Her Holiness Shree Mataji Nirmala We all will surely recall that Her Holiness Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi had Herself led several batches of Sahaja Yogis from all over the world on two week long tours of , the land of the Adi Kundalini and Asht Vinayaka Swayambhus. We are seeking to keep alive this practice started by Her Holiness Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi. This year Maharashtra Tour is being organized to collectively visit and enjoy the vibrations at places with spiritual history and traditions along with natural beauty in the Holy land of Maharashtra.

Maharashtra Tour December 17-22, 2017: 5N/6D : - 1N, -3N, Kolhapur-1N

Day Start from Main places to be visited Night stay Kms 8.00AM Dadar Siddhivinayaka Temple Lonavala 120 Dec17. West and Shri Mahalaxmi Temple 2017 at Mumbai Sunday Dec18,2017 Lonavala : Shri Pune 260 Monday Ballaleshwer -Pali & Shri Varad Vinayak - Dec 19, Pune Ashtavinayakas : Shri Pune 221 2017 Girijatmaj - & Shri Tuesday Vighneshwar -Ozar Dec 20, Pune Ashtavinayakas : Shri Pune 378 2017 - Wednesday & Shri Chintamani -Theur Dec 21 Pune Ashtavinayakas : Shri Kolhapur 378 2017 Siddhivinayaka - Thursday & Shri Moreshwar -Morgaon Dec 22, Kolhapur Shri Mahalaxmi Devi Temple Tour ends 156 2017 & Shri Maha Drop at Nirmal Friday Swayambhu at Nagari Ganapatipule Ganapatipule

Dinner and Stay arrangements for December 22, 2017 will be made by the organisers of the International Sahaja Yoga Seminar at Nirmal Nagari, Ganapatipule. Tour cost Includes: Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Tea/coffee on all days. Vegetarian Food, (occasional non vegetarian) Bus journey, entry fees at all destinations. Transport in Push Back 2x2 Air-Conditioned Buses Services of Tour manager Hotel accommodation: 5 nights Hotel accommodation in twin/double or (triple sharing only in exceptional circumstances) with attached toilets in 2 or 3 star hotels

Tour Cost does not include : Insurance, Telephone expenses, Laundry, Mineral water (Regular water would be served in hotels), any misc. expenses, any Pre and post Tour hotel accommodation and airport transfers.

Arrangements for the tour has been outsourced to Veena World (M/s Veena Patil Hospitality Pvt Ltd) an Indian Travel Company (for details about the tour operator visit www.veenaworld.com)

Registration :

Particulars Total in INR Total in USD Total in EURO Per person Twin Sharing 25400 400 330

(Inclusive of Government taxes)

Note: For indicative purposes, at closing rate of USD / INR of Rs. 65.2832 and EURO/INR of Rs. 77.3036 on September 25, 2017. Above Tour cost in INR, USD & Euro should be remitted in the below mentioned respective accounts:

Ashtavinayaka: Ojhar, Theur, Pali, Mahad, Morgaon, Ranjangaon, Lenyadri, Siddhatek Presiding Deity: Ganapati or Vinayak Special Feature: Self Formed Idols (Swayambhus) Vinayak is another name for Ganesh. Ganesh is the God who is loved and worshiped by all over. Lord Ganesh is the protector of his devotees. The word 'Ashta' means eight, the eight important 'Ganapatis' are collectively termed the ''. It is believed that the idols have self-appeared sculpted stone statues which have been housed in old temples at eight different places. The Ashtavinayak temples are within the range of 20 to 110-km of each other. Out of these eight places, Ojhar, Theur, Morgaon, Ranjangaon and Lenyadri are in . Pali and Mahad are in whereas Siddhatek falls under the district.

SPEECH OF HER HOLINESS SHREE MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI (Rahuri, Maharashtra, , 7 January 1983) “….Whatever one says about this land of Maharashtra, which is like the support of Ganesha is believed to have saved his boy-devotee, Ballala, who was beaten by local villagers and his father (Kalyaniseth) for his single- minded devotion to him. Shri Ballaleshwar, Pali :The original wooden temple was reconstructed in to a stone temple by Nana Phadanavis in 1760AD. There are two small lakes constructed on two sides of the temple. One of them is reserved for the (worship) of the deity. This Temple faces the east and has two sanctums. The inner one houses the idol and has a Mushak (rat idol) with in his forepaws in front of it. The hall, supported by eight exquisitely carved pillars demands as much attention as the idol, sitting on throne carved like a Cyprus tree. The eight pillars depict the eight directions. Inner sactum is 15 feet tall and outer one is 12 feet tall. The temple is constructed in such a way that after the winter (Dakshinayan : southward movement of the sun) solstice, the sun rays fall on the Ganesha idol at sunrise. The temple is built with stones which are stuck together very tight using melted lead. Like a few other idols, this one too has diamonds embedded din the eyes and navel, & with his trunk pointing to the left. The temple is located three kilometers off the Pune-Mumbai highway near Ganesha is said to reside here in the form of Varada Vinayaka, the giver of bounty and success. The idol was found in the adjoining lake (in 1690 AD). In 1725 AD the then subhedar, built the Varadavinayak temple and the village of Mahad. The idol faces the east, has its trunk to the left and has been in the constant company of an oil lamp - said to be burning continuously since 1892. There are 4 elephant idols on 4 sides of the temple. the hall is 8feet by 8 feet. The dome is 25 feet high and is golden at the top. The dome has designs of cobra. This is the only temple where devotees are allowed to personally pay their homage and respects to the idol. They are allowed in the immediate vicinity of this idol to perform their prayers. Location : 430 kms from Mumbai

