Pre-Submission Responses Final
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NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN PRE-SUBMISSION CONSULTATION RESPONSES No. Chapter/ Policy Respondent Comment Response Amendment Section Number 1 Anglian Water SP is located outside of their area of responsibility - do not Noted None serve Charnwood District 2 Leila Griffiths- Agree with lot of suggestions – would add the ‘Wartburg’ Thank you. After None Law – Historic consideration we decided Buildings not to include the Wartburg. 3 Highways We welcome the opportunity to comment on the Pre- Noted None England Submission Version of the Sileby Neighbourhood Plan which covers the period 2018-2036. The document provides a vision for the future of the area and sets out a number of key objectives and planning policies which will be used to help determine planning applications. Highways England has been appointed by the Secretary of State for Transport as strategic highway company under the provisions of the Infrastructure Act 2015 and is the highway authority, traffic authority and street authority for the Strategic Road Network (SRN). It is our role to maintain the safe and efficient operation of the SRN whilst acting as a delivery partner to national economic growth. In relation to the Sileby Neighbourhood Plan, our principal interest is safeguarding the A46 which routes approximately 1 mile east of the Plan area. We understand that a Neighbourhood Plan is required to be in conformity with relevant national and Borough-wide planning policies. Accordingly, the Neighbourhood Plan for the parish of Sileby has been Page 1 of 86 prepared in conformity with the adopted Charnwood Core Strategy (2011-2028) and the emerging Local Plan and this is acknowledged within the document. Sileby is identified in the emerging Charnwood Local Plan as a ‘Service Centre’ and has no specific housing allocation. We note within the Sileby Neighbourhood Plan a housing target of 622 dwellings has been proposed due to the uncertainty surrounding the levels of housing needed across the Borough. It is noted that the parish has already reached this figure due to existing planning approvals since April 2017 and small- scale windfall developments. A further 77 dwellings have been proposed across six reserve sites in preparation for a potential increase in the Borough’s housing targets. Due to the small scale of additional development growth being proposed, it is not considered that there will be any significant impacts on the operation of the SRN. We have no further comments to provide and trust that the above is useful in the progression of the Sileby Neighbourhood Plan. 4 Jim Smith Herewith are my comments on the Neighbourhood Plan Thank you for (Resident) (Pre-Submission). Please accept my apologies for being commenting late sending this to you. Noted. Thanks. The plan is interesting and covers all aspects that I am concerned about. If “made” it will help to protect the character of the village, its historic and architectural heritage, as well as the wildlife and natural environment both within, and surrounding, Sileby. None It is obvious that a lot of hard work has been done to get Page 2 of 86 to this stage, for which NPAC, their advisors and everyone else involved should receive our grateful thanks. I do hope Noted that it is adopted by the population, with an undisputable majority. The requirement for all new builds to have off-road The Local Plan target has None parking, at the same time having front gardens that are been superseded and in Pages not paved (possibly by means of a covenant in the deeds) the absence of CBC 28&29 is essential in any new development. announcing a revised target, this is a formula None I did not understand the methodology used on pages 28 & that has been agreed with Page 74 29 to set the housing growth target for the village. I read CBC as a working target in this as setting a target of several hundred more houses to advance of the final figure be allowed despite the village having already supplied being announced. The more than required by CBC in the local plan. submission NP will clarify this. Page 25 Where developers are required to replant with native We will add in grown Change to be species, could “entirely grown within the UK” be added. within the UK. This refers made as This would help to limit the importation of harmful pests to the import of ash die- indicated to and parasites. back (Chalara) through policy Env 8. English tree saplings being sent to E. Europe for raising to planting size then returned, infected, to N Leicester Park & Ride (Woodland Trust) - it’s now established as a cause of ash dieback here On page 74 reference is made to “the town”, this should Agreed. Change to be be “the village”. Too often developers and planning made as authorities think of Sileby as a small town, with all the indicated “benefits” that that would imply. Page 25 states “all properties should have located at the Agreed. Change to Change to be Page 3 of 86 front of the property, or within allocated car parking, ‘Include infrastructure made as electric charging points”. This would be an admirable step and the available power indicated. forward, however there are several manufacturers of EV supply that will support charge points in the UK, and I have found, in conversation the charging of electric with other EV owners, that brand loyalty can be quite vehicles within the fierce! property boundary’. I realise that this is not within the scope of the NP, but if This is the responsibility None the King Street car park becomes split between short and of CBC. long stay parking (I imagine this to be similar to Station Road in Quorn) or “Pay and Display” then upon whom would the responsibility rest for policing this? Looking at the aesthetics of the presentation itself (if I Agreed – we will check Change to be may), my preference would be to enable “widows and the final edit for these made as orphans” protection when writing the original document, issues. indicated. so that paragraphs are not split over page breaks. This might help with readability. Navigation around the document when reading it on a computer would be much easier and faster if the entries on the contents page were links to the appropriate locations. On page 55 there is a spelling mistake, where jitty has Noted – these typos will Change to be been type as jiity; and the last paragraph ends in mid- be addressed. made as Page 55 sentence. indicated. On page 66 the photograph of Swan Street is reversed. Noted The image will be restored. Page 66 5 Historic If you have not already done so, we would recommend Noted None England that you speak to the planning and conservation team at The historic environment Charnwood Borough Council together with the staff at elements of the Leicestershire County Council archaeological advisory Neighbourhood Plan have service who look after the Historic Environment Record. taken these sources into Page 4 of 86 They should be able to provide details of the designated account. heritage assets in the area together with locally-important buildings, archaeological remains and landscapes. Some Historic Environment Records may also be available on- line via the Heritage Gateway ( It may also be useful to involve local voluntary groups such as the local Civic Society or local historic groups in the production of your Neighbourhood Plan. Historic England has produced advice which your community might find helpful in helping to identify what it is about your area which makes it distinctive and how you might go about ensuring that the character of the area is retained. These can be found at: - < making/improve-your-neighbourhood/> You may also find the advice in “Planning for the Environment at the Neighbourhood Level” useful. This has been produced by Historic England, Natural England, the Environment Agency and the Forestry Commission. As well as giving ideas on how you might improve your local environment, it also contains some useful further sources of information. This can be downloaded from: < 622/http://cdn.environment-> If you envisage including new housing allocations in your plan, we refer you to our published advice available on our website, “Housing Allocations in Local Plans” as this relates equally to neighbourhood planning. This can be found at < Page 5 of 86 books/publications/historic-environment-and-site- allocations-in-local-plans/heag074-he-and-site-allocation- local-plans.pdf/> 6 Natural Thank you for your consultation on the above dated 26 Noted. None England November 2018. The environmental Natural England is a non-departmental public body. Our elements of the statutory purpose is to ensure that the natural Neighbourhood Plan have environment is conserved, enhanced, and managed for taken these issues into the benefit of present and future generations, thereby account. contributing to sustainable development. Natural England is a statutory consultee in neighbourhood planning and must be consulted on draft neighbourhood development plans by the Parish/Town Councils or Neighbourhood Forums where they consider our interests would be affected by the proposals made. Natural England does not have any specific comments on this draft neighbourhood plan. However, we refer you to the attached annex which covers the issues and opportunities that should be considered when preparing a Neighbourhood Plan. For any further consultations on your plan, please contact: [email protected]. Annex 1 - Neighbourhood planning and the natural environment: information, issues and opportunities Natural environment information sources Page 6 of 86 The Magic1 website will provide you with much of the nationally held natural environment data for your plan area.