1 2 Between the Eye and the World The Emergence of the Point-of-View Shot P.I.E. Peter Lang Bruxelles Bern Berlin Frankfurt am Main New York Oxford Wien 3 4 Elena DAGRADA Between the Eye and the World The Emergence of the Point-of-View Shot Rethinking Cinema No.6 5 We thank the Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna, which kindly made frame-stills of the film Curiosité d’une Concierge (Pathé, 1905) specially for this publication. This publication has been peer-reviewed. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photocopy, microfilm or any other means, without prior written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved. © P.I.E. PETER LANG S.A. Éditions scientifiques internationales Brussels, 2014 1 avenue Maurice, B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgique www.peterlang.com ;
[email protected] Printed in Germany ISSN 1379-8391 ISBN 978-90-5201-035-9 D/2015/5678/18 Bibliographic information published by “Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek”. “Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek” lists this publication in the “Deutsche Nationalbiblio- grafie”; detailed bibliographic data is available on the Internet at <http://dnb.d-nb.de>. 6 Contents Introduction ............................................................................................ 9 CHAPTER 1 The Archaeology of a Filmic Form ..................................................... 15 1.1. Early Cinema, Early Spectator ................................................. 15 1.1.1. The World As Spectacle ................................................ 20 1.1.2. Transformations of the Visible ...................................... 25 1.2. The Place of the Look ............................................................... 33 CHAPTER 2 Frontiers of the Visible ........................................................................ 59 2.1. The Eye and the World, or the Faculty of Sight ....................... 59 2.2. Bigger, Not Closer: Grandma’s Reading Glass .......................