Public Document Pack



TUESDAY, 26TH MAY, 2015 AT 10.00 AM



K Bruce Rothwell R Downes Otley & Yeadon B Gettings Morley North

(Membership subject to approval of Annual Council Meeting on 21st May 2015)

Agenda compiled by: Governance Services Civic Hall LEEDS LS1 1UR Tel No: 2243836

Produced on Recycled Paper A A G E N D A

Item Ward Item Not Page No Open No




To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded)

(*In accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2, written notice of an appeal must be received by the Head of Governance Services at least 24 hours before the meeting)

B Item Ward Item Not Page No Open No


1) To highlight reports or appendices which:

a) officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.

b) To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.

c) If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-

RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of those parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information

2) To note that under the Licensing Procedure rules, the press and the public will be excluded from that part of the hearing where Members will deliberate on each application as it is in the public interest to allow the Members to have a full and frank debate on the matter before them.


To identify any applications as late items of business which have been admitted to the agenda for consideration

(the special circumstances shall be identified in the minutes)

C Item Ward Item Not Page No Open No


To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-16 of the Members’ Code of Conduct.



To consider the report of the Head of Licensing and Registration which sets out detail of an application to vary a premises licence, made by Westgate Leisure Services Limited, for The Angel High Street, Wetherby, LS22 6LT

(Report attached)

Third Party Recording

Recording of this meeting is allowed to enable those not present to see or hear the proceedings either as they take place (or later) and to enable the reporting of those proceedings. A copy of the recording protocol is available from the contacts named on the front of this agenda.

Use of Recordings by Third Parties– code of practice

a) Any published recording should be accompanied by a statement of when and where the recording was made, the context of the discussion that took place, and a clear identification of the main speakers and their role or title. b) Those making recordings must not edit the recording in a way that could lead to misinterpretation or misrepresentation of the proceedings or comments made by attendees. In particular there should be no internal editing of published extracts; recordings may start at any point and end at any point but the material between those points must be complete.

D Agenda Item 6

Report author: Miss Jane Wood

0113 2474095

Report of the Head of Licensing and Registration

Report to the Licensing Sub Committee

Date: Tuesday 26th May 2015

Subject: Application to vary a premises licence held by The Angel High Street, Wetherby, LS22 6LT

Are specific electoral Wards affected? Yes No

If relevant, name(s) of Ward(s): Wetherby

Are there implications for equality and diversity and cohesion and Yes No integration?

Is the decision eligible for Call-In? Yes No

Does the report contain confidential or exempt information? Yes No If relevant, Access to Information Procedure Rule number: Appendix number:

Summary of main issues

This is an application to vary a premises licence, made by Westgate Leisure Services Limited, for The Angel High Street, Wetherby, LS22 6LT

Responsible authorities and Ward Members have been notified of this application.

The application has attracted representations from members of the public and from responsible authorities.

1 Page 1 1.0 Purpose of this Report

1.1 To advise Members of an application made under section 34 of the Licensing Act 2003 ("the Act") for a premises licence in respect of the above mentioned premises.

1.2 Members are required to consider this application due to the receipt of representations.

2.0 History of Premises

An application was received on the 19th July 2005 to convert and vary the existing Justices’ On Licence and Public Entertainment Licence in to a premises licence.

The application attracted representations from Leeds City Council’s Environmental Health and Health & Safety Team. The agencies objections were later withdrawn subject to the agreements of suggested measures forming part of the operating schedule, and the licence subsequently granted.

At this time the premises licence holder was Mill House Inns Limited. On the 23rd April 2007 the licence became the property of Spirit Group Limited by way of a transfer application. The transfer application progressed through the consultation period without representation from West Police and was duly granted with immediate effect.

Over the course of the following two years, several changes to the Designated Premises Supervisor were made and granted. However the next key change was on 18th August 2009 with the appointment of the current premises licence holders; Franco Del Bueno and Catherine Spence.

Ten days later on the 28th August 2009, an application to specify Gary Lockhart as the Designated Premises Supervisor was received.

Both applications to transfer the licence and change the DPS did not attract representation and were granted as requested.

Also on the 28th August 2009 an application to vary the premises licence was made. The application only proposed to alter the internal layout of the premises, however it attracted a representation from Police suggesting measures to address their concerns in relation to CCTV retention, proof of age requirement and the prohibition of licensable activities tasking place in the outside area.

The above measures were agreed by the licence holder resulting in the representation being withdrawn and the licence being granted with the measures incorporated.

A further application to vary the premises licence was made on the 4th March 2010. On this occasion the proposal was to alter the internal layout of the premises to facilitate a function room, along with an extension to the hours of all licensable activities.

2 Page 2 This application was subjected to representation from West Yorkshire Police and the Environmental Protection Team, both offering suggested measures which remained outstanding and a matter for Members consideration at hearing on the 19th April 2010.

Members carefully considered all submissions and remained concerned about the likely impact of granting the application on the licensing objectives regarding public nuisance and the prevention of crime and disorder. The Sub Committee however felt it was possible to take proportionate steps to address the concerns raised, and resolved to grant the application in part.

A terminal hour of 00:30 hours on Friday and Saturday evenings for Late Night Refreshment and the Sale of Alcohol was granted, along with the inclusion of all the measures suggested by the two responsible authorities in to the operating schedule.

On 21st May 2013, a minor variation application was received by the Licensing authority. This application proposed to alter the wording of a condition in relation to door staff requirements which read ‘The minimum number of door supervisors for the premises is 2 on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening from 19:00 hours until one hour after close of business.’

