
Provinciate Staten van Overijssel. Postadres Provincie Overijssel Postbus 10078 8000 GB Zwolle

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Uw kenmerk Uw brief Ons kenmerk Datum WB/2006/2882 29 08 2006

Bijlagen Doorkiesnummer Inlichtingen bij div. 499 78 43 hr. H.W.J. van Dijk

Onderwerp Waterproject Roemenie; informatie over de stand van zaken samenwerking met Roemenie en een terugblik op bezoek van Provinciale Staten aan Donaudagen 2006.

Herder is aan u het werkplan over de samen werking met Roemenie toegezonden. Inmiddels wordt een aantal activiteiten van dit werkplan uitgevoerd en zijn onderdelen gerealiseerd. Een overzicht van de stand van zaken vindt u op het Stateninformatiesysteem onder nummer PS/2006/708.

Tussen 28 juni en 1 juli 2006 was een delegatie van tien leden van de statencommissie Verkeer, Milieu en Water op werkbezoek tijdens de Donau-dagen bij de Roemeense provincie Teleorman., een samenwerkingspartner van Overijssel en Gelderland. Een Engelstalig verslag van deze dagen vindt u op het Stateninformatiesysteem onder nummer PS/2006/708. Overigens zal de secretaris van de commissie u informeren aan de hand van zijn verslag van deze dagen.

Via de Donaudagen 2006, een symposium met werkbezoeken, werd kennis genomen van het door de provincie Overijssel samen metVitens B.V. en vijf Oost-Nederlandse waterschappen uitgevoerde eerste samenwerkingsproject. Dit project vindt plaats op watergebied op de aspecten drink- en afvalwater en hoogwater- bescherming. Het doel van het project is een versnelde en structurele verbetering van de drink- en afValwatersituatie voor de inwoners van Teleorman. Deze drink- en afvalwatersituatie kan momenteel als slecht worden beoordeeld.Tevens is een doel van het project het bereiken van een structurele vermindering van de overstromingsrisico's. Dit doel is opgenomen naar aanleiding van de overstromingsramp in 2005.

Bij correspondentie graag ons kenmerk vermelden. RABO Zwolle 3973.41.121

Per 24 juni 2006 heeft de provincie nieuwe telefoonnummers en e-mail adressen. Het nieuwe Bezoekadres algemene nummer is 038 499 88 99, het e-mail adres [email protected]. Luttenbergstraat 2 Zwolle Over het werkbezoek kan geconcludeerd worden dat de informatie-overdracht als zeer succesvol is ervaren.Tijdens een ochtendsymposium op 29 juni 2006 is vooral de stand van zaken van het samenwerkingsproject aan bod gekomen. 's Middags kwam de samenwerking tussen Jongerenraad Overijssel en tien Roemeense jongeren overtuigend voor het voetlicht. Die middag is ook een watercentrum bezocht dat met steun van de provincie werd opgericht. Op 30 juni werden drink- en afvalwatersystemen bezocht in de plaatsenTurnu Magurele en die aan de Donau liggen. Verder is een nieuwe veerboot bekeken die werd aangekocht met steun van de provincie Gelderland.

Over de financiele stand van zaken van het waterproject kan vermeld worden dat de middelen, die vanuit de begroting 2006 en 2007 (€ 75.000,-- per jaar) zijn ingezet, een groot multiplier effect hebben gehad. Dit multiplier effect is ontstaan door de te verwachten externe bijdragen van: - Partners voor Water € 750.000,— (hoogwaterproject); - VNG International € 70.000,— (LOGO East project watercentrum); - Aqua4All € 40.000,— (project ecologische sanitatie). De spin-off effecten van het door de provincies Overijssel en Gelderland uitgevoerde samenwerkingsproject in Teleorman, kunnen dus als aanmerkelijk worden betiteld.

In de bijlage bij deze brief treft u meer informatie aan over het Teleorman Waterproject in Roemenie.

Via voortgangsverslagen houden wij u regelmatig op de hoogte van het Waterproject Teleorman. Ook over de resultaten van de tussentijdse evaluatie, die eind 2006 is gepland, zullen wij u informeren.

Gedeputeerde Staten van Overijssel,


secretans, Stand van zaken Teleorman water project

T.b.v. gedeputeerde Water en centrale werkgroep Waterproject Teleorman

Door: Erik van Dijk d.d.: 24juli 2006

Donau-dagen 28 juni - 1 juli 2006

Het werkbezoek van de 10 leden van de commissie Verkeer, milieu en water is met succes afgerond. Vooral de regionale televisie (RTV-Oost) had belangstelling voor het bezoek van de 10 Overijsselse statenleden, de Overijsselse watergedeputeerde en de vier leden Overijsselse Jongerenraad aan Teleorman.

Drink- en afvalwater stedelijk gebied

Masterplan Door honorering van het ISPA-projectvoorstel 2003 kan het masterplan worden opgesteld door Duitse consultant CES in plaats van door Vitens in samenwerking met waterschappen. Opdrachtgever: Roemeense ministeries (milieu en financien), strakke deadline (oktober 2006). De in 2005 door ons uitgevoerde analyse van drinkwaterbronnen zal als input worden meegenomen in dit traject. Behoefte aan Roemeense kant aan onze advisering (2d opinion) in deze is nog niet door Roemeense kant uitgewerkt noch door formele brief van die kant bevestigd. De werkgroep van 5 "stand by "experts (3x waterschappen, 2x Vitens) die werd ingesteld per mei 2006, wacht op deze bevestiging. le actie: opstellen contract met county council en vijf deelnemende steden waarin tijdsplanning, rollen, verantwoordelijkheden over en weer etc. zijn vastgelegd (NOG NIET GEBEURD).

Investeringen in verbetering chloorinstallaties Een inventarisatie door Vitens heeft opgeleverd dat de meest rendabele en tegelijk duurzame kleine investering de verbetering is van de chloordosering in drie van vijf grotere gemeenten. Komende tien jaar is echter nog sprake van lekke drinkwaternetten met mogelijkheid tot besmetting. Totale investering volgens offerte opgevraagd door Vitens bij Duitse huisleverancier circa € 120.000, waarvan volgens afspraak provincie € 30.000 en Vitens € 50.000 zal cofinancieren (provincie: vanuit voorfinanciering vooronderzoek hoogwaterbescherming in 2005 / Vitens: afspraak na overstroming 2006). De Roemeense partijen hebben inmiddels eigen offertes aangevraagd om de kosten zo mogelijk omlaag te brengen tot Euro 80.000.

Drink- en afvalwater landelijk gebied

Optimalisatiestudie Waterschap Rivierenland en Universiteit Hamburg hebben computerprogramma's t.b.v. optimalisatie drink- en afvalwater in rurale gebieden gemventariseerd. De behoefte aan input-gegevens is inmiddels neergelegd bij de Roemeense partijen (deadline oplevering informatie begin September). In 2007 is een Duitse studente beschikbaar voor stage half jaar in Roemenie voor implementatie Optimalisatiestudie t.b.v. masterplan rurale gebieden Teleorman.

Ecoloqische sanitatie Bij een overleg met WECF, KIWA en toilettenleverancier/-producent eind juni 2006 is besloten tot opschaling van het EcoSan-concept voor scholen tot 2 Roemeense counties (Mehedinti en Teleorman) en 2 Bulgaarse regio's. Voor Teleorman is een concept lijst van 15 prioritaire scholen (in rurale gebieden) opgesteld. Van Aqua4AII is inmiddels een startsubsidie van € 40.000 verkregen. Eventueel leidt e.e.a. tot een nieuw demonstratie- of pilotproject in kader Partners voor Water indien de Nederlandse commerciele partij op basis van de le quick-scan belangstelling heeft.

Vijf drinkwaterputten Offerte Stichting Drinkwater Roemenie / Duratherm voor 5 diepe drinkwaterputten (90 meter) met handpomp ad € 50.000,-. Kwaliteit product door Vitens geverifieerd en goed bevonden. Uitvoering in 5 op basis van gevaarlijk hoge nitraatconcentraties en demografie door county geselecteerde communes kan al in 2006 plaatsvinden omdat betaling gespreid over 2006 en 2007 is geaccepteerd. Bottlenecks: wens voor -minder bedrijfszekere- elektrische pompen i.p.v. handpompen en vooral traagheid bij aanlevering noodzakelijke geohydrologische basisgegevens (kaarten en profielen).

Vergelijking EcoSan met alternatieve afvalwater-systemen In samenwerking met Wageningen University en KIWA wordt een project voorbereid in Teleorman waarbij het EcoSan-concept voor huishoudens qua kosten, milieu en gezondheidsaspecten wordt vergeleken met septic tanks, afvalwatervijvers en helofytenfilters. Uitvoering 2007 - 2008.

Bescherming tegen hoogwater

Er is inmiddels een hooqwaterfonds Teleorman ad € 280.000 gevormd (beheer door eenheid WB). Het bij Partners voor Water door een consortium (o.a. provincie, Royal Haskoning, Ten Gate Geotextile) ingediende projectvoorstel is inmiddels informeel gehonoreerd voor 100% cofinanciering: opstellen van hoogwaterplan inclusief daadwerkelijke aanleg van (innovatieve) beschermingswerken in een pilot-gebied (Calnistea in Teleorman en Giurgiu) gedurende 2006 en 2007. Totale projectkosten € 750.000. Partners voor Water heeft vanwege de 100% financiering een additionele uitvoeringscomponent boven de € 750.000 verplicht gesteld: afsluitend congres, aanvullende expertise waterschappen, evt. evacuatieplan en evt. early warning system worden voorgesteld als extra component. De financiering door Partners voor Water is afhankelijk van een Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) tussen Nederlandse en Roemeense rijksoverheid; de Nederlandse ambassade bereidt deze MoU voor.

Een afstemmingsoverleg met een soortgelijk project in Teleorman (ook institutionele analyse en hoogwaterplan, in ander stroomgebied en gefinancierd door de Vlaamse regering) leidde tot de volgende afspraak: zo veel mogelijk gemeenschappelijke workshops en samen organiseren van Roemeens nationaal aangekondigd eindsymposium over projectresultaten regionaal waterbeheer eind 2007.

Via contacten met vrijwilligersorganisaties in Dalfsen vindt mogelijk als pilot binnen het hoogwaterproject een subprolect duurzame herbebossing plateau- en heuvelhellingen plaats (in Oost-Roemenie (Comanesti) resp. Teleorman) plaats in samenwerking met bosbouwkundig instituut te Boekarest.

Project jongeren

Na het Roemeense bezoek aan Nederland (februari) en het Nederlandse bezoek aan Roemenie (mei) is het (educatieve) Handboek Waterbeheer Donau-IJssel tijdens de Donau-dagen door de Roemeense en Nederlandse jongeren gepresenteerd. Provinciale Staten spraken uit dat zij mee willen werken aan het beschikbaar stellen van € 20.000 - 30.000 voor de follow-up van dit project. Er is inmiddels formele toestemming van Roemeens onderwijsministerie en regionale onderwijsinspectie verkregen. De peiling van de belangstelling van scholen, het drukken van een le oplage en de implementatie in onderwijsprogramma's maakt deel uit van een projectvoorstel dat wordt voorgelegd aan PS ter subsidising (September 2006)..

Project institutionele aspecten waterbeheer

Er is op basis van een uitgebreid werkplan opdracht verleend aan de Universiteit Twente voor Uitvoering van een institutionele analyse van de bij overstromingsrisico's en drink- en afvalwater betrokken organisaties en overheden om mogelijkheden en knelpunten voor de toekomst in beeld te krijgen. Coproductie Valentina Dinica (UT) en Bregien Goosselink (WB). De daadwerkelijke aanvang vond plaats tijdens de Donaudagen 2006 (eind juni). Doorlooptijd 1 jaar. In november worden in Roemenie interviews afgenomen waarna een vragenlijst voor alle gemeenten en andere betrokken instanties wordt voorbereid.

Watercentrum Turnu Magurele / LOGO East project

Het door een Roemeense werkgroep voorbereide projectvoorstel t.b.v. de oprichting van een Internationaal Watercentrum in Turnu Magurele (m.n. aspecten Human Resource Management) is informeel gehonoreerd voor een LOGO East-subsidie van € 70.000 (VNG International). In augustus 2006 wordt het formele contract met VNG voorbereid.

