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.Vaiv /VilvurtlNoiiiuiitN tliln Weok, NKWIN IS nuiKV, gftKltUiitlUiiUtllitiiliiiiKliiiiiKliUlitStiiiiitiKKtStillilitliKtiliKKKKKiililiiiKlitSKIt Dry Koods-Holinns, Daiioorifc Co. * K Pant Sale-Webb & Wlillinaii, K Qrocorlofl—W, 0. Walter. A daughter of W. B. Teall of Veyay, R £utorod at tho I'ostollico, MnHOn, Dry Goods-Mills Dry Goods Co. is seriously 111. K UH socoud-oliiuii miitlur Insect Powder—\V, M. MCroiison. R Sowing Machines—Smith & Welsh. Ora Crane recieved as a birthday *'The Best Bargains R Publlsliod Every Tluirsdiiy by gift from her parents, a McPliail piano. R ANOTHER JAIL DELIV­ R CAMPBELL & ROSE. Speelal meeting Eastern Star R NEWS IN llKIi:i'. Friday (tomrrow) evening for initia­ ERY PREVENTED. R tion. are Found in the R nf ytir, $1.00; lix moniht.SO ocnti; thrx Wall paper at Kimmel's. R monthi, 35 otnti—in idvinat. R Slierwood Youngs has purchased the R Clins. Merrilt of Eatoii Bapids will ADVERTI8INQ RATES. house and lot at the corner of Ash and R by wool ill Mason this season. TOOLS FOIt AIOINO TIIK Kf!lCAl>]: Best Stores." R OaradvorLlaiDgraloH made kuown aloffloo F streets. AKK i>iscovi:ni':i). R BaatDOHHonrdH SI a, lino per year. Millinery at close out prises at Mrs. So quotes a prominent New York editor. R BuoluoaH locals a veoontu per lino oaohand J. C. Kiininel's. 50,000 roils of wall paper at less than R avery tnaortlon. factory prices at Kimmel's Depart­ R Marrlago,birth,and death notlcod free, A new soda fountain has been ment Store. * And why shouldn't it be SO.' The stores are called best R Obltnary notlooa, resolutions of rospoot pluc- R oarda ofthaulis oto., live oents a lino. ed in Perriu's bakery this week. Inter class field day Friday after­ because they handle the best goods and the best variety of R Anotherjall delivery has undoubted­ R There will be a box social at the M. noon, Juno 1, at the fair grounds. |Ad- ly lieon prevented by tho vigilance of wiiat is new and up-to-date, They akvays pay particular at­ R E, parsonaKo in Aurelius Friday mission ten cents. Sherlfi' Porler. tention to quality, yet must meet competition in the matter of R JJusltioss Cards. evening,.May 25, 1000. R Members of Phil McKernan post and Last Salurday evening Ihe sherlfi price. R On Friday afternoon tlie ladies of W, R C, will meet ol the hall Sunday, learned that M. H. KrIII of Lansing Now, as to this particular store, some people tiiink our R ATT«ltKKTN. the Presbyteran cliurch will meet May 27, at iJ:30 a. m. wiiojhad been serving a 10 days' sen­ R tence for drunkenness, hud purchased prices must be higher on account of the difference in quality, R LAWTON T. HEMANS, witii Mrs, D, Palmer to sew. R Don't forgot to bring flowers to the a file at a hardware store in this city but if tliey will think a moment tliey will see that we must R TTORNEY AND COUNSELOIt AT New line dinner ware at Kimmel's.* room In rear of Phil McKeruaa hall and hud also been seen bunging about meet competition, i^or instance, if competitors are selling un­ R A law. Ollloo over First Slate and Sav- May 20. instead of 2S, R IngBbnulc, Wason, Itloh. Rev. W. J. Wilson of this cily filled the jail yard and tulKing to the pris­ known and unreliable brands of White Warp at i8c, we must R oners, R the pulpit at the first M, E. church at Newest i)attern8 out in Ui'acelel,?, sell the old reliable Peerless Warp at the .same price. Same n. TAVr.OR, Attornoy-at-law, at ab- Jackson last Sunday. Friendship hearts, waist lets, buckles On account of this extra precautions R D struct olllcu, Masou, MIohlRan. were taken in locking tlie four prison­ way witii hoolcs and eyes, pins, needles, cottons, prints, etc. R Buy your carpets of Stroud & Mc­ at Kimmel's Department Store, * R E, .SanJorK, Attornoy,.at-Law. Mason, ers in tlielr cells at night, and on Sun- if we did not offer superior goods or lower prices our busi­ R MIoh. Moiioy to loan, Donald. * Our entire lino of millinery must be morning a thorougli search of the bed­ R ness would not sliow sucli a big increase for the month of May R G, There will be an ice cream social at closed out regardless of cost, ding was made, which resulted in the KU'iS 11. MOARTUUR, Altoriioy at over last year. Below we mention some interesting items for R I Law, Mason, Jllcb. C. H. Miller's one week from next MRS, J. C. KiJtJiEL. discovery of the file and also a suw R Friday night, June 1, fur the Poliok Olln Benson and Miss Theresa Foot, uud cuse Knife. Of course great sur­ the corning weeic. R A. BERGMAN, altoruoy-at-law. OlIIco Sunday school. R over Lonjiyoar's dniii store, Jlason. both of Willlamston, were married by prise was |)retended by the prLioners. R Since tho juil has been lined on the R .A. Wo will receive loose hay and pay Justice Squiers ut high noon lust Mon­ .. AVEltY, attorney at law. OdIco op­ day, the 2l8t, floor and sides the proposition of es­ Children's Dresses R posite Hudson House, Ijausing, Mich. the hiijhest market price for same on cape would he a diincult one and' it is R E.' Thursday, May 31. Near stock yards, R Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Henderson en­ sujjposed the plan was to place a table Ready-to-wear are daily becoming more popular. To R Q. A.s.MiTii. o. J. noon. MiciriaAN PKODacE Co. tertained friends at their pleasent and chair on top of the steel cage busy mothers they offer a method of dressing tlieir girls neatly R MITH* HOOD, Attornova and Connsolors. R The Royal Arch degree will be con- liome on Oak steet Monday and Tues­ and gain entrance to the attic by prettily and at a small cost. Th''^''e' materials mostly used are S Kooins 17,18 and II), old I'. 0. ISUIg, Laiisini,', day evening. R feri'ed by Ingham Chapter No, 51, R, a hole througli the ceiling; then Prints, Percales and Ginghams, the patterns being selected R ;pilEn A, ALLEN, atlornoy utlaw,alconn A. M., in this city, Tuesday evening. lo jump from a window or come down R J ty cleric's ollloo. Mason, Mich, Do not forget to go and hear the with care, that they will wasli and hold their color. Tlie R 1 May 29. All companions are cordially young people ut the contest to be giv­ the stairs and go out the front or rear R invited. en in llie Baptist church Monday ev­ doors. prices are 25c to 75c for smal sizes; 50c to $2.00 for the R pirYsierANi>t. ening, May 28. The men now in jail are Frank Curr larger sizes. R Casli paid for butter, eggs at the charged with breaking and entering a R Cold Storage. Cracked eggs.for sale. * R CHAS. G. JENKINS, M. D. Ex-treasurer Myron H,[Daniels has VViliiamston warehouse; Geo. B, Em­ R nOMKOPATII PIIVSICIAN ANuSUItQEON, The corner stone of the new M. E. accepted a position with the condensed erson and John Madison, charged Umbrellas R Special attention given to Eye, Ear, Nose church at Eden will be laid June 1 at milk company at Lansing and will with uttering forged checks; and Frank R and Throat iJlaoasoa; diseases of Women soon move to that city. From one of the best factories in the U. S., a concern R ' and Itootal Diseases, eleven o'clock. Appropriate exercises Smith, tho man charged with stealing R and good speakers. Names announced the wool from R, G, Coy Co. which pays strict attention to details, who use the best rods, R OlTIOK IN NKAil ni.K,, iius. 1 to 5 .t 7 lo I) p.m, The Detroit White Lead Woiks R later. guarantee their Best Liquid Paints to frame, handles, ferrules, caps, etc, and then put on a cover of R GERTRUDE D. CAMPBELL, M. D. be strictly pure. We sell and guaran­ Wool Tliieves Cniiglit. R A fresh car load of Petoskey stone our own selection. R HY.SIOIAN AND .SURGEON. OFli'lCE lime just received at Hartwick & tee them. R, RAYMOND & SON. The parties who stole tlie wool from bl.tck silk twilled Serges, R P over MoOrosson'a dm)? store, Mason. Mickelsou's. * the warehouse ofR. G. Coy and Co., Piiriigoii frame, stool rod, R Ollloo hours 8 a. m. to 0 a, m, 2 to -I and 7 to 8 Quo Vadis is the greatest play—has in this city, last Tuesday night were Black Cotton Sorgo, Paragon R p, m. OoHUiry and town calls promplly at­ more spectacular efiects—a greater Coiijfo, liorn and Dresden R tended, The Mason high school ball team captured iu Lansing last Thursday. went to Eaton Rapids Inst Friday af­ heart interest and is the finest sermon frame, steel rod, 2C-inch 50c hiindles, iiickol plated fer­ R They were trying to sell anotlier load rule, every joint covered,' R ternoon and were most beautifully written in years.—Pbiladelphla Press. R U, PRANK E, THOMAS, PHYSICIAN of wool which is supposed to have Bettor Cotton Serge, Paragon just such an article as you and surgooM, Olllco oyer Webb & Whit trimmed, tlie score being 21 to 11 in Jerry Kent has purchased the inter­ been stolen at Portland. R Dman's clothing store. favor of Eaton Rapids. frame, steel rod, natural Con­ have paid .fia.oo for; our R est of L.B, Freshour in tlie .Maple Constable Rouse ot Mason discovered price $1 .50 R Corn Planter's and Potato Planters. stieet pieat niarketof Freshour & Son. that a man and two boys, answering go handle, 2C-incli 75c R w, w. noor, M. D., The firm name is now Freshour & the description of tiie suspects, had Finest Colored Silks with nice R RAYMOND'S HAKDWAKE, border on steel rod. Paragon R HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE Kent, disposed of a quantity of wool to B. F. A regular dollar Serge on best R hoursfromono to two, and fromalxto Mrs. D. Erwln was taken to Maple frame, every joint covered, R ijvoP n P.M. Eurl at Grand Ledge. Tills was sold Rapids last Sunday to receive treat­ Geo, Benson was hilariously drunk about 7:30 Wednesday morning, which frame, steel rod, assorted elegant new Princess han­ R last Saturday evening. Monday dles, silk tassel, etc., in two R ments with JDr, Rlias of that place. would just about lix the time occupied handles, special at B9c R O. H. FREELAND. M. D. Miss Marion Ferguson accompaned morning Justice Squiers gave him in driving from Mason to Grand Ledge. grades; one at $s.ooand the R PHY.SrCIAN AND .SURGEON, Hours 8 to and is caring for JVIrs. Erwiu. 3)5,00 or ten days. His funds were otiierat .' $3.50 R 9 K. m., 1 to ii, and 7 to 8 p. m. short. The gang consists of a father and two R sous, and the liorse, wagon and outfit R H. W. Lawrence takes the place of R FARMERS' MUTUAL C. E. Eaton in the firm of Eaton & E. H. Williams, Aaron Bennett, M. used ill their operations is also in the White Goods. J. Bemont and L. Smith each sold a hands of the officers. • R IRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF ING- Archer for the balance of the season. We are now showing a very strong line of fine White R F ham county. Safost, cheapest,best. For They will receive wool at the Baton good roadster to Frank Davenport last Tlie oldest man said his name is R laformatlon write toj. H.Sharor.secretary, wool house on Saturday of each week, week. The horses were delivered at Frank Smiili, and the boys give thelr's Goods in grades up to $1.25 per yard, suitable for graduating R Mason. FrankSeoly, President.Mason, Op­ Grass Lake last Monday. us James and Henry Sallow, aged 17 R posite court houso, Williams'block, 2d lloor. If you're looking for a new bat for dresses, etc., at prices vvhicli, by comparison, you will find R The Supreme court and 15 respectively. Tlie di/terence R yourself or daughteis now is the time in the name is accounted for by the very low. R C. L. CASTERLiN, has decided the Kentucky governor­ R as we must close out our entire line. claim that the older man is the boys' R OAN, COLLECTION,INSURANCE AND MRS. J. C. KiMMEL. * ship in favor ofGov. Beckham, dis- We have just received a choice line of materials for yokes, missii'" the writ of error from the stepfather. Smitli would not "own R L Real Estate Broltors, Olllco In tho now up" when taken into custody, but the R tjawrenoe block. Mason, Mich. The L, 0. T. M. will serve a bloomer Kentnci.y court of appeals. in both silk and cotton goods, which we will be pleased to R tea iu their hall Saturday evening, oldest boy weakened and confessed to show you. 91 May 26. Menu, cold meats, potatoes, In the Sutton trial the People have thejob in this city. Hesaidhe didn't R IlunI CNlnto Ullluo. know where his mother was, and that R I have opened a real estate ollloo over the beans, brown and white bread, egg sal­ closed their case and the defense have R Mason Furniture Go's store. Am prepared to ad, pickles, cottage cheese, cuke uud opened, with Col. Sutton on the stand. they hud been traveling about the R take charge of all roal estate for sain or rent, coflee. The case will probably occupy the time country ever since it had become warm R • JOUN DDNSBAOK of the court for two weeks longer. enough. His father, he stated, would R A. H. Sleater of Charlotte died of leave them at some river or lake, R Martin K. Crill of Lansing lias been R Bright's disease at his home in that where they would fish, while he olmes, [^ancer & R R. GEO. 0. MOODY, VETERINARY city last Sunday. Mr. and IMrs. D.P. arrested on the cliarge of aiding in the would go and look up some place at R aurgeonand Dentlst,(graduato Ontario attempted escape of prisoners from the R VeterinarD y OoUogo), Treats all diseases of Whitmoi'eof this uity attended the which to secure some wool. Tho lad The Dry Goods funeral services which were held on county jail, he being chai'ged with store, riason. R SorsoeandCattle. Wlllattendoallsdayand said his father hud a key to the Mason H D R alght. Oflico and residence corner A and Tuesday. passing the saw and file into the jail e R warehouse, but where he got it he did A.BU-Bts,,Mason, Mich. 150Syl last Saturday. R Buy your wall paper and window not know. Tlie • wagon contained »ll3W3ISI3»)l3IJISI!l5.*JISI3l!«5«3«J.3.}l53l}IJ«3«3IJIjlJ,j|j,»J|jiwj,j,j,j,j,5,j,,j,j,j,,,,« shades of Stroud & McDonald. * Our boys and girls are detei'mined many tilings which tend to incrminate J. GILLAM, AUCTIONEER. Sells all to Bucceeu. They are now preparing the parties, such as tools which were kinds of personal proporty. Conyerso Estate Sold. Tlyr.p . White OaR, Michigan. The Ben Hur entertainment at the another silver medal contest which useful in obtaining entranceinto build- Almost A Blaze. M. E. chui'cb last Monday evening, will be given at the Baptist church in lugs. On Saturday the fatherand one Last Fridoy Cii'cult Court Commis­ UCTIONEER HENRY KURTZ, GEN- son were arraigned before Justice The fire company was called outlast given by Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Clayirian this city Moiidny evening. May 28. sioner L. B. McArthur sold the real Saturday about 12:30. Tlie alarm was oral auotloneor. Satisfaction guaran- and little daughter, was u great suc­ Program In another column. Squiers and examination set for Tuei- Atoad. Tornis right. estate property in this city and vicini­ caused by a lamp exploding in the cel­ P. 0., Mason. 5mo3 cess, and is pronounced as one of the day. The same was only partly com­ ty belonging to the Converse estote. Q.uo Vadis is the best paying attrac­ pleted and adjourned until tomorrow. lar of Rice & Co. 's grocery store. For­ best of the kind ever given in the city. tion of the season and fully deserves The land and frame buildings on tunately the blasie was extinguished A, BARNES, Insurance and Collection it. Nothing a|)proaching it has been Maple street now occupied by Mrs. J. before much damage was done, and , Agent. Money to loan. Office at rosl- An opportunity to buy millinery at Momorlnl Day Program. C, Kiminel with millinery, Geo. Cos- J your own price, as we must close out oflered to Pittsburg theatre goers in the loss was not to exceed $5.00, being }enoo, Mason. years.—Pittsburg Dispatch. Quo Va­ May 30th, at 2 p. m. sharp, the pro­ carelli with a fruit store, Clinton Lane wrapping paper burned. our entire line of this season's goods at with a barber shop, and Freshour & rLEO. A. EARLE, DEALER IN HEAVY Mrs. J. C. Kimmel's, * dis will appear at Rayner opera house cession, under the direction of Marslial •Or andHUalf Hardwarfl. Maploat,,MaBon. Junel. Snook uud assistants, will formou Ash Kent with a meat market were sold to street, between B and C streets, and L, C. Webb for $3,550, Second hand piano in good condl- J. J. Kellogg has sold his residence Sylvester Burd, carpenter, of Bay property iu Stockbrldge to Frank marcli to the opei'a house, Ushers The brick store occupied by M. A. City, and John Koch, mason, of Koch will see that seats are reserved for Bement was sold to Mrs. F. I. Gliue thlsoifioe! "' " ''"''^"'"' ^""i^^fi"' Marshall. Mr, Kellogg has also bar­ Bros., Ann Arbor, were in this city MICHIGAN (TENTRAL gained for the old Presbyterian church those who form the pi'ocession, or par­ for $2500. yesterday to get the new Presiiyterian ticipate iu the services of the day. C. L. Casterlin, as trustee, purchas­ Oaril or Tliniik!!. " Tho Niaaara Falls Route."' property In this city where he will pro­ church started. On Monday next the Wo desire to extend our heartfelt thanks to bably next season erect a residence. At the opera house Mayor Reed will ed the liouse and lot on Barnes street oil who 80 k Indly extended aid and synipfttliy 80UTHWAKD. work will begin in earnest and the preside and the following program for $500. durli>gour latenflliatlou. walls are to be completed by Sept. 15, H. m. p. m. p. m: Bicycles cleaned, repaired and will be given, The three lots on Barnes street were C. IJ. IlUK'WNOTOK AND FAMILY. Maaon 10;05 li38 9:51) enameled at Raymond's. Get your or­ Geo. M, Webb and Eugene Edgar Hymn—Ameriott,3 . CoiiKreeatlou taken by Mrs. F. I, Cline at $100. Noticu to OwnorN of OOKM. Jackson 11:00 2:30 10:50 ders in early. „ * have purchased the shoe stock of B. L, I'rayorby tho Clmplnln, Rav. W. J. Wilson The 00-acrefarm just north of the I will receive taxes at Raymond's Hard­ Detroit 6:30p.m. 6:30 7:16a.m. Bosencrance and will move into the Heading of General Orders from city, In Alaiedon township, was taken ware ou Saturday afternoon and evening, Ubloago 0:30 8:65 «:30 Complaints are made of the careless­ quarters of tho G. A, U,, by Bert Doolittle at $1350, J. M, McCoMii, vacant store in the Lawrence block as Oommundor Q, L, Barnaby Dog Wordon Vovay Township. ' NORTHWARD. ~ ness of bicyclists, especially in "meet­ soon us the same can be placed in read­ Song .... . oiiolr This closes up the property in this ing or passing teams. They fall to Hlslorlnn's Record, - - II. 0. Call iness. Both are reliable and popular city belonging to tlie estate. The total Scotch OolUo l*ii|iti (or Snio. ft, m. p. m. p. ra' sound their bella. Eiders should be"l K.xerolsos by Pupils of tho Public Sohools. amounted to $7,500. Uasou 7:18 12:01 6:33 exercised not to frighten teams, or to young men and we welcome tliem to Brief addresses by the I'aatora of the Address S.J. Hanun, Leslie, Rural Routo% Lansing 8:12 l'.>:25 6:00 'the ranks of Mason's business men. Mnsou Obnrchcs. ^0.1. Itoaldence 3^ mlloa southeast Mason.' Owoaao 8:00 Ar. 1:.30 p.m. 7:15 create a predjudlce against bicycle rid­ Sung, - • . - - Ohoir 4aglDaw 10:83 2:62 8;']a ing. BeuedlotloD. Dog Collars. Bay City 11:10 8:25 D:20 Last Thursday afternoon the 31at Mackinaw 7:d5p.m 7:00am 7:00am Michigan regiment, U. 8. V., met in a At the close of the exercises at the All sizes and styles at RAYMOND'S Judge Morse of Ionia and B. A. body in Detroit the first time since the opera house, the procession will re­ HARDWARE. * ' ~'^~ 0. W. RUGGLES, . Montgomery of Lansing have publicly form and march to the cemetery. After oo ; Mrs. Wilson after iu all pro confeaso divorce caaea were present, who showed their esteem Reollatlon-Oa-WhioliSldo? Frank Field diers generally will be cordially wel­ as they have a large supply V The Aid Society of the Aureliua M. where the defendant is a tesldeut of for the bride and groom through beau­ Good Night, PftDft, - Florence Shnfer comed to a place in the ranks. andean tell you how to use { E. church will meet with Mrs. James the state, he ordered that the com­ tiful and useful wedding gifts. At The Hatred of Bum, - Willie Luoo By order of W. W- BOOT, plainant shall, at the hearing of the the close of the ceremony, which was Duet liounah MiUbury, MyrtaLlucolu Paris Green, London Purple, Osbpru, May SO; a coidial iuvitatiou to ADrontn, , . - Cecil DoBolt L. H. IVKS, Commander. Hellabore, Blue Vitrol and suit, have the defendant in attendance performed by Rev. A. F. White, the Tho Scourgo of tho Ropubllo, Earl King Adjutant. All. to testify orally in open court. Thia guests were led to the dining room A Ladles C2,uartotto, Laurel Green. Tho Loyal Blatera will meet in their course is evidently talten to prevent, if where aupper waa served. There will A Voice irom tho Poor Houso, Edith Shaw The Sisters on a Strike, MabolDuBols rooina Sunday morninK at 0:80 to at- possible, any collusion between the be a bri,ef trip to Ypsilantl and De­ A Druukard to Hla Bottle, Homer Robloaon To Ice Consumers. toud mcmoilal services at the Baptist parties in securing H separatou.—State troit, then Mason will become their fu­ Solo. - . • • • • li'rnnk Ivos Hand in your orders for ice to the Corner Drug Sfore. \ ^ihurch. BopubllcBQ. ture home. TUo Slartyrod Mobhsr, Florence Mooro A Xcototaloi's Slcry, OIclvlu Hawloy cold Storage.