The wording offered by the licence holders were that ‘The minimum number of door supervisors for the premises is 2 on a Friday and Saturday evening from 21:00 hours until one hour after the close of business.’

Concerns to the revision were expressed by West Yorkshire Police who submitted a representation to the application. With a duty to refuse the application on receipt of a representation, save except for an agreement being reached, a meeting was held between West Yorkshire Police and the premises licence holder.

The meeting did result in an agreement which involved further modification to the wording. The measure agreed by both parties was that ‘The minimum number of door supervisors for the premises is 2 on a Thursday from 21:00 hours until one hour after the close of business, and on a Friday and Saturday evenings from 20:30 hours until one hour after the close of business.’

On the 26th February 2014 an application for a review of the premise licence under Section 51 of the Licensing Act 2003 was received from West Yorkshire Police. The grounds of this review centered principally on the reports of assaults and disturbances. West Yorkshire Police had received information regarding drugs along with two positive test purchases of under age alcohol sales. Further concerns have also been raised over planning consent and noise issues experienced at the premises.

Violent crime was a major concern at the premises as customers leave. The absence of CCTV was also highlighted. A detailed chronology of events leading up to the review was submitted along with witness statements and press releases and other evidence supporting the review.

3 Page 3 The licensing sub committee carefully considered the report and heard from West Yorkshire Police and the premise licence holder’s representative.

The Licensing Sub-Committee considered all the evidence, including the opening hours of the other premises in the area, as provided by the Licensing Officer.

They did not feel there was drugs problem at the premises. They did feel that the upper floor area was suffering a disproportionate amount of incidents at the end of the evening. It had become a focal point for late night drinking in the area. They also took into account the comments of the designated premises supervisor, he had stated the reason the premises had operated beyond their permitted hours, as identified by the CCTV, was because they had problems getting people to leave at the end of the evening.

They agreed with West Yorkshire Police that revocation was not necessary at this stage. They felt it was appropriate to modify the conditions. They considered there were no problems with the downstairs operating as a restaurant.

The Licensing Sub Committee resolved to modify the conditions splitting the licensable hours for different areas of the building.

The premise licence holder took the opportunity to appeal the decision made by the licensing sub-committee. Before the appeal was heard at the magistrate’s court modified conditions were agreed and the appeal was withdrawn. Parties also agreed to modifications to the hours licensable activities are carried out. The modified conditions now appear on the current Premises Licence

On the 2nd April 2015 an application was received to vary the Designated Premise supervisor at the Premise. No representation was received and the application was duly granted.

An application was also received to Transfer the Premise Licence Holders from Franco Del Buono and Catherine Spence to Westgate Leisure Services Ltd. This application received no representations and the application was duly granted.

A further application was received on 2nd April 2015 to vary the premise licence under section 34 of the Licensing Act. As representation has been received, a hearing was scheduled for the committee to make a decision as to the application.

2.1 A copy of the existing licence is attached at Appendix A

3.0 The Application

3.1 The applicant is Westgate Leisure Services Limited

3.2 The application form may be found at Appendix B to this report.

4 Page 4 3.4 The variation of licensable activities has not been sought with this application and therefore remains the same.

4.0 Other matters relevant to the application

4.1 It is brought to Members attention that this application is for the removal of conditions attached to the Premise licence relating to crime and disorder. Further amendments are also requested regarding conditions relating to public nuisance.

4.2 The Designated Premise Supervisor at the premise is now Mr Smail Beladjal.

4.3 Equality and Diversity / Cohesion and Integration

4.4 At the time of writing this report there were no implications for equality and diversity. Any decision taken by the Licensing Sub-Committee will be in accordance with the four licensing objectives as prescribed by the Licensing Act 2003.

5.0 Steps to promote the Licensing Objectives

5.1 As the removal and amendment of conditions forms the whole of this application, no further steps to promote the licensing objectives were offered as part of the application.

6.0 Licensing Hours

6.1 Members are directed to paragraphs 6.8 to 6.15 for the Statement of Licensing Policy which states the criteria that will be applied to any decision for new applications or variations which include extending hours.

6.2 In brief the Policy states at 6.14 that restrictions may be made to the proposed hours of use where, after receiving relevant representations, the council considers it appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives to do so. The council will take into account the existing pattern of licensed premises in an area when considering what is appropriate to promote the objectives. Applications which are significantly out of character for a locality will need to demonstrate that granting the hours sought will not impact on the licensing objectives, given the potential for neighbouring premises to seek the same additional hours to prevent rivals gaining a commercial advantage.

6.3 A list of premises in the local area and their licensed hours and activities is provided at Appendix C

7.0 Location

7.1 A map which identifies the location of this premise is attached at Appendix D.

5 Page 5 8.0 Representations

8.1 Under the Act representations can be received from responsible authorities or other persons. Representations must be relevant and, in the case of another person, must not be frivolous or vexatious.

8.2 Representations from Responsible Authorities

8.3 Representation has been received from West Yorkshire Police and Environmental Protection Team in their capacity as a responsible authority under the Licensing Act 2003.

8.4 An agreement has been reached with Environmental Protection Team. In this instance the operating schedule has been amended to include the measures agreed. A copy of which can be found at Appendix E

8.5 The representation submitted by West Yorkshire Police remains outstanding as a matter for member’s consideration. A copy of the same may be found at Appendix F

Other representations

8.5.1 The application has attracted representations from members of the public.

8.5.2 The Licensing Section is in receipt of seven individual letters of objection for this application from local residents who have concerns regarding public nuisance and crime and disorder.

