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12, 191S. EVENING " FEBRUARY ii , LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, in f'rffi ll( iris.iiMi.i.tiM.wn &t NIEHOFF, OF REDS, IS-NO- W WITH PHILLIES-B- IG SOCCER GAMES ON FOR TOMORRQf SAL CDP AND LEAGUE Molvln Sheppttrd Hangs VANITY WINS Up Shoes for All Tlmo Metvln W. Sheppard, hero of the IN OPENING RACE SOCCER MATCHES 1903 Olympic games and for 10 years America's best middle distance run- PHtt- - I HEARD "BY Golly I ner, said yesterday he has run Ills 5Y wne limp- OH TOMORROW AWFUL GOOD OrJ SftUARe last race. Tho peerless Mot ATNEWORLEAl AM the Hav6 to ing around New York as the result of I iTs Yarm hjosV- a'Pbach LAUGH JiW a fall at the N. Y. A. C, gamps Wed- Ll5Ttr- J- "' nesday night. Sheppard ran his first Gotta Tetu it To THIMK race on August 2, 1902. His victory on To You- - " - that occasion was tho forerunner of Favorite Comes AcrissM Victor and Bethlehem Meet OP T mnny successes In championship eVents. At the London Olympics Mel First Event " in won the 800 and 1500 metro races. With Soutnlr , National Cup Third Ferhspshls greatest achievement wne Round Three Games in In running 1000 yards ln 2:12 Star, a Long Shot, infffl Amateur Competition. BANTAMWEIGHTS BATTLE Place. AT QUAKER CITY TONIGHT NEW CHILEANS, Feb. -sal M With many cup and league gumes sched- y; C )1 Qrlner the favotlte, flashed past uled for tomorrow, soccer enthuslatB rfl Harry Wngner Meets Johnny the JudjSf, winner Wilt have no dlnlculty In finding enter- ln the Wind-u- p. ln the opening race here thfiffij tainment. The same In the third round Mills Hairy Vnsner, of North Tenn, will crnoon, paying 3 to 3 to her baStS of tho nntlonal cup competition between hnte a good opportunity to leap Into the lime- Southern light, puglllstlcnlly, when ho tackles Johnny Star, rt long shot, was ,"3S Victor ahd Bethlehem Bhould attract a wind-u- p nnd Irrawaddy mMBm Clrlner, of Lancaster, In the nt the was n for the fflft big crowd, and the gamca In tho first Quaker City A, A. tonight. Orlner Is consid- round of the amateur cup competition aio ered to bo one of the best bantamweights In also of particular the State. Interest The trogram follows; Tomorrow'! games follow: First liout Johnny Morgan, nichmond, vs. i Johnny Gorman, Kensington. NATIONAL CUP COMI"ETIT10N. You POU'T fla.nml hnm.Vm.nv rvrinnnntl. ITalln nf THIIID HOUND. 'IF WELL- - A CERTAIN! Schuylkill, vs. Henry Hlnckle, nislng Sun. "Oorn, Zolo. Cuddles. PhTffli" LAUGH WHEN) I iniru nout Tommy iiuoson, Aianayuna, vs, Molly Reach, Ciar'a Uoy, Hells ni?i tyf" ' Victor us. Bethlehem, at Tacony Ball Park. IRlHNVrMsJ WJS Pnddy (Sylvester, Hhamokin. Harry also ran. plu, Referee. James Waldera. TeLL T flemlwlnd-u- p Charley Turner, Falls of AMERICAN CUP COMPETITION. to D6UINJ THF Schuylkill, vs. Xout'g Talmer, Tioga. At. i vi t 3fi.r C0MlrJo ITS AM wind-u- p Harry Wagner, North Penn, vs. FIRST ROUND. 