m mm lafflMil;ilMiiilssiPfeg|| "llad you ever heard thai, the Ilunker A FOREIGN LOBBY. A .REiUARRABLE CASE. mil and Sullivan mine (tlic mine sta.-led iu roughest; cradle, on whose I.'i Xow Iliird »l WiirU iu WitsIUuiitoa ' to-tliiy, und 1 prciicli more especiiilly to whoso mill was destroyed by dyna- omployevs ns such, altlioug'h wlial I i-oclrer niisfortuuo put her violent foot (u Defeat Amerlcnn THE FIELD OF LABOB, and tipped (hem. in(o llie cold world. inite on tlie occasion when (wo men have to say will be appropriate to both Shl|iiiliif;v. were ninrdered) is controlled by the employers and employe's, Those old mem arc synipathciic uith Coeur d' Alene Inquiry Used by Timely Discourse of Dr. TalKage boys, Standard Oil Irusl?" That was one -The behavior of a multitude of la­ Democrats for Politics. of the gems propounded by l!epresent- The foreign shipping interests, ana on Industrial Troubles. borers lowani their employers duriiig- l.lut yon are not only to be k-ind to their free trade, mercenaries, who are those -ivho are under you—Christianly ntive Lentz, who is saii] (o be a law­ the last ilii-ee months may have iii- yer. It was pnr(}ly hearsay, I'he imr- fighting the ship]iing bill, luive en­ kind—but yuu are also to se-t that your I.o-tilK and .Stil-/:i'r nomlnnled 'rhrtr deavored to unite the democrats in dueed some employers lo neglect ihe pose of (he rpiestion w-as ii malicious Surinoii Aiuu-il (•! ilrlii^ Al)";!l lliivi- boss w-oi-l;iuan and your head clerks I':;i'iy lo ni*smirc!i llio A*liuiiiiK- congress in opposition to (he bill and, real Christian diitic'S that they owe t;; one. It was intended' to arouse the I'^rlendly Kclil I l<>n> IJi-twceu und your ag-enls and your ovi-rse(.M's in (riitIoti»!I(iIiiio1)l)Iii;;- -^%-[(h in advocacy of free ships. Tliisschemc those wlioni I liey employ. Tlu'i-efore lirejudiees of those who op]OTse the H^lliplciycr mill lini fl" yt'— stores are kind to those under IIUMU, thti -\\'i(nes.sefS. has been, neatly nip]ied in the bud by I. want lo say to you whom 1 confront li-usts. The question, like nuiny other IJiity of till' l''i>rnii:r, face to face and those to whom these Soinelinies a man will get a little liriel a uninber of pafriotic democrats who autliority in a store or in .-i ftielpry, similar questions, was put at t!ie dic- are members of the house n-ierchaut [CopyrlgrlU, IWO, by J^oiil.s K'oi)Kch."J words may come that all shipowners, One of tlio mosl remarkable investi­ and,'while (hey are vei-y eoiirleous to (atiou of (lie correspondent of a. cer­ marine and lishorios comniittee, und WashluKtDii, May 110. all eapilalists, ail eominereial tiriiis, all gations iu tlie. history of the United yon, the capitalist, or to you, (he head States congrc-'-s has drawn to a, close. tain "yellow" journal, wlio intenilcd who have united upon a. report on the A.t a time M'licii in V!iriuii» dislricts master builders, all housewives, are to build iq) a "slory" on it the next lioiind lo be inleresled in the enlire man of (he (inn. (liey arc most brutal It began on the XO(h of l'"ebrnary in shipping bill in which, a fcwnotunac- labor ti'oul)lcs ;irc I'xisling-ur ii!i]ienil- in tlioir (real meiU. of those under Ihein. day. It -Wits the kind of a story that ccp(al)le amendments to it are pro­ jiig tlie oJl'ort IJr. 'l'iilin:iyL' inalius in welfare of tlieir subordinates. Vears the house committee cii military af­ God only knows what some of the lads fairs. It has ever since occupietl (bo his jiajier wauled and J.eniz w-as will­ posed, and in ^v!lieh report .subsidies tliis discoin-se lo bring- alioiii a IJUIUM- ago someone gave three preseriplions sulTer in the cellars and in the lofts attenlion of that committee, practically ing (o feed the public just (hat kind arc declared to lie the only priicticnblo fueling between bolli .sides of lliisdil'- for becoming a millionaire: "Kirst, of some of onr great cslabiishineuls, lo llio exclusion of everything else of iioison. means with which to revive our nicr-. ficnjti quesUou is well limed; lexis, s])eud your life in getting and keeping One of tlip republican members the earnings of other peo])le; seeondly, 'I'hey have no one to ajipeal to. '.riie Willi the exception of the a]ipropriation chant marine. T'hls democratic nisi- Galatians Cr.i:>: "Ibii, il ye bile and meekly objecled to (he question. norily report contains the emphatic have no anxicly about the worrimeuls, lime will come •w-hen their arm w-ill be bill. devour one- anollicr taUe lieed iliai ye Lentz and Sulzer turned (iereely u])on declaration, that free ships are iinprao- the losses, the disappoint meiits of oth­ strong and (hey can defend themselves, An inordinate desire 1o make "po- tc not conKomed one of anul lier," anil him, "Aha, -we thought so! Trying ticable and unworthy of eonsidenUiou, ers; thii-dly, do not mind the fact that but not now, .•Mas for some of the easli- lidenl capKal," to uinnufiu:tnrc "new I'liilijipians 2:1: "Look nut-every man to proleet (lii> trusts? Afraid to let as being a iioliey (bat (he democrats your vast wealth implies the poverty boys and the messenger hoys and the political issues," was tlic mainspring on his own tiling's, but every man also the trulli go before the people? Clag themselves refused to adopt wdientlieji of a great many peo|)le." .Now, (here boys that SAveep tlic store! .-Mas for of tliosc who demanded this invesfiga.- on the tilings of olhei's." us, wonld you? Flaying politics, nrc had tlic chance, and w-hieh (hey never some of them! Xow. you capitalist,you tioii—ostensibly an investigation of Ahoiit evej-y .six months lliere is a is not a man liere who -would consent you?" would adopt. Ilesidcs the report says the head man of (he lirm, must look, the eondnet of the United Slates n-iil- {freal, labor agiiation. There are vio­ to go into life with lliose three prin­ Tlie rcpnhlican shrugged his shoul­ it is wellk-iiown that republicans w-ouhl supervise, see those all around you, in- itary in the Coeur d'.-Vlenes, Shoshone lent queslions now in disenssiuu be­ ciples to earn a forliiive. It is your de- never eousen.t lo .such legislation, as ves(iga(e all beneath yon. county, Idaho, after the dramatic oc­ ders. He did not wish to further tween employers and employes. 'The siri! to do your whole duty (o the men it would be rninoiis to .•\morieau ship­ And (•hen t charge yon not to piitnn- currences of April 20, IS99, and (lie o])en the (londgates of the billingsgate present, "strikes" will g'o into llie and women in your service, yards. 'I'lllis defea.ted and checkmated, neeessary temptation in tlie w-ay of dissensions, conllicts and crimes that of (he worthy twain, .no made no Of course, thi' daniaye done eannol im- I'irst of all, llien, pay as large wages llie linmilialion ;ind embarrassment oO your young men. Do not keep largo preceded that date, 'Tliei prime mover more objections, not even when one uied.ialcly bei-epaii-ed. \\'ag:es will not be as ai-e reasonable and us your biisi- the foreign shi]ipiiig-lobby and its free sums of money lying around nnguai-d- in the eonspiracy to drag the present man recited alleged conversations iii\ss w-ill alVord —nol neeessarily v,-hal trade friends nius() bo acn(e, Tliis so hig'li as liny were. Spasiuuilieally ed. Is'now how niiieh njone.y (here is in adininislratinn into a huge sc;indal— -\vitli men who had crossed the great . they may be liigiier, bnl they will drop others pay, certainly nol what your divide. democrade minority report declares hired lielp say yon mast pay, for that the (ill. Do nol have the.aeeouiit book's for a conspiracy it w-a.s, beyond a lower. .St-rikes, whellier right or loosely kept. There arc temptations doubt—w-as ,'lohn J, Loniz, a demo- Tfearsay, rumor, insinuation, abuse. wrong-, always injure laborers as well is tyi-anny on the ]iart of labor unbear­ able, 'l.'he right of a laborer to lell Ids inevitable io young men, and- enough JUS eapilalisls. You will set' this in (jf (hem, witlioni your put ting any un- tliu si arval ion of ne.xt winier. lloyeol- I'liildoyer what he must jiay implies (he rig-lit of an <'inployer lo eonvpel a man Pii-cessary leiiipladons in (heir way. tiiig; and violenee and nuirder never .Men in Wall sireet, having 110 years of pay. They are dilVerent stages ol! an- iiiKi a service wlietlier he w-ill or not, ami either of tliose ideas is di-spieabh>, reputation for honesty, have droiqicd areliy. Hod never blessed miinh.'i-. 'J'lie into Sing Sing and ])erdiliion, and yon •worst, use. yuu ean put a man to is to \\'lien any ein)iloy<>r allows ii laboi'er to say what be innsl ilo or have his must be careful how you try a lad of kill him. lilov,- up to-nuin-ow all the (,j, .•\nd if lie do wrinig do not poiiiiee count ry seat.s on the banks of I lir 11 ud- Imsiiiess ruined and the employer submits to it, he does every busine;--s on him iiki' a hyena. If he proves him­ son and the Ithine and all ihe line self tinwortliy of your conlidence, ilo bouses on iMadison sipiareaml I'.eaeun man ii'i the Uniteil .States a wrong and yields to tlie principle wliieh, carried not call ill the piolice, bnl (also him '^T- sli-cet, and all the briidis and timlier home. Tell why you dismi.'^sed him to and stones-will just fall liaek on the out, would dissolve society. Look (i\er your titl'ali-s ;ind i.uit yonrstdves in im­ lliose wlio will give him aiiul her ehtiacc. bare Innuks of.Aineriean ami Jhiropeiui ^^-^ agination in your laborer's place. .Many a young man has done wi-nng '•'K labor. , . oiiee who will never do wrong again. /^os. The worst, enemies of the woi-king- •'(lod bless yous" are well in their .All, uiy friends, f tliink -^vc oaii alTord classe.s in the United Kla-tes and 1 reland place, but they do not buy eiial nor pay 10 give every liody another clianee when are (heir deuiented eiiadjutors. N'eai's lioiise rent, nor g(d slioes for tlie eliil- God knows we should all have been iu ago assassination—Ihe assassination di-en. .\l the same time yon, tlie em­ perdition if Ifo had not given us 10,000 of Lord Frederiek Caveiidisli and .Mr. ployer, ong-bl to remembe'r thi-ongh chances. r>iirke, in I'lioenix parlc, Dublin, Ire- what straits and. slrains you got the Then, if in moving around your fac­ j f803. laud, in the attempt lo avenge the Torliine by which yon Viiiilt your store tory or mill or barn nr slore, yon are Y'''y^^"f'bonse„foff/,e^o>^rm'. -vvrougs of Irelantl only tui'iied away or run Ihe factory. Yon are to remem­ inexorable with young men God will ORIGINAL from thafr nlUieled people milliions of ber I hat you take all the risks and. the remenibcr it. Someday the w-heel of TMIRTBCN :synipathi/.ers. Tlie atU'nipis to blow employe lakes or s.e:ire(dy any, fortune will lurii, andyou will boa. pau­ lip tlie lionse oC eomiiions in London ^'ou arc to ri'iiieniber thai there uuiy per, and your daughter will go (ollio ,. STATES. |3 bad only this elVeet—lo throw out of be reverses in fortune and tliat some worl;liouse, and your son v,-ill die on the ((Area 521,652,000 acres)J? •employ iiieiil, lens of t lionsands of iiino- I new style of maehine'ry may make your sealfohl. If iu moving among your cent peo|ile in l-higland. In thiseonn- \ maidiinery valueless or some new style young men yon sec one with an omi­ try the loreli pnl lo ilie faelories Ihai 1 of tarilV set yinir business baelc hn]-)e- nous ptiUor of cheek or you lie:ir him liave drischiiirg-ed hands for good or bad ' lessly and forever. You must luke all coughing behind tlie counter, say to -.•^fci reason, obstruelions on I be rail traidCon}ro/ den. '^ ' ~^ aud lame its feel and ]iii,M'ee itsJieart. sians: ".Masters, give unto your serv­ hard tiling for you to keep your Chris­ Traps sprung-suddenly upon employers ants that whieli is. just and equal, tian integrity in (hat store or factory lyithout rec^jrd to "Consent of qoyertiec/." and violenee never toot: one knoi out of knowing that ye also have a. .Master wliere there are so many hostile (o re­ the hiiiickles of toil or put'one fUii-tliing­ in Heaven," So you sec it is not a ligion, J^ictiien, a grave general under ot wages into a callous palm. Liarliar- quest ion belween yon und your em­ .Frederick the Grcal, was a Ghrisdan, will uovor cure the wrongs of e.iv- ploye so much as it is a qnesdon be- Frederick the Great was a skc'ptic. One ;ilization. JIark that! t w<'en you and- God, dnyZiellien, the venerable, while-lun'red .Frederick the (Ireut admired some Do not say io your employes; "Xow, that the shipping question is a na­ general, asked to be excused from mili­ f!ilselioQd and irresponsible testimony land at Tolsilani, and he if you don't, like (hi,s. iihiceget anoilier," | cratic n-iembor of congress from tlioCo- tional and not a iiartisau. one. Here, a.b tary duty that he might attend the continued as long as the two denio- resolved to get it. It was owned by a w-lien you know tlie;in cannot get an- ' lumbns (0.) district. Congressman least, these democratsalign Iheiuaelves. lioly sacrament, lie was excused, A cra(,s of the committee had their miller. IJc' olVered. the- miller llii-ee other. .-Vs far as possilile, once ayeai- Grosvenor, of Ohio, once veryprojierly Willi jirogres.sivo and patriotic repub­ few days-after Ziethen was dining with inning. They had boldly come out in times the value of the property. '.I.'.lie visit at their homes your clerks and characterized hiiu as the most bitter licans to the discomfiture iind defeat of Die Icing and with many notables of their true colors, 'They had assumed -.miller would not take it because it was your workmen', Tliat is the only way and vindictive enemy of the president. the foreigners and their Americanfa'ca Drussia when Frederick the Great in a the roles of prosecutors, Tliey had the old homestead, and be felt aliout as yon ean bceonie acquainted willi their Lent;', had a mimbcr of w-orthy al­ trade allies. jocose w-ay said,; "Well, Ziethen, how adn-iitted that,they had prejudged the Nabotli telt about his vineyard wlicn wants. You will by such in-ocess find lies. Chief among them is Congress­ did' the sacrament of last -Friday di­ case. They rejeoted everything that Ahad wanted it. irrederiek the Great out Ihat (here is a. blind, partuit or a man Sulzer, of New York, known to AN OBJECT LESSON. gest?" Tlic venerable old warrior was not water on '(•heir mill, .•\nd yet wa« a rough and 'terrible man, and he sick sister being supported, '^'ou will bis eolleagiiC'S as "the Ilowery .States­ arose and s:iid: "For your majesty 1 they were supposed to sit in judg­ ordered the niille'r into his presence, fii\d some of your young men in rooms man," In the disregard' of all that Great Inereiise in Favorable Trmle have risked my life many a time on the ment! lliilaiiuu tJinler a Pi'olcu- uud the king, willi astiel< in iris liand— without any fire in winter, and in slim­ marksi courtesy among men, kindness battlolleld, and for your majesty I llvo Turin'. ;i stick witih which ho souictinics mer sweltering in. ill-ventilated apai-t- would bo willing at any time to die; und. gentleness among associates, . Fnvoriilile Triult: niiliinee. struck the officers of slate—said to the meuts.' Yon will find out how much Lentz has but one rival. 'That rival is but you do w-roug when yon insult the 'The balance of trade in favor of the 'The last ten years of the history of miller: "Now, I have offered you three depends on the wages you ])ay or witb- Sulzer. 'I'hcso men douiinalcd (lie dem­ Cliristian religion. You will forgive l.Tnited Slates, during the ]vrcsent ad- tlio United States aiford a striking les­ times the value of thml properly, and if hold. ' ocrats of the committee. 'They made me if I, your old military servant, can­ niiuistration has reached the inoredible son of tlio fallacy of the old doraocratie you won't sell :it I'll take it anyhow.'' .Moreover, it is your dutyas employer, it, plain to them at the outset that this not 'bear in silence any insult to my sum of $1,^S;i,000,000, an amount (hat theory that a protective turiif will pro- The miller said; "Vour uiajesty, you as far as possible, to mold the welfare was not an investigation that should Lord- and my Saviour," Frederick the passes (he power of comprchen.sion.'.l.'hc vonb our surplus products from getting won't." "Yes," the kiiig, '''.[ will of the employe. You ought to advise invcsigate. It was an investigation Great leaped to his feet, and, he put out balance of trade in favor of tlie Uniled out into tlie markets of tlie world. The take it." "Tlien," .said the miller, "if liiin about inveslinonts, abnnt life in­ that should, besmirch, ^iessrs. Hay, his hand, and he said: "liappy Zie­ States, during all the administrations following arc the treasury depart­ your majesty does tti ke i 11 will sne you surance, about savings banks. '>'on then! Forgive me, forgive me!" •Tott and Slayden and other democrats that:, lU'ceedcd that of IMoKinley, from in the ch ...$^1S1,7(JS,015 Kiiiscopal service, and the chapel for and some important things ought now in difl'orent stages of disease, but all began to arrive. Lentz made no con­ see it will bo slow to change such a During tlie free, trade administra­ those who preferred the Itrethodist to be said. The whole teudeney of our who die on tliat island die of leprosy. cealment of the fact that they -need­ certainty for doubtful promises. tion, wlien there was no tariff wall of tin-ies, as yon have noticed, is lo make service. At the ojicniug of one of his .On one of the islands there was aphy- ed drilling. Ostensibly he was one of protection, we exported on an average the cliasm between employer and em­ factories he gave a great dinner, and 'I'liii Con-NuJiiiC SorA'IcL', sieian w-ho always wore hisband.gloved, those to sit in judgment. He quickly ilil-19,0'21,400 each year more than we ploye- wider and wider.- In olden times there were 3,.100 people present, and threw oil' that mask. Ho hobnobbed 'ftCr. George Parker, the biographer of in his after dinnier speecli he said to and it was often discussed w-hy he al­ 'Air. Cleveland, who served as United imported. ways had a glove on that hand under all with the wdtnesses. 'Ho coached them. During the protective tariff admin­ those people gathered; "I cannot look Tic drilled' them. He remained'up till States consul at Birmingham, lias a around ino and. see this vast assem­ circumstances. One day he cnnic to the istration of President MeKinley we Idc the wee small hours to get their sto­ magazine article in which he declares blage of'f riends and. work people Avith- authorities, and he withdrew his glove, have exported, an average, of $1S-1,70S,- ries out of them and to teach them that the consular service is impaired out bc-ing moved. I feel ;greatly hon­ and lie said to the oflicers Of the law: 015 a year more than we im-iwrted. times,at the same.bench, dining at the the manner in wdiieh they could be by the, political pull, The. manner in ored by the presence of the nobleman "You see on that hand a spot of the With the tariff 'wall of protection »ame t-a^ble, and there are those here wdiich- Jfr. Cleveland looted the con­ at niy side, and I am especially delight­ leprosy and that I am doomed, to die, most/ efl'ectively told. He was with built highup around our home market, who can remember the time when the sular service for his political friends ed at the presence of my work people. I might hide thisfor a little while and them heart and soul. \Vhy? llecause the markets of' the world have taken clerks o£ large coii-imcrciahestablish­ was outrageous, but, as one of the I hope to draw around me n population keep away from the isle of lepers; but it Was his p\irpose to show that a every year $33o,74;i,G0wagc, war) joiu's.' Adieu, noble speedy a'termination to suit the pur­ 20. and 30. They have not forgotten it. griefs and die our deaths, turning the market in ISOG. Last year, when peo­ joy the unique distinction of .being.the spinners!..; Drink mj^health; with this poses of the conspirators, , , 'Ihose,wealthy emiploycrs were • not isle of,a leprous world into a great, ple could alford to buy them, they were onlyrman to invade this year's oonvea- V groat each, Ayhich I give; you oyer and . Hearsay testimony, from the ho- tion with, a last year's delegation. .: originally let down out o-f'lleaven;With blooTOing,: glorious,; garden! •\Vhether I worth iiys cents, aboye;V" 'Now, Avhtit-Nvewmnt is to re- pulleys o.f a wicker basket satin cmplbycr'pr'einploye, let us catch tlta* 'ffinning, wtw tAieir choicest- morsel. V1 •bu^lA-thnt'bridge-of ,sy'iripathy;,and I '.flined, faninedby cherubic wings,' They 's];jkxiti:;:J^i'J.^i^;t:::'^'''' '•'•-••••••••••.• put the ti?b>vel to ioiie.-twS the abutments Cnrin.slty Snvcit Ijlfc. STATUE FOR GRAKTi TlilH ltd. will lint iiiipoar iltvfwln. f-IE SUG(^ESTS TEEMS. A paekiigo marked qninino was secretly Beat to a bright woman, but being curious I'reHenU'iS lo (lie \a(Iiin |jy •\'e(|>ii)illc. some of the medicines offered will cert.iinly detect the fal.=e from the true. For half a Is a sonous compliwrt. It's a waviiing that posals for Peace. Wiishinglon, ilny 2L—The slutne of century llo.sleltcr's Stomach Pittcrs has Blioiild IJC liocilecl. it is diflorcui from an been curing indigestion, oonstijiation, dys­ Oen. Grant, presented by the Grand houe.'it tirc'il roeiing. It is a sure sign of pepsia, liver and. kidney troubles and has Army of the liepulilic to the iinfion. poor Ijlood, Vou can cure it by .maldng Si'elcs II Ci'.ssnii.-«r! ol' HDSI i I i (it's— jiovor once failed. Try "it if you feel ^\•es.k was unveiled in the greal rotunda of and tired. your lilood ncli and pure with liood'a Sar- lUntoUK l)4'ini)(ist rli 1 ions l<\i]l(MV sa|iarilla. Tliat is wlial otiior people do— the capitol Sarurday, and elaborale Seeiii'W <>l' MciiiicIiiK Over (lie ^Initci' of Slcnior.v. thuiisamls of ihurn. '.I'aiie a few bottles of cereniiiiiies ciuiimeinornlive of the Iti'llcl' 1)1' .'IIiil'i'UIiiK'. The man 'wliu was attempting suieido was this medicine now and you will not only cveiil were held in Ihe hall of repre- not sinking for the third time. get rid of that weak, huigniil, cxhuusted senlatives in the prosenee of a vast Of course, it was necessary hereupon that London, May :;i.~nixpln,vtHl in the feeling, bnt it will nialic you feel well all (d' people. Who iiielndcd the he rce.ill everything in his past life iii the JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER ir.oKt oonsi)i(;uo\is slyli! in tlic Bally space of one ins taut. niiulo fortuno.s liy lin'ostlng In oil. Ycm criii Ihi'ongh the snnimer, widow, iliiiigbter nnd dcsecndaiils of do tlio Kiiine. Tho (Jidlfurnla Oil Coniiiany KNprcKS is llu' iloniiirnnt war news of This he failed to do. I own.s lOlt.'k :ici'(!M ol'rlidi oil liiiid in tliu Tirod Fooling—"I had tliiit tired feel­ jlic hero of .•\ppomaUo.\, huiulrcds of "Again uiy eiithed nicniory!" he hissed, hostoll prodiicliii,' territory In tho SUitu. atoek tlic inorninff; "We have the best rea­ ing and did not have life or ambition to ac- bis eolurades in arms, the oHiecrs and and he waded a>.hore in much chagrin, •which femmme on-^aiiss ffss3¥& noii-iissusHiilili!, iiarviihio .IJtl.OO. Order bo- son for stntinH' Hint. in. Inst ~-\ , I'oro tluuidvanoe. .Sioek g^r^ » coinplisli my usufd .inuiunt of household conimitlce of the G. A. II. nnd inniiv was in nowise lessened by the derisive laugh­ work, hlooil's yar.siipiirilla gave nie relief hours a fcde^i'atn has been received at ter of the spectators.—Detroit Journal. lierahiire. KriulosodniK vJU*! (UlSJo persons disliiignisbed in mililary, ]io- or iniiiioy onlcr for nuinborsli.'iros desired to and also cured a scrofula tejideJicy." Airs. I he forei;;'!! (dliee, addressed pei'son- sunsi essomramses saSe te" lilieal and social circles. The sinliic 11. .Merritt, Dowagiac, i\licli. nlly lo Hie prime niinislei'. from I'rcs- •T/ninrrh Cnmuit Vtc Cured «3Ai-iFouxi.v i)Mu:I:iH iSUli;., J.,on jinirult:*) OlU, ident K'rus'er, iiroiiosin.n' terms of vitli Ijocal Applications, as they cannot foj'ces in llie civil war reprcseiils.the reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a FlrstNiitiuniil Hank Dojiosltory. peace. The cNnel lerms of llie nies- gosssS ithey ksve eSmm sistsi "INSIDE FACTS" AnOUT CALIfORMA Oil. rREE. eontribnl ions of lluuisnnds of his blond or constitutional, and in order 'ii\'j;t' cnnnci be staled, bill we bidieve 1.0 cure it you must take interuid remedies. aire cSm^g fuss* ^ke womesa Is the i.'est Medicine Jloncy Can liny. comrad(>s of flu- G. A. K., none of it, is enuidii'd in nn e-xeeedinydy bum­ Hall's Cat.'irrh Cure is taken internaliy, and whom was allowed to subscribe more acts ilirectlv on the blood and nincons siir- ble si rain." fnees. flail's Catarrh Cure is not a rpiack In ihi* LiiUc Country than I.T cents, and is Ihc rcsiili of a II is incnneeivnlilp of course flint medicine It was lu^cscribed tiy one of the of Northern Illinois, Wisiajn.-in, ?iliune- uuivonieut started shortly after Gcii. best physicians in this country for years, §f sail stllm^ fflff» sseffsB^" sola and Alh'higaii, (here ai-c hundreds of T/ord .Salisbury f 111 have sent anv re- Granl's death ;i I McGrcg'or, in duly, and is a'regiilar jirescri|ition. It iscouiposeii img wamesa (smsM is© made the most, charuiing S er Jiesorts await- ] |]ly oxccpt llic (iiie tliiit slunds 7'<'!iily LS.SO. It is Ihc work of li'iiiiklin .Siiii- of the besi Ionics known, ooinhincd with the best hlooil piifilicrs, acting directly on ing the ari'ival of tliiiUfand.- of tourists ' nii' I he lip of e\-cry Titdlini- -inieonili•' - moiis, nil .'Vnu'ricnn sciilplor. friim I he .'-^oulh !ifhing linn recently received the popular iiiTssun.^ wa.s hrou.ivhl to boar in A.-»I1CUIC,^*H MO.ST 1'ai-UI.AH 11A.II.1VAV," following oHcr from an anxion.s autoliiog- I'avor or II. II livid led in the roliiniln as bell tied dead, hut only hored, burst into huge laugh-1 ler.—.Kansas Cily .lonrnal. | Gno. ,T. OrrAiti/rON-, I'aphcr who probably had bci'ii. reading I'r.'sldcnl t;ights:" "I wish to piil Llic war would \ir ciidi'd wllliiii three wceka, ice was for Ihc wliole nalioii. There freeSy to iserf SI&G SS SS WO" OUIOACO, ILLINOIS. my life Ijefore. the piiRlie if I can (,!ci ivhich he lirnily hdli.ves. rnne'ii Fiiiitily .llcdh'lne, | Aiiiif tint of it to give 1110 a start in the Tlicrc^ Is niiicli uin'crlaliily In frelorla, it will remain -ivitli the statues of i\Ioves the bowels each day. In order to •world. I led a. (.,'riiiiiiial life'_'! years Aros.t- wlu'i'c KrUKcr Is Ihc oiil.\' slronf; hand. The .IclVcrson, llamilloii and Idneoln, be healthy lids is iiecessarv. Acts gently on In 3 or 4 Years an liidepeiidcucc !s Assured cd 'JD times shot, (it '2~ times Leleaseil on Hocr prosldeiU Inhl mi' thai bo would li.nlit which also nre in the rotunda nn e.v- the liver and kidneys. Cures sick head­ If you uilcfi upyoiirliOMias i) haiiis (,'oi-|ias \\'areiils, llnd^e Ki dales mull Ihc last cartrld^je. ache. Price 2,5 and .OOe in Wo.sliurn Cairnla. Mio nniplc. and an inspiralion lo future liiiicl oi' i>l(Hti,y' lUiis- Convicted 7 limes Hndic 1 pen and l.ikcn 27 i\ol wilhstaiidliifv the dlscoiil'iifvinc; sltil- ti'iLLCd puinpUiots, ^'ivill^ Convicts with me. Waylaiil and shot my [iLlim, I'rcsldcnI. KIcyii mainlalns a cbecry e'cncrat ions. The hero of Ajipoinat- Art in Fciinnylvnuin, o.vporioiictM ol' fiirim^rs fiitheni law twice married sepcrated and nnd bold demeanor. lo.v sliinds ncnr the •wcslcrii enlrniiee, wlioliiivo lioouuio M'otilMiy Our comnnuiity has received a social and " \Voi-thS4toS6conipared ill fjrcjwliii.? ^vluiiit', nj)iortH JJivosstd. .If 1 can gel a start in the World .Snu Itejiilcrinu. llaiikeil on eilher side i,y the fa­ professional addition in the ]icrson of Jlr. with other makos. of miluKaicH, (!Lo..iiiifl full 3iye ]Hitting my life .before the puBlio I liiforiniitionu.s Lormliuted The boisterous rejoieiiiy.y over I he mous paintings of the "Surrender of "PiH"'dones, wdio returns to his native town Ijidni'sed by over ralUviiy raLus tiiiii bu hail •vvill doo so."--.London News. an accomplished artist. In Pliiladel]iliia he 1,(1(10,000 ivcarors, nn a}ii)Il(jation to Iho lunv.s from .Marekiiit^' liave become Coriiwallis," and the "Surrender of Tho fifnti bin have W. L. Siiporlntorulont of lmiiilj,'rn.tion, J.H!pnrtnimit. of was regtu'ded as one of the best men in the Inturior. OM,awa, Canaila, or adclrua.s llio Undor- One .NlKliI (II neiivcr I'iols in pnrls of I/OIKIOII, Aberdeen Liirgoync." Hotel iilank's barber shop, lie has now DOURIIIS' ti.mic nnd price RIKIIUII, who will tiiail yoii atlaaoa, ))ainpli''3t'"- L'td., sl.amped onboUnm. 'i'ake 1111(1 litdfnsl anil elsewhere in Hie accepted a position in "Tom" Johnson's tou- froo of I'\ I-'ICDI.UlY, 8u|)t. nf liiiminniUoii, Via Cliioago, Union l.'aeilic & North-West- Tile unveiling toolc place shortly be­ no siibalituteclaimBl tn be Otifawa, Canada, or to 0. J. JUU)a(!i!'l't)N. lirj;{ sorial parlors.—j\louutvillo (Pa.) Clarion, ns good. Your de.ilcr Monntlnock IJilc. ChlcitKO, III.; 'V. O. CUHHIIC, cm Lino. "Coloratio t-pecial" leaves Chica­ United K'iiig'dom. Iti tlio l-'inebley fore noon, ill the presence of .Mrs. go 10:00 every morning, arrivirj Denver J :20 should keen them —if SUivons Point. WIB., M. V, MclNNKH. No.2 ftlerrili district of .'uiburbnn London a mob Grant, .Mrs. Sartoris, .Mhss Sartoris. the HIU.. J)otrolt, ]). I,. CAVRS, CoIunitMiH, Ohio, and the ne.\t afternoon, Colorado .Springs and Dropsy treated free by Dr. 11. IT. Green's not, we will send a jiair' .lA.MRHCiltlliVL', SriKlliaW.Mich.; N.ilAJCntOhOMliW, ]\lanitou same evening. No change of ears. .stoned tlic railway stntion niasler'.s ollicers of the G. .'\. R., Spealu'r .llcTi- Sons, of Atlanta, Ga. I'he greatest dropsy on receipt of jirice and 25c. VM't f>Lh SU-eot. lJi:n Molnos. Iowa; Jil. 'i\ UoLiUSti, extra for carriage. Stnie kind of leather, All meals in Dining Car.s. Another bouse and smnsbed the \vinl^o^vs of a derson and Senntor I'^'ye, president specialists in the world. Pead their adver­ 'i'lio Jiatus, liiUlanapolls. lutU tisement in another column of this paper. size, and width, ;il,-iin or cap toe. Cat. free. train at K):;)0 I'. .M. Daily. New book "Col- drnper's shop, selliiif^' the bulldiiif^- on W. L DOUGUS SHOE CO,, Brockton, Mass. orado," illustrated, nvjiled on receipt of four ]iro tem of the senate. fire also, nllhoun'h wlietlior by acci­ cents postage. Ticket Odices, Chicago & The ceremonies in the house were An old bachelor say.s that Aviicn a man LADIES TO DO PLAIN SEWING North-Western IVy., 103 Clark St., and dent, or de.sij^n it, is not yet kpown. hasn't enough worry he should marry.— at ImnKJ.Pl.riO pur diiy, ftiiir inoiiLlm wor'k|.Tuarmi(i!od, profoundly ini]iressive. They consist­ I Cent a Square Ft, HiMiilKtiuiiiiciI (ulcIi-fKHcd (iuvulnpiifor I'MII piirtii:iilt>rH, AVells St. Station. Speeiiil prayers ot llmnksffiving ed of addresses by !Xres.srs. AfcCleary Chicago Daily News. It. W, ilUTTON it CO., Dupt.K. riULAUKId'HU.l'A. Inohidlnir cans and nails. were olTererl Sitndiiy in llie cliiirclies (Minn.), Grosvenor (0.). liichardxon Tliv JsicST K<-d Ka Till' .Slirliiern at WiiNliinK'tuJii. o? llie United iCingdom. 'I.'lio lord The hundred-yard runner is always a Itoolliilt. SAlWrl,KH FJIEK. 'I'lIK FAV Ni:W DISCOVKUY; frivea (Tenn.), Warner (111.), Linney (N. C), dashing follow.—Chicago .Democrat. MANIJiI..A JCOOriKO CO., Uiuiuluii, N. ,J. (iniclc rulloranddurcawor.sli On .May I0tli,20th nnd21sl the Big Fourand liisliop of London, Lr. Mnndell Creii^h- Gardner (Mdeh.), Brosiiis (Peini.) and rnscH. HiKikof ttiHiimoiiinlH luid lO dnyA* truatnionC 0. &, 0. will sell round trip excursion tickets Frcu Dr. It. H.Olll'lKN'S SONS. Mux 1). AtlaiUa. Ga, to Washington at one fare for round Irip. ton, ivbo prenelied before the queen Dolliver (la.). l'\)r maji.s, rates, etc., aihlrcs.s J. C. Tucker, at' Windsor, alluded to the relief of The gallery opposite the s|)oalcer's' G. N. A., 2;M Clark St., Chicago. .MnfekiiiH', and clerg'yinen "•enerally roslrnin had been reserved for the siuniiio.iiir ..race Cream.. ••"miii"i»". foiiiul in the event lliL*ir to])ie for the meiubers of the G. A. P., and was j A ne-svs ink that IS CHliJAP is manufactured by > I'. AS. .Ihuirit. Co., 11 .V. Clart.SI., ClilMBO, Ul. rillCi:,illc. • Gtiiuiiinu OiitlnilNiii, dn.y. crowded willi grizzled velerans come | < The J'ossiinist—That waitei' is awfully slow llocr .sympnllii/.ers sloiicd a prooes- Use Certain Coiigli Cure. Price, 25 cents* •Vidth those cheese sandwdehcs. to pay tribute to their loved command- I 'The Optimist—Oh, nevermind. The longer ston of shipyard employes nt Lelfast, er. In the area in front of the speak- ! The Queen City Printing Ink Co., •we wait the bettor grows the cheese.—Indi­ ,ind there were soim; dhsorders in .Bir- cr's desk- sat the ollicers of (he grand | Cincinnati, Oliio > anapolis Pres-s. !-niiigdiani. army and (lie eoininittee ap]ioiiiled liy j i Who have had 40 j'oars' experience in makingr NIJJWS INK REAnnilS OP THIS PAPISti Dedills Sdll r.iiclciiiK-. the gi'iind army eneampineiil al Phil- j JIKSIIIING TO IIUV ANYTI.IlNa I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption i Details of llie relief are still want.- adelphia, who had been granted .the ! > ADVlSRTISHU IN ITS COIJUMNS • aved my life three years ago.—Mrs. Thoa. •I Hobhins, Maple Street, Norwich, N, Y., \vg, the iirithsli military aiithoritioa jirivilege of the floor for the occasion | BHOUIJD INSIST UI^ON I.IAV1N0 TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS > ^v^IVl' 'i'ui'!v ASIC t'-oii, itKirusiNQ li'eb 17, 1000. by n specinl resolution of the house. | ( beiiip' witliotit dispatehes. .Lord ivob- AI.I. SlJIiSTITUTlOa OU IMITATIONS. erl.s wires that be Liiows of the re­ In the gallery reserved for iMrs. . Snch as, the Speed of the Press-the Texture of the Paper—the • It is a fatal defect of many old saws that i they are hopele-srdy dull.-lndia.n,i|jolis lief only Ibroiig'h n press n^'eney. Grant nnd her family were iMrs. Grant, j Temperature of the Press I^oom, etc. It goes FAETHER—ADDS > News. her danghler. Mrs. Nellie Grant Sar- i to tbeloolcof apapor-and IS CHEAP or at least 15C0N0MI- i Lord iiiiiiKdowiie, however, nnnoiiiices A. N. K.-A 1814 tbnt the war olliee expeels direct news (oris, Lieut. Sarloris, Miss Sarloris and CATv, which is THE TEST for the word CHEAP. < to-day. Miss Grant, a dnugliler of Col. Fred SSSS«®SSi3S'S3®S®SS;3®SSSSSSS 77i/j Is prinlal ivllh THAT Ink, Plot (o T)»Mii'NL' KniK'cr. Grant. i m CURES WlltllE AtL KSE lAlLS. ^ m '.I'lie Daily Telei^'rajdi is advised that llxuotly at 'I',: Speaker Henderson's > 1.J noat (Jmigh Syrup. TMtes Good. gavel fell. .-Vfter nn impressive jirayer I'M In tirao. Hnlil by (IniKglHtB. a plot lias been discovered nt Pre­ Makes a > toria lo depose i'resideiit K'riin'er nnd by the blind chaplain, the enniniittee to siii-reiiiler llie '.l.'rnnsvnal diiriiij.;' the of the grand army, ainniig wlioni were LOOK THE > Notliiag^ hobbles (ho iimscles present nionlh. Proffressivo Liiteh- Commander in Chief Albert D. Shaw. WHK.'V WltlTIAO TO AMVJ3UTISEISS I»li;iiN(; Mtutt- Hint you saw the Advcrt.l«e« nnd nnfiis for work like Gen. S. S. Piirdelt. Gen. IL P. Heath. [[3 frsy••%^.''6s^.*«< ] inen and inembers of llio ;|udicinry "K'ltl ill l''H piipcr. are asserted lo bnvo been parties to R. v.. Commander in Chief Irvin Unb- the movement. bins and Chnplniii in Chief ,1. L. Grimm, •were ushered into the house. SORENESS .SiilVd'ed lleavll.v. After the siienker had nnnoiiuced nnd A Cnpe Town correspondent reins- the order of (die dny, Viv. AfcCleary, of sci'Ls flint the Jrish-.\inerieaii atiibti- STIFFNESS Jliiiiiesota. ehairninn of the commit­ laiico corps from Cliieag-o sull'ered tee on lilirnry, sent to the cleric's doslc heavily diirinii' the figbting nt L'roon- Notln'iig relaxes tlieni and makes and bad rend the letter addressed to a speedy perfect cure like .stad, and tluit United States Consul the spenk-ei' preseiitiii,r;' the statue of liny had protested vainly to President Gen. Grant to the nation. Krug'er a.n'ainst nrdng the eoi'ps on the The letter was signed by the com­ figditini^- line. mittee of the G. A. P., consisting of AVlllliiK to Sn Miller. Gen, S. S. Pnrdc(-te, of Wa.shington; London, ^fay 21.—.A speeial dispatch Gen, IL 1.'.. P.eath, of Philadelphia; Fight on for wealth, old ''Money Bags," i'vom Nrooiistad Gen. Dcwct Gen. Piissell A. Alger, of Detroit; your liver is drying up and bowels wear­ has sent word that he is ])repnred to Gen. Seldon Connor, of ,'Viigiista, j\[e; ing out, some day you will cry aloud for svirrondev uonditionally wdtli ids en­ Col. .K,, S. Grant, of :MiddlepDrt, 0.. tire eommnndo. nnd Hon. Horace S. Clark-, of Mattoon. health, offering all your wealth, but you Later—It now appears that the 111. v/ill not get it because you neglected Nature Dewetwho ofl'crcd to surrender with lilr. McCleary then olVered the fol­ 1.000 men was not the well-known in your mad rush to get gold. No matter lowing resolulion: Gen. .Dewet, but Comniandant Dewct. what you do, or what ails you, to-day is "Ftosolvcd, by Ihc house (the senate con­ He stipnlated that his men should curring:) th;it tbo thanks of conKrcss bo the day—every day is the day—to keep be allowt^d 1o return to their fariiis. given to the Oraud Army of the Hepiib- llc for the. statue of Gen. L'lys.scs S. Grant. watch of Nature's wants—and help your .Lord Hoberts replied that the SUl'- "Itesolvcd, That the statue be aect-pted render innst be unconditional. and placed in the capitol, and that ii copy bowels act regularly—C!A5CA.^-£'J![S will ot these resolutions, signed by the iini- sldliis ollicers oi' the house of reproseiita- help Nature help you. Neglect means bile EARLY IN THE FIELD. tivca and the senate, bo torwarded to the chairman of the conimittco oC Ihe Grand in the blood, foul breath, and awful pains Iiulliuiii ItLMiuiilleaiis llnoiiiIiiK Sonn- Army of tbo Republic on the Grant me­ in the back of the head with a loathing morial." tor FitlrliankN as I'renlilcntlnl and bad feeling for all that is good in life. Ciuiilliliilc in tUU-t. The clocpient eulogies of Gen. Grant, wdiioh followed, were listened to at­ Don't care how rich or poor you are, you Indinnapolia, Iiid., M'ay 21.—Indiana tentively, and several times wrnng can't be well if you have bowel trouble, republican leaders nnd delegates to round after round of applause from the national oonvontion will go to floor and galleries. you will be regular if you take CASCA- rhilndelphia with the intention of An Awful net'il. RETS~getthzmto-day—CASCARETS—- starting- a boom for Senator Taii'- Pnoblo, Col., itay 21.—Fren/.ied by a in metal box; cost 10 cents; take one, eat baiiks for president in 1904. They Genuine jenlons quarrel with his wife, Cnlvin hnye talked the matter over among it lilce candy and it will work gently while Kimblcrn (colored), formerly a • cor; themselves, and have come to the con- poral ' in company M, '.rwenty-tifth you sleep. It cures; that means it strength­ clu.sion that the time is ripe to begin. United States infantry, Sunday, inorn- ens the muscular walls of the bowels and Carter's Since Congressman Landis, in a speech' ing shot his wife twice, once in the before, the state convention, an^. •gives them new life; then they act regularly and naturally; that is what you want- abdomen and once across the neck, nonnced that J.ndinna would propose and then deliberately and in tho cold­ it is guaranteed to be found in— the name of Senator Fairba-nks for Little Liver Pills. est blood, put a revolver to the heads president in lOO'l, it has been regarded of 15-year-old li^thel Straussen and 11- Kiust Bear Signature of as almost a certainty that Senator year-old Jessie. M. Sknggs and, tired, Fairbanks \vill be a candidate for the THE IDEAL LAXATIVE killing the latter girl instantly, the nomination. •• ' \ other girl living for some hours.

