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Declaring a Portion of Railway Land near Brunner to be Crown Land Situated in Block V, Titirangi Survey District ( R.D.). (S.O. 33701.) In the North Auckland Land District; as the same is more [L.8.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 122415, deposited A PROCLAMATION in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested coloured yellow. I in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, :ctnd of every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I, Cyril Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General Louis Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the of of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal New Zealand, do hereby declare the land described in the Schedule of that Dominion, this 18th day of October, 1945. hereto to be Crown land subject to the Land Act, 1924. R. SE1v1PLE, Minister of Works.

Gon sAVE THE KING ! SCHEDULE (P.vV. 34/3173/15.) ALL that parcel of land containing 1 acre, more or less, situate in the Borough of Brunner, being Lots 110, 111, 112, 113, on Deposited Plan No. 81, Town of Taylorville, and being all the land contained in Certificate of Title, Volume 12, folio 375 (Westland Registry) .. Land taken for Housing Purpose.<; i'.n the Borougli of JJ.fot·ueka In the vVestland Land District ; as the same is more particu­ larly delineated on the plan marked L.O. 8017, deposited in the office of the Minister of Railways at YVellington, and thereon edged green. [L,S.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General A PROCLAMATION of the Dominion of New Zealand; and issued under the N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested Seal of that Dominion, this 19th day of October, 19-i5. I in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I, Cyril Louis R. SEMPLE, Minister of Works. Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and .declare that the land described Gon SAVE THE KING! in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for housing purposes; and (L.O. 10GS3/94-.) I do also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the thirtieth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and forty-five.

Land taken for the Purpose of Preserving the Scenic Attractions of the Waitakerei Scenic Dri?Je in Block V, Titirangi Survey Distrz'.ct SCHEDULE APPROXIl\IATE area of the piece of land taken : 3 acres 3 roods [L.S.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General 6·3 perches. Being Lot 4, D.P. 3257, of Reserve H (part Section 163), District A PROCLAMATION of Motueka. .. N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in Situated in Block IV, Motueka Survey District (Borough of I me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and section thirty-one of Motueka) (Nelson R.D.). (S.0. 9408.) the Finance Act (No. 3), 1944, and of every other power and authority In the Nelson Land District; as the same is more particularly in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 122352, deposited in the the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby office of the lVIinister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto red. is hereby taken for the purpose of preserving the scenic attractions of the Waitakerei Scenic Drive ; and I do also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the thirtieth clay of Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General October, one thousand nine hundred and forty-five. of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 16th day of October, 1945. B. ROBERTS, SCHEDULE For the Minister of -works. APPROXIMATE area of the piece of· land taken : 95 acres 2 roods 9 perches. GOD SAVE THE KING ! Being part Allotment 367, Parish of Waikomiti. (P.W. 80/104.) A THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No.,,66

Land proclaimed as Street, and Street closed, 1·n the Borough vf" Lot 66, D.P. 8613, being part-Section 34, Hutt District: Area, Greymouth 1 rood. (Certificate of Title, Volume 390, folio 20.) AU that area containing 16·2 perches, being portions of Lots 102 and 103, D.P. 1951, being part of Section 26, Hutt Registration [L.s:] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General District, Block XIV, Belmont Survey District. As the same is more A PROCLAMATION particularly delineated on pla, marked L. and S. 30/228/20, N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred Ly section deposited in Heap, Office, Department of Lands and Survey, at I twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, Wellington, and thereon coloured pink. the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as street the land described in t,he Firsb Schedule hereto ; Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General and also hereby proclaim as closed the street described in the Second of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal Schedule hereto. of that Dominion, this 17th day of October, 1945. C. F. SKINNER, MinisteT of Lands. FIRST SCHEDULE LAND PROCLAIMED AS STREET Gou SAVE 'l'RE KING ! APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land proclaimed as street : 2 acres (L. and S. 30/228/2.) 0 roods 13·6 perches. Being housing land (formerly parts Sections 2 to 4, 6 to 16, and 18, and Reserve 1419, Block II, Town of Cobden Extension); coloured yellow. Proclaiming a Road-line laicl out in Blocks I I and 111, Waoku Survey Di'.strict, North Auckland Land District, to be a Public Roacl SECOND SCHEDULE ... S'l'REET CLOSED APPROXIMATE area of the piece of street closed : 2 acres O roods 2·8 perches. [L.S.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General Adjoining or passing through Section 230, Square 119, and housfog land (formerly parts Sections 2 to 4, 6 to 16, and 18, and A PROCLAMATION Reserve 1419, Block II, Town of Cobden Extension); coloured ,HEREAS the land described in the Schedule hereto was, green. W by an order of the Native Land Court made on the eighth All situated in Block IV,, Cobden Survey District (Borough of day of October, one thousand nine hundred and forty, duly laid out Greymouth) (Westland R.D.). (S.O. 4382.) as a road-line in pursuance of section·: one hundred and sixty-two, All in the vVestland Land District ; as the same are more par­ four hundred and seventy-eight, and four himdred and seventy-nine ticularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 121839, deposited of the Native Land Act, 1931 : . in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon And whereas the said Court is of the opinion that it is in the coloured as above mentioned. public interest that the said road-line should be proclaimed as a public road, and a notification to that effect has been forwarded to Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General the :Minister of Lands, in terms of section four hundred and of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal eighty-six of the said Act: , of that Dominion, this 16th day of October, 1945. And whereas one month's notice, in writing of the intention B. ROBERTS, to proclaim the said road-line as a public road has been given by the Por, the Minister of Works. Surveyor-General to the local authority of the district concerned, in terms of subs,ection two of section four hundred and eighty-seven GOD SAVE THE KING ! of the said Act : And whereas it is now expedient that the said road-line should (P.W. 24/2130.) be proclaimed as a public road : Now, therefore, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in , pursuance and Revoking Part of a Proclamation defining the Middle-line of a Ro{ld in exercise of the powers coi1ferred by section four hundred and eighty­ Blocks V and VIII, Paekakariki Silrvey District-viz., Portion seven of the Native Land Act, 1931, do hereby proclaim as a public of the Plimmerton-'-Paekakariki Road roa,d the road-line described in the Schedule hereto.

[L.S.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in SCHEDULE me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other power I APPROXIM~TE areas of the pieces of land proclaimed as a road :- ancl authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor-General of .the Dominion of New A. R. P. Being Portion of Zealand, do hereby revoke the Proclamation dated the second day 0 0 24 Horotiu B No. 5 Block; coloured blue. of September, one thousand n,ine hundred and thirty-six, and pub­ Situated in Block II, \Vaoku Survey District,, lished in the New Zealand Gazette No. 59 of the third day of the same month, at page 1677, and deposited in the Land Registry 0 3 13 Te Puia A No. 9 Block; coloured yellow'. Office at Wellington as No. 2487, defining the middle-line of a road Situated in Blocks II and III, Waoku Survey District. in. Blocks V and VIII, Paekakariki Survey District-viz., portion of 0 0 21 Te Puia A No. 9 Block;, coloured yellow. the Plimmerton-Paekakariki Rorud-in so far as it affects the area of 0 0 2 Te Puia A No. 9 Block; coloured yellow'. 20 acres 3 roods 8 perches, more or less, situate in Block VIII of the 0 1 26 Te Puia A No. 7 Block; coloured sepia. Paekakariki Survey District, being part of Taupo No. 1, and being 1 1 11 Te Puia B Block ; coloured blue. also all the land defined on Deposited Plan No. 12968, and being all 0 2 4 Te Puia A No. 7 Block; coloured sepia. the land comprised and described in Certificate of Title, Volume 507, 0 2 6 Te Puia B Block ; coloured blue. folio 229 (Wellington Registry). 0 0 6 Te Puia A No. 7 Block; coloured sepia. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General 0 2 17 Te Puia A No. 8 Block; coloured yellow. of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the 0 3 3 Waima Soµth D No. ID Block; coloured sepia., Seal of that Dominion, this 16th day of October, 1945. 2 2 16 Waima South D No. lE Block; coloured blue. 1 1 6 Waima South D No. lF Block; coloured yellow. B. ROBERTS, For the Minister of Works. Situated in Block ,III, Waoku Survey District. (N.L. plan 13165.) GOD SAVE THE KING ! 1 1 32 Waima South D No. lG Block; coloured blue. (P.W. 41/187/1.) 0 0 31 Waima South D No. lB Block ; coloured sepia. 1 1 29 Wairna South D No. lA Block; coloured yellow. O' 0 20 Waima South D No. 2 Block; cqloured blue. (Jr own Land in Wellington Land District set, apart for the Purposes oj' Part I of the Housing Act, 1979 · Situated in Block III, Waoku Survey District. (N.L. ,plan 13175.) [L.S.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General In the North Auckland Land District; as the same are more A PROCLAMATION particularly delineated on the plans marked L: and S. 16/2265J and K, deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands and Survey, N pur~uan~e of the power _and authority conferred upon me by at Wellington, under No. 2940, and thereon coloured as above I section mne of the Housmg Act, 1919, I, Cyril Louis Norton mentioned. Newall, the, Governor-General, of the Dominion of New Zealand do hereby proclaim and declare that the area of Crown land described in the Schedule hereto shall be and the same is hereby set apart for Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General the purposes of Part I of the said Act. of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal , of that Dominion, this 23rd day of October, 1915.

SCHEDULE C. F,. SKINNER, Minister of Lands, WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT.-CITY OF LOWER HUTT LOT 166, D.P. 8543, being part Section 46, Hutt District: Area, GOD SAVE THE KING ! 22·03 perches. (Certificate of Title, Volume 393, folio 142.) (L. and S. 16/2265.) OCT. 25] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZE'l'TE 1309

Road closed in Block IV, Waoku Survey District, North Auckland Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Land District Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, and in exercise of [L.S.] C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General the powers and authorites conferred upon him by subsection one (a) A PROCLAMATION of section seven of the Public Reserves, Domains, and National Parks Act, 1928, doth hereby declare that the purpose of the reserve N pursuance and exerci;;;e of the pmver,, conferred by section described in the Schedule hereto is hereby changed from a reserve I twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, for quarry purposes to a reserve for recreatio? purposes. the Governor-Genera] of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as dosed the road in the Waoku Survey District described SCHEDULE in the Schedule hereto. · AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT SECTION 3, Block VI, Tauranga Survey District : Area, 1 acre, SCHEDULE more or less. APPROXI.i\'IATE area of the piece ·o_f road closed: 23 perches. W. 0. HARVEY, Adjoining or passing through part O.L.C. 80, Block IV, Waoku Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. Survey District. (S.O. plan 32967.) (L. and S. 6/5/84.) In the North Auckland Land District ; as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. 16/2265L, deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands and Survey, Changing the Purpose of a Reserve in Titirangi Parish, North, at Wellington, under No. 2945, and thereon coloured sepia, edged A 11,ckland Land District sepia. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General - of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the ORDER IN COUNCIL Seal of that Dominion, this 23rd day of October, 1945. At the Government House at Wellington, this 17th day of

1 C. F. SKINNER, Minister of Lands • October, 1945 Present: Gon SA YE '!'HE KING ! Hrs ExcELLENCY THE GovERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNcIL (L. and S. 16/2265.) HEREAS the land described in the Schedule heretG> is a W reserve for public purposes : Authorizing the Exchange of a Reserve in the Borough of Picton, And whereas it is expedient that the purpose of the reservatioo Marlborough Land District, for other Land over such land shall be changed to a reserve for a site £or a kindergarten : C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General .of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent ORDER IN COUNCIL of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, and in exercise of At the Government House at Wellington, this 17th day of the powers and authorities conferred upon him by subsection one (a) October, 1945 of section seven of the Public Reserves, Domains, and National Present: Parks Act, 1928, doth hereby declare that the purpose of the Hrs ExcELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNCIL reservation over the land described in the Schedule hereto is here·by HEREAS the land described in the First Schedule hereto is a changed from a reserve for public purposes to a reserve for a site W reserve duly set apart for reservoir purposes: And whereas for a kindergarten. it is expedient that the said land should be exchanged for the land described in the Second Schedule hereto, which the Governor­ SCHEDULE General deems of equal value and more suitable for the purposes of NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT the reserve : ALL that area in the City of Auckland, situated in Block XV, Waite­ Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General · of the mata Survey District, containing by admeasurement 36·6 perches, Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent more or less, being Lot 7 on D.P. 13033, being part Allot,ment 22, of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, and in exercise of the Titirangi Parish, and being the whole of the land comprised 11ud powers and authorities conferred upon him by section eight of the described in Certificate of Title, Volume 835, folio 239 (Aucklapd Public Reserves, Domains, and National Parks Act, 1928, doth Land Registry). As the same is more particularly delineated on -the hereby declare that the land described in the First Schedule hereto plan marked L. and S. 6/6/863, deposited in the Head Office, may be exchanged for the land described in the Second Schedule Department of Lands and Survey, at vY·ellington, and thereon edged hereto. red. W .. 0. HARVEY, FIRST SCHEDULE Acting- Clerk of the Executive Council. DESCRIPTION OJJ' RESERVE AUTHORIZED TO BE EXCHANGED (L. and S. 6/6/863.) Marlborough Land District ALL that area in the Borough of Picton, containing by admeasure­ Doma?'.n Board appointed to have Control of the Warrington Domain ment 1 acre O rooas -5·3 ·perches, more or less,·being Sections 903, 904, 921, and 922, Town of Picton, and being all the land comprised C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General in Certificate of Title, Volume 20, folio 9 (Marlborough Registry). ORDER IN COUNCIL As the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked· At the Government House at Wellington, this 17th day of L. and S. 56970A, deposited in the Head Office, Department of Oct,ober, 1945 Lands and Survey, at Wellington, and thereon edged red. (S.O. plan 918.) Present: Hrs EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNcIL N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by section SECOND SCHEDULE I fortv-four of the Public Reserves, Domains, and National DESCRIPTION OF LAND TO BE OBTAINED IN EXCHANGE THEREFOR Parks Act, 1928, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Marlborough Land District Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby ALL that area in the Borough of Picton, containing by admeasure­ appoint ment 1 acre 1 rood 6·8 perches, more or less, being Sections 906, 907, Thomas Bachop, 918, 919, and 920, Town of Picton, and being all the land comprised George Gray, in Certificate of Title, Volume 17, folio 193 (Marlborough Registry). Henrv Thomas Graham, As the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked Richird Douglas Stewart, L. and S. 56970B, deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands Graham Porteous, and Survey, at Wellington, and thereon edged green. (S.O. plan 918.) Angus Campbell Inglis, W .. 0. HARVEY, Donald Angus Kemp, and Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. Gordon Standring ( L. and S. 56970.) to be the \,Yarrington Domain Board, having control of the land described in the Schedule hereto ; and doth hereby appoiut, Tuesday, the twentieth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and Changing the Purpose of a Reserve in Tauranga Survey District, forty-five, at eight o'clock p.m., as the time when, and Warrington · Aucklanil Land District School, Warrington, as the place where, the first meeting of the Board shall be held.


Domain Board appointed to have Control of the Opoutama Domain to be the Retaruke Domain Board, having control of the land described in the Schedule hereto ; and doth hereby appoint Saturday,

C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General the twenty-fourth day of November1 one thousand nine hundred and ORDER IN COUNCIL forty-five, at two o'clock p.m.,.as the time when, and the Retaruke Hall as the place where, the first meeting of the Board shall be held. At the Government House at Wellington, this 17th day of October, 1945 SCHEDULE Present: WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT.-RETARUKE DOMAIN Hrs ExcELLENCY THE GovERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNCIL ALL that area containing by admeasurement 10 acres I rood 38·5 N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by section perches, more or less, being Section 14 and part of Section 9, I forty-eight of the Public Reserves, Domains, and National Block .XII, Retaruke Survey District : Bounded towards the west Parks Act, 1928, His Excellency the Governor-General of. the and north by the Retaruke Valley Road, 195·4 links, 175·7 links, Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and 308·9 links, 197·2 links, 389·4 links, and 670·1 links; and towards consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby the south-east and south-west by Section 7, Block XII, Retaruke appoint Survey District, 1117·9 links and 1197·6 links respectively; As the The Wairoa County Council same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. to be the Opoutama Domain Board, having control of the 1/758c, deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands and land described in the Schedule hereto; and doth hereby appoint Survey, at Wellington, and thereon edged red. Wednesday, the fourteenth day of November, one thousand nine W. 0. HARVEY, hundred and forty-five, at four o'clock p.m., as the time when, and Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. the Wairoa County Council Chambers, Queen Street, Wairoa, as the (L. and S. 1/758.) · place where, the first meeting. of the Board shall be held.

SCHEDULE Domain Board appointed to have Control of the W aikiwi Domain 0POUTAMA DOMAIN.-HAWKE'S BAY LAND DISTRICT C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General ALL that area containing by admeasurement 9 acres 2 roods 11 ·8 perches, more or less, being part Section 21, Block III, Mahanga ORDER IN COUNCIL Survey District : Bounded generally towards the north by Block I, At the Government House at Wellington, this 17th day of Kopuawhara Crown Grant District, 1230·0 links ; towards the October, 1945 south-east by a public road, 1901 · l and 69·4 links ; towards the Present: south by a public road, 122·2 links; and towards the north-west by Hrs EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL • a public road, 672·7, 520·6 links ; and by closed road, 177 ·8 links : be all the aforesaid linkages more or less. As the same is delineated N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by section on the plan mar:ked L. and S. I/868A, deposited in the Head Office, I forty-four of the Public Reserves, Domains, and National Department of Lands and Survey, at Wellington, and thereon Park.s Act, 1928, His Excellency the Governor-General of the bordered red. (S.O. plans 2088 and 2100.) Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby W. 0. HARVEY, appoint ' Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. John Francis Forde, (L. and S. 1/868.) George Sutherland Ross Fraser, Charles Ernest Myers, James ·Alfred O'Kane, Domain Board appointed to have Control of the Hunter Doinnin Ernest Morris, Harold George Raymond, C. L. N .. NEWALL, Governor-General Robert Charles Buckingham, ORDER IN COUNCIL Arthur Taylor, and At the Government House at Wellington, this 17th day of Percival Walter Thomas October, 1945 to be the Waikiwi Domain Board, having control of the land Present: described in the Schedule hereto; and c;loth hereby appoint Hrs EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL Wednesday, the twenty-first da.y of November, one thousand nine hundred and forty-five, at half past seven o'clock p.m., as the N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by section forty­ time when, and the ·w aikiwi Domain, as the place· where, the first I four of the Public Reserves, Domains, and National Parks Act, meeting of the Board shall be held. 1928, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice ftnd consent of the Executive SCHEDULE Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby appoint w AIKIWI DOMAIN.-SOUTHLA.ND LAND DISTRICT James ·William Armstrong, SECTION 135s, W aikiwi Town Settlement : Area, 7 acres 3 roods Neils Martin Hansen, 34·2 perches, more or less . .t\Jexander McKenzie, Ian Hamish Cameron McNeill, W.. 0. HARVEY, Edward Neal, Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. Alfred William James Robinson, and (L. and S. 1/751.) Andrew James McFarlane to be the Hunter Domain Board, having control of the land described Boundaries of City of Christchurch and County of W aimairi _in the Schedule hereto; and doth hereby appoint Saturday, the altered third day of November, one thousand nine hunclred and forty~five,. at eight o'clock p.m., as the time when, and the Hunter Hall as t,he C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General place where, the first meeting of the Board shall be held. ORDER IN COUNCIL SCHEDULE At the Government House at Wellington, this 24th day of HUNTER. DOMAIN.-0ANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT October, 1945 RESERVE 4256, Block II, Waimate Survey District : Area, 5 acres, Present: more or less. . Hrs EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNCIL W .. 0. HARVEY, HEREAS in pursuance of section one hundred and thirty-six Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. W of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1933, four petitions were presented to the Governor-General praying that certain areas (L. and S. 1/926.) of land be excluded from the County of vVaimairi and included in the City of Christchurch : Domain Board appointed to have Control of the Retaruke Domain And whereas Commissions appointed unde:t> the said section held inquiries and recommended that the said areas be excluded C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General from the County of Waimairi and included in the City of ORDER IN COUNCIL Christchurch : · · And whereas it is deemed •expedient to make the alterations At the Government House_ at Wellington, this 17th day of of boundaries recommended by the said Commissions : October, 1945 Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the powers and Present: authorities vested in him by the said Municipal Corporations Act, Hrs ExcELLENCY TH:E GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNcIL 1933, and of all other powers and authorities enabling him in that N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by section behalf, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with I forty-four of the Public Reserves, Domains, and National the advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby Parks Act, 1928, His Excellency the Governor-General of the declare that as on and from the first day of April, one thousand Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent nine hundred and forty-six, the areas described in the Schedule of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby appoint hereto shall be .excluded from the County of Waimait;:i and included in the City of Christchurch. Gilbert John Dobbs, James Dempsey, SCHEDULE Neal Dempsey, David Arthur Perry, AREAS EXCLUDED FROM THE COUNTY OF- W AIMAIRI AND INCLUDED Christopher Gilbert Fleetwood, IN THE CITY OF CHRISTCHURCH Horace Bertie Rusling, ALL that area in the County of Waimairi, Canterbury Land District, Noel Leslie Brown Schofield; bounded by a line commencing at a point on the intersection of the Melville Harold Dobbs, and north-eastern side of Bryndwr Road with the south-eastern boundary Ivan Rusling of Lot 5 on plan deposited in the Canterbury District Land Registry OCT. 25] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1311

