Section Ii: Instructions to Bidders

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Section Ii: Instructions to Bidders THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRESIDENT’S OFFICE REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT TANZANIA RURAL AND URBAN ROADS AGENCY (TARURA) REGIONAL COORDINATOR’S OFFICE – TANGA INVITATION FOR TENDERS (IFT) . 1. This Invitation for tenders follows the General Procurement Notice for these Projects, which appeared in Procurement Journal ISSN: 1821-6021 VOL XII-NO. 24 dated 11th Tuesday June,2019. 2. The Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency (TARURA) has set aside funds for the operation of TARURA TANGA REGION during the financial year 2019-2020. It is intended that part of the proceeds of the funds will be used to cover eligible payments under the contracts for the implementation of various roads maintenance projects at BumbuliDistrict Council, Handeni District Council, Handeni Town Council, Kilindi District Council,Korogwe District Council, Korogwe Town Council, Lushoto District Council,Mkinga District Council, Muheza District Council, Pangani District Council and Tanga City Council. 3. The Tanga Regional Coordinator on behalf of the Chief executive Officer of TARURA now invites sealed Tenders from eligible National Civil Works Contractors registered with Contractors Registration Board (CRB) in various classes as shown below to bid the following tenders. 3.1 BUMBULI DISTRICT COUNCIL Tender Eligible No. Road Name / Type of Maintenance Estimated Quantities of Major Works Items Prices Tender Tender contractors Tshs. Routine Maintenance along Soni - Lwandai (2km), Bush clearing by 24,300m2 Civil Works 150,000/= Soni - Kihitu (4km), Soni- Shashui (2km), Mbuzii - Cut & Spoil 9,600Cum Contractors Kwangwenda (6km),Vuga -Vugamission (10km), Light reshaping 4Km Class VI and Vulini - Kivilicha - Kwandoghoi Rd (5km) Kiviricha - Heavy grading 32.53Km above. Usambara Rd 1(6km), Vuga -Mponde - Wena( Excavation 494Cum 5km), Periodic Maintenance along Soni - Kihitu Gravel 2750Cum (3km), Soni- Shashui (2km), Mbuzii - Kwangwenda Concrete class 20 122.7Cum (5km), Front Ever Rd (0.48km) , Vuga -Vugamission Supply reinforced Concrete 34m (1km), Vulini - Kivilicha - Kwandoghoi Rd (1km), Pipe900mm Vuga -Mponde - Wena (Ikm) & Construction Of Drainage Structure Along Soni - Lwandai (I Drift), Vuga -Vugamission (50m Lined Ditch), Vulini - Kivilicha - Kwandoghoi Rd (72m2 Solid AE/092/2019/2020/TAG/W/01 Drift),Kiviricha - Usambara Rd 1(1 No. Solid Drift roads. Routine Maintenance Along Bumbuli - Mayo- Bush clearing by 15200m2 Civil Works 150,000/= Mgwashi (10km), Mbelei-Baga- Mgwashi (5km), Cut & Spoil 1050Cum Contractors Mgwashi-Milingano (15km), Milingano-Mashewa Light reshaping 10Km Class VII and (4km), Mayo - Kwabosa - Ngung'hui (10km), Heavy reshaping 1Km above. Periodic Maintenance Along Bumbuli - Mayo- Heavy grading 14.5km Mgwashi (5km), Mbelei-Baga- Mgwashi (2.5km), Excavation 635Cum Milingano-Mashewa (1km) & Construction Of Rock Blasting 80Cum Drainage Structures Along Mgwashi-Milingano Gravel 3040Cum (4 Nos. Cp Culverts) Roads. Concrete C15 9 Cum