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• I' Jqqa NOV -3 a IQ: S1 I • ICTR ~CRIMlNAL REGISTRY RECEIVED I' Jqqa NOV -3 A IQ: S1 I INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL PENAL INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL FOR RWANDA POUR LE RWANDA Case No. ICTR-96-13-I N de dossier:ICTR-96-13-I THE PROSECUTOR LE PROCUREUR DU TRIBUNAL AGAINST CONTRE ALFRED MUSEMA ALFRED MUSEMA AMENDED ACTE D' ACCUSATION INDICTMENT AMENDE The Prosecutor of the International Le Procureur du Tribunal Penal Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, pursuant to International pour Ie Rwanda, en vertu des the authority stipulated in Article 17 of the pouvoirs que lui confere l'article 17 du Statute of the International Criminal Statut du Tribunal Penal International pour Tribunal for Rwanda ('the Statute of the Ie Rwanda ("Ie Statut du Tribunal") accuse: Tribunal') charges: ALFRED MUSEMA ALFRED MUSEMA with CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT d'ENTENTE EN VUE DE COMMETTRE GENOCIDE, GENOCIDE , LE GENOCIDE, de GENOCIDE de COMPLICITE DE GENOCIDE, de COMPLICITY IN GENOCIDE , CRIMES CONTRE L'HUMANITE, et de CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, and VIOLATIONS DE L'ARTICLE 3 VIOLATIONS OF ARTICLE 3 COMMUN AUX CONVENTIONS DE COMMON TO THE GENEVA GENEVE ET DU PROTO COLE CONVENTIONS AND ADDITIONAL ADDITIONNEL II, crimes prevus aux PROTOCOL II, offences stipulated in articles 2, 3 et 4 du Statut du Tribunal. Articles 2, 3 and 4 of the Statute of the Tribunal. PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/04a687/ I. CONTEXTE HISTORIQUE 1. HISTORICAL CONTEXT 1. CONTEXTE HISTORIQUE 1.1 The revolution of 1959 marked the 1.1 La revolution de 1959 marque Ie beginning of a period of ethnic clashes debut d'une periode d'affrontements between the Hutu and the Tutsi in Rwanda, ethniques entre les Hutu et les Tutsi au causing hundreds of Tutsi to die and Rwanda, provoquant au cours des annees thousands more to flee the country in the qui ont immediatement sui vi, des centaines years immediately following. The revolution de morts chez les Tutsi et I' exode de milliers resulted in the abolition of the Tutsi d'entre eux. Cette revolution entraine monarchy and the proclamation ofthe First I' abolition de la monarchie Tutsi et la Republic in early 1961, confirmed in a proclamation de la Premiere Republique au referendum held in the same year. debut de I' annee 1961, confirmee par Legislative elections held in September 1961 referendum au cours de la meme annee. Les confirmed the dominant position of the elections legislatives de septembre 1961 MDR-P ARMEHUTU (Mouvement confirme la domination du MDR­ Democratique Republicain- Parti du P ARMEHUTU (Mouvement Democratique Mouvement d'Emancipation Hutu), led by Republicain-Parti du Mouvement Gregoire Kayibanda, who was subsequently d'Emancipation Hutu) de Gregoire elected President of the Republic by the Kayibanda, qui est elu President de la Legislative Assembly on 26 October 1961. Republique par I' assemblee legislative Ie 26 octobre 1961. 1.2 The early years of the First Republic, 1.2 Les premieres annees d'existence de which was under the domination of the Hutu cette republique, dominee par les Hutu du of central and southern Rwanda, were again centre et du sud du Rwanda, sont de marked by ethnic violence. The victims were nouveau marquees par la violence ethnique. predominantly Tutsi, the former ruling elite Les victimes furent principalement des and those related to them, who were killed, Tutsi, I' ancienne elite dirigeante, et leurs driven to other regions of Rwanda or forced allies; ceux-ci furent tues, chasses vers to flee the country. The gradual elimination d'autres regions du Rwanda ou forces de of the opposition parties in those early years s'enfuir du pays. L'elimination progressive confirmed the MDR-PARMEHUTU as the des partis d'opposition durant ces premieres single party, the only party to present annees confirme Ie MDR-PARMEHUTU candidates in the elections of 1965. comme parti unique, qui est Ie seul it presenter des candidats aux elections de 1965. 1.3 The early part of 1973 in Rwanda was again marked by ethnic confrontations 1.3 Le debut de I' annee 1973 au Rwanda between the Hutu and Tutsi, prompting est de nouveau marque par des another exodus of the Tutsi minority from affrontements ethniques entre Hutu et Tutsi the country, as had occurred between 1959 qui provoquent, apres ceux de 1959 it 1963, and 1963. This new outburst of ethnic and un nouvel exode de la minorite Tutsi. Cette political tension between the North and recrudescence des tensions ethniques et South resulted in a military coup by General politiques (entre Ie Nord et Ie Sud) aboutit, 2 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/04a687/ 1. HISTORICAL CONTEXT Juvenal Habyarimana on 5 July 1973, Ie 5 juillet 1973, a un coup d'Etat militaire shifting power from civilian to military mene par Ie General Juvenal Habyarimana. hands and from Hutu of central Rwanda to Le cout d'Etat entraine un renversement du Hutu of the northern prefectures of Gisenyi pouvoir, qui passe des mains des civils a (Habyarimana's native region) and celles des militaires et de celles des Hutu du Ruhengeri. centre du Rwanda a celles des Hutu des prefectures de Gisenyi et Ruhengeri au nord du pays (region natale du President Habyarimana). 