




Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA 94720-8148 This work was supported by the Director, , Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. LBNL-63342, August 2007

Table of Contents



A warmer, stormier world : : By the end of this century, bigger hurricanes, longer heat waves, and more extreme weather will be evident ...... 4 Going to the extremes...... 6 Breeding bigger hurricanes...... 7 Improving hurricane defenses ...... 8 Under the computational microscope : : Materials scientists and chemists are using computational tools to understand, improve, and create new kinds of materials ...... 10 Graphene nanoribbons: A new path to spintronics...... 12 Practical plasmonic crystal biosensors ...... 13 Overcoming nanocrystals’ resistance to doping...... 15 Why doping strengthens grain boundaries ...... 16 A random walk along an interface...... 18 Building a chemical tool box ...... 20 Solving plasma puzzles : : Numerical simulations are revealing the origins of strange phenomena that occur in the most complex state of matter ...... 22 Understanding magnetic explosions ...... 24 Modeling microturbulence in fusion plasmas ...... 26 Surfing the plasma waves : : Simulations are helping understand how to optimize the beams in laser wakefield particle accelerators ...... 28

The birth and death of stars : : For understanding the history of the , supercomputers are now as necessary as telescopes...... 32 High-mass star formation ...... 34 A star is born ...... 35 From soundwaves to supernovae ...... 36 Calibrating ...... 39

Nobel Prize for leads list of honors for NERSC users in 2006 ...... 42


Horst Simon steps down as NERSC Director ...... 45

Science-Driven Systems : : Introducing and deploying the best new technologies for complete computational systems ...... 46 Cray provides the next major NERSC system...... 48 BVSS and PERCU: A comprehensive approach to HPC procurement ...... 49 NERSC Global Filesystem marks first full year in production ...... 50 Integrating NERSC’s storage and file systems ...... 50 OSF power supply is upgraded ...... 51 Meeting security challenges and sharing expertise ...... 51

Science-Driven Services : : Enabling a broad range of scientists to use NERSC systems productively in their research ...... 54 NERSC marks fourth year of INCITE applications ...... 56 Making shared resources easy to use ...... 56 Depositing a slice of the Universe...... 57 Survey gauges user satisfaction ...... 58

Science-Driven Analytics : : Extracting scientific meaning from massive quantities of data ...... 60 Building the analytics infrastructure ...... 62 Query-driven visualization: A case study ...... 65

Leadership in Science-Driven Computing : : Helping shape the future of high performance computing ...... 70 Developing metrics for petascale facilities ...... 72 Software roadmap to plug and play petaflop/s ...... 72 The software challenges of petascale computing ...... 73 The Berkeley view of the landscape of parallel computing research ...... 75 Performance and potential of Cell processor analyzed ...... 75 Integrated Performance Monitoring tool adopted by other HPC centers...... 76 Reducing the red tape in research partnerships ...... 77

APPENDICES ...... 78

Appendix A: NERSC Policy Board ...... 79 Appendix B: NERSC Client Statistics ...... 80 Appendix C: NERSC Users Group Executive Committee ...... 82 Appendix D: Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research ...... 83 Appendix E: Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Committee ...... 84 Appendix F: Acronyms and Abbreviations ...... 85 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 1 The Year in Perspective

This will be the last time that I will write sensitive sensor that can be used in diagnostic this introduction to the NERSC annual re- bioassays and in research ranging from drug port. When you read this, it will be almost discovery to immunology, virology, and other 12 years since I returned to Berkeley and took fields. Another group’s calculations show that on the challenge together with many dedi- zigzag graphene nanoribbons could serve as cated colleagues to rebuild NERSC as a new the basis for nanosized spintronic devices. center. One of the purposes of moving Other researchers have shown why doping NERSC to Berkeley Lab in 1996 was to bring strengthens grain boundaries and how to the benefits of supercomputing to a wider overcome nanocrystals’ resistance to doping. array of applications than was previously supported. One of the first new additions to Plasma physics saw the development of the NERSC’s scientific roster was , first self-consistent model for the spontaneous with ’s Cosmology onset of fast magnetic reconnection. This new Project and with studies of cosmic mi- finding may help scientists to better predict crowave background radiation (CMB) by which solar storms pose the greatest threat George Smoot’s research group. Both groups to communications and other , and had already been using smaller computers it may also lead to a better understanding of for data analysis but were eager to tackle putational demands and results increase dra- how to control plasmas in fusion reactors. larger datasets using NERSC’s resources. matically. The CMB sky map that Smoot and Mather produced in 1992 used only 6,144 An INCITE award of 2.5 million processor Those new collaborations bore fruit almost pixels, but the newest CMB model can map hours at NERSC was used to create full- immediately, with Perlmutter’s co-discovery 75 billion observations to 150 million pixels, scale, three-dimensional, explicit particle in 1998 of the that is accelerat- making cosmology a highly precise science. models that revealed important physical de- ing the expansion of the Universe, and with tails of laser wakefield accelerator experi- the BOOMERANG Consortium’s discov- Research at NERSC over the past year by ments that accelerated electron beams to ery in 2000, based on analysis of CMB data, other astrophysicists has led to new insights energies exceeding a billion electron volts that the geometry of the Universe is flat. into the formation of high-mass stars as well (GeV) in a distance of just 3.3 centimeters. The latter finding was based on Smoot’s as the forces that make explode. These simulations coupled with experiments earlier discovery, with John Mather and col- Getting back down to earth, climate re- are developing the detailed understanding of leagues, of the blackbody form and searchers have shown that the global warming laser acceleration needed to apply this tech- of the CMB, for which Smoot that has already happened will produce big- nology to future higher energy particle and Mather have been honored with the ger hurricanes, longer heat waves, and more physics experiments and to compact ma- 2006 for physics. extreme weather by the end of this century. chines for medicine and laboratory science.

Over the past ten years, George Smoot and Materials scientists and chemists have also On the technical side, NERSC has taken a his colleagues have used nearly 5 million had a very productive year at NERSC. One major step forward with the acquisition of processor-hours and tens of terabytes of disk research group achieved a breakthrough in what will be the largest Cray XT4 system in space at NERSC, and around 100 analysts surface plasmon resonance, a common but, up the world. When completed later in 2007, from a dozen CMB experiments are now till now, expensive technique for measuring the system will have more than 19,000 NERSC users. In fact, NERSC has become binding interactions, such as those between processors and will deliver sustained per- the computational center around which this DNA and proteins. They developed a low-cost formance of at least 16 teraflop/s when run- community has coalesced as both its com- crystal array to make a portable and highly ning a suite of diverse scientific applications 2 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

at scale. This system will increase NERSC’s it was natural for NERSC to take a leadership bly new programming languages—to fully sustained computational capability by al- role, since we have long used goals and met- utilize petascale systems. We are heading most a factor of 10. rics to ensure that what we do is meeting the into a time of great innovation in high per- needs of DOE and its scientists. Among the formance computing, and as always, NERSC has also laid the foundation for an subcommittee’s recommendations were proj- NERSC will be influencing and imple- analytics infrastructure that combines hard- ect-specific services, like those NERSC pro- menting those innovations. ware, software, and the development and vides to SciDAC and INCITE projects, and application of analytics technologies such as the use of a standard user survey based on the As I look back on my decade as director of data management, data analysis and data one NERSC has used for several years to the NERSC Center Division, I feel tremen- mining, visual data exploration, and work- measure and improve service. dous gratitude for the dedication, skills, and flow management. These technologies will accomplishments of the NERSC staff, who help NERSC users spend more time doing Looking to the future, NERSC is collabo- are never satisfied with the status quo and research and less time managing data and rating with computer scientists to meet the are always looking for ways to make struggling with analytics software. software challenges of petascale computing NERSC an even more productive resource and manycore architectures, which will have for scientific researchers. When I hand over When the DOE’s Advanced Scientific hundreds to thousands of cores per proces- leadership of the division to my successor, I Computing Research Advisory Committee sor. The explosion in hardware parallelism will do so with the confidence that he or she (ASCAC) formed a subcommittee to develop will require a complete redesign of applica- will have the support of the best scientific performance metrics for petascale facilities, tions, libraries, and algorithms—and possi- computing organization in the world.

Horst D. Simon NERSC Center Division Director Research News aWARMER, STORMIER By the end of this century, bigger hurricanes, longer heat waves, and more extreme weather will be evident 6 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

The verdict is in from the Intergovernmental Panel on (IPCC). The summary of its Fourth Assessment Report says the world is already committed to centuries of warming, shifting weather patterns, and rising seas from the human production of greenhouse gases, but warming can be substantially blunted with prompt action.

Those conclusions were based on the re- “It’s the extremes, not the averages, that PROJECT search of thousands of scientists worldwide, cause the most damage to society and to including the climate simulations created by many ecosystems,” said NCAR scientist Climate Change Simulations with CCSM3: Moderate and High Resolu- Warren Washington and his colleagues at Claudia Tebaldi, lead author for the report. tion Studies the National Center for Atmospheric Re- “We now have the first model-based con- search (NCAR) and elsewhere using sensus on how the risk of dangerous heat PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR CCSM3, a climate code whose development waves, intense rains, and other kinds of ex- Warren Washington, National Center was funded primarily by the National Sci- treme weather will change in the next cen- for Atmospheric Research ence Foundation (NSF) and the Depart- tury.” SENIOR INVESTIGATORS ment of Energy (DOE). These simulations investigate the response of the Earth’s cli- Tebaldi and colleagues based their work on Jerry Meehl, Lawrence Buja, NCAR mate to future emissions scenarios that rep- simulations from nine different climate FUNDING resent different policy choices for energy use models, including CCSM3, for the periods BER, NSF and global development. 1980–1999 and 2080–2099. The simula- tions were created on supercomputers at Data produced by these simulations are NERSC and other research centers in in one climatic zone than another, the au- freely available to the research and educa- France, Japan, Russia, and the . thors expressed the results in terms of sta- tion community via the DOE Earth System Each model simulated the 2080–2099 in- tistical significance at each location. Grid. Among the recent studies based on terval three times, varying the extent to these and other simulations are two that which greenhouse gases accumulate in the For all three greenhouse-gas scenarios, the forecast more severe storms and more ex- atmosphere. These three scenarios were used models agree that by 2080–2099: treme weather in general. to account for uncertainty over how fast so- ciety may act to reduce emissions of carbon • The number of extremely warm nights and dioxide and other greenhouse gases over the length of heat waves will increase sig- GOING TO THE coming decades. nificantly over nearly all land areas across EXTREMES the globe. During heat waves, very warm From the model output, the scientists com- nights are often associated with fatalities Many previous studies have looked at how puted ten different indices of climate ex- because people and buildings have less average or rainfall might tremes, with five related to temperature and chance to cool down overnight. change in the next century as greenhouse five to moisture. For instance, a frost days • Most areas above about 40 degrees latitude gases increase. However, a new study titled index measures how many days per year north will see a significant jump in the “Going to the extremes: An intercompari- dip below 32 degrees Fahren- number of days with heavy precipitation son of model-simulated historical and future heit, while a dry days index measures the (days with more than 0.4 inches). This in- changes in extreme events”1 looks more length of each year’s longest consecutive cludes the northern tier of U.S. states, specifically at how weather extremes could string of days without rain or snow. Because Canada, and most of Europe. change. the impact of a given index can be stronger

1 Claudia Tebaldi, Katharine Hayhoe, Julie M. Arblaster, and Gerald A. Meehl, “Going to the extremes: An intercomparison of model-simulated historical and fu- ture changes in extreme events,” Climatic Change 79, 185 (2006). Funding: BER, NSF, EPA. 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 7

FIGURE 1. A thunderstorm cloud passes over the plains east of Denver. The number of days with heavy precipitation is expected to increase in the northern tier of U.S. states. (Photo by Carlye Calvin, ©UCAR, used with permission)

• Dry spells could lengthen significantly and collaborators from eight other research across the western United States, southern BREEDING BIGGER centers, have shown that the warming sea sur- Europe, eastern Brazil, and several other HURRICANES face temperatures (SSTs) of the tropical At- areas. Dry spells are one of several factors lantic and Pacific oceans over the last century in producing and intensifying droughts. Rising ocean temperatures in key hurricane are linked to human activities. breeding grounds of the Atlantic and Pacific • The average growing season could increase oceans are due primarily to human-caused “We’ve used virtually all the world’s climate significantly across most of North America increases in greenhouse gas concentrations, ac- models to study the causes of SST changes and Eurasia. cording to a study published in the September in hurricane formation regions,” Santer said. Most of these trends are significantly weaker 11, 2006 issue of the Proceedings of the Na- for the lowest-emission scenario than for the tional Academy of Sciences (PNAS).2 Research published during the past year has moderate and high-emission scenarios. uncovered evidence of a link between rising Thus, the authors add, lowering the output Using 22 different computer models of the ocean temperatures and increases in hurri- of greenhouse gases over the next century climate system, including CCSM3, Ben- cane intensity. This has raised concerns should reduce the risk that the most severe jamin Santer and six other atmospheric sci- about the causes of the rising temperatures, changes will occur. entists from Lawrence Livermore National particularly in parts of the Atlantic and Pa- Laboratory, together with Tom Wigley, Gerald cific where hurricanes and other tropical cy- Meehl, and Warren Washington from NCAR, clones form.

2 B. D. Santer, T. M. L. Wigley, P. J. Gleckler, C. Bonfils, M. F. Wehner, K. AchutaRao, T. P. Barnett, J. S. Boyle, W. Brüggemann, M. Fiorino, N. Gillett, J. E. Hansen, P. D. Jones, S. A. Klein, G. A. Meehl, S. C. B. Raper, R. W. Reynolds, K. E. Taylor, and W. M. Washington, “Forced and unforced ocean temperature changes in At- lantic and Pacific tropical cyclogenesis regions,” PNAS 103, 13905 (2006). 8 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT


After the devastation caused by hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) asked the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to run a se- ries of simulations estimating hurricane-in- duced storm surge elevations to help improve hurricane defenses along the Gulf Coast. To assist in this effort, the DOE Of- fice of Science allocated 800,000 processor hours of supercomputing time at NERSC to this project.

“NERSC … has a well-earned reputation for providing highly reliable systems, fast turnaround on critical projects, and dedi- cated support for users,” said Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman when announcing the allocation. “Because these simulations could literally affect the lives of millions of Americans, we want to ensure that our col- leagues in the Corps of Engineers have ac- cess to supercomputers which are up to the task.” FIGURE 2. Hurricane Ioke passes by the Hawaiian Islands on August 21, 2006, with 132-mile- per-hour winds in this image. The storm, renamed Typhoon Ioke as it moved west As hurricanes move from the ocean toward across the International Date Line, later intensified to become the most powerful central Pa- land, the force of the storm causes the sea- cific storm on record. (Image: Hal Pierce, SSAI/NASA GSFC) water to rise as it surges inland. The Corps of Engineers used its DOE supercomputer allocations to create revised models for pre- Previous efforts to understand the causes of one of the most significant influences. dicting the effects of 100-year storm- changes in SSTs have focused on temperature surges—the worst-case scenario based on changes averaged over very large ocean areas, “It is important to note that we expect 100 years of hurricane data—along the such as the entire Atlantic or Pacific basins. global temperatures and SSTs to increase Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas coast lines The new research specifically targets SST even more rapidly over the next century,” (Figures 3 and 4). In particular, simulations changes in much smaller hurricane forma- Wigley said. According to Santer, “In a were generated for the critical five-parish tion regions. post-Katrina world, we need to do the best area of Louisiana surrounding New Orleans job we possibly can to understand the com- and the Lower Mississippi River. “The important conclusion is that the ob- plex influences on hurricane intensity, and served SST increases in these hurricane how our actions are changing those influ- breeding grounds cannot be explained by ences.” natural processes alone,” said Wigley. “The best explanation for these changes has to in- Other institutions contributing to this study clude a large human influence.” include the University of California, PROJECT Merced; Lawrence Berkeley National Lab- Coastal Storm Surge Analyses Hurricanes are complex phenomena that are oratory; Scripps Institution of Oceanogra- PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR influenced by a variety of physical factors, phy; the University of Hamburg; the such as SSTs, wind shear, water vapor, and University of East Anglia; Manchester Met- Jay Ratcliff, US Army Corps of Engi- neers atmospheric stability. The increasing SSTs ropolitan University; NASA’s Goddard In- in the Atlantic and Pacific hurricane forma- stitute for Space Studies; and NOAA’s FUNDING tion regions are not the sole determinant of National Climatic Data Center. ASCR, USACOE hurricane intensity, but they are likely to be 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 9

Katrina Peak Water Surface (ft) Katrina Peak Water Surface (ft) 0.0 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 21.0 24.0 27.0 0.0 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 24.0 28.0

FIGURE 3. Overview simulation showing elevated storm surges FIGURE 4. Simulation detail showing highest surge elevation (in along the Gulf Coast. red) striking Biloxi, Miss. New Orleans is the dark blue crescent to the lower left of Biloxi.

These revised models of the effects known Gulf Coast. Increased detail gave the Corps tection projects and urgent timelines, only as “storm-surge elevations” are serving as the of Engineers and FEMA more information by working together and using both DOE basis of design for levee repairs and im- about the local effects of such storms. and DoD resources was the Corps able to provements currently being designed and provide high-quality engineering solutions. constructed by the Corps of Engineers in For example, storm surge elevations are the wake of Hurricane Katrina’s destruction greatly influenced by local features such as As a result of the computer runs, the Corps in the New Orleans Metro Area. roads and elevated railroads. Representing determined that the applications produced these details in the model greatly improves incorrect results at topographic boundaries Additionally, Gulf Coast Recovery Maps the degree to which computed elevations in some instances, and codes were modified were generated for Southern Louisiana match observed storm surge high-water to improve the accuracy of the results. For based on FEMA’s revised analysis of the fre- marks and allows the Corps to make better example, the runs at NERSC have improved quency of hurricanes and estimates of the recommendations to protect against such the Corps’ ability to model the effects of resulting waves. These maps are being used surges. vegetation and land use on storm surges on an advisory basis by communities cur- which propagate far inland, as Hurricane rently rebuilding from the 2005 storms. The Corps of Engineers team also ran hur- Rita did on Sept. 24, 2005. ricane simulations on the DoD Major Having access to the NERSC supercom- Shared Resource computers at the Engi- This article written by: David Hosansky, puters allowed the Corps of Engineers to neering Research and Development Center NCAR; Jon Bashor and John Hules, Berkeley create more detailed models of the effects of (ERDC). Due to the tremendous computa- Lab. Hurricane Rita and other storms along the tional requirements of these hurricane pro- UNDER the COMPUTATION MICRO

Materials scientists and chemists are using computational tools to understand, improve, and create new kinds of materials AL SCOPE 12 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

Optical microscopy and, later, electron microscopy may have revolutionized the study of nature, but computational modeling is filling in the blanks in the study of the very small. Computational simulations can reveal the structures and reaction mechanisms of unstable or reactive chemicals that are difficult to study experi- mentally; and they can also help scientists interpret the results of their experiments by elucidating electrical, magnetic, optical, and structural properties at the small- est scales. This section highlights some of this year’s achievements in chemistry and materials science.

electron spins and spin currents in spintron- direction of either “up” or “down.” The up or GRAPHENE NANORIB- ics applications.” down values of spin can be used to encode data BONS: A NEW PATH TO in the 0s and 1s of the binary system, just SPINTRONICS Louie added, “There are, of course, many like the positive or negative values of an elec- challenges to confront before this concept trical charge. However, unlike charge-based Spintronics—the principle behind electronic can be used for applications. However, if elec- data storage, spin-based data storage does devices based on the spin of an electron, in tric fields can be made to produce and manip- not disappear when the electric current stops. addition to its charge—is the gleam in the ulate a 100 percent spin-polarized carrier collective eyes of the computer industry. system through a chosen geometric structure, One of the keys to the future development With the discovery of a new pathway to- it will revolutionize spintronics technology.” of spintronic technology is the curious, ex- wards realizing the spintronics dream, that tremely rare class of materials known as gleam should light up even brighter. Spintronic devices promise to be smaller, “half metals.” These materials are unique be- faster, and far more versatile than today’s cause their conducting electrons are all spin- Marvin Cohen and Steven Louie, theorists electronic devices. Spin is a quantum mechan- polarized in either the up or down orientation. who hold joint appointments with Berkeley ical property that arises when the intrinsic Conduction takes place by charge carriers Lab’s Materials Sciences Division and the rotational momentum of a particle, in this exclusively oriented in a single spin direc- University of California at Berkeley, to- case an electron, creates a tiny magnetic field. tion; the spin polarization of the carriers in gether with postdoctoral researcher Young- For the sake of simplicity, spin is given the half metals is theoretically 100 percent, making Woo Son, have calculated that nanoribbons them ideal for spintronic device structures. of graphene—single-layered sheets of hexagonally-arranged carbon atoms—with PROJECT The search for half metals among semicon- zigzag edges can be made to carry a spin Ab Initio Prediction of Structural and ductors has been intense, but to date there current.1 Zigzag graphene nanoribbons Electronic Properties of Materials have been few investigations into organic could therefore serve as the basis for nano- materials, even though carbon-based nanos- PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR sized spintronic devices. tructures hold significant promise for future Marvin Cohen, University of California, electronic devices. Berkeley, and Lawrence Berkeley Na- “Our calculations show that zigzag tional Laboratory graphene nanoribbons are magnetic and can “Although there are organic magnets in mo- carry a spin current in the presence of a suf- SENIOR INVESTIGATORS lecular and polymeric forms, carbon in the ficiently large electric field,” said Cohen. “An Steven Louie, UC Berkeley and LBNL crystalline form is not magnetic,” Louie said. applied transverse electric field transforms “This is probably the reason why people the ribbon from a semiconductor with a FUNDING haven’t been looking for half metals in car- small gap to a metal with carriers that are BES, NSF bon-based nanostructures such as graphene.” 100 percent spin-polarized. By carefully COMPUTING RESOURCES controlling the electric field, it should be Using first-principles calculations, which possible to generate, manipulate, and detect NERSC, SDSC can predict a material’s electrical and mag-

1 Young-Woo Son, Marvin L. Cohen, and Steven G. Louie, “Half-metallic graphene nanoribbons,” Nature 444, 347, (2006). 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 13


+V/2 +V/2



FIGURE 1.An external transverse electric field has been applied in the x direction across this zigzag graphene nanoribbon, which is between 1.5 to 6.7 nanometers wide (billionths of a meter). The field makes the nanoribbon magnetically positive towards the right side, so that the ap- plication of a small longitudinal field would generate spin-polarized currents along the y direction. Hydrogen atoms on the edges are de- noted by circles or red dots.

netic properties from the atomic number the electric field,” Louie said. “We believe this toxic,” said Cohen. “All we need now is for and mass of its constituent atoms, plus the is the first demonstration of such an effect.” clever nanoscientists to use our first-princi- brute computational power of NERSC, ples calculations to design and make these Cohen, Louie, and Son were able to demon- Cohen commented, “It’s very hard to polar- or similar systems.” strate the half-metallic phenomenon in ize spins and even harder to manipulate graphene nanoribbons. They showed that them. Usually one needs magnetic fields that the half-metallic property emerges when involve large pieces of equipment, which PRACTICAL homogeneous electric fields are applied makes the production of small devices diffi- PLASMONIC CRYSTAL across graphene nanoribbons whose zigzag- cult. Here we get to have our cake and eat it shaped edges are attached to voltage con- too, because it is the electric field rather than BIOSENSORS tacts (Figure 1). Zigzag edges form when the magnetic field that gives us the highest the carbon chemical bonds of a honey- degree of polarization.” In the realm of myths, legends, and the oc- combed sheet of graphene are uniformly cut. cult, crystals have always been believed to Basing spin polarization on electric fields have extraordinary powers, from protection “The electric fields can be used to directly makes it much easier to work with small de- and healing with crystal talismans to fore- manipulate the spin orientation of carriers vices. “Also, the zigzag graphene nanorib- telling the future with crystal balls. Scien- in zigzag graphene nanoribbons by shifting bons are resistant to heat buildup, relatively tific discoveries about crystals may be less the energy of different magnetic states via insensitive to temperature, and are non- dramatic, but they are no less amazing. In a 14 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

recent example, researchers at the University A of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and Argonne National Laboratory developed a small, low-cost crystal array that makes a highly sensitive biosensor, and used compu- tational modeling to explain how it works.

