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The Uthbridge DaUy Herald, Taesday. May 3,1910. SiKtcial Sports Supplemeat ALBERTA GUN CLUB THE FAMOl S POLO GKOINDS, XEU VOllK HE Albert* Chia Club ia one itt( a gun at anyone under aay cir and stronger until today there are ol tte oMwt if not the oMett j cumstances, firiag a gua oB except some seventy-five members. T^a ottMlMtloiifl of ita kind isi when the shooter was called to aboot year the Club are going to hold a T tottmament which promises to be the Uw We«t. It WM orcaniied la closing a CUB a cartridlfe is it AUgvat. 1M«. A few lovera ol before arriving at the akoottag pag, moat iaxportaat shooting event held tke giw satlwTed together and held a or pointing it towards the akooters in thia district. It will be the first meeting to organize « gun club, those or spectators when ia tte act of cloa- tournament ever held under the sanc »rcaeat being. E. C. Wllsoa, O. W. iog it, or leaving the firing line with tion of the Interstate Association of Laflartr, A. Moflat, C. Watkius. L a loaded gun. America, and the prospects are that N. McEwen, E. T. Saunders, «nd S. If you visit the traps today you the finest shooting ever seen ia Leth- Aleiaader. These, together with C \ will See these same rulea eaforced to bridge will be seen on July 8th attd C. McCaUl, D. Duff, and W. A. QsUi-1 the letter. 9th. The Club have a lot of new her, were the organizers of the club, The long life of the club is due to members this year and has the ma aad named it the Alberts OUQ Club. the wisdom of the founders (or the terial for some very fine shooters. The officers elected for the first year careful way they laid their foundation The grounds are in better condition and cttforced the rules. than any in the West and with two first class traps capable of throwinf President, L. N. McEwen; Soc- R. E. Sherlock, and C P L Fow from live to eight thousand birds a Treaa , S. Alexander; Diractors, A. ler joined the club in 1890. N. T. day there should be no reason why Moffat, C. Watkitts, E. T. Saundera, Hacleod and Geo. Steele joined ia the CInb should not entertain a long D. Dun, W. A. Oalliher. 1»»1. Henry Bentley, O. E. D. El list of visitors and give them a mer- liott, W. Oliver and V. Lowthex in The Board of Directora 'Miie tallfcd .ry time. upon to draw up the constitution and 18»2, T. McNabb in 1894, Senator DeVeber in 18»5 The last two or three shoots have by-laws and so well did they do it shown marked improvements in many The officers in 1895 were: Hon. Pa-' that the constitution remains intact scores and when the weather is a lit tron, W. D. Barclay; Hon. President, i today. The by-Iawa hare heen chang tle more favorable some high scores C. A. Magrath; Presioent, W. Oliver; ', ed from time to time, owing to the are looked for. The Club have lots Sec.-Treas., L N. McEwen; Directora i progress made in the game. of room for new members and will T. McNabb, L. O. DeVeber, O. W. \ Article two of the constitution »"elcome all lovers of the gun who Steele, J. H. Morris, and W. Caiason reads, "The objecta lor which this want to join and get into the King of "club are formed are the euforcement In 190a the officers were: Hon. Pa-; games and boost it along. of laws against the unlawful killing tron, P. L. Kaismltb; Hon. PresMent, Mayor Adams has pres-jnted the "or aelliag of game; the education R. F. Reeve; President. H. Case; Club with a fifty dollar cup for com "and advancement of ita members is Sec.-Treas.. H P. Withers; Directors, I petition this yi>ar. There wilt be the "the art of wing shooting, and the W. Oliver, J. C. Livingstone, Geo. regular button competition each week "eocouiagement of kindly feeling and Kerr. T. Burnett, and T. McN'abb. aod the President, Mr. A. B. Stafford "good fellowship among its mem- The ofhcers this year are: Hon. has added a spoon competition which "bera." Patrons. Mayor E. Adams. Hon. V. consists of three spoons each week In 1890 the constitution w.ts amend A. Buchanan, F. Sick; Hon. Pres. during the season, one for each class. cd to provide a patron to the club, Wm. Oliver; President, A. B SUl- There will most likely be a gold rrCflRAW 15 IH THE dAKC. and ita first patron was the Lieuten (ord ; Sec.