Naches Trail Preserve Stewardship Plan 2017 Naches Trail Preserve Stewardship Plan April 2017 This document was prepared by the Surface Water Management Division of Pierce County Planning and Public Works Department (SWM). SWM manages and maintains the Naches Trail Preserve. For additional information, please call (253) 798-2725 or email SWM at
[email protected] Acknowledgements Many have contributed to the protection and preservation of this community resource. Establishment of the Naches Trail Preserve (Preserve) would not have been possible without the efforts of the Clover Creek Council and Forterra. Many community members also donated their time for research, documentation of resources, and restoration activities. Special Acknowledgement Special thanks go to the citizen members of the Naches Trail Preserve Stewardship Committee, who attended many meetings, participated in management activities on the Preserve, and were instrumental in the completion of the first Naches Trail Preserve Stewardship Plan in 2006. They participated from the beginning to preserve this property. Mary Sue Gee Ione Clagett Tammy Clark In Memorium David Renstrom at Pierce County Public Works was instrumental in the creation of the Preserve and the development and implementation of the 2006 Naches Trail Preserve Stewardship Plan. Dave was an enthusiastic naturalist. He is missed by many. Consultant Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc., Seattle, Washington, contributed to the preparation of this plan update. TABLE OF CONTENTS