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1-1946 Handbook on USSR Military Forces, Chapter VI: Department (USA)

Robert L. Bolin , Depositor University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]

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War Department (USA) and Bolin, Robert L. , Depositor, "Handbook on USSR Military Forces, Chapter VI: Fortifications" (1946). DOD Military Intelligence. 27. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/dodmilintel/27

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Technical Manual, TM 30-430 Handbook on USSR Military Forces Chapter VI Fortifications

Robert L. Bolin, Depositor University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]

Technical Manual, TM 30-430, Chapter VI 1 January 1946

Handbook on USSR Military Forces Chapter VI Fortifications

War Department , DC


The copy digitized was borrowed from the Marshall Center Research Library, APO, AE 09053-4502.


TM 30-340, Handbook on USSR Military Forces, was “published in installments to expedite dissemination to the field.” TM30-430, Chapter VI, 1 January 1946, “Fortifications,” is a detailed discussion of and structures used for defensive purposes. . This chapter is illustrated with numerous drawings, diagrams, and charts.

This manual is listed in WorldCat under Accession Number: OCLC: 19989681

1 Jan 46 TM 30-430



Page Figure Section I. FORTIFICATIONS DOCTRINE VI-l 10. Development of personnel shblters. VT-14 and 15 1. General ...... VI-l 11. Observation posts ...... VI-17 2. Organization of a defensive system ...... VI-2 ]2. Development of emplacements. VI-I8 and 19 Section II. DELIBERATE VI-6 13. Antiaircraft emplacements ...... VI-20 OF FORTIFICATIONS 14. emplacement with camouflage remoTed VI-21 1. Organization of a strongl'oint ...... VI-6 15. Fire protection of obstacles ...... VI-22 2. Construction standards ...... VI-26 16. -gun position covering an anlit.ank 3. Prefabricated pillboxes ...... VI-27 ...... VI-23 4. Permanent fortifications ...... VI-28 17. Antitank trap pattern ...... VI-24 5. Organization and priority of 18. Profiles of antitank ditches ...... VJ-2S work ...... VI-34 19. Escarpment and counterescarpment ...... VI-26 Section III. WINTER FOHTIFICATIONS .. VI-36 20. Antitank log barrier ...... VI-27 1. Winter modification of field fortifications. V1-36 21. Stone slide...... VI-28 2. Employment of snow, ice, and frozen 22. Density of minefields and t jme required to' ground ...... VI-38 lay minefields ...... VI-28 23. Hasty antipersonnel minefield ...... VI-29 24. Hasty antitank minefield ...... VI-29 List of Illustrations 25. Hasty mining of a road, ravine, or gully .... . VI-30 Figure Page 26. Deliberate mining of a road...... VI-31 1. Organization of antitank defenses ...... VI-l 27. Protective thicknesses of various materials 2. Organization of an army defensive zone .... . VI-3 used in Soviet fortifications. . . . VI-32 and 33 3. Fortification of a center of resistance ...... VI-7 28. Prefabricated ...... VI-33 4. Fortification of a strongpoint...... VI-8 29. Typical permanent ...... VI-34 5. Squad ...... VI-9 30. Time and labor required for the organization 6. Standard trench profiles, showing develop. of a strongpoint...... VI-35 ment of a commnnication trench ...... VI-lO 31. Winter modification of a firing position. . . . . VI-37 7. Built-up fortifications in swampy terrain .. V]-ll 32. Winter modification of an open machine-gnn 8. Open machine-gun emplacements ...... VI-12 emplacement...... VI-38 9. Covered, reinforced, and machine- 33. Reconstruction of a trl'nch into a shelter in gun emplacements ...... VI-13 winter...... V 1-39

VI-I 1 Jan 46 TM 30-430


Section I. FORTIF'ICATIONS to delay and channelize the enemy advance, thus DOCTRINE facilitating destruction of the enemy by artillery and air counterpreparations and by counterattacks. 1. GENERAL Properly sited and effectively developed systems of The length of the U. S. S. R.'s frontiers and the size obstacles are the foundation of Soviet fortifications. of her territory have precluded the construction of These obstacles bar the enemy from access to tactical a continuous, permanent system of frontier fortifica­ objectives. A system of fire is built up to defend tions such as the Westwall or the . the obstacles. Machine guns and individual anti-

Figure 1.-0rganization of antitank defenses.

Shaped and developed by the impetus of modern tank guns provide local cover. Artillery and armored and motorized warfare, the Soviet system defensive barrages supplement the obstacles and of defense is primarily an antitank defense capable interdict secondary approaches independently (fig­ of rapid development. It is based on natural and ure 1). artificial obstacles covered by and coordinated with With the development of the defensive system in an elaborate system of fire from field fortifications depth, the obstacles form a more and more cellular grouped into centers of resistance. Its purpose is system containing individual centers of resistance.

VI-l TM 30-430 I Jan 46

In planning the cellular system, it is essential that time. Important strategic centers and naval bases friendly counterattacks against terrain seized by the are protected by forts, often old, with armored tur­ enemy not be impeded. As a result, the Soviets rets housing heavy guns. These must be ~upported do not employ complete all·around defense of a by field works and minefields to make possible their strongpoint, but provide a lane through which sup· close-in defense. porting strongpoints can lay down fire on a lost Experience of the war has shown that populated strongpoint without endangering counterattacking centers, especially large , can be developed friendly troops. Similarly, switch positions are into extremely formidable fortifications (see designed for effective resistance in one direction Warfare, chapter V). Houses provide excellent only, when natural obstacles cover other approaches. defensive positions, particularly in basements. Rub­ The Soviets stress the importance of providing an ble serves for camouflage and protection against blast adequate reserve of fire in fortified areas. Key areas action. In addition, field fortifications of normal must be covered by several types of ­ types are readily constructed in parks and streets. artillery, mortars. and automatic weapons. Local Sewers and subways afford unusual possibilities for . over-saturation of defensive weapons must, however, unexpected counterattacks, shelter, and mining . b~ carefully avoided since it discloses the system of defense, is vulnerable to artillery fire, and leads to 2. ORGANIZATION OF A DEFENSIVE SYSTEM unnecessary losses. On the other hand, a reserve Soviet defensive positions are designed to stop the of weapons in protected positions must be available enemy in front of the , to to replace losses from enem\" fire. localize the· enemy's penetration, and to prevent his The construction of shelters, particularlv of a expansion frontally or in depth. The organization permanent type, for large numbers of troops is con­ of defensive positions is ordinarily based on an inter­ trary to Soviet doctrine. No more personnel is connected system of defensive cells, often arranged maintained within the defensive zone than is essen­ in a staggered, checker-board pattern. tial for the conduct of local defense. Mobile re­ a. Army defensive zone. An army defensive serves are maintained under centralized control for zone (figure 2) includes ~n zone; several general counterattacks supported by powerful ar­ zones echeloned in depth, of which the first is the tillery counterpreparations. main zone of defense; switch positions; and an ob­ The Red Army also stresses the necessitv for stacle system (minefields and antitank areas) to fill deception in a defensive system. Camouflage tech­ the gaps between individual defense zones and link niques and discipline have been highly developed. them together into a single operational system. An Dummy positions of the most elaborate description Army defends a zone 18 to 30 miles deep and 30 to are often constructed and may be defended by small 50 miles wide. An infantry divisional defensive zone garrisons with equipment to simulate intensive fire. is 2112 to 3V~ miles deep and 5 to 7 miles wide. Generally, the dummy positions, particularly the Within the division, two regiments normally defend dummy forw ud lines, are sited so as to induce enemy on line with three battalions abreast; the third regi­ attack in a direction flanked by the actual positions. ment is held out as a rilObile reserve or to man the Forward slopes are often used for dummy positions. rear defensi~e position, and to provide troops for with the main positions on reverse slopes. Crests the outpost zone of defense. Each battalion position are frequently integrated within the boundaries of is 1,500 to 2,000 yards deep and about as wide; of the main positions. Soviet this area about half serves as a delaying position are usually covered; vertical masks provide con­ and about half as a center of resistance. cealment from ground observation. Greater depths and greater widths of defensive The Soviets make extensive use of small concrete positions with relatively uniform distribution of or pillboxes and emplacements, often prefabri­ strongpoints characterize the decentralized system cated. These are used integrally with field fortifica· of defense (see chapter V). Centralized defensive tions, especially in key or exposed positions. Elab­ systems, on the other hand, are characterized by orate systems of permanent fortifications were origin­ greater over-all density and by sharp contrasts in ally constructed along parts of the 1939 U. S. S. R. the distribution and concentrations of strongpoints boundary, but proved to be defensively inadequate. and obstacles. Primary enemy approaches are In general, heavy permanent works playa very minor heavily defended. Secondary approaches are cov­ role in Soviet fortifications doctrine at the present ered chiefly by fire and mobile units. VI-2 /-



r 9 TO 10 MILES I

18 TO 30 MILES

::0-3 ~ ~ t Q Figure 2.-0rganization 0/ an army defen..~ive zone. TM 30-430 1 Jan 46

