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TEMPSFORD Issue 78 TIMES Nov/Dec 2019 The village magazine of Tempsford, Bedfordshire www.tempsford.org A BUSY AND SUCCESSFUL TEMPSFORD SHOW AND LOTS MORE TO LOOK FORWARD TO See inside for dates and details of special Christmas events www.tempsford.org PARISH COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS Clearing up the Churchyard Saturday Nov16th from 10am The Parish Council will be having a working party to clear and tidy the churchyard, and would like to encourage and seek the support of volunteers to help clear the ivy and general undergrowth. Light refreshment provided. What do you think the police priorities should be for our area? Tina Goddard is our Parish Councillor on the Police Community Forum and she would like to put forward your ideas at the next meeting as to what you think the police need to do for our village. Enhancing our village signs. The Parish Council has sought designs of planters to be put near our village signs to enable a succession of flowers to be planted there to further improve the welcome to our village. Although we have an expert who is willing to design, build and plant these up, she would like to be assured that there will also be some volunteers who will help maintain them through the year. Garden Waste Collections suspended for the winter Once again there will be a winter break for all kerbside collections of household garden waste across Central Bedfordshire. The collections will be suspended from Monday, 9 December 2019 until Friday, 28 February 2020 inclusive. Residents are encouraged to check their last collection date for their area, which will be either the week commencing Monday, 25 Nov or Monday, 2 Dec. Kissing Gates Yes, we’re sorry they still haven’t been installed. They have arrived but the contractors have been busy completing other work. The Parish Council is still pushing hard for our work to be done with all haste. If you are able to offer ideas or help with any of these matters, please don’t hesitate to contact us. If you would like to bring them to a Council meeting, you will be most welcome. Adrian Besant, Parish Council Chairman www.tempsford.org 2 UNITED VILLAGE REMEMBRANCE SERVICE Tempsford’s Service of Remembrance is a joint service with the Methodist Church and St Peters on Sunday 10th November 3pm. We begin at the village memorial and then go into St Peter’s for the rest of the service. Please come and show your respect for all those who fought for us and lost their lives, injured, and came home, and who are still fighting for us now. God bless them all. Refreshments will be served after the service. TEMPSFORD PARISH COUNCIL CONTACT DETAILS NAME POSITION Adrian Besant Chairman Simon Fraser V-Chairman Chris Bettles Councillor Steve Cooney Councillor Jim Donnelly Councillor Lisa Filby Councillor Tina Goddard Councillor Linda Collins Clerk CENTRAL BEDFORDSHIRE WARD COUNCILLORS Contact details: Adam Zerny [email protected] Tracey Wye [email protected] www.tempsford.org 3 Tempsford St Methodist Peter’s Church Harvest Service and Supper Sunday 6th October 6pm Taste of Christmas Saturday 7th December 2019 from 11.00 am to 1.00 p.m. Hot Bacon Rolls and other refreshments available Cake Stall : Chutneys : Marmalade : Christmas Tombola : Santa’s Lucky Dip : Gifts Books : Jigsaws Toys : Christmas Raffle : Christmas Hamper : Santa’s Sack : plus lots more…… EVERYONE WELCOME Entry Free All monies raised will go towards the upkeep of the Chapel www.tempsford.org 4 www.tempsford.org 5 PARISH COUNCIL MEETING NOTES:- The following is a summary of the main points of discussion at the Parish Council Meeting held on the 23rd September 2019. Full cop- ies of the Minutes are available on the village website www.tempsford.org or from the Clerk. Present: - 6 Elected Councillors and the Clerk Apologies – Apology received from Cllr. Filby. Declarations of interest – none were received. Acceptance of Minutes – Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on the 15th July 2019 were approved by Council and signed by the Chairman. Police Report – Cllr. Goddard was unable to attend the Community Priority meeting. She would like to know what residents thought Tempsford’s priorities should be in policing. She will be attending the Annual meeting and will report at the next meeting. Public Session – No member of the public wished to speak. Open Spaces – Green Infrastructure funding is still available. Planters: a presentation of the design and layout was given by a resident and quotes for materials will be obtained. Planning – Use of Station Yard: A detailed discussion took place with Cllr. Wye. Also discussed was the volume of traffic down Station Road, because of Station Yard being used as a