Eastbourne, Saturday, August 29, 1914
T e l e p h o n e i 22#, E a s t b o u r n e * Registered, at th6 q ,p ,o, <m a Newspaper, EASTBOURNE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1914. E s t a b l is h e d 1856. PRICE ONE PENNY. iTHB EASTBOURNE Jjl A ST BOURNE COLLEGE. H E LADIES’ COLLEGE, SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, MARY H. COOPER, A rtistic (Joust D ressmaker. President i T GRASSINGTON ROAD, EASTBOURNE. 11. P 1 Y 1 K S B Y B O A S . THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. A Day School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. Shorthand, Typewriting, Book-keeping. Business Train ing, Geography, Arithmetic), Civil Servioe Suhjeots and Latest Creations in FETE and EVENING GOWNS at Moderate Prices Head Masters Principals; i Languages. The REV. F. 8. WILLIAMS, M.A MISS HITCHCOCK and MISS CRAKE CERTIFICATED TEACHERS only are EMPLOYED. ORIGINAL AND EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. IT IS WELL (Suooessors to Miss Dee Ruelles), Schools Visited. Assisted by a large Staff of Resident and Visiting Day and Evening Classes. Individual Tuition. Telephone 7 9 a , The School is a FIRST-GRADE SCHOOL for the Sons Masters and Ml-tresses. of Gentlemen, TO HAVE GAS FIRES CLEANED OUT ssistants SBlanteb LL SIDE, ST. ANNE’S ROAD, 6 LI8MORE .ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Boys are prepared for the Universities, the Army, Navy ______ __, — w. y w.TVl £>IU/ | 1UI UUU Society H1 TBOURNE. and Civil Servioes, Professions and Commercial Life, of Frenoh Profeei-orsin London and for tho Examination Preparatory School for Boys. There are special Arm y and-NAVY Classes.
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