What the researchers achieved was a break- through in a common but, until now, expensive 2 mm technique for measuring binding interac- tions, such as those between DNA and pro- teins, based on changes in the refractive index near a metal surface. The technique, called surface plasmon resonance or SPR, is used in diagnostic bioassays and in research 10 m 2 m ranging from drug discovery to immunol- ogy, virology, and other fields. B

z Just as a pebble tossed into a pond produces y waves on the surface of the water, a beam of light shining on a plasmonic crystal pro- duces electron waves on the crystal’s surface. x “SPR is simply light causing a collective ex- citation of electrons near the surface of a metal,” explained Stephen Gray, a chemist at Argonne National Laboratory, who created the simulations that analyzed the experi- mental results.

“Those collective excitations of electrons are like waves on the metal’s surface,” Gray con- tinued, “and light shining around different objects above the metal creates different waves. When we use plasmonic crystals as sensors, small changes in the material specimen pro- duce changes in the refraction index which can be measured with a spectrophotometer. From those responses, you can infer what the material is and how it has changed.”

FIGURE 2. Images and schematic illustrations of a quasi-3D plasmonic crystal. (A) Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a crystal. (Upper Inset) A low-resolution optical image illus- trating the diffraction colors produced by these structures. (Lower Inset) A high-magnification PROJECT SEM that shows the upper and lower levels of gold. (B) Schematic illustration of the normal Nanoscale Electrodynamics incidence transmission mode geometry used to probe these devices. The intensity of the un- diffracted, transmitted light is monitored across the UV, visible, and near-infrared regions of PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR the spectrum. (Inset) A close-up schematic illustration of the crystal. Stephen Gray, Argonne National Laboratory While the scientific understanding of SPR the glass scatter and absorb light in a way FUNDING may be modern, its application has a long that produces a pleasing color.” BES history. “The ruby red color in some me- dieval stained-glass windows is the result of As a sensing technology, SPR has the ad- COMPUTING RESOURCES surface plasmon resonance,” Gray pointed vantage of not requiring that fluorescent labels NERSC, LCRC out. “Gold nanoparticles that were added to be added to samples, as in fluorescence mi- 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 15

A B C 60

B 40


Transmittance (%) Transmittance z 0 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 xy Wavelength (nm) C FIGURE 3. Correlation of transmission spectral features with hole/disk plasmonic excitations. (A) Normal incidence trans- FIGURE 4. Tilted SEM image of an individ- mission spectrum of a quasi-3D plasmonic ual nanohole showing grains of gold at the crystal (blue), and rigorous electrodynam- edges of the recessed gold disk. ics modeling of the spectrum for an ideal crystal (green) and one that includes subtle isolated nanoscale grains of gold near the edges of the gold disks (red). (B) Com- puted electromagnetic field distribution associated with the resonance at 883 nm (labeled B in A). The intensity is concentrated at the edges of the nanoholes in the upper level of the crystal. (C) Field distribution associated with the resonance at 1,138 nm (labeled C in A), showing strong coupling between the upper and lower levels of the crystal.

croscopy. But SPR to date has had a variety a detailed computational analysis of the op- search team used a well studied ligand–re- of limitations. The first SPR systems used tical properties of the new crystals and the ceptor pair, biotin and avidin, as a model sys- prisms, but those systems were too bulky to complex electromagnetic field distributions tem to illustrate the functionality of these be portable. More recent systems employ plas- around the multilevel nanostructured fea- crystals in a quantitative analytical bioassay, monic crystals in the form of nanostructured tures (Figure 3). and they were able to detect molecular bind- films or nanoparticles; these systems are ing in a single layer. more portable but less sensitive, and fabri- Interestingly, Gray’s initial idealized crystal cating large and uniform arrays of plasmonic model produced spectral features (Figure Because these plasmonic crystal arrays are crystals has been prohibitively expensive. 3A, green line) that did not quite match the smaller than typical sensing or imaging sys- experimental results (blue line); but when he tems, and in view of their high sensitivity, But all that may be changing. In an experi- added small defects in the form of isolated low-cost fabrication, and simple readout ap- ment reported in the Proceedings of the Na- grains of gold on the sides of the wells near paratus, this technology could be used in devel- tional Academy of Sciences,2 Ralph Nuzzo, the bottom, the match was close to perfect oping the next generation of portable diagnostic John Rogers and co-workers at UIUC’s (red line). Scanning electron micrographs sensors. They could easily be integrated into Frederick Seitz Materials Research Labora- confirmed that there were indeed grains of microfluidic lab-on-a-chip instrumentation. tory developed a low-cost crystal array to gold at the edges of the recessed gold disks make a highly sensitive sensor. Using soft (Figure 4). nanoimprint lithography, a technique that OVERCOMING uses a soft polymeric mold to stamp and cre- “This showed how, at the nanoscale, very ate structures on a substrate, the researchers small defects can have important effects,” NANOCRYSTALS’ created a plasmonic crystal consisting of a Gray said. It also shows how computational RESISTANCE TO regular array of cylindrical wells in gold film modeling could be used to figure out how to DOPING on a polyurethane substrate (Figure 2). The fine-tune the performance of the system. SPR effects were produced on the nanoscale The word doping has different meanings in holes in the gold film and on the separate The unusual geometry and uniformity of sports and in materials science, but both gold disks at the bottoms of the wells. SPR these crystals gives them high sensitivity to meanings have one thing in common: en- waves can be modeled mathematically using multiple wavelengths over large sample areas hanced performance through intentionally Maxwell’s equations, so Gray was able to do with micrometer spatial resolution. The re- introduced impurities. In sports, of course, the

2 Matthew E. Stewart, Nathan H. Mack, Viktor Malyarchuk, Julio A. N. T. Soares, Tae-Woo Lee, Stephen K. Gray, Ralph G. Nuzzo, and John A. Rogers, “Quantita- tive multispectral biosensing and 1D imaging using quasi-3D plasmonic crystals,” PNAS 103, 17143 (2006). 16 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

“impurities” are drugs. But in semiconductor AB production, doping pure silicon with small quantities of impurities such as boron or phosphorus enables engineers to tailor the electrical conductivity and other properties of the material for specific electronic applications.

A small amount of dopant can make a big difference: one atom of dopant per 10,000 silicon atoms is considered heavy doping in today’s semiconductor manufacturing; light doping could mean a ratio of 1:100,000,000. But materials scientists would like to dope semiconductor nanocrystals that may have fewer than 10,000 atoms to begin with, be- FIGURE 5. Charge density plot showing magnesium impurities in cadmium-selenium cause nanoelectronics holds the promise of nanocrystals at two different gap levels: (a) resonant and (b) hybrid. more efficient solar cells, electroluminescent devices, computers, and much more.

Nanocrystals tend to have fewer defects or Engineering and Sciences at the University of namic solution to the doping problem: if the impurities than bulk materials, and experi- Texas at Austin. (Dalpian is now at the Uni- dopant is a cation, then increasing the anion ments have shown that it is often more dif- versidade Federal do ABC, Santo Andre, concentration in the crystal-growing solution ficult to dope a nanocrystal than a bulk Brazil.) They thought the kinetic argument would reduce the impurity formation energy material. But the reason for this difficulty was too vague, leading to assumptions and and make successful doping more likely. has been a matter of debate. Since nanocrys- speculations, and that an energetic or thermo- tals are so small—they can have as much dynamic study might provide a more precise The significance of this research was high- surface as inner volume—one obvious ex- explanation. lighted by a feature article in the Nanozone planation is that it is easy for a dopant atom News section of the Nature web site.4 to move to the surface and escape during the Using electronic structure calculations, process of crystal formation, a process called Dalpian and Chelikowsky examined the sta- self-purification. bility of magnetic impurities in spherical cad- WHY DOPING mium selenide nanocrystals ranging in size STRENGTHENS GRAIN That “kinetic argument” was not good enough from 1.4 to 2.6 nm in diameter—a maximum for Gustavo Dalpian and James Che- of 293 cadmium and selenium atoms.3 At the BOUNDARIES likowsky of the Institute for Computational center of the simulated nanocrystals they placed a single manganese impurity atom Ceramic engines have been a topic of re- PROJECT (Figure 5). search for decades because they are lighter and more fuel-efficient than metal engines. Scalable Methods for Electronic Exci- tations and Optical Responses of Their calculations showed that this impu- So why aren’t we seeing cars and trucks with Nanostructures: to Algo- rity changes the energy level in the “band ceramic engines on the streets yet? The rithms to Observables gap” between the occupied and unoccupied biggest problem with ceramics is durability. electron energy bands. As the size of the Their microscopic structure is granular, and PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR nanocrystal decreases, it takes more “formation under heat and pressure, the boundaries be- James Chelikowsky, University of energy” to insert the impurity, making dop- tween the grains can act like tiny seismic Texas at Austin ing more difficult, as shown in experiments. faults, allowing small-scale slippage that SENIOR INVESTIGATOR may grow into cracks and fractures—a dan- Gustavo Dalpian, Universidade Fed- “Our conclusion,” said Chelikowsky, “is that gerous possibility in an engine. eral do ABC the high energy of formation makes it diffi- cult to stabilize a dopant within a nanocrystal. Aluminum oxide or alumina (Al2O3) is one FUNDING Since a dopant in a nanocrystal is intrinsi- of the most promising ceramics for engines BES, NSF cally unstable, self-purification may occur for because of its hardness—it is widely used for thermodynamic as well as kinetic reasons.” abrasives, like sandpaper, and cutting tools. COMPUTING RESOURCES One drawback is that at high temperatures, NERSC, TACC But their results also suggest a thermody- alumina is prone to microscopic creep at

3 Gustavo M. Dalpian and James R. Chelikowsky, “Self-purification in semiconductor nanocrystals,” Physical Review Letters 96, 226802 (2006). 4 Philip Ball, “Why nanotech fails the dope test,” Nanozone News, 22 June 2006, http://www.nature.com/materials/nanozone/news/060622/portal/m060622-2.html. 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 17

A B Al



a e

5Å c n CD f p b o d m


h l

5Å i

FIGURE 6. STEM images of undoped and yttrium-doped alumina grain boundaries. (A) Undoped alumina; (B) same image with overlay to illustrate the aluminum atomic FIGURE 7. Theoretical grain boundary structure obtained by static lattice calculations. Alu- column arrangement; (C) yttrium-doped minum atoms are white, oxygen blue. Bold lines mark the grain boundary structure as ob- alumina; (C) same image with structural served in the STEM images. Yttrium segregation energies were investigated for columns a overlay. through p, and column m showed the lowest segregation energy.

grain boundaries. However, researchers have Now a collaboration of researchers from the open structure. These images reveal that Y found that doping alumina with rare earth universities of Tokyo and Missouri–Kansas doping does not alter the basic grain boundary elements, such as yttrium (Y), improves its City may have settled the issue. They exam- structure; instead, Y simply replaces Al at resistance to creep. The dopant has been ined both undoped and doped grain bound- the center of some seven-member rings in the shown to settle in the grain boundaries, but aries with scanning transmission electron grain boundary. how it prevents creep at the atomic scale has microscopy (STEM), then analyzed the been controversial. grain boundary structure and bonding using The theoretical part of the study was con- a combination of static lattice and first prin- ducted by Wai-Yim Ching, Curators’ Pro- ciples calculations.5 fessor of Physics at the University of PROJECT Missouri–Kansas City, along with Japanese Theoretical Studies of the Electronic Figure 6 shows STEM images of undoped researchers and post-doctoral fellow Jun Structures and Properties of Complex Ceramic Crystals and Novel Materials (A, B) and yttrium-doped (C, D) alumina Chen. They first used static lattice calcula- grain boundaries. The orange spots correspond tions to determine the lowest energy structure PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR to atomic columns of aluminum (the oxygen of the undoped grain boundary. The calcu- Wai-Yim Ching, University of Mis- is not visible), and the yellow spots in C and lated structure reproduced the experimen- souri–Kansas City D are yttrium columns. The schematic overlay tally observed seven-member ring structure in B and D highlights the periodic structural at the grain boundary (Figure 7). FUNDING units along the boundary plane, with seven- BES, JSPS member rings of Al ions forming a large To locate the most energetically stable site for

5 J. P. Buban, K. Matsunaga, J. Chen, N. Shibata, W. Y. Ching, T. Yamamoto, and Y. Ikuhara, “Grain boundary strengthening in alumina by rare earth impurities,” Science 311, 212 (2006). 18 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT



FIGURE 8. Charge density map for undoped (A) and Y-doped (B) grain boundaries.

Y segregation, the theoretical researchers Although the actual mechanism for grain materials, and composites, where the me- substituted a single Y ion in various columns boundary creep is still not well understood, chanical, chemical, and transport properties at or near the grain boundary (Figure 7, a this study advances our understanding of are sensitive to the underlying interfacial through p). Site m, in the middle of a seven- creep resistance. Creep requires the contin- microstructure. member ring, had the lowest segregation en- uous breaking and reforming of atomic ergy, just as the experiment showed. The bonds as two grains move in opposite direc- “In fact, tailoring this microstructure is an main difference between Y and Al ions is tions. Grain boundaries with more bonds emerging paradigm for engineering high their ionic radius: 67.5 picometers for Al, and higher bond strength, will, therefore, be performance, multifunctional materials,” and 104 picometers for Y. The researchers more resistant to creep. The undoped seven- said Zachary Trautt, a graduate research as- believe the larger area within the seven- member rings in this study have fewer bonds sistant and the first author of the study “In- member ring can accommodate the larger than the interior of the grain, which is why terface Mobility from Interface Random ion better than a six-member ring. the grain boundaries are mechanical weak Walk,” which appeared in the October 27, points. But the Y-doped rings have more 2006 issue of Science.6 In that paper, re- To investigate local atomic bonding and and stronger bonds between Y and O ions, searchers at the Colorado School of Mines charge distributions, the researchers then which explains why Y doping increases and Northeastern University reported a used ab initio calculations to construct a large creep resistance in alumina. novel computational methodology aimed at periodic supercell with 700 atoms. Figure 8 quantifying the kinetics of interfaces in di- shows charge density maps for the undoped Ching sees the significance of these results verse material systems. (A) and Y-doped (B) grain boundaries. White in a larger context. “This work demonstrates circles show the location of Al ions; gradu- the importance of combining theoretical The interfacial microstructure is subject to ated blue spots show the charge density computation and experimental observation, several driving forces during material syn- from O ions; and the yellow circle in B is a Y the effectiveness of international collabora- thesis and function. More often than not, ion. Figure 8A shows sharp nodes between tion, and the need of top-line supercomput- these driving forces are large enough to the O charge densities and the charge density ers for modern materials research,” he said. cause the interfaces to move and the mi- from the Al ion in the center of the seven- crostructure (or its precursor) to evolve (Fig- member ring. In contrast, Figure 8B shows ure 9). Naturally, controlling the final that the O electron densities are elongated A RANDOM WALK microstructure requires accurate models toward the Y ion, indicating a stronger cova- ALONG AN INTERFACE (Figure 10) that relate the interface motion lency (sharing of electrons) between the Y– to the driving forces in effect. O bonds. Further calculations showed that Interfaces are an important class of defects more bonds formed between Y and O ions whose distribution affects the properties of A quantitative measure of interface kinetics than between Al and O ions; the larger num- the otherwise pristine material, both in na- is the interface mobility, the ratio of the in- ber of bonds in the Y-doped case contributed ture and in technology. This is especially the terface velocity to the driving force. Past to lowering the grain boundary energy. case in polycrystals, thin films, multiphase studies on individual homophase crystalline

6 Zachary T. Trautt, Moneesh Upmanyu, and Alain Karma, “Interface mobility from interface random walk,” Science 314, 632 (2006). 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 19

PROJECT Microstructural Evolution Based on Fundamental Interfacial Properties

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Anthony Rollett, Carnegie Mellon University

SENIOR INVESTIGATORS James Morris, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Mark Asta, University of California, Davis; Alain Karma, Northeastern University FIGURE 9. A slice through a computational cell consisting of two grain boundaries which separate two perfect crystals of different orientations. The average position of the grain FUNDING boundaries h¯ is calculated from their fluctuating profile. The color reflects the interaction energy—green indicates high-energy states. The superimposed red dotted curve is the result BES, ONR, ATC of the algorithm used to identify the interface position. (Images courtesy of Science) COMPUTING RESOURCES NERSC, NOOMSRC interfaces (or grain boundaries) in several high-purity metals show an interesting 300 trend: the experimental mobilities are orders of magnitude smaller than those extracted via computations. The discrepancy is often 10 ps attributed to the presence of impurities, fu- 200 eling speculation that even minute quanti- ties of impurities significantly retard interface motion. Frequency 20 ps 100 “An often overlooked fact is that computa- tions are limited to tens of nanoseconds,” said Moneesh Upmanyu, co-author and the 0 lead researcher in the study. “As a result, they 40 ps are performed at driving forces orders of magnitude greater than those commonly observed in experiments,” he explained. This further weakens the comparison, and there is a need to extend the computational studies 80 ps to more realistic driving forces and include the effect of impurities. –2 –1 0 12 h (Å) “Our computational methodology offers a way to address both these challenges, effi- ciently and with setups that are relatively simple,” said Trautt. The basis for the methodology is the pioneering theoretical FIGURE 10. The time evolution in picoseconds of the distribution of the average grain bound- work by Einstein, Smulochowski, and ary position h¯ . The distributions are normal, as predicted by the theory. Langevin on Brownian motion in the early 1900s. “Just as their study related the dance of macroscopic particles to their diffusivity, yields its mobility in the zero driving force within a nanosecond, a significant savings in the microscopic thermal fluctuations result limit,” said Alain Karma, also a co-author in computational resources.” in interface forces that conspire towards a the study. “The technique is remarkably ef- one-dimensional dance [random walk] of ficient,” noted Upmanyu. “The computa- Comparisons with previous experiments the average interface position, which in turn tions on pure aluminum yielded mobilities and computations reveal that the retarding 20 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

effect of impurities is much more severe than previously thought. The authors are now working on extending the theory and the computations to directly quantify the impurity drag effect.

Trautt is a graduate research assistant in the Group for Simulation and Theory of Atomic-scale Material Phenomena (stAMP), Engineering Division, Colorado School of Mines; Upmanyu is group leader of stAMP and Assistant Professor in the Engineering Division and Materials Science Program. and the blend of the two interact with other Karma is Distinguished Professor in the lithium compounds. “Pharmaceutical chemists Department of Physics and Center for In- always need to synthesize new compounds,” terdisciplinary Research on Complex Systems, said Larry Pratt, principal investigator of the Northeastern University, and a senior inves- project and assistant professor at Fisk Uni- tigator in the NERSC project “Microstruc- versity in Nashville, Tennessee. “I am help- tural Evolution Based on Fundamental ing to build the tool box.” Interfacial Properties,” led by Anthony Rollett, Department Head and Professor of Mate- Lithium, the lightest of the solid elements, is rials Science and Engineering at Carnegie a soft white metal that oxidizes quickly in Mellon University. air and water. It is commonly found in portable batteries that power laptops and BUILDING A CHEMICAL cell phones. In pharmacology, lithium com- pounds such as lithium carbonate and TOOL BOX lithium citrate are commonly used to con- trol mood swings. To coax the next blockbuster drug out of that is known about the structure and reac- chemical compounds, scientists must ex- The lithium compounds that have capti- tivity of the aggregate, the better the chance plore how these compounds work with each vated Pratt’s interest are lithium enolates of success. other. This process of assembling the right and lithium carbenoids. They are two im- ingredients takes years and millions of dollars, portant classes of reagents in organic chem- In solution, almost all lithium compounds and the result can lead to life-saving medicines. istry, which involves the study of the form aggregates. Typically, the larger the properties, synthesis and reactions of carbon- molecule, the less likely it will form a com- How do chemists figure out the right mix? containing compounds. Pratt has drawn plex bond. For example, the lithium enolate It takes ample knowledge about the charac- from experiments conducted by him and of acetaldehyde may exist as a four- or six- teristics of various compounds and a dose of other researchers to calculate the structures, molecule compound (tetramer or hexamer) serendipitous discovery. This process of syn- energy, and other properties that resulted in tetrahydrofuran, a common ether-type thesizing compounds is what has driven an from mixing these lithium compounds. solvent, while lithium cyclohexanone eno- INCITE project investigator to examine late may show up as a single- or dual-mole- how lithium enolates, lithium carbenoids In cooking, when you throw in a bunch of cule compound (monomer or dimer) in the spices, you can expect the mixture to give off same solvent. As mixed aggregates, lithium an altogether different smell and taste than enolates and lithium carbenoids can exhibit PROJECT what you get from individual ingredients. different characteristics, depending on the The same thing happens when you blend molecular structure, temperature, and the Reactions of Lithium Carbenoids, Lithium Enolates, and Mixed Aggre- different compounds into an aggregate—a type of solvent. gates cluster of molecules that chemically reacts as a single molecule. A mixed aggregate may Using mathematical models to determine PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR have properties different than those of either the structures and potential reactions of Lawrence Pratt, Fisk University pure component, and the aggregate may lithium aggregates is a good way to advance FUNDING react very differently from either of its com- the understanding of these substances, par- ponents. For the creative chemist, the result ticularly because observing their step-by- BES, NSF may not be what was desired. But the more step reaction in an experiment can be 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 21

FIGURE 11. Optimized geometries of lithium carbenoid mixed aggregates with lithium methoxide. Gray represents carbon; white, hydrogen; violet, lithium; green, chlorine; and red, oxygen.

difficult. Many lithium carbenoids are reac- tive and unstable; they tend to decompose at room temperature, although some can be observed at low temperatures.

Pratt uses ab initio and density functional theory methods to investigate the structures and interactions between the compounds. After modeling all reasonable geometric structures of the compounds and aggregates (see Figure 11 for an example), he uses the results to figure out which structures are likely to exist in significant concentrations in the gas phase and in solution. Then he ex- amines the reactions via each potential reac- tive species, such as monomer, dimer, tetramer, or mixed aggregate. Transition structures are then located and the activation energies cal- culated. Characterizing these reactions will This article written by: John Hules, Lynn help other researchers figure out new uses Yarris, and Ucilia Wang, Berkeley Lab; and for these compounds. Laura Shea, Northeastern University.

24 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

The light and warmth of the , the romance and mystery of the stars, the drama and power of lightning, the breathtaking beauty of auroras—over the course of human history, these wonders have inspired a variety of thoughts and feelings, sto- ries and art works. From the viewpoint of physics, all of the these phenomena are plasmas, but that fact does not detract from the mystery; for plasma (ionized gas), with its ability to carry electrical currents and generate magnetic fields, is perhaps the most complex and difficult to understand state of matter.