8.5.3 Copies of the representations can be found at Appendix G for Members consideration.

9.0 Options Available to Members

9.1 The licensing sub-committee must take such of the following steps as it considers appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives:

 Grant the variation as requested.  Grant the variation whilst imposing additional conditions and/or altering in any way the proposed operating schedule.  Reject the whole or part of the application.

9.2 Members of the licensing sub committee are asked to note that they may not modify the conditions or reject the whole or part of the application merely because it considers it desirable to do so. It must actually be appropriate in order to promote the licensing objectives.

10.0 Background Papers

 Guidance issued under s182 Licensing Act 2003  Leeds City Council Licensing Policy

6 Page 6 Premises licence number: PREM/00580/008Appendix A

Initial licence from: 24th November 2005

Current version effective from: 2nd April 2015

Premises Licence

Part A Schedule 12 Licensing Act 2003

Part 1 – Premises Details

Postal address of premises, or if none, ordnance survey map reference or description

The Angel, High Street, Wetherby, LS22 6LT

Licensable activities authorised by this licence

Sale by retail of alcohol, Provision of late night refreshment, Performance of live music, Performance of recorded music, Performance of dance, Entertainment similar to live music, recorded music or dance,

Times the licence authorises the carrying out of licensable activities

Sale by retail of alcohol

Monday to Saturday 10:00 - 00:00 Sunday 12:00 - 00:00

Provision of late night refreshment

Monday to Saturday 23:00 - 00:00

Location of activity: Indoors

Performance of live music

Monday to Saturday 10:00 - 00:00 Sunday 12:00 - 00:00

Location of activity: Indoors

Performance of recorded music

Monday to Saturday 10:00 - 00:00 Sunday 12:00 - 00:00

Location of activity: Indoors

Performance of dance

Monday to Saturday 10:00 - 00:00 Sunday 12:00 - 00:00

Location of activity: Indoors

Entertainment similar to live music, recorded music or dance

Monday to Saturday 10:00 - 00:00 Sunday 12:00 - 00:00

Licence produced on 13/05/2015 by Miss Jane Wood Page 1 of 9 Page 7 Location of activity: Indoors

Details relating to all activities

Non standard timings:


Opening hours of the premises

Monday to Saturday 10:00 - 00:30 Sunday 10:00 - 00:30

Alcohol is sold for consumption on and off the premises

Part 2

Name, (registered) address, telephone number and email (where relevant) of holder of premises licence

Westgate Leisure Services Limited The Angel High Street Wetherby LS22 6LT

Registered number of holder, for example company number, charity number (where applicable)

Registered business number: 02813998

Name, address and telephone number of designated premises supervisor where the premises licence authorises for the supply of alcohol

Mr Smail Beladjal 44 Aldersgate Wesley Road Armley Leeds LS12 1UL

Personal licence number and issuing authority of personal licence held by designated premises supervisor where the premises licence authorises for the supply of alcohol

Personal licence number: PERL/07849/15 Licensing authority: Leeds City Council

Licence issued under the authority of Leeds City Council

Miss Jane Wood Licensing Officer Entertainment Licensing Licensing and Registration

Licence produced on 13/05/2015 by Miss Jane Wood Page 2 of 9 Page 8 Annex 1 – Mandatory Conditions

1. Only individuals licensed by the Security Industry Authority may be used at the premises to guard against:-

a. unauthorised access or occupation (e.g. through door supervision), or b. outbreaks of disorder, or c. damage

2. No supply of alcohol may be made under this licence

a. At a time when there is no designated premises supervisor in respect of the premises licence, or

b. At a time when the designated premises supervisor does not hold a personal licence or his personal licence is suspended.

3. Every supply of alcohol under the premises licence must be made or authorised by a person who holds a personal licence.

4. The responsible person must ensure that staff on relevant premises do not carry out, arrange or participate in any irresponsible promotions in relation to the premises.

In this paragraph, an irresponsible promotion means any one or more of the following activities, or substantially similar activities, carried on for the purpose of encouraging the sale or supply of alcohol for consumption on the premises -

a. games or other activities which require or encourage, or are designed to require or encourage individuals to -

i. drink a quantity of alcohol within a time limit (other than to drink alcohol sold or supplied on the premises before the cessation of the period in which the responsible person is authorised to sell or supply alcohol), or ii. drink as much alcohol as possible (whether within a time limit or otherwise);

b. provision of unlimited or unspecified quantities of alcohol free or for a fixed or discounted fee other public or to a group defined by a particular characteristic in a manner which carries a significant risk of undermining a licensing objective;

c. provision of free or discounted alcohol or any other think as a prize to encourage or reward the purchase and consumption of alcohol over a period of 24 hours or less in a manner which carries a significant risk of undermining a licensing objective;

d. selling or supplying alcohol in association with promotional posters or flyers on, or in the vicinity of, the premises which can reasonably be considered to condone, encourage or glamorize anti-social behaviour or to refer to the effects of drunkenness in any favourable manner.

e. dispensing alcohol directly by one person into the mouth of another (other than where that other person is unable to drink without assistance by reason of disability).

5. The responsible person must ensure that free potable water is provided on request to customers where it is reasonably available.

6. The premises licence holder or club premises certificate holder must ensure that an age verification policy is adopted in respect of the premises in relation to the sale or supply of alcohol.

Licence produced on 13/05/2015 by Miss Jane Wood Page 3 of 9 Page 9 The designated premises supervisor in relation to the premises licence must ensure that the supply of alcohol at the premises is carried on in accordance with the age verification policy.