-Treas., P. R. Agnew ; medal offered for the season's high ant-Governor of the N. W. T. Asst. Sec., ^. S. Shover ; directors, average. The Club bold a meeting The targets or birda uae<d were mada| J. E. Leth»idge, K. D. Johnson. next Monday evening and a program of tin and when hit a little flap called;, LcRoy toons, J. C. Livingstone, H. will be arranged for Arbor Day and BIG BAU PLAYERS the wing dropped down and the bird P. Withers (or the 34th of May and there will tM was aoored dead- In 1905 the club purchased an auto no lack of interest this year for those Hard and fast rules were laid down j matic trap and did away with the old who love the gun and trap shooting. USE SMAIX CLUBS to guard against any accident. (Xpert trap. This was in use up to From what we can gather there are three or four members of the Alberta Clause seventeen of the bylaws for August of last year wben^a McCrea Bats Differ in Six* and Shape as; bade the Use of wire cartridges, con- , trap took its place and today the Gun Club who have set their hearts centrators, the admixture of dust, club have another trap on the way on taking the championship cup of Al Much as the Players Oo in grease, oil, or any other substance which is the very latest and most up- berta away from Mr. "Ben" McLaren Physique. with the shot on the ground of safe- ' to-date trap made, capable of throw of Calgary, who has held it against ing six thousand targets a day. The all comers for the past three years. ty. Muzzle-loading guns were prohi- Baaeball players' bats differ In size 1 Club has been not only alive all these The Herald wish them good luck and hibited on the same ground. The and shape aa much as the players do | years but has been getting stronger the Club prosperity. shooter was liable to a fine lor point- m physique. And the strange part | of U is that many of the big fellows use a small, wellshape war club, and Min FOR CATCHER some of the "rabblis' wield some CHESTY cox AS AN ACTOR thing resembling a wagon tongue. An Instance of this is the wood DiVENlID AS JOIE pile that "Rebel" Oakes, a former Cin (NOT A BAD ONE EITHER) cinnati star, but now with the Car ?f the life of "Chesty" Cox, the in-1 Winnipeg Paper.—The usual high Now Vora, April «.—Thwe are notj dinals uses. A man can scarcely im imitable manager of the Lethbridge' class entertainment is again wft- many men left who Know tbe exact agine such a little fellow swinging trani, were to be printed, ;t would, nessed at the Bijou this week as the circumstaBcee of tbe mventtoa ot the so large and heavy a bat as Oakes make an interesting uUnn- .,f jt-i- different acts besides being pieaaant big glove, and the real atory has a«v«r does. The opposite side of the case ing. Not only has he starred it on are very artistic, and those attaudiag been told In print bafore. The great is represented by Bresnahan, who, the baseball field but on the stage as the shows yesterday, and the little glove was che result of a jok«, and while large In stature, hits with a rea well to tay nothing of his several bus theatre was packed, at every perfor the Joker thought only to make fun sonably small club. iness ventures, and at each be usually mance, was greatly plea^^il. that afternoon, although be waa feeaa After a glance at the Hans Wag made good. He evidently is one ot Chesty Cox, who made so many enough to make bis humor pay hUa ner bat, one would think that the Fly ^ITH OUR SMART GARMENTS AND OUR those proverbial rolling stones that friends this summer as the Marooaa In the end. ing Dutchman might just as well go never gather moss, but, in Chesty's right fielder, and general all-round I waa only a boy in Toronto," ta and pull up a young but promising own words, "takes on an awful fine man, and who used to bring confusion bow Kid Bernstein, the ticker broker, tree and use that to destroy the hope careful attention to the requirements of men poKsb." to the visiting pitchers by taking trips tells the story, "but I waa a fiend for of tbe young pitcher. No balance to That be has roamed the continent to the coaching lines during intervals baseball and waa always hanglnc It, large and heavy all over, the av who are mighty particular in regard to their outfitting, not a little may be gleaned from a was given a i^reat reception which around tbe park of lue old Toronto erage man could hardly swing it.