World Tourers Reach Martin Hockey Championship Goes to St Nicksmayer S Cue Behaves
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8 THE SDN, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1914. World Tourers Reach Martin Hockey Championship Goes to St NicksMayer s Cue Behaves CUP RACES UPSET CUSTOM. HOUSTON MAYOR M'GRAW ARRIYES TO CA1PEHTE18 FOIL TY COBB. CHAMPION GOMES TO ST. NICHOLAS TEAM TRIES (Irandataad Knowledge Fine I.onx Island Yncht Body Forced to Declare Unsafe and of TO WEATHER Ilia Teaaa Caa'l Plar Dodejers. llrnrrnnac Srhednlc I'lna. FOIL MAN FORM SENSATIONALLY WINS HOCKEY TITLE Yacht Rac- TAKE HOLD OF GIANTS AuauiTA, Oa., March 11. This after- Points a Big Help Tho annual meeting of the noon's game between Ty Cobb's mixed ing Association of Long Island Hound was team of Augusta and Brooklyn was called A YOUNG billiard enthusiast of a held In tho Hotel Astor on Tucsdny eve- off. The building Inspector declared the communicative turn of mind ning. to tltctlpg olllccra und Offers Use of Auditorium to Rent- Kcnts Hockey Club, Last Year's In addition Tour Ends Officially With Ills grandstand, whlcil la being thoroughly Mayer Average 19 watched the tournament gamo in members of tho executive commltteo tho overhauled, waa more or lew Cliunccmcn When Ituinfull unsafe. It tho Amateur Club last night. delegates nrrnnged the racing schedule.. of a disappointment to Hoblnson, who ing Hcddon in Amateur Ctio Billiard Champion, in Deciding already selected for Resumption of Regular good Ilccausc of the dales Drives Them Indoor. ' figured his men would face some Regarding himself aa something of n tho races for the America's cup nnd tho pitching on account of tlucker going on Tilt by Score of 400 to 202. student of the game, he generously Gamo of Tourney. schedule nrrnnged for the races of the Work at Marlln. the mound for Cobb's athletes. volunteered expert explanations of cup defenders u rearrangemer.t of former However, the Dodgers started a scrub schedules had to be mado und It waa lalo Houston, Tc.t.. March it A ne.v.-- r gnm among themselves. Before It had the young early various shots to a quiet 3 before all Interests could be harmonized. rainfall this ninrnliiK prcvoitcj OLD gone far a high wind arose, which made UFFENHEIMER IN LEAD FINAL SCORE IS 4 TO Things In yacht racing are upset gen- Chance's regulars DONLIJTS EYE YOUNG high man who sat beside him. Frank fioru n. It hard for the outfielders to Judge erally this year. The cruise of the New for tha eecond time with the local ciun" files. They managed to play the full nine "Knowing the fino points helps a Yoik Yacht Club Is n week enrller than plons of thb Texas League. If co, Innings, the score being 21 to II In favor lot,' he confided. That's why Willie usual and consequently the Larchmont union of team. Robbie made them Second Losers Outplay Winners Ncnr In aro favorable the battlo will W staged First Act Hit Over Fence the second Wins His Victory, Over Hoppe is such rnco week had to be sot earlier the play the game out so that tho players a star. month. II will begin on July 11 and last Neither team was ubln t Quito y Doyle and Thorpe llammqr could perfect themselves In signals and Mllburn by a Score of After the game he saw a friend End, but Can't Cut until July II. out on account of the wit groun.u eliding to bases. The office rs elected were Victor I. Cum- Resides the wcutlier was a trlflu i.'.Uj. speak to his confidant. "How about Down Their Lead. Walnwrlght, Ball Hard. If appearances count for anything 400 to 288. nock, president: Htuyveeant for Texas. This city cauht the t.u' Rucker should have his best year this an introductlonf" he asked the friend : Jumes W. Alker, secre- of one of this country'!) Justly ceiebratt I season. He Is In much better physical smilingly. tary : E. S. Wlllard, treasurer and Horace ' northers and the citizens gut ou. ..i r condition right now than he has been In won E. Boucher, George l. Oranbery, Victor 0 The Nicholas team the hockey wrapa. Chance, however, Makun, Tex.. March It. John Mo-- years. This Is due to his fondness for Staadlatj at the Players. "Why, certainly," replied the St Bowne Jones, ex- winter Wjitf championship of the season last night I. Cumnock und Frank not have laid off on account of thu U.. raw and hit fellow collector of foreign handball. Altchlson looks as If he would Nam. W. L PC. H.R. II At. friend. "Mr. So and 80, Mr. Hoppol ecutive committee. The schedule of Dr. W. E. 0 by taking the deciding game of the tour had the diamond been presentable i hotel labels arrived this morning from New give Georgia's favorite son a hard fight Uffsnhalmsr.i l.ooa n to 10.37 dates: J. Ferd Posstnburg.,1 0 1.00 ti 1. In lllnk, de- went tnrly fur an Inspection if , for the pitching honors. The one time Ed V. 1 nament the St Nicholas May 30, llarltm Y. C. annual.. York and tlie Olants' contribution to the Urdnr 0 1.000 42 13. groundB, then declared a holiday pitcher has developed fadeaway Jueeph l 1 .