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M i n i t - E d Oar Temperate Zone Is the best. A bailing hot summer ha* just ended with the arrival of an «pfaimn cold front. Thnt cool air feels soooo good. Now back to work with vim and vigor. Pity •hose poor folks in Florida, Southern California and The Islands, who will (ffommercial UTeaher continue to sweat under that steaming Mm while we enjoy the coming bone and SOUTH-BERGEN REVIEW chilling winter winds. Poor souls. Published Al 251 Ridge Road, Lvndhurst, N.J. VOL. 70 NO. 10 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1987 Second-Class Postage Paid Al Ruthertord N.J 07070 Subscription $8 00 - Published Weekly Price tag for removing John J, Breslin, dead at 88 John J. Breslin. one of old barge comes high Lyndhurst’s most outstanding sons died Thursday at his home in Para v which would appropriate f o r In an effort to further clean up 150,000 now defunct Lyndhurst Yacht Club mus at the age of 88 Mr. Breslin. at purpose of removing an aban one tim e a Bergen County Prose the Passaic R i v e r and beautify the "The barge is dangerous and has barge, which now sits idle in cutor. gained the reputation of Bergen County Riverside Park, As 1 become a terrible eyesore,” » Passaic R iver in Lyndhurst The being perhaps the best tort lawyer Donovan explained “The Lyn se m b ly woman Kathleen A bumed-out barge formerly in New Jersey. dhurst Youth Center and Little Donovan sponsored legislation M r. Breslin was bom in Nutley. served as the headquarters for the League fields are located right next N . J . in His family moved to to it. There is little doubt in my 1899 Lyndhurst in He graduated mind that children are exploring the 1906 from Lyndhurst grade schools and area near the barge It is simply J1CTF0R-FUN BOCCI TOURNAMENT Rutherford High School He at u n s a fe . tended Fordham University, passed p e w o u f p t v - m e “The barge is undoubtedly a his law exam s and became a Lyn lw>uc>eeni(, a i e u c c y o f haven for rodents and other un dhurst M agistrate. desirable creatures," Donovan con tinued, and the last thing the people M r. Breslin was the eldest child GUV S A V I N O who use the park want to look at is in a fam ily with five other brothers the debris which surrounds the and three sisters. The dominant barge It’s a disgrace.” force in the fam ily was his mother, F I R S T PLACE ( . Donovan said that the monies known as “M a” Breslin to Lyn which would come from the state dhurst residents Mr. Breslin’s would assist Lyndhurst in removing father was telegraph operator for the barge from its present location the local railroad Mrs. Breslin "Even the public boat launch which urged her sons and daughters to is adjacent to the barge would be attend college and enter careers. more attractive to use if that All of the sons except the youngest, LAM0ELL5 RARK, LVNPKUKtaij burned out shell were no longer Thomas, became lawyers. Mrs. /UmiMN 1987 t h e r e Breslin entered the political arena "I want to see that barge re in Lyndhurst with her sons and her moved as soon as possible, so that energy and force dominated local W in n er* o f th e Just-for-Fun bocce tournament this Sunday at all who use that area of the park can politics for a long time. Laaddls Field, Lyndhunt, will receive certificates carrying a enjoy it unhindered by such an eye She passed on her spirit to succeed —sketch — t o «fm Iheu k ihlate c Gayun; Savino, former editor-in-chief of the Leader sore,” Donovan concluded. to her children and succeed they L j|M * BUBWry the tournament is heiftg held. The did Another son, James, became S s r s t &le by t: nationally known spirts cartoonist BUI Gallo ol Com m issioners Bergen County Prosecutor and also the New York: Daily News.] The tournament Is being conducted by a M ayor and Commissioner of Lyn Selma Gere, a long-time dose friend of Savino v For years she held hold m eeting dhurst. Roger started as a school the Sambuca Romana bocce tournament in Lyndhurst as part of a teacher and then became a lawyer The next meeting of the Lyn tri-state competition encompassing New York, New Jersey and and a judge. William became an John J. Breslin dhurst Board of Commissioners will Connecticut. With the Sambuca tournament taking a hiatus, outstanding lawyer, representing