CLIFFORD B. FRITH Research Student, Monash University Melbourne, Australia

BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOLUME 164 : ARTICLE 3 NEW YORK: 1979 BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Volume 164, article 3, pages 377-465, figure 1 Issued September 21, 1979 Price: $6.15 a copy

ISSN 0003-0090

Copyright (©) American Museum of Natural History 1979 INTRODUCTION "Bibliography is a most unrewarding occupation, because one tends to get blamed for what one has overlooked, rather than praised for what one has accomplished." (G. F. Mees, 1969) Compilation of this bibliography was origi- 1915) provides a historically noteworthy and a nally started for my personal reference and use suitable point of advancement in New Guinea as an aid to my ornithological work on the ornithology. It is particularly suitable because Papuan Subregion avifauna. The geographical Ogilvie-Grant provides in the introduction to area covered is that referred to by Mayr in his his account a list of over 175 "principal papers List of New Guinea (1941) as the New relating to the birds of New Guinea; including Guinea Region, and subsequently termed the the Kei and Aru Islands," covering the years Papuan Subregion by Rand and Gilliard in their 1858-1915. This list provides a quick reference Handbook of New Guinea Birds (1967). As the into the literature pre-dating 1915. work was not initially intended for publication I As the bibliography is primarily for the continued to compile it slowly over the years, working ornithologist not having ready access interrupted by travel and residence in Australia, to good library facilities, I have been very Europe, the Indian Ocean, and Southeast Asia. broad-minded as to what titles I have included. As it progressed, however, it became obvious Thus, a number of publications of perhaps that the bibliography was becoming an in- questionable significance, or use, to New creasingly useful research tool in itself, bring- Guinea ornithology are included. My thinking ing together the widely dispersed literature on behind this is that, for example, a worker the New Guinea avifauna, and that its publica- studying New Guinea ratites who comes across tion would provide a useful contribution to fu- the title Emus in New Guinea (see no. 148) ture ornithological work on the avifauna. With need simply to check the bibliography entry to this, and the encouragement and enthusiasm of gain some indication of the significance of the a number of other New Guinea ornithologists in paper before going to greater expense of time mind, I decided in 1976 to put together a final and money to see or obtain a copy. At the manuscript and publish it. The bibliography other extreme some very generalized publica- was compiled with the present-day New Guinea tions, such as works dealing with the birds of ornithologist in mind and I have, therefore, prey, pigeons, parrots, or owls of the world are retained its original form and function in the included for similar bibliographic reasons. A final product. The bibliography is thus com- worker reviewing the owls of New Guinea need piled, annotated, and cross-referenced with the not be aware of Burton's recent book (see no. working ornithologist's needs being the first 143), but he might, not unreasonably, expect to consideration. I decided, from the beginning, to find reference to it in a bibliography to New include literature only from a time subsequent Guinea birds. Moreover, the inclusion of such to the majority of purely or very predominantly generalized, but taxonomically restricted, works descriptive ornithology, but also from a time makes the systematic cross-reference section of when more ecological and behavioral work this bibliography considerably more com- commenced in New Guinea. To define such a prehensive and meaningful. Certainly, the period of transition is difficult, and so I have worker wishing to know of the available litera- used 1915 as a convenient starting point. The ture on the parrots of New Guinea would be publication of the results of the British Or- badly mislead if Forshaw's book (no. 274) nithologists' Union Expedition (1909-1913) to were not included herein! Dutch New Guinea in that year (Ogilvie-Grant, A problem concerning my broad selection of

379 380 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164 titles for incorporation is defining the point at Because the preparation of the final manu- which papers do not warrant inclusion. It could script was done in the relative isolation of be argued that many additional titles dealing southern Thailand I have had to depend to with the New Guinea avifauna in a fragmentary some extent on friends and colleagues for help way should be included. Good examples are (see Acknowledgments) in filling quite a num- the volumes of Peters's Check-list of Birds of ber of gaps. Such gaps varied from merely the the World which include New Guinea taxa, as pagination of a title, or its translation, to hav- well as some very predominantly New Guinea ing them provide me with the full title and families. As already stressed, however, the bib- journal reference as well as an annotation. liography is for the use of the working or- Thus, whilst the vast majority of all details and nithologist and is not offered as an example of annotation content are my own, some are by meticulous bibliographic comprehensiveness. others. This has doubtless resulted in some in- Whilst I do not expect ornithologists to be consistencies and inaccuracy of detail, which I aware of the titles and content of the in- would ask the reader to point out. This is a first creasingly large number of books being attempt to provide a useful bibliography to produced annually, I must assume that users of New Guinea ornithology. It is hoped that a this work of reference are familiar with cor- subsequent revised and up-dated edition will nerstones of ornithology such as Peters's check- appear at some future time which will be con- list, Thomson's New Dictionary and many oth- siderably more comprehensive, and thus useful, ers. as a result of additions and corrections provided The majority of the most recent revision of by users of the present contribution. the included literature and its cross-referencing The following figures indicate the numbers was carried out during a visit to the American of publications included in this bibliography, at Museum of Natural History early in 1976. The the time of writing, that were published in five- compilation and production of the final manu- year periods since 1915. When we take into script was performed in Thailand during 1977 account the effect of world wars on the produc- to the end of June. Thus, whilst it is hoped that tion of publications, these figures show a the bibliography is fairly complete to the end of steady increase in work on New Guinea birds. 1976 only those 1977 publications known to me The more recent, and particularly, the present in June are incorporated into the author list; interest in the birds of this area as indicated by whilst those I find subsequent to that time will publication numbers is truly remarkable. be added to an addenda, herein, in an attempt 1915-1919= 32 1950-1954 = 52 to have the bibliography as up-to-date as possi- 1920-1924= 43 1955-1959 = 90 ble up to the time it reaches the editor. A point 1925-1929= 53 1960-1964 = 70 was reached at which titles had to be given 1930-1934= 90 1965-1969 = 121 numbers in order to cross-reference and extract 1935-1939= 78 1970-1974 = 167 systematic and geographical subject content; 1940-1944= 66 1975-1977 = 142 this point was June 1977. 1945-1949= 26 CONVENTIONS

TITLE REFERENCE NUMBER THE TITLES Each title, listed in alphabetical order of These appear as worded in the original pub- author(s), is given a reference number. These lication, with the exception that I have given numbers are printed below the author(s) name all scientific names in italics regardless of the and appear in other parts of this work where printed form in the original. In addition I have reference is made to the publications. capitalized the first letter of each word in the 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 381

full vernacular names of birds. For example: THE ANNOTATIONS Crested Tern, White-shouldered Wren, Black- backed Least Bittern, etc. This I do for consis- Annotations for the publications are ex- tency, and because I believe this is the best tremely variable in length and in the degree to way to deal with the problem of vernacular which they indicate the subject content and names, and that it should be standard practice. scope of the papers. This is inevitable in a For the convenience of users of this bibliog- bibliography which aims to annotate the titles raphy and for reference I have continued to with the present-day working ornithologist in prefix the title of certain American Museum of mind. Moreover, space has been a governing Natural History publications with "Birds of the factor throughout this work. Thus, in most cases, I give no more than a translation to titles Whitney South Sea Expedition no. " de- spite the fact that this information was given as originally published in languages other than a footnote on later publications in this series. English. In cases where a remark is made addi- Also note that in the case of one or two tional to the translation, I use square paren- publications the same title appears under two theses. No annotation is provided where I authorships (e.g., nos. 916 and 928), because believe the title itself gives an adequate indica- these publications have been referred to differ- tion of subject matter. It should be particularly ing authorship in some of the literature. noted that in this respect the inclusion of a Latin name or names in a title of a paper is THE JOURNALS very useful in a bibliography and will help compilers such as myself, the Zoological Rec- Journal abbreviations used in this bibliogra- ord, and others concerned with zoological ab- phy are those used in the World List of stracts to correctly, and with minimal work, Scientific Periodicals, fourth edition, Butter- place a title taxonomically. I believe this worth, London, 1963, with the exception that I should be editorial policy in ornithological jour- use Amer., not Am., as an abbreviation of nals at least. American. Where I could find no abbreviation An important major work on the birds of an for a particular journal in the World List I used area that includes descriptions of new forms the "list of abbreviations" therein to form one; usually will be annotated by a list of subtitles thus, for example, Explor. Soc. Aberd. Univ. but the new names erected not given (unless Un. (of no. 31 and 33). there are only one or two); whereas a brief I have not used Ibid., to indicate the same paper describing a new subspecies only will be journal or publication as that in which the pre- annotated by the new name and perhaps its ceding title appears for a number of reasons. locality or range. These intended inconsisten- Firstly, this would have made the incorporation cies are unavoidable owing to limited space, of additional titles into the bibliography at a but I hope the annotations prove useful to the later point extremely inconvenient and difficult ornithologist despite these limitations. as in the case of inserting a title from a particu- The annotations deal only with the subject lar journal into a long series of titles all from a matter concerning the Papuan Subregion. Thus, second journal, this would mean repeated and the annotation of papers, such as a number of lengthy retyping of pages of the manuscript. the "Birds of the Whitney South Sea Expedi- Secondly, in a larger bibliography of this na- tion" which deal with birds of that area as well ture it is far more helpful to be able to find the as those from elsewhere, will include only de- full reference under each title without having to tails on birds of the Papuan Subregion. search a page or pages in order to find the Some indication of the number of plates, journal name. The latter is both frustrating and photographs, figures, and maps appearing in damaging to the bibliography; the resulting publications is given as such information is wear diminishes the working life of the publi- often useful to the ornithologist concerned with cation. the production of bird plates for books, the 382 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164 geographical distribution of forms, the history mths., months of ornithological exploration, etc. In this re- Mts., mts., Mountains, mountains spect I"refer to a map specifically as such al- N.B., note well though the map may in fact appear as a N.G., New Guinea "figure" in the publication. no(s)., number(s) ornith., ornithological, ornithologist, ornithology p., pp., page, pages THE NOMENCLATURE Penin., Peninsula, Peninsular All Latin names given in the titles are, of photo(s)., photograph(s) course, as they appear in the original publica- pl(s)., plate(s) tion. Names used by authors which do not P.N.G., Papua New Guinea differ from the usage of Rand and Gilliard in R., River their Handbook of New Guinea Birds appear Ra., Range without remark or additions. For the conven- ref., reference, refers ience of present workers I in- sp., species (singular) have, however, spp., species (plural) cluded the name used by Rand and Gilliard in ssp., subspecies (singular) square parentheses within the annotation when sspp., subspecies (plural) this name differs from the original used in the subts., subtitles publication. Similarly names referred to in the U.S.A., United States of America annotations as written by the authors are fol- yr(s)., year(s) lowed by that of Rand and Gilliard, where they differ, in square parentheses. Thus, whilst the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS new publication title Some birds from New Having compiled this work over a considera- Guinea does not include the new names, these ble often will (if not too be found in the period of time, and often over considerable many) distances, I owe very much to very many peo- annotation and will be followed by the name for used by Rand and Gilliard in square paren- ple help and encouragement in various theses if different from the name erected in the ways. publication. Firstly, I thank Ms. Diane Macdonell, Ms. Christine Smith, and Ms. Kathie Way for assis- tance and encouragement during the early de- ABBREVIATIONS velopment of the bibliography. To save space, a number of frequently used The following friends and colleagues have words within the annotations, or words com- kindly provided me with suggestions, correc- monly abbreviated elsewhere have been abbre- tions, additions, translations and/or reprints viated as indicated below. The names of the which have greatly facilitated and often im- months and the points of the compass have proved the production of the bibliography: been abbreviated in the usual manner. First, Ms. Cecily Allen, Lt. Col. Harry Bell, Mr. second, third, are abbreviated as usual; e.g., C. W. Benson, Mr. Murray Bruce, Mr. Frank 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Denton, Dr. Jared Diamond, Mr. Ian Galbraith, annot., annotated Mr. Graeme George, Mr. Derek Goodwin, Dr. Archipel., Archipelago Colin Harrison, Ms. Mary Haynes, Brother a.s.l., above sea level Matthew Heron, Mr. Harry Horswell, Mr. Au- Aust., Australia gustine Jones, Ms. Mary LeCroy, Mr. Eric col., color, colored Lindgren, Mr. Roy Mackay, Mr. John exped., expedition McKean, Dr. Gerlof Mees, Ms. Jette Nybroe, explr., explore, exploration Mr. fig(s)., figure(s) Shane Parker, Mr. William Peckover, Dr. ft., feet Richard Schodde, the late Mr. Hobart Van I., is., Island, islands Deusen, Mrs. Inez and Mr. Tom Weston. To imm., immature these people I owe much. incl., included, includes, including In addition many ornithologists working on m., metres the New Guinea avifauna, too numerous to Mt., Mount, Mountain name here, sent reprints to me in my isolation 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 383

from larger libraries. These have obviously particular thanks for valuable advice, criticism, been of very great value, and I thank all those and literature over several years. concerned. Mr. Murray Bruce, with his remarkable en- To the librarians and staff of the following cyclopedic knowledge of the ornithological lit- societies and institutions I am particularly erature of the Australasian area, has been a grateful for the privilege of permission to work great help to me. His correspondence subse- in, or use, their literature stocks: quent to examining an early draft of the bibli- The American Museum of Natural History, ography resulted in a large increase in the New York, general and ornithological libraries. number of titles. In addition, he unhesitatingly Avicultural Society, London. gave freely of his limited time at the American British Museum of Natural History, London, Museum of Natural History to discuss the bibli- general, zoological and sub-department of or- ography at length, as well as subsequently fill- nithology (Tring, Hertfordshire) libraries. ing many gaps remaining in the draft. British Ornithologists' Club, London. Ms. Mary LeCroy, of the Ornithology De- Defense Mapping Agency, Washington (spe- partment of the American Museum of Natural cifically Frank T. Nicoletti). History, has been extremely helpful in provid- National Museum of Natural History, ing me with valuable literature, as well as a Smithsonian Institution, Washington, division constant flow of up-to-date information on New of birds library. Guinea ornithological developments and useful Papua New Guinea Bird Society, Port suggestions. I am particularly grateful to her Moresby. for providing additions, translations, and com- Royal Australasian Ornithologists' Union, ments to both an early draft and the final manu- Melbourne. script without which I could not have I am particularly indebted to my parents for completed the work. For this, and her great their encouragement, and for accommodating kindness and hospitality to me and my wife me during visits to London and for housing during our visit to New York, I am very grate- much material in my absence. My wife, Dawn, ful. In addition, I thank Ms. Ivy Kuspit, who has provided continuous support and encour- typed the final manuscript. agement throughout the past five years with a I acknowledge with thanks financial support determination, often greater than my own, to from the Frank M. Chapman Memorial Fund, see the increasingly laborious task completed. administered by the American Museum of Nat- Finally, I gratefully acknowledge the consid- ural History, which provided funds for other erable interest, encouragement, and help of a ornithological studies in New York and which number of dedicated ornithologists who have also enabled me to carry out additional work on provided valuable correspondence throughout the bibliography there. most of the bibliography preparation. Among The Papua New Guinea Bird Society pre- these are most of the longer-term members of sented me with a sum to assist with personal the Papua New Guinea Bird Society, including costs, which more than covered the cost of a Mr. Roy Mackay, Mr. William Peckover, and final typescript production, while the manu- Mrs. Inez Weston; but in particular Lt. Col. script was in the hands of the American Mu- Harry Bell who has provided prolific corre- seum of Natural History; and for this spondence and numerous references over a noteworthy interest in the project and New number of years. To Dr. Jared Diamond I owe Guinea ornithology, I am particularly grateful. B I B L I O G R A P H Y Ahlquist, J. E. 1954. See no. 174. 1974. See no. 178. 1955. See no. 329. Aleexander, W. B. 9. 1956. Remarks on the Starlings, Family 1. 1917. Migration of birds between New Sturnidae. Amer. Mus. Novitates, Guinea and Australia. Emu, vol. 17, no. 1803, pp. 1-41. pp. 112-113. (Systematics re-examined, incl. (Letter concerning status of migrant N.G. Aplonis and Mino. See also Merops ornatus and Dicrurus hotten- no. 7.) tottus. See also no. 711.) 10. 1959. Remarks on the subspecies of the 2. 1924. Sonnerat's voyage to New Guinea. Grass Owl, Tyto capensis. J. Bom- Emu, vol. 23, pp. 299-305. bay Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. 56, pp. (Historical summary & details of 344-346. Sonnerat's ornith. observations; 2 pl. (Inc. N.G. T. c. papuensis.) of bird paintings.) 1966. See no. 661. 3. 1928. Australian birds occurring in New 11. 1968a. Study of the avifauna of New Guinea. Emu, vol. 27, pp. 277-279. Guinea. Natn. Geogr. Soc. Res. (9 spp. new to N.G.) Repts., 1963 Projs., pp. 69-73. Anniadon, D. (Brief history of Gilliard's 1964 ex- 4. 1941a. Notes on some Australian birds of pedition to Batanta I. and Tamrau prey. Emu, vol. 40, pp. 365-384. Mts. in Irian Jaya; and to Schrader (Discussion and measurements of Mts. and Aiome in P.N.G. See nos. N.G. skins of Haliastur sphenurus, 326, 347.) Circus approximans, Pandion 1968b. See no 136. haliaetus, Falco berigora.) Amadon, D., and G. Woolfenden 1941b. See no. 598. 12. 1952. Notes on the Mathews Collection of 5. 1942. Birds of the Whitney South Sea Ex- Australian birds. The Order pedition 49. Notes on some non- Ciconiiformes. Amer. Mus. Novi- genera, 1. Amer. Mus. tates, no. 1564, pp. 1-16. Novitates, no. 1175, pp. 1-11. (Refers to 8 N.G. spp. and incl. (Subts. = Races of Phalacrocorax measurements of N-.G. Ardea melanoleucos; Geographical varia- sumatrana and Egretta garzetta tion in Notophoyx novaehollandiae; skins.) Revision of Nycticorax caledonicus. Ames, P. L. See also no. 6.) 13. 1975. The application of syringeal mor- 6. 1943a. Birds of the Whitney South Sea Ex- phology to the classification of the pedition 52. Notes on some non- Old World eaters (Mus- passerine genera, 3. Amer. Mus. cicapidae). Bonn. Zool. Beitr., vol. Novitates, no. 1237, pp. 1-22. 26, pp. 107-134. (Subts. = Revision of Anas super- (Some N.G. spp. of Orthonyx, ciliosa; Revision of Ducula pacifica Cinclosoma, Ifrita, Monarcha, [1 new ssp.]; Polynesian races of Arses, Machaerirhynchus, , Chaklophaps indica. See also no. 5.) Monachella, Peneothello, Rhipidura, 7. 1943b. The genera of starlings and their re- Pachycephala, and Pitohui exam- lationships. Amer. Mus. Novitates, ined.) no. 1247, pp. 1-16. Anon. (Discusses characters, composition 14. 1918. How birds of paradise are caught. and systematics of Aplonis and Avicult. Mag., vol. 9, pp. 274-278. Mino. See also no. 9.) (Brief account of collecting live 1947. See no. 599. birds by J. E. Ward and natives.) 8. 1951. Taxonomic notes on the Australian 15. 1929. Dr. Ernst Mayr's Neuguinea-Reise. (Family Cracticidae). Orn. Mber., vol. 37, pp. 62-63, 95. Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. 1504, (Dr. Ernst Mayr's New Guinea expe- pp. 1-33. dition. See also no. 552.) (Discussion and measurements of 16. 1961. No title. Aust. Bird Banding Scheme N.G. sspp.) Newsl., no. 4, pp. 1-13. 384 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 385

(Aust. banded Threskiornis mvluccus Paradise Sanctuary. Published by the recovered in N.G.) Trustees. pp. 1-16. 17. 1962. Recovery Round-up. Aust. Bird (Adds Ailuroedus buccoides and Bander, vol. 1, pp. 39-41. Pachycephala hyperythra to sanc- (Aust. banded Egretta alba re- tuary area bird list. See also nos. 25, covered in N.G.) 29, 36, 37.) 18. 1964. Recovery Round-up. Aust. Bird 29. 1972. 1971-72 Annual Report of the Trust- Bander, vol. 2, pp. 115-117. ees of the Wildlife and Bird of Par- (Aust. banded Egretta garzetta re- adise Sanctuary Baiyer River. covered in N.G.) Published by the Trustees, pp. 1-19. 19. 1965. Recovery Round-up. Aust. Bird (Appendix lists 88 bird spp. seen in Bander, vol. 3, pp. 18-19. sanctuary area. See also nos. 25, 28, (Aust. banded Prophyrio porphyrio 36, 37.) and Egretta garzetta recovered in 30. 1973a. Recovery Round-up. Aust. Bird N.G. See also nos. 487, 488.) Bander, vol. 11, pp. 40-42. 20. 1968. Recovery Round-up. Aust. Bird (Todopsis cyanocephala recovered 4 Bander, vol. 6, pp. 18-21. yrs. 10 mths. after banding.) (Aust. banded Threskiornis moluccus 31. 1973b. Report on the Aberdeen University recovered in N.G.) Expedition to Papua New Guinea, 21. 1969. Recovery Round-up. Aust. Bird Summer 1973. Explor. Soc. Aberd. Bander, vol. 7, pp. 40-49. Univ. Un., pp. 1-16. (Aust. banded Chlidonias hybrida (Brief narrative and sections on taxa recovered in N.G.) and subjects. pp. 9-12 on birds; 22. 1970a. Recovery Round-up. Aust. Bird being predominantly list of spp. ob- Bander, vol. 8, pp. 66-69. served at Lae, Garaina, Wewak, Mt. (N.G. banded Meliphaga gracilis re- Hagen and Baiyer R., Port Moresby covered 5 yrs. and 3 yrs. 10 mths. and district and islands Kairiru, later; and a M. analoga 5 yrs. later, Muschu, Walis and Tarawei. 3 with photo.) maps, 1 photo., numerous text figs. 23. 1970b. Recovery Round-up. Aust. Bird See also no. 33.) Bander, vol. 8, pp. 87-89. 32. 1974a. CSIRO Division of Wildlife Re- (Aust. banded Halycon sancta re- search Report 1972-74. 70 pp. covered on Trobriand Is.) (p. 23 reports on study of pigeon 24. 1970c. Recovery Round-up. Aust. Bird diets in N.G. See also nos. 195, Bander, vol. 9, pp. 65-68. 197, 290, 291, 292.) (N.G. banding recoveries indicate 33. 1974b. Aberdeen University 1974 Expedi- Halcyon sancta returning to same tion to Papua New Guinea. Explor. wintering area.) Soc. Aberd. Univ. Un., pp. 1-46. 25. 1970d. 1969-70 Annual Report of the Trust- (Brief narrative and sections on taxa ees of the Hallstrom Park Bird of and subjects. pp. 16-24 on birds Paradise Sanctuary. Published by the being predominantly lists of spp. ob- Trustees, pp. 1-16. served at Rauit, Port Moresby, (Appendix lists 141 bird spp. seen in Baiyer R., Schouten Is. and Kairiru sanctuary area, Baiyer River. See and Mushu Is. 10 maps, 5 photos., also nos. 28, 29, 36, 37.) numerous text figs. See also no. 31.) 26. 1971a. Recovery Round-up. Aust. Bird 34. 1975a. Recovery Round-up. Aust. Bird Bander, vol. 9, pp. 17-19. Bander, vol. 13, pp. 62-64. (N.G. banded Tanysiptera galatea (S. Orkney banded Macronectes gi- recovered 3 yrs. 9 mths. later, with ganteus recovered in N.G. See also photo.) no. 421.) 27. 1971b. Recovery Round-up. Aust. Bird 35. 1975b. Recovery Round-up. Aust. Bird Bander, vol. 9, pp. 89-92. Bander, vol. 13, pp. 16-18. (Toxorhamphus iliolophus recovered (Aust. banded Ducula spilorrhoa re- 7 yrs. 2 mths. after banding.) covered in N.G.) 28. 1971c. 1970-71 Annual Report of the Trust- 36. 1975c. 1974-75 Annual Report of the Trust- ees of the Hallstrom Park Bird of ees of the Wildlife and Bird of Par- 386 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

adise Sanctuary Baiyer River. Archbold, R., A. L. Rand, and L. J. Brass Published by the Trustees, pp. 1-35. 43. 1942. Results of the Archbold Expeditions, (Appendix lists 147 bird spp. seen in no. 41. Summary of the 1938-1939 sanctuary area. See also nos. 25, 28, New Guinea Expedition. Bull. 29, 37.) Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 79, pp. 37. 1976a. Baiyer River List. Suppl. to New 197-288. Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 116, (Subts. incl.: Survey of area [N. pp. 1-3. slope of Snow Mts.]; Itinerary; De- (146 spp. and general indication of scription of collecting stations; Plant status. See also nos. 25, 28, 29, formations and summary of habitats; 36.) Notes on distribution of birds; Re- 38. 1976b. Recovery Round-up. Aust. Bird sults of the expedition [list of publi- Bander, vol. 14, pp. 76-79. cations]. 3 maps, 35 pls. of 56 (Japan banded Puffinus leucomelas photos. of vegetation, etc. For de- recovered in N.G. 2 mths. later. tails of observations and specimens Aust. banded Egretta intermedia re- see nos. 40, 43, 127, 713, 714, 718, covered in Irian Jaya 1 yr. later and 719, 721.) a N.G. banded Lonchura caniceps Armstrong, E. A. recovered dead where banded 6 yrs. 44. 1947. Bird Display and Behavior. London. 2 mths. later.) Lindsay Drummond Ltd. 431 pp. 1977. See nos. 1001, 1002. (Many examples of bird of paradise Ap-Thomas, M., and J. Ap-Thomas and bowerbird displays given and il- 39. 1976. Birds of Motupore Island, Bootless lustrated in 7 of 32 pls.) Inlet. New Guinea Bird Soc. Assem, J. van den Newsl., no. 121, p. 6. 45. 1960. Vogelwaamemingen in Nieuw (Briefly annot. list of 11 spp.) Guinea. Ardea, vol. 48, pp. 178-182. Archbold, R. (Bird observations in New Guinea.) 40. 1941. Unknown New Guinea. Natn. Ge- Auber, L. ogr. Mag., vol. 79, pp. 315-338. 46. 1934. Der Rassenkreis Chalcopsittacus dui- (General account of 3rd Archbold venbodei Dubois. Anz. Orn. Ges. Exped., 1 map, 28 photos. See also Bayern, vol. 2, pp. 313-315. nos. 43, 127, 713, 714, 718, 719, (The species Chalcopsittacus duiven- 721.) bodei [=Chalcopsitta duivenbodei] Airchbold, R., and A. L. Rand Dubois. Describes C. d. intermedius 41. 1935. Results of the Archbold Expeditions, [=C. d. syringanuchalis].) no. 7. Summary of the 1933-1934 47. 1938. Die Rassen und Artenkreise de Papuan Expedition. Bull. Amer. Genus Eos Wagler (Aves). Fest- Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 68, pp. schrift f. Embrik Strand, vol. 4, 527-579. Riga., pp. 673-782. (The races and (Itinerary. Description of route and superspecies of the genus Eos habitats. Much on altitudinal distri- Wagler (Aves).) bution of birds in S.E.N.G. Nos. 48. 1957. The distribution of structural colors birds collected. 1 map, 18 pls. of 35 and unusual pigments in the class photos, mostly of vegetation. For Aves. Ibis, vol. 99, pp. 463-476. details of observations and speci- (No. of N.G. spp. included, par- mens see nos. 613, 614, 617, 706, ticularly Paradisaeidae.) 707.) 42. 1940. New Guinea Expedition, Fly River Baker, H. D. Area, 1936-1937. New York. Robert 49. 1923. Birds of paradise on Little Tobago M. McBride and Co. xvii + 206 pp. Island. Bird Lore, vol. 25, pp. (Useful popular account of exped. 295-302. containing much on itinerary, etc. 10 (Observations by W. C. Luban on maps, 114 photos. For scientific re- introduced Paradisaea apoda. Some sults see nos. 126, 709, 710, 711, interesting notes for non-breeding 712, 715, 718, 720, 725.) season.) 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 387

Baker, J. R., A. J. Marshall, and T. H. Harrisson birds, mostly Paradisaeidae. Of 17 50. 1940. The seasons in a tropical rain photos, 2 show nests of (New Hebrides). Part 5. Birds erythrogaster macklotti and (Pachycephala). J. Linn. Soc. Ptilinopus pulchellus decorus. See (Zool.), vol. 41, pp. 50-70. also nos. 155, 617.) (Incl. N.G. breeding data for P. Bell, H. L. griseiceps, modesta, rufinucha, so- 57. 1966a. Some wader observations from New ror, schlegelii, pectoralis rosseliana, Guinea. Emu, vol. 66, p. 32. Rhagologus leucostigma and My- (1st N.G. sight records of Tringa iolestes megarhynchus fortis.) stagnatalis, glareola and totanus and Banks, E. Lobibyx novaehollandiae [see also 51. 1950. Exhibition of birds of paradise from no. 953]; probable presence of New Guinea. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, Esacus magnirostris and flock of vol. 70, pp. 38-39. Limosa limosa reported. Brief cor- (Brief note on Astrapia mayeri and rigendum to this note in Emu, vol. stephaniae.) 69, p. 59.) Bangs, O., and J. L. Peters 58. 1966b. Some feeding habits of the Rainbow 52. 1926. A collection of birds from south- Lorikeet. Emu, vol. 66, pp. 71-72. western New Guinea (Merauke coast (On Trichoglossus haematodus ?mi- and inland). Bull. Mus. Comp. cropteryx. See also no. 68.) Zool. Harv., vol. 67, pp. 421-434. 59. 1967a. Masked Plover breeding in New (List of skins of 94 spp. collected by Guinea. Emu, vol. 66, pp. 295-296. T. Jackson in 1920-24; some meas- (1st N.G. breeding of Lobibyx miles urements. Geopelia humeralis gre- and mention of presence of L. galis and Gymnorhina tibicen novaehollandiae.) papuana described.) 60. 1967b. Nesting notes on the Frill-necked Barker, R. D. Flycatcher. Emu, vol. 66, p. 301. 1976. See no. 292. (Arses telescophthalmus. Both sexes Barker, W. R. incubate.) 1977. See no. 1003. 61. 1967c. Bower "painting" by Lauterbach's Barrett, C. Bowerbird. Emu, vol. 66, pp. 53. 1949. Parrots of Australasia. Melbourne. 353-356. N. H. Seward Pty. Ltd. 112 pp. (Chlamydera lauterbachi.) (Popular account, incl. some N.G. 62. 1967d. Bird life of the Balimo Sub-district, species that also inhabit Cape York.) Papua. Emu, vol. 67, pp. 57-79. Barrett, C., and L. S. Crandall (Description of area and annot. spp. 54. 1932. The Bower-birds and their bowers. list from Oct. observations. 4th Den- Bull. N.Y. Zool. Soc., vol. 35, pp. drocygna eytoni N.G. record. 12 55-69. photos., 1 map.) (Brief ref. to some N.G. spp., 11 63. 1967e. An association of two New Guinea photos.) bird species. Emu, vol. 67, pp. Bartholomew, G. A. 95-98. 1970. See no. 482. (Parasitism by Dicrurus hottentottus Beach, J. upon Pomatostomus isidori in feed- 55. 1975. Display and mating of the King of ing.) Saxony Bird of Paradise. New 64. 1968a. Some distribution notes on New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl. (Bird Guinea Highland birds. Emu, vol. notes), no. 109, pp. 1-2. 67, pp. 211-214. (Pteridophora alberti. See also nos. (On Elanus caeruleus, Numenius mi- 118, 386.) nutus, Acroc ephalus arundinaceus Beck, R. H. and Cisticola exilis in Mt. Hagen 56. 1929. A collector in the land of the birds area, with note of habitat change in of paradise. Nat. Hist., N.Y., vol. Baiyer R. Valley. Brief corrigendum 29, pp. 563-578. to this in Emu, vol. 69, p. 59.) (Popular account of collecting ex- 65. 1968b. Report of the New Guinea Bird So- ped. 1928-29, mentioning various ciety. Emu, vol. 67, pp. 262-264. 388 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

(Origin, activities and officers.) cated record of Calidris ferruginea 66. 1968c. The Fairy Martin a new bird for in Aust. N.G.; range extension of New Guinea. Emu, vol. 68, p. 5. Dacelo leachii, Saxicola caprata and (Petrochelidon ariel.) Myzomela obscura.) 67. 1968d. The Noisy Pitta in New Guinea. 76. 1970b. Extension of altitudinal range of the Emu, vol. 68, pp. 92-94. Black-and-red Honeyeater. Emu, (Pitta versicolor in Port Moresby vol. 70, p. 31. area and comment on status.) (Myzomela rosenbergii.) 68. 1968e. A further note on the feeding of 77. 1970c. Possible anting by the Black-backed Lorikeets. Emu, vol. 68, p. 221. . Emu, vol. 70, p. 31. (Insect feeding by Trichoglossus (Cracticus mentalis.) haematodus ?micropteryx. See also 78. 1970d. The Rufous Owl in New Guinea. no. 58.) Emu, vol. 70, p. 31. 69. 1969a. A new bird for New Guinea. Emu, (8 bird spp. mobbing a Ninox rufa.) vol. 69, p. 53. 79. 1970e. Habitat of the Yellow-billed King- (Lonchura punctulata. However, fisher. Emu, vol. 70, pp. 31-32. brief corrigendum to this note in (Halcyon torotoro in N.G.) Emu, vol. 69, p. 245, presents sub- 80. 1970f. Distribution of the Blue-faced Par- sequent record of L. tristissima at rot-finch. Emu, vol. 70, p. 32. same locality and, therefore, pres- (Erythrura trichroa in lowland N.G.) ence of L. punctulata should await 81. 1970g. The Flamed Bowerbird Sericulus au- confirmation. See also no. 1027.) reus. Emu, vol. 70, pp. 64-68. 70. 1969b. Field notes on the birds of the Ok (Xanthomelus aureus systematics, Tedi River drainage, New Guinea. distribution and habits discussed and Emu, vol. 69, pp. 193-211. 1st bower, of X. a. ardens described (Description of area and annot. spp. and illustrated. Brief summary of list from March-May observation. knowledge of X. bakeri. 1 map, 2 1st record of Fulica atra and photos.) Motacilla flava in Aust. N.G. 1 82. 1970h. Field notes on birds of the Nomad map, 1 photo.) River Sub-district, Papua. Emu, vol. 71. 1969c. Recent Papuan breeding records. 70, pp. 97-104. Emu, vol. 69, pp. 235-237. (Description of area and annot. spp. (Megapodius freycinet, Butorides list. Range extension of Paradisaea striatus; 1st N.G. Centropus pha- apoda and inland records of sianinus nesting and 1st nest and Chlidonias leucoptera and Sterna eggs of Ptilinopus perlatus and fuscata.) Lonchura caniceps described.) 72. 1969d. Distraction display of the Fawn- 83. 1970i. Additions to the avifauna of Good- breasted Bowerbird. Emu, vol. 69, enough Island, Papua. Emu, vol. 70, p. 242. pp. 179-182. (Chlamydera cerviniventris.) (Comprehensive annot. spp. list, 73. 1969e. Status of the White-winged in incl. 12 additions. Change in status New Guinea. Emu, vol. 69, pp. noted for some.) 243-244. 84. 1970j. Notes on the Red-cheeked Parrot, (Lalage sueurii.) Geoffroyus geoffroyi, in New 74. 1969f. Ospreys' colonization of a man-made Guinea. Aust. Bird Watcher, vol. 3, lake. Aust. Bird Watcher, vol. 3, p. pp. 213-218. 211. (Ecology, behavior and breeding.) (Pandion on Sirinumu Dam.) 85. 1970k. New Guinea's two black and white 75. 1970a. Field notes on the birds of Amazon butcherbirds. Aust. Bird Watcher, Bay, Papua. Emu, vol. 70, pp. vol. 3, pp. 267-269. 23-26. (Cracticus cassicus and mentalis.) (Annot. spp. list. 1st description of 86. 19701. High altitude occurrence of the Ptilinopus iozonus nest; 1st authenti- Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus at 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 389

6,500 ft. Aust. Bird Watcher, vol. no. 110, pp. 8-10. 3, pp. 276. (Survey of isolated montane forest 87. 1970m. The Rainbow-bird Merops ornatus in avifauna.) New Guinea. Aust. Bird Watcher, 96. 1975c. Wallace's Wren Warbler Todopsis vol. 3, pp. 277-278. wallacii. New Guinea Bird Soc. (Establishing status as wintering visi- Newsl., no. 110, p. 7. tor and breeding resident in S.N.G.) (Note on nest building, nest and sta- 88. 1971a. Field-notes on birds of Mt. Albert tus. NB. see also New Guinea Bird Edward, Papua. Emu, vol. 71, pp. Soc. Newsl., no. 83, p. 2 and no. 13-19. 115, p. 13.) (Description of area and annot. spp. 1977. See no. 1004. list from Sept.-Oct., incl. 102 speci- Bemmel, A. C. V. van mens. Status changes noted, based 97. 1947. Two small collections of New on earlier Archbold Exped. work Guinea birds. Treubia, vol. 19, pp. [see nos. 41, 617]. 1 map.) 1-45. 89. 1971b. Extension of range of the Common (Annot. spp. list and systematics Paradise Kingfisher. Emu, vol. 71, comments and measurements; from p. 141. Ta R., Geelvink Bay July-Dec. and (Tanysiptera galatea on Huon Pionier Bivouac, Mamberamo R., Penin.) N.W.N.G.; 1 map.) 90. 1971c. Records of waders in New Guinea. 98. 1958. Een nieuwe vogelsoort voor Nieuw Emu, vol. 71, p. 143. Guinea? Ardea, vol. 46, p. 171. (Letter emphasizing recent important (A new bird for N.G.? [Cacatua wader observations.) sanguinea from Merauke, S.N.G.].) 91. 1971d. Sedentary status of some New 99. 1965. Paradiesvogel. Orn. Mitt., Gottin- Guinea jungle birds. Aust. Bird gen, vol. 17, pp. 58-64. Bander, vol. 9, p. 85. (Birds of paradise [historical and be- (Retraps of 6 birds, of 4 spp., at havioral notes on captives, 9 pho- original banding point 2 and 3 yrs. tos.].) later. 1 photo.) Berger, A. J. 92. 1972a. Altitudinal distribution of bowerbirds 100. 1956. On the anatomy of the Red Bird of of the genus Amblyornis. Emu, vol. Paradise, with comparative remarks 72, p. 34. on the Corvidae. Auk, vol. 73, pp. (Brief note on A. subalaris and mac- 427-446. gregoriae in Aroa R. area and their (Close examination of a single Para- habitats. See also nos. 277, 372, disaea rubra did not reveal sim- 401, 491, 823.) ilarities to Corvids.) 93. 1972b. Notes on the Yellow-faced Myna. Berggy, T. Emu, vol. 72, p. 110. 1976. See no. 1005. (Hole nesting and roosting by Mino Bergman, S. dumonti.) 101. 1950. Vildar och Paradisfaglar. Stockholm. 94. 1975a. Avifauna of the Ninigo and Hermit Bonnier. Islands, New Guinea. Emu, vol. 75, (Savages and birds of paradise.) pp. 77-84. 102. 1951. Vildar och Paradisfaglar; Skildringer (Description of areas and annot. spp. fran en forskningsfard till Nya list, incl. a few specimens from Au- Guinea. Stockholm. gust. Structure and affinities of avi- (Savages and birds of paradise; de- fauna discussed and compared with scribed from an expedition to New N.G. and earlier findings of Whitney Guinea.) Exped. [see nos. 575, 586, 589, 103. 1952. Wilde und Paradiesvogel; eine 870]. 1 map.) Forschungsreise nach Neuguinea. 95. 1975b. Mount Bosavi as an ecological is- Wiesbaden. Brockhaus. 270 pp., I land. New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., map, 1 col. pi.) 390 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

