List of Participants in the 1st Trilateral Meeting among the ICAPP Standing Committee, COPPPAL Coordinating Body and the CAPP Executive Committee (Jakarta, Indonesia, April 22-24, 2016)

As of April 22, 2016

I. ICAPP (International Conference of Asian Political Parties) Standing Committee

● Azerbaijan, Republic of (1) - Hon. Dr. Malahat Ibrahimqizi, Vice Chairperson of the ICAPP Women’s Wing and Member of Parliament, New Azerbaijan Party

, Kingdom of (10) - Hon. Sok An, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister in charge of the Office of the Council of Ministers, and Member of the Standing Committee of the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) - Hon. Tansri Chen Lip Keong, Co-Chairman (ICAPP) of the ICAPP-COPPPAL Business Council (ICBC) and Advisor to the Royal Government of Cambodia - Hon. Suos Yara, Member of Parliament and Vice-Chairman of International Relations Department, CPP - Hon. Sok Sokan, Member of Parliament, CPP - Hon. Tekreth Samrach, Secretary of State, Office of the Council of Ministers, CPP - Mr. Sim Saravuth, Assistant to Hon. Tansri Chen Lip Keong - Mr. Soeng Reth, Advisor to Hon. Sok An, CPP - Mr. Kong Chanveasna, Director of International Relations Department, Office of the Council of Ministers, CPP - Mr. Dim Sovannarom, Assistant tttached to the Office of the Council of Ministers - Mr. Sun Ly, Assistant to Hon. Sok An, CPP

● China, People’s Republic of (6) - Hon. Chen Fengxiang, Vice Minister of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (IDCPC) - Mr. Zhang Xuyi, Deputy Director-General, 1st Bureau, IDCPC - Ms. Jia Peng, Deputy Director, 1st Bureau, IDCPC - Mr. Liu Dongxiao, Third Secretary, General Office, IDCPC - Ms.Ruan Rui, Third Secretary, 1st Bureau, IDCPC - Ms. Jin Yan, Assistant Secretary, 1st Bureau, IDCPC

● India, Republic of (2) - Hon. Vijay Jolly, Member of Parliament, Senior Leader and Global Convenor of BJP Overseas Affairs, Indian People’s Party (BJP: Bharatiya Janata Party) - Ms. Herwin (Sonia) Kaur, Co-Covenor, OFBJP Indonesia, BJP

● Indonesia, Republic of (11) - Hon. Andreas Pareira, Member of Parliament, Chairperson in charge of Human Development and Culture, Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) - Hon. Hanjaya Setiawan, Secretary of Government Affairs Department/Deputy Executive Director in the Office HQ for Government, Media, and Foreign Affairs. - Hon. Evita Nursanti, Member of Parliament -Hon. Diah Pitaloka, Head of Community Department, Central Board of PDI-P, Member of Parliament - Hon. Marinus Gea, Member of Winning Election Body-Central Board of PDI-P, Member of Parliament - Hon. Theo L. Sambuaga, Vice General Chairman of the Party of Functional Groups (GOLKAR) - Amb. Iris Indira Murti, Head of International Relation Central Board of Golkar Party - Hon. Hetifah Sjaifudian, Vice General Secretary of Division of Community Outreach Central Board of Golkar Party, Member of Parliament - Hon. Soeharsojo, Head of Division of Infrastructure and Transportation, Central Board of Golkar Party - Mr. Rene Manembu, Vice Secretary General of Division of Energy and Natural Resources Central Board of Golkar Party - Mrs. Emmalia Natar, Department of International Relation, Central Board of Golkar Party

● Iran, Islamic Republic of (2) - Hon. Hassan Ghafoori Fard, Former Vice President of Iran, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Iran House of Political Parties, and Member of the Central Committee of the Islamic Motalefeh Party - Mr. Mahdi Soli, Deputy Chairman of the Center for International Affairs, the Islamic Motalefeh Party