Office at Christchurch as No. 11051 ; thence proceeding in a north­ SCHEDULE easterly direction along the south-eastern boundaries of Lot 5 8,fore­ THAT proposed street in the Otago Land District, City of Dunedin, said and Lots 2 and 3 on plan deposited as aforesaid as No. 11051 containing by admeasurement 9·7 perches, more or less, being part to the north-western corner of Reserve 4340, being a point on the Section 50, Block IX, North Harbour and Blueskin District. As existing boundary of the City of Christchurch (New Zealand Gazette, the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 1944, page 1299); thence south-easterly along that boundary and 119877, deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at the south-western boundary of Lot 46 on plan deposited as aforesaid Wellington, and thereon coloured red. as No. 2221 to a point in line with the north-western end of Garreg Also that proposed street in the said land district and city, Road; thence south-westerly along the said north-western end of containing by admeasurement 11 ·9 perches, more or less, being part that road, 9,nd the north-western boundaries of Lots 86 and 96 on Lot 16, Block I, D.P. 26, Township of Opoho, and being part Sec­ plan deposited as aforesaid as No. 2221, to the north-eastern side of tion 50, Block IX, North Harbour and Blueskin District. As the Bryndwr Road aforesaid; thence north-westerly along the said same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. north-eastern side of that road to the point of commencement. 119876, deposited as aforesaid, and thereon coloured red. All that area in the County of \Vaimairi, Canterbury Land District, bounded by a line commencing at a point on the easternmost W. 0. HARVEY, corner of Lot 7 on plan deposited in the Canterbury District Land Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. Registry Office at Christchurch as No. 2150, being a point on the (P.W. 51/2850.) boundary of the City of Christchurch (New Zealand Gazette, 1942, pages 2743-4) ; thence proceeding north-westerly along the north­ eastern boundaries of the said Lot 7 and Lots 8 and 9 on plan The Western Side of Portion of Blackwell Street; in the Borough of deposited as aforesaid as No. 2150; thence south-westerly .along Marton, exempted from the Provisions of Section 128 of the the north-western boundary of the last-mentioned lot to the north­ Public Works Act, 1.928, subject to a Condition as to the Building­ eastern side of Wairarapa Road; thence north-westerly along the line said north-eastern side of that road to the south-eastern boundary of Lot 12 on plan deposited as aforesaid as No. 2150; thence C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General north-easterly along the said south-eastern boundary of that lot, ORDER IN COUNCIL and north-westerly along its north-eastern boundary and the north-eastern boundary of Lot 13 on plan deposited as aforesaid At the Government House at Wellington, this 17th day of as No. 2150 to a point on the south-eastern boundary of the land October, 1945 contained in certificate of title, Vol. 477, folio 249 (Canterbury Present: Registry); thence south-westerly, north-westerly, north-easterly, Hrs ExcELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNcIL and again north-westerly along the south-eastern, south-western, N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by the Public north-western, and south-western boundaries of the said land . I Works Act, 1928, and of all other powers in anywise enabling contained in certificate of title, Vol. 4 77, folio 249, to the south­ him in this behalf, His Excellency the Governor-General of the eastern side of Aorangi Road; thence north-ea,stedy along the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent said south-eastern side of that road to a point in line with the of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby approve north-eastern boundary of Lot 29 on plan deposited as aforesaid of the following resolution passed by the Marton Borough Council as No. 2444; thence south-easterly along the said north-eastern on the eleventh day of July, one thousand nine hundred and forty­ boundary of that lot to its easternmost corner, being a point on the five, viz. :- boundary of the City of Christchurch aforesaid ; thence south­ " The Marton Borough Council, being the local authority westerly, south-easterly, and again south-westerly along that having control of the streets in the Borough of Marton, by boundary to the point of commencement. resolution declares that the provisions of section one hundred All that area in the County of Waimairi, CanterbuPy Land and twenty-eight of the Public Works Act, 1928, shall not District, bounded by a line commencing at a point on the southern apply to the western side of the portion of Blackwell Street side of Shirley Road in line with the eastern side of Quinn's Road, adjoining that piece of land situated in the Borough of Marton, being a point on the boundary of the City of Christchurch (New being part of Section 16 on the plan of the Agricultural Zealand Gazette, 1942, pages 2743-4); thence proceeding in a Reserve in the Rangitikei Di&trict, and being Lot 8 on the northerly direction across Shirley Road to and along the eastern plan deposited in the Deeds Register Office at Wellington as side of Quinn's Road aforesaid to the southern boundary of Lot 20 No. 480, and being part of the land comprised in Certificate on plan deposited in the Canterbury District Land Registry Office of Title, Register-book, Volume 337, folio 259 (Wellington at Christchurch as No. 4897; thence easterly along the southern Registry)_" ; boundaries of Lots 20 and 8 on plan deposited as aforesaid as No. 4897 to Marshlands Road; thence southerly along the western subject to the condition that no building m part of a building shall side of that road and its production to the southern side of Shirley at any time be erected on the land fronting the western side of the Road to a point on the boundary of the City of Christchurch portion of Blackwell Street (described in the Schedule hereto) aforesaid; thence westerly along that boundary to the point of within a distance of thirty-three feet from the centre-line of the said commencement. portion of street. All that area in the County of Waimairi, Canterbury Land District, bounded by a line commencing at a point on the existing SCHEDULE boundary of the City of Christchurch (New Zealand Gazette, 1942, THE western side of all that portion of street situated in the pages 2743-4), the said point being on the intersection of the centre­ Wellington Land District, Borough of Marton, known as Blackwell line of Lincoln Road with the production south-easterly of the Street, fronting Lot 8, Deeds Plan 480, being part of Section 16, south-western boundary of the land contained in certificate of title, Agricultural Reserve, Rangitikei District. As the same is more Vol. 282, folio 111 (Canterbury Registry); thence proceeding north­ particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 122400, westerly by a right line to and along the said south-western boundary deposited in the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, of the land contained in certificate of title, Vol. 282, folio 111 ; and thereon coloured red. thence north-easterly along the north-western boundary of that land W,, 0. HARVEY, and the south-eastern side of Moule ·Street to Twigger Street ; thence Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. south-easterly along the south-western side of Twigger Street and (P.W. 51/71.) its production to the centre-line of Lincoln Road, being a point on the existing boundary of the City of Christchurch aforesaid ; thence south-westerly along that boundary to the point of commence­ Consenting to stopping Portion of Road in Block IV, Ellesmere Survey ment. Distrfot W. 0. HARVEY, Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General (I.A. 103/5/67, 68, and 72.) ORDER IN COUNCIL At the Government House at Wellington~ this 17th day of Authorizing the Laying-off of Streets ( Extensions of Mowat Street October, 1945 ' and Torridon Street), in the City of Dunedin, of a Width less Present: than 66 ft., but not less than 40 ft., subject to Conditions as to Hrs ExcELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNcIL · the Building-line N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General I by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of all other powers in anywise enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the Governor­ ORDER IN COUNCIL General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the At the Government House at Wellington, this 17th day of advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, October, 1945 doth hereby consent to the Wairewa County Council stopping the Present: road described in the Schedule hereto. Hrs ExcELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNcIL N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in him by the SCHEDULE I Municipal Corporations Act, 1933, and the Public Works Act, APPROXIMATE area of the piece of road permitted to be stopped : 1928, and of all other powers in anywise enabling him in this behalf, 1 acre O roods 28 perches. His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zea­ Adjoining or passing through part Lot 1, D.P. 3195, being part land, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Rural Section 5009. Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby authorize the Dunedin Situated in Block IV, Ellesmere Survey District (Canterbury City Council to permit the laying-off of the proposed streets described R.D.). (S.0. 7307.) in the Schedule hereto of a width less than sixty-six feet, but not less than forty feet, subject to the conditions that no building or In the Canterbury Land District; as the same is more particu­ part of a building shall at any time be erected on the land fronting larly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 110552, deposited in the street first described in the Schedule hereto within a distance the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon of forty-eight feet from the centre-line of such street, or on the coloured green. land fronting the street secondly described in the Schedule hereto W. 0. HARVEY, within a distance of thirty-three feet from the centre-line of such Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. street. (P.W. 45/842/1.) 1312 THE NEW ZEAtAND GAZETTE

Foreshore License.-Timber-storage Site.-DargavUle, K aipara Harbour -SCHEDULE ALL that area containing 362 acres, more or less, being. part of Otago C; L. N. NEWALL; Governor-General Harbour Board Endowment and part railway reserve, bounded as ORDER IN COUNCIL follows: Commencing at Trig. EE; thence easterly along the original high-water mark of the Otago Harbour, and being the At the Government House at Wellington, this 10th day of present boundary of the Borough of West Harbour, for a distance of October, 1945 54460 links to a point in line with the north-east boundary of Present: Section 3 of 16, Sawyer's Bay Survey District; thence by a right Hrs EXCELLENCY THE GovERNOR-GENERAL rN COUNCIL line bearing 134° 45' 820 links to the southern boundary. of the area URSUANT to the Harbours Act, 1923, His Excellency the in the Otago Harbour Board Lands Vesting Bill, 1910; thence along P Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent that boundary by right lines bearing 206° 40' 1760 links, 150° 40' of the Executive Council, doth hereby license and permit Witten 2000 links, 216° 15' 2340 links, 238° 20' 6260 links, 207° 30' 3160 links, and Tregidga (hereinafter called "the licensees," which term shall 221 ° 58' 2834 links, 191 ° 20' 2000 links, 206° 52' 4000 links, 216° 29' include their executors, administrators, or assigns, unless the context 4478·5 links, 240° 07' 40" 4370 links, and 253° 20' 46" 7914·5 links requires a different construction) to use and occupy a part of the to the City of Dunedin boundary ; thence by that boundary bearing foreshore at , , as shown on plan marked 343° 20' 46" 360 links to the point of commencement : , be all the M.D. 8412, and deposited in the office of the Marine Department at aforesaid measurements more or less Wellington, for the purpose of a timber-storage site as shown on the W. 0. HARVEY, said plan, such license to be held and enjoyed by the licensees upon Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. and subject to the terJJ.s and conditions set forth in the Schedule (I.A. 103/5/75.) hereto. Extending Time for taking certain Steps in Connection with Valuation SCHEDULE List, Borough of· Tapanui CONDITIONS C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General 1. Tms license is subject to the Foreshore License Regulations 1940, ORDER IN COUNCIL and the provisions of those regulations shall, so far as applicable, apply hereto. At the Government House at Wellington, this 24th day of 2. The premium payable by the licensees shall be two pounds October, 1945 ten shillings (£2 10s.), and the annual sum so payable by the licensees Present: shall be five pounds (£5). HJS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL 3. The term of the license shall be fourteen years from the 1st day HEREAS the system of rating on t.he annual value is in force of October, 1945. W in the Borough of Tapanui, and the Tapanui Borough 4. The licensees shall not discharge any sawdust, shavings, or Council (hereinafter referred to as "the said Council") has in its rubble into the harbour, or permit any person to discharge any option decided that a valuation roll should be made triennially, sawdust, shavings, or rubble _into the harbour. pursuant to section seven of the Rating Act, 1925 (hereinafter W. 0. HARVEY, referrnd to a1;1 "the said Act "), and, purt1uant to subsection four of Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. section eight of the said Act, a valuation list should have been prepared and signed and transmitted to the said Council on or before the fifteenth day of January, one tnousand nine hundred and Foreshore License.-Wharf and Shed.-JJ,fercer, Waikato River forty-five : . . And whereas a valuer was appointed by the said Council on the C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General twenty-:i;iinth day of January, .one thousand nine hundred and forty-five, and made and subscribed the statutory declarationrequired, ORDER IN COUNCIL pursuant to subsection two of section eight of the saip. Act, on the At the Government House at Wellington, this 10th day of thirty-first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and forty~five : October, 1945 And whereas by reason of the premises the said Council became Present: unable to comply w_ith .the requirements of section fifteen of the Hrs EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNCIL said Act: - Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the powers con­ URSUANT to the Harbours Act, 1923, His Excellency the ferred on him by section ninety-nine of the.said Act, and so that the P Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent intent and purpose of the said Act may have effect, His Excellency of the Executive Council, doth hereby license and permit the Roose the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and consent Shipping Company, Limited, of Mercer (hereinafter called "the of the Executive Council, doth hereby extend until the thirtieth company," which term shall include its successors or assigns, unless day of October, one thousand nine hundred and forty-five, the time the context requires a different construction), to use and occupy a for receipt by the said Council of the valuation list to be prepared, part of the foreshore at Mercer on the Waikato River, as shown on signed, and transmitted, as prescribed by subsection four of section approved plans marked M.D. 4764 and 4795, and deposited in the eight of the said Act, and doth hereby extend until the thirtieth office of the Marine Department at \Vellington, for the purpose of day of November, one thousand nine hundred and forty-five, the maintaining a wharf and shed thereon as shown on the said plans, time until which the said valuation list is to lie open for inspection such license to be held and enjoyed by the company upon and ' as prescribed by section fifteen of the said Act. subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Schedule hereto. W. 0. HARVEY, SCHEDULE Acting .Clerk of the Executive Council. · (I.A. 105/318.) CONDITIONS 1. Tms license is subject to the Foreshore License Regulations 1940, Regulations under the Naval Defence Act, 1913, am.ended · and the provisions of those regulations shall, so far as applicable, apply hereto. . 0. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General · 2; The premium payable by the company shall be one pound ORDER· IN COUNCIL (£1), and the annual sum so payable by the company shall be five pounds (£5). At the Government House at Wellington, this 17th day of 3. The term of the license shall be fourteen yea.rs from the October, 1945 15th day of October, 1945. Present: 4. The master of every vessel discharging ballast at the said Hrs· ExcELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNCIL wharf and shed shall have all such ballast taken away and deposited N pursuance and exercise of the powers. and authorities conferred above high-water mark, or at such place as may be approved by the I on him by section twenty-five of the Nav.al Defence Act, 1913, Minister or by any person appointed by the Minister for that purpose. and of all other powers and authorities ena:bling him in thart ,behalf, W. 0. HARVEY, His Excellency the Governor-General, with .. the advice .of the Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. Executive Council, doth hereby amend and supplement the regulations referred to in the Schedule ht')reto as shown therein.

Certain Lands reclaimed from the Sea included in the Borough of SCHEDULE West Harbour Regulations for the Government and Payment of the Royal New Zealand , 1939 C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General APPENDIX IV.-NON-SUBSTANTIVE RATINGS AND ALLOWANCES ORDER IN. COUNCIL Insert (with effect from .22nd February, 1945) :~ At the Government House at Wellington, this 24th day of Conditions of R.ate per October, 1945 Allowance. Payment. Diem. Present: Hrs EXCELLENCY THE GovERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNCIL 98 Radar Control I As laid down in K~R. ·I·. N pursuance. and exercise of the powers and authorities vested and A.I. s. d. · in him by section one hundred and thirty-nine of the Municipal Ratings performing 0 6 Corporations Act, 1933, and of all other powers and authorities in R.O. 2 duties anywise ·enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the Governor­ Ratings performing 0 3 General, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive . R.O. 3 duties Council, doth hereby declare that the boundaries of the Borough of .West Harbour are .hereby altered so as to include within. the limits of the said borough the lands described in the Schedule hereto, being W. 0. HARVEY, lands reclaimed from the sea adjacent to the said borough. Acting Clerk of the Executive Council. OCT. 25] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1313

Officer authorized to take and receive Statutory Declarations Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General conferred on him by section thirteen of the Scenery Preservation URSUANT to the authority conferred upon me by the three, Act, 1908, and of all other powers and authorities enabling him P hundred-and-first section of the Justices of the Peace Act, in this behalf, doth hereby appoint the said 1927, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the John Ebenezer Chaplin Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby notify and declare that Cecil Robert Henry Crawford, being an officer in the service of the Crown to be a member of the Tuatapere Scenic Board constituted by the holding the office of Stationmaster at Ngahauranga, is authorized to Warrant dated the twenty-third day of May, one thousand nine take and receive statutory declarations under the three-hundred­ hundred and forty-four, hereinbefore referred to, in place of the and-first section of the Justices of the Peace Act, 1927. said Allister Park McDonald. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, this 18th day of October, 1945. this 18th day of October, 1945. H. G. R. MASON, Minister of Justice. C. F. SKINNER, Minister in Charge of Scenery Preservatfon. Officers authorized to take and reoeive Statutory Deolarations (L. and S. 650.) C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General URSUANT to the authority conferred upon me by the P three-hundred-and-first section ,of the Justices of the Appointments in the Royal New Zealand Navy Peace Act, 1927, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby notify and declare that the _persons whose names are set out in the Schedule hereto, being officers in the service of the Crown Navy Office, holding the offices stated opposite their names respectively in Wellington, 18th October, 1945. the said Schedule, are authorized to take and receive IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to approve statutory declarations under the three-hundred-and-first H the transfer of the following officers and airmen of the section of the Justices ,of the Peace Act, 1927 Royal New Zealand Air Force to the Royal New Zealand Navy:- Transferred to the Royal New Zealand Naval Volunteer Reserve, SCHEDULE to date 1st February, 1945, in the rank of Temporary Sub­ James Jeremiah O'Sullivan, Postmaster, Eketahuna. (A), with seniority of 14th November, 1944- John George Russell, Postmaster, Eltham. Flying Officers- Harry Colin Wood, Postmaster, Otorohanga. Trevor James. Bannister. Thelma Elizabeth Zuill, Postmistress, Taitimu. Geoffrey Malcolm John Brown. Leslie McPherson, Postmaster, Te Aro. Vivif!.,n Hamilton Maisey. John Anthony Ritchie. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General, this 19th day of October, 1945. Transferred to the Royal New Zealand Naval Volunteer Reserve, H. G. R. MASON, Minister of Justice. to date 1st February, 1945, in the rank of Temporary Acting Sub-Lieutenant (A), with seniority of 22nd September, 1944- Pilot Officers- Officers authorized to take and .recei've Statutory Declaratiovns . Gordon Francis Budd. David Reid Carpenter. C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General Harold Walter Claughton. URSUANT to the authority conferred upon me by the Richard William Flatman. P three-hundred -and-first section of the Justices of the Lewis Genge. Peace Act, 1927, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor­ Trevor Goodley. Douglas William Greig. General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby notify Roland John Hall. and declare that the pers,oils whose names are set out in the Roy William Lash. Schedule hereto, being officers in the service of the Crown Gordon Edward McLeod. holding the offices stated opposite their names respectively in Gavin Fosbery Stilwell. the said Schedule, are authorized to take and receive statutory declarations under the three-hundred-and-first section of the Transferred to the Royal New Zea.land Naval Volunteer Reserve,· Justices of the Peace Act, 1927. to date 1st February, 1945, in the rank of Temporary Acting Sub-Lieutenant (A), with seniority of 8th September, 1944- SCHEDULJ

Sergeants- Ralph Alan Bevan Edwards, C.B.E., , Raymond George Ainge. lent Royal New Zealand Navy, and appointed H.M.N.Z. as Allan James Anderson. directed, to date 15th March, 1945. Ian Anderson Bamber. Christopher Michael Jacob, D.S.C., granted the Warren Benge. acting rank of Captain for the period 24th June, 1945, to 26th John William Dobbie. July, 1945. John Samuel Hornby. Lieutenant-Commander John Macro Allot Wilson, Royal Navy, Alan Ernest Lane. lent Royal New Zealand Navy and appointed H.M.N.Z. ship as Henry Arthur Madden. directed, to date 30th July, 1945. William Charles Sinnett. Lieutenant Richard Torre Bett,, Royal Navy, lent Royal New James Ewart Twaddle. Zealand Navy and appointed H.M.N.Z. ship as directed, to date 26th April, 1945. Transferred to the Royal New Zealand Naval Volunteer Reserve, Surgeon Lieutenant (Acting Surgeon Lieutenant-Commander) to date 13th February, 1945, in the rank of Temporary Sub­ Derek Henry Symes, M.B., Ch.B., placed on the Retired List of Lieutenant (A), with seniority of 14th November, 1944- Officers of the Royal New Zealand Navy and reappointed, to date Flying Officers- 1st August, 1945. Adrian Orengard Beetham. Lieutenant (E) David John Rowarth, Royal Navy, lent Royal John Joseph Bishop. New Zealand Navy and appointed H.M.N.Z. ship as directed. Gordon Finlay Henderson. (Date to be reported.) Kenneth Victor John Buxton Rogers. Acting Lieutenant (E) Michael John William Norman, Royal Navy, lent Royal New Zealand Navy and appointed H.M.N.Z. ship Transferred to the Royal New Zealand Naval Volunteer Reserve, as directed, to date 5th July, 1945. to date 13th February, 1945, in the rank of Temporary Sub­ Mr. Harry Morris Clark, Acting Gunner, Royal Navy, lent Royal Lieutenant (A), with seniority of 12th February, 1945- New Zealand Navy and appointed H.M.N.Z. ship as directed, to Flying Officers- date 24th February, 1945. _ H ugh Montgomery Good. Mr. Frederick Gardner, M.B.E., Temporary Gunner, promoted Maxwell Hubert Simpson. to the rank of Temporary Acting Commissioned Gunner, to date Transferred to the Royal New Zealand Naval Volunteer Reserve, 18th June, 1945. to date 13th February, 1945, in the rank of Temporary Sub­ Mr. Arthur Beevor Wilkinson, Temporary G11nner, promoted to Lieutenant (A), with seniority of 11th December, 1944- the rank of Temporary Acting Commissioned Gunner, to date 18th June, 1945. Flying Officers- • Mr. Percy Thomas Friedrich, Temporary Signal Boatswain, Evan Gillon Harris. promoted to the rank of Temporary Acting Commissioned Signat John Matthew Harvey. Boatswain, to date 18th June, 1945. Norman Rowellan Jones. Mr. William Lewis Brewer, D.S.M., Temporary Warrant Bernard Godfrey Piesse. Telegraphist, promoted to the rank of Temporary Acting Com­ Wallace Randolph Robertson. missioned Telegraphist, to date 18th June, 1945. Melvyn Harold Rowe. Mr. Thomas George Edward Hallin, Warrant Engineer, pro­ Transferred to the Royal New Zealand Naval Volunteer Reserve, moted to the rank of Acting Commissioned Engineer, to date 18th . to

Temporary Sub-Lieutenant Patrick Winfird Millar, promoted to TEMPORARY RANK RELINQUISHED the rank of Temporary Lieutenant and reappointed, to date 4th June, 1945. N.Z. Infantry Temporary Sub-lieutenant William Graeme Holder, promoted The undermentioned Lieutenants (temp. Captains) relinquish to the rank of Temporary Lieutenant and reappointed, to date the temporary rank of Captain:- 25th June, 1945. · P. G. Oates. E. S. F. Holland. Temporary Sub-Lieutenant Christopher Stuart Turnbull, Dated 6th September, 1945. promoted to the ra.nk of Temporary Lieutenant and reappointed, to date 8th July, 1945. J. K. Burtt. Dated 10th September, 1945. Temporary Sub-Lieutenant Eric Sargisson Green, promoted to the rank of Temporary Lieutenant and reappointed, to date N.Z. Army Service Corps 14th Julv, 1945. Captain (temp. Major) E. S. Toogood relinquishes the temporary Temporary Sub-Lieutenant Irvine 'Nilliam Down, promoted rank of Major and assumes the acting rank of Major. Dated 12th to the rank of Temporary Lieutenant and reappointed, to date September, 1945. 14th July, 1945. Temporary Acting Sub-Lieutenant David Stuart Beattie, N.Z. Electrical and Mechanical Engineers promoted to the rank of Temporary Sub-Lieutenant and reappointed, Captain (temp. Major) J. M. Walmsley relinquishes the tem­ to date 8th June, 1945. porary rank of Major and assumes the acting rank of Major. Temporary Acting Sub-Lieutenants Donald Colebrook, Arthur Dated 10th September, 1945. Rui,sell Howard, Frank Swinburne, and Cecil Darnley Noonan, promoted to the rank of Temporary Sub-Lieutenant and reappointed, APPOINTMENTS to date 20th Julv, 1945. Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (A) (Acting Temporary Lieutenant Mr. B. W. Potter relinquishes the appointment of Commissioner, (A) ) Edward Allan Pratt, promoted to the rank of Tempomrv N.Z. Y.M.C.A., 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Force. Dated Lieutenant (A) and reappointed, to date, 9th March, 1945. • 1st September, 1945. Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (A) James Gowing Godwin, Mr. S. R. Knapp is appointed Commissioner, N.Z. Y.M.C.A., promoted to the rank of Temporary Lieutenant (A) and reappointed, 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Force. Dated 1st September, 1945. to date 27th March, 1945. Tempora.ry Sub-Lieutenant (A) Jack Ian Delaney, promoted CORRIGENDA to the rank of Temporary Lieutenant (A) and reappointed, to date PROMOTIONS 30th June, 1945. Temporary Surgeon Lieutenant Richard Joseph Walton, 1\1.B., N.Z. Army Nursing Service Ch.B., granted the acting rank of Temporary Surgeon Lieutenant­ With reference to the notice published in the New Zealand Commander whilst holding present appointment, to elate 31st August, Gazette No. 51, dated 2nd August, 1945 (vide List No. 199), relative 1945. to the promotion of Sister M. M. Prince to Charge Sister, for Mr. Graeme Murray Morice, M.B., Ch.B., entered in the rank of "Dated 22nd May, 1945," substitute "Dated 23rd July, 1944." Probationary Temporary Surgeon Lieutenant and appointed With reference to the notice published in the New Zealand H.M.N.Z. ship as directed, to date 20th August, 1945. Gazette No. 51, dated 2nd August, 1945 (vide List No. 199), relative Mr. Edward Lear Gillies, 1\f.B., Ch.B., entered in the rank of to the promotion of Sister M. J. McKenzie to Charge Sister, for Probationary Temporary Surgeon Lieutenant and appointed "Dated 23rd May, 1945," substitute "Dated 23rd July, 1944." H.M:.N.Z. ship as directed, to date 20th August, 1945. \Vith reference to the notice published in the New Zealand F. JONES, .Minister of Defence. Gazette No. 51, dated 2nd August, 1945 (vide List No. 199), relative to the promotion of Sister E. A. Wilson to Charge Sister, for "Dated 30th May, 1945," substitute "Dated 23rd July, 1944." F. JONES, Minister of Defence. Appointments, Promotions, and Relinquishments of Temporary Rank of Officers on Active Service with the 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Force ( Middle East)

Army Department, Appointments, Promotions, and Relinq_ui8hments of Temporary Wellington, 19th October, 1945. Rank of Officers of the 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Force IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to H confirm the following appointments, promotions, and relin­ quishments of temporary rank of officers on active service with Army Department, the 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Force (Middle East), vide Wellington, 19th October, 1945. List No. 214, dated 14th September, 1945 :- IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to H approve of the following appointments, promotions, and PROMOTIONS relinquishment of temporary rank of officers of the 2nd New Zealand Commands and Staff Expeditionary Force:- Colonel (temp. Brigadier) I. L. Bonifant, D.S.O., to be Brigadier. Dated 26th June, 1945. APPOINTMENT (SuBBTANTfvE) N.Z. Artillery N.Z. Armoured Corps Captain I. C. Young is reposted to the 2nd N.Z. Expeditionary Major (temp. Lieutenant-Colonel) B. H. Wakelin to be , Force and is posted to South-east Asia Command for duty in Lieutenant-Colonel. Dated 30th May, 1945. connection with recovered Allied prisoners of war and internees. Dated 21st September, 1945. N.Z. Infantry TRANSFER Major (temp. Lieutenant-Colonel) R. V. Closey, E.D., to be Lieutenant-Colonel. Dated 4th April, 1945. N.Z. Infantry Lieutenant R. Tapper, from the 2nd N.Z. Expeditionary Force GRANTS OF TEMPORARY RANK in Pacific, is posted to South-east Asia Command for duty in N.Z. Artillery connection with recovered Allied prisoners of war and internees. 2nd Lieutenant P. A. West to be temporary Lieutenant. I Dated 23rd September, 1945. Dated 18th July, 1945. APPOINTMENT TO COMMISSION N.Z. Infantry N.Z. Infantry Lieutenant-Colonel M. C. Fairbrother, O.B.E., E.D., to be 5483. Robert Percival Evaris to be temporary Lieutenant temporary Colonel. Dated 8th September, 1945. and is posted to South-east Asia Command for duty in connection The undermentioned Lieutenants to be temporary Captains:­ with recovered Allied prisoners of war and internees. Dated S. P. Hayward. Dated 13th August, 1945. 14th September, 1945. L. W. Chambers. Dated 1st September, 1945. 2nd N.Z. EXPEDITIONARY FORCE (MIDDLE EAST) 2nd Lieutenant (temp. Lieutenant) H. V, Spicer to be temporary Captain. Dated 16th Ma.y, 1945. PROMOTIONS 2nd Lieutenant S. J. McConnel to be temporary Lieutenant. N.Z. Artillery Dated 20th August, 1945. The undermentioned 2nd Lieutenants to be Lieutenants :- N.Z. Army Service Corps W. J. Gilbert. J. A. Stewart. Dated 16th September, 1945. 2nd Lieutenant B. M. B. Williams to be temporary Lieutenant. Dated 26th April, 1945. N.Z. Medical Corps N.Z. Dental Corps 2nd Lieutenant G. H. D. Grant to be Lieutenant. Dated The undermentioned Captains to be temporary Majors :- 1st October, 1945. E.G. Thompson. W. T. Simmers. MEl\'.lORANDUM Dated 10th September, 1945. With reference to the notices published in the New Zealand Gazettes No. 116, dated 14th November, 1940, and No. 10, dated Audit Branch 6th February, 1941, relative to the appointment of the Reverend Hon. 2nd Lieutenant (temp. Hon. Lieutenant) C. A. C. Cater R. G. McDowell, for "Chaplain to the Forces, 4th Class," substitute to be temporary Hon. Captain. Dated 1st September, 1945. "Chaplain to the Forces, 3rd Class." B 1316 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE .[No. 66

