Portland Daily Press: November 13, 1876
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ESTABLISHED JUKE 23, 1862.-VOL. MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 13, 1876. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN H.___PORTLAND, _ ADYAM^ ENTERTAINMENTS. ENTERTAINMENTS. business cards. mous figure of The for 257/000. average dail f President and Vice-President. This __MISCELLANEOUS._ THE PRESS- bill = attendance for September was 82,000, fo was referred to tbe Committee of Privileges THE and Elections. It was roported back October 00,000, for November O 1 amended Monday evening,Nov. 13tli, T. e. MONDAY 1876 100,000. and after much the Maine Charitable Mechanics’ As HARE TIMES REED, MORNING, NOV. 13. debate, passed 24th of Friday 170,000 paying visitors wil March, 1875, by a vote of 32 yeas to 26 nays, sedation ■ ■ nessed Congressional RECEPTION HALL. We do not read the closing ceremonies. Th i 1“®? Kecord, pp. 1662, 1674, lyoo, AND Counsellor at Law I anonymous letters and communi- 1!)36, 3 {1-15 for a cations. The total J having completed arrangements name and address of the writer are In paying admissions have been ove Oq the of has to day its passage Mr. Thurman, removed all eases not Indispensable, necessarily lor publication 8,000,000, and the receipts at the turnstile 5 ba(l voted for it, moved a reconsideration, Free Course of Lectures but as a of faith. -Lhis was a^3VEF^IG-PT Rooms a and. 3, guaranty good over $3,810,000. The amount received fron debated at different times, but do PRICES We cannot undertake nnal action was announce that the course will lie opened on to return or reserve commu- bad on tbe bill, and it is now MRS. Ml fiOOLD WOOIM First Floor, Centennial concessions is so that the total re ■ in While others arc Bloek, nications that are not used. $500,000, pending tbe Senate. Moudny Evening, Nov. 13, at 7 1-2 o’cloel discussing politics and neglecting their business, (^u tbe novll EXCHANGE STREET. dim ceipts are over $4,300,000. The number c f of August, 1875, a message was — — will tlic benefit of the BY deliver, for and announced to the Senate that the House bad visitors the amount of the * REV. TIIOS. D. D. TIIOJIAS Every regular attache of the Press is furnished receipt passed a resolution the sixteenth HILL, RAINEY, M. A. M. II * suspending a certificate far exceed even the most successfu l seventeenth Nubjecl—iiEOHIETKY IN POLITICS COFFEE HOUSE FUND, with Card countersigned by Stanley T. aJ*d joint rules for the remainder FISK & Office 499 1-4 CoDgresM Street, ot the session. The CO., Pullen, Editor. All railway, steamboat and hotel of previous Exhibitions, that at Paris action of the House was These Lectures will be delivered on Eve Dr. Daveis. that these Monday licr famous lecture on Formerly occupied by managers will confer a favor upon us by demanding that ran a month I UP°P.tbe assumption aules, nines oi each week in the large hall (Mechanics though longer am l together with the other Hours—10 to 14 A. 111., 4 to 3 P. HI. to joint rules of previous corner of and Casco credentials of every person claiming represent our sessions Building), Congress streets, ant THE GREAT ma3 'ltfcwtl was open Sundays, adding nearly anothei were still in force. When this an- FREE the are invited to at Journal. nouncement was being public cordially REFORMERS, month to the number made, Mr. Hamlin said, that tend. of its days. The sur we have no sixteenth and seventeenth joint Lectures and subjects will be announced weekly. are busily engaged in studying the wants of tlic people, and as a result of theii plus over all expenses of the rules to THE STATE OF MAINE. Philadelphi; suspend. Subsequently, on the same LEWIS B. SMITH, efforts have decided upon offering to a generous public the bar' ~FRE1>. N. following great DOW, Exhibition is $2,000,000. The least successes response to the resolu- SAMUEL R LEATITT, Lecture YOSEMITE, gains: the Governor. tion of the i?l,,nd,»iQ By House, offered the RICHARD COLE. ATTORNEY AT however, of the exhibition are in point o following. NATH’L WALKER. Committee. The WoMerfull of the LAW, That tl,e resolution of the House of Valley Sierras. A. PRO C Xj A MATIN, resentatives Rep- JOHN B. THORNDIKE,. attendance and receipts. Its great triumph; presented this day in the following words: ‘Resolved Portland, Nov. 1, 1870. no2dtf A NEW AND SPECIAL 174 In are by the House of INVOICE middle conformity to the proclamation of the Presi- its large influence international senate Representatives Street, upon (the concurring), That the Sixteenth and Sev- 50 dent of the Tickets, cents, for sale at the door. United States, and by the advice of the commerce and its be fiU8P0oded for tbe remain- MUSIC IT A If] PORTLAND, ME. friendship, grand display SS^? the*KJoint .Ru!f8 of Executive I do session, bo respectfully returned to tbe T.ectutc to commence at 8 o’clock. consisting aP*« d6m*ttf Council, hereby appoint of American resources and Sj’House of skill, and its ob Representatives, with the statement that uovlO 03t the November Thursday, Thirtieth day of November, in had not notified Tuesday, 14th, ject teaching industry and art through the thp'&n.?.1!!?