● Korea, Republic of (6) - Hon. Hwang Jin-ha, President of the ICAPP Parliamentarians’ Union in the Korean National Assembly, and Secretary General of Saenuri (New Frontier) Party - Hon. Dr. Park In-sook, Vice Chairperson of the ICAPP Women’s Wing, Member of the Natioonal Assembly, Saenuri Party - Mr. Park Jin-ho, Director of ICAPP Parliamentarians’ Union National Assembly, Saenuri Party - Hon. Baek Kun-ki, Member of the National Assembly, The Minjoo (Democracy) Party - Hon. Lee Chan-yeol, Member of the National Assembly, The Minjoo Party - Hon. Dr. Kim Choon-jin, Chairman of the Committee on Health and Welfare of the National Assembly, The Minjoo Party

● Lebanese Republic (1) - Hon. Fadi Fawaz, Advisor for Development Affairs to Hon. Saad Hariri, Former Prime Minister and Chairman of Future Movement Party

● Malaysia, Federation of (6) - Hon. Dato Seri Shahidan Bin Kassim, Chairman of the ICAPP Youth Wing, Chairman of ICAPP Program for Disaster Assistance (IPDA), Minister in the Prime Minister Department, and Member of the Supreme Council, United Malays National Organization (UMNO) - Mr. Syed Atif Bin Syed Abu Bakar, Press Secretary to Hon Dato Seri Shahidan Bin Kassim, UMNO Youth Wing - Hon. Dato Irmohizam Ibrahim, Member of Parliament, and Member of the Supreme Council, UMNO - Hon. Mrs. Zahida Zarik Khan, Vice President of Young Women’s Wing and Member of the Supreme Council, UMNO - Hon. Dato Raja Ropiaah Raja Abdullah, President of IPDA Malaysia, UMNO - Ms. Wan Zawiyah Wan Halim, Special Officer to Hon. Dato Seri Shahidan Kassim, and Secretary of IPDA Malaysia, UMNO

● Mongolian People’s Republic (1) - Hon. Davaasuren Damdinsuren, Head of Political Affairs and Party Organization Department, Mongolian People’s Party

● Myanmar, Republic of the Union of (2) - Hon. Khin Yi, Member of the Central Executive Committee and Chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee, Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP), - Mr. Than Tun, Central Secretary of USDP

● Nepal, Federal Democratic Republic of (5) - Hon. Jhalanath Khanal, Member of Parliament, Former Prime Minister and Senior Leader of the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN-UML) - Mr. Yogendra Shahi, Assistant to Hon. Jhalanath Khanal, CPN-UML - Mr. Dilli Raj Paudel, (title to be informed), CPN-UML - Hon. Sujata Koirala, Co-Chairperson of the ICAPP Women’s Wing, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Member of Parliament, and Head of International Department of the Nepali Congress Party - Mr. Ghana Shyam Panday, Regional Representative of Nawalparasi District, Nepali Congress Party

● Pakistan, Islamic Republic of (2) - Hon. Nuzhat Sadiq, Vice Chairperson of the ICAPP Women’s Wing and Chairperson of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) - Hon. Mushahid Hussain Sayed, Special Rapporteur of the ICAPP Standing Committee and Chairman of the Senate Committee on Defense, and Secretary-General of the Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid-i-Azam (PML-Q)

● Philippines, Republic of (2) - Hon. Jose De Venecia, Jr., Chairman of the ICAPP Standing Committee, Former Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Former President of the Lakas-CMD Party - Mr. Aldwin Requejo, Assistant to Hon. Jose de Venecia

● Russian Federation (1) - Hon. Dr. Andrey A. Klimov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs, the Council of Federation (Senate), and Advisor to the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the United Russia Party

● Thailand, Kingdom of (2) - Hon. Dr. Nalinee Taveesin, Former Trade Representative and Former Minister Attached to Prime Minister’s Office, Pheu Thai Party - Hon. Prakob Chirakiti, Former Member of Parliament, Democrat Party

● Turkey, Republic of (3) - Hon. Burhan Kayaturk, Member of Parliament, Member of Turkey-EU Joint Parliamentary Committee, and Head of Turkish Delegation of APA, Justice and Development Party (AK Parti) - Hon. Meryem Goka, Co-Chairperson of the ICAPP Women’s Wing and Vice Chairperson in Charge of Foreign Affairs for Women’s Branch, AK Parti - Hon. Canan Kalsin, Vice Chairperson in charge of Women’s Branch of Political and Legal Affairs, AK Parti