Fllllilnox Itoiitcd. Ciiii't Hoycotf Chlii(;!ii;. ,, • See PocoSlmtlc Wrapper. Below. Manila, ilny 21.—Five huiulred in­ Butte, >^tont„ :May, • 21. — Judge surgents, half-of whom .we're armed Knowles handed .do\yiv a deei.sion in Verr BiaaU anil as ousy with rifles, nmbnshocl SO soout.s of-the the United State.s court enjoining the to tAlto 00 sogur. Fortieth vdlimteer infantry in ; the • labor unions now boycotting the Chi-' FOR HEADACHE. hillS; near Aqnnsnn, in the northern nesB. The; injunction is very sweep­ FOR DiZ2INi:SS. part of, ^Miriclanao. Tho Americans ing. It.restrains all people from com- FOR BILIOUSNESS. routed the .natives, killing' 51. • The bining'dr conspiring- to injure or de­ lyrD FOR TORPID LIVER. American casualties were two killed stroy the bnsiness'of the Chinamen OT nnd three; wounded. .:; '. ' •' fvom threatcning,'coercihg or injur­ -•--^ fORCOMSTIPATIOn. (tllltH the nil:e>v Carter It. llarrlson from the be secietaiy of state for the island of , To any liecdy Stcflinmortalg sufferin Remedgy froinfaowc Companyl, Chicagtroubleos anor dNe towo pooYorkr to, mentioninbuy CASCARETSg advcrtisemen ve. ;wil anld senpaperd a. box free. ; Addres423s gubernatorial race. CURE SICK HEADACHE. Porto liico.

