i <£ Yankeej5 Lose & Golf *& Chcess Giants Lose to Phillies a* \Brooklyn Triumphs Over^-Boston Wolter Johnson Falls Race GHUt W1NS ON W PHILLIES MAKE FREE ~ mm IAKE HEART I in Big Leagues WNIY-FIFTH in Battle with Collins VATIONAI. UttfltOTl OAMES TO-D-.Y. GREEN >ew Vork at f'hlladelphla. I Boaton at Itr*>okl> "I. « hl* afjo al rittahiir-rh. St. I oul*. at I inrlnnatl. Contest with Purcell Too Great Washington Pitcher's Winning Victory Small Credit to Ath- nrst i.t** of QAMSfl vkstfkday. in First rhlla.lel|»liifl, 7; Nexr Vork, 2. a Strain and He Is Beaten Magee Leads Team to Victory Honors Go to Brooklyn Streak Comes to an End. letics, Who Show Little of Brooklyn. B| Boaton, I, Skirmish of Battle for NATtONAI. UtAOVB STANOING. by Patterson. Fraught with Much Oldtime Form. ar. i.. p.< iv. i rr Neir *iork.|-l'* 37 .««-> Brooklyn. *>! M ttlt Heavy Hitting. Fifth Place. RED SOX TURN THE TRICK rhiia. 68 43 .«-*»¦ Boaton. .M M .131 ThlniKo «.*» v*» 343 Clarlaaatl 40 7*> jail St. I»ula. II 77 .304 IN WIELD BAT WELL, HOWEVER Plttab'rKh.li.'l .*»4 JM GOOD GOLF MATCHES FIELDING OF HIGH ORDER Great Twirler AJlows Only \MK.KKA\ l.KAt.lT li\MKS TO-DAV. CRANDALL POUNDED, TOO I-hlludelphlu al Kew \ork. but Loses in 4 levlan.l at Bt. lonla. Annual Tourney of New York Three Hits, Warhop Hammered to All Parts ITaaMagtea at nottnn. *» K-.TKKBAV. Club on Van on Alien Lasts Two the Eleventh Frame. BBBtTLTC or QAMBB Cortlandt Clever Work in Field Both Only Innings, of Field in Last Frame. 0; Nex«- V.irk. 3. riilladelphiu. 0. Park Links but Rucker Comes to Walter .lohnson's ll..«tni. I; Waahlngton, Nears Sides Keeps Down the Nap Hoston. AUg II Bender Not Such STAMMNfl.. .aecond attempt of the preaenl season AMKKH \N I.KAfl.lK Its Close. Turns Back .. Score.Seaton in Rescue and for a Puzzle. w. * v< t.> set up a nee pltchers' record euc- Phlla Hl 18 «7*> Boaton.. M .'>'»b Mtm_i Form. Visitors with Skill. ceealve vlctotiea falled to-.iay when (le»eland 7'! If» ..-,«'.*. Betr.»lt.. M 71 .«tt It was a great day for those who foi. Top TbaTanhaaa eelebrated thelr return from I.oill". 4>1 78 .381 Boeton won an aleven-lnnlng conteel **,BalVton..rk. 10 77 .31'" [Bf TeU cr iph to Tba Trlbtme.] Th** guperbaa rec.vered rapldly a acore of I to 8. on<» of the dtaaetroua Chlcaga. petltors in the annual tournament of the Boa¬ from Waahlngton by down the tb* CMcmao invaBion And wtth the i-'or ten Johnaon of ln tha- of the elub by going I>TFKN \TIOXA1. I.EAt.l K. New York Uolf ' band arhaa BWAVVtt Of OAMBB U>TKRI)AV. cculd di.-i'^e "i Walt.r F. PuReU, a the Interrupted, tO make ;i Mud) a' clin hed when Ol Th** appearance of Bill Dahlen on oa ei short Polo OrOUBdS, earjet Korheafer. *>: I'roxldenre. I. c'ubrn;ite. Then QouM fell before WUllara ferkea a hll in all iraln.. his well hnown sk;ii aa a reecue artlat aftrr a thre< daya' auapen* rangl ot the team whk h pr"b- .Nexxark i< Buffalo n. iti lha eleventh frame Verkei atam« Baltimore \x. Toronto (ralnl. I>. Pattersea. of the gcottien Anv-rican.; . .ieed*» W||| [....t tn. Otaata for tho ham- "While some Bve * six th u.-and Blon, waa an Ineantlve t'1 vaJoroua med the aecond ofl Johnson into ST IMIIM, OF TKAMS by 3 uj> and 2 to play. Btaatlc "fans" sat in the blea Ita acholarly rlvala of of the world in October. They are Brooklyn robbed centrefleld: Mllan fumMed, Moetler trot plonahlp although ar. i.. im <*.. i.r.r. Kxtra hole matrhes fre-juent ort eheered themaelvea hoarae, tha tr:'- .. ln Btyle wera noi deeply Impreeeed. for *>fontreB| fll BS .40* y runa hy fteldlng auperb in the waj of his recovery an.i the 9 Nennrk Bl 4.3 .flflO metropollnni links, but thoso whVh ar* n out a well won vlctory th- were th. Athletlca non bendlly by a ¦ ore ot Ito. heal-r.;:, *.'! .'.', Toronto. flfll «8 .47't pnuided Five tlmea Boatonlana runner n*aa aafa on third Wegner'a fll ..V.'ll. l»ro\l.len'e V> 71 .4:'o oarried aeven ho!»