HOSPITAL SHIP " ORANJE " Appointments Promotions, and Retirements of Officers of 'the New Zealand Military Forces APPOINTMENT (TEMPORARY) N.Z. Army Pay Corps Temporary Lieutenant H. J. Trevethick is reposted to the Army Department, 2nd N.Z. Expeditionary Force in the rank of Lieutenant. Dated Wellington, 23rd October, 1945. 10th October, 1945. IS Excellency the Governor-Genera~ has been please~ to PROMOTION H approve of the following appomtments, prom?t.1ons, N.Z. Army Pay Corps and retirements of officers of the New . Zealand M1htary Lieutenant H. J. Trevethick to be temporary Captain whilst Forces:- Paymaster, Hospital Ship "Oranje." Dated 11th October, 1945. N.Z. TE,J\iPORARY STAFF Major E. F. Laws, E.D., 2nd N.Z. Armoured Regiment, APPOINTMENTS (SUBSTANTIVE) to be temporary Major. Dated 18th September, 1945. N.Z. Army Pay Corps Temp.· Major H. McK. Reid relinquishes the tempora_ry Lieutenant (temp. Captain) H. J. Trevethick's temporary rank of. Major and assume8 the temporary rank of Captam. appointment is confirmed. Dated 14th October, 1945. Dated 8th October, 1945. Temp. Lieutenant W. H. James, D.C.M., to be temporary N.Z. Army Nursing Service Captain. Dated 11th October, 1945. Sister D. J. H. Nixon is seconded from the Territorial Force. Temp. Lieutenant E. D. Gerard, N.Z. Artillery, to be Dated 14th October, 1945. temporary Lieutenant. Dated 9th October, 1945. 2ND N.Z. EXPEDITIONARY FORCE () TERRITORIAL FORCE APPOINTMENT (SUBSTANTIVE) N.Z. ARTILLERY N.Z. Dental Corps Temp. Lieutenant E. W. Blomfield is posted to the Captain J. A. R. Scott is reposted to the 2nd N.Z. Expeditionary Retired List with the rank of Lieutenant. Dated 14th Force. Dated 21st September, 1945. October, 1945. N.Z. CORPS OF SIGNALS PROMOTIONS Temp. Captain R. F. Hanna relinquishes his appointment N.Z. Infantry in the N.Z. Temporary Staff and is posted to the Retired The undermentioned Captains (temp. Majors) to be Majors:­ List with the rank of Captain. Dated 11th October, 1945. J. N. Crawford. Dated 14th September, 1945. A. H. Miller. Dated 15th September, 1945. 1 N.Z. INFANTRY A. G. McConchie. Dated 16th September, 1945. The Auckla;nd Regvment (Coun,tes.s of Ranfurly's Own) The undermentioned Lieutenants (temp. Captains) to be Lieutenant (temp. Major) I. S. Moore is p,osted to_ the Captains:- Retired List with the rank of Major. Dated 27th September, R. Sinclair. Dated 1st September, 1945. 1945. . G. H. Perrett. Dated 2nd September, 1945. The Weningto'n Regiment (City of Wellin,gton's Own) Lieutenant J. Mahar to be temporary Captain whilst 0/C Reinforcements and School of Instruction. Dated 10th September, David Cohen to be 2nd Lieutenant ( on prob.) and is 1945. seconded to Rong,otai College Cadets. Dated 10th October, N.Z. Ordnance Corps 1945. Captain (temp. Major) C. Prentice to be Major. Dated The Hawke's Bay Regiment 17th September, 1945. Captain (temp. Major) E. G. Kedgley is posted to the Retired List with the rank of Major. Dated 13th October, N.Z. Army Pay Corps 1945. Captain (temp. Major) F. J. Martin to be Major. Dated The Canterbury Regiment 18th September, 1945. Lieutenant (temp: Captain) K. G. Manchester is p,osted APPOINTMENTS TO COMMISSIONS to the Retired List with the rank of Captain. Dated 8th N.Z. Engineers October, 1945. 490868 John Houlihan to be temporary Lieutenant without ScI-IOOL CADET UNITS pa.y and allowances. Dated 5th October, 1945. Gore High School Cadets, Area 12 N.Z. Army Pay Corps 2nd Lieutenant L. M. Lyons to be temporary Lieutenant. 40173 George Athol Robertson to be 2nd Lieutenant. Dated Dated 12th October, 1945. 25th September, 194~. N.Z. CHAPLAINS DEPARTMENT 2ND N.Z. EXPEDITIONARY FORCE (UNITED KINGDOM) The Rev. K. J. Watson, Chaplain, 4th Class (Presby­ APPOINTMENT TO COMMISSION terian), is posted to the Retired List. Dated 8th October, N.Z. Women's Army Aitxiliary Corps 1945. 48399 Jean Hinerargia McRae to be 2nd Subaltern. Dated N.Z. MEDICAL CORPS 12th September, 1945. Captain (temp. Major) D. McK. Dickson, M.B., Ch.B., PROMOTIONS M.R.C.P., F.R.C.S., F.R.A.C.S., is posted to the Reserve of Commands and Staff Officers, Supplementary List, with the rank of Major. Dated Captain I. C. McPhail to be temporary Major whilst employed 13th October, 1945 as D.A.A. and Q.M.G. Dated 1st September, 1945. RESERVE OF 0FF:WE:RS N.Z. Artillery The Auc,kland Regiment (Countess o'f Ranfwrly's Own) Major S. J. Wilson to be temporary Lieutenant-Colonel whilst Lieutenant T. Battersby is posted to the Retired List. employed as Draft-conducting Officer. Dated 27th August, 1945. Dated 9th October, 1945. Lieutenant L. C. S. Hill to be Captain. Dated 1st May, 1940. N.Z. Signals OFFICERS CEASING TO BE SECONDED TO THE 2ND NEW ZEA.LA.ND EXPEDI'rIONARY FORCE Lieutenant (temp. Captain) D. K. Collett to be Captain. Dated 1st September, 1945. Lieutenant-Colonel K. W. Fraser, E.D., N.Z. Artillery, Captain D. K. Collett to be Major and is seconded to the and is reposted to the Territorial F.orce with the rank of British Ministry of Supply. Dated 1st September, 1945. Lieutenant-Colonel, with seniority from 14th November, 1939. Lieutenant D. P. Joseph to be Captain and remains seconded. Dated 8th October, 1945. - Dated 1st Septe:rnber, 1945. Major E. F. Laws, E.D., and is reposted to the 2nd N,2'., ~rmoured Regiment with the rank of Major, with N.Z. Infantry semonty from 14th March, 1937. Dated 17th September Captain A. A. Yeoman to be temporary Major whilst holding 1945. ' the appointment of Company Commander. Dated 16th May, 1945. Major I. S. Moore, and is reposted to The Auckland Lieutenant M. C. Sellars to be Captain. Dated 3rd April, 1945. Regiment (Countess of Ranfurly's Own) with the temporary rank of Major, with seniority from 11th September, 1944. N.Z. Army Service Corps Dated 27th September, 1945. 2nd Lieutenant I. C. · Cooper to be Lieutenant. Dated Major A. M. Caughley, M.C., N.Z. Artillery, and is re­ 5th September, 1945. pos~ed to . the 1'~ni_torial Force with the temporary rank of N.Z. Dental Corps MaJor, with semonty from 28th September, 1944. Dated Captain C. C. Cook to be Major. Dated 25th June, 1945. 8th October, . 1945. Major A. P. MacDu:ff, E.D., and is reposted to The TEMPORARY RANK RELINQUISHED Canterbury Regiment with the rank of Major, with seniority N.Z. Artillery from 1st September, 1938. Dated 8th October 1945. Major (temp. Lieutenant-Colonel) S. J. Wilson relinquishes the Major H. M. Swinburn,. N.Z. Armoured Corps and is t~~porary rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Dated 7th October, 1945. reposted to the Territorial Force with the tempor~ry rank of Major, with seniority from 8th March, 1945. Dated 8th F. JONES, Minister of Defence. October, 1945. OCT. 25] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1317

Major C. T. B. Pearson, M.B., Ch.B., N.Z. Medical Lieutenant (Acting-Captain) R. J. Townsend, and is Corps, and is reposted to the Territorial Force (Southern posted to the Reserve ,of Officers, Supplementary List. Dated Military District) with the temporary rank of Major, with 11th October, 1945. seniority from 3rd May, 1945. Dated 9th October, 1945. Lieutenant (Acting-Captain) E. Morgan, and is reposted Maj.or J. W. Reynolds, D.S.O., and is reposted to The to the Reserve of Officers, Supplementary List, with the rank Waikato Regiment with the temporary rank of Major, with of Lieutenant. Dated 11th October, 1945. seniority from 4th October, 1943. Dated 10th October, 1945. Lieutenant (~'1..cting-Captain) J. Milne, M.M., and is ·with reference to the notice published in the l{ew i_JOsted to the Reserve of Officers, Supplementary List, with Zealan,d G.a.zette No. 63, dated 11th October, 1945, rehtiv•:: the rank of Lieutenant. Dated 11th October, 1945. to Major M. P. ·whatrnan, for "Dated 2nd October, 1945/' Lieutenant (Acting-Captain) J. Smith, and is posted t.o substitute "Dated 12th October, 1945." · the Reserve of Officers, Supplementary List, with the rank of Major E. G. Kedgley, and is reposted to The Hawke's Lieutenant. Dated 12th October, 1945. Bay Regiment with the temporary rank of Major, with Lieutenant S. H. E. Bryant, and is reposted to the seniority from 19th May, 1942. Dated 13th October, 1945. Hegiment of Royal N.Z. Artillery. Dated 11th September, Captain (temp. Majm) D. McK. Dickson, J\I.B., Ch.B., 1945" M.R.C.P., F.R.C.S., F.R.A.C.S., N,Z. Medical Corps, and is Lieutenant C. D. Lewis, and is posted to the Reserve of reposted to the Territorial Force (Southern Military District) Officer.s, Supplementary List. D'ated 9th October, 1945. with the temporary rank of Major, with seniority from 15th Lieutenant B. L. Mander, and is posted to the Reserve September, 1943. Dated 13th October, 1945. · of Officers, Supplementary List. Dated 9th October, 1945. Captain K. G. Manchester, and is reposted to The Lieutenant D. S. Boyd, and is posted to the Reserve of Canterbury Regiment with the temporary rank ,of Captain, Officers, Supplementary List. Dated 10th October 1945. with seniority from 3rd. July, 1941. Dated 8th October, 1945. Lieutenant G. V. Binet, and is posted to the Reserve of . Lieutenant J. F. Brisco, and is reposted to The Welling­ Officer?, Supplementary List. Dated 11th October, 1945. ton West Coast Regiment with the temporary rank of Lrnutenant H. H. Brandon, and is posted to the Reserve Lieutenant, with seniority from 13th June, 1943. Dated of O~cers, Supplementary List. Dated 11th October, 1945. 11th October, 1945. Lrnutenant M. R. J.olmstone, and is posted to the Reserve Lieutenant E. W. Blomfield, and is reposted to the N.Z. of Officers, Supplementary List. Dated 15th October, 1945. Artillery with the temporary rank of Lieutenant, with 2nd Lieutenant (temp. Lieutenant) J. J. Hinton, and is seniority from 18th August, 1944. Dated 14th October, 1945. posted to the Reserve of Officers, Supplementary List. Dated, 'l'he Rev. K. J. Watson, Chaplain, 4th Class, N.Z. Chap­ 4th October, J 945. lains Department (Presbyterian), and is reposted t,o the ~nd Lieutenant (Acting Lieutenant) H. C. Anderson, 'l'erritorial Force with the rank of Chaplain, 4th Class, with a~d 1s posted to. the Re?erve of Officers, Supplementary List, seniority from 27th December, 1939. Dated 8th October, with the r~nk of 2nd Lieutenant. Dated 16th October, 1945. 1945. 2nd Lieutenant L. G. Piper, and is posted to the Reserve Charge Sister B. Webster, A.R.R.C., N.Z. Army Nursing ,of Officers,. Supplementary List. Dated 9th October, 1945. Service, and is reposted to the Territorial Force with the 2nd Lieutenant P. R. Bremford, and is posted to the temporary rank of Charge Sister, with seniority from 1st Reserve of Officers, Supplementary List Dated 10th October March, 1945. Dated 14th October, 1945. 1945. . ' 2nd Lieutenant E. J. Barclay, and is posted to the 0FJPICERS S'l.'RUCK OFF THE STRENGTH 01!' 'l.'HE 2ND NEW Reserve of Officers, Supplementary List Dated 12th October ZEALAND EXPEDI'l.'IONARY FORCE 1945. . . ' Major (Acting Lieutenant-CoLonel) P. Gilchrist, l\,f.C., and 2nd Lieutenant G. R. McDonald, and is posted to the is posted to the Reserve of Officers, Supplementary List. fi:rve of Officers, Supplementary List. Dated 12th October, Dated 12th October, 1945. Major G. K. Armstrong, M.C., and is posted to the F. JONES, Minister of Defence. Reserve of Officers, Supplementary List. Dated 8th October, 1945. Major N. A. Rattray, and is posted to the Retired List. Appointments, Prornotions, Reduction, Tran8fers, and Relinguish- Dated 9th October, 1945. 1nents of Officers of the Royal l{ew Zealand Air Force Major J. W. C. Craig, M.C., and is posted to the Reserve of Officers, Supplementary List. Da.ted 10th October, T • Air Department, 1945. \tellington, 15th October, 1945. Major M. H. A. Clay, and is posted to the Reserve of IS E~cellency \he 0ovcrno~-General has been pleased to Officers, Supplementary List. Dated 12th October, 1945. H apprnve t~e f~llowmg appomtments, promotions reduction tr:1nsfers, and relinqmshments of officen; of the Royal N~w z 1 d' Major E. S. Harrowell, and is posted to the Reserve of Air Force :- ea an Officers, Supplementa:r;y List. Dated 12th October, 1945. Major E. J. Wilton, and is posted to the Reserve of GENERAL DUTIES BRANCH Officers, Supplementary List. Dated 12th October, 1945. Appointments Major H. J. G. Low, M.C., and is posted to the Reserve The undermentioned are granted temporary commissions in of Officers, Supplementary List. Dated 15th October, 1945. the rank of Pilot Officer :__:_ Captain T. C. Jones, and is posted to the N.Z. Temp,o­ rary Staff with the temporary rank of Captain. Dated 31st As Pilots- August, 1945. Dated 30th l\fay, 1945- Captain I. N. Menzies, and is posted to the Reserve of NZ 4212839 Warrant Officer Kenneth Marne HAUGHEY Officers, Supplementary List. Dated 21st September, 1945. Dated llt.h July, 1945- · Captain K. L. Sandford, and is posted ·to the Retired NZO 427083 Flight Sergeant Stuart McGregor Woon List. Dated 4th October, 1945. Dated 13th July, 1945- ·· · Captain A. Castelli, and is posted to the Reserve of NZ 4215902 Flight Sergeant Peter MEHRTENS. Officers, Supplementary List. Dated 8th October, 1945. NZ 4214515 Flight Sergeant Horace Winfred MOFFAT Captain M. M. Clark, and is posted to the Retired Ljst. Dated 23rd July, 1945- · Dated 8th October, 1945. NZ f2II710· Fl!ght ~ergeant Warren Joh~ King HART. Captain W. L. Ferry, and is posted to the Reserve of NZO 4350~9 Fl1ght Sergeant Leonard David RODERICK Officers, Supplementary List. Dated 9th October 1945. Dated 27th July, 1945- · Captain L. C. Friend, and is posted to the 'Reserve of NZ 42403 Warrant Officer YVilJiam Howard HINTON. Officers, Supplementary List. Dated 9th October l945. Dated 5th August, 1945- Captain J. Hill, and is posted to the Reserve' of Officers NZ 428158 Warrant Officer Roy John SCOTT. Supplementary List. Dated 9th October, 1945. ' As Air Bomber- Captain G. L. Lawrence, and is posted to the Resel'Ve Dated 15th August, 1945- of Officers, Supplementary List. Dated 9th October, 1945. NZ 426026 Warrant Officer George Thomas WITTY. Captain W. A. Scott, and is posted to the Reserve of Promotfons Officers, Supplementary List. Dated 9th October, 1945. Captain J. 0. Wells, and is posted to the Reserve of ,Flight Lieutenant Cyril Henry BAIGENT, D.S.0., D.F.C., to be Squadron Leader (tenip.). Dated 6th April, 1945. Officers, Supplementary List. Dated 9th October, 1945. Captain C. Findlay, and is posted · to The Southland The undermentioned Flight Lieutenants (Acting Squadron Regiment with the temporary rank of Captain with seniority Leaders) to be Squadron Leaders (ternp.) :- from 28th April, 1945. Dated 10th October,' 1945. Date~ 13th October, 1945: Icm Alexander EWEN. Captain F. J. Glackin, and is posted to the Reserve of Datea 15th October, 1945: Francis MURPHY D F C Officers, Supplementary List. Dated 11th October, 1945. Dated 19th October, 1945: James Norman RIT~~I~. Captain B. Wallace, and is posted to the Reserve of The· undermentioned Flying Officers to be Flight Lieutenants Officers, Supplementary List. Dated 11th October, 1945. (tenip.) :- Captain G. B. Shaw, and is posted to the Res~rve of Dated 19th August, Hl45: Anthony Leonard BROWN. Officers, Supplementary List. Dated 12th October, 1945. Dated hit September, 194;5 : Jcmie:; IRVINE, B.E.1VI. Lieutenant (Acting-Captain) W. A. Barcock, and is Dated 2nd September, I9J5-- poste.d to the ~eserve of Officers, Supplementary List, with Allan Johnson MAYFIELD. the rank of Lrnutenant. Dated 10th October, 1945. Trevor Gordon DILL, D.F.lVI. Lieut~nant (Acti~g-Captain) N. A. Bannatyne, Corps of Dated 3rd September, 1945- N.Z. Engrneers, and 1s posted to the "Cerritorial Force ,vith Il.fortin Adam KILPATRICK, D.F.C. the temporary rank of Lieutenant, with seniority from 14th Ross Weatherley BANKS. May, 1944. Dated 11th October, 1945. James Lachlan BIRTLEs, D.F.C. 1318 THE NEW ZEALAND .GAZETTE [No. 66

Dated 4th September, 1945: Claude Theodore Vignoles PAGE. METEOROLOGICAL SECTION Dated 6th September, 1945: George Michael BucHANAN. Appointments Dated 8th September, 1945: John Lawrence William DUNN. Dated 9th September, 1945: Norman Bernhard BERNTSEN. The undermentioned are granted temporary commissions in the Dated 12th September, 1945: Ian Selwyn Jack WooDs. ·rank of Pilot Officer :- Dated 22nd September, 1945- The undermentioned Pilot Officers to be Flying_ Officers (temp.):- , NZ 435923 L.A.C. Owen Fillbridge HAYLOCK. NZ 4312054 L.A.D. George Farquhar RIDLEY. Da,ted 12th February, 1945: Desmond Yarborough ANDREWES. NZ 42788 Sergeant Alan Riddle BURNET. NZ 4216589 Corporal Harley Wesley SPRAGG. Da,ted 2nd September, 1945- NZ 431301 Corporal Evan James WRIGHT. James Edward ELLIS. NZ 44181 L.A.C. William James Graham WATSON. Colin Brian ELMSLY. Thomas Patrick LAFFEY. Ronald Gordon SMYTH. RESERVE OF Arn FoRCE OFFICERS Henry Richard Waine SKINNER. Transfers Frank Henry Albert PRIOR. Cyril John ALLAN. The undermentioned officers are transferred from the Active Geoffrey :Millis FINDLEY. List to the Reserve of Air Force Officers, Class A, Section I :- Donald Calder GLASS. Walter William HODGES. Dated 13th October, 1945: Squadron Leader Ian Alexander Philip John Alfred POWER. EWEN. vVallace y ORKE. Dated 19th October, 1945: Squadron Leader James Norman RITCHIE. Dated 4th September, 1945: Ridgwell CULLUM, D.F.C. Dated 8th September, 1945: Flight Lieutenant David Dennis Dated 5th September, 1945: Douglas Haig MANN, D.F.C. Morris WILKINSON, D.F.M. Dated 6th September, 1945: Stanley Frederick LocK. Dated 12th September, 1945: Flight Lieutenant Harold Ernest Dated 8th September, 1945: Rex James WILLIAMS. Moss. Dated 10th September, 1945- Dated 14th September, 1945: Flig~t Lieutenant Maxwell Eric Morton OHLSON. Barrington STEVENS. Alan Counsell STEPHENS. Dated 15th September, 1945 : Flight Lieutenant John Herbert PENNEY. Dated 12th September, 1945: Richard Shaw TILSON. Dated 19th September, 1945 : Flight Lieutenant Noel MacDonald GAPES. -Dated 13th September, 194:5- Dated 20th September, 1945: Flight Lieutenant Keith Utiku Albert PoTAKA. Frederick PARKER. Wallace William GIFFORD. Dated 21st September, 1945: Flight Lieutenant David Ronald STEWART, D.F.M. Relinquishments Dated 22nd September, 1945: Flight Lieutenant Jack Stanford ALLAN. The undermentioned officers are permitted to relinquish their temporary commissions :- Dated 25th September, 1945- Dated 16th October, 1945 : Squadron Leader Francis MURPHY, Flight Lieutenant Charles Geoffrey Jamieson CUNNINGHAM. D.F.C. Flight Lieutenant Gerald Francis BURTON.

