
LEXICON Volume 5, Number 2, October 2018, 167-179

Annemarie Johansen’s Stages of Growing up: ’s as a Bildungsroman

Dinar Tri Nugraheni*, Bernadus Hidayat Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

*Email: [email protected]


This research examines Lois Lowry’s Number the stars, focusing on the development of Annemarie Johansen’s self-awareness and personality trait from the stage of immaturity into maturity. In line with the topic of research, the formalist approach was used as the main theoretical approach. The library research was used in collecting the data. To point out every crucial stage of Annemarie Johansen’s growing up process, the definition of Bildungsroman proposed by Dilthey (1985) was applied. The results reveal that Annemarie Johansen goes through stages of growing up processes from her immaturity into maturity throughout violent and dangerous times. The results also show that during her self-growth, Annemarie Johansen gradually develops her self-awareness and personal trait of being a courageous girl in order to survive in the harsh reality and she manages to save her good friend, Ellen, from the plan of Nazi persecution of Jews during the German occupation. Finally, she transforms herself from an innocent and frightened girl into a brave girl in a brief period.

Keywords: bildungsroman, growing up, formalist approach, Number the stars.

producers basically ignores the idea of Bildungs- INTRODUCTION roman and rarely adapt it into their work. For Because of its aim to educate its readers, instance, Adit & Sopo Jarwo, a popular Indonesian bildungsroman qualities have become popularized animated children's series of shorts films, does not in other book genres that target youths and represent Bildungsroman qualities at all. adolescents. In western countries, a Ironically, this children’s series tend to put aside bildungsroman or a “novel of formation” (Boes, the idea of Bildungsroman proposed by Buckley 2006, p. 230) is important to be adapted for novels (1974), who states that Bildungsroman is a novel or others literary works as an education aid to focusing on the moral, psychological, and help children’s growing up process. Some people intellectual development of a main character. believe that J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and C. S. According to Buckley (1974), the main character Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia can be of Bildungsroman novel is a child protagonist who considered as bildungsroman novels as well. has to experience some form of moral develop- Because both novels have obtained much atten- ment required by the society. This idea of moral, tion and popularity around the world. As a result, psychological, and intellectual growing up process they have been adapted into films and have placed in children character is not represented on the themselves as prominent literary works for young main character of Adit & Sopo Jarwo. On the people. contrary, Adit, as the main child character, has On the other hand, the idea of already been depicted as a mature boy, who Bildungsroman does not receive much attention in teaches an adult, Sopo Jarwo, to learn about the our country. Indonesian authors and film values required by society. Other times, it

Dinar Tri Nugraheni & Bernadus Hidayat / Annemarie Johansen’s Stages of Growing up | 167 168 | LEXICON, Volume 5, Number 2, October 2018 prevents children to get educated by this series notion of the innocent child in need of adult because children, as the audience, are unable to protection in order to expose it as a limiting, follow the protagonist from child-like simplistic, and, in the final analysis, inaccurate thoughts/feelings to more mature understandings view of childhood. Both works portray children as of the world around him/her. complex, multifaceted individuals who display courage, compassion, and resilience in the face of Unlike the story of Adit & Sopo Jarwo, adversity. which employs so much violence, the Bildungsroman traditionally allows the readers to Another study by Klavž (2013) focuses on clearly understand how children characters may the historical setting of the novels, The Boy in the depart from their period of youth to enter that of Striped Pajamas and Number the stars, that is, adulthood. If the reader does not see or during the Holocaust. Furthermore, she explains comprehend what the purpose of a literary work, how the authors, Boyne and Lowry, use a special s/he will not be able to get educated by its values. type of innocence in their works to highlight the As a result, reading about the protagonist’s self- horrors of Holocaust. An in-depth study of both reflection and personal recognition in a works revealed that innocence in their works is Bildungsroman permits the reader, especially embodied in the child protagonists and their children, to analyze more about the protagonist naïve, innocent, brave and sometimes ignorant dealing with similar situations like in real life, and views on the given situations. their own self-reflection and consciousness. Number the stars was also investigated by Some well-known novels have already been Nugraha & Saraswati (2016), focusing on the listed as the best bildungsroman books. Number concept of courage. He argued that the setting and the stars by Lois Lowry is considered as one of the the characterization of the novel as the formal best examples of Bildungsroman novels among elements work to define the concept of courage. classic and popular Bildungsroman novels Then, he related the concept of courage shown in (bildungsroman, n.d.) Thus, it is interesting to the novel with the meaning of courage in general. examine this novel to get a better understanding Despite all these studies, the present about Bildungsroman and about how the