Plasmas are the most common form of How so much energy can be released so PROJECT baryonic matter, which is currently believed quickly has perplexed scientists for decades. to constitute about 4% of the universe (the rest In 1946 Ronald Giovanelli conceived the Turbulence, Transport and Magnetic Reconnection in High Temperature being and dark energy). Plasmas idea of magnetic reconnection to explain solar Plasma surround the Earth (ionosphere and mag- flares. The basic idea is that the churning of netosphere), permeate the solar system, and ionized gas amplifies the magnetic fields in PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR pervade interstellar and intergalactic space. a plasma by twisting and folding them—ki- William Dorland, University of Mary- netic energy being converted into magnetic land With a growing understanding of plasmas energy. When the magnetic field lines touch SENIOR INVESTIGATORS over the past century, researchers have found or cross, they break, reconnect, and reverse dozens of practical applications for them. direction (Figure 1). The process may take James Drake, Parvez Guzdar, Adil The most familiar applications are fluorescent months or, in the case of a solar flare, as lit- Hassam, and Robert Kleva, University of Maryland lights, neon signs, and plasma display screens tle as 30 minutes, in which case vast for televisions and computers; the most prom- amounts of magnetic energy are converted FUNDING ising application is nuclear fusion as a renew- back to kinetic energy with explosive force. FES, NSF, NASA, CMPD, CISM able energy source. Recent discoveries from numerical simulations are advancing both the “Magnetic reconnection differs from a con- basic science of plasmas and fusion energy ventional explosion in that the energy is not experiments. released equally in all directions,” explained connection were always fast and occurred James F. Drake, Professor of Physics at the frequently, the magnetic fields would never University of Maryland, whose recent re- be strong enough to reach explosive force. A search has focused on this subject. “Instead, long period of slow reconnections might UNDERSTANDING the plasma flows in from one direction and allow the magnetic energy to accumulate. MAGNETIC flows out in another. But why would reconnection happen at two EXPLOSIONS different speeds? “Magnetic reconnection has broad impor- On December 6, 2006, Global Positioning tance for almost all areas of plasma physics, The first mathematical model for magnetic System (GPS) devices suddenly started mal- including solar flares, storms in the Earth’s reconnection, known as the Sweet-Parker functioning all over the Earth. The culprit: a magnetosphere, and disruptions in labora- model, was developed in the late 1950s. This solar flare. Solar flares can eject a billion tons tory fusion experiments,” Drake added. “It’s model generates a slow and steady release of of charged particles into space at a speed of a fascinating topic and a challenging re- energy, but not the explosive events that the 1 million km per hour, disrupting navigation search area.” theory is supposed to explain. In this model and communications satellites, and some- the electrons and ions move together, and the times even electrical grids on Earth, while One of the puzzles in this sudden release of heavier ions slow down the plasma flow. The producing bright auroras in the polar re- massive energy is how that much energy more recent Hall reconnection model sug- gions. could have built up in the first place. If re- gests that the movements of ions become 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 25

FIGURE 1. (A) Glowing loops of plasma illuminate the magnetic field structure around a sunspot. The planet Earth would easily fit under one of these loops. (B) Constantly in motion, the field lines sometimes touch or cross and reverse direction in a process called magnetic recon- nection. Open field lines instead of loops show that plasma is being ejected outward as a solar flare. (Images courtesy of NASA)

decoupled from electrons and magnetic fields 15 a 2 in the boundary layers where magnetic field 1 10 lines reconnect. The result is much faster i

0 ez j plasma flow. The signatures of the Hall model y/d 5 –1 have been confirmed by satellite measure- –2 ments in the magnetosphere and by laboratory –3 experiments, but this model still does not 15 b 2 explain the origin of the magnetic explosion. 1

i 10

0 ez j In two recent papers by Paul Cassak, Drake, y/d 5 –1 and Michael Shay, the two models have con- –2 verged in a self-consistent model for the –3 spontaneous onset of fast reconnection.1 15 c 1.0

The researchers’ calculations showed that i 0.8

10 e ll y/d slow reconnection can continue for a long 0.6 T time, during which magnetic stresses con- 5 0.4 tinue to build up. As progressively stronger 0.2 magnetic fields are drawn into the recon- nection region, when the available free en- 10 20 30 40 50 60 x/d ergy crosses a critical threshold, the system i abruptly transitions to fast reconnection, FIGURE 2. Computer simulations of island formation and electron acceleration during mag- manifested as a magnetic explosion. netic reconnection. The electron current is shown at two time steps in (a) and (b); (c) shows the electron temperature, with intense heating caused by electron acceleration along the This new model is consistent with solar flare rims of the islands. observations. For example, extreme-ultraviolet observations of the sun’s corona have shown released during fast reconnection was com- least 50% of the energy released during one instance of slow reconnection lasting for parable to the energy accumulated during flares is in the form of energetic electrons, 24 hours, followed by fast reconnection lasting slow reconnection. and energetic electrons have also been meas- for 3 hours. The change was sudden, with no ured during disruptions in laboratory nu- visible trigger mechanism, and the energy Solar observations have suggested that at clear fusion experiments. The source of these

1 P. A. Cassak, M. A. Shay, and J. F. Drake, “Catastrophe model for fast magnetic reconnection onset,” Physical Review Letters 95, 235002 (2005); P. A. Cassak, J. F. Drake, and M. A. Shay, “A model for spontaneous onset of fast magnetic reconnection,” Astrophysical Journal 644, L145 (2006). 26 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

energetic electrons has been a puzzle. Large “Particle-in-cell simulation, which began in MODELING numbers of these low-mass particles travel the late sixties, uses finite size particles on a at speeds far higher than can be explained MICROTURBULENCE grid to dramatically reduce the numerical by the energy of the moving magnetic field IN FUSION PLASMAS noise associated with close encounters be- lines that propel them. Drake and Shay, tween the particles, while leaving intact their along with Michael Swisdak and Haihong Most people do not think about turbulence long range interactions outside the grid,” Che, proposed an answer to this question in very often, except when they are flying and Lee explained. “This approximation reduced a paper published in Nature.2 the captain turns on the “Fasten Seat Belts” the number of calculations for particle in- sign. The kind of turbulence that may cause teractions and greatly reduced the computa- In their simulations of magnetic reconnec- problems for airplane passengers involves tional time. tion, the process is more turbulent than it swirls and eddies that are a great deal larger was once thought to be—magnetic islands than the aircraft. But in fusion plasmas, “For simulations of magnetic fusion plas- form, grow, contract, and merge as the field much smaller-scale turbulence, called micro- mas,” he continued, “further improvements lines converge (Figure 2). The electrons gain turbulence, can cause serious problems— came in the eighties and nineties with the speed by reflecting off the ends of contracting specifically, instabilities and heat loss that development of the gyrokinetic particle sim- islands, just as a ball would gain speed if it could stop the fusion reaction. ulation and perturbative particle simulation were bouncing off two walls that were moving methods. Briefly, under the gyrokinetic ap- toward one another. But as the temperature in In fusion research, all of the conditions nec- proximation, the spiral motion of a charged an island goes up, back pressure slows down essary to keep a plasma dense and hot long particle is represented as a charged ring cen- the shrinking, thus slowing down reconnection enough to undergo fusion are referred to as tered around its gyro-center; and perturba- and converting more of the magnetic energy confinement. The retention of heat, called tive methods are used to greatly reduce the into electron acceleration. The repeated in- energy confinement, can be threatened by micro- discrete particle noise.” teractions of electrons with many islands turbulence, which can make particles drift allow them to be accelerated to high speeds. across, rather than along with, the plasma Over the past dozen years, these simulation flow. At the core of a fusion reactor such as a methods have produced some impressive “Ours is the first mechanism that explains tokamak, the temperatures and densities are discoveries, including the identification of why electrons gain so much energy during higher than at the outside edges. As with ion temperature gradient (ITG) drift turbu- magnetic reconnection,” said Drake. “From weather, when there are two regions with lence as the most plausible process responsi- a practical standpoint, these new findings different temperatures and densities, the ble for the thermal transport observed in can help scientists to better predict which area between is subject to turbulence. In a tokamak experiments; the reduction of such solar storms pose the greatest threat to com- tokamak, turbulence can allow charged par- transport by self-generated zonal flows; and munications and other satellites. And they ticles in the plasma to move toward the outer the confinement scaling trends associated may give us a better understanding of how edges of the reactor rather than fusing with with the size of the plasma and also with the to control plasmas in fusion reactors.” other particles in the core. If enough parti- ionic isotope species.3 cles drift away, the plasma loses temperature Drake explained that the strongest confirm- and the fusion reaction cannot be sustained. PROJECT ing evidence for the new theory was the sur- prising agreement between the model and The growth of the microinstabilities that Center for Gyrokinetic Particle Simu- lations of Turbulent Transport in Burning data from NASA’s WIND satellite. “We lead to turbulent transport has been exten- Plasmas and Multiscale Gyrokinetics were as surprised as the WIND scientists sively studied over the years. Understanding when the distribution of energetic electrons this process is an important practical prob- PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR seen by their spacecraft popped right out of lem, and it is also a true scientific grand chal- Wei-li Lee, Princeton Plasma Physics our model. Such a match isn’t something lenge which is particularly well suited to be Laboratory you see very often,” he said. addressed by modern terascale computational SENIOR INVESTIGATORS resources. One of the leading research groups Drake computes at NERSC under the project exploring this issue is the SciDAC-funded Scott Parker, University of Colorado; Zhihong Lin, University of California, “Turbulence, Transport and Magnetic Re- Center for Gyrokinetic Particle Simulations Irvine; Viktor Decyk, University of Cal- connection in High Temperature Plasma,” led of Turbulent Transport in Burning Plasmas ifornia, Los Angeles by William Dorland. In addition to magnetic and Multiscale Gyrokinetics (GPSC), headed reconnection, this project also studies the by Wei-li Lee of the Princeton Plasma FUNDING mechanisms by which plasma particles, en- Physics Laboratory. This team developed FES, SciDAC ergy, and momentum are transported across, the Gyrokinetic Toroidal Code (GTC) to COMPUTING RESOURCES rather than along, magnetic field lines—the simulate instabilities in tokamak plasmas so-called “anomalous transport” problem. using the particle-in-cell (PIC) method. NERSC, LCF

2 J. F. Drake, M. Swisdak, H. Che, and M. A. Shay, “Electron acceleration from contracting magnetic islands during reconnection,” Nature 443, 553 (2006). 3 W. W. Lee, S. Ethier, W. X. Wang, and W. M. Tang, “Gyrokinetic particle simulation of fusion plasmas: Path to petascale computing,” Journal of Physics: Confer- ence Series (SciDAC 2006) 46, 73 (2006). 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 27

With the availability of terascale computers GTC Simulations – Ion thermal diffusivity Time evolution of particle weights (Cyclone base case – a/p = 125) (Cyclone base case – a/p = 125) in recent years, the GPSC team has been 0.1 0.1 able to carry out simulations of experiment- 800 particles/cell 0.08 0.08 sized plasmas with improved physics fidelity. 400 particles/cell

/a) 100 particles/cell 2 > S Typical global PIC simulations of this type 0.06 2 0.06

ρ 10 particles/cell S

χ 0.04 0.04 lion grid points over 7000 time steps to pro- 400 particles/cell 100 particles/cell 0.02 0.02 duce significant physics results. Simulations 10 particles/cell of this size would not be feasible on smaller 0 0 computers. 0 200 400 600 800 10000 200 400 600 800 1000 Time (a/cS) Time (a/cS)

With nearly two orders of magnitude in- FIGURE 1. Particle number convergence studies for the ITG simulation: thermal diffusivity crease in particle numbers, the GPSC proj- and the time rate of change of entropy for 10, 100, 400, and 800 particles per cell. The only nu- ect has been able to resolve longstanding merical noise comes from the 10 particle run. uncertainty about the effect of discrete par- ticle noise on the long-term transport pre- T = 5440/6500 dictions of turbulent gyrokinetic PIC simulations. The “noise” referred to here in- volves not just particle interactions that are not relevant to energy transport, but prima- rily numerical sampling noise, because PIC simulations involve Monte-Carlo sampling of a collection of “marker” particles. Recent work shows that this numerical noise has lit- tle effect on the resulting energy transport when a reasonable number of particles is used (Figure 1).3,4

When the GTC code was applied to a geometry similar to the ITER experiment, FIGURE 2. Turbulence spreading (left to right) as depicted by the perturbed potentials of an interesting new phenomenon was dis- ITG turbulence on the poloidal plane as they follow the magnetic field lines around the torus. covered: the turbulence spreads radially from a localized region to eventually cover most of the poloidal plane (Figure 2).3,5 This discovery was made possible by a simulation volume that is large enough to allow a clear petascale computers coming online and the The success of these efforts will depend on scale separation between the turbulence addition of more detailed physics to the close collaboration with other SciDAC cen- eddy size and the device size. GTC code, the GPSC team is eager to con- ters, including the Terascale Optimal PDE tinue. With trillion particle simulations, Simulations (TOPS) Center, the Scientific “The simulation clearly shows that small- they hope to find detailed solutions to prob- Data Management (SDM) Center, the Ul- scale turbulence eddies are typically gener- lems such as electron thermal transport, the trascale Visualization Center, and the Visu- ated in the unstable region and flow along scaling of confinement with plasma size, and alization and Analytics Center for Enabling the streamers to the stable region,” Lee said. the effects of different ionic isotope species Technologies (VACET). “In addition, the streamers are found to such as tritium on plasma burning. break and reconnect, resulting in a very com- This article written by: John Hules, Berkeley plex dynamical evolution. These new results “Our long-range goal is to carry out inte- Lab. have raised intense interest in the fusion grated simulations for ITER plasmas for a theory community on the fundamental wide range of temporal and spatial scales, in- physics of turbulence spreading.” cluding high-frequency short-wavelength wave heating, low-frequency meso-scale Clearly, there is a lot more work to be done transport, and low-frequency large-scale in modeling tokamak plasmas, and with magnetohydrodynamic physics,” Lee said.

4 Thomas G. Jenkins and W. W. Lee, “Fluctuations and discrete particle noise in gyrokinetic simulation of drift waves,” Physics of Plasmas 14, 032307 (2007). 5 W. X. Wang, Z. Lin, W. M. Tang, W. W. Lee, S. Ethier, J. L. V. Lewandowski, G. Rewoldt, T. S. Hahm, and J. Manickam, “Gyro-kinetic simulation of global turbulent transport properties in tokamak experiments,” Physics of Plasmas 13, 092505 (2006). SURFING the PLASMAWA AVES 30 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

The science and technology of laser-driven wakefield particle accelerators took two leaps forward in 2006. Scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, working with colleagues at the University of Oxford, accelerated electron beams to energies exceeding a billion electron volts (GeV) in a distance of just 3.3 cen- timeters. And the Berkeley team used an INCITE award of 2.5 million processor hours at NERSC to create full-scale, three-dimensional, explicit particle models that revealed important physical details of the experiments.

The experimental breakthrough, reported in tion sources for probing the subatomic PROJECT the October 2006 issue of Nature Physics,1 world, for studying new materials and new was spearheaded by the LOASIS (Laser technologies, and for medical applications. Particle-in-Cell Simulation of Laser Optical Accelerator Systems Integrated Wakefield Particle Acceleration Studies) program at Berkeley Lab, headed “INCITE advanced the understanding of PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR by Wim Leemans. Defying the prediction that particle beam formation and evolution in Cameron Geddes petawatt-class lasers would be needed to these devices through a very large simula- reach GeV energies, Leemans and his collab- tion in three dimensions as well as a large SENIOR INVESTIGATORS orators channeled a 40 terawatt peak-power series of two-dimensional cases to evaluate Wim Leemans, Eric Esarey, Carl laser pulse in a gas-filled capillary waveguide accelerator optimization,” said Geddes. Schroeder, William Isaacs, Berkeley to produce a high-quality electron beam with “These simulations are computationally in- Lab; John Cary, University of Col- 1 GeV energy. tensive because the laser wavelength (mi- orado and Tech-X Corporation; David Bruhwiler, Tech-X Corporation cron) must be resolved over the acceleration The simulation project, led by Cameron length of centimeters. Coupled with exper- FUNDING Geddes of the LOASIS team, created the iments, these simulations are developing the INCITE, HEP, NSF, AFOSR first high-resolution 3D models of these detailed understanding of laser acceleration laser wakefield experiments, providing crucial needed to apply this technology to future understanding of the nonlinear laser–plasma higher energy experiments Particle-in-cell simulations are a crucial tool interactions and particle distribution effects. and to compact machines for medicine and in interpreting these experiments and plan- The simulation activities are tightly tied to laboratory science.” ning the next generation because they can the experimental and theoretical efforts of resolve kinetics and particle trapping. These the LOASIS program and collaborators at In laser wakefield accelerators, plasma is simulations have revealed why recent experi- the University of Colorado and Tech-X formed by heating hydrogen gas enough to ments succeeded in producing a narrow energy Corporation. disintegrate its atoms into their constituent spread: the trapping of an initial bunch of protons and electrons. A laser pulse traveling electrons loads the wake, suppressing further Laser wakefield accelerators use laser-driven through this plasma creates a wake in which injection and forming a bunch of electrons plasmas to accelerate particles in as little as bunches of free electrons are trapped and isolated in phase space; at the dephasing a thousandth of the length required by con- ride along, much like surfers riding the wake point, as the bunch begins to outrun the ventional radiofrequency accelerators. The of a big ship (Figures 1 and 2). After propa- wake, the particles are then concentrated plasma-based accelerators are not subject to gating for a distance known as the “dephasing near a single energy, and a high quality electrical breakdown that limits conventional length,” the electrons outrun the wake. This bunch is obtained (Figure 3). Only a single accelerators and have demonstrated acceler- limits how far they can be accelerated and thus wake period contributes to the high energy ating gradients thousands of times those ob- limits their energy. The LOASIS team’s bunch, and hence the electron bunch length tained in conventional machines. Thus method for increasing the acceleration length is near 10 femtoseconds, indicating that a plasma-based accelerators offer a path to is to provide a guide channel for the drive- compact ultrafast electron source with high more compact, ultrafast particle and radia- laser pulse that creates the plasma wakefield. beam quality has been developed.

1 W. P. Leemans, B. Nagler, A. J. Gonsalves, Cs. Tóth, K. Nakamura, C. G. R. Geddes, E. Esarey, C. B. Schroeder, and S. M. Hooker, “GeV electron beams from a centimetre-scale accelerator,” Nature Physics 2, 696 (2006). Funding: HEP, EPSRC. 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 31

Pseudocolor, DB: test elections 0 19.vtk, Cycle: 19, Var: MomentumMagnituce 1.572e + 11 1.339e + 11 1.106e + 11 8.730e + 10 6.400e + 10 Max: 1.133e + 11 Min: 0.000 Volume DB: test TotalRhoJ 0 19.vtk Cycle: 19 Var: rho 0 0.000 –5.000e + 06 –1.000e + 07 –1.500e + 07 –2.000e + 07 Max: 0.000 Min: -9.114e + 07 y

z x

FIGURE 1.A 3D visualization showing the density of the plasma wave FIGURE 2.A two-dimensional cut through a 3D simulation shows the driven by the laser (volume shading), and positions of particles ac- plasma wave density (surface height) and reveals the particle mo- celerated by that wave (blue spheres). (Simulation by John Cary and mentum distribution versus position (spheres, height and color = mo- Cameron Geddes. Visualization by Cristina Siegerist.) mentum). (Simulation by Cameron Geddes. Visualization by Cameron Geddes and Peter Messmer.) Impressive as this is, “It’s the tip of the ice- berg,” says Leemans. “We are already work- AB ing on injection”—inserting an already 30 1.4 energetic beam into an accelerating cavity— “and staging,” the handoff of an energetic beam from one capillary to the next and m/s) 11 m)

subsequently to others, until very high en- μ 0 (10 Z Y ( ergy beams are achieved. “Brookhaven V γ Bill Weng has remarked that 0 achieving staging in a laser wakefield accel- erator would validate 25 years of DOE in- –30 1365 1455 1365 1455 vestment in this field.” Propagation distance (μm) Propagation distance (μm)

Leemans’ group and their collaborators look forward to the challenge with confidence. “In DOE’s Office of Science, the High Energy FIGURE 3. Particle-in-cell simulations show that a high-quality bunch is formed when beam loading and pulse evolution turn off injection after the loading of an initial bunch, resulting Physics office has asked us to look into what in an isolated bunch (A). These particles are then concentrated in energy at the dephasing it would take to go to 10 GeV. We believe length (B), forming a low-energy-spread bunch. The laser pulse envelope is shown at the bot- we can do that with an accelerator less than tom of pane (B), showing self modulation into sub-pulses at the plasma period. a meter long—although we’ll probably need 30 meters’ worth of laser path.”

While it has often been said that laser wake- field acceleration promises high-energy ac- celerators on a tabletop, the real thing may not be quite that small. But laser wakefield acceleration does indeed promise electron accelerators potentially far more powerful than This article written by: John Hules, Jon any existing machine—neatly tucked inside Bashor, Paul Preuss, and Ucilia Wang a small building. (Berkeley Lab)

34 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

Stars may seem distant, but we would not be here without them. The pro- duced hydrogen, helium, and lithium, but all of the heavier elements that make up our planet and our bodies were synthesized in stars and supernovae. To understand our Universe, we need to understand the formation and life cycles of stars. And several teams of researchers are using NERSC’s supercomputers to do just that.

are determined to answer. Klein is an ad- PROJECT: HIGH-MASS STAR junct professor of astronomy at UC Berke- FORMATION ley and a researcher at the Lawrence Toward a Comprehensive Theory of Star Formation Livermore National Laboratory; McKee is The formation of high-mass stars remains a physics and astronomy professor at UC PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: one of the most significant unsolved prob- Berkeley; and Krumholz is now a post-doc Richard Klein, University of Califor- lems in astrophysics. These stars, with at Princeton University. Together they are nia, Berkeley, and Lawrence Liver- masses from 10 to 100 times the mass of our working toward a comprehensive theory of more National Laboratory sun, eventually explode as supernovae and star formation, and they have already made SENIOR INVESTIGATORS: produce most of the heavy elements in the major progress. Universe. They also have a major influence Christopher McKee, UC Berkeley; Mark Krumholz, Princeton University on the structure and evolution of . For a long time, scientists have understood But observing the formation of massive stars that stars form when interstellar matter inside FUNDING: is difficult, because they are born in distant, giant clouds of molecular hydrogen undergoes NP, NASA, NSF dense, and dusty regions of space, and they gravitational collapse, but the puzzle remained swallow up much of their birth environment of how the protostars could grow to become COMPUTING RESOURCES: as they are born. high-mass stars in spite of the strong radia- NERSC, SDSC, LLNL tion and stellar winds that they generate. Massive star formation also poses major the- That question led to two competing theo- cores subsequently collapse to make indi- oretical challenges. Massive stars begin ries on how massive stars come into being. vidual high-mass stars or small multiple sys- burning their nuclear fuel and radiating tems, in either case continuing to accrete prodigious amounts of energy while still ac- In the competitive accretion theory, the cloud some matter from the parent clump, but not creting mass from the dense clouds of gravitationally collapses to produce clumps enough to change their mass substantially. mostly hydrogen gas surrounding them. But containing small protostellar cores. These this radiation exerts a repellent effect on cores are the seeds which undergo growth by Krumholz, McKee, and Klein gave a major molecules in the accreting material that gravitationally pulling in matter from around boost to the direct gravitational collapse the- could theoretically exceed the attractive them, competing with other cores in the ory in the November 17, 2005 issue of Na- force of . This paradox poses a ques- process, and sometimes colliding and merg- ture,1 where they reported the results of star tion: How can a massive protostellar core ing with other cores, eventually accreting formation simulations carried out at sustain a high-mass accretion rate despite its many times their original mass. NERSC and the San Diego Supercomputer repellent radiation pressure on the sur- Center. “Our work was the first attempt with rounding matter? The rival direct gravitational collapse theory, fully three-dimensional simulations to show which Klein and his collaborators subscribe how high-mass stars are formed, and it dealt That is only one of the questions that to, contends that the protostellar cores are a serious blow to the competitive accretion Richard Klein and his collaborators, already large soon after the star-forming theory,” said Klein. Christopher McKee and Mark Krumholz, clouds have fragmented into clumps. These

1 Mark R. Krumholz, Christopher F. McKee, and Richard I. Klein, “The formation of stars by gravitational collapse rather than competitive accretion,” Nature 438, 332 (2005). 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 35

A STAR IS BORN Log Σ (g cm–2) –2.0–1.0 0.01.0 –1.5 – –0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.15 Figure 1 shows a time sequence of the 400 0.10 evolution of one simulation run, starting 0.05 200 from the initial state shown in the top