The flanks of strongpoints are often reinforced by control of massed fire is rendered more difficult. emplacements for and self-propelled guns Individual centers of resistance are held to the last. which fire from concealed positions until the ap­ SECOND ZONE. From 9 to 10 miles behind the proach of the enemy forces their mobile action_ forward edge of the main zone of resistance a second OUTPOST ZONE. The outpost zone must be or­ zone is organized, normally by the reserve regiment ganized before contact with the main enemy forces. of each division in line. In general, the fortifica­ Its missions are to facilitate observation and fire tions system of the second zone is similar to that of direction, to destroy small advance enemy -elements, the main zone. Primary emphasis, however, is laid and to delay the advance of the enemy main body. on the creation of obstacle systems and centers of It includes advanced and intermediate positions rein­ resis~ance protecting principal enemy approaches, forced by obstacles blocking principal enemy ap­ rather than on continuous lines of defense. The proaches, especially for armor. The density of the second zone of resistance is used as an assembly obstacles increases toward the main zone of defense. area for counterattacking forces, which employ cen­ The outpost zone ranges from 1 to 15 miles in depth, ters of resistance and switch positions as lines of depending on terrain. Where surprise attacks by departure. Intervals between centers of resistance the enemy are likely, as in the mountains and in coun­ in the second zone and between the main and second try accessible to armor, the outpost zone must be zones are covered by switch positions and by anti­ deep and capable of independent local action. tank defensive areas at critical points. Care is Within the outpost zone a dummy forward edge for taken in the disposition of switch positions and ob­ the main zone of resistance is often built. stacles not to hamper the movement of counter­ MAIN ZONE OF RESISTANCE. The main zone of attacking forces. If the enemy breaks through the resistance is the basis of the defense system. Its main zone of resistance, a new main zone can be forward edge is organized as the main line of re­ created from the second zone or from sections of sistance with a maximum concentration of fire and the second zone in conjunction with switch positions_ obstacles against the attacking forces. Provisions A third or fourth intermediate zone of defense may are made for the all-around defense of individual be created as dictated by terrain; for ~xample, in sectors of the main zone of resistance in the event the defense of mountain valleys. of enemy penetrations. The zone consists of a REAR ZONE: The army rear zone of defense usu~ series of battalion or, more rarely, regimental cen­ ally f9110ws the second zone, although other inter­ ters of resistance containing company and platoon mediate zones may be present. Its mission is to strongpoints. The centers of resistance and strong­ contain the penetration of enemy armored spear­ points are so sited as to be protected by natural and heads, the main bodies of which are destroyed within artificial barriers, and to cover these barriers by fire. the second zone. In case of a major rupture of the Trenches supplemented by pillboxes and open or second zone, the rear zone conducts a delaying action covered artillery emplacements are the main types (decentralized defense), permitting the army to re­ of strongpoint fortifications. Tactical intervals be­ group its reserves and launch a decisive counter­ tween strongpoints form pockets in which a pene­ attack or to form a new defensive zone based on the trating enemy may be trapped under observed fire. changed tactical situation. Fortifications are similar The relative strength of the main zone of defense to those of the first zone rather than those of the second zone. The density of forces and fire power is depends upon the over-all tactical plan of centralized lower, fewer reserves are available, and obstacles or decentralized defense. In cel1tralized defense and field fortifications are less developed_ In ca~e the bulk of ,the artillery remains massed behind the of emergency, the rear zone serves as the main zone main defensive zone. The conduct of the defense of defense. is elastic. Secondary positions are abandoned un­ SWITCH POSITIONS. Switch positions stretch to the der strong pressure. Chief emphasis is laid on rear from the main zone of resistance perpendicu­ maintaining a continuous defensive line and on larly or at an angle. Their missions are to localize channelizing the enemy attack in preparation for a enemy penetrations to one sector and to prevent decisive counterattack. In decentralized defense, enemy outflanking operations along the rear of the artillery is assigned to individual centers of re­ defensive zone; to permit effective delaying action sistance and even company strongpoints_ Conse­ pending the arrival of reinforcements; to serve as quently, a high density of direct fire exists, although transit positions from the main to second or rear

VI-4 1 Jan 46 TM 30-430 zones of resistance; and to serve as lines of depar­ lines of breastworks are connected by camou­ ture for counterattacking forces. flaged communication passages. Vertical masks of Switch positions are classified as transverse or branches, twigs, and other natural materials are ex­ connecting. Transverse switch positions do not tensively used for camouflage. Artillery is emplaced reach the second zone of defense. They serve to on any available firm ground. Where ground water protect the main zone of resistance from enemy prevents deep , earth works are built above flanking attacks and to force the enemy to carry out ground. deep enveloping movements. Connecting switch c. Fortifications in offensive combat. The positions tie one defense zone with another and Red Army emphasizes that the success of offensive facilitate withdrawal of sectors adjacent to the areas operations depends, to a great extent, on the skillful of penetration, thus enabling the defending forces to employment of fortifications to reduce the danger of limit the enemy advance and trap the enemy forces. enemy counterattacks. Fortifications in offensive Army group switch positions are an integral part operations include the construction of defensive of the strategic defensive plan, and their layout, works in the assembly areas and along the line of manning, and development are dictated by army departure, and the hasty fortification of seized areas. group or higher headquarters. Army switch posi­ In the fortification of assembly areas, primary em­ tions are designed particularly to cover lines of phasis is on the development of peripheral positions communication and service areas, as well as to facili­ to prevent enemy attacks against, or infiltration into, tate the action of reserve divisions. Divisional the assembly areas, and on expensive construction of switch positions are laid out, manned, and developed dummy works to deceive the enemy regarding the under divisional control for the primary purpose of sector and scope of the main effort. facilitating the action of the reserve regiment. In the assault of fortified positions, the construc­ Switch positions are normally designed for defense tion of approach trenches and emplacements for from one direction only, although the presence of direct-fire artillery as close as possible to the enemy other approaches, terrain conditions, and other is also stressed. special factors may dictate the construction of local Hasty fortification during the course of the of­ all-around defenses. In open country, the defensive fensive must be undertaken with light equipment system of switch positions is mainly based on strong­ and with the greatest possible speed. Consequently, points and centers of resistance which are mutually specialized materials must be provided, such as anti­ visible and which sometimes support each other by tank and antipersonnel contact mines, concertina fire. Intervals between strongpoints are mined. rolls, and wire and detonators for the construction Emplacements are provided for armored and motor­ of controlled antipersonnel mines from captured ized equipment. shells. These materials are brought up on tank­ Antitank ditches and other elaborate systems of drawn or manhandled sleds or trailers by pioneers local defense are usually not provided for the pro­ (combat engineers) immediately following the as­ 'tection of switch positions. Instead, mines and sault infantry. Hasty minefields are installed lines of tank traps are prepared in key sectors. within 15 to 20 minutes after the capture of a posi­ These may be ultimately developed into complete tion. Successive echelons carry forward prefabri­ obstacle systems. cated steel or concrete pillboxes on tank-drawn b. Use of terrain. In general, Soviet doctrine sleds or trailers; these are installed within a few governing the use of terrain for fortifications is hours after the seizure of a position. For maximum identical to that of the U. S. Army. Primary stress economy of materiel and transport, the obstacles is laid on the availability of natural or artificial and prefabricated pillboxes erected in rear positions obstacles, fields of fire, and observation. Other fac­ are taken up as soon as they are no longer needed tors are secondary. and are moved forward as required. Extensive use One special use of terrain by the Red Army has is also made of adaptable enemy defenses and of been the development of defenses in marshy regions. local terrain features, such as craters and the Such defenses are primarily designed against in­ of houses. fantry and consist mostly of breastworks or, if the The purpose of such hasty fortifications is to level of ground water permits, semi subterranean delay enemy counterattacks and to permit the de­ defenses. The breastworks stretch in'line with dis­ ployment of direct-fire artillery, which plays the tinct gaps for fire from rear positions. Parallel primary role in covering the reorganization of in-