The policy must require individuals who appear to the responsible person to be under 18 years of age (or such older age as may be specified in the policy) to produce on request, before being served alcohol, identification bearing their photograph, date or birth and either -

a. a holographic mark, or

b. an ultraviolet feature.

7. The responsible person must ensure that -

a. where any of the following alcoholic drinks is sold or supplied for consumption on the premises (other than alcoholic drinks sold or supplied having been made up in advance ready for sale or supply in a securely closed container) it is available to customers in the following measures:

i. beer or cider: ½ pint; ii. gin, rum, vodka or whisky: 25 ml or 35 ml; and iii. still wine in a glass: 125 ml;

b. these measures are displayed in a menu; price list or other printed material which is available to customers on the premises; and

c. where a customer does not in relation to a sale of alcohol specify the quantity of alcohol to be sold, the customer is made aware that these measures are available.

8. A relevant person shall ensure that no alcohol is sold or supplied for consumption on or off the premises for a price which is less than the permitted price.

For the purposes of the condition set out in paragraph 1 of this condition -

a. "duty" is to be construed in accordance with the Alcoholic Liquor Duties Act 1979;

b. "permitted price" is the price found by applying the formula P = D + (D×V) where - i. P is the permitted price, ii. D is the amount of duty chargeable in relation to the alcohol as if the duty were charged on the date of the sale or supply of the alcohol, and iii. V is the rate of value added tax chargeable in relation to the alcohol as if the value added tax were charged on the date of the sale or supply of the alcohol;

c. "relevant person" means, in relation to premises in respect of which there is in force a premises licence - i. the holder of the premises licence, ii. the designated premises supervisor (if any) in respect of such a licence, or iii. the personal licence holder who makes or authorises a supply of alcohol under such a licence;

d. "relevant person" means, in relation to premises in respect of which there is in force a club premises certificate, any member or officer of the club present on the premises in a capacity which enables the member or officer to prevent the supply in question; and

e. "value added tax" mean value added tax charged in accordance with the Value Added Tax Act 1994.

Where the permitted price given by Paragraph (b) of paragraph 2 would (apart from this paragraph) not be a whole number of pennies, the price given by that sub-paragraph shall be taken to be the price actually given by that sub-paragraph rounded up to the nearest penny.

Licence produced on 13/05/2015 by Miss Jane Wood Page 4 of 9 Page 10 (1) Sub-paragraph (2) applies where the permitted price given by Paragraph (b) of paragraph 2 on a day ("the first day") would be different from the permitted price on the next day ("the second day") as a result of a change to the rate of duty or value added tax.

(2) The permitted price which would apply on the first day applies to sales or supplies of alcohol which take place before the expiry of the period of 14 days beginning on the second day.

Embedded restrictions

9. Alcohol shall not be sold or supplied except during the hours stated on this licence and:

a. On Christmas Day, 12 noon to 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 10.30 p.m.

b. On New Year's Eve from the end of permitted hours on New Year's Eve to the start of permitted hours on the following day (or, if there are no permitted hours on the following day, midnight on 31st December).

10. The above restrictions do not prohibit:

a. the taking of the alcohol from the premises, (unless the alcohol is supplied or taken in an open vessel,) during the first thirty minutes after above hours;

b. the consumption of the alcohol on the premises by persons taking meals there during the first thirty minutes after the above hours, if the alcohol was supplied for consumption ancillary to those meals.

Annex 2 – Conditions consistent with the operating schedule

The prevention of crime and disorder

11. The Daily Record Register will contain consecutively numbered pages, the full name and registration number of each person on duty, the employer of that person and the date and time he/she commenced duty and finished duty. (Verified by the individual's signature).

12. The PLH/DPS will ensure that an Incident Report Register is maintained on the premises to record incidents such as anti-social behaviour, admissions, refusals and ejections from the premises.

13. The PLH/DPS staff will ask for photographic proof of age from any person appearing to be under the age of 21 who attempts to purchase alcohol.

14. No licensable activities of any description including no Mobile bars or any other type of alcohol dispense point shall be used any time in the external area (as identified on Plan 20113/328 refer produced by Phoenix Architecture and Interiors Ltd).

15. No consumption of alcohol or food shall take place in any external place in any external area after 24:00 hours Monday to Sunday (as identified on plan 20113/328 refer produced by Phoenix Architecture and Interiors Ltd).

16. A Supervisor's Register will be maintained at the licensed premises showing the names, addresses and up to date contact details for the DPS and all personal licence holders.

17. The Supervisor's Register will state the names of the person who is in overall charge of the premises at each time that licensed activities are carried out, and this information will be retained for a period of twelve months and produced for inspection on request to any authorised officer.

Licence produced on 13/05/2015 by Miss Jane Wood Page 5 of 9 Page 11 18. The Incident Report Register will contain consecutively numbered pages, the date, time and location of the incident, details of the nature of the incident, the names and registration numbers of any door staff or to whom the incident was reported, the names and personal licence numbers (if any) of any other staff involved or to whom the incident was reported, the names and numbers of any police officers attending, the police incident and/or crime number, names and addresses of any witnesses and confirmation of whether there is CCTV footage of the incident.

19. The Incident Report Register will be produced for inspection immediately on the request of any authorised officer.

20. A policy for searching patrons at the entrance to premises will be adopted and prominently displayed on the premises.

21. The PLH/DPS will risk assess the requirement for door supervisors on an event by event basis for any private event taking place in the first floor function rooms.

