SPECIAL SECTION >>> History of the MWRA

The Water and Sewer Systems

When area cities and towns first Island where it was held for release with the faced the problems of clean water sources outgoing tide. Then, the same forward- and sewage disposal in the 1600s, their looking engineers that designed the water methods were primitive. But by 1795 wooden system began to tackle the problem of pipes delivered water from Jamaica Pond to sewage disposal. By the early 1900s, a Boston. By the late 1840s, however, Jamaica series of pipes and pumping stations Pond was too small and too polluted to transported the sewage into . provide water to Boston’s 50,000 residents. By 1919, however, sewage pollution forced And so, the pattern of moving continually the closure of several harbor clam beds. westward in search of larger water sources In 1952, The Metropolitan District began - from the 2-billion gallon Lake Commission (MDC) built the region’s first Cochituate in 1848, to the 19-billion gallon primary wastewater treatment plant at Nut Sudbury Reservoir in 1878, to the 65-billion Island to handle the flows from the gallon Wachusett Reservoir in 1908, to the communities south of Boston and in 1968, 412-billion gallon Quabbin Reservoir in 1939. another primary wastewater treatment plant The construction of the Quabbin Reservoir was added on Deer Island to handle the rest was the last major investment in the water of metropolitan Boston’s sewage. By the system and no plans were in place for early 1970s, both of the “new” treatment upgrades to carry the system into the next plants were obsolete, in disrepair and unable century. much of the time to provide an adequate Fortunately, the foundations laid by the level of treatment. The inability of the early water engineers were able to provide system to meet increased wastewater flows, the backbone of the system we run today. combined with a less advanced level of Meanwhile, in 1884, the Boston Main treatment than required by the Clean Water Drainage System was constructed to divert Act of 1972, was a major cause of harbor sewage from 18 cities and towns to Moon pollution. Legislature passed MWRA Enabling Act Wooden pipes carried Boston Main Drainage System was Quabbin Reservoir water 5 miles from constructed to divert sewage from 18 constructed 65 miles Jamaica Pond to Boston cities and towns to from Boston First primary Moon Island wastewater Primary where it was held treatment wastewater for release with plant built at treatment plant the outgoing tide Nut Island built on Deer to handle Island to Sudbury River diverted; the flows handle the Sudbury Aqueduct carried from the metropolitan water 18 miles to Boston south shore Boston sewage 1 7 9 6 1 8 8 4 1 9 3 9 1 9 6 8 1 9 8 2 Wachusett Metropolitan Water City of Quincy Reservoir District Supply filed a civil suit constructed 38 Commission Citizen’s against the MDC miles from Boston created Advisory and other state Committee agencies created claiming that the Mass Clean Water Act had been violated as a result of discharges of untreated and Hultman Aqueduct and partially treated Cochituate Aqueduct carried water 14.5 Norumbega Reservoir Clean Water sewage from Nut miles from Lake Cochituate to Boston constructed Act passed and Deer Islands i The Creation of the MWRA In order to fulfill its mission of providing quality water independent agency with the ability to raise its revenues and sewerage services to its communities, the MDC from ratepayers, bond sales and grants. The primary needed the ability to raise sufficient revenues to hire mission was to modernize the area’s water and sewer systems and clean up Boston Harbor. Other key elements adequate staff, properly maintain plants and equipment, included a huge capital program to repair and upgrade to finance major capital programs, and to develop the systems, increased staff to improve operations and operating budgets that were responsive to existing and maintenance, promotion of water conservation, and future needs. Under the system that existed, it was planning for the future to meet growing demand. In impossible to achieve these goals. compromise with central and western In 1984, legislation was enacted to create the communities, the MDC retained watershed and reservoir Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, an management, but the MWRA covered the costs.