VI-5 TM 30-430 1 Jan 46 fantry during operational pauses. Consequently, is ensured by covered communication trenches and close liaison between fortifications pioneers and underground passages leading from the position to direct·fire artillery units is mandatory. a concealed area in the rear. Communication trenches connect all fire trenches, gun emplacements, Section II. DELIBERATE CONSTRUC· shelters, and observation posts to permit maneuver­ TION OF FORTIFICATIONS ability within the strongpoint. For communication and maneuver along the forward edge of a strong­ 1. ORGANIZATION OF A STRONGPOINT point, a parallel trench is built which may also serve Deliberate construction of fortifications is normally as a fire trench. . Easy communication with the rear planned and carried out before contact is made is organized. are built if terrain conditions with the enemy. During prolonged defensive op­ are favorable and sufficient time is available. A erations. permanent defenses are developed from widened communication trench parallel to the front hasty fortifications. The nerve center of every de­ in the rear of a strongpoint is recommended to per­ fensive zone is the strongpoint, the effectiveness of mit rapid transfer of units. This wider trench in which depends upon an adequate coordination of the rear constitutes an addit,ional antitank ditch. defense works with tactical requirements. The It may be built rectilinearly and is covered for usual procedure is first to protect the positions camouflage. against enemy tanks by mines and obstacles; then Normally, a battalion defense zone has three lines to pro"ide fire protection for the obstacles; and of trenches and three communication trenches con­ finally to construct shelters for supplies and per­ necting the defensive zone with the rear. The first sonnel (figure 3) • trench runs along the forward edge of platoon strong­ The Soviets stress camouflage of defensive posi­ points. Usually it is not continuous and is sited on tions as a principal requirement. The work of cam­ the military crest. The second, basic trench is, as a ouflaging is reduced by the concentrated form of rule, continuous and follows the second line of pla­ Soviet strongpoints. Skillful use of dummy strong­ toon strongpoints and centers of resistance. The points helps to conceal the true positions from enemy third, broken trench is dug on reverse slopes of eleva­ observation. A few dummy defense works are some­ tions and runs along the third line of platoon strong­ times scattered inside the actual strongpoints to points or along the rear boundary of the second line distort its outlines. of platoon strongpoints. Sufficient space is left The normal elements which constitute a strong­ between the trenches for the organization of a dense point are trenches, machine-gun emplacements, mor­ fire system in front of the forward edge of the defen­ tar and antiaircraft emplacements, tank and self­ sive position and for fire cover of obstacles. These propelled artillery emplacements, and antitank and distances are usually 650 to 1,300 feet between the antipersonnel obstacles and mines (figure 4) . first and second trench and 500 to 650 feet between a. Trenches. In selecting sites for trenches, the second and third trench. chief consideration is given to fire and concealment. Red Army trenches are deep and narrow. Stakes Clearly outlined landmarks are avoided. As a rule, driven into the trench sides provide sortie steps at trenches follow o~e elevation contour along gentle intervals of 25 to 30 feet. Exit to the rear is pro­ slopes. The Soviets cover trenches built near topo­ vided in trenches and communication passages by graphic crests. Occupation of reverse slopes for ramps or steps dug in the earth at intervals of 65 to flanking and oblique fire is recommended in most 100 feet. On the average, trenches completed to a cases. full profile are from 3.2 to 5.2 feet wide at the top Fire and communication trenches are built along and 1.6 to 2 feet at the bottom; their depth is 3.2 to the front and in the depth of strongpoints. The pur­ 6.5 feet (figure 6) . Fire pits for riflemen and ma­ pose of the trt1nches along the front is to connect chine-gun positions are built at close intervals­ separate firing positions and their elements (figure about 13 to 16 feet between riflemen and 65 to 130 5) . If the strongp.oint is small, fire trenches along feet between machine guns. Communication pas­ its edge form practically one continuous line. Re­ sages are of sufficient width (6 feet) for the trans­ serve fire trenches on or in front of the forward edge portation of heavy machine guns and, when neces­ of the main line of resistance provide support in sary, antitank guns. Such wide communication initial defensive action and during the repulse of passages are considered especially important between attacks. Security of withdrawal from a strongpoint the main and reserve gun positions in open terrain.,

VI-6 1 Jan 46 TM 30-430


Figure 3.--Forti/ication of a center 0/ resistance, VI-7 TM 30-430 1 Jan 46

Figure 4.-Fortification 0/ a strongpoint. VI-8 1 Jan 46 TM 30-430





Figure S.-Squad trench.

VI-9 TM 30-430 I Jan 46


8" 4"





I' TO 1'6" __~.~·,


GROUND PLAN Figure 6.-Standard trench profiles, showing development 0/ a communication trench.

VI-lO I Jan 46 TM 30-430

Overhead cover of trenches consists of one or more Reserve and supplementary machine-gun emplace­ layers of round logs with a layer of earth on top. ments are located close to the main firing positions. Grass, bushes, or trees are planted on the cover for Their mission is to open fire on threatened areas in camouflage. In open, woodless terrain, flat over­ the event of enemy flanking attacks through gaps head cover is used. between strongpoints. During prolonged periods of defensive warfare, In the order of development, the known types of trenches are further developed and improved. Re­ machine-gun emplacements include open machine­ cesses are built for men and supplies; light per­ gun positions, covered machine-gun trenches, semi­ sonnel shelters are constructed under the breast­ covered timber-and-earth structures (polukopanir) , works; provision is made for drainage; covered timber-and-earth structures (kopanir) , and

FIRING SLITS ------.z,~~~=_J_--.-

I ~-+2'8" I ------6' FIRING TRENCH

SHELTER Figure 7.-Ruilt-up fortifications in swampy terrain. are provided; are installed and overhead reinforced rock-fill and heavy concrete pillboxes covers built (figure 7) . (figures 8 and 9) . h. Machine-gun positions. To provide sup­ c. Personnel shelters. In the field, the Soviets plementary fire protection during initial action provide shelter for about two-thirds of the personnel against separate, advancing enemy elements, of a defensive position. In addition to recesses and machine-gun emplacements are built on, or in front light personnel shelters in trenches, separate shelters of, the forward edge of the strongpoint. Flanking are built near firing positions, close to command machine-gun nests are provided for converging, and observation posts, and in the rear of defensive flanking, and oblique fire to repulse frontal attacks. positions.

VI-II TM 30-430 1 Jan 46

- =-:-



Figure B.-Open machine-gun emplacements.

The most elementary· type of shelter is a covered and fragmentation. A slit trench is 6 to 6.S feet slit trench, which affords protection from air bursts deep and the space per man is computed at the rate VI-I2 1 Jan 46 TM 30-430




1+-----10.8 YDS.----+-I


Figure 9.~Covered, reinforced, and concrete machine-gun emplacements. of 2.3 to 3.2 feet in length. Slit trenches with feet from firing positions and observation posts for double roofs resist the crushing effect of tanks protection against aircraft machine-gun fire, aerial (figure 10). Covered dugouts are built 32 to 65 bombs, blast splinters, and artillery shells up to

674241 °-46---2 VI-13 TM 30-430 1 Jan 46







EXCAVATED OR TYPE OF SHELTER Figure lOa.-Development 0/ personnel shelters.

VI-14 I Jan 46 TM 30-430


Figure lOb.--Development of personnel shelters. VI-I 5 TM 30-430 I Jan 46

75-mm. Reinforced shelters provide protection high vegetation. The basic artillery emplacement against shells of 75-mm guns and 122-mm howitzers. is sunken, with slit-trench shelters for the crew, am­ Heavy-type shelters provide protection against 105- munition recesses on both sides of the emplacement, mm gun and 155-mm howitzer shells and IIO-pound and a ramp for the gun in the rear. The design aerial bombs. Staff and command posts housing undergoes minor variations in covered and rein­ about 10 men are built 13 to 16 feet underground forced structures (figure 12). depending on the level of the water table, with an A sunken antitank-gun position for all-around fire overhead cover 8 to 10 feet thick. Superheavy consists of a gun platform connected with a shelter two-story underground shelters, absolutely invisible for the gun, a small slit trench for the crew on the on the surface, have entrances at opposite ends with right side, and one or two ammunition storage re­ flat wooden covers, and iron rungs set in concrete cesses. the depth of the slit tr~nch is not less than serving as steps. The arrangement of lower and 5 feet; its width is about 1.3 to 3.2 feet at the top; its upper floors is similar. The total height of the length is 10 to 13 feet. about 1 foot high structure is about 33 feet. Individual compart­ are built of spoil in front and to the rear of the ments inside are about 7 feet high. The shelter has slit trench. Approaches to the position, especially a surface of ahout 3,500 to 5,000 square feet. on the flanks and in the rear, are protected by anti­ Artillery and antiaircraft artillery observation tank obstacles. posts are sited to permit good visibility of enemy The gun emplacement for all-around fire is circu­ positions or of the sky were desired. They are lar, with a diameter of 13 feet. It is dug in to a usually located on inconspicuous , in depth of about I foot. A ramp leads from the plat­ ruins of inhabited places, or at the edge of a large form to the gun shelter. The shelter is square and forest. Locally available material is used for camou­ about 3.5 feet deep. Along each side of the shelter flage. The Soviets emphasize that observation posts special 3.2-by-1.6-foot steps are cut in the ground to should not be crowded into one area and that con­ support the gun wheels. Gun shelters are usually centrations of men, horses or motorcycles, or any placed on the left side or in front of the platform. visible movement of messengers should not be per­ If the shelter is in front, the height of the front mitted in the immediate area of an observation post.. does not exceed 8 inches. A space of about Observation posts for antitank defense are located I foot 8 inches is left between the platform and the behind natural or artificial obstacles (figure II) . descent to the gun shelter to provide support for the d. Supply shelters. Supply shelters provide trail spade. protection for transport equipment and facilitate the If all-around fire is not required, platforms for distribution of ammunition to individual firing posi­ antitank guns firing on a narrow sector are built as tions. To provide protection for transport against small as possible--about 10 feet long,S to 6.5 feet artillery fire, the Soviets build covered sheds on steep wide in front. and 10 feet wide in the rear. reverse slopes of elevations and gullies. The slopes Sunken emplacements for field-artillery guns con­ are cut at nearly a right angle, and platforms are sist of a gun platform dug in to a depth of about built for the transport equipment. A ditch above 2 feet and two small slit-trench shelters at the sides the shelter drains off rain water running down the of the platform for the protection of commander slope. In open terrain, shelters for bulky transport and crew. The shelters are in line, the right one are dug in at intervals of 100 to 200 feet. being at a small angle to the basic direction of fire Ammunition dugouts are usually placed 50 to 65 to provide maximum protection for personnel against feet from the guns. They are built in communica­ shells, , and bombs exploding on the gun tion trenches connected with the left side of gun platform. A ramp for the gun is built in the rear emplacements. of the emplacement. There is no parapet in front e. Artillery emplacements. The primary mis­ of the gun. sion of direct-fire artillery is to stop and destroy When time and materials are available, covered attacking enemy tanks. For this purpose, the artil­ timber-and-earth artillery emplacements are built for lery is massed in principal tank-endangered areas protection against bullets and splinters. These em­ and is emplaced behind natural or artificial antitank placements are dug to a depth of about 2.5 feet. The obstacles. For concealment from enemy observa­ are revetted with stakes. Ammunition storage tion, artillery positions are sited on reverse slopes recesses are built in the sides of the walls. The or in broken terrain covered with shrubbery and emplacement has a width of 6.5 feet in front and VI-I 6 I Jan 46 TM 30-430 o


Figure ll.-Observation posts. Camouflage is not shown in upper drawing. VI-17 TM 30-430 I Jan 46



76-MM GUN OPEN EMPLACEMENT Figure 12a.-Development of artillery emplacements.