author, research is slightly different in the sense that it Lois Lowry, educates the reader through the deals with the protagonist’s character stages of growing up of the main child character. development or self-growth in Number the stars. Number the stars won some prestigious In other word, this study focus primarily on the prizes for young adult literature, including the intrinsic elements of the novel, including the plot, John in 1990, the National Jewish setting, characters, and symbol, which support the Book Awards in 1990, and also the Dorothy analysis of the protagonist’s character Canfield Fisher Children's Book Award in 1991. development. Following its success in winning some prestigious awards for children literature, Publishers Weekly THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK (2001), an American weekly trade news magazine, This study adopts the formalist approach. nd places this novel as the 82 best-selling children's This theoretical approach emphasizes on the book of all time in the United States with sales formal elements of a literary work and focuses on above 2 million as of 2001. Because of these the text itself and pays less attention to other achievements, this novel has been considered as external input including authorship, notion of one of the most successful children books of all culture or societal influences. This understanding time and thus, has become an attractive topic for of formalist approach is also in line with Meyer literary research. (2008, p. 70), who argues: Some studies have been conducted to Formalist Criticism believes in investigate Lois Lowry’s work, Number the stars. literature as a form of knowledge with For example, Latham (2002) argues that Number intrinsic elements—style, structure, the stars and The giver invoke the Romantic imagery, tone, genre. What gives a Dinar Tri Nugraheni & Bernadus Hidayat / Annemarie Johansen’s Stages of Growing up | 169

literary work status as art, or as a great Even though Annemarie Johansen has been work of art, is how all of its elements living in a society surrounded by conflicts of war, work together to create the reader's she is still a 10 year old girl who traditionally acts total experience (thought, feeling, gut as other ordinary children her age. The current reactions, etc.) The appreciation of tension and situation of terror is hardly seen by literature as an art requires close her as a little girl. In the first chapter of the novel, reading—a careful, step-by-step ana- Annemarie is depicted as a girl who has a bright lysis and explication of the text (the character like cheerful, full-spirit and a dreamer. language of the work). Nevertheless, the feeling of fear is clearly shown while for the first time she encounters the soldier Thus, the formalist approach examines the in the middle of the street. Because Annemarie individual part of the text including the has not interacted directly with the German characters, the settings, the tone, the point of soldiers before, through this first sudden view and other intrinsic elements of the text encounter, Annemarie obviously feels nervous which come together to make it become a single and scared, as shown in the excerpt below. text. On the other hand, biographical information about the author, historical events outside of the “Halte!” the soldier ordered in a stern story, or literary allusions, mythological patterns voice. are excluded from the main focus of this approach. The German word was as familiar as it was frightening. Annemarie had heard it often METHODS enough before, but it had never been The method used in this paper is library directed at her until now. research. Two types of data were used: primary Annemarie stared up. There are two of and secondary data. The primary data source was them. That meant two helmets, two sets of the novel itself, Number the stars written by Lois cold eyes glaring at her, and four tall shiny Lowry. Other supportive materials were taken boots planted firmly on the side walk, from the definition of Bildungsroman genre in blocking her path to home. order to get better analysis of the story. The only approach will be used in this research is formalist And it meant two riffles, gripped in the approach which primarily concerns about the text hands of the soldiers. She stared at the rifles itself. first. Then, finally, she looked into the face of the soldiers who had ordered to halt The first step of processing data was reading (Lowry, 1989, p. 2). the novel closely. Then, the novel was analyzed in terms of the stages of Annemarie Johansen’s Annemarie cannot hide her feeling of fear. growing up process from the narrations provided Likewise, she merely captures the image of the in the novels based on the definition of soldiers as a scary and unfriendly person through a Bildungsroman proposed by Dilthey (1985). glimpse of their uniform. As children, it is Afterwards, the stages of Annemarie Johansen’s considered normal to judge a person by their growing up were presented and discussed by appearance and thus, Annemarie is easily scared providing narrations and/or dialogues from the only by looking at the soldiers’ attires. Their novel. In order to provide a deeper analysis about attributes and the way they interrogate Annemarie’s character development toward Annemarie evokes the atmosphere of tension and maturity, some supporting psychoanalysis theories threats around her. They also have an unfriendly were employed such as Erikson (1958, 1963) and look and gesture which makes Annemarie more Frankl (1992). uneasy to talk to them casually. Thus, this first negative impression of the soldiers that is seen RESULTS AND DISCUSSION through their appearance becomes the primary reason Annemarie grows her fear toward them. Annemarie Johansen