0.00 0 AU

row. Turbulence delays the gravitational pc –0.05 –200 collapse for a while, but as the turbu- –0.10 –400 lence decays, gas starts to collapse. The –0.15 primary star appears 5,300 years after 400 0.10 the start of the simulation. It forms in a 0.05 200 shocked filament, which continues to ac-

0.00 0 AU

crete mass and by 6,000 years is begin- pc –0.05 –200 ning to form a flattened protostellar disk –0.10 –400 (second row). –0.15 400 0.10 As the evolution continues, several 0.05 200 more dense condensations appear, but

0.00 0 AU

most of these are sheared apart in the pri- pc –0.05 –200 mary protostellar disk before they can –0.10 –400 collapse and form a protostar. After 12,200 –0.15 years, a second protostar forms, but it 400 0.10 falls into the primary star and merges 0.05 200 with it at 12,700 years, before it has ac-

0.00 0 AU

creted one-tenth of a solar mass of gas. pc –0.05 –200 The primary star is already 2.1 solar –0.10 –400 masses, so the mass it gains in the –0.15 merger is negligible. The third row 400 0.10 shows the state of the simulation at 0.05 200 12,500 years, about halfway between

0.00 0 AU

when the second protostar appears and pc –0.05 –200 when it merges with the primary. –0.10 –400 –0.15 Only after 14,400 years does one of the 400 0.10 condensations collapse to form a sec- 0.05 200 ond protostar that is not immediately ac- 0

0.00 AU

creted, as shown in the fourth row of pc –0.05 –200 Figure 1. At this point the primary star is –0.10 –400 3.2 solar masses and has a well-defined –0.15 massive disk. The condensation from –0.1 0.0 0.1 –404 –2–1 01 –5.0 –2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 which the new protostar forms is already pc 1000 AU 1000 AU 100 AU visible in the third row. Unlike several others, it is able to collapse and form a protostar because it is fairly distant FIGURE 1. Column density as a function of time in one of a series of star formation from the primary protostar, which re- simulations. From top to bottom, the rows show the cloud state over time. From left to duces the amount of radiative heating to right, each column “zooms out” to show 4 times more area. In the left column, the which it is subjected. image is always centered on the point of origin, and the region shown in the second column is indicated by the black box. In the other columns, the image is centered on The next significant change in the sys- the location of the primary star at that time. Stars are indicated by red plus signs. tem occurs when one of the arms of the disk becomes unstable and fragments to form a third protostar at 17,400 years, as shown in the fifth row. At this point the ately after formation. At the end of 20,000 concentrated into a single object. A central star mass is 4.3 solar masses; years, the primary star is 5.4 solar larger plot of the full core at this point is the fragment is very small in comparison. masses, the second star is 0.34 solar shown in Figure 2. masses, and the third star, which formed The configuration after 20,000 years of in the disk of the first, is 0.2 solar Thus far the researchers have carried evolution, shown in the sixth row, is sub- masses. The disk itself is 3.4 solar out 3D simulations, not yet complete, stantially similar. Two more small disk masses. The system is well on its way to that show stars greater then 35 solar fragments form, but they both collide forming a massive star, and thus far the masses forming and still accreting gas with the primary star almost immedi- vast majority of the collapsed mass has from the surrounding turbulent core. 36 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

–2 Log Σ (g cm ) –2.00 –1.25 –0.50 0.25 1.00 1.75 2.50 diation can escape, significantly reducing the 0.15 radiation pressure and allowing accretion to continue. “Surprisingly,” they concluded, “outflows that drive gas out of a collapsing envelope may increase rather than decrease the size of the final massive star.”2 0.10 Another issue for the direct gravitational collapse theory to resolve is fragmentation: why wouldn’t a massive core collapse into 0.05 many fragmented, low-mass protostars rather than one or a few high-mass stars? In three-dimensional simulations with a wide range of initial conditions, the researchers found that radiation feedback from accret- –0.00 pc ing protostars inhibits the formation of frag- ments, so that the vast majority of the gas collapses into a handful of objects, with the majority of the mass accreting onto one pri- –0.05 mary object (see sidebar on previous page).3 The emerging picture, then, is that massive cores are the direct progenitors of massive stars, without an intermediate phase of com- petitive accretion or stellar collisions. –0.10 Klein’s team created these simulations using a code called Orion, which employs adap- tive mesh refinement (AMR) to create –0.15 three-dimensional simulations over an enor- –0.15 –0.10 –0.05 –0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 pc mous range of spatial scales. “AMR enabled FIGURE 2. Column density of a simulated protostellar core 20,000 years after the beginning us for the first time to cover the full dynamic of gravitational collapse. range with numerical simulations on a large scale, not just in star formation but in cos- mology,” Klein said. “We want to solve the entire problem of the formation of high- The 3D simulations determined the condi- regions show significant turbulence, and the mass stars.” tions in which competitive accretion can clumps tend to have several thousand solar occur: low turbulence (the ratio of turbulent masses. “Every observation of these large kinetic energy to gravitational potential en- clouds indicates that a mechanism, perhaps ergy) in the gas clumps in which the cores protostellar winds, must be present that FROM SOUNDWAVES are formed, and low-mass clumps (a few keeps stirring the clouds to keep the turbu- TO SUPERNOVAE solar masses). Earlier three-dimensional lence around,” Klein said. simulations with particle-based codes that ap- Once every 30 to 50 years in our — peared to support competitive accretion The researchers have also demonstrated that and then just for a few milliseconds—an ex- were based on these assumptions, and also radiation pressure is a much less significant ploding star known as a core-collapse (Type had the turbulence taper out quickly in the barrier to massive star formation than has II) supernova emits as much energy in neu- star-forming process. previously been thought. In proof-of- trinos as is emitted in photons by all the principal calculations of the recently ob- other stars in the Universe combined. But do these two conditions necessary for served gas outflows from massive protostars, competitive accretion actually exist? After they found that an outflow can substantially Supernovae have been documented for reviewing observations of a broad sample of change the radiation field and radiation 1,000 years, and astrophysicists know a lot star-forming regions, Klein and his team pressure around the protostar. The outflow about how they form, what happens during found no evidence to support these two as- cavity in the surrounding gaseous envelope the explosion and what’s left afterward. But sumptions. On the contrary, star-forming provides a thin channel through which ra- for the past 40 years, one problem has

2 Mark R. Krumholz, Christopher F. McKee, and Richard I. Klein, “How protostellar outflows help massive stars form,” Astrophysical Journal 618, L33 (2005). 3 Mark R. Krumholz, Richard I. Klein, and Christopher F. McKee, “Radiation-hydrodynamic simulations of collapse and fragmentation in massive protostellar cores,” Astrophysical Journal 656, 959 (2007). 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 37

FIGURE 3. A 2D rendition of the entropy field of the early blast in the inner 500 km of an exploding supernova. Velocity vectors depict the di- rection and magnitude of the local flow. The bunching of the arrows indicates the crests of the sound waves that are escalating into shock waves. These waves are propagating outward, carrying energy from the core to the mantle and helping it to explode. The purple dot is the pro- toneutron star, and the purple streams crashing in on it are the accretion funnels. dogged astrophysicists—what is the mecha- One thing that is known is that Type II su- of supersonic salad dressing, and deposit the nism that actually triggers the massive ex- pernovae produce neutrinos, particles with energy on the outer region. One theory plosion? Hydrodynamic, neutrino, convec- very little mass which travel through space holds that if the neutrinos deposit enough tive, viscous, and magnetic mechanisms for and everything in their path. Neutrinos energy throughout the star, this may trigger driving core-collapse supernova explosions carry energy from the deep interior of the the explosion. have all been proposed and investigated. star, which is being shaken around like a jar 38 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

To study this, a group led by Adam Burrows, professor of astronomy at the University of Arizona and a member of the SciDAC Computational Astrophysics Consortium, developed codes for simulating the behavior of a supernova core in two dimensions. While a 3D version of the code would be optimum, it would take at least five more years to develop and would require up to 300 times as much computing time. As it was, the group ran 1.5 million hours of calcula- tions at NERSC.

But the two-dimensional model is suitable for Burrows’ work, and the instabilities his group is interested in studying can be seen in 2D. What they found was that there is a big overturning motion in the core, which leads to wobbling, which in turn creates sound waves. These waves then carry energy away from the core, depositing it farther out near the mantle.

According to Burrows, these oscillations could provide the power that puts the star over the edge and causes it to explode. To imagine what such a scenario would look

PROJECT: Computational Astrophysics Consortium

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Stan Woosley, University of Califor- nia, Santa Cruz FIGURE 4.This shell of isodensity contours, colored according to entropy values, shows simul- SENIOR INVESTIGATORS: taneous accretion on the top and explosion on the bottom. The inner green region is the blast, and Adam Burrows, University of Arizona; the outer orange region is the unshocked material that is falling in. The purple dot is the newly Alex Heger, Los Alamos National formed , which is accumulating mass through the accretion funnels (in orange). Laboratories; Rob Hoffman, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Jon Arons, Richard Klein, and Christo- pher McKee, University of California, like, think of a pond into which rocks are came up with the idea by following the pul- Berkeley; Roger Blandford, Stanford thrown, causing waves to ripple out. Now sar—the neutron star which is the remains of University; Gary Glatzmaier, Univer- think of the pond as a sphere, with the waves a supernova. They wanted to explore the ori- sity of California, Santa Cruz; Peter moving throughout the sphere. As the waves gin of the high speed which seem to Nugent, John Bell, and Saul Perlmut- move from the denser core to the less dense be born with, and this led them to create a ter, Lawrence Berkeley National Labo- ratory; Mike Zingale, State University mantle, they speed up. According to the code that allowed the core to move. How- of New York, Stony Brook model, they begin to crack like a bullwhip, ever, when they implemented this code, the which creates shockwaves. It is these shock- core not only recoiled, but oscillated and FUNDING: waves, Burrows believes, which could trig- generated sound waves. HEP, SciDAC, NSF, ISF, JINA ger the explosion (Figures 3 and 4). The possible explosive effect of the oscilla- COMPUTING RESOURCES: So, what led the team to this new model of tions had not been considered before NERSC, AEI an acoustic triggering mechanism? They because previous simulations of the condi- 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 39

tions inside the core used smaller time steps, expands. In 1998, by comparing the red- PROJECT: which consumed more computing resources. shifts of dozens of supernovae, scientists dis- The Nearby Supernova Factory With this limitation, the simulations ran covered that, contrary to expectations, the their course before the onset of oscillations. expansion of the Universe is speeding up, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: With SciDAC support, however, Burrows’ and they coined the term dark energy to desig- Greg Aldering, Lawrence Berkeley team was able to develop new codes with nate the unknown force behind this acceler- National Laboratory larger time steps, allowing them to model the ation. Subsequent observations and calcu- oscillations for the first time. lations have determined that dark energy SENIOR INVESTIGATORS: makes up about 70 percent of the Universe. Saul Perlmutter, Peter Nugent, Ce- In the paper resulting from this research,4 cilia Aragon, and Stewart Loken, Berkeley Lab neutrino transfer is included as a central The nature of dark energy has been called theme in a 2D multi-group, multi-neutrino, the deepest mystery in physics, and its reso- FUNDING: flux-limited transport scheme—the first lution may revolutionize our understanding HEP, SciDAC, ASCR, NSF, GBMF, truly 2D neutrino code with results pub- of matter, space, and time. “This discovery has CNRS/IN2P3, CNRS/INSU, PNC lished in the archival literature. The results revolutionized cosmology,” said Greg Alder- are approximate but include all the impor- ing, head of the Nearby Supernova Factory tant components. (SNfactory) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. “Now astrophysicists want to computational studies—is the basic goal of Calling the simulation a “real numerical understand the physical cause for the dark the Nearby Supernova Factory.” challenge,” Burrows said the resulting ap- energy. This requires more precise measure- proach “liberated the inner core to allow it to ments, and with large numbers of accurately Of course, the first step in studying nearby execute its natural multidimensional mo- measured Type Ia supernovae this should be supernovae is to find them. “For the studies tion.” This motion led to the excitation of possible.” needed, we would like to discover the super- the core, causing the oscillations at a distinct novae as soon as possible after they explode,” frequency. The SNfactory is an international collabo- Aldering explained. “This requires imaging ration between astrophysicists at Berkeley the night sky repeatedly, returning to the same The results look promising, but as is often Lab, at several institutions in France, and at fields every few nights, and then quickly the case, more research is needed before a Yale University. The aim of the collaboration is processing the data.” definitive mechanism for triggering a Type to discover as many nearby (low-) su- II supernova is determined. For example, if pernovae as possible and to study them in To that end, the SNfactory collaboration has a simulation with better numerics or three detail in order to reduce the statistical un- built an automated system consisting of cus- dimensions produces a neutrino triggering certainties in previous data. Supernovae can tom-built hardware and software that sys- mechanism that explodes the star earlier, then be used more effectively as cosmologi- tematically searches the sky for new super- then the acoustic mechanism would be cal distance indicators to measure the ex- novae, screens potential candidates, then aborted. Whether this happens remains to pansion history of the Universe and explore performs multiple spectral and photometric be seen and is the subject of intense research the nature of dark energy. observations on each supernova. The imaging at NERSC and elsewhere. is done by a powerful CCD (charge-coupled “The ingredients which go into a supernova device) camera built by the QUEST group “The problem isn’t solved,” Burrows said. “In explosion are fairly well known,” Aldering that delivers 300 MB of imaging data every fact, it’s just beginning.” continued, “and although computer modelers 100 seconds, amounting to 50–100 GB per are not yet able to accurately predict the night. These data are transferred via the High properties of supernovae in great detail, they do Performance Research and Education Network know something about how supernova and ESnet to NERSC, where digital image CALIBRATING properties change when the input ingredients subtraction software, running on the PDSF COSMOLOGY are changed. Since measuring the change in cluster, compares the new images to images of the expansion rate of the Universe requires the same field archived on NERSC’s HPSS Type Ia supernovae are extraordinarily only relative distances, astrophysicists sim- system to find the light of any new supernovae. bright, remarkably uniform exploding stars ply need to understand how supernovae will which make excellent “standard candles” for change in brightness when their input in- “The processing and storage of these images measuring the expansion rate of the Universe gredients are changed by small amounts. requires resources on a scale only available at different times in its history. Researchers use This question can be explored empirically at NERSC,” Aldering said. “Near-line storage supernovae’s distance and the redshift of their using nearby supernovae, which have a wide is critical for this project since archival images home galaxies to calculate the speed at which range of values for these input ingredients. must be rapidly recalled so they can be com- they are moving away from us as the Universe Such exploration—and comparison with pared with new images.”

4 A. Burrows, E. Livne, L. Dessart, C. D. Ott, and J. Murphy, “A new mechanism for core-collapse supernova explosions,” Astrophysical Journal 640, 878 (2006). 40 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

FIGURE 5. A small sample of the hundreds of supernovae discovered by the Nearby Supernova Factory. 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 41

In 2006 the SNfactory processed 4,172,340 During the past year, the SNfactory has im- But the presence of detectable unburned images, which corresponds to 11 TB of raw plemented machine learning techniques that carbon in the early light of SN 2006D pro- data and 356,185 square degrees worth of decreased the time required for human ver- vides valuable data for researchers seeking to images (Figure 5). These images covered ap- ification by a factor of 10, allowing the re- understand variations in supernova progen- proximately half the sky, 20 times over, at a searchers to focus their attention on the best itors as well as explosion mechanisms. resolution of 0.7 microradians (or one-fourth candidates immediately. This improved effi- of a millidegree). This data resulted in ciency has resulted in a one-day turn- To make their archived data even more use- 603,518 subtractions processed (one PDSF job around—a supernova imaged at Palomar ful, the SNfactory is now in the process of per subtraction), more than 16 million output Observatory on one night is discovered by coadding (calculating average measurements files, and a total of 17 TB of output data. the SNfactory the next day and confirmed for) the millions of distinct images of the The database of supernova spectra obtained as a supernova the following night by night sky they have obtained over the past by the SNfactory is now the most extensive SNIFS in Hawaii. six years. Typically each sky location has in the world, and it soon will be available to been visited 40 times in the past six years, so researchers worldwide. One example of the importance of early the resulting coadded sky images should be spectroscopy is a supernova designated SN very robust. Each set of 40 images covering From this data, 249 supernovae were discov- 2006D. The SNfactory obtained SNIFS one square degree of sky will be combined ered and confirmed photometrically in 2006. spectra of SN 2006D only three days after it to construct a 4000-by-4000-pixel image, In addition, using the SNfactory’s Super- was discovered by the Brazilian Supernova for a total of roughly 80,000 overlapping Nova Integral Field Spectrograph (SNIFS), Search team and one week before it reached images. These images cover two-thirds of remotely operated on the University of maximum brightness. The SN 2006D spec- the entire sky and will constitute the great- Hawaii’s 2.2-meter telescope on Mauna Kea, tra provided the most definitive evidence to est combination of depth and sky coverage Aldering’s team spectroscopically confirmed date of unburned carbon in a Type Ia super- of any sky atlas ever generated. 136 supernovae: 89 Type Ia, 41 Type II, and nova.5 The stars that explode as 6 Type Ib/c. They also have used their trove Type Ia supernovae are composed primarily This article written by: John Hules, Jon of images to eliminate some objects as vari- of carbon and oxygen, most of which is Bashor, and Ucilia Wang, Berkeley Lab. able stars or —as opposed to super- burned into heavier elements by nuclear fu- novae—based on their brightness behavior sion during the explosion; and as expected, over the past six years in which the SNfac- SN 2006D’s carbon signature dissipated as tory has been archiving images. the supernova approached peak brightness.

5 R. C. Thomas et al. (The Nearby Supernova Factory), “Nearby Supernova Factory Observations of SN 2006D: On Sporadic Carbon Signatures in Early Type Ia Supernova Spectra,” Astrophysical Journal 654, L53 (2007). 42 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

Nobel Prize for Physics Leads List of Honors for NERSC Users in 2006

ments in the data they had gathered from an experiment aboard NASA’s Cosmic Back- ground Explorer (COBE) satellite, had pro- duced maps of the entire sky which showed “hot” and “cold” regions with temperature differences of a hundred-thousandth of a degree. These temperature fluctuations, pro- duced when the universe was smaller than a single proton, were consistent with Big Bang predictions and are believed to be the pri- mordial seeds from which our present uni- verse grew.

The COBE data analysis was conducted using computers at Berkeley Lab and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, but as subse- quent experiments produced ever larger data sets, faster computers and bigger data archives were required. So, over the past ten years, Smoot and his colleagues studying cosmic microwave background (CMB) data have used nearly 5 million processor-hours and George Smoot tens of terabytes of disk space at NERSC. In fact, around 100 analysts from a dozen CMB experiments are now NERSC users. George F. Smoot, leader of a research team of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the that was able to image the infant universe, cosmic microwave background radiation.” Two years ago, to simulate processing an entire revealing a pattern of minuscule temperature year’s worth of data from , the third- variations which evolved into the universe we On May 1, 1992, at a meeting of the American generation CMB space mission, Smoot’s see today, was awarded the 2006 Nobel Prize Physical Society, Smoot made an announce- team used 6,000 processors on NERSC’s for physics. Smoot, an astrophysicist at Law- ment that essentially silenced all the scientific Seaborg supercomputer for nearly two rence Berkeley National Laboratory and a critics of and helped hours—the first time virtually all of the University of California at Berkeley physics change the course of future investigations processors were used on a single code— professor, shares the award with John C. into the origin and evolution of the universe. mapping 75 billion observations to 150 mil- Mather of NASA Goddard Space Flight Smoot and his research team, after analyzing lion pixels. For comparison, the COBE sky Center. The citation reads “for their discovery hundreds of millions of precision measure- map had used only 6,144 pixels.

- 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 43

Other NERSC users who received awards and honors for their achievements include:

David Baker, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and University of Washington, Seattle MEMBERS OF THE Joachim Frank, Howard Hughes Medical Institute NATIONAL ACADEMY and State University of New York at Albany OF SCIENCES Stuart J. Freedman, University of Stanford Woosley, University of California, California, Berkeley and Lawrence }Santa Cruz Berkeley National Laboratory



Stuart J. Freedman, University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory FELLOWS OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE Steven G. Louie, University of California, Berkeley and ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory } William J. Weber, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Stuart J. Freedman, University AMERICAN PHYSICAL of California, Berkeley and SOCIETY TOM W. Lawrence Berkeley National BONNER PRIZE Choong-Seock Chang, Courant Laboratory Institute of Mathematical } Sciences, New York University Guo-yong Fu, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Warren Mori, University of Ian Hinchliffe, Lawrence Berkeley California, Los Angeles National Laboratory Mark J. Hogan, Stanford Linear FELLOWS OF Accelerator Center FELLOW OF THE INSTITUTE OF THE AMERICAN ELECTRICAL AND } PHYSICAL Zhihong Lin, University of ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS SOCIETY California, Irvine Howard S. Matis, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Lin-Wang Wang, Lawrence AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY MARSHALL N. Berkeley National Laboratory

ROSENBLUTH} OUTSTANDING Pui-Kuen Yeung, Georgia Institute DOCTORAL THESIS AWARD of Technology

Cameron Geddes, Lawrence Berkeley } National Laboratory The NERSC Center 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 45

HORST SIMON STEPS DOWN AS NERSC DIRECTOR (Reprinted with permission from the December 15, 2006 issue of HPCwire)

Horst Simon, who has been director of expressed surprise. After that, people To pose a common job-interview ques- NERSC since early 1996, announced last ask me what I’m going to do next. I’m tion, where do you see yourself in five month that he was stepping down in order going to stay at Berkeley Lab and build years? to focus his energy on the two other posi- the new Computational Science and En- tions he holds at Lawrence Berkeley Na- gineering program at the Lab and on Simon: I plan to still be sitting here. By tional Laboratory. Once a new director for campus. And I’ll be around to work with then, we should have completed our new NERSC is hired, Simon will concentrate the next NERSC director. After I explain Computational Research and Theory build- on his duties as Associate Laboratory Di- this, people say, “I see.” ing here at the Lab and have both NERSC rector for Computing Sciences and Com- and CRD moved into the facility. And we putational Research Division (CRD) Question: You’re only the fourth director should have a large number of computa- Director. With the search for a new of NERSC since the center was estab- tional science programs built around our NERSC leader officially under way, Simon lished 32 years ago. Looking at other strengths in areas ranging from nano- took some time to talk about his decision large centers, there is a similar low turn- technology to astrophysics—from the and how he sees his future. over of directors. Does this surprise you? smallest scale to the largest. I also hope Simon: At first, it did seem surprising. we will have a strong partnership pro- Question: For the past 10 years, you’ve But thinking about it further, it was not re- gram with campus in five years. served as the director of the NERSC Di- ally surprising. The job is a fascinating, In the field of HPC, I hope we will have vision at Berkeley Lab. Just over a month all-engaging activity. What could be more ago, you announced that you intend to learned how to make effective use of exciting than leading a center with large highly parallel systems with hundreds of step down from this position. Can you national and international recognition? elaborate on your reasons? thousands of processors. In the 1990s, we The technology evolves at a rapid pace first began to talk about “massively par- Simon: For the past three years, I’ve of- and there are always interesting political allel” systems, but those systems typi- ficially held three jobs—director of the ramifications. This is a field that clearly cally had hundreds or a few thousand NERSC and Computational Research di- doesn’t stay still. For a person who needs a processors. The new machines coming visions and Associate Laboratory Direc- daily dose of intellectual stimulation, this on line now are truly massively parallel. tor (ALD) for Computing Sciences. is one of the greatest jobs you can have. We will have to make the transition to During the past two years, the ALD posi- those systems, just as we will be transi- tion has become much more demanding. Question: Given that such positions don’t often become available, what is tioning to running applications on multi- We are also initiating a new Computa- core chips. tional Science and Engineering partner- Berkeley Lab looking for in the new ship with the UC Berkeley campus, while NERSC Director? Of course maintaining and growing our also planning to construct a new building Simon: I think we’ve spelled it out pretty base research programs in mathematics to house NERSC and CRD. well in the position posting…. I think the and computer science, as well as our Sci- challenge for the new director will be to DAC projects will continue to require my I simply had to reduce my workload and bring both operational and scientific ex- attention. With a strong partner who will get additional help to give Computing cellence to the job. The person should lead NERSC, I expect to be in a much Sciences at LBNL adequate manage- have experience managing large-scale better position to put more attention to ment strength. Relinquishing leadership scientific projects or facilities, and have nurture and promote computational re- of NERSC was the obvious choice as I’ve recognition and standing in the HPC search in the future. held the position for 10 years. The center community. We also want someone with is very well established, has secure fund- Question: Anything else you’d like to add? a background in computer science or ing, is being guided by a five-year strate- computational science—a well-estab- Simon: When heads of other centers gic plan and we have very supportive lished track record. have stepped down, they have remained program management from the Office of close to HPC, which I also intend to do. Advanced Scientific Computing Re- Question: What attracted you to NERSC? There is a lot of work to be done in Berke- search in DOE’s Office of Science. Simon: In the early 1990s, my dream job ley, with computational researchers both The new director will have one or two was to have an office in Berkeley, on the on campus and at the Lab. With our new years to fully learn the position, then can hill, running a computing center. I was partnership, we hope to create a new en- begin to look for new directions. It’s al- working at SGI in 1995 when DOE made the vironment to foster computational sci- ways better to recruit in a situation of decision to move NERSC from Lawrence ence, and NERSC will obviously be stability versus a crisis. Livermore to Lawrence Berkeley. When included. this happened, I could see the potential In short, I’ve been overcommitted and One other area I intend to focus on is en- of NERSC in a more academic setting this is the right time to make a change. ergy efficiency for HPC. I believe that in- and was captivated. My reaction was “I creasing efficiency and lowering power Question: It seems that much of your gotta go there!” And I did. consumption will be one of our big chal- identity is as the head of NERSC. What’s Question: Of course, the NERSC Divi- lenges during the next decade. I intend to been the reaction to your decision? sion Director position is only one of the devote a lot of my future efforts to find- Simon: A number of the comments have three roles you currently have at LBNL. ing solutions. SCIENCE-DRIV VEN SYSTEMS 48 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

NERSC’s Science-Driven Systems strategy includes balanced introduction of the best new technologies for complete computational systems—computing, storage, networking, visualization and analysis—coupled with the activities necessary to engage vendors in addressing the DOE computational science requirements in their future roadmaps.