VI-I 8 1 Jan 46 TM 30-430




Figure J2b.-Development of artillery emplacements.

11.5 feet in the rear;. it is 15 feet long and at least ing a traverse of 60 degrees is left open. A ramp 5.7 feet high inside. The front wall is revetted up to is provided in the rear. The entire timber construc­ ground le\'el~ above which a firing " allow- tion is covered with earth and camouflaged.

VI-I9 TM 30-430 1 Jan 46


Figure 13 ,-A"t'• wlrcraft , emplacements.. VI-20 I Jan 46 Tl\I 30-430

A further development of artillery emplacements Emplacements for antiaircraft artillery are pro­ are timber-and-rock fill structures, the design of vided with circular gun platforms. The platforms which does not differ substantially from that of the are surrounded by a parapet which is not over 10 timber-and-earth structures. inches high so as not to impede fire at ground tar­ f. :Mortar and antiaircraft-gun emplace­ gets. An exit for the gun is built in the rear. Two ments. Reverse slopes of elevations, deep undula­ slit trenches with light overhead cover on both sides tions, gullies and ravines, glades, or far edges of of the platform provide shelter for the crew. There groves are used as sites for mortar emplacements, are one or two recesses in the trench for ammunition since they provide natural concealment for , storage (figure 13). crew, and flash. During combat, bomb craters, g. Emplacements for tanks and mechanized ditches, and defiles serve as emplacements. In popu- equipment. In the initial phases of defensive op-

Figure 14.-Tank emplacement JVith c,!mou/lage removed. lated areas, mortars are sited in , basements erations, tanks may be employed in the capacity of of ruined houses, debris, etc. . self-propelled artillery for mobile or stationary fire A full-profile trench emplacement for mortars has in cooperation with the infantry of the first echelon. a depth of at least 3.6 feet. It is provided with a Dug-in emplacements are provided for both tanks communication trench containing dugouts for crew and self-propelled artillery (figure 14). Antitank and ammunition. Slit-trench shelters at the sides strongpoints and flanks of switch positions are re­ of mortar platforms and the communication trench inforced by entrenched tanks used as artillery. of reinforced mortar emplacements are provided Camouflaged emplacements are provided for tanks with timber-and-earth overhead cover. protecting important approaches. Disabled tanks Antiaircraft artillery positions are prepared for are also used as artillery in open, cemented em­ all-around fire and sited behind elevations or forests placements, or are dug in and covered with earth with a view to concealing the flash from enemy and sod, leaving only the above ground. ground observation. Antiaircraft artiliery must be h. Obstacles. In combating the German mech­ prepared for defense against tanks and therefore is anized "blitz," the Soviets developed a great variety grouped primarily in antitank areas. of highly effective antitank obstacles adapted to

VI-21 TM 30-430 1 Jan 46




Figure 15.-Fire protection 0/ obstacles. VI-22 1 Jan 46 TM 30-430 conditions of terrain and availability of time and used with mines. When combined with antitank materials. Among their most effective types of obstacles in front of the main line of resistance, anti­ antitank obstacles are ditches, escarpments, and personnel obstacles may be either in front of or counter escarpments, as a rule installed in front of behind antitank obstacles. When placed in front, the main line of resistance or used to protect the flanks and main approaches into the defensive depth. GROUND PLAN

~[~;~~f;~i;;~fi~i~;lt~l~~~i~~~;;I~ III 3.3 YDS. --..... --',-.',:.~'.> .. obstacles is not practicable from the main firing \.~ .':~<:i positions, special firing positions are built for this ::.: ~;}0: purpose in the rear wall of an antitank ditch or escarpment (figure 16). To provide protection by flanking fire, the obstacles are built in a staggered (zigzag) pattern in single stretches up to 2,300 feet long. Where natural water barriers do not exist, the Soviets build antitank ditches of various types (fig­ ure 17). Dimensions of antitank ditches may reach 10 feet in depth and 23 feet in width. Anti­ tank barriers are built of various materials, such as earth, stones, trees, railroad ties, rails, and concrete. To reduce the dimensions of barriers, the Soviets recommend the construction in front of the barriers of speed-impeding ditches 3 feet deep (figure 181. Escarpments and counterescarpments are con­ structed in extensive stretches where terrain slopes are over 1: 5 (figure 19) . One type of barrier consists of tree trunks sus­ pended horizontally between trees, high enough to I-- 2.1 YDS.~ deny cover to enemy infantry (figure 20). An effective obstacle in forested terrain is built of felled trees which are not detached from their stumps, making removal more difficult. The depth of such an area is usually not less than 165 feet. It is frequently reinforced by mines and . In thick forests, traps of fallen trees bar the advance of enemy columns. Iron hedgehogs are used either to reinforce other artificial or nat­ ural obstades, or by themselves, arranged in three or four rows across secondary approaches and for rapid blocking of narrow gaps and defiles. In accordance with the character of terrain, the Red Army combines various types of obstacles. To pro­ CROSS SECTION tect possible tank. approaches in mountainous ter­ Figure 16.-Machine-gun position covering an alltitank rain, stone blocks, stOlle fields and stone slides are ditch. constructed (figure 21). Antitank obstacles are frequently combined with they are in the form of reinforced barbed-wire antipersonnel obstacles. The principal types of Red or concealed obstacles; when placed behind the Army antipersonnel obstacles consist of barbed wire antitank obstacles, they form the main barrier which

VI-23 TM 30-430 1 Jan 46


Figure 17.-Antitank trap pattern.

consists of two or three belts of wire. If construc­ obstacles, including various types and patterns of tion time is limited, antipersonnel obstacles on the trip wires, are used mainly in open country. flanks, in switch positions, and in the defensive depth In forested terrain, in addition to barbed-wire are restricted to one row of barbed wire. The length entanglements, obstacles of felled trees, branches, of a barbed-wire section may reach 440 yards. and poles are constructed. In mountainous terrain, Protection of antipersonnel obstacles is provided in addition to the obstacles already mentioned, stone by enfilade fire from positions of the main line of slides, knife rests, and hedgehogs on escarpments resistance or from special firing positions flanking are used. the antitank obstacles. It is stressed that salients i. Mines. Soviet antitank mines are consider­ of antipersonnel obstacles should not coincide with salients of antitank obstacles. For rapid reinforce­ ably heavier than U. S. antitank mines. As a result, ment of a position under enemy fire and replacement Red Army antitank minefields are less densely laid of destroyed obstacles, portable obstacles are used, than U. S. minefields. On the other hand, Soviet such as "Bruno" (concertina) wire entanglements, antipersonnel mines weigh much less than U. S. "pioneer" wire nets,. knife rests (chevaux-de-frise) , antipersonnel mines, and the density of the Red hedgehogs, and combinations of these. Concealed Army antipersonnel minefield is higher (figure 22) . VI-24 1 Jan 46 TM 30-430


Figure lB.-Profiles 0/ antitank ditches.

The basic type of antitank mine used is a simple perpendiculars of varying length stretch~d at right wooden-box mine (YaM-5) which is difficult to angles across the roadbed. I f an ordinary measur­ detect. Antipersonnel mines are prewar types ing cord is used, it is applied alternately on each side (POMZ and PMD-6), several modifications of of the road. which exist. Hasty minefields are largely used in offensive The enormous extent to which mines are used bv operations for the protection of flanks against enemy the Red Army may be illustrated by the German counterattacks. They are also laid in front of seized claim of having cleared 137,000 mines during their enemy positions and in the enemy's rear. Mines are attack on Sevastopol. The mines in this area were used to disrupt enemy ; broken road either dispersed or laid in irregular checkerboard sections are mined to impede their reconstruction, pattern with 3 to 8 feet between mines. About and delayed-action mines further interrupt road 2,500 mines were cleared by the Germans in front traffic after repair. Hasty minefields are laid in of a regimental position in one day. Approximately somewhat irregular checkerboard patterns, mostly 20,000 mines. were located in front of a divisional measured by pacing. zone. In mining roads, the dispersal of mines in space Forward edges and flanks of defensive positions and time (delayed-action mines) is recommended. and gaps between strongpoints are protected from Antitank !pines on roads are 30 to 80 feet apart; enemy tanks and infantry by deliberate minefields. their density is one mine per yard of the road width. In laying deliberate minefields, distances between Thus, a 30-foot-wide road has ten mines on a stretch mines are accurately measured and recorded. A of 300 to 800 feet. Figures 23, 24, 25, and 26 special measuring cord marking spaces between represent patterns of hasty antipersonnel and anti­ mines is recommended for the mining of roads. This tank minefields and deliberately and hastily mined cord is used from one side of the road, with the cord's roads. VI-25 TM 30-430 I Jan 46


4- A B C D

10 0 II 7 5 8

150 II b 31/2 81/2 BREASTWORK 20" 111/2 51/2 3 9

25° 14 7 21/2 101/2

30° 111/2 8 I 12


COUNTER-ESCARPMENT WITH BREASTWORK Figure 19.-Escarpment and counterescarpment.

2. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS and the German Bl-mm mortar. Walls consIstmg Russian field fortifications are classified~ according of tamped gravel or crushed rock placed tightly in to strength and material, as splinterproofs, light, a casing made of boards, with voids filled by sand, reinforced, heavy, and superheavy. are considered by the Soviets to be very effective a. Splinterproof construction. The splinter­ for light defense works. This type of construGtion proof type is designed to afford protection against has proved to be more resistant to concentrated individual rifle bullets and splinters. This type of machine-gun fire than reinforced concrete of the construction is primarily used in hasty fortification same thickness. of localities during offensive operations and in de­ c. Reinforced construction. Reinforced struc­ fense. With the stabilization of a position, splinter­ tures are designed to resist direct hits by lOS-mm proof are gradually improved and rein­ howitzers, l20-mm mortars and six-barrel mortars. forced to the strength of the light-construction type. As a rule, fortified structures with walls which are h. Light construction. Light construction in­ vulnerable to direct hits of tank guns are built ex­ cludes the basic types of field fortificatiOfls afford­ clusively in mountainous or forested terrain, where ing protection from mass automatic fire of rifles~ tank maneuver is difficult and where only 75-mm mortars, infantry antitank weapons, and machine infantry or mountain artillery, lOS-mm mountain guns. Light fortifications are designed to resist or field howitzers, and sometimes antitank guns may enemy infantry weapons, such as the German be used against fortified positions. Practice has MG-42 , the 7.92-mm antitank rifle shown that even without the use of concrete, walls

VT-26 I Jan 46 Tl\1 30-430

Figure 20.-Antilank log barrier. of defense works can be sec ured against the effect the cost of construction due to economy in material, of fire of all the above-mentioned artillery weapons, labor, and transportation. but afford no protection against direct hits of 75-mm a. Timber-and-earth structures. Individual antitank guns. parts of Soviet timber-and-earth structures nre d. Heavy construction. Heavy construction standardized and prefabricated. The weight and affords protection against is-mm and 88-mm tank characteristics of each part are calculated to permit guns with a muzzle velocity of 3,300 feet per second, handling by one or two men and to permit its use and against ISO-mm howitzers. Protection against under summer and winter conditions without any direct hits from these weapons can be provided only alterations. The elements of all types of structures by reinforced-concrete casemated works and under­ include a frame, four shields, and a cover. The ground shelters. Timber-and-earth constructions are principal timber-and-earth structures are of the fol- • \"ulnerable to hits of modern tank and antitank guns. lowing types: emplacements for 50-mm, 82-mm, and e. Superheavy construction. SpeciaIly rein­ 120-mm mortars; emplacements for 45-mm and forced heavy construction is used mainly for hi gh 76-mm guns with sectors of fire of 100 degrees and command shelters and other buildings of similar 360 degrees; splinterproof pillbol'es; antitank rifle importance. positions ; and antitank rifle shelters. 3. PREFABRICATED PILLBOXES h. Concrete pillboxes. Prefabricated con­ The use of prefabQcated material facilitates rapid crete pillboxes have an above-ground elevation of up construction in the field, decreases the Humber of to 8 feet. Pillboxes for machine guns have a cir­ qualified workmen necessary, raises the output of cular shape; those for field guns are rectangular. work by 500 to 600 percent, and materially lowers The pillboxes for machine guns have two large em- VI-27 TM 30-430 I Jan 46

for anchor bolts by which four rows of blocks and the top cover are held together. The cement used to fasten the blocks forms vertical and horizontal CROSS SECTION seams 2% inches thick. The cover of the circular pillbox is made of eight parts which are bolted to a special crossbeam and to the wall. The total weight of the cover is 1,302 pounds. All blocks are made of reinforced c6ncrete. The reinforcing rods have a diameter of 1,4 inch; spacing between rods is 2% to 2% inches; percentage of metal is 1.1 percent. The total weight of the circular pillbox is 3,580 pounds. Total volume of concrete used for the cir­ cular type amounts to 1 cubic yard. This type of pillbox is installed on a special wooden frame. The • concrete top of the pillbox is covered with a I-foot layer of earth, then by a second layer of logs 10 to 12 inches in diameter, and a third 20-inch layer of rock which is camouflaged by a coat of earth. The walls of the pillbox are also protected by a 20-inch layer of rock covered with earth. The Soviets used prefabricated concrete pillboxes principally in front of main lines of resistance and found their service satisfactory. Due to their com­ paratively light weight, the individual concrete blocks can be brought by hand to the place of installation and the construction work can proceed inconspicu­ ously (fig. 28) . These pillboxes are bulletproof and splinterproof and are not highly vulnerable to ar­ tillery fire. The main disadvantages of this type are' the high elevation above ground, large em­ 'I I,! I. brasures, lack of blast walls, and the comparatively , , ' weak bond between blocks. The circular construc- " " tion is more resistant than the angular. '"~ Figure 21.-Stone slide. 4. PERMANENT FORTIFlCATIONS There appears to be no essential difference in the brasures which also serve as entrances. Those for construction of Red Army permanent defense works artillery are provided with one embrasure which is and that of similar works in other countries. While protected by an overhang. The wall of the circular one-story structures are most common, the Soviets type usually consists of 16 reinforced concrete blocks. also have two- and three-story pillboxes and Each block weighs 33 pounds and has two openings .


ANTITANK 61j2 TO II 1,000 3-6 MINES . ANTIPERSONNEL I TO 21j4 2,000 TO 3,000 MINES 3-6

Note.-The density of Americ;an minefj~lds equals 1'12 mines per yard Figure 22.-Density 0/ minefields and time required to lay minefields. VI-28 I Jan 46 TM 30-430

ENEMY MINELAY1NG MINELA YING CREWS BEGINS HE.:) PACES I 2 3 4 1.. 2 3 4 I 2 :1 4 I 2 3 0 , I ,. I ,. -T I T I - . - I • •I I t I ~ I I , 2 I ... • A f · I ..&.. · I T I I t T • "I' I I T I t I I • •I I I I .,• •I • •t , I • I I I I I• I •I ~5 PACES:'" I ..I. I • •I j. I .a. I I •I 6 • • I I T I I ,. -. I I T I , ,• I I t t• I -.: , I •I I •I I I .1 I I -l..• I I ..&..• • I I :I. 9 • •I • ,.. I I T I I I T I I T • • I I I I I • 1 I I I I •I I I I- •I t I I- I I • • I 12 I • I- , • I I I T I • ·T I I T I I- I 1 I I- I• , I- I • I , I 14 T I I T , •I I T I ,• I T I • I , I I I I I • , I • • I • I I • I I , I I • I I I I I 18 I I I- I I I I- I I I- I I I I I •I ,. I T I I I• T I I I I I I I •I I •I I , I I I I I I I I- I , , 1- -I I • I- I I I I.- 21 I I ,. I I I , • ,. I T • T I I • I I I • I I • I I I • I I I I 24 I- I I I I- I i I- I I I I- T I T • ,.. I I t T •I •I • • I • • • I.- I 26 • I- I I.- I I I_ I I I I T I •I I T • I T I I I ,. I I I I I •I I• t I I I I •I I I • I I • I • I , I I •I t I I I.- I • I I-• I I I I- I I •I 30 I I ,. •I t ,.. I I I T I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I-• I •t , I_ I I I I- •I I I- 33 I I T I I I T I I T I I T t I I I I I I ,• t I t • • I- t I I •I 36 I .. I I I- I I I • I I I •I I I I -... I -- I • I- •I I • I- I I t 38 I- - I- ... • ... .. £ ... •I •I I I -- •I • •I I • I I • • I 42 I I.- I I- I I- I I • •I -- •t - I - I 45 I.--- I.--- I-... I Figure 23.-Hasty antipersonnel minefield.


MINELA YING CREWS PACES I 2 ;) 2 3 4 2 0 .. !.. 1. - , I .. I I T I 2 ... I I I ,..& I · • ... T ·I I • I .... I •I I I • I •I J •t •t •I t-"-'-'8 PACES I • • • 6 • ... • • ~ I• I .... I • ,. • • I • · I • I • •I •I .:. • • • 9 ,. I • I • I I • • I T I I I I I• •I I I I •I 12 I • I I I • I 1 .. J · .... I I .,. I 14 "1 ~2 PACES: • • I I I .- • .- I I T • • •I T • T I •I •I I I • • I I I 18 •I • .- •I t •I .- •I I • T t I I • T • I I I I I •I I 21 I ... I t• •I I I T • £• • I .- -T I I • • I I I I I • 24 • • I -, ~,. • •, I •I .- • I I I I • T • 26 • I I . I • I • · -T I I I T I I I I I I •I I I I •I •t I I 30 I I I • •I I •I T- • I •I -.,. I I , I • I t · I I • • 33 I • • I • • I I -.... I I -T I I • , I I• I 36 • • I I • I • - I I · T I • -T 38 i I • ...;. • • ,. I I I ..,. I .. : - I I •I . I •I I •I I I • •I 42 I• I •t I I ...- I I I - 45 I - I