HWJvD/JtB 01/08/06

Aan: de commissie Verkeer, milieu en water Van : A. Boukes-secretariaat

Van 28 juni t/m 1 juli heeft een delegatie uit de commissie Verkeer, milieu en water ter gelegenheid van de in die periode gehouden days (Donaudagen) een bezoek gebracht aan Teleorman in Zuid- Roemenie. Gedeputeerde Piet Jansen van landelijk gebied en water nam eveneens deel aan dit werkbezoek. De provincies Overijssel en Gelderland werken al een tijd samen met deze provincie en de oostelijke buurprovincie Giurgiu op het gebied van waterprojecten; vooral op het gebied van het voorkomen van overstromingen en verbetering van de drinkwatervoorziening. Reeds in januari 2005 werd hiertoe een samenwerkingsovereenkomst getekend. Na aankomst in Boekarest reisde een deel van de delegatie gelijk door naar de Nederlandse ambassade. Met de ambassadesecretaris werd de laatste stand van zaken m.b.t. de Uitvoering van door Overijssel gesteunde projecten doorgenomen. Ook werd door de secretaris van de ambassade een beeld geschetst van de algemene ontwikkelingen in Roemenie; een jaar voor de verwachte toetreding tot de EU. Vervolgens werd een bezoek gebracht aan het Ceausescu-paleis; een van de grootste paleizen ter wereld. De Overijsselse delegatie heeft op 29 juni de Conferentie in het kader van de Danube days in de vorm van een Forum, in Turnu Magurele bijgewoond. In het door vice- president mr. Vlad namens de president van de Council uitgesproken openingswoord werd de samenwerking met Overijssel geprezen. Het gaat om ingewikkelde vraagstukken, bijv op het gebied van behandeling van water. Ook de belangstelling van de provincie Overijssel tijdens de watersnood in dat gebied in 2005 werd aangehaald en geprezen. Gedeputeerde Jansen heeft vervolgens een overzicht gepresenteerd van de ontplooide activiteiten tussen de Donau-dagen van 2005 en die van 2006. Er is een werkplan gemaakt dat een periode beslaat van 2005-2007. Na de watersnood van 2005 is samen met o.m. Vitens veel energie gestoken in het verbeteren van de technische samenwerking op lokaal niveau. Het opzetten van een goed netwerk was daar een onderdeel van. Die samenwerking is nl. nodig bij het realiseren van plannen met betrekking tot de verbetering van de waterkwaliteit, drinkwaterplannen en plannen met betrekking tot het voorkomen van wateroverlast. Zoals gezegd begint de historie van de samenwerking eigenlijk op 15 januari 2005 toen de samenwerkingsovereenkomst tussen de County Giurgiu, de provincies Overijssel en Gelderland werd getekend. Voornaamste doel samenwerking: het leveren van effectieve steun welke er toe bijdraagt dat de situatie rondom de drinkwatervoorziening en de afvoer van water structureel wordt verbeterd, zodat in 2015 de Europese normen kunnen worden bereikt. De voorzitter van de commissie, de heer G. van Dijk trok in zijn bijdrage een vergelijking tussen Roemenie, waarin de Donau-delta is gelegen en Nederland waarbij hetzelfde aan de hand is m.b.t. Rijn en Maas. Beide landen zijn daardoor sterk afhankelijk van gebeurtenissen stroomopwaarts. Deze kunnen voor problemen stroomafwaarts zorgen. Voorts stond hij stil bij de provinciale bijdrage van 100.000 Euro ter leniging van de nood als gevolg van de overstromingen in Teleorman. Deze 100.000 Euro heeft als vliegwiel gefungeerd voor bijdragen van andere overheden, zoals de provincie Gelderland, Vitens en de Overijsselse waterschappen. Reeds in September 2005 kwam een werkplan gereed waarin acties voor 2006 en 2007 zijn vervat die er toe moeten bijdragen dat overstromingen in de toekomst worden voorkomen. In dit kader is door een samenwerkingsverband van 6 Nederlandse ministeries een bijdrage van 600.000 Euro toegezegd. Voor 2006 en 2007 zijn samen met een 5-tal waterschappen in Overijssel en Vitens concrete activiteiten gepland. Zij beogen de watersystemen in Teleorman te verbeteren, waarbij wordt gedoeld op drinkwater, waterinzameling en zuivering en het voorkomen van overstromingen. Zo is het de bedoeling om in 5 steden de drinkwatervoorziening te verbeteren. Hetzelfde geldt voor grote delen van het platteland. Een van de hoogtepunten was de aanbieding door vertegenwoordigers van de Jongerenraad Overijssel samen met een aantal Roemeense jongeren van het handboek Education for the Danube. In dit handboek worden het waterbeheer van de Dssel en de Donau naast elkaar en vergelijkenderwijs gepresenteerd. Het handboek heeft vooral een educatieve functie. Het is de bedoeling dit handboek ook met behulp van middelen van de provincie Overijssel op Roemeense scholen in Teleorman een plaats te geven in lesprogramma's aan scholieren tussen 12 en 14 jaar. De commissie heeft op voorstel van de voorzitter aangegeven dat opstelling van een werkplan met een aanduiding van het benodigde budget daartoe noodzakelijk is. Na de koffiepauze stond mrs. Valentina Dinica vooral stil bij de noodzaak tot bestuurlijke samenwerking tussen stad en platteland bij het verankeren van technische maatregelen op het gebied van waterbeheer. Er schijnen nauwelijks rampenplannen te bestaan in geval van overstromingen. Vanuit de universiteit van Twente zijn daartoe verschillende projecten opgestart. Erik van Dijk, vanuit de eenheid Water en Bodem als eerste ambtelijk verantwoordelijk voor de contacten met Teleorman maakte de conferentie deelgenoot van de achtergronden en gaf een toelichting op het Waterproject Teleorman met een programma van activiteiten in 2006 en 2007. Zoals boven reeds aangegeven heeft het project tot doel de watersystemen in Teleorman te verbeteren, waarbij vooral de drinkwatervoorziening en de overstromingsrisico's de aandacht krijgen. Zo zijn in de in Teleorman gelegen 5 steden de voorzieningen voor drinkwaterbereiding en de systemen voor afvalwaterinzameling en behandeling sterk verouderd en functioneren door het uitblijven van voldoende onderhoud minder goed. Het doel is om deze systemen in 2015 te laten voldoen aan de Europese regelingen en standaarden. Op het platteland zijn de problemen niet minder groot. Van de in totaal 95 plattelandsgemeenten, waartoe 228 dorpen behoren, hebben slechts 22 een centraal netwerk voor de bereiding van drinkwater. In de overige is veelal sprake van particuliere bronnen welke gevoelig zijn voor diverse vormen van vervuiling. Op lange termijn is het ook t.a.v. de drinkwatervoorziening op het platteland de bedoeling in 2015 te voldoen aan de Europese regelgeving en standaarden. Voor de korte termijn zullen een paar pilots ter hand worden genomen en wel voor die gebieden waar de drinkwatervoorziening het sterkst is bedreigd. In de richting van Nederland sprak daarna mw. Cristiana Burlacu haar dank uit voor de ontwikkeling va het zo geheten Ecosan-concept. Dit concept beoogt een bijdrage te leveren aan de slechte situatie in scholen waar het de aanwezige toiletvoorzieningen betreft, maar ook het veranderen van de mentaliteit omtrent het gebruik van zoiets belangrijks als water. Er zijn 15 plaatsen geselecteerd waar daadwerkelijk zal worden geprobeerd die situatie te verbeteren. Zij toonde zich verheugd met het bovengenoemde handboek van de jongeren. Nadat de leraren wegwijs zijn gemaakt in dit handboek zal het op een aantal plekken in het lesprogramma worden opgenomen. Donderdag werden een watercentrum in oprichting(project provincie Overijssel samen met VNG-Internationaal) en een veerboorafvaartpunt aan de Donau (project prov. Gelderland en EU) bezocht. Op de vrijdag bezocht de delegatie bezocht enkele zuiveringsinstallaties en enkele inrichtingen voor de bereiding van drinkwater. Het water van de Donau dient vaak als grondstof voor drinkwater. Vele van deze inrichtingen zijn verouderd en vertonen gebreken doordat voldoende onderhoud achterwege is gebleven. -Vervolgens werd koers gezet naar Viisoara al waar in het landelijk gebied bij een perceel een diepe particuliere bron voor de winning van grondwater als grondstof voor drinkwater werd bezocht. Het is de bedoeling in het kader van de korte termijnplanning in dit dorp en 4 andere dorpen met veel te hoge nitraatgehalten in het drinkwater extra diepe winningen te construeren met een centrale functie. De tocht werd die middag vervolgd naar Zimnicea. Daar bezocht een deel van de groep een Roma groep; daar ontbrak het aan elementaire sanitaire voorzieningen. De gemeentelijke overheid wil d.m.v. een pilot de situatie daar verbeteren. De andere groep bezocht een waterleidingfabriek waarna de gehele groep zich nog Met voorlichten over een zuiveringsinrichting. Tot slot werd op zaterdagochtend bezocht, alwaar een verhandeling werd gegeven over het terugdringen van de overstromingsrisico's in Teleorman. Een bezoek aan het Calnistea sub-bassin (doorgebroken dam) moest vanwege meteorologische omstandigheden (het was er nog veel te drassig a.g.v. de nieuwe overstromingen in april 2006) moest helaas worden afgelast. Na een lunch werd aan het einde van de middag de terugreis naar Nederland weer aanvaard.


Report concerning the development of the International Forum "DANUBE DAYS - 2006", Turnu Magurele, 28th of June - 1st of July 2006


In January 2005, Teleorman County Council together with Council and the Provinces of Overijssel and Gelderland - The Netherlands, signed a partnership agreement that has as purpose accomplishing the EU integration process through initiating cooperation between regions from EU member states and candidate states, cooperation between the regions that have signed the agreement in fields like management of water resources and other joint interest activities, as well as establishing a joint activity program having as building stones the proposals made by the parties of the agreement.

The first project, that has started immediately after signing the agreement, is called "Teleorman Water Project" and has more components. It is financed by The Association of Dutch Municipalities - VNG and by the Province of Overijssel, The Netherlands.

The aim of the project is to improve the water systems in Teleorman County, focusing on drinking water, waste water (collecting and treating) and flood risks

The projects has various components and it is being developed on a three years period 2005 - 2007: I. Improvement of the drinking water supply and waste water management in the five largest municipalities (towns) of the Teleorman County II. Improvement of the drinking water supply and waste water management in rural areas in the Teleorman County III. Reduction of flood risks in the Teleorman County IV. Water project for young people V. Information and communication about related themes VI. Training courses on drinking water and waste water management VII. Institutional analysis of the water management in the Teleorman County II11. Working visits of politicians IX. Miscellaneous

In this context, between the 28th of June and 1st of July 2006, the International Forum "Danube Days 2006" - event which has already become a tradition for Teleorman County, which had as participants approximately 70 experts, politicians and youngsters from The Ntherlands, Germany and .

The general objective of the event was management of water resources in Teleorman County, in the context of "Teleorman Water Project". The event was organized by Euro- Teleorman Association in partnership with Teleorman County Council, Turnu Magurele Local Council, Zimnicea Local Council and the Province of Overijssel, The Netherlands.

Agenda: (annex nr. 1)

Thursday 29th of June 2006

In the first part of the day, the official opening of the Forum took place. Dutch and Romanian politicians and representatives of the Commission Council of Overijssel for Traffic, Environment and Water delivered speeches. The speeches belonged to Mr. Liviu Nicolae Dragnea, president of Teleorman County Council, whose message was transmitted by Mr. Eugen Ovidiu Vlad, vice-president of Teleorman County Council, to Mr. Nicolae Mohanu, mayor of Turnu Magurele municipality, to Mr. Piet Jansen, deputy-minister on water issues for the Province of Overijssel, to Mr. Grieko van Dijk, regional representative of the Province of Overijssel, to Andreea Postelnicu - representative of the Euro-Teleorman Association youth structure and to Evelien de Olde, representatice of the Youth Council of the Province of Overijssel.

Mr. Nicolae Mohanu, mayor of Turnu Magurele municipality, delivered during his welcoming speech also a short presentation of the Danube as an ecological river and of Turnu Magurele municipality. This was the right time to remind everyone that they are celebrating 170 years of documentary attestation for Turnu Magurele.