On August 10, 2006, Cray Inc. and the DOE Office of Science announced that Cray had won the contract to install a next- generation supercomputer at NERSC. The systems and multi-year services contract in- cludes delivery of a Cray XT4 supercom- puter, with options for future upgrades that would quadruple the size of the system and eventually boost performance to one petaflop/s (1,000 trillion floating point op- erations per second) and beyond.

A successor to the massively parallel Cray XT3 supercomputer, the XT4 system in- stalled at NERSC will be among the world’s fastest general-purpose systems and will be the largest XT4 system in the world. It will deliver sustained performance of more than 16 trillion calculations per second when run- ning a suite of diverse scientific applications at scale. The system uses thousands of FIGURE 1. NERSC’s Cray XT4 supercomputer, when complete, will deliver sustained per- AMD Opteron processors running a tuned, formance of at least 16 teraflop/s. lightweight operating system and interfaced to Cray’s unique SeaStar network.

Cray began building the new supercomputer As part of a competitive procurement ures sustained performance on a set of codes at the manufacturing facility in late 2006 process (see detailed discussion on next page), designed to accurately represent the chal- and delivered it in early 2007 (Figure 1), The NERSC procurement team evaluated lenging computing environment at the Center. with completion of the installation and ac- systems from a number of vendors using the ceptance scheduled for the fall. Sustained System Performance (SSP) metric. “While the theoretical peak speed of super- The SSP metric, developed by NERSC, meas- computers may be good for bragging rights, 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 49

it’s not an accurate indicator of how the ma- BVSS AND PERCU: • Effectiveness: What is the likelihood they chine will perform when running actual re- can get the system to do their work? search codes,” said NERSC Director Horst A COMPREHENSIVE • Reliability: The system is available to do Simon. “To better gauge how well a system APPROACH TO HPC work and operates correctly all the time. will meet the needs of our 2,500 users, we PROCUREMENT developed SSP. According to this test, the • Consistency/variability: How often will the new system will deliver over 16 teraflop/s on NERSC’s consistency in deploying reliable system process their work as fast as it can? a sustained basis.” and robust high-end computing systems is • Usability: How easy is it for them to get due in large part to flexible procurement the system to go as fast as possible? “The Cray proposal was selected because its practices based on a process that can be price/performance was substantially better summed up with the acronyms BVSS and NERSC uses this PERCU methodology than other proposals we received, as deter- PERCU—Best Value Source Selection and (developed by Bill Kramer as part of his mined by NERSC’s comprehensive evalua- Performance, Effectiveness, Reliability, Con- Ph.D. research) to assess systems not just tion criteria of more than 40 measures,” said sistency, and Usability. before purchase but throughout their life. Bill Kramer, General Manager of the PERCU includes the Sustained System NERSC Center. Originally developed at Lawrence Liver- Performance (SSP) and Effective System more National Laboratory (LLNL) for the Performance (ESP) metrics, which NERSC The XT4 supercomputer at NERSC will procurement of ASCI systems, BVSS has uses to assure its client community and consist of almost 20,000 AMD Opteron been used to procure all the major HPC sys- stakeholders that the systems will be highly 2.6-gigahertz processor cores (19,344 com- tems installed at NERSC since the center productive and cost effective. SSP provides a pute CPUs), with two cores per socket mak- moved to Berkeley Lab in 1996. The intent quantitative assessment of sustained com- ing up one node. Each node has 4 gigabytes of BVSS is to reduce procurement time, re- puter performance over time with a complex (4 billion bytes) of memory and a dedicated duce costs for technical evaluations, and workload, while ESP is used to monitor the SeaStar connection to the internal network. provide an efficient and cost-effective way impact of configuration changes and soft- The full system will consist of over 100 cab- of conducting complex procurements to se- ware upgrades in existing systems. NERSC inets with 39 terabytes (39 trillion bytes) of lect the most advantageous offer. The flexi- now has a web site for all the SSP bench- aggregate memory capacity. When com- bility of BVSS allows vendors to propose marks, to which other computer centers can pletely installed, the system will increase (and buyers to consider) different solutions download tests and report their own results NERSC’s sustained computational capabil- than may have been envisioned at the outset, (see http://www.nersc.gov/projects/SDSA/ ity by almost a factor of 10, with an SSP of and allows buyers to evaluate and compare software/?benchmark=ssp). at least 16.01 teraflop/s (as a reference, features in addition to price, focusing on the Seaborg’s SSP is 0.89 Tflop/s, and Bassi’s strengths and weaknesses of proposals. The NERSC General Manager Bill Kramer has SSP is 0.8 Tflop/s). The system will have a end result at NERSC is usually a firm, fixed- bisection bandwidth of 6.3 terabytes per sec- price contract with hundreds of criteria that ond and 402 terabytes of usable disk. both NERSC and the vendor agree on.

In keeping with NERSC’s tradition of naming Based on its success at NERSC, BVSS has supercomputers after world-class scientists, since been adopted by Pacific Northwest the new system will be called “Franklin” in National Laboratory and other organiza- honor of Benjamin Franklin, America’s first tions. And an offer to other supercomput- scientist. The year 2006 was the 300th an- ing centers to get a firsthand look at the niversary of Franklin’s birth. process by observing the procurement of NERSC-5 (resulting in the choice of the “Ben Franklin’s scientific achievements in- XT4) drew representatives from several Na- cluded fundamental advances in electricity, tional Science Foundation and Department thermodynamics, energy efficiency, material of Defense facilities. science, geophysics, climate, ocean currents, weather, population growth, medicine and Within the BVSS framework, NERSC health, and many other areas,” said Kramer. translates scientific requirements into about 50 “In the tradition of Franklin, we expect this high-level factors that reflect the attributes system to make contributions to science of computational scientists want in a large system: the same high order.” • Performance: How fast will a system process their work if everything is perfect? Bill Kramer 50 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

shared this procurement expertise by organ- tiple copies of programs and data or copy NERSC systems. Future plans call for pos- izing sessions at the two largest HPC confer- data between NERSC systems. sible use of NGF over wide area networks from ences, the 2006 International Supercomputer other computing centers and to have home • Storage utilization is more efficient be- Conference (ISC) held in Dresden, Ger- and scratch file systems globally accessible. cause of decreased fragmentation. many, in June, and SC2006, held in Tampa, Fla., in November. At ISC2006, Kramer and • Computational resource utilization is more To protect user data, NGF files are backed Michael Resch of the Stuttgart Supercom- efficient because users can more easily run up to NERSC’s HPSS biweekly, and NGF puting Center co-chaired a panel discussion jobs on an appropriate resource. is scheduled to become fully integrated with on “Acquisition and Operation of an HPC HPSS in the future. • NGF provides improved methods of back- System.” The session, which drew approxi- ing up user data. mately 50 attendees, also included presenta- As deployed at NERSC, NGF is expected tions by representatives of NASA, LLNL, and • NGF improves system security by elimi- to have a long life of 10 to 15 years or more. the National Center for High-Performance nating the need for collaborators to use It is expected that during this time the file Computing (NCHC) in Taiwan. That panel “group” or “world” permissions. system will change and evolve, just as the discussion led to a workshop organized by systems in the Center that are connected to Kramer at the SC2006 conference in While the single unified namespace feature it will. It is also expected that the user data Tampa. The goal of this workshop was to is important due to the heterogeneous com- will have long-term persistence in the file serve as a starting point for accumulating puting environment of NERSC, NGF also system, ranging from months and years up and disseminating the shared expertise of proved its worth when Seaborg was tem- to the deployed life of the file system, at the the HPC community in assessing and ac- porarily taken out of service in mid-2006 discretion of the users. quiring HPC systems, with the expectation due to security concerns. Those users who of creating a document of best practices for had asked to have project directories set up for HPC system procurements. their research were able to easily move their INTEGRATING NERSC’S jobs to the other systems. In all, 77 projects STORAGE AND FILE have requested to use NGF, and these typi- SYSTEMS NERSC GLOBAL cally represent large users. For example, just FILESYSTEM MARKS 14 projects account for 70 percent of the FIRST FULL YEAR IN storage used in NGF and of these, four proj- Over the past year, NERSC’s Mass Storage ects account for 50 percent of the storage. Group, with Jason Hick as its new group PRODUCTION The largest users are in the field of astro- leader, has improved the storage system’s re- physics and include the Planck satellite data liability, performance, and availability while NERSC has historically been a leader in project, the cosmic microwave background managing an unprecedented amount of data. providing new systems and services to help radiation project and the Nearby Supernova The storage systems, in fact, reached 3 users make the best use of the Center’s com- Factory. The groups have found that NGF petabytes of stored data in November 2006. puting resources. The NERSC Global helps them use the best computing system Filesystem (NGF), which allows users to depending on the nature of the task and also The Mass Storage Group participates in the create and access a single file from any HPC provides flexibility for mapping out work- GPFS-HPSS Integration (GHI) collabora- system on the machine room floor, marked flows to different systems. tion with IBM. The collaboration has fo- its first full year in production in 2006. NGF, cused on designing a new interface that which currently provides 70 terabytes (TB) One of the challenges facing both large and allows HPSS to be more fully integrated of usable storage for users, ended the year at small research groups is consistency of the 88 percent of capacity and is scheduled to be data being analyzed. NGF helps ensure that upgraded to 140 TB in 2007. The goal of all members are using the same data file, NGF is to increase scientific productivity by rather than inadvertently working on differ- simplifying data management and access. ent versions of a file. This also helps users keep track of the location of each file and NGF does this by creating a single data file, means that files do not have to be moved using a single unified namespace, which can from system to system as a job progresses. be used on any of NERSC’s computing ar- chitectures. NGF’s single unified namespace NGF provides users with immediate access makes it easier for users to manage their data to data as soon as it is created. This instant across multiple systems. Advantages include: availability of data, such as files generated on the visualization server DaVinci, enables users • Users no longer need to keep track of mul- to computationally “steer” jobs running on Jason Hick 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 51

with new GPFS software features. In the one cartridge, or nearly 1 terabyte in a com- In February 2007, NERSC completed the new version of GHI, HPSS will transpar- pressed format. power upgrade by installing its first uninter- ently serve as an additional hierarchy of stor- ruptible power supply (UPS) to protect crit- age so data will move between GPFS and The Globus-based GridFTP server is ex- ical data in the NERSC Global Filesystem HPSS as it is needed. The new version also pected to be available after the new version (NGF) and HPSS. With the UPS in oper- explicitly performs highly parallel backups of HPSS is in place. This GridFTP server ation, if an unscheduled power outage does of GPFS. will provide HPSS access to GridFTP happen, the UPS will allow a graceful shut- clients. GridFTP is gaining support in sci- down of NERSC’s critical storage disks and Damian Hazen of the Mass Storage Group entific community as the data movement in- databases. That added margin of safety will developed and demonstrated a proof of con- terface of choice. Providing a GridFTP benefit NERSC staff and users with in- cept for the new GHI design at SC06 in server that accesses HPSS directly will pro- creasing reliability and decreasing the November. The demonstration was hailed as vide a reliable and high performance wide amount of time required to recover from a great success and served as the foundation area network transfer option for HPSS data. power failures. for the new software, which is expected to be available in 2007–08. MEETING SECURITY OSF POWER SUPPLY CHALLENGES AND Once in production, the software will pro- IS UPGRADED vide a unified global name space to users by SHARING EXPERTISE allowing users to access their files and data through any GPFS file system, including While NERSC systems staff members im- NERSC computer security efforts aim to NGF. As time goes on, the data will move plement new approaches to improve the us- protect NERSC systems and users’ intellec- automatically to an HPSS system while ability and reliability of computing tual property from unauthorized access or leaving a file stub in GPFS. The user can still resources, the Center also upgraded its elec- modification. This a formidable challenge, access the data through GPFS—the soft- trical infrastructure in 2006. To accomplish considering that NERSC resources are ac- ware will handle automated data movement this, a planned power outage was carried out cessed remotely by more than 2500 scientists between HPSS and GPFS when necessary. during the week of October 30 at the Oak- via a wide range of non-dedicated networks, land Scientific Facility (OSF). The outage and that government agencies and super- “As we prepare to enter the petascale com- allowed the NERSC computer room to be computer centers are attractive targets for puting era, data is sure to increase, and inte- safely upgraded to accommodate a new un- hackers. Security measures in an open sci- gration of the storage and file system at interruptible power supply (UPS) and future ence environment must strike a delicate bal- NERSC is one approach to easing the data computing systems, including Franklin, ance between permitting legitimate researchers management challenges that users are sure NERSC’s new Cray supercomputer. Several unencumbered access to resources and pre- to face,” said Hick. carefully timed email notices during the pre- venting illegitimate adversaries from com- vious month had informed all NERSC users promising those same resources. In 2007, the group is focusing on several about the outage. projects, such as upgrading to a new version The biggest challenge of the year came on of HPSS, improving storage system band- The electrical substations in the OSF base- October 5, 2006, when NERSC’s security width and capacity, and providing a Globus- ment could deliver up to 6 megawatts (MW) team discovered that a security incident had based GridFTP server capable of accessing of power, but only 2 MW were actually used in the potential of compromising some users’ HPSS directly. the machine room. However, NERSC needs passwords, SSH keys, and Grid certificates. 4 MW to power the increased computing The security response team quickly disabled The group continues to prepare for the up- capability and cooling requirements of all the affected accounts, notified the users grade to HPSS version 6.2, which is ex- Franklin and future machines. by email, and took Seaborg offline for sev- pected to occur toward the end of 2007. The eral days while they performed a compre- upgrade will remove HPSS’s dependence on To meet these needs, Pacific Gas and Elec- hensive security check and took remedial the legacy Distributed Computing Envi- tric Company (PG&E) upgraded its con- steps to assure the system was not at risk. ronment (DCE) software. nection to the building, and connected new NERSC staff worked around the clock and 480V feeds between the basement and the from two continents to restore the system to Deploying a new tape technology that will machine room to deliver the increased service in one-third the expected time. expand capacity and handle increased de- power. The chilled water piping under the mand is also under way. The new technol- machine room floor was also rearranged to Apparently no actual damage was done to ogy will more than double the previous tape improve the air flow, since each of Franklin’s any NERSC systems or user files, but as an capacity and bandwidth capabilities, hold- 102 racks will need 2300 cubic feet of cooled extra precaution, all passwords that had been ing 500 gigabytes of uncompressed data in air per minute. used at NERSC for the previous three years 52 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

were disabled. Users were emailed instruc- the SC06 conference, a full-day tutorial on tions on how to change their passwords and “Computing Protection in Open HPC En- regenerate their SSH keys and Grid certifi- vironments” was presented by Steve Lau, cates, and they were advised to do the same on formerly of NERSC and now at the Uni- any systems outside of NERSC that may have versity of California, San Francisco; Bill been exposed to this security threat. NERSC Kramer and Scott Campbell of NERSC; staff generated and implemented a long list and Brian Tierney of Berkeley Lab’s Dis- of action items for restoration of full service tributed Systems Department. as well as long-term security improvements. NERSC staff also contributed to a work- A week later, in an email from Washington shop titled “DOE Cybersecurity R&D to all NERSC staff, Bill Kramer forwarded Challenges for Open Science: Developing a the compliments of Office of Science offi- Roadmap and Vision,” held January 24–26, cials on a job well done. “While the goal is to 2007, in Washington, D.C. The goal of the avoid such a thing, handling it well when it workshop was to identify the research needs happens is another mark of excellence,” and opportunities associated with cyberse- Kramer wrote. curity for open science Brent Draney, Scott Campbell, and Howard Walter contributed Computer security is often compared to an a white paper on “NERSC Cyber Security arms race, with each side constantly inno- Challenges that Require DOE Develop- vating to meet the opponents’ challenges. ment and Support.” Draney and Kramer Active participation in the cybersecurity participated in the workshop’s deliberations, community is one way that NERSC’s secu- which were summarized in a report to DOE rity team stays up to date. For example, at management. 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 53 SCIENCE-DRIVEN SERVICES Enabling a broad range of scientists to use NERSC systems productively in their research 56 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

NERSC’s Science-Driven Services strategy includes the entire range of support ac- tivities, from high-quality operations and user services to direct scientific support, that enable a broad range of scientists to effectively use NERSC systems in their re- search. NERSC concentrates on resources needed to realize the promise of the new highly scalable architectures for scientific discovery in multidisciplinary computa- tional science projects.

One of the projects receiving a 2007 Other INCITE researchers also expressed NERSC MARKS NERSC allocation was a renewal of the their gratitude. FOURTH YEAR OF 2006 INCITE-supported investigation into INCITE APPLICATIONS the chemistry of organolithium compounds “NERSC staff worked with us extensively to led by Professor Lawrence Pratt of Fisk get our runs done,” said Berkeley Lab fusion When DOE Under Secretary of Science Dr. University in Tennessee (see page 20). Ac- researcher Cameron Geddes, whose 2006 Raymond Orbach launched the Innovative cording to Pratt, before receiving his IN- INCITE project created detailed three-di- and Novel Impact on Theory and Experi- CITE award, most of his research was mensional models of laser-driven wakefield ment (INCITE) program in 2003, NERSC carried out using PCs. particle accelerators (see page 28). “Consul- was the only DOE HPC center able to sup- tants and managers met with us to provide port the high-impact computational science “This severely limited the job throughput needed disk space and queue organization projects selected to participate. and in some cases even limited the kinds of and allocations to get large runs done, and calculations that could be performed,” Pratt this was critical to the results.” The INCITE program seeks computation- said. “The award has more than doubled my ally intensive, large-scale research projects, research productivity, resulting in two pub- Robert Harkness, a scientist at the San with no requirement of current DOE spon- lications for 2006 and three papers accepted Diego Supercomputer Center and a co-in- sorship, that can make high-impact scien- for publication in 2007 to date. Several more vestigator for the 2006 INCITE project on tific advances through the use of a projects are nearing completion in 2007.” characterizing the shape, matter-energy substantial allocation of computer time and contents, and expansion history of the uni- data storage resources. From the three proj- Indeed, INCITE recipients say the alloca- verse, said he was impressed with Seaborg ects selected for NERSC allocations in each tions, coupled with effective services from and HPSS. “Seaborg and HPSS have been of the years 2004 and 2005, INCITE in NERSC staff, have enabled them to accel- quite simply outstanding in the high degree 2007 comprises 45 projects with a total al- erate their work. Donald Lamb, from the of reliability,” Harkness said. “I am particu- location of 95 million processor-hours at University of Chicago, for example, was able larly impressed with the HPSS—I’ve writ- four Office of Science computing centers, to announce a breakthrough in March 2007 ten 80 to 100 terabytes without any trouble.” including NERSC. thanks partly to the NERSC staffers’ effort to make it possible to run large computing Under the 2007 INCITE awards, seven re- jobs under a tight deadline in January. MAKING SHARED search projects will receive nearly 9 million Lamb’s research demonstrated for the first RESOURCES EASY processor hours at NERSC. The projects time the ability to naturally detonate the ex- range from studying the behavior of a su- plosion of a white dwarf star in a three-di- TO USE pernova to designing more energy-efficient mensional simulation. The modeling of this cars. Application areas include turbulence, Type Ia supernova also confirmed previous Staff in the Open Software and Program- combustion, fusion energy, accelerator de- beliefs that the white dwarf star detonates ming Group are bringing new services to sign, climate change, chemistry, and physics. in a supersonic process resembling diesel- NERSC users through grid technologies engine combustion. provided by the Open Science Grid. 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 57

The Open Science Grid (OSG), funded by Joint Genome Institute and with nanoHUB, the DOE Office of Science and the Na- a web-based resource for nanoscience and tional Science Foundation, is a distributed technology, have extended the OSG’s appli- computing infrastructure for scientific re- cation base to bioinformatics and materials search built by a nationwide community of science. universities and national laboratories. In January 2006, NERSC General Manager Providing excellent services to NERSC’s re- Bill Kramer was elected the first chair of the search customers depends on both having OSG Council, made up of representatives useful capabilities and also configuring and from each member institution or partner or- organizing them in ways that make them ganization. simple for researchers to access. Grid tech- nologies can be daunting in their complex- The OSG software stack provides distrib- ity, and easing the adoption of grid services FIGURE 2. Serving up the cosmos, the Arecibo dish in Puerto Rico detects radio uted mechanisms for moving data and sub- into new science areas is an active area of signals emitted from space and helps re- mitting jobs to computing resources on the work in the Open Software and Program- searchers understand stars, dark energy, and OSG grid. Several of the frameworks have ming Group. everything in between. (Image courtesy of long been in use in the high energy physics the NAIC , a facility of community and are seeing increased use in So far, OSG grid services have been de- the NSF.) new science areas. ployed on PDSF, DaVinci, Jacquard, and HPSS. These NERSC resources provide “The standard model for computing at most OSG with new capabilities in parallelism parallel computing centers is to provide and filesystem performance. “Not all data will provide valuable information to astro- batch queues where users can log in and endpoints are equal in terms of perform- physicists, cosmologists, and other researchers submit specific jobs,” said David Skinner, ance,” Skinner said. “We stood up these who aim to solve some of the most intrigu- who became leader of the Open Software services first on DaVinci because it provides ing mysteries about the universe. The and Programming Group in May 2006. a much faster connection to the NERSC Arecibo Observatory, a 305-meter dish, is “More and more science teams expect to be Global Filesystem. DaVinci is also a natural operated by Cornell University under an able to streamline their computing needs location for data-intensive analytics activi- agreement with the National Science Foun- into a workflow that can be accessed and op- ties. By providing the full suite of Open Sci- dation. erated in a distributed way.” ence Grid software and services, we hope to make DaVinci much more useful to our “Before we received assistance from NERSC, The OSG received an allocation of time at users.” The OSG software stack will be de- our sky survey data was stored on over 1,000 NERSC for the purpose of extending its ployed on other NERSC systems in 2007. tapes. So it was very difficult to access,” user base and the range of research areas and Werthimer said. “NERSC will allow us to applications using grid technologies on par- make our data accessible to the scientific com- allel systems. Discussions with the DOE DEPOSITING A SLICE munity for a variety of research projects.” OF THE UNIVERSE For Werthimer and his research team, the data will help advance three projects: Data from the world’s largest radio tele- SETI@home, AstroPulse, and hydrogen scope, which scans the sky for signs of pulsars, mapping. SETI@home, launched in 1995, black holes, and extraterrestrial civilizations, seeks evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations has found a new home in NERSC’s vast by searching for certain types of radio sig- storage system. nals that, because of their narrow band- widths, do not occur naturally. Led by Dan Werthimer, a scientist at the University of California-Berkeley’s Space The SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial In- Sciences Laboratory, the “Berkeley High telligence) project has created a global dis- Resolution Neutral Hydrogen Sky Survey” tributed computing network spanning 226 recently began feeding hundreds of giga- countries that invites anyone with an Inter- bytes of data daily to NERSC’s HPSS. net-connected computer to join. So far, it has attracted more than 5.2 million partici- Collected by the Arecibo Observatory in pants, whose personal computers help to David Skinner Puerto Rico (Figure 2), the radio signal data crunch the data from Arecibo. 58 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