Federal Judge A. David Deer Island Mazzone ordered 13- Wastewater year schedule for Treatment Plant Boston Harbor Project groundbreaking MWRA assumes responsibility for MDC water and sewer systems

1 9 8 5 1 9 8 6 1 9 8 7 1 9 8 8 1 9 8 9 Project Labor Agreement for Boston Harbor Project signed

Water demand dropped below safe yield for the Adopted drinking MWRA purchased Fore first time in 20 water policy River Shipyard in Quincy years based on demand as staging area for Deer management and Island construction; First MWRA Board of Directors is sworn in conservation pelletizing facility site ii had to create a complete organizational structure and develop financial systems and policies for obtaining the goods and services it would need to complete projects. There was also the challenge of keeping the existing water and sewer facilities up and running while undergoing the process of planning, design and construction of major new facilities, particularly the new Deer Island Treatment Plant.

The Boston Harbor Project The first order of business was the siting and design of the new wastewater treatment facilities. Deer Island was chosen for the new secondary plant. This required the construction of a 5-mile tunnel between the Deer and Nut Islands to carry the South System flow to Deer Island for treatment. The old Nut Island plant was replaced by a headworks facility to screen the wastewater before it enters the tunnel. In December 1991, the first major milestone was realized with the start-up of the facility in Quincy that 20 Years of Progress converts sludge into fertilizer, ending the dumping of In the early years, MWRA faced a wide range of sludge into Boston Harbor. By 1995, the new primary challenges as a start-up organization. Even though the treatment facilities on Deer Island were operational and new agency was charged with all the financing and the old plant was demolished. The first phase of secondary construction responsibilities, most of the MDC employees treatment began in 1997 and the final phase came on-line it inherited were operations personnel. As a department in 2000. Since September 2000, treated wastewater has of the Commonwealth, the MDC had administrative, been transported through the 9.5-mile outfall tunnel into financial and legal support available to it. Now the MWRA the deeper waters of .

Cross-harbor power cable installed at Deer Island

Began $1.7 billion Integrated Ended sludge Water Supply discharged Improvement into Boston Progam Harbor; pelletizing facility in Legislature Quincy began enacted sewer operation rate relief fund 1 9 9 0 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 3 1 9 9 4 Caruso Pump Clinton Wastewater Wellesley Station Treatment Plant Extension completed completed Sewer Replacement completed

DeLauri Pump Station completed

Water pipeline modernization MWRA required communities program launched to perform leak detection iii Finally, in May 2002, the lands surrounding Deer Island MWRA has also completed a number of projects to were opened for public access. On almost any day of the improve pumping reliability and transport capacity year, people are out jogging, pushing strollers or just around the service area, including the Braintree- enjoying the breathtaking views of a cleaner, healthier Weymouth Relief Facilities Project. Boston Harbor. MWRA has completed 14 of the 25 projects designed to reduce and treat combined sewer overflows into the Harbor and its tributaries, and progress is being made on the rest: seven are in construction and the remaining four are in the design or planning stage. When complete, the CSO Program will help to ensure that safe swimming and boating standards are met.

Water Conservation When MWRA began operations in 1985, its first step was to review the Long Range Water Supply Study begun by MDC that included options such as diverting the Connecticut River. In November 1986, the Board of Directors voted to try water conservation. A number of initiatives - which took ten years and millions of dollars - were undertaken, including leak detection and repair, conservation retrofits, and public education and outreach. The average daily demand has dropped dramatically from

Primary treatment began at New Neponset Valley Relief Board of Directors new Deer Island Treatment Sewer came on line adopted ozonation as treatment technology Interim Corrosion Control Facility for new Carroll Water in Marlborough completed Treatment Plant

Public Secondary treatment Spot Pond open Access at began at new Deer reservoir taken out Nut Island Island Treatment Plant of service opened 1 9 9 5 1 9 9 6 1 9 9 7 1 9 9 8 1 9 9 9 Final approval Nut Island Headworks received on CSO completed, South System Facilities Plan and flows transferred from Environmental Nut Island for treatment Impact Report at Deer Island

