Member buritutionJ:








Head Office McGill University, 81 5 Sherbrooke St. W. Montreal HJA 2P6, Quebec. Mrs. K. de la Ronde, Executi ve Director

Office i1/ 156 Golf Links New 110003, Indi a. Professor D. W. Carm ent, Residen t Director. Mr P. N. Malik , Executi ve Secretary (Delhi Office). 1

Ten years have passed since the Shastri Indo- Canadian I nulitute was formally inaugurated by joint announcement of the Oovernments of Canada and India. The establishment of the Institute in November 1968 , followed years of dreaming and lobbying by the small g r oup of Canadian scholars who had made a professional commi tment to I ndian Studies and wished to e xpand the rare opportunities to learn .omething of India ' s history and cultur e in Canadian universities. tn his convocation address at McGill University in June 1965, Prime Mi n ister La! Bahadur Shast ri had accepted and described the goal of a n institution dedicated t o support and promote the advancement of mutu al understanding between India and Canada through studies in the humanities and social sciences . Professor Michael Brecher brought the subsequent negotiations in India to a successful conclusion , supported by the Canadian High Commissioner, Roland Michener, and officials of both Governments in Ottawa and New Delhi. In these ten years, there has been a gratifying fulfilment of the Institute's mandate and the high standards set by our founders . The original members have now been joined by nine other universities to bring the institutional membership to thirteen. The small band of Indianists have increased many fold and programmes in Indian languages, history , philosophy, political economy, and culture are offered throughout the country. Forty-one Shastri scholars now hold teaching positions in nineteen universities and colleges in Canada . Our Fellowship Programme, originally confined to doctoral and post-doctoral scholars, now provides a broad range of opportunities for study i n India . In 1972, elementary and secondary school teachers became eligible as participants in our Summer Programmes , the first such area studies venture in Canada . The ~ and Language Training scholarships were added in 1974. In 1977 , t here was further expansion with the establishment of Performing Arts grants for the study of Indian music and dance , and a Faculty Traininq grant for non- specialists who wish to add an Indian dimension to their teaching and research, or for scholars who wish to change their disciplinary focus within Indian Studies. 2 J

Our Library Prograrnne, designed to create research J:::;::u:':'u::p:po: rt was given on an annual basis. For 1977-78, our centres in three universities and the National Library, has expanded ~ was increased by 33-1/3 percent, rising from $60,000.00 to include nine additional programme support collections . We have S80,000.00, and we received a commitment to renew support for a developed the capacity within Canada to do advanced research in period. many Indian Studies areas and to provide basic support for the In 1977-78, our grant from the Government of India was undergraduate student and teacher. In addition we have established and renewed for the fourth three-year cycle . In particular, a microfilm collection in the National Library, and the beginnings Ministry of Education welcomed the expansion of Institute of an audio-visual materials collection housed in the Sigmund Samuel in ~ lberta and provided additional support to allow us Library of the University of Toronto. teaching support library collections at the Universities The Institute has experienced its share of failure and and Calgary, as well as some increase in fellowship disappointments. Our dollar revenue declined sharply in 1974-75 Ne attribute these gains to the good reputation with the 10s8 of major eIDA and foundation support . Much ground Institute programmes have attained in India and Canada and a has been recovered with the help of the Oepartment of External recognition that the Institute has become an important and Affairs and more recently, commitments from private companies . cultural link between these two countries . We have been unable however, to reinstitute our Summer Programme in Canada and must continue to operate our Head Office in Montreal 1. Fellowship Programme with minirnum staff and facilities . Funding for research fellowships The 1978-79 competition was the largest in the Institute's has not kept pace with the inflation of costs, and we are required Funding constraints, however, reduced the number of available to offer fewer grants in a competition which has annually increased compared with the previous year. Nine senior scholars and in quality and numbers of participants. Similarly. the rise in the candidates received support. In addition, two grants costs of books, without comparable increases in the book fund, has in the new Performing Arts category and two awards were constrained our ability to maintain the quality of our research and given for and Bengali language training. The list of fellows teaching collections. for 1978-79 with their research topics is given in Appendix III . l'Ie share with most Canadian and Indian institutions, the This tenth competition raises to one hundred and seven, difficulties associated with budget constraints and high inflation. the number of Canadian professors and graduate students who have had Few however, have experienced the substantial increase in support the opportunity to pursue research and receive language and arts from the Governments of both countries which the Institute received training in India under Shastri sponsorship. They have affiliated in 1977-78. with approximately fifty academic institutions , and consulted and Since the beginning of our formal funding association with worked in another hundred or more Indian libraries, museums, institutes the Department of External Affairs, we have been seeking increased and government offices. Eleven doctoral students have completed their support and a continuing contribution commitment which would allow us dissertations and received Ph . D.'s, three of these from Indian to develop and implement programmes in a more stable environment . universities . Shastri sponsored research has resulted in t he Unlike our three-year grant from the Government of India , External publication of some one hundred and ninety books, articles, conference papers, film and film scripts . A list of publications by Shastri • 5

ellows for 1977 is provided in Appendix III. A copy ot the of Manitoba, Mc~aster University and Concordia university . "port of the Activities of PAst 5hsstri Scholars· may be tour SumMers, one hundred and sixty-four grantees were introduced ebtained by writing to the Head Office in Montreal. I ndian culture and history and received University credits for The interests of Shastri Scholars have been as eclectic Shastri courses. Although this was a very successful Programme, •• Indian society itself. Changing village social relations, an 'he Institute was unable to attract adequate funding after 1975, and All-India econometric planning model, Sufism in 18th Century Bihar, was cancelled in the following year . A summer area study opportunity ~ratha social history, the role of gardens and water in Mughal remains a high priority, and the Institute is currently Architecture, are examples of the eighty-nine research projects ways to support the initiatives of its member institutions 1n eighteen disciplines which have been undertaken since the area. Programme's inception in 1969 . The summer in India opportunity began in 1973 , as the 2 . Language Programme •• cond stage of the Canadian Programme. Fifteen to twenty participants Twenty scholars have had the opportunity to improve were selected to continue their studies in the field. A Programme of their competence in six Indian languages, with the support of leminars and lectures, combined with extensive travel provided a vivid 8hastri Language Training grants. There was some difficulty in and first-hand opportunity to add personal experience to what had . r ranging appropriate study opportunities in the early years of been learned in bOOKS and courses at home. Ninety-three students this Programme. Both the Government of India and Indian universities and teachers have participated in our Summer Progr~es in India in and training centres have tried to accommodate the special needs of the last six years . Although each group is different with a unique foreign scholars. Pre-course tutorial opportunities have been provided .et of stories to tell, all have had a challenging and meaningful for students of Tamil and Bengali. The S.N.D.T. Womens' university learning experience. ot Bombay has indicated that our grantees would be provided with In 1978, the structure of the Programme was changed in Marathi and Gujerati instruction which was geared to their special order to integrate the seminars and travel. Rather than the concentrated needs. As part of this programme, the Institute is attempting to academic programme at the beginning, followed by a tour, lectures were lupport the development of improved language study opportunities in given at appropriate sites as the group moved around the country. Sikh Canada. In 1978, Shastri bursaries were provided to encourage tradition was described in Amritsar, followed by a visit to the Golden participation in a summer Hindi course at the University of British Temple. Rajput-Moghul relations were analyzed in Jaipur where the Columbia. It is anticipated that similar encouragement will be next day, the slow but sure elephants carried these travellers up the given to other institutions where Indian languages are taught. hill to the Amber Fort. They learned something of in and of Buddhism in Sarnath. They heard a lecture on the development 3. Suw~er Programmes and character of the city of Calcutta, in Calcutta. South Indian The Shastri Institute inaugurated its In-Canada Summer temples, Indian film, heavy industry, scientific research - the group P r oqramme in 1972 at the university of British Columbia. university had only a brief opportunity, hut an opportunity to experience both Itudents and high school teachers gathered from across the country to theory and practice. participate in an intensive study opportunity which included courses The significance of the Summer Programme lies primarily in in Indian Civilization and Hindi, and special cultural events . In the extent to which each of our grantees is able to share the experience subsequent years, the Programme followed a similar pattern at the with others in Canada. \'Ie are particularly pleased with the impact this , 7

