Media Release: 28 July 2017

Is Ravenglass ’s most special village?

Hopes for tourism boost as Cumbrian village now boasts TWO World Heritage Sites

Something special has just happened to the ’s only coastal village… It’s now part of TWO World Heritage sites, and tourism businesses are hoping this unique claim to fame will entice new visitors to explore this hidden gem on ’s west coast.

With both the Hadrian’s Wall and Lake District World Heritage sites, Ravenglass is now officially part of two globally recognised areas of cultural importance and local businesses say the Western Lake District more than deserves this double accolade.

Cumbria Tourism Chairman, Eric Robson, says: “For one county, let alone one village to have two World Heritage Sites is fantastic. I hope the inscription of the Lake District opens more opportunities for people to experience Ravenglass and Cumbria’s west coast.

“The draw of Hadrian’s Wall already attracts thousands of visitors to the north of the county, so this additional boost can only reinforce Cumbria’s strong reputation as a world class visitor destination, and we hope it encourages more people to extend their visits and discover this largely undiscovered gem.”

Ravenglass Railway Museum Project Manager, David Rounce, says

“We’re all very proud of the Ravenglass area and its many attractions and are delighted that we’ve been recognised in this unique way. Tourism forms a vital part of the local economy and we’re confident that being part of two world heritage sites will bring new and returning visitors to the area and provide a welcome boost to local businesses”.

The village was previously best known as the home of the award-winning Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway, which winds through seven miles of spectacular scenery to the foot of England’s highest mountains. Other key attractions include the newly opened Ravenglass Railway Museum, the majestic Castle with its amazing Hawk & Owl Centre and breathtaking views of the Lake District mountains and Dunes Nature Reserve, which is home to various rare and endangered species of plants and animals including a thriving colony of natterjack toads..

But the history of Ravenglass actually spans back to the 2nd Century Romans. Evidence of this is Ravenglass Roman Bath House. Established AD130, its remains are among the tallest Roman structures surviving - the walls stand almost four metres high. It is thought the fort guarded the harbour, and there is evidence that soldiers stationed here served in Hadrian's fleet. So it’s the perfect way to start exploring the Frontiers of the

For more information about visiting Ravenglass and Cumbria’s west coast, or to book your stay visit


Notes to Editors:

Please contact Catherine Taylor on [email protected] / 01539 825019 for:

 Further information  Press trip opportunities  Feature enquiries  Hi-res images

The Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The cultural significance of Hadrian’s Wall was recognised in 1987 by UNESCO, and in 2005 became part of a much larger, much more ambitious, ‘transnational’ World Heritage Site as the German were added, followed by the Antonine Wall in 2008, to create the Frontiers of the Roman Empire (FRE).

The English Lake District: The Lake District’s bid for World Heritage status was put together by the 25 partners that make up the Lake District National Park Partnership. Inscription is in the ‘Cultural Landscape’ category and was granted by UNESCO on Sunday 9th July 2017 in Krakow, Poland.