Prosperous Lead Mine, Greenhow Introduction Map Hidden in a quiet valley by Ashfoldside Beck lies a clue to our industrial past. The Prosperous Lead Mine was one OS Explorer 298: of a number of mines in the area exploiting the rich geology of Upper . Its remains have recently been Nidderdale conserved as part of the Upper Nidderdale Landscape Partnership. There are two circular trails to choose from, either starting from or Greenhow, to explore this fascinating piece of industrial heritage. Distance/Time From Pateley Bridge - 5.8 miles (9.3km) 3-4 hours From Greenhow - 4.6 miles (7.5km) Route from 2-3 hours Pateley Bridge Route from Starting Point Greenhow Prosperous Lead Mine lies on the PROSPEROUS P Parking Nidderdale Way. You can either walk LEAD MINE from Pateley Bridge or park at Toft Gate car park at Greenhow. Terrain Both routes are moderate with tarmac roads, gravel tracks and fields. Walking boots are advisable as some parts of P the trail can be wet, muddy and rough underfoot.

Useful Information • There are toilets in Pateley Bridge. • Refreshments are available from Toft P Gate Barn Cafe at Greenhow or in Pateley Bridge.

For more free guides of walking and cycling routes in Nidderdale AONB, visit our website at A bit of history Hidden in a quiet valley by Ashfoldside extensive workings and accompanying near to the smelt mill, to access the Prosperous Lead Mine is one of four Beck lies a clue to our industrial past. structures have masked the earlier Wonderful Level some 27m below flagship heritage sites being conserved The Prosperous Lead Mine was one evidence. ground. and brought to life under the Heritage of a number of mines in the area Lottery funded Upper Nidderdale exploiting the rich geology of Upper The Prosperous Lead Mine, as A downturn in the price of lead during Landscape Partnership Scheme (2014– Nidderdale. it survives today, represents a the 1830s meant that the fortunes of 2018). This has included conserving comprehensive late 18th and 19th the mine took a turn for the worse the remaining wall of the smelt mill. Over 200 years ago, miners dug century lead mining and processing and the mine fell into disrepair and deep to make a profit from the lead complex. The extensive remains of the remained so for about 30 years. Visit: to find they extracted from ores beneath spoil heaps and the upstanding walls out more this landscape. The Prosperous and of the smelt mill provide a tangible link In the 1860s, the Nidderdale Lead Providence Lead Mines were two of to an industry that was so influential Mining Company took over the several lead mines in the Greenhow in this part of Upper Nidderdale. mine and hoped that, with some area. investment, they could make the It is not known exactly when the mine mine profitable. Unfortunately this Today a landscape of abandoned mine was first in operation; the earliest was not the case and in 1873 the working reflects only part of a long lease of the mine dates to 1781. mine’s plant was sold and reused at history. What survives above ground is the neighbouring Stoney Grooves and only the tip of the iceberg. A maze of The smelt mill is thought to date Merryfield mines. tunnels and enormous underground from 1785, although it has also been waterwheels lie hidden beneath the suggested that it was built in 1814. It United Lead and Barites surface. served not only the Prosperous mine Mining Company Limited, who held but also the Providence and Stoney the mineral rights towards the latter It is likely that lead has been mined in Grooves mines to the west. part of the mine’s life, ceased activities the Greenhow area since the Roman in 1889 and the mine was abandoned. The HLF funded Upper Nidderdale period (almost 2000 years ago). Despite its name, the profitability Landscape Partnership is a £1.8 Throughout the Medieval period, of the Prosperous Lead Mine was Since abandonment there have been million scheme to look after documentary sources point to the variable. In 1786 Woods and Co. attempts to rework the spoil for and help people get involved exploitation of this resource, most worked the mine. Lupton and Barker various minerals and a number of with Upper Nidderdale’s historic landscapes, cultural heritage and notably by Cistercian orders, and the who held the lease in the late 18th concrete and timber structures can wildlife habitats. The Partnership nearby Providence vein was mined century found the profitability of the be seen across the site along with is led by Nidderdale AONB and from at least AD1225. mine to decline and between 1789 abandoned equipment. brings together a wide range of and 1793 had to give up the lease. organisations who are working with No evidence can be found on the land managers, farmers and local communities. ground for these early workings, By 1816/1817, the Wood leases passed and it is likely that the later, more to John Honer who sunk a shaft