-.-< beyond the limit ara bv t; score were t. far below ehamplonehlp B.ltlm'.reflfl over the Olanta and thwarted by playi arhlch In l'erkea being put | they played Bufful fi.3 r..* Bl I ler > fl* Ity. I« 8.' 3.V» rnre, indeed. It looked at the start ai lf Infleld hll reaulted a more of T to : here thla afternoon That the \. ! *>ith m laual an aatoundlng callbre. Asalnat enterprlslng ute OUl Bl Ine plat* bul BOl untll Wapti'i havi been I pvrcall would be too much for hli oppo. s ore did nol reacb doubl. r the Tha one dual kllllnl a t.am Ifaek'a aaen mlffhi well fa.-t that had reai hed ae. ond w Ith Blll Carrl- had ehance afta r.ent. for, desplte the they *-.-«r» vlctora waa due l th.- laei lhal ful .... M.f.,. i>¦ Btalllnaa defeated. The rankeea | ,|.. md* orge nt bai Johneon aped over threa all BQliare at the fltiish of the flfth, Pu*-' per cent of their hardeat drlvea went Be*rand Innlna. ajan thaaca lo Bccompltab rreat deada Th- tha moat eame In the balls for a < niiiit of two strlken nnd w AI.Tl.K JOHN80N. cell «on the ntxt three ln a row BM straight at a araltll % and were on th** baga, Ivlaltora their alxteenth rfctary There were three Brave« one ball. when I'arrlpaji met the fourth regtatered th reached tha turn I up Then a Mreak of converted Into OUta ..Six al tha plate, atrl ona ln the sexenteen gamea ptayed between COLT HDLDS Foot" BROOKLYN the next to Myera offerli r aejuerel) for a clean hit between poor puttlnR- eaat him three, Had it nnt beafl for th.- preeeoce of one *->ut oul a hard hnund**r. mon nn the baaaa. The senator*. pnahad cluba thia aaaaon Myera rapped left ,rui centrefleld, and Wagner raced hut on ruh- that when the match araa taken to tba Sherwood Nottinsham Masea the Otanta boa an-l lonk<*d in, n tn third baaa ln 'hree Innlnc*. Cherlee Aih.rt Bender eraa th*» urhlch flew thro igh the home xxith the wlnnlng wlthout to hi'.: tha contestants were mlirht have bei n ab> to mf.ke aome dl raead over aa ea.-li tlme C*oHlna held them b> r for the vlsltnrs. enjoying hlmaelf like a hit. hut Bob Flaher Ip to to-da.- the leaptie's la-admer Ea< h took one of thfl next two pree of boadway. The broad ahouMered aecond and ¦cora Wagner and Terkea aupportai tha utmoat The Tankeea cut into bta y holei> all waa ateamlni paat pitcher had twlrled WaehlnBtOB te four- a.id h arhlch was followed by no leaa than ten; puardian of tiie .ortside parden. however, a neat him brilliantly offerlngs for ten a\ anking hlta, raked it up oul of th<* aoil. IClth te.n de« be a record in conaecutlve vlctorlea wlthoul *., lss-uing halv*.--*. daimed to ltaelf.1 waa a host in hlmaell for the Phllllea and he th*> hall to The .r«- followa: Iadded to hia own tributatlona by rhand throw flipped feet, lepinnlnp on June :7 when Wash- WASMIN'.r<'v.-. balla. A BfUd lt minht have been Gould's mat' h on thr* accounted for no fewer than flva t.i who it t.> Dauberl and ¦,. IgTON half a drntrn h.-.aes on Cutahaw, toaaed Infton ahul oul Philadelphla I te i ibrtl [ o »«> at.r h roa«* him. In eiKhteenth j-re'-n had he been able to na1 Wlth a crashinp drlve into the rf 40 o oi Moell*r, rf., tit'h alao araa charged agalnel Aitchison Already Balky and i. tlri 1 the Blde, This stand.-- as the t.earu** Hoooer. '* It AmerlCBfl -\*\ As hla Wt field bleachera, with tWO on baso.c. in y a], H. i*fiH Fo ter. II ° ' * L V of all this II xxas BOl until th- Ath- down a olx-foot put. waa, try in Dahlen'-. lu<*k ' *' aplte No ehanga waa notked record for thi* season, but 11 two patn^a I "'' Mllan ¦¦' 1 "1 on tho At the fourth e*<*ra hola the first inning. Vnpee placed the guaker Ih IJJt "1 1- letbs elemental, chlldlah baaeball Wants Bigger Increase lip in telecting hla pltcher. Th<* first man BhOrl Of the mark set last e'nsnn by 100 1 If dli played whlch team in ol a lead which ,,. 1 :l M*>ri <*.. the lo .vai.