A study in three small-scale gold mining regions in Suriname A study in three small-scale gold mining regions in Suriname November 2014 | Final Report Produced for: The GOMIAM research network WWF-Guianas Keizersgracht 395-397 Henck Arronstraat 63 Suite E 1016 EK Amsterdam Paramaribo, Suriname the Netherlands & Phone: +31 20 525 3498 Phone: +597 422 357 E-mail:
[email protected] E-mail:
[email protected] http://www.gomiam.org http://www.wwfguianas.org Produced by: Siriusstraat 14, Elizabetshof Paramaribo, Suriname Tel: (597) 457885 www.social-solutions.net Authors: CelineDuijves en MariekeHeemskerk Email:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Conducting this study would not have been possible without the support and collaboration of many organizations and individuals. The study is a joint effort between WWF-Guianas and the Small-Scale Gold Mining in the Amazon (GOMIAM) research initiative. Specifically, we acknowledge the following local counterparts, stakeholders and partners who contributed at various stages of the study: • Dr. Marjo de Theije, Project Coordinator GOMIAM, Netherlands • Dr. Mark Wright, Conservation Director, WWF Guianas, Suriname • Mr. Laurens Gomes, Country Manager for Suriname, WWF Guianas, Suriname • Ms. Sofie Ruysschaert, Biodiversity officer WWF Guianas, Suriname • Mr. Gerold Dompig, Head of the management team of the Commission OGS • Mr. Berard Paansa, Chief exploration and geology GMD Geology and Mines Department (GMD) • Ms. Farzia Hausil, Staff legal department, National Institute of Environment and Development (NIMOS) • Mr. John Courtar, Head Medical Bureau OSH and policy advisor, Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment (ATM) • Mr. Chris Healy, Anthropologist and Commission OGS consultant Our special gratitude goes to the numerous small-scale gold miners who shared their time and information, as well as food and lodging arrangements.