Mr. Liviu Nicolae Dragnea's message was delivered by the vice-president of Teleorman County Council - mr. Eugen Ovidiu Vlad, who transmitted his gratitude to both the Dutch delegation and the Romanian participant, reminding the relations with them which have started five years ago. It was underlined that these relations are based on cooperation and complex actions like the collaboration with Vitens Company for the treatment of water and the implementation of ecological sanitation in the rural areas. Then he made a brief presentation of Teleorman County's 2005 situation, when it was affected by the fury of the waters, a phenomenon that triggered serious consequences, (annex no.2)

Mr. Piet Jansen, deputy-minister on water affairs for the Province of Overijssel, thanked all the involved persons, by presenting the Dutch delegation and the list of activities that took place between 2005 and 2006: (annex no. 3)

> preparing the project; > signing the Partnership agreement by two Romanian Counties (Teleorman and Giurgiu) an two Dutch provinces (Gelderland and Overijssel) on the 15th of January 2005; > structural measures for the improvement of water quality and standards complying until 2015; > elaborating the working plan, establishing a relevant network and attracting funds; > developing concrete actions in the framework of the project. The report of the already-developed activities of Teleorman Water Project has permitted an inventory of the priorities, ordering them as well as developing the initial ideas. During the visits of the Dutch experts in Teleorman County, the bad situation of the water systems in towns and of the water supply systems in rural areas became clear. After that, the components of the project were presented, and the youngsters' project was presented, Mr. Piet Jansen being impressed by their enthusiasm of getting involved in its implementation. The speech ended with recommendations on account of the Rhine basin experience and of the international projects developed by the Province of Overijssel. > the good cooperation between partners, this being a fundamental issue for obtaining funds and rapid results in the framework of projects; > complete and rapid exchange of information (cultural and language differences can be overcome without any problems); > setting joint aims for a long-term approach. (annex no. 4)

Mr. Grieko van Dijk mentioned in his speech that it is precisely the similitude related to the geographical position of Romania and The Netherlands that has generated strong connections in water management. As a long-term objective, he proposed to reduce considerably the risk of floods which produce human and material loses in all the regional hydrological sub-basins from Teleorman County and Giurgiu County. The disasters from the 4th of July 2005 (35 villages under water, 2 deaths, completely destroyed houses, hundreds of damns and bridges destroyed) led to changes in the provincial budget, due to the fact that a financial extension of the project was necessary by supplementary funds. A 600,000 euro supplementary financing application was already drafted to Partners for Water, and a response is to be given in July 2006.

In September 2005, five Dutch experts have visited communes from Teleorman County and have elaborated a first working plan together with Teleorman County Council. By a series of analysis criteria, Calnistea sub-basin was selected The next thing presented by Mr. Grieko van Dijk makes a clear view on the stages of the project by Octomber 2007: > preparing the Partners for Water application; > working plan for flood management; > guide for the works related to flood management; > design and implementation of priority works; > guide for guaranteeing safety in case of floods; > capacity building. The innovative works in this field are necessary for the demonstrative value of the activity of the project, (annex no. 5)

Next there were speeches of the young people involved in the subproject ,,Education for the Danube" The representative of Euro-Teleorman Association youth structure - Andreea Postelnicu presented details relating to the activity, mission and objectives of the youth structure, as well as particularities about the development of the subproject "Education for the Danube": > reasons for which this handbook is a result of a Romanian-Dutch cooperation > the importance of implementing the handbook > lobby for obtaining funds for the process of editing the handbook. (annex no. 6)

Evelien de Olde, member of the Youth Council of the Province of Overijssel presented the stages of development of ,,Education for the Danube" between December 2005 - July 2006: > December 2005: a delegation from Romania visited The Netherlands and that's when the first working plan for elaborating the handbook was drafted; > February 2006: five Romanian youngsters have participated to the first working visit in The Netherlands; > May 2006: working visit in Romania for setting up the final details, visiting a high- school and participating to the Europe Day event; > June 2006: participating to Danube Day and presenting the handbook. (annex no. 7)

In the second part of the day, the International Conference "Cooperation and institutional strengthening", having as basis interactive discussions between Mrs. Valentina Dinica, expert from Twente University and the Romanian participants, mayors and experts on water issues. Mrs. Valentina Dinica has mentioned the fact that Twente University has started research projects, and the result of this research has as aim cooperation, while the role refers to implementing several technical measures, necessary in Water Resources Management, in urban and rural areas. Implementing and functioning are concepts that have to do with people and their resources, with interdependences between agencies and the limitations that occur, with the knowledge and financial possibilities.

The next was a set of questions regarding crisis management and management of other water-related disasters, as well as the accordance between the players involved in water management and the development of partnerships between public and private fields.

Mr. Boboc Hie, mayor of Virtoape commune, thanked for the help he has received from Teleorman County Council and from the representatives of Ciolanesti and Necsesti commune in the period when the commune was seriously affected by the floods.

Mr. Eugen Ovidiu Vlad, vice-president of Teleorman County Council, presented the flood situation from March - October last year, asserting that never have such precipitations fallen on such a long period of time and that there is no efficient warning system in case of floods. In this context, he also mentioned the fact that solving this certain problem can be dome only via a national program. Also, in the context of water management in Teleorman County, the localities in which water supply systems were built with SAPARD funds were named. The actions developed in partnership with the Dutch experts like elaborating the plan of creating a sole water company (sole operator) to administrate the patrimony of each locality (wells for taking the water out from depths of over 90 meters, storage basins for water and treatment plants). The unique operator will draw up a Masterplan with EU funds.

In the framework of "Teleorman Water Project 2006-2007", Mr. Erik van Dijk asserted that a team of five experts is ready to support the elaboration of the masterplan by cooperation agreements with Apa Canal Alexandria, a German consultancy and the municipalities from Teleorman County.

It was consequently mentioned that a priority measure on a long term in the framework of the subproject Jmproving the drinking water supply and the management of waste water in the five larger municipalities (towns) from Teleorman County", is represented by the chlorination of water and providing proper equipments to the water companies. Details on the co- financing are to be set in the following period.

In the context of the subproject "Improving the drinking water supply and the management of waste water in the rural areas from Teleorman County" pilot projects were developed for the communes where there is a high concentration of nitrates and nitrites in the groundwater. Drilling large depth wells is necessary, after receiving the geo-hydrological data.

For the subproject "International water Center in Turnu Magurele", the evaluation application was submitted and the location in which the center will function was visited.

The next theme tackled during the conference was "EcoSan concept", as a solution for the bad situation of the toilettes in schools, for the problems related to hygiene and environment. A consortium that will improve this EcoSan concept was set up, including KIWA (Dutch National Organization for Water Management), WECF and the Province of Overijssel.

In this context, the general school inspector - Mrs. Cristiana Burlacu, addressed thanks to the Dutch for developing the EcoSan project, that is meant to save the health of Romanian children from the poor areas and to change mentalities on the importance of using water. She also appreciated the support for the handbook that will be implemented in schools. In order to deliver a clear view on the situation of sanitation in the rural area, a team from the Teleorman School Inspectorate has made a movie that will be necessary in the implementation process for this project. 15 localities have already been selected for the implementation of ecological sanitation, and the technical data will be put at the disposal of the experts in the following stage.

As far as the handbook "Education for the Danube" is concerned, she said that it will be implemented in schools as an optional class, after having done a training for the teachers, so that they will be able to get to the children by their didactical performance. Mr. Stefan Deegener from the Technical University of Hamburg, presented the typical Romanian village situation (lack of sewage systems, high concentration of nitrates, bacteriological contamination, etc.), as well as the fact that in Romania, the first place in which such a project was implemented was Garla Mare, Mehedinti County.

Mr. Teoedor Mitroi, local counselor from Turnu Magurele Local Council gave a presentation on ,,Danube Overflow 2006, the necessity of a geo-ecological approach", underlining the causes for the floods triggered by the Danube overflowing that took place in Romania in spring 2006.

The last part of the works was dedicated to the presentations of the subprojects "Education for the Danube" and "The International Water Center Turnu Magurele" by the responsible persons. Therefore, the two groups of youngsters from Teleorman County and Overijssel Province delivered a large presentation of the handbook and answered the questions made by the audience, regarding the importance and the necessity of the handbook.

Regarding the subproject "The International Water Center Turnu Magurele", Mr. Leonard Zaharia - engineer SGA Teleorman, member in the project team, presented the stages of implementation of the project.

In the evening, during the formal dinner, Mr Grieko van Dijk announced the will and availability of the members of the Commission of the Overijsssel Council for Traffic, Environment and Water to support the follow-up of the youngsters project "Education for the Danube". He has underlined the fact that funds are available for this, if the youngster prepare a good working plan and budget. Evelien de Olde and Andreea Postelnicu, have presented the youngsters' plan for implementing the project. Mr. Grieko van Dijk asserted that the official decision regarding the subsidy from the Dutch party will be made in September, whereas in the mean time, the youngsters must prepare the working plan.

Friday 30th of June 2006

The 30th of June was dedicated to field visits targeted on getting to know better the drinking water treatment and waste water treatment systems in the urban and rural areas.

In the first part of the day the following locations were visited: the ferry-boat, the location destined for the International Water Center and the drinking water treatment and waste water treatment plants from Turnu Magurele, where the drinking water source is surface water. This was a good occasion for the Dutch politicians and experts to get a clear idea on the water resources of the Danube used.

The Dutch delegation, together with the Romanian experts departed to Viissoara commune, where Mr. Sana Nicolae - mayor of this commune thanked the guests for the visit and made a briefing of the commune. Then there were some discussions on drilling deep wells in Viisoara commune, due to the fact that the first groundwater layer is infested with nitrates and nitrites that can cause "blue-baby disease". This action is included in the subproject "Improving the drinking water supply and the management of waste water in the rural areas from Teleorman County" and is planned to be carried out this year.

For this, a company available to drill such wells was involved, but the works were not started yet, because the best locations must be found, depending on the exact geo-hydrological data that define the structure of the ground.

The last part of the day was dedicated to visiting Zimnicea town, where the delegation was received by Mr. Petre Pirvu - mayor, who delivered a welcoming speech. Two working groups were formed and two different locations were visited in order to establish their eligibility for being involved in the components of ,,Teleorman Water Project". In this manner, a group of Romanian and Dutch politicians visited a Roma community ("rudari" community) for developing a pilot project on ecological sanitation in this area. The second group formed by politicians and experts form the Dutch and Romanian side visited the waste water treatment plant from Zimnicea, where discussions regarding their present way of functioning and their improvement scenarios

Saturday 1st of July 2006

In accordance with the agenda, the 1st of July was dedicated to visiting Calnistea sub-basin, in order to set the stages of development for the "Reducing the risks of floods in Teleorman County" project. The Dutch delegation, accompanied by Romanian politicians and experts had a working meeting in Botoroaga Commune hall headquarters, were they had discussions on the next steps in developing the project. Due to meteorological conditions, it wasn't possible to visit the dam from Botoroaga commune where the first works will take place accordingly to the project.

After lunch, the Dutch delegation departed to Otopeni Airport, .

Made by,

Onela Oana Carmen Osiac

annex no.l

Danube Days 2006

Turnu Magurele, Teleorman, Romania June 28 - July 1 2006

28 June 2006 depart from Amsterdam-Schiphol 9.40 o'clock arrival at Bucharest 13.25 o'clock

Afternoon: - visit to Ceausescu Building - visit to Dutch embassady from Bucharest

19.00 arrive to Turnu Magurele - accomodation to Turris Hotel

20.00 dinner at Hotel Turris

29 June 2006

9.00 - 10.15 Official opening speeches by mr Liviu Nicolae Dragnea - president County Council Teleorman mr Nicolae Mohanu - Mayor of Turnu Magurele mr Piet Jansen - Minister water affairs of Province of Overijssel mr Grieko van Dijk - Representative of regional Council of Overijssel Young people (Romanian and Dutch ) 10.15-10.30 break 10.15 - 11.30 Conference, including institutional strenghtening and cooperation. (interactive discussion organised by mrs Valentina Dinica, Twente University) 11.30 - 12.00 mr Erik van Dijk - Water-project Teleorman 2006 - 2007 12.00 - 12.30 mrs Claudia Tulei - The practice of the EcoSan-concept 12.30 - 14.00 lunch 14.30 - 16.30 discussion about handbook "Education for the Danube" with young people City Hall 17.00 - 18.00 discussion about "International Center for Water Management" Turnu Magurele City Hall) 18.30 - 19.30 optional: - visit to The Danube and see the ferry boat - vist the place for International Center for Management Water - cultural walk in city centre of Turnu Magurele 20.00 formal dinner with traditional music and dancing 30 June 2006

9.00 - 11.00 visit to waste and drinking water stations in Turnu Magurele 11.00 - 13.00 departure to Zimnicea and visit to Viisoara (commune for drinking water pilot). 13.00 - 14.00 lunch in Zimnicea 14.00 - 16.00 visit of the town and waste and drinking water stations of Zimnicea 16.00 - 18.00 workshop water management 18.00 - 21.00 dinner (Zimnicea) 21.00 return to Turnu Magurele

1 July 2006

8.30 departure to Alexandria 9.30 - 11.00 visit to Alexandria City Hall - discussion. 11.00 - 13.00 visit to Sub Basin Calnistea, Botoroaga Commune (project flood protection) 13.00 - 14.30 departure to Bucharest 14.30 - 15.30 lunch at the airport 17.10 departure from Bucharest to Amsterdam (KLM-flight) annex no. 2

Speech of Mr. Liviu Nicolae Dragnea, the president of the Teleorman County Council and of the EuroTeleormnan Association, during The International Danube Day, Turnu Magurele, 2006.

