Mineruj Production of Virginia
VIRGINIA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Tuolr,q.s LpoNenn WersoN, Pn. D. DIRECTOR Bulletin No. I-A Annual Report ON THE MineruJ Production of Virginia During the Calendar Year 1 908 BY THOMAS LEONARD WATSON, Ph. D, Director of the survey, and Professor of Economic Geology in the university of virginia CHARLOTTESVILLE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA r 909 v STATE GEOLOGICAL COMMISSION Cr,eunp A. Swervsov, Chaorman, Goa ermor of V i'r gi'ni'a. E. A. Ar-onnlrew, Pres'ident of th,e Uniuersity of Virginia. ' P. B. Bennrwenn, President of the Vi,rgi,ni,a Polytechni'c Instotute. E. W. Nrcrror-s, Sup eri,nt end,ent of th e V i,r g inia M i,li,t ar y I nsti'tut e. A. M. Bowrwex, Member of the House of Delegates. Trrorvres Lnonenp Werson, D'i,rector of the Buruey. lv CONTENTS. CONTENTS Peon Ir,r,usrnerrolvs Ixrnooricrrox.i...... ......... 1 PnnlrurNenY Gnwnnllrrros. 6 Geographic position of Virginia 6 Surface features of the State.. 6 The Coastal Plain province 6 ThePiedmontPlateaup'";;;;...............'.......'. 10 The Appalachian. Mountains province. t2 Efiects of weatherinE B,nd eroSron. 22 Diversity of resources 'A InoN Onns exn Prc InoN. 25 Mer.rceNnsr Onrs. 35 Gor,o ero Srr,vrn.. 38 Copprn.. 43 Lneo .txo Zrnc 49 51 Nrcr<or, eNo Coger,r.. 52 Brick clays.. 68 Fire clays.... 70 Pottery clays 70 7T 7L Cement.. lo Sewo eNn Gnevpr, lo Seno-Lrur Bnrcr... 78 SroNr.. 78 Granite.. 7S Marble. 84 Limestone. a:) Sandstone.. 87 Slate.. 89 Crushed stone. 96 Road materials 96 Ballast and concrete.,.
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