PMO-RALG KOROGWE DC CWIQ Survey on Poverty, Welfare and Services in Korogwe DC APRIL 2007 Implemented by: EDI (Economic Development Initiatives) PO Box 393, Bukoba Tanzania Telephone and Fax: +255-(0)28-2220059 Email:
[email protected] II ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was commissioned by the Prime Minister’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Governance (PMO-RALG) and implemented by EDI (Economic Development Initiatives). It is part of an effort to conduct CWIQ surveys in 34 districts across Tanzania. The project Director is Joachim De Weerdt. Field work operations are being co-coordinated by Respichius Mitti and Francis Moyo. Field supervision was in the hands of Matovu Davies, Wilson Kabito, Henry Kilapilo, Henry Lugakingira, Josephine Lugomora, George Musikula, and Neema Mwampeta. The listing team was formed by Felix Kapinga and Benjamin Kamukulu. Interviewers were Dativa Balige, Geofrey Bakari, Rukia Charles, Abbanova Gabba, George Gabriel, Jamary Idrissa, Felix James, Batista John, Gloria Joseph, Placidia Josephat, Justina Katoke, Makarius Kiyonga, Sampson Mutalemwa, Faustine Misinde, Jessica Nkonjerwa, Kamugisha Robert, Resti Simon, Pius Sosthenes, Aissa Soud, Adella Theobald, and Honoratha Wycliffe. The data processing software was written by Jim Otto and Neil Chalmers. The data entry team consisted of Mary Stella Andrew and Alieth Mutungi, and was supervised by Thaddeus Rweyemamu. Formatting the final document layout was in the hands of Amina Suedi. The data analysis and report writing were undertaken by Anitha Philbert and Manuel Barron. Assistance from Charles Citinka and Howard Clegg from PMO-RALG is acknowledged. III DEFINITIONS General Accessible Cluster Within a district, accessible clusters are villages located closer to the district capital, all-weather roads, and public transport.