Dear guests, collaborators and friends,

Please give me the permission to present, for Mr. Liviu Nicolae Dragnea, the president of the Teleorman County Council and of the EuroTeleorman Association, the opening speech of the actions which will take place this year for the celebration of The International Danube Day.

Five years ago, began the collaboration between the Teleorman County and the province of Gelderland from Netherlands. It developed as an intense official international relationship, with notable results during the Congress of the Local and Regional Authorities of Europe, but fast enough it turned into a true friendship which strongly developed once the Overijssel province got implicated.

The collaboration between the Teleorman county and the Dutch provinces began in the perspective of improving the environmental conditions along the Danube river. Even though the Dutch partners extended the program of supporting our county to the management of the drinking water resources, the meetings being dedicated the Danube and were the generic of some actions which we hope that in the future will become real festivals.

The year 2005 was the year when, after signing the collaboration protocol between Teleorman and Giurgiu on one side, and Gelderland and Overijsel on the other, there have been a series of activities which concentrated on changing experiences and the transfer of knowledge, investigating possibilities of improving the living conditions for our county, regarding the water problem.

Unfortunately, the year 2005 also meant the year that, after finishing the events dedicated to the Danube, the Teleorman county was seized by the fury of the waters, with repercussions we couldn't have anticipated. We would like to thank Mr. Jansen for the care and friendship he showed during these days last year, when he personally phoned Mr. Dragnea to find out the situation and whether there were victims.

Later, with the help of the Vitens water company, and of the experts of this company and the province of Overijssel, we managed to cover step by step a journey in order to achieve a good technical collaboration at the local authorities level ( the visit at Cluj/Salaj), to see what is the stage of water quality in the rural area and what can be done for the urban area, for the drinking water plants and waste water treatment plants.

We consider that expanding the project in the rural area represents a new beginning for our communities which can perceive directly, which means collaboration, partnership and the perspective of having a bigger family, an European family. The analysis of the quality of the water, the drilling of wells and the possibility of using ecological toilets are elements of a new reality in the rural area. We consider that the presence of the mayors from the rural areas at the organized activities in the framework of this project, as well as now, today here, represents a living proof of their interest for this collaboration.

As regards for the floods which affected us in the year 2005 we can say that we are ready to begin the program which was established with the experts of the Committee of Dutch water.

I would also like to mention that the collaboration on the level of teenage groups of Teleorman and Overijssel, which are putting in practice the mentioned projects in the resolution of Strasbourg in 2003, the creation of the handbook "Education for the Danube"; so, impossible is nothing when it comes to will, support and solidarity.

And going further on the line of projects begun at Strasbourg, we must appreciate the efforts of the crews from Overijssel and Teleorman, the value brought by continuing the collaboration with Ruud Grootenbor, which has manage to set the touchstone for the center of Water Management which will be here, in Turnu Magurele.

We all know that in Teleorman county there are problems, I am aware that we have more to do in order to realize efficient and functional local partnerships. But we assure you that we are striving... having Erik along us all the time. We would like to thank you for all this time and for the perseverance with which you believed in us and in the fact that we can change things...

Tankyou! Turnu Magurele date annex no. 3

Speech by mr Piet Jansen, minister of water affairs of the Province of Overijssel, on the occasion of Danube Day June 29, 2006 in Turnu Magurele, County Teleorman, Romania

Dear madams, dear gentlemen, dear friends,

Especially to mister Dragnea, president, mister Vlad, vice-president, all mayors of municipalitities and communes, all who are very actively involved in Teleorman water management and the preparations of this day, I like to say that am glad to see you again.

Exactly one year ago I saw many of you in this room. One year ago in the Dutch delegation there were four presidents of water-boards involved in the water project and representatives of our drinking water company Vitens which is actively participating too. I hope these persons will be present during Danube Day 2007 to see the first results of our joint water project. This year our delegation is quite different. Ten members of the commission Traffic, Environment and Water management of the provincial council of Overijssel together with their secretary are here with us. Further I can mention four members of the Youth Council of the Province of Overijssel who are actively cooperating with five Romanian youths in a joint project to draft an educational handbook about water management. And I can mention the head of our department Water and Soil management, together with six advisors representing two universities, a water-board and a non- governmental organisation. Too many names to mention: you can see them in the programme.

I want to use this occasion to tell you something about the activities which have been carried out between Danube Day 2005 and Danube Day 2006 within the framework of the water project Teleorman-Overijssel. Already before June 2005 many things had to be done to prepare the project. On January 15, 2006 your president mr Dragnea, the president of County Giurgiu, the minister of water affairs of Province of Gelderland, the Overijssel Commissioner of the Queen and I myself formally undersigned the cooperation agreement between two Dutch provinces and two Romanian counties. At this time we were only thinking on support to improve the situation for drinking water supply and waste water management -collection, transport and treatment- in your county. Main aim: giving effective support to come to a structural improvement of Teleorman drinking water and waste water situation to such extend that in 2015 the concerning European standards are met completely. Already during this week in January 2005 we inventoried the main priorities, for the five main municipalities and towns, as well for the 300,000 people living in almost 250 villages in your rural area. During the months after this first meeting a lot of things had to be done by Overijssel coordinator Erik van Dijk and Telorman coordinator Aida Catana: preparing the internal financial sources, drafting a working plan for 2005 until 2007, building up a relevant network, establishing various working groups, obtaining external funds and so on. A Dutch university drafted a clear report about the over-all situation of the water management in Teleorman, mainly on basis of internet information and interviews with Dutch persons actively involved in Romanian water affairs. This report was important for us to build up our first ideas on the project and to decide about first and second priorities. An important moment was during the Open Days of the European Union at the end of April 2005: more than 40 mayors of Teleorman county were present in Brussels and we used this opportunity to tell you about our first ideas how to carry out our joint project. We stressed on the importance of real cooperation within the water project and we give first information about new types of sanitation which can be applicable for Romanian schools and rural villages. Only during Danube Day 2005 I could see with my own eyes, in the field, the needs for water management when meeting many mayors and inhabitants showing their situation and speaking about the practice of drinking water and waste water. I must say that I was very impressed about what I saw during a few days. I saw the bad state of the drinking water plants and of waste water treatment stations of some of your municipalities. I could see various situations of drinking water supply and sanitation in some small villages in various houses. I saw some projects carried out by communes to improve the drinking water supply. And last but not least I noticed the enthusiasm of especially young Romanian people to work hard to reach a better water situation as soon as possibly. During Danube Days 2005 we saw a rainy Romania which was very unusual for the time of the year. Just after Danube Days these rains became extremely intense with locally 300 mm rainfall within 24 hours in your region. During his speech mr Grieko van Dijk - chairman of the committee involved of the provincial council - will tell more about impressions and our response on the flood disaster which occurred to Romania and especially to Teleorman county on July 4-5 and the two months after.

I will shortly give some comments on the other activities which have been done for the improvement of your drinking water and waste water situation.

DRINKING WATER I am glad that our drinking-water company Vitens is strongly supporting our joint water project. This company is strongly involved in drinking water projects in abroad on basis of the so-called Millennium-aims to bring hundreds of millions of people to higher drinking water standards. Vitens carried out successful projects in Surinam, Ghana, Mozambique and other countries. In Teleorman enthusiastic Vitens employees analyzed the drinking water sources of the five larger municipalities and two communes. Further a working visit and exposure meeting to Cluj and Salaj was organized by Vitens together with ARA and Teleorman county council where Teleorman politicians and water managers could see that good cooperation between two counties and their municipalities can lead to a quick improvement of the situation and large external subsidies. An analysis by Vitens company showed that of small investments for the short term an improvement of chlorination equipment in , Rosiori de Vede and Turnu Magurele has highest impact on public health in the urban areas. For the drinking water in rural areas I must mention Mr Harrie Uneken who is working on behalf of the Province of Overijssel for the drinking water aspects in Teleorman rural areas. For the short term it is important that five priority communes have been chosen to drill bore-holes for new drinking water wells with a better drinking water quality. For the longer term we are preparing an integral masterplan for Teleorman rural areras. Mr Erik van Dijk will tell more about that at the end of this morning.

WASTE WATER For our support of the sub program waste water we are very dependant on the expertise of the water-boards. In the Netherlands the knowledge and experience about waste water collection, transport and treatment of waste water is mainly present with the water-boards and related organisations. Therefore we are very thankful that five water-boards of Eastern Netherlands are actively involved in our waste water subprojects. During 2005 the activities for waste water management were a technical training course in September prepared and presented by Water-board Reest en Wieden (in the northeast of the Province of Overijssel), the publication of a technical handbook in Romanian language and first preparations of Masterplans for urban and rural areas. With the help of NGO WECF and the Technical University of Hamburg, Germany we presentated a new promising technique of sanitation: EcoSan. April 1st of this year we organized a study trip for approximately 60 mayors of Teleorman county to two EcoSan pilots in Garla Mare, county Mehedinti.

PROJECT YOUNG PEOPLE Already one year ago I noticed the large enthusiasm of young Romanian people willing to improve the water management in their country. In February last I met five Romanian young people in the Province of Overijssel where they could see the water management in the Netherlands. I am glad that four Dutch young people joint the Romanian working-group of pupils and that they are here among us. Their working results, an educational handbook and a practical CD-ROM, we can see during this afternoon.

WATER CENTRE There is a Romanian working group of four people of the municipality of Turnu Magurele respectively Apele Romane who are preparing a water centre which will function as the central part of our water project and which must enable the continuation of our project results and experiences after the joint project. From the Dutch side -Province of Overijssel and Asscociation of Dutch Municipalities- we strongly support this development. During the afternoon the working group will present their project proposal.

INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS OF WATER MANAGEMENT IN TELEORMAN Mrs Valentina Dinica will present this sub-project later this morning. In fact today is the kick-off moment of this project which is carried out by Twente University and Province of Overijssel.

TECHNICAL TRAINING COURSES WATER MANAGEMENT Vitens company, Water-board Reest en Wieden and consultant Harrie Uneken are carrying out this technical trainings about drinking water supply and waste water treatment. The first one was during September 2005 and in 2006 there will be a training course anyway during next week and if necessary also during September 2006. In 2005 we published a text book drinking water supply and waste water treatment in Romanian language as basis for the training courses mentioned.

I want to finish with some recommendations for the follow-up of our water project based on my experiences in the field of Overijssel water management and our international projects in Latvia: - a good cooperation between all project partners -Dutch and Romanian- is the ultimate basis for quick and good project results and the only way to get large external subsidies; - for this cooperation a quick and complete exchange of information is necessary, however differences of culture and languages can cause some bottlenecks; - please trust each other completely when executing a joint project; - to stimulate this confidence explicit joint aims for longer term are very useful. annex no. 4


PROGRAMME OF ACTIVITIES 2006 - 2007 (5th version / June 8, 2006)

The Teleorman Water Project is the first project within the framework of the co- operation programme of the Dutch provinces of Overijssel and Gelderland, and the Romanian counties of Teleorman and Giurgiu based on a formal agreement which was signed in Alexandria (Teleorman) on January 15, 2005.

The following text describes the activities planned for 2006 and 2007. The activities which were carried out in 2005 are mentioned in Annex 1.