(Savages and birds of paradise; an 112. 1960. The smallest parrots of the world. expedition to New Guinea.) Avicult. Mag., vol. 66, pp. 104. 1956a. Paradiesisch Insel; Urwaldtiere und 209-2 15. Steinzeitmenschen in Neuguinea. (Important notes on wild and captive Wiesbaden. Brockhaus. 229 pp. Micropsitta keiensis, incl. communal (Paradise Island; Jungle wildlife and roosting. 7 photos., see also no. stone age people in New Guinea.) 109.) 105. 1956b. On the display and breeding of the 113. 1961a. Mein Vater, der Kannibale. King Bird of Paradise Cicinnurus re- Wiesbaden. Brockhaus. 214 pp. gius rex (Scop.) in captivity. Nova (See also nos. 111, 114.) Guinea, vol. 7, pp. 197-205. 114. 1961b. My father is a cannibal. London. (Detailed, incl. incubation and fledg- Hale. 192 pp. ing periods. 13 photos. of displays, (See also nos. 111, 113.) nestlings, fledglings and immatures. 115. 1963. Observations on the early life of Tal- See also nos. 107, 109, 293.) egalla and Megapodius in New 106. 1957a. On the display of the Six-plumed Guinea. Nova Guinea, vol. 17, pp. Bird of Paradise, Parotia sefilata 347-354. (Pennant). Nova Guinea, vol. 8, pp. 116. 1968. Mina paradisfaglar. Stockholm. Bon- 81-86. nier. 1 19 pp. (On wild and captive birds. 1 pl. (My birds of paradise.) See also nos. 108, 109, 110, 900.) Berlioz, J. 107. 1957b. On the display and breeding of the 1933. See no. 600. King Bird of Paradise, Cicinnurus Birckhead, H. regius rex (Scop.) in captivity. Avi- 1942. See no. 743. cult. Mag., vol. 63, pp. 115-124. Black, A. R. (Identical with no. 105. See also 117. 1930. Breeding the Green-naped Pheasant nos. 109, 293.) Pigeon in California. Avicult. Mag., 108. 1957c. Om spelet hos stralparadisfageln, vol. 8, 4th ser., no. 6, pp. 158-160. Parotia sefilata (Pennant). Fauna (Otidiphaps nobilis.) Flora, Upps., vol. 52, pp. 186-199. Black, J. (The display of the Six-plumed Bird 118. 1975. Display and mating of the King of of Paradise Parotia sefilata (Pen- Saxony Bird of Paradise. New nant). [Identical with no 106, but Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 109, has 9 photos., see also nos. 109, p. 1. 110, 900]). (Pteridophora alberti. See also nos. 109. 1957d. Through primitive New Guinea. 55, 386.) London. Robert Hale Ltd. 191 pp. Bock, W. J. (Popular account of 1952-53 exped. 119. 1956. A generic review of the family Ar- Much on birds, particularly Microp- deidae (Aves). Amer. Mus. Novi- sitta keiensis [see also no. 112],. tates, no. 1779, pp. 1-49. Cicinnurus regius [see also nos. (Briefly summarizes characters and 105, 107, 293] and Parotia sefilata taxonomic status of all N.G. spp., 1 [see also nos. 106, 108, 110, 900]. fig.) 16 photos.) 120. 1963. Relationships between the birds of 110. 1958. On the display of the Six-plumed paradise and bower birds. Condor, Bird of Paradise, Parotia sefilata vol. 65, pp. 91-125. (Pennant). Avicult. Mag., vol. 64, (Study of skull morphology with ev- pp. 3-8. olutionary and systematic conclu- (Wild and captive observations. 9 sions. 13 figs.) valuable photos. of displays. See Bock, W. J., and H. Morioka also nos. 106, 108, 109, 900.) 121. 1971. Morphology and evolution of the 111. 1959. Min far ar Kannibal. Stockholm. ectethmoid-mandibular articulation in Bonnier. 234 pp. the Meliphagidae (Aves). J. Morph., (My father is a cannibal. See also vol. 135, pp. 13-50. nos. 113, 114.) (No. of N.G. genera incl., par- 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 391

ticularly Melithreptus. Findings sug- Archbold exped.; considerable value gest these birds take with to ornith. studies. For ornith. results tongue coated with mucus. 16 figs.) see nos. 40, 43, 713, 714, 718, 719, Boehm, E. M. 721.) 122. 1967. Successful breedings at the Edward 1942. See no. 43. Marshall Boehm aviaries in 1966. 128. 1956. Results of the Archbold Expeditions, Avicult. Mag., vol. 73, pp. no. 75. Summary of the Fourth 116-120. Archbold Expedition to New Guinea (Incl. Astrapia stephaniae and may- (1953). Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. eri, and Diphyllodes magnificus.) Hist., vol. 111, pp. 81-152. Boetticher, H. von (Organization, itinerary, major plant 123. 1943. Gedanken iiber die systematische communities, general survey of area Stellung einiger Papageien. Zool. (Goodenough I. and adjacent main- Anz., vol. 143, pp. 191-200. land N.G.) and brief summary of (Thoughts on the systematic position previous collecting and explor. List of some parrots. [Incl. distribution and nos. of bird spp. collected. 1 of Cacatua galerita and sanguinea].) map, 12 pls. For ornith. results see 1955. See. no. 729. nos. 129, 621.) Bolsche, W. 129. 1959. Results of the Archbold Expeditions, 125. 1931. Love-life in Nature. London. no. 79. Summary of the Fifth Arch- Jonathan Cape. 1124 pp. bold Expedition to New Guinea (Part 7 = In the Nuptial Bower of (1956-1957). Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. the Birds of Paradise, pp. 701-762. Hist., vol. 118, pp. 5-69. An interesting, if poetic, discussion (Only 20 birds collected; neverthe- covering evolution of breeding sys- less valuable, with much on geogra- tems, plumage, bowers, etc.; also phy, climate, previous collecting, effect of natural and sexual selection habitats and plant communities on upon morphology.) D'Entrecasteaux Group and Bogert, C. Louisiade Archipel. See also nos. 124. 1937. The distribution and the migration of 128, 621.) the Long-tailed Cuckoo (Urodynamis 130. 1964. Results of the Archbold Expeditions, taitensis Sparrman). Amer. Mus. no. 86. Summary of the Sixth Arch- Novitates, no. 933, pp. 1-12. bold Expedition to New Guinea (Eudynamis taitensis, 1 N.G. record (1959). Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. incl.) Hist., vol. 127, pp. 147-215. Boschma, H. (Only 24 birds collected; neverthe- See no. 443. less valuable, with general geograph- Braithwaite, L. W. ical and faunistic descriptions, 1974. See no. 290. mostly of Eastern Highlands. 12 Brass, L. J. pls., 1 map.) 126. 1938. Notes on the vegetation of the Fly Bregulla, H. and Wassi Kussa Rivers, British 1972. See nos. 951, 1000. New Guinea. J. Arnold Arbor., vol. Bright, H. 19, pp. 174-190. 131. 1922. Notes on breeding the White- (Botanical results of Archbold breasted Ground Pigeon. Avicult. 1936-37 exped.; considerable value Mag., 3rd ser., vol. 13, pp. to ornith. studies. For ornith. results 168-170. see nos. 42, 709, 710, 711, 712, (Gallicolumba jobiensis, in cap- 715.) tivity.) 1940. See no. 725. Brongersma, L. D. 127. 1941. The 1938-1939 expedition to the 132. 1958. The world of Netherland Snow Mountains, Netherlands New New Guinea. Groningen, J. B. Wol- Guinea. J. Arnold Arbor., vol. 22, ters. 70 pp. pp. 271-342. (Popular account, with chapters on (Itinerary and botanical results of birds, origins of fauna and zoologi- 392 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

cal explor.; 4 photos, 1 fig. of ries of Karam natural history. Man- birds.) kind, vol. 6, pp. 621-639. 133. 1961. Zoological exploration of Nether- (Incl. beliefs concerning a few N.G. lands New Guinea. Proc. 9th Pacif. birds, notably Harpyopsis novae- Sci. Congr., vol. 19, pp. 68-71 guineae, Merops ornatus, Epi- (Very general account of early ex- machus fastuosus and E. meyeri.) plor.) Burton, C. J. Brongersma, L. D., and G. F. Venema, 142. 1953. The length of intestines in crows, 134. 1960. Het Witte Hart van Nieuw-Guinea. bowerbirds and birds of paradise. Amsterdam, Scheltens and Giltay, Emu, vol. 53, pp. 254-260. 281 pp. (Brief ref. to Manucodia ater.) (The white heart of New Guinea. Burton, J. A. (ED.) For scientific results see no. 638. 143. 1973. Owls of the world, their evolution, See no. 135.) structure and ecology. London. Peter 135. 1962. To the mountains of the stars. Lowe. 216 pp. London. Hodder & Stoughton. 318 (Summarizes knowledge of all N.G. PP. spp. Numerous maps, col. pls. and (Popular account of 1959 Dutch ex- figs.) pedition to Star Mts. For scientific Busse, H. results see no. 638.) 1973. See no. 254. Brown, L., and D. Amadon Cain, A. J. 136. 1968. Eagles, hawks and falcons of the world. London. Country Life. 945 144. 1954a. Affinities of the fruit-pigeon Ptilinopus perousii Peale. Ibis, vol. pp. 96, pp. 104-110. (Incl. treatment of comprehensive all (Comment on systematics of 5 N.G. N.G. spp. Numerous col. pls., maps and figs.) Ptilinopus spp.) 145. 1954b. Subdivisions of the genus Ptilinopus Brush, A. H. (Aves, Columbae). Bull. Br. Mus. 1974. See no. 178. Nat. Hist. Zool., vol. 2, pp. Biirgers, J. See no. 886. 267-284. Bulmer, R. (Systematic review covering all 137. 1957. A primitive ornithology. Aust. Mus. N.G. forms. 2 figs.) Mag., vol. 12, pp. 224-229. 146. 1955. A revision of Trichoglossus (Classification, mythology and use haematodus and the Australian of birds by Kyaka people of N. Mt. platycercine parrots. Ibis, vol. 97, Hagen Ra. 3 photos. See also no. pp. 432-479. 214.) (T. h. berauensis described. 16 figs.) 138. 1962. Chimbu plume traders. Aust. Mus. 147. 1957. Range changes and differential selec- Mag., vol. 14, pp. 15-19. tion in fruit-pigeons of the Ptilinopus (Bird feather trade of Chimbu people purpuratus species group. Proc. 8th and brief historical review and re- Pacif. Sci. Congr., vol. 3a, pp. marks on associated laws. 4 figs.) 1393-1412. 139. 1966. Birds as possible agents in the prop- (Incl. 3 N.G. spp. and subts. Check- agation of the sweet potato. Emu, list, Effects of divergent selection, vol. 65, pp. 165-182. Distributional history and Classifica- (In N.G. Western Highlands.) tion. 2 figs. See also no. 743.) 140. 1967. Why is the cassowary not a bird? A Calaby, J. H. problem of zoological 1972. See no. 817. among the Karam of the New Campbell, A. G. Guinea Highlands. Man, vol. 2, pp. 148. 1932. Emus in New Guinea. Emu, vol. 32, 5-25. p. 64. (Anthropological study of myths and (Hearsay report of shooting at Wau; beliefs concerning Casuarius in the doubtless imm. Casuarius) Schrader Mts.) Campbell, A. J., and A. C. Campbell 141. 1968. Worms that croak and other myste- 149. 1926. A review of the genus Cinclosoma. 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 393

Emu, vol. 26, pp. 26-40. (Brief popular summaries of the (Brief ref. to C. ajax.) families Paradisaeidae and Campbell, R. Ptilonorhynchidae by the editor. 1 150. 1976a. Field notes on the Mountain Peltops col. pl. [of Paradisaea rudolphi].) Flycatcher. New Guinea Bird Soc. Chou, T. C. Newsl., no. 119, pp. 11-12. 158. 1967. Chinese phoenix and the bird of par- (Peltops montanus, brief note on adise. A new identification of the field characters and habits.) Ancient Chinese phoenix. Bull. Inst. 1976b. See no. 520. Ethnol., Taipei, no. 24, pp. 81-122. Camras, S. (See also no. 922.) 1938. See no. 601. Clark, G. A. Carins, M. 159. 1960. Notes on the embryology and evolu- 151. 1975. Sula dactylatra off Port Moresby. tion of the megapodes (Aves: Gal- New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. liformes). Postilla, no. 45, pp. 1-7. 113, p.12. (Discusses morphology, incl. N.G. Carrick, R. forms. 2 figs. See also nos. 160, 152. 1962. Breeding, movements and conserva- 161.) tion of ibises (Threskiornithidae) in 160. 1964a. Ontogeny and evolution in the mega- Australia. CSIRO Wildl. Res., vol. podes (Aves: Galliformes). Postilla, 7, pp. 71-88. no. 78, pp. 1-37. (Incl. N.G. spp.) (Morphology of embryonic and Cates, A. (ED.) newly hatched birds, to examine ori- 153. 1972. Apo Dzufan fain minja Atzera. gins of group and evolution within Ukaraumpa. Summer Institute Lin- it. 11 figs. See also nos. 159, 161.) guistics, pp. 1-53. 161. 1964b. Life histories and the evolution of (Some birds that live in the Atzera megapodes. Living Bird, no. 3, pp. area. 24 figs., 8 in col., with Eng- 149-167. lish appendix of 16 pp.) (Distribution, reproduction and evo- Chaffer, N. lution of group. 15 photos., 1 map. 154. 1949. Notes on the New Guinea bower- See also nos. 159, 160, 286, 553, birds. Emu, vol. 49, pp. 19-25. 741.) (Nesting of Chlamydera lauterbachi Coates, B. J. and "bowers" of Amblyornis and Di- 162. 1970a. Extension of the known range of phyllodes. 3 pls.) Stephanie's Bird of Paradise. New Champion, C. R. Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 56, p. 1975. See. no. 825. 3. Chapin, J. P. (Astrapia stephaniae.) 155. 1929. A new bower-bird of the genus 163. 1970b. The Common Starling-a bird new Xanthomelus. Amer. Mus. Novi- to New Guinea. New Guinea Bird tates, no. 367, pp. 1-3. Soc. Newsl., no. 59, p. 3. (X. bakeri, collected by Beck. See (Sturnus vulgaris.) also nos. 56, 617.) 164. 1972a. Redshank near Port Moresby-a new Cheesman, E. bird for New Guinea. New Guinea 156. 1938. The land of the red bird. London. Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 81, p. 3. Herbert Joseph Ltd., pp. 1-300. (Tringa totanus.) (Popular journal of exped. to Cy- 165. 1972b. Land of paradise. World of Birds, clops Mts. area. Mention of some vol. 1, pp. 11-20. birds, notably Paradisaeidae and 166. 1973a. Birds observed on Mt. Albert Ed- associated trade and Bucerotidae. 21 ward, Papua. New Guinea Bird Soc. photos., 1 fig.) Newsl., no. 84, pp. 3-7. Chisholm, A. H. (Very briefly annot. list of 75 spp. 157. 1965. Birds of paradise and bower-birds. seen in Nov. 1970 and Dec. 1972.) In The Australian Encyclopedia, vol. 167. 1973b. Magnificent Rifle Birds in display. 2, pp. 1-12, 14-15, A. H. Chisholm, New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. Editor-in-chief. 87, p. 3. 394 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

(Craspedophora magnifica. See also of all N.G. spp., with original field nos. 188, 193, 680.) observations. All very finely illus- 168. 1973c. The Pectoral Sandpiper-a new bird trated in numerous col. pls. and for Papua New Guinea. New Guinea sketches.) Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 92, pp. 3-4. Corbin, K. W., C. G. Sibley, A. Ferguson, A. C. (Calidris melanotos.) Wilson, A. H. Brush, and J. K. Ahlquist 1975. See no. 668. 178. 1974. Genetic polymorphism in New Coles, D. Guinea starlings of the genus Ap- 169. 1976a. Display of male Paradisaea minor to lonis. Condor, vol. 76, pp. 307-318. female P. raggiana at the Baiyer (Analysis of protein polymorphisms River Sanctuary. New Guinea Bird in wild populations of A. metallica Soc. Newsl., no. 117, pp. 8-9. and cantoroides. 4 figs.) 170. 1976b. High mountain observations during a Crandall, L. S. trip to Mt. Wilhelm. New Guinea 179. 1921. The Blue Bird of Paradise. Bull. Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 121, p. 11. N.Y. Zool. Soc., vol. 24, pp. (Brief notes on 11 spp. See also no. 111-113. 860.) (Brief description of captive Para- 171. 1976c. Display of Muller's Greybird (Cor- disaea rudolphi displays. 1 col. pl.) acina morio). New Guinea Bird Soc. 180. 1929a. The New York Zoological Society's Newsl., no. 122, p. 8. expedition to New Guinea. Bull. 1976d. See no. 285. N.Y. Zool. Soc., vol. 32, pp. Colijn, A. H. 215-256. 172. 1937. Naar de Eeuwige Sneeuw van Trop- (Account of exped. to Angabunga R. isch Nederland. Amsterdam. Schelt- area, collecting live birds. 1 map, 56 tens & Giltay, 286 pp. photos. See also nos. 181, 182.) (To the eternal snow of tropical 181. 1929b. To New Guinea for living birds of Netherlands.) paradise. Nat. Hist., New York, vol. Condon, H. T. 29, pp. 579-594. 173. 1962. Australian quail thrushes of the (Popular account of exped. to An- genus Cinclosoma. Rec. S. Aust. gabunga R. area. 25 photos. See Mus., vol. 14, pp. 337-370. also nos. 180, 182.) (Systematic, incl. C. ajax of N.G.) 182. 1931. Paradise quest: a naturalist's experi- Condon, H. T., and D. Amadon ences in New Guinea. New York. 174. 1954. Taxonomic notes on Australian Scribner. 226 pp. hawks. Rec. S. Aust. Mus., vol. 11, (Account of 1928-29 exped. to N.G. pp. 189-246. for live birds. Chapter on Para- (Comments and measurements for disaeidae and index to birds men- some N.G. skins.) tioned in text. 52 photos. See also Conroy, J. W. H. nos. 180, 181.) 1975. See no. 421. 183. 1932a. Notes on certain birds of paradise. Coomans de Ruiter, L. Zoologica, N.Y., vol. 11, pp. 175. 1955. Het voorkomen van het groen 77-87. dwerggansje (Nettapus pulchellus (Molt and displays of captive Para- Gould) in de Vogelkop (N.W. disaeidae.) Nieuw-Guinea). Limosa, vol. 28, 1932b. See no. 54. pp. 7-9. 184. 1935. The most beautiful birds in the (The occurrence of the Green Pygmy world. Bull. N.Y. Zool. Soc., vol. Goose (Nettapus pulchellus Gould) 38, pp. 147-160. in the Vogelkop (N.W. New (Popular account of Paradisaeidae, Guinea).) mostly captives. 1 map, 21 photos 176. 1957. Visarenden en zeearenden. Ned. and 2 figs.) Nieuw Guinea, vol. 5, pp. 14-19. 185. 1936. Birds of paradise in display. Bull. (Fish eagles and Sea eagles.) N.Y. Zool. Soc., vol. 39, pp. Cooper, W. T., and J. M. Forshaw 87-103. 177. 1977. The birds of paradise and bower- (Primarily a folio of 14 photos and 1 birds. Sydney, Collins. 304 pp. sketch, all of Paradisaea spp. save 1 (Thorough summary of knowledge of Semioptera.) 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 395

186. 1937a. Further notes on certain birds of par- Wildl. Res., vol. 2, pp. 155-185. adise. Zoologica, N.Y., vol. 22, pp. (Much valuable data on Mega- 193-195. loprepia magnifica, Ptilinopus su- (Molt and displays of Paradisaea pe.rbus and regina, Macropygia rubra and Seleucidis melanoleuca.) amboinensis and Ducula spilorrhoa 187. 1937b. Position of wires in the display of food and feeding pertinent to N.G. the Twelve-wired Bird of Paradise. 10,figs.) Zoologica, N.Y., vol. 22, pp. 196. 1975b. Notes on the breeding of the Purple- 307-310. crowned Pigeon. Emu, vol. 75, pp. (Seleucidis melanoleuca in captivity; 172-174. 3 figs. See no. 730.) (Breeding biology of wild and cap- 188. 1938. Display of the Magnificent Rifle tive Ptilinopus superbus, pertinent to Bird. Bull. N.Y. Zool. Soc., vol. N.G. 1 fig.) 41, pp. 43-44. 197. 1975c. Breeding, feeding and status of the (Craspedophora magnifica in cap- Torres Strait Pigeon at Low Isles, tivity; 2 pls. See also nos. 167, 193, northern Queensland. Emu, vol. 75, 680.) pp. 189-198. 189. 1940. Notes on the display forms of (Data on feeding ecology, breeding Wahnes' Six-plumed Bird of Para- biology and movements of Ducula dise. Zoologica, N.Y., vol. 25, pp. spilorrhoa, pertinent to N.G. 1 257-259. map.) (Parotia wahnesi in captivity; 3 1976. See no. 291. figs.) Crome, F. H. J., and G. W. Swainson 190. 1941. Description of an egg of the Long- 198. 1974. Sight record of the Pied Harrier in tailed Bird of Paradise. Zoologica, northern New Guinea. Emu, vol. 74, N.Y., vol. 26, pp. 47-48. p. 103. (Epimachus m. meyeri in captivity; 1 (Circus melanoleucos.) col. pl. See also nos. 191, 192.) Croxall, J. P. 191. 1946a. A curious display form of a curious 199. 1977. Feeding behaviour and ecology of bird. Anim. Kingd., vol. 49, pp. New Guinea rainforest insectivorous 108-110. . Ibis, vol. 119, pp. (Epimachus m. meyeri in captivity; 4 113-146. photos. See also nos. 190, 192.) (A study of the foraging methods 192. 1946b. Further notes on display forms of the and levels within rainforest habitats Long-tailed Bird of Paradise, Epi- of members of Sylviidae, Mus- machus meyeri meyeri Finsch. Zoo- cicapidae and Pachycephalidae at logica, N.Y., vol. 31, pp. 9-10. study sites in the Port Moresby, (5 pls. of captive. See also nos. 190, Wau and Central Highlands areas. 191.) Analyze feeding observations to as- Crandall, L. S., and C. W. Leister sess degrees of ecological isolation 193. 1937. Display of the Magnificent Rifle and/or competition. Additional to Bird. Zoologica, N.Y., vol. 22, pp. summarizing results useful appen- 311-314. dices also give data on habitats and (Captive Craspedophora magnifica; weights of spp. 7 figs.) 1 fig., for pls. see no. 188. See also CSIRO, Div. Wildl. Res. nos. 167, 680.) 200. 1969. An Index of Australian Bird Names. Croft, J. R. CSIRO Div. Wildl. Res. Tech. 1977. See no. 1003. Pap., no. 20, pp. 1-93. Crome, F. H. J. (Provides "official" vernacular and 194. 1974. Australia's rainforest pigeons. Aust. scientific names for many spp. found Nat. Hist., vol. 18, pp. 17-21. in N.G.). (General account of biology of spp. in Queensland and distribution of D'Andria, A. H. them in N.G. where applicable. 5 1967. See no. 953. figs.) Davies, S. J. J. F. 195. 1975a. The ecology of fruit pigeons in trop- 201. 1976. The natural history of the Emu in ical northern Queensland. Aust. comparison with that of other ratites. 396 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

Proc. 16th Int. Orn. Cong., Can- and Salvadorina waiguensis, from berra. Aust. Acad. Sci., pp. N.G.; vol. 3 incl. Aythya australis 109-120. and Nettapus spp. from N.G.; vol. 4 (Comparative notes on N.G. Casu- incl. sections on various aspects of arius spp., 1 map.) Anatidae and corrections to vols. Dawson, W. R. 1-3. 66 col. pls., 155 figs.) 1970. See no. 482. 210. 1970. Le genre Tadorna. Alauda, vol. 38, Delacour, J. pp. 82-86. 202. 1935. Note sur les oiseaux de paradis en (The genus Tadorna. [Discussion of captivite. Oiseau Revue fr. Orn., spp., incl. T. radjah.].) vol. 5, pp. 529-533. Desfayes, M. (Note on the birds of paradise in 211. 1967. What is Ifrita? Bull. Br. Orn. Club, captivity.) vol. 87, pp. 37-38. 203. 1943. A revision of the subfamily Es- (Suggests placing Ifrita in Niltava, trildinae of the family Ploceidae. or both in Muscicapa if Niltava not Zoologica, N.Y., vol. 28, pp. retained, on external morphology 69-86. and behavioral evidence. But see (N.G. spp. discussed.) also nos. 205, 368.) 204. 1944. A revision of the family Nec- Dharmakumarsinhji, Prince K. S. tariniidae (Sunbirds). Zoologica, 212. 1943. Notes on the breeding of the Em- N.Y., vol. 29, pp. 17-38. press of Germany's Bird of Paradise (N.G. spp. discussed.) in captivity. Zoologica, N.Y., vol. 205. 1946. Les Timaliines. Oiseau Revue fr. 28, pp. 138-144. Orn., vol. 16, pp. 7-36. (Paradisaea raggiana augustaevic- (The Timaliids. [Incl. Timaliinae toriae; incubation and fledging peri- and Orthonychinae of Peters in dis- ods given. 1 pl. See also no. 213.) cussion. Combines Pomatostomus in 213. 1944. Notes on the breeding of the Em- Pomatorhinus and includes Eupetes press of Germany's Bird of Paradise in Cinclosomatidae with the aberrant in captivity. Avicult. Mag., vol. 9, genera Orthonyx, Melampitta and pp. 109-116. Ifrita.] See also nos. 206, 211, 368, (See also no. 212.) 751.) Diamond, J. M. 206. 1950. Les Timaliines additions et modifica- 214. 1966. Zoological classification system of a tions. Oiseau Revue fr. Orn., vol. primitive people. Science, N.Y., 20, pp. 187-191. vol. 151, pp. 1102-1104. (The Timaliids additions and modifi- (Bird names of the Fore people, cations. [Resurrects Pomatostomus] N.G. See also no. 137.) See also no. 205.) 215. 1967a. New subspecies and records of birds 207. 1951. Review of: Birds of Paradise and from the Karimui Basin, New Bower Birds, by Tom Iredale. Avi- Guinea. Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. cult. Mag., vol. 57, pp. 71-72. 2284, pp. 1-17. (Deplores publication of book and (7 sspp. described, 1st. record of points out basic faults. See no. 431.) Falco c. cenchroides in N.G. See 208. 1963. Notes on Austral and southern Pa- also nos. 224, 227, 233, 938.) cific birds, 9. New Guinea. Avicult. 216. 1967b. Birds of the Torricelli Mountains, Mag., vol. 69, pp. 231-234. New Guinea. Amer. Phil. Soc. Yb., (Describes Nondugl bird of paradise 1967, pp. 260-263. sanctuary.) (Report on results of exped. on grant 209. no. 4208 Penrose Fund (1966). See 1954-1964. The Waterfowl of the World. 4 vols. also nos. 218, 227.) London. Country Life. 217. 1968. Search for birds in northern New (vol. 1 incl. Anseranas semipalmata, Guinea. Explorers' J., vol. 46, pp. Dendrocygna spp. and Tadorna r. 210-223. radjah; vol. 2 incl. all spp. of Anas (General summary of 3 mths. col- 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 397

lecting and observations. Important in 1914 and 1969 are discussed.) distributional and field notes. 1 map, 224. 1971b. Birds of the Karimui Basin, New 8 photos. See also nos. 218, 227.) Guinea, Natn. Geogr. Soc. Res. 218. 1969. Preliminary Results of an Or- Repts. 1965 Projs., pp. 69-74. nithological Exploration of the North (Brief summary of itinerary and fin- Coastal Range, New Guinea. Amer. dings of June-Sept. exped. See also Mus. Novitates, no. 2362, pp. 1-57. nos. 215, 227, 233, 938.) (8 sspp. described and range exten- 225. 1972a. Further examples of dual singing by sion of Xanthomelus a. aureus. The Southwest Pacific birds. Auk, vol. ssp. Meliphaga analoga citreola 89, pp. 180-183. changed to M. orientalis citreola. (Melidectes belfordi brassi, M. Systematic revisions of Rallicula, ochromelas batesi and Philemon Ptiloprora and Sericornis virgatus- novaeguineae jobiensis. See also beccarii-nouhuysi complex. 9 figs. nos. 234, 237.) See also nos. 216, 227.) 226. 1972b. Biogeographic kinetics: Estimation 219. 1970a. Ecological consequences of island of relaxation times for avifaunas of colonization by Southwest Pacific Southwest Pacific Islands. Proc. Nat. Birds, 1. Types of niche shifts. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., vol. 69, pp. Proc. Natn. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., vol. 3199-3203. 67, pp. 529-536. (Satellite is. of N.G., their avi- (Predominantly N.G. and New Brit- faunas, diversity, immigration and ain. Subts. = Altitudinal, Habitat, extinction rates. Dispersal and spe- Vertical, Abundance and Dietary ciation via land bridges is discussed. Shifts; and Shifts in foraging tech- 2 figs.) niques. See also nos. 220, 221, 227. 1972c. Avifauna of the Eastern Highlands 229.) of New Guinea. Publs. Nuttall Orn. 220. 1970b. Ecological consequences of island Club, no. 12, pp. 1-438. colonization by Southwest Pacific (Important. Subts. incl.: Description birds, 2. The effect of species diver- of collecting localities, Patchiness of sity on total population density. distribution; Ecological sorting Proc. Natn. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., vol. mechanisms, Non-spatial sorting 67, pp. 1715-1721. mechanisms, Temporal segregation, (Almost exclusively N.G. and off- Zoogeographical affinities of Eastern shore islands. Based on rate of net- Highlands avifauna, Avifauna of Ka- ted birds per standard net-day. See rimui Basin, Altitudinal distribution, also nos. 219, 221, 229.) Breeding nonforest avifauna, Mi- 221. 1970c. Niche differences between closely grants, Bird feeding assemblages in related New Guinea birds. Amer. fruiting and flowering trees, Rain- Phil. Soc. Yb., 1970, pp. 304-306. fall, Breeding seasons in Eastern (Brief summary of results of work Highlands, Native classification and on grant no. 5034 Penrose Fund knowledge of birds. Followed by (1969). See also nos. 219, 220, spp. accounts containing notes on 938.) systematics, breeding, voice, habits, 222. 1970d. Deleted. native names, specimen details, 1970e. See no. 938. measurements and weights. 3 maps, 223. 1971a. Comparison of faunal equilibrium 42 figs. See also nos. 215, 218, turnover rates on a tropical island 224, 233, 815, 938, 1007, 1018.) and a temperate island. Proc. Natn. 228. 1973. Distributional ecology of New Acad. Sci. U.S.A., vol. 68, pp. Guinea birds. Science, N.Y., vol. 2742-2745. 179, pp. 759-769. (Comparative analysis of avifaunas (Subts. = Species diversity on is- of Karkar I., N.G. and Santa Cruz, lands, Patchiness of species distribu- California. Comparative figures for tions, Significance of patchiness, land and fresh-water birds on Karkar Ecological segregation of species, 398 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

Non-spatial segregating mechanisms, (Observations of display at bower, Some general features of competition mostly supplementary to photo. rec- and Conclusions. 9 figs.) ord. 6 pls.) 229. 1974. Colonization of exploded volcanic 236. 1974. Observations on the behaviour of the islands by birds: the supertramp Yellow-breasted Bowerbird. Sun- strategy. Science, N.Y., vol. 184, bird, vol. 5, pp. 95-98. pp. 803-806. (Chlamydera lauterbachi at several (Colonization of the defaunated is. bowers, 1 photo.) Long and Ritter. Several spp. main- Dinsmore, J. J. taining high population densities are 237. 1969. Dual calling by birds of paradise. "supertramps," better adapted to Auk, vol. 86, pp. 139-140. colonize; 9 particular spp. listed. (Paradisaea apoda on Little Tobago, Brief comparison with Karkar I. where introduced in 1909. See also made. 2 figs.) nos. 225, 234, 238, 239.) 1975. See no. 1028. 238. 1970a. History and natural history of Para- 230. 1976. Preliminary results of an ornithologi- disaea apoda on Little Tobago Is- cal exploration of the islands of land, West Indies. Carib. Jour. Sci., Vitiaz and Dampier Straits, Papua vol. 10, pp. 93-100. New Guinea. Emu, vol. 76, pp. 1-7. (Study of introduced population. (These islands are just out of Papuan Subts. incl. Annual cycle, Time of Subregion but N.G. populations are breeding, Food habits, Habitats, In- discussed, in particular Myzomela terspecific interactions. See also nos. nigrita and its sspp. Anas acuta is 237, 239.) recorded for the 1st time in the N.G. 239. 1970b. Courtship behavior of the Greater area. 2 maps.) Bird of Paradise. Auk, vol. 87, pp. 1977. See no. 1029. 305-321. Diamond, J. M., and A. G. Marshall (Study of introduced population of 231. 1976. Origin of the New Hebridean avi- Paradisaea apoda on Little Tobago fauna. Emu, vol. 76, pp. 187-200. Isl. Subts. = Display grounds, (Role of the N.G. avifauna as a Calls, Courtship display, Seasonal source of colonization discussed. 5 activity, Daily rhythm of displays, figs.) Displays by other Paradisaea. 1 fig. Diamond, J. M., and M. Raga See also nos. 237, 238.) 232. 1976. Some birds rarely seen in Papua Disney, H. J. de S. New Guinea. New Guinea Bird Soc. 240. 1963. Cuckoos. Aust. Nat. Hist., vol. 14, Newsl., no. 127, p. 12. pp. 169-173. (5 spp. from Vanimo Timber area (General account with biological and Fly R. Region, Oct.-Nov.) notes on African and Aust. forms, Diamond, J. M., and J. W. Terborgh mention of N.G. birds also. 3 figs.) 233. 1965. Ecological study of the birds of Dolan, J. M., Jr. Mount Michael, New Guinea. Amer. 241. 1967. In the land of the bird of paradise. Phil. Soc. Yb., 1965, pp. 305-308. Zoonooz, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 14-18. (Summary of June-Sept. 1964 ex- (Popular account of a trip to N.G. to ped. with brief outline of feeding obtain live birds for the San Diego ecology and distributional studies. Zoo. 2 col. pls. See also no. 1006.) See also nos. 215, 224, 227, 938.) 242. 1970. Pigeons with stately crowns and 234. 1968. Dual singing by New Guinea birds. royal colors. Zoonooz, vol. 43, no. Auk, vol. 85, pp. 62-82. 1, pp. 5-8. (Analysis of all N.G. duetting (Goura in San Diego Zoo. 4 col. known to date. 10 spp. discussed in pls.) detail. See also nos. 225, 237.) Dorst, J. Diczbalis, S. 243. 1947. Revision systematique du genre Cor- 235. 1968. Observations on the Crested Bower- vus. Oiseau Revue fr. Om., vol. 17, bird Amblyornis macgregoriae. pp. 44-87. Misc. Rep. Yamashina Inst.' Om. (Systematic revision of the genus Zool., vol. 5, pp. 199-201. Corvus.) 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 399

244. 1950. Considerations systematiques sur les Downes, M. C. grives du genre Turdus L. Oiseau 249. 1969. Report of the Wildlife Ecology Sec- Revue fr. Orn., vol. 20, pp. tion. Port Moresby. DASF. 12 pp. 212-248. (Incl. accounts of Cassowary, Mega- (Systematic considerations of the pode and Bird of Paradise projects.) thrushes of the genus Turdus L.) 250. 1972. Birds of paradise - are they in dan- 245. 1973. Structure des plumes de parure des ger? Harvest, vol. 2, pp. 81-85. Paradisaeidds, particulierement des (Pro1lems and plans for conserva- plumes gdneratrices d'interferences. tion, 4 figs.) C. r. hebd. Sdanc. Acad. Sci., Dozy, J. J. Paris, 276, D, pp. 1441-1448. 251. 1938. Eine Gletscherwelt in Niederland- (Structure of the plumes of the isch-Neuguinea. Z. Gletscherk., vol. breast shield of birds of paradise, 26, pp. 45-51. particularly the feathers producing (A glacier world in Netherlands interference. See also nos. 246, N.G.) 247.) Duplaix-Hall, N. 246. 1974. Precisions sur la structure des 252. 1975. Seven days in Papua New Guinea, plumes generatrices d'interferences watching Salvadori's Ducks. Wild- et de celles d'apparence veloutee fowl Trust Bull., no. 71, pp. 6-7. chez les paradisiers. Oiseau Revue (Brief field notes on Salvadorina fr. Om., vol. 44, pp. 138-144. waigiuensis. 3 photos, 2 sketches. (Details about the structure of the See also nos. 446, 520.) feathers producing interference and Dupond, C. of feathers of velvety appearance in 253. 1937. Oiseaux en: Resultats scientifique du the birds of paradise. See also nos. voyage aux Indes Orientales 245, 247.) Neerlandaises de le Prince Leopold IDorst, J., G. Gastaldi, R. Hagege, and J. Jac- de Belgique. Mem. r. Hist. Nat. quemart Belg., vol. 4, pp. 1-64. 247. 1974. Differents aspects des barbules de (Ornithological results of a scientific quelques Paradisaeidds observes sur exped. to Dutch East Indies by coupes en microscopie dlectronique. Prince Leopold of Belgium [a collec- Relations avec les phenomenes tion of 59 spp. from N.W. N.G. by d'interfdrences. C. r. hebd. Sdanc. Prince Leopold 1929 and from S. Acad. Sci., Paris, 278, D, pp. Irian Jaya in 1912-13 by General J. 285-290. H. L. le Cocq d'Armandville pre- (Different aspects of the barbules of served in the Mus. Roy. d'Hist. Nat. some birds of paradise observed in de Belgique. 1 map].) the scanning electron microscope. Relationship to interference phe- Eck, S., and H. Busse nomena. See also nos. 245, 246.) 254. 1973. Eulen, Die rezenten und fossilen Dow, D. (ED.) Formen. Aves, Strigidae. Neue 248. 1971. Index to current Australian Or- Brehm Buch. no. 469, pp. 1-196. nithological Research. Melbourne. (Owls, the recent and fossil forms. RAOU., 112 pp. Aves, Strigidae. 42 figs., 3 pls.) (Ref. to N.G. work by: Aust. Bird Elbel, R. E., and R. D. Price Banding Scheme, H. L. Bell on 255. 1973. Three new Oriental and New Gui- ecology and distribution of Rhi- nean Degeeriella (Mallophaga: Phi- pidura spp., B. J. Coates on general lopteridae). Pacif. Insects., vol. 15, studies, M. C. Downes on wildlife pp. 95-101. ecology, L. W. Filewood on general (Incl. description of D. quatei from studies, C. B. Frith on Paradisaeidae Henicopernis 1. longicauda.) and Ptilonorhynchidae, D. Purchase Elgood, J. H. on banding, R. Schodde on Para- 256. 1974. Weights and perching habits of birds disaeidae, K. F. Silva on movements at Port Moresby, Papua New and G. F. Van Tets on sewerage Guinea. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, vol. pond projects.) 94, pp. 135-138. 400 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

