~?JUTJ~~frW~OOU7J Mr. Veights - 2 - January 5, 2009 Details of the TRCA guidelines for erosion and sediment control can be found in the GTA for The Living City CA's Erosion & Sediment Control Guideline for Urban Construction (2006)". This document can be downloaded for free from TRCA's Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program website - During detailed design, TRCA will work with the January 5,2009 CFN 40842 TIC to ensure that these requirements are met. Also, City of Parks, Urban Forestry and Recreation staff (Norman Defreaye) should be consulted regarding vegetation removals BY MAIL AND EMAIL ([email protected]) outside of the regulated areas.

Mr. David Veights 4. Sections of the study area are located within TRCA's Terrestrial Natural Habitat System. Toronto Transit Commission During detailed design, staff will identify opportunities for incorporating TRCA restoration E&C Branch, Project Management projects into the overall natural heritage improvement/restoration activities identified as part 5160 Yonge Street of the proposed project. North York, ON, M2N 6L9 5. Components of the proposed works may involve TRCA property (temporary or permanent Dear Mr. Veights: easements, or permission to enter). Please note that formal approval from both the TRCA Executive Committee and the Minister of Natural Resources will be required for permanent easements. Formal approval typically takes 12 to 18 months from initial request to TRCA. Re: Response to Draft Natural Heritage Report Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit (LRT) Additionally, any disturbance or works on TRCA property will require an archaeological Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) assessment which must be conducted by TRCA staff at the cost of the proponent. An and , , and Creek Application for Archaeological Review on TRCA Land is available upon request. We advice Watersheds; City of Toronto; Etobicoke, East York that TIC confirm TRCA property requirements early in the process to facilitate any formal approvals or archeological investigations. Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff received the Draft Natural Heritage Report prepared by LGL Limited for the above-noted EA on October 22, 2008. Staff understands that the Should you have any questions, please contact me at extension 5714 or by email at Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) is assessing ways to significantly improve transit service on [email protected]. Eglinton Avenue from Kennedy Station to the Renforth Drive/Pearson Airport area. Yours truly, IJ/ TRCA staff has completed its review of the Draft Natural Heritage Report and is satisfied with the report findings. The following comments should be noted and incorporated into the during detailed ~~(jl/VL- design phase of the project. Please ensure that a copy of this letter is included in the EA report. Renee Afoom As the EA progresses, please ensure that TRCA receives project updates including Public Planner II, Environmental Assessments Consultation Notices, Notice of Study Completion, copies of the Draft EA Document (four hard Planning and Development copies); and, One hard copy and one digital copy of the Final EA Document. The draft EA document should be accompanied by a covering letter which uses the numbering scheme provided in this BY EMAIL letter and identifies how these comments have been or will be addressed. cc: Proponent Stephanie Rice, TIC, ([email protected]) Mike Verdun, TIC, ([email protected]) 1. TRCA permits under Regulation 166/06 will be required for the proposed project. Consultant Grant Kauffman, LGL limited ([email protected]) TRCA staff will confirm these requirements during the detailed design phase of the project. City of Toronto Norman Defraeye, Urban Forestry ([email protected]) TRCA Carolyn Woodland, Director, Planning and Development 2. Please note that the Lower Don River along Eglinton Avenue is classified as a warm-water Beth Williston, Manager of Environmental Assessments watercourse. Thus, works associated with the watercourse should adhere to the warm-water Steve Heuchert, Manager, Planning and Development Regulation fisheries timing window with restrictions between April 1 to June 30; meaning that all in- or Mark Rapus, Senior Planner, Development Planning and Regulation near-water works must be completed between July 1 to March 31. Please ensure that this Chandra Sharma, Watershed Specialist, Etobicoke/Mimico Creek fisheries timing-window is incorporated into the design and construction schedule of the Amy Thurston, Project Manager, Don Watershed Planning proposed project. This comment will be further discussed during detailed design phase. Gary Wilkins, Watershed Specialist, Humber River George Leja, Real Estate Coordinator 3. Erosion and sediment controls and vegetation protection measures will be required to Margie Kennedy, Assistant Archaeologist mitigate potential impacts of the proposed project. Comprehensive restoration and Gord MacPherson, Manager, Restoration & Environmental Monitoring compensation plans will also be required at specific areas. Projects

Member of Conservation Ontario F:\Home\Public\Development Services\EA\Letters for Mailing\40842 NH Report Response.doc 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 1S4 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 .m~ 'w'.~~. ~TORONTO AND REGION~ ~ (JJffD~re[tV CallLD[fj] ~ onserRvaNuon for The Living City for The Living City

June 15, 2009 CFN 40842 September 2, 2009 CFN 40842

BY MAIL AND EMAIL ([email protected]) BY MAIL AND EMAIL ([email protected])

Mr. David Veights Mr. David Veights Toronto Transit Commission, E&C Branch Toronto Transit Commission, E&C Branch 5160 Yonge Street, 13th Floor 5160 Yonge Street, 13th Floor Toronto, Ontario Toronto, Ontario M2N 6L9 M2N 6L9 Dear Mr. Veights: Dear Mr. Veights: Re: Response to Notice of Public Open Houses #6-11 Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit (LRT) Re: Response to Notice of Public Open House - Preliminary Planning Transit Project Assessment (EA) Martin Grove Road to Pearson International Airport Don River, Mimico Creek, , and Humber River Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit (LRT) - Transit Project Assessment (EA) Watersheds; City of Toronto; East York, Scarborough, and Etobicoke Don River, Mimico Creek, Etobicoke Creek, Highland Creek and Humber River Watersheds; City of Toronto; East York, Scarborough, and Etobicoke Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff received notice of the upcoming th th th rd th Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff received notice of the upcoming Public Public Open Houses (PIC) scheduled for June 15 , June 17 , June 18 , June 23 , June 24 th Open House (PIC) scheduled for September 2, 2009. Further to TRCA correspondence dated and June 25 , 2009. Further to TRCA correspondence dated June 5,2008, staff has expressed interest in this project. While staff is unable to attend the meeting, please forward one copy of June 5, 2008, staff has expressed interest in this project. While staff is unable to attend the any handouts or display materials from this meeting for our files. Please include a digital copy meeting, please forward one copy of any handouts or display materials from this meeting for . of all materials as part of your submission. our files. Please include a digital copy of all materials as part of your submission. 2~ ~O/ Renee Afoom ~~ Renee Afoom Planner II, Environmental Assessments Planner II, Environmental Assessments Planning and Development Planning and Development RA/bs RA/lm BY EMAIL BY EMAIL cc: Proponent: Greg Neill, LGL Limited, ([email protected]) cc: Proponent: Stephanie Rice, TTC (~1~Qhanie:l.Lg~@!tQ.,-G_9) Stephanie Rice, TIC, ([email protected]) Consultant: Greg Neill, LGL limited ([email protected]) TRCA: . Carolyn Woodland, Director of Planning and Development TRCA: Carolyn Woodland, Director of Planning and Development Beth Williston, Manager, Environmental Assessments Beth Williston, Manager, Environmental Assessments Steve Heuchert, Manager, Development, Planning and Regulation Steve Heuchert, Manager, Development, Planning and Regulation Chandra Sharma, Etobicoke/Mimico Creek Watershed Specialist Chandra Sharma, Etobicoke/Mimico Creek Watershed Specialist Gary Wilkins, Humber River Watershed Specialist Gary Wilkins, Humber River Watershed Specialist Keri MacMahon, Project Manager, Don River and Highland Creek Watersheds Keri MacMahon, Project Manager, Don River and Highland Creek Watersheds

F:\Home\Public\Development Services\EA\Letters for Mailing\40842_PIC1.doc F:\Home\Public\Development.Services\EA\Letlers for Mailing\40842 - Eglinton Crosstown LRT - Open House.doc

Member of Conservation Ontario Member of Conservation Ontario

5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 1S4 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 ;w.';~. 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 154 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 ;w';a. '"IIl~''' >"_5. onserRvaNiiOn Mr. Veights - 2 - September 25, 2009 for The Living City Should you have any questions, please contact me at extension 5714 or by email at [email protected].

