
BOXING ALL THE LATEST DOPE-BASEB- ALL Freddie Welsh Trounces Joe Rivers Local Boys Show Class With the Challenges Packey McFarland. Feds at Shreveport. Freddie Welsh, British lightweight, Two young local diamond aspirants is no whirlwind as a rough-and-tumb- le are showing a swell brand of goods Riv- lighter, but his bout with Joe with Joe Tinker's Federals at Shreve- ers in Los Angeles yesterday proves that he is one of the best boxers in port, and have a fine chance of the class headed by . sticking as regulars in the crew of Welsh completely baffled Rivers by major, minor and semi-pr- o players his cleverness and speed. The Mexi- who will perform on the North Side can was unable to penetrate the de- this summer. fense of the Englishman "and could They are Leo Kavanaugh, short- not escape the rain of left that stop, and Johnny Farrell, second pecked away at him and slowly wore base. away his powers of resistance. Kavanaugh, of course, will not get A left was Welsh's best blow. He the regular berth at short, that being jabbed' away at Rivers, now and then reserved for Manager Tinker. But bringing the Mexican into a clinch, the youngster, if he continues at the when he cut loose a right that did pace he has already set wIQ at least damage to the kidneys. be retained as utility man.. If some In only one round could Rivers be other team in the circuit shows up given the advantage. Two were com- with a hole at short Kavanaugh may paratively even and Welsh had a clear be transferred, 'as he can be kept on lead in seventeen. the bench only because of Tinker's After the fight Rivers admitted presence. Welsh was too clever for him. He Playing with the Fed .seconds praised' the Englishman as the flash- against Centenary College yesterday iest lightweight in the game. he poled two doubles and a. single, Freddie now wants to take on and fielded' his position up to the Packey McFarland and has offered to hilt. His flashy defensive work last make terms if the stockyards man year on the North Side brought him will make within ten pounds- - of his scores of followers. weight. He also took occasion to Farrell, who was with the local roast Willie Ritchie, saying he was Feds last summer, is being worked at the superior of the champ, but second base, and has a swell chance couldn't show it, as Ritchie was of retaining the job through the sea- afraid to give him a fight. son. There never was a question of Willie Ritchie will appear at the the youngster's fielding, and those I. A. C. Saturday night as one of the who have watched his work believe features of a wrestling show, and will he will be able to connect with the exhibit a few punches with a brand of pitching to be shown in partner. the Federal. Battling Levinsky outpointed Sail- He is fighting for the second base or Fritz, champion of the" navy, in ten job with Fritz, the Tri-Sta- te Leaguer, round's at New York . Fritz had a and has a man's-size- d job on his powerful , butLevinsky kept hands to get the verdict. Farrell rap- him from usine it effectually. ped a double and two singles in the o o college game yesterday. The normal head contains about Tinker is bringing his men along eighty thousand hairs. slowly. The weather has been ideal,'