Dated 4th October, 1945 : Flight Lieutenant Eric William j! Dated 26th September, 1945: Flight Lieutenant Allan Frank Ernest BUTCHER. CRANE. Dated 7th October, 1945: Flight Lieutenant Ronald John 1· Dated 27th September, 1945 : Flight Lieutenant Keith ADAMS. Kingsmill John CoLEl\iAN, D.F.M. 1 Dated 8th October, 1945 : Flight Lieutenant Bryce Drummond 1 Dated 29th September, 1945: Flight Lieutenant Gerard JONES, D.F.C. Alphonsus WARD. Dated 12th September, 1945: Flying Officer Jack EMANUEL. Dated 27_th September, 1945: Flying Officer Peter Allen HOLT. Dated 30th September, 1945- Flight Lieutenant Peter Douglas GIFFORD. Amendment Flight Lieutenant Donald Percy TRIM. The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 58, dated Dated 1st October, 1945: Flight Lieutenant Adrian Philip 13th September, 1945, page 1144, under the heading "General WEDDING. Duties Branch-Appointments," relating to "NZ 4213750 Warrant Dated 2nd October, 1945: Flight Lieutenant Keith Douglas Officer Allan Forde MITCHELL," is amended to read "Dated 27th SARGINSON, D.F.C. June, 1945." Dated 3rd October, 1945: Flight Lieutenant Neil Dougall WATKINS. Dated 4th October, 1945: Flight Lieutenant Leonard George EQUIPMENT BRANCH, SECTION I : EQUIPMENT OFFICERS William BROWN. Reduction Dated 6th October, 1945- Equipment Duties- Flight Lieutenant Gerald Frodsham WATKINSON. Flight Lieutenant John Alfred SCOTT, D.F.C. -Flying Officer . William FLEMING was dealt with summarily under section 4 7 of the Air Force Act and was sentenced to take Dated 7th October, 1945- rank and precedence as if his appointment as Flying Officer bore Flight Lieutenant Leonard BURSELL, D.F.C. date the 25th April, 1945. Flight Lieutenant Trevor Pitts HARRIS. Flight Lieutenant Geoffrey Goss SUCKLING. Promotion Flight Lieutenant Allan Claude LYNCH. Accountant Duties- Dated 8th October, 1945- Flying Officer (temp.) Robert William LITHGOW to be Acting Flight Lieutenant Stephen John SHAYLE-GEORGE. Flight Lieutenant Ronald Reginald CARROLL. Flight Lieutenant _(paid). Dated 1st August, 1945. Flight Lieutenant Donald William PARKHOUSE. Flight Lieutenant Keith Ross SIMPSON. EQUIPMENT BRANCH, SECTION II : TECHNICAL OFFICERS Flight Lieutenant Stewart Thomas THOMSON. Flight Lieutenant Stanley Goodall ELLIS. Promotion Flight Lieutenant Herbert Leonard STUART. Engineer Duties- Flight Lieutenant Horace Percival JENSEN. Flight Lieutenant Henry Lionel HOMER to be Acting Squadron Flight Lieutenant Maurice Turner WILSON. Leader (paid). Dated 25th September, 1945. Dated 9th October, 1945- Flight Lieutenant Lloyd ELLIOTT, D.F.C. Flight Lieutenant Ronald Claris GORDON, D.F.C., D.F.M. ADMIN!STRATIVE AND SPECIAL DUTIES BRANCH Flight Lieutenant Thomas Henry DAVIDSON, D.F.C. Promotion Flight Lieutenant Geoffrey Alexander SHANKS. Flight Lieutenant Frederick William McKAY. Flying Officer (Acting Flight Lieutenant) James Esmond Flight Lieutenant John SHAW, D.F.C. FARRELL to be Flight Lieutenant (temp.). Dated 7th October, 1945. Dated 10th October, 1945- Flight Lieutenant George Story THOMSON. Relinqiiishment Flight Lieutenant James Hugh McCAw, D.F.C. Flying Officer Roy Lewis FISHER is permitted to relinquish his Flight Lieutenant Russell James .NOONAN, D.F.1VI. temporary commission. Dated 15th October, 1945. Dated 11th October, 1945- Flight Lieutenant John Ralph GRANT. w ORKS SECTION Flight Lieutenant Andrew McRobbie MALCOLM. Promotion Dated 12th October, 1945- Flight Lieutenant Dugald Louis PoPPELWELL, D.F.C. Flight Lieutenant (Acting Squadron Leader) Ellis Carl Flight Lieutenant. William Baker PARKER. SCHNACKENBERG to be Squadron Leader (temp.). Dated 2nd October, Flight Lieutenant Paul Windermere Wilson BRUNTON, 1945. D.F.C. OCT. 25] THE NEW. ZEALAND GAZETTE 1319

Dated 14th October, 1945: Flight Lieutenant David John Dated 8th October, 1945- Stuart McKAY. . Flying Officer Bryan FAIRBROTHER. Dated 15th October, 1945: Flight Lieutenant John Raymond Flying Officer Lindsay Roy SWITZER. MASSEY. Flying Officer Terrence Stanley KELLY. Dated 16th October, 1945: Flight Lieutenant Roland John Flying Officer Arthur Frank TATE. CAMMOCK. Dated 9th October, 1945- Dated 17th October, 1945 : Flight Lieutenant Roger Fairbairn Flying Officer Robert Carter Bi.ANCHARD. BALLAN'.l'YNE. Flying Officer David Keith l\'IuLLIGAN. Dated 19th October, 1945: Flight Lieutenant William Donald Flying Officer Gilbert Gillies WARD. MITCHELL. Flying Officer Clifford Raeburn PIPER. Dated 30th August, 1945: Flying Officer Ian James Strang ]:;'lying Officer Alfred John REDMAN. LAIDLAW. Flying Officer Eric Steele DOHERTY, D.F.M. Dated 5th September, 1945: Flying Officer Neville Ernest l!'lying Officer Leslie Bry:mt \VINSLOE, D.F.C. FREHNER. Dated 10th October, 1945- Dated 7th September, 1945- Flying Officer Noel Elliott HANNA. Flying Officer Alexander Kenzie l\'IAcLEAN. Flying Officer Barry John RILEY. Flying Officer Douglas Lindsay HASLETT. Flying Officer Horatio Cecil COLLINS. Dated 8th September, 1945 : Flying Officer Raymond Charles D,~,ted 11th October, 1945- George DIXIE. Flying Officer ~tuart Rossmore McLAUGHLIN, D.F.C. Dated 12th September, 1945- Flying Officer Ralph Herbert BARKER. Flying Officer Geoffrey Hardiman BAKER. Flying Officer Kenneth Lindsay McDONALD. Flying Officer Donald Anthony STOUT. Dated 12th October, 1945- Flying Officer Ronald Thomas SIM. Flying Officer Jack Russell l\foRRISON. Flying Officer Douglas Sinclair SvnNBURNE. Flying Officer Gregory Francis WHITWELL, D.F.M. Flying Officer Douglas Gerald HANNIGAN, D.F.C. Dated 13th September, 1945- Flying Officer· .Allan Francis Sheasby HORGAN. Dated 13th October, 1945: Flying Officer Geoffrey McFarland Flying Officer Francis John Guinness HINTON. ALEXANDER. Flying Officer Frederick Claude SAUNDERS. Dated 14th October, 1945: Flying Officer Ernest Wilfred Flying Officer Edward Durning HoLT. :FAIRWEA'rHER. Flying Officer Maxwell James Ross. Dated 15th October, 1945- Dated 14th September, 1945: Flying Officer Arthur Brian Flying Officer Francis Henry James PHELOUNG. SHAW. Flying Officer Alfred James DowNEY. Dated 15th September, 19-15- Dated 16th October, 1945: Flying Officer David Robert Flying Officer Jack Lander KING. FOWLER. Flying Officer Bruce Allan Woon. Dated 18th October, 1945- Flying Officer Peter Tancred HAMILTON. Flying Officm' Garnet John HOOPER, D.F.C. Dated 16th September, 1945: Flying Officer Courtney James Flying Officer William John MARTIN. ALLPRESS. Da,ted 14th September, 1945 : · Pilot Officer Clifton Trevor Dated 17th September, 1945- EAST. Flying Officer William Robert lVIACKRELL. Dated 15th September, 1945: Pilot Officer Thomas Henry Flying Officer Ronald William Frederick MIERS. GIBBONS. Dated 19th September, 1945- Dated 22nd September, 1945- Flying Officer Clutha Nantes MACKENZIE. Pilot Officer John Bernard McKENDRY. Flying Officer Graeme Jackson RONAYNE. Pilot Officer Albert Hugh NENO. Flying Officer Robert William WEIR. Dated 24th September, 1945- J!'lying Officer William David MACRAE. Pilot Officer John Robert NICHOLLS. Flying Officer Alan Jordan EWERT. Pilot Officer Esmonde Patrick O'REILLY. Flying Officer John Huntly HAY. Dated 25th September, 1945: Pilot Officer Robert Trevor Flying Officer Harold Windeyer FISHER. ELLMERS. Dated 20th September, 1945- Dated 27th September, 1945- Flying Officer Albert Lemcke TAUWHARE. Pilot Officer Morris Joseph DIGBY. Flying Officer John Robert GREEN. Pilot Officer Ralph Hudson WHEELER. Flying Officer Harold Francis FITZGIBBONS. Flying Officer John Douglas DILLON. Dated 4th October, 1945: Pilot Officer Alan George David Flying Officer William George O'BRIEN, D.F.C. HUTTON. Dated 6th October, 1945: Pilot Officer John Marr SIMPSON. Dated 22nd September, 1945- Dated 7th October, 1945: Pilot Officer Alfred Thomas BANNAN. :B'lying Officer John Fedor ROACH. Flying Officer Francis Clark THOMSON. Dated 8th October, 1945- Pilot Officer William James TAIT. Dated 23rd September, 1945- Pilot Officer Wilfred Joseph WEBSTER. Flying Officer Eric James 0MUNDSEN. Flying Officer Peter Kelvin FRAME. Dated 9th October, 1945: Pilot Officer Douglas Murray Flying Officer Clifford William DALE. DALLISON. Dated 25th September, 1945- Dated 10th October, 1945- Flying Officer Colin Robert CARNACHAN. Pilot Officer Thomas Brian l\fooNEY Flying Officer John Douglas PROBERT. Pilot Officer Frank Amuri CARDWELL. Flying Officer John Harry Deacon WICKHAM. Dated 15th October, 1945: Pilot Officer Donald George Dated 26th September, 1945- BURNESS. Flying Officer Wilfred George NEWFIELD. The undermentioned officers are transferred from the Active Flying Officer Sydney PATTERSON. List to the Reserve of Air Force Officers, Class B, Section I :- Dated 27th September, 1945- Dated 2nd October, 1945: Squadron Leader Ellis Carl Flying Officer Eric William Coll BELL. SCHNACKENBERG. " Flying Officer Leslie Raymond TORRIE. Dated 15th September, 1945: Flight Lieutenant Cyprian Bridge Dated l'st October, 1945- BEATSON. Flying Officer James Peter Marshall CoRNW ALL. Dated 16th September, 1945: Flight Lieutenant Roger GILL. Flying Officer Howard Arthur SEXTON. Dated 7th October, 1945: Flight Lieutenant James Esmond Flying Officer I van Robert ORA.ILL. FARRELL. Flying Officer Frank Herbert LESTER. Dated 9th October, 1945- Flight Lieutenant John Desmond GREGORY. Dated 2nd October, 1945- Flight Lieutenant Walter Douglas SMELLIE, D.F.C. Flying Officer Rowland HARRISON. Flying Officer Douglas Frank CALVERT. Dated 11th October, 1945- Flying Officer Thomas Douglas BENGE. Flight Lieutenant Leonard Herbert George BURGESS. Flight Lieutenant William Trevor McKEOWN. Dated 3rd October, 1945: Flying Officer Edward Leonard Stanley HOLBROOK. Dated 12th October, 1945 : Flight Lieutenant Arthur CA.REY, D.F.C. Dated 4th October, 1945- Dated 17th September, 1945- Flying Officer John Lee DUNCAN. Flying Officer Graham Wallace DELAMORE. Flying Officer John Cecil CANTLON. Flying.Officer Russell Alan PACKARD. Dated 5th October, 1945- Dated 21st September, 1945: Flying Officer Vincent Maurice Flying Officer Frederick Hodgson J'd:YERS. DENTICE. Flying Officer Trevor CHEETHAM. Dated 23rd September, 1945 : Flying Officer John Cyril PAWLEY. Dated 7th October, 1945- Dated 24th September, 1945: Flying Officer Sydney James Flying Officer Arthur Harbridgc SILCOCK. PACKER. Flying Officer John Walter McKENZIE. Dated 26th September, 1945: Flying Officer William· Gordon Flying Officer Wentworth Nepean SMY'.l'HE. TULLOCH. Flying Officer Harold Norman WILLIAMS. Dated 27th September, 1945: Flying Officer Thomas Watkin Flying Officer Richard Hilary WOODHOUSE. WILLIAMS. 1320 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 66

Dated 28th September, 1945- Naval Attache and Naval Attache for Air, Legation of the United Flying Officer Harold Wixon Hoy. States of America, Wellington, appointed Flying Officer Allan Leopold FLYGER. Dated 30th September, 1945: Flying Officer Colin George Ministry of External Affairs, Frederick SIMKIN. Wellington, 17th October, 1945. Dated 2nd October, 1945: Flying Officer Cyril William HosKIN. T is hereby notified for public information that Commander Dated 6th October, 1945 : Flying Officer Francis Geoffrey ROBB. I Victor E. Creighton, United States Naval Reserve, has been Dated 8th October, 1945 : Flying Officer Aubrey Huvan DYKE. assigned to the Legation of the United States of America at Dated 9th October, 1945: Flying Officer Ivo John ALLEN. Wellington as Naval Attache and Naval Attache for Air, to replace Dated 15th October, 1945: Flying Officer John James SIMPSON. Captain Lloyd R. Gray. Dated 16th October, 1945 : Flying Officer Charles Geoffrey P. FRASER, Minister of External Affairs. TULLEY. Dated 20th October, 1945 : Flying Officer Amos Arthur BATTY. Dated 27th September, 1945: Pilot Officer Trevor Cameron Members of Domain Boards appointed SIMSON. Amendments Department of Lands and Survey, The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 43, dated Wellington, 12th October, 1945. 21st June, 1945, page 815, under the heading "Reserve of Air J IS E~cellency the Gov~rnor-General has, . in pursuance of Force Officers-Transfers," relating to "Flying Officer John I.. .l sect10n 49 of the Public Reserves, Domams, and National Kitchener TAYLOR," is amended to read "Flight Lieutenant John Parks Act, 1928, been pleased to make the following appointments :- Kitchener TAYLOR." Edward Hammond The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 37, dated 31st May, 1945, page 613, under the heading" Reserve of Air Force to be a member of the Springston South Domain Board in place of Officers-Transfers," relating to " Flying Officer Tom McDonald Frederick William White, resigned. STEVENSON," is amended to read" Flight Lieutenant Tom McDonald William George Seymour Romley STEVENSON." to be a member of the Ashhurst Domain Board in place of James Corrigendum Alexander McDonell, left the district. The notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette No. 98, dated R. G. 1VIAC1VIORRAN, Under-Secretary for Lands. 21st D.ecember, 1944, page 1541, under the heading " General (L. and S. 1/456.) Duties Branch-Promotions," is amended, so far as it relates to "Flying Officer William David MACRAE," to read "Dated 24th October, 1944." Appoi'.ntments in the Public Service Minister of Defence· F. JONES, Office of the Public Service Commissioner, Wellington, 10th October, 1945. Honours and Awards approved by His Majesty the King HE Public Service Commissioner has made the following T appointments in the Public Service :- Office of the Minister of Defence, John Harvey Wellington, 25th September, 1945. to be Chief Judge of the High Court of the Cook Islands and a IS Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve Judge of the Native Land Court for the purposes· of the Cook H the following immediate award to a member of the Royal Islands Act, 1915, on and from the 31st day of August, 1945. New Zealand Air Force in recognition of gallantry and devotion to Peter McMillan duty in air operations against the enemy:- to be Gaoler of His Majesty's Prison, Waikeria, for the purposes of section 5 of the Prisons Act, 1908, on and from the 8th day of Distinguished Flying Cross October, 1945. · Flight Lieutenant Kenneth Askin Rutherford (NZ 404469), of John Andrew Peterson Hawarden. to be Deputy Commissioner of Crown Lands for the Wellington His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to approve Land District for the purposes of the Land Act, 1924, on and from the following awards to members of the Royal New Zealand Air the 8th day of October, 1945. Force in recognition of gallantry and devotion to duty in air Donal Fleetham Baigent operations against the enemy :- to be Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Bulls, on and from the 27th day of September, 1945. Distinguished Flying Cross Robert Joseph Foster Whiting 26th September, 1945 to be Deputy Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Pahiatua, Acting Squadron Leader Donald Belton Collie (NZ 40219), of on and from the 2nd day of October, 1945. Invercargill. Acting Squadron Leader Denys Staples Hamilton (NZ 40767), of L. A~ ATKINSON, Secretary. Christchurch. Acting Squadron Leader Lionel Recklaw Renolds (NZ 401289), of Result of .Election ofa Member of the Te Aroha, Waihi, and JJforrinsville Gisborne. Fire Boards by Fire-insurance Companies Flight Lieutenant Raymond Jack Nelson Archibald (NZ 416435), of Christchurch. Department of Internal Affairs, Flight Lieutenant Leslie Ernest Bradley (NZ 421013), of Waipawa. Wellington, 23rd October, 1945. Flight Lieutenant Jack Selwynne Burke (NZ 403756), of New HE following results of the election of a member of the Te Aroha, Plymouth. T Waihi, and Morrinsville Fire Boards have been reported to Flight Lieutenant John Stockdale Lockyer (NZ 414308); of Napier. the Minister of Internal Affafrs, and are notified in· accordance with Flight Lieutenant William James Stanley Monks (NZ 404922), of the rules under the Fire Brigades Act, 1926 :- Dannevirke. Flight Lieutenant Keith Douglas Sarginson (NZ 391978), · of Te Aroha Fire Board . . L. G. Wilson. Waihi Fire Board L. G. Wilson. Wanganui. Pilot Officer Eric Peter Shorthouse (NZ 4212607), of North Auckland. Morrinsville Fire Board L. G. Wilson. NZ 413774 Warrant Officer Arthur Bertram Partridge, of Grey­ W. E. PARRY, Minister of Internal Affairs. mouth. (I.A. 76/4/34, 76/4/37, 76/4/66.) Distinguished Flying Medal 26th September, 1945 NZ 414322 Flight Sergeant (now Flying Officer) James Benjamin Transmitting and Receiving Officers for the Service of Notices by Telegraph Monk, of Invercargill. F. JONES, Minister of Defence. General Post Office, Wellington, 18th October, 1945. Honowrs and Awards approved by His Majesty the K'1;n,g N pursuance of the powers vested in the Minister of Telegraphs I by the Post and Telegraph Act, 1928 (hereinafter termed " the Office of the Minister of ·Defence, said Act"), and by the regulations made on the 12th May, 1914, Wellington, 2nd October, 1945. and published in the New Zealand Gazette of the 21st May, 1914, the IS Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to following officers, at the addresses set against their names, are hereby ap,pr,ove the following awards to members of the appointed transmitting and receiving officers for the purpose of RoyalH New Zealand Air Force in recognition of gallantry d~aling with all notices by telegraph sent under the said Act or and devotion to duty in air operations against the enemy:- regulations, an:d of signing such certificates in relation to the service of any such notices as are required or authorized to be signed or Distmgwi,shed Flying Cross given under the said Act or the regulations aforesaid :- Acting Squadron Leader Allen Edward Browne (NZ 404986), George Walter Kite, Postmaster, Cambridge. of Auckland. George Edwin Mitchell, Postmaster, Carterton. Flight Lieutenant Wallace Wentworth Peet (NZ 41933), of Daniel James Foley, Postmaster, Dannevirke. Dannevirke. John George Russell, Postmaster, Eltham. Flying Officer Russell Murray Clarke (NZ 42190), of Taupiri. Charles Warren Williams, Postmaster, Paeroa. Pilot 0:ffioer Raymond Maurice Bullen (NZ 425880), of John Roche, Postmaster, Taumarunui. Christchurch. Ellis Edwin Earnshaw, Postmaster, Tauranga. NZ 427095 Warrant Officer David Thomas Laing, of Herbert William Gallagher, Postmaster, Waimate. Dunedin. F. JONES, F. JONES, Minister of Defence. For the Minister of Telegraphs. OCT. 25] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1321

Alterations to the Scales of Charges upon the New Zealand Government Railways

N pursuance of all powers and authorities enabling me under the _ Government Railways Act, 1926, and its amendments, and of allI other powers enabling me in this behalf, I, Robert Semple, Minister of Railways, do hereby make the following alterations to the General Scale of Charges and to the Goods-Local Rates Scale of Charges made on the 13th day of April, 1939, 1and published in the Supplement dated the 19th day of April, 1939, to the New Zealand Gazette of the 13th day of April, 19S9, in force on the New Zealand Government Railways open for traffic.

GENERAL SCALE OF CHARGES LUGGAGE, PARCELS, ETC. 44. General Regulations re Passengers' Luggage By omitting paragraph 14, and substituting the following:- 14. Insurance of luggage-see Regulation llO.

46. Excess Luggag~ Paragraph 3: By adding to the list of articles which may be conveyed as portion of a passenger's free allowance :- Bassinettes. 49. Lost Luggage Paragraph 6: By omitting "£10," and substituting "£20."

50. Left Luggage By adding the following :- 13. The liability of the Department in respect of each article or package is hereby limited to £20, unless the nature and value of the contents thereof shall have been declared by the person depositing such package and an insurance fee paid at the rate of 10s. per cent. (minimum charge, 2s. 3d.) on such declared value.

51. Left Parcels Paragraph 6: By omitting "£10," and substituting "£20."

54A. Parcels, &c., " Owner's Risk " and " Special Goods " Provisions Paragraph 1: By omitting subparagraph (b). 65. Coin, Bullion, &c. Paragraph 1: By omitting the words:- Packages containing bank-notes, bills of exchange, bullion, gold, silver, and copper coin, gold and silver plate, jewellery, platinum, stamps, and valuable documents are hereby declared to be special goods. They will be accepted for conveyance only in accordance with the provisions of this regulation. And substituting the following :- Packages containing bank-notes, bills of exchange, bullion, gold, silver, and copper coin, gold and silver plate, jewellery, platinum, stamps, and valuable documents will be accepted for conveyance only in accordance with the provisions of this regulation. Subparagraph (b) (iii): By omitting "£10," and substituting "£20." 67. Local Rates and Regulations Paragraph 5: By omitting from subparagraph (a) the following:- Per Parcel, not Per Parcel, not lb. otherwise Bpecified. lb. otherwise specified. Not exceeding 7 0 7 I Not exceeding 42 1 0 1 1 14 0 56 21 0 981 ",, 84 1 3 28 0 11 ,, 112 1 3 Each additional 28 lb. up to 2 cwt., 4d.

GOODS, LIVE-STOCK, PARCELS, AND LUGGAGE 68. Classification of Goods, Live-stock, &c. By omitting paragraph 4. By omitting the following:- Class. Aeroplane parts except engines ; when exclusive use of wagons is necessary minimum charge as for 1 ton per four-wheeled wagon, 2 tons per bogie wagon .. C plus 50% Bags and coverings manufactured from hessian, stockinette, or suchlike material, packed in bales or bundles and con­ signed to frozen-meat companies to be used as coverings for frozen meat D Carts, farm, two-wheeled, weight not exceeding 5 cwt., maxi­ mum diameter of wheels 30 in. Minimum charge per vehicle as for IO cwt. C plus 20% Cisterns, lavatory, wooden, metal-lined .. C plus 50% Cylinders, copper (hot-water), for, use with high-pressure ranges (forwarded as a separate consignment) .. C plus 50% Dolomite, ground. Minimum quantity, 6 tons per con­ signment. Any le.ss quantity will be charged at such minimum or at the rate specified for stock-lick E Hares, dead, not otherwise specified See also Regulation 57 C Hares, dead. Minimum quantity per four-wheeled wagon, 2 tons, consigned to freezing-works .. D ·1322 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 66

GOODS, LIVE-STOCK, PARCELR, AND LUGGAGE-continued 68. Classification of Goods, Live-stock, &c.-continued By omitting the following-continued. Hares, dead, frozen for export. The charges. computed at Class. this rate may be reduced by 20 per cent. in any case where the Department is satisfied that the hares have been conveyed by rail to the freezing-works C Huts, assembled. Minimum charge as for two tons per four wheeled wagon, four tons per bogie wagon C Motor-tractors C Rabbits, dead, minimum quantity per four-wheeled wagon, 2 tons, consigned to freezing-works . . . D Rabbits, dead, frozen fot export. The charges computed at this rate may be reduced by 20 per cent. in any case where the Department is satisfied that the rabbits have been conveyed by rail to the freezing-works . . 0 Tanks, copper supply, for hot-water services O plus 50% Tanks, galvanized iron supply, for hot-water services, not exceeding 25 gallons capacity . C plus 50% 'l'anks, galvanized iron supply, for hot-water services, exceeding 25 gallons, but not exceeding 50 gallons capacity, to be charged as 1 cwt. per tank; exceeding 50 gallons, but not exceeding 100 gallons capacity, to be charged as 2 cwt. per tank . . 0 plus 50% Tanks, steel, iron, or galvanized corrugated-iron, not otherwise specified, not exceeding 50 gallons capacity, to be charged' as 1 cwt. per tank ; exceeding 50 gallons, but not exceeding 100 gallons capacity, to be charged as 2 cwt. per tank . . C plus 50% Tanks, steel, iron, or galvanized corrugated~iron, not otherwise specified, exceeding 100 gallons, but not exceeding 400 gallons capacity, to be charged as 7 cwt. each tank, and each additional 100 gallons to be charged as 1 cwt., or at actual weight, whichever is the greater C (When tanks belonging to the same consignment are nested, each nested tank will be charged half the charge applicable to the outside tank. Where the size of a .tank is such as to require the exclusive use of a four-wheeled wagon for its conveyance, the charge will be on actual weight (with a minimum charge as for 15 cwt.) at Class C, plus 50%.) Trailers, farm- Not exceeding 10 cwt. in weight. Charge as for 10 cwt. . . C plus 50% Exceeding 10 cwt. in weight, at the rate for motor-vehicles (Regulations 83). By adding the following :- Aeroplane wings {main planes) and fuselages; when exclusive use of wagons is necessary minimum charge as for 1 ton per four-wheeled wagon, 2 tons per bogie wagon C plus 50% Ammonium nitrate, for use as, or manufacture of, manure See Regulation 86 E Bags, hessian, paper-lined, in bags, bales, or bundles, not otherwise specified E Bags, hessian, paper-lined, and coverings manufactured from hessian, packed in bags, bales, or bundles, and consigned to frozen-meat companies to be used as coverings for frozen meat .. D Bags and coverings manufactured from stockinette, o_r such like material, packed in bags, bales, or bundles, and consigned to frozen-meat companies · to be used as coverings for frozen meat D Biscuits, dog See Dog biscuits Carts, farm, two-wheeled, maximum diameter of wheels 30 in.- Weight not exceeding 3 cwt. Minimum charge per vehicle as for 5 cwt. 0 plus 20% Over 3 cwt. and not exceeding 5 cwt. Minimum charge per vehicle as for 10 cwt. 0 plus 20% Cisterns, lavatory, wooden, metal-lined, not otherwise specified . . 0 plus 50% Cisterns, lavatory, wooden, lead-lined C Cobalt, for use as, or manufacture of, manure See Regulation 86 E Cylinders, copper or galvanized iron, for hot~water supply. Charge at the rate prescribed for "Tanks, copper or galvanized iron supply, for hot-water services." Dog biscuits~ Packed in paper packages, tins, cartons, or cases C Manufactured principally from meat-meal, packed in hessian bags As Live-stock food Dolomite, ground, not elsewhere specified. Minimum quantity, 6 tons per consignment. Any less quantity will be charged at such minimum or at the rate specified for stock-lick E Dolomite, ground, for use as, or manufacture of, manure See Regulation 86 E Guards, spark, wire gauze, nested C plus 50% Hares, dead . . As Rabbits, dead Houses or huts, assembled or in sections.· Minimum charge as for 2 tons per four-wheeled wagon and 4 tons per bogie wagon. Owners to load and unload C Insulating m_aterials under following trade names:- " Bradford Irnmlation ,, (B.I.) Products I Class C. Charges to be co~puted "Insulwool" Products ?" on measure1;1ent at 40 cub1~ ~oot "Rockwool" Products j per ton su~Ject to the provisions of Regulatwn 127, paragraph 1. Manures, artificial, and raw materials for the manufacture ,, of artificial manures, as under ( see Regulation 86 )- Ammonium nitrate E Cobalt . . . E 0oT. 2o] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1323

