(Ext Season Will Make Lightweight Champion!
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WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16. 19U. Page Six THE DETROIT TIMES'. HEADS DETROIT Hoped To Revive HOPE TO REVIVE ALFRED HALL THOMAS IS Derby At Chicago (EXT SEASON WILL MAKE HOCKEY SEPTET DERBY AT CHICAGO For break bennie kauff LIGHTWEIGHT CHAMPION! Commodore Pugh Working •» Plans to Renew Old Ameri- Sure, That’s Freddy Welwh’s can Classic Vets To Find Out If Fed Star Pensioning Jr * “Fighting Chance” All They’re Even Real Monicker Present Win Creek When Things • Boxers in Old Britain Johnny Evers Needs Name Wife’s Suggestion Dec. 16.—“01d timers** Go W rong CHICAOO. LONDON, Dec. 16.When Sergt. Pneumonia should know belter grew Joyous today when they learned Basham Wrexham knocked out than to match its strength with that Commodore James A. Pugh, n»U- Johnny Summers. .Monday uight. Johnny Evers. Everybody felt TOOK IT 10 MINUTES lionalre sportsman, and E. R. Bradley, FOR SI MMER Lord belt, the Irecords and won the lamsdale confident that little second BEFORE FIRST VICTORY who raced horses before the lid HURLERS he aU>o won a $5 a week pension. jja j baseman would get well from the here SHOW UP FED conferring The National Sporting club recent- lyoment the doctor said, “He has came down, were on plans ly passed a resolution offering the •infighting chance." Johnny held* tc revive the American Derby at n $2 For That Fight, But It Chicago Uads the American pension to all holders ot the i>elt about .1000 in hundling that kind. Got race track next summer. BLoiiard after the boxers have reached the Looked Like Fortune to Pugl. and Bradley’s tentative plans <i Best Pitcher age of sn. Hummers will also be cal’ for 30 days of racing, either at the HLstßU^Wft! - eligible for the old-uge income. Them old Harlt-m or Hawthorne track, start- in W'orld in *l4 ing late in June, the meeting to be :TEWAKT HERE FOR fJjLMCS A. • ilr.anced by a SIOO,OOO subscription Edgar al ‘&LL<%U. ! way. pitched in 27 fund. Public betting would be barred, lowed average of 4 21* earned rtins. Von would be*surprised If folks in- V. WILCOZ. an out It was reported that “betting on BY HAROLD I and lost games. He won but four. lightweight champion Mi 9ROUILLARD BOUT sisted that the the nod” would not he interfered with. Kauff. champion batsmen surprising of If Bennie I It's not that the Order wa* party by league of the world a. certain the Can wants him for a charter .* didn’t want the folks in Ponty- Federal - - home find baserunuer of •the k • ' . i, Thomas, * tlie name of Alfred Hall pridd. U) know. 1914, honors at the member. IA Scrap Should Be Dandy—Sikora Wales, retain* those Brooklyn, ■ wouldut you? Bui they would not j “Why—er—oh— aw, ’fto coming season, it will ne Old Chief Bluejacket, of I—l wait a CAMP HONOR ROLL fend of the major league Fails To Stage Come- breadth, and down h« i« one of the grandest. is the only twirler of \ be farther than a hair’s us minute.” he stammered ran Kecauae fame to any worse, and as luck * stairs to where Brahna anxiously bail player* of the day. do back tho crow tliea, trout the truth. Yea. SnttUeat seven clubs that would have it, he got an even break waited. Hurriedly he explained and veterans of the ‘tis bu. Welsh is none other IS A 50-50 AFFAIR 'the J Freddie suggested give oppose Indianapolis for the pen- ion his games, despite the fact that that he the name of Kirill gunning for Ihe was generous with runs. Willett than tlie same lightweight champion, Cvmru, which uieuns Welsh in the next year are going Paul Sikora come inant i was without question the worst lem- failed to buck. Alfred H. Thomas. The story ol the Welsh language. List of 100 Best Gridders Equal- by the Detroit favorite journeyed to pronunciation you Welsh, why don’t you the winter it has been said on picked for a star* Feds The difference in and spell- “If mean Mem j last spring. i.unsing yesterday do battle ing of cliauipiou s name is one of say Welsh?” said Brahna So Welsh ly Divided Between East he is not the real goods. to with the ’that | Mullln. the Tiger castoff of two the old days—of 11 years ago. he said and Weltih it has been. As of his own league, have declared Jimmy Anderson, of Chicago, and • and West baiter, baserun- years ugo, won 14 and lost 10 games, Rred got hia name in America just Welsh he won his first fight and re- he was a great t.ould