September 25, 2009 CFN 40842 Yours truly,

BY MAIL AND EMAIL ([email protected]) ~ Mr. David Veights Renee Afoom, MES, RPP, MCIP Toronto Transit Commission Planner II, Environmental Assessments E & C Branch, Project Management Planning and Development 5160 Yonge Street North York, ON, M2N 6L9 BY EMAIL cc: Proponent Stephanie Rice, TIC, ([email protected]) Dear Mr. Veights: Mike Verdun, TIC, ([email protected]) Consultant Grant Kauffman, LGL Limited ([email protected]) Re: Response to Draft Natural Heritage Report - Existing Conditions, Eglinton City of Toronto Norman Defraeye, Urban Forestry ([email protected]) Crosstown LRT, Airport Link TRCA Carolyn Woodland, Director, Planning and Development Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit (LRT) Beth Williston, Manager of Environmental Assessments Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Steve Heuchert, Manager, Planning and Development Regulation Humber River and Black Creek, Don River, Etobicoke and Mimico Creek Chandra Sharma, Watershed Specialist, Etobicoke/Mimico Creek Watersheds; City of Toronto; Etobicoke, East York F:\Home\Public\Development Services\EA\Letters for Mailing\40842 NH Report Response Sept 2009.doc

On August 13, 2009, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff received the Draft Natural Heritage Report - Existing Conditions for the Airport Link (Martin Grove to Lester Pearson Airport), prepared by LGL Limited as part of the above-noted EA.

Staff understands that the Toronto Transit Commission (TIC) is assessing ways to significantly improve transit service on Eglinton Avenue from Kennedy Station to the Renforth Drive/Pearson Airport area. Part 1 of the study addressed the section of the Eglinton Avenue corridor from Kennedy Road to Renforth Drive. Part 2 of the study, referred to the as the Eglinton Crosstown LRT - Airport Link, involves the area immediately east of the Lester Pearson International Airport.

A Draft Natural Heritage Report for Part 1 of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT was provided to TRCA for review and comment in October 2008. TRCA staff provided technical comments on the Draft Report in January 2009. This letter is in response to the Draft Natural Heritage Report - Existing Conditions, Eglinton Crosstown LRT for the Airport Link area - Part 2 area.

TRCA staff has completed its review of the Draft Natural Heritage Report and is satisfied with the report findings. Staff believes that there is sufficient information in the report to facilitate the assessment analysis in order to proceed with determining the preferred LRT route and applicable mitigation measures.

As the EA progresses, please ensure that previous TRCA comments are included in the project. A copy of this letter should be included in the EA report. Additionally, please ensure that TRCA receives project updates including Public Consultation Notices, Notice of Study Completion, copies of the Draft EA Document (four hard copies); and, One hard copy and one digital copy of the Final EA Document. The draft EA document should be accompanied by a covering letter which identifies how TRCA's comments have been or will be addressed/incorporated (if so) in the project. Member of Conservation Ontario