as an Innocent Girl For children like Annemarie, she is rather shocked and surprised being questioned by the 170 | LEXICON, Volume 5, Number 2, October 2018 soldiers simply because she runs along the street Additionally, the warning coming from like she always does at school. She does not expect people around her also influences Annemarie to that running is prohibited now and become an act immediately develop her self-awareness in that attracts a lot of soldiers’ attention. perceiving the existence of the soldiers as ‘a bad guy’. Although she has not yet acknowledged the Moreover, her innocence obviously appears real motif of their presence, she already feels that when she does not want to tell her mother about the soldiers are related to some bad aspects. the accident when they encounter the soldiers before. She does not want to get scolded by her “I must go and speak to Ellen,” Mrs. Rosen mother because she carelessly runs along the said, moving toward the door. “You girls street and get interrogated by the soldiers. walk a different way to school tomorrow. Traditionally, as children, Annemarie is rather Promise me, Annemarie. And Ellen will afraid of being scolded by her mother because of promise too.” running on the street. ‘We will, Mrs. Rosen, but what does it When they were almost home, Ellen matter? There are German soldiers on every whispered suddenly, “I was so scared.” corner.” “Me too,” Annemarie whispered back. “They will remember your faces,” Mrs. Rosen said, turning in the doorway to the As they turned to enter the building, both hall. “It is important to be one of the crowd, girls looked straight ahead, toward the door. always. Be one of many. Be sure that they They did it purposely so they would not never have reason to remember your face.” catch the eyes or the attention of two more She disappeared into the hall and closed the soldiers, who stood with their guns on the door behind her (Lowry, 1989, p. 9). corner as well…. Mrs. Rosens’ warning strengthens Anne- “Are you going to tell your mother?” Ellen marie’s perspective that the soldiers represent a asked Annemarie as they trudged together scary stranger who might give troubles for people up the stairs. I’m not my mother would be who has any relations with them. Accordingly, upset. Annemarie learns from Mrs. Rosen’s warning that “No, I won’t either. Mama would probably she has to act and behave properly in order to scold me for running on the street” (Lowry, attract less attention from the soldiers. She is 1989, pp. 5-6). gradually aware that she currently lives in a new Innocently she thinks that the accident is all situation which urges her to be more careful and her fault and she tries to keep this accident as a cautious. As the result, she begins to feel insecure secret in case to save her from her mother’s wherever she meets the soldiers and tries to avoid scolding. As her excuse, Annemarie ensures her meeting them directly. mother if it was just an unimportant short Annemarie Johansen’s Adolescence encounter and she should not be worried about it. She does not think that the soldiers might harm Throughout the story of Number the stars, her and Ellen. To keep her from her mother’s the reader may see the topic of courage as a scolding, she humorously says that she considers dominant theme mainly in all characters. In order the soldiers merely as a common soldier they to save her life and other people from various usually watch on the street. Through her response threats resulting from the tension of war, all toward the encounter with the soldiers, characters are encouraged to expose their hidden Annemarie clearly can be seen as an innocent girl courage. Therefore, Annemarie as the main who has not acknowledged anything about the protagonist is also greatly stimulated by the idea of harsh reality of the Nazi plan to persecute all courage she receives through self-education/self- Danish Jews, and merely perceives the presence of cultivation from her surroundings. the soldiers as a scary stranger based on their Annemarie’s adolescence is actually the looks. result of her first recognition of courage she Dinar Tri Nugraheni & Bernadus Hidayat / Annemarie Johansen’s Stages of Growing up | 171 obtains from her father through a short story of a there is a much broader social sphere courageous boy who willingly declares himself to at work now: the parents and other protect the King. In her opinion, she considers the family members are joined by teachers boy’s action as a very courageous answer because and peers and other members of the she has never met people who would die for the community at large. They all sake of others. Even though she has not contribute: Parents must encourage, completely acknowledged about the meaning of teachers must care, peers must accept bravery and courage, she confidently embodies (Boeree, 2009). her first idea that she has a responsibility to As it is presented in Number the stars, protect her country and the king. Afterwards, this people around Annemarie also hold a significant basic ideology of courage continually promotes role in her growing up process. They encourage her understanding that someone might sacrifice and support Annemarie to foster her basic her/his life due to protect and help each other’s ideology of courage by providing some especially people they love. Therefore, her initial information and knowledge which is significantly courage on protecting the king will be her basic important for Annemarie’s self-awareness toward ideology which leads her to find out her real the violent and dangerous situation in the society. courage and conduct other bravery actions in the Annemarie gradually obtains various information future. regarding to the harsh realities and develops her Similarly, this stage of