distribution centre. Esme/Home Wood: Clerk had been contacted by Strutt and Parker regarding the permissive access. Roxton Lock Footbridge: it will be long time before this footbridge is repaired and useable. The footpath through Ouse Farm is closed purely because it only leads to the closed bridge at the lock. Highways – We are still waiting for the “white lines” around the village to be repainted. A428 Black Cat Consultation – a follow-up meeting on 30.9.19. Cllr. Besant and Cllr. Fraser will be attending. CBC Councillor - Cllr Tracey Wye said that no decision had been www.tempsford.org 6 made for the East/West rail route yet. A Ward Councillor Grant will become available. Cllr. Wye had attended a briefing on how it is going to work, and she will notify us when she has more information. Neighbourhood Plan – Andy Bennet, Chairman, sent a report stating that the plan is in a good place and currently being reviewed by their external consultants. Finance – Council approved the list of invoices that needed to be paid. Cashflow and reconciliation were presented. Grants: Tempsford Football Club – The Clerk read out a letter of thanks for the grant. St. Peter’s Church had requested a grant toward renewing the heating system. Budget – the Clerk and Cllr. Fraser would meet in November to discuss this. Play area – the new springer had been installed. A quote was presented to Council for installation of the kissing gates and was accepted. The fallen tree from the play area into Gannock House garden would be removed in the next week or so. Churchyard/Cemetery – It was suggested that a work party be organised to clear up the church yard. The 16th November was decided on. A shredder would be hired. Remembrance Day – The Chapel and St. Peter’s Church together are organising this service. The Clerk had ordered two poppy wreaths. Communications – the Clerk read out a letter from a resident about dogs being walked along Station Road where there is no footpath. Date of next meeting – 18th November 2019. 19.30 hrs. in the Stuart Memorial Hall. www.tempsford.org 7 ST PETER ’S PARISH CHURCH, Church Street, Tempsford Priest in Charge: Rev Graham Buckle The Rectory, Park Lane, Blunham 01767 640412 Out and About! Phew, we’ve made it! Do you recognise that opening phrase? Those of you with a good memory will recognise these as the opening to my very first article in the Tempsford Times. This time though, I am referring to my first full year as your Priest-in- Charge! It has been an exciting twelve months with some highs and some lows! I have made some strong links with schools, but seen some sad losses to our communities. Two of our churches have hosted services presided over by our Diocesan Bishop, and we have all been visited by our new Archdeacon as he has walked his “patch”. From where I am sitting, I can see that this year has been positive. We have changed the service pattern so that each parish gets two services of Holy Communion per month, we have introduced Café Church, reworked a family orientated service, and continued and given more support to some of the services and events that existed before my arrival. I hope I have kept to my promise to you of supporting as many com- munity events as my time allows, and that I am as visible as possible in each of our parishes. In one of my sermons recently I was advocating how Jesus didn’t expect people to come to him, but went out to where people were, in their places of work, their homes and generally where people were in their journey of life. One of my objectives has been for the church to try and work towards doing the same. To go out from the church and meet people in the streets and homes of the benefice. One of the highlights of the past year has been the service at the World Record Cricket match at Blunham. We didn’t attract huge www.tempsford.org 8 crowds, but there were a number of people on the periphery. Whilst we want our churches to be full, we also need to meet people in their environment. Jesus gave this as an example to us, how to live our lives of discipleship. Graham Parish Services in the Benefice November Sunday 3rd 10.30am Gt Barford All Saints Patronal – Benefice Service Sunday 10th 3.00pm Remembrance Service, 3.00am Gt Barford RS, 10.45am Blunham RS, 10.45am Roxton RS Sunday 17th 10.30am Blunham St Edmund Paronal – Benefice Service Sunday 24th 9.30am St Peters HC, 11.00am Blunham HC, 11.00am Roxton MP, 9.30am Gt Barford RT December Sunday 1st 9.30am Gt Barford HC, 11.00am Blunham MP, 11.00am Roxton HS SUNDAY 8th 3.00pm Little Barford Carol Service (wrap up warm) Sunday 15th 11.00am Gt Barford HC, 11.00am Blunham CC, 9.30am Roxton HC Sunday 22nd 9.30am St Peters HC, 11.00am Blunham Crib Service, 11.00am Roxton FS, 9.30am Gt Barford RT Christmas Eve.