** a Gould's deadly approfltcch, gaveMa poaeeeslon **.eek h;is been 100 '. J JJ.*n il ti renkeea managed x rhoaen avery day thla th» ef x . , II . 2 in they never rellnuuished, and a' BUbae- and Joe Wood, latter flhanki.. thutout Salary. a 3, waa dui llceted by Purcell. EBch man forced to aeek cover Prank Allen'a lol in quer.* BmBShed out doubles that 'Inn in thal frame b beea on balla- twe Altchlaon, the atar twir)i»r of the New- v gg under par figur< i fJkwild uot away a yeaterday waa like th-it of thi othera xxas a remarkable .x o : n Alnai Iti i Txer. aoofl converted into telllee, alded To-day'a game exhi- .* <* ¦> boI ark te.im ..f r-¦- drtra al the la>yard aeventh, and, Dahlen aenl hlm to thi moimd. but thr i | | rtiurlt la.ra and pta) penaL tha Internattgnal Leaffua Inice a xaork on til- of n'a pitching aklll iri to iti -... a*aa down ln 4 Purcell by litt'.e t'.m-ly part elled ;.. ¦! BllOWl d thre- ,r.s rOBB the kl] a baa refueed ng parfaetly, end of tho B ttlng Hat ai .I m*»n - ¦. i noi'31111 atea, i olan and Pred Ludt Innlnga only thtrty-fl\e ., -, Totali Not an In which tha Y..n- a tract n Ith the Buperbaa He faif. red on hla aecond s-hot, 3r.d then, u llttle Prankle. Ouy /-inn. th** e.. Innlng paaaed m lasted throughout three full fa. Walter, and only four runnera ¦*" ru* ona man on if to for loat dlatance, over* Marquard Nea Torh Yankee fi.-l.iT. bei .Bnal* «ut. hli .""*' railed to flet at 1< ial reported at Ebbeta Fleld on Wedaeeday Baaka up former ra;,, man tirst . lm.ings and part of the fourth before he hed baae. Only one po. to . .. ¦¦¦¦«- rui there ad Bendei :iad run- :-.ad mora lhan the ..... j-.e ahook han '.s'wita in the Whalln* .... MiitlMMH ilghtened to his hand waa touched tbe Infifld Becond Innlng. Hoston batamen ati il and John* In !hr ninth '-'.> try Marquard after Pmlth w, ¦., |< -t on ba* amount offered hlm, whleh waa rer hm conquetror. of aith another aafety .. - up for a quartet of hits, -chlefly t}J aon, worhlng like machlne, did not Mllan i. ¦. ',- tnari .1 Bi li BUed th" cenl above thal whleh ho got from Nea ia*a: l t-> Hub Perdue, tha ¦¦ I Daubert a baae i n !.,-. lls '* tra base earlety, and he aaaed hlm give hla but wlth two oul as f*.e artlclea of tha -. '. th.n aent In th*- Bravea' .' I with glfta ark. Bpeclfled ta (jou;-i .- t I I three hases on ba!ls. Crandall held forth corpulent twlrler, Collina pltched well, and ..>;.*- par- lr-*** on a :' to B The eontrad offered | .; I I 4 4 4 -'-J sole with a hlf to '-entre field when l-Rv j I'mi t Knlght pop natlonal agreemeut st.iL.- r tally eflectlvi when had II .. Gould.ln 115*445* ln the centre of the fi flve tlcutarl) -IVaahlngton .-> x only prol U n aad I 4 » 4 fl.4.-T7*-f**2 The v iled *b* bnertt by wlnglng Maran* band } 6 I I and held the opposition to live hlta The 1 a" threal aa rafl Ben* Und him only for the rest of this viiie. F:-< k<-r wai Bummoned t" aave '¦ 1 4 *> 4 New York fielders. however. were on their Nap of trouble for ¦. which enda October ."¦ it la lm« OouM 3 the ..'ame. a, fl 3 1 i J toes ar.d dld valiant xaork, eape tally Innloca 1 the exi loelon of the a for l Brooklyn club to gtva the and Murray. Kour of the runs i'h« aterllng aouthpaw hnd an over* and but the i Snodgrass of Btuft ln hlfl ryatem >;,,, |n -, tho ttgbth stan/.a. t\airi.*r a larger aalari at preeeat, fcorcd the PhllBea were made ^ it;-» B .s'ij'pix « i ii mora _- confllfl t \xith Purcal wa* by WATCH REAI HUNT the flret fanki ; |Bter well ln hand Noi Cree. '¦¦ and kept hl» opponenta ..' | Wlth ',.. Marquard ta the box. .i\* -1 .< i ai from Ba ¦'¦¦ In hla neat eontrect which e | dO <." ..f th« thre- arl l he 1 'ind on up. money Apainst the retnarkat>!e skil! of Tom men down to Prank Bak« lf he make-j good the hap>-' COUld cro*.5: th*- plate. A double In I *. ne time of the California outlaw f n OT M.irr*. *.