Tho first Canadinn ~tudies Fellow was Professor Ian .-all undertaking has had in primary and secondary schools . In Drummond, Chairman of tho Department of Political Economy, University 'ritish Columbia, Shastri teachers have developed audio-visual or Toronto , who visited India in the late summer of 1978. A return teaching aids and developed curricula material available to schools visit by an Indian scholar i. anticipated in 1979 . t hrouqhout the province . Most recently in Toronto, a two day The establishment of a Canadian research collection in Conference on South Asia for secondary school teachers in North York India is another important eleMent of this Programme . We had hoped was organized by a Shastri grantee. One hundred and forty-three to send the first shipment of Materials in the fall of 1978. Recent teachers attended the Conference, reech'ed packages of curricula budget reductions implemented by the Canadian Government have delayed materials developed by the organizers and funded by the North York the est ablishment of depository status for an Indian institution. Board, and participated in seminars and lecture sessions given by The Institute continues to provide twenty- six Canadian journal members of the Indian Commur.ity. colleagues in the North York secondary SUbscriptions for fourteen Indian universities . schools, and Faculty of the University of Toronto . In order to increas. 6 . Library Programme opportunities for element~ry and secondary school teachers in this area, The evolution of the Library Programme follows closely upon the Institute is helping to organi~e a special teachers Summer Programm. changes in the magnitude and orientation of the entire range of Institute i n India in 1979 sponsored by the Ontario Federation of Teachers. activities . At its inception in 1968, the Library Programme was a 4 . Visiting Lecturer Programme vehicle intended to serve the academic activities of the Institute's In 1977-78, three Indian scholars visited Canada on Shastri four founding members . As membership increased beyond these major sponsored lecture tours. Since 1974, when this Programme began. research libraries, the Library Programme was modified to serve in thirteen scholars have helped to make our relations with India more addition, the more limited requirements of the nine universities which of an exchange, although far more Canadians continue to travel to India. became affiliated. Member institutions now fall into one of two 5. Canadian Studies Progral'lPle categories: Resource Libraries and Programme Support Libraries. The 1976-77 Annual Report described this new Programme which The former acquire on a large scale with the aim of providing extensive is intended to contribute to an improve"ent in the level of knowledge regional holdings which would supplement the narrower, curriculum­ and understanding of Canada in India. As a beginning, we plan to send oriented collections of the latter. Canadian scholars, artists and experts in various fields to lecture on Members acquire materials in one of two ways . The most some aspect of Canadian Studies in Indian universities and to make common approach is the use of blanket orders, where a bookseller contact with Indian colleagues and institutions . From India, we shall selects and supplies books according to subject profiles designed to b r ing representatives frOM a similar pool of scholars and experts who meet fairly closely , the particular requirements of individual members. wish to share their knowledge and experience with Canadian colleagues Some members prefer to originate orders on a title by title basis in a nd pursue research interests in Canadian institutions. The funding t heir own libraries and thus have absolute control over intake. In of this Programme will be shared with the Indian University Grants all cases , o r ders and books are channelled through the Institute's Commission. office in New Delhi . From the beginning of the Library Programme to the end of March 1978 , 187 , 90] volumes have been shipped to Canada under the auspices of the Institute. , •

In 1971, the Library Committee proposed that a micro­ It is clear that the Institute's programmes continue to fil m project be developed and agreement in principle was reached be well received in India , and in particular have gained the respect wi th the Government of India in 1973. A few details related to the of Indian academics and officials of the Ministry of Education. distribution of film remain to be worked out, but filming has been We have been encouraged to improve and expand our efforts t a king place in the National Archives of India for some two years and in secondary education and Canadian Studies while maintaining our approximately 400 rolls of film have been accumulated. The personal primary commitment to research and university teaching . We have been papers of M.R . Jayakar account for the bulk of filming to date. The given some addit ional funds, both in India and in Canada, to pursue I nstitute has undertaken to present free of char ge. positive copies these goals , and we intend to meet the high standards that are now all film exposed to the following institutions in I ndia: National expected from us . New Delhi: National Library, Calcutta ; Asiatic Society, In an organization that depends for its success on the Bombay; Connemara Public Library, Madras. association of col leagues who work for it because there is a mutual In recent years , the I nstitute has begun to shift its focus commitment to shared goals, there are always many people to thank in from academic activities to include to some extent , t he community at an Annual Report . I am most grateful to the members of the Boar d of l a rge . The Library Programme is providing rupee funds and the services Directors for giving me t he opportunity to continue to hold the of its office in New Delhi to enable the National Library of Canada ' s office of President for an additional year . My colleagues on the Mu ltilingual Biblio-service to acquire books in Hindi, Punjabi and Executive Committee, Professor William Carment , Mr . Andre Preibish, Urdu which will be placed with public libraries where there is a and Professor Elliott Tepper have shared the burdens and pleasures demand for materials in these languages. in administering the Institute ' s affairs, and any benefit which has The Shastri Institute ' s library acquisitions programme has come to the Institute in this regard is clearly the result of this been the major source of support for the development of research and happy partnership. teaching collections 1n- Ind- 1an Stud,-e. ,On Canada. Commitment to this The Rt . Hon . Roland Michener continues to give us the - d- -d 1 member institutions which undertaking has been shared by t h e 1n 1V1 ua benefit of his time and experience with extraordinary generosity . have provided substantial additional funds to complement the rupee In addition, Mr . Eric Trigg has joined the Institute ' s Canadian made available in our triennial grant . As is the case with Advisory Council , and we welcone him most warmly and look forward to large library programmes, continuing inflation in the price of sharing with him, both our joys and problems . All of the members of makes it difficult for us to maintain satisfactory coverage in the Advisory Councils, both in India and in Canada , have given their It will be difficult , perhaps impossible, to fill in time and the benefit of their individual expertise whenever called on that are being created in our research collections if this by the Board . in resources continues . In New Delhi , our Resident Director for 1977-78 , Professor N. R. Choudhry , helped to r eorganize basic staff policies . As an This has been a busy and producti ve year for t he Institute. economist , he brought us important contacts with Indian colleagues . :'ob". "" I was privileged to represent t he Insitut e at the formal In general , his period in office was marked by energetic commitment ceremony in New Delhi, marki ng the beginning of our fourth to the Institute's affairs and i nterests, and his work is r eflected grant . in the positive response we received from the Government of India in the fourth triennial 9rant and in our 1978-79 Fellowship Programme. 10


In our Head Office in Montreal, the Institute has had PAST PRESIDENT - Professor Michael Ames the extraordinary benefit of the presence and commitment of Mrs. University of British Columbia Kay de la Ronde at the head of our administrative affairs. Her PRESIDENT - Professor Milton Israel a ••ociation with the Institute has been so intense and successful, University of Toronto that most of us who have had the privilege of serving briefly as SECRETARY - Professor Elliot Tepper officers, have come to assume that Kay and Shastri are inseparable Carleton University •• well. I certainly hope this is the case and record here again, TREJl.SURER - Mr. Andr! Preibish my personal appreciation of her tireless efforts on our behalf. National Library MEMBER AT LARGE - Professor D.W. Carment McMaster University

Mr. Mahboob Ahmad - High Commissioner for India

Professor Dad Prithipaul - University of Alberta Professor Brenda Beck - University of British Columbia Professor D. Sinha - Brock University Professor H. G. Coward - University of Calgary Professor John Hill - Concordia University Professor Ian Kerr - University of Manitoba Professor R. W. Stevenson - McGill University Professor K.B. Sayeed - Queen ' s University Professor N.K. Wagle - University of Toronto Professor Christopher King - University of Windsor

Hr.N.e. Omelusik - Chairman , Library Committee APPENDIX III ~ISORY COUNCIL - CANADA SHASTRI FELLOWS AND THEIR RF.5EARCII TOPICS Mrs. Thomas Bata - O~ta Industries Ltd., Oon Mills, Ontario. 1978-79

Mr. James Cameron - Calgary, Alberta. SENIOR LONG TERM Mr. Lawrence Dampier - Chairman of the Board, Nabob Foods Limited, Professor D.W. Carment, Mc~aster University. Burnaby North , British Columbia. ~Child-rearing practice, reward cost orientat~ons an~ ft conceptual systems in various segments of Ind~an Soc~ety Mr . Charles Delafield, Montreal, Quebec. • Professor Andr~ Michaud, university of Sherbrooke. Dr. David W. Hopper , Washington, D. C. ~S tudy of the Ganesa Festival in Poona and of ASHTAVINAYAKA Pilgrimages as Communication and F~change Networksft The Rt. Hon. Roland Michener (Chairman) - Toronto, Ontario. •• Professor Baldev Raj Nayar, /leGill University . Mr. Geoffrey Pearson - Department of External Affairs, Ottawa. "India ' s Quest for Technological Independence"

Mr. Arnold Smith - Norman Patterson School of International Professor G.N . Ramu, University of Manitoba. Affairs , Carleton University, Ott awa, Ontario. "The Dual-Career Family in India: A Case Study" Mr . Eric A. Trigg - Aluminum Company of Canada, Montreal, Quebec. Professor Arthur Rubinoff, University of Toronto. "The Integration of Goa into the Indian Union " Representative of the High Commission of India, Ottawa, Canada.

