Infectious Disease Transmission in Solid Organ Transplantation
Review Infectious Disease Transmission in Solid Organ Transplantation: Donor Evaluation, Recipient Risk, and Outcomes of Transmission SarahL.White,PhD,1 William Rawlinson, FRACP, FRCPA, PhD,2,3 Peter Boan, FRACP, FRCPA,4,5 Vicky Sheppeard, FAFPHM,6 Germaine Wong, FRACP, PhD,7,8,9 Karen Waller, MBBS,1 Helen Opdam, FRACP, FCICM,10,11 John Kaldor, PhD,12 Michael Fink, MD, FRACS,10,13 Deborah Verran, MD, FRACS,14 Angela Webster, PhD, FRCP, FRACP,7,9 Kate Wyburn, FRACP, PhD,1,15 Lindsay Grayson, MD, FRACP, FAFPHM, FRCP, FIDSA,10,13 Allan Glanville, MD, FRACP,16 Nick Cross, MD, PhD,17 Ashley Irish, FRACP,18,19 Toby Coates, FRACP, PhD,20,21 Anthony Griffin, FRACS,22 Greg Snell, MD, FRACP,23 StephenI.Alexander,MD,FRACP,8 Scott Campbell, FRACP, PhD,24 Steven Chadban, FRACP, PhD,1,15 Peter Macdonald, MD, FRACP, PhD,25,26 Paul Manley, FRACP,27 Eva Mehakovic,11 Vidya Ramachandran, MBBS,2 Alicia Mitchell, PhD,16,28,29 and Michael Ison, MD30 Abstract. In 2016, the Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand, with the support of the Australian Government Or- gan and Tissue authority, commissioned a literature review on the topic of infectious disease transmission from deceased donors to recipients of solid organ transplants. The purpose of this review was to synthesize evidence on transmission risks, diagnostic test characteristics, and recipient management to inform best-practice clinical guidelines. The final review, presented as a special supplement in Transplantation Direct, collates case reports of transmission events and other peer-reviewed literature, and summa- rizes current (as of June 2017) international guidelines on donor screening and recipient management.
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