\ I 10 ly B, . now. n d tha ald<. and after that lha r : Olllna ¦*. the Giants were help- AN EASY xx 1.... Patteraon by wlw fl 10 *..| hat ahould 8 f the natlonal lecgues. practlcally m agroement ' Brooklyn team "-is never in dangei Ol ;i laea They made a brave start. ho'.vever, w i- fooiled When h rer thla eaae folli w: At the tweifth Ull four hlta were mad** ofl Ru kei ln th** .¦ and pushed over a run in the first 1' over Bekei threw r| tl 81 tl.e term Of th.e aeven and t ¦>. rda fratmea thut he na .inniiy aauntered "Pt Id. I fUrthei : :t ".as he: that the Bcoti on three xxell bieh, both rrli mc at tta Ir dee- ,. t betwi n a major lena*ne ero ked Crowd Mrs. Match i .¦... Seaton allowed OOly three more hits, Sces Horses and Hounds Marrjuette Arranrjes , '.' di and a draf r i la shall ,,r,. ident hla falth on H rtloi Knlghl purchaaed . * Btalllnaa plnned vxtti. : ¦»...» BWeUtng the total to half a dosen, and me '" end aaad peeaadnaa*, be f.-r forty-fivi :.. i nd auch piayera thumb. brlng his t«*am on o\en tennawlth Race to Kill in Front of Race After Protest at Murphj m at t'n*- lo irteenth *»¦*-. kept the ..lantK riRht u.uler hla Th.n hlm hla .[['roa-'h Irorn Ll Doyle curvea anl found hin* eaay. Of the the Grandstand. Staten Island Fair. *,.,V( hll lown to Melonta Of that pald by thi it faney . '. ba ter who co-jid do much wlth hlm, and ' t..k. the rae eeeured elghl hits mada by the h »m« I " ;n ''***. - Ke M ir* ' ln (1 alone can Hla prettleat plei rrni feature of the -ram** bowever, bad bound and rarromed Into centre rteht UM d irlag r. The h J. .. r M J Callahai Mobllll wlth waa in the aeventh Innlna when ha raea and hounds. Rooart O for a whlla t.« negutiatfl the at: nale. waa rreal playlna around aec* .- wta ra w alah klcked ll promptl) auapendlng threw out Fred Snodpras.- .-n a wieked Cutahaw'a maeter of tba Monmoutb ho nda li Muakmelon ln tne The ard foll a one* baee George a cepted thlrtei .;.. Cree, 1 Cool him." drlve to extreme BfaortatO] pach. Thi inda tooh 1 anl al tha Welan =¦.' _ .. Hl" ' .. ,, ii \\ aleti tt Ider Petten t_ rhances withou' B Blngle mlahap. w ¦¦ m| Bnall) 4 I *-B a hot or- hy Murraj not two .* maln antraaa a t" tba fi the .ir ao madi l| ¦:.-.¦ OthflM 'I ? 4 up rd* r. a throa to When the membera "f the Katlonal * * the hltter ol harbored on lh huntamen followed tha ai tr a tendei third oa good . off th-> ground aad rohbed i" pach _- te .. SSo**-*1** Th* counted four t;m"s ' '¦ ¦a rtlj te maaa -In. a tr:p!f- at leeet BnodsreM and B Buperbaa outer Beld lumplng tba raeetrach I Leifl . c Of the franv H the arorld series, rl alfco stood in with capital xv.rk, and in half opening and tha fi Um Infleld, 1 t' ii ln th* third raCfl f a ka. liwnt.-i -. The s-ummary followi to the Initial ttatlon on a wever, the Athletlca .Ke.-, to p event the piayera from fad th<> or..* of the uay was a Moran went at tbe .- ra mlla, ka_. slip gmndatend . k*t and Btole aecond C*u4 .,'.;.. | blain th.- ball vai it for the :.. i apera Gouid. Nflflfl York Club. pardonal ti* Judglng ta lhe borae ahew began thia taiei fouled Mra M J Marrq Set -..''¦' t aa Perdue paaaed . lhe -".¦¦. t the ga Blffned artlclea bave Ait- iti n. the Otanta bta* rlghl afternoon The judgea ar.* harl. M r Bchuta, bla Bouthpew, thir<: and Mai Bl ,*.-. of much trouble In 'he ... v -. n v. **? inning. xxith «-ne na Moran trled for Ja _ W ii expom run trall. In tha Bret Hart, Of Bl Iten Island. of huni arhoi Met.v.n. .- » ¦ motrnenl ..tt' at tha and the commlaeion artahea to a-rutd te play: ¥ T out, Shafer doublvd ajid a blt ther*- in aafet) He ara polo ponla atandard bred trottlng elghl ,,f ih,Uvery, wlll paat, II Kor the Phl when McDonaM dropped the ball an. N*w * both tean-s 1 lo !5lnn. Daubert alnalad and during arhlch of tha aeeeon ta In the fourth Innlng fly farm horeea, and Colonel harlei Lea ra* lllght, ¦ bo won bj a k n-.ui worked for even Innlnga, pltched bla laal gama Mx-flJuecn B ofl V - of two for one. Mann allowed Bmlth'a hli hed X I-' !