492 bus time schedule & line map

492 - Birkenhead View In Website Mode

The 492 bus line Birkenhead - Birkenhead has one route. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Birkenhead: 7:12 AM - 9:10 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 492 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 492 bus arriving.

Direction: Birkenhead 492 bus Time Schedule 55 stops Birkenhead Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:27 AM - 5:10 PM

Monday 7:12 AM - 9:10 PM Grange Road, Birkenhead Oliver Lane, Birkenhead Tuesday 7:12 AM - 9:10 PM

Birkenhead Bus Station, Birkenhead Wednesday 7:12 AM - 9:10 PM 2a Princes Pavement, Birkenhead Thursday 7:12 AM - 9:10 PM Catherine Street, Birkenhead Friday 7:12 AM - 9:10 PM

Cook Street, Birkenhead Saturday 8:55 AM - 9:10 PM Clayton Place, Birkenhead

Oak Bank, Birkenhead Cartmel Close, Birkenhead 492 bus Info Road, Oxton Direction: Birkenhead Princess Terrace, Birkenhead Stops: 55 Trip Duration: 53 min Lynn Bank, Oxton Line Summary: Grange Road, Birkenhead, Lynnbank, Birkenhead Birkenhead Bus Station, Birkenhead, Catherine Street, Birkenhead, Cook Street, Birkenhead, Oak Columbia Road, Oxton Bank, Birkenhead, Woodchurch Road, Oxton, Lynn Bank, Oxton, Columbia Road, Oxton, Arnside Road, Arnside Road, Oxton Oxton, Beresford Road, Oxton, Kingsmead Road, Oxton, Shrewsbury Close, Oxton, Tollemache Road, Beresford Road, Oxton Claughton, Upton Road, Claughton, Bidston Avenue, Shrewsbury Road, Birkenhead Birkenhead Park, Plumer Drive, Birkenhead, Dundonald Street, Birkenhead, Arkle Road, Kingsmead Road, Oxton Birkenhead, Challis Street, Bidston, Hoblyn Road, Bidston, Hurrell Road, Bidston, Bidston Village Road, Shrewsbury Close, Oxton Bidston, Eleanor Road, Bidston, Fender Way, Beechwood, St Oswalds Avenue, Beechwood, Tollemache Road, Claughton Bidston Green Drive, Beechwood, Beechwood Drive, Beechwood, Fifth Avenue, Beechwood, Third Avenue, Upton Road, Claughton Beechwood, Second Avenue, Beechwood, First Avenue, Beechwood, Upton Station, , Beryl 1 Upton Road, Birkenhead Road, Noctorum, St Peters Way, Noctorum, Ormond Bidston Avenue, Birkenhead Park Way, Noctorum, Westcott Way, Noctorum, Moorelds Avenue, Noctorum, Hogarth Drive, Noctorum, 406 Park Road North, Birkenhead Hargrave Avenue, Oxton, Flatt Lane, Oxton, Bidston Plumer Drive, Birkenhead Road, Oxton, Village Road, Oxton, Hillside View, 145 Laird Street, Birkenhead Oxton, Rose Mount, Oxton, Fairview Road, Arno Hill, Moss Lane, , Gorseeld Road, Arno Hill, Dundonald Street, Birkenhead Heatherdale Close, Arno Hill, South Hill Road, Oxton, 242 Laird Street, Birkenhead Town View, Birkenhead, Grange View, Birkenhead, Barton Street, Birkenhead, Whetstone Lane, Arkle Road, Birkenhead Birkenhead, Clifton Crescent, Birkenhead, Grange 339 Laird Street, Birkenhead Road, Birkenhead

Challis Street, Bidston 61 Road, Birkenhead

Hoblyn Road, Bidston 2 Hoblyn Road, Birkenhead

Hurrell Road, Bidston

Bidston Village Road, Bidston

Eleanor Road, Bidston

Fender Way, Beechwood

St Oswalds Avenue, Beechwood

Bidston Green Drive, Beechwood

Beechwood Drive, Beechwood

Fifth Avenue, Beechwood

Third Avenue, Beechwood College Close,

Second Avenue, Beechwood Bridle Close, England

First Avenue, Beechwood Abbot Close, Birkenhead

Upton Station, Noctorum

Beryl Road, Noctorum 2 Beryl Road, Birkenhead

St Peters Way, Noctorum 13 Neville Close, Birkenhead

Ormond Way, Noctorum 10 Ossett Close, Birkenhead

Westcott Way, Noctorum 169 Noctorum Avenue, Birkenhead

Moorelds Avenue, Noctorum 199 Noctorum Avenue, Birkenhead

Hogarth Drive, Noctorum

Hargrave Avenue, Oxton

Flatt Lane, Oxton Bidston Road, Oxton

Village Road, Oxton

Hillside View, Oxton Talbot Road, Birkenhead

Rose Mount, Oxton Ingestre Road, Birkenhead

Fairview Road, Arno Hill

Moss Lane, Prenton

Gorseeld Road, Arno Hill

Heatherdale Close, Arno Hill Woodchurch Road, Birkenhead

South Hill Road, Oxton

Town View, Birkenhead

Grange View, Birkenhead

Barton Street, Birkenhead Clayton Place, Birkenhead

Whetstone Lane, Birkenhead

Clifton Crescent, Birkenhead 13-17 Borough Pavement, Birkenhead

Grange Road, Birkenhead Oliver Lane, Birkenhead 492 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved