Comenius Project ,,SALT OF THE EARTH,, Created by the Romanian Comenius Team from Şcoala Gimnazială Porumbeşti based on materials received from

J.V.Veski nim. Maarja Põhikool SALT IN - Jõgeva estonia

LINKS Hanseatic_League

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Dorpat () Salt in Estonia In the 1280s Dorpat joined Reval () the Hanseatic Salt was a product that was In 1285 the city, then known as League. In medieval times widely used and hence there is a Reval, became the northernmost Tartu was an important trading transportation component that city. member of the – a comes with salt works and this mercantile and military alliance Pernau can be both land and sea borne. of German-dominated cities in Northern (Pärnu) Europe. The latter In Estonia there are no salt On joining the Hanseatic League, , then mines, nevertheless the old Reval was a Danish fief, but was sold, known by Hansa route went through the with the rest of northern Estonia, to the the German four Estonian city: Teutonic Order in 1346.. name of Pernau, was a member Reval (Tallinn), Medieval Reval enjoyed a of the Hanseatic League and an Dorpat (Tartu), strategic position at the crossroads of important ice-free harbor. Pernau (Pärnu), trade between Western and Northern Fellin (Viljandi). Europe and . Fellin (Viljandi) During the first The city was very half of the 14th century, Viljandi Main trading routes well fortified joined the influential Hanseatic of the Hanseatic League: with city walls League – the town had become and 66 defence an important stop for merchants towers. on their way to Russia and back.

Tallinn's Old Town is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Sites