1.4 In 1975, President Habyarimana founded the Mouvement Revolutionnaire 1.4 En 1975, Ie president Habyarimana National pour le Developpement (MRND) a fonde Ie Mouvement Revolutionnaire single party and assumed the position of National pour Ie Developpement (MRND), party Chairman. The administrative and parti unique, dont il assume la presidence. party hierarchies were indistinguishable in La structure administrative et la hierarchie this single party state from the level of the du MRND se confondent en un veritable Prefet to the Bourgmestres, and down to parti-Etat a tous les niveaux de that of the conseillers de secteurs and I' administration territoriale, du Prefet aux responsables de cellule. Bourgmestres, jusqu' aux conseillers de secteurs et responsables de cellule. 1.5 From 1973 to 1994, the government of President Habyarimana used a system of 1.5 De 1973 a 1994, Ie gouvernement du ethnic and regional quotas which was President Habyarimana applique un systeme supposed to provide educational and de quotas base sur I' origine ethnique et employment opportunities for all but which regionale qui etait cense offrir des chances was used increasingly to discriminate egales a tous en matiere d' education et against both Tutsi and Hutu from regions d' emploi, mais qui fut utilise outside the northwest. progressivement de maniere discriminatoire al'encontre des Tutsi et des Hutu originaires In fact, by the late 1980's, persons d' autres regions que Ie nord-ouest. from Gisenyi and Ruhengeri occupied many De fait, a la fin des annees 1980, of the most important positions in the plusieurs des postes les plus importants military, political, economic and dans les secteurs militaires, politiques, administrative sectors of Rwandan society. economiques et administratifs de la societe Among the privileged elite, an inner circle rwandaise etaient occupes par des personnes of relatives and close associates of President originaires de Gisenyi et Ruhengeri. Parmi Habyarimana and his wife, Agathe Kanziga, I' elite privilegiee, un noyau, connu sous known as the Akazu, enjoyed great power. l'appellation Akazu, compose de membres This select group, almost exclusively Hutu, de la famille et d'intimes du President was supplemented by individuals who Habyarimana et de son epouse, Agathe shared its extremist Hutu ideology, and who Kanziga, jouit d'un grand pouvoir. Aux came mainly from the native region of the membres de ce groupe, presque President and his wife. exclusivement Hutu, se joignent des personnes qui en partagent l'ideologie Hutu extremiste et qui sont principalement originaires de la region natale du President 3 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/04a687/ I. CONTEXTE HISTORIQUE 1.6 In 1990, the President of the et de son epouse. Republic, Juvenal Habyarimana, and his single party, the MRND, were facing 1.6 Au cours de I'annee 1990, Ie mounting opposition including from other President de la Repubique, Juvenal Hutu. Habyarimana, et son parti unique, Ie MRND, font face it une opposition grandissante, notamment de la part d'autres Hutu. 1.7 On 1 October 1990, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), made up mainly of 1.7 Le ler octobre 1990, Ie Front Tutsi refugees, attacked Rwanda. Within Patriotique Rwandais (FPR), compose days the government began arresting majoritairement de refugies Tutsi, attaque Ie thousands of people, presumed to be Rwanda. Dans les jours qui suivent, Ie opponents of Habyarimana and suspected of gouvernement procede it I' arrestation de being RPF accomplices. Although the Tutsi milliers de personnes presumees etre des were the main target, Hutu political adversaires d'Habyarimana et soups;onnees opponents were also arrested. de complicite avec Ie FPR. Parmi les personnes arretees, majoritairement d' origine Tutsi, il y a egalement des opposants politiques Hutu. 1.8 Following pressure from the internal opposition and the international community, 1.8 Suite aux differentes pressions de and the RPF attack of October 1990, I' opposition interne et de la communaute President Habyarimana permitted the internationale, et it I' attaque du FPR introduction of mUltiple political parties and d'octobre 1990, Ie President Habyarimana the adoption of a new constitution on 10 autorise l'introduction du multipartisme et June 1991. The Mouvement Revolutionnaire l'adoption d'une nouvelle constitution Ie 10 National pour le Developpement (MRND) juin 1991. Le Mouvement Revolutionnaire was renamed Mouvement Republicain National pour le Developpement (MRND) National pour la Democratie et le est alors rebaptise Mouvement Republicain Developpement (MRND). The first National pour la Democratie et le transitional government was made up almost Developpement (MRND). Le premier exclusively of MRND members, following Gouvernement de transition est compose the refusal of the main opposition parties to presque exclusivement de membres du take part.
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