¦ it| r. at the ratio Acored when Th.- ... i-e -"-.is for an the Bouthern League He ;.'., apa.n but Bevotae, ol Brooklyn, for offlcera harg- biIi fo oa tlme bombarded yeeterdai '-.. . w <,iants. tooh third and .*o>,nt for a but waa Merkle walked fOT the ¦joep iofi te paaa hlm rs .!.¦ tafetlee, produced three tha battaaooga nlne to Bve hits. and nulitar*-' mOUHta ' p numhi whlph 1 a b> Murray, and run. .nn m to make a .- ore ol 1 lo 8. PattiraaB Nal on single foiio-r. runs, and ha retlfed ta order beaten y Third reead '-ip _?,* 'i^-riiss waa tai.x' waa Bdded in th** fifth The awarda MrPad lenfl. 133 M tha. M-"--' heat 'li plati belm Another M. .». c'flll tn, 113. oul xa.iy fOT a pln- h hitler Bcbula b. San war for th* 1' lUiaa Wlth to th« ¦¦ "¦* '" . .-.¦ Magee opened five innini*. when Be* Flaher tripled Udrea ¦ doBki aad *? for placfl n-: b>- m » Un unfort u br ¦- .¦ ".'¦ ' ' i...... , waa re| laced b) rlre-xi *!- ,.,,, and Cravath was counted on Otto .tr, .. divei cuppreeented b Ho' arl L "raai 131, out for flhota FOREIGN GOLFERS ARRIVE --"¦ a to right. fleld fence and '. '' t"a u ittlc-o ;. , « doubk rlghl ol Bhn ** In -. ,,.. ,\ rhe bIth »hoaa BPPt uance v " Uned a (ferdi BMa IB v ¦. » as dangerov;?. Luderus. however, MUI. r i centre. -.. . .J* fliffM; Mivei fu gam. a nl a gllnunertw**. toti-n. 1 up: Buckbee beai *-.a J doubie t.. r*.(s-ht. ar.d llar-querd wa Thi acore foiiowp .-.ij-ii'- p-oolea (twelve handi .m ti purae IIS ii Tellier and Callerway Seek ' ¦¦ *B ..> ."*¦ . ble. ia pl* bv Deolaa bounced one """N dr»i. under *o 11 I. rtlve V './. ir hpo*"* By ar.d '.ara;'-. AthlOtlCa Honors in This to Doyle, and Craveth o 0 1 110 1- ran <» itt. oi mrearebui aaceod, f a:,-n f'.r J.l l t "...... \ .. Country. Moran. rf 310 l 0 Maran* llle.M | '. -t to ateal every -. 1: Bued wlth ntld deslre - reeched r»tt, ll Ml M Mfl Tvao who wiii * but Luderua t." Til( denl, 133, out I ton gi compete * score. M.,T..it,.... iaa - trying "to tai 7 .¦¦¦¦. i r. n unati oo MJoo KadaUe u lldren eiox*. thii.I . I lt.- them. The elow, laay atyla ,:'AU on a kms fl! c( no : tl Lord rf I | panlea u thlng before ln the American open champlonehlp at and counted unuer alxteen to rfcli ailver up pia-eniiMi ' o 'i i 'i 0 McDonald, l>> i 0 2 0 l 2 Bchuta xxas itmply x - * I »*>"n * ueed by in \. Tork S ,fer. . lf. 1 .. Har.len l. Praarford) bj Uda, Mra L TM.il r». e -for ha IRtflffl, dellvery Brookllne Mai next m-.tith arrived H*dl. r ,'.;. Ki 4 I '-' Mann. ¦¦' ai. .r, k ..? atoi.' M IJ1 !.. I, Whltf >\na\\ l, Kl'.rham ea ,.,¦.,.., .,-t,i - | ip ... made to order for them, and tbe) i,:v! ll I"? in the sixth tbe Phllllea . moa, pner Callerway, landed ln Boeton. N>at ¥ . balla. ' M iHw. oul ihow, third. a ¦...'.IBSJE ., -, ... 1- .a blalTie ra v ran a mile to pull down drlvi ..JjH im yahneaiaek I <.-. Ing Tom fllao ian Ttma 0 .'.".", gOth. r 10 it wa.s T.i!:* r who di feated Uec Bmlth, rrank I>e Wlt, unfltuched, ¦*_: Wi ii i Hun mli k iii*.i Mlaa bv « ond Florbem Baby, Edward tbe metropolitan open champion, xxhen lented the plate l! Artful xtr-. .; PH1UAPELPHI x M'XV V"HK By by Dootan. lot PfltrUUfl ln nmlh innln*. IP.an for Adama; Ird, todgei I. ae ahr h p" aa the latter wea In Le Boutte early thla Kiinfer doubled to .nattai B* Una MAUTAQUA WINS _b. pa o a moment later when nlnth Inalna moi EASILY Mm h\ rf 18 I I ft" Malael, |i. »<» 1 : 4 it tbe ,M,,i, n '. I'omblnatlnn rtdlna »»'i drlvlna p'.ni<»« g Bummer. happened ta Franco- dr.