Annemarie’s self-awareness as well. She immediately learns the growing up process is accordingly represented meaning of courage through the influence of her through psychosocial theory of development surroundings such as Peter Neilsen and her proposed by Erikson (1958), who argues that parents. children in the age of five until twelve must "tame Before Annemarie obtains a series of the imagination" and dedicate themselves to information about the Nazi Germany’s plan to education and to learning the social skills their persecute all Danish Jews from her parents, she society requires of them (see also Boeree, 2009). firstly receives this important information from Equally importantly, Annemarie’s response Peter Neilsen. For Annemarie, this information is toward the story told by her father shows that necessary to reinforce her self-awareness about Annemarie is able to distinguish that she lives in a the dangerous situation currently happens. By real world which sometimes encourage her to be knowing the truth, she will be aware of her more aware of the society. For instance, being on surroundings and able to comprehend the harsh her age enables Annemarie to easily receive some reality she has to deal with. In the age of ten, additional knowledge from people around her through the information brought by Peter, particularly about the current situation of Annemarie gradually realizes that there is a Germany occupation. She has an ability to danger coming to all Danish Jews including Ellen’s immediately learn others social skills and family, the Rosens. knowledge required by the society in order to foster and develop her basic ideology of courage. “Annemarie,” he said, “Peter tells us that The more knowledge she receives from the Germans have issued orders closing many surroundings, the more understanding she obtains stores run by Jews.” which eventually help her to survive in the “Jews?” Annemarie repeated, “Is Mrs. society she lives in. Hirsch Jewish? Is that why the button shop According to Erikson (1958), community is closed? Why have they done that? members play a significant role in children’s Peter leaned forward. “It is their way of development. Explaining Erikson’s theory, Boeree tormenting. For some reasons, they want to says about the fourth stage, the school-age child torment Jewish people. It has happened in from about six to twelve, that the other countries. They have taken their time here-have let us relax a little. But now it seems to be starting.” 172 | LEXICON, Volume 5, Number 2, October 2018

“But why the button shop? What harm is elaborating each piece of information, Annemarie a button shop? Mrs. Hirsch is such a nice finds out that the soldiers’ presence in her country lady. Even Samuel-he’s dope, but he would is to torment all Jewish people and put them in a never harm anyone. How could he-he can’t mortal danger. Although she has not even see with his thick glasses!” (Lowry, acknowledged the way Germany soldiers 1989, pp. 24-25) threatens Jewish people, Annemarie notices that Ellen’s family, who is Jewish, has a potential to Annemarie thought and understood. She receive the same treatment as it happens with relaxed. “Mr. Rosen doesn’t have a shop. others Jewish residents in her neighborhood. He’s a teacher. They can’t close a whole school!” She looked at Peter with the She turned to her father. “Papa, do you question in her eyes. “Can they” remember what you heard the boy say to the soldier? That all Denmark would be “I think the Rosens will be alright,” he king’s bodyguard?” said. “But you keep an eye on your friend Ellen. And stay away from the soldiers. Her father smile, “I have never forgotten Your mother told me about what happened it,” he said. on Østerbrogade” (Lowry, 1989, p. 26). “Well,” Annemarie said slowly, “now I This information is actually Annemarie’s think that all of Denmark must be first introduction of the threatening situation that bodyguard for Jews, as well.” soon she has to encounter. But the limited “So we shall be,” Papa replied (Lowry, information about the Nazi persecution of Jews 1989, p. 26). received by Annemarie at that time restrains her to fully comprehend the mortal danger What Annemarie says previously proves threatening her good friend, Ellen. Otherwise, her that at this time, she slowly acknowledges the state of innocence still shows up all the way she reality if she has to contribute to protect Ellen responds toward the given information. She from the threats and takes part in helping all barely knows that the Germany’s plan for closing Jewish as well. It fosters Annemarie’s ideas that all Jewish shop is actually a sign of tremendous she has to be courageous because soon she will be disaster for Jewish people including for Ellen’s confronted with the real level of danger. family. Even though Annemarie has not fully Surprisingly, for a ten years-old girl, she already acknowledged about all details regarding Nazi understands that she has been given a new persecution of Jews, from her perspective, she responsibility to protect others people. So, she considers Nazi Germany’s action for closing all considers helping all Danish Jewish as a new shops run by Jewish people is something responsibility for all Danish people as well. unreasonable and should not be done to them. For Importantly, her parents contribute to take her, there is nothing dangerous with the presence a big part in providing Annemarie some of the Jews in her country. information related to the Nazi persecution of Moreover, because of the limited Jews in their country. They become a bridge for information given by Peter about the plan of Nazi Annemarie to access all information regarding the Germany to persecute all Jewish people in current condition. Denmark, Annemarie’s self-awareness toward the Although she pretended to be absorbed in current situation is gradually developed. For unpacking her schoolbooks, Annemarie instance, she understands that the Germany listened and she knew what her mother was soldiers’ presence is truly not to cope with the referring to. De Fries Danske-The Free society and they certainly have a bad motif that Danes-was an illegal paper newspaper, Peter she finally knows, for tormenting all Jewish Neilsen brought it to them occasionally, people. Her previous self-awareness considering carefully folded and hidden among ordinary the soldiers merely as a stranger person who books and paper, and Mama always burned might bring her in troubles is totally changed. By it after she and Papa had read it. But Dinar Tri Nugraheni & Bernadus Hidayat / Annemarie Johansen’s Stages of Growing up | 173