AstroPulse, on the other hand, will look for their overall satisfaction with the hardware, NERSC’s responsive staff; 27 highlighted dispersed radio pulses that are shorter than software, and services. It also posed more good software support or an easy-to-use the ones sought by SETI@home. The mi- specific questions about these tools and user environment; and 24 pointed to hard- crosecond pulses could come from rapidly services, and invited users to share their ware stability and reliability. spinning pulsars, black holes, or extraterres- thoughts. On a scale of 1 to 7, with 7 being trial intelligence. “very satisfied,” survey respondents gave an “NERSC runs a reliable computing service average of 6.3 for the question about their with good documentation of resources,” Both SETI@home and AstroPulse run on overall satisfaction with NERSC, an im- wrote one user. “I especially like the way they BOINC, an open-source software. BOINC, provement from 2005 and 2004. have been able to strike a good balance be- developed by David Anderson and his team tween the sometimes conflicting goals of at the Space Sciences Lab, makes it easy to “We take feedback from our users very seri- being at the ‘cutting edge’ while maintain- develop and manage distributed computing ously, whether it is in the form of day-to- ing a high degree of uptime and reliable ac- projects. Projects that take advantage of day interactions, through the NERSC User cess to their computers.” BOINC include Einstein@home at the Group meetings, or via our annual survey,” University of Wisconsin and LHC@home said Bill Kramer, General Manager of In previous years, queue turnaround and job at CERN. NERSC. “We work very hard to bring any scheduling issues were areas of the greatest low scores up and to keep the overall satis- concerns. NERSC has made many efforts to The third project maps the galactic distri- faction high in all areas. I want to thank all acquire new hardware, to implement equi- bution of hydrogen. The high-resolution the users who took the time to provide this table queuing policies across the NERSC map will provide a wealth of three-dimen- valuable feedback.” machines, and to address queue turnaround sional information such as the density and times by adjusting the duty cycle of the sys- temperature of interstellar objects, enabling About 13 percent of the active NERSC tems. researchers to better understand the struc- users, or 256, took the online survey. The re- ture and dynamics of our galaxy. spondents represented all six programs These efforts have clearly paid off. In 2004, within the DOE Office of Science. 45 users reported dissatisfaction with queue “We recognize the importance of Dan’s turnaround times. In 2005 this number projects to advance a wide-range of space re- Areas with the highest user satisfaction in dropped to 24. In 2006 only five users made search,” said Francesca Verdier, Associate 2006 included account and consulting serv- such comments. General Manager for Science Driven Serv- ices, DaVinci C/C++ compilers, and net- ices at NERSC. “The data from Arecibo work performance within the NERSC Improvements to Jacquard’s computing in- will be put to good use by the scientific com- center. The largest increases in satisfaction frastructure and the deployment of the munity worldwide.” over the 2005 survey were for the Jacquard NERSC Global File System also addressed Linux cluster, Seaborg batch wait times and shortcomings voiced by users in previous Werthimer plans to store 200 terabytes of queue structure, NERSC’s available com- years. Although job scheduling remained a data over two years at HPSS. HPSS, which puting hardware, and the NERSC Informa- concern in 2006, NERSC users pointed to was put in place in 1998, currently has a the- tion Management (NIM) system. new challenges for NERSC staff. Re- oretical capacity of 30 petabytes. It is capa- searchers said they would like more compute ble of accepting data at 450 megabytes per Despite the improvements, however, cycles and software fixes. second. Seaborg batch wait times received a low av- erage score compared with assessments The complete survey results can be found at about other systems and services. Other http://www.nersc.gov/news/survey/2006/. SURVEY GAUGES USER areas that received lower scores included SATISFACTION PDSF disk storage, interactive services and performance tools, analytics facilities, and Bassi and Seaborg visualization software. NERSC users gave kudos to HPSS, Jacquard uptime, and Bassi Fortran compil- The survey gave users an opportunity to pen ers in the results of a survey to solicit feed- their own thoughts about using NERSC. back about their experiences using NERSC The question “What does NERSC do well?” resources in 2006. drew answers from 113 users. Among them, 87 stated that NERSC gave them access to The annual survey enables NERSC staff to powerful computing resources without gauge their successes and make improve- which they could not do their science; 47 ments. The survey asked researchers to rate mentioned excellent support services and 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 59 SCIENCE-DRIVEN ANALYTICS

Extracting scientific meaning from massive quantities of data 62 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

NERSC’s Science-Driven Analytics program provides the architectural and sys- tems enhancements and services required to integrate NERSC’s powerful com- putational and storage resources to provide scientists with new tools to effectively manipulate, visualize, and analyze the huge data sets derived from simulations and experiments.

puting. Several groups in NERSC, as well as plied by the Analytics Team in areas such as BUILDING THE the Analytics Team, are working with LBNL’s climate modeling, astrophysics, and network ANALYTICS Scientific Data Management Center to de- security. In climate science, a member of the INFRASTRUCTURE ploy the Storage Research Manager (SRM) Analytics Team tested the application of two software NERSC-wide in order to provide analysis methods for climate modeling. The In its first full year of activity, NERSC’s An- transparent distributed data management. first was the blind source separation (BSS) alytics Team has laid the foundation for an SRM provides a fault-tolerant mechanism method, a statistical method for detecting analytics infrastructure that combines software, for transferring files from one location to unusual signals, to the output of a general development and application of analytics tech- another, as well as uniform access to hetero- circulation model to see whether the BSS nologies, working with NERSC users, and geneous storage (e.g., disk, tape). In addition, method could detect the combination of hardware (DaVinci, an SGI Altix 350, which members of the Analytics Team have been simulation parameters and range of values went into full production use in 2005). The working with collaborators at the Paul that correspond to tropical storms without key technologies that contribute to the ana- Scherrer Institute in Switzerland on H5Part, a priori defining them. BSS performed well lytics program are data management, data a storage model and high-performance, par- for this application, and the features it de- analysis and data mining; visual data explo- allel data I/O application programming in- tected as anomalies were variations on ro- ration; and workflow management. The mis- terface (based on the hierarchical data format tating low-pressure systems, a finding that sion of the Analytics Team is to deploy and HDF5) for simplifying data exchange within is consistent with conventional definitions adapt these technologies—by combining the accelerator modeling community. of tropical storms. A second example was them or extending them—to help NERSC the application of the multi-taper method users spend more time doing research and Data analysis and data mining are broad cat- (MTM), which combines spectral frequency less time managing data and wrangling an- egories that include many techniques. Data analysis with a statistical model, to detect alytics software. analysis techniques include simple post-pro- trends caused by model-induced drift in cessing of experimental data or simulation long-term simulations of surface air temper- Scientific data management (SDM) refers to output (e.g., removing noise or corrupt data, ature. In order to determine spatial-temporal storage and retrieval of scientific data from merging data from different sources, selecting patterns of interest in the simulations, it is various storage sources such as main mem- data subsets), as well as using mathematical necessary to separate trends resulting from ory, disk, and tape. SDM covers integration methods (applying statistical tests or opti- model drift from periodic oscillations due to of data formats; data description, organiza- mization methods, filtering data, etc.). Data natural variability. The MTM was able to tion, and metadata management; efficient mining usually refers to the application of determine the background trends, both on indexing and querying; and file transfer, re- more advanced mathematical techniques global and smaller spatial scales, so that the mote access, and distributed data manage- such as dimensionality reduction, classifica- data from the surface air temperature simu- ment across networks. Managing tion, clustering, time series analysis, pattern lations could be de-trended (Figure 1). experimental data and files of simulation recognition, and outlier detection in order to output, as well as converting files from one find features or trends in data. Analysis of simulation results also played a format to another, continue to be time-con- role in confirming that the physics in the suming aspects of high performance com- These analysis applications have been ap- FLASH model explains the transition from 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 63

deflagration to detonation in thermonuclear supernovae. A member of the NERSC An- 0.5 Original alytics Team developed software to generate Reconstruction synthetic spectra from simulation results in order to compare simulation results with ob- 0 servational data from supernovae. The syn- thetic spectra capture the characteristics of the observed spectra as shown in Figure 2. –0.5

In another collaboration with NERSC users, analysis and visualization of supernova –1 data and comparison with model data led to the detection of a new type of Type Ia su- pernova that has a mass greater than the –1.5 MTM Reconstruction Chandrasekhar mass limit of 1.4 solar Data Vector-iap_fgoals1_0_g_ACR_run2,npi = 2, rxpr = 3 masses.1

–2 Working in collaboration with the Nearby 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Supernova Factory (described in more de- tail on see page 39), members of the Ana- FIGURE 1. Application of the MTM to long-time simulations of surface air temperature. The lytics Team developed improved algorithms black line shows the simulation results for changes in surface air temperature (ºC) vs. time. The red line shows the trend line determined by the MTM method. (Figure provided by Raquel for processing images of supernova candi- Romano, LBNL) dates2 and applied machine learning algo- 3 rithms to discover and classify supernovae 1.0 more efficiently and accurately. Develop- Observations ment and implementation of these analysis 0.8 High SN 1994D methods, together with workflow manage- Velocity SN 2001el ment (described below) have led to signifi- 0.6 Coll cant performance enhancements and savings in time and effort. 0.4 Relative Flux

0.2 The success of astronomical projects that look for transient objects (e.g., supernova 1.0 Flosh/Monte-Carlo Model candidates in the case of the Nearby Super- 0.8 nova Factory) depends on having high-qual- Theto = 180 Theto = 0 ity reference images for comparison with 0.6 images of candidate objects. A member of the Analytics Team has developed a processing 0.4 pipeline to co-add 2º-by-2º sections of one million existing images from sky surveys. Relative Flux 0.2 The pipeline consists of a serial task, which 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 determines the relative depth of each image Wavelength (Å) with respect to the other images in the set and the physical scale of each image and its FIGURE 2. Relative flux from observations of two supernovae (top figure) and analysis of model results (bottom figure). (Figure by Peter Nugent, LBNL) location on the sky, and a parallel part, which does the co-addition of hundreds of images to produce a single 2º-by-2º reference image. The outcome of this project, which sults—into images. Visualizing data is an in- time, parameter values, etc., data visualiza- is expected to take years to complete, will be valuable tool for data exploration because it tion provides a medium for sharing and a library of high-quality reference images provides multiple views of the data (e.g., iso- communicating results. The NERSC Ana- available to the astronomical community. surfaces, volume rendering, streamlines) and lytics Team includes members of the Berke- facilitates searching for features or regions ley Lab Visualization Group, whose mission Visualization of data is the transformation of interest. In addition, when presented as a is to assist researchers in achieving their sci- of data—experimental data or simulation re- series of images representing a change in entific goals more quickly through creative

1 D. Andrew Howell et al., “The type Ia supernova SNLS-03D3bb from a super-Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarf star,” Nature 443, 308 (2006). 2 Cecilia R. Aragon and David Bradburn Aragon, “A fast contour descriptor algorithm for supernova image classification,” Lawrence Berkeley National Labora- tory technical report LBNL-61182 (2007). 3 Raquel A. Romano, Cecilia R. Aragon, and Chris Ding, “Supernova recognition using support vector machines,” Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory tech- nical report LBNL-61192 (2006). 64 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

and inspired visualization of their data. The NERSC Analytics Team/Visualization Group provides the expertise to help users focus on visualizing their data without hav- ing to invest the significant amount of time required to learn about visualization tools and techniques. Team members also work with users to develop new capabilities, such as data readers, to facilitate importing sim- ulation or experimental data into visualiza- tion applications.

Recent collaborative visualization work with NERSC users includes visualization of re- sults from accelerator physics, fusion energy, hydrodynamic, and molecular dynamics simulations. Several examples are shown in Figures 3–5.

The Analytics Team also collaborates with other NERSC groups to provide support for DOE computer science research programs. The resources that NERSC provides for such research—both in terms of hardware and expertise—are unique. Working to- FIGURE 3. Visualization of electric field and high-energy electrons in a laser wakefield ac- gether, staff from NERSC network and se- celerator (LWFA). Experiments with LWFAs have demonstrated accelerating gradients curity, ESnet, LBNL’s Scientific Data thousands of times greater than those obtained in conventional particle accelerators. This Management Center, and the NERSC An- image shows a horizontal slice through the electric field in LWFA. The electrons, displayed alytics Team developed a network traffic as spheres, are colored by the magnitude of the momentum. This example shows how several key types of data can be combined in one image to show their spatial relationship. (PI: analysis application to detect the occurrence Cameron Geddes, LBNL. Visualization by Cristina Siegerist, LBNL.) of “distributed scan” attacks. The application combines visual analytics with state-of-the- art SDM technology for indexing and querying data. A “hero-sized” data set con- sisting of 42 weeks of network traffic con- nection data was analyzed in order to discover and characterize a sophisticated distributed network scan attack and to iden- tify the set of hosts perpetrating the attack. For details of the team’s analysis techniques and data mining strategy, see the following section, “Query-Driven Visualization.”

Workflow management is the last key tech- nology that plays a role in the NERSC An- alytics Program. The goal of workflow FIGURE 4. The cover of the March 2006 FIGURE 5. The cover of the July 2006 Jour- management is to automate specific sets of Journal of Physical Chemistry/Chemical nal of Microscopy shows a slice from a vol- tasks that are repeated many times, thus Physics shows a plot of the wide range of ume-rendered tomographic reconstruction simplifying execution and avoiding human attainable molecular hydrogen binding affini- of the bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans ties with simple ligands and metal com- showing similar high-density bodies as errors that often occur when performing plexes, together with a contour plot of the those seen in D. grandis. (PI: Luis Comolli, repetitive tasks. A large factor in the success

H2 electrostatic potential in the background. LBNL. Visualization by Luis Comolli and of the Nearby Supernova Factory has been (PI: Martin Head-Gordon, UCB/LBNL. Visu- Cristina Siegerist.) the application of a workflow management alization by Rohini Lochan and Cristina strategy by members of the Analytics Team Siegerist.) 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 65

by the SciDAC Scientific Data Manage- ment Center. Though Kepler may prove useful for other domains as well, the Analytics Team’s current focus is on applying Kepler to proj- ects in the accelerator modeling community.

Members of the Analytics Team in 2006— Cecilia Aragon, Wes Bethel, Peter Nugent, Raquel Romano, and Kurt Stockinger— worked with and provided support for NERSC users working in a dozen science domains (including accelerator physics, fu- sion energy, astrophysics, climate sciences, and life sciences) and at both national labs and universities. Collaborations between the Analytics Team and NERSC users have led to increased productivity for researchers, al- lowing them to focus more on science and less on managing data and simulation and analysis infrastructure, as well as develop- ment of methods and technologies that can be deployed at NERSC and elsewhere.

More information about the technologies described above, additional cases studies, and links to documentation on software applications installed on NERSC machines are available on the NERSC Analytics Resources Web pages at www.nersc.gov/nusers/analytics.

FIGURE 6. Supernova Warehouse screenshot. The Supernova Warehouse is a Web-based vi- sual analytics application that provides tools for data management, workflow visualization, QUERY-DRIVEN and collaborative science. This screenshot shows several supernova or supernova candidate events, including processed images, spectra from the SuperNova Integral Field Spectro- VISUALIZATION: graph, and other observational data and information. A CASE STUDY to create a new pipeline, the Supernova Fac- significantly improved not only the speed NERSC and the NERSC Analytics Pro- tory Assembly Line (SUNFALL), for man- with which supernova candidates are classi- gram offer resources uniquely suited to sup- aging data and processing images of fied, but also the accuracy of the classifica- port research and development activities in supernova candidates. Major components of tions. Thus, the new pipeline has significantly the areas of scientific visualization, visual an- SUNFALL are improved image processing reduced both the time and labor involved in alytics, data analysis and other similar data- and classification methods, a Web-based identifying supernova candidates and, as a intensive computing endeavors. These workflow status monitor, data management result, has increased scientific productivity. resources offer capabilities impossible to services, and the Supernova Warehouse, a replicate on desktop platforms and, in some visual analytics system for examining super- In addition, the Analytics Team is assessing cases, capabilities that cannot be met with novae and supernova candidates (Figure 6). use of the Kepler workflow system. Kepler “departmental clusters.” The centerpiece of The Supernova Warehouse provides con- is a grid-based scientific workflow system these resources is DaVinci, an SGI Altix venient Web-based access to project data that can orchestrate complex workflows with 32 1.4 GHz Itanium 2 processors and and information, easy-to-use data annota- such as the pre-processing of simulations 192 GB of RAM in an SMP architecture. tion tools, and improved context awareness. (preparation of input files and checking of SUNFALL, which went into production in simulation parameters), checking of inter- These resources were used effectively in fall 2006, has automated moving images and mediate results, and launching post-pro- 2006 in support of ASCR-sponsored high data through the analysis process and has cessing analyses. Kepler is supported in part performance visualization research efforts. 66 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

One such effort focused on performing ESnet, DOE’s scientific production network ing maximum possible performance in data analysis, data mining, and visualization of a serving researchers at national laboratories mining requires the best possible technology. “hero-sized” network traffic connection and universities, has been increasing by an Second, the team uses a query-driven visu- dataset. This work and the results, which in- order of magnitude every 46 months since alization and analytics research application clude papers presented at IEEE Visualiza- 1990.6 This trend is expected to continue for formulating multi-resolution queries— tion 20064 and SC2006,5 were made possible into the foreseeable future. specifically, multi-resolution in the temporal only by the unique resources at NERSC. dimension—and for obtaining and display- The team consisted of staff from ESnet and The steady increase in network traffic vol- ing multidimensional histograms. A key NERSC’s network and security group, visu- ume increases the difficulty of forensic cy- concept in this work is that the team is com- alization researchers from LBNL, and bersecurity or network performance analysis. puting and displaying data histograms and members of the NERSC Analytics Team. Current network traffic analysis toolsets rely does not need to access the raw data directly. on simple utilities like grep, awk, sed and A typical day of network traffic at an average gnuplot. Though sufficient for analyzing Attackers often use sets of previously compro- government research laboratory may involve hours of network traffic data, these utilities mised hosts to collectively scan a target network. tens of millions of connections comprising do not scale nor perform up to the level This form of attack, known as a distributed multiple gigabytes of connection records. needed for analyzing current and future lev- scan, is typically accomplished by dividing These connection records can be thought of els of network traffic. the target address space up among a group as conversations between two hosts on a net- of “zombie” machines (systems that have been work. They are generated by routers, traffic To address the need for rapid forensic analysis enslaved for the purpose of carrying out some analyzers, or security systems, and contain capabilities, the NERSC Analytics Team com- action, usually malicious)and directing each information such as source and destination bines two complementary technologies to zombie to scan a portion of the target network. IP address, source and destination ports, du- analyze data for a network traffic case study. The scanning results from each zombie are ration of the connection, number of bytes The first technology is FastBit, a state-of-the- aggregated by a master host to create a complete exchanged, and date/time of the connection. art scientific data management technology picture for the attacker. An example attack A year’s worth of such data currently requires for data indexing and querying developed by would be a search for unsecured network on the order of tens of terabytes or more of the SciDAC SDM Center.7 Data mining services on a given port or range of ports. storage. According to ESnet General Man- and knowledge discovery depend on finding Identifying sets of hostile hosts under common ager Joe Burrescia, the traffic volume on and analyzing “interesting” data, so achiev- control is helpful in that the group of hosts can

Daily counts of STATE = 1 & DP = 5554 Hourly counts of STATE = 1 & DP = 5554 986540 210676

0 0 247 290 1094360704 1094965504 557497 986540 210676 110358

FIGURE 7. Unsuccessful connection attempts to port 5554 over a 42- FIGURE 8. Histogram of unsuccessful connection attempts at one- week period shown as a one-dimensional histogram. While the source hour resolution over a four-week period. This histogram shows that data are sampled at per-second resolution, the team created the his- the suspicious activity is temporally periodic, with a period of ap- togram by requesting the number of connection attempts on a per-day proximately one day and repeating over a twenty-one day window. basis, i.e., each histogram bin is one day in width. While the largest spike occurs on day 290, the range of elevated activity around day 247 is more interesting as it indicates what may be temporally coordi- nated activity. Each histogram bar is color-coded according to the number of standard deviations from the mean. Green bars are close to the mean number of unsuccessful connection attempts, while red bars indicate bins that have a count that are three or more standard devi- ations away from the mean number of per-bin counts.