(On savannah spp. about Port Mor- Fischer, W. esby.) 265. 1970. Die Seeadler (Gattung Haliaeetus). Enright, W. J. Neue Brehm Biich., 221, pp. 1-146. 257. 1933. Crowned Goura Pigeon in Queens- (The sea eagle [genus Haliaeetus].) land. Emu, vol. 32, p. 204. Fisher, G. D. (Hearsay note on Goura victoriae in 266. 1968. Successful breeding of cassowaries Queensland.) at the Scottish National Zoological Everitt, C. Park, Edinburgh. Avicult. Mag., 258. 1965. Breeding the Magnificent Bird of vol. 74, pp. 181-184. Paradise. Avicult. Mag., vol. 71, (Casuarius casuarius. Evidence sug- pp. 146-148. gests copulation between the laying (Captive, with incubation and fledg- of each egg is necessary for fertiliza- ling periods of Diphyllodes magnifi- tion. Incubation periods. 2 pls.) cus.) Fisher, J. Ewers, W. H. 267. 1938. The Orange-wattled Bird of Para- 259. 1967. The blood parasites of some New dise, (Macgregoria pulchra). Avi- Guinea birds. Nova Guinea, no. 38, cult. Mag. ser. 5, vol. 3, pp. 65-66. pp. 427-432. (Brief historical note.) (List of parasites found in 44 spp.) Fleay, D. 268. 1961. Gouras of New Guinea. Anim. Fenton, M. B. Kingd., vol. 64, pp. 106-110. 260. 1975. Acuity of echolocation in Collocalia (Breeding Goura victoria beccarii in hirundinacea (Aves: Apodidae), with captivity.) comments on the distributions of 269. 1968. Night watchmen of bush and plain. echolocating swiftlets and molossid Brisbane. Jacaranda Press. 163 pp. bats. Biotropica, vol. 7, pp. 1-7. (Not dealing directly with N.G., but (C. esculenta apparently does not a book of Aust. owls. Provides echolocate; C. hirundinacea does, much unique field data on Tyto ten- but also uses vision.) ibricosa, Ninox connivens and N. Ferguson, A. rufa. 1 map, numerous pls.) 1974. See no. 178. Ford, J. Filewood, L. W. 270. 1975. Systematics and hybridization of fig- 261. 1971. A New Guinea jungle banding sta- birds Sphecotheres. Emu, vol. 75, tion. Aust. Bird Bander, vol. 9, pp. pp. 163-171. 3-6. (N.G. ssp. S. vieilloti salvadorii (Summary of netting/banding in placed as race of S. viridis, as all Brown R. area from 1965. Nos. of forms of Sphecotheres considered spp. banded, retrapped and catch conspecific.) rates. 2 photos.) Ford, J. R., and S. A. Parker 1973. See no. 1007. 271. 1974. Distribution and taxonomy of some 262. 1974. A new bird for Papua New Guinea. birds from south-western Queens- New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. land. Emu, vol. 74, pp. 177-194. 104, pp. 3-4. (Colluricincla harmonica ta- (1st record of Hirundo daurica.) chycrypta of N.G. synonymized with 263. 1975. Black and White Wren Warbler, C. h. harmonica.) Malurus alboscapulatus. New Forshaw, J. M. Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 114, 272. 1966. Observations and systematic notes pp. 10-1 1. on the Red-cheeked Parrot. Mem. (Summarizes plumages and habits of Qd. Mus., vol. 14, pp. 175-180. N.G. population.) (Mostly concerns Aust. Geoffroyus 1976. See no. 697. geoffroyi, but a systematic discus- Finn, F. sion compares Aru Is. G. g. aruen- 264. 1916. The display of Wilson's Bird of Par- sis, with measurements. 1 fig.) adise. Zoologist, vol. 20, p. 38. 273. 1967. The subspecies of the Fig Parrot, (Vague single paragraph concerning Opopsitta diophthalma. Mem. Qd. Diphyllodes respublica. See also Mus., vol. 15, pp. 43-52. nos. 282, 550, 993.) (Systematic revision; 2 sspp. being 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 401

rejected and 0. coxeni being treated tus, conservation problems and ac- as a ssp. of 0. diophthalma.) tion needed. 8 photos., 1 map.) 1969. See no. 1008. 282. 1974b. Observations on Wilson's Bird of 274. 1973. Parrots of the world. Melbourne. Paradise, Diphyllodes respublica. Lansdowne. 584 pp. Avicult. Mag., vol. 80, pp. (Very thorough summary of knowl- 207-212. edge of all N.G. spp., all finely il- (Displays in captivity, 3 figs. See lustrated by W. T. Cooper in also nos. 264, 550, 993.) numerous col. pls.) 283. 1976. Displays of the Red Bird-of-paradise Frelin, C. Paradisaea rubra and their signifi- 1972. See no. 849. cance, with a discussion on displays Friedmann, H. and systematics of other Para- 275. 1968. The evolutionary history of the disaeidae. Emu, vol. 76, pp. 69-78. Avian genus Chrysococcyx. U.S. (Displays of P. rubra described as Natl. Mus. Bull., no. 265, pp. more complex than previously de- 1-137. scribed Paradisaea spp. displays. (Incl. all N.G. forms of Chalcites. On ethological evidence Cicinnurus Subts. Incl.; Phylogenetic relation- and Diphyllodes considered best ships, Migratory behavior, Courtship treated as distinct group closer to behavior, Features of brood parasi- Paradisaea than to other genera. 3 tism in Chrysococcyx, Existing spp. figs.) and their distribution. 2 col. pls., 4 284. 1977. Some bird of paradise skins in a figs. See also nos. 371, 523.) Singapore collection. New Guinea Frith, C. B. Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 128, pp. 8-9. 276. 1968. Some displays of Queen Carola's (See also no. 372.) Parotia. Avicult. Mag., vol. 74, pp. Frith, C. B., and D. Coles 85-90. 285. 1976. Additional notes on displays of (Parotia carolae in captivity. 7 figs. Queen Carola's Bird of Paradise. See also no. 285.) Avicult. Mag., vol. 82, pp. 52-53. 277. 1970a. Sympatry of Amblyornis subalaris (Displays of captive Parotia carolae. and A. macgregoriae in New See also no. 276.) Guinea. Emu, vol. 70, pp. 196-197. Frith, H. J. (With discussion of selective pres- 286. 1956. Breeding habits in the family Mega- sures for bower differentiation. 2 podiidae. Ibis, vol. 98, pp. 620-640. figs. See also nos. 92, 372, 401, (Important paper on all spp., incl. 491, 823.) data on mound construction, incuba- 278. 1970b. The nest and nestling of the Short- tion, clutch size and breeding season tailed Paradigalla, Paradigalla bre- for N.G. spp. Megapodius freycinet, vicauda (Paradisaeidae). Bull. Br. Tallegalla spp. and Aepypodius ar- Orn. Club, vol. 90, pp. 122-124. fakianus. See also nos. 161, 553, (1st description. 1 pl.) 741.) 1970c. See no. 372. 287. 1962. The Mallee Fowl. Sydney. Angus 279. 1971a. Some undescribed nests and eggs of and Robertson. 137 pp. New Guinea birds. Bull. Br. Orn. (Semi-popular account, dealing very Club, vol. 91, pp. 46-49. predominantly with Aust. Leipoa, (5 passerine spp. See also nos. 280, but with comparative notes on N.G. 370, 372.) genera of Megapodiidae. 33 photos., 280. 197 lb. Nidification of some New Guinea 4 figs. See also no. 286.) birds. Bull. Br. Om. Club, vol. 91, 288. 1967. Waterfowl in Australia. Sydney. An- pp. 164-165. gus and Robertson. 328 pp. (Eggs of 5 passerine spp. See also (Authoritative account of all Aust. nos. 279, 370, 372.) spp. Information on some N.G. 281. 1974a. Birds of paradise In Sitwell, N. spp., particularly Tadorna radjah (ed.), Wildlife 74, the World Con- and Anseranas semipalmata. Dis- servation Yearbook. New York. cusses wildfowl movements to and Dunbury Press 143 pp. from N.G. 37 pls., 39 figs.) (Popular account with notes on sta- 289. 1977. Some display postures of Australian 402 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

pigeons. Ibis, vol. 119, pp. (C. robusta as a ssp. of C. papuen- 167-182. sis, 6 figs.) (Descriptions of, and remarks on, Galbraith, I. C. J., and S. A. Parker the displays of a number of N.G. 296. 1969. The Atherton Scrub-wren Sericornis pigeons. 6 figs.) keri Mathews. A neglected Aus- Frith, H. J., L. W. Braithwaite, and T. 0. Wolfe tralian species. Emu, vol. 69, pp. 290. 1974. Sexual cycles of pigeons in a tropi- 212-232. cal environment. Aust. Wildl. Res., (Incl. figures of relative tarsus length vol. 1, pp. 117-128. [tarsus/wing] for 20 N.G. forms of (Important paper on Ptilinopus, Sericornis. 2 pls.) Ducula, Geopelia spp. and Mega- Gastaldi, G. loprepia mostly at Port Moresby. 1974. See no. 247. See also nos. 291, 292.) George, G. G. Frith, H. J., F. H. J. Crome, and T. 0. Wolfe 297. 1967. Bird notes-Western Highlands, 291. 1976. Food of fruit pigeons in New May-June 1967. New Guinea Bird Guinea. Emu, vol. 76, pp. 49-58. Soc. Newsl., no. 23, pp. 2-3. (Analysis of crop contents of 490 (On 5 spp.) birds of 9 spp. of Ptilinopus, and 69 298. 1975a. Speciation in birds of paradise. New birds of 4 spp. of Ducula from Port Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 113, Moresby. See also nos. 290, 292.) pp. 13-14. Frith, H. J., T. 0. Wolfe, and R. D. Barker (Brief summary.) 292. 1976. Food of eight species of Colum- 299. 1975b. Australian nomads at Baiyer River. bidae, in the genera Geopelia, New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. Phaps, Geophaps and Petrophassa. 113, p. 15. Aust. Wildl. Res., vol. 3, pp. (3 spp.) 159-171. Gifford, E. W. (Incl. analysis of gizzard content of 300. 1941. Taxonomy and habits of pigeons. 132 Geopelia humeralis from Auk, vol. 58, pp. 239-245. Waigani swamp near Port Moresby, (Summary of habits of many genera, and 163 G. striata from same place. incl. some N.G. forms, with regard See also nos. 290, 291.) to their systematic relationships.) Frost, W. J. L. Gill, H. B. 293. 1930. The nesting habits of the King Bird 301. 1964. The White-tailed Kingfisher Tanysip- of Paradise. Avicult. Mag., vol. 8, tera sylvia. Emu, vol. 63, pp. pp. 33-35. 275-276. (Hole nesting of wild and captive (Covers arrival and departure from Cicinnurus regius. Egg measure- N.G. and general account of ecol- ments, description and illustration. 1 ogy.) pl. See also nos. 105, 107, 109.) Gilliard, E. T. 302. 1950a. Notes on the birds of southeastern Galbraith, I. C. J. Papua. Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. 294. 1956. Variation, relationships and evolu- 1453, pp. 1-40. tion in the Pachycephala pectoralis (Itinerary and annot. spp. list of super-species, (Aves, Muscicapidae). Feb.-April 1948 exped. to Rouna Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 4, Falls, Owen Stanley Mts. and Port pp. 133-222. Moresby areas.) (Comprehensive systematic review 1950b. See no. 602. of the P. pectoralis, schlegelii and 303. 1951a. New Guinea's paradise of birds. soror complex. Many measurements, Natn. Geogr. Mag., vol. 100, pp. 8 figs.) 661-688. 1967. See no. 1009. (Popular account of ornith. explor. 295. 1969. The Papuan and Little Cuckoo- of Kubors, Mt. Hagen and Mt. , papuensis and Wilhelm April-Aug. 1950. 33 pho- robusta, as races of a single species. tos. For scientific results see nos. Emu, vol. 69, pp. 9-29. 602, 603, 605, 607.) 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 403

195 lb. See no. 603. (Subts. = Geographical variation of 1952. See nos. 604, 605, 606, 607. size, Color of plumage, Differences 304. 1953a. Exploring New Guinea for birds of in plumage due to age, Sexual di- paradise. Nat. Hist. N.Y., vol. 62, morphism, Molt, Breeding cycles pp. 248-255, 287. and weather, Breeding season. Many (Popular account of 1950 exped., measurements, 7 figs.) incl. description of courtship display 311. 1956c. Exotic birds of the South Pacific. of Pteridophora alberti. 15 photos. New York. Nelson Doubleday Inc., For scientific results see nos. 303, 62 pp. 602, 603, 605, 607.) (Popular account of some N.G. 305. 1953b. New Guinea's rare birds and stone birds. 49 pls., 33 in col.) age men. Natn. Geogr. Mag., vol. 312. 1957a. A stone age naturalist. Nat. Hist. 103, pp. 421-488. N.Y., vol. 66, pp. 344-351. (Popular account of ornith./photo. (Popular account of 1953-54 exped. explor. of Kubor Ra., 1952. 32 col. to Telefomin area. Little on birds, photos. of birds or their bowers and some odd native names. I map, 14 some notes on bird of paradise dis- photos. For other results of exped. plays. See also nos. 306, 607.) see nos. 307, 322.) 306. 1954a. In quest of birds of paradise. Nat. 313. 1957b. The strangest birds in the world. Hist., N.Y., vol. 63, pp. 104-111 Life, vol. 42, pp. 88-96. and 140-142. (Brief popular account of Ptilono- (Popular account of Amer. Mus./Ar- rhynchidae, illustrated by 4 pp. of mand Denis N.G. exped. 1952. 16 paintings by Joseph Sibal. 2 photos.) photos., 1 map. See also nos. 305, 314. 1958a. Feathered dancers of Little Tobago. 607.) Natn. Geogr. Mag., vol. 114, pp. 1954b. See no. 607. 428-440. 307. 1955a. To the land of the head-hunters. (Popular account of introduced popu- Natn. Geogr. Mag., vol. 108, pp. lation of Paradisaea apoda in Carib- 437-486. bean and the male displays. 11 (Popular account of ornith. work on photos., 1 map.) Hindenburg and Victor Emanuel Ra. 315. 1958b. A new form of nest in the scimitar and anthropological explor. of Sepik babblers, Pomatorhini. Auk, vol. 75, R. 13 col. photos. of birds and some pp. 465-467. observations of bird of paradise dis- (Pomatostomus isidori. 2 pls.) plays. See also no. 312. For scien- 316. 1959a. The courtship behavior of Sanford's tific results see nos. 319, 322, 323, Bowerbird, (Archboldia sanfordi.) 494, 607.) Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. 1935, 308. 1955b. [Review of] Bowerbirds: their dis- pp. 1-18. plays and breeding cycles, by A. J. (Important descriptions of wild Marshall. Auk, vol. 72, pp. 216- courting birds [A. papuensis san- 218. fordi] and bower. 3 pls., 3 figs.) (See no. 528.) 317. 1959b. A comparative analysis of courtship 309. 1956a. Bower ornamentation versus plum- movements in closely allied bower- age characters in Bower-birds. Auk, birds of the genus Chlamydera. vol. 73, pp. 450-451. Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. 1936, (Outlines the important principle of pp. 1-8. "transfer" from ornate plumage in (C. nuchalis, of Aust., and cervini- males to bowers as modified second- ventris. Incl. subt. New evidence for ary sexual characters with particular the transferral effect. See also nos. reference to Amblyornis spp. See 309, 321.) also nos. 317, 321.) 318. 1959c. The ecology of hybridization in New 310. 1956b. The systematics of the New Guinea Guinea honeyeaters (Aves). Amer. Manucode, Manucodia ater. Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. 1937, pp. 1-26. Mus. Novitates, no. 1770, pp. 1-13. (Dealing with Melidectes belfordi, 404 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

leucostephes and rufocrissalis. 2 (Itinerary, Collecting localities, His- pls., 8 figs. See also no. 606.) tory of collecting in area, and an 319. 1961. Four new birds from the mountains annot. list of birds collected and ob- of central New Guinea. Amer. Mus. served. Many field notes, weights Novitates, no. 2031, pp. 1-7. and soft-part colors. 2 maps. For (Sspp. from Victor Emanuel Mts. other results of this exped. see nos. See also no. 322.) 307, 312, 494.) 320. 1963. The evolution of bowerbirds. Sci. 324. 1967. Annotated list of birds of the Adel- Amer., vol. 209, pp. 38-46. bert Mountains, New Guinea. Re- (General survey of arena displaying sults of the 1959 Gilliard expedition. spp., particularly Ptilonorhynchidae, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. and origins of their courtship dis- 138, pp. 53-81. plays and structures. 9 pls., 10 figs.) (History of exped., Routes and col- 1966. See no. 661 for memoriam. lecting localities, An annot. list of 1967. See no. 726. birds incl. field notes, weights, 321. 1969. Birds of paradise and bower birds. measurements and soft-part colors. 1 London. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, map, 6 pls. of birds. See also no. xxiv + 485 pp. 492.) (Comprehensive study covering all 325. 1968. Birds of the Schrader Mountain Re- aspects of the group. A valuable gion, New Guinea. Results of the "List of ornithological explor. in the American Museum of Natural His- N.G. and Moluccan regions" and tory expedition to New Guinea in bibliography. 23 maps, 9 color and 1964. Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. 32 black and white pls. 50 text illus- 2343, pp. 1-41. trations.) (Itinerary, collecting localities de- Gilliard, E. T., and M. LeCroy scribed and an annot. list of birds 322. 1961. Birds of the Victor Emanuel and collected and seen. Field notes, Hindenburg Mountains, New weights, measurements and soft-part Guinea. Results of the American colors. 1 map.) Museum of Natural History expedi- 326. 1970. Notes on birds from the Tamrau tion to New Guinea in 1954. Bull. Mountains, New Guinea. Amer. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 123, Mus. Novitates, no. 2420, pp. 1-28. pp. 1-86. (Itinerary and annot. list of spp. col- (Important paper incl.: Historical lected and seen. Important discus- sketch of area, Itinerary, Geography, sion on Sericornis systematics. Climate and vegetational formations, Weights, measurements and field Factors shaping N.G.'s. biotic en- notes. 2 maps and 4 photos. of Am- vironment, Physiography, Zoological blyornis inornatus bowers. See also background, Geological history, no. 11.) Pleistocene climate and its biological Glenny, F. H. effects, Zoogeographical analysis of 327. 1957. A revised classification of the Psit- birds of the Telefomin region, taciformes based on the carotid Trends of speciation. Annotated list artery arrangement patterns. Ann. of birds of the Victor Emanuel and Zool., Agra, vol. 2, pp. 47-56. Hindenburg Mts.; Weights, measure- (Many N.G. forms dissected. 3 ments and soft-part colors. 1 map, figs.) 17 pls. of 34 photos. mostly of hab- 328. 1959. Specific and individual variation in itats but 12 of birds and/or nests. the reduction of the clavicles in the See also nos. 319, 494.) parrots. Ohio J. Sci., vol. 59, pp. 323. 1966. Birds of the Middle Sepik Region, 321-322. New Guinea. Results of the Ameri- (Some N.G. spp. discussed.) can Museum of Natural History ex- Glenny, F. H., and D. Amadon pedition to New Guinea in 329. 1955. Remarks on the pigeon Otidiphaps 1953-1954. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. nobilis Gould. Auk, vol. 72, pp. Hist., vol. 132, pp. 247-275. 199-203. 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 405

(Anatomical peculiarities described pigeons. 3 col. pls., numerous maps and position within Columbidae dis- and figs. 2nd revised ed. 1970, 446 cussed.) pp.) Goode, J. 339. 1976. Crows of the world. London. Trus- 330. 1970. Birds of paradise-nature's divine tees of the Br. Mus. Nat. Hist., vi beauties. Walkabout, vol. 36, pp. + 354 pp. 23-25. (Comprehensively deals with the 3 (Inaccurate, anthropomorphic, popu- N.G. spp. Valuable introductory lar account with historical notes. 3 chapters on general aspects of cor- photos.) vids. 3 col. pls., numerous maps Goodfellow, W. and figs.) 331. 1926a. Princess Stephanie's Bird of Paradise Grant, C. H. B. (Astrarchia stephaniae). Avicult. 340. 1959. The expedition of the British Or- Mag., ser. 4, vol. 4, pp. 197-202. nithologists' Union to New Guinea, (Notes on captive and wild Astrapia 1909-1911. Ibis, vol. 101, pp. stephaniae. 1 col. pl.) 65-70. 332. 1926b. [Remarks on his recent journey in (Personal narrative. See also nos. Papua and on the birds of paradise 675, 676.) met with.] Bull. Br. Orn. Club, vol. Greenewalt, C. H. 46, pp. 58-59. 341. 1970. Fred and I-a tale of romance in (Collecting Paradisaeidae between paradise. Smithsonian, vol. 1, pp. Mt. Yule and Owen Stanley Range; 20-23. presence and absence noted.) (Fine series of 4 (plus cover of is- Goodson, A. T. sue) color photos. of displaying male 1918. See no. 384. Paradisaea raggiana.) Goodwin, D. Greensmith, A. 333. 1959a. Taxonomy of the genus Columba. 342. 1975a. Some field notes on Melanesian Psit- Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 6, taciformes. New Guinea Bird Soc. pp. 1-23. Newsl., no. 114, pp. 7-10. (Incl. C. vitiensis. 5 figs., 1 pl.) (Deals with 10 spp. observed in 334. 1959b. The validity of the genus Mega- N.G.) loprepia. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, vol. 343. 1975b. Some notes on Melanesian sea birds. 79, p. 52. Sunbird, vol. 6, pp. 77-89. (Discusses reasons for placing the (N.G. notes cover sight records at genus in Ptilinopus.) Madang, Karkar and Wewak and 335. 1960. Taxonomy of the genus Ducula. incl. Puffinus griseus, Stercorarius Ibis, vol. 102, pp. 526-535. parasiticus and S. longicauda.) (Covers all N.G. spp. particularly D. Greenway, J. C., Jr. pinon-milleri-chalconata-zoeae 344. 1934. Description of four new subspecies group.) of birds from the Huon Gulf region, 336. 1963. On the affinities of Gymnophaps. New Guinea. Proc. New Engl. Zool. Ibis, vol. 105, pp. 116-118. Club, vol. 14, pp. 1-3. (Considered related to Hemiphaga (Paradisaea rudolphi ampla, Parotia and Lopholaimus.) lawesi fuscior, Climacteris placens 337. 1967a. Australian pigeons: their affinities stevensi [=C. p. meridionalis], and status. Emu, vol. 66, pp. Zosterops minor tenuifrons. See also 319-336. no. 345.) (Brief comments on some N.G. 345. 1935. Birds from the coastal range between spp.) the Markham and the Waria rivers, 338. 1967b. Pigeons and doves of the world. northeastern New Guinea. Proc. London. Trustees of the Br. Mus. New Engl. Zool. Club, vol. 14, pp. Nat. Hist., 446 pp. 15-106. (Comprehensively deals with all (Describes collection made by H. N.G. spp. Valuable introductory Stevens Jan. 1932-May 1933, incl. a chapters on general aspects of narrative and field notes by him. 3 406 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

new sspp. previously named [see no. several parrot finch species [Genus: 344] are described here fully; 2 Erythrura, Family: Estrildidae.]) maps.) 1972b. See no. 1000. 346. 1942. A new manucode bird of paradise. Gyldenstolpe, N. Proc. New Engl. Zool. Club, vol. 1952. See no. 1011. 19, pp. 51-52. 353. 1955a. Notes on a collection of birds made (Phonygammus keraudrenii mayri.) in the Western Highlands, Central 347. 1966. Birds collected on Batanta, off west- New Guinea, 1951. Ark. Zool., ser. ern New Guinea, by E. Thomas 2, vol. 8, pp. 1-181. Gilliard in 1964. Amer. Mus. Novi- (Itinerary, list of birds of Wahgi tates, no. 2258, pp. 1-27. Valley and peripheral mts., list of (Annot. list of spp. collected and birds collected or observed addi- seen during June and July. Brief tional to those recorded by Mayr and summary of collecting on Batanta. Gilliard [see no. 607], annot. list of List of spp. new to Batanta and W. birds obtained or observed. 6 sspp. Papuan Isls. 5 sspp. described. See described. 1 map, 15 fine photos. of no. 11.) birds but note pl. 11 is of Gressitt, J. L. Cnemophilus, not Loria as indicated. 348. 1959. The coconut leaf-mining beetle, See no. 321, p. 89.) Promecotheca papuana. Papua New 354. 1955b. Birds collected by Dr. Sten Bergman Guinea Agric. J., vol. 12, pp. during his expedition to Dutch New 119-148. Guinea 1948-1949. Ark. Zool., ser. (Ref. to Domicella sp. feeding on 2, vol. 8, pp. 183-397. this insect.) (In 5 parts: Birds of the Vogelkop 1977. See no. 1010. Penin., Birds from the Wandammen Grossman, M. L., and J. Hamlet Penin., Birds collected on the south 349. 1964. Birds of prey of the world. New coast of the Bomerai Penin. and on York. Clarkson M. Potter Inc., 496 Pulu Adi, off the south coast of the pp. same penin., Birds of Waigeu and (Incl. all N.G. diurnal birds of prey, the Saonek Is., Birds from the island and owls, with description, distribu- of Batanta. Many measurements, tion and brief notes. Numerous pho- field notes and soft-part colors. 1 tos., maps and figs.) map, 6 pls.) Guntert, M., and V. Ziswiler 350. 1972. Konvergenzen in der Struktur von Haantjens, H. A. Zunge und Verdauungstrakt nektar- 355. 1975. Papua New Guinea: an example of fressender Papageien. Revue Suisse conservation opportunity in the Zool., vol. 79, pp. 1016-1026. humid tropics. Search, vol. 6, pp. (Convergence in the structure of the 477-484. tongue and digestive tract of nectar- (Section "Species preservation prob- feeding parrots.) lems" incl. brief discussion of the Guppy, P. L. bird distributional problem in conser- 351. 1931. Colonization of Paradisaea apoda vation.) on Little Tobago. Avicult. Mag., Hachisuka, Marquess vol. 37, pp. 5-8. 356. 1935. Note sur les Parroquets du genre (Note on habits and status of intro- Tanygnathus, et revision des formesg duced population. 1 photo., 2 figs.) de T. megalorhynchos. Oiseau Re- Guttinger, H. R. vue fr. Orn., vol. 5, pp. 214-218. 352. 1972a. Elementwahl und Strophenaufbau in (Note on the parakeets of the genus der Gesangsentwicklung einiger Pa- Tanygnathus, and a revision of the pageiamadinen-Arten (Gattung: forms of T. megalorhynchos.) Erythrura, Familie: Estrildidae). Z. 357. 1952. Change of names among sunbirds Tierpsychol., vol. 31, pp. 26-38. and a woodpecker. Bull. Br. Orn. (Element choice and construction of Club, vol. 72, pp. 22-23. phrases during song development in (Cinnyris sericeus [=Nectarinia sec- 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 407

ricea] preoccupied and to be re- Hamlet, J. placed by Cinnyris aspasia Lesson 1964. See no. 349. and Garnot. Not subsequently fol- Harrison, C. J. 0. lowed. See also nos. 639, 641.) 367. 1964. Open-billed probing by the Princess Hadden, D. Stephanie Bird of Paradise. Condor, 358. 1975a. McGregor's Gardener Bower Birds. vol. 66, pp. 162-163. New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. (Astrapia stephaniae.) 109, (Bird notes) p. 1. 368. 1967. The apparent affinities of Ifrita. (2 bowers of Amblyornis mac- Bull. Br. Orn. Club, vol. 87, pp. gregoriae described.) 97-100. 359. 1975b. Birds seen Tari area from 1 August (Detailed examination of morphol- to 14 August 1975. New Guinea ogy and comparative observations of Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 113, pp. 8-9. genera Eupetes, Todopsis and Mal- (Annot. list of 34 spp.) urus. Ifrita kowaldi considered most 360. 1975c. Black and White Wren Warblers closely related to Malurinae [sensu feeding cuckoo. New Guinea Bird stricto]. See also nos. 205, 369, Soc. Newsl., no. 113, p. 16. 373, 751.) (Malurus alboscapulatus.) 369. 1969. The affinities of the blue wren genus 361. 1975d. Marsh Crake Porzana pusilla. New Malurus and related genera: with Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 115, special reference to the grass wren p. 16. genus Amytornis. Emu, vol. 69, pp. (A specimen from Tari, Southern 1-8. Highlands in September.) (Morphological evidence suggests 362. 1975e. New distributional record: Yellow- placing of N.G. genera Todopsis, billed Mountain White-eye Zosterops Chenorhamphus and Clytomyias with fuscicapilla. New Guinea Bird Soc. the Aust. Malurus, Stipiturus and Newsl., no. 115, p. 16. Amytornis, into a subfamily or tribe (Breeding record from Tari, S. of the Timaliidae. See also nos. 368, Highlands; first for Papua N.G. 373.) mainland region. See also no. 977.) 370. 1971. Further notes on eggs of New 363. 1976. Some birds seen along the Aramia Guinea birds. Emu, vol. 71, pp. River, Western Province. New 85-86. Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 126, (Eggs of 7 spp. from extreme East- p. 14. ern Papua, additional to those de- (List of 23 spp.) scribed in nos. 279, 280, 372.) Hagege, R. 371. 1973. The zoogeographical dispersal of the 1974. See no. 247. genus Chrysococcyx. Emu, vol. 73, Hallstrom, E. pp. 129-133. 364. 1956. Breeding of Salvadori's Duck in ([=Chalcites] suggests 3 successive New Guinea. Avicult. Mag., vol. invasions of Australasia from Orien- 62, p. 89. tal Region and discusses N.G. spp. (Salvadorina waigiuensis.) See also nos. 275, 523.) 365. 1959. Some breeding results in the Hall- Harrison, C. J. O., and C. B. Frith strom collection. Avicult. Mag., vol. 372. 1970. Nest and eggs of some New Guinea 65, pp. 77-80. birds. Emu, vol. 70, pp. 173-178. (Brief account of breeding captive (Nest and/or eggs described of 26 Paradisaea raggiana augustae-vic- spp., 10 being for 1st. time. Geo- toriae.) graphical and altitudinal range exten- 366. 1962. Some breeding results in the Hall- sion of Amblyornis subalaris. See strom collection. Avicult. Mag., vol. also nos. 277, 284, 370, 379, 380.) 68, pp. 46-48. Harrison, C. J. O., and S. A. Parker (Brief section on birds of paradise, 373. 1965. The behavioural affinities of the blue incl. mention of captive hybridiza- wrens of the genus Malurus. Emu, tion of female Astrapia mayeri X vol. 65, pp. 103-113. male Epimachus meyeri.) (Ethological evidence suggests plac- 408 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

ing Malurus, Todopsis, Che- follow by Mayr [no. 552] and Har- norhamphus and related genera in tert [no. 381] concerning collections, Timaliidae. See also nos. 368, 369.) Mayr's movements, etc. See also no. 374. 1966. The taxonomic affinities of the New 564.) Guinea genera Paramythia and 381. 1930b. List of the birds collected by Ernst Oreocharis. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, Mayr. Novit. Zool., vol. 36, pp. vol. 86, pp. 15-20. 27-128. (On morphological evidence, and (Annot. list of specimens with meas- nest structure, these genera consid- urements and weights. See,also nos. ered members of Pycnonotidae. See 380, 552.) also no. 568.) 382. 1931. Zwei unbenannte Tauben. Orn. Harrison, C. J. O., and M. P. Walters Mber., vol. 39, pp. 144-145. 375. 1973. Use of nest of other species by the (Two unnamed doves. [Incl. descrip- Trumpetbird. Emu, vol. 73, pp. tion of Chalcophaps indica minima 189-190. from Numfor and Biak].) (Evidence of Phonygammus kerau- 383. 1932. Liste der Vogel aus Neuguinea im drenii placing eggs in nest of other Buitenzorger Museum, Java. Nova spp. See also no. 768.) Guinea, vol. 15, pp. 435-484. Harrisson, T. H. (List of the birds from N.G. in the 1940. See no. 50. Buitenzorg Museum, Java.) Hartert, E. 1934. See no. 925. 1915. See no. 781. 1936. See no. 926. 1916. See no. 782. Hartert, E., and A. T. Goodson 1917. See no. 783. 384. 1918. Notes on pigeons. Novit. Zool., vol. 1918. See nos. 784, 785. 25, pp. 346-358. 1922. See no. 786. (Incl. subt. Ptilinopus rivoli and al- 376. 1924. Ueber einige neue Vogel aus dem lies-systematic.) indo-australischen Archipel und de- Hartert, E., and E. Stresemann ren Vorwande. Treubia, vol. 6, pp. 385. 1925. Uber die Indoaustralischen Glanz- 20-25. kuckucke (Chalcites). Novit. Zool., (On a few new birds from the Indo- vol. 32, pp. 158-163. Australian archipelago and their rela- (On the Indo-Australian shining tives.) cuckoos (Chalcites). [Systematic 377. 1925a. Review of the genus Cacomantis treatment of all N.G. forms].) Mull. Novit. Zool., vol. 32, pp. Healey, C. 164-174. 1973. See no. 1012. (Deals with all N.G. forms. C. vari- 386. 1975a. A further note on the display and olosus oreophilus described.) mating of Pteridophora alberti. New 378. 1925b. Ueber zwei in Neuguinea sehr sel- Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 110, tene Vogel. Orn. Mber., vol. 33, pp. 6-7. pp. 43-44. (Further to notes by Beach, see nos. (On two birds very rare in New 55, 118.) Guinea (Circus approximans gouldi 387. 1975b. Exploitation of birds of paradise in and Excalfactoria chinensis).) the Bismarck Mountinas. New 379. 1929a. On various forms of the genus Tyto. Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 115, Novit. Zool., vol. 35, pp. 93-104. pp. 14-15. (Very brief mention of taxonomic (Status of plume trade and outline of status and distribution of N.G. author's research concerning it. See forms.) also no. 388.) 1929b. See nos. 787, 788. 388. 1976a. Exploitation of birds of paradise in 380. 1930a. On a collection of birds made by Dr. the Bismarck Mountains. New Ernst Mayr in northern Dutch New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 116, Guinea. Novit. Zool., vol. 36, pp. pp. 9-10. 18-19. (Continuation of no. 387, describing (Introductory remarks to papers that hunting techniques, their effects 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 409

upon populations and the economics (Considers P. pectoralis spinicauda of the trade.) of Rand and Gilliard [no. 726] to = 389. 1976b. Sympatry in Parotia lawesi and P. P. melanura spinicauda and dis- carolae. Emu, vol. 76, p. 85. cusses its habitats and range. See (In the Jimi Valley. See also no. also no. 982.) 824.) Heron, Bro. S. J. 1977. See no. 1013. 398. 1976. Birdlife along the Wahgi River, Heron, Bro. M. Chimbu Province. New Guinea Bird 390. 1975. The birds of the mangroves in Papua Soc. Newsl., no. 123, p. 6. New Guinea. Aust. Bird Watcher, (List of 26 spp. with indication of vol. 6, pp. 69-75. their habitats, seen at Kondiu in (Annot. spp. list from the Bereina June.) area, Central District.) Heron, S. J. 391. 1976a. List of birds seen between Bakoiudu 399. 1974. Further information on the birds of and Fane, in the ranges almost due Papua New Guinea. Emu, vol. 74, east of Bereina, in the Central Prov- pp. 201-202. ince. New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., (Distributional data from the Bereina no. 116, pp. 6-7. area, Central District. 1 map.) (57 spp.) 400. 1975a. Red-flanked Lorikeet in Gulf Dis- 392. 1976b. Nesting of the White-marked trict, Papua New Guinea. Emu, vol. Meliphaga, Meliphaga albonotata at 75, p. 44. Bereina. New Guinea Bird Soc. (Charmosyna placentis.) Newsl., no. 120, p. 9. 401. 1975b. A. S. Meek's journeys to the Aroa (Nest and eggs described, with some River in 1903 and 1904-05. Emu, field notes on the birds.) vol. 75, pp. 232-233. 393. 1976c. The Sooty Rail Porzana tabuensis at (Evidence suggests Meek collected Bereina, Papua New Guinea. New on the Dilava, and not the Aroa, Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 125, River in 1904-05. 1 fig. See also p. 11. nos. 92, 277, 491.) (4 specimens, 2 of them described 402. 1977. Notes on the breeding of the Spot- with measurements.) eared Honeyeater near Bereina, Pap- 394. 1976d. Waders and terns seen at the mouth ua New Guinea. Emu, vol. 77, p. of the Angabunga River and nearby 34. beach at Aviara, 6 km. south of Be- (Nest, eggs, nesting season, incuba- reina, from August 1975 to April tion and fledging described for Li- 1976. New Guinea Bird Soc. chmera alboauric ularis.) Newsl., no. 125, pp. 12-14. Heurn, W. C. van (Annot. list of 26 spp.) 403. 1923. Waarnemingen op zee in den Indis- 1976. See no. 1014. chen Archipel. Jaarber. Club Ned. 1977. See no. 1015. Vogelk., vol. 13, pp. 26-42. Heron, Bro. M. (S. J.) (Observations at sea in the East In- 395. 1977a. First New Guinea record of the Asi- dian Archipelago.) atic Dowitcher. New Guinea Bird Hindwood, K. A. Soc. Newsl., no. 129, p. 9. 404. 1959. The nesting of birds in the nests of (Limnodromus semipalmatus.) social insects. Emu, vol. 59, pp. 396. 1977b. The Knot-second record for the 1-36. New Guinea area. New Guinea Bird (Data on Mic ropsitta keiensis and Soc. Newsl., no. 131, p. 8. pusio, Dacelo gaudichaud, Halcyon (Calidris canutus in Central Prov- macleayii, Tanysiptera nympha.) ince, Sept. 1st record for Papua 1964. See no. 410. N.G.) 405. 1970. The "Dobroyde" ornithological col- 397. 1977c. The Black-tailed Whistler-Pachy- lection. Aust. Zool., vol. 15, pp. cephala melanura-in maibnland Pa- 231-232. pua New Guinea. New Guinea Bird (Note on history of the Ramsay col- Soc. Newsl., no. 131, pp. 11-12. lection, now in Aust. Mus., which 410 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

contains a number of N.G. bird 413. 1974. Corrigendum. Emu, vol. 74, p. 106. types.) (Cyclopsittinae to replace Psit- Hitchcock, W. B. taculirostrinae; Lorius to replace 406. 1964a. Ninth annual report of the Australian Domicella. See no. 412.) Bird-banding Scheme, July 1962 to Hoogerheide, C. June 1963. CSIRO Div. Wildl. Res. See no. 445. Tech. Pap. no. 7, pp. 1-40. Hoogerwerf, A. (Aust. banded Egretta alba re- 414. 1959. Enkele voorlopige mededelingen covered in N.G.) over de ekstereend, Anseranas semi- 407. 1964b. An introduction to the natural history palmatus, in zuid Nieuw-Guinea. of a New Guinea highland commu- Ardea, vol. 47, pp. 192-199. nity. Emu, vol. 63, pp. 351-372. (A preliminary communication on (Based on June-Sept. residence on the Magpie Goose, Anseranas semi- northern slopes of Kubor Ra. Subts. palmata, in south New Guinea.) incl.: The environment, The fauna 415. 1962. Some particulars on a research on rincl. lists of bird spp. under "local harmful birds in rice crops in south habitats"], Man. A systematic list of New Guinea. Bull. Agric. Res. Stn., collected birds. 1 map and 10 pls., Manokwari Agric. Ser., no. 7, pp. incl. 4 of birds and 2 of habitats.) 1-8. 408. 1 965a Geographical and seasonal move- (In Dutch with English summary. ments of the Common Tern in Aus- Mostly a study of Anseranas semi- tralia. Emu, vol. 64, pp. 157-171. palmata, by examination of collected (2 N.G. specimens of Sterna birds, and some other waterfowl. hirundo discussed. 1 map, 3 photos. Nos. of birds seen and killed given. See also no. 410.) Analysis of crop and stomach con- 409. 1965b. Wildlife resources in New Guinea. tents and gonad condition. 1 map, Proc. Conf. Conserv. Nat. Resour. 32 photos.) trop. S.E. Asia, pp. 135-143. 416. 1964. On birds new for New Guinea or (Discusses exploitation and conser- with a larger range than previously vational aspects of Paradisaeidae.) known. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, vol. 1968. See no. 818. 84, pp. 70-77, 94-96, 118-124, 1972. See no. 819. 142-148, 153-161. Hitchcock, W. B., and K. A. Hindwood (From observations between Jan. 410. 1964. Occurrence of the Common Tern in 1959 and June 1961 and Feb. to Australia and the Southwest Pacific. Sept. 1962. mostly at Kurik and sur- Bird-Banding, vol. 35, p. 204. rounding area-but also elsewhere in (Brief mention of Sterna hirundo in Irian Jaya. 1 map.) N.G., see also no. 408.) 417. 1967. Verspreiding en voedsel van Cal- Holyoak, D. T. oenas nicobarica en Ducula bicolor. 411. 1970. The relationship of the parrot genus Ardea, vol. 55, pp. 249-259. Opopsitta to Psittaculirostris. Emu, (Distribution and food of Caloenas vol. 70, pp. 198-199. nicobarica and Ducula bicolor. See (Suggests combining Opopsitta into also no. 418.) Psittaculirostris, based on anatomi- 418. 1969. Opmerkingen over het voedsel van cal and external morphology char- Caloenas nicobarica en Ducula bi- acters.) color. Ardea, vol. 57, pp. 86-88. 412. 1973. Comments on taxonomy and rela- (Remarks on the food of Caloenas tionships in the parrot subfamilies nicobarica and Ducula bicolor. See Nestorinae, Loriinae and Platycer- also no. 417.) cinae. Emu, vol. 73, pp. 157-176. 419. 1971. On a collection of birds from the (Psittac ulirostris placed in separate Vogelkop near Manokwari, north- subfamily Psittaculirostrinae as a re- western New Guinea. Emu, vol. 71, sult of examination of museum ma- pp. 1-12, 73-83. terial and literature. 2 pls., 8 figs. (Annot. list, mostly of specimens See no. 413.) obtained between Oct. 1962 and 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 411

