News for the Episcopal Area Issue 6


Following the success of the Confirmation preparation at the Cathedral last year I have booked another session on: Sunday 13th March from 4.15pm until 6.30pm Cathedral

Please do encourage any candidates you might be preparing or thinking about Confirmation to come along. Caroline has sent the details to all the Clergy with a booking form, please contact your Clergy if you are interested in attending. Forms to be returned to Caroline before the 29th February.

There will be an Area Confirmation Service on:-

Sunday 17th April at 3.30pm at the Cathedral

Please let Caroline know the names of candidates for both of these occasions as soon as practical.

Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01924 371802


Wednesday 16th March, 10.00am to 3.00pm Monday 13th June, 10.00am to 2.00pm Details of the venues and content of the day will be sent out very soon, please put these dates in your diary as your attendance would be appreciated. Lunch will be provided.


All of my “one to one” appointments with all the Clergy proved to be very successful. I have already received a few invitations to the parish events:-

The main event on Pentecost is in it’s final stages of planning. We hope you will all get involved. Please speak to your Clergy for more information. Yours ever, Bishop Tony


The 2016 Visitation Service will be a Eucharist in the newly reordered Cathedral Page 1 Bishop Tony on:- Page 2, 3, 4 & 5 Stories

Page 5, 6 & 7 Notices Thursday 19th May at 7pm (please note new time!) Page 7 & 8 Exchange & Please note this date. It would be a great encouragement if the Clergy and Dates others from the parishes were able to attend to support their newly elected Page 9 & 10 Vocation Churchwardens. Prayers




Was that who I thought it was? A cold December morning saw the arrival of some surprising guests in Ackworth

Mary and Joseph, together with their donkeys, arrived in Ackworth around 9:00am looking for somewhere to stay. They were to be seen walking around the streets, and through the Co-op car park. Causing many a second look from passing drivers and dog walkers!

They visited Bell Lane Academy, where the nursery and reception children were treated to a description from Joseph about how difficult their journey had been. Followed by the opportunity to feed the donkeys with some carrots. They were then seen walking towards Hemsworth, and calling in at Oakfield Park School, where all the students turned out to see them. After lunch they made an appearance at the schools Christmas concert at St Cuthbert’s Church, in the middle of the children’s nativity. One of the donkeys was not particularly well behaved, but Joseph was able, once again, tell of the difficult journey he and Mary had had. Then some- one shouted from the back of church that a place had been found for them. And so they disappeared. But everyone at that concert was able to see the donkeys once more.

This was a memorable event for all involved. A big thank you to Mark Ineson and Craig, at Real Donkeys, ( and also Ash and Jackie, for showing us what it was really like to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Reverend Paul Fox


A Barn Service was held on Sunday 20th December at Berrill Farm in Hundhill. The service is held each year and families, horses and other animals gather to sing Carols and share festive refreshments. This year over 100 people attended with 42 horses. A collection was taken and £276 pounds was raised for the Brooke Animal Hospital.

Reverend Shelagh Stacey


Between 50 and 60 children demonstrated their creative talents at a Messy Church that was run in conjunction with a St Nicholas Fayre in Church on Saturday, December 5.

It was something of an experiment as, for many years, an Autumn Fayre and Grand Draw has been held in the Church School Hall. Although there has always been a wide variety of stalls, there has been little opportunity for youngsters to be actively involved. Attendance has also declined in recent years and so it was decided to give the event a new look, which proved a great success both socially and financially.

There was a good selection of colourful stalls and appetising refreshments and people came along in numbers to enjoy all the fun and soak up the wonderful atmosphere. All the children were asked to remove their shoes when they came into Church and they were soon absorbed in the many activities that had been arranged for them, as well as looking for - and finding- St Nicholas himself (Fr Matt looked very fetching!).

When the time came for the children to leave and they went to collect their shoes, they found them full of sweets - left of course by St Nicholas. Sheila Monaghan, Church Warden, Royston


BBC Radio Leeds comes to Ackworth

The Thursday Coffee Morning at All Saints Church on 17th December was a different and busy affair. Mainly because Richard Stead from BBC Radio Leeds broadcast his Morning Show from All Saints Church.