ADVISORY COUNCIL - INDIA SENIOR SHORT TERM Mr. h.G. Asrani - Joint Secretary (AMS) , Ministry of External Phyllis Granoff, McMaster University. Affairs, New Delhi. ~The Iconography of the Jain Temples of Satrunjaya and Girnar M Mr. R. K. Chhahra - Secretary, University Grants Commission, Bahadurshah Zafar Marg, New Delhi . 0<. Elizabeth Merklinger, Canadian Embassy, Washington, U.S.A. ftThe Religious Architecture of the Qutb Dynasty· Professor V.P. Dutt - Department of Chinese and Japanese Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi. JUNIOR FELLOWSHIPS - Ph.D. Professor K. Satchidananda Murty - Vice-Chancellor, S.V. University, . • John S. Deyell, University of Wisconsin , U.S.A. ·Coins Currency and Exchange: the Early Medieval Professor K.A. Nagvi - Department of Economics, University of Moneta;y Experience in North India, ca 500 - 1200 A . D .~ Delhi, Delhi. Miss Lorraine Miller , university of British Columbia. Dr . Niharranjan Ray - Professor Emeritus, Calcutta University, ftA Semiotic Study of Modern Indian Artists" Calcutta. Mrs. Janet Rubinoff, University of Toronto. Mr . Robert L. Rogers - High Commissioner for Canada in India, "Study of Goan Social Structure: Portuguese Influence Shantipath, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi . on Indigenous Hindu Institutions" Mr. P. Sabanayagam (Chairman) - Secretary, Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, Shastri Bhavan , New Delhi. • Wi thdrew •• Awarded 1977-78 but not taken up until 1978-79 Dr. Madhuri R. Shah - Vice-Chancellor, S.N. D.T. Women ' s University, Bombay.

Professor N.K. Choudhry (Secretary) - Resident Director , Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, New Delhi . SHlISTRI FELLOWS 11140 TUtTR RESEARCH TOPTCS FELLOWSIlIPS IN PERFORMINf!~!ITS 1969-1978 Miss Maureen Sanderson, classical Indian dancer, Edmonton.

Mr. Rudy Wall , musician , winnipeg. SF.NIOR LONG TERM

LANGUAGE TRAINING GRANTS OR. KATHLEEN GOUGH lIBERLE , University of British Columbia. ~ Changing social Relations in Two Villages of Thanjavur~ . Dr. vit Bubenik, Memorial University, Newfoundland. Sanskrit Language Study. DR . M.A . R. BARKER , Institute of Islamic Studies , McGill University. ~ Preparation of an Advanced Reader of Urdu Poetry for the use Miss Carolyn Filteau, University of British Columbia. of non-Urdu Speakers~ . Bengali Language Study. DR . BliARlITI BLAISE, McGill University. "Literature into Film: f. Corr:parative Study of Selected Bengali Novels and Their Filmed Versions by Satyajit Ray" .

MR . JAMES BEVERIDGE, York University. ~ A Group of Four Films on the Social History of India~ .

DR . DAVID HILLIAM ClIm-reNT, McMaster university . "A Study of Cultural Differences in Risk- taking, Co- operation and Competition , the Process of Bargaining, and Response to Threat in Interpersonal Relations" . DR . MAHINDER D. CHAUDHRY, Departmont of Economics, Royal Military College of Canada. "Education and Inter-regional Growth Rate in India".

DR. N. K. CHOUDHRY, Department of Political Economy, University of Toronto. ~Incorporation of Cross-sectional Data in a Time Series Planning Model in India~ . "Econometric Essays on the India Economy, 1951-l970~.

DR . JAMES A. DRAPER, The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. ~The University in India as a Social Institution" .

DR . JOHN R. UOFLEY, Carleton University. ~A Study of the Extent to which Caste and CI~ss Groups structure the Pattern of Interaction in Urban India~ .

DR. CLIFFORD G. HOSPITAL, Queen's university . "Bali and Ravan: A Study in Hindu Demonology" .

DR. KENNETH KELLY , University of Guelph . ~Agricultural Change in a Part of Nineteenth Century west Bengal". DR . FRITZ LEHMANN, Department of History, University of Brit ish Columbia. "sufism in 18th Century Bihar". OR. WHl rRT II. MACDOUGALl., O.partll\ent or An thropo l oqy , 'EN l OR !mORT TERM Unlvcr.lty of nrlt illh C"tumhl •• "Indigenoull A,chltl,rt TTlldltlon. In Selected Areas of India". DR. ASIIOK AKLUJKAR, University of British Columbia. "Toward a Critical Edition of the Vakyapadiya-vrttift . OR. SHEILA MCDONOUGH, Department of Religion, Concordia University . "Educational Theories of Or. Zakir Husain". DR . BRENDA E. F . BECK, university of British Columbia. "Study of the Sociol ogical Characteristics of the Boundary DR. DAVID MILLER, Department of Religion, Concordia University. Area between Konku and Other Distinctive Regions in the "Historical , Philosophical and Sociological Study of Swami South of India" . Sivananda (1887-1963)" . DR. KENNETH BRYANT , university of British Columbia. "Examination of Draj-Bhasa Manuscriptsft . DR . EDWARD C. MOULTON, University of ~anitoba. Mlndia and the British Left: A Study of Relationships between British Radicals and Socialists and the Indian Political DR . JAMES CUTT, York University, Elite in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century". -A Systematic Approach to Budgetary Policy" .

~RS. LEENA OEVI NAIDU, Department of Sociology, Brandon University. OR . MARTIN DOLBEER, Wilfrid Laurier University. "Women in the Indian Parliament - A Political Sociological "Social and Historical Developments which have occurred Analysis" . in the Religions of the Andhra Pradesh as a Result of the Movement toward, and the Achievement of, Indian Independence, DR. WILLARD G. OXTOBY, University of Toronto . 1920-1974" . "The Zoroastrian Tradition and the Modern Parsi COl!ll!lunity". OR. CHRISTINE FUREDY, York University. DR. SHREEKANT PALEKAR, Concordia University. " Entrepreneurs in Modern Retailing and Trades in Calcutta, "Wages under Planning' India - A Case Study" . 1830-1900". DR. RAVI RAVINDRA, Dalhousie Un1\·ersity. DR . S . K. GUPTA , University of Waterloo. "Comparative Study of Eastern and Western Philosophies of ftThe Development of 'New Wave' Cinema in India" . Nature" . DR. SHOTARO IIOA, Department of Religious Studies , University DR . G.M.C. SPRUNG, Department of Philosophy, Brock University. of British Columbia. "A Study of Certain Buddhist and Vedanta Schools of Thought Project 11.: "Final Preparation of a Manuscript on Later with a View of writing a Philosophic Study on the Nature Madhyamika in India". Project B: "Editing of a Documentary and Validity of the Philosopher's Claim to 'know'". Film on Tibetan Monasteries". DR . ROBERT W. STEVENSON, McGill University. DR. JONAS LEHRMAN, University of Manitoba. "Historical Change in Scriptural Interpretation: A Study of "The Role of Gardens and Water in Mughal Architectur e" . Sanskrit Commentaries on the Bhagavadgita" . DR. JOHN P. LIPKIN, McGill University. H DR. R. C. TIWARI, University of Manitoba. ftContemporary Developments in Indian Secondary Teacher Training • "Urbanisation, Urban Systems and City Structure: A Geographical Study of Changes in Selected Ex-Princely Capitals of India~. OR. M. L. MARASINGHE, University of Windsor . ftA Study of the Progress of Legal Thought and Theory in India". DR. MARY CICELY WATSON, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. "Aspects of Educational Planning at the State Level in India DR. BI~~L K. MATlLAL, University of Toronto . and Canada". "A Dictionary of Indian Pllliosophical Terms" . OR. PAUL YOUNGER, Department of Religion , McMaster University. DR . PETER PENNER, Mount Allison University . "An Analysis of the Role of Tradition in the Contemporary "The Ca r eer in India of Robert I·tertins Bird" . Political Life of India". "Two Temples of Tiruchirapalli". DR. R. RADHAKRISHNAN, University of Calgary. "A Study of the Acquisition of Morpheme Components and DR . JOHN WOOD, University of British Columbia. Morphophonemic Rules of Tamil Verbs". "Gujarat and the Political Economy of Indian Federalism: Case Studies in Agricultural Development". DR. LAWRENCE /1 . READ, Dep(1! tmlltH II I Rldl'llnn, CIHleton unlVnJMlty MHlB Cl\nOLI': f'AHIH~R. Dt'l'l\rlmont of AnLhropology and Sociology , " A Study of the Role of Uh.!lkU Marg.l in promoting Valu(11!1 University of UritiBh Columbia. associated with Modernisation". "The Social Organi:o:ation of the Jatra" .