In annex 2 the working groups (Dutch and Romanian) are presented.

Organisations involved Apart form both provinces mentioned before, five water boards and Water Company Vitens NV support the project with money and manpower at the Dutch side. Furthermore, the Twente University (Enschede), some NGO's, the Enschede hospital and two external consultants are actively involved in the project. Finally, the Technical University of Hamburg and WECF (an international NGO with much experience in Romania) are involved. The most important organisations in Romania within the co-operation project are the County Council of Teleorman, the NGO EuroTeleorman (a society of communes and municipalities), the water manager Apele Romane (on three different levels), the Romanian Water Association ARA and the five largest Teleorman municipalities. The County Council of Giurgiu and the Alexandria hospital (capital of Teleorman) will be involved in the project as well.

Project aim The project aim is to improve the water systems in the Teleorman County, while focussing on drinking water, waste water and flood risks.

Evaluation and follow-up There will be an evaluation of all subprojects at the end of 2006. Based on this a proposal for 2007 and a possible further follow-up will be prepared.

Subprojects The project consists of various parts: I. Improvement of the drinking water supply and waste water management in the five largest municipalities (towns) of the Teleorman County II. Improvement of the drinking water supply and waste water management in rural areas in the Teleorman County III. Reduction of flood risks in the Teleorman County IV. Water project for young people V. Information and communication about related themes VI. Training courses on drinking water and waste water management VII. Institutional analysis of the water management in the Teleorman County VIII. Working visits of politicians IX. Miscellaneous Co-ordination The organisation is co-ordinated by two central working groups in which all involved organisations participate actively: 1. a working-group from the Teleorman County, which is co-ordinated by the County Council of Teleorman (Mihai Slavescu / Aida Catana); 2. a working group at the Dutch side, which is co-ordinated by the Province of Overijssel (Erik van Dijk). For each subproject there is a working-group, which will report to the central working groups. A special steering group, an advisory group and a project team will be established for the flood risk project. I. Improvement of the drinking water supply and waste water management in the five largest municipalities (towns) of the Teleorman County

200,000 inhabitants of Teleorman county are living in 5 municipalities or towns with each 18,000 - 60,000 inhabitants. In these 5 municipalities / towns central drinking water systems and waste water collection and treatment exist However these systems have been built in older times and because of lack of money during last 15 years the maintenance and reconstruction of systems were neclected.

Long-term aim: the drinking water and waste water situation in the five largest municipalities (towns) are conform EU regulations and standards in 2015 Short-term aim (2007): qualitatively well-argumented and promising application to obtain external co-financing funds (EU Cohesion Funds) for the execution of measures.

Period: 2006- 2007 - ? Activities 2006 are subsidized/supported by the Province of Overijssel and Water company Vitens NV and are supported by the five water boards (expertise).

Available from Dutch side: 2006 Province of Overijssel : Euro 20,000 (Budget 2006); 100 working hours Water company Vitens NV : Euro 50,000; working hours of drinking water experts equivalent to Euro 50,000. Five water boards 2006/2007: 200 working hours of waste water experts (amount to be determined at the beginning of 2006) External organisations: possible application to Partners for Water and/or EVD (PESP-subsidy) (end of 2006) 2007 Province of Overijssel: maximum of Euro 30,000 (Budget 2006); ? working hours (depends on the evaluation at the end of 2006) Water company Vitens NV and water boards: ? (depends on the evaluation at the end of 2006)

Available from Romanian side: most data on the drinking water supply have been listed before within the framework of a SAMTID-project (2003); a working group of water experts from the five largest towns preparation of one single water operator in the Teleorman County

Available from EU side: Only in March 2006 it became clear that an ISPA-project proposal (application in 2003) including 5 municipalities of Teleorman county and 3 municipalities in Giurgiu county had been approved by the European Commission. Within the approved project a Masterplan drinking water and waste water for the 5 main Teleorman cities will be drafted by the German consultancy CES instructed by the Romanian ministries of Finances respectively Environmental Affairs. This masterplan will be the basic building stone for a large and integral project proposal for which will be applied for a (85%) contribution from the EU Cohesion Funds to carry out a set of measures in order to meet the EU-standards for drinking and waste water management in the five largest municipalities (towns).

With the European acceptance of the ISPA-project the original intention to draft a masterplan within the project described here, had to be changed. A project team of 5 experts has been established to advice to municipalities, county and ministry of Environment in relation to draft scenarios and texts drafted by CES consultancy.

Execution of small pilot investment projects in the largest municipalities: a. improvement of chlorination of drinking water b. improvement of analysis of drinking water networks c. EcoSan-project in schools d. water project Alexandria hospital (capital of Teleorman) 1

The drinking water networks of the 5 larger cities are in bad condition. Leakages cause an average loss of 30% of the drinking water whereas at the same time infection of the water may occur. In Zimnicea the drinking water has a too high nitrate content caused by pollution of the ground water used as source. Important for the health of school children are good sanitary circumstances. Short and temporary term measures important for the health of the inhabitants during next ten years are repairs of the main leakages and an adequate chlorination of the distribution networks and a quick improvement of the sanitary equipment in schools. At the longer term -within 10 years- complete renovation of drinking water networks, sewerage systems and waste water treatment plants seem to be

Waterproject within the framework of the co-operation between the hospitals of Enschede (Overijssel) and Alexandria (Teleorman)

Framework: Already existing co-operation between the hospitals of Enschede (MCT) and of Alexandria (Teleorman County)

Participants: hospitals of Enschede (Overijssel) and Alexandria (Teleorman), BIAU Consultancy, water boards, the Province of Overijssel

Aims: 1. exchange of experience 2. improvement of water management

When: 2007?

Available: Technical report on waste water and drinking water available in November 2005 (based on a quickscan listing in September 2005)

Remark: From the Dutch side the political willing for a twinning of the cities of Enschede and Alexandria appeared to be restricted by financial limitations and organisational problems. Therefore this twinning of cities as a framework for the hospital-project has become less promising. necessary.

Aim: Preparation of some small pilot investment projects anticipating on the availability of EU funds (Cohesion Funds; after 2007) or Dutch financing (SENTER/EVD) for the improvement of the quality of drinking water and the modernizing of waste water treatment plants, both in urban and rural areas.

Period: 2006 Financial contributions from the Province of Overijssel and Water company Vitens NV; extra external financial sources are being examined further. II. Improvement of the drinking water supply and waste water management in rural areas in the Teleorman County

300,000 of totally 500,000 inhabitants of Teleorman county are living in villages in the rural areas. There the main jobs are very much related with still relatively small- scale agricultural activities. Only 22 of the 95 communes (with 228 villages) in Teleorman county have a central drinking water system. In the other 206 drinking water supply is by private wells which can easily be polluted by agriculture, industries and because of the lack of sewerage systems by the own nearby toilets in the gardens. 2

Long-term aim: drinking water and waste water situation in rural areas conform EU regulations and standards in 2015 Short-term aim (2007): carrying out of some pilots in communities with a life threatening drinking water situation (too high concentrations of nitrate and/or pesticides), listing of possibilities for external co-financing of measures.

Period: 2006- 2007 - ? Activities 2006 subsidized/supported by the Province of Overijssel and actively supported by five water boards.

Available from Dutch side: Province of Overijssel 2006: Euro 20,000 (Budget 2006); 100 working hours Province of Overijssel 2007: maximum of Euro 30,000 (Budget 2006); ? working hours (depends on the evaluation at the end of 2006) five waterboards 2006/2007: ? working hours (amount to be determined at the beginning of 2006) BIAU Consultancy: contribution of 50% of the working hours spent External organisations: application to Partners for Water or others (September 2006)

Available from Romanian side: Data on water management obtained from Public Health Department of Teleorman and from Apele Romane (Teleorman / Arges ) NGO EuroTeleorman Preparation of a co-ordinating water operator in Teleorman

Available from EU side: Has to be made clear within the project (2006)

a. Drafting of a masterplan for the drinking water supply and waste water management for rural areas in the Teleorman County


2 The 22 communes with a central drinking water system: Plopii Slavitesti, Slobozia Mandra, Lunca, Gratia, Talpa, Ciolanesti, Stejaru, Dobrotesti, Marzanesti, Branceni, , , Fantanele, Maldaieni, Vedea, Draganesti Vlasca, Piatra, ,, Uda Clocociov, , Cosmesti. 1. achieving joint aims and the organisation of 92 areas (Association EuroTeleorman), 2. preparation of a joint co-operation agreement (Association EuroTeleorman), 3. collecting data and (pre-)feasibility studies carried out already (Public Health Dept, Apele Romane SGA Teleorman) 4. assessment of existing data and (pre-)feasibility studies, 5. inventory of available measures and techniques to improve the drinking water supply and the waste water treatment, 6. development of criteria for prioritising measures, 7. prioritising of measures to be carried out, 8. drafting of a working plan for the period between 2007 and 2015, 9. drafting of a final time-table to execute the measures, 10. drafting of a final plan for executing the measures as basis for an application for EU (Cohesion) funds.

b. Carrying out some pilot projects on waste water treatment (EcoSan, septic tanks, waste water ponds)

Participants: Technical University of Hamburg, NGO WCFF, County Council of Teleorman, APA Arges-Vedea, water boards, Province of Overijssel

Aims; 1. establishing EcoSan projects for 1 or 2 schools and 10 - 20 house- holds in various municipalities of Teleorman 2. parallel projects for septic tanks and purification ponds to assess the costs and the environmental effects, and to compare with EcoSan

When: 2006/2007

Available: field experiences in other areas in Romania and the Ukrain.

First step: excursion on April 1, 2006 to the existing pilot project in Romania (Garla Mare) with all organisations interested and involved (Association EuroTeleorman + Province of Overijssel + WECF) c. Preparation of priority projects for drinking water supply management in Teleorman (2006)

The Public Health Department, SGA Teleorman and Apele Romane SGA Teleorman discovered a number of areas where the nitrate contents in the upper groundwater exceed the standards to a high degree. The high nitrate concentrations in drinking water in these areas may cause the deadly "blue baby disease" in young children.These areas and areas with too high pesticide concentrations in the upper ground water are priority areas where deeper wells (60 - 70 m, depending on the geological situation) should be realized as soon as possible, in order to use deeper aquifers with qualitatively good groundwater as a source for drinking water.

With the support of the Romanian Public Health Department and the Apele Romane SGA Teleorman the priority areas must be indicated in April 2006. After that the possibilities to drill deep wells with the support of Stichting Drinkwater Roemenie will be examined (May 2006). Possibly, the first deep wells can be constructed in the areas with the highest priority as early as the summer or autumn 2006. III. Reduction of flood risks in the Teleorman County

a. Execution of a pilot project to execute sustainable measures in the area (pilot area Calnistea)

b. Establishing a joint fund in order to finance this subproject

c. (Instutional analysis: execution of the pilot project to examine the responsibilities and tasks of authorities and civilians in three different situations (local storm water, floods from rivers and floods from broken dams); this analysis will be worked out as a separate subproject under VII).

Long-term aim: strong reduction of the risk of flooding damages and victims in all the regional Teleorman and Giurgiu sub-riverbasins Short-term aim (2007): execution of a pilot project in a sub-riverbasin to discover institutional bottle-necks and opportunities, in order to develop guidelines and to carry out some effective measures in the area.

The extreme rainfall and resulting floods in the period between July and September 2005 resulted in this special project meant to support the Teleorman County, Apele Romane and the municipalities involved in the structural reduction of flood risks.

Based on three missions in September (1) and November 2005 (2) Royal Haskoning and a team of 4 flood specialists (water boards) drafted the report "Teleorman Flood Management Project". The results of the missions and of the various consultations with all the Romanian organisations involved are mentioned in this report. The first result was that one pilot project sub-riverbasis should be focussed on: Calnistea in the mid-western part of Teleorman, upstream of the Giurgiu County.