GOODS, LIVE-STOCK, ?ARCELS, AND LUGGAGE-continued 68. Classification of Goods, Live-stock, &c.-continued By adding the following-continued. Motor-tractors and motor-cultivators, farm or garden, not Class. exceeding 5 cwt. Minimum charge per unit as for 5 cwt. (If unassembled, packed, Class Con actual weight) C plus 20% Motor-tractors, not otherwise specified .. C Mouldings, Pinex, packed, not otherwise specified (unpacked mouldings will not be accepted for carriage) .. C. Double rate. Mouldings, Pinex, packed, direct ex factory, loaded with Pinex wallboard in the same wagon ; subject to minimum loads as prescribed by Tariff Regulation 77, except that for consignments forwarded to Wellington the minimum load per four-wheeled wagon will be 6 tons N Peanut-meal, certified for use as stock food .. E Rabbits, dead, frozen or chilled. Minimum quantity, 6 tons per four-wheeled wagon ...... D Sawdust, loose. Minimum charge as for 3 tons per four­ wheeled wagon C Spark guards, wire gauze, nested C plus 50% Tanks, copper, steel, or iron, not otherwise specified- Capacity. Charges to be based on. Not exceeding 25 gallons Actual weight l Not exceeding 50 gallons I cwt. per tank ~ C plus 50% Not exceeding 100 gallons 2 cwt. per tank j Not exceeding 400 gallons 7 cwt. per tank C Each additional 100 gallons or part thereof .. 1 cwt. or on the C actual weight of the tank if greater (When tanks belonging to the same consignment are nested, each nested tank will be charged half the charge applicable to the outside ta.nk. Where the size of a tank is such as to require the exclusive use of a four-wheeled wagon for its conveyance, the charge will be on actual weight (with a minimum charge as for 15 cwt.) at Class C, plus 50%.) Tin lids, flat, nested, packed in cases or crates C Tractors and cultivators, motor, farm or garden, not ex­ ceeding 5 cwt. :Minimum charge per unit as for 5 cwt. (If unassembled, packed, Class C on actual weight) C plus 20% Tractors, motor, not otherwise specified .. C Trailers, farm, maximum diameter of wheels 30 in.- Weig.ht not exceeding 3 cwt. Minimum charge per vehicle as for 5 cwt. · C plus 20% Over 3 cwt. and not exceeding 5 cwt. Minimum charge per vehicle as for 10 cwt. C plus 20% Trailers, farm, not otherwise specified- Not exceeding 10 cwt. in weight. Charge as for 10 cwt. C plus 50% Exceeding 10 cwt. in weight, at the rate for motor­ vehicles (Regulation 83) Twine, baling, in .bales or sacks D

75. Class K By omitting paragraph 4, and Bubstituting the following:- 4. (a) Ladders or small lots of timber of under 100 superficial feet may be charged as Class C, or at parcel rates if cheaper than the charge for timber in small lots. ( b) Where two or more ladders are forwarded in one consignment, the charges for each ladder under 100 superficial feet will be computed separately as shown in subparagraph (a) hereof. · ·

86. Artlflcial Manures and Raw Mat.erials (Except Lime) for the Manufacture of Artifici.al Manures Paragraph 1: By adding after the words "ammonia (sulphate of)" the words "ammonium nitrate," and after the words" bone-dust" the word" cobalt."

110. " Owner's Risk " and " Special Goods " : Insurance of Goods By omitting this regulation an.d substituting the following :-

110. " Owner's Risk " Goods : Insurance of Goods 1. Where it is provided that goods will be received, held, or carried at "Owner's risk," such goods will, unless a request in writing is made and a receipt obtained and increased charges paid as hereinafter provided, be received, held, and carried at the sole risk, in all respects, of_ the owner, and will be charged at the rates ordinarily applicable to such goods as provided in this the General Scale of Charges, or the Goods-Local Rates Scale of Charges, as the case may be. Such goods will, however, be received, held, and carried at the risk of the Department (subject to the provisions of the Act and the by-laws and regulations made thereunder) if a request in writing that the goods be received, held, or carried at the risk of the Department be delivered t~ the Depa.rtment with the goods, which request shall, in th~ case of goods consigned, be deemed to be sufficiently made if the consignment-note relating to such goods is endorsed with the words " At Railway risk " and a receipt for such goods similarly endorsed is obtained at the time of tendering the goods, and in such cases the goods will be received, held, and carried at the risk of the Department (subject as aforesaid) and the charges computed as provided in this the General Scale of Charges or in the Goods-Local Rates Scale of Charges, as the case may be, for such goods when received for carriage at owner's risk will be increased by one-sixth. The amount which may be recovered from the Department in respect of goods, whether carried at owner's risk, or at railway risk, is subject to the provisions of paragraph 2 hereof.


GOODS, LIVE-STOCK, PARCELS, AND LUGGAGE-continued 110. "Owner's Risk" Goods: Insurance of Goods-continued 2. (a) In ·accordance with section 25 (2) ,of the Statutes Amendment Act, 1944, the liability of the Department for loss of or damage to or in connecti(;>n with goods shall be subject to the following provisfons :- If the consignor of any goods- (i) Delivers to the Department with such goods a declaration. in writing of the nature and value of such goods (which declaration shall, in the case of goods consigned, be made on the consignment­ note delivered with such goods) ; and (ii) Requests in writing that the goods be insured with the Department against loss or damage during the transit of such goods over the railways to -the extent of the value so declared ; and (iii) Obtains a receipt from the officer in charge of the station at which such goods are delivered to the Department for transit by rail specifying the· nature and value of the goods so declared; an:d (iv) Pays the charge for insurance as hereinafter provided; the maximum amount which the Department may be liable to pay in respect of damage to or loss of such goods during such transit shall be the value of the goods declared as aforesaid. (b) No person, unless he shall have made such declaration and request, and obtained such receipt and paid such charges, shall be entitled to r~cover for any loss of, or damage to, or in connection with goods, any greater amount than £20 per package or unit, £15 for any horse, £8 for any one head of cattle, £2 for any dog, 15s. for any one sheep, goat, pig, or other quadruped not otherwise specified, or 3s. 6d. for any bird. . · · (c) The following a.re the charges to be made for insuring goods other than animals and birds:-·

Minimum Distance in Miles. Percentage I Ion Declared Value. Additional Charge.

£ S, d. £ s. d. 1 to 100 miles 0 10 0 0 2 2 101 to 250 ,, 0 15 0 0 3 4 251 to 500 ,, 1 0 0 0 4 5 501 to 1,000,, 1 5 0 0 5 6 Over 1,000 ,, 1 10 0 0 6 7

In the case of animals and birds a charge of 5 per cent. of the declared value will be made for insuring the same ; ·· minimum charge, 2s. 2d. (d) All charges on insured goods shall in every case be prepaid. (e) For the purposes of the declaration required by clause (i) of sub­ paragraph (a) of paragraph 2 of this regulation, the value of every article of goods which exceeds in value the sum of £20 must be stated; and, in the case of packages · or units as aforesaid, the total value of each shaJl be given, together with a list of the contents and the values of any items which exceed in value the sum of £2. The values of animals ·and birds must, be separately stated.


From To Rate per Ton.

Rochfort Wanganui 29s. 6d. (including delivery to Castlecliff Cool Store}. Norfolk Road Moturoa 8s. Od.

By adding the following :-

From To Rate per Ton.

Moerewa Auckland or Southdown £11 per 8-ton W wagon. The rate for other classes of ·wagons will i be pro rata of the rate for an 8-ton W wagon, based on the weight capacity of the wagon used. Smaller quantities to be charged · 35s. per . ton with a minimum of 30cwt.per consignment, provided the charge when computed at .this rate shall not be m()re than for a fully loaded wagon.

2. Benzine, Kerosene, &c., in Owner's Tank Wagons By adding the following :-

From To Rate per Ton.

s. d~ 4-uc~land I Tirohia .27 6 I OoT •. Zo:J TRE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1325

GOODS-LOO.AL RATES SO.ALE OF CH.ARGES-continueu NORTH ISL.AND MAIN LJNE AND BRANCHES-continued 6. Miscellaneous By omitting the following :-

From To De:scription of Goods. I Rate.

Whangarei Okaihau Butter-box shooks I 25s. 5d. per ton. Otahuhu Wellington Beer, stout, wines, a~d 66s. per ton. J\'lini.mum spirits, bottled or in bulk, quantity, 6 tons per con­ and beer gas in cylinders signment. l\

By adding the following :-

From - To Description of Goods. I Rate.

Otahuhu Wellington Beer, stout, · wines, and 166s. per ton. spirits, bottled or in bulk, and beer gas in cylinders Wanganui Any station, North Pipes, steel, spiral or lock bar, ClassD. lVIinimumquantity, Island Main Line and fittings for same, 4 tons. Any less quantity and Branches loaded in bogie wagons will be charged at suc4 minimum or on actual weight at Class C f mini­ mum, 2 tons) without the charge for a runner, oi at Class D plus the charge for a runner, whfohever is the cheaper ,.. Auckland or New- Fruit and vegetables, soups 66s. per ton. I\ ·market and foods, canned, and sauces, bottled, direct ex factory Haetings ) Wellington Fruit -and vegetables, soups 55s. per ton. and - foods, canned, and -sauces, bottled, direct ex factory _ H~,t~i~;{dNapJ Auckland and Fruit~pulp. m.. naked tins or 63s. per ton. Newmarket paclied in_ cases, direct ex factory

Si. Through· Booking:·-pf Goods via. _Maung~,.:turoto to or from Toka Toka and _Intermediate_ :Points By adding the following :-

To or From

Class Goods. of Paparoa (Town), I Raupo, , or Naumai, or . Toka Toka. ------·------·------····------. ··-----· - --·- -· -·· --· --- Dogs on chains, each 2s. 6d. 2s. 6d, 1326' THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 66

GOODS-LOCAL RATES SCALE OF CHARGES-continued NORTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES-continued 13. Through Booking between Auckland, Mount Eden, Otahuhu, Onehunga, and Intermediate Stations, and· Taupo, Wairakei, &c. Paragraph 1, subparagraph (b) :- By omitting- s. d. Benzine, in drums, per ton 79 6 By inserting- Benzine, per drum 15 0 Returned empty benzine drums 3 0

16. -Haulage Charges, Napier-Breakwater Line By omitting from the second paragraph the words" south thereof" and inserting the word " beyond."

24. Picton Section Paragraph 18 : By ·adding to the schedule of rates under the heading "Wellington-Blenheim Freight Rates" the following:-

Per Ton of or Charge Class of Goods, as indicated. Rate.

. GENERAL CARGO Empties- Empty return pigeon crates or baskets. See "Homing Pigeons." Empty Return Homing Pigeons.* Crates or Baskets.* Homing pigeons in crates or baskets- s. d. s. d. Not exceeding 1 cubic foot 2 6 .2 6 2 cubic feet 3 4 3 4 3 4 1 3 4 4 4 9 3 4 5 " 5 6 3 8 6 " 6 3 4 1 " 7 7 1 4 6 8 7 11 5 1 9 8 9 5 6 IO 9 6 5 11 11 IO 5 6 4 12 11 4 6 10 13 ,, 12 4 7 3 14 13 3 7 10 15 14 3 8 3 * The rates for consignments measuring_ up to and including 15 cubic feet iuclude (in addition to wharfage, loading, or unloading at Picton) cartage, wharfage, and harbour-improve· ment rate at Wellington and sorting at Blenheim. Consignments of homing pigeons and empty return crates or· baskets exceeding 15 cubic feet will be charged at rates of 28s. 9d. and 14s. 5d. respectively per ton of 40 cubic feet plus the appropriate charges for cartage, wharfage, and harbour-improvement rate at Wellington, and sorting at Blenheim. _

SOUTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES 26. Miscellaneous By omitting the follo'Ying :-

From To - I Description of Goods. Rate. ! Stations Christ­ Inangahua J n. Classes C and D. Owner's 55s. 9d. per ton. Minimum . church, Hornby, risk quantity (including ton­ Papanui; inclu­ nage railed in the reverse sive direction), IO tons per week. Iri.angahua Jn. Stations Christ­ Classes C and D. Owner's 55s. 9d. per ton. Mi.Irlmum church, Hornby, risk quantity (including .ton­ Papanui, inclu­ nage in the reverse direc­ sive tion}, IO tons per week. Burnside, for pri­ Fat, bones, offal, oil, tallow, 3s. 10d. per ton.. Minimum . vate sidings sulphuric, muriatic, and quantity, 2 tolls per·four­ nitric acid, and raw ma­ :wheeled wagon. f terials used in the manu­ I facture of acids Dunedin Fat, bones, offal, oil, tallow, 4s. 7d. per ton. Minimum lBurnside sulphuric, muriatic, and -. quantity, 2 t<;>ns per £_our- nitric acid, and raw ma­ wheeled wagon: ' - terials used in the manu­ facture of acids Dunedin, for pri­ Fat, bones, offal, oil, tallow, 3s. lOd. per ton. MinilllUlll vate sidings sulphuric, muriatic, and qualltity, 2 tons per four. nitric acid, and raw ma­ wheeled wagon. f terials used in the manu­ facture of acids Burnside Fat, bones, offal, oil, tallow, 4s. 7d. per ton. Minimum D=e~ sulphuric, muriatic, and quantity, 2 tons·per four. l nitric acid, and raw ma­ wheeled wagon. terials used in the· manu­ facture of acids OcT.· 25] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1827

GOODS-LOCAL RATES SCALE OF CHARGES-continued MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES-continued By adding the following :-

From To Description of Goods. Rate.

Stations Christ­ Inangahua Jn. Classes C and D as approved 55s. 9d. per ton. Minimum church, Hornby, by the Department. quantity (including ton­ Papanui, inclu­ Owner's risk nage railed in the reverse sive direction), 10 tons per week. Inangahua Jn. Stations Christ­ Classes C and D as approved 55s. 9d. per ton. Minimum church, Hornby, by the Department. quantity (including ton.­ Papanui, inclu­ Owner's risk nage in the reverse direc­ sive tion), 10 tons per week. Granity Caversham Coal 31s. per ton, including weighing and delivery to private sidings. Wallsend Invercargill Coal 31s. per ton, including weighing and delivery to private sidings. 'l'imaru .. Burnside Earthenware jars, or demi­ 35s. 8d. per ton. Minimum johns, direct ex factory, quantity, 2 tons per four­ loose wheeled wagon. Owners to load and unload. Dunedin ·Burnside, for pri­ Sulphuric, muriatic, and 3s. lOd. per ton. Minimum vate sidings nitric acid, and raw quantity, 2 tons per four­ materials used in the wheeled wagon. manufacture of acids Burnside Dunedin Sulphu.ric, muriatic, and 4s. 7d. per ton. Minimum nitric acid, and raw quantity, 2 tons per four­ materials used in the wheeled wagon. manufacture of acids Invercargill Any station on the Coffee and fruit essences, Class D. South Island coffee-powder, peppers, Main Line and assorted spices, jelly crys­ Branches tals, packed, direct ex factory

42. Through Booking by R.ail and Steamer to Portobello By omitting this regulation. As witness my hand, this 18th day of October, 1945. R. SEMPLE, Ylinister of Railways.

The Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943.-Notice Approval of Testing Officers under the Motor-drivers Regulations 1940 declaring Land taken for the Settlement of a Discharged Serviceman N terms of Regulations 5 of the Motor-drivers Regulations 1940, I the Minister of Transport doth hereby approve of the persons named in Column 2 of the Schedule hereunder being T~sting Officers HEREAS an application has been made for the consent of under the said regulations for the authorities specified in Column I W the Land Sales Court to a transaction which relates to the of the said Schedule. land described in the Schedule hereto and to which Part III of the Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, 1943, applies: And whereas the Land Sales Committee to which the application SCHEDULE has been referred is of opinion that the land to which the application relates is farm land suitable for the settlement of a, discharged Column 1. Column 2. serviceman : Transport Department James Newman Birse. Transport Department Basil McDavitt Boyle. And whereas the said committee, not being satisfied that the Transport Department Philip James Hunter. Crown had decided not to acquire or arrange for the acquisition Transport Department Robin James Opie. of the land, did on the 26th day of September, 194,5, make an order determining the basic value of the land and no appeal from the Dated at Wellington, this 17th day of October, 1945. said order was made within the time prescribed by the said Act JAS. O'BRIEN, Minister of Transport. or within any further time allowed by the Court : And. whereas the said land is not the land of a.ny serviceman who is for the time being serving outside New Zealand in any of His Majesty's Forces or in any· British ship : Exemption Order 1inder the Transport Legislation Emergency Now, therefore, the Minister of Lands, acting in pursuance Regulations 1940 - " of section 51 of the said Act, doth hereby declare that the said land is taken for the settlement of a discharged serviceman, and hereby specifies the 31st day of October, 1945, as the date on which the URSUANT to the Transport Legislation Emergency RegulatiOJIS said land shall be deemed to be vested in His Majesty the King. P 1940, the Minister of Transport doth hereby order and declare that the provisions of clause (1) of Regulation 7 of the Motor-drivers Regulations 1940, so far as t.hey relate to the driving of heavy t.rade motors, shall not apply to the person hereinafter SCHEDULE mentioned, put in lieu thereof the following provision shall apply :- Of.A.GO LAND D:i:STRICT A motor-driver's license issued under the Motor-drivers Regu­ ALL that parcel of land containing four hundred and seven (407) lations 1940 to the person described in Column 1 of the Schedule acres one ( 1) rood thirty-five (35) perches, more or less, being part hereunder may authorize him to drive a heavy trade motor for of Section 13, Block XII, and parts of Sections 3 and 6, Block XIV, the purpose of the business of the respective employer · descril)ed Tarras Survey District, and being all the land comprised in in Column 2 of the said Schedule, but shall not authorize · him, certificate of title, Vol. 253, folio 40. while he is under the age of eighteen years, to drive a heavy :trade Also all that parcel of land containing fifty (50) acres, more or motor for any other p~rpose. less, being Section 14, Block XIV, Tarras Survey District, and being all the land comprised in certificat.e of title, Vol. 184, folio 297 (Otago Registry). SCHEDULE Column 1 (Driver). Column 2 (.Elmployer). As witness my hand, this 18th day of October, 1945. Ivan Reginald Sayed, of Te Kiri . . Father. C. F. SKINNER, Minister of Lands. Dated at Wellington, this 16th day of October, 1945. (L. and S. 36/1444/370.) JAS. O'BRIEN, Minister of Transport. Industrial Man-power Emergency Regulations 1944.-Amendment to · Notice to Persons affected by Applications for Licenses under Part III Declaration of Essential Undertakings No. 6 of the Industrial Efficiency Act, 1936

N pursuance of the powers conferred upon him by Regulation 11 Taking of Fish· fot Sa.ie· I . of the Industrial Man-power Emergency Regulations 1944, the Keith Rayner, South Bay, Kaikoura, has applied for a license Minister of Industrial Man-power doth hereby amend the Declaration· to permit him to operate his 16 ft. outboard-motor boat " Gin " of. Essential Undertakings· No. 6 by inserting after the words (not yet registered), using set-nets, kmg lines, hand-lines, and " private hospitals " the words " and hospitals and therapeutic crayfish-pots, catches to be landed at Kaikoura, institutions subsidiarythereto operated by State Departments." Alexander Watts, care of J. Lewis, R.M.D., 1VIaungaturoto, has Dated this 19th day of October; 1945. applied for a license to operate his 22 ft. launch "Dell" (not yet A. McLAGAN, Minister of Industrial Man-power. registered), using set-nets, long lines, and hand-lines, catches to be landed at Batley. · Alex. George McKeown, 412 · Point Chevalier Road, Auckland, has applied for a license to operate the fishing-vessel" "\Vest Wind," I nd·ustrial Man-power· Emergency Regulations 1944.-Amendments to AK. 412, using purse seine nets, trawl-nets, set-nets, drag-nets, long Declarations of Essential Undertakings lines, hand-lines, and orayfish-pots, catches to be landed at Auckland. D. S. McCa.llum,. 295A Church Street, Onehunga, has applied National Service Department, for a license to permit him to operate his 18 ft. 22 h.p. engined vessel Wellington 23rd October, 1945. "June NE" (not yet registered), using set-nets, long lines, and HE Controller of Man-power doth hereby give notice that the hand-lines, catches to be landed at Onehunga. T Hon. the Minister of Industrial Man-power has made the B. A. T. Henderson, Seacliff, Otago, has applied for a license to following amendments to declarations of essential undertakings operate the fishing-vessel "Prowler," DN. 188, using. trawl-nets, as enumerated hereunder as from the dates indicated :.:_ long lines, hand-lines, and crayfish-pots, catches to be landed at Karitane. Declaration No. 59, 16th October, 1945. Addition- Fish-oanner's Lioense The Dovetail Tile Co., Ltd., at Awaroa Road, Henderson. J. R. King, Woollam .Street, Coromandel, has applied for a license to permit him to carry on the industry described as " The Declaration No. 62, 19th October, 1945 preservation for sale in hermetically-sealed cans, jars, or other Deletion- containers of fish," in so far as it relates to the bottling of pickled, McKay Co-operative Orthopredic Society, Ltd., at Wellington. curried, and minced mussels, also herrings and herring-paste. Addition- Artificial Limb Factory of the Disabled Servicemen's Re­ Manufaoture of Radio Reoeiving-sets establishment League (Incorporated), at Wellington. Radio Service, Ltd., 243 MacAndrew Road, Dunedin, has applied for an extension of its existing license so as to permit the manu­ H. L. BOCKETT, Controller of Man-power. facture of unlimited radio sets. Manufaoture of Eleotric Ranges Declaration by the Public Service Commissioner fixing Time for the Daly Bros., Ltd., Christchurch, has applied for a license to Regrad_ing of the Public Serpice manufacture rangettes.

HEREAS by notice p. ublished in the Gazette on the 13th day Pharmaoy Industry W of November, 1941, at page 3657, and given under the L. C. Day has applied for permission to open a new pharmacy provisions of the Government Service Grading Emergency Regula­ at Garden Place, Hamilton. tions 1941, * it was declared that the regrading of officers referred B. E. Horrocks has applied for permission to open a new to in section 17 of t.he ~llb~ic Service Act, 1912, was postponed pharmacy at Taupo. untiJ such time as might be fixed 'for such regrading to' be under­ T. I. McCluggage has applied for permission to open a new taken by notice given under the aforesaid regulations by the pharmacy in the vicinity of the corner of Duke Street and Mount Commissioner and published i:ri the Gazette: Eden Road, Auckland. Now, therefore, I, John Henry Boyes, Public Service Com~ C. W. Hoskin has applied for permission to open a new pharmacy rnissieoor, aeting . under the aforesaid regulations, hereby give at 452 M~unt Eden Road, Auckland. notice fixing the time for such regrading to be undertaken as the 1st day of April, 1946. , Persons considering themselves materially affected by the Dated at Wellington, this 23rd day of October, 1945. decision of the Bureau of Industry on these applications should make any desired representations in writing not later than the 8th J. H.BOYES, November, 1945, to the Secretary, Bureau of Industry, G.P.0. Public Service Commissioner. Box 3025, Wellington. : · • fitattitory0Regulatfons 1941, Serial number 1941/207, page 626, G. L. O'HALLORAN, Secretary.

Sitting of the Native Land Oourt at Rawene on· the 20th November, 1945 Office of the Native Land Court, Auckland; 17th 'Octobet/ 194q; OTICE is hereby given that the matters mentioned in the Schedule hereunder will be heard by the Native Land Court sitt1ng" ~t':Ra.weue N on Tuesday, 20th November, 1945, at 10.30 a.m., or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court and the Board will ~llow,_ - ·-~ - ...-- J. H. ROBERTSON, Registrar,, \~ ttoi'Eir~~._ 194:$.'.:4;6 /12. J SCHEDULE

No. I App].ioant. Name of Land, Nature of Application.

24 Hokianga County Council Ratakamaru E (part) and A (part)' For assessment of compensation for land taken for the purpose of roads. 25 Undf,lr-f?ecretary, Pub 1 i c Whakanekeneke No. 3B Assessment of compensation ·in settlement of all claims Works· Department arising out of the taking of metal.

N otice8 under thf, Regulations Act, 1936

N???!?J'~}~~by gi~en h\pursuance of the Regulations Act, 1936, of the making ofregulations and-orders as under:-

Price(:P~e I ld, extra.! M:cit~r:spirJts· ·(R.eg11lation of Prices) Act, Motor-spirits Prices Regulations 1942, Amendment 1945/155 17/10/45 3d. ~t933 .·- . . . . . No. I National .· Expenditure Adjustment Act, Deposits Interest Restriction Order 1945 .. 1945/156 3/10/45' 3d. 1932 Electricity Emergency Regulations 1939 Revocation of the Electrical Equipment Order 1944 1945/157 19/i0/45 Id~ and the Supply Control Emergency , ~egulation~ .1,939 .·r. CustdmsAmendment Act, 1921 Customs Tariff Amendment Order 1945 1945/158 24/10/45 3d.

Copi'es 'can be 'purchased at' the Government Printing and Stationery Office, Lambton Quay, Wellington. Prices for quantities supplie(i 011 applipa~~on. Copies_~ay be ordered by quoting serial number. E. V. PAUL, Governi::ae:nt Pclntei-. .OCT. ,2~] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1-329


CLIMATOLOGICAL TABLE Summary of the Records of Temperature, Rainfall, and Sunshine for September, 1945

Air Temperatures in Degrees (Fahrenheit.) Rainfalt in Inches, ------,------1-----~--~-----1 Absolute Maximum and Most in a Means of I Bright Station. _____ Mi:n Minimum. Day. No. Sun· Difference Difference shine i A from Total of Fall. from (Hours) A B I and Normal. a : I Wet No:ri:nal. I Max. Min. ' B. Date. : :I I Date. Days. 1 ~ \ oF. oF. Ft. OF. OF • I OF. I rn. I fo . Te Paki, Te Hapua .. 200 58·9 48·5 53·7 (-0·6) 62·5 23 35·0 15 5 · 79 12 1·63 23 138·6 Waipapakauri .. 6 61·0 46·8 53·9 66·5 23 34·2 15 7 ·94 16 2·36 23 . . . . 200 62·0 42·5 52·2 69·0 24 31 ·0 5 7·38 15 2·80 23 128·5. WaipouaStateForest .. 225 60·2 43·4 51·8 -0·4 66·6 23, 24 ' 33·8 4, 5 8·16 21 1·92 Dargaville . . . . (+2·80) 23 119·1 3 61·0 44·7 52·8 68·2 22 33·0 4 5·06 J6 0·92 23 142·9 Riverhead . . . . 105 59.7 42·9 51·3 +0·6 66·0 23 28·5 4 4·14 16 1·05 28 Auckland . . . . 160 60·1 49·3 54·7 +0·3 64·5 26 39·0 4 4·12 19 +0·09 0·91 ,23 130·0 Paerata . . . . 166 59.5 46·5 53·0 63·7 29 34·9 4 3.79 14 1·03 18 Maioro . . . . 172 59.3 47·0 53·2 64·0 16,29 31·4 4 3·62 11 1·06 23 Waihi . . . . 404 59·8 44·5 52·2 +0·3 65·0 19 29·0 4 8·59 17 2·35 24 122·6 ·wharekawa Nursery, 50 60·6 44·8 52·7 (-0·2) 67·0 19 29·0 5 7.35 15 1·46 28 Whangamata Te Aroha . . . . 46 61 · 5 46 · 4 54 · 0 +0·8 68·0 30 33·5 4 5·02 18 +0·22 1-.41 24 Ta:uranga . . . . 10 60 · 0 43 · 5 51 · 8 -0·6 65·9 14 30 · 9 3 3·83 16 -0·40 0·86 25 154·9 Ruakura Farm, Hamilton 131 60 · 0 43 · 7 51 · 8 +0·3 65·8 16 30·0 4 5.35 15 +1·77 0·92 18 123·4 Rotoehu Plantatfon .. 235 60·0 39·5 49·8 (+O·l) 67·3 14 28·9 4- 6·55 17 1·37 17 Rotorua . . . . 931 Whakarewarewa .. 1,000 58·4 40·2 49·3 -0·1 69·4 14 27·5 5 5·67 13 + 1 · 30 1 · 29 24 Gisborne . . . . 12 61·4 43·1 52·2 (+0·4) 71·3 18 31 ·2 5 3·40 14 (+0·85) 1·61 28 160·1 Manutuke Research 20 60·7 42·1 51·4 . . 69·4 18 29 · 8 5 3·56 13 . . 1·23 28 164·7 Station, Gisborne Onepoto, Lake Waikare­ 2,110 53·0 39·5 46·2 (+0·6) 64·9 16 27 ·6 4 7.43 16 (+1·32) 1·21 28 moana (Ma:rs- 160 57·1 46·9 52·0 +O·O 64·0 28 33.5 4, 11 3·46 11 -1 · 52 0 · 87 134·7 land Hill) 7 Chateau Tongariro .. 3,670 ...... Karioi .. .. 2,125 54·3 .. .. 63·0 22 .. . . 3·24 12 (-0·57) 1·01 1 Napier .. .. 5 59·8 43·2 51·5 -0·1 72·6 30 29·3 5 2·36 14 +0·31 0·46 25 169· Hastings .. . . 45 62·5 39•.9 51·2 +1·2 72·0 14, 15, 28·0 5 2·26 13 (-0·33) 0·51 24 16 Taihape . . . . 2,157 52·7 39·2 46·0 +0·4- 61·8 16 26·0 4 3·41 1 7 0 · 35 0 · 83 18 Wanganui . . . . 72 + Waipnkurau .. 450 58 · 2 39 · 3 48 · 8 67·8 24 27·2 5 2·32 12 .. 0·55 18 157 ·(i Tangimoana .. 8 60·3 44·0 52·2 +1·6 68·0 23 29·0 4 3.55 13 +0·71 0·71 9 Ohakea .. . . . 167 58·0 44· l 51 ·0 66·3 18 30·5 4 2·25 12 .. 0·65 1 Plant Research Bureau, 110 57·5 43·6 50·6 +0·5 65·0 18 27 · 5 4- 2·63 15 (-0·56) 0·58 1 114· Palmerst,on North Pahiatua . . . . 384 57·1 41·8 49·4 +O·O 66·2 18 24·8 4- 4·51 19 +0·30 1·48 1 Kapiti Ialand .. 44 57·3 48·1 52·7 +0·8 63·9 28 37 ·3 4 3·22 12 -0·03 0·91 18 Waingawa, Masterton .. 350 60·1 38·0 49·0 -0·4 66·5 25 27·0 5 2·97 8 -0·14 0·94 18 165·6

W allaceville . . . . 195 57·4 43·4 50·4 66·7 18 24·5 4 3·27 22 (-0·80) 0·97 1 123·9 Wainui-o-mata .. 40 55·8 40·6 48·2 65·1 18 23 · 6 4 4·73 15 1·08 1 Wellington . . . . 415 56·3 44·7 50·5 +0·4 63·3 18 33 · 2 4 3·25 16 -0·20 1·10 18 153·6 Nelson . . . . 24 58·8 42·9 50·8 +0·6 67·2 ,· 14 33 · l 5 2·54 12 -0·91 0·77 7 173.3 Appleby, Nelson .. 57 58·2 41·8 50·0 (+O·l) 67•8 I 13 31 ·5 4, 5 2·25 12 (-1·06) 0·49 23 Blenheim . . . . 60 59·5 41·4 50·4 (+0·3) 71·0 14 25·6 4 1·36 9 (-0·77) 0·47 23 195·2 Woodbourne Aerodrome · 89 59·8 42·7 51·2 70·9 13 29·0 11 2·43 8 0·80 28 Golden Downs .. 900 Waihopai . . . . 860 58·7 39·7 49·2 +l ·O 69·3 24 29·5 5 2·19 12 (-0·81) 0·90 23 Westport . . . . 7 56 · 9 44 · l 50 · 5 ( + 0 · 4) 64 · 2 29 33 · 0 4, 5 8·29 19 + 1 · 94 1 · 55 6 141·8 Molesworth Station .. 2,930 52·1 33·2 42·6 .. 62·0 1~22 20·0 4 1·29 ef .. 0·46 23

Hanmer Springs . . 1, 225 56·7 36·7 46·7 +0·5 69·5 22 19·7 4 2·89 11 -1·57' 0·73 18 160·1 Balmoral . . . . 743 56·6 37·6 47·1 -0·7 70·0 22 21 ·0 4 1·71 11 (-0·69) 0·38 1 Hokitika . . . . 12 56·8 43·2 50·0 +0·9 65·8 17 30·5 3 12·66 19 +3·78 2·03 23 131·9 Lake Coleridge . . 1, 220 56·2 38·0 47·1 -0·3 71·5 30 23·5 4 3·11 13 +0·02 1·30 23 Darfield . . . . 640 57.5 38·1 47·8 (+O·O) 73.4 13 23 · 8 3 1·83 12 -0,88 0·44 24- Chrfatchurch . . 22 57.7 40·7 49·2 +0·5 75.3 13 26· l 4 0·90 il -1·00 0·23 17 Wigram Aerodrome, 74 57.7 40·0 48·9 (+0:4) 75·2 13 23·4 4 9·83 9 0·18 9, 17 165·0 Sockburn Rudstone, Methven . . 1,217 55 · 7 39.·7 47·7 +0·7 66·6 13 23·5 3 3·62 Lincoln . . . . 36 56 · 5 38·4 47 ·4 -1·6 73.5 13 19·0 4 0·89 Akaroa (Onawe, Duvau- 150 chelle's Bay) Hermitage, Mount Cook 2,510 53·6 33·1 43·4 +1·3 68·0 29 16·0 3 17 ·98 16 +5·60 3·50' 23 93·7 Ashburton . . . . 323 57·6 39·0 48·3 +1·6 74·6 13 26·2 4 2·41 10 -0·07 0·65 23 158·8 Lake Tekapo . . 2, 350 52°2 32·9 42·6 +0·3 62·8 13 17·5 3 2·45 8 1·25 23 159·5 Jacksons Ray . . 22 55·0 43·0 49·0 (-0·3) 63·6 29 31 ·5 3 23·00 21 3·98 13" .... Fairlie . . . . 1,000 56·0 33·4 44·7 -0·3 74·0 13 21 ·5 4, 5 3·24 11 (+0·89) 1·37 23 •·. 147·5 Timaru . . . . 56 56·6 38·0 47·3 -0·5 68·2 11 27 ·8 3 2·51 9 +0·64 1·26 .·23 145·2 Waimate . . . . 200 57·4 38·4 47·9 +O·O 75·0 13 27 ·2 5 2·79 10 +0·64 'J;35 23 128·3 Milford Sound . . 20 54·5 39·7 47·1 (+l·O) 64·0 29 30·0 3 17 ·23 17 2·90 12 .. Queenstown . . . . 1,110 54·4 36·6 45·5 -0·5 65·8 30 24·6 3 3·14 13 +0·61 1·15 23 146·9 Ophir . . . . 1 , 000 54·6 33·3 44·0 -1·0 68·3 I 30 13·0 3 2·77 8 +1·67 1·28 23 .. Waipiata . . . . 1,550 51·9 35·0 43·4 -0·7 65·0 30 22·5 5 2·24 11 +1·07 1·00 24 129·0 Alexandra . . . . 520 56·2 36·4 46°3 -0·3 69·2 13 25·8 4 2·30 10 +1·55 1·33 23 143·9 Manorburn Dam . . 2,448 46·8 29·7 38·2 -1·5 59.5 30 15·2 3 l ·79 10 +0·50 0·78 23 .. Dunedin .(Beta . Street 690 53·8 39·3 46· 11 -1·0 67·2 21 31·4 3 l ·91 15 -0·82 0·76 23 131·5 Reservoir) Taieri 80 56 · 9 36 · 2 46 · 5 71·2 30 23·7 5 1·33 11 0·45 21 Ea.st Gore .. 245 ...... Gore 240 57 ·2 38·3 47 ·8 . . 69·0 22, 29 29·0 5, 20. 1·40 10 0·47 21 152·3 Invercargill .. 32 56·0 38·2 47·1 -0·3167·0 27,29, 26·0 20 13 .:__1·00 0·54 1 154·7 30 2·20 I Invercargi11 (City Engi­ 8 55·7 39·] 47·~ . . 66·3 27 28·8 20 2·13 12 neer) 0·51 I 1330 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No.· 66

CLIMATOLOGICAL TABLB-Contin:ued Summary of the Recm·ds of Temperature, Rainfall, and Sunshine for September, 1945-oontinued

1 Air Temperatures tn Degrees (Fahrenheit). 1-----R-al.,--nfa_ll_in_I_no.....,b,....e_s.___ _ Absolute Maximum and . Most in a Means of Bright Mean Minimum. Day. Sun· Station. I 1 No. i------of 'Dlfferc1nce --·-1··-· \Total of Difference shine from ~ (Hours). A from ~• Date. Si Fall. Wet 9 I Days. Normal. :::s= M!x. M~n. a~~ Normal. . j Date. I 0 8 { ! i I ~ A LATE RETURNS Ft. oF. oF. oF. oF. OF; In. In: Akaroa (Onawe, Duvau- 150 55·6 40·8 48·2 (+1·8) 69·0 25 32·5 16 5·09 10 .. 2·65 7 122· 7 chelle's Bay), Aug., I 1945 Milford Sound, Aug., 1945 20 54·2 39·0 46·6 +4·3 62·4 25 31·6 16,17 20·62 18 .. 4·00 17 .. I · NoTE.-At stations where departures from normal are in parentheses the record has been maintained for less than ten years in the case of temperatures and for less than twenty years in the case of rainfall and the normals are partly interpolated. NOTES ON THE WEATHER FOR SEPTEMBER, 1945 General.-Apart from the prevalence of cloudy c·onditions, the weather for September showed no very marked abnormalities. Rain was well spread throughout the month, but, with so little sunshine, growth was backward and did not maintain the good start made the previous month. In the more northern districts, however, there was a better response, and prospects are Ivery promising for the dairy season. Stock are in fair condition, with few lambing loss.es. The ground continues too damp for most agricultural activities. Rainfall.-Rain was rather frequent, but the total for the whole country was about average. Most places north of New Plymouth and Hastings had rainfalls above normal, the surplus being most marked north of Auckland. The remainder of the North Island had amounts close to average, although for the Feilding area they were somewhat lighter than usual. Most of the west coast of the ,South Island and the region from Ashburton to Central and Northern Otago had an excess of rain, but moderate deficiencies occurred elsewhere in the South Island. Temperatures.-Mean temperatures were very close to normal, and departures therefrom by a whole degree were experienced only in isolated cases. Frosts occurred in most parts, but were not very numerous. There were a few cold snaps, giving snow on the southern high country. · Sunshine.-On the whole, sunshine was poor, but Masterton, Blenheim, and Christchurch reached their normals. The Auckland, Taranaki, and Nelson Pro.vinces, as well as Central Otago, were very much duller· than usual. Weather Seg_uence.-On the 1st a cold front was proceeding north-eastwards over New Zealand, north-westerly gales changing to moderate or fresh westerlies with occasional showers. A secondary passing up the east coast on the 2nd brought brief wintry showers. By the 3rd an anticyclone was spreading from the west over the country, with conditions improving. Fr,,osts were widespread on the 4th; As the anticyclone was moving away to the north-east on the 5th, northerlies were bringing cloud to the west coast. A slow-moving trough advanced eastward ~ver the Dominion. North-east gales were experienced for a period in Nelson and Westland, and moderate rain ocm1rred in western and later in northern districts. There was a temporary improvement on the 8th before a weak trough brought a little rain, chiefly to Westland. Pressure was very low to the far south, and west or north-west·winds were strong at times on the 9th, and during the night a strong south-west wind chang~ with rain and hail showers swept over the country. Fair periods increased gradually and, with an anticyclone centred to the north-west, conditions were settled on the 11th. Slight disturbances passing in the south gave some occasional rain on the west coast. On the 14th, when a depression was passing to the south of the South Island, rain became heavier in South Westland. The ·· associated cold front moved up the South Island on the 15th and then retreated, while disturbances developed over the northern and central Tasman Sea. It was cloudy in western districts with occasional rain again, especially in Westland. An anticyclone built up off south-eastern New Zealand, while a depression deepened west of Auckland, where strong north-easterlies prevailed. A belt of moderate. rain spread southward to Canterbury. As the depression crossed the North Island on the 19th rain became rather heavy in central and southern portions of the Island. An anticyclone then covered the country, conditions improving generally. · . As this system moved east from the South Island a complex trough with a series of depressions approached on the 21st.. Rain set in about and west of the Alps, soon spread to Southland and Otago, and was fairly general by 24th. Fresh northerlies had been prevailing, while southerlies had made a slow advance from the south, reaching on the 24th and giving snow in the southern high country. By the 25th the main anticyclone was well south-east of New Zealand, and a trough line across South Auckland was associated with a belt of rain. To the south, easterly or south-easterly winds were strong. Conditions were better on the 26th, but on the 27th a depression from the Norfolk Islands region passed northern New Zealand, with easterly rains occurring in far northern and the Gisborne districts. A deeper depression from the central Tasman Sea passed near North Cape late on the 28th. Easterly winds gave rain in most eastern districts of the North Island, but elsewhere fair to fine weather predominated, and an improvement spread from the west. A cold front was approaching southern New Zealand late on the 30th. · M. A. F. BARNETT, Director.


STATEMENT QF AssETs AND LIABILITIES oF THE RESERVE BA.NK OF NEw ZEA.LA.ND As AT THE CLOSE OF BusINEss ON MoND.&.Y, 15TH OCTOBER, 1945 Liabilities Assets £ s. d. 7. Reserve­ £ s: d. · l. General Reserve Fund 1,500,000 0 O (a) Gold 2,801,877 10. O 2. Bank-notes · 41,528,124 0 0 (b) Sterling exchange* 71,230,293 5 8 3. Demand liabilities­ (c) Gold exchange (a) State 8,002,606 14 10 8. Subsidiary coin 20,519 2 3 (b) Banks 53,759,671 5 2 9. Discounts- (c) Other 758,182 2 2 (a) Commercial and agricultural bills -!". Time deposits (b) Treasury and local-body bills 5; Liabilities in currencies other than New 10. Advances- Zealand currency 219,504 1 3 (a) To the State or State undertakings­ 6; Other liabilities 2,493,603 17 6 (1) Marketing Department 2,110,874 4 5 (2) For other purposes .. 20,000,000 0 0 (b) To other public authorities (c) Other 11. Investments .. 10,997,263 19 2 12. :Wank buildings 13. Other assets 1,091,863 19 5

£(N.Z.)108,261,692 0 11 £(N.Z.)108,261,692 0 11

• ExpreBSed in New Zealand currency. Proportion of reserve (No. 7 less No. 5) to notes and other demand liabilities, 70·940 per cent.

W. R. EGGERS1 Chief Accountant. OCT. 25] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1331


SUMMARY OF TRADING BANKS' l\'IoNTHLY RETURNS OF AssETS AND LIABILITIES AS A.'r CLOSE OF BusrNESS ON MONDAY, 24TH SEPTEMBER, 1945 (In accordance with section 46 of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act, 1933) ( All Amounts in New Zealand Currency) LIABILITIES

l I Union Bank Bank Bank of Bank National Commercial of I Bank of Bank of - of I New of i Totals. New Zealand. Australia, South Wales. Australasia. New Zealand, Australia, Limited. Limited. Limited, I I

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ (a) Demand liabilities in New Zea- *42,960,909 12,266,490 13,069,267 8,565,138 18,415,347 7,082,710 102,359,861 land (b) Time liabilities in New Zealand ll,057, 872 5,412,850 5,199,983 3,001,429 5,683,162 1,794,094 32,149,390 (c) Demand liabilities elsewhere 132,642 224,267 86,397 200,217 I 107,249 35,872 786,644 than in New Zealand incurred in respect of New Zealand business (d) Time liabilities elsewhere than 36,767 13,391 .. 5,142 17,595 16 72,911 in New Zealand incurred in respect of New Zealand I business (j) Notes of own issue in circula- ...... I ...... tion payable in New Zealand I (m) New Zealand business-Excess 11,959,593 228,283 .. 2,735,499 3,618,421 191,004 18,732,800 of assets over liabilities ------Totals .. .. 66,147,783 18,145,281 18,355,647 14,507,425 27,841,774 9,103,696 154,101,60'6


ASSETS ------I Bank I Union Bank Bank of Bank National Commercial of of I New of I Bank of Bank of Totals, New Zealand. Australia, South Wales. Australasia. I New Zealand, Australia, I Limited. i I Limited. Limited. I I I I

i £ I £ £ £ £ £ £ (e) Reserve balances h eld in the 20,132,320 7,117,227 6,300,752 5,884,758 10,162,845 3,870,190 53,468,092 • Reserve Bank ofNewZealand (f) Overseas as.sets in respect of New Zealand business- (1) In London .. 5,335,709 I 238,906 3, ll0,421 576,259 2,161,000 104,740 ll,527,035 (2) Elsewhere than in London 914,323 I 62,866 131,476 198,459 486,583 .. 1,793,707 (g) (1) Gold and gold b ullion held .. I ...... in New Zealand (g) (2) Subsidia.ry coin h eldin New 322,659 56,702 81,369 65,579 132,219 24,649 683,177 Zealand (h) Aggregate advances in New 19,594,317 7,076,180 5,837,680 4,014,066 I 9,961,415 2,570,707 49,054,365 Zealand (h) Aggregate discount·S in New 15,449 4,422 4,506 7,648 32,397 13,494 77,91 6 Zealand (i) Reserve Bank of New Zealand I 3,536,122 247,803 496,909 442,524 869,056 131,566 5,723,980 notes ( k) Securities held in New'Zealand-I (1) Government . . .. I 14,098,861 2,922,213 1,953,619 2,717,116 3,438, 9ll 2,142,519 27,273,23·G (2) Other than Go vernment · 1,489,954 326,455 .. 551,471 i .. 111,196 2,479,07 6 (l) Value of land, buildings, furni- I 708,069 92,507 347,270 49,5451 597,343 134,635 1,929,374 ture, fittings, and equipment I held in New Zealand (m) New Zealand business-Excess I .. .. I 91,645 ...... 91,645 of liabilities over a ssets I I Totals .. 66,147,783 18,145,281 1. 18,355,6471 14,507,4251 27,841,774 9,103,696 1154,101,60 6 I I * Includes transfers from Long-term Mortgage Department of£127,147, (h h) Aggregate unexercised overdraft authorities, £43,081,992. Wellington, New Zealand, 18th October, 1945. T. P. HANNA, Chief Cashier.


STATEMENT OF THE AMOUNT OF LIABILITIES AND ASSETS OF THE LONG-TERM MORTGAGE DEPARTMENT OF THE BANK OF NEW ZEALAND AS AT THE 24TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1945 Liabilities £ s. d. Assets £ s. d. Capital 703,125 0 0 Loans 575,978 0 0 Debentures and debenture st.ock Transfers to Bank 127,147 0 0 Transfers from Bank Other assets Other liabilities £703,125 0 0 £703,125 0 0

Wellington, New Zealand, 18th October, 1945. '.r. P. HANNA, Chief Cashier.


Licenses issued to Manufacturing Retailers under 'the Sales Tax 1932-33 License Place at which Business Act, Name of Licensee. operative from is carried on.

