Gruppe 1, Hold E, Hus 44.3, Anslag: 115887, Normalsider: 48 København Con Amore HUM.BACH - Den humanistiske bachelor på RUC: Forårssemesteret 2017 2. Semester Hold E, hus 44.3 Gruppe 1 Anslag: 115887 Normalsider: 48,3 Vejleder: Charlotte Engberg Gruppemedlemmer: Dennis Bo Hansen, studienummer: 59849, RUC-Mail:
[email protected] Mette-Marie Fogh Kiberg, studienummer: 60124, RUC-Mail:
[email protected] Nina Amanda Rosengård Bengtsson, studienummer: 59818, RUC-Mail:
[email protected] Sarah Sofie Schjødt-Hansen, studienummer: 57024, RUC-Mail:
[email protected] 1 Gruppe 1, Hold E, Hus 44.3, Anslag: 115887, Normalsider: 48 Abstract This study looks at the book “København Con Amore” by Søren Ulrik Thomsen and Jokum Rohde. Our methodological approach is qualitative and hermeneutical. The purpose of our research is to analyse and interpret the literary and visual contents of the book and examine and discuss our findings as they pertain to a select range of literary, psychological and photo analytic theories. As an initial supposition we believe that “København Con Amore” has a predominant nostalgic theme and that it bears typical traits of hometown themed literature. As we seek to reveal and define the nostalgic dimension of the book, we draw upon the work of Svetlana Boym in “The Future of Nostalgia” – particularly her differentiation between restorative and reflective nostalgia – and furthermore on the psychological research of Constantine Sedikides which argues that nostalgia is a positive feeling and a psychological resource. In the analysis of both the photos and the essays of the book our main focus is on the themes of memory and nostalgia and on which aspects of Copenhagen make the authors feel ‘at home’.