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yrnmmmmmm Tlie Billboard JULY 16, 1922 « 4 rf^ V « o Hospital. Central laltp. I.. I., at an ad- appearenre waa with Mr». Flake In “Lntwhile I ■ I KhI T*Dce(l The wa** fortncrly con* Susan'*. J[ £ £ ij tralto with the Metropolitan op. ra (ompany. VOGT.'? MILES—Elmer Vofta. blind nlaniit , , w> , . WABNER—W E.. 76 years old. father of fca and music teacher, and Etta Miles, also a mn. In the PrOieRSlOn c. Wamer. aeneral acent and traltlo maiiaiter tic teacher, were married June 28 at Kutland of the Sells-Kloto Circus, dii-d In Syracuse. N. \ t. Both are teachers in the music Si issii ----- - y., July 5. Mr. Warner underwent a serious for the blind at Orerlea Park. Baltimore Md stomach operationiperation last fall from wnicnw'hii'h nehe never WACKSAI.I-irt'l'tTk'ivwai'W^jat? irA-roT'A-iv u....n.n. w.... .. ..• - • RKSESSOM—Audrey, lb. an Australian stage Shows, died a short time ago in Toungstown. fully recovered.iered. He laIs survived by his widow, KSALL-FhUSTtlN^ Wacksall,Wacksall. :a,Zi. beauty with the Williamson Show in MellHiurne. Ufaio. three daughter!ighters. Mrs. Ernest Bonner. ■“? •'^‘•teln. 18. were marrosl was shot and killed by her husband, who Las OESTSICH_Mrs mother of Mrs. Perry. Id.;.; Mrs. Victor Ssluiry, Trenton, N. J.; *“ . '****^ been employed at one of the film exchanges in m,,.;.. n •y Johnson. Syracuse, N. Y., and son, WEBEK-MILLEH—Edwin J. Weber, musical rdry?'^L;"'i^tVrrr,of'5ra; "and’‘X^^^^^^ ’‘’'d'”'"* "‘Vh ?d"cTa7n4“^Tc•hic^:*^ IHrector for Karyl Norman, the Creole Fashion be bad killed his wife, eommitted suicide. At 1“*'" ^r;:“ a®,k i o, I’late, was married in New York on Juue rj the time of her death Mrs. Anderson was uii- ^bor of the Wellington Hotel, Albany, N, Y., WHITE .loseph, •*. ai‘"o «<: Jewel derstudy to Madge Elliott, in ''Going I'p”. A "’“‘P 3. She bad been in ill heaUb for sev- Sells-Kloto Cirrus, was mn oyer and killed aix-muntb-old daughter survives. eral months. fey a utility wagon on the circus grounds In ANDRA—Fern, dancer and European film O'NEILL—Sarah Cecilia Hamilton, DO. mother nnde7*»h.'*wTen*ir'wiien atar. was killed In an airplane accident in Jomes <• ,Neill, of the Actors’ Egulty execu- deceased was a^eep under the COMING ^RIAGES Germany July 5. Misa Andra was liorn n VV ^ i’*****' were bitchy *®._i!,. *llS..i, passed over bia head, crushing hit skull. The Wataeka, Ill. She went to England to study dan- delphia were held last week at the under- e ng in 1914 and later becamee lamonsfamoua as a OSBOURNE—George, for many years elec- r'S'i'lL "-..w. ■»» H,>u<nv»r in Dst. In the Profession dancer in Berlin. Chicago authorities are trician at the Tivoli Theater. Melbourne. Aus- ’ It ls°!»- aeeking her mother, believed to> reside in that triilia. died rereully of pneumonia. aw.iiting word f*^o™ *• i,.*' ** ” It was announced in Boston last week tn.i C*ty. RYAN—trtliur, concessioner, with the John Beved YVhite lived in Balias, Tex. Marilynn Sillier and Jack Plckford will V. .ti 1 1 , A...I Robinson Circus, died of an acute attack of married in Hollywood, Calif . August 1 Mra ARVON—Leslie, aerial artist, died last April, In Auckland. New Zealand. Heiio badhlrf**r^/lrl..i retired “Pl'cndieitis at the Pontiac Hospital. Pontiac, RflRnnfROPC Charlotte Plckford. Jack's mother, after spend¬ ing two weeks in Boston, is now in Los An- from professional life some time,e ago.ago ’^‘*0 ^ 6‘' Louis, i5urviv<*s. MARRlAGfcS• — gelei completing arrangements for the wedding BARNETT—John J.. 77. who, in his day, was When •'Sally" closes In Boston July 15 Jiig, SHERRICK—Clifford H., well-known hualne^a one of the besb known platform sin-ers in Aus- Miller will go to New York to select her trout- tralia. died in that country recently. Altho nd- ni^n and familiar penvtT theateriroera, died faa #|«a ProfttAftlOB aeau and will then hasten to L>s Angeles Tani'cd in year* Mr. Harnett wa« reinarWald.v Joseph s Hospital, that city, Ju'y 5, * It la reported from Ixindon that .'tonhie virile and had retained a p<»werful v«*ice iiii following an illness uf thirteen weeke. Mr. - — Tucker, who Is now appearing at the Hippo¬ within a few weeks of his demise. Klo rrlek, who Wsis 22 years old, atten<1«‘d Fast drome there, will soon become the bride of a BELLO—Enos, automobile race driver, w.u* “."1 BEAL-WISDOM — Jack BeaL concesal killed in an accident in a race at San I-uis il ti l»oxH>ffice of the smith's Greater I’nlted Shows, and \ Oblapo. Calif., July 3. ,i