1 ~ f'- 1 f.j "• Tiiu victory of the Stearns f9rce8 in Bay county suflered something of a AN ELEPHANT IN BATTLE. A man Is known What |nglinmC0itnti||!(nv$ collapse in the county conventioit on the 22d, Inst. An evident re­ The ralHidil Animal Stood Sduichlr The Cure that Cures By the company he keeps Spot Cash action had set in since the holding of Ocsiac Illn Dciiil Mnittcr fur Coughs, And a merchant Thursday, May 24, 11100. the convention in Bay City on the Three Unyi. Will Do 18th Inst, and the Stearns majority Colds, By the goods he sells. OscAK Palmer of GrayliiiK is out for could not be held together wilhout An old elephant taken into battle on Sirloin Steak loc the olUce of Hiale laud coiumissloiiei'. making some concessions to the strong the plains of India was a standard- Grippe, Hound Steak loc Bliss sentiment in the county. So bearer and carried on his luigc back the Whooping Cough, Asthma, Porter House Steak loc Harry Shearer, mamiger of the Stearns royal ensign, the rallying point of the Bronchitis and Incipient Quality is a better advertisement WK don't bear anybody talklnK forces, after the selection of delegateu Shoulder „ ...... Sc Poena liost. At the beginning of the Conaumptlon, Is than price. Cheapness attracts some about volint; for a "cliauge" Ihia year. nmved that they be Instructed lo yole Beef Roast . Sc fight he lost his master. The "nialioot," people, but reliable goods make reg­ solidly for Col. A, T. Bliss as their sec­ Beef Slews 6c ond choice. This motion was carried or driver, had just given the word to ular cu.stomeis. IT has linally been settled that the with a whoop, and so Col. Bliss divid­ halt, when he received a fatal wound Those who are satisfied with any- Pork Steak loc correut *vuy to spell it U Porto Blco, ed the honors with Mr. Stearns. and fell to the ground, where he lay thlnjf are satisfied to buy it any­ Pork Shoulder Steak Sc uot Puerto Rico, •under a heap of slain. The obedient ele­ where, but careful housclvcepers Pork in Chunck . 7c phant stood still while the battle trade where they are sure of getting Pure Lard Sc ONE of the most dishonest pretexts closed around him, and the standard THRHH h not uuioli likelihood that the best goods. Quality is the only Sausage Sc the dinner pail will (Igiire in deniocrrtt- on which the democratic party is en­ he carried. He never stirred a foot, re­ basis upon which a permanent repu­ ic caiiipalKU Bpeecbca iliis year. Tbcy deavoring to get back into power and fusing to advance or retire, as the con­ Highest Cash Price for Hides, treat the country to another spell of are not so full of wind as they were flict became hotter and llercor, until •ftve (GERMAN REMEDY^ tation can be made. four years ago. the dumps, such as it went through Pelts and Tallow. during llio last Cleveland free trade the Mahrattas, seeing the standard still administration, is that it is necessary flying steadily in its place, refused to i&«i\^^a\\ ^TVi^^t^sVa, ZS^SOtW helieve that they were being beaten Terms arc caiiti. •'"4°4''" L. B. Freshour & Son EvRN live stock is benelited by Ee- lo overturn the Dingley law and pro­ Prices ure rlRlit. publican prosperily. The valueof live tection in order to overturn the trusts. and rallied again and again around the OUR Qooilii ure new und of the best quality stock on farms Feb. 1 was $2,558,000,- People should understand that it is the colors. And all this while, amid the din OflO, un increase of 1098,000,000 over the natural democratic Itching for free of battle, the patient animal stood The May "Guntou's." same date in 1895, trade, and no real abhorrence of the GLENARLTON straining its cars to catch the sound of The most notable article of the We pay the highest market price trusts, which makes the democratic that voice It would never licar again. monlli Is the extremely able contri­ party clamor for the destruction of the for country produce (in cash or 2:26J^. IN 1879 there were $35,000,000 of sil­ bution of Dr. David Starr Jordoii, Dingley law. Democrats everywhere At length the tide of conquest left the President of Lclaiid Stanford Jr., Uni­ trade.) ' ver in circulation. In 1900 there are sliow that lliey are uot afraid of the field deserted. 'Bhc ^fahrattaa swept First premium In standard bred roadster f.529,000,000 puwiiiK from hand to versity, in Ounton's maga/.ine, on Call and sec us. clasB at Mason Street Fair. trusts. They are members of trusts on in pursuit of the flying foe, but the "The Control of the Tropics." Dr. hand. This is important evidence themselves, sluning their pockets with elephant, lilvo a rock, stood there, with Jordoii puts imperialism and slavery beariub' on the "crime of '73" which Reasons Why You Shoulil trust stock, and engaging as lustily in the dead and dying around, and the en­ in the same category, believes that if has been overlooked by Detective Breed to Rim. the business of trust promotion as any sign waving in its place. For three days we are lo expand into the tropics we Bryau. ______HOYT & SON republican. Mr. Havemeyer, who so and nights itreniiiinod where its master must do it on the basis of "Democratic l8t. llo is a superb individual, a iiiodol type of tlio Americim trolling horse and DENVEH has u republican club corn- loudly denounced the tarill as tlie had given the command to halt. No Federation," bui liolds lliat the natural mother of trusts, is at the head of the absolutely sound. poaed of men who in 1S90 voted for bribe or threat could move it. They process of industrial permeation is the HAPLE ST. WEST. 2d. Ho lias the size, weighs luW pounds, most oppressive and arbitrary trust' In Bryan, and who in 1000 will vote for then sent to a village 100 miles away only method by which the real and and ills stocit are uiiirorniiy good size ami the country, the great sugar trust, and permanent advance of tropical coun­ PHONE 30. 1111 the demand (or a general utility liorso. McKlnley. There is some talk of add­ and brought the mahoot'a little son. 3d. Ho lias speed, as proven by his record, he always cnnlrlbutes to democratic tries will ever come, and not by mere ing to the roster of olllcers an ollloial The noble hero seemed then to remem­ has contested und mude a good showing with kicker whose duly will bo to visit each campaign funds, But the falsity of i political control by nortlierii races. many of the best horses In Michigan. his declaration is shown by the fact ber how the driver had .sometimes given •lib. Iloistlio right color, bright bay, and member once a month and give him ii The''Shabby Salaries of Our Public OhlehMler'i EnfUih Illunonil llraiiA, his authority to the little child, and im­ his colts are all bay or brown. Kood kicking as a reminder and pen­ that England, a purely free trade OIHcials," a disgracefully neglected ENNYROYAL PILLS Speed is an essoiulai element In a roadster country, is overrun with trusts; every mediately, with all the sh.attered trap­ «4Cr*>w Orlfflnal and Ouly Gonulncu ance. malter, is alily discussed witli ample .-^4LfN SArr, Alfrk/i rtlikble. LADII:* uk !• tall ion, and if you can gel good size thl» country of Europe, no matter what lis pings clingin;? as ho went, paced qtuet- data by Mr. Adelbert H. Sleele. The DruK((lil Tor ChUhttUf Knglith Dia-t class of horses is untiuestioniibly tho most moiul liranct h Ucd »nd Gold mci»lUo> prolltable for our fanners to breed. HON. Justus S, Sieuriia, candidatefor tarill or whelher it has any tarill at all, ly and slowly away. inleresliiig work of Ihe City History F QLKNAHLTON will make the si-nsou of boici, ARftled with bluo ribbon, Tuko the republican nomination for gover­ has its trusts, usually a good, many of Club of New York is set forlii by Mr. |iio other. Uffmt dangtfout mfntifu* 1000 III my burn In Mason at *iO lo Insure. them; and trusts are even formed in Charles Burr Todd, author of a history (ion* (inii imitntiont. M DtaKRiiti, or innd 4*. nor, says "If nominated and elected NATIVITY PUZZLES LAWYER, la itkHpi Tor pAftlotiUra, loitlnionUU kod governor of this slate, I shall remove Japan. The trust movement is world­ of the metropolis. The editor, Profes­ " KcUof for liUdlM," in Utur. hj patan A. Q. LYON. my family from Ludlngton to the wide and has no relation whatever to sor Gunlon, contributes a strong and r BlalU lO.OOO Tsitlmonlili. HminA Papir, to tarilts, a fact as well-known to dem­ norn on a Spanish Veancl Gnterlns , 'Oklohc«tcrOtemlc»l«o.,M«dl»a«*»aB»rfc capital city and make it my home and suggestive article on "Expansion the floldbj ftULoca l DruKglati. 1*H1LA.1>A., i'A^ The Percheron Stallion headquarters during the lime I occupy ocratic anti-trust howlers as to any­ Jiexy York Harbor and of Mixed' Doom of Protection," and shorter that olllce and shall give the olHce body under the sun; but uufortunalely I'ltrentaKC, « CltUcH of AVltad articles on "Admiral Dewey" and with lliem, a lie well stuck to Is better "Why the Sherman Law was Passed." my personal attention". iiOril«r of I'liltllVHtloii. than the truth. "What I want to Icnow," he said, na The "Iteview of the Monlli" us usual tato of Mlclilpnn. Tho Circuit Court lor Will make the season of lOOO ns follows: he toolc a scat in the lawyer's oflicc, re­ opens the magazine, and gives an Uie County of Ingliiun In Cliaucery. A FEW irionths ago the deraocralio lates the Cliicago Tribune, "is my true abundance of exact infoririation with SElcy A. Norinun, Compliilnanl IKlNltAYN tUKdoii. newspapers were uneasy because they rincoil on Jlccord. TtlKNKAYKiil l';rN. 1,1808, was 1810 pounds. tation, and tliat interest thereon will dissolve t.usts, monopolies or com­ MnHon, May 21,1000. cease September 1. Republican ad- were rescued with the crew and taken DMINISTUATOR'S SALE. By vlrtuoof a binations. The committee adopted the Anna Bonjnmln. H. L. Ii'iilibnnlts, UcenBO tome Krantcd on the Qlh day of TERMS, ?8.00 TO INSURE. nilnietratlons pay bonds; democratic on board the Spanish vessel, where, na A resolution favoring such amendment, Quo, 0. Tlioiobj', Albisrt ID. Prem.'li, April A. D. 1900, by F. S. Porter,.Iudgo ol Pro­ Property of udministralious sell bonds. Quite a every reiiuiiUcaii member voting yes I have said, I was born. Now, am I a Horborl E. I'uUen, Miirk 15ovoroaux, bate of the Counlv of Ingham, Stale of Mlohl- dlllereuce. ErnpHt NloliolH, Mr. T. Bcecb. f;un, iHhall Bollat publloaucllon,onlUe'48lh and every democratic member voting citizen of—" Gloun U, Morse,