6TRGET AMD HE Johnny Orlner, Lancaster. Washing-to- n OL.0 reabody vs. Putltan Y. M. L., at Your T- AWFUL iio7 a Pntk, ?nth and Allegheny avenue. Kef-tre- hat" MEETS PA- " Liu. ti l.T r'rM John Walders. ETC , - iTi . Falls Y. M. A., at Bryn PTt. FIGHT RESULTS Roscmont Celtic ( ((- OW I - Mawr. Referee, W. A. Mayne. i - AMD SO Viscose a. Veteran A. A., at Marcus Hook. Se?Jack- IgSSU&t&fe Referee. 1'. HoIoy. Darkey Griffin Defeats Dorsey nt - AMERICAN LKAUUU. C. Coin-pan- Broadway A. won; Hibernians . Victor Talking Machine Pair Helen. 101, Reogh. e to 1 s ?lS at (Id street and Lehigh nenue. Ref- Darkev Griffin, tho sensational Brooklyn to ft, socondj Hilly Joe, 107, O'Brien lib,' eree, George Young. defeated Eddlo Dorsev, ot West i to 5. 1 to 3, third Time, i in.1 Fall vs. West Philadelphia, at Falls. Ref- Philadelphia. In tho wind-u- p at the llroadwny Hro(ri,aCral,'i,"r1ann,:blC' K,",et and && eree, O Allen. - Athletic Cluh last night before 'one ot tho LEACIUE. largest crouds of tho season. ALLIED ln the semlwlnd-u- p .Joo Itclmont outpointed Y,Un,0:'roX.-On,d,o FIRST DIVISION. Johnny In Although -I- S.n .".VeSS Clark six fnit rounds. V Hee 111, A., Ft beaten, Clark was not disgraced, as he mado It, O'Drien, 2 to 1, l'to Kensington A. A. Smith A. at lm- 1)8 5& Clearfleld streets. Referee. J. Shaw. Holmont extend himself to the limit, nnd ho second; Roscoe Goose, and luf, Jou blending In tho last two rounds. Tho Time. 1:12 FOURTH DIVISION. host flfcht of the night was botwocn Mickey Sio,.n,hlrd. i&'&ft Hoys' dub Fourth s. t, at Trainer und Pits Wallers, ot Atlantic City. From street and Erie acnue. Referee, P. Thev buttled hard for tho whole six rounds, -- Uuan. first one and then the other lending. At the llrldeeburg Club, end both were tired nnd bleeding, nnd honors ? nTMelffil,'? ?' on; Camellia. 10C,tllI, L' s. Northwest Boit at to 8. Referee, W. wore about een. Jlmmv Corcoran stopped 5, second; J12 rtonuii, lllchmond and Orthodox streets. Phil Chin In tlirco rounds of hard furhtlng. to 1. 2 to 1. oven, third. 'Time? lFtl E. Allen. Boru, Kyrenc, UNITED LEAGUE. Hobby HcC'ann added another to his long Paby Sister, Brynavli aiiii strlnc ot victories by defeating Andy Mitchell Olrl, Ora McQeo. liarette, fcoriy g iSSK .Feltonvllle s. Whitehall, at Rising Sun and In six rounds. Sydney Burns stopped Jimmy nnd Hlackford also ran. " T yomlne avenue. Referee, J. Lyall. MlClure In one round. Vlncome vs. Bristol, at Rid and Spruce AI.LDNTOWN, Pa.. Fob. 12. Young Nell. streets. Referee, T. Ferns. of this city, had a slight shade over Tommy HAVANA BESULTS La Mott n Cardlngton, at Mott. Ref- SOMEBODY IS ALWAYS TAKING THE JOY OUT OF LIFE Carey, of Philadelphia, in a bout !3 eree, 8. It, Williams. beforo tho Keystono A A. Tho flcht was First race. up. sclllnr rSl American Pulley Company vs. Frankford, erv slew at times, mid those that attended 00. a furlongs-8tubb- orn. Si. 1 ' at 42CO Wlnahlckon avenue. Referee, E. were disappointed. Willie McGoevcr, of this Boy. ffir'VJuSa- Mooney. BILL JAMES HOLDS OUT