After a few email exchanges, and a meeting to check the sound, the scene was set. The van with satellite dish arrived at 7:30am, Richard the engineer was setting up the equipment, closely followed by Emma and Jane, the producers of the show, and Richard the presenter. First thing was breakfast, from the local sandwich shop.

As the morning progressed, Richard interviewed several people from our congregations, and coffee morning staff, together with people who performed during the morning, namely the Featherstone Male Voice Choir, and the Ackworth Hand Bell Ringers, together with Mrs Ward, Head Teacher at Bell Lane Academy with two children from year 6. He even found his old French teacher from high school in the choir, who baffled him with some French! He was also challenged to take up the heaviest of the bells and ring a change with them. Done admirably, to a round of applause. It was a good morning, and enjoyed by all.

Reverend Paul Fox

Darrington Collective Worship Committee Bishop’s Rap

When Bishop Tony went to We are DCWC and we would like to say thank you to our Bishop Darrington Church the children and parents were for being here today. delighted to meet him. We’ve learnt about the special hat he wears upon his head The children from the local school performed a it shows us that he leads our church rap they had written. to live like Jesus said.

The staff he carries at his side is like a shepherd’s crook we are his flock, he cares for us

and shows us where to look for comfort, help and guidance inside our Holy book.

The cross he wears around his neck reminds us all of Jesus.

And we must try to live each day. The way that Jesus teaches!

50TH ANNIVERSARY On December 8th the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady, Bishop Tony presided at a Eucharist at St Peter's Church, Horbury.

At this service, Sister Phyllis of the Community of St Peter, Horbury, celebrated the 50th Anniversary of her Profession and renewed her Vows.

After the service refreshments were served. These had been lovingly prepared by members of the parish family. Sister Phyllis and all the Community are very grateful to Bishop Tony, Father Brian, Father Andreas and all the parish for making this such a special occasion.

This is the first time that a 50th Anniversary Celebration has taken place in the Parish Church. Canon John Sharp, Vicar of Horbury, was a co-founder of the Community of St Peter in the middle of the 19th Century.

Sister Phyllis


St Paul’s Church, Old Town Barnsley Celebrating 80 years of serving the community

Anyone visiting Barnsley is likely to have seen St Paul’s Church, particularly if they have an appointment at the General Hospital. It stands close by and is easily distinguished by its green dome. When it was first built the ‘Byzantine’ appearance of the building and the dome did cause some speculation as to what the building might be. In fact, many people thought it was a mosque. In 1964 a cross was placed on top of the dome thus making it quite clear that this was a Christian church.

As early as 1600 a Curacy House, belonging to St Mary’s Church, stood on the site of the present Zion Methodist Church, but it wasn’t until 1887 that a Sunday School was established in a two-roomed cottage in School Street. By 1890, when the Methodists built their Chapel in Cutty Lane, the Church had purchased the “Old Church” from them. This had two rooms; the larger one was used for church services and the smaller for the Sunday School, social activities and as a vestry. This building was dedicated on 18th December, 1894, by Wakefield’s first Bishop, the Right Reverend William Walsham How.

By 1907 it was realised that a new St Paul’s Church would eventually be needed to minister to the area’s growing population. After many trials and tribulations the building of the present church was begun. Fund raising, then as now, was a huge problem. In the 1930s, during the Curacy of the Reverend W. Parsons, great efforts were made to raise the funds necessary by selling bricks and by organising miles of pennies, and other such events.

2016 sees an important milestone in the life of St Paul’s Church, for on 19th March it will be 80 years since the Foundation Stone was laid, signalling the beginning of the life of our beautiful church. And our church is truly beautiful. The nave and the chancel form one huge area with a magnificent brick arch framing the altar. There is a distinct Art Deco feeling to the church, and the subtly tinted windows are said to be based on a design by Frank Lloyd Wright. Suspended from the centre of the interior of the dome is a magnificent “cartwheel” light. It is truly stunning.