-.x . i-x 1 i,-,.!,!.. < r, r, i n n o x lf !a 1 1 88 tAolter et 88 1 1 88 fonnell *% -¦¦ ¦ *" eentre. osceeallna fourieen handa; fot ailver rep pre nAg 3 l i .' l o X'.ruall team match. ard th.e ,.,.i Da Wltt beat Ath< 1 j , o o o o c d-i M*-nin ,x Rt. e) '¦'. Mra nlllni b 11 1 1 >a <"ree. lf.. marfftB The score followe: eented bj Captures Second Special for the . l i ' Hartaell !b 4 10 4 21 xxas »; 4 t.. un* f> io Pla* rj i ft ,,n bi '* Paeeklya, I l**r*fl* ¦_ i, WhHi ae onA, Hummlna Mli M Railrr lt up and p.i* Tt lller b appear* ....¦¦ PH1LADILPHIA BBW XOKB run-J BflTl.th rham E o Mclnnlilh .-.'' MB 88 Knlghl Ib 18 i to «« lecond aa C bet Home L-aora Hai llng; tblrd, f% Baby, * wlll Brai time abrli i" Mia. hlU New Class U .k rf .41 1 1 18 anea al Brookllne be the man Ne** . .- rf. 40 1 i ii.i | aa* on . "... m...- Adama Q Cup. S-alah r« to rn» lh 1 1 ¦> Burna. 18 s. a aa. 1 8 ll F il M 311 * :e 2*idei 18 m n been K" ., -MaraB. Moran harneaa i«n Ifor aii*»r eup pee thi ;.,. \: goll htal i thal Ptancc haa rep» ¦¦" Shafer. Ib ..4113 10 n gtolen ba*. ille, tjau- champion Tha ManataViua, Q leaa r-iooi, « 2 '. r 4 8 ! 1 I 8 R W Hfllntae S K,;;,'.¦ 8i: KMhei rutaha**. an Dau* ¦4»-iiir.-i Alfred N Beedleeiwn xxon hy ... hang. r 5 I I Baaeene: play; T>avw»rt et 188 ! 88 Fletchar. aa ani 2 10 berl I". iblfl playi b) o-aned by Aithur W. of th*- Ka*.t- l reeented ta the L'nlted Btatee ehampton*-* ..... Rflfcar R. Uiven S '. ***** ut.haw Btavena, .' t...t K. ... luhafl* ani Daubflrt; Mia- Laaura Hardlna; aaarood, E D Adama; *****> y-4U N " " ; c,o\t '-. ua; 1 r Mra L U '.' ta era Yarht ilui>, xxas the tei tt«°|.T.^el! UllW Bhlp In the Prench cluunptonahlp laet Club 25 .' and Di third tainner yi '> o o i o i" h m M rravall and i'..'-n.""VUa.ran%\lhIm.: ,,.p. p Trillei was t hit .1 8 total Oolf <-".ii- baal ittfl-ajj* 401 .1 Bmlth, Cutaha** of the Bai ond race <.f th*- «*-ri»:. >.ar wlth Ol ur. l t-x R >' ll OllMunray.U...... imi*-"ff lt k kfl day belng I and rlo ', i tatt on ..88I18I7U1 -*'i t\xo tbe 2. Bt.ni h o it.B> Kui I naiied *>ff b) thi *.o'.|i* ,.f th.it TBtata ,.5iu»ltl TB4BM oniy Btrokee behlnd preaenl 0 . fi 4 ..ff Perdue. Oyatar Ba) 0 pei Iu. '.. Hli bi pltcbflT-B) ai-.'' iMarari* tltle holder, Jean Oaaalat, and one atroka Marquart, p 100 0 0 by claaa for th*- Beawanhaka iminthian m m* aeventh innin-a -. Bsaton. 9. ,.. a l< n . lr. 1 1-3 inmnK QUAKERRIDGETOURNEYON .Batted fer Behali mi laal raaa '. 0 10 H|U " a i.. lund \ ardon. *i t> bflai Bar *xTnt 4 ln Tl-I Inmnu*. L'tUBirei "I'a. challenga cup Hie defeated Commodore " I - 8 a 1 8 Harry up and piay; Bhlprnaa Rucker, Philadelphla " J o -i . a a a a a i who la bb la -..-. .al!1.nxaaiua ar.'l Kni-li. tl"- IA._ to ,i Btuart Blackton'a lTlrglnia by .' rain-. s, M y. o Callerway, Bngltahman, Toaab New Rochelle Tennis Club t..... oa irrora Twe not a bul he one the best uten and BJ after « mi- rtret Philadelphla champion, la of ENTRIES TO DAY. Baeanda covarlng haa. hlta Wolier, -15- lang. Bender, <'<->ek Rae HONOR SARATOGA Hold Annual Fixture. XXnlal. S|.il,|l btMiB piayera Ib Bngland, His prtnetpel clalm HOME FANS" SCHULTE ::::::::::::_:..? a# J :.. C3 f..r su mlla trlangular coone. tniea Tha Arvta Ttnra tilla Mm | l2l **** i fi.v.'K. .Bfl iiiiifl. thiM raar aalfl, .- Thi inai Oldrlna '-'. Bi-hang. Colllna, free Walah Ba tO fame is the fgCt that he has b,.en lhe N V A M *. Luderua KtUlfar, rurlnuaa thr* draw for the araa third. and tha Llttle Rhod) II, tn** Btaghamton to- Two-baaa Mta Ma«aa I'ath.10. Sprlnkled through *K-r nn.) Mi-InnU Uefl on bn»r» 9am Y..rk. golf inatructor of and ra caso <-ubs defoat-*d Btnghamton bcre Sh»f... Honva un-Maa"- Hlt-a.orr Mar- Hobnob .Ul Brlar tenni* w mner of Wadnaaday'a race, waa fourth, li. >. DouWa pi** Beade King Qeorge, ln <>ff .".'' t'orbm . Quaker Rldga tawa ehninptoaahlp Philadelphla. by a ********* qua.ut Kllllf. "Aftfl raio** ..* biaeae Ellol >>r tt Warbor, I; tha Csar Caarlna of RuBBta. Ha RaPP twlrled iooil Kacrirka tv-**.1. lan .I* 'Uiria. M eompeting al Newport ta the recenl ell« Tuckermaa, the regatta Bj Bchula 't ba Hendif I Wlld pllch for ahen il ma e M Doolan. h Proi easlvfl Hlta Ofl apend the neal tara weeke prBftlalng bu; port .uh.r.d l.r,v 8: llf,0 a*-1*d. for eomora' tournament The matchea for tha commlttee, ataitad the yaehtaat i '0 .