5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 154 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 onserRvaNiiOn Ms. Rice - 2 - November 3, 2009 components of the project to determine whether there is a potential for the proposed to for The Living City result in a Harmful Alteration, Disruption or Destruction of fish habitat (HADD). Where fisheries timing window restrictions apply, TRCA will provide TIC with the necessary November 3, 2009 CFN 40842 information for construction staging purposes. Staff will work with TIC to ensure appropriate mitigation and restoration is achieved during construction. BY MAIL AND EMAIL ([email protected]) 3. For construction activities within the regulated flood plain, TIC will be required to comply Ms. Stephanie Rice with TRCA requirements for working within the flood plain. Project Manager, Transit City Department 4. Appropriate Erosion and Sediment Control Measures as outlined in the Greater Golden Toronto Transit Commission Horseshoe Area (GGHA) CAs' Erosion & Sediment Control Guideline for Urban Construction 5160 Yonge Street, 13th Floor (2006) and flood proofing of construction sites including portals at the Black Creek and West North York, ON M2N 6L9 Don River areas will be required, if necessary. 5. Staff notes that TIC is proposing to widen several bridges and culverts associated with Dear Ms. Rice: Mimico Creek, Humber River, Black Creek, West Don River, East Don River and Wilson Brook. TRCA will work with TIC to ensure that TRCA requirements regarding the Re: Response to Draft Environmental Project Report - Executive Summary conveyance and storage of flood waters are met through the design of these structures. Staff Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit (LRT) - Transit Project Assessment will provide detailed comments once more details are provided for each structure. Humber River and Black Creek, Don River, Etobicoke and Mimico Creek Watersheds; City of Toronto; Etobicoke, East York 6. As indicated in the report, construction activities associated with the portals, underground section of the LRT, culvert and bridge modifications may involve dewatering. Staff will work Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff received the Draft Environmental Project with TIC to ensure that appropriate mitigation measures are incorporated into the design Report (EPR) - Executive Summary prepared by the Transit City Group for the above-noted project and construction activities to minimize short-term and long term impacts on local ecological on November 2, 2009. and hydrogeological conditions. TRCA will also work with TIC to ensure that appropriate monitoring and adaptive management is provided where necessary to ensure impacts are mitigated. Staff understands that the TIC and City of Toronto are undertaking a Transit Project Assessment for the 33km-long Eglinton Crosstown LRT which is aimed at linking Pearson International Airport with 7. Sections of the study area are located within TRCA's Terrestrial Natural Habitat System Kennedy Station. Other proposed connections to the proposed Eglinton Crosstown LRT include areas. Staff will work with TIC to identify opportunities for incorporating TRCA restoration connections to the Spadina Subway Line, the Yonge Subway Line, the Scarborough RT, the planned objectives into the overall natural heritage improvement/restoration activities for the Jane Street LRT, Don Mills Road LRT, Scarborough-Malvern LRT, and BRT systems. proposed LRT. 8. As indicated in the draft report, several areas of significant natural heritage features, It is our understanding that the study recommends replacing current bus services along Eglinton particularly associated with the valleylands of the Humber River, West Don River and East Avenue and the Airport Link with electrically powered light rail vehicles which will operate in a Don River, Mimico Creek; Black Creek, Wilson Brook and Massey Creek may be impacted designated right-of-way located primarily in the centre of the street. The proposed will include a by construction activities. The aim of TRCA is to ensure overall ecological net gain for this surface LRT system from Pearson International Airport to east of Black Creek Drive, an underground project. As such, TRCA will require a detailed inventory of vegetated areas to be impacted as LRT system from east of Black Creek Drive to east of Brentcliffe Road, then a surface LRT from east well as detailed vegetation restoration and compensation plans. Please note that vegetation of Brentcliffe Road to Kennedy Road including a short underground section at Don Mills Road. The compensation required at a ratio of 3:1. Wtiere compensation cannot occur with the entire system will have 28 surface stops and 13 underground stations. In addition, the preferred will area of impact, TRCA will work with TIC to identify areas close by to implement these be connected to a TIC Maintenance and Storage Facility proposed at Black Creek Drive. However, compensation plans. this proposed TIC Maintenance and Storage Facility will be assessed under a separate 9. Please note that the applicable permit required for this project is the TRCA Permit under environmental assessment process. "Ontario Regulation 166/06 - Regulation of development, interference with wetlands and alterations to shorelines and watercourses" and not the "TRCA Fill Permit" as indicated in TRCA staff has completed its review of the draft EPR - Executive Summary and have no objection to several sections of the report. Please make the necessary changes. the proposed LRT design. The following comments identify TRCA regulatory requirements and are 1O. Components of the proposed works may involve TRCA property/lands (temporary or being provided for information and consideration as the project progresses. permanent easements, or permission to enter). Disturbance or works on TRCA property may 1. TRCA permits under Ontario Regulation 166/06 will be required for all construction activities require an archaeological assessment which must be conducted by TRCA staff at the cost of proposed within TRCA regulated areas (including Black Creek, Mimico Creek, Humber the proponent. An Application for Archaeological Review on TRCA Land is available upon River, West Don River and East Don River, Wilson Brook and Massey Creek). TRCA staff will request. We advice that TIC confirm TRCA property requirements early in the process to work with the City and TIC to confirm these requirements. facilitate any formal approvals or archeological investigations. 2. TRCA staff will review the proposed in line with TRCA's Level III agreement with Fisheries Please ensure that a copy of this letter is included in the EA report. and Oceans as per Section 35 (1) of the Fisheries Act. TRCA's will assess all

Member of Conservation Ontario

5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 1S4 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 ;~;'JiX. ',_,,0 Ms. Rice -3- November 3, 2009

Should you have any questions, please contact me at extension 5714 or by email at [email protected].!I~I-- Yours truly,

~t: ~m, MES, RPP, MCIP fv Planner II, Environmental Assessments Planning and Development

BY EMAIL cc: Proponent David Veights, TIC, ([email protected]) Consultant Grant Kauffman, LGL limited ([email protected]) TRCA Beth Williston, Manager of Environmental Assessments Steve Heuchert, Manager, Planning and Development Regulation Chandra Sharma, Watershed Specialist, Mimico Creek Keri McMahon, Project Manager, Don River Gary Wilkins, Watershed Specialist, Humber River George Leja, Real Estate Coordinator Margie Kennedy, Assistant Archaeologist . Gord MacPherson, Manager, Restoration & Environmental Monitoring Projects