_'aLil_i-S ^ I" V »<• f v'f I..^lS•5. 1 wiaWi^ K u-tf.-\;i.^o-.i-.,s mmmaaaiunKnmvi^t

Given an Opportunity! €1 We Can Save Yen Money! MASON. 4V* Of course, we Ciinnot benefit the one who buys her goods WALL PAPER in city stores at city prices; but to people who investigate and compare values, who want the most and best for their money, this store ofTers every inducement. Our preparedness for summer trade is due to nnicli hard SENSATION EXTRAORDINARY! work early in the season selectmg the most desirable yalues from the scores ol lines offered for our inspection. The result is a stock complete and comprehensive. 50,000 rolls—one carload—of Wall Paper in all the New Colorings and Effects. Combina­ We liiid eaoli year at this time a lively denintid tor wliite goods by tlie young hidius wlin urudiiale and many who don't, 'J'osuch tions in Greens, Reds, the new Blues and Stripes, and all at prices that will startle you by readora'of this (luper in Mason and aurroundinfj towns wo usU that you give as an oi)porlanUy to show you the nicest, largest line we Air* ever displayed. We are showhig Persiuu Mulls, Foreign and Do­ their CHEAPNESS. We were fortunate to get in with the Morse Syndicate, who purchased mestic Organdies, Nainsoolcs, JUinutifs, Swii-s Muli.i, Victoria Lawns, India Linona,.Dotted MnliM, Mercerized Stripe WiiiteQiiods, 200,000 rolls. The above quantity was our share and must be closed out in the next 10 days, Piques, I'laids and Stripes; also TneUlngs, Cotton and Silk Ailovers, Laces ami Embroideries in great variety. s giving the people of Ingham County the greatest opportunity ever offered them to get I Wall Paper at Less Than Factory Prices. A Few Thousand Rolls go at, per Roll, 3c, ! Hnother Lot at 4c. 15,©©© Rolls in Greens, Reds, Blues and S® 10,000 Rolls Embossed Gilts at 5c, 6c, 7c, Sc, Stripes at less than on^half regular price. 9c and 10c, worth 20 to 50c per roll. Window Shades from 10c up. Paris Green, )$ m\\ •^CSD

London Purple, Thursday. May U, I'JOO. White Hellebore, IMCKMONAIi 1HI;NT14»N. KIMMEL'S DEPARTMENT STORE and Mrs. P. J. Brown vloltcJ In I.unsiiiB laBl Insect Powder TiionUiij'. 8. W. Mnj'orof Uoll was lu MIIBOII on biisl- The .Tnryls Concert. The Census and Pursou.s Away from Fresh and nuHH TiiOHiliiy. / To HIS Long Sleep, Waller riogors has boon In Wason a fow The imisic loving people of Mason Charles E, Eaton died at lila rooma Homo During June, Pure. dnyu l.hlH wcelt. are deeply indebted to Mr. Claud B, in the Lawrence blocit in this city last The count of the people in tiie Unit­ WARM Mr. and Mrfl. 1, J. KoUoBK wero In Stook- Hunipbrey for one of the most enjoy­ Monday evening, after sevei'ai weeka' ed States will begin in all parts of the bridge TnoKday. able concerts it lias been tbo privilege illness' from atoiiiacii troubles. country before the close of ilie month. M. J. Buck of LnnslDK Visited In Mason of our townspeople to attend. Mr. Eaton had been for many years The people are to oe counted at their McCROSSEN'S Sunday and Monday, Lust Fridaay evening Rayner's op­ a resident of thla eity and in his death places of residence, but aa many per- WEATHER Kov. Geo. P, Slieldon of Stnruis spent a few era bouse contained a large and Inter­ Mason loses one of her moat hlglily aona and families will be away from DRUG STORE. days lu Mason last weolt. ested audience that bad assembled to respected cili/.ens. their homes during June there is some WadoPnlnam of Maxwell, Iowa, isvlslUng hear Harold Jarvis, the distinguished Deceased was born in Scotlavllle, N, danger that auch persons will not be relatives In I Ills vlolully. tenor; Miss Carrie Estelle Williams, Y,, March 28, 1830, In IS'IG be came counted, If they are not counted, the HAS COME A son was born, May 10, lo Mr. and Mrs, soprano and Glen A, Auinoiid, concert with his parents to Michigan, settling locality in wiilch they live will be Geo, Coscarelll of llila city. pianist. in the township ofBunkerhili, When misrepresented to that extent, and in Pledse Take Notice! Miss JCale Blsliop of liesllo Is the gucslof From the aiinoiincementa, the audi­ 21 years of age lie made the joiirney to some cases this misrepresentlon may And with it a demand for new ahoe.s. I will give you for one week at her slslor, Mrs, O. E. Sanders. ence was led to expect a flue program, California liy way of the Isthmus, and be enough to uflect the repreaentalion We are prepared to supply thia de­ Will Simons of Marshall wasa su-est of Mr. and it is only just to Mr, Humplirey remained iu the Golden Stale until the In congreaa of the atate froin which mand. Leverett's Grocery: and Mr8.F,K De("lU yesterday, and the artlsta to state that It was a outbreak of the war. As leader of tlie they come. Local pride and ptato For tlie ladies, we have the cele­ thoroughly delighted crowd of people brated QUEEN QUALITY, the 5 cans Baked Beans 25c Mrs. E, D, Palmer and daiighlor are visit­ Los Angelea hand he atarted overland pride, therefore, should influence auch ing friends In Lansing this week, that left the theatre after au hour and for Texas, When the journey waa on­ aiiseutees to take reaaonable precau­ Thos, O. Plant. (Jo,, Tappan Shoe Co., 10 bars Soap 25c E. D, Leo was called lo Lansing ua awit- a half of exquisite music, ly half completed ordera came for the tion against being omitted fi'oiii en- A, H. Berry Shoe Co., G. Edwin 4 pounds Ciackers (Wm. Sears).25c nous on the Button ease yesterday, Mr, Jarvis is fast acquiring a nation­ band to euliat, A portion of the band umei'alion in tiieir places of reaidence. Smith Shoe Co, inaltes—live lines that 25 pounds Flour 42c 0. B, Colllngwood and F, C. Bennett of al reputation, and his hearers were de­ refuaiiig, Mr, Eaton returned to Cali­ Such omissions are more likelv to cannot be excelled for slyle or serviee. Lansing were lii Lliia eity Tuesday. lighted with his rendering of bis seve­ fornia and enlisted for three years with occur in the large citiea where familiea For the lUPii we have the M, A. 3 cans Corn , 25c ral solos, all of which were heartily en­ Packard Co., H. A, Cuffln & Co. and Scans Wax Beans 35c Prud Tuc.lcer of DeWIll and Gay Castorlln a regiment from that state, and went close their homea and go elsewhere for of ijanslng laissoU Sunday in Mason. cored, Mr, Jarvis' voice Is of the phe­ to Arizona, where, after the war he the summer, Tlie oecurtnce of the Black Diamoiu] lines. The latter for 3 cans Tomatoes 25c E. 11 .Mather of Chicago In a guest of Mrs, nomenal order and hia enunciation aerved aa deputy revenue collector at Parla exposition this year la likely to every day wear, 3 cans Salmon 35c A, L. (Jliapinan and laniily this week, perfect. Tuacon until 1871, Increaae the number absent from the The boys were not forgotten, for wo 3 lbs. Dried Peaches 25c W. M, Kliiimol and family of Lansing Miss Willlama' is the possessor He then came to Maaou which place country. bought tlieExcelaior Shoe Co. line for visited relatives lu Mason over Sunday, of a beautiful coloi'ature soprano voice, has since been his home. In all cases of contemplated absence them, 'i'his is ti line of boys' alioes Try my 25c Coffee, You will which she used toparticularadvantage that have all the style of a man'a shoe like it, Kev. T, U, MoGoo was a guest at i), D, Mr. Eaton waa united in marriage the head ot the family is requeated by Kingsbury's Ironi Friday until Monday. in two songs and a charming duet with Mias Amelia Christmas, in Lea- the census ofllce to communicate with and still give excellent wear, Our Whitefish, salt, loc per lb. Mr. and Mrs, A. G. Lyon attended the with Mr, Jarvis. Aside from being tlie lie, Jan. 17,1873. Two clilldren were the supervisor of the diatrlct in which I want your butter and eggs. DiivlfLyon wedding in Lansing yesterday, possessor ot a magnilloent voice, Miss born to them, but both died in infancy. he lives, He is also requested to leave Will pay cash. Miss Grace Klllotl of the M. A, C, was|a Willlama la endowed with a pleasing With the business alTairs of the city Information regarding the answers to guest 01 Mrs. 0,11, Kreoland over HuuUay, personality, which greatly adds to her Yours for business, Mr. Eaton waa actively connected, the questions which are to be asked Mr. and Mrs. 0. 0, Willis of Onondnsa spent stage success. moat of the time with the wheat eleva­ with some responsible neighbor wlio DG. H. LEVERETT. Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, F, 1), Woudwurth, Mr. Glen A. Aumond was the pian­ tor, until about 10 yeara ago. Failing will agree to see that it reaches the Miss Godfrey and Miss Zella Moody passed ist of the evening, and aside from sev­ health at this time compelled him to census enumerator on his rounds, Saturday and Uuuday witii frienusin Alljiuu, eral grou pa of pleaaing numbers, sup­ retire from active business, although Such information might better be left Mr. Dan HlcWoy and Master Harold Stole ported Mr. Jarvis and Miss Willlama he was engaged in buying wool to aa a memorandum in writing, as in spent Sunday with Mrs, H,'i', Seymour and in artistic accompaniraenis. No one fumliy. some extent for a few years past, that case it is less likely to be over­ Chase & Sanborn's who heard tiiia gifted young man's Deceased was a member of Masonic looked. The questions to which an- L, W, Mills is attending the general assem­ performance, can doubt his ability to bly of the I'resbyloriau church, lu oessiou at lodge No, 70, P, & A. M,, under whose 'swera are desired apply primarily to St, Louis, Mo, claim a share of tlie public attention. auspices the funeral services were con­ the population but alau to all farma He has a peculiarly musical tone TEAS AND COFFEES Mrs, H, W, Dancer and son, Olalr, hnv ducted from his rooma yesterday after­ and manufacturing eatablisbmeuts. been spending the past weeli with her p..r- which showed to great advantage on noon at 2-30, Rev. Zimmerman olllci- They are being published from time to ems at Muiiith, the magnilloent Steinway piano, which ating. Tlie Immediate relatives are time in the press of the country. ARE THE FINEST GROWN. Hoy, A, S, Zimmerman will deliver the was sent from Detroit, Mrs. Sarah J. Woodhouae of thla city. By taking this trouble the absent alumni address at the college at (JartUage, Mason owes Mr. Humphrey a vote Mra. Franc Ford of Peoria, III,,' and citizen w ill dojuatioe to bin locality and III., next Tuesday, of tnanlcs for a concert which will live Edward Eaton of Leslie, his state, and materially aid liie een- Ur, F, A, Wright, wife and child of Oshitosli, long lu the memory of all true music eua oillce iu the performance of its du­ SOLD ONLY BY WIS,, are vlniting friends and relatives lu lovers, Musouund vloluay, ties. COMKON COUNCIL. The census schedule will include Kittle and Uenry Seymour spent Buudny "I had stomacli trouble twenty [OFFICIAL] and Monday with their sister, Mrs, U, V. Inquiries about the age, color, or race, J.F.GREVE VanNosn, ot Jaclisoh, years and gave no hope of being cured MASON, MICH,, May 2l8t, 1900. dale ot birth, conjugal condition,num­ ARMORED CRUISER THE GROCER. till I began to uae Kodol Dyspepsia Council met and was called to order ber of years married, place of birth, Mrs, U, L, Henderson Is sufforing with n la of thla make and they are the best sprained aulUe, Uer danghlur, Mrs, Bucic, Cure, It haa done me so much good I by Mayor Reed, year of immigralinu to the United MASON. MICH. of Lansing, lu caring (or her. call it the saviour of my life," writes States, naturaliitation, occupation, ahoe made for every day wear. W, B, Wilkinson, Albany, Tenn. It Present Aid, Bement, Call, Smith, Our babies' line is the beat Itoy J, itobb, employed with the Detroit Smith, and Ward. number months not employed, school and Construction Go,, now operating at Orion, digeats what you eat, Longyear attendance and ability to read or write prettiest we could find. Please cull Oakland county, visited his puronls lu Vovuy Bros, * Minutes of last meeting read and ap­ and see them. IVotu Saturday until Tuesday, proved. of all persona to whom theae questions are applicable. In addition, inquiries COLONEL HOOK 1611 Mlas Edna Berry, n former resident of BEPOBT OF COMMim'EES, Mason, bus Just been promoted from tbo School Itouis. The finance committee reported the will be made about the ownership of Yours respectfully, Lansing central telephone olllce to chief homea and farma, farm acreage, value Sire Billy R. 2:29.K son of Louis Na- operator at the central ollice in Ovrosso, Tlie sixth and seventh grades have following clalma and recommended poleou.Blre of 30 In 2:30. First diun tlieir medal contest at the Baptist their allowance: and quantity of farm products, amount Lady HooU, aired by Cyclonu 2:23J, Miss Anna Kellogg, a teacher In the Stoolt- of livestock, etc. brldge schools, spent Saturday and Sunday church Monday evening. M, A, Cotton and men on street 8 39 27 sire of 23 iu 2:30. His second datn at her hoiiiu in this city. She was acooni- The seventh grade is studying the M. C. Ry„ freight lUO 23 F. W. WEBB. Mauihriuo Jeuuy, by Mumbrliio panieU by Mrs, James i'aluier, who came to legend of Sleepy Hollow. Andrew Farren, cement walls in front Patoben 58, sire dutns 142 in 2:30. attend a meeting ol the olllcersof the Ingham of Oiirdner properly ISl 01 County 8. S, Assoelutioii, She is superinten­ May 2'1 is Flag Day, E, 0, Husseil, Oak lurabor for city iiO ttl Up-to-Date Hia tbird dam Rosina, by Alexander's dent of primary work lu Inghain county, Sixth and seventh grades played Andrew Farren, cement for cross- WHITING'S Grocery Store Abdallttb 15, sire of Goidsmith Maid ball against tiie ninth grade Tuesday walU 3D so 2:14, etc. Tills liorse his Izejaiid (in- Lnvia Simons, violinist, of ICnliunazoo, Ingham Abstract Co., for searching re­ and Uurdle Simons, trombone suloist with itfteruoon, but the ninth grade had the cord , 1 00 Is where you will find ish and aires wbat buyers are luoiiiuK Brooke's Marine Band o( Chicago,spent Sun­ best team. A. P. Ferguson. 3 nights as watchman. 3 75 after. day at the home ol their sister, Mrs. F, E. NichoiasTemplar 11 nights aa watch- a full Hue of DeWltt, in this city. Both these geutlemen The pupils of the fourth and fifth man 13 75 COLONEL HOOK will make the are excellent musicians, Gardlo being pro­ grades enjoyed a tallt by Rev, T, B, J. F, Greve, grocorlos furnished poor,.. i)3 season of 1900 at my fiirni, south of nounced by many critics the finest trombone McGee of Bay City last Monday, Albert Hawkins, worli in cemetery 2 50 Olieriios, $10.00 to Insure. Breeders soloist in America, Sunday aftorDoou they Fred Elliott, worit in cemetery ,S 00 rendcicd several choice soleolious for the The ball nine went to Eaton Rapids Andrew Tallmaii, work in cemetery 12 01 GARDEN SEEDS are iuvited lu call and look this horse beiiellt of the members ol Lee's orchestra, Friday afternoon, but were defeated, Harrison Breed, work in ooraotery 2 IB who pronouncetl their work the (Inost they Misaes Godfrey, Una Call and Zella A, Slid, work in coinotery ID 91 over. over listened lo, AmonR the feats performed J. M, Tyler, work In cemetery 1 11) lu package and bulk. by Gamle was the pluying of chords of four Moody spent Sunday in Albion, A. N. HARRINGTON^ and live notes on the trombone. This loat The Bamblera were at Mr, Zimmer­ Moved and supported that the report OKEMOS, MICH. has heretolore been considi'red Impossible, man's Tuesday noon and he explained of finance committee be accepted and Try our colTce .it 13c per lb, or and is only performed by Mr, Simons. all about how bees work. Next will adopted and orders, drawn for the two lbs, for 25c. be to watch the eclipse, same. Bring in your butter and eggs. J. Q,, Hond, Justice of the Peace, On motion mayor was Instructed to Mr, Palmer was at Clare Saturday We avc 23aying the highest m.irket Crosby, Miss,, iiiait'ea the following on business. investigate the matter of furnishing A DAY SURE statement: "I can certify tliat One This weeit 120 new volumes haye transportation to Ann Arbor for the prices. Minute Cough Cure will do ail that is been received for the library. deformed Baldwin child. LI FE°<' DEATH t4 claimed for it. My wife could not get On motion the city attorney waa in­ Yours for trade, Every human beinff is grow­ ^M • • Send us your address and lier breath and the first doae of it re­ The ninth grade botany class began using the new microacopes Monday, structed to draw ordinance to amend CMAS. J. WSITING ing better or worse, both moral­ Wf\0 Ave will show you how lieved her. It has also benefited my MiasCurlia reports a pleasant time charter prohibiting the staking out ly and physically. There is no whole family," It acts immediately and pasturing of horses, cattle, etc., on First door north of Farmers'Bnnlc Phonel7 such thing as standing still in ^ tdmakefSaday absolutely and cures coughs, ;'!oids, croup, grippe, at the Ann Arbor May festival laat the public highway. sure; vre furnisli the work and week. ' these respects. If you are bronchitis, asthma and all throat and Monthly examinationa thia week. On motion city clerit was Instructed troubled with nervousness, dys­ teacli you free; you work In the local* lung troubles. Longyear Bros. Tlie seniors gave an interesting play to tuaert advertisements In the Detroit pepsia or constipation, you are Free Presa and Evening News ollering Ity where you live.'.Send us your In the Review of Beviows for May, Tueaday evening, which was enjoyed 1 lUnnual Dividends probably steadily gpowingworse address and wo will explain the busi* by all. tire engine for sale. physically; and in a few years there is editorial comment on Admiral On motion council adjourned for PAYABLE MONTHLY. you will surely die, unless you ness fully; remember we guarantee a Dewey's candidacy; on the govern­ one week. Amounts of $20.00 and upwards ment of Puerto BIco under the law re­ received, write for particulars. obtain relief. Take warning be­ clear profit of $3 for every day's work, Tortured a M'ltness. L. N, GANSLEY, fore it is too late. Peptorene cently passed by Congress; on the pro­ Intense suffering was endured by b absolutely sure.; Write at once. - City Clerlt, Tablets are a common sense posed government of Alasliu, and on witness T.L. Martin, of Dixie, Ky„ ;'. STAMRD IPESTJflENT CO remedy, harmless to the system; THE FRANKLIN SOAP CO., the developa.ed(fi of the month in before he gave this evidence; "I Coustlpntiou Can Bo Cured. 406 Chomtnir of Commerce, but unless you have delayed too DETROIT, MICH. . flnauclal and industrial circles. Other coughed every night until my throat long, they will save you aa sure topics treated In "The Pninreaa of the waa nearly raw; then tried Dr. King's Medical science is constantly mak­ ing new discoveries and Improving on DETROIT, MICH. as the sun shines. Sold by World" are the ruHli to Cape Nome, New Discovery which gave instant re­ druggists, 25 cents per box. fox-broediiig in Alaslui, the April elec­ lief, I have used it lu my family for old methods. One of the latest discov­ tions, the epedimic of striites, the.opeu- four years and recommend it as the eries is Bailey's Laxative Tablets for Manufactured by Calhoun Remedy Ing of the Paris fair, the military greatest remedy for Coughs, Colds and the cure of Constipation, Sick Head­ ITo PATENT Good Ideas Company, Limited, Battle Creek, Mlotu CAN W oneratious in South Africa, aad the all Ttiroat, Chest and Lung troubles. ache, Billiousneaa and Liver Troubles. may bo accurcd by Delogoa Bay.award. It will stop the worat cough and not The active prlnolple is genuine Cas- our aid. Address, iTthlna jon Invent or Improve; «1BO only prevents but absolutely cures cara Sagrada, which makes actual THE PATENT RECORD, i\l|ATJ,MDE.MARK, COPYlilQHTo^r DESffiDES N •D « „ , littlmor*, Md. The Moat Stubborn Conglis Consumption. Price 60o and $1.00. curesV The tablets are chocolate coat­ - lOTECTION. Send model, akotcb,otp]iotpbotoi . Bubecripttons to Tlio Futont Bocord iLWimrMuiuiik for frc« enminfttlon Md advice. resultiiiic from au Httaolt of la grippe Every bottle guaranteed, Trial bottle ed. Twenty tablets In a ten-cent or cold, must yield to the wonderful rreo at Longyear Bros., Mason and F, package and sixty tablets iu a twenty- Printing. fee before patent. healing properties of Foley's Houey H. Fields', JDauBville, Drug Stores. * flve-ceut package, and one tablet Sec the owls iu another column. Write i and Tar, which Btrengthous the lungs bearing the signature of W. J. Bailey We do it and do it right, Lei uud makes them sound, W, M. Mc* Chicago on the outside wrapper, Sold Pcptorcuo T.iblets euro Headaolio. ;:',*^il Patent L*ii7«n. WASH INGTON, D.C. CroBseu,' Feptoroue Tablets euro Constipation. by fi. H. Bradley dc Co us figure ou your work. Peptoreuo Tablets cure Dyspepsia. »• u^m^mM^ii^ki, :l,:y'y-