The following scheme suggests five project phases and their respective results;

Component Period 2006 Period 2007 Budget Euro Flood management Jan. - Sept. 2006 - 75,000 * Action Plan Guidelines for Flood July - Dec. 2006 - 55,000 * Management Works Design and Aug. - Dec. 2006 April - Sept. 2007 350,000 Implementation Priority (design) (implementation) * Works Guidelines for Flood Oct. - Dec. 2006 Jan. - April 2007 50,000 * Proofing and other "soft" Measures Institutional May - Dec. 2006 Jan. - Oct. 2007 100,000 Strengthening * TOTAL Jan. - Dec. 2006 Jan. - Oct. 2007 630,000

* Euro 280,000 private budget from two provinces and five water boards (highwater- fund), an application for an 80% contribution from Partners for Water has been formally submitted (March 2006). Decision known July 17, 2006. Period: 2006- 2007

Activities 2006-2007 subsidized/supported by the Provinces of Overijssel and of Gelderland and by five water boards (Groot-Salland, Reest en Wieden, Regge en Dinkel, Rijn en Ussel, Rivierenland)

Available from Dutch side: Funds: Fund Eastern-Netherlands (the Provinces of Overijssel and of Gelderland, five water boards) 2006-2007: Euro 280,000 External organisations: Application for 80% co-financing to Partners for Water (March-April 2006) Working hours: Province of Overijssel 2006: 25 working hours Province of Overijssel 2007: ? (depends on the evaluation at the end of 2006) Province of Gelderland 2006: ? working hours (to be determined yet) Province of Gelderland 2007: ? (depends on the evaluation at the end of 2006) Five water boards 2006/2007: ? working hours (amount to be determined at the beginning of 2006)

Existing hydraulic models in the Netherlands; results of previously carried out Romanian projects (Arcadis / Royal Haskoning / Witteveen+Bos), experience from the Twente University with institutional analyses on the field of water management.

Available from Romanian side: Data water management are obtained from the "water working group" Teleorman (Apele Romane, representatives of the County Council of Teleorman and the municipalities involved).

Available from EU side: Will be made clear within project; after accession to EU (2007?) Cohesion Funds will be available.

Organisation structure

Steering group Advisory group Project team

Participants: see annex 2. IV. Educational handbook water management by young people

Long-term aim: international network of people actively involved in sustainable water management. Short-term aim (2006): exchange of knowledge and experience on water management by a group of Overijssel youths and a group of Teleorman youths; drafting of a Danube management handbook including a reference chapter about the River IJssel.

a. Development of International Youth Water Forum

Participants: Overijssel Youth Council, County council of Teleorman, APA Arges- Vedea, NGO EuroTeleorman, water boards, the Provinces of Overijssel and Gelderland.

Aims: enlargement of an international network; publishing a Danube Handbook with a concluding reference chapter about the River IJssel.

When: 2006 - 2007

Available: Dutch network of young people (Overijssel Youth Council) / existing network of Romanian and Bulgarian young people and others / blueprint for a handbook on water management

Budget estimate 2006

Visit Period from Until Costs

Romania to the 23 - 02 - 2006 27 - 02 - 2006 Netherlands € 3,500 The Netherlands to 16 - 03 - 2006 20 - 03 - 2006 Romania € 4,260 The Netherlands to 28 - 06 - 2006 02 - 06 - 2006 Romania € 4,260 € Total costs of the three visits: 12,020

The Province of Overijssel contributes a maximum of € 10,000 of this amount of money. The rest of the amount will be borne by the Romanian parties.

b. Training on the exchange of knowledge of regional Colleges of Advanced Education on the field of practical (inter-)municipal tasks and responsibilities, such as the drinking water supply, the waste water treatment, urban waste management, etc.

Period: 2007 This project may be carried out by Saxion College of Advanced Education (Enschede/ Deventer). Participants: Province of Overijssel: Erik van Dijk Saxion College of Advanced Education: two teachers with international experience V. Information and communication about related themes

Long-term aim (2010): a good communication structure for drinking water, waste water and floods conform the transparancy described in EU Water Framework Directive. Short-term aim (2007): establishing an International Water Centre in Turnu Magurele.

a. Establishing an International Water Centre in Turnu Magurele

Participants: County Council of Teleorman, Apele Romane SGA Teleorman, water boards (at least Groot-Salland respectively Rivierenland), the Provinces of Overijssel and Gelderland, the Romanian Water Association ARA

Aims: concrete Centre for Water Management of the Danube area; subaim: to guarantee the follow-up of the Dutch-Romanian water projects

When: 2006 - 2007 (preparation and establishment)

Available: funds from the Ministry Flanders Community, Belgium (€ 112,000); former military buildings in Turnu Magurele to be reconstructed; possible funds from LOGO East (VNG International) Dutch experience with the Water Museum in Arnhem (Water board Rijn en IJssel)

b. Drafting of a communication paragraph

Participants: County Council of Teleorman, APA Arges-Vedea, all municipalities of Teleorman, water boards, the Provinces of Overijssel and Gelderland.

Aims: Clarity about internal and external communication; phasing of communication moments; involvement of partners in communication

When: Beginning of 2006

Available: large experience with communication with Dutch partners

c. Helpdesk water management

Participants: Erik van Dijk (Province of Overijssel), Apele Romane, directorate Arges Vedea Working group water management of the Teleorman County

Aims: First step of establishing a helpdesk at the Teleorman County, Apele Romane and the Romanian ministries to support the local and regional authorities with the implementation of EU Directives and Regulations; listing of the wishes of local authorities and of possibilities in the Romanian situation

When: 2007 Available: previously carried out studies in Latvia and Poland in relation with a helpdesk model developed by Stadt Hagen, Germany)

d. Publications

Presumably, two or three publications will appear in the Romanian journal for water management resp. the journal of the Romanian regional authorities, summarizing the results of the project: - Further distribution of a handbook on the general technical aspects of drinking water supply and waste water treatment (Sept. 2005) - EU Legislation and Regulations on the field of water management on a Local and Regional level - Information about the use of drinking water in rural areas in Teleorman and Giurgiu - Information transfer to citizens and members of municipal councils about the effects of the accession to the European Union in the field of water management VI. Training courses on drinking water and waste water management

Long-term aim (2010): good knowledge about EU regulations and standards on drinking water and waste water Short-term aim (2006): training courses for water managers and politicians on a municipal and county level (Teleorman and Giurgiu).

Period: 4-day course(s) in June (and possibly in September)

Budget: Euro 15,000 (Budget 2006)

Aims: - improvement of technical and management knowledge in technical managers and operators concerning drinking water supply and waste water treatment; improvement of the working of existing plants (short term); development of new views on future developments in order to develop new plants and networks (long term); achieving a better understanding of the opportunities of inter- municipal co-operation in water management (joint applications for contributions from EU and Dutch funds, optimizing management, joint laboratory facilities, exchange of knowledge and experience).

This subproject is a continuation of a project carried out in 2005. In 2005 a technical handbook was prepared in the Romanian language which can be used in 2006 as well. The one or two training courses in 2006 are not only open for technicians and water managers from the Teleorman County, but also for interested people from the Giurgiu County and maybe from other counties (the municipalities of Sibiu, Dej and Commanescu, which are the partner municipalities of Deventer resp. Dalfsen). VII. Institutional analysis of the water management in the Teleorman County

Long term-aim (2010): improving the administrative organisation in Romania with regard to the water management both with a view to high water management (decentralisation) and to water management (centralisation) Short term-aim (2007): through the exchange of field experience with regard to water management (highwater,, drinking water and waste water) between the Eastern Netherlands and Teleorman and a practically-oriented scientific analysis by the Twente University and the Province of Overijssel

This project was initiated within the implementation of the pilot project highwater (subproject III). It is meant to examine the responsibilities and tasks of the authorities and the civilians in three different situations (local storm water, floods from rivers and floods from broken dams). Apart fromt that, the responsibilities and tasks from the authorities and the civilians with regard to water management (drinking water and waste water) will be assessed in the analysis as well. The preferred development course in highwater management will be decentralisation, in water management on the other hand, it will be centralisation. Within this project all the municipalities of Teleorman will be approached via interviews and workshops. There will be in-depth interviews in a number of municipalities still to be selected. Also, the involved ministries in Bukarest will be included in the analysis. It is expected that the results of this research will have a national effect in Romania.

Period: 2006-2007

Execution: primarily by the Twente University (Dr Valentina Dinica), based on the working plan (January 2006); Ms. Bregien Gooselink will be actively involved from the side of the Province of Overijssel. Co-ordination at the Romanian side: SCII (Mihai Putineanu, Onela Oana) resp. Apele Romane (lulian Stanciu)

Available from Dutch side: Province of Overijssel 2006: Euro 10,000 (Budget 2006); 75 working hours Province of Overijssel 2007: Euro 10,000 (Budget 2007); 75 working hours Highwater fund Teleorman 2006: Euro 10,000 (Budget 2006) Highwater fund Teleorman 2007: Euro 10,000 (Budget 2007) Five water boards 2006/2007: ? working hours (amount to be determined at the beginning of 2006) External organistions: application to Partners for Water or others

Available from Romanian side : Active support from the County Council of Teleorman, NGO EuroTeleorman and Apele Romane (Teleorman / Arges Vedea); possible partnership with a Romanian university; preparation of co-ordinating water operator in Teleorman. VIII. Working visits of politicians

Long-term aim (2010): an effective network for the co-operation between Eastern Netherlands - Teleorman - Giurgiu for many themes (not just water management). Short-term aim (2006): exchange of experience concerning water management between politicians from Eastern Netherlands - Teleorman - Giurgiu.

A visit from members from the provincial councils of Overijssel and Gelderland is being prepared for the International Danube Day on June 29, 2006. This visit will be efficiently combined with visits of a working group of four young people from Overijssel and of technicians and water operators involved in technical tranings (subproject VI of this working plan).

The visit will be carefully prepared by the Provinces of Overijssel (mrs Bregien Goosselink) in close co-operation with County Council of Teleorman in January and February 2006.


Listing of possibilities for international loans to subsidize the water projects

Participants: at least the five largest municipalities of Teleorman, the County Council of Teleorman, the Provinces of Gelderland (main actor) and Overijssel.

Aim: knowledge about possibilities and bottle-necks for obtaining loans

When: medio 2006

Available: existing contacts of Province of Gelderland with the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Regional Development; experience of the County Council and municipalities of Teleorman ANNEX 1



Preparation activities January - June 2005. Systematic analyses of sources of crude drinking water in the Teleorman region Visit of an administration delegation from the Provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel and of water boards to Teleorman within the framework of the International Danube Conference Training/workshops Technical training on drinking water supply, waste water treatment, sewerage systems in relation to future inter-municipal co-operation Visit of a Romanian delegation to the Eastern Netherlands Excursion to Cluj and Salaj and surrounding municipalities (October 2005) Practical support in the purchase of a ferry for Turnu Magurele (Romania - )


Preparations January - June 2005

January: - Formal signing of the Cooperation Agreement - Orientating workshop with municipalities / towns and Apele Romane Dept. Arges- Vedea in Turnu Magurele - Technical and financial listing of possible measures in the water field (drinking water and waste water) in four municipalities

February: - Formal decision by Provincial Council of Overijssel - First (informal) working appointments with the five water-boards, the Union of water boards and the Water Company Vitens NV - Establishment of a working group of water boards and Water company Vitens NV - Listing of feasibility studies of water management

March: - Joint meeting of the Provincial Councils of Gelderland and Overijssel on March 1 - March 15: formal invitations to the water boards and Water company Vitens NV to join the project - Advice from the Overijssel Committee on Economics and Administrative Affairs (March 16) - March 30: Presentation of final report by the project team of the Open University (Opportunities and bottle-necks for co-operation Overijssel - Teleorman) - Preparation of the GST-application

April - Drafting of a joint working programme (1st draft) - Joint meeting of the provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel / Union of water boards / Water company Vitens NV with Partners for Water (ministries) and SENTER (theme: external financing of a Romanian - Dutch co-operation project) - Listing of the final decisions about the co-operation with the water boards and Water company Vitens NV - April 28: meeting with 30 Teleorman mayors in Brussels.

May - Technical working visit of Dutch experts to Teleorman (postponed to June-July) - Choosing Dutch and Romanian consultants to carry out the technical co-ordination of the project (preparation of the application for EU funds) (postponed to July- August) - Drafting of a masterplan water management

June Final and positive decision of the Provincial Council of Overijssel on the Budget for the co-operation project for the years 2005 - 2006 - 2007

Systematic analyses of sources of crude drinking water in the Teleorman region

Period: 5-9 September; reporting November 2005

Survey of drinking water wells of the five largest municipalities and two rural (pilot project) areas; quality and safety compared to present and future polluting. Information: existing data, samples which had to be analyzed in the Netherlands (Vitens laboratory); the results will be used as materials for the master plans water management.