DR. J.I. RICHARDSON, Department of Religious Studies, Univers ity MR . JOliN GARTRELL, Department of Sociology and AnthrOpology, of British Columbia. University of Guelph . "Religious and Social Change in Andhra Pradesh la70-1970~. " Communi ty Development: Organization and Envirom'f'lent in India" .

DR. AILEEN D. ROSS, Department of Sociology , McGill University. MR. JOEL GOLDBERG, University of London , London , England . "A Comparative Study of the Role of Women in Australia, "The Na t ive Soldiery of the East India Company ' s Bombay Canada and India". Presidential Army : An Inquiry into their Conditions during the Period 1784 to 1830" . DR. L.P. SINGH , Department of Political Science, Concordia University . MR, R. J. HENRY, Department of History , University of British "Indian Foreign Policy under Lal Bahadur Shastri". Columbia . "A Study of the Social Response to the Implementation of DR. RAJENDRA SINGH, University of Montreal. Scientific and Technological Policies in Aligarh District "Jayshankar Prasad: A Critical Study" . 1890-1920".

DR. R.M. SMITH , Department of East Asian Studies, University of MRS. KAREN HILL, Department of History, McGill University . Toronto. "The Abolit i on of Indian Indentured Emigration". "Study of Decorative Motives to provide an Aid in working out the Chronology of Indian History as well as Art" . MRS . RADHIKA HERZBERGER, University of Toronto . " Reconstructing the Logical Theories of Dignaga, and studying DR . A. H. SOMJEE, Department of Politics, Simon Fraser University. their Influence on the History of Indian Logic , from the 5th "A Study of the Political System of Anand Taluka in Gujarat". Century A. D. through the 7th Century, A.D, ".

DR . N. K. WAGLE, Department of East Asian Studies, University of MISS MARTIIA LILE LOVE, University of Toronto . Toronto. "The Sphota Theory of the Vaiyakaranas ". "Maratha Social History 1720-90". MR . TIMOTHY FRANCIS MAHER, University of Toronto . DR . ANTHONY WELCH, University of Victoria. "A Cross-cultural Comparison of Verbal and Behavioural "A Study of the Architecture of the Delhi Sultanate". Responses to Harmonic Musical Intervals".

MR . GRANT McCONNELL, Laval University. JUNIOR FELLOWSHIPS: Ph.D. "A Sociolinguistic Study of the Present Status of Four Dravidian Languages and their Use as Tools of Education and • MR. DONALD ATTWOOD, Department of Anthropology, McGill University. Research " . " Rural Development in India". MR . DERRYL MACLEAN , Institute of Islamic Studies , McGill university. • NANCY CASSELS, University of Toronto. "An Analysis of the Socio- economic Basis of Religious Tensions "Collection of the Pilgrim Tax at Jagannath Temple in Orissa, in the Sind at t he Time of the Arab Conquest" . 1806-1841: A Case Study in the Social Policy of the East India Company". • MISS SHIRLEY ANN McMURTRY , McMaster University . "Doctrines and Methods used by Sankara and Ramanuja to • MR. ROY CULPEPPER , Department of Political Economy, university of elucidate the Relation between Self-knowledge and Karma in Toronto. their Commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita". - -- "Growth of Indian Fertiliser Industry and its Bearing on Agricultural Techniques". !.fR. TERRELL POPOFF , Universi ty of Sussex , England , "Folk Medicine and Agricultura l Rites among the Gonds of Central India : A Structural Analysis of the Symbolic Use of Power " .

'. HR. KAMAL KANT PRASAD, University of British Columbi8. MR. WALTER J. EISENBEIS, Aligarh Muslim University. ftThe Gujaratis of Fiji, 1900-1945: A Study of 8n Indian ~Early Writings of the Chisti Order of Sufis~. Tr8der Communityft. MR. JAMES HAMILTON, Rabindra Bharti university. MR. JAMES PANKRATZ, Department of Religion, McMaster University. Degree in North Indian Classical Music. "Analysis of the Association of Religious Ideas and Socio­ political Orientation in the Life and Writings of Raja Ram • MR . STEPHEN INGLIS , Calcutta University. Mohun Roy"_ Degree in t~useology.

MR. MARK TATZ, University of British Columbia. MR . MARK LEONARD STEVENSON, Jawaharal Nehru University. "The Life and Works of Candragomin". -India ' s Role as a ' Link Nation' between the Bi-polar Ideological Forces of Socialism and Capital ism, her MR . JERRY D. SCHMIDT, University of British Columbia. Commitment to Non-alignment and the Capacity of her Foreign "Historical, Linguistic and Literary Study of the Divyavadana Policy Decision-making to lead the Third World towards in its Sanskrit Original and Chinese Translations·. Politico-economic Freedomft . • MR. RAMESH C. THAKUR, Queen's University. • M.A. degree awarded . "The ICSC: A Comparative Study of Canadian and Indian Policies in Indo-China, 1954-197)-. LANGUAGE TRAI NI NG CRANTS • MR. JOSEPH THARAMANGALAM, York University. "Sociological Implications of Land Reform in Kerala-. MR. JAMES CONNE LLY, University of Montreal. Hindi Language Study. • Thesis completed and Ph.D. degree awarded. MISS GILLIAN DARLING, University of British Columbia. Hindi Language Study. Ph . D. from an INDIAN UNIVERSITY MR . ROBERT EGAN, HcGill University. • MRS. ELIZABETH MERKLINGER, University of Delhi. Malayalam Language Study. "Indo-Islamic Architecture of the Islamic Kingdoms of the ft Deccan • MRS. ANNE MARIE FENGER, University of British Columbia. Tamil Language Study. • MRS. CAROL K. VLASSOFF, University of Poona. -The Significance of Cultural Tradition for ContraceptiVe MR. ALLEN FROESE, University of British Columbia. Change among Rural Indian Women". Tamil Language Study.

MR. MICHAEL VLASSOFF, University of Poona. MRS . JUDY GANSNER, University of British Columbia. ~Economic Need for Children and Fertility: A Village Study". Punjabi Language Study.

Thesis completed and Ph.D. degree awarded. MR. WALTER HUBER, University of British Columbia. Hindi Language Study.

JUNIOR FELLOWSHIPS - M.A. MR. STEPHEN INCLIS, University of British Columbia. Tamil Language Study. MR. DAVID MAWSON, Brock University. -A Study in the Content and Organization of India's Four MISS EVELYN L . MEYER, University of Toronto. Major English Language Dailies-. Tamil Language Study.

MISS CECELIA MURPHY, University of British Columbia. M.A. from an INDIAN UNIVERSITY Punjabi Language Study.

Mrss JEAN CHAPMAN, McGill University. (Jawaharal Nehru university) OR . JOSEPH O' CONNELL, university of Toronto. "Urbanization as an Aspect of Social Change in Contemporary Hindi Language Study. India". Modern Bengali Language Study . MRS. KATHLEEN O'CONNELL, unlv~r.jty of '1'(1rnnto. APPENDIX IV Bengali Language Study.

MRS. PAMELA ORMSTQN, University of British Columbia. Bengali Language Study. PUBLICATIONS BY SHASTRI FELLOWS FOR THE YEAR 1977-78 Hindi Language Study.

MISS PEARL OSTROFF, Concordia University. "Agrarian Change in Thanjavur" Bengali Language Study. by K. S. Krishnaswarny and Press, 1977 , pp . 258- 291 . MISS KATHIE PETRIE, Concordia University. Hindi Language Study. "India and Vietnam COMpared: Family Planning and Everyday Life" in Bulletin of Cor.cerncd Asian Scholars, April - MR . KENNETH POST, McMaster University . June 1977 , Vol. 9, No. 2, pp . 42-51. Sanskrit Language Study. Also published in Fronteir , Calcutta, May 1977.

MISS SUSAN VAN DER FLIER, University of British Columbia . "The Grecn Revolution in South Asia and North Vietnam", Punjabi Language Study . NO . 61, A~gust 1977, pp. 48-64. also published in Monthly Review, DR. WAYNE WHILLIER , McMaster University. Sanskrit Language Study. "Colonial Economics in Southeast India", Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, Vol. XII, ;.lo . 13, March 26, 1977, pp. 541-554 .

In press . 240 pp.