4 E. Wes Bethel, Scott Campbell, Eli Dart, Kurt Stockinger, and Kesheng Wu, “Accelerating network traffic analysis using query-driven visualization,” Proceed- ings of the 2006 IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology, Baltimore MD, November 2006, pp 115-122; Lawrence Berkeley National Labora- tory technical report LBNL-59819 (2006). 5 Kurt Stockinger, E. Wes Bethel, Scott Campbell, Eli Dart, and Kesheng Wu, “Detecting distributed scans using high-performance query-driven visualization,” Proceedings of SC06; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory technical report LBNL-60053 (2006). 6 Joseph Burrescia and William E. Johnston, “ESnet status update,” Internet 2 International Meeting, September 19, 2005. 7 K. Wu, E. Otoo, and A. Shoshani, “Optimizing bitmap indices with efficient compression,” ACM Transactions on Database Systems 31, 1 (2006). 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 67

60-second counts of (STATE = 1) & DP = 5554 Per-second counts from 9/9/04 21:13 to 21:20 47718 1702

0 1094616960 1094703360 1094789760 1094876160 1094962560 47670 41570 47212 47718 43079 0 FIGURE 9. Histogram of unsuccessful connection attempts to port 5554 over a five-day period of time sampled at one-minute granular- FIGURE 10. Histogram of unsuccessful connection attempts that ity. The histogram indicates a repeating pattern of unsuccessful con- occur at one-second temporal resolution within a seven-minute win- nection attempts that occur on a regular twenty-four hour interval. dow. This seven-minute window corresponds to a primary daily ac- Each primary spike is followed by a secondary, smaller spike fifty tivity spike within the four-week period of interest. The figure shows minutes later. a ramp-up in activity that then declines and drops off. be blocked from access to critical infrastruc- The team drills into the data by computing daily activity spike that occurs on one day ture, and the hosts can be reported to the a histogram containing the number of un- within the overall temporal region of interest. larger community for further analysis or action. successful connection attempts over a four- week period at one-hour resolution (Figure At this point, the temporal characteristics of To detect a distributed scan and identify the 8). There is no need to increase resolution at the suspicious activity can be determined— set of remote hosts participating in the scan, the global level since they are interested only an organized scanning event is occurring the team carried out the following sequence in those events within a smaller time win- daily at 21:15 local time within a four-week of data mining steps. Their initial assump- dow. Here is where the power of query-dri- window of the 42-week data set. While tion was that some type of suspicious activ- ven visualization and analytics comes into there also appears to be a secondary event ity is occurring on destination port 5554. play—focusing visualization and analysis ef- that occurs 50 minutes later within the same Such an assumption is based on an intrusion forts only on interesting data. four-week period, to simplify the rest of this detection system (IDS) alert. The first step analysis, this case study focuses only on the is to obtain a global view—how many un- The next step is to drill into the data at a daily event occurring at 21:15. successful attempts occurred over a 42-week finer temporal resolution by posing a query period on port 5554? Answering this ques- that requests the counts of per-minute un- So far, the analysis has focused on under- tion (Figure 7) helps the team begin to un- successful connection attempts over a five- standing the temporal characteristics of the derstand the characteristics of a potential day period within the four-week window attack. Next the team wishes to establish that distributed scan attack. (Figure 9). The purpose of this query is to the attack is a scan, and then identify all the further refine our understanding of the tem- hosts that are perpetrating the attack in order The large counts on days 247 and 290 are poral characteristics of the potential attack. to determine if the attack is from a single host, visible in Figure 7 as tall red spikes. Note or from multiple hosts that are coordinating that around day 247 there is a consistent in- With the one-minute view shown in Figure their effort. Their next steps will be to look at crease in daily connection counts. The activity 9, a distinct pattern of increased unsuccess- the destination addresses covered by the attack. on day 290 looks different, since there appears ful connection attempts on precise 24-hour to be a large increase in scanning activity, intervals can be seen. Decoding the UNIX This phase of the analysis begins by con- possibly indicating a new scanning tool or timestamp reveals the event occurs daily at structing a 3D histogram to understand the technique. The activity around day 247 appears 21:15 local time. Each such spike is followed extent of coverage in the destination address at first glance to be careful work over time by by a secondary spike that occurs about 50 space (Figure 11). Two of the axes represent a set of hosts, whereas the day 290 activity minutes later. the destination C and D address octets; the could easily be a single host scanning at a third axis represents time. The time axis covers very high rate with the intent to “get in and Drilling yet deeper into the data, the team a two-hour window sampled at one-minute get out” before its presence can be detected and constructs a histogram showing the number granularity. its access blocked. Such high speed scans are of connection attempts over a seven-minute quite common and often are part of the re- window at one-second temporal resolution At this point, the second of the three analysis connaissance phase of a larger attack mech- (Figure 10). The seven-minute window is questions has been answered—the suspi- anism, or a combined scan and attack tool. chosen to completely contain the primary cious activity appears to be a scanning attack, 68 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

IPR_C vs IPR_D vs ts

ts ts ts


IPS_A IPR_D IPR_C FIGURE 12. Different views of a 3D histogram showing the number of unsuccessful connection attempts to all destination C addresses FIGURE 11. 3D histogram showing the coverage of the potential at- from all source A addresses within a seven-minute window at one- tack in the destination network. Two of the axes are the destination second temporal resolution. C and D address octets, and the third (vertical) axis is time. Here two sheet-like structures can be seen that correspond to the primary and secondary daily spikes in suspicious activity. The sheet structure indicates that the suspicious activity is occurring across the entire range of destination C and D addresses — such behavior is indica- tive of a scanning attack.

Source A counts over total event horizon 414204 ts ts

IPR_C 0 220 IPS_B IPR_C 414204 IPS_B FIGURE 13. Histogram of unsuccessful connection attempts from each of the 255 addresses within the source A address octet within FIGURE 14. Different views of a 3D histogram showing the number the same seven-minute window of time. of connection attempts to all destination C addresses from all source B addresses within a seven-minute window sampled at one- second temporal resolution.

as all C and D address octets within the des- axis is time. The time axis encompasses a The histogram in Figure 13 shows exactly the tination network are being probed. The next seven-minute window with a resolution of one source A addresses participating in the attack, step is to discover the set of remote hosts second. The seven-minute window encom- with the source A address of 220 showing that are perpetrating the attack. To do so, a passes one of the daily primary activity spikes. the greatest level of activity. The team’s visual series of steps are performed to identify the analytics application indicates precisely (not A, B, C, and D address octets of the attack- The 3D histogram shows structures that are shown here) the top (i.e., highest frequency) ing hosts. indicative of scanning activity. The slanted bins in a histogram. In this case, a total of seven lines in the image on the left in Figure 12 unique source A addresses are identified as par- A set of histograms (Figures 12 and 13) are show that different destination C addresses are ticipating in the scan. Because all hosts in the constructed to identify the A address octet. being scanned over a relatively narrow range seven A addresses are engaging in probing Figure 12 shows two different views of a 3D of time. The image on the right in Figure 12 activity at about the same time, the team as- histogram in which two of the axes are the shows that such activity is confined to a sumes that they are part of a coordinated destination C and D addresses, and the third fairly narrow range of source A addresses. distributed scan. 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 69

Source B counts during event on 9/9/04 3732



FIGURE 15. Histogram of unsuccessful connection attempts from addresses within the source B address octet within a seven-minute window of time. IPR_D

IPR_C The analysis is repeated, looking at source B Several unique characteristics of this system addresses. The query iterates over the seven enabled rapid progress on this research. First, FIGURE 16. 3D histogram of coverage in the source A addresses identified in the previous by using an SMP with a large amount of destination C and D addresses by all twenty hosts participating in the distributed scan step. The results are shown as two different memory, the team was able to quickly proto- over a seven-minute window sampled at one- views of a 3D histogram (Figure 14) and a one- type and benchmark the performance of a second granularity. The visualization is color- dimensional histogram (Figure 15). In these family of parallel histogramming routines. coded by unique source address to show histograms, the dots (Figure 14) and bars Those results are described in more detail in how each source host is attacking a differ- (Figure 15) are color-coded according to the the SC2006 paper.5 Second, the large amount ent part of the destination address space. source A address of the attacking host. Figures of memory in DaVinci enabled rapid proto- 14 and 15 show that different hosts are at- typing and performance benchmarking of tacking different portions of the destination serial versions of the visual analytics interface and medical applications. The Analytics addresses. This type of behavior is indicative of early in the research process. These results, Team’s approach to query-driven visualiza- a distributed scan, where the destination address which include performance comparison with tion combines state-of-the-art scientific space is divided among a group of zombie hosts. other serial tools for indexing and querying, are data management technology for indexing described in more detail in the IEEE Visu- and querying data, with visual analytics ap- This analysis step is repeated to identify the alization 2006 paper.4 None of these results plications to support rapid drill-down, hy- unique C and D addresses of the attacking would have been possible without a machine pothesis testing, and displaying results. hosts. As shown in Figure 16, the four analysis with a large SMP. Third, the architectural bal- steps reveal that a total of twenty different ance between fast I/O and large amounts of This work is novel in several respects. First, hosts are participating in the distributed scan. memory is especially well suited for data-in- it shows that it is possible to quickly analyze tensive computing projects like this. The a large collection of network connection The data mining example above would not NERSC analytics machine has a large amount data to detect and characterize a complex at- have been possible without the ability to of scratch secondary storage (~25 TB) pro- tack. Previous works in network analysis quickly interrogate data to produce histograms. viding on the order 1 GB/s in I/O band- focus on a few hours’ or days’ worth of Generally speaking, the amount of time re- width—a capability that also was crucial to data—this case study involved 42 weeks’ quired to perform the queries varies according the success of this work. worth of data. Second, it shows how a visual to the size of the source data (the size of the analytics application that combines state-of- data indices, to be more precise), the com- As data size and problem complexity con- the-art scientific data management technol- plexity of the query, and the number of items tinue to increase, there are corresponding in- ogy with full-featured and straightforward returned by the query. The average time to creases in the level of difficulty of managing, visualization techniques can be brought to perform the queries used in the analysis pre- mining, and understanding data. Query-dri- bear on a challenging data analysis problem. sented here is on the order of a few minutes ven visualization represents a promising ap- Third, the application shows how complex and uses an iterative approach implemented in proach for gaining traction on the data queries are formulated through an iterative, serial fashion on the NERSC analytics ma- mining and knowledge discovery challenges guided process that relies on statistics, rapid chine, DaVinci. facing science, engineering, finance, security, data access, and interactive visualization. LEADERS IN SCIENCE-DRIVEN CO

Helping shape the future of high performance computing SHIP OMPUTING 72 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

As the Department of Energy’s flagship unclassified scientific computing facility, NERSC provides leadership and helps shape the field of high performance com- puting. NERSC is constantly trying new approaches to boost our clients’ scientific productivity in an ever-changing technological environment. NERSC shares expe- rience, knowledge, and technology not only with our clients, but also with other su- percomputer sites and industry.

met, and observed metrics are used for mon- sors to petaflop systems (such as the Cray DEVELOPING METRICS itoring and assessing activities. The sub- XT3 or the IBM BlueGene/L) is that they FOR PETASCALE committee felt that there should be free and rely on an unprecedented degree of concur- FACILITIES open access to the many observed metrics rency, which puts stress on every aspect of computing centers collect and utilize, but “it HPC system design. Such complex systems In spring of 2006, Dr. Raymond Orbach, the would be counter-productive to introduce a will likely break current “best practices” for Department of Energy Under Secretary for large number of spurious ‘control’ metrics fault resilience, I/O scaling, and debugging, Science, asked the Advanced Scientific beyond the few we recommend below.” and even raise fundamental questions about Computing Research Advisory Committee programming languages and application (ASCAC) “to weigh and review the ap- The committee report pointed out, “It models. It is important that potential prob- proach to performance measurement and should be noted that NERSC pioneered the lems are anticipated far enough in advance assessment at [ALCF, NERSC, and concept of ‘project specific services’ which it that they can be addressed in time to pre- NLCF], the appropriateness and compre- continues to provide as part of SciDAC and pare the way for petaflop-scale systems. hensiveness of the measures, and the [com- INCITE projects.” Another panel recom- putational science component] of the mendation is that the all centers “use a ‘stan- DOE asked the NERSC and Computa- science accomplishments and their effects dard’ survey based on the NERSC suser tional Research divisions at Lawrence on the Office of Science’s science programs.” urvey that has been used for several years in Berkeley National Laboratory to address The Advisory Committee formed a sub- measuring and improving service.” these issues by considering the following committee to respond to the charge, which four questions: was co-chaired by Gordon Bell of Microsoft The final committee report is available at and James Hack of the National Center for http://www.sc.doe.gov/ascr/ASCAC/ASC 1. What software is on a critical path to Atmospheric Research. AC_Petascale-Metrics-Report.pdf. make the systems work? 2. What are the strengths/weaknesses of the NERSC has long used goals and metrics to vendors and of existing vendor solutions? assure what we do is meeting the needs of DOE and its scientists. Hence, it was natu- SOFTWARE ROADMAP 3. What are the local strengths at the labs? ral for NERSC to take the lead, working TO PLUG AND PLAY 4. Who are other key players who will play a with representatives from the other sites to PETAFLOP/S role and can help? formulate a joint plan for metrics. Together with the other sites, NERSC then reviewed Berkeley Lab responded to these questions all the information and suggestions. In the next five years, the DOE expects to in the report “Software Roadmap to Plug field systems that reach a petaflop of com- and Play Petaflop/s.”1 In addition to an- The committee report, accepted in February puting power. In the near term (two years), swering the four questions, this report pro- 2007, identified two classes of metrics—con- DOE will have several “near-petaflops” sys- vides supplemental information regarding trol metrics and observed metrics. Control tems that are 10% to 25% of a peraflop-scale NERSC’s effort to use non-invasive work- metrics have specific goals which must be system. A common feature of these precur-

1 William T.C. Kramer, Jonathan Carter, David Skinner, Lenny Oliker, Parry Husbands, Paul Hargrove, John Shalf, Osni Marques, Esmond Ng, Tony Drummond, and Kathy Yelick, “Software Roadmap to Plug and Play Petaflop/s,” Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory report LBNL-59999 (July 2006), http://www.nersc.gov/news/reports/LBNL-59999.pdf. 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 73

THE SOFTWARE CHALLENGES OF PETASCALE COMPUTING: AN INTERVIEW WITH KATHY YELICK (Reprinted with permission from the November 10, 2006 issue of HPCwire)

Ye l i c k : The major software challenge Global address space languages like facing the petascale efforts is the explo- UPC, CAF, and Titanium are in some sense sion in hardware parallelism, which will giving good hardware an advantage over require a complete redesign of applica- bad by trying to expose features such as tions, libraries, and algorithms to reach low overhead communication or global the level of parallelism needed to fully address space support. That said, one of utilize a petascale machine. This paral- the goals of the Berkeley UPC compiler lelism increase is coming from the intro- is to make UPC an effective language for duction of multi-core processors within a larger class of machines and for less the compute nodes and the trend towards sophisticated programmers. We have ad- building machines out of a larger number vocated language extensions such as of smaller compute nodes. Other chal- non-blocking bulk data reads and writes lenges include the hierarchical nature of to allow programmers to obtain the best these machines, the use of hardware ac- possible performance on clusters, and celerators such as SIMD units within are also working on compiler technology compute nodes, and the trend toward to automatically optimize programs writ- lower degree networks. Full crossbars for ten in a fine-grained style. This could petascale machines are unaffordable. make programs written for a global ad- Software needs to adapt to these fea- dress space machine like the Cray X1E In this HPCwire interview, Kathy Yelick, tures, and I believe it will. The question is run reasonably well on generic clusters one of the world’s leading performance how general the solutions will be and — not as well as on the X1E, but reason- evaluation experts and a member of therefore how large the set of petascale ably well. NERSC’s Science-Driven System Archi- applications will be. The reliability of tecture Team, discusses software chal- these systems is also a major concern, HPCwire: What are the limits of MPI’s lenges related to petascale and other and one that I think represents the usefulness? What would it be like relying large-scale computing systems. Yelick is a largest risk for specific machines. We on MPI for petascale computing? professor of computer science at UC need to have better methods for handling Ye l i c k : MPI is likely to be a very popular Berkeley, with a joint appointment in hardware and software failures through- and effective programming model on Lawrence Berkeley National Lab’s Compu- out the software stack. petascale machines. There are two is- tational Research Division, where she sues, one related to performance and the leads the Future Technologies Group and HPCwire: Which of these software chal- other to ease of use. For performance, the the Berkeley Institute for Performance lenges are hardest? How much can be problem is that the two-sided protocol in Studies. accomplished by the 2010 timeframe? MPI, which involves message matching, HPCwire: Are petascale initiatives put- Ye l i c k : Reliability is probably the hard- and the requirement of message ordering ting enough emphasis on software? est, because so far we have written user- all slow down data transfer. The fastest level software assuming that the lower mechanism on a machine with minimal Ye l i c k : No. Unfortunately, the race for level system is mostly reliable. Check- RDMA support is to write data directly each major performance milestone, in pointing is the only commonly used tech- from one processor into another proces- this case petascale, has resulted in a de- nique, and the Berkeley Lab Checkpoint/ sor’s memory. Fast implementations of emphasis on software. Procurement Restart project is developing software MPI do use this mechanism, but it re- teams and system developers vying for for petascale systems; but this model is quires some protocol overhead, since the the first petascale platform need to put useful only as long as failures are not too remote address is not known to the send- as much money as possible into hard- frequent. There are research efforts to ing processor. As we’ve shown in our ware in order to be first. This leaves less develop new ways of writing fault-toler- UPC work, one-sided communication funding for software. The situation has ant software, but the solution is not yet can be used in bisection-limited prob- gotten worse over the past decade, when clear. In the meantime, we need to do a lems, like global FFTs, to improve com- multiple agencies were supporting HPC very good job of testing systems soft- munication overlap and reduce running software development. ware, in particular operating systems, to time. At a petascale, bisection bandwidth reduce the frequency of failures. is going to be expensive, and MPI may HPCwire: Assuming the important goal not give the best utilization of the net- isn’t peak or Linpack petaflops perform- HPCwire: Can good programming lan- work or the best management of memory ance, but sustained petaflops perform- guages and other software get around due to the need for buffering. From an ance across a spectrum of applications, bad machines? ease-of-use standpoint, I think the issue what software challenges need to be ad- with MPI is that the community of petas- Ye l i c k : No. There is nothing software can dressed? cale programmers, like terascale pro- do to get around bad machine design. 74 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

grammers today, will be small, because tation and application experience. There while the community as a whole might the barrier to entry for an application is a UPC compiler of some form for save significant amounts of time and code is high. There are many computa- nearly every serial and parallel platform, money in the long run by rewriting some tional scientists today who are not using including vendor compilers from Cray, code in new languages, this is difficult to parallel machines at all. This will have to HP, and IBM, and open source compilers quantify up front; and from the short term change with the shift towards multi-core, from Intrepid, Inc., Michigan Tech and perspective of a 3-year or 5-year project, but the question is whether they will Berkeley Lab. The Berkeley compiler has it is difficult to justify. adopt a scalable programming model. optimized implementations using native communication layers for the Cray XT3, HPCwire: Do you want to say anything HPCwire: Talk about the importance of Quadrics, Myrinet, Altix, and the IBM SP about scaling algorithms for petascale partitioned global address space, or platforms. Co-Array Fortran is being computing? PGAS, programming languages. adopted into the Fortran spec, and in ad- Ye l i c k : I think we need to rethink our al- dition to the Cray CAF compiler, there is Ye l i c k : Aside from my answers to the gorithms to look for all possible sources an open source effort led by John Mellor- previous question, PGAS languages of parallelism, rather than the single- Crummey at Rice. That compiler is de- offer a real advantage over OpenMP for level view that we have used recently. For signed for portability; it uses a source- shared memory platforms, because they the SC06 conference, I co-authored a to-source translation model like Berkeley give programmers the opportunity to ex- paper with Shan, Strohmaier, Qiang, and UPC, and there are plans to do work on press locality properties of the data Bailey which is a case study in scaling porting and releases in the near future. structures. This makes the PGAS models and performance modeling, which re- Titanium is still primarily a Berkeley ef- an alternative to the hybrid MPI/OpenMP flects our ability to understand applica- fort, but it is used outside Berkeley and model for hierarchical machines, which tion performance on large machines. We the compiler runs on many parallel and has proven difficult to use. look at a beam interaction application serial platforms. Berkeley UPC, Intre- from accelerator modeling and develop a But aside from the specifics on PGAS pid’s gcc-upc, Titanium, and at least one series of performance models to predict languages, I think they represent an im- instance of the Rice CAF compiler all use performance of this application code. portant step in HPC programming mod- our open source communication layer Performance modeling, and therefore a els, because they’ve demonstrated that called GASNet, which helps leverage the simple understanding of performance, new languages are still a viable option, in porting effort. becomes increasingly difficult as the ma- spite of the backlash that occurred when chines scale, as they become more hier- HPF failed to take hold. The PGAS lan- HPCwire: Some people say that if there’s archical, and as network contention guages are popular within some govern- a lot of pain involved, they won’t switch increases. All of these will be serious is- ment agencies and labs, including the to a new programming language. How sues on petascale machines.… work at AHPCRC on CFD codes in UPC. can you motivate people to migrate to a more efficient new language? We have also learned some important HPCwire: Is there anything important lessons in the UPC process: interoper- Yelick: The key is that, because of inter- that we missed talking about? ability with other programming models operability, full applications do not need (in particular MPI) and ubiquity across Ye l i c k : I think the introduction of paral- to be rewritten. Instead, individual com- platforms are essential to success. We lelism into mainstream computing is ponents can be written in these lan- have new methods for analyzing and both a challenge and opportunity for the guages as new algorithms are developed quantifying productivity; and found that HPC community. We must be able to han- for the increasing machine scale. I am performance is still critical to swaying dle the increase in parallelism along with working with Parry Husbands and Es- the most elite of HPC programmers. everyone else, but if ever there was a time mond Ng, for example, on a fast sparse to innovate in parallel hardware, lan- direct linear solver written in UPC. This HPCwire: What’s the status of these lan- guages, and software, this is it. There are may end up in an application without guages today, including Berkeley UPC? very likely to be new languages and pro- rewriting the rest of the code. And if the gramming models for multi-core pro- Ye l i c k : UPC has an active community performance gains of new languages are gramming, and the HPC community has consortium that meets regularly to work significant, some people who care deeply the chance to take advantage of that soft- on language design issues, maintain the about performance will switch. The ware revolution by both influencing and language spec, and exchange implemen- harder argument is productivity, because using these innovations. 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 75

load profiling to identify application re- programming of highly parallel systems. The nologies Group and by John Shalf, head of quirements for future systems; describes a paper provides strategic suggestions on how NERSC’s Science-Driven System Archi- set of codes that provide good representation to accomplish this (see http://www.eecs. tecture Team. of the application requirements of the broader berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2006/EECS- DOE scientific community; and provides a 2006-183.pdf ). “Overall results demonstrate the tremen- comprehensive production software require- dous potential of the Cell architecture for ments checklist that was derived from the Another SDSA research collaboration is the scientific computations in terms of both raw experience of the NERSC-3, NERSC-4, RAMP Project (Research Accelerator for performance and power efficiency,” the au- and NERSC-5 procurement teams. It pres- Multiple Processors), which focuses on how thors wrote in their paper. “We also con- ents a detailed view of the software require- to build low cost, highly scalable hard- clude that Cell’s heterogeneous multicore ments for a fully functional petaflop-scale ware/software prototypes, given the increas- implementation is inherently better suited system environment, and assesses how ing difficulty and expense of building to the HPC environment than homoge- emerging near-petaflop systems conform or hardware. RAMP is exploring emulation of neous commodity multicore processors.” fail to conform to these requirements. parallel systems via field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Although FPGAs are Cell, designed by a partnership of Sony, slower than other types of hardware, they are Toshiba, and IBM, is a high performance THE BERKELEY VIEW OF much faster than simulators, and thus can be implementation of software-controlled THE LANDSCAPE OF used to evaluate novel ideas in parallel ar- memory hierarchy in conjunction with the PARALLEL COMPUTING chitecture, languages, libraries, and so on. considerable floating point resources that are RESEARCH required for demanding numerical algo- rithms. Cell takes a radical departure from PERFORMANCE AND conventional multiprocessor or multicore ar- The path to petascale computing will be POTENTIAL OF CELL chitectures. Instead of using identical coop- paved with new system architectures featur- PROCESSOR ANALYZED erating commodity processors, it uses a ing hundreds of thousands of manycore conventional high performance PowerPC processors. Such systems will require scientists core that controls eight simple SIMD (sin- to completely rethink programming models. Though it was designed as the heart of the gle instruction, multiple data) cores, called Among those computer scientists already new Sony PlayStation3 game console, the synergistic processing elements (SPEs), looking to the petascale horizon are Science STI Cell processor also created quite a stir in where each SPE contains a synergistic pro- Driven Systems Architecture (SDSA) Team the computational science community, where cessing unit (SPU), a local memory, and a members John Shalf and Kathy Yelick, who the processor’s potential as a building block memory flow controller. are two of the co-authors of a white paper for high performance computers has been called “The Landscape of Parallel Comput- widely discussed and speculated upon. Despite its radical departure from main- ing Research: A View from Berkeley.” Based stream general-purpose processor design, on two years of discussions among a multi- To evaluate Cell’s potential, LBNL com- Cell is particularly compelling because it will disciplinary group of researchers, this paper puter scientists evaluated the processor’s be produced at such high volumes that it addresses the challenge of finding ways to performance in running several scientific ap- could be cost-competitive with commodity make it easy to write programs that run ef- plication kernels, then compared this per- CPUs. At the same time, the slowing pace of ficiently on manycore systems. formance with other processor architectures. commodity microprocessor clock rates and The group presented their findings in a increasing chip power demands have be- The creation of manycore architectures— paper at the ACM International Conference come a concern to computational scientists, hundreds to thousands of cores per proces- on Computing Frontiers, held May 2-6, encouraging the community to consider al- sor—demands that a new parallel computing 2006, in Ischia, Italy. An article about the ternatives like STI Cell. The authors exam- ecosystem be developed, one that is very dif- paper in the HPCwire newsletter was the ined the potential of using the forthcoming ferent from the environment that supports most-read item in the history of the newslet- STI Cell processor as a building block for the current sequential and multicore pro- ter, according to editor Michael Feldman, future high-end parallel systems by investi- cessing systems. Since real-world applica- and after a mention on SlashDot, the paper gating performance across several key scien- tions are naturally parallel and hardware is was viewed online by about 30,000 readers. tific computing kernels: dense matrix naturally parallel, what is needed is a pro- multiply, sparse matrix vector multiply, sten- gramming model, system software, and a The paper, “The Potential of the Cell cil computations on regular grids, as well as supporting architecture that are naturally Processor for Scientific Computing,” was 1D and 2D fast Fourier transformations. parallel. Researchers have the rare opportu- written by Samuel Williams, Leonid Oliker, nity to re-invent these cornerstones of com- Parry Husbands, Shoaib Kamil and Kather- According to the authors, the current im- puting, provided they simplify the efficient ine Yelick of Berkeley Lab’s Future Tech- plementation of Cell is most often noted for 76 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

