GI Wins Songwriting Contest
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G. I. Wins Songwriting Contest Tune Set For Record Pacts Chicago — Glenn Vandall, a GI at Fort Bliss, Texas, has Vol. 21—No. 24 Chicago, December I, 1954 been named the winner in Down Beat’s 1954 songwrit ing contest His song, Hold on to Your Htarf, thus will be published by Broadcast Music, Inc., and re corded by Ralph Marterie’s orches- tra on Men Records a» well Eckstine-Lee Concerts as on Label by the artist to whom thi tune is issigned. Vandall also will receive a Kel ton Cambridge model high fidelity set for submitting the winning en New York—The Billy Eckstine-Peggy Lee-Pete Rugolu con- try. Second and third-place winners erl package collapsed Oct 30, just halfway through its pro also will receive Kelton sets. In acted month’s tour, providing the first tangible evidence that second place was Sheldon Munn of the concert package business, as had been suspected in trade Piqua, Ohio, with When Summer’s ¡«circles, may have passed the satur-4-------------------------------------------- Gone, and third was Charlie P. Lyle of Huntsville, Ala., with Sum mer Love. or business and bad luck (start- Welk Launches Of the 15 songs that did not win, r with hurricane Hazel, which one will be recorded by Moonlight canceled the first night) the unit, NEWEST ADDITION to Mercury’« recording »table is Buddy Morrow, Mu-c, one by Windy City Music, which had been conceived und whom* band now it waxing for that label. With the trombonist here is and one hy Starlight Music. These results will be announced as soon booked by Cress Courtney, folded Ralph Marterie, whose Mercury ork will record the winning tune in Down as the firms make their choices. , n in Des Moines. Other bookings Beat’» songwriting contest (see accompanying story). I Vere being hastily arranged for the Leeds Music aisc is interested in Hollywood — Lawrence Welk is publishing one of the songs and tots separately at presstime, with putting up or lining up $5,000 Peggy Lee returning east to ap- will make its decision shortly. worth of prizes in a nationwide Two of the top 16 songs were at the Rustic Cabin. Some 14 contest for young musica ns and hookings for the concert unit were submitted by one pair uf collabora singers. e lied off. Buddy Rich Drops Band tors—Haivey Siders and Tony Other indications that all is not Fii st prize winner will get a trip Eiia of Mattapan, Mass. »•ell on the concert front have been to Hollywood, $500 cash, a record All judges spent considerable I rand in the disappointing business session for Coral with the Welk time studying the songs before ling done by the Ellington-Bru- orchestra, and an opportunity to Plans To Join Dorseys picking the winners. One of them •ck Mulligan-Getz combine and open the “magic doorway to suc voiced the attitude of the entire cess” in Hollywood film, radio, and board when he said. “Though most te Mambo USA teain. Even Stan Hollywood—The unpredictable Buddy Rich has changed less television studios. Other prises in of the melodies were very good, the enton’s package has been his plans about breaking out with a new band of his own, van uniformly successful. The clude professional style tape re lyrics were uniformly poor.” corders. which was to be financed and backed by comedian Jerry <y show that appears to have The list of top 16 songs follows: sen breaking record- almost every- Entry forms and complete in Lewis, and has signed up with the Dorsey Brothers band. .tore, and significantly the one formation are available at retail “They made me an offer that was^--------——-------------- -——— —;— 1. Hold to Your Heart, 'hat -tarted out a couple of week-- record stores, according to Welk’s just• too■ good... to turn down,. notx know Tommy and I will get along Glenn Vandall, Fort Bliss, uvead of the others, is Norman office here. Welk say- he plans to only from a financial standpoint fine now. He and Jimmy have a Texas. h ranx’ JATP. make the contest an annual event. but because they are going to give great band, too.” 2. B hen Summer’s Gone, by Shel me full hilling with them as an Rich said ht would join the band don Munn, 723 W. Greene St., ‘extra added attraction.’ I m going around Nov. 15 during their tour Piqua, Ohio. to get the kind of presentation that of the South and will be with them J. Summer Love, by Charlie P. I was supposed to get but didn’t when they open Dec. 3 at New Lyle, 403 Franklin St., Hunts when 1 was with Harry James.” York’s Statler hotel. ville, Ala. said Buddy, who dropped out of 4. My Wenknes 4s You, by Allen the Jazz at the Philharmonic lineup Count 'Em Heinz, 420 S. Westlake Ave., here at the conclusion of JATP’s Los Angeles. ro Daileys Meadowbrook fall tour. 5. Another Spring, by Charle? Buddy played drum- with Tommy and Edythe Fai mer, 5718 N. Dorsey foi a period some year» ago, Gleason Show Kenmore Ave., Chicago . New York—Jazz sessions have been reinstated at Frank Mine, »alley’s Meadowbrook in Cedar Grove, N. J., after an absence but concede«; that they “didn’t get along too well” that time. “We’ve George Renay and Estelle, 41- f almost 14 years. The Meadowbrook is presenting a regular both calmed down some since thosi At Paramount Catlin Ave., Wilkes-Barre, Pa eries of jazz concerts on Sundays from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. days,” he said with a grin, “so I Jumpin’ Jehosophat, by Hai vey New York—Jackie Gleason and Siders and Tony Fira, 1443 The first Sunday date was held the entire cast of his CBS-TV show . ith Jimmy McPartland's band and Blue Hill Ave., Mattapan, are currently appearing at the Mass. le Red Allen-Cozy Cole group, Paramount theater, the first live wk Teagarden nnd Marian Mc- Sleepy Snowfall, by Kuss Bur Music, Screen Directors show the theater has presented in nett, c/o Radio 2XP, New artland appeared on Oct. 31, Bar more than a year. It’s also one of ira Ca> roll on Nov. 8, and Conrad Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zea the biggest companies ever to play land. mis, Pee Wee Irwin, Muggsy the Paramount. .lanier, Max Kaminsky, and Phil My Heart and I, by Howard Fight Growing Warmer In addition to such regulars of Vapoleon were booked for future Drake, Knox Hotel, El Paso. the Jackie Gleason Show as Art ppearances. Hollywood—The scrap between motion picture music di Carney, Audrey Meadows, the 32 In the past, the Meadowbrook (Tie) A Song Is Born, by Ed rectors, as they wish to be known, and the Screen Directors June Taylor Dancers, Zaniah Cun is presented jazz concerts for McGuire and Paul Sellers, 1925 Guild has grown hotter. ningham, Joyce Randolph, and Stan Pine Ave., Altnona, Pa., Your f>ur years — from 1937-’41 These Ross, the Paramount show features oncerts were discontinued after The Guild has a contract with the industry which limits Look So Strange, by Charles trumpeter Bobby Hackett anti the the wai After the war, Dailey felt the term “director” to film direc- F. Taggart Jr., 171 S. Grand 50-man “Music for Ixivers Only” there was not enough of a market tors only. Heindorf names most of the big Ave., Pasadena. Calif. name directors in the industry in orchestra, with conductor Sammy Those Laughing, Mocking for jazz, and he continued on a But Ray Heindorf, Warner Bros, Spear. strictly popular music policy. The addition to the Guild itself. Eyes, by Karl Macek and Lo music chief, has filed suit in Los The Paramount is planning sev currently surging interest in jazz, Angeles superior court against the retta Cichon, 1908 Erie St., however, caused Dailey to recon eral future stage shows, and is Apt. 302, Hyattsville, Md. Directors Guild, demanding the presently negotiating with Perry sider it as an integral part of his IJ. (Tie) Looking foi u Man, to right to screen < red it as music di Como and Eddie Fisher, among operation. The present series, ac Harvey Siders and Tony Eir' rector -n the forthcoming Frank others. cording to Dailey, has met with un- Sinatra-Doris Day starrer, Young 1443 Blue Hill Ave., Mattapc pnwb nted success. tt Heart. New York — There are many Mass.; Tres Nonchalant, ’ey Helen Devitt, 12690 Cedar Rd., “Even during the peak of the Heindorf, a onetime pianist and ways to separate oneself from a Cleveland Heights, Ohio. band era,” says Dailey, “I’ve never arranger who worked his way up band. hut Lei Castle, former 15. Night Life, by Leonard Drum seen such enthusiasm as exhibited to the top spot as head of the mu bandleader und longtime trum Lets Dance? by the crowds at the Sunday after pet ace with the Dorsey crew, to ller Jr., 1114 Montrose Ave., sic department at Warners, does Charlottesville, Va. noon sessions.” only a few pictures a year on which found a brand month. Let's Not, Iti. Visions, by H H. Fleming, 233 The enterprising Dailey has also he personally directs the music. Of Tommy Dorsey. almo*l a Calhoun St., Charleston, S. C. established a series of country & Young at Heart he says: nightly habitue of Birdland dur western dances on Monday nights “This is one of the finest pictures ing Count Basie’s recent stint Says ABC st the Meadowbrook. The first of we’ve ever made, and I feel that there, told hi- entire personnel these wa^ held on Nov 8, with it is damaging to me not to receive Hank Snow as guest star Webb to go down to the jazz spot and New York—ABC has discontin credit for what everyone considers ued its Let’s Dance show, a TV Pierce, Slim Whitman, and Minnie dig the Basie sounds.