To celebrate the 80th Anniversary of the foundation of our church we are planning a series of events culminating in a Flower Festival from the 17th to 21st June. A Concert, given by the St John’s Singers, will be held in the church on Sun- day 13th March, at 4pm, and the church will be open on Wednesday 16th March from 10am to 4.00pm for anybody who wishes to come and look around, sit quietly in contemplation or just sit and relax. Light refreshments will be available. Please come and join us: you will not be disappointed and you will be made very welcome.

For further details about St Paul’s Church or any of our events please contact: [email protected]


Sitting in the wardens’ pew, one eye on the congregation, one ear on the sermon, I watch the candle tree.

Tall newly-lit candles burning brightly, Half-burnt candles flickering bravely, Spent candles, guttering and dying with a puff of smoke which mingles with the incense taking its intended prayer direct to heaven.

What was in the minds and hearts of those who lit these candles? A desperate plea? A heartfelt thank you? A superstitious gesture? A comforting ritual? Their prayers in many languages and many formats focussed in the dancing flames.

Another puff of smoke like a soul leaving the body once the light of life has been extinguished. I send my own prayer with it.

Heather David, Church Warden, Wakefield Cathedral


ST GEORGE’S, BARNSLEY 1) Our PCC secretary, (who also happens to be our Youth Leader), has called us to participate in 40 days of prayer and fasting since January 1st. We meet every night in church from 10-11pm to pray and have been given readings and prayers to use each day of the 40. We are learning lessons about fasting! We end the day before Lent!!

2) Our PCC have appointed an Iranian Sadegh Dabiri as our Evangelism Coordinator and he has been out in the town centre sharing Gods love and praying for people on several occasions with a very positive response.

3) The BBC have been filming in our house for a documentary they are making about churches supporting and accommodating asylum seekers and refugees.

4) We are planning another Adult Baptism for some of our Iranians, Albanians and Africans. Reverend David Munby



Making Connections: Saturday 5th March, 10-4pm at St Thomas Church, Bradley, Huddersfield.


Communion and Catholicity - A Study Course

On the six Wednesdays following Ash Wednesday, in church at 11.30am Members of the congregation may also join the same course on Sunday evenings in our neighbouring Deanery of Barnsley. Reverend Robert Hart


Wednesday 17th February “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat” Kate Raynor – Barnsley Drop In Project Wednesday 24th February “I was thirsty and you gave me water to drink” The Rev’d Jonathan Cain – Water For Life in Tanzania Wednesday 2nd March “I was sick and you looked after me” Fr. Peter Needham – Chaplain at Barnsley General Hospital Wednesday 9th March “I was a stranger and you invited me in” The Rev’d. David Munby – Barnsley City of Sanctuary Wednesday 16th March “I was in prison and you came to visit me” The Rev’d. Tiffany Conlin – Chaplain at Wakefield Prison ALL WELCOME


Wakefield Hospice Chaplain to run the London Marathon

I have been the Chaplain at Wakefield Hospice since March 2015, having previously been a Team Vicar in Harrogate. Many of you will be very aware of the valuable work of hospices in caring for the terminally ill and their families, and in offering bereavement support. Hospices depend on fundraising and I am honoured to say I will be running the London Marathon in support of Wakefield Hospice on Sunday 24th April. I ran the marathon in 2006 and it is “interesting” to see how my body copes with the training ten years on! My personal goal is to beat my previous time of 4hrs 12mins. If anybody would like to sponsor me, you can do so at my online giving page. Thank you very much.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everybody who supports the hospice in various ways, giving of time and money. Your involvement in the life of the hospice is a great blessing to many people.

Reverend Darren McClintock, Wakefield hospice Chaplain Email: [email protected]

Part Time Chaplain:

The Mid Hospitals Trust is seeking to recruit a Chaplain to assist in delivering its Spiritual and Pastoral Care Service across the Trust. It is a post to support the hospital chaplaincy on call rota which operates between 1:4 and 1:3.

The post holder would be paid a retainer of 3 hours per week plus payment for any call outs to the hospitals. The commitment (when on duty) involves being available and able to respond to any emergency calls between 5pm- 8am weekdays and throughout the weekend or Bank Holiday.