*;«W«UU>bh11tW«>>M •tMkrt-

The transport Thomas arrived in A boat capsized on the lake atPion- STRIKERS ENJOINED. CARTER MEDICINE CO. WINS, BARBER GOT IT MIXED. ilic JiiBliniir ^oiinii) laui; San Francisco from Manila with sick ciglione, Italy, and 30 persons were and discharged soldiers. drowned. l^o(l(M-iil .JiuUve lit S(. liDHls 'rnUiM Obliiiii.s Injiiiictlnii in IiiviilvliifJC In llelullns n LiMle Jnlce JIc, After SlniiilntUiu oL' Iialiel.s, CAMniELL KOSK,, rubllshers. ilrs, Samuel Moser, aged 30, and her Gen. :^^acArthnr cables aoeount of Sfc'iiN (o Protect United the Miuuicr m])tcil murder. St, bonis, Alny 21.—Cars w-ero run trade," and also of interest to retail On the lull Iho Konalc iiassed Iho naval I'ire deslrnycd the grand army homo J-ATUK. Sunday on live of the lines of Iho St, Louis Trnusit company without any N, Y. Press, .Alny 2,1900. npiiroprlotlon and "I'riMi lionn.'s" bills nnil for sol(li(.'rs' widows at Hawkins Sta- Neai'ly llic entire time in Iho Unit­ r(}i:*lV(.'d a favnrablu repiu't- on tli>' Is'lc- interferenee fi'oin the strikers or their Iion, ]'a. ed States senale on the tSlli was c|e- nriiK'Uiin canal bill In tlu; linnsc Ihc giii- friends, 'l.'ho lines which Avere oper­ ".•at liOfs <;f Pcildai-s." cral (U^llLiiMU'V ari|)r(i|)rlallun lilU was I'.y tho narrow mai-gin of two votes voled lo till' pneumatic tidie system ated were: Parle, Laclede, Delma.r, llnbert Frank, the -well-known iirtist, is a jKiHsi'il, Till' nillltai'.v arailrniy hill, Ihr lib' Mas.'-inehusetts house dcciilcd service in the post otliee appropi'intiuu fioif-niinle man, ami not until he hccoine laKl lit' lUu i-npply hills, will follow il.. Page and Spaiiltling nveniies, Xo at- ai;:iinsl ahiili.shing the death penally bill. Tlie war deparlmont^ reported I ''. seif-supporliiiK did he have a cliancc to The linio In tlio (uaiato on Ihi^ ITJIII was nipt was made to run the cars on inu'sne fiic reiznlar sliulios 'which most peo- in Ihe slate. tlint Cuban revenue receipts are near- ' dfivolcd lo cnnsldi'Vatlon ol' llu! hill pi'o- \ sohediiio time, Tiiey were run out oE ]ile liave in earlier life, says tiie Pliiladeipliia vldlnj,' for civil .si'i'vlcu In IIKJ connliw's The l'|-esbylLM-i:iii general as.senihly, ly t^viee tile island's e.\licudil iires. , the barn down to one end nl' I hi" lino Post. When lie hcRan dra.wiiiR for a liviiiR new Island possessions, 'I'lio re:il;;natl()n the lawmnK-ing body of that chiircli, 'I'he house cle\'iited tlie ilny lo Ihe ccin- iii.'i v,-nrkni:uisl'.ip wa.s so exeeilciit that he of Senalnr Clark, of Monlan.a, was ni- and back' again. Sonietiini'S thi}y licLftni it.s one hundred'iiinl Iwelftli an­ siih'i'atiiiii of war claims liiils nnd fa- had no ditlieuity in soeiiriiip; orders. Ono coivoU In lli(^ luinse ;in nniendnionl to nual nieelingin SI, Louis, Ucv, Willia.m , , ,1 1 -11 . I made Ihe nmnd trip in alunit three day he delivered some sketehos to an em­ the feder,al eonslitution whlidi init.s llu? vorablv acted upon a iiill to aniiro- ,, ,, ,, ,, ,',. ployer, who .=;iid: "ily the hy, Frank, I A, I-'eh(ils, of IMiddleporl, 0„ di-opped . , 'j.,, ,,„, ,' ,. ,'' , loiii-ths ot the usua ti lie, Sometimes contful of tfinals In tlie lianils of con- priale $;:il(i,li(l(i to pav ex-conlei era o want a pietm-e drawn in' a ^reat luirry. It is ili-ad dni'in.g Ihe opening tneeting. it took' lliein nearly twice as long. a novel lliinu;, a lioxiagkanjiai-oo," Kress was reporled; also n, bill to forbid soldiers for horses and oiner pi-o| erty interstate coniineree In tni.'jt prodm^s. ^Nfrs. Dewey now says she doesn't The ollieials of the company iiaid no '',Fa wolil,'' answered ihc arti.Ulls wore renominated (colored) were hanged at Futaw, Ala,, rests while so doing. ifr. Steinbiss The Gol3,e00 lieved after a siege of 210 days. The by this action. This nioriiing at ten and her reliriiie left Washington for sample liotllo free. Large botllcs'i5 and 50 Is either not posted or Is try­ bushels. P.oers relreated before the British o'clock tho executive committees of ing to dooolvo you. Honolulu, cenls. Go at once; delays are dangerous. force. London is wild with joy. Pul­ tho Puilding 'I'rades Council and ot N-D IN OFFERING' somethlnff Ex-Prcsident Cole, of the Cllobe jia- Missouri republicans nomiualed Jo­ tional bank of Boston, has been seii- ler reached Newcastle, near Laing's the Central Labor union will meet to Some men seem to think liecauseself-pres­ ho has bought cheap and trlca seph Flory, of St, IAIUIS, for governor, ervation is the first In.w of initiire iliat it is to sell on ALABASTINE'S de­ Nek. The Poors have withdrawn from consider the fpiosliou of a sympa­ Icnoed to eight years' imprisonment and elecled ArcXinloy delegates to the necessary to keep themselves constantly mands, ho may not reallzo tha for misapplying- $978,917. Natal and destroyed the tiiunol at thetic strike. The general opinion damago you will suffer by, a, national convention, soaked in alcohol.—Cliic;;go Daily News. kalsomlno on your walls, The censu.s of Cnba shows a loss of Laing's Nek, The early oolhipso oE among the labor men is that the Henry HulTmakor died at Knoxvillo, BNSIBLE daalers will not iDuy 58,589 people since 1SS7, due to civil Poor resistance is predietod in Lon­ strik-e will be ordered. It you feel that you must occasionally 'I'onn., at Iho ngo of 105, leaving a yield to the temptation to tell a lie, tell one a lawsuit. Dealers risk one by war. don, President Baumhotl' repeated what uelllng and consumers by using widow aged 93, so big tiiat no one will believe it.—-\tehison infringement, Alabastlno Co. Col. Kdward jrcClernand, of Spring­ Nenrly 10,000 immigrants, mostly William Pnlchou, aged' 102 years, he has said before, that tho company Globe. ^_ own right to mako wall coat­ field, 111,, has been appointed, civil and from Italy, aro on their way west. ing to mix with cold water. died at Findlay, 0, wauled the old men back, but would To Cure a Cold la One Day military governor of Cebti, in the Pliil- It is as.serted in London that Presi­ The ifinucsota re]niblican stale con­ not discharge tbo now men In order to Take Laxative ]5romo Quiidno Tablets. Ah Ff^Sraa HE INTERIOR AVALLS o| ippines. dent Krugcr lias cabled to Lord Sal- make room for them, '.I'hc position of druggists rotund money i t itl'iiils lo ciire. 2'>c. M every church and school should vention adoiitcd resolutions indorsing m\ bo coated only with pure, dur- Fire wiped out the town of Fisher, ex-Senator \\'ashburn for vice jircsi- i.sbiiry lu-oposing peace upon terms the company, he announced, was un- M able ALABASTINE, It safo- Mich., leaving luindreds of persons which are not disclosed. chauged upon that point, and will re­ A nice, refined now expression is: "Aw! M. guards health. Hundreds of dent, stop cliew-ing liie rag or you'll get lint in Isl! tons used yearly for this -work. homeless, A large audience attended the peace main unchanged to the end. He said Tho republicans of Kansas have your lungs! Indianapolis News, The TTotel Ilelono was destroyed by lueoting ill' beliiilt of the Boers in the company -wouid operate addition­ N BUYING ALABASTINE', named W, E, Stanley for a not her term customers should .avoid get­ fire in Chicago and 32 of the guests al lines to-day, but would not say All goods aro nliko to PUTXAJI F.mEi.ESS as governor. AVnshiiy.;-!on and cheered the repub­ ting cheap • kalsomlnes under, were badly burned and; fonr servant lics' euvnys. whctlier or not cars would be run on DYES, as thoy color all Ubers at uuo boiling. different names, Insist oa North Dakota republicans elected having our goods In packages girls probably lost their lives. the Vandevouter avenue and .Ten'orson Bold by all druggists. ArcKinley delegates' to the national Airs, Lucy Wa.sliigton (colored), liv­ and properly labeled, The peace envoys of the South Af­ avenue lines. On those two linos most convention, ing near AVabash, In'd,, is 110 ycavH J UIS'ANCB ot wall pancr 13 Oli- rican repnblics arrived inisre-w York. of llio trouble has occurred. THE MARKETS. William A, Podenbaugh was renomi­ old. .1 vlated by ALABASTINE. It ig can be used on plastered walls. Three strike sympathizers -were shot nated for congress by the republicans Walter Williams, deputy coroner, President ifahan, ot the Street Car Now York., May 21. * wood ceilings, brick or can­ in a fight with incn -who attempted to ot the Twculy-first liliuois district, shot and killed AVilliain Jf. Downer in Jifon's assoolation, said Sunday that UVK STOCK-Sleers $1 SO ((« 5 50 vas. A child can brush it on. operate street raihvny cars in St. Lonis HoKS 0 50 tn .•: 75 It does not rub or soalo off. Nominations for congress; Nine­ Deliver, Col., and then killed himself. no sl,e])s had been taken looking to a Sheep -I UO di) ii m and five men were indicted for inter­ teenth Ohio district. Gen, Charles Dick Domestic trouble was the cause. conference between the men and the FLOUR—Winter StralghliJ... :i-lO C«) ;i 05 STABLISHED In favor. Shun all imitations. Ask paint deal­ fering with traflio. company. He was positive the men Minnesota Patents a 05 (ii) ;i S5 (rep,), renominated; Fifth Iowa d'is- St, }*lnry's college at Belmont, N, C, Wllli:AT-No. 2 Red 77-;8@ mi er or druggist tor tint card. JJorth York, Wis,, a hamlet on the triet, Pobert G. Cousins (rep,), renom­ w.ns destroyed by lire, the loss being would win in the end. '.l.'ho Transit ,lulv Vl-'HftO 72'>4 •Write us for Interesting book­ lineof the Wisconsin Central railroad, company claims to have a full comple­ COHN-No, 2 'I2v'.i«!) •l;i•^; let, free. ALABASTINE CO., inated; Second Alabama district. A, A. 15200,000. Grand Rapids, Mich. Aviis'cntirely destroyed by fire, ,Tuly ''•' f'l' 'l'''i'E Wiley (dcim.); Fightb North Carolina AVilliam H. Hunt, of :^rontana, has ment ot men, but this is denied by OATS-No, 2 27 0 27'/, W. A, .Clark resigned his scat in the district, Spencer lil'ackbnrn (rep,). 'boon selected by the president for the their own employes. The conductors BUTTER—Creamery K'/M 20 senate and was appointed to till the v,a- on the various lines which were in Factory IS (") 16'/j Kentucky republicans elected dele­ office of secretary of state of Porto CHEESE Ii'/i 5 ;15 an nnknown negro were killed by up by the police, . 3,000 men went out and the highest Stockei-s 1170 (rfi 4 iiO QRAIN-n estimate Sunday by any of the em­ Eeeder.s 4 00 (y) 5 10 ^BI^ THE FOOD DRINK. >^i^ lightning near Benton, Tex, FOUKIGN. On the two thousand one hundred Bulls 2 75 ((() -I 35 ployes of the men available for duty . Admiral Dewey nnveiled tho statne The United States training ship Buf­ and first ballot Wood W. Skiles was HOGS-Light 5 00 #5 30 Coft'ee injures groAving was 1,S00—the lowest 1,300. Rough Packing 5 10 {fl 5 ;f0 •which marks the site of the birthplace falo, Commander Charles T. Ilutchins, nominated for congress by the repub­ SHEEP 3 10 ® 5 50 of Dnvid Glasg-ow Farragnt at Lowe's has arrived at the Azores; licans of the Fourteenth Ohio dis­ BUTTER—Creameries 15 Cii) 10% childnin, even •when it is Jiot II CaniVilatc. Dairies .'.. M B 10 Forry, Tenn. Advices received in London say that trict. EGGS-Strlctly Fresh W%(<^ Wi weakened. Grain-0 gives Berlin, :May 21.—Tho United States POTATOES-Cpor bu.) 20 0) 33 The exchanges at .the leading clear­ Duller was moving along the left flank Capt, Charles E. Clark, of Atlantic ambassador, Andrew D. AVhito, refer­ PORK-,Tuly 1175 ®U S214 ing houses in the United States dur­ of the Boer position in Natal to compel City, N, J., -was presented with a LARD-Jnly 7 m.iB 7 05 them brighter eyes, firmer ring to the news ciibled here connect­ ing the •\veek ended on the llth aggre­ evacuation of Biggarsberg positions, medal for saving 651 .persons from RIBS-,Iuly C C7Mi@ 0 70 ing bis name with the American vice GRAIN—"\S'hent, .July 07 M 07^ flesh, quicker intelligence gated .$1,051,891,839, against ,$1,845,- llosuniption of Poberts' advance was droAvning. Corn, July 37%® SS'/j SS2,G-17 the previous week. The de­ expected in a day or two. presidency, says that it is ono of those Onts, July l'2V,M SM and happier dispositions. Simon W. Cramer accidentally shot Rvo, No, 2 5i^A 51 crease compared Avith the correspond­ The Norwegian bark Johannes was t.hincs tha*- '•annot bo. and killed his wife in Paulding, 0., B.irley, Malting 30 @ 43 ing week of 1899 was 18.0. wrecked oit the island of Oesel, in the They can drink all they while nttempting to kill a rat. FROM DISTANT PLACES. MILAVAUKEE. Miss Nettie E. Craven,Who claimed a Baltic, and 17 of her crew w'ere drowned. Five huiidred Filipinos- ambushed GRAIN-Wlieat, No, 1 Nor'n .$ S'VAvas once free from plague Corn, July 34Wfi) 34% All grocers; ISc. and.SSe. , Calvin Kimblern, (colored) shot his Cats, No. 2 White 23y,ifi) 2&Vj war offlco issued an abstract of British After the adjournment of congress wife, ,and two children at Pueblo for at least 300 years. ., -Rye, No. 2 53 (j?) 53'/, casualties since the beginning of the President and Mr.s. iMelvinlcy willgo to (Col.). Jealousy wn.s the cause. A return shows that during 1899 ST. LOUIS. their Canton home to remain the 'war. 'This.shows a total of 20,035, ex­ The percentages of the. baseball 41,232 natives emigrated from Ireland, CATTLE—Native Steers .... $3 05 ® 5 CO greater part of ^the midsummer. clusive :of,the sick in the field and the Texas Steers 3 85 (fi) 5 05 Battle of Manila clubs in the National league for the nearly 9,000 more than, in the preced­ HOGS—Packers' 5 05 (f? 5 20 E'brest fires ar,c raging all- over, Al­ invalids, who number 8,901. Wabash Ave. South oi Auditorium, Chicago. week ended on the 20th were: Phil­ ing year. , • Butchers', 5 15 (i? 5 35 ' A wondorful reproduction of thogreatiiit niivalTlo. pena count J',. Mich; '. . : " •; : Fire at,St. Catharines, Ont., destroyed SHEEP-Natlve Muttons..,. 4 50 0 5 25 tory In history. Dowojrio Toy»go from Hong Konit. adelphia, .082; Brookl,yn, .609; Chi­ Settlers in-Siberia along the' ne^y acroM thti Chincsosoa. A tropicul uuiiuot. ThoChlnona *• Detection of city cmplayes tamper-, the plant of the Canada Cycle arid Mo­ OMAHA. typliogn at nlghtwltli now and ntartllnEt oloctrleal of. cago, .BOO; Pittsburgh, .500; St. Louis, railroad are buying their agricultural OATTLE-Natlvo Steers. .,'. $1 40 & 5 40 (ccta. Tho Amorican licet ongaKint; tho Spanish bat* Ing -with water meters ia Chicago dis­ tor company and tlie WelLiad Vale torles at tho cntranco or Manila Buy Tho Bay oj .522; Cincinnati, .455; New York, .273; and other machinery in the United Cows and Ilelters 3 75 (?() 4 75 Manila br moonlight. Tho wonderful llKhtIng «(• closed fi-auds amounting to $200,001). i company, witk loss of $500,000. Boston, .250. States. Stookers and Ifeeders .... 3 70 (3)5 30 toots, In Old Manila and Oavlto atnlKtaC Tropical >un< HOGS-Mlxed 5 07 ©5 10 rlne, Thodlicovory and comploto doitructlon of tbf i?'-. SHEBP-AVotliers 6 00 ® 5 30 Bftolili ll«ot elT CftTltCi Oftu tr«m I a, m. le U f, m, 5,1'