knocked out the Ithat things were allowing 3.31 earned runs per game. have been If. as he has obtained most of the other ceived $2 for it—the biggest $2 the and fielder when light not J&er Groom, Camnttz. Crandall, and Adams had been stopped in the sev- things including world has ever known. they well, but that the lad lacks he possesses, his Then Camp Elating Indianapolis enth round. Sammy Taylor, of De- Walter has picked a list of Initiative, aggressiveness aud all did worse than the ability as a boxer. The name of feasted—Brahna and Fred. Khe patriarch, Suggs troit, also looked very bad. After bent football players in tbe keep plugging when things ; and Seaton and w ere Welsh entered into his life about the Time has won the ‘'Al” from Alfred, the 100 bpink to ' ’ ' '*' scoring him not much better. three knockouts in three that he entered ring. and now even Welsh signs it "Fred” country during the 1914 season. Just badly. They haven’t called j weeks, Sid Murray, of same time Break that if he he allowed There is only übout 10 minutes differ- himself. And Brahna, his boyhood 50 of them were from tbe west and RaUow, but they have said OLD LEAGUE HURLERS Kazoo, to stick full eight slump, or for the between the two sweetheart—the girl who na/.ed him south, and the other 50 were from gets into a batting SHOW REAL CLASS— mnds of the semi-final, which is ence occasions. laver clouting the r dis- Eleven years ago Fred was not as Welsh—why, she Is now Mrs. Welsh, the east. It may he a coincidence, some trouble in In marked contrast with the show- graceful. ifltikds pitchers prosperous hr he is now. That story and Brahna Is the name of their four- and then again, conclusions can be Iball when a few of the new ing of moundsmen Is the Perhaps Hammy taking a be all off. the outlaw was little haR been told. Anyway, 11 years ago months-old baby girl. drawn regarding a popular division i«et into action, it will record of the American league pitch- varailon. however, for he had Mur- of dia- young Fred was dining at his favorite of favor. is done at the first crack era, who had to face sluggers the ray on the ropes through the fight Sanff to stag*- j of and a cheap east MICHIGAN DROPPED The were equally divided, the §Ugter and he’s not the sort Crawford, Speaker and Joe twice Celery City boy saved free-lunch counter in TO ends Jones, former I Cobb. the was side refreshment parlor In New York. east getting 10 and the west and south comeback. Davy 'Jackson Leonard takes the nap only by the "Dis- save Players for yale fSa of the o.fl tribe. from a bell. Fred often dined there—too often. In the same number. The east got 11 outfielder, is one | lead with of 1.01 earned tress" Murray's condition Bner up the a record described —so often that the man in charge, Dec. tackles and the west nine. »Only six that have thus summed ! runs per game for the season, from the start the finish of the sact BOSTON. Mass.. 16.—Harvard ■timers been in to Barkeep, Michigan schedule, guards from the orient were mention- Brack Hoofed, and there have w pitched 2-3 innings, strik- CAPT. KENNEDY. scrap. There la but that Mr. decided that it was dropped from Its i hich he 221 no doubt about time that young was not because ot' any between ed. and 14 for the rest of the country, ! ing out 174 men. issuing but 60 passes Taylor will soon be ready for some Thomas trouble right, perhaps buying a drink or something as a re- the two schools, but it was with seven of them credited to the they are and and allowing but 140. This bit of thing better than state preliminary because league turn favor. contest south. One school. Auburn, got three 'Lfrmy are wrong. The Federal hurling achievement marks the Bos- artists. feared that a with the Wolv- year. There Hockey Season to at only date, guards on the honor roll. Fia fOing to find out next ton gentleman most effective Hal Stewart Detroit ’’O'wan. git outa here—and git erines. the available Bennie as the reached last not the Crimson good The centers were also equally di- Ivta been enough said about pitcher in the Foster, night and at quick!” he threatened. would leave in more than world. also of once breathed defiance physleal condition for the game. vided. five for tbe east and another this winter to arouse the Red Sox, is second, with aver- Open Here Tonight to Droulliard, Freddie put up his hands and Yale E»uff out an Patsy whom he meets quintet for west.