674241 °-46--3 Figure 24.-Hasty antltank minefield. VI-29 TM 30-430 I Jan 46

from 5 to 7% inches. Earth-covered walls of pill­ boxes usually have a protecting layer of loose rock or under the earth cover which extends from the top of the structure to the ground level or deeper. The resistance of permanent 'works of a later date has been increased by adding burster layers about 3 feet thick of resilient asphalt. The asphalt is delivered in 2Y2-cubic-inch blocks which are melted for use. " Compartments in casemates are approximately 7 feet high or higher; in pillboxes, 6 to 7 feet high. Embrasures for artillery are either 6.6 by 4.6 feet or 4.6 by 2.6 feet. Embrasures are closed by sliding 4-inch steel plates measuring about 10 by 6.6 feet. Embrasures for heavy machine guns are rectangular in shape, tapering back from the outer to the inner face at varying angles in accordance with the field of fire of each machine gun. Outer dimensions of embrasures vary from 35 by 78 inches to 16 by 32 inches. Inner dimensions vary from 16 by 27 inches to 9 by 12 inches. Wall thicknesses are not less than 8 inches. Embrasures are closed by sliding steel plates 39 inches by 39 inches, at least 11,4 inches thick. Embrasures for light machine guns are ap­ proximately 5 by 20 inches or 8 by 16 inches. These embrasures are closed by sliding steel plates slightly smaller than those for heavy machine-gun embrasures. From the outside, embrasures are covered with camouflaged wooden shutters which are either painted or covered with sod. As a rule, below the machine-gun embrasure there are two openings, 23/~ to 234 inches in diameter, which serve as water and steam run-off drains. Machine guns are mounted on special fixed pedestals facing the embrasures. These pedestals are integral with the gunner's seat. Figure 25.-Hasty mining oj a road, ravine, or gully. Normally, concrete pillboxes have only one en­ In general, quality of the Soviet concrete is good. trance, shaped in a broken line. Slits about 8 to Its resistance, however, is not very high, due to light 20 inches wide and 80 inches high near the entrance reinforcing. The outer surface of ceilings and walls facilitate natural ventilation. These slits may also is usually more densely reinforced than the inner be used for close combat. Some pillboxes have surface (figure 29). The following approximate openings near the entrance for throwing out hand thicknesses of concrete are used for various struc­ grenades. Doors are usually placed in the rear of tural parts of defense works: pillboxes or, in some cases, in the side walls. Outer Ceilings ______3.3 to 6.6 feet. openings have either steel doors.or iron gates about Front and side walls ______2.3 to 7 feet. 5 to 6 feet high and 27 to 32 inches wide. Steel Embrasures ______~ ______4 to 6.6 feet. Interior walls and ceilings ______8 inches to 2.5 feet. thicknesses vary from 0/8 to 11;4 inches, 0/8-inch Rods for the reinforcement of concrete are about iron bars having a spacing of 4112 inches. The 34 inch in diameter. entrance is protected by light machine guns which for machine guns and observation posts fire either through embrasures about 4 by 9 inches are not frequently used. Thickness of armor is on both sides of the entrance door or through a

VI-30 1 Jan 46 TM 30-430

.,- G'~"'" - .,-

MINING OF ROAD WITH THE AID OF AN ORDINARY MEASURING CORD. Figure 26.-Deliberate mining of a road. VI-31 TM 30-430 I Jan 46

Span :Material Thickness Type of construction (feet) (inches)

Light construction Walls ______Peat ______82 Cla:v or loose earth ______47 Sandy soiL ______35 Tamped clay soil or black earth packerl 16 to 20 in a wooden casing. Tamped sand packed in a wooden casing __ 12 Tamped graY(~l (crusherl rock) with sand 8 packed in wooden casing. laid with cement ______15 Reinforced concrete ______8 Longitudinal layer of pin logs or boards __ 40 Armor plate ______Overhearl cover 3.5 K ot Ylllllprahle to crush­ Logs, one layer ______6 to 8 ing effect of tanks. Clay ______4 Soil ______12 22 to 24 Total Vulnerable to crushing Cp to 8______Woven brushwood ______effect of tanks. Clay ______4 SoiL ______12 16 Total Fascines ______10 to 12 Clay ______4 Soil ______12 ---- Splinterproof 26 to 28 Total OYerhead ______Cp to 8_____ Poles, one layeL ______to Clay ______3 5 Soil ______8

11 to 13 Total Boards ______Clay ______2 Soil ______8

Reinforced crnstrucfion 10 Total ·Overhead cover for shelters_ _ tTp to 10 ___ _ Logs, two layers ______20 Clay ______4 Earth ______8 Logs, four cross layer:'> ______Soil ______40 12

84 Total tTp to 8 ______Logs, one layer ______10 Clay ______4 Earth ______20 Rocks or brick, laid dry ______Soil ______24 12

70 Total Up to 8 ______Logs, one layer ______10 Clay ______4 Earth ______20 Reinforced concrete blocks ______12 Soil 12

Heavy construction 58 Total Overhead cover for shelters_ Logs, two layers ______20 Clay ______4 Earth_ ---- -; - - - - -.------i 31 R~cks or bnck, Ia.Id dry ______! 35 80lL __ ------_____ -- --- ___ --I 12 102 Total

Figure 27.-Protective thicknesses of various materials used in Soviet fortifications. VI-32 1 Jan 46 TM 30-430

Span Type of con, truction faterial Thickne s (f t) (inche )

H eavy consil·tlction-Continueo. Logs, two layers ______Overhead coyer for ·helter. ­ Clay ______20 Continuccl. Earth ______4 31 Concrete blocks ______1 SoiL ______12 85 Total

Steel rail~ ______Clay ______6 4 Earth ______20 Concrete block ______. ______1 oil ______12 60 Tota l

Figure 27.-Protective thicknesses 0/ various materials used ill Soviet /orti/ications.- Continlled.

Figure 28.-Pre/abricoted pillbox. single embrasure located inside the pillbox oppo­ the walls are made of reinforced concrete, 8 inches site the entrance door, through which the entrance to 1 foot thick. One floor of a multiple- tory pill. and adjacent corridor may be covered. Inner doors box is connected with another by a ladder or through are gasproof and are made mostly of wood. an opening. ormally, there are no tairs. Pillboxes which have no entrance are connected Pillboxes usually have camouflaged emergency by underground passages with adjacent structures. exits immediately undernea th or to one side of the The cover of such passage is 3 to 10 feet thick and entrance, from which a short tunnel leads to a co n·

VI-33 TM 30-430 1 Jan 46

through the same embrasure as the antitank gun. Cables for electricity and telephones are laid in wooden or concrete tubes having a diameter of about 8 inches. These tubes are placed in ditches about 6 feet deep, 20 inches wide at the bottom, and 40 inches wide at surface level. Near defense works, the depth of cable ditches increases to 10 to 13 feet. Defense works are usually painted to match the color of the soil and are provided with an earth cover. Depending on surroundings, sod or plants are placed on top of the earth cover. Frequently the work~ are disguised as huts, sheds, stables, barns, and the like. Concreted ditches built in front of some pillboxes afford defense against close attack. Such ditches are protected by hand grenades launched through I special apertures of the pillbox. II YDS. Permanent works of an earlier date appear to be less resistant than the later structures built after the autumn of 1939. One-gun pillboxes for frontal defense are common. Their height above ground is 5 to 6.6 feet. Thickness of walls and ceilings averages from 3.3 to 5 feet. Embrasures are not armored and can be closed by l%-inch steel plates. These pillboxes are equipped with periscopes, hand­ operated ventilation devices, running water, and I GUN ROOM 3 HALL telephones. They are well camouflaged. Entrance 1 GAS LOCK " ENTRANCE is by wooden . Figure 29.-Typical permanent casemates. cealed exit 35 to 165 feet from the pillbox. Elec­ 5. ORGANIZATION AND PRIORITY OF FORTIFI­ CATION WORK trically or hand-operated air pumps are provided for the ventilation of pillboxes. Higher air pressure Orders for the fortification of a position are issued inside the pillbox prevents penetration of chemical by army or division staffs simultaneously with the agents from the outside. Water is provided by order to defend a locality or zone, or, in offensive wells or water pumps inside the structure. Pumps operations, at the time when an attack is halted. are electrically operated in structures which are con­ The commanding personnel of individual army nected with an electric plant. Electric lights, can­ units are responsible for the fortification of defen­ dles, or oil lamps are used for illumination. Small sive positions or of captured enemy positions by coke stoves are installed in niches with flues built their troops. In the infantry, the company com­ in the concrete walls. Electric heaters are used in mander and his technical assistant, the regimental structures which are connected with an electric plant. engineer, are in of defense work; in the Walls inside pillboxes and casemates are covered artillery, this is the duty of the battery commander. with wood or %6-inch sheet iron. Telephone and Three to four pioneers and a section of regimental radio connect command and observation posts with pioneer instructors assist the battalion commander artillery and machine-gun emplacements. Observa­ in the supervision of fortification work. Compli­ tion is mostly by periscope through openings in the cated tasks, such as mining, construction of rein­ ceilings of pillboxes and observation shelters. forced shelters and pillboxes, etc., are performed Observation shelters may have two periscopes. by divisional engineers, one or two platoons of The armament of pillboxes ordinarily consists of which are attached to infantry regiments. Regi­ a heavy machine gun, a 45-mm antitank gun, and mental and divisional engineers are technical ad­ usually a second heavy machine gun which fires visors of regimental and divisional commanders.