Alongside this the Trust is seeking to recruit chaplains who are interested in being a bank chaplain to cover the on call if the need arises.

Closing date is the 6th February. For further details or an application form please look at:

Please visit “search jobs” and input “Chaplain” and “Wakefield” Revd Rachel Bailes, Chaplain

Volunteering with Chaplaincy at the Mid- Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust

If you are a good listener, enjoy meeting people and can offer a couple of hours a week- why not consider becom- ing a Chaplaincy volunteer visitor?

Coming into hospital can be difficult for many people. Questions and anxieties arise that we are not faced with in our everyday lives. The Trust’s Chaplaincy team works alongside patients, visitors and staff to offer pastoral and spiritual support.

Our Chaplaincy volunteers, both ‘lay’ and ‘ordained’, are invaluable members of our chaplaincy team and most find it a very rewarding experience.

What do they do? After completing the process of becoming a hospital volunteer, prospective visitors take a short training course with a member of the permanent chaplaincy staff to explore the work involved. (Volunteers will need a reference from their church leader or, if ordained, a clergy colleague.)

Following this, after discussion with the Chaplaincy team, they will be allocated a ward to visit each week. For more information please contact:

Dewsbury/ Pontefract Hospitals: Revd John Arnold (01924 816255) email: [email protected]

Pinderfields Hospital: Revd Rachel Bailes (01924 542567) email: [email protected]

For a volunteer application form please contact Vikki Padgett (Manager of Voluntary Services) on 01924 543451 or download an application form via the Mid Yorkshire Hospitals Website.


Wakefield District City of Sanctuary

c/o Quaker Meeting House, Thornhill Street, Wakefield, WF1 1NQ

Dear All

On behalf of Wakefield District City of Sanctuary thank you all for supporting the Festive Appeal. There has been a wonderful and on-going response.

In the run up to Christmas, we received Emergency Packs, new underwear, socks, toiletries, toys and funds. From Sanctuary Knitters we also received donations of hats, scarves, mittens, blankets, and a variety of teddies, dollies and knitted animals.

There was enough new clothing to give gifts to everyone at the Initial Accommodation Centre, Urban House. Over 300 people received presents of essential clothing. Children also received toys and goodies. In the true spirit of the season, the Urban House staff ensured that people being dispersed on Christmas Eve took presents with them to their new homes.

Your donations, support and generosity has been really appreciated by the asylum seekers and the staff at Urban House.

During the holiday, there has been a lovely atmosphere of celebration and friendship.

The response to the Festive Appeal has been truly wonderful, the gifts and the sentiments of friendship and welcome have really been appreciated.

Thank you for taking part in the Festive Appeal and for your support for the Wakefield District City of Sanctuary.

All good wishes, Linda


Dear Friends,

A lady in my congregation has a piano that she wants to give away. It is described as ‘a fairly modern upright piano in a light wood’. (Sent on behalf Reverend Edward Woodcock)

The lady’s contact details are as follows:- Mrs Janice Daniels 53, Limetrees, Ferrybridge, 07864 104 872


Saturday 6th February: St John the Baptist, Royston. Coffee morning in Church 10.00am to noon.


At The Parish Church of All Saints', Cawthorne: Shrove Tuesday Messy Church between 10.00am-12noon. This will include craft activities, refreshments, worship and loads of fun. All ages welcome.

St John the Baptist, Royston Shrove Tuesday supper at the Whaler 7.00 for 7.30pm


At The Parish Church of St John the Baptist, Dodworth: There will be an Ash Wednesday Eucharist Service (with imposition of ashes) at 9.30am.