Annemarie heard Mama and Papa talk, synagogue, the rabbi told his congregation sometimes at night, about the news they that the Nazis has taken the synagogue list received that way; news of sabotage against of all the Jews. Where they live, what their Nazis, bombs hidden and exploded in the name are. Of course, the Rosens were on the factories that produce war materials, and list, along with many others.” industrial railroad lines damaged so that the “Why? Why did they want those names?” goods couldn’t be transported. “They plan to arrest all the Danish Jews. And she knew what Resistance meant. They plan to take them away. And we have Papa had explained when she overheard the been told that they come tonight.” word and asked. The Resistance fighters were Danish people-no one knew who, “I don’t understand! Take them where?” because they were very secret-who were Her father shook his head. “we don’t determined to bring harm to the Nazis know where, and we don’t know why. They however they could. They damaged the call it ‘relocation’. We don’t even know German trucks and cars, and bombed their what that means. We only know that it is factories. They were very brave. Sometimes wrong, and it’s dangerous, and we must they were caught and killed (Lowry, 1989, help.” p. 8). Annemarie was stunned. She looked at By obtaining the information about the Ellen and saw that her best friend was Resistance, she gradually understands and learns crying silently. that there is actually a group of courageous Danish people named The Resistance whose aims is to Where are Ellen’s parents? We must help retrieve the independence of Denmark by fighting them, too!” (Lowry, 1989, p. 37-38) the Nazi Germany. Without any fear, they bravely His father’s initiative to help others who is arrange strategy to destroy and defeat their enemy in danger and the additional information about and somehow, they lost their life in the middle of the courageous Resistance greatly influences the battle. By knowing the fact about the Annemarie to foster her character. Her father’s Resistance, it fosters Annemarie’s self-awareness perception about the ‘relocation’ and his about the level of tension in her society. She is encouragement to help the Rosen immediately aware of the definite conflicts and threats influences Annemarie to perceive the “relocation” happened in her city and she knows if she is as something dangerous that should be avoided. currently surrounded by people who willingly She considers her father’s statement to rescue and sacrifice their life in battle ground. For help the Rosen, who is Jewish, as a brave action Annemarie, the fact represents that courageous and it significantly inspires Annemarie to do the people actually exist around her and they truly same thing. Through her self-awareness toward possess a real courage to stand for anything they the level of threats, her courage suddenly appears consider right. As the result, it unconsciously when she declares they should help Ellen and also inspires herself and evokes her personality trait of her parents. bravery. She continually learns that a great The Turning Point of Annemarie Johansen’s courage is needed to survive in this harsh reality she has to encounter. Maturity Process Papa’s face was troubled. “I wish that I Throughout Annemarie’s series of could protect you children from this experiences toward maturity, there are crucial knowledge, “he said quietly.” Ellen, you situations which she has to deal with the untruth already know. Now we must tell performed by people around her. As she is Annemarie.” growing up and able to distinguish between reality and imagination, Annemarie begins to He turned to her and stroked her hair expose herself as a curious girl. Likewise, she is with his gentle hand. “This morning, at the not easily satisfied about the information or 174 | LEXICON, Volume 5, Number 2, October 2018 knowledge given by others and does not simply One of her series of experiences developing digest these information as it is. her self-awareness is when Uncle Henrik suddenly tells Annemarie about the Death of It was very puzzling conversation Great-aunt Birte. For the funeral, it will be held “So Henrik, is the weather good for tonight and she will be resting in the living room, fishing? Papa asked cheerfully, and listens in her casket, before she is buried tomorrow. After briefly. hearing the news, Annemarie is confused and Then he continued, “I’m sending Inge to strangely feels disappointed because Uncle Henrik you today with the children, and she will be does not tell the truth. Among the names of all bringing you a carton of cigarettes. her cousins, the great-aunt, and uncles, she has not known if she had a relative by that name. “Yes, just one,” he said, after a moment. Annemarie is quite certain if there is no Great- Annemarie could not hear Uncle Henrik‘s aunt Birte and she does not exist. Meanwhile, words. “But there are a lot of cigarettes Uncle Henrik