This project was carried out by Water company Vitens NV and ARA (Romanian society of water managers with large experience with water management)

Visit of an administration delegation from the Provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel and of water boards to Teleorman within the framework of the International Danube Conference

Period: June 28 - July 1

Combined with training courses by Dutch experts (master classes) and workshops of youths

Aim: contacts between politicians to start the activities of the project


Period: June 28 - July 3

Exchange of information in the following fields a) EU Legislation and Regulations, particularly for local and regional authorities focussed on the tasks of these governments b) legislation and limiting conditions on public procurement The workshops were organized in close co-operation with the County Council of Teleorman and could also be attended by other representatives of municipalities from the Giurgiu County. This project has been carried out by the Province of Overijssel, Water company Vitens NV and two of the co-operating water boards in close cooperation with County Council of Teleorman.

Technical training on drinking water supply, waste water treatment, sewerage systems in relation to future inter-municipal co-operation

Period: September 23 - 29. This project was carried out by the Province of Overijssel, Water company Vitens NV and two of the co-operating water boards.

Visit of a Romanian delegation to the Eastern Netherlands

Period: December 4 - 10 Description: A one-week visit of 25 representatives of the County Council of Teleorman, five municipalities in Teleorman, Apele Romane district Arges-Vedea, Environmental Ministry regional departments of Teleorman, in order to learn how EU policies and regulations are incorporated in the Netherlands and how intercommunal co-operation is realised and is functioning.

Excursion to Cluj and Salaj and surrounding municipalities (October 2005)

Participants: the five largest municipalities of Teleorman, and some smaller rural municipalities: mayors, technical managers, members of municipal councils Aim: learning from successes and bottle-necks of established inter- municipal co- operation in Northern Romania (two counties including Cluj and Salaj) Organisation: ARA + Teleorman County + Water company Vitens NV When: October 2005 Available: good network between Water company Vitens NV, ARA and the Cluj region

Practical support in the purchase of a ferry for Turnu Magurele (Romania - Bulgaria)

Participants: the province of Gelderland, the County Council of Teleorman, Turnu Magurele municipality Aim: purchase of a high quality ferry for relatively low costs When: March - July 2005; in 2006 the ferry schedule will be operational. Available: knowledge in the Netherlands and Germany in order to enable a good purchase; knowledge about ferry maintenance and ferry management ANNEX 2



The Dutch central working group consists of the following people:

Keimpe Sinnema Water board Groot-Salland Erik Kuindersma Water board Rivierenland Jan Vriend Water board Reest en Wieden Coert Petri Water board Rijn en IJssel Marcel Ellenbroek / Jan Uunk Water board Regge en Dinkel Hielke Wolters / Jacques van Paassen Water company Vitens NV Harrie Uneken BIAU Consultancy / drinking water expert Frans Verhoef Province of Gelderland Simone v.d. Kamp Province of Overijssel, dept. BA Bregien Goosselink Province of Overijssel, dept. WB Erik van Dijk Province of Overijssel, dept. WB (co- ordinator) Sonja Timmer Union of Water boards (member pro forma)

There are five different working and co-ordinating groups at the Romanian side:

Group 1: Drinking water/waste water in the urban area: a). County Council of Teleorman 1. Mugur Bataus 2. Gabriel Neatu b). Service for Internal and external co-operation 1. Mihai Slavescu 2. Onela Oana c) Water companies: 1. Apa - Canal, Alexandria - Mircea Dumitrescu 2. Urbis, Rosiori de Vede - loana Burcescu, Manole Spiridon? 3. Publiserv, Videle - Hie Stoica 4. AquaTur, Turnu Magurele - Petre Pitis 5. Urbana, Zimnicea - Dumitru Cocea d) Apele Romane 1. Ion Barbu 2. lulian Stanciu e) Asociatia Romana a Apei 1. Victoria Goldberg f) City Hall: 1. Cristian Anghelovici - Rosiorii de Vede 2. Speranta Mantescu - Videle

Group 2: Drinking water/waste water in the rural area: a) Euro - Teleorman: 1. Onela Oana b) County Council Teleorman: 1. Mugur Bataus 2. Gabriel Neatu c) Public Health Department 1. Luminita Dumitrascu d) Water companies: 1. Apa - Canal, Alexandria - Mircea Dumitrescu 2. Urbis, Rosiori de Vede - loana Burcescu 3. Publiserv, Videle - Hie Stoica 4. AquaTur, Turnu Magurele - Petre Pitis 5. Urbana, Zimnicea - Dumitru Cocea e) Apele Romane 1. Ion Barbu 2. lulian Stanciu

Group 3: Flood risks: a) County Council of Teleorman 1. Mugur Bataus 2. Gabriel Neatu b) SCII 1. Mihai Slavescu 2. Onela Oana c) Apele Romane 1. Ion Barbu 2. lulian Stanciu d) Directoratul Arges - Vedea 1. Mircea Vasilescu

Group 4: Young people a) Euroteleorman: 1. Onela Oana 2. Andreea Postelnicu

Group 5: Institutional analysis: a) SCII: 1. Mihai Putineanu 2. Onela Oana b) Apele Romane 1. lulian Stanciu

Project la: urban areas masterplan

(1) Eastern Netherlands Waste water: Marc Ilsink Waterboard Groot-Salland Berry Van Waes Waterboard Rivierenland Geert Jan Dewit Waterboard Reest en Wieden Coert Petri Waterboard Rijn en IJssel Drinking water: Jacques v.Paassen Vitens Drinking water Company Jan-Bart Hartman Vitens Drinking water Company Co-ordination: Erik van Dijk Province of Overijssel (2) Teleorman County County Council of Teleorman: Mugur Bataus Gabriel Neatu Service for Internal and external Mihai Slavescu Co-operation: Onela Oana Water companies : Apa - Canal, Alexandria Mircea Dumitrescu Urbis, Rosiori de Vede loana Burcescu, Manole Spiridon Publiserv, Videle Hie Stoica AquaTur, Turnu Magurele Petre Pitis Urbana, Zimnicea Dumitru Cocea Apele Romane : Ion Barbu lulian Stanciu Asociatia Romana a Apei: Victoria Goldberg City Hall: Cristian Anghelovici (Rosiorii de Vede) Speranta Mantescu (Videle) ARA (Romanian Water Association): Victoria Goldberg

Project Ib: urban areas small investment measures

This activity will be carried out by Water company Vitens NV (main actor), the Province of Overijssel and the co-operating water boards: Water company Vitens NV: Hielke Wolters (co-ordinator subproject) Water company Vitens NV: Dik Brummel Water company Vitens NV: Jacques van Paassen Water board Groot-Salland: Marc Ilsink Water board Reest en Wieden: Jan Vriend Water board Rivierenland: Berry van Waes Water board Rijn en IJssel: Coert Petri BIAU Consultancy: Harry Uneken Province of Overijssel: Erik van Dijk, general co-ordination Teleorman County: Aida Catana / Mihai Slavescu, co- ordination ARA (Romanian water association with much experience with water management) Romanian working group with representatives from the five largest Teleorman municipalities, the Apele Romane Teleorman and the Teleorman County.

Project 2: rural areas

The activities mentioned above will be carried out by following co-operating organisations: (l)The Netherlands Province of Overijssel Erik van Dijk (co-ordinator) Water board Groot-Salland: Marc Ilsink Water board Reest en Wieden: Jan Vriend Water board Rivierenland: Berry van Waes Water board Rijn en IJssel: Coert Petri Water board Regge en Dinkel Gerrit Welmer Technical University of Hamburg tefan Degener WECF Margriet Samwel BIAU Consultancy Harrie Uneken Stichting Drinkwater Roemenie

(2) Teleorman County Euro - Teleorman: Onela Oana County Council of Teleorman Mugur Bataus Gabriel Neatu Public Health Department Luminita Dumitrascu Water companies: Apa - Canal, Alexandria Mircea Dumitrescu Urbis, Rosiori de Vede - loana Burcescu Publiserv, Videle - Hie Stoica AquaTur, Turnu Magurele - Petre Pitis Urbana, Zimnicea - Dumitru Cocea Apele Romane Ion Barbu lulian Stanciu

Project 3: flood protection project

Organisation structure 2006-2007 after approval of project proposal by Partners of Water (medio July 2006)

Steering group • Ministry of the Environment and Water Management of Romania • Jan ter Burg, Province of Overijssel • Keimpe Sinnema, Water board Groot-Salland • Mihai Slavescu / Aida Catana, County Council of Teleorman • County Council of Giurgiu • Mircea Vasilescu, Apele Romane directorate Arges-Vedea

Advisory group: • Mircea Vasilescu, Apele Romane, directorate Arges-Vedea • Ion Barbu, Apele Romane, SGA Teleorman • Mihai Slavescu, County Council of Teleorman • County Council of Giurgiu • lona Onela, Association EuroTeleorman • Keimpe Sinnema, Water board Groot Salland • Jacques Esenkbrink, Water board Reest en Wieden « Jan Brinkman, Water board Regge en Dinkel • Gerard van Hiele, Water board Rivierenland • Valentina Dinica, Twente University • Consultant (Romanian and Dutch representative) • Frans Verhoef, Province of Gelderland • Bregien Goosselink, Province of Overijssel • Dianne Hoogendoorn, Province of Overijssel • Erik van Dijk, Province of Overijssel

Project team • Mircea Vasilescu, Apele Romane, directorate Arges-Vedea • Ion Barbu, Apele Romane, SGA Teleorman • Mihai Slavescu, County Council of Teleorman • lona Onela, Association EuroTeleorman • Valentina Dinica, Twente University • Consultant (Romanian and Dutch representative) • Bregien Goosselink, Province of Overijssel

Present Romanian working group Flood risks (co-ordination of preparation): County Council of Teleorman Mugur Bataus Gabriel Neatu SCII Mihai Slavescu Onela Oana Apele Romane Ion Barbu lulian Stanciu Directoratul Arges - Vedea Mircea Vasilescu

Project 4: educational handbook water management by young people

The working group consists of the following people: EuroTeleorman: Andreea Raluca Florea lonut Bogdan Savin Anca Gabriela Pisica Alexandru Cezar Sardan Andreea Camelia Postelnicu (Romanian co-ordinator) Youth Council Overijssel: Louis van Roessel Anne-Jasmijn ter Horst Nikkie Claasen Evelien de Olde (Dutch co-ordinator)

General co-ordination: Euro Teleorman: Onela Oana Province of Overijssel: Agnus van Loenen Province of Overijssel; Erik van Dijk

Project 4: water centre Turnu Maqurele (LOGO East project)

The working group consists of the following participants: Municipality of Turnu Magurele Rodica Roventa, Simeon Dumitru Association EuroTeleorman Cazacu Constantin, Onela Oana (Romanian co- ordinator) Apele Romane SGA Teleorman Leonard Zaharia

Further co-ordination: County Council Teleorman Mihai Slavescu Province of Overijssel Erik van Dijk (Dutch co-ordinator), Simone v.d. Kamp, Wim Bovendeert Water-board Rivierenland Eric Kuindersma Water-board Groot Salland Keimpe Sinnema External advisor Ruud Grootenboer

Project 6: technical training courses drinking water supply and waste water treatment Participating: Water company Vitens NV: Freek van Schaik BIAU Consultancy: Harrie Uneken (project leader) Water board Reest en Wieden: Wouter Boerema Water board Reest en Wieden: Inge van der Velde ARA Catalin Florea Province of Overijssel: Erik van Dijk (co-ordination) Teleorman County: Mihai Slavescu (co-ordination)

Project 7: institutional analysis of the water management in the Teleorman Countv

Participating: Mw. V. Dinica: Universiteit Twente Mw. B. Goosselink Provincie Overijssel

Advisory board: To be established July 2006.