April 1963, containing measure- island of Little Tobago (Paradisaea ments, weights, soft-part colors, apoda). Avicult. Mag., vol. 23, pp. stomach content and gonad condition 341-351. details with some field notes.) (Notes from caretaker's diary con- Hope, G. S. cerning activity of birds during 1975. See no. 825. April-May. See also nos. 427, 429.) Horton, D. R. 429. 1918. Birds of paradise on Little Tobago, 420. 1972. Speciation of birds in Australia, West Indies. Avicult. Mag., vol. 24, New Guinea and the South Western pp. 279-280. Pacific Islands. Emu, vol. 72. pp. (Brief note from caretaker's diary 91-109. concerning activity of Paradisaea (Comparative analysis of speciation apoda during Nov.-Dec. See also relating to glacial activity by use of nos. 427, 428.) statistical models.) Iredale, T. Hudson, R., and J. W. H. Conroy 430. 1948. A check list of the birds of paradise 421. 1975. Southern Giant Petrel in New and bowerbirds. Aust. Zool., vol. 2, Guinea. Emu, vol. 75, p. 43. pp. 161-189. (Macronectes giganteus. See also (Incl. brief descriptions of 2 new no. 34.) genera, 1 subgenus, 2 spp. and 3 Hulme, D. sspp. Good synonymy and ref. to 422. 1976a. Birds of the Kupiano, Central Prov- figs. See also no. 476.) ince, area. New Guinea Bird Soc. 431. 1950. Birds of paradise and bowerbirds. Newsl., no. 126, pp. 12-13. Melbourne. Georgian House. 239 (List of 58 spp. with status noted.) PP. 423. 1976b. The White-headed Kingfisher Hal- (Predominantly systematic but fully cyon saurophaga at Kupiano, Cen- illustrated with 33 col. pls. and 1 tral Province. New Guinea Bird Soc. map. 1 genus, 2 spp. and 4 sspp. Newsl., no. 127, p. 10. described! Completely superseded by 424. 1977. The birds of Lumi, in the West Marshall [no. 528], Gilliard [no. Sepik Province. New Guinea Bird 321], and Cooper and Forshaw [no. Soc. Newsl., no. 129, pp. 5-6. 177]; of limited use to present work- (List of 44 spp.) ers. See also no. 207.) Hutchinson, G. E. 432. 1956. Birds of New Guinea. 2 vols., 425. 1952. Bowerbirds. Amer. Sci., vol. 40, Melbourne. Georgian House. 491 pp. 148-153. PP. (Brief outline of current knowledge, (Predominantly systematic; incl. in- mostly a summary of Marshall's troduction of 12 new genera and 4 work [See nos. 527, 528, 529, subgenera! 35 col. pls. figuring 347 530].) birds. 1 map. Completely super- seded, for information content, by Immelmann, K. Rand and Gilliard [no. 726].) 426. 1965. Australian finches in bush and avi- Isenberg, A. H. ary. Sydney. Angus and Robertson. 433. 1961. Nesting of the Red Bird of Paradise. 196 pp. Avicult. Mag., vol. 67, pp. 43-44. (Comments on N.G. forms of (Brief note on egg laying only by Erythrura trichroa, Neochmia pha- captive Paradisaea rubra. See also eton and Lonchura castaneothorax. no. 434.) 8 col. pls., 23 photos., 16 figs.) 434. 1962. Further notes on the breeding of the Ingram, C. Red Bird of Paradise. Avicult. 427. 1956. Birds of paradise in the West Indies. Mag., vol. 68, p. 48. Country Life, vol. 119, p. 482. (Captive Paradisaea rubra; incuba- (Paradisaea apoda on Little Tobago. tion of 2 eggs 14-16 days. See also See also nos. 428, 429.) no. 433.) Ingram, W. Isles, A., and P. Menkhorst 428. 1917. The Great Bird of Paradise on the 435. 1976. Bird list, Finschhafen-Sattleberg 412 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

area. New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., Part 2, passerines. Nova Guinea, no. 121, pp. 13-18. vol. 3, pp. 1-94. (Annot. list of 102 spp.) (As no. 440.) 442. 1952. New subspecies of birds from New Jackson, T. Guinea. Zool. Meded., Leiden, vol. 1926. See no. 52. 31, pp. 247-250. Jacquemart, J. (12 sspp. described from Wissel 1974. See no. 247. Lake district. See also no. 443.) Jennings, K. 443. 1953. Zoological results of the Dutch New 1952. See no. 608. Guinea expedition, 1939, no. 5. The Johnsgard, P. A. birds. Zool. Verh., Leiden, no. 20, 436. 1965. Handbook of waterfowl behavior. pp. 1-77. New York, Cornell Univ. Press. 378 (Annot. list of specimens obtained PP. Aug. and Nov. 1939 at Wissel (Incl. information about all N.G. Lakes area by H. Boschma; incl. spp., 20 pls., 96 figs.) small collection from same area by Johst, G., and E. Johst J. P. K. van Eechoud in 1938. 1 437. 1961. Uber Verhalten und Brutpflege map. See also no. 442.) gekafigter Krontauben (Goura 444. 1954. Ornithologisch onderzoek in de In- cristata). dische archipel. Ardea, vol. 41, pp. (On the behavior and brood care of 301-336. captive Crowned Pigeons (Goura (Ornithological research in the East cristata). [Courtship, nesting, in- Indian Archipelago.) cubation, development of young].) 445. 1956. New bird records from Biak Island. Jollie, M. Zool. Meded., Leiden, vol. 34, pp. 438. 1957. Comments on the bird genus Aquila 231-237. and its occurrence in New Guinea (List of specimens collected by C. and Australia. Nova Guinea, vol. 8, Hoogerheide, July 1953-Dec. pp. 179-181. 1954. 1 ssp. described.) (Records of A. audax [=Uroeatus audax] and Spizaetus gurneyi in Kear, J. N.G. with suggestion of placing lat- 446. 1975. Salvadori's Duck of New Guinea. ter in Aquila.) Wildfowl, 26, pp. 104-111. Jordan, K. (Review of biology and affinities of 439. 1938. In memory of Lord Rothschild, Salvadorina waigiuensis, incl. field Ph.D., F.R.S., J.P., born the 8th observations. 3 figs. See also nos. February 1868, died the 27th August 252, 520.) 1937. Novit. Zool., vol. 41, pp. Keast, A. 1-41. 447. 1956. Migration in Australian birds. Aust. (Biography of Lord Walter Roth- Mus. Mag., vol. 12, pp. 62-65. schild and a list of his scientific pub- (Discussion incl. spp. wintering in lications.) islands to N., incl. N.G. 6 figs.) Junge, G. C. A. 448. 1957a. Variation and speciation in the genus 440. 1937. The birds of South New Guinea. Climacteris Temminck (Aves, Sit- Part 1, non-passerines. Nova tidae). Aust. J. Zool., vol. 5, pp. Guinea, vol. 1, pp. 125-188. 474-495. (List of specimens collected during (Considers C. placens of N.G. con- 2nd and 3rd Nederlands South N.G. specific with C. leucophaea of S. expeditions in the area of the Noord Aust.) (Lorentz) R., 1909-1910 and 449. 1957b. Variation in the Australian king- 1912-1913. Plumage descriptions fishers (Aves: Alcedinidae). Aust. and many measurements. 2 maps. Mus. Rec., vol. 24, pp. 61-72. See also no. 441.) (Comments on N.G. forms where 441. 1939. The birds of South New Guinea. applicable.) 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 413

450. 1958a. Variation and speciation in the Aus- Saruwaged Mountains (German New tralian flycatchers (Aves: Mus- Guinea).) cicapinae). Aust. Mus. Rec., vol. Kikkawa, J. 24, pp. 73-108. 458. 1975. Niches of birds in Nothofagus forest. (Limited comment on N.G. forms Emu, vol. 74 supplement, p. 297. where applicable.) (Abstract of paper read at 16th Inter. 451. 1958b. Variation and speciation in the Aus- Om. Congr. Discusses bird use and tralian Campephagidae. Aust. J. diversity in Nothofagus forest, incl. Zool., vol. 6, pp. 248-267. some N.G. spp.) (Incl. details and measurements of Kikkawa, J., and W. T. Williams N.G. specimens of Coracina pa- 459. 1971a. Altitudinal distribution of land birds puensis and general distributions of in New Guinea. Search, vol. 2, pp. other N.G. spp. 2 figs.) 64-65. 452. 1958c. Infraspecific variation in the Aus- 460. 197 lb. Ecological grouping of species for tralian finches. Emu, vol. 58, pp. conservation of land birds in New 219-246. Guinea. Search, vol. 2, pp. 66-69. (Details and measurements of Neo- King, W. B. chmia phaeton, Erythrura trichroa 461. 1967. Preliminary Smithsonian Identifica- and Lonchura castaneothorax from tion Manual Seabirds of the Tropical N.G. 3 figs.) Pacific Ocean. Washington. Smith- 453. 1959a. Birds of New Guinea. Aust. Mus. sonian Institution. xxxii + 126 pp. Mag., vol. 12, pp. 394-397. (Area covered does not incl. N.G. (Brief popular account, 3 figs.) but nevertheless_ important to N.G. 454. 1959b. The role of islands in evolution. ornith. as covers all known N.G. Aust. Mus. Mag., vol. 13, pp. spp. 11 pls., numerous maps.) 128-132. Kinghorn, J. R (General account of Pacific area, 462. 1925. Notes on two pigeons of the genus particularly comparing Australia/Ga- Globicera. Emu, vol. 24, pp. lapagos, Hawaii. N.G. considered in 286-289. discussion. 3 figs.) (History of synonymy and records of 455. 1961. Bird speciation on the Australian Ducula pacifica.) continent. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 463. 1930. The Many-coloured Cassowary; a Harv., vol. 123, pp. 305-495. correction. Emu, vol. 30, pp. 48-50. (Comments upon various N.G. (Casuarius unappendiculatus multi- groups where applicable and dis- color of Le Souef [see no. 496] is in cusses N.G. generally with respect fact C. mitratus [=C. u. mitratus, to colonization and speciation on which = C. u. philipi of Rand and Australia, etc.; 28 figs.) Gilliard [no. 726]] with a misshaped 456. 1966. Australia and the Pacific Islands. A casque. 2 pls.) natural history. New York. Random 464. 1933. A re-examination of two of Ram- House. 298 pp. say's types of New Guinea owls. (pp. 230-247 = "Jungles, moss for- Rec. Aust. Mus., vol. 18, pp. ests and birds of paradise"; a general 451-454. account with discussion on birds of (Ninox spp., N. boobook al- paradise. Other N.G. birds dealt bomaculata (= N. connivens assim- with in pp. 243 and 246. Numerous ilis) redescribed. 5 figs.) photos.) 465. 1939. A new genus and species of bird of 1977. See no. 1016. paradise. Aust. Zool., vol. 9, pp. Keysser, C. 295-296. 457. 1923. Einiges uber das Vogelleben im (Description of Taeniaparadisea Saruwaged-Gebirge (Deutsch-Neu- macnicolli [=Astrapia mayeri]. 1 guinea). Orn. Mber., vol. 31, pp. col. pl. See also nos. 466, 474, 9-10. 876.) (Something about the bird life in the 466. 1940. A new bird of paradise. Aust. Mus. 414 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

Mag., vol. 7, pp. 130-131. paradise of the genus Astrapia. Bull. (Recaps previous paper [see no. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan, vol. 13, pp. 465], and republishes the same col. 33-37. pl. therein, with field notes. Con- (A. recondita [A. mayeri]. 1 col. pl. cludes by pointing out priority of See nos. 465, 466, 876.) Stonor's name [see no. 876], but in- 475. 1943b. On the birds of paradise. Kan Nan, sists on his new generic name and vol. 12, pp. 20-35. that his pl. is the first of the sp. See 476. 1944. A list of the birds of paradise and also no. 474.) bower birds. Tori, vol. 11, pp. 467. 1942. Twelve-wired Bird of Paradise. 625-650. Aust. Mus. Mag., vol. 8, p. 12. (See also no. 430.) (Popular note on Seleucidis 477. 1958. A collection of birds from west New melanoleuca. 1 pl. on p. 2.) Guinea. Tori, vol. 15, pp. 18-30. 468. 1943. A paradise for birds. Aust. Mus. (In Japanese, with part English text. Mag., vol. 8, pp. 148-153. List of 38 spp., predominantly from (Popular account of some N.G. Manokwari area. All except 7 skins birds. 5 figs. based on old Gould, of this collection destroyed in 1945.) Gronvold and Finsch col. pls.) 478. 1967. Psittacidae of the world. Tokyo. 469. 1944. South West Pacific Naturalists. Aust. Orn. Soc. Japan. 849 pp. Mus. Mag., vol. 8, pp. 242-246. (In Japanese, giving general brief (Account of war in Pacific and peo- summaries of all N.G. spp., 3 col. ple interested in natural history. pls., 100 figs.) Brief mention of N.G. birds.) 479. 1975. Parrots of the world in life colours. Kinnear, N.B. Tokyo. Kuroda. 282 pp. 470. 1924. Note on Myzomela obsceura with de- (Deals briefly with, and illustrates in scription of a new form, M. o. col., all N.G. spp. 65 pls. Forshaw aruensis. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, vol. [see no. 274] obviates the need for 44, pp. 68-69. this work.) Kisokau, K. 471. 1974. Analysis of avifauna stomach con- Lack, D. tents from Long and Crown Islands, 480. 1971. Ecological isolation in birds. Madang District. Sci. New Guinea, London. Blackwell Sci. Publ., xii + vol. 2, pp. 261-262. 404 pp. (Of 9 spp.; just outside Papuan Sub- (Appendix 21 gives summary of region but useful for studies of lat- "Geographical and ecological isola- ter.) tion in congeneric birds of paradise Konrad, G. and bowerbirds," after Gilliard [no. 472. 1968. Zoologische Sammelreise durch 321]. Chapter 12 and appendix 26 Neuguinea. Der Praparator, Z. f. review Zosterops, incl. N.G. spp. 58 Museumstechnik, vol. 14, pp. figs.) 61-74. Lam, H. J. (Zoological collecting trip through 481. 1945. Fragmenta Papuana (Observations of New Guinea.) a naturalist in Netherlands New Koopman, K. F. Guinea). Sargentia, no. 5, 196 pp. 473. 1957. Evolution in the genus Myzomela (Primarily botanical, geographical (Aves; Meliphagidae). Auk, vol. 74, and meteorlogical data obtained on pp. 49-72. Van Overeem and C. Kremer expe- (Distribution, speciation and sys- ditions on the Mamberamo and Iden- tematics of group, concluded with burg rivers respectively. Some bird list of forms recognized. 5 figs.) sight records. Botanical work perti- Kremer, C. nent to ornith. of areas. 2 maps, 32 See no. 481. figs.) Kuroda, N. Larsson, Sv. G. 474. 1943a. An apparently new species of bird of 1953. See no. 521. 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 415

Lasiewski, R. C., W. R. Dawson, and G. A. Bar- Townsville recovered Merauke. See tholomew nos. 19, 487.) 482. 1970. Temperature regulation in the Little Layton, T. Papuan Frogmouth, Podargus ocel- 489. 1973. Contrasts and similarities in the avi- latus. Condor, vol. 72, pp. 332-338. fauna of S.E. Asia and New Guinea. (Standard metabolism, evaporative New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. cooling, evaporative water loss and 88, pp. 1-2. respiratory rates relative to environ- (Table of figures for representatives mental conditions tested and de- of families in Malaya and N.G.) scribed. 7 figs.) LeCroy, M. Laubmann, A. 1961. See no. 322. 483. 1923. Beitrage zur kenntnis von Cyanal- 1966. See no. 323. cyon quadricolor Oust. Verh. Orn. 1967. See no. 324. Ges. Bayern. vol. 15, pp. 315-320. 1968. See no. 325. (Contributions to the knowledge of 490. 1969. Acrocephalus arundinaceus orien- Cyanalcyon quadricolor Oust. [ = talis, first record in New Guinea. Halcyon nigrocyanea quadricolor]. Emu, vol. 69, pp. 119-120. Systematic.) (At Kebar Valley, inland of 484. 1924. Bemerkungen uber Eisvogel aus Mubrani, Vogelkop.) Deutsch-Neuguinea mit besonderer 1970. See no. 326. Berucksichtigung der von Dr. L. von 491. 1971. Sympatry in bowerbirds of the genus Wiedenfeld dortselbst gesammelten Amblyornis. Emu, vol. 71, p. 143. exemplare. Verh. Orn. Ges. Bayern, (A letter critical of Frith [no. 277], vol. 16, pp. 3-31. see also nos. 92, 372, 401, 823.) (Remarks on kingfishers from Ger- 492. 1972a. The 1958-1959 Gilliard Expedition man New Guinea with special con- to New Guinea and New Britain. sideration of the examples collected Natn. Geogr. Soc. Res. Repts., there by Dr. L. von Wiedenfeld.) 1955-1960 Projs., pp. 77-82. 485. 1930. Beitrage zur Kenntis des Verlaufes (Summary of Gilliard's exped. to der Handschwingenmauser bei den Adelbert Mts., N.G., and Whiteman Alcedinidae 4. Die Gattung Sau- Mts., New Britain. See also no. romarptis. Verh. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 324.) vol. 19, pp. 103-109. 493. 1972b. Study of the Greater Bird of Para- (Contribution to the knowledge of dise on Little Tobago, West Indies, the progression of the primary molt 1958. Natn. Geogr. Soc. Res. of the Alcedinidae. 4. The genus Repts., 1955-1960 Projs., pp. 83-84. Sauromarptis [=Dacelo].) (Summary of Gilliard's study of de- 486. 1942. Alcedinidolgica 2. Die Gattungen scendants of introduced Paradisaea Alcedo, Alcyone, Ceyx and Ceycop- apoda on Little Tobago. See also sis. Verh Orn. Ges. Bayern, vol. 22, no. 314.) pp. 181-203. 1972. See no. 1017. (Alcedinidolgica 2. The genera Al- 1974. See no. 1018. cedo, Alcyone, Ceyx and Ceycopsis 494. 1975. Ornithological expedition to New [ =Ceyx].) Guinea, 1953-1954. Natn. Geogr. Lavery, H. J. Soc. Res. Repts., 1890-1954 Projs., 487. 1961. Queensland-banded Swamphen re- pp. 137-139. covered from Dutch New Guinea. (Summary of the Gilliard expeditions Qd. Agric. J., vol. 87, p. 618. to the Sepik R. and Victor Emanuel (Porphyrio porphyrio. See nos. 19, and Hindenburg Mts. See also nos. 488.) 307, 322, 323.) 488. 1965. Queensland banded Swamphen re- Leister, C. W. covered from West Irian. Aust. Bird 1937. See no. 193. Bander, vol. 3, p. 19. Le Souef, A. S. (Porphyrio porphyrio banded 495. 1919. Notes on the plumage of birds of 416 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

paradise in Taronga Park. Aust. ua New Guinea. New Guinea Bird Zool., vol. 1, pp. 206-207. Soc. Newsl., no. 129, p. 14. (Very brief notes on Paradisaea rag- (2nd record [see no. 499 for 1st.] of giana and ruldolphi, Diphyllodes Esacus magnirostris; at Bensbach.) magnificus, Parotia sp? and Cicin- 505. 1977b. Birds seen along the Sepik River. nurus regius.) New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no., 496. 1930. Observations on cassowaries with 129, p. 14. description of a new subspecies. (Selected list of 21, of a total of 47 Emu, vol. 29, pp. 241-242. spp. seen.) (Casuarius unappendiculatus multi- Loke, Wan Tht0 color [=C. u. philipi] 1 col. pl. See 1956. See no. 852. also no. 463.) 506. 1957. A company of birds. London. Lieftinck, M. A. Michael Joseph Ltd., 174 pp. 497. 1948. Zweedse Nieuw-Guinea expeditie. (A section with text and photos. of Chronica Nat., vol. 104, pp. 256. birds of Central Highlands, N.G. (Swedish N.G. expedition.) Note that photo. indicated as of 498. 1948. Zweeds-Ned. Nieuw Guinea expedi- Loria at the nest in fact is of tie 2. Chronica Nat., vol. 105, pp. Cnemophilus at the nest. See no. 31. 321, p. 89.) (Swedish-Netherlands N.G. expedi- Low, R. tion 2.) 507. 1973. The Papuan Lorikeet. Avicult. Lindgren, E. Mag., vol. 79, pp. 156-157. 499. 1971. Records of new and uncommon spe- (Brief popular account of Charm- cies for the island of New Guinea. osyna p. papou. 1 pl.) Emu, vol. 71, pp. 134-136. 508. 1974. Identification, care and breeding of (Incl. 1st N.G. breeding record of Trichoglossus haematodus. Avicult. Esacus magnirostris and 1st N.G. Mag., vol. 80, pp. 203-204. record of Grallina cyanoleuca. See (Incl. table listing characters of vari- also no. 504.) ous sspp., including N.G. sspp. 1 500. 1972. Courtship display of the White- col. pI.) breasted Sea-eagle Haliaeetus leuco- Lowe, W. P. gaster. Aust. Bird Watcher, vol. 4, 509. 1944. A new banded rail from the Philip- p. 132. pines. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, vol. 65, 1974. See no. 1019. p. 5. 501. 1975a. Papua New Guinea birds. Port (Hypotaenidia torquata maxwelli Moresby. Robert Brown and Assoc. [=Rallus torquatus limarius], distri- 32 pp. bution "north N.G." The bird was (Popular picture book, numerous originally obtained in Manila and photos.) died in London Zoo.) 502. 1975b. Papua New Guinea wildlife. Port Luban, W. C. Moresby. Robert Brown and Assoc. See no. 49. 32 pp. Ludicke, M. (Popular picture book, 12 photos of 510. 1969. Die Schmuckfedern des Wim- birds.) peltragers Pteridophora alberti hall- 503. 1975c. Wildlife in Papua New Guinea. Syd- stromi Mayr und Gilliard 1951 ney. Golden Press Pty. Ltd. (Paradisaeidae). Zool. Jb. Anat., (Popular picture book, numerous vol. 86, pp. 289-306. photos.) (The ornamental feathers of the King 1975d. See no. 954. of Saxony Bird of Paradise Linsenmaier, W. Pteridophora alberti hallstromi Mayr 1953. See no. 933. and Gilliard 1951 (Paradisaeidae).) 1955. See no. 934. Lynes, H. Lister, C. A. 511. 1930. Review of the genus Cisticola. Ibis 504. 1977a. A record of the Stone-curlew in Pap- suppl., 12th. ser., vol. 6, pp. 1-673. 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 417

(Summarizes knowledge, and speci- Frogmouth (Podargus papuensis men details, of C. exilis diminuta.) Quoy and Gaimard). Dansk Orn. Lysaght, A. Foren. Tidsskr., vol. 47, pp. 512. 1956. Why did Sonnerat record the 267-272. Kookaburra, Dacelo gigas (Bod- (Discusses how insects are dealt with daert) from New Guinea? Emu, vol. in the bill.) 56, pp. 224-225. Manson-Bahr, P. H. (Historical note.) 522. 1935. Remarks on the displays of birds of paradise. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, vol. Mack, G. 56, pp. 63-68. 513. 1934. Notes on the genus Orthonyx. Emu, (Briefly reviews displays of a few vol. 34, pp. 1-7. captive spp.) (N.G. populations given species sta- Marchant, S. tus [now considered sspp. of Aust. 523. 1972. Evolution of the genus Chrysococ- 0. temminckii], col. pl., 3 figs.) cyx. Ibis, vol. 114, pp. 219-233. Mackay, R. D. (Discusses origins and dispersal of 514. 1966. Kestrel: new record for Papua. Emu, genus [=Chalcites] based on hypo- vol. 66, p. 16. thetical geological evidence. Sug- (Falco cenchroides, measurements gests possible position of W.N.G. at indicate probably Irian Jaya ssp. F. start of Miocene and discusses the- c. baru.) oretical effect of this upon dispersal. 515. 1967a. Birds catching fish in Papua. Aust. Discusses migration and parasitism Bird Watcher, vol. 3, pp. 46-48. in genus. 3 figs. See also nos. 275, (Increase of fish-eaters due to intro- 371.) duction of Tilapia fish.) Marle, J. G. 516. 1967b. Bird notes from Southern Highlands 1949. See no. 962. 3-11 August 1967. New Guinea Bird Marshall, A. G. Soc. Newsl., no. 23, p. 4. 1976. See no. 231. (Annot. list of 26 spp.) Marshall, A. J. 517. 1970. The birds of Port Moresby and dis- 524. 1937a. Remarks on a recent expedition to trict. Melbourne. Nelson. 74 pp. New Guinea. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, (Systematic list of 367 spp. annot. vol. 57, p. 134. with notes on habitats and status. 17 (Very brief popular summary.) photos., 2 maps.) 525. 1937b. Northern New Guinea, 1936. Geogr. 518. 1975. Ground roosting of Podargus pa- J., vol. 89, pp. 489-506. puensis. New Guinea Bird Soc. (Remarks on 1936 trip to Torricelli Newsl., no. 112, pp. 13-14. Mts. and along n. coast to Hollan- 1975. See no. 1020. dia.) 519. 1976. New bird for Papua New Guinea, 526. 1938. Men and birds of paradise. London. Tawny Frogmouth Podargus strigo- Heinemann, Ltd., 299 pp. ides. New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., 1940. See no. 50. no. 121, p. 10. 527. 1954a. Bower-birds. Biol. Rev., vol. 29, (Near Morehead, W. Province.) pp. 1-45. 1977. See no. 1021. (This paper represents the basis for a Mackay, R. D., and R. Campbell larger subsequent work [see no. 520. 1976. Field note on Salvadori's Teal, Sal- 528]. 1 pl., 6 figs.) vadorina waigiuensis (Rothschild 528. 1954b. Bower-birds, their displays and and Hartert). New Guinea Bird Soc. breeding cycles. Oxford. Oxford Newsl., no. 122, pp. 8-9. Univ. Press. x + 208 pp. (Habits and field characters, at (Chapters incl., Internal events in Woitape, Central Province. See also the avian breeding cycle, The inter- nos. 252, 446.) action of external and internal fac- Madsen, H., and Sv. G. Larsson tors in the avian breeding cycle, The 521. 1953. Eating habits of the New Guinea evolution of bower building. A 418 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

chapter on each spp. of (Incl. Cyrtostomus frenatus olivaceus Ptilonorhynchidae. 27 pls., 2 maps, [=Nectarinia jugularis valia] from numerous figs. See also nos. 308, Goodenough I. See no. 544.) 527.) 538. 1927. Systema Avium Australasianarum, a 529. 1956. Bower birds. Sci. Amer., vol. 194, systematic list of the birds of the pp. 48-52. Australasian region. Part 1. London. (Discussion on bower building, its B.O.U., 426 pp. function, evolution and origins. 11 (Synonymy and distribution of all figs.) N.G. forms of nonpasserines. See 530. 1960. Bower-birds. Endeavour, vol. 19, also no. 545.) pp. 202-208. 539. 1928a. [On a new genus and subspecies (General brief account of family. 14 from New Guinea.] Bull. Br. Orn. photos., 13 in col.) Club, vol. 48, p. 82. 531. 1962. Bower-birds. Aust. Nat. Hist., vol. (Describes Sipodotus [=Todopsis 14, pp. 57-60. wallacei] and Hylochelidon nigricans (Popular account, with bias to Aust. papua [=Hirundo n. nigricans].) spp., discussing evolution of 540. 1928b. On new races of flycatchers from the bowers. 1 fig.) Papuan region. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, Martens, G. H. vol. 48, pp. 91-93. 532. 1922. Die Vogel der Sudsee-Expedition der (7 N.G. sspp. described.) Hamburger Wissenschaftlichen Stif- 541. 1928c. Nomenclatural notes. Bull. Br. Orn. tung, 1908-1909. Arch. Naturgesch., Club, vol. 49, pp. 51-52. ser. A, vol. 88, pp. 44-54. (Incl. introduction of genus Psitodus (The birds of the South Sea Expedi- [=Todopsis]. See no. 543.) tion of the Hamburg Scientific In- 542. 1928d. Bird notes. Novit. Zool., vol. 34, stitution, 1908-1909.) pp. 372-373. Mason, I. J. (Edolisoma melan goodsoni 1974. See no. 820. [=Coracina melaena goodsoni] and 1976. See no. 821. Rhipidura rufidorsa kumusi de- Mathews, G. M. scribed.) 1916. See no. 1022. 543. 1929a. Nomenclatural notes. Bull. Br. Orn. 533. 1925a. Nomenclatural notes. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, vol. 49, pp. 59-60. Club, vol. 45, pp. 93-94. (Points out Psitodus erected in error (Incl. new genera Devioeca, [see no. 541]; Todopsis is valid.) Trocheligone, Pac hycilodryas, 544. 1929b. Nomenclatural notes. Bull. Br. Orn. Cyrptigata and Chloromonarcha; all Club, vol. 50, pp. 10-11. now invalid and = Microeca, Phyll- (Incl. Cyrtostomus frenatus valia as oscopus, Pachycephala, Phyll- new name for C. f. olivaceus oscopus and Monarcha, [=Nectarinia jugularis valia]. See respectively.) no. 537.) 534. 1925b. Nomenclatural notes. Bull. Br. Om. 545. 1930. Systema Avium Australasianarum, a Club, vol. 45, p. 106. systematic list of the birds of the (Incl. description of Xanthotis flav- Australasian region. Part 2. London. iventer [=X. chrysotis.] B.O.U., pp. 427-1048. 535. 1925c. Nomenclatural notes. Bull. Br. Om. (Synonymy and distribution of all Club, vol. 45, p. 114. N.G. forms of passerines. Appendix, (Incl. new genera Manucorax Addenda and Index to both this part [=Manucodia] and Chalygama and part 1 [see no. 538.].) [=Phonygammus].) 546. 1931a. Additions and corrections to the 536. 1926a. Nomenclatural notes. Bull. Br. Orn. "Systema Avium Australasianarum." Club, vol. 46, p. 60. Ibis, vol. 1, 13th ser., pp. 44-57. (New genus Pseudochlamydera for (See nos. 538, 545, 548, 549.) Chlamydera lauterbachi; not used 547. 1931b. Nomenclatural notes. Bull. Br. Orn. subsequently.) Club, vol. 52, p. 25. 537. 1926b. On two new sunbirds. Bull. Br. (Quoyornis leucurus mimika Om. Club, vol. 47, pp. 67-68. [=Poecilodryas p. pulverulenta] de- 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 419

scribed; Poecilodryas cinerea con- vad. and Gerygone rufescens Sal- sidered as Quoyornis leucurus vad.? [=Sericornis arfakianus and cinereus [=P. p. pulverulenta]; Phe- S. rufescens, respectively].) rocraspedon [=Craspedophora] as 556. 1930e. Die Unterarten des Kragen- new name for Mathewsiella Iredale paradiesvogels (Lophorina superba). as precluded by Matthewsiella Orn. Mber., vol. 38, pp. 178-180. Hetschko 1913.) (The subspecies of the Superb Bird 548. 1932. Additions and corrections to the of Paradise (Lophorina superba).) "Systema Avium Australasianarum," 557. 1930f. Deutung der Vis'schen Vogelnamen. Part 2. Ibis, vol. 2, 13th ser., pp. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berl., vol. 16, pp. 132-161. 913-917. (See nos. 538, 545, 546, 549.) (The interpretation of de Vis' bird 549. 1933. Additions and corrections to the names.) "Systema Avium Australasianarum," 558. 1931a. Descriptions of two new subspecies Part 3. Ibis, vol. 3, 13th ser., pp. from the Snow Mountains of New 87-97. Guinea. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, vol. (See nos. 538, 545, 546, 548.) 51, p. 59. Mauersberger, G. (Ptiloprora plumbea granti and 550. 1976. On the display of Wilson's Bird-of- Pachycephalopsis hattamensis axill- paradise. Emu, vol. 76, p. 90. aris described.) (Very brief note on Diphyllodes res- 559. 1931b. Die syrinx einiger Singvogel aus publica. For more on this subject see Neu-Guinea. J. Orn., Lpz., vol. 79, nos. 264, 282, 993.) pp. 333-337. Maxwell, P. H (The syrinx of some song birds from 551. 1938. Bernstein's Ground-cuckoo (Cen- New Guinea.) tropus bernsteini). Avicult. Mag., 560. 1931c. The Parrot finches (Genus ser. 5, vol. 3, p. 125. Erythrura). Amer. Mus. Novitates, (=C. bersteinii; col. pl. with brief no. 489, pp. 1-10. note on locality and measurements (N.G. spp. listed, with synonymy of captive individual.) and range. See also nos. 352, 1000.) Mayr, E. 561. 193 1d. Zur Anatomie und systematischen 552. 1930a. My Dutch New Guinea expedition, stellung der Salvadori-Ente (Sav- 1928. Novit. Zool., vol. 36, pp. adorina waigiuensis Rothsch. and 20-26. Hartert). Orn. Mber., vol. 39, pp. (Summarized journal of collecting 69-70. trip to Arfak and Cyclops Mts., with (On the anatomy and systematic po- ref. to various birds. See also nos. sition of Salvadori's Duck (Sal- 380, 381, 564.) vadorina waigiuensis Rothsch. and 553. 1930b. Beobachtungen uber die Brutbiologie Hartert).) der Grossfusshuhner von Neuguinea. 562. 1931e. Die Vogel des Saruwaged-und (Megapodius, Talegallus und Herzog-gebirges (N O-Neuguinea). Aepypodius). Orn. Mber., vol. 38, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berl., vol. 17, pp. pp. 101-106. 639-723. (Observations on the breeding bi- (The birds of the Saruwaged and ology of the Megapodes of New Herzog Mountains (N.E. New Guinea. (Megapodius, Talegallus Guinea). See also no. 565.) and Aepypodius). See also nos. 161, 563. 1932a. Birds collected during the Whitney 286, 741.) South Sea Expedition. 19, Notes on 554. 1930c. Loboparadisea sericea aurora subsp. the Bronze Cuckoo Chalcites lucidus nova. Orn. Mber., vol. 38, pp. and its subspecies. Amer. Mus. 147-148. Novitates, no. 520, pp. 1-9. 555. 1930d. Was sind Gerygone arfakiana Sal- (Very limited N.G. data, but incl. vad. und Gerygone rufescens Sal- some measurements.) vad.? Orn. Mber., vol. 38, pp. 564. 1932b. A tenderfoot explorer in New 176-178. Guinea. Nat. Hist., N.Y., vol. 32, (What are Gerygone arfakiana Sal- pp. 83-97. 420 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

(Popular account of 1928 collecting Bucerotidae. 1 genus and 4 sspp. exped. to Arfak Mts., with odd described. For other "Notes on N.G. mention of birds. 13 photos. For birds" see nos. 572, 574, 575, 576, other results of this exped. see nos. 578, 579, 582.) 380, 381, 552.) 574. 1937d. Birds collected during the Whitney 565. 1932c. Berichtigungen und Verbesserungen South Sea Expedition. 36, Notes on zu meiner Arbeit. "Die Vogel des New Guinea birds 3. Amer. Mus. Saruwaged-und Herzog-gebirges." Novitates, no. 947, pp. 1-11. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berl., vol. 18, (Reviews some spp. of Columbidae p. 169. and Psittacidae. Many measure- (Corrections and amendments of my ments. For other "Notes on N.G. work, "The birds of the Sarwaged birds" see nos. 572, 573, 575, 576, and Herzog mountains." See also 578, 579, 582.) no. 562.) 575. 1938a. Birds collected during the Whitney 566. 1933a. Der Formenkreis Zosterops minor. South Sea Expedition. 39, Notes on Om. Mber., vol. 41, pp. 53-54. New Guinea birds 4. Amer. Mus. (The Zosterops minor superspecies.) Novitates, no. 1006, pp. 1-16. 567. 1933b. Zur Besiedlungsgeschichte von Biak. (Reviews Megapodius and Talegalla Orn. Mber., vol. 41, pp. .54-55. of Megapodiidae. 1 N.G. ssp. de- (On the history of colonization of scribed. For other "Notes on N.G. Biak.) birds" see nos. 572, 573, 574, 576, 568. 1933c. Zur systematischen Stellung von 578, 579, 582.) Paramythia De Vis. Orn. Mber., 576. 1938b. Birds collected during the Whitney vol. 41, pp. 112-113. South Sea Expedition. 40, Notes on (On the systematic position of Para- New Guinea birds 5. Amer. Mus. mythia De Vis. See also no. 374.) Novitates, no. 1007, pp. 1-16. 569. 1936a. New subspecies of birds from the (Reviews some spp,. of Turnicidae, New Guinea region. Amer. Mus. Rallidae, Charadriidae, Recur- Novitates, no. 869, pp. 1-7. virostridae and Burhinidae. 3 N.G. (10 sspp. described and discussed.) sspp. described. For other "Notes on 570. 1936b. A new honey-eater from the Snow N.G. birds" see nos. 572, 573, 574, Mountains of New Guinea. Bull. Br. 575, 578, 579, 582.) Orn. Club, vol. 57, pp. 42-43. 577. 1940a. Speciation phenomena in birds. (Melidectes belfordi kinneari.) Amer. Nat., vol. 74, pp. 249-278. 571. 1937a. Notes on the genus Sericornis (A no. of examples from N.G. Gould. Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. forms. 7 figs.) 904. pp. 1-25. 578. 1940b. Birds collected during the Whitney (Comprehensive review; 5 N.G. South Sea Expedition. 41, Notes on sspp. described.) New Guinea birds 6. Amer. Mus. 572. 1937b. Birds collected during the Whitney Novitates, no. 1056, pp. 1-12. South Sea Expedition. 33, Notes on (Reviews some spp. of Casuariidae, New Guinea birds 1. Amer. Mus. Ardeidae, Anatidae and Accipitridae. Novitates, no. 915, pp. 1-19. 6 N.G. sspp. described: For other (Notes on the genus Collocalia; a "Notes on N.G. birds" see nos. systematic review with emphasis on 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 579, 582.) N.G. forms. 2 sspp. described from 579. 1940c. Birds collected during the Whitney Papuan Subregion. For other "Notes South Sea Expedition. 43, Notes on on N.G. birds" see nos. 573, 574, New Guinea birds 7. Amer. Mus. 575, 576, 578, 579, 582.) Novitates, no. 1091, pp. 1-3. 573. 1937c. Birds collected during the Whitney (6 N.G. sspp. described. For other South Sea Expedition. 35, Notes on "Notes on N.G. birds" see nos. New Guinea birds 2. Amer. Mus. 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 578, 582.) Novitates, no. 939, pp. 1-14. 580. 1941a. List of New Guinea birds. New (Reviews some spp. of Cuculidae, York. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., xi + Tytonidae, Strigidae, Caprimulgidae, 260 pp. Podargidae, Alcedinidae and ("A systematic and faunal list of the 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 421

birds of New Guinea and adjacent other "Notes on birds of N. islands". Most important list of all Melanesia" see nos. 589, 592, 593.) sspp. with synonymy and range. A 587. 1945b. Birds of paradise. Nat. Hist., N.Y., list of known hybrid Paradisaeidae vol. 54, pp. 264-276. and of important localities at which (Popular account of speciation, N.G. birds have been collected. hybridization, distribution and con- Also ref. to useful published maps. servation. 17 pls., 5 figs.) 1 map. For list of forms of N.G. 588. 1948. Geographic variation in the Reed- birds described as new since this list warbler. Emu, vol. 47, pp. 205-210. was published see part 3 of this bib- (Deals with the N.G. Acrocephalus liography.) arundinaceus cervinus. See also no. 581. Deleted. 892.) 582. 1941b. Birds collected during the Whitney 589. 1949. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. 45, Notes on South Sea Expedition. 57, Notes on New Guinea birds 8. Amer. Mus. the birds of Northern Melanesia 2. Novitates, no. 1133, pp. 1-8. Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. 1417, (Subts. = The geographical variation pp. 1-38. of Falco peregrinus in the Papuan (Comments on systematics and dis- and Aust. regions, On Rhipidura persal of various spp. of Mega- rufifrons louisiadensis Hartert, Notes podiidae, Phasianidae and Rallidae. on the geographical variation of Ref. to N.G. birds incl. morphology Monarcha alecto, Generic classific- and measurements. Rallina tricolor ation of some N.G. flycatchers maxima of Waigeu described. "The [Microeca-Poecilodryas group], shore birds of Northern Melanesia" Notes on Phonygammus keraudrenii pp. 26-37, refers to some N.G. jamesi Sharpe, On the correct name birds. For other "Notes on the birds of the W.N.G. King Bird of Para- of N. Melanesia" see nos. 586, 592, dise [Cicinnurus regius]. For other 593.) "Notes on N.G. birds" see nos. 590. 1950. Artbildung und Variation in der Hal- 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 578, 579.) cyon-chloris-Gruppe. Orn. Biol. 583. 1942. Systematics and the origin of spe- Wiss. (Festschrift zum 60. cies. New York, Columbia Univ. Geburtstag von Erwin Stresemann), Press, 334 pp. pp. 55-60. (Important work discussing the mod- (Speciation and variation in the Hal- em species concept, using as exam- cyon chloris group. See also no. ples many birds from N.G. and 672.) adjacent islands, numerous figs.) 591. 1953. Fragments of a Papuan ornitho-geog- 584. 1943a. Notes on Australian birds (2). Emu, raphy. Proc. Pacif. Sci. Congr. vol. 43, pp. 3-17. 1949, vol. 4, pp. 11-19. (Podiceps novaehollandiae incola, (Subts. = Zoogeographic position of from Sentani Lake N.N.G. de- N.G. bird fauna [incl. generic analy- scribed.) sis of affinities], Differences be- 1943b. See no. 998. tween birds and plants, Causes for 585. 1944. The family name of the Australian contact between plants and birds, honey-eaters. Auk, vol. 61, p. 465. History of N.G. biota, Continental (Clears up nomenclature of group.) drift and the Papuan biota.) 586. 1945a. Birds collected during the Whitney 592. 1955. Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. 55, Notes on South Sea Expedition. 63, Notes on the birds of Northern Melanesia 1. the birds of Northern Melanesia 3. Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. 1294, Passeres. Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. pp. 1-12. 1707, pp. 1-46. (Systematics of various spp. of Ca- (Mostly concerned with radiation of suariidae, Podicipedidae, Anatidae, some members of 16 families. Notes Ardeidae, Accipitridae and presence of a few forms in N.G., Falconidae. Limited N.G. data on their characters and part played in coloration and measurements. For dispersal/colonization. Limited N.G. 422 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

data. For other "Notes on the birds (Note on the subspecies of Goura of N. Melanesia" see nos. 586, 589, victoria.) 593.) Mayr, E., and S. Camras 593. 1957a. Birds collected during the Whitney 601. 1938. Birds of the Crane Pacific Expedi- South Sea Expedition. 64, Notes on tion. Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., the birds of Northern Melanesia 4. -Zool. Ser., vol. 20, pp. 453-473. Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. 1823, (Subt. "Papuan Subregion" incl. list pp. 1-14. of specimens with discussion on cer- ("The genus Accipiter." Almost tain spp. Nettapus coromandelianus nothing on N.G., but 2 of 6 pls. 1st. record for N.G. Mirafra jav- figure N.G. skins of A. anica sepikiana and Lichmera al- melanochlamys. For other "Notes on boauricularis olivacea described. birds of N. Melanesia" see nos. For popular account of this exped. 586, 589, 592.) see no. 840.) 594. 1957b. New species of birds described from Mayr, E., and E. T. Gilliard 1941 to 1955. J. Om., Lpz., vol. 602. 1950. A new bower bird (Archboldia) from 98, pp. 22-35. Mount Hagen, New Guinea. Amer. (Incl. discussion of 3 N.G. forms. Mus. Novitates, no. 1473, pp. 1-3. See also nos. 597, 998.) (A. papuensis sanfordi described. 595. 1967. The challenge of island faunas. See also no. 607.) Aust. Nat. Hist., vol. 15, pp. 603. 1951. New species and subspecies of birds 369-374. from the highlands of New Guinea. (General discussion of Australasian Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. 1524, area, incl. N.G. birds. 1 map.) pp. 1-15. 596. 1969. Bird speciation in the tropics. Biol. (1 sp. and 16 sspp.; from Hagen, J. Linn. Soc., vol. 1, pp. 1-17. Bismarck and Kubor mts. See also (Mostly giving examples on N.G. or nos. 303, 304, 602, 605, 607.) adjacent islands. 6 figs.) 604. 1952a The Ribbon-tailed Bird of Paradise 597. 1971. New species of birds described from (Astrapia mayeri) and its allies. 1956 to 1965. J. Om., Lpz., vol. Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. 1551, 112, pp. 302-316. pp. 1-13. (Incl. discussion of 2 N.G. forms. (Summary of current knowledge in See also nos. 594, 998.) all aspects, with new description and Mayr, E., and D. Amadon diagnosis given. Genus as a whole 598. 1941. Birds collected during the Whitney dealt with; some measurements. 2 South Sea Expedition. 46, Geo- maps.) graphical variation in Demigretta 605. 1952b. Six new subspecies of birds from the sacra (Gmelin). Amer. Mus. Novi- highlands of New Guinea. Amer. tates, no. 1144, pp. 1-11. Mus. Novitates, no. 1577, pp. 1-8. (Examines size and color phases (From Hagen, Bismarck and Kubor over extensive range incl. N.G. Also mts. Introduction of new name Tur- list of specimens in Amer. Mus. dus poliocephalus erebus to replace Nat. Hist. 1 map.) preoccupied T. p. carbonarius pro- 599. 1947. A review of the Dicaeidae. Amer. posed in no. 603. See also nos. 303, Mus. Novitates, no. 1360, pp. 1-32. 304, 607.) (Comprehensive review dealing with 606. 1952c. Altitudinal hybridization in New the family, its distribution, position, Guinea honeyeaters. Condor, vol. plumage and dimorphism, habits and 54, pp. 325-337. adaptations, genera and spp., and (Discusses and describes hybrid evolution. 8 figs. See also nos. 568, zones in the Melidectes leuco- 798, 799, 800, 801.) stephes-belfordi group, and their ori- Mayr, E., and J. Berlioz gins. 4 figs. See also no. 318.) 600. 1933. Note critique sur les sous-especes de 607. 1954. Birds of Central New Guinea. Re- Goura victoria. Oiseau Revue fr. sults of the American Museum of Om., vol. 3, pp. 751-754. Natural History Expedition to New 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 423