SPEECH OF HER HOLINESS SHREE MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI (, India, 27 January 1983) Shri Vighneshwar, Ojhar Location : 185 kms from Mumbai

SPEECH OF HER HOLINESS SHREE MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI (9 December 1973) “After Nanak Sahab, around 50-60 years ago in our Maharashtra, Dattatreya incarnated as Saibaba of .”

SPEECH OF HER HOLINESS SHREE MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI. (Switzerland, 2 September 1984) Shri Mahaganapati, Ranjangaon Location: 147 Kms from Mumbai

SPEECH OF HER HOLINESS SHREE MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI (Sydney, Australia, 1981) "And these ten sustenances are represented by great prophets. The principle is called as Adi Guru, in language, the Primordial Master. He has incarnated on this earth as Abraham, Moses, as Lao Tse, as Confucius, as Socrates, recently he has been as Sai Nath of Shirdi... All these great saints came on this earth to tell us how to keep in the centre, how to keep in the centre, how to keep our sustenance, how to be human beings. As carbon has got four valances, we too have got ten valances. We have to maintain those ten valances within us, that's what they came to tell us. " Shri Chintamani, Theur Location: 170 Kms from Mumbai

km Shri Siddhivinayak, Siddhatek Location: 260 Kms from Mumbai

One of the "Ashtavinayakas" Shri Siddhi Vinayak at Siddhatek is situated on the banks of . Lord Brahma once created a world with Ganpati's blessings and while this was going on, woke up and two fierce demons Madhu and Kaitaba escaped from his ears. Vishnu fought with them for 5000 years,then Lord pointed out that Vishnu had started without worshipping Ganpati, so Vishnu invoked Ganpati on Siddhatek hill and , destroyed the demons successfully and consecrated the spot

SPEECH OF HER HOLINESS SHREE MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI (New York, USA, 29 October 1982) “So it's a country where, Maharashtra is a place where great things have happened. So it is called as Maharashtra. Maha means the great, rashtra means nation, the great nation. And in that area Sahaja Yoga is settled down the best.”

SPEECH OF HER HOLINESS SHREE MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI (Satara, Maharashtra, India, 28 December 1986) Location: 227 Kms from Mumbai

The Mayureshwar or Moreshwar temple is along the in the Morgaon village. A temple that looks like a tiny fort from a distance, is situated at a distance of 56 km from Pune in the Taluka of Pune district in Maharashtra. Shaped as a peacock, this region has in the past seen an abundance of peacocks and is therefore known as Morgaon (Mor - peacock). The idol of Lord Ganesha, riding a peacock, in the form of Mayureshwara is believed to have slain the demon Sindhu at this spot. The idol, with its trunk turned to the left, has a cobra poised over it protecting it. However, this is not the original idol -which is said to have been consecrated twice by Brahma, once before & once after being destroyed by the demon Sindhurasur. The original idol, smaller in size and made of atoms of sand, iron & diamonds was supposedly enclosed in Copper sheet by the Pandavas and is placed behind the one that is worshipped.

SPEECH OF HER HOLINESS SHREE MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI (America Tour, 16 September 1983) Shri Mahalaxmi Swayambhu, Kolhapur Location: 383 Kms From Mumbai You don't think about it. I have deliberately avoided the name. He was born again and was pitched out. So this is the place where Kolhasura was killed, where this was established. So Mahalakshmi's incarnation came in and that's how this place has a special value that we have come here for a pilgrimage and let us be in humble way this about it.” Ganapatipule Location: 360 kms from Mumbai

SPEECH OF HER HOLINESS SHREE MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI (Ganapatipule, Maharashtra, India, 1 January 1986)

Ganesha at Mooladhara becomes Mahaganesha in the Virata, that is the brain.... Those who have gone towards materialism have grown downward. Those who have gone towards Divine have grown upwards, towards the roots. The main root, as they call the taproot, the main root is innocence, is Shri Ganesha. And He becomes Mahaganesha in Ganapatipule. Here He's surrounded by the Father Principle, the Guru Principle of the sea, the ocean- the Indian Ocean. That is, here He becomes a Guru... But when you mature, you become Mahaganesha.Then Mahaganesha is established in you and you become a satguru, you become a divine guru; you can teach others... It is the place of Mahaganesha. Mahaganesha is Pithadhish (Governor of all pithas) and sitting on this pitha, he looks after (protects) all the Ganesha Swayambhus. He has the knowledge of all the Omkaras, as he has attained the Guru Tatwa (Guru Principle).

I bless you all, that here at Ganapatipule, the place of Mahaganesha, with his special grace, you all can attain your Guru Principle as soon as possible.”