consoles Annemarie, who is upset available in Copenhagen now, if you know about the untruth, by telling her that there is a where to look,” he went on, “and so there time she would be very brave. Thus, it is much will be others coming to you as well, I’m easier to be brave if she does not know everything sure.” “How brave are you, little Annemarie?” he But it wasn’t true. Annemarie quite asked suddenly. certain it wasn’t true. Cigarette were thing that Papa missed, the way Mama missed She was startled. And dismayed. It was coffee. He complained often often-he has question she did not want to be asked. complained only yesterday-that there were When she asked it of herself, she didn’t like no cigarettes in the stores. her own answer. Why was Papa speaking that way, almost “Not very,” she confessed, looking at the as if he were speaking in code? What was floor of the barn. Mama really talking to Uncle Henrik? “I think it’s not true,” Uncle Henrik said. Then she knew. It was Ellen (Lowry, “I think you are like your mama, and like 1989, p. 55). your papa, and like me. Frightened, but determined, and if the time came to be Through Annemarie’s ability to interpret brave, I am quite sure you would be very, the puzzling conversation previously, it can be very brave. seen that she starts to depart of her state of innocence and yet improves her self-awareness “But,” he added, “it is much easier to be about the tension of current condition. As brave if you do not know everything. And Annemarie briefly exposes her self-awareness of so your mama does not know everything. the harsh reality she has to face, she grows up Neither do I. We know only what we need quickly by being able to draw a conclusion if the to know. cartoon of cigarette symbolizes her Jewish friend, “Do you understand what I am saying?” he Ellen. Annemarie learns that this act is such an asked, looking into her eyes. important mission to be conducted, although she She begins to understand just a little. has not discovered about their motive of speaking “Yes,” she said to Uncle Henrik, “I think I in code and the reason they transfer Ellen to understand” (Lowry, 1989, p. 78). Uncle Henrik. Therefore, she does not argue with her father about concealing the truth from her “You guess correctly,” he told her. There because she knows that it is for a greater good. is no Great-aunt Birte, and never has been. Otherwise, she contributes to keep the secret as Your mama lied to you and so did I. well and help to transfer Ellen to Uncle Henrik’s house which is close to Sweden. Dinar Tri Nugraheni & Bernadus Hidayat / Annemarie Johansen’s Stages of Growing up | 175

“We did so,” he explained, “to help you to After realizing her primary aspiration, Annemarie be brave, because we love you. Will you finally acknowledges that the main goal and the forgive us for that? meaning of her life she has carried so far that is to help Ellen and rescue her from the Nazi Annemarie nodded. She felt older, persecution of Jews during the German suddenly (Lowry, 1989, p. 79). occupation. Furthermore, Annemarie realizes about the Annemarie’s determination and aspiration reason of the lies that has been done by the adults. to protect her friend from the threats and mortal Apparently, she learns that telling a lie is not danger is in accordance with a theory suggested entirely bad and unacceptable. Behind every lie by Frankle (1992) focusing on the meaning of told by adults, Annemarie learns that this white human existence as well as on man's search for lie actually has a definite reason to protect such a meaning. Frankle (1992) states that: someone from the truth he is unable to hold. By being protected by the truth, someone will be man's search for meaning is the courageous to conduct a brave deed and survive in primary motivation in his life and not the harsh reality. When Annemarie reflects it to a "secondary rationalization” of herself, she finally acknowledges that she would instinctual drives. This meaning is be very brave if she does not know the whole unique and specific in that it must and truth behind every event she meets. If she knows can be fulfilled by him alone; only the whole truth, she would not be able to perform then does it achieve a significance a good deed she needs to do because it is harder to which will satisfy his own will to keep the truth when she is confronted to a meaning (p. 105). dangerous situation that forces her to tell the there is nothing in the world, I truth. In its simple form, Annemarie thinks back venture to say, that would so to the day that she and Ellen were stopped by the effectively help one to survive even German soldier on their way home from school. It the worst conditions as the knowledge would have been harder for Annemarie to answer that there is a meaning in one's life. the soldier’s questions if she had known at the There is much wisdom in the words of time that the Germans wanted to take the Jews Nietzsche: "He who has a why to live away. After thinking about this, she realizes that for can bear almost any how." (p. 109) Uncle Henrik and her parents are just trying to protect her and do not want to take a risk and put This happens to Annemarie Johansen’s life. her in any bigger troubles. Even though she is merely a ten year old girl, she has a responsibility to protect her good friend, In addition, when she has not known Ellen and survive in the constant level of threats everything about the truth as what she undergoes and a worst condition resulting from the Nazi now, Annemarie does not have to be afraid Germany occupation. Unlike any other children because she mainly has to act naturally without who are still arguing with their friends and being burdened to tell a lie. The only thing that submerged in their self-centered ego, Annemarie