BECK, Brenda E.F. "The Symbolic Merger of Body, Space and Cosmos in Hindu Tamilnad", Contributions to Indian Socioloqy, Vol. 10, pp. 213-43. 1916. -The Personality of a King: Prerogatives and Dilemmas of Kingship as portrayed in a Contemporary Epic from South India", in John Richards (ed.) KinnShip and Authority in South Asia , Madison, University Of 11scons~n, 24 pp. Review article discussing Essays on South India (B. Stein ed.) in Pacific Affairs, Vol. 50, No . J, pp . 537-41 . (In press) .

in Konku, appearlng "Time and Space in Indian I deology: An Anthropological Approach", in Proceedin s of the International political Science Congress , ~n urg , pp. In press . "The Distancing of Emotion in Ritual: Comment on a Current Anthropology Article by Thomas Scheff", in Current Anthropology, Vol. 18, No.3, pp. 490-9. lIn press) . "The Metaphor as a ~ledi4tor Iof'twoen fczn.lnlic and Anoloqic TATZ, Mark. "The Vow ot: Benevolent Conduct." , introduction, 'lodes of Thought", in Current Anthropology, Vol. 19, No . I, translat.ion and commentary, Studies in Indo-Asian Art and March 1978, 26 pp. (In Press). Cu l ture, Vol. 5.

FUREDY, Christine. "British Tradesmen as a Socio-Economic THAKUR, Ramesh . "Change and Continuity in Canadian Foreign Interest in Calcutta, 1830-1900", Proceedings of Indian PoliCy", India Quarterly, XXXIII, 4, Oct. - Dec. 1971, Institute of Historical Studies . pp. 401-418 .

HILL, Karen. "Hindi Protest Literature and the Anti-IndentUre WELCII, Anthony. MoveMent, 1912-1917", Hindi Lan ua e and Indian Politics. Aqa Khan, (ed. Robert Crane), Du e nlverslty ress . In press . "It is written: Calligraphy in the Arts of the Muslim LEHMANN. Fritz . " Architecture of the early Sultanate Period World", Asia Society, New York, January 1979. and the Nature of the Muslim State in India~. Indica (Bombay), March 1978, pp. 8-25 . THESES COMPLETED 1977-78 "Rahat versus the ' Persian I'Iheel ' : Notes and Comment". Journal of the Asiatic Society (Calcutta). spring 1978. MCMURTRY, Shirley Ann . "Doctrines and Methods used by Sankara and Raroanuja to elucidate the Relation between Self-knowledge LEHRMAN, Jonas . "Water in the Mughal Gardens " . Canadian and Karma in their Commentaries on the Bhaqavad Gita"~ Architect , 1977, pp . 30-31. MCMa~university. THAKER, Ramesh C. "The ICSC: A Comparative Study of Canadian TURQUOISE\] GOLD AND l·mITE - audio-visual presentation for and Indian Policies in Indo-China, 1954-1973" . Queen ' s university . UN Audio- isua! Inforl'latlon Centre/Centre for Human Settlements, U.B.C., August 1977. Presented on Channel 13. Winnipeg, THARAMANGALAM , Joseph. "Sociological Implications of Land Reform February 1978 . Shown for 3 weeks, \o.'innipeg Art Gallery, in Kerala York University. May 1978. MERKLINGER, Elizabeth. "Indo-Islamic Architecture of the Islamic IIA!lER, Timothy F. "Need for Resolution of Musical Intervals, Kingdoms of the Deccan", University of Delhi. Part 1: Static Context", Sangeet Natak, 1975, pp . 36, 5-20. VLASSOFF, Carol . "The Significance of Cultural Tradition for "Need for Resolution Ratings for lIarmonic Musical Intervals: Contraceptive Change among Rural Indian Women-, Poona A Comparison between Indians and Canadians", Journal of University. Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1976, 2, pp. 259-276. VLASSOFF, Michael. "Economic Motives and Fertility in an Indian PENNER, Peter . Village", University of Poona . A new Asia Books . (In press). MA DEGREE AWARDED 1977-78 ROSS, Aileen. "Changing Aspirations and Roles: fotiddle and Upper Class Indian l'lornen enter the Business World", in Gupta, Giri Raj (ed.), Hain Currents in Indian sociolo J' INGLIS , Stephen. Awarded MA degree in Muaeoloqy by the university Vol. II, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd . , 1 76 . of Calcutta.

SMITH, R. Morton . "Non-symbolic Motifs in Indian Art ~ . (II. E. Guenther Festachrift) .

"India and Korean Art", Korea and Asian Religious Tradition, Toronto, 1977 .

STEVENSON, R. W., The Sword and the Plute by David Kinsley, A Book Review inS . R.,l, No . 6, (In press) . PUBLICATWN!< nv m'''"TRI FELU'lW. _J:'~I. ~·U~ n:A'~!l 1'J69-lIJ77 l'ARMJ-:~jT, D. W. And PALIWAl., T. R. ~Some Correlntea of Jlirth Control Practice" in India" Technical Report rio . .!i, December , ABERLE, Eleanor Kathleen Gough "Changing Aqrarian Rolatione ,in l'l71. Thanjavur, 1951-1976" Kerala Sociological Review, 1976. "Some Correlates of Birth Control Practices in India" Journal ATTWOOD, Donald W. "Patrons and Mobilizers : Political Entrepreneur. of Cross-Cultural Psychology, !, 111-119, 1973 . in an Agrarian State" Journal of Anthropological Research, Winter 1975. CARMENT, D. w. and ALCOCK, J. E . "Some Psychometric Correlates of Behaviour in India and Canada" International Journal of "Factions, Class Conflict in Western India" in A House Psychology, ll' 57-64, 1976. Divided, edited by Silverman and Salisbury, 1976. CHAUDHRY, Mahinder D. "Education Growth in Less Developed Countries" UERKER , B.A.R. 11. Reader of Classical Urdu poetr~, 3 Volumes, International Journal of Comparative sociology, ~, No. 1-2, tape~ and a set of s 11des, pub11shed by spo en Language pp . 13-34 , 1974. Serv1ces, Inc . , Ithaca, New York, Spring 1977. "Some Aspects of Asian Social Development: Review Article" DECK, Brenda "Centres and Boundaries of Regional Caste Systems: Economic Develoiment and Cultural Change, Vol . 22, No.4, Tow~rd a General Model" in Regional Analysis: Volume II, pp. 703-712, Ju y, 1974. Soc1al Systems, C.A . Smith, ed., New York Academ1c Press 1976 . ' "Theory of Infant Mortality and Birth Rate" Contribution to Asian studies, Vol. 1£, 1976 . "Perspectives on a Regional Culture: Essays about the Combatore District of South India", Carolina Academic "Some Economic l\specta of Fducational Policy for South Asia" Press, 1977. Journal of Asian and African Studies, Vol. ll, 1976.

CARMENT, D.W. "Internal Versus External Control in India and CHOUDHRY, N. K . "Toward an EconOMetric Model of India" a 3 Volume Canada" International Journal of Psychology, !, 45-50, 1974. Report submitted to the Indian Council of Social ReseArch, 1975.

"Risk Taking under Conditions of Chance and Skill in India CUTT, James "Programme Budgeting in Developing Countries: The and Canada" Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, ~. 23-35 Application and Relevance in the Context of National Planning" 1974. Public Finance, Vol. xxvii, No.3, 1972.

"Effects of Sex Role in a Maximizing Difference Game: A "Taxation and Economic Development in India" .T. S. Uppal, Replication in Canada" Journal of Conflict Resolution, 18, India's Economic Problems, Tata McGraw-IIi 11 , New Delhi, 1975 . 461-472, 1974. DRAPER, James "Lifelong Education" Literacl Today - A Panorama of "Indian and Canadian Choice Behaviour in a Mixed-Motive Game" Adult Literacy, New Delhi, Vol. 1., No. ,July-August, 1972. International Journal of Psychology, !, 303-316, 1974.

"Indian and Canadian Choice Behaviour in a Maximizing Difference Education,"Towards a NewParticipating Delhi, Indian societYi,~,,!i:~!!l1~~Gi!ic1~~ Adult Game and a Game of Chicken" International Journal of psychologY, Vol. XXXIII, No . 11, pp. 11-14, 2. 2" 213-221, 1974. "The Unity of One : Education and Economic Development" CARME~T, D. W. and HODKIN, B. "The Effects of Coaction and Prasar Jaipur: Department of Adult Education, University of Competition on Performance in India and Canada" Technical Rajasthan, Vol. ~, pp. 15-26, 1973. Report No. 48, August 1972. "Universities and the Challenge of Illiterate Population: "Performances in India and Canada as a Function of Coaction A Research Question" and Emphasis on a Quality versus Quantity" Technical Report Journal of University No . 49, August 1972 . of Christian lIigher Education in 1973.