its extremely high performance single-pre- INTEGRATED PERFORM- IPM software. Current users include the cision (32-bit) floating performance, but the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC), majority of scientific applications require ANCE MONITORING the Center for Computation and Technol- double precision (64-bit). Although Cell’s TOOL ADOPTED BY ogy (CCT) at Louisiana State University, peak double-precision performance is still OTHER HPC CENTERS and the Army Research Laboratory. impressive relative to its commodity peers (eight SPEs at 3.2 GHz = 14.6 Gflop/s), the Although supercomputing centers around After hearing a presentation on IPM by group quantified how modest hardware the country operate different architectures Skinner in 2005, SDSC staff began porting changes, which they named Cell+, could im- and support separate research communities, IPM to their machines. By spring 2006 it prove double-precision performance. they face a common challenge in making the was in production. most effective use of resources to maximize The authors developed a performance productivity. One method for doing this is “We decided to use it because there is noth- model for Cell and used it to show direct to analyze the performance of various appli- ing else out there that is as easy to use and comparisons of Cell with the AMD cations to identify the bottlenecks. Once provides the information in an easy to un- Opteron, Intel Itanium2 and Cray X1 ar- identified, these performance speedbumps derstand form for our users,” said Nick chitectures. The performance model was can often be smoothed out to get the appli- Wright of SDSC’s Performance Modeling then used to guide implementation devel- cation to run faster and improve utilization. and Characterization Lab. “It has helped our opment that was run on IBM’s Full System This is especially important as applications center assist users with their performance- Simulator in order to provide even more ac- and architectures scale to thousands or tens related issues.” curate performance estimates. of thousands of processors. IPM is used quite extensively at SDSC to The authors argue that Cell’s three-level In 2005 David Skinner, then a member of understand performance issues on both the memory architecture, which decouples main NERSC’s User Services Group (he now leads IBM Power4+ system (Datastar) and the memory accesses from computation and is the Open Software and Programming three-rack BlueGene system. In addition to explicitly managed by the software, provides Group), introduced Integrated Performance regular usage by SDSC users, “IPM is used several advantages over mainstream cache- Monitoring, or IPM. IPM is a portable pro- extensively by user services consultants and based architectures. First, performance is filing infrastructure that provides a perform- performance optimization specialists to di- more predictable, because the load time ance summary of the computation and agnose and treat performance issues,” Wright from an SPE’s local store is constant. Sec- communication in a parallel program. IPM has said. In fact, research using IPM contributed ond, long block transfers from off-chip extremely low overhead, is scalable to thou- to two technical papers written by SDSC DRAM can achieve a much higher percent- sands of processors, and was designed with a staff and submitted to the SC07 conference. age of memory bandwidth than individual focus on ease of use, requiring no source cache-line loads. Finally, for predictable code modification (see http://www.nersc.gov/ At Louisiana State University’s CCT, the memory access patterns, communication nusers/resources/software/tools/ipm.php). staff will soon start running IPM on a num- and computation can be effectively over- ber of systems. Staff at the center first lapped by careful scheduling in software. Skinner cites the lightweight overhead and learned about the tool from NERSC’s John fixed memory footprint of IPM as impor- Shalf, who has longstanding ties to the LSU While their current analysis uses hand-op- tant innovations. Unlike performance mon- staff, and a more recent visit by Skinner. Ac- timized code on a set of small scientific ker- itoring based on traces, which consume cording to Dan Katz, assistant director for nels, the results are striking. On average, more resources the longer the code runs, Cyberinfrastructure Development at CCT, Cell is eight times faster and at least eight IPM enforces strict boundaries on the re- a number of CCT users are already familiar times more power efficient than current sources devoted to profiling. By using a fixed with IPM as they have run applications at Opteron and Itanium processors, despite the memory hash table, IPM achieves a com- both NERSC and SDSC. fact that Cell’s peak double-precision per- promise between providing a detailed profile formance is fourteen times slower than its and avoiding impact on the profiled code. LSU operates two sets of HPC resources. At peak single-precision performance. If Cell LSU itself, mostly for local users and col- were to include at least one fully utilizable IPM was also designed to be portable and laborators, CCT is in the process of in- pipelined double-precision floating point runs on the IBM SP, Linux clusters, Altix, stalling a new ~1500-core Linux system, in unit, as proposed in their Cell+ implemen- Cray X1, NEC SX6, and the Earth Simula- addition to some smaller IBM Power5 sys- tation, these speedups would easily double. tor. Portability is key to enabling cross-plat- tems and a few other small systems. For the form performance studies. Portability, Louisiana Optical Network Initiative The full paper can be read at http://www. combined with IPM’s availability under an (LONI), a statewide network of computing cs.berkeley.edu/~samw/projects/cell/CF06.pdf. open source software license, has also led to and data services, CCT is installing six other centers adopting and adding to the Linux systems with a total of ~9000 cores, 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 77

and six IBM Power5 systems across the state. NERSC staff thought there had to be a bet- ter way of setting up research agreements “In both cases, we plan to run IPM, initially without starting from scratch every time. A on user request, and longer term automati- meeting between Bill Kramer and Bill cally all the time,” Katz said “We will do this Zeitler, senior vice president and group ex- for two reasons: First, to help users under- ecutive of IBM’s Systems and Technology stand the performance of their applications, Group, led to the formation of a task force and therefore, to be able to improve per- to address the issue. formance. Second, it will help us understand how our systems are being used, which helps The Berkeley Lab team included Kramer, us understand what systems we should be NERSC procurement specialist Lynn investigating for future installation.” Rippe, and Cheryl Fragiadakis and Seth Rosen from the Lab’s Technology Transfer Department, with input from Kathy Yelick, REDUCING THE RED Lenny Oliker, and Jim Craw. Working with IBM’s Doug Duberstein, they developed a TAPE IN RESEARCH set of master agreements between NERSC PARTNERSHIPS and IBM that could be used as starting points. IBM also set up a central repository While research partnerships with other gov- where these agreements could be accessed ernment agencies or academic institutions throughout the organization. are the most common types of partnerships for NERSC, collaboration with commercial For example, the master non-disclosure computer and software vendors has also pro- agreement contains the terms and condi- duced valuable results over the years. For ex- tions that the two organizations have nego- ample, collaborations with IBM have made tiated over the years, along with a list of the possible the use of GPFS software with sys- types of disclosed information that have al- tems from multiple vendors for the NERSC ready been agreed on. When a new project Global Filesystem, the evaluation of the Cell involves some other type of information, the processor for scientific computing, and the two parties just have to add a supplement development of the eight-processor node in that specifies that information, without hav- the IBM Power line of processors. ing to renegotiate all the other terms and conditions. Or, to test a new trial software Protecting intellectual property is always a package, NERSC and IBM simply sign a priority in collaborative research, so partner- supplement adding that software package to ships with vendors typically involve negoti- the master testing and licensing agreements. ation of agreements on issues such as non- disclosure, source code licensing, or trial/beta These master agreements are expected to testing. With an organization as large and save a substantial amount of time for both dispersed as IBM, frequent collaboration organizations. NERSC is making the lan- can mean repeated negotiations on similar guage in these agreements available to other issues with different units of the organiza- laboratories so that they can simplify their tion—a time-consuming task. negotiations too. Appendices 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 79 Appendix A

NERSC Policy Board

Daniel A. Reed (Chair) University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

David Dean (ex officio, NERSC Users Group Chair) Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Robert J. Goldston Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Tony Hey Microsoft Corporation

Sidney Karin University of California, San Diego

Pier Oddone Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Tetsuya Sato Earth Simulator Center/Japan Marine Sci- ence and Technology Center

Stephen L. Squires Hewlett-Packard Laboratories 80 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT Appendix B

NERSC Client Statistics

In support of the DOE Office of Science’s mission, the NERSC 0 10203040 50 60 Center served 2,978 scientists throughout the United States in 2006. These researchers work in DOE laboratories, universities, industry, and other Federal agencies. Figure 1 shows the propor- tion of NERSC usage by each type of institution, while Figures 2 Universities 51% and 3 show laboratory, university, and other organizations that used large allocations of computer time. Computational science con- ducted at NERSC covers the entire range of scientific disciplines, but is focused on research that supports the DOE’s mission and DOE Labs 42% scientific goals, as shown in Figure 4.

More than 1,400 scientific publications in 2006 were based en- Other Labs 4% tirely or in part on calculations done at NERSC; a list is available at http://www.nersc.gov/news/ reports/ERCAPpubs06.php.

Industries 3%

010203040 50 60

FIGURE 1. NERSC MPP usage by institution type, 2006. 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 81

0 3M 6M 9M 12M 15M 0 3M 6M 9M12M 15M

Auburn Univ. 3,281,080 Lawrence Berkeley 14,312,077 Univ. of Arizona 3,054,910 Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison 2,387,123 Princeton Plasma Physics 8,574,735 Univ. of Washington 2,226,976 Oak Ridge 5,139,211 Univ. of California, Santa Cruz 2,223,592 Lawrence Livermore 3,567,513 Univ. of California, Berkeley 2,209,371 Courant Institute 1,967,541 National Center for Atmopsheric Research 3,114,715 Science Applications International 1,738,831 Argonne 2,654,086 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1,678,117 National Renewable Energy 1,605,217 Univ. of California, Los Angeles 1,669,271 Iowa State Univ. 1,573,068 Pacific Northwest 1,025,178 Univ. of Michigan 1,530,329 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 590,249 Texas A&M Univ. 1,406,591 Colorado State Univ. 1,325,784 Brookhaven 287,227 Harvard Univ. 1,183,024 Ames 254,560 Northwestern Univ. 1,177,088 Sandia 250,514 Univ. of Kentucky 1,169,525 Los Alamos 123,279 Univ. of California, Davis 1,122,374 Univ. of Colorado, Boulder 1,077,986 Others 94,646 Univ. of Maryland 1,026,839 Others 14,120,750

0 3M 6M 9M 12M 15M 0 3M 6M 9M12M 15M MPP Hours in Millions MPP Hours in Millions

FIGURE 2. DOE and other Federal laboratory usage at NERSC, FIGURE 3. Academic and private laboratory usage at NERSC, 2006 2006 (MPP hours). (MPP hours).

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fusion Energy 28%

Materials Science 13%

Chemistry 13%

Climate and Environmental Science 9%

Accelerator Physics 8% Astrophysics 8%

Lattice QCD 7%

Life Sciences 5%

High Energy and Nuclear Physics 4%

Applied Math and Computer Science 3%

Geoscience and Engineering 2%

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

FIGURE 4. NERSC usage by scientific discipline, 2006. 82 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT Appendix C

NERSC Users Group Executive Committee

Members at Large Office of Biological and Office of Nuclear Physics Environmental Research Yuen-Dat Chan David Dean (Chair) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory David Beck Oak Ridge National Laboratory University of Washington Gerald Potter Patrick Decowski Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Brian Hingerty Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Oak Ridge National Laboratory Douglas Swesty James Vary State University of New York at Stony Adrianne Middleton Iowa State University Brook National Center for Atmospheric Research Xingfu Wu Texas A&M University Office of Fusion Energy Sciences Office of Advanced Scientific Stephane Ethier (Vice Chair) Computing Research Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Kirk Cameron Andris Dimits Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory University Alex Friedman Mike Lijewski Lawrence Livermore and Lawrence Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley National Laboratories Ravi Samtaney Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Office of High Energy Physics Olga Barranikova Office of Basic Energy Sciences University of Illinois at Chicago Bas Braams Warren Mori Emory University University of California, Los Angeles Eric Bylaska Frank Tsung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory University of California, Los Angeles Thomas Miller University of California, Berkeley 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 83 Appendix D

Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research

The primary mission of the Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) program is to discover, develop, and deploy the computational and networking tools that enable researchers in the scientific disciplines to analyze, model, simulate, and predict complex phenomena im- portant to the Department of Energy. To accomplish this mission, the program fosters and supports fundamental research in advanced sci- entific computing—applied mathematics, computer science, and networking—and operates supercomputer, networking, and related facilities. In fulfilling this primary mission, the ASCR program supports the Office of Science Strategic Plan’s goal of providing extraordinary tools for extraordinary science as well as building the foundation for the research in support of the other goals of the strategic plan. In the course of accomplishing this mission, the research programs of ASCR have played a critical role in the evolution of high performance computing and networks. Berkeley Lab thanks the program managers with direct responsibility for the NERSC program and the research projects described in this report:

Michael R. Strayer Daniel Hitchcock Walter Polansky Associate Director, ASCR Acting Director, Facilities Division Acting Director, Computational Science Research and Partnerships (SciDAC) Melea Baker Barbara Helland Division Administrative Specialist Computational Scientist and NERSC Program Manager Terry Jones Nancy White Program Support Specialist Program Analyst Sally McPherson Program Support Specialist Teresa Beachley Julie Scott Program Support Assistant Financial Management Specialist David Goodwin Physical Scientist Fred Johnson Norman Kreisman Senior Technical Manager for Computer Senior Advisor Vincent Dattoria Science General Engineer Jon Bashor Robert Lindsay Senior Advisor Computer Scientist Christine Chalk Physical Scientist George Seweryniak Computer Scientist Yukiko Sekine Computer Scientist Gary Johnson Computer Scientist Anil Deane Mathematician Mark Sears Mathematician David Brown Detailee 84 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT Appendix E

Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Committee

The Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Committee (ASCAC) provides valuable, independent advice to the Department of Energy on a variety of complex scientific and technical issues related to its Advanced Scientific Computing Research program. ASCAC’s recommen- dations include advice on long-range plans, priorities, and strategies to address more effectively the scientific aspects of advanced scien- tific computing including the relationship of advanced scientific computing to other scientific disciplines, and maintaining appropriate balance among elements of the program. The Committee formally reports to the Director, Office of Science. The Committee primarily includes rep- resentatives of universities, national laboratories, and industries involved in advanced computing research. Particular attention is paid to ob- taining a diverse membership with a balance among scientific disciplines, institutions, and geographic regions.

Jill P. Dahlburg, Chair Naval Research Laboratory Robert G. Voigt, Co-Chair College of William and Mary F. Ronald Bailey NASA Ames Research Center (retired) Gordon Bell Microsoft Bay Area Research Center David J. Galas Battelle Memorial Institute Roscoe C. Giles Boston University James J. Hack National Center for Atmospheric Research Thomas A. Manteuffel University of Colorado at Boulder Horst D. Simon Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Ellen B. Stechel Sandia National Laboratories Rick L. Stevens Argonne National Laboratory Virginia Torczon College of William and Mary Thomas Zacharia Oak Ridge National Laboratory 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT ...... 85 Appendix F

Acronyms and Abbreviations

ACM...... Association for Computing CCSM . . . . . Community Climate System FEMA...... Federal Emergency Machinery Model Management Agency AEI ...... Albert-Einstein-Institut CCT ...... Center for Computation and FES...... Office of Fusion Energy (Germany) Technology (Louisiana State Sciences (DOE) University) AFOSR . . . . Air Force Office of Scientific FFT...... Fast Fourier transform Research CFD ...... Computational fluid dynamics FFTW . . . . . Fastest Fourier Transform in AHPCRC . . Army High Performance CISM ...... Center for Integrated Space the West (C subroutine library) Computing Research Center Weather Modeling FPGA...... Field programmable gate array Al ...... Aluminum CMB ...... Cosmic microwave background GASNet. . . . Global Address Space ALD ...... Associate Laboratory Director CMPD . . . . . Center for Multiscale Plasma Networking Dynamics ALCF ...... Argonne Leadership GBMF . . . . . Gordon and Betty Moore Computing Facility CNRS...... Centre National de la Foundation Recherche Scientifique AMD ...... Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. GeV ...... Giga (one billion) electron volts (France) AMR ...... Adaptive mesh refinement Gflop/s. . . . . Giga (one billion) floating COBE . . . . . Cosmic Background Explorer point operations per second API...... Application programming satellite interface GHI...... GPFS-HPSS Integration CPU ...... Central processing unit ASCAC . . . . Advanced Scientific Com- GPFS . . . . . General Parallel File System CRD ...... Computational Research puting Research Advisory (IBM) Division, Lawrence Berkeley Committee National Laboratory GPS ...... Global Positioning System ASCR . . . . . Office of Advanced Scientific CScADS . . . Center for Scalable Applica- GPSC . . . . . Center for Gyrokinetic Parti- Computing Research (DOE) tion Development Software cle Simulations of Turbulent ATC ...... Alcoa Technical Center Transport in Burning Plasmas DNA...... Deoxyribonucleic acid and Multiscale Gyrokinetics BER ...... Office of Biological and Envi- DOD...... Department of Defense ronmental Research (DOE) GSFC...... Goddard Space Flight Center DOE ...... U.S. Department of Energy (NASA) BES ...... Office of Basic Energy Sciences (DOE) DRAM . . . . Dynamic random access GTC ...... Gyrokinetic Toroidal Code memory BG/L...... Blue Gene/L (IBM computer) HEP ...... Office of High Energy EPSRC. . . . . Engineering and Physical Physics (DOE) BOINC. . . . . Berkeley Open Infrastructure Sciences Research Council for Network Computing HP ...... Hewlett-Packard (UK) BVSS...... Best value source selection HPC ...... High performance computing ERDC...... Engineering Research and CAF ...... Co-Array FORTRAN Development Center HPF ...... High Performance FORTRAN CAM ...... Community Atmospheric ESP ...... Effective System Perform- HPSS...... High Performance Storage Model ance benchmark System 86 ...... 2006 NERSC ANNUAL REPORT

IEEE ...... Institute of Electrical and NCHC . . . . . National Center for High- SDSA . . . . . Science-Driven System Electronics Engineers Performance Computing Architecture (NERSC) (Taiwan) IN2P3 ...... Institut National de la SDSC . . . . . San Diego Supercomputer Physique Nucléaire et de la NERSC . . . . National Energy Research Center Physique des Particules Scientific Computing Center SEM ...... Scanning electron micrograph (France) NGF ...... NERSC Global Filesystem SETI...... Search for Extraterrestrial INCITE. . . . . Innovative and Novel Compu- NIM ...... NERSC Information Manage- Intelligence tational Impact on Theory and ment system Experiment (DOE) SIGGRAPH ACM Special Interest Group NLCF ...... National Leadership Com- on Computer Graphics and INSU ...... Institut National des Sciences puting Facility (Oak Ridge Interactive Techniques de l’Univers (France) National Laboratory) SIMD ...... Single instruction, multiple I/O ...... Input/output NOAA . . . . . National Oceanographic and data IPM...... Integrated Performance Atmospheric Administration SMP ...... Symmetric multiprocessing Monitoring nm ...... Nanometer (or multiprocessor) ISF ...... Israel Science Foundation NOOMSRC . Naval Oceanographic Office SPE ...... Synergistic processing ITER ...... A multinational tokamak Major Shared Resource Center element experiment to be built in NP ...... Office of Nuclear Physics SPR ...... Surface plasmon resonance France (Latin for “the way”) (DOE) SPU ...... Synergistic processing unit ITG...... Ion temperature gradient NSF ...... National Science Foundation SSAI ...... Science Systems and Appli- JGI ...... Joint Genome Institute O...... Oxygen cations, Inc. (DOE) ONR ...... Office of Naval Research SSH ...... Secure Shell protocol JINA ...... Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics OSF ...... Oakland Scientific Facility SSP ...... Sustained System Perform- (LBNL) ance benchmark JSPS ...... Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science OSG...... Open Science Grid SST ...... Sea surface temperature KB...... Kilobyte OSKI ...... Optimized Sparse Kernel STEM...... Scanning transmission Interface Library electron microscopy LBNL ...... Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory PC ...... Personal computer STI ...... Sony, Toshiba, and IBM LCF ...... Leadership Computing PDSF ...... Parallel Distributed Systems TACC...... Texas Advanced Computing Facility, Oak Ridge National Facility (NERSC) Center Laboratory PERCU . . . . Performance, effectiveness, TB...... Terabyte LCRC ...... Laboratory Computing reliability, consistency, and teraflop/s . . Tera (one trillion) floating Resource Center, Argonne usability point operations per second National Laboratory PERI...... Performance Engineering Tflop/s. . . . . See teraflop/s LLNL ...... Lawrence Livermore National Research Institute (SciDAC) Laboratory TOPS...... Terascale Optimal PDE PGAS . . . . . Partitioned global address Simulations Center LOASIS. . . . Laser Optical Accelerator space Systems Integrated Studies UC ...... University of California PGF ...... Production Genome Facility LONI ...... Louisiana Optical Network (JGI) UCAR . . . . . University Corporation for Initiative Atmospheric Research PIC ...... Particle-in-cell LSU ...... Louisiana State University UIUC ...... University of Illinois, PNAS . . . . . Proceedings of the National Urbana-Champaign MATLAB. . . A numerical computing envi- Academy of Sciences ronment and programming UPC ...... Unified Parallel C PNC ...... Programme National de language (short for “matrix Cosmology (France) UPS ...... Uninterruptible power supply laboratory”) RAMP . . . . . Research Accelerator for USACOE . . . U.S. Army Corps of Engineers MB ...... Megabyte Multiple Processors Y ...... Yttrium MPI ...... Message Passing Interface RDMA . . . . . Remote direct memory access NAIC ...... National Astronomy and SC ...... Office of Science (DOE) Ionosphere Center SciDAC . . . . Scientific Discovery through NASA . . . . . National Aeronautics and Advanced Computing (DOE) Space Administration SDM...... Scientific Data Management NCAR . . . . . National Center for Atmos- Center pheric Research

For more information about NERSC, contact:

Jon Bashor NERSC Communications Berkeley Lab, MS 50B4230 1 Cyclotron Road Berkeley, CA 94720-8148 email: [email protected] phone: (510) 486-5849 fax: (510) 486-4300

NERSC’s web site: http://www.nersc.gov/

CSO 13541 Published by the Berkeley Lab Creative Services Office in collaboration with NERSC researchers and staff. Editor and principal writer: John Hules. Contributing writers: Jon Bashor, Ucilia Wang, Lynn Yarris, Paul Preuss, and Wes Bethel (Berkeley Lab); David Hosansky, NCAR; and Laura Shea, Northeastern University.

DISCLAIMER This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. While this document is be- lieved to contain correct information, neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor The Regents of the Uni- versity of California, nor any of their employ- ees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Refer- ence herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by its trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or other- wise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof, or The Regents of the University of California. The views and opin- ions of authors expressed herein do not nec- essarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof, or The Regents of the University of California.

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