Project 8: political visits / Danube Day 2006

Dutch delegation: Hr. J. Slagman: Statencommissie Verkeer, Milieu en Water Hr. G. van Dijk: Statencommissie Verkeer, Milieu en Water Hr. H. Haan: Statencommissie Verkeer, Milieu en Water Mw. E. Pot: Statencommissie Verkeer, Milieu en Water Hr. G. Relker: Statencommissie Verkeer, Milieu en Water Mw. L. Antuma-Duisterwinkel: Statencommissie Verkeer, Milieu en Water Hr. T. Oostra: Statencommissie Verkeer, Milieu en Water Hr. H. Ekkel: Statencommissie Verkeer, Milieu en Water Hr. H. Schulten: Statencommissie Verkeer, Milieu en Water Hr. A. Boukes: Secretaris Statencommissie Verkeer, Milieu en Water Hr. P. Jansen: Gedeputeerde landelijk gebied en water Hr. J. ter Burg: Hoofd eenheid Water en Bodem Hr. E. van Dijk: Coordinator Roemenie-projecten Mw. V. Dinica: Universiteit Twente Evelien de Olde Jongerenraad Overijssel Anne Jasmijn ter Horst Jongerenraad Overijssel Nikkie Claasen Jongerenraad Overijssel Louis van Roessel Jongerenraad Overijssel

Advisors: Hr. H. Uneken BIAU Hr. J. Vriend Waterschap Reest en Wieden Hr. Stefan Deegener Hamburg Technical University Mw. Claudia Tulei WECF dept. Garla Mare Hr. Catalin Florea ARA annex no. 5

Speech by mr Grieko van Dijk, chairman of the commission Traffic, Environment and Water management of the provincial council of Overijssel, on the occasion of Danube Day June 29 in Turnu Magurele, County Teleorman, Romania

Dear madams, dear sirs,

I can not tell to you that I am glad to see Teleorman back after one year such as mister Piet Jansen told to you. For me and the other members of the Overijssel provincial council it is the first time that we visit your county and we are really very curious about the things which we will see in practice during coming days. But already at his moment we have a strong feeling about joint aims and joint threats. In the Netherlands all members of the commission Traffic, Environment and Water management of the provincial council of which I am the chairman, are very occupied with water affairs already during several years. During these years I noticed that the Netherlands as a very downstream country of River Rhine are very dependent on what happens in the upstream countries. This applies for the quantity aspects such as changes of river morphology and hydrological changes of agricultural, urban and nature areas which may increase the risks for floods in our country as well as for water quality aspects and ecology. The Netherlands are the delta-area of river Rhine. Romania consists the delta of the other large river in Europe, river Danube. This similarity may be the reason that there are so many connections in water management between Romania and the Netherlands.

Mister Piet Jansen told you about his experiences especially in the fields of drinking water and waste water management during 2006 and he give me the opportunity to tell about our project on reducing flood risks in Teleorman county. I1 is good if I tell you the reason of this. Since we have a dualism system in Dutch policy on all levels there is a clearer difference between the executive board and the council or parliament of provinces and municipalities. Mister Jansen is member of the provincial executive board and in Romanian terms he is a regional minister who carries out programs and measures. The programs of our ministers are limited within the framework of annual budgets which are fixed by the provincial council in the years advanced. Only in very special circumstances ministers can deviate from the annual budget after permission of the provincial council. I can tell you that the terrible flood disaster in Teleorman on July 4 last year was such disaster which caused a special change of our provincial budget. When mister Jansen was informed about the terrible effects of an extreme rainfall locally amounting to 300 mm within 24 hours - 35 villages drowned, two deadly victims, thousands of houses damaged or completely destroyed, more than hundred bridges and tens of dams broken down and much more - mister Jansen was very impressed by the situation and calling your president mister Dragnea every day to hear about the actual situation. It was very clear to mister Jansen that the water project should be enlarged with an extra component, a project to develop a better protection of Teleorman people at a structural level. I say structural because our province is hardly occupied to deliver emergency help to foreign countries which is a special task for NGO's like Red Cross and for United Nations. For this special program against flood risks there was no money in the regular budget so that mr Piet Jansen needed special permission from all political parties in the provincial council. Already one day after the large floods which hit your county, he called personally all chairmen of the party delegations in our council to tell about the terrible situation and to ask us for extra financial support. All provincial political parties could be easily convinced of the serious situation in your county so that we immediately gave our -firstly informal- permission for an extra budget of Euro 100,000. After that Mr Jansen could convince his colleague in the province of Gelderland to contribute a same amount to the Fund Teleorman Floods. At the same time Mr Jan ter Burg could convince our five water boards and Vitens company to contribute extra support for the water project, in money and working hours of employees. Finally we got a Fund Teleorman Floods amounting to Euro 280,000 in money and an agreement on many extra working hours of Dutch water experts. In September 2006 a mission of five Dutch experts visited ten of the drowned villages and drafted together with Apele Romane, EuroTeleorman and County Teleorman a first working plan. In this working plan a good mixture of hard technical water management and more soft institutional strengthening of all organizations involved has been proposed for one to three pilot areas. Apele Romane and the county proposed three subriverbasins of which one should become the real pilot area. The Dutch consultant Royal Haskoning organized an extra working visit for our water-board experts in November 2006 to come to a final choice for a pilot area. On basis of a serious criteria analysis the choice was for the Calnistea subriverbasin in the eastern part of Teleorman where the communes Botoroa, Mosteni and Draganesti-Vlasca are situated. On Saturday morning the Dutch delegation will visit this area before traveling to the airport. Following products are foreseen in the flood project between now and October 2007: 1. a Flood management Action Plan 2. Guidelines for Flood Management Works 3. Design and Implementation Priority Works 4. Guidelines for Flood Proofing and other "soft" Measures 5. Institutional Strengthening I expect that all results will be presented during a nation-wide symposium in November 2007 where our Flemish friends who are carrying out a similar flood protection project in Cainelui-subriverbasin in the north of Teleorman, will also present their own project results. There is no time here to tell more about the working-plan. About subproject 5 (instutional strengthening) Mrs Valentina Dinica will tell more during this morning. About subproject 3 (priority works in the field) it is important to mention that this includes innovative works in the field. Our Romanian counterparts and our water-boards convinced us that works in the field are almost necessary for a good demonstration project in the field of flood protection. Alas the available money in the flood fund appeared not to be sufficient.for these extra works. For that reason we applied for an external subsidy amounting to Euro 600,000 from the so-called Partners for Water, a cooperation of six Dutch ministries. In the case we get this external funds three private companies (Royal Haskoning, Ten Gate textile factory and a company specialized in aerial photos) will be actively involved in the project. Alas we have to wait until July 17 before we hear the formal decision on our application so that we can start only at the end of July. I really hope we can give you a positive message in July so that we can start our joint flood protection project in July. I wish you and ourselves good luck to come to a good project with results which are useful for Teleorman and other Romanian counties which suffered from the flood disasters last year and this year. annex no. 6

Speech by Andreea Postelnicu. Danube Days, 29th of June

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to start by saying that I am very honored to speak to you in the context of this Conference. My name is Andreea Postelnicu and I am here as a representative of the Euro-Teleorman Association youth structure and also as a member of the working group for the project called "Education for the Danube".

"Education for the Danube" is a project that has as final output the elaboration of a handbook on water management issues related to the Danube River, made by students for students. This handbook can already be found in a final form, both in English and Romanian language, but you will have enough time to hear about the handbook in itself this afternoon.

Now I would like to tell you about an essential component of this project..the people who have worked on it. There are two youth structures that have invested time, passion and heart in this idea and those are: The Euro-Teleorman Association youth structure and the Youth Council of the Province of Overijssel.

I will focus my speech on the Romanian structure because you will hear more on the Dutch structure from my colleague Evelien who will also deliver a speech.

Firstly, I would like you to meet my colleagues, the members of the EuroTeleorman Association youth structure:

Andreea Florea, Ana Jianu, Anca Pisica Anca Marcu, Teodora Pitis, lonut Savin, Alexandru Sardan, Dan Roventa and Paul Lica, who unfortunately is not present today.

This youth structure is a component of Euro-Teleorman Association, which is an NGO that gathers all the local councils from Teleorman County. Since the Association is doing its best to solve some of the problems of the Teleorman municipalities, when the youth targeted problems arose, the members have decided that it's best if there is a youngsters' structure there to help.

Therefore, as a result to a series of interviews and tests, the members of the Association have elected 10 students from all over the county to be members of this structure and represent the best interests of their mates.

The mission of the youth structure is to stimulate the active participation of youngsters in issues that concern their community and the main aims refer to developing and coordinating activities that will help to improve the young people situation in our county, developing partnerships with regional, national and international organizations in order to elaborate youth targeted projects, promoting the exchange of ideas, experience and best practices, as well as equality in rights and opportunities for the young people from Teleorman County, be they from the urban or rural areas.

One of our projects is "Education for the Danube", and it is developed in the framework of Teleorman Water Project, together with our Dutch partners.

You might ask why a Romanian-Dutch partnership for issues regarding the Danube. Well, that's because the Dutch have a large experience in water management issues, because there is a long-lasting good cooperation between the Provinces of Overijssel and Gelderland and Teleorman County, because The Netherlands is part of the Danube River Basin.

Consequently, together with our Dutch colleagues, we have elaborated a handbook that comprises water management concepts, human related aspects, historical, geographical and biological data in relation with the Danube River, and also a comparison chapter about water management on the IJssel river that flows through the Province of Overijssel.

We think that such a handbook is necessary, because most of the problems of the Danube River are triggered by the low grade of awareness of people on the importance of water, in general, and this river in particular. Youngsters have always been the segment of population most receptive to changes and new ideas and that's why we think that learning in school about how easily the balance of nature can be shifted, is the best way to change closed minds, bad behaviors and unhealthy ideas on a long term.

This brings me to the main point of my speech. It is important for us all to be aware of the fact that the hardest part of this project wasn't the elaboration of the actual handbook, but the entire process of implementing the handbook in schools from the Danube river-side countries. This is a process that will imply time, human resources, and of course financial resources.

That is why we ask of you, to continue to stand by us also during this part of our project and help us give a point to all our hard work done until now. We need your support, your experience in raising funds, talking to the right people and developing strategies.

We need to get this handbook in schools so that youngsters from the Danube River area can have access to all this information.

I will end by whishing you a good stay in Romania and have a good conference!

Thank you for your attention. annex no.7

Speech by Evelien de Olde. Danube Days, 29th of June.

Buna Diemienjatsa Worbesk Romuneste poetsien pentroe atsjasta voj vorbi enkleze.

Good morning,

Ladies and gentlemen,

I feel privileged to stand here as an 19 years old student in front of this honoured audience. My name is Evelien de Olde and I'm a member of the youth council of the province of Overijssel. I would like to tell you something about the youth council of the province of Overiissel, about the start of our cooperation and the working visits.

The youth council gives advise to the provincial executive and organises projects for youngsters in the province. To give an example, we organised a big sport event with as main topic 'fair play' for 400 youngsters in our province, this year we organised a debate with 90 people (youngsters and people from volunteer organisations) to debate together about how to involve youngsters with volunteer work. At the moment we are working on a advise about the coming elections and how to reach and motivate youngsters to vote.

Let's move on to how the project "Education for the Danube' started. Mister Jan ter Burg and mister van Dijk invited two of the members of the youth council to come and talk about Romania and water. They told us about the enthusiastic youngsters they met during Danube Days 2005 in Romania who would like to cooperate with us on a handbook on water management. Within the youth council a working group 'Education for the Danube' was formed. It currently consists of Nikkie, Louis, Anne jasmijn and myself. A student journalism also worked on writing the comparative chapter of the handbook Education for the Danube. Together with the 10 Romanian youngsters, which were introduced by my friend and colleague Andreea, we are the working group Education for the Danube, recognisable by these white shirts.

To make the communication and cooperation optimal we had some meetings in the last 6 months.

In December a Romanian delegation visited Romania and I had a meeting with Andreea about the handbook. We made a plan how to start writing the book and finish it before Danube Days 2006. In February, 5 Romanian youngsters visited the Netherlands to think of the content, lay - out and the interactive cd. We also visited the Water Museum in Arnhem and mister Erik van Dijk, mister Jan ter Burg and Piet Jansen joined some of our workshops. In May a second working visit took place, this time in Romania. The goals were to present the concept of the chapter to each other, to decide on some other lay-out and the final details. We had some presentations about education in the Netherlands and Romania, we visited a secondary school, a waste water treatment plant and were participant during Europe Day on the 9th of May. This was an event which took place in Alexandria where high schools could represent an European country within a parade and the school who did that the best won.

This is the third working visit and probably the last, which is very difficult to imagine because of the strong cooperation and communication between Romania and the Netherlands.

I would like to underline that we learned a lot about water management by writing the handbook but we also got the possibility to learn a lot about each others cultures during the working visits which was also very interesting and enriching.

I feel honoured to have the possibility to work on the handbook and to be here. That's why, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to already thank everyone who made this possible. Thank you very much! Moeltsoemien vroemos!

See you during the afternoon when we will present the handbook.