"Coaction and Competition in India and Canada" Journal of "Universities and Literacy Education: ~~~¥,t:j. Cross-Cultural psychOlogy,!, 459-469, 1973 . Literacy International, Vol. ~ , No. I,' "Some ClbsClrvllt inns on 'I'rlltnln', N"ndn In India" Toronto Departmenl of A

"Aspects of Adult Education in India: A Selected List of "Aima and Policies of Reception Statutes" East African Law Annotated Materials" Journal of Abstracts in International Journal, 1st issue, 1977 . Education, January 1975, MATILAL, Bimal A Critical Edition of GARTRELL, John " Inputs and Inequality: Toward an Assessment of ~~a with Gunaratna ' s Commentary Community Development in Andhra Pradesh Villages" Indian edabad, India, 1977 . SOCiologist, Vol, 4 , No , 2, Fall 1976. MCCONNELL, Grant "Methodological Approachos to Data Collecting in " Status, Inequality and Innovation: The Green Revolution lHni-Surveys" , Centre of Applied Linguistics, Virginia, 1976 , in Andhra Pradesh" American SOCiological Review , Vol . 42, No . 2, April, 1977 . McDONOUGH, Shiela "Charisl'la - Gandhi, Iqbal and Muhammud Ali" contribution to Festscript for Niyazi Berkes, 1976. GliPTA, S, K. "Ankur: A Triumph" in Filmfare, Bombay , India, 1974. Seljug Influence on the Gol Gumbad" "New Wave" Cinema in India : A Conflict of Sensibilities, Cineaste, November 1974 .

"Fil~s , Ladies, Illusions and Exploitations. Images of Women "Seven Tor.ilis at Holkonda : a preliminary analysis" Kunst des in Indian Cinema" On looker, January, 1976 . Orients , X 1/2 , 1976 . "Toward Radical Humanism: Cinema with an X- Ray Eye", "The Madrasa of Mahmud Gawan" Kunst des Orients, XI, 1977 . Onlooker, June, 1976. MOULTON, Edward C. "British Radicals and India in the Early Twentieth 1101'., Shotaro "The Nature of Samvrti and the Relationship of Century" in Edwardian Radicalism, 1900-1914 , (ed. A,J.A, Morris) Paramartha to it in Svatantrika-Madhyamika" in The Problem London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1974, pp . 26-46. of Two Truths in Buddhism and Vedanta, edited by Mervyn Sprung, D. Heldel puhlishlng Co~pany, pp. 64-77, 1973. PALEKAR, Shreekant "~~~~~~~o~f~.wage Policy in India" Silver ~ Labour Bureau, Government of "A Mukung-hwa in Ch'ang-ani: A Study of Life and Works of Konch'uk (613-696) with special interest in the Korean contributions to of Chinese and Tibetan "Fallacies in Government Waqe Policy" The Economic Times, Buddhism" in April 9, 10, 1975.

"Wages Under Planning: A Case Study of India" The India Economic Journal, University of Bombay , Monograph, 1975. LEHMANN, Fritz "Some Thoughts on Converts, lHgrants, the Two­ Nation Theory and the History of Bangladesh" Journal of "Wages durimJ India'. }'lve ·Year Plans: A CrosB Section Indian nistory Golden Jubilee Volume, pp. 785-803 , 1973 . Analysis" Journal of O~vf'lopmcnt Studies, University of Sussex, England, 1975 . "Locomotive Building in India: I, The Chittaranjan Locomotive Works" Motive Power International, 8, 1975, pp . 14-29 . PENNER, Peter "llaileyhurYI School for Anglo-Indian Statesmanship· 2. "The Tata Englneering and Locomotive Co.", 1976. Bengal Past and PreH~nl, JanUAry-June, 1974, 39-57.

"The Kitabkhanah in Islamic India" Hikmat, Vol. 2, No . I, "Education in Uttar PrtUlftflh, 1843-54: James Thomason ' s Role March, 1977 . in Vernacular IndiqenoUIi ~~d\lCl\tion" Journal of Indian History Vol. ~, December 1"7 , I'p. 543-561. LIPKIN, John "An Appreciation of the Indian Literature on Education" Journal of Abstracts in International Education, Winter, 1973 . ROSS, Aileen "Executive or Typi.t?" Social Change, Vol. II, No . 1, New Delhi, March lQ72, "Chftn!lln'J A.pirnt\"" •.'Il.1 11,,10:'1'1 Mltl,J 10 Volume 2, Indian Women I.nt.r the Au.ina., WOI 1J­ State Autonomy" 5~f¥'~~~~'~O~'~ rounded Indian f,ocloloqy, I:d. Gupta, r.iri Raj; Change 1n MOdern India, Vol . I , Vikas ~ 2)-)1, PVT, Ltd., 1976. "Portraits of the Electorate I: Uttar Pradesh: The Sleeping Giant" The Illustrated ~leek1y of India, Volume ~, No.5, ·I:.lGH, L. P. "India and the Vietnam Tangle" India and the world, pp. 31 , 45, January 31, 1971 . A. P . Jain (cd) , pp. 217-221 , Delhi, India, 1913. "Portraits of the Electorate II: West Bengal: The Ideological ~The Indo-Pakistani Diplomacy Since Bangladesh" Europa 1'1arfare" The Illustrated Ueekly of India, volume~ , No . 6 , Archive, 29 , No. 24, pp . 833-838, December 1974 . p. ]1 , February 7, 1971.

"MI TH , R. M. Bead and Reel in India: Musings on Mihintale , Parana­ of the Tamilnadu : The Quiet Sceptic" vitana ~ l cmorl" a1 Volume, East and Pest, 1976 . Volume ~, tlo . 7, P . 4],

£~~~~i:~J;~~~~~~~Of Political Homogeneity" r Vol. ~, No. ], "portraits of the Electorate IV: Punjab : The sikh Paradise" The Illustrated I'leek-Iy of India, Volume ~, No . B, Feb ruary 21, 1971. SPRUNG, G. M. C . "Presupposi tions in Philosophy" Anviksiki, Vol . IV, Nos . 1 and 2, published by a . R. U. , 1971. "Portraits of the Electorate V: Rajasthan: Democrat ic Princes?" The Illustrated Weekly of India, Volume ~, No.9, p . 35 "Philosophy is Not Theory" Philosophy in Theory and Practice , February 28 , 1971. University of Madras , 1974 . "Portraits of the Electorate : : Peasant Politicians" "Being or the Middle \"lay" in The Question of Being, The Illustrated Weekly of India, Volume ~, No . 10, p . 32, Pennsylvania State university Press , 1976 . March 7, 1971 . "The Madhyamika Doctrine of Two Truths as Metaphysics" "The Mind of the Electorate" The Indian Review, April, 1971. published in The Problem of Two Truths in Budd~isrn and Vedanta, (editing and 1ntroductlon to volume of papers.) "The Future of Be ngal" The Hindu, August, 1971.

"Language in Madhyamika Buddhism.~Festschrift for II. V. Guenther. "The Dravidian Movement and South Indian History", The Indian Review, September, 1971. ~Sceptici8m in Nagaryung and Nietzsche, Festschrift for T . R.V. MurtL

STEVENSON, R. W. "Interpretation of the Doctrine of Varna in the Bhagavadgita" Journal of Social Research, Vol. ~, No. I , March, 1976. FILM TATZ, Mark J. "1\ Buddhist Game of Rebirth" in Jagajjyoti, a Buddha Jayanti Annual, 1 976, Caleutta .

"T' ang Dynasty Influences on the Early Spread of Buddhism in Tibet" The Tibet Journal, Dharmasala, H. P. 1976 .

WOOD,John "The Political Integration of British and Princely Gujarat 194]-1974" The Dynamics of Gujarat Politics, edited by Prof . Pathak of GUJarat Unlverslty.

