SUPPLEMENT to the LONDON GAZETTE, 2 NOVEMBER, 1914. 8867 4Th Battalion, the Cheshire Regiment
SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 2 NOVEMBER, 1914. 8867 4th Battalion, The Cheshire Regiment. ' 5th\ Battalion, The South Staffordshire Regi- Captain William W. Leete is appointed ment. to command the Cheshire Brigade Signal Major Eldon Annesley Crump (late of this- Section, and is seconded whilst so employed. Battalion) to be Major. Dated 1st October, Dated 5th August, 1914. 1914. Douglas Errington Riddell (late Cadet Private Brainerd Arthur Robinson Jones Lance-Corporal, Birmingham University to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 3rd Contingent, Senior Division, Officers Train- November, 1914. ing Corps) to be Second Lieutenant. Dated The appointment of Second Lieutenant 3rd November, 1914. Robert Gordon Beazley, which appeared in the London Gazette of the 18th September, 6th Battalion, The South Staffordshire Regi- 1914, is cancelled. ment; Second Lieutenant Charles E. Elwell to be Captain (temporary). Dated 14th 7th Battalion, The Cheshire Regiment; Lieu- September, 1914. tenant-Colonel Sir Walter Geoffrey Shaker- ley, Bart., Retired List, Territorial Force, 4th (City of Dundee) Battalion, The Black to be Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary). Watch (Royal Highlanders) ; Quartermaster- Dated 3rd November, 1914. Serjeant John McC'owan to be Quarter- master, with the honorary rank of Lieu- 6th (Carnarvonshire & Anglesey) Battalion, tenant. Dated 3rd November, 1914. The Royal Welsh Fusiliers; the announce- ment of the appointment as Second Lieu- 5th (Angus & Dundee) Battalion, The 'Bl tenant of David Edward Lawrence,which ap- Watch (Royal Highlanders). peared in the London Gazette of the 1st Lieutenant-Colonel and Honorary Colonel September, 1914, is cancelled. William C. Douglas, D.S.O., Retired List, Territorial Force, to be Lieutenant-Colonel 4th (The Border) Battalion, The Zing's Own.
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