Annemarie should know is she has conducted a is urged to confront the harsh reality of war good deed although she does not know the whole which people around her is under a mortal danger reality. In this circumstance, Annemarie strongly and being treated unfairly by the Germany believes that this white lie is intended to protect soldiers, who supposed to arrest them wherever the Danish Jews including Ellen’s family. In spite they meet a Jews. This horror and extreme of being precluded knowing the truth, Annemarie situation will affect Annemarie mentally and will be determined to perform many brave deeds makes her to feel uncomfortable whenever she as if for the sake of Ellen’s safety. Therefore, her thinks about Nazi persecution of Jews, which soon determination to save and protect her good friend will harm Ellen. To survive in this harsh reality from the violent and harsh time continually and the extreme condition, Annemarie becomes the primary aspiration of Annemarie. comprehends that she has a great determination to 176 | LEXICON, Volume 5, Number 2, October 2018 rescue and save her good friend, Ellen. This able to prioritize the greater good over short-term aspiration motivates Annemarie to deal with relief shows that she is immediately growing up. every obstacle that interferes her way to rescue After Annemarie has completely developed her friend to Sweden and get rid of Nazi her self-awareness about the harsh reality she has Germany’s plan to persecute all Danish Jewish. to deal with, she currently becomes equal to the Therefore, she will continually perform various adults. It can be shown when she possesses the bravery deeds because she has already found out same understanding about the significance of that she has a primary aspiration to protect Ellen. concealing the truth as others adult know. Thus, her determination to save Ellen will last out Amusingly, she already acknowledges and accepts until she makes sure that Ellen’s life is safe and the circumstances when her mother is telling a lie reach Sweden safely. about the friends of Great-Aunt Birte that In this stage, Annemarie completely leaves strangely come to the funeral with uneasy look. her state of innocence and become mature. As she She knows that they are friends of Great-Aunt is growing up, she currently has the same Birte who never was. understanding as older people have. Because she “Friends of Great-Aunt Birte,” Mama said has recently acknowledged that it is better to quietly in response to Annemarie’s conceal the truth, she implements that lesson to questioning look. Annemarie knew that Ellen in order to protect her and resist any Mama was lying again, and she could see troubles. Annemarie realizes that the most that Mama understood that she knew. They important thing in her life at this time is to save looked at each other for a long time and said Ellen’s life, and therefore anything will be done nothing. In that moment, with that look, by her as long as it is for the sake of Ellen’s safety. they became equals (Lowry, 1989, p. 81). Furthermore, she completely understands that the only way to protect Ellen and support the adults’ Annemarie watched as the man’s eyes plan to rescue all Jewish people is by keeping the moved around the room. He looked for a truth. long time at the casket. Then he moved his gaze, focusing on each person in turn. When Annemarie had listened and said nothing. his eyes reached her, she looked back at him So now I, too, am lying, she thought, and to steadily. my very best friend. I could tell Ellen that it isn’t true, that there is no Great Aunt Birte. “Who died?” he asked harshly. I could take her aside and whisper the secret No one answered. They watched to her so that she wouldn’t have to feel sad. Annemarie, and she realized that the officer But she didn’t. She understood that she was directing the question at her. was protecting Ellen the way her mother Now she knew for certain what Uncle had protected her. Although she didn’t Henrik had meant when he had talked to understand what was happening, or why the her in the barn. To be brave comes more casket was there-or who, in truth, was in it- easily if you knew nothing. she knew that it was better, safer, for Ellen to believe in Great-aunt Birte. So she said She swallowed. “My Great-aunt Birte,” she nothing (Lowry, 1989, p. 80). lied, in a firm voice (Lowry, 1989, p. 86). Annemarie understands if the fewer people As she is growing up, she shows a know about the secret, the more successful the completely different treatment to Germany plan goes. As long as she prevents more people to soldiers. Unlike her past character which easily know about the made-up funeral of Great-Aunt feels scared of German soldiers’ appearance, now Birte, she knows that she has contributed to she is doing a brave deed when she is directly support a good deed and protect many Jews. questioned by them. Annemarie bravely tells a lie Generally speaking, the fact that Annemarie is about the death of Great-Aunt Birte to German soldiers because she already acknowledges that Dinar Tri Nugraheni & Bernadus Hidayat / Annemarie Johansen’s Stages of Growing up | 177 keeping the truth is allowed as long as it is aimed going to be safe in Sweden, Annemarie’s for the greater good. aspiration is completely fulfilled. Another bravery deed undertaken by CONCLUSION Annemarie is when she helps her mother, whose her ankle is broken, and she has to transfer the Based on the definition of Bildungsroman important secret packet to the harbor instead. She proposed by Dithley (1985), the stages of could sense that her mother is in trouble and this Annemarie Johansen’s growing up process itself secret packet is really important to be transferred can be traced from the stage of the main to Uncle Henrik. This