Mining of Inter-Island Tunnel between Nut Island and Deer Island completed MetroWest Water Supply Tunnel groundbreaking iv almost 350 million gallons in 1988 to 220 million gallons service for over 10 years and that the 10-year Integrated today. With this reduction in demand, MWRA avoided the Water Supply Improvement Program is complete with costs of developing new sources and was able to scale the start-up of the John J. Carroll Water Treatment Plant back the size of new treatment facilities. in the summer of 2005. Now that the mega-projects have been completed, the The Integrated Water Supply Program really hard work begins - continuously operating and In 1995, MWRA began the Integrated Water Supply maintaining these critical facilities so that the water Improvement Program to modernize the water system. supply remains safe and secure and so that Boston The program includes a comprehensive watershed Harbor never again earns the label “The Dirtiest Harbor protection program, managed jointly with the in America.” Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR, And all of this, of course, has come at great expense formerly the MDC); the 17.6-mile MetroWest Water to the ratepayers in the MWRA's customer communities. Supply Tunnel, completed in 2003; five covered storage MWRA must continue to find ways to keep costs down tanks, including the 115-million gallon Norumbega and to ensure that every dollar spent provides tangible facility, brought on-line in phases and now complete; public health or environmental benefits. and a new, state-of-the-art ozone treatment plant finished in July 2005 to enhance the already excellent water quality and ensure compliance with state and federal regulations. MWRA is also replacing or relining miles of water pipelines to improve the safety and reliability of the water system, as well as constructing upgrades to pumping facilities and monitoring systems.

Summing Up Over the last 20 years, MWRA has completed $6 billion worth of upgrades to the water and sewer systems that have all but reversed the effects of neglect and underfunding of the preceding decades. It's hard to imagine that some of the components of “new” Deer Island Treatment Plant have already been in

Federal Judge 9.5 mile Deer Island Quincy Pump Richard G. Effluent Outfall Tunnel MWRA was in compliance Facilities completed Sterns ruled put into service with the Lead and Copper MWRA does Rule for the first time Hultman Aqueduct and not have to Norumbega Reservoir build water were taken off line filtration plant Rehabilitation of MWRA staff from 9 field sites Wachusett were consolidated into the Aqueduct new Chelsea Facility completed 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 Braintree-Weymouth Final site Public Access at MetroWest Water Supply Relief Facilities completion at Deer Island opened Tunnel put into service groundbreaking Deer Island Old MDC Waterworks and Sewerage Mining of MetroWest Divisions merged into Operations Division Water Supply Tunnel completed

v The improvements MWRA has made to the water and sewer systems have resulted in measurable public health and environmental gains.

Since 1985, MWRA has undertaken a number of initiatives to conserve water including leak detection and repair, conservation retrofits, and public education and outreach. As a result, there has been a steady decline in water system demand - from 350 million gallons per day in 1988 to 220 million gallons per day today.

MWRA's source reservoirs’ water quality continues to be excellent and meets all regulatory standards. A watershed protection program, already one of the most aggressive in the nation, was bolstered by the 2004 establishment of a Water Supply Protection Trust by the Legislature and Governor, and the development of a Memorandum of Understanding between MWRA and DCR that capitalized on the strengths of each agency in assuring watershed protection.

Interim treatment improvements improved water quality at the customer's tap. There were no outbreaks of waterborne illness attributable to drinking water, standards for disinfection of water more than met requirements, and fine-tuning of corrosion control reduced leaching of lead from service lines, to a point where MWRA, for most sampling rounds, meets regulatory standards for lead. With the new covered storage facilities, MetroWest Water Supply Tunnel and John J. Carroll Water Treatment Plant on- line, the water quality will only get better. vi A decade of environmental monitoring data shows both obvious and subtle changes in Boston Harbor's water, sediment and marine life. Marked improvements track implementation of various phases of the Boston Harbor Project. With the new outfall tunnel and completion of the last battery of secondary treatment in 2001 and upgrades of CSO facilities, bacteria levels in the harbor declined, water clarity improved, and harmful nutrient levels decreased to levels essentially typical of a natural estuary.