>. m. ii,...!, Paaaed ball Bareeaey. wi fera. . Luderua Lefi beaaaa.Naaa ShCOND RACE Handlcapj -. ; ir, t Innlnga etr Warhop 7 la I 'nn the American touriiiinient aa the rteid. base oa balla i-i>^ »'"i .» half furi.jiiii*. th.* The llrat leg of tha eouraa \xas from marchad Phlla'lelphia, 4 Plral tw*>)-«ar-alfl*a Iroph] arlll begln on lh.Hatrta ol Ingr Tlme "IJ l'inpir'6 lixana anl !.'. waa th« tnagnei ******* l: «tt Crandall, : i:;1 f|..n.. Ne. k to ;i Pranh Ichulta irquard, Burprialna .". '". New Reehella Tennis l'lub to-morrow Moyd'a buoy in.irk tei two gttron. Ha.- » obt .. mad.* Flral t.**** "o arror.Neaa Tork, l Btr-jcli niticrf-old Harn L. o Arrengementa bava been for drew elgbt thousand peraom . "3 .io» mllea the and. th*- wind rquard, ., by Crandall, IU R.lpn morning tO northeast, ry Vardon and lalxxard Raw th.* Bngltab hla ftrat *-Wt ** ** 0 l'r» iinun bm-1 Eaaoai. TUn».1:K n. le Mun. '.0*> Brumley .1^3 bv* DATE3 FOR DOUBLE-HEADERS. grounda, II belng t'rr.tlreh. '" u'' » The title nnd trophy b;ive been held belng from the aouthureet, mada it a aptn* in a ¦ -a-¦ Tranld . Known. profeeelonata, to compete thlrty-elx- hi.rne town of Leeterehlre aa ****. Mark. M I i* nak.-r mn to thls mark, a rea.-h t.) ¦' <>r tbe Tti*. lah.r .107 Ttadfl Benjamta M. Phllllpa 1818; Manrlea ekMM Thomaa Lyneh, preeldeal hole four-ball BIBtCh OVOT the llnks of waa «'1*n and Van- fh<* »ei'*ind and a h* at to the flnlxh laagua ptayar. Ha preaentetl ROCHESTER, I; PROVIDENCE, 1. "" ¦**.."-*'" QalVBO, the lli-rirmn, Itll, by Tha National LeagTue, laxt ntght announced the ''iut> t.t,- "' *: ,,;'''8' Rommcr . ¦.>"n -1?? -aVykagyl Conntry agalnel lovina cup eontalnlng BM Kocheater. R.H.E. ).;,.,, |; w.110 Sl^ia ani BtTipflfl... .. d.ibllt K Ward. the fOUnS Vale pla'.er. Manatafltua took tha lead at tha ?tart and datea for ofl poetponed ami ti.* Smith At playing broth.is, Alec and Maedonald, on Th-* score by Innlnga followa: e. Rocheater " miRD KA'H>-S« llir.g, ty>0 uld' .! foi thre**- 1912. held It a!l thTMIgk the race, Hnlffhlng a gamea nn followa: 21. wlll be lmnu-diaielv R H ..».>..*.»-!I I 0 0-1 t r1 'ln*- mll. September Thla Provldenca .800*1 xr-ai-oldii and uiwitiI ihe recenl to the aa atat'd. a : i . 0 a 1 1 * and .107. Boanle i:r la* .lt» Beeauaa ol attentlon wlnner, .\t iiohto,i Beptember f>. wuh rinia- followlng the national open Rt Frooklltie, chicago. j j -n% Batterlea Hoff. Bentley .Ja-kiitseh; '''" *"ior l>»tra'l*-..l";' at th* ofnYials -*****. thlrd and final ra> e wlll he i.' 0 IMIJK liPiioxdti and kocher. Patruehfl . *lr*.| aerxlre rules Newport of sailed delphta damea thereby neneeBllallBg ¦ oulek jump for Blnghamton. ******d Keisigl. . ]"'- ....ioo At with F'hil- st.tck. Breanahaa .- !:.,. oup Roral Ueaaaaa the Stateu Natlonal l.awn Tennia to-.la>, xxhen the "flftl**," will alnn rai e Brooklyn Beptember I, Battertea Moore. .Water Welie«... Mi Unlted adeiiihi.i 12 nmea all tba profeeelonala Next Monday the and McMurray. th<* foot- a Needham; Rapp .- NEW ENGLAND LEAGUE RESULTS. I f*OURTH RACE Haadiaap; inno adi-.l. far Aaeoelattoa have reriuir^' that for Bpaeial priaa offered by tha dub. At New rorh Beptember t, xxith (orelgn profeeelonala xxiii piax at the i>> __.-a> xiar-oli.» anl ui.xxai-1 Oa« mile. fauit ruta ba atrlctly enfereed at thiti atui 'ih.- Bummary foUou Brooklyn .- gamea) troit Countrj Club, Prom thera their New Bedford. Worceater. 6 Plaifl Olafli r-'~ Mlaalon .100 ai 4. with Bt THE REDS- I; .'llff U at BObeeojueal teurnnmanta th*^ remalndcr El xr **"i Pittaburgh Beptember Ih to to BOBtOtt. xalth a x lew TROY DEFEATS Lnwrem a 9; PorHend, 0 (lat) 'I M Mlll.r ...111 Edgf. i.ilah time t.oiiih (] gameel; ¦", wlth st plan proOOed th. 1 l_d>. Board .. IM Co* ad.97 o' thi*-. s. aaen. Beptember Trox. au,*. al-TToy **t~tei L_v.