Guinea in 1950 and 1952. Bull. Birds from Northwest New Guinea. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 102, ,Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., vol. pp. 315-374. 91, pp. 97-144. (Important paper. Subts. = Sum- (Reports on collections from N. mary of results; Itinerary; Ecologi- Vogelkop, Sorong and surrounding cal, geographical and anthropologi- islands and mainland. Annot. spp. cal notes; Conservation and paradise list, section on history of collecting plume collecting today; Types of in area. 1 map, 3 pls. For other habitat and birds typical of each; results of this exped. see nos. 609, Effect of man upon the altitudinal 611, 650, 651, 733.) distribution of some N.G. birds; 611. 1939c. Zoological results of the Denison- Zoogeographical affinities of Wahgi Crockett South Pacific expedition for Region birds; Annotated list of birds the Academy of Natural Sciences of of the Central Highlands [incl. Philadelphia 1937-1938. Part 5. weights, measurements and field Birds from the Western Papuan Is- notes]. 22 pls., of 37 photos. of lands. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., birds or their display areas and 8 of vol. 91, pp. 145-163. habitats, 1 map. See also nos. 303, (Subts. = Collection of birds from 306, 602, 603, 605.) Misol and the Schildpad Is. Mayr, E., and K. Jennings [collected by S. D. Ripley]; Collec- 608. 1952. Geographic variation and plumages tion of birds from Salawati and in Australian bowerbirds (Ptilono- Sagewin Is., Collection of birds rhynchidae). Amer. Mus. Novitates, from Batanta [collected by 2 local no. 1602, pp. 1-8. men, Joseph and Saban]. Spp. lists (A few measurements of, and odd under subts. incl. field notes, ref. to, N.G. forms. A brief discus- weights and measurements. 1 map. sion of relationship between Ser- For other results of this exped. see iculus and Xanthomelus, it being nos. 609, 610, 650, 651, 733.) suggested that the latter be placed Mayr, E., and M. Moynihan into former. 1 pl.) 612. 1946. Birds collected during the Whitney Mayr, E., and R. Meyer de Schauensee South Sea Expedition. 56, Evolution 609. 1939a. Zoological results of the Denison- in the Rhipidura rufifrons group. Crockett expedition to the South Pa- Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. 1321, cific for the Academy of Natural pp. 1-21. Sciences of Philadelphia 1937-1938. (Comprehensive review of speciation Part 1. The birds of the island of with discussion on ecological isola- Biak. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., tion and speciation.) vol. 91, pp. 1-37. Mayr, E., and A. L. Rand (On collections made by S. D. 613. 1935. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. Ripley during Nov.-Dec. 1937. no. 6, Twenty-four apparently un- Subts. = Ripley's account of Biak, described birds from New Guinea Ornithological history of Biak, Spe- and the D'Entrecasteaux Archipel- ciation of birds on Biak, Origin of ago. Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. avifauna of Biak, Trends of variation 814, pp. 1-17. on Biak, List of birds [seen and/or (1 sp. and 23 sspp. described. Status collected by Ripley and others]. of forms of Malurus alboscapulatus Field notes, measurements and discussed at some length. See also weights. 1 ssp. described. 1 map, 4 no. 617.) photos. For other results of this ex- 614. 1936a. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. ped. see nos. 610, 611, 650, 651, No. 10, Two new subspecies of 733.) birds from New Guinea. Amer. 610. 1939b. Zoological results of the Denison- Mus. Novitates, no. 868, pp. 1-3. Crockett South Pacific expedition for (Excalfactoria chinensis papuensis the Academy of Natural Sciences of and Microdynamis parva grises- Philadelphia 1937-1938. Part 4. cens.) 424 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

615. 1936b. Neue Unterarten von Vogeln aus (Composition of, and remarks on, Neu-Guinea. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berl., the mountain avifauna. Notes on vol. 21, pp. 241-248. lowland avifauna and history of col- (New subspecies of birds from New lecting on Goodenough. Pachy- Guinea.) cephala soror remota described. 1 616. 1936c. Vorlaufiges uber die Ergebnisse der map. For other results of the exped. Archbold-Rand Neu-Guinea-Expedi- see nos. 128, 129.) tion von 1933. Om. Mber., vol. 44, Mayr, E., and C. Vaurie pp. 41-44. 622. 1948. Evolution in the family Dicruridae (Preliminary results of the Archbold- (Birds). Evolution, vol. 2, pp. Rand New Guinea Expedition of 238-265. 1933.) (Detailed analysis of morphological 617. 1937. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. characters, incl. all N.G. forms. 7 14, Birds of the 1933-1934 Papuan figs. See also no. 955.) Expedition. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. McClure, H. E. Hist., vol. 73, pp. 1-248. 623. 1974. Migration and survival of the birds (Annot. list of specimens collected of Asia. Bangkok. U.S. Army Com- in S.E. and S.N.G. in 1933-34; and ponent SEATO Medical Research also by J. T. Zimmer [S.E. N.G. Laboratory. v + 476 pp. 1920-21], Whitney Exped. [S.E. (Incl. a number of N.G. banding re- N.G. 1928-29] and R. H. Beck [E. coveries; and describes major migra- N.G. 1928]. Locality lists of the lat- tory routes in the area. 249 figs., ter 3 expeds. given. Deals with 445 mostly maps.) forms, giving notes on plumage, sta- McGill, A. R. tus and field notes and some meas- 624. 1948. A distributional review of the genus urements. For other results of this Neositta. Emu, vol. 48, pp. 33-52. exped. see nos. 56, 155, 613, 707, (Brief mention of N. papuensis 708.) only.) Mayr, E., and S. D. Ripley 625. 1970. Australian Warblers. Melbourne. 618. 1941. Birds collected during the Whitney Bird Observers' Club. 147 pp. South Sea Expedition. 44, Notes on (Fine account of ecology and identi- the genus Lalage Boie. Amer. Mus. fication, incl. many spp. also in Novitates, no. 1116, pp. 1-18. N.G. particularly of Gerygone and (Systematic revision, mostly of the Sericornis beccarii. 12 col. pls., 84 Polynesian forms, but dealing with maps.) the 3 N.G. spp. Generic character- McKean, J. L. ization and synonymy discussed and 1972. See no. 822. the history of the genus examined at 1973. See nos. 823, 824. length. See also no. 782.) McKean, J. L., and D. P. Vernon Mayr, E., and D. L. Serventy 626. 1971. New records of tube-nosed birds 619. 1938. A review of the genus Acanthiza (Order Procellariiformes) from Vigors and Horsfield. Emu, vol. 39, Queensland. Mem. Qd. Mus., vol. pp. 245-292. 16, pp. 141-143. (N.G. A. murina considered nearest (Incl. record of live Pterodroma ros- to ancestral type. Also mention of trata captured off Port Moresby, this sp. in association with Gerygone N.G., as well as 1st. Aust. record of cinerea and Sericornis nouhuysi.) same. 4 pls.) 620. 1944. The number of Australian bird spe- McVean, D. N. cies. Emu, vol. 44, pp. 33-40. 1969. See no. 963. (Figures for N.G. given and com- Medway, Lord parative land mass/spp. no. ratio dis- 627. 1966. Field characters as a guide to the cussed.) specific relations of swiftlets. Proc. Mayr, E., and H. M. Van Deusen Linn. Soc. London, vol. 177, pp. 621. 1956. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. 151-172. No. 74, The birds of Goodenough (Covers N.G. spp. of Collocalia.) Island, Papua. Amer. Mus. Novi- Meek, A. S. tates, no. 1792, pp. 1-8. See no. 401. 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 425

Mees, G. F. 635. 1962. Letter to the Editor. Emu, vol. 62, 628. 1953. The white-eyes of the Aroe Islands, p. 220. (Aves, Zosteropidae). Zool. Meded., (Corrects identification of Zosterops Leiden, vol. 32, pp. 25-30. novaeguineae in Wau area [see no. (Systematic discussion. Zosterops 968] to Z. atrifons chrysolaema [= novaeguinea aruensis described. 1 Z. minor chrysolaema].) pI.) 636. 1964a. Four new subspecies of birds from 629. 1955. Description of a new race of the Moluccas and New Guinea. Zosterops novaeguineae Salvadori Zool. Meded. Leiden, vol. 40, pp. (Aves, Zosteropidae). Zool. Meded. 125-130. Leiden, vol. 34, pp. 153-154. (3 from N.G. area.) (Z. n. magnirostris from Awar, N.E. 637. 1964b. A revision of the Australian owls N.G.) (Strigidae and Tytonidae). Zool. 630. 1957a. A systematic review of the Indo- Verh., Leiden, no. 65, pp. 1-62. Australian Zosteropidae (Part 1). (N.G. forms of Ninox rufa, N. Zool. Verh., Leiden, no. 35, pp. novaeseelandiae, N. connivens and 1-204. Tyto tenebricosa discussed, incl. (Check list of Indo-Aust. forms and measurements. 1 col. pl., 8 maps.) general remarks on family and meth- 638. 1964c. Notes on two small collections of ods of present study. Does not deal birds from New Guinea. Zool. Verh., Leiden, no. 66, 1-37. specifically with N.G. forms. 1 pl., pp. 10 figs. See also nos. 628, 629, (From Star Mts. [see nos. 134, 135] 634, 642, 909.) and Merauke area. Annot. list of specimens. Rhamphocharis crassi- 631. 1957b. Over net belang van Temminck's rostris interposita described. 1 map.) "Discours Preliminaire" voor de 639. 1965a. Revision of Nectarinia sericea (Les- Zoologische Nomenclatuur. Zool. son). Ardea, vol. 53, pp. 38-56. Meded. Leiden, vol. 35, pp. 205-227. (Incl. all N.G. forms. Nectarinia se- (On the significance of Temminck's ricea veronica described. 1 map, 1 fig. See no. 641.) ... etc. [Incl. discussion of type locality, geographical variation and 640. 1965b. The avifauna of Misool. Nova Guinea, Zool., vol. 31, pp. nomenclature of Probosciger ater- 139-203. rimus].) (Important and comprehensive re- 632. 1958a. Een bastaard tussen Lonchura tris- view. Subts. = History of collect- tissima (Wallace) en L. leucosticta ing, Analysis of the avifauna, Faunal (D'Albertis and Salvadori). Nova affinities. An annot. list of forms. Guinea, new ser., vol. 9, pp. 15-19. Goura cristata pygmaea described. 1 (A hybrid between . . . and ... map, 1 fig., 4 pls.) etc.) 641. 1966. A new subspecies of Anthreptes mal- 633. 1958b. Het ornithologisch belang van de acensis (Scopoli) from the Soela Is- bosreserve "Tafelberg" te Mano- lands (Aves, Nectariniidae). Zool. kwari (Nederlands New Guinea). Meded., Leiden, vol. 41, pp. Oost en West, vol. 51, pp. 15-17. 255-257. (The ornithological significance of (Notes that Nectarinia sericea is pre- the forest reserve "Tafelberg" at occupied [see nos. 357, 639] and Manokwari (Dutch N.G.). [List of that N. aspasia is the next available spp. observed in Jan. 1957].) name.) 634. 1961. A systematic review of the Indo- 642. 1969. A systematic review of the Indo- Australian Zosteropidae (Part 2). Australian Zosteropidae (Part 3). Zool. Verh., Leiden, no. 50, pp. Zool. Verh., Leiden, no. 102, pp. 1-168. 1-390. (Important; deals with all N.G. (Contains additions and corrections forms very comprehensively in all to Part 1 [no. 630] in 36 pp. and to respects, including exhaustive syn- Part 2 [no. 634] in 20 pp. The sum- onymy. 4 pls., 13 figs. See also nos. mary and conclusions include "A re- 628, 629, 630, 642, 909.) vised list of the Indo-Aust. 426 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

Zosteropidae" and 21 other subts., Meyer, 0. most of which deal with specific 652. 1934. Bruten von Hirundo tahitica fron- characters, or aspects, of the family. talis. Beitr. Fortpfl. Biol. V6gel, 28 figs. See also no. 909.) vol. 10, pp. 141-143. 643. 1972. Die Vogel der Insel Gebe. Zool. (Breeding of Hirundo tahitica fron- Meded., Leiden, vol. 46, pp. 69-89. talis.) (The birds of the island of Gebe. Miller, A. H. [Composition and systematics. An- 653. 1964. A new species of warbler from New not. list and some measurements.] 1 Guinea. Auk, vol. 81, pp. 1-4. map.) (Sericornis nigroviridis. 1 col. pl.) Meise, W. Miyamoto, T. 644. 1930. Eupetes c astanontus par subsp. 654. 1971. Note of birds collected at some nova. Orn. Mber., vol. 38, p. 17. places in the Territory of Papua and 645. 1931. Zur systematik der Gattung New Guinea. Tori, vol. 20, pp. Gerygone. Novit. Zool., vol. 36, 191-203. pp. 317-379. (Collection of 200 birds from Wau- (On the systematics of the genus Morobe district made in Aug. 1970. Gerygone.) Specimen list, with measurements.) 646. 1934. Ueber vier von De Vis beschriebene 655. 1975. The list of birds collected in Oriental Neuguinea MIuscicapidae s.l. Orn. and adjacent regions. Tori. vol. 23, Mber., vol. 42, pp. 78-80. pp. 7-16. (On four Muscicapidae s.l. described (List of 447 birds collected from by De Vis from New Guinea.) N.G. and elsewhere. No localities Menkhorst, P. for N.G. specimens!) 647. 1975. Identification of tems at Moitaka Morioka, H. Sewage Ponds. New Guinea Bird 1971. See no. 121. Soc. Newsl., no. 112, pp. 11-13. 656. 1974. Jaw' musculature of swifts (Aves, 1976. See no. 435. Apodidae). Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Menzies, J. I. Tokyo, vol. 17, pp. 1-16. 648. 1976. Successful nesting of a bower bird. (Incl. Collocalia vanikorensis.) New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. Morrison-Scott, T. 120, p. 10. 657. 1930. Display of Lophorina superba (Chlamydera cerviniventris, nestling minor. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, fledged at 21 days old.) 1930, p. 809. Mertens, R. (Brief descriptive note on captive. 649. 1923. Zur Kenntnis der Vogelfauna von See no. 837.) Deutsch-Neuguinea. Senckenberg- Mosey, H. iana, vol. 5, pp. 228-229. 658. 1956. Birds observed on a visit to New (Towards a knowledge of the avi- Guinea during June to August 1950. fauna of Dutch New Guinea.) Emu, vol. 56, pp. 357-366. rMeyer de Schauensee, R. (Annot. spp. list, recording status 1939. See nos. 609, 610, 611. and field notes of birds at Wau, 650. 1940a. Rediscovery of the megapode 3,600' a.s.l.) Aepypodius bruijnii. Auk, vol. 57, Moynihan, M. pp. 83-84. 1946. See no. 612. (See also no. 651.) Muller, K. A. 651. 1940b. On a collection of birds from 659. 1974. Rearing Count Raggi's Bird of Para- Waigeu. Notul. Nat., no. 45, pp. dise Paradisaea raggiana at Taronga 1-16. Zoo, Sydney. Int. Zoo Yb., vol. 14, (List of specimens obtained Nov.- pp. 102-105. Dec. 1938, incl. rediscovery of (Captive breeding; incubation 19.5 Aepypodius bruijnii [see also no. to 20 days and fledging 20 days.) 650]. 7 forms recorded on Waigeu Murphy, R. C. for 1st time.) 660. 1930. Birds collected during the Whitney 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 427

South Sea Expedition. 11. Amer. ecological differentiation, sexual di- Mus. Novitates, no. 419, pp. 1-15. morphism, systematics, geographical (Mention, with measurements, of origin and distributional history. Not N.G. specimen of Puffinus leuco- published, in the normal sense, but melas.) incl. as reviewed normally in Auk, Murphy, R. C., and D. Amadon vol. 92, pp. 832-833. 661. 1966. In memoriam: E. Thomas Gilliard. Auk, vol. 83, pp. 416-422. Oberholser, H. C. (Incl. a bibliography of published 670. 1915a. A synopsis of the races of the Long- work by this very important N.G. tailed Goatsucker Caprimulgus mac- worker. 1 pl.) rurus Horsfield. Proc. U.S. Natn. Mus., vol. 48, pp. 587-599. Neumann, 0. (Incl. C. m. keatsi [= C. m. yorki] 662. 1919. Ueber einige Arten des genus Col- from N.G.) localia. Orn. Mber., vol. 27, pp. 671. 1915b. A synopsis of the races of the 108-110. Crested Tern, Thalasseus bergii. (On some species of the genus Col- (Lichtenstein). Proc. U. S. Natn. localia.) Mus., vol. 49, pp. 515-526. 663. 1922. Neue Formen aus dem papuanischen (=Sterna bergii, incl. N.G. records und polynesischen Inselreich. Verh. of S. b. cristatus.) Orn. Ges. Bayern, vol. 15, pp. 672. 1919. A revision of the subspecies of the 234-237. White-collared Kingfisher, Sau- (New forms from the Papuan and ropatis chloris (Boddaert). Proc. U. Polynesian island region.) S. Natn. Mus., vol. 55, pp. 664. 1924. Neue Unterarten von Neu-Guinea 351-395. und Celebes. Orn. Mber., vol. 32, (= Halcyon chloris. See also no. pp. 38-40. 590.) (New subspecies from New Guinea Officer, H. R. and Celebes.) 673. 1964. Australian Honeyeaters. Melbourne. 665. 1929a. Neue Subspecies aus Papuasien. J. Bird Observers' Club. 83 pp. Orn., Lpz., vol. 77, pp. 197-198. (All Aust. spp. of Meliphagidae il- (New subspecies from Papuasia.) lustrated in col. The only easily ac- 666. 1929b. Revision des Genus Alisterus Math. cessible field notes and illustrations Proc. Int. Orn. Congr. 6, Copen- on some N.G. spp. 12 col. pls.) hagen, 1926, pp. 436-453. 674. 1969. Australian Flycatchers. Melbourne. (Revision of the genus Alisterus Bird Observers' Club. 108 pp. Math.) (Muscicapidae. As no. 673.) 667. 1932. Lophorina superba sphinx nov. Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. subsp. Orn. Mber., vol. 40, pp. 675. 1915. Report on the birds collected by the 121-122. British Ornithologists' Union Expe- Nevermann, H. dition and the Wollaston Expedition See nos. 915, 927. in Dutch New Guinea. Ibis Jubilee Nicholson, C. J., and B. J. Coates Suppl. no. 2, pp. xx + 1-336. 668. 1975. Observations on the nesting of the (Systematic list of specimens ob- White-shouldered Wren. New Guin- tained, mostly in the Snow Mts. ea Bird Soc. Newsl, no. 106, pp. area. 2 spp. and 5 sspp. described. 3-4. A bibliography of principal papers (Malurus alboscapularis.) on N.G. birds from 1858 to 1915. 2 Nieboer, E. maps, 8 col. pls., 3 figs. See also 669. 1973. Geographical and ecological differ- nos. 340, 676, 1022.) entiation in the genus Circus. 676. 1916a. Report on the birds collected by the Amsterdam Mus., Free Univ. doc- British Ornithologists' Union Expe- toral thesis. 104 pp. dition and the Wollaston Expedition (Incl. N.G. spp.; covering sympatry, in Dutch New Guinea. In, Reports 428 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

on the collections made by the Brit- (New races from New Guinea ish Ornithologists' Union Expedition (Xanthotis, Clytoceyx).) and the Wollaston Expedition in 685. 1935b. Zur Ornithologie von Britisch Neu- Dutch New Guinea, 1910-13, vol. 1, guinea. Orn. Mber., vol. 43, pp. pt. 3, pp. 1-240. London, Francis 121-123. Edwards. (On the ornithology of British New (Reprint of no. 675. See also no. Guinea.) 340.) 686. 1935c. Rhipidura brachyrhyncha und Rh. 677. 1916b. Some notes in reply to Mr. G. M. devisi. Orn. Mber., vol. 43, pp. Mathews. Ibis, 10th ser., vol. 4, pp. 181-183. 305-313. (Rhipidura brachyrhyncha [= R. b. (Remarks and criticisms on Math- brachyrhyncha] and R. devisi [= R. ews's [addendum] comments on the b. divisi].) present author's paper [no. 675].) 1935d. See no. 928. Olson, S. L. 1936. See no. 926. 678. 1973. A classification of the Rallidae. Wil- 1937. See no. 929. son Bull., vol. 85, pp. 381-416. Parker, S. A. (Systematic revision, using anatomi- 687. 1962. Notes on some undescribed eggs cal material and literature. 1 col. pl. from New Guinea. Bull. Br. Orn. and 7 figs.) Club, vol. 82, pp. 132-133. Oort, E. D. van (Nest and eggs of Pitohui dichrous 679. 1915. On a new bird of paradise from Cen- and P. nigrescens.) tral New Guinea, Falcinellus meyeri 688. 1963. Nidification of the genus Melano- albicans. Zool. Meded., Leiden, charis Sclater (Dicaeidae). Bull. Br. vol. 1, p. 228. Orn. Club, vol. 83, pp. 109-112. (= Epimachus meyeri albicans.) (Nest and eggs of M. nigra and M. Opit, G. striativentris. 2 pls. See also no. 680. 1975a. Display of Magnificent Rifle Bird. 722.) New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 1965. See no. 373. 113, p. 15. 1966. See no. 374. (Craspedophora magnifica. See also 689. 1967. The eggs of the Wattled Brush Tur- nos. 167, 188, 193.) key (Aepypodius arfakianus) (Sal- 681. 1975b. Breeding record of Large-tailed vadori) (Megapodiidae). Bull. Br. Nightjar. New Guinea Bird Soc. Orn. Club, vol. 87, p. 92. Newsl., no. 113, p. 16. 1969. See no. 296. (Caprimulgus macrurus.) 690. 1971. Distribution of Meliphaga flavescens Orenstein, R. I and M. fusca in northern Queens- 682. 1975. Observations and comments on two land. Sunbird, vol. 2, pp. 41-47. stream-adapted birds of Papua New (Populations of M. flavescens in Port Guinea. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, vol. Moresby district ref. to nominate 95, pp. 161-165. ssp.) (Behavior, and its significance, of 1974. See no. 271. Monachella muelleriana and Gral- Parkes, K. C. lina bruijni.) 691. 1949. A new button quail from New Guinea. Auk, vol. 66, pp. 84-86. Paludan, K. (Turnix maculosa furva.) 1932. See no. 789. Patterson, T. 683. 1934a. Meliphaga analoga und ihre Dop- 1974. See nos. 1023, 1024. pelganger. Orn. Mber., vol. 42, pp. Pearson, D. L. 140-143. 692. 1975. Survey of the birds of a lowland- (Meliphaga analoga and its double. forest plot in the East Sepik District, See also no. 897.) Papua New Guinea. Emu, vol. 75, 1934b. See no. 925. pp. 175-177. 684. 1935a. Neue Rassen aus Neuguinea (Xan- (List of spp. observed over 6 weeks thotis, Clytoceyx). Orn. Mber., vol. with indication of status and habitat. 43, pp. 54-55. 40 km. S. of Maprik. 1 fig.) 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 429

Peckover, W. S. 700. 1938. Generic limits of some fruit pigeons. 693. 1969. A little known bowerbird. , Int. Om. Congr. 8, Oxford 1934, vol. 12, p. 17. pp. 371-391. (Chlamydera cerviniventris, with (Covers all N. G. forms in discus- record of bower painting. See also sions redefining genera.) no. 694.) 701. 1940. A genus for Eupetes caerulescens 694. 1970. The Fawn-breasted Bowerbird Temminck. Auk, vol. 57, p. 94. (Chlamydera cerviniventris). Proc. (Ptilorrhoa proposed for all spp. for- 1969, Papua New Guinea Sci. Soc., merly in Eupetes; subsequently not vol. 21, pp. 23-35. used.) (Review of habits and behavior, par- Pfeffer, P. ticularly at bower. Details of bower 702. 1963. The present situation of the Great construction, decoration, painting Bird of Paradise, Paradisaea apoda and bower orientation. 8 very fine Linn. in the Aru Islands. Bull. Int. photos., 2 in col., 1 map. See also Comm. Bird Preserv., no. 9, pp. no. 693.) 90-95. 695. 1973. Behavioural similarities of birds of (Status, in view of exploitation.) paradise and bowerbirds to lyrebirds Plath, K. and scrub-birds. Proc. 1972, Papua 703. 1951. Breeding of the Goldie's Lorikeet New Guinea Sci. Soc., vol. 24, pp. (Psitteuteles goldiei). Avicult. Mag., 10-20. vol. 57, pp. 133-135. (1st. U.S.A. (Behavioral comparisons, with sim- captive breeding.) ilarities noted. Appendix summarizes Price, R. D. knowledge of all spp., with empha- 1973. See no. 255. sis on display and reproductive or- Purchase, D. ganization. 4 very fine col. photos. 704. 1972. Seventeenth annual report of the See also no. 846.) Australian bird-banding scheme July 696. 1976. Birds of the Port Moresby gardens 1970 to June 1971. CSIRO Div. and of the surrounding areas. New Wildl. Res. Tech. Pap. no. 25, pp. Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 118, 1-87. pp. 7-11. (Incl. N.G. recovery data for (Annot. list of 46 spp.) Threskiornis moluccus and Halcyon Peckover, W. S., and L. W. Filewood sancta. 4 figs.) 697. 1976. Birds of New Guinea and Tropical 705. 1976. The occurrence of Threskiornis mo- Australia. Sydney, A. H. and A. W. lucca strictipennis in New Guinea. Reed, 160 pp. Emu, vol. 76, p. 89. (Splendid photographs of nearly 100 (4 T. moluccus strictipennis banded species of N.G. birds, many never in Victoria, Aust., recovered in S. before illustrated, with informative N.G.) text relating to habits and distribu- tion.) Raga, M. Perry. L. M. (Translator) 1976. See no. 232. 1945. See no. 481. Rand, A. L. Peters, J. L. 1935. See nos. 41, 613. 1926. See no. 52. 706. 1936a. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. 698. 1930. Notes on some night herons. Proc. no. 11, Meliphaga analoga and its Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 39, pp. allies. Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. 263-277. 872, pp. 1-23. (Incl. review of all Nycticorax cal- (Deals with 9 spp. of Meliphaga. 10 edonicus sspp.) sspp. described.) 699. 1935. Remarks on the avian genus Eos. 707. 1936b. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 48, pp. no. 12, Altitudinal variation in New 67-70. Guinea birds. Amer. Mus. Novi- (Reviews all spp., incl. separation of tates, no. 890, pp. 1-14. E. fuscata into newly proposed (Examples of altitudinal variation in Pseudeos.) size and color of populations dis- .430 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

cussed; all from S.E. N.G. See also 713. 1940a. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. no. 617.) no. 25, New birds from the 1938-39 708. 1936c. The rediscovery of the nuthatch expedition. Amer. Mus. Novitates, Daphoenositta with notes on its af- no. 1072, pp. 1-14. finities. Auk, vol. 53, pp. 306-310. (1 genus [Archboldia], 4 spp. and 17 (On Mt. Tafa, Wharton Range. See sspp. described from Mt. Wil- also no. 617.) helmina - Idenburg R., Irian Jaya 1936d. See nos. 614, 615, 616. area. 1 map. For other results of this 1937. See no. 617. exped. see nos. 40, 43, 127, 714, 709. 1938a. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. 718, 719, 721.) no. 19, On some nonpasserine New 714. 1940b. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. Guinea birds. Amer. Mus. Novi- no. 26, Breeding habits of the birds tates, no. 990, pp. 1-15. of paradise: Macgregoria and Di- (Systematic list with distributional phyllodes. Amer. Mus. Novitates, records, field notes and 6 sspp. de- no. 1073, pp. 1-14. scribed. 1st record of Ixobrychus mi- (Nest, eggs, young, incubation, calls nutus dubius and Choriotis australis and displays of M. pulchra described for N.G. Nests and egg of Trugon and breeding season, display ground terrestris and Eurostopodus papuen- and its maintenance, and displays of sis described. For other results of D. magnificus described. 4 figs. See this exped. see nos. 42, 126, 710, also nos. 716, 835, 941. For other 711.) results of this exped. see nos. 40, 710. 1938b. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. 43, 127, 713, 718, 719, 721.) no. 20, On some passerine New 715. 1940c. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. Guinea birds. Amer. Mus. Novi- no. 27, Ten new birds from New tates, no. 991, pp. 1-20. Guinea. Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. (Distributional records, field notes 1074, pp. 1-5. and 4 sspp. described. 1st record of (10 passerine sspp. described, being Monarcha trivirgatus on N.G. main- results of 1936-37 exped. [see nos. land. Nest and eggs of Acrocephalus 42, 126] and 1938-39 exped. [see arundinaceus sumbae, Megalurus al- nos. 43, 127].) bolimbatus and Lonchura stygia de- 716. 1940d. Courtship of the Magnificent Bird of scribed. For other results of this Paradise. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. exped. see nos. 42, 126, 709.) 45, pp. 172-175. 711. 1938c. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. (Describes wild displaying Di- no. 21, On some New Guinea birds. phyllodes magnificus, 3 pls. See also Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. 992, pp. nos. 714, 835, 941.) 1-14. 717. 1940e. Flying birdmen. Nat. Hist. New (1st record of Amaurornis olivaceus York, vol. 46, pp. 136-141. ruficrissum for N.G., and specimens (Popular account of Archbold Snow of Aust. Dicrurus hottentottus brac- Mts. Expedition with mention of teatus indicating migration to N.G. some birds. 9 photos. For other re- See also no. 1. For other results of sults of this exped. see nos. 43, this exped. see nos. 42, 126, 710.) 127.) 712. 1938d. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. 718. 1941a. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. no. 22, On the breeding habits of no. 32, New and interesting birds some birds of paradise in the wild. from New Guinea. Amer. Mus. Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. 993, pp. Novitates, no. 1102, pp. 1-15. 1-8. (20 sspp. described. Capella hard- (Behavior of Manucodia ater [also wickii and Myiagra r. rubecula 1st nest, eggs and young described], recorded for N.G. For other results Phonygammus keraudrenii and of this exped. see nos. 40, 42, 43, Cicinnurus regius. For other results 127, 713, 714, 717, 719, 721.) of this exped. see nos. 42, 126.) 719. 1941b. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 431

no. 33, A new race of quail from no. 29, Summary of the 1936-1937 New Guinea: with notes on the ori- New Guinea expedition. Bull. Amer. gin of the grassland avifauna. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 77, pp. Mus. Novitates, no. 1122, pp. 1-2. 341-380. (Excalfactoria chinensis novae- (Length of Fly R., from its mouth to guinea. For other results of this ex- Mr. Mabiom. Subts. = Itinerary, ped. see nos. 40, 43, 127, 713, 714, Country as seen'from the air, Routes 718, 721.) and collecting localities, Summary 720. 1942a. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. of types of habitat, Notes on the no. 42, Birds of the 1936-1937 New distribution of birds. 1 map., 22 Guinea expedition. Bull. Amer. pls., illustrating 40 habitats. For Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 79, pp. other results of this exped. see nos. 289-366. 42, 126, 709, 710, 711, 712, 715, (Annot. list of birds collected or 720.) seen in Fly R., Palmer R., Daru and Rand, A. L., and E. T. Gilliard Wassi Kussa area with notes on 726. 1967. Handbook of New Guinea birds. specimen morphology and field data. London. Weidenfeld and Nicolson. For summary of this exped. see no. x + 612 pp. 42. See also nos. 126, 709, 710, (Present standard work on N.G. 711, 712, 715, 725.) birds. General information on: The 721. 1942b. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. Papuan area, The bird fauna, Distri- no. 43, Birds of the 1938-1939 ex- bution, Climate, Migrants, Breeding pedition. Bull Amer. Mus. Nat. seasons, Birds and man. Systematic Hist., vol. 79, pp. 425-515. account of all forms with descrip- (Annot. list of birds collected or tions and details of distribution, seen on N. slope of Snow Mts., and nesting, habits, behavior, and meas- a few from Hollandia area, with urements. 1 map, 81 pls., 5 in col.) notes on specimen morphology and Reichenow, A. field data. For summary of this ex- 727. 1915. Neue Arten. J. Om., Lpz., vol. 63, ped. see nos. 40, 43, 127. See also pp. 124-129. nos. 713, 714, 718, 719, 721.) (14 new species of bird for N.G.) 1942c. See no. 43. 728. 1918. [Zwei neue Arten aus Neuguinea] J. 722. 1961. The tongue and nest of certain Orn. Lpz., vol. 66, p. 244. flowerpeckers (Aves: Dicaeidae). (Psittacella buergersi [= P. brehmii Fieldiana, Zool., vol. 39, pp. buergersi] and Astrapia alboundata 581-587. [= A. rothschildi] described.) (Nest of Melanocharis versteri 1st 1918. See no. 1025. description, and systematic implica- Reichenow, A., H. von Boetticher, and J. Stein- tions of it discussed; suggesting bacher closer relationship between Di- 729. 1955. Vogelbilder aus femen Zonen-Pa- caeidae and Meliphagidae than pre- pageien. Darmstadt, Verlag Gottfried viously considered. 1 pl., 1 fig. See Helene. 150 pp. also no. 688.) (Bird pictures from distant lands - 723. 1966. Birds of paradise. Animals, vol. 8, parrots. [Discussion treats almost all pp. 346-355. spp., 34 col. pls.].) (Popular general account illustrated Renshaw, G. with 16 col. photos.) 730. 1918. A Twelve-wired Bird of Paradise. 724. 1967. The birds of New Guinea. Bull. Avicult. Mag., vol. 9, pp. 281-283. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 38, no. (Note on soft-part colors and fading 12, pp. 8-11, 14-15. of yellow plumage coloration in a (Brief but very informative popular captive Seleucidis melanoleuca. See account of N.G. birds.) also no. 187.) Rand, A. L., and L. J. Brass Resenbrink, M. P. 725. 1940. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. 1968. See no. 1026. 432 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

Rich, P. V., and G. F. Van Tets from the W. Papuan Is. and a brief 731. 1976. Birds from Australia's past. Aust. section on birds from Ajoe I. 1 sp. Nat. Hist., vol. 18, pp. 338-341. and 1 ssp. described. See also nos. (A fossil locality near Lae, N.G. in- 739, 741, 742.) dicated. 8 figs.) 741. 1960. Distribution and niche differentiation Ripley, S. D. in species of megapodes in the Mo- 732. 1938. Round about Dutch New Guinea. luccas and Western Papuan area. Int. Avicult. Mag., ser. 5, vol. 8, pp. Orn. Congr., 12. Helsingfors, 1958, 267-274. pp. 631-640. (Boat trip described with notes on (Subts. = Eulipoa, Breeding sea- birds, mostly for sale, and some sons, Speciation trends, Species field notes from Manokwari area.) competition, Aepypodius, Summary. 733. 1940. A bird collector on Biak. New Engl. 2 maps, showing distribution of all Nat., vol. 9, pp. 19-25. spp., 1 fig. See also nos. 161, 286, (Popular account of 1937-38 exped.; 553, 739, 740, 742.) a few birds mentioned only. For sci- 742. 1964. A systematic and ecological study of entific results of this exped. see nos. birds of New Guinea. Bull. Peabody 609, 610, 611, 650, 651.) Mus. Nat. Hist., no. 19, pp. 1-85. 734. 1941a. Notes on the genus Coracina. Auk, (Predominantly results of work in vol. 58, pp. 381-395. Hollandia, Tami, Bodim, Nassau, (Revision, dealing with all N.G. Baliem, Arar, Misool and Waigeu forms. 2 maps.) areas. Subts. = Habits, Altitudinal 1941b. See no. 618. shifts of range and ecological over- 735. 1942a. The species Eurystomus orientalis. lap at feeding trees, Extensions of Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 55, pp. range, Breeding season, Species ac- 169-176. counts [annot. with notes on mor- (Revision, incl. N.G. forms and dis- phology, measurements and field cussing morphology, distribution and observations]. 4 sspp. described. 1 migration. Some measurements.) map, 2 figs., 2 pls. For other results 736. 1942b. Trail of the money bird. London. of this study see nos. 739, 740, Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd., 306 741.) PP. 1977. See no. 1030. (Popular account of the Denison- Ripley, S. D., and H. Birckhead Crockett exped. to W. N.G. For or- 743. 1942. Birds collected during the Whitney nith. results see nos. 609, 610, 611, South Sea Expedition. 51, On the 651, 732.) fruit pigeons of the Ptilinopus pur- 737. 1950. Strange courtship of birds of para- puratus group. Amer. Mus. Novi- dise. Natn. Geogr. Mag., vol. 97, tates, no. 1192, pp. 1-14. pp. 247-278. (Brief mention of P. coronulatus and (Popular account of birds and their regina, with measurements. See also displays. 16 good col. pls. of birds, no. 147.) 9 photos., 1 map.) Robertson, J. S. 738. 1957a. The display of the Sickle-billed Bird 744. 1974. Spangled Drongo age indicators. of Paradise. Condor, vol. 59, p. Aust. Bird Bander, vol.. 12, pp. 207. 11-13. (Brief note on Epimachus f. fast- (Evidence for Dicrurus bracteatus osus.) [= D. hottentottus bracteatus] win- 739. 1957b. New birds from the Western Papuan tering in N.G.) Islands. Postilla, no. 31, pp. 1-4. Rothschild, Lord W. (5 sspp. described. See also nos. 745. 1916a. Observations on Edoliisoma incer- 740, 741, 742.) tum (Meyer) and E. meyeri Meyer. 740. 1959. Comments on birds from the West- Bull. Br. Orn. Club, vol. 36, p. 58. ern Papuan Islands. Postilla, no. 38, (Points out that E. m. sharpei [= pp. 1-17. Coracina morio incerta] = E. incer- (Mostly an annot. list of birds from tum [= C. m. incerta].) Kofiau, with analysis of affinities. 746. 1916b. Note on Scolopax saturata Horsf. Also: New or noteworthy records and Scolopax saturata rosenbergi 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 433

