mmmww' fatmtn VOL. XLII-NO. 21. MASON, MICH., THUESDAY. MAY 24. 1900. WHOLE NO. 3057. .Vaiv /VilvurtlNoiiiuiitN tliln Weok, NKWIN IS nuiKV, gftKltUiitlUiiUtllitiiliiiiKliiiiiKliUlitStiiiiitiKKtStillilitliKtiliKKKKKiililiiiKlitSKIt Dry Koods-Holinns, Daiioorifc Co. * K Pant Sale-Webb & Wlillinaii, K Qrocorlofl—W, 0. Walter. A daughter of W. B. Teall of Veyay, R £utorod at tho I'ostollico, MnHOn, Dry Goods-Mills Dry Goods Co. is seriously 111. K UH socoud-oliiuii miitlur Insect Powder—\V, M. MCroiison. R Sowing Machines—Smith & Welsh. Ora Crane recieved as a birthday *'The Best Bargains R Publlsliod Every Tluirsdiiy by gift from her parents, a McPliail piano. R ANOTHER JAIL DELIV­ R CAMPBELL & ROSE. Speelal meeting Eastern Star R NEWS IN llKIi:i'. Friday (tomrrow) evening for initia­ ERY PREVENTED. R tion. are Found in the R nf ytir, $1.00; lix moniht.SO ocnti; thrx Wall paper at Kimmel's. R monthi, 35 otnti—in idvinat. R Slierwood Youngs has purchased the R Clins. Merrilt of Eatoii Bapids will ADVERTI8INQ RATES. house and lot at the corner of Ash and R by wool ill Mason this season. TOOLS FOIt AIOINO TIIK Kf!lCAl>]: Best Stores." R OaradvorLlaiDgraloH made kuown aloffloo F streets. AKK i>iscovi:ni':i). R BaatDOHHonrdH SI a, lino per year. Millinery at close out prises at Mrs. So quotes a prominent New York editor. R BuoluoaH locals a veoontu per lino oaohand J. C. Kiininel's. 50,000 roils of wall paper at less than R avery tnaortlon. factory prices at Kimmel's Depart­ R Marrlago,birth,and death notlcod free, A new soda fountain has been ment Store. * And why shouldn't it be SO.' The be.st stores are called best R Obltnary notlooa, resolutions of rospoot pluc- R oarda ofthaulis oto., live oents a lino. ed in Perriu's bakery this week. Inter class field day Friday after­ because they handle the best goods and the best variety of R Anotherjall delivery has undoubted­ R There will be a box social at the M. noon, Juno 1, at the fair grounds. |Ad- ly lieon prevented by tho vigilance of wiiat is new and up-to-date, They akvays pay particular at­ R E, parsonaKo in Aurelius Friday mission ten cents. Sherlfi' Porler. tention to quality, yet must meet competition in the matter of R JJusltioss Cards. evening,.May 25, 1000. R Members of Phil McKernan post and Last Salurday evening Ihe sherlfi price. R On Friday afternoon tlie ladies of W, R C, will meet ol the hall Sunday, learned that M. H. KrIII of Lansing Now, as to this particular store, some people tiiink our R ATT«ltKKTN. the Presbyteran cliurch will meet May 27, at iJ:30 a. m. wiiojhad been serving a 10 days' sen­ R tence for drunkenness, hud purchased prices must be higher on account of the difference in quality, R LAWTON T. HEMANS, witii Mrs, D, Palmer to sew. R Don't forgot to bring flowers to the a file at a hardware store in this city but if tliey will think a moment tliey will see that we must R TTORNEY AND COUNSELOIt AT New line dinner ware at Kimmel's.* room In rear of Phil McKeruaa hall and hud also been seen bunging about meet competition, i^or instance, if competitors are selling un­ R A law. Ollloo over First Slate and Sav- May 20. instead of 2S, R IngBbnulc, Wason, Itloh. Rev. W. J. Wilson of this cily filled the jail yard and tulKing to the pris­ known and unreliable brands of White Warp at i8c, we must R oners, R the pulpit at the first M, E. church at Newest i)attern8 out in Ui'acelel,?, sell the old reliable Peerless Warp at the .same price. Same n. TAVr.OR, Attornoy-at-law, at ab- Jackson last Sunday. Friendship hearts, waist lets, buckles On account of this extra precautions R D struct olllcu, Masou, MIohlRan. were taken in locking tlie four prison­ way witii hoolcs and eyes, pins, needles, cottons, prints, etc. R Buy your carpets of Stroud & Mc­ at Kimmel's Department Store, * R E, .SanJorK, Attornoy,.at-Law. Mason, ers in tlielr cells at night, and on Sun- if we did not offer superior goods or lower prices our busi­ R MIoh. Moiioy to loan, Donald. * Our entire lino of millinery must be morning a thorougli search of the bed­ R ness would not sliow sucli a big increase for the month of May R G, There will be an ice cream social at closed out regardless of cost, ding was made, which resulted in the KU'iS 11. MOARTUUR, Altoriioy at over last year. Below we mention some interesting items for R I Law, Mason, Jllcb. C. H. Miller's one week from next MRS, J. C. KiJtJiEL. discovery of the file and