sherri Stephens rated it really liked it. If you're expecting the book to be anything like the series forget it-it was the inspiration for the drama not a word for word dramatisation of the book. A lot of the story lines on the PBS series were fictionalized but not to the point of distraction but reading this put it into perspective. Selfridge comes across from the reading of this as someone who wanted to be loved and in the limelight an entertainer a showman and he is described as such.

Shopping, Seduction and Mr Selfridge Read Online

He was a force to be reckoned with. In many ways the story of , the store and Selfridge, the man is a thrilling and exciting journey. The book certainly provides excellent knowledge of retail history in Britain and in general as well as the social context of the time early s. A fascinating biographical, as well as sociological, study Lively A man not afraid to take risks, a trait that put him ahead of the competition but which also had a tragic downside. Great book! Edmund Morris. His talents were to create the seduction of shopping, and as his success and fame grew, so did his glittering lifestyle: mansions, yachts, gambling, racehorses - and mistresses. Having visited Selfridges several times, I was very curious about this book. Too bad it doesn't go on after Harry Gordon Selfridge is finally forced out, but that's not its purview. For more of a story though less of the "truth" I highly recommend the television series. The book itself is organized more like a scrapbook outlining significant events and achievements, rather than a biography that makes a story Got this from the library because it's the book on which the television series was based. We are experiencing technical difficulties. Dalkey rated it really liked it. Eighty Days. Web development by Firsty Group. As someone drawn to this book because I so enjoyed the tv series based on it I didn't know what to expect. This book is a tour de force. It gives you hints about Selfridge his life to a point but it also sets it in historical context. He built one of the biggest retail empires of his time but died broke. Always a marketer at heart and a believer that one had to spend money to make money, he was the first department store retailer to put women's perfumes and cosmetics front and center in his stores. Lindy Woodhead. The American author visited Selfridge's former estate in his 'Notes From A Small Island', in which he briefly summed up his countryman's fascinating life and times. Pass it on! Search: Search. In this book Lindy Woodhead tells the extraordinary story of a revolution in shopping and the rise and fall of a retail prince. While much of his merchandise was high end, he also catered to the middle class by selling reasonably priced merchandise and featuring frequent sales, something unheard of in London at that time. I love Mr. I never would have expected to become so engrossed in the history of a retail magnate, of business innovations, of a department store! Having glimpsed parts of the PBS broadcasted episodes, I was interested in reading the whole story. Selfridge" is based on. Product Details. Thomas Mallon.