be held on Tuesday. September 29, groups, m any of them now heading ey himself What he did with his at the request of many former contestant$,Gore is holding the many towns in East Bergen All of a t 8 p.m. in the Town Hall large firm s m oney was one of the best secrets in tournament this year in Savino’s memory. Among the dignitaries the Breslin sons have died except The meeting was to originally the county and that was his who will he on hand are North Arlington Mayor and Freeholder Roger and Thomas. "Hie many As the m ost successful tort law have been held on September 22. b u t yer in New Jersey. M r. Breslin won anonymous philanthropy His gifts Leonard Kaiser, Lyndhurst Mayor John Gagliardi, Freeholder grandchildren of Mrs Breslin are was cancelled and rescheduled. huge awards for his clients and in of money and services were unusual Barbara Chadwick of Rutherford, and Senator Gabe Ambrosio. now lawyers and are a dominant The caucus w ill begin at p .m . 'Continued on Pag* J - - Reservations to play may be made by calling the Lyndhurst 6:30 force in Bergen County legal doing so m ade a great deal of mon Deportment of Parks at 438-MCO. There is no registration fee. Free refreshments will be served throughout the day. Play begins at 10 M issing g irl arrives hom e from shore Deborah Murch, 13, o f R iv e r s id e missing since September 11, r e never met her friend, and she did Lyndhurst Detectives Robert Avenue in Lyndhurst, who had been turned home shortly after midnight not return home at the appointed Sibilio and Paul Crupi interviewed on September 18 t i m e o f 10:30 p . m friends and schoolmates of the A nationwide search had been Jessica and friends combed the missing girl, as well as teachers Doc doesn’t like prescription conducted for the missing teenager, neighborhood to no avail, and the and adm inistrators at Roosevelt El after her m other, Jessica, had filed missing persons' report was then em entary School, where Deborah is a missing persons report with Lyn an eighth grade student A New York doctor was visibly right, as charged. the odor of alcohol on the man’s filed. Leaflets with Deborah's de dhurst police on September . D e No one was able, or willing, to angered with both the state trooper Breslin agreed with Gallagher breath when he stopped him and the 11 scription and picture were borah was last seen at p .m . o n supply any inform ation concerning who charged him and Judge James and found Rom ano guilty. Since this defendant got out of his car. Borgos 6:30 circulated throughout the Town this date, when she told her mother the whereabouts of the missing A. Breslin who found h i m guilty of was the defendant’s first c'fense, pleaded not guilty to drinking while ship, and her disappearance was she was going to meet a friend at a the charge in Thursday’s court ses the fine was $50 and costs of court operating the car. reported to newspapers and tele t e e n a g e r park on Riverside Avenue. Deborah 'Continued on Page 4 > sion. were set at $ 15. However, after the officer’s tes vision and radio stations Dr. Charles J. Romano of Wood- A second defendant became bel timony, Breslin noted that Borgos haven, N.Y. was charged by trooper ligerent when Breslin told him he had had a conviction in Camden in Montecello with driving an the would have to come back another 1984 School celebrates bicentennial shoulder of the New Jersey Tum- tim e since he had not notified the Borgos indicated he had forgot tional Convention. pike an the Lyndhurst spur on July “God Bless Am erica” was heard court clerk three days previously ten about that. Breslin found the Next, each of the first 10 A m e n d down if unconstitutional These The trooper testified he ob that he intended to plead not guilty throughout the halls in Washington man guilty and imposed a fine of ments (Bill of Rights) was ex cases included freedom of speech, served the doctor at about 5 40 p m. to the charge that he had abandoned School as the entire student body $250 and costs of $15 He also im plained Then the remainder of the search and seizure and due process driving, passing several cars on the a vehicle on a public street and faculty participated in “ A Cele p o s e d 10 days of comm unity service student body, faculty and guests o f l a w James D.