^P^ootativesthe Senate of «. A. CLARK, M. D. Instant, the adoption of joint rules for this On© Niglit Only 2 MUSIC displayed products of thirty nations. But w« present session, as proposed by the resolution ot the HALL, As a of public thanksgiving and praise to ,a8t and 74 FREE STREET day Americans, as a can take nlitnf.?f°r! thCu°th da??/ Jannary trans- Over One nation, little the House Of on Thousand 19 Representatives the 22d AVM. CALDKR Overcoats. I JOHN .Manager. Almighty God, and recommend to the people of day of the STETSON, MANAGER, bead of IIrowu Nt. credit to ourselves for its success. In month, there are no joint rules in force.” Opposite this State the of the thus set its iu- Has the honor of introducing bis employment day apart And this was WoobLined Irish Frcize .... Office Hours 2 to 4 P. M. we at unanimously Wednesday Evening. Kov. 15th, and un- Heavy Overcoats §6 50 in ottering the grateful due to Him csption jeered it, and until the last few adopted. Dramatic. Ja‘6 acknowledgments It seems Pantomime and Specialty til further Double thick Vermont Grey Overcoats ------ 6.50 feUeodtf that the House took no action notice, for the well being ot our country, our State ana our months gave it but cold support. To Phila- the upon Blue Chinchilla Overcoats, small lot 8.00 resolution of the Senate renewing the joint Company, Grand Scenic Production of the beautiful play of the homes during the year that has passed, and in pre- delphia faith and and rules the Good Fur Beaver Overcoats ... 12,00 F. m. enterprise persistence, except twenty-second joint rule, FROM THE HOWARD ATHENiEUM, BOSTON, RAY^ ferring our petitions for the continuance of His lov- and to which regulates the manner of the Diamond Faced Elyesian Overcoats .... 14.00 the efforts of a few wise and far-seeing counting ing kindness towards us. electoral vote, nor did the House take aetion on In a refined and Varied Entertainment. Sea Wave Faced Elyesian Overcoats* .... 17.00 citizens of other of the the The custom of our fathers endears fo us the hold portions country, we resolution just quoted, but assumed that OCTOROON Square Checked Faced Elyesian Overcoats 20 00 Counsellor at Law. the old ! owe rules it that we were Dion Boucicault’s Irish Love ing of family festivals upon that day as a beautiful have had “the largest, best joint iu force, while the Story, Imported Englisn Elyesian Overcoats $25.00 and 27.00 Senate held that Beautiful and and feature of its best early the joint rules continued Mcencry Mechanical Ef- Best .... No. 51 1-2 appropriate observance. If, amid best A Tin A TT XT A TIAA TTl'H English Elyesiaus, silk lined 30 OO Excliauge St. situated, arranged, managed, and only the concurrence fect*, and n Powerful Cast of during of the two Houses .... the gladness happy reunions of parents and cbll iillllilU ilil J Main Beaver Overcoats $12.00, $14 00 and 20.00 most successful Exhibition ever held.” and that no joiDt rules were in force. VUItli, Tim trroot cconn ME. dren and children’s children round a PORTLAND, common Upon tho main question whether either at Branch 0***cc Naccarappa, Me. hearthstone, our gratitude for the good that wo and House can recede from a Miss MARIE BATES, “PASTIMES ON THE LEVEE,” One thousand dollars offered for a or handsomer line of Over- The Argus concedes a rooster a day. At joint rule adopted by larger sepl9 a 3m ours shall extend our to the a previous I have do introducing Songs. Dances and Solos. enjoy, thoughts great Congress doubt. Each Mr. GEO. C. DAVENPORT, Banjo coats under one roof in Maine. that rate it will yet be three days before ail House has tho Grand Family Matinee Saturday, at 2 o’clock. Box family which embraces us all, shall awaken in our Constitutional power to adopt Office r>r. H Wllrto, its birds and its own rules of No anil excellent Dramatic Company, open Monday, Nov. lOtli, at 9 o’clock. nol3dtf T." hearts fresh sentiments of love and good-will to- disappear it acknowledges the procedure. authority can Over limit this power except by a change of the Con- Barn and One Hundred Different The Natural Magnetic Physician, wards our fellow-men, and strengthen our deter- election of Hayes.