Beach closings attributable to combined sewer overflows (CSOs) have been reduced, and beaches in Boston Harbor are generally swimmable. Progress continues on the CSO Control Program: to date, 21 CSO outlets have been closed and overflow volumes have been reduced by 70%. Of the remaining flow, 60% is treated. When the Program is complete, 95% of the remaining flows will be treated.

The transformation of “The Dirtiest Harbor in America” to the centerpiece of metropolitan Boston is widely recognized as one of the nation’s greatest environmental achievements.

vii >>> In celebration of the MWRA’s 20th Anniversary, we would like to recognize all of the men and women who have worked for the MWRA over the years and helped to achieve all of the successes we have enjoyed so far. To all of you, thank you for a job well done.

We would also like Stephen Abner Charles Demeo Randolph Lahey Michelle Potts “to recognize the Paul Addivinola Thomas Derosier Christine Lane John Powers employees listed Nancy Aftosmes Richard Desmond William Lane Julian Rainey Gregory Alessandro David DiBona Daniel Leary Eric Renda here who have James Andon Timothy D'Ortona William Lewey Alfred Renrick been with the Edward Arcese Stephen Dwyer Dennis Linehan John Riccio agency from the William Austin Viviane Edward Brian Littlefield George Riley beginning - John Balfour Anthony Errichetti David Lombard Gino Rizzo whether they Richard Barbarisi Lafleur Etienne Charles Lombardi Steve Rocke transferred over George Barras John Farino Edward Luongo Charles Ronayne Corinne Barrett Kevin Feeley James MacPherson Thomas Rosado from the MDC in Patrick Barrett Michael Ferro William Magnell David Rota 1985 or whether Timothy Barry Paul Flaherty Richard Mandell Romeo Rovinelli they joined the M. Altaf Bhatti Mark Forti Ronald Maxwell Flora Sanders MWRA that year to Terry Bickford Guy Foss Joseph McCarty Walter Schultz work on the Grace Bigornia Vitale Thomas Fulkerson John McDonough Samuel Sclafani important projects Robert Billotte Edward Gallagher Robert McGee John Shdeed J. James Burns Gary Garrity Sean McGillicuddy William Sheehan that lay ahead. Richard Burns Lettie Genovitch James McMahon William Slattery ” William Burns Rocco Giovanniello Nancy McSweeney Russell Smith Joseph Bussone Peter Gogan James Mele William Smith Brian Callely Robert Gorham Glenn Merlini Carmine Sorrentino Dennis Capraro George Goros Lawrence Minincleri Herbert Spencer Philip Carbone William Graham Joseph Monestere Richard Staples James Carey Peter Green George Morano Mark Sullivan Edward Carpman David Hale Robert Moses Carol Swirbalus Frank Cascarano Alan Hanscombe Patrick Moynihan Scott Tamagna Brian Cashman David Harnett William Mueller Paul Teneriello Funmei Chang Thomas Harrow Andrea Murphy Vincent Thompson David Ciano Eric Holman John Norton Richard Tobin Richard Cipriano Robert Holthaus Kevin O'Brien Richard Trubiano David Codair Joseph Jamilowski Joseph O'Donnell John Vetere James Collins Lisa Jenkins Charles Olsen Gerald Walsh Matthew Condon Lee Jensen James Padova Michael Walsh Walter Connors Robert Johnson Deborah Palmer James Waterman William Coughlin Frank Kay Albert Parker Kenneth Witkowski John Cunningham Paul Kelley Kenneth Perry Vivienne Wright Daniel Cushing Gerard Kelly Salvatore Pinto William Young Robert DeChellis Marcis Kempe Paul Polito Gordon Yu Joseph Del Greco James King James Polk Michael DelPrete Richard Krumpus Keith Portell vii