22. The PLH/DPS will belong to a recognised trade body or Pub Watch Scheme where one exists whose aims include the promotion of the licensing objectives.

23. Drinks open bottles and glasses will not be taken from the premises at any time. Empty bottles and glasses will be collected regularly and promptly. Glass and other sharp objects will be stored and disposed of safely using suitable receptacles. Receptacles will be secured and not accessible to customers.

24. The PLH/DPS will prominently display notices which inform customers that open bottles or glasses may not be taken off the premises.

25. Plastic or toughened poly carbonate (or similar) glasses/bottles will be used in all outdoor areas.

26. Notices will be prominently displayed at the entrances of the premises which state: A search will be conducted as a condition of entry to the premises;

Incidents of crime and disorder will be reported to the police and a full recorded entry will be made in the Incident Report Register; Entry to the premises will be refused to any person who appears to be drunk, acting in a threatening manner or is violent; or who appears to be under the influence of drugs; Entry will be refused to any person who has been convicted of an offence of drunkenness, violence or threatening behaviour or the use or distribution of illegal substances.

27. A suitable purpose made receptacle for the safe retention of illegal substances will be provided and arrangements made for the safe disposal of its contents as agreed with West Yorkshire Police or British Transport Police.

28. The PLH/DPS will inform West Yorkshire Police as soon as possible of any search resulting in a seizure of drugs or offensive weapons.

29. The Daily Record Register will be retained on the premises for a period of twelve months from the date of the last entry.

30. The upstairs area marked as function rooms 1 and 2 on the plan will only be used for private events where guests are attending by invitation only. The licence holder will maintain a register of events which will include the date and time of the event, the contact details of the person(s) who have booked the event to include name, address and telephone number. This register will be available for inspection of at all times when the premises are open by an authorised officer.

31. The Premises Licence Holder/Designated Premises Supervisor will ensure that only guests attending private events will be in the Function Rooms 1 and 2 at any time.

Licence produced on 13/05/2015 by Miss Jane Wood Page 6 of 9 Page 12 32. No events organised by external promoters will be allowed to take place in Functions Rooms 1 and 2.

33. No events for "under 18's only" will be allowed in Function Rooms 1 and 2.

34. The Premises Licence Holder/Designated Premises Supervisor will give 14 days' notice to the police and the licensing authority of all events to be held in Function Rooms 1 and 2.

35. The Premises Licence holder will maintain 120 covers downstairs apart from when the premises are operating one of their cabaret/tribute nights when the minimum number of covers will be 80 covers. Or if the premises are being used for a wedding or similar function and the numbers attending are less than 120.

36. A suitable Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) system will be operated at the premises at all times when licensable activities are being carried out and at any other times where members of the public are present on the premises.

37. The CCTV system will cover all areas of the premises occupied by the public under the terms of the licence, including corridors and stairways (excluding WCs and changing rooms).

38. The CCTV system will cover the main entrance/s and exit/s and designated emergency egress routes from the premises.

39. The CCTV system will cover all external areas of the premises occupied by the public, ie queuing areas, beer gardens, smoking areas and car parks.

40. The locations of CCTV cameras are identified on the site plan of the premises. No amendments to the locations of the cameras will be made without prior consultation with West Yorkshire Police/British Transport Police and the Licensing Authority.

41. The CCTV system will be of a satisfactory resolution quality which will enable the identification of persons and activities and other fine details such as vehicle registration number plates.

42. The CCTV system will contain the correct time and date stamp information.

43. The CCTV system will have sufficient storage retention capacity for a minimum of 31 days' continuous footage which will be of good quality.

44. The CCTV footage will be controlled and kept in a secure environment to prevent tampering or unauthorised viewing. A record will be kept of who has accessed the system, the reason why and when.

45. A designated member I members of staff at the premises will be authorised to access the CCTV footage and be conversant with operating the CCTV system. At the request of an authorised officer of the Licensing Authority or a Responsible Authority (under the Licensing Act 2003) any CCTV footage, as requested, will be downloaded immediately or secured to prevent any overwriting. The CCTV footage material will be supplied, on request, to an authorised officer of the Licensing Authority or a Responsible Authority.

46. The data controller, under the Data Protection Act 1998, who is responsible for any CCTV images caught on cameras on the premises will, on the lawful request of an authorised officer of a Responsible Authority (under the Licensing Act 2003), will be downloaded immediately, or where this is not possible, as soon as reasonably practicable, and supplied to the requesting officer. Where the CCTV images are not supplied at the time of the request being made the data controller will ensure that it is secured to prevent any overwriting.

47. The CCTV system will be capable of securing relevant pictures for review or export at a later date.

Licence produced on 13/05/2015 by Miss Jane Wood Page 7 of 9 Page 13 48. The CCTV system will be adequately maintained and be capable of transporting recorded material onto a removable media.

49. The CCTV system replay software must allow an authorised officer of the Licensing Authority or Responsible Authority to search the picture footage effectively and see all the information contained in the picture footage.

50. It must be possible to replay exported files immediately, e.g. no re-indexing of files or verification checks.

Public Safety

51. During opening hours the cellar door must be kept locked or adequately supervised to prevent unauthorised access by the public.

52. Empty bottles and glasses will be collected regularly paying particular attention to balcony areas and raised levels.

53. If used, any temporary electrical wiring and distributions will be inspected by a suitably qualified and competent person before they are put in use. An inspection record/certificate will be retained for inspection by an authorised officer.