S' 1 -'V (

1,-;, ,HV. ^^^^JM^^^r,;^^^^'


I brlfny. »;•" u^til'iti i ylp2 ft\ttii (he open feet were small end is'Innoier, hio r.jrej! WELCOME TO BOERS. tobacco box and struck a safety match. and hair dark and fine, hio features del­ PinCIIIGAN STATE NE^YS. "Orderly galloped after liim ten min­ icate and clear cut, hio oomjiilerion a utes ago. Blow the brigade and bat­ trifle blistered and beaten by the harsh K*ence l)t'Ii';viiU'.s Arc: Ti-nitrri'il a Ho- llruUh In 31I«!liiK'i'.n. ^ talion commanders! \'fhat T aslccd you winds that wliisl^led in every day from eejidon liy (lit-C'illzcn.s of Keports to the slate board of health was who arc the women up there?" the sea, and, as he turned, all three ofli­ A\'nshiii;;^(oii. from ^".1 observers in various portions "No, yon didn't! You said 'wlio all cers were struck by Us extreme pallor, of tlic stale for the week ended May are up yonder?' I'm a sub, and s'posed "i'ou're sick again, Morton," said the W.'ishiugtnn, M:iy 21.—An audience ;I2 indicate that typhoid fever and you meant men—soldiers — ollicers. adjutant, somewhat sternly. "1 rcmai'kablo for its size, .syuipiilhy and scarlet fever increased and iiiterniit- What have I to do with anybody in pet­ thought I told you to see Dr. Heiler- greet ed the Boor envoys tcnt fever decreased in area of prevji- ticoats?" nan. .Have you done so?'' at the receptiun given in their honor louee. Consumption was reported at "And I'm a grizzled vet ot a dozen "I—wasn't sick enough," faltered the Sunday niglil; at. the tli-and opei'a IGO iilaces, measles at 127, typhoid years' duly, crows' fee-t and gray hairs young soldier, "I was all right a min­ hoiixi? under the auspices of the cou- fever at 2-1. scarlet fever at 7(l', dipli- a-comin'," grinned the adjutant, pull­ ute or two—or rather this morning, grcs.sional :iu(l citizens' coniniitteo. Ihei'ia, at 2.'J, whooping eniigli at 20, ing at a liHig curly muslaehc and draw­ sir. It'll be over presently. Perhaps Ijong before^ time for the meet­ ccrebrn-spinal meningitis at 11 places ing himself up to his full heightof six it wa.s the smell of the oil that did it— ing to n|nMi the house wa.s crnwdcd and smallpox at Detroit, Colon, Cato, 6tirrmQ story o, feet, "and when you're as old as I am the stove is close to my desk." to sulVocntion, and many \vere turned jMarshall, St, Charles, Grand llapids, and half as wise, Billy, you'll know that But Gordon continued to look nt him away unable to gain admilt;uu.'e. 'I'he Brant, Bichinond and Grosse Point. Amy Life in The PhihVl^in|S^ a pretty girl is •Nvorth ten times the doubtfully. int:erior wiu; appropriately dceni'ated with till! n-wtiiinal ti'icnioi's of both [Copyrifrht, i&», liy F,.T«»iiiyjoii Nwrly,] thought our old frumps ot generals de­ "Jiove your desk across the tent for iloil.v I'^onnil. the United .Stales and the 'Traiisva;il. mand. My name ain't Cordon it I the present, anyhow," saii,l he, "and I'll Si."c weeks ago iMis.s isabeilc \Vood, a While olllcial \Vashington was not n'])- haven't a mind to waltz over there speak to the doctor myself. With all Delray scliool teacher, visited ii tlieater CHAPTEK I. Pedros liad the snappiest captain they resented in any ni;iniier, there were through tho mist and the wind just to this newspaper hullabaloo about our ill Deli'oih, and was never seen after­ ever saw, and that, witli far better ma­ probahly 110 uuMiihci's of the .scmate Sometliiiijj iiiuisunl was going on nt toll them I've sent for Squocrs. Then neglect of the sick," continued he, turn- ward until the other day, wlie.ii her terial to choose from, and more of it, and the house occupying .seal.s in the division licutUjiuu'lcrB unci the niun in I'll got a look at the girls." lug to his friends, "it a man changes dead body was washed up on the shore tlie 'varsity wouldn't stand a ghost ota auditorium and on the .sliigc. Speaker the nearest reginionUil ciimps, regular "I've got to go back," said Billy, "and color at sight of a smash-up he must of the river. Ifcr relatives olVerod a show in tiie eyes of the professional Hendci'son was in one of the boxes, you've no business to—with iMrs. Gor­ be turned over to the i'ted Cross at once, reward for tidings of her, and her pic­ •and volunteer, were "lined up" ulong judges unless Billy would "brace up" and others present were Senators don and an interesting family to con­ What is it, orderly?" ho finished, sud­ ture was sent to the police airt horiltes the ponlry posts and silonlly, eagerly and "take hold." Billy was willing as Daniid, nf \'irgiuia; Teller, Tillmaji, sider. 'What tent'd the ladies go to? I denly, as the tent flaps parted and a of all the ]H-ineipal cities. It is believed, walaliuig luul waiting. For a week ]?.arkis, but tho faculty said it -would Pettigrcnv, iMason ami ^\'ellington; didn't see 'em." soldier in complete uniform, gift with that she went from the flieatcrto the •rumor had been rille tlmt orders for a put a jiremium on laxity to make Billy ltcpri'sent:itives Shafrnth, .-Mwatei', his belt of glistening cartridge:!, stood river and jiiniped in. She was a yjOiing' move were coming, and the brigades a "varsity captain, even tliough the pi'es- "Mrs, Cordon, suh," said the adjutant, Slayilen, (llynn, h'uppcrt, flaiues, Lat­ at salute, some visiting cards in his woman of gre;il promise. Melaiieholia. bailed it with delight. For a month cnt incumbents were ready, any ot with placid superiority, "consider;; it a imer, Lentz, Sulzer, iiUndis, Linney, gloved hand. is ascribed as the cniisi" of her siiieide, shivering at night in dripping, drench­ them, to resign in his favor. "Prcx" reflection on, her sex when I fail lo pay liyau, tirecuo, Henry (Mass.); Hay, ing fogs drifting in from the f'acillc, or said no in no unoertain'leruis; tho chal­ it duo homage. Of course, you didn't "Lieut. Gray here, sir?" was the com­ iVeArmond, Clark (.Mo.). aMeiers, Rhea Ill-Ill for .SnuiKK'll'iK'. •d.rilling for hours each day on the bleak lenge was declined, whereat the rival see the ladies. The party was shown prehensive answer. Then, catching (Ky.). f)iu' of the boxes, it was into the general's own domicile. C. .'\. Baelimiiiin and Henry Cook, slopes ot the Presidio heights, they had institute crowed lustily and the thing sight of the young officer, who stepped stntcMl, had been ri'scrved for the Couldn't you sec how many young fel­ two of the graduating class of the De­ been praying for something to break got into the papers. /Vsaresulta select quickly forward, he held forth the president, ;i eommiltei' having been lows were posing' in jiicturcsque atti­ troit eiilh'ge olj medieine, were arrest­ the monotony oC the routine. They company of student volunteers was cards. sent to the wliife house with licl'.'els tudes in front ot it? Awe, Hank!" he ed by l.liiiled States ollicers ('lijirged wore envious ot the comrades who hud formed; its members agreed to drill an "Tho adjutant general's compli­ of ;idmission to I lie opei'ii Iioiise. hut suddenly shouted to an ollicer striding \vil.h smuggling a line suit of (dollies been shipped to !Maniln, emulous of hour daily in addition 1o the ])rcscribcd ments, sir, and he'd he glad it the lieu­ no I'epi'csi'iilaf ivc of llic presiiliMit'.i past the tent in dripping mackintosh. each, wliicli they were to grndiiati' in. those who had stormed Santiago, and work', provided Billy would "take hold" tenant would come over at once." nillcial liniisehold was on hand. Cliair- "Coin' up to division headquarters? 'I'he two young men were releaseil in would have welcomed with unreason­ in earliest, ft (:i'\'en .Sevi.'n A'rnrs. "I'm off," he suddenly announced, and I't'n ii.s>'U'n!) ill, tN i^liirdi I'l-d general, even though they kept their less, who had given his old dragoon of an hour ago! Wher« do they—the Raiiiiiel Kingsley, who -was recently vanished. In I'liiliiiloliilila. heads erect and the front, their a dad many an anxious hour. Now, girls—come from? 'What's their eoiivicted of eriniinal assault in tho There was a, sound of light, quick wary eyes glanced quickly at tlic un­ just as he nearcd the legal dividing lino name?" circuit court in Hillsdale, has been .sen- footsteps on the flooring of tho rear­ usual array of saddled horses, of car­ between youth and years of discretion, "Wasn't presented," was the sulk'y re­ Philadolphia, IMay 21.—I'rof. lloy teiieed by .Tiidge ('liarter to imprison- ward tent at the same time. The ser­ riages and Concord wagons halted along Billy Gray had joined tho third bat­ ply. "Let a lot .of stuffy old women ^'\'ilson ^Vliite, i;s years oi age, nil iii- iiieiit in the .laeksoii prison for seven geant major glanced up from his writ­ the curbstone, and noted the number talion ot his regiment, full of pluck, struetor in Ihc law department of Ihc years. Kingsley is now about 05 ing; looked at a vacant deslc, then a1 of Qllieors grouped about the gate. ho]ie and health, full of ambition to Lliiivei'silyof I'eniisylvaiiia, was st riitdv years of age. The girl upon whom, the clock, then, inquiringly, at his regi­ Ponchos and overcoat capes were innch nialvO a name forhimsclf in a profession down and bi'iital-i-y iminlered late Sat­ the crime was eoniinitted was a mental deity—the adjutant. It wa.i in evidence on every side ax the men he loved as, except hiis father, he cer­ urday night near 'Iliirty-seeond si rind; daughter of L'iiigsley's brother's wife, just tho hour of the day at which all broke ranks, scattered to their tents tainly loved nothing else, and utterly and Pdwellton avenue. Pi'of. White nnd is weak minded, .She is not yet manner of papers were coming down to stow away their dripping arms and scoiling the idea that tliere might come left the university at ten o'eloclc for 10 years old, from division and brigade headquar­ belts, and then came streaming out to into his life a being for the sake of till- Powell ton avenue stalinn of the ters to be duly stamped, noted and stare, nnrebuked, at headquarters. It v.'hosc smile he could almost lay down Peiiii.sylvauia railroad to lioard ii train Wljicil Oii( Iiy Fii'f. stacked up for the colonel's action. was still early in the war days, and, hisswcird, for he had yet to meet Amy for (lerniantown, a subiirh. Shortly Fire started in the Wg liiiiiber nnd This was the young clork Morton's •among the volunteers and, indeed, Lawrence. before 11 o'elocl< he was found in an cedar yards of the C. H, AVorcester among regiments of tlieregulars whose especial function, but Morton had left iiiifrefpieiited part of Tliirly-seeond eonqiany nt I'lsher and the town is jn "Who are the -(vomen folks up nt ranks were sprinkled with college men the office and was gone. street. His sluill had been ei-iished, ruins. 'I'he loss will be over $200,000, headquarters, Billy?" asked a youth of •who had rubbed shoulders but a few [To Bo Contlniieei.J evidcnily by an iron bar. He died in partially insured. 'I'he G, H. Worcester his own years and rank, peering eagerly months earlier with certain subalterns, the T'l'esbyterian hospital at two company of Chicago, wdiieh owned al­ through the drifting mist at the dim, the military line, of demarcation was a WICKED-LOOKING V7EAP0H. o'clock Sunday morning wilhnnt gain­ most evei'ythiiig in the place, is the ghostly ontliues of the general's camp. •dead letter wlien "the boys" -were out ing eonseioiisness. It has not. yet been heaviest loser. Hundreds of jiersons "Didn't got to see 'em. Where's tho Description of llic Slnii.ser riNto) of sight and hearing of their seniors, ]iosilively established that the niotiw. nre bnineless. old man—the colonel?" was the reply. That la. to Be Unc reat university on the heights beyond up alongside the adjutant and was all the poetry out of war and the Afausor "Sergeant major, send somebody here 'KiULsas City, iMo., il'ay !21.—/V soli­ ciation will be held at .'\nn .Arbor ^fay the glorious bay, never dreaming of laughingly enjoying the latest arrival's pistol is the last work of brutal utili­ to open this," tary robber walked into the Coutes 2n, which da,v has been set aside by •deadlier battle than that in which his tirade at the expense of tho hoiulquar- tarianism. The cavalryman ot the A light footstep sounded on the hotel at .11:110 o'clock Sunday night tdie law department ot the university .pet eleven grappled with the striped tcrs' stall', but at his. closing words future will carry nothing but a smwll springy board floor, nimble fingers land ill the presence of a half-dozen as "Cnoley day." team of a rival college, All on a sud­ Lieut. Billy's grin of amusement sud­ black walnut box, and •will closely re- worlced a moment at the cords, then men, among them a colnnel in the den, to the amuze of the elders of the den left his faoe, giving way to n look scmbVi a surgeon going out to operate Chiirles I''. IMarsk'cy, one of the old­ the flap was thrown open and tlie ad­ Missouri national guard, and the .great republic, the tenets and tradi­ of blank amaze. for appendicitis, When he gels to tlic est citizens and bnsines.'i men ot Sagi­ jutant's ofhce stood partially revealed. wntcliiiiaii ot Ihc hotel, walked oil; tions of the past were tlirown to the "I Ic-now 'em! I haven't been cast of right spot, dosigiiated by the engineer naw, died suddenly from heart failure, It was a big wall tent backed up against with tho strong box belonging lo the ,winds and the "Hermit Nation" leaped the BigMuddy since I was a kid." corps, he •will dismount, open the box, aged OJ years. another of the same size and pattern. cigar stand. Brandishing n revolver the seas and ilew at the strongholds of "They asked for you, just the same, take out his hideous Mauser machine, ^Villianl W. Peterson, a millwriglit Half a dozen plain chairs, 1,wo .rough and throatening to shoot anyone who ^•he Spanish colonies, Volunteers sprang just after you started. 'Least one of 'em hook the case to one end, so as to form nil; a imlp mill at Jrenominec, was board tables littered with books, pa­ moved or spol here, there have been six deaths dur­ there has not been a case of anthrax• ihe quickest, and most agile when ing a briar-root pipe at the opposite ParsDi, come out of the Avet." And, day. Slept last night, didn't y6u? ing the past three months, and they in Michigan in more than 20 years, aroused, he. was one of the torpids as back doorway. Woe to the enlisted men cag-er enough to read a famous inspec­ Mr. Blinkers—Slei-t likt a top. I feel have 'decided to take precautions in spite of occasional stories to tho a rule. One of the kind who should who sought the presence of the colonel against the development and spread of contrary. have "gone in for honors," as the fac- tor's criticisms of the appearance of the iirst rate. or adjutant tlirough any other channel. the disease. C. A. Spies is to build a business •ulty said, he came nearer going out for regiment, the ofHcer.addressed as Par­ Doctor—How many oohes of that opi- The sergcant.major.would droponhin:. block and theater in Menominee to devilment. The only son of a retired son sho-ved bri.sldy into the tent. !ite did you take?' AVlll lliif Colored AVonien. with the force of a baseball b"at. . cost ?riO,000. colonel of the amy who had made C.-ili- The young, soldier who had opened Mr. Blinkers (in surprise)—I didn'l iAtilwaukee, Jtay Sl.^Colored . wom­ "Who all are over yonder at the Many- Canadians arc coming to Al­ lovnia Ilia home, Billy had spent years the tent flap a few minutes before came take any. I gave it to the baby.—N. Y en's clubs will not be recognized at chief's?" asked the adjutant, as Roon cona eount.y to locate, being temp.ted in camp and field and saddle and knew forward With a folded paper, which, Weekly. ^______the biennial convention of the General .-,8 he had his visitors well inside, and by the unusually .low-.price of good the Avcat as he could never hope to know in silence, he handed the adjutant and ,'.•• '.Myslrry. . Federation ot Women's clubs, which tlie soft aoecnt as, well as the quaint farming lands.. Lands , once covered JEaoweU. The only natural soldier oi turned back to his desk.^ Mr. Gordon "Got n job?" asked one urchin. •\?111 open here next month. A. propo­ pliraseology told that in the colonel's by timber arc now sold for as low as. Ilia class when,,sorely against the will toolc the paper, but his eyes followed .'"I'es.''^ answered the'other, with BU sition to recognize them was promptly otnfidential stall olBcer, a southerner 50.cents an acre, ... of moat, they entered thv» student bat­ the soldier. Then he called, somewhct pei-iority., "I'm worUin*'fur a lawyer.' and emphatically rejected by the spoke. chaiimian ot the programme commit­ Frnnlc L. Fuller, owner of private talion, .he promptly; woii the highest "All the brigade and most regimental sharply: , "I suppose he'll be takin' you into tbt •chevrons that could be given in the "Morton!". , ': firm next" ' ' tee, Airs. ].C. L. Buchwalter, of Ohio. banks at Rockford and Cedar Ilapids, •, commanders 'cept ours, I shoiikl say, has filed n trust mortgage for $40,000, Bophomore year, and, almost as prompt­ and thev be waiting for them. The young fellow shopped at the dt "Not me. The whole thing io a mye Hlvcr Stcniiicr lliirncil. .Henry D. Bs^ink, aged 25 years, of • ly, lost them for "lates" and absences. Can't we'send?'' was tho answer, as the viding crack bet-iveiinthe two tent tery ts me. I don't do a thing butsi'i ^ Omaha, Neb., May 21.—Tho .John .11. on a chair by the door all day and trj Hamilton, a niember of tho senior .When the 'varsity was challenged by a junior whipped oit his campaign hat floors and slowly faced tlie thre'c ofli­ Hugo, a steamer employed on the to figure out where he gets the fo«i class ot Hope college in Holland, Was neighboring institute to a comjciitive and spiinkled the floor with the vig­ cers. lie was slender, well built, erett. government work on the ^tissouri dollam a week he pftyij m«,"—'lV*»Ulnip killed by lighUiing. drill the "scouts" oi the former report­ orous shakes he gave the battered felt. His uniform fitted lilm trimly and was river at Plorencc,' was totally da- wo-pii v'ltb ensy grace, tiio hand* and ton Stnx' ed Mint'the crook oomsanv of tho San "Have sent," said his entertainer, Btroyed by fire, >

^;. fit

•mygJs f,. .s' We are now up to the Pant stock and shall close them out regardless of cost. We have a large as­ sortment in Stripes, Fancy Plaids, Hair Line Cassimers, Kearseys, etc. in Men's, Boys' and Children's. Ourline of Hats, Caps and Straw Goods at your own price. Our line of Suits—Men's, Boy's and Children's—must he sold within the next two weeks, and our Overcoat stock will be sold at 50c on a dollar. We are hound to SELL them and not MOVE them. Take advantage of the special bar­ gains that will be on all next week in all departments, THIS STOCK MUST BE SOLD.

