LIGO Magazine, Issue 3, 9/2013
LIGO Scientific Collaboration Scientific LIGO issue 3 9/2013 LIGO MAGAZINE squeezed light from inspiration to application Squeezing at the Australian National University A brief history p. 6 LIGO H1 Squeezing Technology p. 12 ... and more! Title image The title page shows a photo by JD Hancock called `Neon Wavelength’. Upcoming Events (compiled by the editors) Waves and Particles: Multi-Messengers Gravitational-Wave Physics and Astro- 10th International LISA Symposium from the Universe, Annual Meeting of the nomy Workshop (formerly the Gravita- (LISA Symposium X) German Astronomical Society (150 Years tional Wave Data Analysis Workshop) 18-23 May 2014, Gainesville, Florida of the German Astronomical Society) 17-20 December 2013, Pune, India 24-27 September 2013, Tübingen (Germany) Gravitational-Wave Advanced Detector 27th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Workshop 2014 Astrophysics GWADW 2014, 25-30 May 2014, Frontiers in Optics: 8-13 December 2013, Dallas, TX Takayama, Japan The 97th OSA Annual Meeting and Exhibit/Laser Science XXIX 223rd American Astronomical Society 11th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on 6-10 October 2013, meeting Gravitational Waves Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek, 5-9 January 2014, Washington, DC Gwangju, Korea, Summer 2015 Orlando, Florida, USA APS March Meeting 2014 A public web page with a calendar and list 3-7 March 2014, Denver, CO of upcoming conferences and meetings 28th Annual Meeting of the American that may be of interest to members of the Society for Precision Engineering LSC is now available in 20-25 October 2013, APS April Meeting 2014 Crowne Plaza St.
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