-r. POI tlatid, Hprlng ^ fll .11)1 (.xan.i II M I H M S. l.ouiM 2 afan-.e^i September 15, wlth to putting In a weak of leisurely practlee lf>7. Marni-aat . taj JJ 9; Brochton, I 1 lat ghaekwtoa Altoj-ether four flxtuieo y,\\\ he deelded, A. W Stexena... a.liua. 2 gameai; Beptember ai Brookllne for the open. clnaatl n^9 Lowell, ". Mrockton, <.'d). \ I:tctnla. I B MlarKion :. 01 n . Kameia i. I to 3. 0. H<*dK. ....tatlAlrey .K lr- i'lin< men'a alngle*R and doublea and S:1S:1Q Kl Brooklj They wlll come lhis way on September to-day by a acore of j-'aii River, 1; Lynn, Tartar WB Arxla, feier W Bo aa. rt 11:10 :. 04:11 \t Clnctnnatl Augual 11, with st do much withjn.>»*' women'ix slngleB and inlxel doublea. AII Llttlfl Rhod) ll C A Wood ''. 17 I.' :'"7 j:. I.ouls t2 T. with 13 for a four-ball niat'-h at BaltUOrol wara unabie to Aif-o ellnitile: gamea); September Tro> .. flux I'.m.r .10*. Star *.aie. » o! tha mat* hes will bo the best two out Pittaburgh 12 gameai; September r. witii agalnel Jerome i» Trevera and either after the tlrst two Innlnga AMERICAN ASSOCIATION RESULTS Ai-.iA.li-.100 .1 wlth flfth and BBVenth of three .-.ets, axeept in the flnal round CLEM BEACHY, JR., DEAD. Rttaburgh game); September lt, Oeorga Low or john J MeDermott, tba bert hard ln the 12: Toledo. 1 II RAI -*-..! inic. 1300 BBfl*fld; for tmo- the men'a alnglea and doublts. whleh Boaton I gama LMIaaapolta, .» '. klx furlonai nl Laslngtoa, k>., B..Clam Ueaehy. Al ChicagO September 7, xxith St. natlonal open ehampton. it aill then be ninRP. Bl Paul. ( Mlnneapolla yeai t'fst three out of -flxe sets. aug Innlnga folloaa. Louis-. UU. 4. Columbua, I Preatoa l.jnn .UJjRobert 'i!lx*»r. 10.. \aill bl tha one of Ihe n.oat wiileiy known trottlng Loula ,2 games); tl, xxith rt jump back to Hrookllne for the op.-n, The score by R H j. 3. I'.i- .lll,''lirlM"plilne .101 Jr., J «amesiBeptember Milwaukee, s. Kansas Llty, tnmi-.IM .M Th-» tournament eommlttea lncludeg 1,'irse trainers and clrlvers tn Ameri.a, Philadelphla followed by -BTykagyL On September 2& a Uly *naak S Rru- A. Al st Loula Beptember 1, wlth -"hi- Water l>u>l> l'' .ll'-ait II- -i* 5T Oeotffa B. Lerrh, B Wilson, T 'lied at a her.. eairo of Vardon aad abow their «kin ut 107 hoapltal to-day. af-ed aixty- i] gamea ln afternoon Inateed Ray am STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. '! Bflfl d-j i-'ion. H I Btllea, i". n Onest, nf. c. thr*-e x,.,un Beaehy for tha laal aaveral in morning and one ln afternoon i; llyepla After that the movenienta ofl and Wooda; Har n B1XTH rai I-. MM BflMfld; f raeUta theaa* W Kr-nneth antabl«* of .\«lia.s September I xvith (J 8*88880). Katterles-Harklna in l.ippenott. Clarh har^.- ChlOBBO tht- rlsttera are uncertain. A H. and _ Scranton. 2; Wllheo-Barre, 1 yaar-oMa and upwaro dnr il Katherm*. L Wilkes. of Oait. (intario. e although tert. t'lark L'tlca, '.', Byracuee, i'arr.,11 lt. 1*1 1W Noblc Urand.10*. J". Porter, » hairman. A brother. Fred. Of the Ptndbiy, of xvho Im maklng Klm^_ Qllberl I05I Ann TIll> .103 Beaehy, la ona FEDERAL LEAGUE RESULTS. Philadelphla. .-ian.10J edltors of "The Aineii.an lloi*.e Hreed- grrangementa fo; the pair. says that por rent.^^ LEAGUE RESULTS. Margerum .IMIquaab Tll-DAV. :4:^0 er." nf Tha .*!ii ba taken 1. they "autoiviobiles THI-STATE t .146; BABKB.U.I. p M. M.T Xm-rl- Boaton, body IndlananollB, 2. pittaburgh, m«> no through Canada to the Pacirto :' r-ana m. rhi!ad**lphla. Tolo Grdi. Adm 88a to Lebanon, Mlno, lila (oriner home, for St. Loula T, ilexeland, 1. 6"^*lTT"pASSE^r.KR ra.k.rd Atlantlc dty. f>, v.,ik. Coast. Tel. -*^*-^ Wllminftoa IX* Irenton, t. *.\j-..rc.-.ti.***. allowance of five pound* clalmfld- .advt. bi*rial. Chlcago, 8, Kansas Clty, l. hour. day or month.