Schl. Bull. Br. Om. Club, vol. 36, Wagl. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. 9, pp. 66, 86-87. pp. 411-412. (Discussion of E. Indies Scolopax (Discusses systematics of Larius.) spp., incl. N.G. populations.) 758. 1923. Remarks on intermediate specimens 747. 1917. Remark on Tyto arfaki Schl. Bull. between Paradisaea apoda raggiana Br. Om. Club, vol. 37, pp. 17-19. and P. a. novaeguinea. Bull. Br. (Systematic remark on T. ten- Orn. Club, vol. 43, pp. 115-117. ebricosa arfaki.) (= P. r. raggiana and P. a. 748. 1918. A curious Rhipidura from Kapaur, novaeguineae.) Western New Guinea. Bull. Br. 759. 1925. A new form of cassowary: Casu- Orn. Club, vol. 38, pp. 57-58. arius casuarius lateralis. Bull. Br. (Specimen of possible new sp. or a Orn. Club, vol. 46, p. 30. R. leucothorax X R. threnothorax 760. 1926. On one-wattled cassowaries. Bull. hybrid.) Br. Om. Club, vol. 47, pp. 26-28. 749. 1920a. On New Guinea parrots of the des- (Discussion of systematics and distri- maresti group of the genus Opop- bution of Casuarius unappen- sitta. Bull. Br. Om. Club, vol. 40, diculatus group.) pp. 64-67. 761. 1928a. Description of a new cassowary. (Review of systematics and distribu- Bull. Br. Om. Club, vol. 48, pp. tion of Psittaculirostris desmarestii 87-88. group.) (Casuarius rogersi [= C. bennetti 750. 1920b. Exhibition of eggs of Paradisaeidae papuanus].) and Corvidae. Bull. Br. Om. Club, 762. 1928b. A new ground pigeon: Otidiphaps vol. 40, pp. 123-124. nobilis aruensis. Bull. Br. Orn. (List of spp. exhibited.) Club, vol. 48, p. 88. 751. 1920c. Note on Ifrita kowaldi (De Vis). 763. 1928c. A new race of cassowary: Casuarius Bull. Br. Orn. Club, vol. 40, pp. bicarunculatus intermedius. Bull. 134-135. Br. Om. Club, vol. 49, pp. 9-10. (Ifrita coronata Roths. = Todopsis (= C. casuarius tricarunculatus.) kowaldi De Vis. Not subsequently 764. 1929. Exhibition of drawings on cassowar- followed. See also no. 205, 368.) ies and remarks thereon. Bull. Br. 752. 1921a. On the correct name of Om. Club, vol. 50, pp. 5-6. D'Aubenton's "Manucode a Beu- (Points out that B.O.U. N.G. exped. quets." Ibis, vol. 3, p. 465. [see no. 675] proved Casuarius bi- (Establishment of Diphyllodes mag- carunculatus [= C. c. bicarun- nifica (Penn.) as correct, not D. culatus] and C. casuarius to be 2 speccosa [nec. speciosa] (Forster).) spp. States C. beccarii [= C. c. 753. 1921b. On some birds from the Weyland aruensis] on the Aru Is. Comments Mountains, Dutch New Guinea. on soft-part colors of C. unappen- Novit. Zool., vol. 28, pp. 280-294. diculatus aurantiacus. Drawing of a (Describes small collection made bird near C. c. violicollis [= C. c. Oct. 1920 to Jan. 1921, mostly from aruensis] described as a possible Mt. Kunupi. 1 ssp. described.) color aberration.) 754. 1921c. A new species of Paradisaea: P. 765. 1930a. Notes on the preceding article by mixta. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, vol. 41, Dr. Stresemann. Novit. Zool., vol. p. 127. 36, pp. 16-17. (= P. minor finschi X P. apoda au- (Remarks on nos. 907, 911.) gustaevictoriae hybrid.) 766. 1930b. On the three known species of 755. 1921d. On Paradisaea apoda granti. Bull. Xanthomelus. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, Br. Orn. Club, vol. 41, p. 127. vol. 50, p. 33. (= P. raggiana granti.) (Remarks on plumages of X. aureus, 756. 1921e. A new bird of paradise: Paradisaea X. a. ardens, and X. bakeri.) apoda subintermedia. Bull. Br. Om. 767. 1930c. Exhibition of birds-of-paradise and Club, vol. 41, pp. 138-139. remarks thereon. Bull. Br. Om. (= P. raggiana granti.) Club, vol. 50, pp. 38-40. 757. 1922. On the names of certain parrots of (Discussion of those Paradisaeidae the genus Larius Bodd. = Eclectus known by a single specimen.) 434 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

768. 1930d. On the hitherto unknown eggs of the netti papuanus, ?C. u. unappen- Paradise Crow (Lycocorax pyrrhop- diculatus and ?C. c. tricarunculatus, terus pyrrhopterus) and Phonygam- respectively].) mus keraudrenii keraudrenii. Bull. 778. 1932b. On Casuarius unappendiculatus Br. Orn. Club, vol. 51, p. 9. rufotinctus. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, (Eggs described and Phonygammus vol. 53, p. 238. reported to be parasitic upon Para- (Considered distinct by author [now disaea apoda. See also no. 375.) = C. u. aurantiacus].) 769. 1930e. Exhibition of eggs of birds-of-para- 779. 1932c. On a new bird of paradise. Ann. dise. Bull. Br. Oolog. Assoc., vol. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. 10, p. 126. 3, pp. 2-3. (Lophorina feminina lehunti [= L. (List of 31 sp. and ssp. of birds of superba feminina].) paradise and bowerbirds, the eggs of 1936. See no. 926. which were exhibited. Nest of Cicin- 780. 1937. Two new cassowaries. Bull. Br. nurus described.) Orn. Club, vol. 57, pp. 120-121. 770. 1930f. On the eggs of Cicinnurus regius. (Describes Casuarius papuanus Bull. Br. Oolog. Assoc., vol. 3, p. shawmayeri [=C. bennetti shaw- 2. mayeri] and C. casuarius grandis [= 771. 193 la. Notes on Paradisaeidae with a list of C. c. bistriatus].) the species, subspecies, and hybrids 1938. See no. 439 for memoriam. exhibited at the Seventh International Rothschild, Lord W., and E. Hartert Ornithological Congress. Proc. Int. 781. 1915. Notes on Papuan birds. Novit. Orn. Cong. 7. Amsterdam, 1930, Zool., vol. 22, pp. 46-60. pp. 285-298. (On specimens of birds of prey, (Characters of family and list.) finches, thrushes, and hornbills. Part 772. 193 lb. A preliminary review of the Mooruk of a series of publications in (Papuanus bennetti) group of cas- pre-1915 Novit. Zool., for introduc- sowaries. Novit. Zool., vol. 36, pp. tion of which see Novit. Zool. 1901, 181-183. pp. 55-61.) (Systematic status of Casuarius ben- 782. 1916. On a new Monarcha from Rossel netti group. 2 col. pls.) Island. Novit. Zool., vol. 23, p. 773. 1931c. On a collection of birds made by 297. Mr. F. Shaw-Mayer in the Weyland (M. cinerascens rosselianus. See Mountains, Dutch New Guinea in also no. 784.) 1930. Novit. Zool., vol. 36, pp. 783. 1917. Review of the forms of Lalage karu 250-276. inhabiting the Papuan subregion. (Annot. list of specimens from Bull. Br. Orn. Club, vol. 37, pp. Gebroeders Ra. 11 sspp. described, 15-17. 2 pls.) (L. k. pallescens [= L. leucomela 774. 193 Id. Note on nomenclature. Bull. Br. pallescens] of Louisiade Archipel. Om. Club, vol. 51, p. 68. described. See also no. 618.) (Coracina must replace Graucalus; 784. 1918a. A few additional notes on the birds reply to Mathews [see no. 545].) of Rossel Island, Louisiade Group. 775. 1931e. A new subspecies: Trugon terrestris Novit. Zool., vol. 25, pp. 311-312. mayri. Bull. Br. Om. Club, vol. 51, (Systematic notes on specimens. See p. 69. also no. 782.) 776. 1931f. Two hitherto undescribed eggs. Bull. 785. 1918b. Further notes on the birds of Sudest, Br. Orn. Club, vol. 52, p. 37. or Tagula, Island in the Louisiade (Pitohui ferrugineus brevipennis and Group. Novit. Zool., vol. 25, pp. Paradisaea rubra.) 313-326. 777. 1932a. Notes on three cassowaries. Bull. 786. 1922. Tanysiptera danae intensa subsp. Br. Orn. Club, vol. 52, pp. 82-83. nov. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, vol. 42, (Casuarius jamrachi, C. doggetti p. 91. and C. hagenbecki are considered to (T. danae is now considered mono- be from Admiralty Is. [= ?C. ben- typic.) 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 435

787. 1929a. Note on Manucodia ater alter and a Gould. London. Methuen. 321 pp. new subspecies. Bull. Br. Om. (160 of the original col. pls. from Club, vol. 49, pp. 109-110. Gould's 1875-1888 work reproduced (Largely description of M. ater sub- but much reduced in size and alter.) quality. Popular, rather poor, text by 788. 1929b. Ailuroedus buccoides and its sub- Rutgers replaces the original. Incl. species. Novit. Zool., vol. 35, p. some birds not found in N.G. See 59. also nos. 814, 1017.) (A. b. moleatus [=A. b. geisler- Ryan, P. A. (ED.) orum] described.) 795. 1972. Encyclopedia of Papua and New Rothschild, Lord W., E. Stresemann, and K. Pal- Guinea. Melbourne, Univ. Press. 3 udan vols. 789. 1932. Omithologische Ergebnisse der Ex- (Incl. a no. of articles on N.G. pedition Stein 1931-1932: 1. birds. See nos. 811, 819.) Waigeu, Numfor, Japen. Novit. Zool., vol. 38, pp. 127-247. Salomonsen, F. (Subts. = 1. Die Vogel von Waigeu 796. 1929. Bemerkungen uber die Gruppe Acro- [pp. 127-188, Rothschild dealing cephalus arundinaceus L. J. Orn., with Paradisaeidae, Psittaci, Ralli Lpz., Erganzungsb. (Suppl.) 2 (Fest- and Stresemann and Paludan the re- schr. Hartert), pp. 267-281. maining groups]; 2. Die Vogel von (Remarks on the Acrocephalus arun- Numfor [pp. 188-207, Rothschild dinaceus L. group. [Incl. list of all dealing with Psittaci and Stresemann recognized forms, and covering and Paludan the remaining groups]; N.G.].) 3. Die Vogel von Japen [= Jobi, pp. 797. 1934. Descriptions of three subspecies 207-247, Rothschild dealing with from the Moluccas. Bull. Br. Orn. Paradisaeidae, Psittaci and Club, vol. 54, pp. 86-87. Stresemann and Paludan the remain- (Incl. Ducula concinna aru of Aru ing groups].) Is. [= D. c. separata].) Rowley, I. 798. 1960a. Notes on the flowerpeckers (Aves, 790. 1967. A fourth species of Australian Cor- Dicaeidae) 1. The genera Melano- vid. Emu, vol. 66, pp. 191-219. charis, Rhamphocharis and Pri- (Gives taxonomic history of C. orru onochilus. Amer. Mus. Novitates, and discusses reasons why it is the no. 1990, pp. 1-28. same as C. cecilae of Aust.) (Systematic; morphology, distribu- 791. 1969. The Little Black Cormorant Pha- tion, synonymy and a few measure- lacrocorax sulcirostris in Papua and ments. 1 fig. See also nos. 599, New Guinea. Emu, vol. 69, pp. 799, 800, 801.) 116-117. 799. 1960b. Notes on flowerpeckers (Aves, Di- (A record with brief review of previ- caeidae) 3. The species group Di- ous published sightings.) caeum concolor and the superspecies 792. 1970. The use of mud in nest-building-a Dicaeum erythrothorax. Amer. Mus. review of the incidence and tax- Novitates, no. 2016, pp. 1-36. onomic importance. Ostrich, Suppl. (As no. 798. Deals with N.G. spp. 8, pp. 139-148. D. geelvinkianum, nitidum and pec- (Brief ref. to unique use of mud by torale. 2 figs. See also nos. 599, the N.G. Monachella muelleriana.) 798, 800, 801.) 793. 1974. Bird life. Sydney and London. Col- 800. 1961a. Notes on flowerpeckers (Aves, Di- lins. 284 pp. caeidae) 4. Dicaeum igniferum and (Odd mention of N.G. birds, par- its derivates. Amer. Mus. Novitates, ticularly concerning migrants from no. 2057, pp. 1-35. Aust. 68 photos., 31 in color, 26 (Comments on D. hirundinaceum ig- figs.) nicolle from Aru Is. 4 figs. See also Rutgers, A. nos. 599, 798, 799, 801.) 794. 1970. Birds of New Guinea, by John 801. 1961b. Notes on the flowerpeckers (Aves, 436 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

Dicaeidae) 5. The genera Oreo- (Contributions to the morphology charis, Paramythia, and Pardalotus and developmental history of the (except the superspecies Pardalotus tongue of Trochilidae, Meliphagidae striatus). Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. and Picidae.) 2067, pp. 1-24. 809. 1933. Uber eine ruckgebildete Honigfres- (As no. 798. 1 ssp. described. 3 ser-Zunge. J. Orn., Lpz., vol. 81, figs. See also nos. 568, 599, 798, pp. 355-359. 799, 800.) (On a degenerate honeyeater 802. 1962. Whitehead's Swiftlet (Collocalia tongue.) whiteheadi Ogilvie-Grant) in New Schodde, R. Guinea and Melanesia. Noona dan 810. 1966. About the Kumul. Wildl. in Aust., papers no. 3. Vidensk. Meddr. vol. 3, pp. 39-47. Dansk Naturh. Foren., vol. 125, pp. (Kumul = native name for birds of 509-512. paradise. A collection of letters on (C. w. nuditarsus described from conservation of Paradisaeidae; 10 Baroka, near Hall sound. This ssp. figs., 2 habitat photos.) tentatively treated as a full spp. by 811. 1972. Birds of paradise. In Ryan, P. A. Somadikarta 1967 [see no. 863].) (ed.), Encyclopedia of Papua New 803. 1966a. Preliminary descriptions of new hon- Guinea. Melbourne. Univ. Press, eyeaters (Aves, Meliphagidae). Bre- pp. 86-89. viora, no. 254, pp. 1-12. (Brief account of Paradisaeidae; (14 sspp. described from N.G.) ecology, breeding biology, behavior 804. 1966b. Notes on the Green Heron and evolution. 1 photo.) (Butorides striatus Linnaeus) in 812. 1973a. General problems of fauna conserva- Melanesia and Papua. Vidensk. tion in relation to the conservation of Meddr. Dansk Naturh. Foren., vol. vegetation in New Guinea. IUCN 129, pp. 279-283. publ., new ser. no. 25. Nature con- (Describes B. s. flyensis from Fly servation in the Pacific. 10 (Costin, R.) A. B. and R. H. Groves, eds.) Sanft, K. (Analysis, in tables, of bird forms in 805. 1960. Bucerotidae (Aves/Upupae). In, various habitats; man's impact upon Mertens, R., and W. Henning both and the use of birds for adorn- (eds.). Das Tierreich, vol. 76, pp. ment and trade. Conservation meas- 1-176. ures and areas discussed. 1 fig.) (Reviews and systematically revises 813. 1973b. Bird life in New Guinea. Aust. Nat. Bucerotidae, incl. N.G. Aceros Hist., vol. 17, pp. 427-431. plicatus. Numerous maps and figs.) (Brief popular account of N.G. avi- Sayers, B. C. fauna and its distribution, dispersal 806. 1974a. The subfamily Loriinae. Avicult. and uses of habitats. 1 map, 3 pls.) Mag., vol. 80, pp. 94-98. 814. 1973c. [Review of] Birds of New Guinea, (Deals only with Chalcopsitta a. by A. Rutgers Wilson Bull., vol. atra, summarizing synonymy and 85, pp. 110-112. knowledge, mostly avicultural. See (See no. 794.) no. 807.) 815. 1975. [Review of] Avifauna of the Eastern 807. 1974b. The subfamily Loriinae 2. Avicult. Highlands of New Guinea, by J. M. Mag., vol. 80, pp. 138-140. Diamond. Wilson Bull., vol. 86, pp. (Deals only with Chalcopsitta i. in- 183-186. signis, summarizing synonymy and (See no. 227.) knowledge, mostly avicultural. See 816. 1976. Evolution in the birds-of-paradise no. 806.) and bowerbirds, a resynthesis. Proc. Scharnke, .H. Int. Orn. Congr. 16. Canberra, 808. 1931. Beitrage zur Morphologie und Ent- 1974, pp. 137-149. wicklungs-geschichte der Zunge der (Paradisaeidae divided into 3 sub- Trochilidae, Meliphagidae und Pici- families; Cnemophilinae, Para- dae. J. Orn., Lpz., vol. 79, pp. disaeinae and Ptilonorhynchinae. 425-491. Morphological characters discussed 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 437

and, based on these, a phyletic ar- plumage of both birds discussed. 1 rangement of genera of the para- photo. See nos. 822, 824.) disaeine birds is suggested, in which 821. 1976. Infra-specific variation in Alcedo Diphyllodes is incl. in Cicinnurus, azurea Latham (Alcedinidae). Emu, Drepanornis in Epimachus and Pho- vol. 76, pp. 161-166. nygammus in Manucodia. 1 fig.) (Subt. "Extra-Australian relations" Schodde, R., and J. H. Calaby incl. discussion, mostly concerning 817. 1972. The biogeography of the Australo- plumage coloration, of N.G. sspp. 1 Papuan bird and mammal faunas in fig.) relation to Torres Strait. In D. Schodde, R., and J. L. McKean Walker (ed.), Bridge and barrier: the 822. 1972. Distribution and taxonomic status of natural and cultural history of the Parotia lawesii helenae De Vis. Torres Strait. Research School of Emu, vol. 72, pp. 113-114. Pacific Studies Dept. of Biogeogra- (Evidence suggests P. helenae as a phy and Geomorphology Publication full sp.; see also nos. 820, 824.) BG/3, pp. 257-300. 823. 1973a. Distribution, taxonomy and evolu- (Incl. some valuable tables giving tion of the Gardener Bowerbirds Am- analytical summaries of composition blyornis spp. in Eastern New Guinea of N.G. and Aust. avifaunas. 1 map.) with descriptions of two new sub- Schodde, R., and W. B. Hitchcock species. Emu, vol. 73, pp. 51-60. 818. 1968. Contributions to Papuasian ornithol- (Important review clarifying a num- ogy. 1. Report on the birds of the bei\of points [see nos. 277, 491]. A. Lake Kutubu area, Territory of Pa- macgregoriae kombok and A. m. pua and New Guinea. CSIRO Div. nubicola described. Many measure- Wildl. Res. Tech. Pap., no. 13, pp. ments and weights. 2 maps. See also 1-73. nos. 92, 372, 401.) (Subts. incl. Environment; tax- 824. 1973b. The species of the genus Parotia onomic and ecological analysis; eco- (Paradisaeidae) and their relation- geographic discussion; systematic list ships. Emu, vol. 73, pp. 145-156. with annotations [systematic, field (Comprehensive review, summariz- notes, measurements and weights]. ing distributional and ecological Malurus alboscapulatus kutubu de- data. P. (lawesii) helenae reinstated scribed. 1 map, 2 figs. and 3 photos. as a full sp. 2 maps, 1 fig. See also of habitats.) nos. 389, 820, 822.) 819. 1972. Birds. In P. A. Ryan (ed.), En- Schodde, R., G. F. Van Tets, C. R. Champion, and cyclopaedia of Papua New Guinea. G. S. Hope Melbourne Univ. Press, pp. 67-86. 825. 1975. Observations on birds at glacial alti- (Useful summary of the N.G. avi- tudes on the Carstensz, western New fauna. Subts. = Zoogeography [incl. Guinea. Emu, vol. 75, pp. 65-72. comparative figures for well repre- (Annot. list of birds collected or sented groups and endemic genera, seen during March-Oct. 1971 and spp. and sspp. found in N.G. and Dec.-Jan. 1971-72; most records surrounding island groups]; ecology involving extension of altitudinal [with examples of bird distribution range and some of latitudinal range. in of E. N.G.]; movements; 27 spp. covered. 1 map, 2 photos.) breeding; regional variation and evo- Schonwetter, M. lution, origin and history; birds and 826. 1930. Ueber die Eier der Paradiesvogel. man. 2 figs., 1 photo.) Novit. Zool., vol. 35, pp. 204-211. Schodde, R., and I. J. Mason (On the eggs of birds of paradise. 820. 1974. Further observations on Parotia See also no. 829.) wahnesi and P. lawesii (Para- 827. 1934. Vogeleier von Timor und Waigeu. disaeidae). Emu, vol. 74, pp. Orn. Mber., vol. 42, pp. 40-43. 200-201. (Bird eggs from Timor and Waigeu.) (Bower-system of P. wahnesi de- 828. 1940. Einige Vogeleier aus Neu-Guinea scribed and illustrated. Significance und Celebes. Orn. Mber., vol. 48, of display plumage, iris color and pp. 116-120. 438 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

(Some bird eggs from New Guinea Pigeon. Avicult. Mag., vol. 9, pp. and Celebes.) 20-21. 829. 1944. Die Eier der Paradiesvogel. Beitr. (Goura cristata in captivity.) Fortpfl. Biol. Vogel, vol. 20, pp. 837. 1936. Display posture of Lophorina su- 1-18. perba minor. Proc. Zool. Soc. (The eggs of birds of paradise. [44 London, 1936, pp. 807-808. forms covered and 1 col. pl. illus- (2 figs. See also no. 657.) trating eggs of 16 spp.]. See also Shanahan, P. J. no. 826.) 838. 1969. The Buffy-faced Pygmy Parrot. Scott, G. Aust. Avicult., vol. 23, pp. 830. 1953. Round trip to New Guinea. Anim. 120- 122. Kingd., vol. 56, pp. 131-133. (Micropsitta pusio beccarii, notes on (Account of trip to Mr. Hagen for captive and wild birds, incl. notes live birds, some wild birds men- on wild roosting and nesting habits.) tioned. 5 pls.) Shaw Mayer, F. Seale, J. 1956. See nos. 773, 852. 831. 1976. Winter plumage of the Ruff Phi- Shufeldt, R. W. lomachus pugnax in Port Moresby. 839. 1919 Material for a study of the Mega- New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl. no. podiidae. Emu, vol. 19, pp. 10-28, 127, p. 11. 107-127. Serventy, D. L. (On systematic position and order of 1938. See no. 619. the group, incl. N.G. forms, with 1944. See no. 620. details of some specimens. Section Serventy, D. L., V. Serventy, and J. Warham on eggs with measurements. 13 pls., 832. 1971. The handbook of Australian sea- 2 in col.) birds. Sydney, A. H. and A. W. Shurcliff, S. N Reed. 254 pp. 840. 1930. Jungle islands; the Illyria in the (A very comprehensive definitive South Seas. New York, G. P. Put- work obviously of much significance nam's Sons, 298 pp. to N.G. ornith. Numerous maps and (Popular account of the Crane Pa- figs. Numerous photos., 15 in col.) cific Expedition. For ornith. results Serventy, V. see no. 601.) 1971. See no. 832. Sibal, J. Seth-Smith, D. 841. 1972. Eine Monographie der Laubenvogel 833. 1915. Note on Paradisaea apoda on Little in Bildern. In Tratz, E. P. (ed.), Tobago. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, vol. Berichte aus dem Haus der Natur in 36, pp. 40-41. Salzburg. Abt. A. zool. - bot. (Status of introduced population. Sammlungen Sowie Allgemeines. 3 Incl. facts that males do breed in (1971), pp. 16-17, 28-29. immature plumage, and take at least (A monograph of the bowerbirds in 7 years to attain full plumage.) pictures.) 834. 1923a. The birds of paradise and bower Sibley, C. G. birds. Avicult. Mag. ser. 4, vol. 1, 842. 1957. The evolutionary and taxonomic sig- pp. 41-60. nificance of sexual dimorphism and (Account of the groups, mostly con- hybridization in birds. Condor, vol. cerning avicultural history in Britain, 59, pp. 166-191. with individual account for some (Incl. short discussion on the inci- spp. 4 figs.) dence of hybrids in Paradisaeidae.) 835. 1923b. On the displays of the Magnificent 843. 1968. The "Alpha Helix" expedition to Bird of Paradise, Diphyllodes New Guinea. Discovery, vol. 4, pp. magnifica hunsteinii. Proc. Zool. 45-52. Soc. London., 1923, pp. 609-613. (Brief preview of a planned exped. (Brief description of displays per- which incl. study of Paradisaeidae formed in captivity. 4 useful figs. and other birds, using blood and See also nos. 714, 716, 941.) tissue proteins as systematic char- 836. 1931. The breeding of the Crowned acters. 7 pls., 1 map. See no. 844.) 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 439

844. 1969. A report on program B of the Alpha (T. m. giluwensis described. 1 map.) Helix expedition to New Guinea. 852. 1956. Birds collected by Mr. F. Shaw- Discovery, vol. 5, pp. 39-46. Mayer in the Central Highlands of (Brief summary of fieldwork giving New Guinea 1950-1951. Bull. Br. itinerary, specimen numbers and Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool., vol. 3, pp. some fundamental results. See no. 387-438. 843.) (Annot. specimen list from Wahgi 845. 1970. A comparative study of the egg region, incl. field.notes by the col- white proteins of passerine birds. lector and Loke Wan Tho. Measure- Bull. Peabody Mus. Nat. Hist., no. ments and soft-part colors given. 1 32, pp. 1-131. map, 1 fig., 2 pls. Note that "field (Discusses the affinities of various note" under Loria in fact refers to families represented in N.G., in par- Loke Wan Tho's observations at a ticular Paradisaeidae and Ptilo- Cnemophilus nest. See no. 321, p. norhynchidae. 38 figs.) 89.) 846. 1974a. The relationships of the Lyrebirds. Slater, E. Emu, vol. 74, pp. 65-79. 1967. See no. 953. (Study of egg-white protein indicates 853. 1971. A field guide to Australian birds, close affinity of Aust. Menuridae to non-passerines, Edinburgh. Oliver Paradisaeidae and Ptilonorhynchidae. and Boyd. xxxii + 428 pp. Egg-white protein, anatomical, be- (Incl. here as of much use to the havioral and life-history data for lat- N.G. field ornith. 64 pls., most in ter groups presented and discussed. col., numerous maps and figs. See 3 pls. See also no. 695.) also no. 854.) 1974b. See no. 178. 854. 1974. A field guide to Australian birds, 847. 1976a. Protein evidence of the origins of passerines. Edinburgh. Scottish Aca- certain Australian birds. Proc. Int. demic Press. xv + 309. Orn. Congr. 16. Canberra, 1974, (As no. 853. 39 col. pls., numerous pp. 66-70. maps and figs.) (Incl. general discussion of dispersal 31later, K. R. and affinities of Casuaridae, Mega- 855. 1958. Ibis and Little Whimbrels in New podiidae, Paradisaeidae and Ptilono- Guinea. Emu, vol. 58, p. 256. rhynchidae. See also no. 848.) (Threskiornis moluccus and Numen- 848. 1976b. Protein evidence of the relationships ius phaeopus.) of some Australian passerine birds. Smith, G. Proc. Int. Orn. Congr. 16. Canberra, 856. 1976. Notes on some birds observed on the 1974, pp. 557-570. Kokoda Trail. New Guinea Bird (Incl. discussion of the dispersal and Soc. Newsl., no. 127, p. 11. affinities of a few families repre- (Briefly annot. list of 11 spp.) sented in N.G. 4 figs. See also no. 857. 1977. Birds of Daru District, Western 847.) Province. New Guinea Bird Soc. Sibley, C. G., and C. Frelin Newsl., no. 129, pp. 10-11. 849. 1972. The egg white protein evidence for (Short and briefly annot. spp. lists ratite affinities. Ibis, vol. 114, pp. from 3 localities.) 377-387. Smith, G. A. (Discusses systematic affinities and 858. 1975. Systematics of parrots. Ibis, vol. position of Casuarius.) 117, pp. 18-68. Simpson, C. C (Comprehensive revision, incl. all 850. 1942. Across the Owen Stanley Range. N.G. spp., using morphology, be- Victorian Nat., vol. 59, pp. 98-104. havioral and other characters. Distri- (Brief account with odd notes on bution and speciation discussed. A birds, particularly Paradisaeidae.) revised list to Tribe and generic Sims, R. W. level. 9 figs., involving numerous 851. 1954. A new race of button-quail (Turnix drawings of skulls.) maculosa) from New Guinea. Bull. Smith, H. M. Br. Om. Club, vol. 74, pp. 37-40. 859. 1947. Notes on the breeding of Aplonis m. 440 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

metallica and A. cantoroides in New Vogel. J. Orn., Lpz., vol. 84, pp. Guinea. Emu, vol. 46, pp. 309-3 10. 2 1-57. (Nests and their situations described. (Ornithological results of the Expedi- Contents of large nos. of nests tabu- tion Stein 1931-1932. 5. Contribu- lated.) tion to the biology of Papuan birds. Smith, J. M. B. [See also nos. 865, 925, 926, 927].) 860. 1976. Notes on birds breeding above 3,215 Steinbacher, G. metres on Mr. Wilhelm, Papua New 867. 1934. Zur Kenntnis des Magens bliiten- Guinea. Emu, vol. 76, pp. 220-221. besuchender Papageien. Orn. Mber., (On 6 spp.; small clutch size re- vol. 42, pp. 80-83. ported and briefly discussed. See (Information on the stomachs of also no. 170.) blossom-visiting parrots. [See also Smyth, H. no. 868].) 861. 1970. Hand-rearing and observing birds of 868. 1951. Die Zungenborsten der Loris. Zool. paradise. Avicult. Mag., vol. 76, Anz., vol. 146, pp. 57-65. pp. 67-70. (The Brush-tongues of lories. (Paradisaea rudolphi and Parotia [Domicella, Eos and Trichoglossus.] lawesii, brief field notes, 2 pls.) [See also no. 867].) Soderberg, R. 1955. See no. 729. 862. 1929. Genesis of decorative and building Stephan, B. instincts of bowerbirds (Fam. 869. 1965. Die Zahl der Armschwingen bei den Ptilonorhynchidae). With some notes Passeriformes. J. Orn., Lpz., vol. touching on the problem of the ori- 106, pp. 446-458. gin of art. Proc. Int. Orn. Congr. 6. (The number of secondaries in Copenhagen, 1926, pp. 297-337. Passeriformes [incl. many N.G. (Describes all bowers known then, spp.].) their decoration and structural ele- Stevens, H. ments, displays of birds and origins 1935. See no. 345. of bowers. 7 pls., numerous figs.) Stickney, E. H Somadikarta, S. 870. 1943. Birds collected during the Whitney 863. 1967. A recharacterization of Collocalia South Sea Expedition. 53, Northern papuensis Rand, the Three-toed shore birds in the Pacific. Amer. Swiftlet. Proc. U.S. Natn. Mus., Mus. Novitates, no. 1248, pp. 1-9. vol. 124, pp. 1-8. (Incl. E. Papuan Is. records. Dis- ([=C. whiteheadi papuensis]; dis- cusses winter range, migration sea- cusses N.G. records, characters, son and plumages of 7 spp., 1 map.) range and habitat, and other records. Stokes, H. S. Tentatively treats C. w. nuditarsus 871. 1923. Breeding of the Lilac-crowned Fruit Salomonsen [see no. 802] as a full Pigeon. Avicult. Mag., ser. 4, vol. sp.) 1, pp. 199-200. 864. 1975. An unrecorded specimen of Col- (Captive breeding of Ptilinopus cor- localia papuensis Rand. Bull. Br. onulatus.) Orn. Club, vol. 95, pp. 41-42. 872. 1924. Some winter notes. Avicult. Mag., ([=C. whiteheadi papuensis]; a ser. 4, vol. 2, pp. 159-163. specimen, probably from Kupa- (Notes on captive Gallicolumba jo- kupa.) biensis.) Stein, G. H. W. Stonor, C. R. 865. 1933. Eine Forschungsreise nach Nieder- 873. 1936. The evolution and mutual relation- landisch-Ostindien. J. Orn., Lpz., ships of some members of the Para- vol. 81, pp. 253-310. disaeidae. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, (An expedition to Netherlands East 1936, pp. 1177-1185. Indies. [See also nos. 866, 925, (Paradisaea only; discussing feather 926, 927].) structure, soft-part colors and dis- 866. 1936. Ornithologische Ergebnisse der Ex- plays. 1 map, 2 figs., 1 pl. See also pedition Stein 1931-1932. 5. nos. 874, 875.) Beitrage zur fliologie papuanischer 874. 1937. On the systematic position of the 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 441

Ptilonorhynchidae. Proc. Zool. Soc. from the Sepik River district (north- London, B., vol. 107, pp. 475-490. ern New Guinea).) (Study of cranial osteology, 882. 1922a. Neue Formen aus dem papuanischen pterylosis, geographical distribution, Gebiet. J. Om. Lpz., vol. 70, pp. plumages, bower-building habits and 405-408. eggs of the group. Findings support (New forms from the Papuan region. separation of family from Para- [Cicinnurus, Mino, Pitohui, Microp- disaeidae. 9 figs. See also nos. 873, sitta, Trichoglossus, Megapodius.].) 875.) 883. 1922b. Neue Formen aus Neuguinea. Orn. 875. 1938. Some features of variation of the Mber., vol. 30, p. 35. birds of paradise. Proc. Zool. Soc. (New forms from New Guinea. (Tri- London, B., vol. 108, pp. 417-481. choglossus haematodus chlorogenys (Subt. incl., General features of the and Ailuroedus melanotis gut- group; sexual dimorphism; variations taticollis described, [now = T. h. in the tail; the pterylosis; the shape intermedius and A. crassirostris gut- of the skull. Some measurements taticollis, respectively].) and 35 figs. Mostly descriptive. See 884. 1922c. Neue Formen aus Neuguinea und also nos. 873, 874.) Neupommern. Orn. Mber., vol. 20, 876. 1939. A new species of paradise bird of pp. 7-9. the genus Astrapia. Bull. Br. Orn. (New forms from New Guinea and Club, vol. 59, pp. 57-61. New Britain. [Incl. Ifrita kowaldi (A. mayeri described from central schalowiana, now = I. k. kowaldi, tail feathers. See also nos. 465, 466, and Pitohui kirhocephalus senex].) 474.) 885. 1922d. Zur Synonymie der Vogel Neu- 877. 1950. The King of Saxony's Bird of Para- guineas: De Vis' Namen von 1894. dise. Avicult. Mag., vol. 56, p. Orn. Mber., vol. 30, pp. 111-112. 156. (The synonymy of the birds of New (Pteridophora alberti, a brief general Guinea: De Vis' names of 1894.) account.) 886. 1923a. Dr. Burger's ornithologische Aus- Storr, G. M. beute im Stromgebiet des Sepik. Ein 878. 1958. On the classification of the Old Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Vogelwelt World flycatchers. Emu, vol. 58, Neuguineas. Arch. Naturgesch., ser. pp. 277-283. A. vol. 89 (7), pp. 1-96; (8), pp. (Incl. N.G. genera in discussion.) 1-92. Stott, K. (Dr. Buirger's ornithological results 879. 1975. Paradise glimpsed. Zoonooz, vol. from the Sepik River district. A con- 48, pp. 4-9. tribution to the knowledge of the (Brief popular account of birds of avifauna of New Guinea.) paradise. Notes on where birds seen, 887. 1923b. Accipiter leucosomus (Sharpe): eine predominantly Paradisaeidae, in P. leucistische Mutanta von Accipiter N.G. 8 photos.) etorques (Salvadori)! Orn. Mber., Stresemann, E. vol. 31, pp. 127-131. 880. 1916. Uber die Formen der Gruppe Corvus (Accipiter leucosomus (Sharpe): a coronoides Vig. and Horsf. Verh. leucistic mutation of Accipiter etor- Orn. Ges. Bayern, vol. 12, pp. ques [= A. novaehollandiae leucoso- 277-304. mus] (Salvadori)!) (On the forms of the Corvus coro- 888. 1924a. Neue Beitriage zur Ornithologie noides Vigs. and Horsf. group. Deutsch-Neuguineas. J. Orn. Lpz., [Detailed review of sspp., treating vol. 72, pp. 424428. macrorhynchos and orru groups as (New contributions to the ornithol- conspecific.].) ogy of German New Guinea.) 881. 1921. Elf neue Formen aus dem 889. 1924b. Raubvogelstudien 7. Astur meyer- Stromgebiet des Sepik (nord-Neu- ianus Sharpe und Astur planes guinea). Anz. Orn. Ges. Bayern, no. Reichenow. J. Orn., Lpz., vol. 72, 5, pp. 33-38. pp. 442-443. (Eleven [sic = twelve] new forms (Bird of prey studies 7. Astur 442 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

meyerianus Sharpe [=Accipiter Reichenow. [=P. apoda augustae- meyerianus] und Astur planes Reich- victoriae X P. guilielmi hybrid].) enow [=Accipiter meyerianus]. See 899. 1925g. Zur Geschichte der Papagien. Orn. also no. 890. Mber., vol. 33, p. 153. 890. 1924c. Raubvogelstudien 8. Die For- (On the history of the parrots.) menkreise Accipiter fasciatus und 1925h. See no. 385. Accipiter novae-hollandiae. J. Orn., 900. 1926. Beitrage zur Ornithologie der indo- Lpz., vol. 72, pp. 444-446. australischen Region. 2. Bruchstiicke (Bird of prey studies 8. The super- einer Revision der Salanganen species Accipiter fasciatus and Ac- [Collocalia]. 2. Mitt. Zool. Mus. cipiter novaehollandiae. See also no. Berlin, vol. 12, pp. 348-354. 889.) (Contributions to the ornithology of 891. 1924d. Der Formenkreis Pachycephala rufi- the Indo-Australasian region. 2. Par- ventris. J. Om., Lpz., vol. 72, pp. tial revision of the Swiftlets 540-542. [Collocalia]. 2. See also nos. 894, (The superspecies Pachycephala rufi- 906.) ventris.) 901. 1927a. Ein Kranich aus Neuguinea. Om. 892. 1924e. Die Gattung Acrocephalus im indo- Mber., vol. 35, pp. 45. australischen Arcbipel. Orn. Mber., (A crane from New Guinea. [See vol. 32, pp. 167-168. also no. 902].) (The genus Acrocephalus in the 902. 1927b. Ueber das Vorkommen des Aus- Indo-Australian Archipelago. [See tralischen Kranichs auf Neuguinea. also no. 588].) Orn. Mber., vol. 35, p. 87. 893. 1925a. Die Gattung Pitohui. Mitt. Zool. (On the occurrence of the Australian Mus. Berlin, vol. 11, pp. 413-416. Crane in New Guinea. [See also no. (The genus Pitohui.) 901].) 894. 1925b. Beitrage zur Ornithologie der indo- 903. 1927c. Podargus papuensis pumilus subsp. australischen Region. 1. Bruchstucke nova. Om. Mber., vol. 35, p. 87. einer Revision der Salanganen (Col- (Sp. now considered monotypic.) localia.). 2. Kurze Uebersicht ueber 904. 1927d. Zur Verbreitung einiger Para- die indo-malayischen Zwergohreulen diesvogel zwischen Digul-Fluss und (Otus). Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, Fly-Fluss. Orn. Mber., vol. 35, p. vol. 12, pp. 179-195. 111. (Contributions to the ornithology of (Distribution of some birds of para- the Indo-Australian region. 1. Partial dise in the area between the rivers revision of the swiftlets (Collocalia). Digul and Fly.) 2. Short review of the Indo-malayan 905. 1927e. Centropus phasianus thierfelderi scops owls (Otus). See also nos. subsp. nova. Orn. Mber., vol. 35, 900, 906.) pp. 111-112. 895. 1925c. Poecilodryas pachydemas Reich- (=C. phasianinus thierfelderi.) enow. Orn. Mber., vol. 33, p. 21. 906. 1930a. Beitrage zur Ornithologie der indo- (=juv. male Pitohui nigrescens australischen Region. 3. II. Die Gat- schistaceus (Reichenow).) tung Turnix im Malayischen Archi- 896. 1925d. Sericornis arfakiana keysseri subsp. pel. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, vol. n. Orn. Mber., vol. 33, p. 59. 15, pp. 644-645. (=S. nouhuysi oorti.) (Contributions to the ornithology of 897. 1925e. Meliphaga analoga und ihre Dop- the Indo-Australian Region. 3. II. pelganger. J. Orn. Lpz., vol. 33, The genus Turnix in the Malayan pp. 255-260. Archipelago. See also nos. 894, (Meliphaga analoga and its double. 900.) (See also no. 683.).) 907. 1930b. Welche Paradiesvogelarten der Liter- 898. 1925f. Die Heimat der Paradisaea maria atur sind hybriden Ursprungs? Novit. Reichenow. Orn. Mber., vol. 33, p. Zool., vol. 36, pp. 6-15. 128. (Which species of birds of paradise (The home of Paradisaea maria in the literature are of hybrid origin? 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 443