Customs Department, Wellington, 25th October, 1945. Parsons and Capper, Ltd. 1/8/45 Wellington. Permanent Borer Treatment 1/6/45 Christchurch, Ash- T is hereby notified for public information that licenses to act Co., Ltd. burton. I as manufacturing retailers under the Sales Tax Act, 1932-33, Peters, H. A. W. 14/9/45 Dannevirke. have been issued to the undermentioned persons, firms, .and companies carrying on business at the places stated. Ratcliffe, A. C. 1/8/45 Auckland. E. D. GOOD, Comptroller of Customs. Rawene Sash and Door Factory 1/10/44 Rawene. R.F.L. Forging and Welding Co. 6/8/45 Palmerston North. Rillstone, K. 1/7/45 Invercargill. License I Place at w•.11Ch Business Name of Licensee. operative is carneJ on. Roud, A. C. 1/7/45 Christchurch. from Rowley, R.R. 1/6/45 Wellington. 1 Samuels, S. 1/6/45 Auckland. Al Furniture Co. 1/7/45 Otaki. Saunders, A. A. 24/9/45 Wellington. Adams and Barclay 1/7/45 Christchurch. Sharkey and Cooper 2/7/45 Auckland. Alexanders Furnishers 1/9/45 Auckland. Shooter, E. J. 1/10/45 Wellington. Stafford-Low' s 3/10/44 Palmerston North. Baker, M.A. 1/7/45 Palmerston North. Sutton, N. H. 1/7/45 Christchurch. Barnsley's 1/4/45 Wellington. Sylva, J. A. 1/5/45 Palmerston North. Blasoni, F. 31/7/45 Hastings. Bowerco Products 1/8/45 Wellington. Thackery and Gee 1/4/45 Palmerston North. Bristol Gowns 16/6/45 Christchurch. Topsy Townsend 8/2/45 Auckland. Broderick, B. F. 1/8/45 Palmerston North. Tossman's 1/8/45 Wellington. Bull, J. D. 1/9/45 Blenheim. Upton and Shearer Construc- 1/4/45 Wellington. Canterbury Sports Depot 1/7/45 Christchurch. tions, Ltd. Chisholm, Albert 1/4/44 Waipukurau. Cochrane, A. 1/7/44 Auckland. Widdon, L. 1/10/45 l\fotueka. Coltman, H. (jun.) 1/8/45 Nelson. Wight, Thomas 1/4/45 Dunedin. Coulter, P. E. 24/9/45 Wellington. Wilkins, W., and Sons, Ltd. . . 1/6/45 Christchurch. Wilkinson Building and Timber 1 1/8/45 Feilding. Da Via, M. and G. 1/4/45 Wellington. Co., Ltd., The Display Art Studios 1/6/45 Christchurch. Williams and Co. 1/4/45 Dunedin. " Dolly Varden " .. 1/6/45 Petone. Wilson's Concrete Works 1/9/45 New Plymouth. Dovetail Tile Co., Ltd., The .. 1/8/45 Henderson. Woodcraft (Wellington), Ltd. 1/4/45 wellington. Dreavers Ltd. 20/4/45 Dunedin. Wright, G. A. 1/4/45 Christchurch. El Gar Salon 1/9/45 Dunedin. Etchells, W.R., Ltd. 1/7/45 Hamilton. Evans, R. S. 1/7/45 Lower Hutt. The licenses as manufacturing retailers issited to the under­ mentioned persons, firms, and companie.s have been cancelled:- Gambling, Alice I. .. 1/4/44 Auckland.' Gilbert and Grumwald 1/7/45 Palmerston North. I Name_ of Licensee. cancelledLirPnse Place at which Business Gillespie and Winslade 1/4/45 Carterton. from was carried on, Giraud and Rogers .. 1/7/45 Auckland. Gray, S. G. 2/7/45 Lower Hutt. Gwilliam, E. 1/8/45 Auckland. Al Furniture Co. 30/6/45 Wellington. Armstrong and Co ... 31/3/45 Auckland. Hall and Coxon 2/5/45 Wellington. Hall, J. L. 1/4/45 Christchurch. Bedfords, W. G. 31/8/45 Te Awamutu. Hammett, J ., and Sons · 1/8/45 Christchurch. Borer Treatment Co., The 31/5/45 Christchurch. Hannah and Dyer, Ltd. 1/8/45 Christchurch. Brown, Donald, and Co., Ltd. 30/9/45 Auckland. Hastie, J ... 1/7/45 Palmerston North. Helean, F. J. 1/7/45 Dunedin. " Chic A'Dorne " 31/5/45 Wellington. Herbert Bros., and Moore, Ltd. 1/6/45 Auckland. " Congruity Clare " 31/5/45 Petone. High Grade Tailor 1/8/45 Wellington. Cunningham, M. N. (Mrs.) 15/6/45 Christchurch. Hughes and Son 1/7/45 Nelson. Hume Bros., Ltd. 1/9/45 Whakatane. Du Feu, J. N., and Co., Ltd ... 31/8/45 Christchurch. Hunter, Allen 1/7/45 Tauranga. Duffy's Milk Bars, Ltd. 1/11/43 Auckland. Hutt Manufacturing Jewellers, 1/8/45 Lower Hutt. The Edmond, John, Ltd; 1/4/45 Dunedin. Etchells, W. R. 30/5/45 Hamilton. James Timbers, Ltd. 28/6/45 Palmerston North. James, R. A. 1/7/45 Wellington. Gilbert, E. J. 31/5/45 Palmerston North. James, Walter 1/8/45 Trentham. Giraud, M. G. 30/6/45 Auckland. Joinless Ring Specialists, The 20/8/45 Lower Hutt. Gisby, R ... 30/6/45 Auckland. Graham and Son 31/5/45 Wellington. Keenan, M. G. (Miss) 1/8/44 Hastings. - King, A.-J. 1/7/45 Lower Hutt. Harrington, H.J. S. 30/6/45 · Christchurch. Hay, R. A. 30/4/45 Palmerston North. La Vivienne Gowns 1/7/45 Hamilton. "Heather Ann" 30/4/45 Auckland. Lee, V. B.- 1/4/44 Napier. Hensley's Umbrella House 31/8/45 Auckland. Longdin, E. E. 1/7/45 Hornby. Herbert Bros. 31/5/45 Auckland. "Lucia" .. 1/7/45 Dunedin. Holden, B. J. 1/4/45 Palmerston North. Lucien Gowns 1/4/45 Wellington. Horne, F. L. 31/8/45 Christchurch. Hume Bros. 31/8/45 Whakatane. McIntosh, Clay, and Co. 1/6/45' Invercargill. Marple, R. N. 1/8/45 Wellington. Jones, Anna E. 31/3/45 Wellington. Marshall, J. G .. Ltd. 5/7/45 Blenheim and Nelson. Martin, Chas. B. 1/3/45 Wellington. " Liberty Gowns " 30/6/45 Auckland. Martin Ormandy, Ltd. 1/10/45 Christchurch. " Mascotte Models " 1/8/45 Wellington. " Mademoiselle " 31/7/45 Wellington. Maude Oliver, Ltd. 1/6/45 Gisborne. Metro-Electric and Engineering . 6/12/44 Wellington. Maxola Manufacturing Co. 1/8/45 Palmerston North. Co. Mayes (Miss J.) and Orchard 1/7/45 Wellington. Munro, R. J. 31/8/45 Auckland. _.,(Miss M.) Murie, Alan M. 31/5/45 Auckland. Metro-Electric and Engineering 7/12/44 Wellington. Co., Ltd. -- - O'Grady, P. C. 31/1/45 Wellington. _ Montella Gowns 1/7/45 Auckland. O'Sullivan, K. 30/6/45 Palmerston North. Moore, K. (Miss) 1/7/45 Christchurch. Morris ~nd Hooker .. 1/9/45 Hamilton. Paray, Lucille 31/4/45 Wellington. Moxon, R. 1/6/45 Palmerston North. Petleys 19/8/45 Lower Hutt. Munns Ltd. 1/8/45 Christchurch. Murie, Alan M., Ltd. 1/6/45 'Auckland. Rowley and Harris .. 31/5/45 Wellington.

N.Z. Bag Co., Ltd... 1/9/45 Wellington. Scrymgeour, W. K., and Co ... 31/3/45 Wellington. Searle, V ... 31/5/45 Lower Hutt. Owen and Baguley, Ltd. 1/8/45 Wanganui. Sergent, A. E. VI0/44 Lower Hutt. OCT. 25] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1333

The licenses as manufacturing retailers is.sued to the under­ Appointment of Deputy District Public Trustee mentioned per.sons, firms, and companies have been canceUed-ctd. OTICE is hereby given that, in pursuance of the power and. License Place at which Business _N authority vested in me by section 3 of the Public Trust Name of Licensee. cancelled Office Amendment Act, 1921-22, I, the Public Trustee of the from was carried on. Dominion of New Zealand, have appointed Gordon Charles Blake, of the Public Trust Office, Dannevirke, to·be deputy of the District Sergent-Shadbolt, W. H. 31/3/45 Palmerston North. Public Trustee, Dannevirke, during the absence of such District Smith, M. W. 31/3/45 Hamilton. Public Trustee from his headquarters from any cause, and all Sound Recordings, Ltd. 31/7/45 Auckland. previous Warrants appointing any deputy of the said District Public Sprott, B. M. (Miss) 30/11/44 Oamaru. Trustee have been revoked. Dated at Wellington, this 16th day of October, 1945. Thomson's Silk Shop, Ltd. 30/6/45 Wellington. W. G. BAIRD, Public Trustee. Tonks; A. P., and Co. 1/5/45 Wanganui. Tryhaton Ltd. 31/7/45 Auckland. Price Order No. 453 ( Amending Price Order No. 313) (Carrots, Universal Gowns 30/4/45 Christchurch. Parsnips, Swedes, Cabbages, Pumpkins, Kumaras, Silver Beet) Upton and Shearer, Ltd. 31/3/45 Wellington. Utility Furniture Shop 1/7/45 Auckland. URSUANT to the powers conferred on it by the Control of P Prices Emergency Regulations 1939, * the Price Tribunal, Walker, A. 31/8/45 Wellington. acting with the authority of the Minister of Industries and Commerce, Webb, J. D. 30/11/44 Auckland. doth hereby make the following amending Price Order :- White, W. (Auck.), Ltd. 30/4/45 Auckland. Wilkinson, W. 28/2/45 Feilding. 1. This Order may be cited as Price Order No. 453; and shall Woodcraft Co. 31/3/45 Wellington. be read together with and deemed part of Price Order No. 313t (hereinafter referred to as the principal Order). 2. This Order shall come into force on the 1st day of November, Notice to JJfariner.s No. 33 of 1945 1945. 3. The principal Order is hereby amended by omitting from :Marine Department, the Schedule the references to silver beet and substituting the \Vellington, N.Z., 23rd October, 1945. following references :- NEW ZEALAND.-NORTH ISLAND.-AUCKLAND HARBOUR When sold anywhere in Alterations in Bnoyage and Light.s New Zealand. I. Position: Bean Rocks Lighthouse: Lat., 36° 50' S.; long., Kind of Vegetable and Months 174° 50' E. (approx.). during which Prices apply. Maximum Wholesale I Maximum Details : The black lighted buoy and the black unlighted buoy Retail Price Price per per Pound. in positions 274° 5·7 cables and 270° 6·1 cables from the lighthouse Hundredweight. \ have been withdrawn permanently. 2. A red buoy exhibiting an occulting white light every 4 seconds, eclipse 2 seconds, has been established in a position 271 ° Silver Beet s. d. s. d. 7·7 cables from the lighthouse and replaces the Gate vessel. January-March .. 18 0 0 3! 3;i. 3. The black buoy exhibiting an occulting red light in position April .. 20 0 0 4, 262° 7 cables from the lighthouse has been moved to a position May-June 22 0 0 4 255° 4,350 ft. from the lighthouse. July-August 26 0 0 4! 4. The occulting green and the occulting white lights on the September-December 28 0 0 5 ends of the piled fences in positions 277° 7·1 cables and 251° 4·4 cables from the lighthouse have been altered to fixed lights and will Dated at ·wellington, this 24th day of October, 1945. be shifted as the fence is removed. Chart affected: No. 1970. The Seal of the Price Tribunal was affixed hereto in the Piiblications: New Zealand Pilot,, page 168; New Zealand presence of- W. J. HUNTER (Judge), President. Nautical Almanac and Tide-tables, Part I, page 159. [L.S.] H. L. WISE, Member. W. C. SMITH, Secretary. * Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/275, page 1057, (1\1. O.N.S. 96.) t Gazette, 1st February, 1945, Vol. I, page 107.

Notice to Mariners No. 34 of 1945 Price Order No. 454 (Amending Price Order No. 313) (Carrots; Marine Department, Parsnips, Swedes, Cabbages, Pumpkins, K umaras, Silver Beet) Wellington, N.Z., 23rd October, 1945. URSUANT to the powers conferred on it by the Control of NEW ZEALAND.-NoRTI-I IsLAND.-AucKLAND HARBOUR P Prices Emergency Regulations 1939, * the Price Tribunal, Lights established acting with the authority of the Minister of Industries and Commerce, Po.sition: Outer end of shed on new Export Wharf: Lat., doth hereby make the following amending Price Order :- 36° 50' 29" S.; long., 174° 46' 38" E. (approx.). 1. '.rhis Order may be cited as Price Order No. 454, and shall Abridged Description: 3 F.O. be read together with and deemed part of Price Order No. 313t Details : Three fixed orange lights, disposed vertically 6 ft. (hereinafter referred to as the principal Order). apart, the lowest light at an elevation of 39 ft., have been established 2. This Order shall come into force on the 1st day of November, in the above position. 1945. Chart affected: No. 1970. Publication: New Zealand Nautical Almanac and Tide-tables, APPLICATION OF THIS ORDER .Part II, page 202. 3. This Order applies with respect to all spring cabbages which, Anthority: Auckland Harbour Board, 3/10/45. being subject to the principal Order, are sold in the South Island W. C. SMITH, Secretary. (excluding the Nelson and Marlborough Provincial Districts) during (l\'L 4/3137.) the months of November and December, 1945.

MODIFICATION OF PRINCIPAL ORDER WITH RESPECT TO SPRING Unclaimed Lands.-Notice by the Public Trustee under the Public CABBAGES THAT ARE SUBJECT TO THIS ORDER Trust Office Act, 1908 (Part II), and its Amendments 4. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the principal 'l'o the owner of the following land, that is to say : All that parcel Order, the following prices are substituted for the appropriate of land containing 60 acres, more or less, being the southern prices set out in the Schedule to the principal Order for spring portion of Allotment 52, Parish of Waikare, County of Marsden cabbages to which this Order applies. In all other respects the (now Whangarei) : Bounded towards the north by other principal Order and the provisions thereof relating to spring portion of said Allotment 52, 3060 links ; towards the east by cabbages are hereby confirmed. a road 100 links wide, 519 links, 904 links, and 1895 links; towards the south by a line, 100 links; and towards the south­ Maximum I Maximum west and west by the Waitangata River ; and being the whole Wholesale Retail Price Price per ... · per Pound. ·· of the land comprised in an unregistered Crown Grant to Hundredweight. Patrick Walsh, of Newmarket, Farmer. I HEREAS, after due inquiry, the owner of the above-described s. d. s. d. land cannot be found : And whereas the said owner has W From 1st to 30th November, 1945 .. 24 0 0 4f no known agent in New Zealand: From 1st to 31st December, 1945 .. 16 0 0 3 Now, the Public Trustee hereby calls upon such owner, within six months of the date of the publication of this notice in this Gazette, to establish to the satisfaction of the Public Trustee his title Dated at Wellington, this 24th day of October, HJ45. to the said land, and if he fails or neglects so to do the Public Trustee The Seal of the Price Tribunal was affixed hereto in the will exercise as regards the said land the powers and authorities presence of- granted to him in and by· the Public Trust Office Act, 1908 (Part II), W. J. HUNTER (Judge), President. and its amendments. [L.s.J H. L. WISE, Member. Dated this 19th day of October, 1945. * Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1939/275, page 1057, W. G. BAIRD, Public Trustee. t GazeUe, 1st February, 1945, Vol. I, page 107. 1334 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 66

Notice of Adoptions under Part IX of the Native Land Act, 1931 Applicants should appear personally for examination at the District Lands and Survey Office, Christchurch, on Tuesday, 11th Tokerau Native Land Court Office, December, 1945, at 10.30 o'clock a.m., but if any applicant is ui:utble Auckland, 12th October, 1945. to attend he may be examined by any other Land Board or by any T is hereby notified that the ordJrs of adoption as set out in th,-" Commissioner of Crown Lands. I Schedule hereunder have been made by the Na,tive Land Court The ballot will be held immediately upon conclusion of the under the provisions of the Native Land Act, 1931. examination of applicants, and the successful applicant is required J. H. ROBERTSON, Registrar. to pay immediately at conclusion of ballot a deposit comprising the first half-year's rent, broken-period rent, lease fee, and amount of weighting for improvements (if any). Whalcaatu tangohanga Tarnarilci Whangai i raro o Wahi IX o te 'Pitre Whenua Maori, 1931

Tari Kooti Whenua Maori, Tokerau, SCHEDULE Akarana, 12 o Oketopa, 1945. CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT.-TOWN LANDS HE whakaaturanga tenei kia mohiotia ai kua hangaia e te Kooti Whenua Maori i raro i nga tikanga o te Ture ,vhenua Maori; 1931, Amiiri Connty.-Lyndon 8wrvey District.-Subdivision of Sections 8, etahi ota whakamana i te tangohanga o etahi tamariki whangai, e 9, 12, and Part 11, Block I, Hanmer Town8hip whakaaturia nei e te Kupu Apiti i raro nei. Loading for I TE RAPIHANA, Kai-rehita. Fencing and Annual Lot. Area. Ttees (payable Rental. in Cash). SCHEDULE (KUPU APITI) 1

Nama. Nga matua Whangai Tama:dki Whangai A. R. P. £ s. d. £ s. d. (Nu.). (Adopting Parents). (Adopted Children). l 0 0 37·9 2 5 0 4 5 0 2 0 0 37 0 19 0 4 5 0 3 0 0 37·1 0 8 0 4 5 0 1511/K Harriet Tui Eru and Spencer Ronald Cootes. 4 0 0 32·3 Nil 3 1(3 0 Thomas Joseph Eru 5 0 0 32·3 3 16 0 G62/M Andrew Hokai and Wharo Sid Hokai. 6 0 0 32·3 3 16 0 Hokai 7 0 0 32·3 3 16 0 8 0 0 25·3 3 16 0 9 0 0 32 I "5 0 3 16 0 The Sales of Pork Restriction Order 1943, Arnendrnent No. 7 10 0 0 30 l 0 0 3 13 0 11 0 0 30 I 2 6 4 0 0 URSUANT to the Foodstuffs Emergency Regulations 1939,* 12 0 0 35·1 0 12 6 4 10 0 P the Food Controller hereby orders and directs as follows :-:- 13 0 I 0·3 0 12 6 5 0 0 1. This order may be cited as the Sales of Pork Restriction Order 1943, Amendment No. 7, and shall be read together with The fencing on the Scarborough Terrace is not on the actual and deemed part of the Sales of Pork Restriction Order 1943t road boundary and is the property of the outgoing lessee, from (hereinafter referred to as the principal Order). whom it may he purchased. 2. Clause 3 of the principal Order is hereby amended by omitting These sections are situated in the Hanmer Township and are the words" 31st da.y of October, 1945 ", a.nd substitnting the words c~ose to the Post-office and the School. Lots 1 to 10 have frontage " 15th day of December, 1945 ". to Scarborough Terrace and Lots 11 to rn have frontage to Jollies 3. The Sales of Pork Restriction Order 1943, Amendment Pass Road. The sections comprise good building-sites and are in No. 6t, is hereby revoked. close proximity to all the sport and health facilities that Hanmer Dated at Wellington, this 23rd day of October, 1945. offers. This sn bdivision offers some of the few remaining building­ sites in the heart of the township. A. J. COSTELLOE, :Food Controller. * Statutory Regulations 1939, Serial number 1930/14fi, page 662. Term of lease: Twenty-one years, with perpetual right of t Gazette, 13th May, 1943, Vol. II, page 525. renewal at rentals based on fresh valuations under the provisions i Gazette, 28th l\Iarch, 1945, Vol. I, page 356. of the Public Bodies' Leases Act, 1908. A condition of the lease is that buildings to the value of £500 Surplns War Assets for Sale must be erected on each section within twelve months. No person may hold or acquire more than one section for the TENDERS are invited for :- same purpose, but any person who is already the holder of or who acquires at this offering a section for the erection of business premises ROPE, SISAL, TARRED: If in., 2?t in., and 3 in. circumference. thereon may acquire a further section for residential purposes, or CORD, VARIOUS TYPES AND SIZES. vice versa. (Large quantities of both items held at Te Awamutu, Mangaroa, and Weedons.) 8 pecial Conditions PUMP, ELECTRIC, AUTOMATIC PRESSURE: i h.p. Capacity, (1) A sewerage system to embrace all the sections now offered 400 gallons per hour, with tank and switchboard. Held at will be installed by the Crown as soon as possib1e, and lessees will Dunedin. not be permitted to install septic tanks. CIRCULATING-PIPES : Two sets 2 in. diameter and one set I.\. in. (2) Each lessee will be required to pay a proportionate amount diameter. Held at Christchurch. ~ (to be determined by the Crown) of the cost of installing the sewerage DINGHY, 8 FT. Held at Woodbourne. system, such proportionate amount being payable in cash or by Tenders close with the Board's Secretary, Defence Services annual instalments not, exceeding £10. Lessees will have to bear Building, Bunny Street, Wellington (postal a.ddress, Box 5080, the whole cost of connecting their sections with the system. Lambton Quay), at noon on Monday, 5th November, 1945. (3) Each lessee will be required to meet an annual charge Envelopes should be marked "Tender for ...... " Further (to be determined by the Crown or the local body) for the main­ particulars and conditions of tender (except as to the dinghy) are tenance of the sewerage system as soon as it is functioning. available at the Board's offices in Wellington, Auckland (Dilworth (4) The right is reserved to the Crown and the local body Building, Q~een Street), and Christchurch (Old Art Gallery Building, to enter upon the sections and to do all that is necessary for the Durham Street), and also at the office of the District Storekeeper, construction and the ma.intenance of the sewerage system. Public ,vorks Department, Dunedin, and, as to the dinghy, at the Discharged servicemen of the recent war have preference over Board's offices in Wellington and Arthur Street, Blenheim, and the all other app]icants. Public Works Department's Nelson office. Form oflease may be perused and any other particulars required may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. SALVAGED M.T. MATERIAL T. W. PRESTON, The Board announces that a wide range of salvaged M.T; Commissioner of Crown Lands. material is on sale at the Army M.T. Salvage Depot, Paremata. ·(H.0. 9/796; D.O. 3/116.) 0. CONIBEAR, Secretary, ,var Assets Realization Board.