54. Regular safety checks of guarding to stairs, balconies, landings and ramps will be undertaken, and a supervision policy will be maintained to prevent people from inappropriate behaviour including climbing which may lead to a fall from height.

55. Safety glass that is impact resistant or shielded to protect it from impact will be used in all areas where the public may come into contact with it.

56. All floor surfaces will be suitably slip resistant, kept in good condition and free of obstructions to prevent slips, trips and falls.

57. Where strobes, lasers, smoke machines or any other special effects equipment may be used, a written health and safety policy covering all aspects of their use will be provided and staff will be appropriately trained.

The prevention of public nuisance

58. To ensure that no nuisance is caused by noise or vibration emanating from the premises.

59. Noise from any licensable activity within the application premises shall be inaudible at the nearest noise sensitive premises after 23:00 hours and when entertainment takes place on a regular basis at all times.

60. No bottles shall be placed in the external receptacle after 23:00 hours to minimise noise disturbance to adjoining premises.

61. Clear and legible notices shall be displayed at exits and other circulatory areas requesting patrons to leave the premises having regard to the needs of local residents, in particular emphasising the need to refrain from shouting, slamming car doors, sounding horns and loud use of vehicle stereos and anti-social behaviour. The activity of persons leaving the premises shall be monitored and they shall be reminded to leave quietly where necessary.

62. Licensable activities shall be conducted and the facilities for licensable activities shall be designed and operated so as to prevent the transmission of audible noise or perceptible vibration through the fabric of the building or structure to adjoining properties.

63. Noise from a licensable activity at the premises shall be inaudible at the nearest noise sensitive premises after 23:00 hours and at all times if entertainment takes place on more than 30 occasions per year.

Licence produced on 13/05/2015 by Miss Jane Wood Page 8 of 9 Page 14 64. There shall be no external loudspeakers.

65. Ensure all doors and windows are kept closed to reduce noise nuisance from the premises when regulated entertainment takes place.

66. Noise from plant or machinery shall be inaudible at the nearest noise sensitive premises during the operation of the plant or machinery. Plant and machinery shall be regularly serviced and maintained to meet this level.

67. The PLH/DPS will ensure patrons use beer gardens, external areas and play areas in a manner which does not cause disturbance to nearby residents and business in the vicinity. Patrons will not use such areas after 23:00 hours.

68. The activities of persons using the external areas shall be monitored after 23:00 hours and they shall be reminded to have regard to the needs of local residents and to refrain from shouting and anti-social behaviour etc when necessary.

69. The Premises Licence Holder (PLH)/Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) will adopt a cooling down period where music volume is reduced towards the closing time of the premises.

70. The PHL/DPS shall ensure that litter arising from people using the premises is cleared away regularly and that promotional materials such as flyers do not create litter.

71. The Designated Premises Supervisor and any door supervisors will monitor the activity of persons leaving the premises and remind them of their public responsibilities where necessary.

72. SIA registered door staff will be employed and used where queues are likely to form to manage the queues and ensure that queues are restricted to cordoned areas to prevent those obstructing footpaths and spilling out onto roads, and to keep the noise and obstructions away from residential property.

73. A facility will be provided for customers to order Hackney taxis/private hire vehicles. Telephone numbers for taxi firms/private hire companies will be displayed in a prominent position on the premises.

Annex 3 – Conditions attached after a hearing by the licensing authority


Annex 4 – Plans

The plans for these premises are as those submitted with the application. A copy of which is held by Leeds City Council licensing authority.

Licence produced on 13/05/2015 by Miss Jane Wood Page 9 of 9 Page 15 This page is intentionally left blank Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32

Issued premises licences and club certificates within an area

PREM/00440/015 - Brunswick Bar, 22 High Street, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6LT Sale by retail of alcohol Monday to Thursday 10:00 - 23:30 Friday & Saturday 10:00 - 00:00 Sunday 12:00 - 22:30 Provision of late night refreshment Monday to Thursday 23:00 - 23:30 Friday & Saturday 23:00 - 00:00 Exhibition of a film Monday to Thursday 10:00 - 23:30 Friday & Saturday 10:00 - 00:00 Sunday 12:00 - 22:30 Performance of live music Monday to Thursday 10:00 - 23:00 Friday & Saturday 10:00 - 00:00 Sunday 12:00 - 22:30 Performance of recorded music Monday to Thursday 10:00 - 23:30 Friday & Saturday 10:00 - 00:00 Sunday 12:00 - 22:30 Entertainment similar to live music, recorded music or dance Monday to Thursday 10:00 - 23:30 Friday & Saturday 10:00 - 00:00 Sunday 12:00 - 22:30

PREM/01570/010 - ASK, 1 Market Place, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6LQ Sale by retail of alcohol Monday to Saturday 10:00 - 00:00 Sunday 12:00 - 23:30 Provision of late night refreshment Monday to Saturday 23:00 - 00:30 Sunday 23:00 - 00:00 Performance of recorded music Every Day 00:00 - 23:59

PREM/01336/006 - Black Bull, 53 Market Place , Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6LN Sale by retail of alcohol Monday to Saturday 10:30 - 00:30 Sunday 12:00 - 00:00 Exhibition of a film Monday to Saturday 10:30 - 00:30 Sunday 12:00 - 00:00 Indoor sporting events Monday to Saturday 10:30 - 00:30 Sunday 12:00 - 00:00 Performance of live music Monday to Saturday 10:30 - 00:30