fact shows that Annemarie protagonist’s early characterization, the main has perfectly grown her-awareness of the situation protagonist’s adolescence when she recognizes the around her. She easily understands that her conflict, and the turning point of her maturity mother is in help to transfer this important through diverse life-experience. The immature packet. Generally, young children often believe Annemarie Johansen appears in her early that their parents are invincible and they tend to characterization from the beginning of the story. be ignorant and self-centered. Otherwise, Her state of innocence prevents her to Annemarie’s courageous decision to save her acknowledge the level of threats and danger that mother and delivers the package presents that she exists around her. She has not fully comprehended has grown out of this belief. The moment between yet that Nazi Germany have arranged plan to Annemarie and her mother is also marks a persecute all Danish Jewish including her good development for both characters. Until this point, friend, Ellen. As two German soldiers are her mother has been trying to protect Annemarie, interrogating her on her way to home, she merely but after Mama hurts herself, she needs to rely on captures the image of the soldiers as a scary and Annemarie to help her to safety. unfriendly person through a glimpse of their uniform. Besides their uniforms, she innocently “It’s important, isn’t it, Mama? It was for feels uncomfortable and scared because of their Uncle Henrik. I remember Peter said it was riffles she thinks may harm her physically. very important. I heard him tell Mr. Rosen.” According to Erikson’s psychosocial theory Her mother tried to stand, but fell back (1958), Annemarie is in the range of ages who against the steps with a groan. ‘My God,” already has an ability to tame her imagination and she murmured again. “it may all have been learn about others social skills and knowledge for nothing.” required by the society. Thus, she will easily Annemarie took the packet from her receive some additional knowledge from people mother’s hand and stood. “I will take it,” she around her particularly about the current said. “I know the way, and it’s almost light situation of German occupation. Additionally, now. I can run like the wind” (Lowry, 1989, Erikson continually states that parent, teacher, p. 107). peers and others member of community hold an Even though she has to experience a scary important role to support and help establishing journey to reach the harbor, Annemarie is children’s characters. As the result, during determined to continue her way and believes that Annemarie Johansen’s stages of growing up, all she has done is for the greater good Finally, people around her, such as her parents, Peter Annemarie is successfully delivering this Neilsen, and Uncle Henrik help Annemarie to important packet to Uncle Henrik before the boat develop her self-awareness in order to survive in which is full of Danish Jews refugees departs from the harsh reality of war. It can be noticed, in her the harbor to Sweden. She gets praised by Uncle stage of adolescence, Annemarie begins to come Henrik for showing her courage and performing a into conflict with the harsh realities of the world brave deed. By delivering this packet, Annemarie through obtaining information and knowledge has saved the life of many Danish Jews including which develop both of her self-awareness and her good friend, Ellen. After ensuring that Ellen is personality traits. Through the information provided by people around her, she is immediately 178 | LEXICON, Volume 5, Number 2, October 2018 aware of the mortal danger threatening Ellen that worst conditions. For instance, someone who has comes from the Nazi Germany’s plan to persecute a reason to live for can bear almost any obstacles all Danish Jews. Due to her self-cultivation for that come by. As the result of Annemarie’s being a courageous person, Annemarie exposes determination to save Ellen’s life, she continually her strong will to protect and stand for all Jewish performs bravery deeds and become more mature. people including Ellen. In order to help the adults for rescuing all Danish Jewish from the threats of Nazi Germany The turning point of maturity underwent by persecution, Annemarie successfully exposes her Annemarie becomes the most prominent stages in maturity and conducts bravery deeds, such as her stages of growing up process. Her turning keeping truth from the German soldiers about the point of maturity is depicted through the main made-up funeral, helping her mother who is protagonist character who grows to maturity injured, and deliver the important secret packet to through diverse life-experiences, finds himself, Uncle Henrik. By drawing on her internal well of and attains certainty about his purpose in the courage, Annemarie finally proves that she is able world. Throughout Annemarie’s series of to protect Ellen and give contribution to resist the experiences toward maturity, there are crucial plan of Nazi persecution for Danish Jews. Through situations which she has to deal with the untruth Number the stars, hopefully all Indonesian performed by her parents and Uncle Henrik. children will get educated by reflecting their Annemarie’s ability to interpret the puzzling selves to Annemarie’s self-growth. They are conversation is the turning point of her maturity. allowed to learn how Annemarie briefly It shows that she has already departed from her transforms herself from immature girl to mature state of innocence and uses her self-awareness to girl in a harsh reality of life. Therefore, it is better comprehend and interpret an unfamiliar for parents and older people to continuously condition. 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