"Extra-parliamentary Opposition in India" Pacific Affairs , Vol. ±!, No . ), Fall 1975 . PH.D Tm:RI~; CI1MPLn'l n 1 ' 1,'1 1'117 AJ'J'F:NIHX V

:a"GIll Un veruty, March 1974, LIBRARY PROGRAMME

The evolution of the Library Programme follows 1976 . closely upon changes in the magnitude and orientation of the entire range of Institute activities. At its inception in 1968, the Library Programme was a vehicle intended to serve the academic activities of the Institute's four founding members . As membership increased beyond these major research libraries, the Library Proqramme was modified to serve, in addition, the more limite d 1'011, John W. Develo ment and Social Stratification: The requirements of the nine smaller universities which became ::tructures of In ua lt ln n lan easant Commun tles:---­ affiliated. Member institutions now fall into one of two nlVerSl.ty 0 Wlsconsln, categories: Resource Libraries and Programme Support Libraries. The former acquire on a large scale with the aim of providing ,10, I .1ntz , James Nathan. extensive regional holdings which would supplement the narrower, McMaster University, curriculum-oriented collections of the latter . Hembers acquire materials in one of two ways . The most common approach is the use of blanket orders, where a book­ seller selects and supplies books according to subject profiles designed to meet fairly closely the particular requirements of individual members . Some members prefer to originate orders on a title by title basis in their own libraries and thus have absolute control over intake . In all cases, orders and books are channeled through the Institute's office in New Delhi. From the beginning of the Library Programme to the end of March, 1978, 187,903 volumes had been shiped to Canada under the auspices of the Institute. In 1971, the Library Committee proposed that a microfilm project be developed, and agreement in principle was reached with the Government of India in 1973. A few details related to the distribution of film remain to be worked out, but filming has been taking place in the National Archives of India for some two years and approximately 400 rolls of film have been accumulated. The personal papers of M.R. Jayakar account for the bulk of filming to date. The Institute has undertaken to present free of charge positive copies of all film exposed to the following institutions in India: National Archives, New Delhi; National Library, Calcutta; Asiatic Society, Bombay; Connemara Public Library, Madras. The following policy governs the selection of materials to be filmed: 1) ttaterials of research value should be selected mainly in the fields of the humanities and social sciences. 2) Materials shall be selected primarily with a vicw to benefitting Canadian scholars. Suggestions for fi lming are welcome froM any source. The Institute shall convene suitable bodies in Canada and in India to evaluate and approve suggestions for filming. 3) Ml!.lttlj"I. which hilVfI !,""n Illl'lf'(~ un<1rll Olhrtr "u.pice. APPENl)lX VI or who." '1lm1nq IIP1,e"rll reallonably IUI.ured wi 11 not t,. considert!d by the lnsti tute. I.t!lT 01" PARTICIPNITS IN 1978 SUMMER PROGRAMME IN INDIA 4) In establtshinq priorities for microfilming duo conllideratinn will be given to the state of materials; preservation or unique or rare materials is one of the objectives of the programme. 1,.lIlie Barrett University of Guelph 5) Materials considered for filming should be in public domainJ generally there should root be any obstacles in access to or Kathryn Bridge University of Victoria dissemination of these documents.

In recent years, the Institute has begun to shift Erica Claus- McGee University of British Columbia Its focus from academic activities to include to some extent, the community at large. The Library Programme is providing rupee funds and the services of its office in New Delhi to enable the Roddy Corea university of Western Ontario Nlltional Library of Canada ' s Multilingual Biblioservice to .cquire books in Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu which will be placed with public libraries in communities where there is a demand Gerry Godsoe Carleton university ror materials in these languages.

Mark Keedwell Carleton University

Doreen McCluskey Teacher

Carol O' Grady University of Manitoba

Lorena Reimer University of Manitoba

B. H. Rowley Teacher

Jean Rozon Teacher

Diane Shea McGill University

H. von I"intel Teacher

J . D. Watson Teacher

M. A. Wilson Teacher Name SponsorincJ !n!ltltut,lon LIS']' OF' I'A~'I'IC'II'''NTS IN SliM/it H ' HfY.HAMlIl S IN INIHA IQ71-1'l77 Menona Logan Social Worker. Toronto Board of Education Greta Lundborg University of British Columbia I u"O Sponsoring Institution Pm MacFarland University of Toronto Anne-Marie Majtenyi Brock University tophen Allen Carleton University David Mawson Brock University ·fo.nne A. Allison McGill University Robert P. McNeil Teacher 'nnie Bagnell University of British Columbia Jeff Mellows Teacher Athy Berson University of British Columbia Roger Merchant University of Windsor H4rlsha Bhargava Mc."Iaster University Evelyne L, Meyer Concordia University lI ynne Blutchitz Concordia University Margaret Misener Brock University 'lmle Cameron University of British Columbia Norm Monroe Teacher 11i,..,h Campbell University of British Columbia James Mullens University of Victoria ~.r9aret A, Chalmers Teacher Lynn Naranjit McMaster University ~n4rew Cohen McGill University Deborah Nilsen University of British Columbia arlita Delion Teacher Joan O' Connor (Sister) University of Toronto rdon Dohle Carleton Univer~ity Peter O' Louqhlin McGill University hymond oolny University of Manitoba Steven Paull Concordia university Johanne du Berger-Howse University of Toronto Deborah Peake Brock University Robert Egan McGill University Kathy Petrie Concordia university Barbara Elliott university of Toronto Colin Pryce university of British Columbia David Evans Teacher Maurice Rheaume ConcordiA University Chery I Far ley University of British Columb1a Oavid Ritchie Carleton university Anne-Harie Fenger University of British Columbia Betty G. Redway University of Manitoba Andrew Fen!?s Queen's University Joyce Rogers Teacher Carolyn Filteau university of British Columbia Maureen Salkeld Concordia University Ronald Friesen UniVersity of Manitoha Sanda Schmelter McGill univ~rsity Bassanio Ghose University of Toronto Tara Sherriff Concordia University Mike Glanville University of British Columbia Bruce Sr.lardon McGill Unlv rsity D<'Ivid Goertzen Teacher Catherine Sparling Teacher ~tiu:ilyn Goldstein Teacher Evelyn Spies Concord i/1 lin I vllrsity Christopher Greenshields Carleton University Christine Speerel University or Western Ontario Janice Gilbert Brock University Blake sutherland McGill Unlv raity Jim Hamilton Concordia University Margaret Tanaszi Queen's Unlvarsity Janice Hayward University of British Columbia Taimi Henderson Cynthia D. Telfer-Walker Acadia Unlv~rsity University of Toronto John Thiessen Teacher /leather Irwin Teacher John C. Tomlinson Teacher Tony Jackson University of Manitoba Susan Van der Flier Universltr of British Colwnbia Joyce Jason-Teff Concordia University Ingrid Van Rotterdam Brock Univl'Islty l1,,-rilyn Jennings Teacher University of Windsor Deborah J, Jessop University of Windsor William Van Wyck Christiane Joly Hanif Virani Univers't y of British Columloi n University of Ottawa Mark Alan Warrick Brock tlnlVI'rlllity Morny Joy ~tcGill University Sarojini Kanhai University of Manitoba David Whiting University of British Columl ~ "I,,-ry Ellen King St.Mary's University Laura Jane Wilkins Univer I~ly of Manitoba Mary Ann Kingsbury Carleton University Mary ~Iinch MCMaat.r University Ivan Kocmarek McMaster University Shirley I"on Carleton University Molrsha Kozliner Carleton University Jennifer Wood Conconlill University Jeff Kushner Sir George Wil l iams Elise Laberge University of Manitoba L<'Irry LeCapelain University of Windsor Carole Lee Brock University Sponsoring tnstitution l\J>rrNDIX VII V.on" Gael university of Toronto LIST OF PARTICIPANTS IN SUMMf.;R PROGRAMMES IN CANADA D"vid Goertzen University of Manitoba 5il: George Williams 1972-1975 L~onard Greenberg Sharon Greenblatt Sir George Williams Chris Greenshields Carleton University sponsoring Institution James lIamilton Concordia university Peter Hamm McMaster University Carleton University Janice M. Hayward University of British Columbia McGill University Taimi Henderson University of Toronto Teacher Sharon Hess Concordia University University of British Columbia Dorsey Hildegarde University of Toronto University of Victoria Jay lIirabayashi University of British Columbia Queen ' s University Anthony W. Jackson University of Manitoba Basham University of Manitoba David Jackson University of Manitoba University of Windsor Joyce Jason-Teff Sir George Williams university of ~1innipeg Deborah Jessop University of Windsor University of British Columbia Christiane Joly University of Ottawa McMaster University Sarojini Kanhai University of Manitoba Sir George Williams John King Carleton University University of Manitoba Roman Kobylansky McGill University McMaster University Ivan Kocmarek Mcrlaster University University of New Brunswick Thomas Koperwas Brock University University of Calgary Barbara Kostynyk McMaster University University of British Columbia Jeff David Kushner Sir George williams Teacher Elizabeth Lamont Concordia university University of British Columbia Ela ine LeD lanc Teacher Queen's University Laurence C. LeCapclain Teacher Teacher Carole Lee Brock University McGill university Renate Liebig University of Manitoba Concordia university Joan 1. Links University of Toronto Carleton university David J . Lockwood Carleton University ~::~ :: i.i~'~l~D:a:rlinq University of British Columbia A.P. Lucardie Queen ' s University Devi University of Manitoba Greta Lundborg University of British Columbia C. Dinunick Teacher Pamela J. MacParland University of Toronto Dixon University of Manitoba Anne-Marie Majtenyi Brock University Dahle Carleton University Dav id M. Mawson Brock University Dolny university of Manitoba Rex McCafferty Queen ' s university Teacher Janet McKain University of Manitoba University of Manitoba John McKay University of Manitoba University of Manitoba Hugh McKellar Teacher Egan McGill University Barry McLean Concordia University Elliott University of Toronto Robert McNeil Teacher E. Estey Sir George Williams Ryk McPhee University of British Columbia . Evans Teacher Jeff Mellows University of British Columbia A. T . Farley University of British Columbia Allan Menzies University of Windsor University of British Columbia Roger Mel:chant University of Windsor Fenger Concordia University ~": :;~';~~i':Foster Carleton University Evelyne Meyer Friesen Univer sity of Manitoba Tomislav Milinusic Brock University Froese University of British Columbia Margaret Misener Brock University University or British Columbia Norman Monroe Un i versity of British Columbia Queen ' s University James Mullens University of Victoria Brock University Roxanne Murray Carleton University University of Toronto Lolita Naraine Carleton University Brock University Darryl R. Naranjit Mc~aster University University of British Columbia Godden Brock University lIam- ... :;ponaorinq InllLitullon Sponsoring Institution Ly nn S .T . Naranjit McMaster University McGi ll University Ourdi .... l S . Neel University of British Columul4 Thomas Woinbaum Judy Whitehead unive r sity of Brit ish Columbia Jann Newman McGill university Unive rsi ty of Windsor Debo r ah L. Nilsen University of British Columuin Syl v i a Wilson Mnl'Y E. Wi nch McMas ter University ho lla nda Nish Concordia university Carlet on University J aMs Nyce f!ctlaster university Shirley Wo n J e nni fer wood Sir George Williams J oan O'Connor (Sister) tlotre Dame University Queen ' s University 'etar O' Loughlin McGill university lie l en A.1. Wright Oarnet A. Parr McGill University y Pastuschchyn Brock university .te ve n Paul l Sir Geor ge Wi l liams Deborah Peake Brock University 'athleen Pet r i e Concordi a universit y Nt Ida Plamondon University of Windsor Col in Pryce Teacher Tina Quance University of Toronto Davinder Randhawa University of Victoria 'uahpa Rathor Mc.'laster university l u. an M. Riley University of Toronto David Ritchi e Carlet on university a.tty Rodway university of Manitoba Margaret A. Rudd Sir George Williams Ann Frances Rundale Brock University ray Sa ul Concordia Universit y . anda Schmelter McGill University Charles F. Scribner University of Manitoba J ohn C. Shannon Carleton University "amji t Sharma Teacher Tara Sherr iff Concordia University ~t e vcn Shifio-Takahara McGill university Ronald F. Smith Brock university Eve l yn Spies Concordia University Janice Stevenson McGill University J(e r r ie Strathy Brock University lIlake B.S. Sutherland McGill University Michael Sweeny McGill university Rog e r Swetman Queen ' s University Marqare t J . Tanaszi Queen ' s university Cynthia Telf er-Halker Acadia University J ohn Thiessen University of Manitoba ,I ohn Tomlinson Teacher Robe r t A. Tremblay Univer s i ty of Windsor Andrea O. Vabalis McGill University ~ u .a n Van der Flier University of British Columbia Leo nard Van der Kuyp University of Saskatchewan Ingrid Van Rotterdam Brock University William Van Wyck Teacher II . Virani Unive r sity of British Columbia l,a verne L. Wa l dock Carleton University Mark Warr ick Brock University Fra nk Wa t son university of Toronto ,.rPENDIX VI II VIA~TINC LJ-:("TURf.ll I'ROGRAM1'U:


Tho following Indian scholars visited Canada during the period 1974-1977 under the auspices of the Institute: The following Indian scholars visited Canad" during the past academic year under the sponsorship or the Institute: Professor Mohammed Ayoob, School of International Studies , Jawaharlal Nehru University, Professor Deva, New Delhi , India. Department of Sociology, Ra~ishankar University, Dr. G. S. Bhalla, Ralpur (M . P.), India. centre for the Study of Regional Development, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Professor Sud hi Kakar, New Delhi, India. Centre of Developing Societies, Nehru University, New Delhi, India. Professor Andr~ Beteille, Department of Sociology, Professor Gopal Krishna, University of Delhi, Department of Political Science New Delhi, India. University of Michigan, ' Ann Arbor, Michigan, U. S.A. Mr. Nirad C. Chaudhuri. 41 Harefields , Professor Ramkrishna Mukherjee, Oxford, England. Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India . Professor Suma Chitnis, Unit for Research in the Sociology of Education, Professor L . P . Vidyarthi, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Ranchi University, Bombay, India. Ranchi, India. Dr. Gopal Krishna, Oxford University, Oxford, England.

Professor Niharranjan Ray, C-17, Creen Park Extension, New Delhi, India.

Dr. Prabhu Shankara, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.

Professor K. C. Subramanyan. Department of Painting, Faculty of Fine Arts, M. S. University of Baroda, Baroda, India.

Professor L.P . Vidyarthi, Department of Anthropology, Ranchi university, Ranchi, India. POLITICAL ::;Cll:m,"r. , Hl1THN1\TION1\L RF.L1\TION~ APPENOIX IX 1) Behind the lIeadlines, 1940 2) International Journal, 1947 LIST OF JOURNALS DISTRIBUTED TO SELECTED )) Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism INDIAN UNIVERSITIES PSYCHOLOGY ANTHROPOLOGY 1) Canadian Journal of Behavioural science/Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement , 1969 1) Anthropologica, 1955, new series 1959 2) Canadian Journal of Psychology/Revue Canadienne de Psychologie, 1947 ECONOMICS

1) Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue Canadienne d'Economique , 1968 RELIGION AND THEOLOGY 1) Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses , 1971 FINE ARTS SOCIOLOGY 1) Arts Canada , volume 27, 1979 1) Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology , 1964 GEOGRJ>.PHY 2) Recherches sociographiques , 1960 3) Sociologi e et Societes , 1969 1) Canadian Geographical Journal, 1930


1) Canadian Historical Review, 1920


1) Canadian Forum 1920 2) Dalhousie Review: a Canadian Quarterly of Literature and Opinion, 1921 3) Nouvelle France, 1957 4 ) Queen ' s Quarterly: a Canadian Review, 1893


1) Canadian Literature/Litterature Canadianne, 1959 2) Contemporary Literature in Translation, 1968 3) Etudes Francaiees: Revue des Lettres Francaises et Canadiennes- Francaises , 1964


1) Dialogue (Canada) 1962


1 ) Canadian Dimension: an Independent Journal of Fact and Opinion, 1963 2) Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue Canadinnne de Science politique, 1968 3) Last post , 1970 4) Pacific Affairs, 1928 TIll .RAln.1 INOO-ClltADlAJ1 'NI!IT11VT1 (lncorporat,4 ... 1\1I.r fh, lMl. of C.".cs.) CANAOI.AlI IlII.ANCIt APPtNDIX X BALANCE SHEET AS AT HARCII )1, 1978 INDIAN UNIVERSITIES RECEIVING JOURNALS FROM SHASTRI INSTITUTE 1978 1977 $ $

Muslim University North-Eastern Hill Univereity ASSETS

of Bombay University of Madras GENERAL fUND Cash 3,694 18,07) Prepaid expendi ture 4,275 Hindu University University of Mysore Accounts receivable --L.lE

University of Baroda Patna University 5,426 22 , 348 Furniture and fixtures - at cost 4,674 4,424 of Calcutta University of Poona Accumulated depreciation ...b1J2 -1....ll!

University University of Rajasthan ~ ..1...Q.2§. 7, 303 24,444 Nehru University Utkal University LlBRARY FUND Cash 3] , 545 35 , 390

40,848 ~


GENERAL Fl/lI,~ Accounts payahle 1, ()()1 Deferred revenue 3,000 6,000 4,001 6,000

LIBRARY FUND Oeferred revenue -----1.?1 ~ 4 , 376 6,750


GENERAL FUND Surplus 3,302 18,444

LIBRARY FUND Surplus ]],170 ]6,472 SIGNED ON BEHALF 01' TIlE BOARD 40,848 Director


COOPI:.... U ....H"