Page 33 Sunday 12:00 - 00:00 Performance of recorded music Monday to Saturday 10:30 - 00:30 Sunday 12:00 - 00:00 Performance of dance Monday to Saturday 10:30 - 00:30 Sunday 12:00 - 00:00 Entertainment similar to live music, recorded music or dance Monday to Saturday 10:30 - 00:30 Sunday 12:00 - 00:00

PREM/01694/005 - Pomfrets Of Wetherby, 9 The Shambles, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6NG Sale by retail of alcohol Monday to Saturday 11:00 - 23:00 Sunday 12:00 - 22:30 Performance of recorded music Every Day 00:00 - 23:59

PREM/00652 - Nicolla Florist, 1 Bank Street, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6NQ Sale by retail of alcohol Monday to Saturday 08:00 - 23:00 Sunday 10:00 - 22:30

PREM/00217/003 - Muse Ale & Wine Bar, 16 Bank Street, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6NQ Sale by retail of alcohol Every Day 10:00 - 23:00 Provision of late night refreshment Every Day 23:00 - 00:00 Performance of live music Every Day 10:00 - 23:00 Performance of recorded music Every Day 10:00 - 23:00

PREM/00738/008 - Swan & Talbot Inn, North Street, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6NN Sale by retail of alcohol Friday & Saturday 09:00 - 01:00 Sunday to Thursday 09:00 - 00:00 Provision of late night refreshment Friday & Saturday 23:00 - 01:00 Sunday to Thursday 23:00 - 00:00 Exhibition of a film Friday & Saturday 09:00 - 01:00 Sunday to Thursday 09:00 - 00:00 Indoor sporting events Friday & Saturday 09:00 - 01:00 Sunday to Thursday 09:00 - 00:00 Performance of live music Friday & Saturday 09:00 - 00:30 Sunday to Thursday 09:00 - 23:30 Performance of recorded music Friday & Saturday 09:00 - 01:00 Sunday to Thursday 09:00 - 00:00 Performance of dance Friday & Saturday 09:00 - 01:00

Page 34 Sunday to Thursday 09:00 - 00:00

PREM/01665 - Wetherby Methodist Church Centre, Bank Street, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6NQ Performance of live music (Multi Purpose Hall & Function Room) Monday to Saturday 08:00 - 11:00 Performance of recorded music (Multi Purpose Hall & Function Room) Monday to Saturday 08:00 - 11:00 Performance of dance (Multi Purpose Hall & Function Room) Monday to Saturday 08:00 - 11:00 Entertainment similar to live music, recorded music or dance (Multi Purpose Hall & Function Room) Monday to Saturday 08:00 - 11:00

PREM/01069 - Sunrise Restaurant, First Floor Restaurant, Westgate, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6LL Sale by retail of alcohol Monday to Thursday 17:30 - 00:00 Friday & Saturday 12:00 - 00:00 Sunday 15:00 - 23:30 Provision of late night refreshment Monday to Saturday 23:00 - 00:00 Sunday 23:00 - 23:30 Performance of recorded music Monday to Thursday 17:30 - 00:00 Friday & Saturday 12:00 - 00:00 Sunday 15:00 - 00:00

PREM/03108/002 - Bengal Brasserie, Victoria Court, Wetherby, LS22 6JA, Sale by retail of alcohol Every Day 11:00 - 23:00 Performance of recorded music Every Day 11:00 - 23:00

PREM/01904 - Spice 4 U, 36 North Street, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6NN Sale by retail of alcohol Monday to Saturday 11:00 - 23:00 Sunday 12:00 - 22:30

PREM/00580/008 - The Angel, High Street, Wetherby, LS22 6LT, Sale by retail of alcohol Monday to Saturday 10:00 - 00:00 Sunday 12:00 - 00:00 Provision of late night refreshment Monday to Saturday 23:00 - 00:00 Performance of live music Monday to Saturday 10:00 - 00:00 Sunday 12:00 - 00:00 Performance of recorded music Monday to Saturday 10:00 - 00:00 Sunday 12:00 - 00:00 Performance of dance Monday to Saturday 10:00 - 00:00 Sunday 12:00 - 00:00

Page 35 Entertainment similar to live music, recorded music or dance Monday to Saturday 10:00 - 00:00 Sunday 12:00 - 00:00

PREM/01818/004 - Sir Dukes, 6 Bank Street, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6NQ Sale by retail of alcohol Monday to Saturday 11:00 - 00:00 Sunday 12:00 - 23:30 Performance of recorded music Every Day 00:00 - 23:59

PREM/00737/008 - Bar THR3, Market Place, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6LQ Sale by retail of alcohol Friday & Saturday 09:00 - 01:00 Sunday to Thursday 09:00 - 00:00 Provision of late night refreshment Friday & Saturday 23:00 - 01:00 Sunday to Thursday 23:00 - 00:00 Exhibition of a film Friday & Saturday 09:00 - 01:00 Sunday to Thursday 09:00 - 00:00 Indoor sporting events Friday & Saturday 09:00 - 01:00 Sunday to Thursday 09:00 - 00:00 Performance of live music Friday & Saturday 09:00 - 00:00 Sunday to Thursday 09:00 - 23:00 Performance of recorded music Friday & Saturday 09:00 - 01:00 Sunday to Thursday 09:00 - 00:00 Performance of dance Friday & Saturday 09:00 - 01:00 Sunday to Thursday 09:00 - 00:00