(04 76 COWING ADVANCES TO feating the Hockey Club, last year's Juno . Knickerbocker V. C. annual: Newark a M)r It FINAL. sun comes ,r , ,. hand of noble athletea who lately (traced 2 .noo 7 2 V. C. M, Manhassst Uay Unlcfs the out In tile Is something out the ordinary KuKtnt U Mllburn... 0 Is 4 3 Irchmont spring: ball, which of u S champion, by a score of to goals. HeawanhaKa v. Ing is doubtful if the field v the. Coiko, the Mouskl, the Hjnchodorl, good Charles Itsddon l .000 12 Y. C. annual; J. corintnian It d for a southpaw. It Is not as as Plays To-el- ar games C. special; 27, Heawanhaka Corinthian . C. In Boulovard des Cupuclnes, the Hlrand Caaadlaa for Plneharat It was one of the best of tho shape even which .vet the Matty's, but Robinson feels Buro that he Making an average put up annual. , squad will make use of the Audt thoroughfares going of II H Joseph Tea avis Honors. tournament The Hockey Club July 1, NOW Jtocnaua I, ir x and other transoceanic can Improve Its effectiveness before Mayer caniri"i.. practice. This Mayor C . confreica and of Philadelphia, holder of tho title, a stern fight and In tho second half Riverside Y. C. annual; J. Amit t. for Indoor , Joined thvlr lens truveiled North. defeated Charles Heddon of Dowaglac, Pinkiiumt, N. C, March 11. Lawrence nnnunl: 4, Larchmont . C. annual; 11 to 1, belt lias offcrod with UU complin, ent; settled down for- - a Etay In Marlln. The Mows, one short- outplayed tho St Nicks. Tho attendance Y. C. race week; 21, Indian Har- of the candidates for Mich., a newcomer In class A circles, yes- Cowing of Cincinnati and it. A. Hums of lirchmont The l'eerlrss Lender was about u k m gallivanting is over for a while, and stop, caught the eye of Coach Klberfold by Toronto meet In was largo nnd many of the spectators bor V. C. annual. ofT terday nt tho Amateur Ullllurd Club of final for the Augutt 1. Horse Shos Harbor Y. C. an- that his boya had an day. With Si. .. Europe and the U. 8. A. will d Alia. Africa, work In the sliding O'Maro, who men's singles championship. Cowing IE. Stum-for- , his pit New York In the amateur 18.2 balkllne tennis worked harder than tho players. nual; , Huguenot Y. C. annual: day ball prevalent In these environ ts baseball y reaume the normal tenor of their Is battling Mowe for the shortflcld Job, won by 7 6, Z from A. H. The Hockey Club started off well by Y. O. annual. Orient Y C. annual, will have to stand In with t.,o n. billiard championship tournament by a Hhoal race; 21, Naw athltten wny for spell. met an accident during tho game. In Chapln or fiprlngfleld. Hums won a 6 3, making goal. start of Htratford If they u with score of 100 to 262. Although the differ- tho first Fredericks scored T. C. Heawanhaka Corin- weather man nro to have ,y In tha McUraw party, which canio In n attempting stopped 1 victory shooting scrimmage, annual: 2. They manauer, wero to steal second he too ence In tho scores of tho two men was over It II. Fortune of Ht It from a t'lerson thian Y. C. fall regatta. periodic rests. had been drilling ' r upeclal cur, besides tho suddenly and received a slight Injury to Catherine. had left his cugn In his efforts to stop rleptemner 6. Indian Harbor Y. C. fall almoat u we!t steady before t uaj'i Larry Doyle, greater than In any preceding match the : Y. C. regatta; Mlko Dunlin, Fred Merklc. his right leg. In mixed doubles Cowing and MIfs the shot Tho time was 3 'minutes. There ret-atu- 1. trchmont fall break. Tliorpo and Catcher Cotter. Oeoriro loser had an average of 12 Tho 12 Washington Y. C. annual. Jim Agnes lllancke Montclalr Mr. was no scoring then for 8 minutes, when l'ort Doc was i champion clicked off high runs 7S, 69 of defeated Trainer Barrett u!xut ,r.y Wlltse and Himny llcurno of tho tourist of .Mrs. 8. It. 6 4. puck In on a PITTSBURG FEDS' ROSTER OUT.