[A summary of this to be found in mann. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berl., vol. Int. Om. Congr. 7. Amsterdam 20, pp. 447-463. 1930, p. 284]; see no. 911. For (On a small bird collection from the comments on this paper see no. Merauke district (south New Guinea) 765.) collected by Dr. H. Nevermann.) 908. 1930c. Systematik, geographische Ver- 917. 1935b. Die papuanischen Formen von Ac- breitung und Lebensweise der Pa- cipiter fasciatus. Orn. Mber., vol. pageien. Sber. Ber. Naturf. Freunde 43, pp. 110-111. Berlin, vol. 11, pp. 66-67. (The Papuan forms of Accipiter fas- (Systematics, geographical distribu- ciatus.) tion and habits of parrots.) 1935c. See no. 928. 909. 193 la. Die Zosteropiden der indo-aus- 918. 1938. "Heterogynie" im Rassenkreis tralischen Region. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Edolisoma morio. Orn. Mber., vol. Berlin, vol. 17, pp. 201-238. 47, pp. 124-126. (The Zosteropidae of the Indo-Aus- (Heterogynism in the polytypic spe- tralian region. [See also nos. 630, cies Edolisoma morio [=Coracina 634, 642].) morio].) 910. 1931b. Uber die Balz von Parotia sefilata 919. 1939. Asymmetrie des ausseren Ohres (L). Om. Mber., vol. 39, pp. 4-6. beim Borstenkopf-Papagei (Psit- (The coutship display of Parotia trichas fulgidus). Orn. Mber., vol. sefilata (L). [See also nos. 106, 108, 47, p. 147. 109, 110].) (Asymmetry in the external ears of 911. 193 Ic. Welche Paradiesvogel-Arten der Lit- the Vulturine Parrot (Psittrichas eratur sind hybriden Ursprungs? Int. fulgidus).) Orn. Congr. 7. Amsterdam 1930, p. 920. 1941. Ein neue Paradiesvogel. Orn Mber., 284. vol. 49, p. 60. (Which bird of paradise species in (A new bird of paradise.) the literature are of hybrid origin? 921. 1943. Die Gattung Corvus in Australien [See also no. 907].) und Neuguinea. J. Orn., Lpz., vol. 912. 1932a. Zur systematischen Stellung der Gat- 91, pp. 121-135. tung Peltops. Orn. Mber., vol. 40, (The genus Corvus in Australia and pp. 149-150. New Guinea.) (On the systematic position of the 922. 1952. Belons "Ph6nix" war kein Para- genus Peltops.) diesvogel. J. Orn., Lpz., vol. 93, 1932b. See no. 789. pp. 361-362. 913. 1934a. Petrochelidon nigricans nigricans (Belon's "Phoenix" was not a bird (Vieillot) als Wintergast in Papua- of paradise. [See also no. 158].) sien. Orn. Mber., vol. 42, pp. 923. 1953. Laube und Balz der Laubenvogel 24-25. (Ptilonorhynchidae). Vogelwarte, (Petrochelidon nigricans nigricans vol. 16, pp. 148-154. (Vieillot) [=Hirundo n. nigricans] (Bower and display of bowerbirds as winter visitor in Papuasia.) (Ptilonorhynchidae).) 914. 1934b. Zwei neue Webervogel aus Sud- 924. 1954. Die Entdeckungsgeschichte der Para- Neuguinea. Orn. Mber., vol. 42, pp. diesvogel. J. Orn., Lpz., vol. 95, 101-103. pp. 263-291. (Two new weaver birds from south (The history of discovery of the New Guinea.) birds of paradise.) 915. 1934c. Vier neue Unterarten von Para- Stresemann, E., E. Hartert, and K. Paludan diesvogeln. Orn. Mber., vol. 42, pp. 925. 1934. Vorlaufiges uber die ornithologis- 144-147. chen Ergebnisse der Expedition Stein (Four new subspecies of birds of 1931-1932. 2. Zur Ornithologie des paradise.) Weyland-Gebirges in Niederlandisch 916. 1935a. Ueber eine kleiner Vogelsammlung Neuguinea. Orn. Mber., vol. 42, pp. aus dem Bezirk Merauke (Sud-neu- 43-46. guinea) angelegt von Dr. H. Never- (Preliminary account of the or- 444 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

nithological results of Stein's huihnchen und die Rassen von Turnix 1931-1932 expedition. 2. On the or- maculosa und sylvatica im indo-aus- nithology of the Weyland Mountains tralischen Gebiet. Verh. Naturf. of Dutch New Guinea. [See also Ges. Basel, vol. 66, pp. 85-139. nos. 865, 866, 926, 927].) (On the molt of some bustard-quails Stresemann, E., E. Hartert, Lord W. Rothschild, and the races of Turnix maculosa and K. Paludan and sylvatica in the Indo-Australian 926. 1936. Omithologische Ergebnisse der Ex- Region.) pedition Stein 1931-1932. 4. Die Sutter, E., and W. Linsenmaier vogel des Weyland-Gebirges und 933. 1953. Paradiesv6gel und kolibris. Bilder seines Vorlandes. Mitt. Zool. Mus. aus dem leben der Tropenvogel. Berlin, vol. 21, pp. 165-240. Zurich. Verland Silva-Bilderdienst. (Ornithological results of Stein's 127 pp. 1931-1932 expedition. 4. The birds (Birds of paradise and Hum- of the Weyland Mountains and asso- mingbirds. Pictures of live tropical ciated lowlands. [See also nos. 865, birds. [Incl. 8 N.G. Paradisaeidae, 2 866, 925, 927, 929].) Columbidae, 2 Psittacidae, 1 Al- Stresemann, E., and K. Paludan cedinidae, 1 Ptilonorhynchidae].) 927. 1932. Vorlaiifiges iuber die ornitho- 934. 1955. Paradijsvogels en kolibries. Plaatjes- logischen Ergebnisse der Expedition dienst Artis. Brussels. Stein 1931-1932. 1. Zur Or- (As no. 933.) nithologie der Insel Waigeu. Orn. Swainson, G. 1W. Mber., vol. 40, pp. 13-18. 1974. See no. 198. (Preliminary account of the or- 935. 1976. Nesting of the Pied Chat, Saxicola nithological results of Stein's caprata. New Guinea Bird Soc. 1931-1932 expedition. 1. On the or- Newsl., no. 119, p. 11. nithology of the island of Waigeu. (Brief note on nest, clutch size, pa- [See also nos. 865, 866, 925, 926].) rental care and success rate.) 928. 1935. Ueber eine kleine Vogelsammlung aus dem Bezirk Merauke (Sud-Neu- Taylor, N. guinea) angelegt von Dr. H. Never- 936. 1965. Strangers in paradise. Birds Illust., mann. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, vol. vol. 11, p. 27. 20, pp. 447-463. Temple, P. (On a small bird collection from the 937. 1962. Nawok! The New Zealand expedi- Merauke district [south New Guinea] tion to New Guinea's highest moun- collected by Dr. H. Nevermann.) tains. London. Dent. 929. 1937. Poecilodryas placens clara nom. (See also nos. 942, 943.) nov. Orn. Mber., vol. 45, p. 86. 1964. See no. 943. (To replace P. p. steini Hart. and Terborgh, J. W. Pal. [see no. 926]. Sp. now consid- 1965. See no. 233. ered monotypic.) 1968. See no. 234. Stringer, M. Terborgh, J. W., and J. M. Diamond 930. 1977. The Middle Sepik-A birder's para- 938. 1970. Niche overlap in feeding assem- dise. New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., blages of New Guinea birds. Wilson no. 129, pp. 11-13. Bull., vol. 82, pp. 29-52. (Field observations on many spp. (Field study of birds feeding on trees woven into a narrative, but no date.) in Karimui area. See also nos. 221, Sudbury, A. 227, 233.) 931. 1969. My trip to New Guinea. Bird Thair, M. Obser., no. 450, pp. 5-8; no. 451, 1977. See no. 941. pp. 7-8; no. 452, pp. 6-7. Thair, S. (A list of 260 spp., with very brief 939. 1976. The Yellowish Honey-eater Meli- comment on birds observed at Lae, phaga flavescens. New Guinea Bird Baiyer R. and Pt. Moresby areas.) Soc. Newsl., no. 127, p. 9. Sutter, E. (Brief summary of knowledge. 1 pl.) 932. 1955. Uber die Mauser einiger Lauf- 940. 1977. Aerial display by Brahminy Kite. 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 445

New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. Guinea 1938-1939): List of collect- 128, p. 12. ing localities. [See also nos. 40, 43, (Haliastur indus.) 127, 721].) Thair, S., and M. Thair Tubb, J. A. 941. 1977. Report on display of Magnificent 949. 1945. Field notes on some New Guinea Bird of Paradise. New Guinea Bird birds. Emu, vol. 44, pp. 249-273. Soc. Newsl., no. 128, p. 13. (Annot. list of birds observed at var- (Diphyllodes magnificus. See also ious locations in extreme eastern nos. 716, 835.) N.G. and Daru. I. map.) Thompson, M. C. Tyler, M. J. 942. 1964. Two new distributional records of 950. 1961. Food of Halcyon sancta in New birds from the Southwest Pacific. Guinea. Ibis, vol. 103, p. 625. Ardea, vol. 52, p. 121. (Eating frogs.) (Lanius cristatus lucionensis at Or- ansbari, Geelvink Bay.) Ulrich, V. S., V. Ziswiler, and H. Bregulla Thompson, M. C., and P. Temple 951. 1972. Biologie und Ethologie des Schmal- 943. 1964. Georgraphic variation in the coot in bindenloris, Trichoglossus haema- New Guinea. Proc. Biol. Soc. todus massena Bonaparte. Zool. Washington, vol. 77, pp. 251-252. Gart., Lpz., vol. 42, pp. 51-94. (Fulica atra anggiensis described (Biology and ethology of the Rain- from Arfak Mrs.) bow Lorikeet, Trichoglossus haema- Timmis, W. H. todus massena Bonaparte.) 944. 1968. Breeding of the Superb Bird of Para- dise at Chester Zoo. Avicult. Mag., Van Deusen, H. M. vol. 74, pp. 170-172. 1956. See no. 621. (Brief but interesting account con- 952. 1966. The seventh Archbold expedition. cerning Lophorina superba. 1 pl. Biosci., vol. 16, pp. 456-463. See also no. 945.) (Semi-popular account, discussing 945. 1970. Breeding the Superb Bird of Para- biogeography of Huon Peninsula, dise Lophorina superba, at Chester incl. endemic birds.) Zoo. Int. Zoo Yb., vol. 10, pp. Van Eechoud, J. P. K. 102-104. See no. 443. (See also no. 944.) Van Overeem 946. 1972. Notes on the display and nest build- See no. 481. ing of the Sickle-billed Bird of Para- Van Tets, G. F. dise Epimachus meyeri at Chester 1975. See no. 825. Zoo. Int. Zoo Yb., vol. 12, pp. 1976. See no. 731. 190-192. Van Tets, G. F., A. H. D'Andria, and E. Slater (Incl. note on unusual feeding habit. 953. 1967. Nesting, distribution and nomencla- 1 photo.) ture of Australian Vanelline plovers. Tortonese, E. Emu, vol. 67, pp. 85-93. 947. 1970. La Nuova Guinea ornora un or- (Comment on status of Lobibyx nitologo Italiano. Natura, Milano., miles in N.G. See also no. 57.) vol. 61, pp. 336-337. Varghese, T., and E. Lindgren (The New Guinea avifauna and Ital- 954. 1975. Coccidiosis of birds of Papua New ian ornithologists.) Guinea. 1. Preliminary report on a Toxopeus, L. J. new species of coccidiosis from the 948. 1940. Nederlandsch-Indisch-Amerikaansch Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus Expeditie naar Nederlandsch Nieuw haematodus. Sci. New Guinea, vol. Guinea (3e Archbold-Expeditie naar 3, pp. 26-3 1. Nieuw Guinea 1938-1939): Lijst van Vaurie, C. versamelstations. Treubia, vol. 17, 1948. See no. 622. pp. 271-279. 955. 1949a. A revision of the bird family Di- (Netherlands-Indies-American Expe- cruridae. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. dition to Netherlands New Guinea Hist., vol. 93, pp. 203-342. (Third Archbold Expedition to New (Comprehensive, incl. all N.G. 446 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

forms. Good synonymy, lists of and subalpine vegetation. Aust. specimens examined and many Natn. Univ. Res. Sch. Pacif. Stud., measurements. 14 figs., incl. some Publ. BG/1, pp. 30-31. maps. See also no. 622.) (Brief notes on birds of area, with 956. 1953. A generic revision of flycatchers of some interesting comments on hon- the tribe Muscicapini. Bull. Amer. eyeater [Meliphagidae]-flower rela- Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 100, pp. tionships.) 457-538. Wagner, H. 0. (Incl. all N.G. members of Micro- 964. 1938. Beobachtungen ueber die Balz des eca; their morphology, habits and re- Paradiesvogels Paradisaea guilielmi lationships. 27 figs., incl. some Cab. J. Om., Lpz., vol. 86, pp. maps.) 550-553. 957. 1958. Remarks on some Corvidae of Indo- (Observations on the display of the Malaya and the Australian region. bird of paradise Paradisaea guiliemi Amer. Mus. Novitates, no. 1915, Cab.) pp. 1-13. Wakefield, N. A. Venema, G. F. 965. 1944. Bird notes from New Guinea. Vic- 1960. See no. 134. toria Nat., vol. 60, p. 163. 1962. See no. 135. (Brief description of a bower, proba- Vernon, D. P. bly of Chlamydera cerviniventris.) 1971. See no. 626. Walker, D. Veselovsky, Z. See no. 817. 958. 1970. Napric Australii 2. Lemcici-nej- Walters, M. P. pozoruhodnejsi ptaci stavitele. Ves- 1973. See no. 875. mir, vol. 49, pp. 170-174. Ward, J. E. (Across Australia 2. Bower birds- 966. 1951. Birds of paradise. In the South Pa- most remarkable bird architects.) cific they display the world's most Vidgen, H. G. gorgeous plumage. Life, vol. 31, 959. 1921. Birds visiting Cape York Peninsula pp. 103-105, 107. and New Guinea. Emu, vol. 20, pp. (Brief text describing 5 col. pls. of 227-228. paintings and 3 photos.) (Brief note on presence and absence Warham, J. of various migrants.) 1971. See no. 832. Vlasbom, A. G. Warren, R. L. M. 960. 1953. The lower jaw of the parrots in rela- 967. 1956. Notes on specimens and illustrations tion to the architecture of the skull. of cassowaries, mainly in the British 1. 2. Proc. Sect. Sci. K. Ned. Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Akad. Wet., vol. 56 C, pp. vol. 9, pp. 753-773. 486-507. (Mainly notes on type specimens, (Incl. information on Probosciger incl. N.G. forms of Casuarius.) aterrimus.) Watson, J. D., W. R. Wheeler, and E. Whitbourne Voous, K. H. 968. 1962. With the R.A.O.U. in Papua New 961. 1963. Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa) Guinea, October 1960. Emu, vol. in New Guinea. Ardea, vol. 51, p. 62, pp. 31-50, 67-98. 253. (List of birds observed, with field (2 specimens from Merauke de- notes, in Port Moresby, Lae, Wau scribed.) and Bulolo areas by an R.A.O.U. Voous, K. H., and J. G. Van Marie field-outing. 5 photos. of habitats. 962. 1949. The distributional history of Cor- See also no. 635.) acina in the Indo-Australian Archi- Wattel, J. pelago. Bijdr. Dierk., vol. 28, pp. 969. 1973. Geographical differentiation in the 513-529. genus Accipiter. Publs. Nuttall Orn. (Deals with all N.G. forms. 7 figs. Club, no. 13, pp. 1-231. Does not include Edolisoma.) (Part 6. Australasia, systematically treats all forms found in N.G., also Wade, L. K., and D. N. McVean other more general sections are of 963. 1969. Mt. Wilhelm studies. 1. The alpine interest.) 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 447

Wenner, M. L. 979. 1976c. A list of birds seen in the Varirata 970. 1973. Le lori brun (Pseudeos fuscata National Park. New Guinea Bird (Blyth)). Zoo, Antwerp, vol. 38, pp. Soc. Newsl., no. 122 (Suppl.), pp. 195-196. 1-2. (The Brown Lory (Pseudeos fuscata (Un-annot. list of 113 spp. See also (Blyth)). the locality bird lists detailed prior to 971. 1975. Le lori brun (Pseudeos fuscata the Addenda.) (Blyth)). Zoo, Antwerp, vol. 40, pp. 980. 1976d. A tail feather count on a Marsh 171-172. Snipe Capella megala. New Guinea (The Brown Lory (Pseudeos fuscata Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 126, p. 15. (Blyth)). (16 tail feathers counted, measure- Westermann, J. H. ments of bird given.) 972. 1947. Fauna en natuurbescherming in 1976e. See no. 985. Nederlandsch Nieuw-Guinea. Ned. 981. 1977a. High mountain birds in the Enga Comm. Int. Natuurbesch. Meded. Province. New Guinea Bird Soc. no. 13, pp. 1-107. Newsl., no. 128, pp. 14-18. (Fauna and nature protection in (Annot. list of 61 spp. seen Dec.- Netherlands New Guinea.) Jan., 1 map.) Weston, I. 982. 1977b. A new record of the Black-tailed 1976. See no. 983. Whistler Pachycephala melanura for Weston, I. L. mainland Papua New Guinea. New 1973. See no. 984. Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 129, 973. 1975a. Kingfishers in Papua New Guinea. pp. 8-9. New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. (See also nos. 397, 1009.) 109, pp. 5-8. Weston, T., and I. Weston (Brief review of family and N.G. 983. 1976. Display of the Little Ringed spp. Notes on field characters.) Plovers-Charadrius dubius pap- 974. 1975b. Expanding feathers on Black Bittern. uanus. New Guinea Bird Soc. New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. Newsl., no. 118, p. 7. 1 13, p. 12. Weston, T. M., and I. L. Weston (Movement of neck feathering in a 984. 1973. A record of the Papuan Hawk Owl. live bird; Dupetor flavicollis.) Emu, vol. 73, pp. 190-191. 975. 1975c. Additional information on the Mid- (Netting records of Uroglaux di- mountain and Lowland Eupetes. morpha with weights, measurements New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. and plumage details. Brief summary 110, pp. 7-8. of previous records.) (Plumage characters of Eupetes cas- 985. 1976. A description of the male Black- tanonotus pulcher and E. backed Least Bittern. New Guinea caerulescens geislerorum.) Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 119, p. 12. 976. 1975d. Breeding record of the Wedge-tailed (Full description of Ixobrychus minu- Shearwater Puffinus pacificus. New tus.) Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 115, Wheeler, J. R. p. 13. 1967. See no. 1027. (Reports discovery of small colony Wheeler, W. R. on Bavo I., near Port Moresby.) 1962. See no. 968. 977. 1976a. Description of the nest of Zosterops Whitbourne, E. fuscicapilla, found at Tari in the 1962. See no. 968. Southern Highlands Province of Pa- White, C. M. N. pua New Guinea by Don Hadden. 986. 1935. Monarcha chrysomela praerepta New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. subsp. n. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, vol. 1 16, p. 11. 56, pp. 38-39. (See also no. 362.) (Of Fergusson I.) 978. 1976b. Pied Heron's concern for an indi- 987. 1937. Description of a new race of Pitta. vidual. New Guinea Bird Soc. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, vol. 57, pp. Newsl., no. 120, p. 10. 136-137. (Notophoyx picata. Flock reaction to (P. sordida goodfellowi, of Aru Is.) the capture of an individual.) 988. 1938a. A note on the races of Coracina 448 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

novaehollandiae. Bull. Br. Om. Guinea. Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan, Club, vol. 58, pp. 72-75. vol. 14, pp. 1-2. 989. 1938b. Some races of Mino dumonti. Ibis, (G. s. wadai [=G. s. sclaterii] from ser. 14, vol. 2, pp. 150-152. Bian R.) (Incl. measurements.) 996. 1970. Birds collected by Kyoto University 990. 1938c. Notes on Australian birds. Ibis, ser. West Irian Scientific Expedition, 14, vol. 2, pp. 761-764. 1963-64, in the central highlands of (Microeca flavovirescens cuicui not West New Guinea. Misc. Rep. considered a valid ssp. [but the ssp. Yamashina Inst. Orn. Zool., vol. 6, accepted by Mayr, no. 580, and by pp. 1-15. Rand and Gilliard, no. 726]; Tal- (In Japanese with English summary. egalla fuscirostris occidentis de- Annot. list of 66 specimens, of 39 scribed.) spp. taken on N. side of Nassau 991. 1975. The problem of the cassowary in Ce- Mts. Nov. to Mar. between 1700 ram. Bull. Br. Orn. Club, vol. 95, and 4000 m. a.s.l., 1 map.) pp. 165-170. Yealland, J. J. (Discusses systematic status of Aru 997. 1969. Breeding of Princess Stephanie's Is. Casuarius populations.) Bird of Paradise at London Zoo. Wiedenfeld, L. von Avicult. Mag., vol. 75, pp. 50-51. See no. 484. (Brief, giving little more than fledg- Williams, W. T. ing period, of 27 days, for Astrapia 1971. See nos. 459, 460. stephaniae.) Wilson, A. C. 1974. See no. 178. Zimmer, J. T. Wilson, A. H. See no. 617. 992. 1922. Papua-the land of birds. Emu, vol. Zimmer, J. T., and E. Mayr 21, pp. 273-276. 998. 1943. New species of birds described from (Chatty. 1 pl.) 1938 to 1941. Auk, vol. 60, pp. Winterbottom, J. M. 249-262. 993. 1928. The display of Wilson's Bird of Par- (Incl. evaluation of 7 N.G. birds, all adise (Schlegelia wilsoni). Ibis, ser. considered good spp. except one 12, vol. 4, pp. 318-320. [see no. 466]. See also nos. 594, (Brief description of displaying cap- 597.) tive male Diphyllodes respublica. Ziswiler, V. See also nos. 264, 282, 550.) 999. 1969. Adaptive radiation innerhalb der Wolfe, T. 0. prachtfinkengattung Erythrura 1974. See no. 290. Swainson. Revue Suisse Zool., vol. 1976. See nos. 291, 292. 76, pp. 1095-1105. Wood, V. J. (Adaptive radiation within the parrot 994. 1970. The breeding and distribution of finch genus Erythrura. See also no. Elanus caeruleus in New Guinea. 1000.) Sunbird, vol. 1, pp. 48-55. 1972. See no. 351. (Observations at Baiyer R. and Ziswiler, V., H. Guttinger, and H. Bregulla Sepik R. plains, incl. nest with 3 1000. 1972. Monographie der Gattung Erythrura young.) Swainson 1837. (Aves, Passeres, Es- Woolfenden, G. trildidae). Bonn. Zool..Monogr., no. 1952. See no. 12. 2, pp. 1-158. (Monograph of the genus Erythrura Yamashina, Y. Swainson 1837. (Aves, Passeres, Es- 995. 1944. On a new subspecies of Goura trildidae.) [See also nos. 352, 560, scheepmakeri from South New 999].) SYSTEMATIC CROSS-REFERENCE TO BIBLIOGRAPHY The purpose of this cross-reference to sys- Guinea, have begun to attract attention. A tematic content of the publications within the number of endemic genera and species such as bibliography is to provide a fundamental guide Ifrita, Malurus alboscapulatus, Todopsis, and to the working ornithologist. It is completely Paramythia are also subjects of more recent outside the scope and aim of this work to com- and current studies. It is hoped that the rapidly prehensively cross-reference the avian taxa increasing interest in Papuan ornithology will dealt with in the literature of the bibliography. bring about more detailed studies of some of In the case of larger, more comprehensive, the lesser known taxa, as well as further work works therein this would mean that the publica- on the better known ones. Once again, for tion number would appear against the name of consistency, nomenclature used is that of the almost every species found in the Papuan Sub- Rand and Gilliard Handbook (1967). region. Moreover, the result of such an analysis of the literature would almost constitute the CASUARIIDAE 140, 148, 201, 249, 578, 586, 847, groundwork for a handbook to the birds of the 849, 967, 991 area. Casuarius casuarius 266, 759, 763, 764, 777, 780 In the following incomplete systematic list I Casuarius unappendiculatus 463, 496, 760, 777, have given reference by publication numbers to 778 those publications which deal exclusively or Casuarius bennetti 761, 772, 780 predominantly with particular taxa, and to those PODICIPEDIDAE 586 publications that have certain taxa mentioned Podiceps novaehollandiae 584 by name in their title and/or annotations. It is hoped that this will prove of some use to the PROCELLARIIDAE 461, 832 working ornithologist wishing to quickly find a Macronectes giganteus 34, 421 "lead" into the literature of specific taxa. Puffinus leucomelas 38, 660 Those workers wishing to find full reference to Puffinus pacificus 976 publications describing new taxa should consult Puffinus griseus 343 Mayr's 1941 list (no. 580) or, for names erected Pterodroma rostrata 626 since Mayr's list, the pages directly following this systematic cross-reference section. For con- PELECANIFORMES 461, 832 venience, family names are included for all SULIDAE 461, 832 taxa dealt with although the family as a whole Sula dactylatra 151 may not necessarily have reference made to it. Very generalized though this systematic PHALACROCORACIDAE 461, 832 cross-reference system is, it does provide a Phalacrocorax sulcirostris 791 fairly clear indication of the remarkably uneven Phalacrocorax melanoleucos 5, 1002 literature coverage of families of New Guinea birds during the period 1915 to 1976. Most ARDEIDAE 119, 578, 586 obviously repeatedly worked are the Casu- Ardea sumatrana 12 Notophoyx novaehollandiae 5 aniidae, Megapodiidae, Psittacidae, and of Notophoyx picata 978 course the Paradisaeidae and Ptilonorhynchidae; Butorides striatus 71, 804 all of which have attracted much ornithological Egretta alba 17, 406 study for very many years. Particularly in re- Egretta intermedia 38 cent years the Columbidae and Alcedinidae, Egretta garzetta 12, 18, 19 two families extremely well represented in New Demigretta sacra 598


Nycticorax caledonicus 5, 698, 1001 TURNICIDAE 576 Ixobrychus minutus 709, 985 Turnix maculosa 691, 851, 932 Dupetor flavicollis 974 GRUIDAE THRESKIORNITHIDAE 152 Grus rubicunda 901, 902 Threskiornis moluccus 16, 20, 704, 705, 855 Threskiornis spinicollis 1001 RALLIDAE 576, 589, 678, 789 Rallus torquatus 509 ANATIDAE 209, 288, 436, 578, 586 Porzana pusilla 361 Anseranas semipalmata 288, 414, 415 Porzana tabuensis 393 Dendrocygna eytoni 62 Rallicula 218 Tadorna radjah 210, 288 Rallina tricolor 589 Anas superciliosa 6 Amaurornis olivaceus 711 Salvadorina waigiuensis 252, 364, 446, 520, 561 Porphyrio porphyrio 19, 487, 488 Nettapus coromandelianus 601 Fulica atra 70, 943 Nettapus pulchellus 175 OTIDIDAE FALCONIFORMES 136, 174, 349, 781 Choriotis australis 709 ACCIPITRIDAE 136, 174, 349, 578, 586 CHARADRIIFORMES 90, 394, 461, 589, 832, 870 Elanus caeruleus 64, 994 Henicopernis longicauda 255 CHARADRIIDAE 576, 589, 870 Haliastur indus 940 Lobibyx miles 59, 953 Haliastur sphenurus 4 Lobibyx novaehollandiae 57, 59 Accipiter 593, 969 Charadrius dubius 983 Accipiter meyerianus 889 Accipiter novaehollandiae 887. 890 SCOLOPACIDAE 589 Accipiter fasciatus 890, 917 Numenius minutus 64 Accipiter melanochlamys 593 Numenius phaeopus 86, 855 Harpyopsis novaeguineae 141 Limosa limosa 57, 961 Spizaetus gurneyi 438 Tringa stagnatilis 57 Uroaetus audax 438 Tringa glareola 57 Circus 669 Tringa totanus 57, 164 Circus approximans 4, 378, 1005 Limnodromus semipalmatus 395 Circus melanoleucos 198 Capella hardwickii 718 Capella megala 980 PANDIONIDAE 136, 349 Scolopax saturata 746 Pandion haliaetus 4, 74 Calidris canutus 396 Calidris ferruginea 75 FALCONIDAE 136, 174, 349, 586 Calidris melanotis 168 Falco peregrinus 582 Philomachus pugnax 831, 1018, 1019, 1020 Falco chenchroides 215, 514 Falco berigora 4 RECURVIROSTRIDAE 576 MEGAPODIIDAE 159, 160, 161, 249, 287, 589, PHALAROPODIDAE 461 741, 839, 847 Megapodius freycinet 71, 115, 286, 553, 575, 882 STERCORARIIDAE 461 Eulipoa wallacei 741 Stercorarius parasiticus 343 Talegalla cuvieri 115, 286, 553, 575 Stercorarius longicauda 343 Talegalla fuscirostris 990 Aepypodius arfakianus 286, 689 BURHINIDAE 576, 589 Aepypodius bruijnii 650, 651 Esacus magnirostris 57, 499, 504 PHASIANIDAE 589 LARIDAE 394, 413, 461, 647, 832 Excalfactoria chinensis 378, 614, 719 Chlidonias leucoptera 82 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 451

Chlidonias hybrida 21 Micropsitta keiensis 109, 112, 404 Sterna albifrons 1001 Micropsitta pusio 404, 838 Sterna hirundo 408, 410 Probosciger aterrimus 631, 960 Sterna fuscata 82 Cacatua galerita 123 Sterna bergii 671 Cacatua sanguinea 98, 123 Psittrichas fulgidus 919 COLUMBIDAE 32, 194, 289, 300, 337, 338, 574, Larius roratus 757 700 Geoffroyus geoffroyi 84, 272 Ptilinopus 144, 145, 147, 290, 291, 334 Tanygnathus megalorhynchus 356 Ptilinopus regina 195, 743 Alisterus 666 Ptilinopus superbus 195, 196 Psittacella brehmii 728 Ptilinopus pulchellus 56 Ptilinopus coronulatus 743, 871 CUCULIDAE 240, 573 Ptilinopus iozonus 75 Cacomantis 377 Ptilinopus rivoli 384 Cacomantis variolosus 377 Ptilinopus perlatus 71 Chalcites 275, 371, 385, 523 Megaloprepia magnifica 195, 290, 334 Chalcites lucidus 563 Ducula 290, 291, 335 Microdynamis parva 614 Ducula pacifica 6, 462 Eudynamis taitensis 124 Ducula concinna 797 Centropus bernsteinii 551 Ducula bicolor 417, 418 Centropus phasianinus 71, 905 Ducula spilorrhoa 35, 195, 197 Gymnophaps albertisii 336 TYTONIDAE 145, 254, 269, 349, 573 Columba vitiensis 333 Tyto 379 Macropygia amboinensis 195 Tyto tenebricosa 269, 637, 747 Geopelia 290 Tyto capensis 10 Geopelia humeralis 52, 292 Geopelia striata 292 STRIGIDAE 143, 254, 269, 349, 573 Chalcophaps indica 6, 382 Ninox novaeseelandiae 637 Gallicolumba jobiensis 131, 872 Ninox connivens 269, 464, 637 Trugon terrestris 454 Ninox rufa 78, 269, 637 Otidiphaps nobilis 117, 329, 762 Uroglaux dimorpha 984 Caloenas nicobarica 417, 418 Goura 242, 1026 PODARGIDAE 473 Goura cristata 437, 640, 836 Podargus papuensis 518, 521, 903 Goura scheepmakeri 995 Podargus ocellatus 482 Goura victoria 257, 268, 600 Podargus strigoides 519

PSITTACIDAE 53, 274, 327, 328, 342, 478, 479, CAPRIMULGIDAE 573 574, 789, 798, 858, 899, 908, 1006, 1008 Caprimulgus macrurus 670, 681 Chalcopsitta atra 806, 807 Eurostopodus papuensis 709 Chalcopsitta duivenbodei 46 Eos 699, 867, 868 APODIDAE Pseudeos fuscata 699, 970, 971 Collocalia 572, 627, 662, 894 Trichoglossus haematodus 58, 68, 146, 508, 867, Collocalia esculenta 260 868, 882, 883, 951, 954, 1025 Collocalia hirundinacea 260 Psitteuteles goldiei 703 Collocalia vanikorensis 656 Domicella 348, 413, 867, 868 Collocalia whiteheadi 802, 863, 864 Charmosyna papou 507 Collocalia nuditarsus 802, 863 Charmosyna placentis 400 Psittaculirostris 411, 412, 413 ALCEDINIDAE 449, 484, 573, 973 Psittaculirostris desmarestii 749 Alcedo atthis 486 Opopsitta 411 Alcyone 486 Opopsitta diophthalma 273 Alcyone azurea 821 Micropsitta 882 Ceyx lepidus 486 452 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

Clytoceyx rex 684 TURDIDAE 781 Dacelo leachii 75 Saxicola caprata 75, 935 Dacelo gigas 512 Turdus poliocephalus 244, 605 Dacelo tyro 287 Dacelo gaudichaud 404, 485 TIMALIIDAE 205, 369, 373 Halcyon torotoro 79 Melampitta 205 Halcyon nigrocyanea 483 Cinclosoma ajax 13, 149, 173 Halcyon macleayii 404 Eupetes 205, 363 Halcyon sancta 23, 24, 704, 950 Eupetes castanonotus 644, 975 Halcyon chloris 590, 672 Eupetes caerulescens 701, 975 Halcyon saurophaga 423 Orthonyx temminckii 13, 305, 513 Tanysiptera galatea 26, 89 Pomatostomus 205, 206 Tanysiptera nympha 404 Pomatostomus isidori 63, 315 Tanysiptera danae 786 Ifrita kowaldi 13, 205, 211, 368, 751, 884 Tanysiptera sylvia 301 MALURIDAE MEROPIDAE Malurus alboscapulatus 263, 360, 368, 369, 373, Merops ornatus 1, 87, 141 613, 668, 818 Todopsis 368, 369, 373, 541, 543, 751 CORACIIDAE Todopsis cyanocephala 30 Eurystomus orientalis 735 Todopsis wallacii 96, 539 Chenorhamphus grayi 369, 373 BUCEROTIDAE Clytomyias insignis 369 Aceros plicatus 156, 573, 781, 805 SYLVIIDAE 199, 625 PASSERIFORMES Acrocephalus arundinaceus 64, 490, 588, 710, 796, 892 PITTIDAE Megalurus albolimbatus 710 Pitta erythrogaster 56 Cisticola exilis 64, 571 Pitta versicolor 67 Sericornis 218, 296, 326, 571 Pitta sordida 987 Sericornis beccarii 218, 625 Sericornis virgatus 218 ALAUDIDAE Sericornis nouhuysi 218, 619, 896 Mirafra javanica 601 Sericornis rufescens 555 Sericornis arfakianus 555, 896 HIRUNDINIDAE Sericornis nigroviridis 653 Hirundo tahitica 652 Acanthiza murina 619 Hirundo nigricans 539, 913 Gerygone 625, 645 Hirundo daurica 262 Gerygone cinerea 619 Petrochelidon ariel 66 Eugerygone rubra 1016 Phylloscopus trivirgatus 533 CAMPEPHAGIDAE 451 Lalage 618 MUSCICAPIDAE 199, 450, 540, 646, 674, 878 Lalage sueurii 73 Peltops 13, 912 Lalage leucomela 783 Peltops montanus 150 Coracina 734, 774, 962 Rhipidura 13, 248 Coracina melaena 542 Rhipidura threnothorax 748 Coracina morio 171, 745, 918 Rhipidura leucothorax 748 Coracina novaehollandiae 988 Rhipidura rufifrons 582, 612 Coracina papuensis 295 Rhipidura rufidorsa 542 Rhipidura brachyrhyncha 686 PYCNONOTIDAE 374 Monarcha 13, 533 Monarcha alecto 582 MOTACILLIDAE Monarcha cinerascens 782 Motacilla flava 70 Monarcha trivirgatus 710 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 453

Monarcha chrysomela 986 Cracticus mentalis 77, 85 Arses telescophthalmus 13, 60 Gymnorhina tibicen 52 Myiagra rubecula 718 Machaerirhynchus 13 DICRURIDAE 622, 955 Muscicapa griseisticta 211 Dicrurus hottentottus 1, 63, 711, 744 Microeca 533, 582, 956 Microeca fiavovirescens 990 Monachella muelleriana 13, 682, 792 CORVIDAE 339, 750 Poecilodryas 582 Corvus 243, 921 Poecilodryas placens 929 Corvus orru 790, 880 Poecilodryas pulverulenta 547 Peneothello 13 PARADISAEIDAE 44, 48, 56, 99, 101, 102, 103, Pachycephalopsis hattamensis 558 104, 120, 125, 138, 156, 158, 177, 181, 182, 183, 184, 202, 207, 241, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, PACHYCEPHALIDAE 199, 294 250, 281, 284, 298, 304, 305, 306, 307, 321, Rhagologus leucostigma 50 330, 332, 387, 388, 409, 430, 431, 456, 475, Pachycephala 13, 50, 533 476, 480, 495, 522, 526, 580, 587, 695, 723, Pachycephala pectoralis 50, 294, 397, 1009 737, 750, 765, 767, 769, 771, 789, 810, 811, Pachycephala melanura 397, 982, 1009 816, 826, 829, 834, 842, 843, 845, 846, 847, Pachycephala soror 50, 294, 621 850, 875, 879, 904, 907, 911, 915, 920, 922, Pachycephala schlegelii 50, 294 924, 933, 934, 966, 1003, 1012 Pachycephala griseiceps 50 Manucodia 535, 816 Pachycephala hyperythra 28 Manucodia ater 142, 310, 712, 787 Pachycephala modesta 50 Phonygammus keraudrenii 346, 375, 535, 582, 712, Pachycephala rufiventris 891 768, 816, 1025 Pachycephala rufinucha 50 Macgregoria pulchra 267, 714, 1003 Myiolestes megarhynchus 50 Paradigalla brevicauda 278 Colluricincla harmonica 271 Drepanornis 816 Pitohui 13, 882, 893 Epimachus 816 Pitohui kirhocephalus 884 Epimachus fastosus 141, 738 Pitohui dichrous 687 Epimachus meyeri 141, 190, 191, 192, 366, 679, 946, Pitohui ferrugineus 776 1010 Pitohui nigrescens 687, 895 Astrapia 604 Astrapia mayeri 51, 122, 366, 465, 466, 474, 604, LANIIDAE 876 Lanius cristatus 942 Astrapia stephaniae 51, 122, 162, 331, 367, 997, 1010 STURNIDAE 7, 9 Astrapia rothschildi 728 Aplonis 7, 9 Parotia 824 Aplonis cantoroides 178, 859 Parotia sefilata 106, 108, 109, 110, 900, 910 Aplonis metallica 178, 859 Parotia carolae 276, 285, 389 Mino 7, 9, 882 Parotia lawesi 389, 820, 822, 824, 861 Mino dumonti 93, 989 Parotia wahnesi 189, 820 Lophorina superba 556, 657, 667, 779, 837, 944, Sturnus vulgaris 163 945 Craspedophora magnifica 167, 188, 193, 547, 680 ORIOLIDAE Seleucidis melanoleuca 186, 187, 467, 730 Sphecotheres vieilloti 270 Diphyllodes 154, 283, 816 Diphyllodes magnificus 122, 258, 495, 714, 716, GRALLINIDAE 752, 835, 941 Pomareopsis bruijni 682 Diphyllodes respublica 264, 282, 550, 993 Grallina cyanoleuca 499 Cicinnurus regius 105, 107, 109, 283, 293, 495, 582, 712, 770, 816, 882 CRACTICIDAE 8 Paradisaea 185, 283, 873, 1013 Cracticus cassicus 85 Paradisaea apoda 49, 82, 237, 238, 239, 314, 351, 454 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

427, 428, 429, 493, 702, 754, 756, 758, 768, Myzomela nigrita 230 833, 898 Myzomela rosenbergii 76 Paradisaea raggiana 169, 212, 213, 341, 495, 659, Toxorhamphus iliolophus 27 755, 758 Melidectes ochromelas 225 Paradisaea minor 169, 754 Melidectes leucostephes 318, 606 Paradisaea rubra 100, 186, 283, 433, 434, 776 Melidectes belfordi 225, 318, 570, 606 Paradisaea guilielmi 898, 964 Melidectes rufocrissalis 318 Paradisaea rudolphi 179, 344, 495, 861 Xanthotis 684 Pteridophora alberti 55, 118, 304, 386, 510, 877 Xanthotis chrysotis 534 Loria loriae 353, 506, 852 Lichmera alboauricularis 402, 601 Loboparadisea sericea 554 Meliphaga 706 Cnemophilus macgregorii 353, 506, 852 Meliphaga flavescens 690, 939 Meliphaga orientalis 218 PTILONORHYNCHIDAE 44, 54, 120, 125, 157, Meliphaga gracilis 22 177, 207, 248, 305, 308, 309, 313, 320, 321, Meliphaga analoga 22, 218, 683, 706, 897 425, 430, 431, 476, 480, 527, 528, 529, 530, Meliphaga albonotata 392 531, 608, 695, 816, 834, 841, 845, 846, 847, Ptiloprora 218 874, 923 Ptiloprora plumbea 558 Archboldia papuensis 316, 602, 713 Philemon novaeguineae 225 Amblyornis 154, 309, 823 Amblyornis inornatus 326 DICAEIDAE 599, 798, 799, 800, 801 Amblyornis macgregoriae 92, 235, 277, 358, 491, Dicaeum pectorale 799 823 Dicaeum geelvinkianum 799 Amblyornis flavifrons 11 Dicaeum hirundinaceum 800 Amblyornis subalaris 92, 277, 372, 491 Dicaeum nitidum 799 Xanthomelus 608, 766 Melanocharis 688, 798 Xanthomelus aureus 81, 218, 766 Melanocharis nigra 688 Xanthomelus bakeri 81, 155, 766 Melanocharis versteri 722 Chlamydera 309, 317 Melanocharis striativentris 688 Chlamydera cerviniventris 72, 317, 648, 693, 694, Rhamphocharis crassirostris 638, 798 965 Oreocharis arfaki 374, 801 Chlamydera lauterbachi 61, 154, 236, 317, 536 Paramythia montium 374, 568, 801 Ailuroedus crassirostris 883 Ailuroedus buccoides 28, 788 ZOSTEROPIDAE 630, 634, 642, 909 Zosterops 480, 628 NEOSITTIDAE Zosterops fuscicapilla 362, 977 Daphoenositta miranda 708 Zosterops minor 344, 566, 635 Neositta papuensis 624 Zosterops novaeguineae 628, 629, 635 CERTHIIDAE PLOCEIDAE 203, 781, 914 Climacteris placens 344, 448 Erythrura 352, 560, 999, 1000 Erythrura trichroa 80, 426, 452 NECTARINIIDAE 204 Neochmia phaeton 426, 452 Nectarinia jugularis 537, 544 Lonchura leucosticta 632 Nectarinia sericea 357, 639, 641 Lonchura tristissima 69, 632 Lonchura caniceps 38, 71 MELIPHAGIDAE 121, 585, 673, 803, 808, 963 Lonchura stygia 710 Melithreptus albogularis 121 Lonchura castaneothorax 426, 452 Myzomela 437 Lonchura punctulata 69, 1027 Myzomela obscura 75, 470 BIRDS DESCRIBED FROM THE PAPUAN SUBREGION SINCE 1940

The following birds have been described Porzana pusilla mayri Junge 442 subsequent to the closing date of manuscript Porzana tabuensis edwardi Gyldenstolpe 353 (December 31, 1940) of Mayr's classic List of Rallicula rubra telefolminensis Gilliard 319 New Guinea Birds, with the exception of a Rallicula mayri carmichaeli Diamond 218 number of birds described in 1941 by Rand (see Range: Mt. Menawa, Bewani Mts. and Mt. Nibo, Torricelli Mts., above 4400 ft. no. 718). The new name and its author(s) are Rallina tricolor maxima Mayr 589 given and are followed in square brackets by Fulica atra anggiensis Thompson and Temple 943 the name used by Rand and Gilliard, in their [=Fulica atra subspecies (?) of R and G.] Handbook of New Guinea Birds (no. 726), Range: Lake Anggi Gidjii, Arfak Mts., Irian where this differs from the original name. Jaya. Names so placed in square brackets do not Ptilinopus viridus pseudogeelvinkianus Junge 442 necessarily reflect my personal nomenclatural Ducula rufigaster pallida Junge 442 preference, however, but are provided for con- Ducula pacifica sejuncta Amadon 6 sistency within this work, and for the conven- Range: Ninigo and Hermit Is., Bismarck Arch., ience of working ornithologists using Rand and and Seleo and Tarawai, off n. central Gilliard. N.G. Goura cristata pygmaea Mees 640 Author(s) name is followed by the bibliogra- Range: Misol I. phy number of the publication concerned. The Goura scheepmakeri wadai Yamashina 995 distributional range is provided only for those [=Goura scheepmakeri sclaterii.] species not included in Rand and Gilliard's Eos squamata attenua Ripley 739 book, as ranges are provided in their work. It Trichoglossus haematodus berauensis Cain 146 should be noted that compilation for Rand and Domicella lory somu Diamond 215 Gilliard's book terminated by 1964. Range: Karamui Basin and the immediate south; and from Port Romilly, Purari R. Micropsitta keiensis sociabilis Greenway 347 Podiceps novaehollandiae incola Mayr 584 Range: Batanta, Western Papuan Is. Notophoyx novaehollandiae austera Ripley 742 Psittacella picta excelsa Mayr and Gilliard 603 Range: Central mountains (Baliem Valley), south Psittacella modesta subcollaris Rand 718 and south-east New Guinea. Psittacella modesta hallstromi Mayr and Gilliard 603 Butorides striatus fiyensis Salomonsen 804 (Note that Psittacella modesta hallstromi is a Range: Setekwa R. east to Port Moresby district. misprint for Psittacella madaraszi hallstromi.) Aythya australis papuana Ripley 742 Tyto capensis baliem Ripley 742 Range: Lake Habbema and the Baliem Valley Range: Baliem Valley, 4500-5000 ft. west to the Wissel Lakes, 5000 ft. and Aegotheles bennettii terborghi Diamond 215 higher. Range: Karimui, Eastern Highlands District, Pa- Elanus caeruleus wahgiensis Mayr and Gilliard 607 pua N.G. Aviceda subcristata obscura Junge 445 Aegotheles wallacii manni Diamond 218 Aepypodius arfakianus misoliensis Ripley 678 Range: Mt. Menawa and Mt. Turu, North Excalfactoria chinensis novaeguineae Rand 719 Coastal Range. Synoicus ypsilophorus lamonti Mayr and Gilliard 603 Collocalia whiteheadi nuditarsus Salomonsen 802 Turnix maculosa furva Parkes 691 Range: Southern and south-east N.G., Mt. Goli- Turnix maculosa giluwensis Sims 851 ath, Kubor Mts. and Baroka. Turnix maculosa mayri Sutter 932 (Somadikarta, no. 863, tentatively treats Rallus pectoralis connectens Junge 442 nuditarsus as a full species.) Rallus philippensis wahgiensis Mayr and Gilliard Edolisoma melan batantae Gyldenstolpe and Mayr 603 354 Rallus philippensis randi Mayr and Gilliard 603 [=Coracina melaena batantae.]