n **"“ Wisdom, of New Kensington. Pa., vaude BENTTW II r nctnr wis fiiuinl dead at Company, and for three years actreaa, were married recently at the 1 ‘‘'bbd dead at with the Wilkes I'layers, Most recently he th« hrido’. narents in New Kensington 210 Went Iifty-Third street. New York, July had Uen treaMirer of the latter organisation. ** *“* * I“teiiu in New Kensington. DIVORCES 1. The laxly was lorwarled to W'aukon, la., .surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mr*. George BISCtiW'-W.VRI)—Morris Biscow, 24. bit former home, fur bural Fherriek, and three sisttrs, Bessie, Uiive and actor, and Sarah V. Ward, actress, both Of BRISTER—Gertrude Mae. last seen with Itutb Slicrrick. New York City, were married July 5. In th« Prof«Miona awlwRRIOIl Oliver Moroseo s "Bird of Paradise’ (onipany, SMITH—Thomas Duval, youngest son of K. BLACKBrRN-rn\PT—EdwardBLACKBCRN-TRAFT—Edward J.J Blaekbum,Blaekbum „ „ " Vhre7 v'eVs"d ed las’;' 77ek a? t'iie i:“ue ^llf t' -Sniitb. died recently in Salisbury, of Lafa^trerLafayette, imlInd., . a^^.H^Crift.and Marie Craft, both con- William Seabury. dancer and matmeematinee kIdd. herparents 'liiK W'urner iienuV t'h^ • neefed with the K. ‘G.'G. Barkoot Sfhows.S?!iows, were F** divorce last week In Chicago Brlster and’her hiislmnd were eontracted to ap- . SPAIN—William, a stunt aviator, fell 2.000 married on the midway at Ixirain, O., June 28. 'j*'™ Billieo_^5?,^/nd\* Shaw. vaudcTlIlp of^deserOo^ and musical c,com- pear with Naximova In The YVhite P.-acixk" to his death at Seneca. Mo. on the after- Mr. Blackburn is an engineer. RaV MVe?a'wcU^known'*'‘.’‘"1*"" - the comliig st-u-on Funeral services were held noon of July 4. The deceased leaped from a _‘•Kit■J Mt^ti, wWl knownEDowD IsiokingiHMiking agentigrot onoD th>> JuU 7 wfth burTal in “lontriX V'emeterv Chi- "'R'' » parachute which failed to open. CrNNINGHAMCrNN'INGHAM LEE—H. F. Cunningham. ?/'«*>K»*th Circuit, waswaa granted a divorce fifpim July 7. with burial in -Montrose i.m.t.r}, tin ,rag,al.v was witnessed t.y .l.tsst ,x-rsons. non-professional, of Ft. Monroe,Monroe. Va.,Ta.. and Mia, ?'?****Mj^Be M.ver, in New Y'orkYork last week. In¬ BticKLEY-Tliomas B 11 rears old died at SPATH—Toseph. .16. owner of the Monroe BohhieLw of Atlanta Ga.. rhoru8 girl, were fidelity and desertion were given as cauaea. hi. home in Ba Xm Wi-: ^u'^ 5 following Airdome Theater. 8t. Louis. Mo., died last ““"led July 1 at Durham. N. C. __ 5 long Illness. .Mr B.i.kley Xa. for many week from the effect* of a bullet wound. Mr. ENBIGHT-M^OMAS-CarM MfComaa prom- RTRTH^ years treasurer of the Kingling Bros.’ Circus. ^-f-Tla'd «nd «hot by highwaymen Inent theatrical »'ar a„d y\ alter J. Enright, BI^HS leaving that show when the Kingllngs ae- •" fore the entrance «pf his theater. His wife well known as an Illustrator and cartoonist, ijulrednulred the Barnum A- BaileyBailee Mr. *>'“ J'"’ divorce. were married in New Y<*k July 6. Miss Me- Buckley was one of the best known men in the To Members of tho Profoition circus business and is said to have been wealthy. After leaving the Itlnglings be never went back into active circus life again. To Mr. and Mr*. Lorenso Qnlllin. of the famon* Qnillln Family, aerohats, July 2, a CLARKE—Joseph, veteran tent man witn ten-pound daughter, at their aummer home In Perry's Circus, died in Perth, Australia, April Syraente, O. Mrs. guillln and baby are do¬ 2U. after a long illness. ROBERT JOSEPH CONNELLY ing nicely. COLLINCWOOS—John O.. 69, died at bia To Mr. and Mr*. Buren Moad. of the .\nto- home in Newluirgh, N. Y'.. July 4, after a m:itic Fish Pond Company. Toledo. 0.. *n lingering Illness. He was the son of the Bobert Jt'sepb Connelly, 13 years old, affectionately known to thouMnds of film elgbt-and-oae-half-pound daughter, at their builder of the Colllngwood Opera House, Pough¬ lover* as Bobby, died July 6 at the home of bis parent* in Lynbrook, N. Y., of acute home in Toledo, Jane 28. keepsie. N. Y. bronchitis, after an illness of several months. Bobby was one of the aereen’s most To Mr. and Mrs. Ben Olive, known profev CRAMER—L. M •‘Shorty’*, promotion man promising child actors. sionally as Ruby and Benny May. Joly 7, a for the Blome, Correnson A Landers Shows, died Bobby Connelly was born April 4, 1909, at 483 E. Ninth atreet, Flatbnsh, Brooklyn, ten-pound son, who has been cbriateni-d Rennie recently at San Leandro, Calif., leaving desti¬ N. Y. He liegan his career In pieturea at the age of four with the old Kalem Company.