Yours, etc.,


Aurelius. North Delhi. Leslie. North Leslie- TRY - - - am plU5 Last Monday Mrs. Jane Eussell re­ p. J. Abfalter went to Ionia last A little daughter gladdens the home Louis Marshall was in Aurelius I *i^^ ceived a telegram calling her to Kala­ Saturday. of Ray Ludwick and wife. Sunday. Cascara mazoo to the bedside of lier son, Ells­ Elmer Warfleid of Lansing called at Haliie Johnson is building an addi­ Jet Laxton has his house nearly Tliursday, May 21,1900. worth Fletcher, who was very sick. S. M. Wait's Sunday. tion to his home on Main street, completed. Laxative He continued failing until lie died Frank Everett and Sarah Gilbert A sister of Mrs. Hass, and her daugh­ P, V. Blackusis buildingau addition Tuesday, ut six o'clock p. m.. May 1/3, to Ills house. Tea.. Ingham and Bunkerhill. aged 38 yeurs 7 months 22 days. Ap­ were married last week. ter arrived last week from England. Frank Stead is impi'oviiif; slowly, propriate funeral services were held at Dr. S. North's hand is worse. He Mrs. Mart Toohy and motlier arriv­ The new telephone creates quite a THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE. lie recently felUiiul sustained a secDiid the Baptist church, Aurelius, con­ went to Detroit last Sunday to see ed from Denver this week and will set­ good deal of amusement. physicians there. tle on the old home for the summer. Cleanses the blood, regulates the fractiireof the iiarlially luiil- nieiiiber. ducted by Rev. McKay, and the re­ E. P. Blackmun and wife were in Bowels, Kidney aud Liver. He is aliardworldiii; inun and can ill mains were laid to rest in Greenwood Tho L. 0. T. M. of Holt will give Tlie funeral of Charles Bagley was Mason on business last Saturday. tiH'ord such hard \wM. To s how Iheir cemetery Thursday, May 17. an ice cream social Saturday night. held from the home west of town ou Newel VanAuker and family were A guaranteed cure for Constipation. sympathy twenty-liye men and teams _ -,-^_»_ May 2G| cream and cake 10 cents. Friday. Two brothers from Hillsdale the guests of Dorr Holmes and wile of l.iirued out and plowed twenty acres The easiest and most efl'ective method county, Dr. Bagley of Alma and Mrs.- Aurelius last Sunday. for him last Wedaosday p, ni—Hugh of purifying the blood and invigorat­ Sound advice to those who have kid­ Haliday of Napoleon were present. . . . Price 25c a Package . .. Blakely and wife leave this week Inr ney and bladder troubles, is to take a Mrs. G. A. Jones hiid the misfortune ing the system ,is is take Du'VVitt's ruu|a nail into her foot but it (the foot) Contains sufficient for one month's, their new home in Maaon. They have Little Early Risers, the famous little safe, sure medicine like Foley's Kid­ Lansing Road. is doing nicely at this writing. treatment. Sold by resided here 34 years, much of their pills for cleaning the liver and bowelb. ney Cure. It always benefits the kid­ farm being a wilderness when they set­ Lougyear Bros., neys. W. M. MoCrossen. Earnest Bramble lost a valuable cow tled on it, They are good citizens and last week, H.H. BRADLEY & CO. •we hate to lose them.—There promises Etchells. West Delhi. Bunk Smith has moved into the to be an abundance of fruit, Searfosa house. Mr. Sowers and old Mrs. Hurd are Minnie Siefried is very ill. ..Smith & Welsh.. reported as sick. Chas. Wilbur has purchased a flue "After sullering from piles for Wm. Franklin, Jr., spent Sundayjat new carriage and mower. fifteen years I was cured by using two Miss Cora Whiting visited friends home, boxes of DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve." in North Aurelius last week. MissJLena Froedtert is visiting her Mr. Whippand wife were in Lans­ FARMERS' BANK! writes W. J. Baxter, North Brook, ^ , The Hawley people will conduct brother, William. ing ou business Saturday. Merchant Tailors Dr. Huntley and wife of the city Oldest aud Slrougost Slato aud Savluga 0, It heals everything. Beware of memorial exorcises this year. Mr. Abraham Lesseny lost a flne liaulc. counterfeits, Longyear Bros. Miss Mamie Curtis visited her broth­ colt Tuesday, It ran away, ran into spent Sunday at C. Wilber's. W er, H. L. Curtis, at the University of a post, crushing its skull, Alex. Canedy and C. Whipp were Island Corners. Michigan over Sunday. Mr. Clapham of Lansing and Mr. the first In this vicinity to plant corn. Are headquarters for CAPITAL, $60,000, H. D. Box and wife went on the To­ • •-•-* Garrison aud son of Mason visited at Mable Tripp and little brother, Don­ Pneumonia follows hi grippe, but Chas. G. Gunn's last week. ald, spent Sunday at Harmon Hall's. ledo excursionSunday,—The bridge on never follows the use of Foley's Honey Herron creek has been repaired.—Joel and Tar, the great throat and lung M.D.CHATTERTON, • President Smith went to Beed City on Tuesday. Unable to AYork. "After suflfiriug from severe dyspep­ L.O.WEBB,. . Vice-President He and Mrs. Smith returned on Satur­ remedy. W. M. McCrosseu. Chas. Eeplogle of Atwaler, 0., was sia over twelve years and using many A. J. HALL, - Cashier unable to work on account of kidney Sewing day.—Chas. iMcEntyreis working on remedies without permanent good I R.C. DART, Assistant Cashier tlie railroad as brakeman.—Born, to North Leslie and Yevay. trouble. After using Foley's Kidney Anally took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brailey, May 12, a. Tile little daughter of Wm. Teal is Cure four days he was cured. W. M. It did me so much good I recommend sou,-AnnaBox is taking music les­ very sick. McCrossen. it to everyone." writes J. E. Watkins, Money to Loan. Call and See UB, sons.—Tne 8. S. holds an ice cream so­ Mrs. Granger spent Sunday at her Clerk and Recorder, ChlUicothe, Mo. BinBaTORS—A. ,T. Hull, 15. A. Iiarno.s, Harp cial Friday evening, June 1.—Emma sister's, Mrs. H. Query. Aurelius. Digests what you eat. Longyear Machines er Reod, .1. IC. Elmor, Gon. W. BrUlol, M. 1) UhaUerion.L. 0. Wobb, R. C. Dart. Goo. M. Box was at liome Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Marthtt Scarlett spent last Tues­ Mr. Freer and wife are visiting in Bros. * Hoyt. Mr. Austin Riggs spent Sunday at day at Mrs. John Willett's. Grass Lake. Mrs. Darrah's.—Our minister's broth­ We sell the standard makes, such Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sanford are enter­ F. N. Goheen has returned from his District No. 2, Holt. er, of Spokane, Washington, was with Farmers have their corn nearly all as the Domestic, New Home, House­ us oil Sunday. taining their daughter, Ina, from northern trip. - Hudson. Horace Stratton, an old pioneer, is planted. hold and Wheeler & Wilson No. The wheat crop will be nearly a confined to his bed. Dr. S. North is reported to be im­ 9, rotary motion and ball bearings, At Walter's Grocery "DeWitt'sLlttleEarly Risers are the proving. failure while the apple crop looks Mr. Grinuell and wife entertained fastest and lightest running machine 1%' fmestplUsl every used". D. J. Moore, quite favorable. Lansing friends Sunday. Lou Gregg of Mason called on bis You Can Buy This Week Millbrook, Ala, They quickly cure friends in this place last Sunday. in the world. all liver and bowel troubles. Longyear Hugh Blakely and wife will soon Mr. Tower of Lansing organized a be settled iu their new home at Mason, grange of 24 members here Friday ev­ Mrs. Levenway of this place spent See our Drop-Head at $iS.oo, 1 bushel flue large potatoes at 40c Bros,, Sunday with her daughter and family Mr. Purdy will move into the house ening. warranted for ten years. 25 lbs. Sweet Violet Flour 38c Forest Neighborhood. they vacate. Ellsworth Fletcher died at Kalama­ in Lansing. 11 bars Economy Soap ..25c Decoration Day will soon be here. zoo last week. Funeral was held here Homer Cornell spent Sunday with 3 cans Corn ...' 25c Mr. David Dodd of BpHugport is Let every soldier's grave be strewn ut the Baptist church. He leaves a his nephew, Otis, aud wife of North Yours for trade, yiaiting here. with flowers and over it the stars and mother, sister and brother. Aurelius, 3 cans Peas .....25c Ben Kitaen of Ionia called at 0, B, stripes wave. Miss Belle Nice of Green Oak is the 3 cans Tomatoes 25c Grlunell's on Sunday. » • < Science has found that rheumatism guest of her cousins, Nellie and Rosa 3 cans Pumpkin 25c Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Grinuell called W. S. Musser, Milhieim, Pa., saved is caused by uric acid in tlie blood. 'Thorburn. ..Smith & Welch.. 3 caus Succotash 253 at Il.N..\Valkin'8 Sunday. the life of his little girl by giving her This poison should be excreted by the Misses Maynie and Bertha Himel- Oue Minute Cough Cure when she lay kidneys. No rheumatism with healthy OPP. POST OFFICE. 2 tall cans flue Salmon 25o Marcus Stirin of Bicyrus, Ohio, is berger of Lansing, spent Sunday with 1 quart Bulk Olives 25c visiting his uncle, G. Slirm. dying from croup. It is the only kidneys, Foley's Kidney Cure always their brother, E, Himelberger of Ibis harmless remedy that gives immediate makes them well. W. M. McCrossen. 3 lbs. large, fat Prunes 25c Chai. Mead and wife of Wllliamstou relief. It quickly cures coughs, colds, place. were at their farm ou Monday. bronchitis, grippe, asthma and ail . * • - ARE YOU ALIVE?... 1 lb. Tea Siftings 25c J. W. Baker and wife spent Sunday throat and lung troubles. Longyear Okemos. A Card. 1 pint bottle fine Ketchup 10c at Mr. Scbuepp'a at Island Corners. Bros. * ' Memorial Day will be celebrated We, the undersigned, do agree to re­ Fine fresh Strawberries, quart box, 10c Mr.Hosford and wife of the M. A. here. fund the money on a 50-cent bottle of To your best lutoroats? Then buy your Fresh Fruits and Vegetables arriv­ Northwest Whealfleld. May Compton is visiting at Dr. Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if Moats where you can gel what you call 0. spent Sunday at W. L. Mosher's. it fails to cure your cough or cold. for, and put up In shape, viz: the ing daily. Try our Teas and Coflees. Scarlet fever 1B reported in the fami­ Corn planting is now the order of Parks.' We excel In quality and and undersell A. H. Blgelow is rebuilding his We also guarantee a 25-ceiit bottle to ly of Mr. Wilson on Bpringdale farm. the day. prove satisfactory or money refunded V^PALAGE MEAT MARKET. in price. J. E. Povey is building an additioa house, Nellie and E. H. Acker and E. W. Jan. 17 m4 H. H. BRADLEY »&;CO. Remember that no Market of our dimen­ Butter and eggs wanted. Highest Sutherland spent Sunday at John to his barn. H. Fowle of Portland visited bis LoNGYEAB BROS. sions In Michigan la more replete with tho Moore's. C. L. Eulett called on friends In brother here recently. dholccBt or market price paid. E. Hurd and daughter Allie and Meridian Sunday, Dr. E. A. Decamp is our new doctor. Holt. —-COBJf-FEO BEEP mid FOUK Come and see us. Office in Torrence house. and our line of Miss Shledle of Lansing called at Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Wade called at George Thorburn rides a new wheel. VKAI., MBT'l'ON uiul I-AUl) Yours truly, Tobias' ou Sunday. Tom Wade's Sunday. Miss Herron, invalid sister of Mrs, Harvey, wout to Ann Arbor today. George Marquedant rides in a new la always complete. Our line of POULTUY Mr. WoUs and wife and Geo. Mosh- The dog warden is puisulug his carriage. Is the best the country aQorda and our Sau­ er and mother of Mason visited at Juties iu this towusuip. sages ot all kinds are simply all right. Cold WILL C. WALTER 11, D. Wilcox's Sunday. Mrs. Fred Phillips of Mason Sun- Meats for everybody and we pay money lor Mis. Israel Aseltino is seriously ill Dansville. dayed in Holt. Hides, Pelts and Tallow. Kospeotfully, Both 'Phones. A son was born to Tracy Cox and with iuflammatiou of the lungs. Mrs. Culver is visiting her husband wife near the M. A. C, lormerly of here this week, Len Parker is working at Clinton, THORBURN & SEVERANCE. It is reported that the dance at Mr. Lenawee county. this place, ou Saturday. Hall's was very poorly atteuded. W. L. Clarlc of the Democrat was We Carry the in town Tuesday, Bert Parker and Nana Marquedant Mr. Dillenbeck of Meridian is doing spent Sunday iu Lansing, A Fast Dicycle Biacr good work with his grocery wagon. Ferd Osborn has gone, to Mason to MA»UX MABKETS. Largest Stock of Will often receive paluful cuts, accept a position with Mr. Flanegnn. The society at Mrs. A. J. Tborburn's Chris. Roback, Jr., visited friends netted the ladies over $8.00. GRAIN. .sprains or bruises Irom accidents. at CoUegeviUe Saturday and Sunday. E. Francisco and wife was called to WHEAT No.l, white 65 Bucklen's Arnica Salve will kill the Elsie last week to attend the funeral Nettle Thorburn visited her slater WHISAT No, 2, White _ , Mr. and Mrs. Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. Bosa, at Ypsilanti last week. WHEAT No. a, red O 65 pain and heal the injury. It's the cy- Vickers and Mr. and Mrs. Webster of Mrs. F.'s sister. WHEAT rejeotod ® <6 White Pine, lillst's friend. Cures Chafing, Chap­ Miss Severance of Alaiedon was a OOBN per hundred (western) S 85 ped Hands, Sore Lips, Burns, Ulcers were guests of J. P. Burgess Sunday. The meat market has closed up OATS per bushel S-lia i2« Mrs. Floyd Burgess has been visit- again. Here is a good chance for guest of Jessie Thorburn Sunday. CLOVER SEED i BO95 OO and Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only lug her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fran- someone, as it is for rent. Jas. Lamreaux is improving James TIMOTHY SEED per bushel 1 00@1 50 and 2oc. Try it. Sold by Longyear Bros., ciso of Alaiedon Center,duriug the pnst Hauclt's barn with a coat of paint. KYE per bushel & 60 Mason and F. H. Field, Dausvlile. * C. C. Finch returned last week from HIBCBLLANBOCS, week. The Presbyterian Sunday school is Ohio and with him came bis bride. SALT SaglnaAV, per barrel @100 Hemlock A number from Meridian took in They are keeping house iu the I. W. preparing to observe Children's Day. BEANS unpicked, per bushel ®100 the excursion to Toledo, Sunday, Moe house. The next meeting of the society will POTATOES pep bushel a 8S Among those who attended were Mr, EGGS fresh, per dozen ® 10 Mi8, E, F. Gaylord, F. A. Osborn, be held with Mrs. Batteufleld Thura- LARD per pound » 08 Barn Siding and Mrs, Harry Foster and Mr. and Mrs. C, F. West and daughter attended afternoon May 25. BUTTER per pound.. S 13 Mrs. Arthur Foster. APPLES_drloQi^I'^XJUO UlAUUifJU, petr ^\im^\A,,„pound. . * » says, "I cannot say too much for De lung troubles, "Boachee's Germun A Keen Clear Brain. BniLDINO MATERIAL. Let ua know your wanta^ Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. One box WATER LIME per barrel .,....'..1 lOffl Syrup." It not only heals and stimu­ Your best feelings, your social posi­ of it cured what the doctors called an CALCINED PLASTER, per barrel... Ql 00 Your patronage once won, al­ Safeguards the food lates the tissues to destroy the germ tion or business success depend largely Incurable ulcer on my jaw." Cures* LIME per barrel & DO disease, but allays iuHammatiou, ou the perfect action of your Stomach PLASTERING HAIR por bushel a 25 ways held. piles and all skin diseases. Look out SHINGLES per thousand 1 25ai4 00 against alum* causes easy expectoration, gives a and Liver. Dr. King's New Life Pills for worthless imitations. Longyear LATH per H feet 8 00®ia K good night's rest, and cures thepat- give increased strength, a keen, dear Bros. ' * Alum baking powden are tlie greatest leut. Try ONE bottle. Recommended brain, high ambition, A 25 cent box tnenacers to nealth of tbe present day. many years by all druggists in the will make you feel lilce a new being. Peptoreno Tablets cleanse and im­ SUBSCRIBE FOR world. Sample bottles nt Longyear Sold by Lougyear Bros., Mason and prove tho blood, curing all eniptions flOYAl MKIwa POWCER CO.. HEW YODK. Bros. eow F". H. Field, Dansville, Druggists. « of the sklu. S5 ots. per box. •THE NEWS. r m^. i J ;.x '\i^x'V\'