Coracina tenuirostris numforana Mayr (in Peter's Artamus maximus wahgiensis Gyldenstolpe 353 check-list, vol. 9, 1960). [=Artamus maximus.] Coracina montana bicinia Diamond 218 Phonygammus keraudrenii mayri Greenway 346 Range: Torricelli, Bewani and Cyclops Mts.; me- Phonygammus keraudrenii adelberti Gilliard and dium elevations, above ca. 2700 ft. LeCroy 324 Saxicola caprata wahgiensis Mayr and Gilliard 603 [=Phonygammus keraudrenii subspecies ? of R Turdus poliocephalus carbonarius Mayr and Gilliard and G.] 603 Epimachus fastosus ultimus Diamond 218 [=Turdus poliocephalus erebus.] Range: Mt. Menawa, Bewani Mts., above 4500 Turdus poliocephalus erebus Mayr and Gilliard 605 ft. (New name for preoccupied Turdus poliocephalus Epimachus meyeri bloodi Mayr and Gilliard 603 carbonarius.) Epimachus meyeri megarhynchus Mayr and Gilliard Melampitta lugubris longicauda Mayr and Gilliard 603 605 Astrapia splendidissima elliott-smithi Gilliard 319 Craterocelis murina fumosa Ripley 739 Astrapia recondita Kuroda 474 Eupetes castanonotus gilliardi Greenway 347 [=Astrapia mayeri.] Range: Mt. Besar, 2800 ft.; Batanta, Western Astrachia barnesi Iredale 430 Papuan Is. [=Astrapia mayeri X A. stephaniae hybrid.] Eupetes leucostictus menawa Diamond 218 Parotia carolae clelandiae Gilliard 319 Range: Mt. Menawa, Bewani Mts., above 4100 Parotia lawesi exhibita Iredale 430 ft. (This ssp. not included by R and G; but subse- Malurus alboscapulatus kutubu Schodde and Hitch- quently accepted by Gilliard, no. 321.) cock 818 Lophorina superba addenda Iredale 430 Range: Southern Highlands of N.G. from 750 to (This ssp. not included by R and G; but subse- 2160 m. quently accepted by Gilliard, no. 321.) Megalurus timoriensis wahgiensis Mayr and Gilliard Diphyllodes magnificus extra Iredale 431 603 [=Diphyllodes magnificus hunsteini.] Megalurus timoriensis montanus Mayr and Gilliard Paradisaea rudolphi margaritae Mayr and Gilliard 603 603 Sericornis spilodera intermedia Greenway 347 Paradisaea bloodi Iredale 430 Range: Mt. Besar, 1500-3000 ft.; Batanta, West- [=Paradisaea rudolphi X P. raggiana hybrid.] ern Papuan Is. Pteridophora alberti hallstromi Mayr and Gilliard Sericornis virgatus boreonesioticus Diamond 218 603 Range: Bewani, Torricelli and Prince Alexander Cnemophilus macgregorii sanguineus Iredale 430 Mts., 2100-4800 ft. Cnemophilus macgregorii kuboriensis Mayr and Sericornis nigroviridis Miller 653 Gilliard 607 Gerygone magnirostris occasa Ripley 739 Archboldia papuensis sanfordi Mayr and Gilliard Phylloscopus trivirgatus paniaiae Junge 442 602 Rhipidura leucothorax clamosa Diamond 215 Amblyornis macgregoriae kombok Schodde and Range: Karimui Basin and area immediately to McKean 823 south. Range: Kubor, Mt. Hagen and Bismarck Ranges, Monarcha julianae Ripley 740 central Papua N.G. Tregellasia leucops wahgiensis Mayr and Gilliard Amblyornis macgregoriae nubicola Schodde and 605 McKean 823 Peneothello sigillatus hagenensis Mayr and Gilliard Range: Eastern Owen Stanley Range. 605 Ailuroedus buccoides cinnamomeus Mees 636 Pachycare flavogrisea randi Gilliard 319 Range: Southern N.G. from the Mimika R. to Pachycephala soror remota Mayr and Van Deusen Fly R. 621 Daphoenositta miranda kuboriensis Mayr and Pachycephala modesta telefolminensis Gilliard and Gilliard 605 LeCroy 322 Neositta papuensis intermedia Junge 442 Pitohui kirhocephalus carolinae Junge 442 Neositta papuensis wahgiensis Glydenstolpe 353 Pitohui kirhocephalus adiensis Mees 636 Nectarinia sericea mariae Ripley 740 Range: Adi I., off south coast of the Onin Penin. Nectarinia sericea veronica Mees 639 Pitohui ferrugineus fuscus Greenway 347 Range: Liki I., Koemamba Is., off north Irian Range: Batanta, Western Papuan Is. Jaya coast. 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 457

Cinnyris sericea bergmanii Gyldenstolpe 354 Meliphaga analoga papuae Salomonsen 803 [=Nectarinia sericea sericea.] [=Meliphaga analoga subspecies (?) of R and Oedistoma pygmaeum waigeuense Salomonsen 803 G.] Range: Waigeu I., Western Papuan Is. Range: Southern N.G. from Fly R. district east- Oedistoma pygmaeum flavipectus Salomonsen 803 ward to Hall Sound. Range: Southern N.G. from Etna Bay to Milne Meliphaga analoga connectens Salomonsen 803 Bay. [=Meliphaga analoga subspecies (?) of R and Oedistoma pygmaeum olivascens Salomonsen 803 G.] Range: Northern coast of southeastern N.G., Range: Lowlands of northern N.G. from Wewak from Milne Bay to Huon Penin. eastward to Huon Gulf. Myzomela eques karimuiensis Diamond 215 Ptiloprora guisei incerta Junge 442 Range: Karimui, Eastern Highlands District, Range: Bobairo, Wissel Lake district. N.G., 3650 ft. (Not accepted by R and G; and consid- Myzomela rosenbergii wahgiensis Gyldenstolpe 353 ered by Salomonsen, in Peter's check-list, Melilestes megarhynchus brunneus Salomonsen 803 vol. 12, 1967, to probably be a hybrid Range: Misol and Salawati Is., Vogelkop and Ptiloprora erythropleura X P. per- Onin Penin., and Weyland Mts. striata.) Melidectes fuscus gilliardi Salomonsen 803 Ptiloprora mayri acrophila Diamond 218 Range: Bismarck Mts., eastern N.G. Range: Mt. Menawa, Bewani Mts., Sepik Dis- Melidectes princeps Mayr and Gilliard 603 trict, 4200-6185 ft. Melidectes rufocrissalis gilliardi Diamond 215 Pycnopygius ixoides cinereifrons Salomonsen 803 [=Melidectes rufocrissalis thomasi.] Range: Southern N.G. from Mimika R. eastward Range: Southern slopes of Eastern Highlands to upper Fly R. from Okapa to Mt. Karimui, 4200-8000 Philemon novaeguineae fretensis Salomonsen 803 ft. [=Philemon novaeguineae subspecies (?) of R Melidectes rufocrissalis thomasi Diamond 218 and G.] (New name for preoccupied Melidectes Range: Southern N.G. from Middle Fly R. east- rufocrissalis gilliardi.) ward along south coast of southeastern Meliphaga obscura viridifrons Salomonsen 803 N.G. to Milne Bay. [=Oreornis obscurus.] Philemon novaeguineae trivialis Salomonsen 803 Range: Mts. of Vogelkop Penin., north-western [=Philemon novaeguineae subspecies (?) of R Irian Jaya. and G.] Xanthotis chrysotis austera Ripley 739 Range: Northern coast of southeastern N.G., Meliphaga flaviventer tararae Salomonsen 803 known from Collingwood Bay and [=Xanthotis chrysotis subspecies (?) of R and G.] Kumusi R. Range: Southern coastland of N.G., between Dicaeum pectorale ignotum Mees 636 middle and lower Fly R. westward to Range: Gebe I., Western Papuan Is. about Digul R. Dicaeum geelvinkianum obscurifrons Junge 442 Meliphaga versicolor vulgaris Salomonsen 803 Melanocharis striativentris albicauda Mayr and [=Meliphaga virescens sonoroides.] Gilliard 605 Range: Japen I., coastal zone of north N.G. from [=Melanocharis striativentris prasina.] Geelvink Bay to Huon Gulf; Fergusson I. Rhamphocharis crassirostris interposita Mees 638 Meliphaga montana gretae Gyldenstolpe and Gilliard Range: Type specimen only, at Bivak 39a, An- 353 tares, Star Mts., 1500 m. Meliphaga montana margaretae Greenway 347 Oreocharis arfaki bloodi Gyldenstolpe 353 Range: Mt. Besar, Batanta I., 1900-3050 ft. (R and G. consider species best treated as mono- Meliphaga mimikae bastille Diamond 215 typic until validity of bloodi confirmed.) Range: Karimui Basin, area immediately to the Paramythia montium brevicauda Mayr and Gilliard south, and the Osaka forests, between 607 2000 and 4200 ft. Paramythia montium alpinum Salomonsen 801 Meliphaga mimikae rara Salomonsen 803 [=Paramythia montium olivaceum.] [=Meliphaga mimikae subspecies (?) of R and Paramythia montium occidentis Mees 638 G.] Range: Hellwig Mts., (Oranje Range) 2400-2500 Range: FromFthe type specimen only: at M. Bernhard Camp, Idenburg R., north- Zosterops novaeguineae wahgiensis Mayr and western N.G. Gilliard 603. 458 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

Zosterops novaeguineae shaw-mayeri Mayr and Lonchura spectabilis wahgiensis Mayr and Gilliard Gilliard 603 605 [=Zosterops novaeguineae wahgiensis.] Lonchura spectabilis gajduseki Diamond 215 Zosterops novaeguineae aruensis Mees 628 Range: Karimui Basin, Eastern Highlands, N.G. Zosterops novaeguineae magnirostris Mees 629 Lonchura castaneothorax boschmai Junge 442 Oreostruthus fuliginosus hagenensis Mayr and Lonchura teerinki mariae Ripley 742 Gilliard 607 Range: Bokindini, Irian Jaya, 4200 ft.

SPECIES RECORDED AS OCCURRING IN THE PAPUAN SUBREGION ADDITIONAL TO THOSE INCLUDED IN RAND AND GILLIARD'S HANDBOOK OF NEW GUINEA BIRDS, 1967 Bibliography publication number(s) follow scientific hames PROCELLARIIDAE LARIDAE Macronectes giganteus 34, 421 Hydroprogne caspia 416 Puffinus griseus 343 Pterodroma rostrata 626 PODARGIDAE Podargus strigoides 519 PHAETHONTIDAE Phaethon rubricauda 949 HIRUNDINIDAE Hirundo daurica 262 THRESKIORNITHIDAE Petrochelidon ariel 66, 499 Threskiornis spinicollis 1001 PACHYCEPHALIDAE ACCIPITRIDAE Pachycephala melanura 397, 982 Circus melanoleucos 198 CHARADRIIDAE STURNIDAE Lobibyx novaehollandiae 57, 59 Sturnus vulgaris 163 SCOLOPACIDAE GRALLINIDAE Tringa totanus 57, 164 Grallina cyanoleuca 499 Tringa ochropus 416 Limnodromus semipalmatus 395 PLOCEIDAE Calidris melanotis 168 Lonchura punctulata 69, 1027 Calidris ferruginea 75 Philomachus pugnax 1019 a STERCORARIIDAE Stercorarius pomarinus b Stercorarius parasiticus 343 Stercorarius longicauda 343

aSee also New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsletter no. 60, p. 2; no. 61, p. 2. bNew Guinea Bird Soc. Newsletter no. 54, p. 3. 0Z

FIG. 1 Map of the Papuan Subregion showing the areas used in the geographical cross-reference to literature content. Numbers indicating the stippled areas are those of the following geographical list (after Gilliard, 1969).

GEOGRAPHICAL CROSS-REFERENCE TO BIBLIOGRAPHY Cross-reference, by publication number, is during the period 1915 to 1976. This, together here provided to publications dealing exclu- with Gilliard's "Expedition Summaries" men- sively or very predominantly with the avifauna tioned above, provides some indication of the of areas within certain subregions of the Pap- "geographical gaps" still existing and of which uan Subregion. The numbered subregions (fig. areas may prove rewarding to the ornithological 1) are predominantly those defined by Gilliard explorer. for his analysis of "Expedition Summaries" in Note that additional publications dealing his posthumous and last contribution, Birds of with the birds of certain areas of Papua New Paradise and Bower Birds (no. 321). For pres- Guinea are referred to in part six, directly fol- ent purposes, however, I have added three sub- lowing this section. regions to those of Gilliard and enlarged the 1. Western Papuan Islands. area of three others. The resultant subregions 11, 226, 347, 354, 601, 610, 611, 640, 643, are indicated in figure 1. It is hoped that this 650, 651, 736, 739, 740, 741, 742, 789, rather generalized, geographical analysis of the 840, 866, 927 literature subject content will enable the orn- 2. Vogelkop. ithologist working on a particular area of New 11, 15, 175, 326, 354, 380, 381, 415, 416, 419, Guinea to at least quickly locate some of the 477, 490, 552, 564, 601, 610, 633, 732, 736, 840, 942, 943 more significant and comprehensive publica- 3. Bombarai Peninsula. tions dealing with it. 354 As in the systematic cross-reference section 4. Wandammen Region. of this work, this geographical cross-reference 354, 380, 381, 552 to the literature enables one to gain some idea 5. Islands of Geelvink Bay. of the relative ornithological work coverage 445, 567, 609, 733, 736, 789, 840 459 460 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

6. North-western Lowlands. 182, 256, 261, 290, 291, 292, 302, 332, 97, 481 370, 372, 391, 401, 617, 707, 708, 850, 7. Triton Bay-Etna Bay Region. 856, 1014, 1015 443 18. Lowlands of South-eastern New Guinea. 8. Nassau-Weyland Mt. Region. 31, 33, 39, 67, 74, 75, 128, 129, 199, 302, 442, 443, 675, 676, 742, 753, 773, 825, 866, 390, 394, 396, 399, 400, 402, 517, 520, 925, 926, 937, 996 617, 626, 647, 690, 696, 802, 831, 931, 9. Oranje, Snow and Star Ranges. 949, 968, 976 40, 43, 127, 134, 135, 340, 440, 441, 558, 570, 19. Sepik River Region. 638, 675, 676, 713, 715, 717, 718, 721, 742, 307, 312, 323, 494, 505, 601, 629, 692, 881, 948 886, 930, 994 10. Aru Islands. 20. Cyclops Mts., Lake Sentani and Hollandia coast 226, 628, 702, 797, 987, 991 area. 11. Merauke Region. 15, 156, 380, 381, 552, 584, 742 52, 98, 416, 440, 441, 504, 638, 904, 916, 928, 21. Torricelli Mts., Wewak, Prince Alexander Mts. 961, 995 216, 217, 218, 424 12. Fly River and Delta Region. 22. Islands bordering northern coast. 42, 62, 70, 82, 126, 232, 363, 519, 709, 710, 31, 33, 219, 220, 221, 223, 226, 229, 230, 343, 711, 718, 720, 725, 818, 857, 949 471 13. Dap, Hindenburg, Victor Emanuel Ranges. 23. Adelbert Mts. 307, 312, 318, 319, 322, 494, 606, 709, 710, 56, 324, 492 711 24. Astrolabe Bay Region and inland lowlands of 14. Tari, Giluwe, Hagen Mts. Ramu River. 25, 28, 29, 31, 33, 36, 37, 64, 95, 137, 138, 56, 601 139, 169, 199, 208, 227, 297, 299, 303, 25. Mts. of Huon Peninsula. 304, 305, 306, 359, 362, 506, 516, 602, 435, 457, 562, 565, 952 603, 605, 607, 830, 977, 981, 994 26. Lae-Huon Gulf region. 15. Kubor Mts. 153, 344, 435, 601, 731, 968 227, 303, 304, 305, 306, 407, 603, 605, 607 27. Herzog Mt. Region, including Wau and Bulolo 16. Regenberg, Lordberg, Schraderberg, Wahgi Di- areas. vide, Bismarck and Kratke Mts., and Mt. 148, 199, 344, 345, 562, 565, 635, 654, 658, Michael. 931, 968 140, 170, 199, 214, 215, 224, 227, 233, 303, 28. Morobe coast area. 304, 305, 306, 325, 353, 387, 388, 389, 654 398, 603, 605, 607, 852, 860, 938, 963 29. Islands off South-eastern New Guinea. 17. Mountains of South-eastern New Guinea. 83, 128, 129, 226, 537, 613, 621, 782, 784, 41, 88, 92, 128, 130, 151, 164, 166, 180, 181, 785, 870, 986

PAPUA NEW GUINEA LOCALITIES FOR WHICH BIRD SPECIES LISTS HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED IN THE NEW GUINEA BIRD SOCIETY NEWSLETTER NUMBERS 1 TO 131, 1965-1977 A most significant recent event in the history every month since then and contains a wealth of New Guinea ornithology was the commence- of information of much significance to the Aus- ment in December 1965 of monthly publication tralasian ornithologist. The Papua New Guinea of the New Guinea Bird Society Newsletter Bird Society membership has, ever since its (issued as the New Guinea Bird Society Circu- formation, included a number of well-informed lar for the first seven numbers and changed to amateurs as well as a few professional or- the Papua New Guinea Bird Society Newsletter nithologists and/or zoologists. The Society with no. 146, August 1978), published by the membership has, therefore, steadily brought the Papua New Guinea Bird Society in Port Mores- newsletter to a high standard of ornithological by. This small publication has appeared almost information content, which now represents an 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 461 important source that no person or institute the Brown R. teak forest-no. 25, pp. 1-2. least interested in the avifauna of New Guinea Brown R. teak plantation-see Brown R. teak forest. can afford to do without. Bulolo-see Watut Valley, Lower. In addition to the large number of Papua Bulolo area-no. 94 (Suppl.), pp. 1-10; no. 125, pp. New Guinea Bird Society Newsletter titles in- 8-9. Bulolo R. Gorge-no. 94 (Suppl.), pp. 1-10. cluded in the bibliography section of this work, Bulolo/Watut Divide-no. 94 (Suppl.), pp. 1-10. a good deal of data exist in the publication which is in a form unsuitable for inclusion in Chambri Lake, Sepik R. (Mackay, R.)-no. 48, p. 2 the author bibliography for various reasons, Crystal Rapids, Sogeri-no. 4, p. 2; no. 5, p. 2; no. such as lack of a title and/or author. Usually 40, pp. 3-4. these constitute brief reference to a few, or a single, species at a particular locality (some of Daugo I. (=Fisherman's I.)-no. 119, pp. 4-6. which represent new or interesting distribu- Diamond, Mt.-no. 47, p. 2; no. 108, pp. 1-2. tional or breeding records). Others, however, Doma Peaks, Southern Highlands-see Tigibi. consist of brief to lengthy locality species lists which, save a few that include brief notes on Efogi, Kokoda Trail (Filewood, W.)-no. 26, p. 2; status or habits, constitute no more than a list no. 39, pp. 2-3; (Coates, B. J., W. A. Layton, of names. Whilst these lists have not been in- and L. W. Filewood) no. 50, pp. 2-3; (Do- as a naghey, R.) no. 57, pp. 1-2. cluded in the bibliography, and result are Eilogo Plantation-see Surinamu Dam. not referred to in the "geographical cross-refer- Enga Province (Weston, I. L.)-no. 128, pp. 14-18. ence," I list them here alphabetically by lo- Eriama-no. 11, p. 2. cality for completeness. Note that the great majority of these bird lists are for localities Finschhafen-Sattleberg (Isles and Menkhorst)-no. within a day's return trip from Port Moresby, 121, pp. 13-18. and are the result of observations by a number Fisherman's I. (=Daugo I.)-no. 3, p. 2; no. 49, p. of society members and are thus published 2. anonymously. Others, however, are for lo- Fly Delta and Kiwai I. (Smith, G.)-no. 129, pp. calities farther from Port Moresby and these are 10-11. usually authored, in which case I have indi- cated so in parentheses before the newsletter Gerehu Sewerage Ponds-no. 109, pp. 2-3; no. 117, number and pagination. pp. 3-4. Goldie R.-no. 21, p. 1; no. 120, pp. 4-5 (see also Albert Edward, Mt., Woitape-Avious-Murray no. 121, p. 3); no. 127, pp. 4-5. Pass area (Filewood, W.)-no. 42, pp. 2-4. Goodenough I. (Bell, H. L.)-no. 25, p. 3. Ambunti, Sepik R. (Mackay, R.)-no. 48, p. 2. Goroka (Hansen, J.)-no. 130, pp. 7-8. Angoram, Sepik R. (Mackay, R.)-no. 48, p. 2. Guari, 160 km. N. of Port Moresby, on slopes of Aroa R., grasslands and forest edge (Mackay, R.)- Mt. Yule (Coates, B., W. Filewood, and A. no. 124, pp. 2-3. Layton)-no. 81, p. 2. Avious-see Albert Edward, Mt. Hagen, Mt./Baiyer R.-no. 53, p. 2; no. 54, pp. Baiyer R. (Bishop, D.)-no. 138, pp. 7-14. 1-3. Basilisk Beacon-no. 50, pp. 1-2. Hagen, Mt. and road to Mendi (Officer, H.)-no. Bava 1.-no. 115, p. 3; no. 119, pp. 4-6. 114, p. 5. Biaru Mts. road-see Kaindi and Laru Forest. Hermit I. and Ninigo I. (Bell, H. L.)-no. 57, pp. Bootless Bay-no. 17, pp. 2-3; no. 24, pp. 1-2; no. 2-3. 29, p. 2; no. 36, p. 4; no. 41, p. 4. Hombrom Bluff-no. 18, p. 4. Bosavi, Mt. (Hadden, D.)-no. 120, pp. 6-7. Huon Penin.-see Sialum area, Finschhafen-Sat- Brown R. (incl. Mt. Lawes State Forest)-no. 6, p. tleberg, and Lae. 2; no. 13, p. 2; no. 14, p. 3; no. 16, pp. 1-2; no. 20, pp. 3-5; no. 25, pp. 1-2; no. 27, p. 3; no. lawarere, Musgrave R.-no. 22, pp. 2-3. 32, p. 2; no. 51, p. 1; no. 111, pp. 3-4; no. 118, p. 3; no. 135, pp. 2-4. Idihi I.-no. 115, p. 3; no. 131, pp. 4-5. 462 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

Kaindi, Mt.-no. 22, p. 4. Nebiri Quarry, Laloki R.-no. 10, p. 2. Kaindi, Mt. area-no. 94 (Suppl.), pp. 1-10. Ninigo I. and Hermit I. (Bell, H. L.)-no. 57, pp. Kaindi, Mt., Wau and Biaru Mts. road-no. 125, 2-3. pp. 5-8. Nomad R. Patrol Post, Western District (Bell, H. L. Kapa Kapa, 40 miles S.E. of Port Moresby-no. 30, and R. Mackay)-no. 21, pp. 3-4; no. 24, p. 2. pp. 1-2; no. 35, pp. 1-2. Nomad Sub-province-see Mogulu. Kimbe Region (Ap-Thomas, M. & J.)-no. 136, pp. Northern District-see Tufi. 5-8; no. 138, pp. 6-7. Kiwai I. and the Fly Delta (Smith, G.)-no. 129, Obu Beach (Hansen, J.)-no. 130, pp. 4-5. pp. 10-11. Ogotana, Sogeri Plateau-no. 46, pp. 2-3. Kokoda Trail-see Efogi. Old Brown R. road-no. 13, p. 2; no. 14, p. 3. Kokoda Trail, Ower's Corner to Naora (Opit, G.)- Olsobip, Western District (Mackay, R.)-no. 46, p. no. 115, pp. 4-5. 3. Kopiago, Lake (George, G. G., and B. J. Coates)- Ower's Corner to Naora, Kokoda Trail (Opit, G.)- no. 58, pp. 2-4. no. 115, pp. 4-5. Kratke Range, Eastern Highlands-see Yaiya Val- Ower's Corner, Sogeri Plateau-no. 9, p. 2; no. 90, ley. p. 1; (Opit, G.) no. 115, pp. 4-5; no. 116, p. 3; Kulolo Creek, Mt. Misim-no. 94 (Suppl.), pp. no. 126, pp. 6-7. 1-10. Kunai Creek-no. 94 (Suppl.), pp. 1-10. Pangoa-Lake Murray (Hadden, D.)-no. 121, pp. Kuriva R.-no. 43, pp. 2-3. 6-7. Port Moresby area-no. 65, pp. 1-4; no. 94 Lae-no. 94 (Suppl.), pp. 1-10. (Suppi.), pp. 1-10. Laloki R.-see Nebiri Quarry. Port Moresby Harbour-no. 115, p. 3. Laru Forest-no. 94 (Suppl.), pp. 1-10; see also Popondetta-no. 74 (Suppl.), pp. 1-5. Bairu Mts. Road. Pureni (ca. 12 miles W. of Tari), Southern High- Lawes, Mt. (Weston, I. L.)-no. 129, p. 5. lands (Mackay, R.)-no. 28, p. 3. Lawes, Mt., State Forest (Brown R. teak planta- tion)-no. 20, pp. 3-5. Rabuka (30 km. S.E. of Port Moresby)-no. 128, Lea Lea-no. 23, p. 2; no. 34, p. 1; no. 45, p. 3; pp. 4-5. no. 114, p. 3; no. 137, pp. 2-3. Rouna Falls and Hombrom Bluff-no. 18, p. 4. Lower Watut Valley, 10 km. N.W. of Bulolo (Cole- Rubulogo Lagoon-no. 107, pp. 1-2. man, P.H.)-no. 24, pp. 3-4. Sepik R.; Ambunti-Chambri Lake-Angoram Macadam Memorial Park, Wau-no. 94 (Suppl.), (Mackay, R.)-no. 48, p. 2. pp. 1-10. Sialum area, Huon Peninsula (Draffen,R.)-no. 130, Markham Valley (Filewood, L. W.)-no. 86, p. 2. p. 7. Mauia I.-no. 119, pp. 4-6. Sirinumu Camp, Sirinumu Dam, near Eilogo Planta- McAdam National Park, Bulolo area-no. 125, pp. tion,Sogeri Plateau-no. 7, p. 1; no. 113, pp. 8-9. 3-5. Mendi-see Tari. Sogeri Plateau-see Ower's Corner; Ogotana; Sir- Mendi, road to-see Hagen, Mt. inumu. Mine Bay-see Waigani Estate. Subitana-no. 37, p. 3. Misim, Mt.-see Kulolo Creek. Southern Highlands-see Tigibi, Tari, Mendi, and Mogula, Nomad Sub-province (Hadden, D.)-no. Pureni. 120, p. 7. Moitaka Sewerage Ponds and Swamps-no. 26, pp. Tanubada Pond-no. 11, p. 2; no. 12, p. 2; no. 28, 2-3; no. 28, p. 2; no. 39, pp. 4-5; no. 44, p. 2; p. 2. (Carins, M., R. Mackay, and I. Weston) no. 119, Tapini (Filewood, L. W., W. A. Layton, and W. D. pp. 7-8; no. 122, p. 3. Dyson)-no. 75, pp. 2-3. Murray, Lake-see Pangoa. Tari District (Hadden, D.)-no. 115, pp. 8-10. Murray Pass area (Filewood, W.)-no. 42, pp. 2-4. Taurama-no. 8, p. 2. Musgrave R.-see lawarere. Tigibi-Doma Peaks, Southern Highlands (Cooke, R.)-no. 71, p. 3. Naora-see Kokoda Trail. Trans-Watut-no. 94 (Suppl.), pp. 1-10. 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 463

Tufi, Northern District (Searle, J., and I. Ferri)-no. Wariarata National Park (see also Varirata)-no. 88, 113, pp. 7-8. p. 2. Wau area-no. 94 (Suppl.), pp. 1-10. Vanapa R.-no. 38, pp. 1-2; no. 43, pp. 2-3. Wau, Mts.-see Kaindi. Varirata National Park (see also Wariarata)-no. Watut/Bulolo Divide-no. 94 (Suppl.), pp. 1-10. 123, pp. 2-4; no. 136, pp. 3-4. (See also McAdam National Park list.) Veimauri R.-no. 110, pp. 2-3; no. 121, pp. 4-5; Watut Valley (sed also Lower Watut Valley and (Hansen, J.) no. 130, pp. 4-5. Bulolo)-no. 94 (Suppl.), pp. 1-10. Victoria, Mt. (Donaghy, R., and C. Lawrence)-no. Western District-see Nomad R. Patrol Post and 39, pp. 3-4. Olsobip. Woitape-no. 112, pp. 6-8. Waigani (see Moitaka Ponds)-no. 15, p. 1. Woitape-Avios-Murray Pass area, Mt. Albert Ed- Waigani Estate, Milne Bay (Cleland, E. D.)-no. ward (Filewood, W.)-no. 42, pp. 2-4. 23, pp. 3-4. Waigani Sewerage Ponds-no. 13, p. 2; no. 19, pp. Yaiya Valley, Krakte Range, Eastern Highlands 2-3. (Menzies, J.)-no. 43, p. 3. Waigani Swamps-no. 2, pp. 1-2. Yule, Mt.-see Guari.

ADDENDA Anon. Filewood, L. W. 1001. 1977a. Recovery Round-up. Corella, vol. 1, 1007. 1973. [Review of] Avifauna of the Eastern pp. 20-23. Highlands of New Guinea, by J. M. (Aust. banded Nycticorax cal- Diamond. New Guinea Bird Soc. edonicus and Threskiornis spinicollis Newsl., no. 85 (Suppl.), pp. 1-4. recovered in N.G.; and Japan (See also nos. 227, 815, 1018.) banded Sterna albifrons recovered in Forshaw, J. M. N.G.) 1008. 1969. Australian parrots. Melbourne, Lans- 1002. 1977b. Recovery Round-up. Corella, vol. 1, downe Press. 306 pp. pp. 39-41. (Comprehensive work, dealing with (Aust. banded Phalacrocorax melan- biology and taxonomy of sp. occur- oleucos recovered in N.G.) ring in N.G. where applicable. Nu- Barker, W. R., and J. R. Croft merous col. pls., maps and figs.) 1003. 1977. Distribution of Macgregor's Bird-of- Galbraith, I. C. J. Paradise. Emu, vol. 77, pp. 1009. 1967. Black-tailed and Robust Whistlers 2 19-222. Pachycephala melanura as a species (Records Macgregoria pulchra on distinct from the Golden Whistler. Star Mts. and discusses distribution Emu, vol. 66, pp. 289-294. of the sp.; 2 maps.) (See also no. 982.) Bell, H. L. Gressitt, J. L. 1004. 1977. Banding recoveries of some resident 1010. 1977. More observations of birds of para- species giving some indications of dise feeding in mixed flocks. New longevity. New Guinea Bird Soc. Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 134, Newsl., no. 134, pp. 5-6. pp. 3-4. (10 spp.) (Astrapia stephaniae and Epimachus Berggy, T. meyeri.) 1005. 1976. Some notes on the distribution of the Gyldenstolpe, N. Swamp Harrier Circus approximans. 1011. 1952. Birds recorded from the mainland of New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. New Guinea. Typescript, pp. 1-415. 127, pp. 9-10. (A copy of this significant, but un- Dolan, J. M. Jr. published, work is in the private li- 1006. 1967. New Guinea Parrots. Zoonooz, vol. brary of Mr. Ivor V. Manton, Mt. 40, pp. 4-8. Hagen, Papua New Guinea. The (Popular account of N.G. parrots in copy is a presentation one to Ned San Diego Zoo. 4 col. pls.) Blood and is signed by 464 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 164

Gyldenstolpe. The work contains Highlands of New Guinea, by J. M. comprehensive descriptions of all Diamond. Auk, vol. 91, pp. recognized sspp., with keys to gen- 192-194. era, and includes bill, tarsus and (See.also nos. 227, 815, 1007.) claw, wing, tail measurements with Lindgren, E.- no. of specimens examined, etc. 1019. 1974. Another record of the Ruff Phil- Hybrid Paradisaeidae recognized and omachus pugnax in Papua New synonyms given. Manton believes Guinea. New Guinea Bird Soc. about 6 copies originally published. Newsl., no. 104, pp. 4-5. Mr. W. S. Peckover believes the (See no. 1020.) work may have been produced as a Mackay, R. D. basis for the author's fieldwork, with 1020. 1975. Ruff and Reeve Philomachus pug- no intention to publish it.) nax. New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., Healey, C. J. no. 114, p. 12. 1012. 1973. Hunting of birds of paradise and (In Port Moresby area. See also nos. trade in plumes in the Jimi Valley, 831, 1019.) Western Highlands District. Univ. of 1021. 1977. New Guinea: The World's Wild P.N.G., unpublished M.A. qualify- Places. Amsterdam, Time-Life ing essay. Roneoed, pp. 1-243. Books. 184 pp. (Copy in Biomedical Library, Mon- (Popular account of N.G. and wild- ash Univ., Melbourne, and Univ. life. Some col. photos. of birds.) P.N.G. See also nos. 387, 388.) Mathews, G. M. 1013. 1977. Paradise regained. Anim. Kingd., 1022. 1916. On some New Guinea bird names. April/May, pp. 5-10. Ibis ser. 10, vol. 4, pp. 295-305. (Popular account of P.N.G. natives' (Comments and criticisms on exploitation of Paradisaea spp. 3 Ogilvie-Grant's paper [no. 675]. See photos., 1 fig. See also nos. 387, also 677.) 388.) Patterson, T. Heron, Bro. M. 1023. 1974a. Survey of birds traded at Koki Mar- 1014. 1976. List of birds seen between Bakoiudu ket, Port Moresby 2/10/74 to and Fane, in the ranges almost due 5/11/74. New Guinea Bird Soc. east of Bereina, in the Central Prov- Newsl., no. 104, pp. 5-6. ince. New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., (Annot. list of 17 spp., providing. no. 116, pp. 6-7. some indication of indigenous hunt- (Briefly annot. list of 57 spp. be- ing pressure.) tween 700 and 2000 m., in August.) 1024. 1974b. Continued survey of birds traded at 1015. 1977. Birds observed in little known areas Koki Market, Port Moresby 6/11/74 of the Goilala Sub-province, Central to 3/12/74. New Guinea Bird Soc. Province. New Guinea Bird Soc. Newsl., no. 105, p. 3. Newsl., no. 135, pp. 6-10. (Annot. list of 13 spp.) (Brief annot. list with indication of Reichenow, A. abundance, altitude and habitat. 1 1025. 1918. Herr Reichenow beschreibt folgende sketch map.) neuen Arten. J. f. Ornith., vol. 66, Keast, J. A. pp. 437-439. 1016. 1977. Relationships of the New Guinean (Mr. Reichenow described the fol- Red-backed 'Warbler' Eugerygone lowing new forms. [9 new forms of rubra. Emu, vol. 77, pp. 228-229. which only Phonygammus neumanni (Eugerygone a flycatcher, close to (=P. keraudrenii neumanni) and Petroica, not a warbler close to Trichoglossus aberrans (=T. Gerygone.) haematodus aberrans) are from LeCroy, M. N.G.].) 1017. 1972. [Review of] Birds of New Guinea, Resenbrink, M. P. by A. Rutgers. Auk, vol. 89, p. 1026. 1968. Geboorte van een kroonduif. Artis 868. 14e, pp. 16-23. 1018. 1974. [Review of] Avifauna of the Eastern (Birth of a crowned pigeon.) 1979 FRITH: ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 465

Wheeler, J. R. in differing situations on New 1027. 1967. New bird species for Papua New Guinea satellite islands. 13 maps, 37 Guinea. Geelong Nat., vol. 3, p. figs., 11 tables.) 125. 1029. 1977. Continental and insular speciation in (Lonchura punctulata in Port Mor- Pacific land birds. Syst. Zool., vol. esby area. See also no. 69.) 26, pp. 263-268. Diamond, J. M. (Discusses modes of allopatric spe- 1028. 1975. Assembly of species communities. ciation related to size of land mass.) Chap. 14, pp. 342-444. In Cody, M. Ripley, S. D. L. and J. M. Diamond (eds.), Ecol- 1030. 1977. Rails of the world. Boston, David ogy and evolution of communities. R. Godine. 406 pp. Cambridge, Mass., Belknap Press. (Monograph of the family, including (A major synthesis treating the dy- N.G. species; numerous col. pls. namics of bird community structure and maps.)


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