Thursday 4th February – Speaker: Canon Loveday Alexander, “How do we read St Luke’s Gospel” Thursday 17th March— Speaker: Revd Professor Canon Loveday Alexander, “Biblical Studies” Thursday 12th May 2016— Speaker TBC

Feel free to join us for Evensong at 6.30pm. Food will be served from 7.15pm. Follow Me 2 teaching sessions from 7.45pm until 9.15pm. Please contact Caroline Asquith, PA to Bishop Tony to book your place: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01924 371802


Monday February 15th 2016 at 7pm

Faith and Marriage

St Austin’s Community Centre, Wentworth Terrace WF1 3QN

Looking at

wedding traditions and rituals

from different faith perspectives There will be short presentations by people from different faith communities with opportunity for questions and alternative input

Fairtrade tea and coffee provided

All welcome

[email protected] 07586327822


‘Asking the Lord’ Diocese of and the Dales

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.’ (Luke10:2) Please join us in praying for the renewal and increase of vocations throughout the Church of . Together we are ‘Asking the Lord’ for more people for a variety of ministries – so that the body of Christ may be strengthened and renewed in its mission to the world. We are asking you to pray for renewal within your diocese of XXXXX. Please use one of the collects for Embertide (below) together with the petitions (overleaf) for each day of the month.

Almighty and everlasting God, by whose Spirit the whole body of the Church is governed and sanctified: hear our prayer which we offer for all your faithful people, that in their vocation and ministry they may serve you in holiness and truth to the glory of your name; through our lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

Almighty God, you have entrusted to your church a share in the ministry of your Son our great high priest: inspire by your Holy spirit the hearts of many to offer themselves for the ministry of your church, that, strengthened by his power, they may work for the increase of your kingdom and set forward the eternal praise of your name; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

Rejoice always, pray continuously, give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thess 5:16-18)




1st For the Church to respond positively to a new awareness of calling throughout the body of Christ, and to prepare appropriately. 2nd That all may be encouraged to respond to God’s calling on their lives. 3rd For the renewal and increase in vocations in the deaneries of: Whitkirk and Almondbury 4th For vocations to Senior Leadership in the church – Lay and Ordained. 5th For the renewal and increase in vocations in the deaneries of: Wensley and Armley 6th For the renewal and increase in vocations in deaneries of: Wakefield and Airedale 7th For the renewal and increase in vocations to ordained ministry – Bishops, Priests and Distinctive Deacons, nationally and locally deployable. 8th For the renewal and increase in vocations in the deaneries of: Skipton and Barnsley 9th For the renewal and increase in vocations from a variety of social backgrounds 10th For the renewal and increase in vocations in the deaneries of: Ripon and Allerton 11th For the renewal and increase in vocations from those who are differently-abled. 12th For the renewal and increase in vocations in the deaneries of: Richmond, Birstall and Brighouse and Elland 13th For the renewal and increase in vocations to rural ministry. 14th Pray for the renewal and increase in vocations in the deaneries of: Pontefract and Bowland 15th For the renewal and increase in vocations in the deaneries of: Kirkburton and Bowling and Horton 16th For the renewal and increase in vocations to The Religious Life - Recognised, Acknowledged and New Monastic communities & movements. 17th For the renewal and increase in vocations in the deaneries of: Keighley and Dewsbury 18th For the renewal and increase in vocations in the deaneries of: Calder Valley and Headingley 19th For the continued increase in vocations in those who are under 30. 20th That all Christians may be God’s ambassadors in their daily lives – in workplaces, schools, communities, homes & families. 21st For the renewal and increase in vocations in the deaneries of: Ewecross and Bradford North 22nd For the renewal and increase in vocations in the deanery of: 23rd For an increase in vocations from Black and Minority Ethnic Anglicans. 24th For the renewal and increase in vocations to licensed lay ministries – Readers, Pastoral Assistants, Evangelists, and Church Army. 25th For the renewal and increase in vocations in the deaneries of: Brighouse and Elland and Ilkley 26th For the renewal and increase in vocations to Pioneering Ministries, lay and ordained, Missionary Work, Fresh Expressions of Church & Chaplaincy Ministry. 27th For the renewal and increase in vocations in the deaneries of: Harrogate and Halifax 28th For the renewal and increase in vocations to youth, children and family ministries. 29th For the renewal and increase in vocations within our Ecumenical partner churches.

You did not chose me but I chose you.

Please pray for John Frost and all his family and friends at this sad time. We know your thoughts and prayers will be appreciated by everyone.

Encourage members of your congregation to sign up to receive Xchange by sending an email request to: [email protected]