PREM/00079/V01 - New Inn, Westgate, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6LL Sale by retail of alcohol Monday to Thursday 09:00 - 23:00 Friday & Saturday 09:00 - 00:00 Sunday 09:00 - 23:00 Provision of late night refreshment Monday to Thursday 23:00 - 23:30 Friday & Saturday 23:00 - 00:30 Sunday 23:00 - 23:30 Performance of live music Monday to Thursday 09:00 - 23:00 Friday & Saturday 09:00 - 00:00 Sunday 09:00 - 23:00 Performance of recorded music Monday to Thursday 09:00 - 23:00 Friday & Saturday 09:00 - 00:00 Sunday 09:00 - 23:00

Page 36 PREM/01942 - Mojis Pizzeria Wetherby Ltd, 2 Castle Gate, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6LE Provision of late night refreshment Friday & Saturday 23:00 - 02:00 Sunday to Thursday 23:00 - 01:00

PREM/01415 - Jaflong Tandoori Restaurant, 31 High Street, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6LR Sale by retail of alcohol Monday to Saturday 10:00 - 00:00 Sunday 12:00 - 23:30 Provision of late night refreshment Monday to Saturday 23:00 - 00:00 Sunday 23:00 - 23:30 Performance of recorded music Every Day 00:00 - 23:59

PREM/01073 - Mister Yiks, Chinese Takeaway, 4 Victoria Street, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6RE Provision of late night refreshment Every Day 23:00 - 00:00

PREM/01637 - St.Joseph's Church Hall, 20 Westgate, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6NJ Performance of live music Monday to Friday 08:00 - 01:00 Saturday 08:00 - 00:00 Performance of recorded music Monday to Friday 08:00 - 01:00 Saturday 08:00 - 00:00 Performance of dance Monday to Friday 08:00 - 01:00 Saturday 08:00 - 00:00 Entertainment similar to live music, recorded music or dance Monday to Friday 08:00 - 01:00 Saturday 08:00 - 00:00

PREM/02933 - Yum Yum Thai Restaurant And Takeaway, 9 Bank Street, Wetherby, LS22 6NQ Sale by retail of alcohol Every Day 11:30 - 00:00 Provision of late night refreshment Every Day 23:00 - 00:00 Exhibition of a film Every Day 11:30 - 00:00 Performance of recorded music Every Day 11:30 - 00:00

PREM/02315/007 - Marks & Spencer Simply Foods Ltd, The Cattle Market, Horsefair, Wetherby, LS22 6RF Sale by retail of alcohol Every Day 00:01 - 00:00

Page 37 PREM/00926/009 - Morrisons, 7 The Horsefair Centre, 22 - 28 North Street, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6JG Sale by retail of alcohol Monday to Saturday 07:00 - 22:00 Sunday 10:00 - 16:00

PREM/03253/001 - Filmore And Union, 61 Market Place, Wetherby, LS22 6LN Sale by retail of alcohol Every Day 11:00 - 23:00 Performance of recorded music Every Day 08:00 - 23:00

PREM/00634 - Oriental Chinese Takeaway, 11 Westgate, Wetherby, LS22 6LL Provision of late night refreshment Every Day 23:00 - 00:30

PREM/01544 - Mango Vegetarian Restaurant, 12-14 Bank Street, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6NQ Sale by retail of alcohol Monday to Saturday 10:00 - 00:00 Sunday 12:00 - 23:30 Performance of recorded music Every Day 00:00 - 23:59

PREM/00909/003 - Crown Inn, 25 High Street, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6LR Sale by retail of alcohol Monday to Saturday 10:00 - 23:00 Sunday 12:00 - 22:30

PREM/02023/002 - Wetherby Whaler, 18 Market Place, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6NE Sale by retail of alcohol Every Day 11:30 - 23:00 Provision of late night refreshment Every Day 23:00 - 23:45

PREM/02207/006 - Pizza Bella, 32 Market Place, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6NE Sale by retail of alcohol Friday & Saturday 17:00 - 00:30 Sunday to Thursday 17:00 - 00:00 Provision of late night refreshment Monday to Thursday 23:00 - 00:00 Friday to Sunday 23:00 - 01:00

PREM/03240/001 - Pizza Milano, 26A High Street, Wetherby, LS22 6LT Provision of late night refreshment Monday to Thursday 23:00 - 00:30 Friday & Saturday 23:00 - 01:00 Sunday 23:00 - 00:00

PREM/00668/002 - Red Lion, High Street, Wetherby, Leeds, LS22 6LR Sale by retail of alcohol Monday to Wednesday 10:00 - 00:00 Thursday to Saturday 10:00 - 01:00 Sunday 10:00 - 23:30

Page 38 Provision of late night refreshment Monday to Wednesday 23:00 - 00:30 Thursday to Saturday 23:00 - 01:30 Sunday 23:00 - 00:00 Performance of live music Monday to Wednesday 10:00 - 00:00 Thursday to Saturday 10:00 - 01:00 Sunday 10:00 - 23:30 Performance of recorded music Monday to Wednesday 10:00 - 00:00 Thursday to Saturday 10:00 - 01:00 Sunday 10:00 - 23:30 Entertainment similar to live music, recorded music or dance Monday to Wednesday 10:00 - 00:00 Thursday to Saturday 10:00 - 01:00 Sunday 10:00 - 23:30

Page 39 This page is intentionally left blank Not Set


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This map is based upon the Ordinance Survey’s digital data with the permission of the Ordinance Survey on behalf of the controller of Her Key Majesty’s Stationary Office Late night © Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and On licence may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings refreshment

Leeds City Council O.S. Licence No 1000019567 © Crown Copyright all rights reserved Page 41 Off licence Other This page is intentionally left blank Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 This page is intentionally left blank Page 51 Page 52 Appendix G

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