also a suw R Friday night, June 1, fur the Poliok Olln Benson and Miss Theresa Foot, uud cuse Knife. Of course great sur­ the corning weeic. R A. BERGMAN, altoruoy-at-law. OlIIco Sunday school. R over Lonjiyoar's dniii store, Jlason. both of Willlamston, were married by prise was |)retended by the prLioners. R Since tho juil has been lined on the R .A. Wo will receive loose hay and pay Justice Squiers ut high noon lust Mon­ .. AVEltY, attorney at law. OdIco op­ day, the 2l8t, floor and sides the proposition of es­ Children's Dresses R posite Hudson House, Ijausing, Mich. the hiijhest market price for same on cape would he a diincult one and' it is R E.' Thursday, May 31. Near stock yards, R Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Henderson en­ sujjposed the plan was to place a table Ready-to-wear are daily becoming more popular. To R Q. A.s.MiTii. o. J. noon. MiciriaAN PKODacE Co. tertained friends at their pleasent and chair on top of the steel cage busy mothers they offer a method of dressing tlieir girls neatly R MITH* HOOD, Attornova and Connsolors. R The Royal Arch degree will be con- liome on Oak steet Monday and Tues­ and gain entrance to the attic by prettily and at a small cost. Th''^''e' materials mostly used are S Kooins 17,18 and II), old I'. 0. ISUIg, Laiisini,', day evening. R feri'ed by Ingham Chapter No, 51, R, a hole througli the ceiling; then Prints, Percales and Ginghams, the patterns being selected R ;pilEn A, ALLEN, atlornoy utlaw,alconn A. M., in this city, Tuesday evening. lo jump from a window or come down R J ty cleric's ollloo. Mason, Mich, Do not forget to go and hear the with care, that they will wasli and hold their color. Tlie R 1 May 29. All companions are cordially young people ut the contest to be giv­ the stairs and go out the front or rear R invited. en in llie Baptist church Monday ev­ doors. prices are 25c to 75c for smal sizes; 50c to $2.00 for the R pirYsierANi>t. ening, May 28. The men now in jail are Frank Curr larger sizes. R Casli paid for butter, eggs at the charged with breaking and entering a R Cold Storage. Cracked eggs.for sale. * R CHAS. G. JENKINS, M. D. Ex-treasurer Myron H,[Daniels has VViliiamston warehouse; Geo. B, Em­ R nOMKOPATII PIIVSICIAN ANuSUItQEON, The corner stone of the new M. E. accepted a position with the condensed erson and John Madison, charged Umbrellas R Special attention given to Eye, Ear, Nose church at Eden will be laid June 1 at milk company at Lansing and will with uttering forged checks; and Frank R and Throat iJlaoasoa; diseases of Women soon move to that city. From one of the best factories in the U. S., a concern R ' and Itootal Diseases, eleven o'clock. Appropriate exercises Smith, tho man charged with stealing R and good speakers. Names announced the wool from R, G, Coy Co. which pays strict attention to details, who use the best rods, R OlTIOK IN NKAil ni.K,, iius. 1 to 5 .t 7 lo I) p.m, The Detroit White Lead Woiks R later. guarantee their Best Liquid Paints to frame, handles, ferrules, caps, etc, and then put on a cover of R GERTRUDE D. CAMPBELL, M. D. be strictly pure. We sell and guaran­ Wool Tliieves Cniiglit. R A fresh car load of Petoskey stone our own selection. R HY.SIOIAN AND .SURGEON. OFli'lCE lime just received at Hartwick & tee them. R, RAYMOND & SON. The parties who stole tlie wool from F.ist bl.tck silk twilled Serges, R P over MoOrosson'a dm)? store, Mason. Mickelsou's. * the warehouse ofR. G. Coy and Co., Piiriigoii frame, stool rod, R Ollloo hours 8 a. m. to 0 a, m, 2 to -I and 7 to 8 Quo Vadis is the greatest play—has in this city, last Tuesday night were Black Cotton Sorgo, Paragon R p, m. OoHUiry and town calls promplly at­ more spectacular efiects—a greater Coiijfo, liorn and Dresden R tended, The Mason high school ball team captured iu Lansing last Thursday. went to Eaton Rapids Inst Friday af­ heart interest and is the finest sermon frame, steel rod, 2C-inch 50c hiindles, iiickol plated fer­ R They were trying to sell anotlier load rule, every joint covered,' R ternoon and were most beautifully written in years.—Pbiladelphla Press. R U, PRANK E, THOMAS, PHYSICIAN of wool which is supposed to have Bettor Cotton Serge, Paragon just such an article as you and surgooM, Olllco oyer Webb & Whit trimmed, tlie score being 21 to 11 in Jerry Kent has purchased the inter­ been stolen at Portland.
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