VI-34 I Jan 46 TM 30-430




FIRE TRENCHES 350 YDS. 2.7 640 320 COMMUNICA TlON TRENCHES 1 770 YDS. 0.9 300 400

MACHINE-GUN NESTS 8 30 120 120







DUGOUTS 2 40 80




I Including widened communication trenches. 2D"e to presence of natural obstacles, the number of mines and extension of artificial obstacles were reduced.

Note.-Labor required for the construction of artificial obstacles is not furnished by the garrison of the strong point. but by detailed engineers or by a speciat detachment from the rifle battalion. Figure 30.-Time and labor required for the organization of a strongpoint.

They participate in the preparation of plans and on local conditions of terrain, soil, and ground water, orders issued in connection with the fortification of and on "the availability of time and equipment. defensive positions, and are responsible for the Hasty fortification of a position ordinarily takes 96 supply of engineering materials and tools. hours (4 days) ; deliberate fortification of a locality During the first 2 days' work on a position, troops is carried out within 168 to 336 hours (7 to 14 days). use light entrenching tools. Regimental tools are The fortification of an army defense zone requires usually distributed among machine-gun and mortar from 20 to 30 days (figure 30). Under conditions sections and the reserve units which are assigned to of mobile warfare, urgent fortification work is done fortification work. At the end of the second day, as required. As a rule, fortification work is done all troops of the defensive positions must be supplied by night; it begins at about 1900 or 2000 and is with heavy entrenching equipment from divisional interrupted at daybreak. and army dumps. Unit commanders decide on the The following order and priority of work is rec­ type and priority of defense w~rk to be executed. ommended: During the first day, trenches are dug Their decision depends on the nature of operations, for all sections garrisoning the defended area. Em- VI--35 TM 30-430 I Jan 46 placements are prepared for machine guns, mortars, 1. WINTER MODIFICATION OF FIELD FORTIFI- and artillery; command and observation posts are CATIONS camouflaged and lightly covered; fire trenches are Existing structures may be adapted to winter con­ dug; light ammunition dumps and medical shelters ditions by various methods. The Soviets adapt are established. Reserve units construct the forti­ splinterproof field works of the light type and fications on the forward edge of the position, erect specially prefabricated metal and concrete pillboxes obstacles, clear fields of fire, and dig main com­ by raising their zero or sighting line. To facilitate munication trenches to secure ammunition supply. the use of fire trenches, observation posts, and ma­ Highest priority is given to mining important ap­ chine-gun emplacements, the floors are raised by proaches which may be threatened by tank attacks; additional loose ground, , and available this is done by regimental and divisional engineers. timber. This may be done gradually, as the snow During the second and third days, fortifications cover increases in depth (figures 31 and 32). are developed and completed. At the end of the For protection against snow, trenches are cov­ third day fire trenches including shelters and re­ ered by special shields with spaces left open for cesses must be completed. The fourth and subse­ observation, launching of grenades, and exit. Re­ quent days are mainly used for the development of cesses in trenches, after necessary provisions for obstacles and communication trenches and for the heating, are used as shelter for crews and weapons. improvement of fire pits and trenches. Mining in At a distance of 10 to 16 feet from such shelters, front of the main line of resistance must be completed one or two open machine-gun emplacements are by regimental and divisional engineers. provided for flanking and oblique fire. Low-set On the fifth day, units commence construction of pillboxes, especially concrete or metal works with timber-and-earth works, erect prefabricated concrete sufficiently high casemates, are adapted for winter pillboxes, and construct obstacles inside the defen­ conditions by raising the entire structure. Some sive positions. They also begin the organization 01 gun emplacements used as shelter for weapons and fortified strongpoints. On the sixth day, reserve crews are protected by one or two open firing posi­ units are shifted to construction work on the second tions usually built on the overhead cover of the line of defense. By the end of the seventh day, the structure and cut into its top layer. Such an ar­ hasty fortification of the main and second lines of rangement provides flanking and oblique fire pro­ resistance must be completed. By the end of the tection and facilitates rapid occupation of the firing fourteenth day, both lines of resistance must be fully position by the crew. The loose-earth cover of the equipped with defense works, command and obser­ construction affords protection against enemy vation shelters, and a system of covered communica­ frontal fire. tion trenches. Further improvements are dictated Trenches, gun emplacements, pillboxes, and ob­ by combat conditions. However, fortification work servation posts which cannot be adapted to winter in a defensive zone continues indefinitely without conditions and used for their normal function are interruption. converted into shelters. Embrasures and entrances of pillboxes are closed by shields or straw mats; Section III. WINTER doors or curtains are provided; bunks and tables made; heating arrangements installed; and all in­ FORTIFICATIONS side surfaces insulated with available material Winter conditions, which cause the transformation (straw, hay, canvas, blankets, etc.). Recesses and of many natural obstacles such as lakes, ponds, niches in trenches and such communication and fire trenches as are riDt used for their original function rivers, and swamps into dangerous approaches and but utilized for shelter, are kept warm in a similar render useless many artificial obstacles, create the manner (figure 33). necessity of adaptations in the organization of de­ Special attention is paid to the shape of overhead fensive positions. This involves, chiefly, the reor­ cover of defense works to avoid accumulations of ganization of antitank and antipersonnel obstacles, drifting snow. Soviet experience has shown that the the subsequent readjustment of the fire system and accumulation of drifting snow is encouraged by of firing positions, the modification of existing steep slopes, while surfaces with slopes of not over works, and the construction of special winter 1: 4 do not obstruct the drift of air and therefore defenses. do not accumulate snow. VI-36 I Jan 46 TM 30-430


---. ---..:::::. ~ --= - , ?--= ~ -::: - -- -=------~ ::: 0--- -=- - :.:;:...

Figure 31.-Winter modification 0/ a (iring position.

VI-37 TM 30-430 I Jan 46 •

-+I' 1'4"



Figure 32.-Winter modification 0/ an open machine-gun emplacement.

2. EMPLOYMENT OF SNOW, ICE, AND FROZEN men ted by special winter fortifications built of snow, GROUND ice, and blocks of frozen ground. Field works are a. Defensive work. Existing defense works reinforced with loose-snow covers, packed layer by modified for winter conditions are largely supple- layer, which afford protection against antitank VI-38 1 Jan 46 TM 30-430

,-- I '1 r' I t ! 2'4" TO 3' , I I I I

Figure 33.-Reconstruction 0/ a trench into a shelter in winter. grenades. When the snow cover is 4 inches deep their full depth in the ground, and snow is used for or less, fire and communication trenches are dug to camouflage. If the snow cover reaches a depth of

VI-39 TM 30-430 I Jan 46

10 inches, fire and communication trenches are dug crease in the thickness of ice of 1 to 2 inches will in the snow with only partial excavation of ground. not prevent a tank from breaking through. Swamps When the snow is over 10 inches deep, fire and are prevented from freezing in a similar manner. communication trenches are built entirely in the Individual sectors in the rear of defensive posi­ snow. Various available materials are used for re­ tions, roads, and road sections are blocked by snow vetment. A variety of shelters constructed of snow, barriers formed by the placing of special snow or dug into ground frozen to sufficient depth, are fences against the wind. The use of several rows built to meet the increased demand for shelter during of snow fences permits formation of the desired winter. Observation posts are built of well-packed wall width. Vertical and slanting snow fences are snow with walls 4 to 5 feet thick and a diameter of installed in various combinations in order to ob­ 3.3 feet. The false work inside. made of brush­ tain the desired mass of snow. Such snow walls wood, is left in place to give additional protection are used as a protection against tanks and mecha­ from splinters. Such shelters resist penetration of nized . ordinary and armor-piercing bullets. The Soviets are very inventive in utilizing various Pillboxes for one machine gun are constructed materials for winter antipersonnel obstacles. of frozen blocks of sand and crushed stone. The 5 to 7 feet high made of poles 3 to 5 wall blocks are fastened together with moistened inches in diameter are set in ice in a checkerboard snow. A 6-inch layer of logs supports the roof. pattern inclined toward the enemy, with intervals Outside, the walls are covered with loose sand or of 10 to 12 inches along the front and of 12 to 16 packed layers of snow. This cover is 5 feet thick inches in depth. Abatis of trees and branches at­ at the foundation, and 18 inches at the top. Indi­ tached to poles are also set in ice. Stumps of trees vidual blocks are carefully prepared, tamped until 8 to 16 inches in diameter, or logs, set in ice are moisture appears on the surface, left in forms for found to be very effective. These types of ob­ a day, and then taken out at temperatures under stacles on ice are also considered effective in pre­ 14 degrees F. venting hostile aircraft from landing on frozen lakes An effective antitank and antipersonnel obstacle or large rivers. When the ground is covered with used by the Soviets is an iced slope. The Red Army loose and shallow snow, antitank mines are placed recommends the spraying of terrain having slopes directly on the ground. If the depth of snow ex­ up to 1: 1112 when the ground is frozen but not yet ceeds 10 inches, mines are installed on tamped snow covered with snow. The spray of water is directed or on pads made of boards or stakes at a depth of from the top of the slope downwards, and kept as not over 4 to 6 inches from the surface of the snow. long as possible in the air. The preparation of an h. Structural characteristics. If thoroughly ice crust over snow requires a great amount of protected by heat-insulating material of sufficient water and time. When the temperature is very low thickness, such as sawdust, wood shavings, peat (5 degrees F.), it is preferable to pour water from moss, finely chopped fir twigs, dry conifer needles, buckets by hand. An ice surface of 7 to 9 square and the like, structures of snow, ice, and frozen yards can be prepared by one man in 12 hours. ground can remain structurally sound indefinitely at Excellent antitank obstacles are camouflaged low temperatures. The principal advantages in the openings, 13 to 22 feet wide, in frozen surfaces of use of these materials for defense works lie in the rivers, lakes, and ponds. They are covered with general and immediate availability of the material, insulating material to prevent their freezing over. the comparative rapidity of construction, the facility A 6- to 7-inch layer of hay or straw, a 10-inch layer with which such works can be repaired, the durabil­ of fir branches, or a 10-inch layer of branches com­ ity of such structures, and their non inflammability. bined with a 4-inch layer of hay, provide such in­ STRENGTH AND DURABILITY. Snow, ice, and frozen sulation which, in addition, is covered with loose ground are highly even when not under load. snow. Traps of this kind are usually arranged in Continuous loading causes considerable and rapid checker-board fashion along the near shore of frozen deformation, especially at temperatures close to rivers, lakes, or ponds located in front of defensive freezing. The strength of frozen ground to a great positions. If an opening or thaw in the surface of extent depends on the moisture content at the time a frozen water obstacle is covered by a 4-inch layer of freezing and the cementing together of solid of ice, it can be maintained in this condition by an particles by ice. The low tensile strength of snow, 8- to 10-inch cover of loose snow. A possible in- ice, and frozen ground is given primary considera-