Lands in Canterbury Land District for Lease In Banlcruptcy.-8uprerne Court

District Lands and Survey Office, Christchurch, 23rd October, 1945. OBERT EYNON, of Auroa, Labourer, was adjudged bankrupt OTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned sections·are R on 16th October, 1945. Creditors' meeting will be held at N open for lease under the Hanmer Crown Leases Act., 1928, my office on Monday, the 29th October, 1945, at 11 a.m. as amended by the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1944, and appli­ cations will be received at the District Lands and Survey Office, F. STOOP, Christchurch, up to 4 p.m. on Monday, 3rd December, 1945. Official Assignee, Hawera. OCT. 25] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1335

LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES VIDENCE of the loss of certificates of title, Vol. 54, folio 155, E Vol. 46, folio 258, Vol. 53, folio I (Otago Registry), for Lots 60, OTICE is hereby given that the parcel of land hereinafter 61, and 63, Deposited Plan 203, Township of South Oamaru, being N described will be brought under the provisions of the Land part Section 50, Block IV, Oamaru District, containing 3 roods Transfer Act, 1915, unless caveat be lodged forbidding the same 20·2 perches, in the name of EDWARD JAMES GEEN, of South on or before 26th November, 1945 :- Oamaru, Carter, having been lodged with me together with an application for a new certificate of title in lien thereof, notice is Application No: 8151. JOSEPH SEGAL, of 101 Market hereby given of my intention to issue such new certificate of title Road, One Tree Hill, Auckland, Manufacturer. Part on 9th November, 1945. of Lot 7 of a subdivision of part of Allotments 14 and Dated this 17th day of October, 1945, at the Land Registry 15 of Section 11 of the Suburbs of Auckland, containing Office, Dunedin. 11 ·3 perches. Occupied by applicant. Part Lots I and 2. G. H. SEDDON, District Land Registrar. Plan 31708. Diagrams may be inspected at this office. Dated this 19th day of October, 1945, at the Land Registry Office, Auckland. WM. McBRIDF., ADVERTISEMENTS Deputy District Land Regisitrar. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (6) VIDENCE of the loss of certificate of title, Vol. 234, folio 283 E (Auckland Registry), for Lot 37 on Deposited Plan 8798, OTICE is her~hy given that the name of the undermentioned being part of Allotment 90 of the Parish of Takapuna, in favour of N company has been struck off the Register and the company WALTER DAVID WILSON and EMANUEL JOHN KELLY, dissolved :- both of Auckland, Ironfounders, as tenants in common, having been The Murchison Standard Printing & Publishing Company, lodged with me together with an application for a new certificate Limited. 1920/5. of title in lieu thereof, notice· is hereby given of my intention to Given under my hand at Nelson, this 18th day of October, issue such new certificate of title after fourteen days from 25th 1945. October, 1945. Dated this 19th day of October, 1945, at the Land Registry A. FOWLER, Assistant Registrar of Companies. Office, Auckland. WM. McBRIDE, Deputy District Land Registrar. HA WKE'S BAY ELECTRIC-POWER BOARD RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE VIDENCE of the loss of certificate of title, Vol. 243, folio 163 E (Wellington Registry), for one rood, more or less, being Lot 4 N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in that on Deposited Plan No. 3492, and being part of Suburban Section 280, I behalf by the Electric-power Boards Act, 1925, and the Local Town of Raetihi, in the name of SARAH ANN FELIMORE \VISE, Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, the Hawke's Bay Electric-power Boarlic notice that on the 10th day of October, containing this notice. 1945, I formally and absolutely renounced, relinquished, and Dated this 17th day of October, 1945, at the Land Registry abandoned the use· of my said surname of BECKETT and then assumed Office, Hokitika. and adopted and determined thenceforth on all occasions what­ D. A. YOUNG, District Land Registrar. soever to use and subscribe the name of JENKINS instead of the said name of BECKETT; and I give further notice that by a deed­ poll dated the 10th day of October, 1945, duly executed and attested VIDENCE lrnving been furnished of the loss of certificate of and enrolled in the office of the Supreme Court of New Zealand E title, Vol. 327, folio 230 (Canterbury Registry), for part of at Wellington on the 17th day of October, 1945, I formally and Reserve 951, situate in the Borongh of Waimate, whereof SOPHIA absolutely renounced and abandoned the said surname of BECKET'r DASH, wife of George Dash, of Waimate, Coachbnilder (now and declared that I had assumed and adopted and intended thence­ Garage-proprietor), is the registered proprietor, a.nd of the loss of forth upon all occasions whatsoever to use and subscribe the name certificate of title, Vol. 135, folio 154 (Canterbury Registry), for of JENKINS instead of BECKETT, and so as to be at all times thereafter pa,rt of Lot 70 on Deposited Plan 164, part of Rural Section 4311, called, known, and described by the name of JENKINS exclusively. situate as aforesa,id, whereof HENRY JOHN DASH, of Waimate, Dated this 17th day of October, 1945. Coachbuilder, is the registered proprietor, and of the loss of 302 R. A. JENKINS. certificate of title, Vol. 227, folio 263 (Canterbury Registry), for Lot 30 on Deposited Plan 922, part of Rural Section 2513~ situate as aforesaid, and of the loss of certificate of title, Vol. 227, folio 266 TARANAKI BRICK, TILE, DRAIN, LAND, AND BUILDING (Canterbury Registry), for Lot 28 on Deposited Plan 922, part of COMPANY, LIMITED Rural Section 2513, situate as aforesaid, and of the loss of certificate of title, Vol. 254, folio 242 (Canterbury Registry), for Lot 186 on IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Deposited Plan 352, part of Rural Section 6243, situate in Block XIV, vVaimate Snrvey District, of which three last-mentioned certificates of title the above-mentioned George Dash is the registered pro­ OTICE is hereby given that the final meeting of the Taranaki prietor, together with applications to issue new certificates of title N Brick, Tile, Drain, Land, and Building Company, Limited in lieu thereof, I hereby give notice of my intention to issue such (in liquidation), will be held in the liquidator's office, New Zealand new certificates of title at the ·expiration of fourteen days from Insurance Buildings, Devon Street, New Plymouth, on Tuesday, 25th October, 1945. the 13th November, 1945, at 7.30 p.m. Dated this 23rd day of October, 1945, at the Land Registry Business.-To receive the final report and the accounts on the Office, Christchurch. winding-up by the liquidator. A. L. B. ROSS, District Land Registrar. 304 D. LE C. MORGAN, Liquidator. 1336 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 66


NOW. all men by these presents (which are intended to be OTICE is hereby given that 0. HENRY AND COMPANY K enrolled in the Registry of the Supreme Court of New N (PAPAKURA), LIMITED, has changed its name to REX Zea.land at Napier) that I, the undersigned JEAN MARGARET BREEN, MELLSOP, LIMITED, and that the new name was this day entered of Napier aforesaid, Chemist's Assistant, and now or lately .called on my Register of Companies in place of the former name. JEAN MARGARET SINCLAIR, do hereby, on behalf of myself and issue Dated at Auckland, this 12th day of October, 1945. lawfully begotten, absolutely renounce and abandon the use of 310, L. G. TUCK, Assistant Registrar of Companies. my said name of JEAN MARGARET SINCLAIR and in lieu thereof assume and adopt the name of JEAN·MARGARET BREEN, and for the purpose of evidencing such change of name I hereby declare that DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP I shall at all times hereafter in all actions, suits, and proceedings, as well as in all dealings and transactions, matters, and things what­ soever, and upon all occasions use and subscribe the said name of HE partnership heretofore existing between JANET VERA JEAN MARGARET BREEN as my name in lieu of the said name of T MooRE and ISABELLA ALLEN, carrying on business at 171 JEAN MARGARET SINCLAIR, abandoned as aforesaid; and I there­ Princes Street, Dunedin, under the style of "Belvere Cake Shop," fore hereby expressly authorize and require all persons whomsoever has been dissolved by mutual consent as from 31st July, 1945. at all times to designate, describe, and address me and my issue .The business will be carried on under the same name by ISABELLA by such adopted name of JEAN MARGARET BREEN. ALLEN, In witness whereof I have hereto subscribed my adopted and JANET VERA MOORE. substituted name of Jean Margaret Breen this 1st day of October, 311 ISABELLA ALLEN. 1945. J.M. BREEN. Signed, sealed, and delivered by the above-named Jean · THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Margaret Breen in the presence of-Morris James Morrissey, a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New Zealand. 303 UBSCRIPTIONS.-The subscription is at the rate of S £3 3s. per annum, including postage, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. WOOD AND DUNCALF, LIMITED Single copies of the Gazette as follows:- Ordinary Weekly Gazette : For the first 32 pages, 9d., IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION increasing by 3d. for every subsequent 16 pages or part thereof; postage, ld. In the matter of the Companies Act, 1933, and in the matter Supplementary and Extr.aordinary Gazettes: For the of Woon AND DUNCALF, LIMITED (in Liquidation). first 8 pages, 6d. ; over 8 pages and not exceeding OTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to section 241 of the 32 pages, 9d., increasing by 3d. for every subsequent" N above Act, meetings of members and of creditors of the 16 pages or part thereof; postage, ld. above company will be held at the Farmers' Union Meeting Room, Advertisements are charged at the rate of 6d. per line Gordon Street, Dannevirke, on the 16th day of November, 1945, for the first insertion, and 3d. per line for the second and at the hours of 2 p.m. and 2.15 p.m. respectively, for the purpose any subsequent insertions. of receiving the liquidators' account of the winding-up and any All .advertisements should be written on one side of the explanation thereof. paper, and signatures, &c., should be written in a legibli Dated this 18th day of October, 1945. hand. The number of insertions required must be written acrob..a. ROBERT DOBSON AND CO., Liquidators. the face of the advertisement. Browning Street, Napier. 305 The New Zealand Gazette is published on Thursday evening of each week, and notices for insertion must be received by the Government Printer before 12 o'clock of the DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP day preceding publication.

OTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore sub­ ..1..N sisting between JOSEPH McDONALD, THOMAS McDONALD, and EPORT OF THE COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO JOHN McDONALD, carrying on business at Park Road, Miramar, as R APPRENTICESHIP AND RELA'rED MATTERS Ice-cream Manufacturers, under the firm name of " T. McDonald & Son," has been dissolved as from the 31st day of March, 1945. Just published. Price, 9d.; postage, ld. All accounts against the partnership should be rendered to 2A Park Road, Miramar. Apply GOVERNMENT PRINTER, WELLINGTON. Dated at Wellington, this 12th day of October, 1945. JOSEPH McDONALD. THOMAS McDONALD . STATUTORY REGULATIONS . 306 JOHN McDONALD.

NDER the· Regulations . Act1 1936, statutory regulations U of general legislative force are no longer published NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SURNAME in the New Zealand Gazette, but are supplied under any one or more of the following arrangements:- ELSIE MARGARET HILL, of Ellerslie, Auckland, in the (1) 411 regulations serially as issued (punched for filing) I , Dominion of New Zealand, Spinster, heretofore called and subscription 30s. per annum in advance. known by the name of ELSIE MARGARET w ALLATH, hereby give (2) Annual volume (including index) bound in buckram, notice that on the 1st day of October, 1945, I renounced and 25s. (Volumes for years 1940, 1941, and 1942 are abandoned the use of my said surname of Yv ALLATH and assumed out of print.) in lieu thereof the surname of HILL; and, further, that such change ( 3) Serially as issued and annual bound volume, as jn of name is evidenced by a deed-poll bearing date the 1st day of (1) and (2) above, on combined subscription basis, October, 1945, duly executed by me and attested and enrolled in 42s. per annum in advance. the Registry of the Supreme Court of New Zealand at Auckland (4) Separate regulations as issued. on the 4th day of October, 1945. (5) Loose-leaf binder for filing serial issues, 10s. 6d.; Dated at Auckland, this 5th day of October, 1945. postage free. · 307 ELSIE MARGARET HILL. The price of each regulation is printed thereon,· facili­ tating the purchase of extra copies. Orders on the subscription· basis should be placed now OTAGO CLUB COMPANY, LIMITED with the Govemment Printer, Wellington. Separate copies may be purchased at the Chief Post-offices at Auckland, IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION Christchurch, or Dunedin. OTICE is hereby given that at a special meeting of shareholders N of the Otago Club Company, Limited, held at the company's BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS OF NEW premises at 101 Lower High Street, Dunedin, on the 12th day of ZEALAND October, 1945, the following special resolution was passed:- " That the Otago Club Company, Limited, be wound up voluntarily." By G. HUDSON, F.E.S., F.N.Z.Inst~ 308 w.· A. SAUNDERS, ~ecretary. v.-

CHANGE OF NAME OF COMPANY Comprising 450 pages, including letterpress, index, ttnd sixty-two plates. Bound in half-morocco. OTICE is hereby given that FARM ELECTRIC LIGHTING, LIMITED, Price, £6 8s. per volume. Postage, ls. 2d. extra. N has changed its name to CONSOLIDATED AGENCIES, LIMITED, and that the new name was this day entered on my Register of Companies in· place of the former name. Dated at Auckland, this 8th day of October, 1945. SUPPLEMENT TO ABOVE 309 L. G. TUCK, Assistant Registrar of Companies. Price, £2 2s. per volume. Postage, ls. extra. ·OcT. 25] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1337

LIFE IN NEW ZEALAND Bulletin No. 13.-THE WHARE KOHANGA (The Nest WILD House) and its Lore. By ELSDON BEST. Price: Paper covers, 2s. 6d. (postage, 2d.); cloth covers, 4s. (post­ Manual No. 5 age, 3d.). Part II: Introduced Birds, Frogs, ana. Fishes. Dominion Museum Monographs: A New and Interesting Paper, 4s. 6d. (postage 2d.) ; cloth, 7s. (postagP 3d.). Series. By ELSDON BEST, F.N.Z.Inst., the well-known authority on Maori life, institutions, and customs. No. 1.-SOME ASPECTS OF MAORI MYTH AND 1ST NEW ZEALAND EXPEDITIONARY FORCE, 1914-18 RELIGION. Price, ls. Postage, Id. No. 2.-SPIRITUAL AND MENTAL CONCEPTS OF OLL OF HONOUR published in 1924 by the DEFENCE THE MAORI. Price, ls. Postage, Id. DEPAR'rMENT, giving- No. 3.-ASTRONOMICAL KNUWLEDGE OF THE R MAORI. Price, ls. 6d. Postage, Id. (1) A list of members of the 1st New Zealand Expedi­ No. 4.-MAORI DIVISION OF TIME. Price, ls. tionary Force killed in action, died of wounds Postage, Id. inflicted, of accidents occurring, or disease con­ No. 5.-POLYNESIAN VOYAGES. Price, ls. Post­ tracted while on active service. age, Id. (2) Those who died after discharge from the 1st New No. 6.-THE MAORI SCHOOL OF LEARNING. Zealand Expeditionary Force from wounds inflicted Price, ls. Postage, Id. or disease contracted while on active service up No. 7.-BIBLIOGRAPI-IY OF PRINTED MAORI to to 31st December, 1923. 1900. By HERBERT w. WILLIAMS, M.A. Price, 6s. (3) Those who died from accident occurring or disease Postage, 4d. contracted while training with or attached to the No. 7 A.-SUPP LEMENT TO A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 1st New Zealand Expeditionary Force of New PRINTED MAORI to 1900. By HERBERT W. Zealand. WILLIAMS, M.A. Price, 9d. Postage, Id. Price, 3s. 6d. ; postage free. Apply- GOVERNMENT PRINTER, or CHIEF POSTMASTERS AT AUCKLAND, CHRISTCHURCH, OR DUNEDIN. NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS

SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS Name of Publication. Price IPost­ Jo;y. age.

NEW ZEALAND BOARD 'OF SCIENCE AND ART Statistical Publications- s. d. s. d. New Zealand Official Year-book. Informative and explanatory letterpress on practically every HE following. _are obtainable from the Government branch of the Dominion's activities and progress, T Printer, wemngton, and also from the Chief Post­ with full statistical information and numerous offices at AUCKLAND, CHRISTCHURCH, AND DUNEDIN. diagrams. (1944 edition out of print) All orders must be accompanied by remittance. To .l\font;hly Abstract of Statistics. Latest available 2 6 0 I country cheques add exchange ( 6d.). statistics on numerous subjects, with detailed trade figures, £1 ls. per annum, post free Bulletin No. 1.-NEW ZEALAND BROWN COALS, with Annual Statistical Reports (with introductory Special Reference to their Use in Gas-producers. By H. explanatory letterpress in each case)- RAND, M.A., B.Sc., and vV. 0. R. GILLING, M.A., B.Sc., Population and Buildings (incorporates Migra- 2 6 0 I National Research Scholars, Education Department. tion Report) ( 1943-44) Price, 2s. Postage, 2d. Vital Statistics (1942) 5 0 0 3 Bulletin No. 2.-HISTORY OF THE PORTOBELLO Justice (1941) 2 6 I 0 MARINE FISH-HATCHERY. By the Hon. GEO. M. Trade and Shipping- 'l'HOM:SON, M.L.C., F.L.S., F.N.Z.Inst. Illustrated. Price, Part I (1941). (Out of print) 7s. Gd. Paper cover. Postage, 3d. Part 2 (1941) 3 6 0 2 Agricultural and Pastoral Production ( 1943-44) 2 6 0 I Manual No. 2.-WILD LIFE IN NEW ZEALAND. Part I: Factory Production (1941-42). (Out of print) .. Mammalia. By the Hon. GEO. M. THOMSON, M.L.C., Local Government. (See Local Authorities' F.L.S., F.N.Z.Inst. Illustrated. Price: Paper, 3s; Handbook.) cloth, 5s. Postage, 2d. each. Parts I and II in one Insurance (1942) 2 0 0 I volume: Paper, 7s. Gd. (postage, 3d. extra); cloth, Miscellaneous-Prices, &c. ( 1941) 10s. Gd. (postage, 7d. extra). 5 0 0 2 Pocket Compendium of New Zealand Statistics, I 0 0 I Manual No. 5.-WILD LIFE IN NEW ZEALAND. Part II: 1945 issue. (This is a condensed vest-pocket Introduced Birds and Fishes. Paper, 4s. 6d. (postage, edition of the New Zealand Official Year-book) 2d.) ; cloth, 7s. (postage, 3d.). Reports of the Census- Manual No. G.-PLACE NAMES OF BANKS PENINSULA. 1926- By J. c. ANDERSEN. Cloth, 13s. Gd. Postage, 4d. Vol. III: Ages 2 0 0 2 Yol. IV: Conjugal Condition 2 6 0 2 Manual No. 7.-BRACHIOPOD MORPHOLOGY. By the Vol. V: Orphan Children and Dependent 2 0 0 2 late Dr. J. A. 'l'HioMs.oN. Cloth, 17s. Postage, 7d. Children THE NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND Vol. VI: Race Aliens .. 2 0 0 2 'J'EGHNOLOGY. Vols. I, II, III, and IV, 6s. per vol.; Vol. VII: Native-born and Foreign-born .. 2 0 0 2 Vols. V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, Vol. VIII: Religious Professions 2 0 0 2 XV, XVI, and XVII, 10s. per vol. Vols. XVIII, XIX, Vol. IX: Industrial and Occupational Dis­ XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV, and XXVI, tribution. ( Out of print) 15s. per vol. Vol. XXVII now appearing. Twelve issues Vol. X: Unemployment from Sickness and 2 0 0 2 per annum. Annual subscription:, 15s., post free; single other Causes copies, 2s.; postage, 2d. Vol. XI: Incomes 3 6 0 2 Vol. XII: Families and Households 2 0 0 2 DOMINION MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS Vol. XIII: Dwellings 3 0 0 2 XIV: Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 (out of print). Vol. Maori and Half-caste Population 3 0 0 3 Vol. XV: Public Libraries and Places of Bulletin No. 5.-MAORI STOREHOUSES AND KINDRED Worship. (Out of print) STRUCTURES: Houses, Platforms, Racks, and Pits Vol. XVII: General Report 5 0 0 3 used :for storing Food, &c. By ELSDON BEST. 1916. 1936- 108 pages, 46 illustrations. Price, 10s. _6d. Postage, 3d. Vol. I : Increase and Location of Popula­ 4 6 0 2 Bulletin No. G.-THE PA MAORI. Price, 22s. 6d. Postage, tion 7d. Vol. II : Dependencies I 6 0 I Vol. III : Maori Census 3 0 0 I Bulletin No. 7.-_THE MAORI CANOE. Price, 15s. Postage, Vol. IV : Ages and Marital Status 7d. 4 0 0 2 Vol. V : Orphan Children and Dependent 2 6 0 I Bulletin No. 8.-GAMES, EXERCISES, AND PAS TIMES Children OF THE MAORI. Price, 17s. 6d. Postage; 7d. Vol. VI : Religious Professions 2 6 0 Bulletin No. 9.-THE MAORI SYSTEM OF AGRICUL­ Vol. VIII : Duration of Residence of Over- 2 6 0 TURE. _Price, 12s. 6d. Postage, 7d. seas-born Appendix A : Poultry I 6 Bulletin No. 10.-MAORI MYTHOLOGY AND RELIGION. 0 I Appendix B : War Service I G 0 I An account of the cosmogony, anthropogeny, mythology, Appendix C: Census of Libraries I 6 religious beliefs, and practices of our Native folk. By 0 l Life Tables I 6 0 I ELSD

ZEALAND .JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND REPORT OF THE ECONOMIC COMMITTEE, 1932 · TECHNOLOGY IN PAMPHLET FoRM SUBSCRIPTION, 15s. PER ANNUM (2 VOLS.) 75 pages and cover (POST FREE) Price, 9d. Postage, 2d. Agricultural Section: Section A 10s. per annum. General Section : Section B .• 10s. per annum. NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIQNS


UMMARY of White Paper issued in the United Kingdom S on 18th May, 1945. GOLD-MINES OF T!1E HAURAKI DISTRICT . By J. F. DOWNEY PAMPHLET--ROYAL 8vo SIZE Price, 10s. Postage, 7d Containing particulars of certain awards and quali:fica· tions for them. Price, 6d. Postage, ld. CONTENTS PA.GE AD'° ERTISE.MENTS 1335 GREEMENT BETWEEN AUSTRALIA AND NEW APPOINTMENTS, E'I'0, 1320 A ZEALAND MADE AT CANBERRA ON THE 21ST liANKRUPTOY NOTICE 1334 JANUARY, 1944 CROWN LANDS NOTICE •• 1334 DEFENCE N01'I0ES 1313 PAMPHLET--RoYAL 8vo SIZE LAND- Containing Agreement as signed by the two Governments. Borough, Certain Lands recfaimed from t,he Sea included in 1312 Boundaries altered . . . . 1310 Price, 6d. Postage, ld. Crown Land; Declaring a Portion of Railway Land to be 1307 Also available at post-offices .at AUCKLAND, CHRISTCHURCH, Housing Act, Crown Land set apart for the Purposes of and DUNEDIN. Part I of the . . 1308 Housing Purposes, Taken for . 1307 Public Road, Proclaiming a Road-line laid out to be 1308 LIFE IN NEW ZEALAND Reserve, Authorizing the Exchange of a 1309 WILD Reserves, Changing the Purpose of 1309 ILLUSTRATED Road closed 1309 Manual No. 2 Road, Consenting to Stopping Portion of 1311 Road, Revoking Part of a Proclamation defining Middle- Part !.-Mammalia line of 1308 Scenic Drive, Taken for the Purpose of Preserving the By the Hon. GEO. M. THOMSON, M.L.C., F.L.S., F.N.Z.Inst. Scenic Attractions of . . . . 1307 Servicemen's Settlement and Land Sales Act, Notice Price: Part I, paper, 3s., cloth, 5s.; postage, 2d. extra. declaring Land taken under .. 1327 Part II, Introduced Birds. Frogs, and Fishes, cloth, 7s., Street, Portion of, exempted from the Provisions of paper, 4s. 6d. Parts I and II in .one volume, paper, 7s. 6d. Section 128 of the Public Works Act, 1928 r 1311 ( postage 3d. extra) . Street proclaimed and closed 1308 Streets, Authorizing the Laying-off of.. 1311 LAND TRANSFER AoT N O'l'ICES 1335 NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS 1\1:rsoELLANEOUS- Domain Boards appointed 1309 Essential Pndertakings, Amendments to Declarations of 1328 EW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS are now also Fire Boards, Result of Election of Member of . . 1320 N available at Chief Post-offices at Government Railways : Alteration to Scale of Charges . . 1321 AUCKLAND, CHRISTCHURCH, AND DUNEDIN. Harbours Act, Licenses granted under 1312 Honours and Awards approved by His Majesty the King 1320 Industrial Efficiency Act, Notice to Person8 affected by ANDBOOK OF EMERGENCY LEGISLATION, Applications for Licenses under . . 1328 H 1940-41 Meteorological Returns for September, 1945 .. 1329 To 31st August, 1941. Motor-drivers Regulations, .ApprovF~l of Testing Officers under - . . 1327 INCLUDES legislation issued under the Public Safety Con­ Native Land Act, Notice of Adoptions un¢ler . . 1334 servation Act, 1932, and the Emt-rgency Regulations Act, Na~ive.Land Court, Sitting of th~ 1328 1939, as well as the Acts the~selves. Price Order Nos. 453-454 (Carrots, Parsnips, Swedes, &c.) 1333 Public Service, Declaration by the Public Service Com- Volume I, 1939: 3s. 6d. Postage, 4d. extra. missioner fixing Time for the Regrading of the 1328 Volume II, 1939-40: 6s. Postage, 6d. extra. Public Trust Notices 1333 Volume III, 1940-41: 5s. Postage, 4d. extra. Rating Act : ExtPnding Time for taking certain Steps in Volume IV (Selection of Consolidated Reprints to 31st Connection with Valuation List . . 1312 .January, 1942): 5s. Postage, 4d. extra. Regulations under the Naval Defence Act amended 1312 Volume V (to 15th June, 1942): 7s. 6d.. Postage, 8d. Regulations under the Regulations Act 1328 Reserve Bank of New Zealand- Bank Returns (Supplementary) . . 1331 LOCAL AUTHORITIES HANDBOOK Monthly S,tatement of Trading Banks 1331 Weekly Statement of Assets a,nd Liabilities 1330 No. 18, 1941-42 Sales of Pork Restriction Order 1943, Amendment No. 7 1334 Sales Tax Act, Licenses issued to Manufacturing Retailers under .. 1332 Price, 7 s. 6d. Postage, 5d. Scenic Board, Member appointed to . . , . . 1313 Statutory Decla.rations, Officers authorized to take and receive . . 1313 TONGARIRO NATIONAL PARK Transmitting and Receiving Officers for the Service of Notices by Telegraph . . . . 1320 BY JAMES COWAN, F.R.G.S. Transport Legislation Emergency Regulations, Exemption HIS publication contains 156 pages of letterpress, together Order under . . 1327 T with 39 full-page illustrations, and gives an account War Assets Realization Board: Surplus War Assets for of its Topography, Geology, Alpine, and Volcanic Features, Sale . . 1334 History and Maori Folk-lore. SmPPING- Price: 3s. 6d., plus 4d. postage. N otices to Mariners 1333

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