Discovery of Ganapatipule in Shree Mataji's own words:- "He (Christ) came on this earth in a very special way, that he was born to a Virgin. You can understand, as Shri Ganesha was also born in the same way and as Jesus is the incarnation of Shri Ganesha, he had all his powers...

They, of course, listened to me, they didn't argue. We were just travelling, travelling; It was quite late. Still I said, doesn't matter, let's go. By the time we reached Ganapatipule, it was the dawn, beautiful dawn! I cannot forget it. In that dawn, it looked such a beautiful place, where we are now, and I said. This is the place where we have to be, where we have to get all the Sahaja Yogis to. Of course, you know, Ravindranath Tagore had already described about this place that people will come here from all over the world and at the Shore of Bharat this will be done. All these are predicted, have been said already. But how miraculously I discovered this place is very surprising... And the place was very beautiful and beautifully vibrating. I stayed here for two days and I decided that this is the place we have to take. Ultimately we got this land and we brought all these things here." Extract from Her Holiness Shree Mataji's speeches on Maharashtra

SPEECH OF HER HOLINESS SHREE MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI (, Maharashtra, India, 18 January 1983) “So this Saptashringi is the one who has got seven chakras, means the limbic area, and she's the Sahasrara, representing the Sahasrara. That's why she's the ardha matra. And her face and body and all that you can see is so beautifully made that it emits vibrations for miles together. Those who are sensitive can feel it. And you have been so lucky to go there and see that miraculous place that this have come out of Mother Earth, and since ancient times it has been there; nobody knows when it appeared".

SPEECH OF HER HOLINESS SHREE MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI (Rahuri, Maharashtra, India, 26 January 1984) SPEECH OF HER HOLINESS SHREE MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI (Rahuri, Maharashtra, India, 22 January 1985)

SPEECH OF HER HOLINESS SHREE MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI (Los Angeles, USA, 28 May 1985) “...Sitaji lived in Maharashtra for so many years ” SPEECH OF HER HOLINESS SHREE MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI (Brahmapuri, Maharashtra, India, 27 December 1986) “So today is another day of Saturday, where we are sitting on the bank of river. See how it works out? Krishna river represents the power of Shri Krishna. So the Mahalakshmi Tattwa has to go to the Krishna's state, of the witness state and that's how we are here today on this special occasion in Brahmapuri, also the word Brahmapuri means where you feel the Brahma, the Chaitanya which you can feel it on this earth. So when we are touring we are actually also internally, moving. Also there is Anthar Yoga which you are achieving.”

SPEECH OF HER HOLINESS SHREE MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI (Ashram of Vienna, 9 June 1988) "I tell you the story of Markandeya. You see, his father had no children and the father and mother were unhappy. So they prayed to Shiva and they said that we want to have a son. Shiva said: " I'll give you the son, but I will have to take him back after eight years. So he 'II only exist till he is about eight years of age.” So they gave that boon to him plus this kind of a curse. The parents were very upset that "our child will die after eight years of age", very upset. But they found the child very bright, brilliant and also shining and very religious.One day he asked his father: "Why do you always so worry, I mean, after all I am your son? "So they said that it is said so, eight years or sixteen years, something like that. "Now I will be losing you very soon. Who can surpass Shiva ?" He said it,, "so I cannot think we can really ask anyone to neutralize the curse upon us. If you are not born to us we would not have been so attached to you. Now you are born to us, we are so much attached to you. " He was a very wise person, he said: "No, I know someone, I know Adi Shakti. And he went to this place where you got to see this Saptashringi. There he prayed to Her. Nobody had prayed to Adi Shakti. They would pray to Jagadamba, they would pray to all others.

SPEECH OF HER HOLINESS SHREE MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI (Yamuna Nagar, Haryana, India, 11 December 1993)

SPEECH OF HER HOLINESS SHREE MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI (Paris, France, 13 July 1994) SPEECH OF HER HOLINESS SHREE MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, 21 December 1996.) “Today is a great day, I should say in a way, because I am going to tell you one thing great. That is Shri Gyaneshwara - in Marathi they call it 'Dnyaneshwara' - He was the incarnation of .and Saraswati, who was a virgin, she looked after Him like Her own son. He was the brother of Shri Ganapati but She looked after Him. And then also there's description how He was born and all those (things), is very interesting. But here in this place, in this Maharashtra, He took His incarnation. And also there were many great, great, very great saints in so many numbers took place, took their birth in this Maharashtra. But such horrible people, they tortured their lives. Worse than Christian Inquisition I tell you; worse than any inquisition anywhere. Individually they attacked. And that same people are born again in this great country of Maharashtra.


“Of course you say that Maharashtra Tour is very good, I agree, it is. Maharashtra Tour helps you a lot.”

Her Holiness Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi (Germany, 10 July 1988) THE LIFE ETERNAL TRUST, MUMBAI B-612, Urmila Bldg., Sahar Road, Chowk, Koldongri, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 069. Maharashtra, India. Tel. +91 22 26843169, +91 22 26831314, Mobile: +91 9821099927 Email : [email protected] www.sahajayogamumbai.org