VI-40 I Jan 46 TM 30-430 tion in planning permanent structures. This applies pressive strength of such ground may reach 400 particularly to overhead cover. Theoretical calcu­ pounds per square foot and, in this respect, it equals lations, confirmed by practice, indicate that vaulted good cement concrete or high grade brick. overhead cover is not subject to such effects Frozen clay is the weakest of all ground material, and may stand indefinitely without suffering any but while its temporary compressive strength is in­ deformation. ferior to that of sand, it is not as fragile and is less Snow. Flat overhead cover made of snow will subject to fragmentation by direct hits. not last long and is possible only if the span does not I ce concrete. Experiments carried out by Soviet exceed 3 feet. Flat cover of ice and frozen ground specialists have shown that the compressive strength with a span of 10 to 13 feet may last several months of ice concrete, a mixture of water and frozen sand, if the cover is not less than 2.3 feet thick and if its gravel, or crushed rock, equals the strength of good temperature can be maintained below freezing. concrete or high grade brick, while its bending Usually flat cover must be supported by a layer of strength is from 2 to 4 times higher. The following logs or similar material. table gives the average compressive strength of re­ The durability of dry, compact snow is materially inforced ice concrete: increased by adding water up to 25 percent of the Ice with dry sand______300 pounds per square weight of the snow. This raises the compressive foot. strength of frozen snow to 17 pounds per square Ice with crushed rock______350 pounds per square foot. The accepted working strength of dry, com­ foot. Ice with frozen sand ______270 pounds per square pressed snow at 14 degrees F. is 10 to 16 pounds per foot. square foot and that of frozen snow is 20 to 30 Ice with frozen crushed rocL_ 210 pounds per square pounds per square foot. The allowable tensile foot. strength in structures made of pressed snow is 0.2 One and one-third cubic yards of ice concrete to 0.4 pound per square foot; that of frozen snow, made with dry sand and crushed rock contains 1,540 1 to 2 pounds per square foot. pounds of sand, 375 pounds of water and 3A85 lee. The structural strength of ice and frozen pounds of crushed rock. The bending strength of ground is much higher than that of snow. It in­ beams made of ice concrete with timber reinforcing creases with the decrease in temperature, especially was tested with a continuous load of 880 pounds, within the range between freezing and 14 degrees F. which equalled approximately one-third of the al­ when most of the mineral solutions contained be­ lowable load. With air temperature at 5 to 15 tween the particles of ice or frozen ground congeal. degrees F. for 72 hours, the deflection was 0.65 inch Salt-water ice is structurally weaker than fresh-water or 1/675 of the span. After a month under the ice, but its elasticity is greater under continuous same test load, deflection increased to 1.56 inch or loading and it is less brittle. The compressive 1/275 of the span. strength of fresh-water ice fluctuates between 30 and The chief disadvantages of ice concrete are the 125 pounds per square foot, with 60 pounds per comparatively complicated process of preparation square foot at 14 degrees F. The permissible ten­ and the necessity of using definite proportions of the sile stress in ice structures is 4 to 6 pounds per aggregctes in order to obtain a uniform mass. The square foot. A typical feature of ice in defense strength of ice cencrete does not differ much from works is its high fragmentation in the event of that of frozen sand, and it takes less time to build direct hits or explosions. defense works of frooon ground. The Soviets recom· Frozen ground. Frozen ground is three to five mend the use of ice concrete for the construction times stronger than ice. I ts strength increases of defense works only when sufficient time is avail­ with decreasing temperatures. The resistance of able for its preparation, and when sand, crushed frozen ground to blast action is greater than its re­ rock, or gravel is locally obtainable. sistance to continuous loading. The strength of PROTECTIVE QUALITIES. Structures of ice, frozen frozen ground, like that of ice, depends not only on ground, and ice concrete, due to their hardness, the quality of separate particles and crystals but resist penetration of bullets and shell splinters, but also on the cohesion of ice crysNils. their brittle:less makes them vulnerable to blast. Sand and similar types of soil with a low moisture This is particularly true in regard to ice. For this content are the most resistant and have high tensile reason ice is not used in the construction of pillboxes and compressive strengths. The temporary com- but may serve as material for obstacles.

VI-41 TM 30-430 1 Jan 46

Frozen sand or gravel and ice concrete are less are planned to last until spring should be built on brittle than ice. Soft frozen ground (clay, dry soil, foundations not subject to thawing nor exposed to or peat), though less hard than sandy ground or surface waters. The presence and level of under­ ice concrete, gives more resistance to blast action ground water is given primary consideration, and and fragmentation. sites with high ground-water tables are avoided. If Fortifications of frozen ground and ice concrete conditions require the erection of defense works in must be provided with a protecting layer of brush­ areas with a high ground-water table, the process of wood, stakes, poles, or boards within the structure. freezing the structure is accelerated, or, if possible, Frozen ground should be reinforced with branches, dry earth is used as material. If time is available, straw, or similar material. The reinforcing must be acceleration of the freezing of the upper layers of the placed in all directions and not in layers. Blast soil on which the structure is to be erected is recom­ action causes fractures along planes of weakness in mended. For this purpose the snow is removed layer reinforcing, thus weakening the structure. from the surface of a slightly larger sector than Based on their experience, the Soviets list the effects required for construction. With a temperature of of direct hits on various types of frozen ground as 5 to 14 degrees F., 2 to 3 days are sufficient to freeze follows: the base of the structure to protect it from the effects Frozen clay soil shows the best resistance to of high-level ground. penetration (bullets and shell fragments) To protect ice or frozen-ground structures from and blast. melting during temperatures above the freezing point Ice concrete with crushed rock offers better at the beginning of spring, the walls of such works resistance to penetration than any other ice are insulated with available material, such as peat, concrete. However, if it lacks vertical branch sawdust, straw, and fir twigs. Before insulating a reinforcing, it is subject to destruction by snow, ice, or frozen-ground structure, thorough freez­ blast and splits off along planes of weakness. ing should take place in order to increase its dur­ A recommended composite ice concrete in which ability and thermic stability. the inner layer is made of frozen ground, Peat is recommended as the best insulating ma­ the intermediate layer of ice concrete, and the outside cover of loose frozen ground, terial, since straw and hay are subject to decay with reduces the destructive effect of bullets and the resultant release of heat at temperatures above blast to a minimum. An inner layer of dry 50 degrees F. The best insulating effect is obtained branches, poles, or boards is used as protec­ when the insulating layer is moistened and thor­ tion against splinters. Loose frozen earth oughly frozen. When the temperature is above cover on concrete pillboxes considerably re­ freezing, the insulating material should be as dry duces the destructive effect of direct hits. as possible, and may be moistened when the tem­ Frozen ground is recommended for splinterproof perature drops below freezing. By covering the construction. Ice taken from water reservoirs does insulating outside layer with 4 inches of snow, the not resist penetration and therefore is not recom­ effect of insulation will be increased. Surfaces mended for covered fortifications. Walls of winter inside a frozen-material structure should be insu­ structures are built of blocks of various types of lated by dry material to protect them from the frozen ground. Blocks of frozen sand, 39 inches radiating warmth of stoves and human bodies. thick, are composed of one part crushed rock and The thickness of insulating layers depends on the two and one-half parts sand. Blocks of frozen clay length of time the structure is to be used. An ground, 47 inches thick, are composed· of one part 8-inch layer is found sufficient for two or three clay and two parts sand. weeks. The mo'st effective insulation is afforded by The protective thickness of frozen materials interior walls made of stakes, poles, brushwood, against penetration of bullets varies: canvas, bagging, etc., with an air space 4 to 8 inches Snow, loose ______120 inches. wide between the inner wall and the frozen ground Snow, packed ______80 inches. or snow structure. If no insulating material is Snow, with ice crusL ______. 40 to 60 inches. Ice ______. 28 inches. available, the frozen structure should be covered Frozen ground ______. 20 inches. with as thick a layer of snow as tactical conditions Ice concrete ______12 inches. permit, although snow insulation will protect the c. Ground water and thawing problems. structure from thawing for a few days only. Drain­ Structures of snow, ice, and frozen ground which age must be provided for melting snow insulation. VI-42