● Vietnam, Socialist Republic of (4) - Hon. Tran Dac Loi, Vice Chairman for External Relations of the Central Committee, Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) - Mr. Nguyen Manh Cuong, Director of the General Department, Commission for External Relations, CPV - Ms. Man Huyen Sam, Assistant of the Director General of the Southeast Asia of South Pacific Department, Commission for External Relations, CPV - Ms. Do Lien Huong, Expert of the General Department, Commission for External Relations, CPV

● ICAPP Secretariat (3) - Hon. Chung Eui-yong, Co-Chairman of the ICAPP Standing Committee and Secretary General, (Former Chairman of Foreign Relations Committee of the United Democratic Party, Republic of Korea) - Mr. Suh Won-duk, Program Officer - Ms. Ra Su-jin, Assistant to Secretary General

II. COPPPAL (Permanent Conference of Political Parties in Latin America and the Caribbean) Coordinating Body

● Argentine Republic (1) - Hon. Francisco Cafiero, Vice Chairman of COPPPAL and Vice President for San Isidro District of the Justicialist Party (Partido Justicialista)

III. CAPP (Council of African Political Parties) Executive Committee

● Comoros, Union of the (1) - Hon. Mbae Toihir Youssouf, Chairperson of External Relations, CRAN

● Eritrea, the State of (1) - Hon. Yusuf Saik, Member of Executive Office, People’s Front for Democracy and Justice

● Kenya, Republic of (5) - Hon. George Onyango Oloo, Secretary General, The National Alliance (TNA) Party - Hon. Ms. Deborah Caroline Achieng, Party Women Representative, TNA - Mr. Joseph Mathai, Executive Director, TNA - Hon. Charles Waithaka, Deputy Secretary General, TNA - Mr. Oduor Ong’wen, Executive Director, Orange Democratic Movement (ODM)

● Libya (1) - Hon. Khalid Bakkar, Chairman of Central Committee, National Forces Alliance (NFA)

● Madagascar, Republic of (1) - Hon. Monja Roindefo Zafitsimivalo, Former Prime Minister and President of Madagascar for the Malagasy (MONIMA)

● Morocco, Kingdom of (1) - Hon. Nabil Cheikhi, Head of the Parliamentary Group in the Senate, Member of the General Secretariat of Party, Justice and Development Party (PJD)

● Somalia, Federal Republic of (1) - Hon. Ahmed Moallin Fiqi, Secretary General, Daljir Party

● Sudan, Republic of (3) - Hon. Amira Alfadil, Chairperson of Foreign Affairs Committee, National Congress Party (NCP) - Hon. Eng. Khalid Mustafa Mohamed Hassan, Director of International Organisations Directorate, NCP - Hon. Ahmed Saad Omer, The Minister of the Cabinet Affairs, Union Democratic Party (UDP)

● Tunisian Republic (1) - Hon. Ben Mohamed Lazhar, Secretary in charge of External Relations with Africa, Ennahdha Party

● Zimbabwe, Republic of (2) - Hon. Dr. I.M.C. Chombo, Minister of Home Affairs, and Secretary for Administration of Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front (ZANU PF) - Hon. T.A. Mathuthu, Deputy Minister of Information and Publicity, and Secretary for Gender and Culture, ZANU PF

● CAPP Secretariat (3) - Hon. Dr. Nafie Ali Nafie, Secretary General, Council of African Political Parties (CAPP) - Mr. Eltigani Fidail, Assistant Secretary General of CAPP - Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Elhaj, Personal Assistant to Secretary General of CAPP

IV. Observers

● ECR (European Conservatives and Reformists Group) (4) - Hon. Ms. Helga Stevens, Member of the European Parliament, and Vice Chairperson of the ECR - Ms. Caroline Frances Healy, Assistant to Hon. Ms. Helga Stevens - Ms. Helsa Borinstein, Sign Language Interpreter - Ms. Cynthia Cave, Sign Language Interpreter

● CALD (Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats) (1) - Hon. Mardi Seng, Senate of Cambodia, Cambodian National Rescue Party

● The World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought (WFPIST)* (1) - Hon. Abdollah Sohrabi, Deputy of Social Affairs

Footnote (*) - It was agreed, at the 22nd SC Meeting held in Vladivostok in May 2014, to invite the WFPIST based in Tehran to some of the relevant activities of the ICAPP in the future as an observer.