city, easily beat Treddle Clarke, of South hniS,1'!3""8 5V0.n! fonny - vs. O'Hara, 10th street and SHOTS FOR THE BASKET In the semi. A poor ?S Shamrock at EASTERN TRYOUTS NIEHOFF WELCOME Ilethlehem. Hunting Park avenue. Referee, D. Oates. crowd attended. tfoc1c,.rTaTso n! ft&lVtf PHILADELPHIA LEAGUE. Greystock defeated Jssper. .TO to 27, through Star Twlrler of World's Champions W Keystone vs. Dlsaton Stato road and Diss-to- n Second raco. lellS at field Koals by Cross and Wilson after the Money. ROBIDEATT WINNER purso S00. 8M furlons-D- SwaKngert'lU street. Referee, O. Wooley. Wants More to r. (it street and champions had tied the score at 20 points WOULD SEEM TO FMREFORLOCAL Coleman. 3 1, 6 to 6, 0 to B won-r&- i Christ Church vs. Central, 7th 12. Is U3, 11 .1 to Referee, Edwards. In League gamo at Nonpareil BOSTON, Fob. Unless there a Ural. to 0. 6 I to Tabor road. J. their Eastern chango on purt two Gains Verdict Over Frankle Calla-- Sir Fretful 10. ltoblnwn,20 to lf'sToUt'iXf Textile vs. Wlsslnomlng. at Frankford and Hall last night. tho of cither of the 4 to 1. Erie avenues. Referee. II. Smith. principals, "Big Bill" James or Presi- third. Time. 1.00 The US. CHURCH .... Curletle played his first game for JaBper and han. KENSINGTON JUNIOR ANSWER QUESTION dent James 13. Gaffncy, the Braves will BASEBALL FANS Nathaniel s. Puritan Reserves, at 2d scored one field goal, but tallied IK out ot ; ST. LOUIS. Feb. l'.'.-S- am Hobldeau ndded 8t. bo the spit-ba- ll rf sF and Westmoreland streets. Referee, J. Black. IS foul coals, scoring 10 straight In, tho second without the cervices of nnother victory to his credit when Ii Beacon LlKht vs. Puritan F, B. C, at C and half artist of tho big trio of pitchers, James, he outpointed Prankle Callahan In eight alow Wostmoreland streets. Referee, II. Lnckhead. rounds night. Referee Kendall did not Juarez Results O STANDINO OF THE CI.URS. Rudolph and Tjler, during the coming last Kensington Jrs. vs. St. Ambrose at street W. W. I- P.C. render a verdict, but tho Philadelphia battler First race, selling. up.'s7or C. U P.C, season. BUI James Is the latest ono. aongs-- and and Indiana avenue. Referee, Hllbert. 14 1 hud a big shade, rlngsldcrs giving him six of Bu perl, 105, Camden 10 II) .." Trenton .4T of the champions of 1914 to enter the Baseman, Ac- rounds, with two even. Tajlor, 3 to 1. Ho 2,1 BENEFIT GAMES. Readlntr .. 18 11 ,i2l Jasper . n ln .418 Athletes to Represent This Reds' Third tho eight Hobldeau to 10. won; Minnie P., 103. Louder. 30 to Do Nerl ... 15 W ..'OO'Grevstock . 0 .S10 "holdout" class. used a left jab and a right cross continually. to 1, J to 1, second: Fancull 110, Audubon vs. Vlctrlx Reserves at Audubon. He Just poked the left Into Callahan's face, Hall. Ksderu. Referee, G. Warren. BCHEDUI.B FOR TONIOHT. , According to Information received In ?? ,0.1v, i?,1- - 3 to tnlrd- - Time, 1:15 3 Philadelphia and in quired by Phillies, Be while tho right started on tho Journey tor nn Hazel C.