Concrete C20 106.4 Cum Concrete class 255.7Cum Supply reinforced Concrete AE/092/2019/2020/TAG/W/02 Pipe 900mm 49m Routine Maintenance along Kibaoni - Kwanguruwe Bush clearing by 12500m2 Civil Works 150,000/= (1km) Km Balangai-Tamota -Kerenge (6km), Vulii- Cut & Spoil 8865 Cum Contractors Mahezangulu-Magoma (8km), Mkaalie - Kwamashai Light reshaping 4.5km Class VI and (1km), Kweminyasa - Funta (6km), Spot Heavy reshaping 4km above. Improvement Along Mkaalie - Kwamashai (4km), Heavy grading 10km Kweminyasa - Funta (4km) , Togotwe - Kwamuae Lightgrading 9.1km (1km), Stand - Mzaituni (0.6km), Kwehangala - Excavation 123 Cum Shamba - Kiwandani (0.5km),Kwehangala - Kwadoe Rock Blasting 120 Cum - Mbelei (5km), Periodic Maintenance Along Gravel 3040 Cum Kibaoni - Kwanguruwe (4km) & Construction of Concrete C15 9 Cum Drainage Structures along Kwabosa - Kihenge (1 Concrete C20 100.5 Cum No. Box Culvert ) Roads. Supply reinforced Concrete Pipe 900mm 28m AE/092/2019/2020/TAG/W/03 3.2 HANDENI DISTRICT COUNCIL Tender Eligible No. Road Name / Type of Maintenance Estimated Quantities of Major Works Items Prices Tender Tender contractors Tshs. Routine, Periodic maintanance, Spot Light reshaping 8.5 km Civil Works 150,000 improvement and culverts construction Heavy Grading 19.1 km Contractors along Mzundu - Luiye, Sindeni - Gravelling 6730 Cum Class VI and Kwamkono - Kwedikwazi and Mzundu Concrete pipe culvert 900mm 231 m above. - Chanikakofi - Kabuku roads Concrete C20 184 Cum AG/W/06 Excavation of trapezoidal open drains 55 cum Stone Pitching 140 m2 Stone Masonry 6 cum AE/092/2019/2020/T Routine, maintatance, Spot Light reshaping 26.2 km Civil Works 150,000 improvement and culverts construction Heavy reshaping 2.86 km Contractors along of Michungwani - Kwadoya, Gravelling 3470 Cum Class VI and Kwedizinga - Kwabojo and Segera - Concrete pipe culvert 900mm 210 m above. Mashine roads Concrete C20 157.2 Cum 092/2019/202 0/TAG/W/07 Stone masonry 3 Cum AE/ Tree felling No 30 Routine maintenance, Spot Heavy Grading 8 km Civil Works 150,000 improvement and culverts and drift Cut and Fill 3,600 Cum Contractors construction along Sindeni - Mzeri and Gravelling 1,220 Cum Class VI and Misima - Mzeri - Kweisewe roads Excavation of trapezoidal open drains 55 cum above. Concrete pipe culvert 900mm 60 m Concrete C15 88.16 Cum Concrete C20 223.16 Cum Concrete C30 60 Cum Masonry Retaining wall 138.4 Cum BRC MESH 910 m2 /092/2019/2020/TAG/W/08 Reinforcements 4,500 kg AE/ Routine, Periodic maintenance, Spot Clearance 175,000 m2 Civil Works 150,000 improvement and culverts construction Tree felling No 50 Contractors along Kang'ata - Nyasa and Pozo - Heavy Grading 3 km Class VII and Kwasunga roads Heavy reshaping 9 km above. Light reshaping 5 km /W/09 Concrete pipe culvert 900mm 119 m Gravelling 3055 cm 092/2019/2020/TAG Concrete C20 90 Cum AE/ Stone Masonry 2 cum Routine maintenance, Spot Cut and Fill 1,700 cum Civil Works 150,000 improvement and culvert construction Gravelling 680 Cum Contractors along Konje - Kweditilibe - Kwamkono Concrete pipe culvert 900mm 35 m Class VII and road Concrete C15 10 cum above. Concrete C20 27 cum /092/2019/202 0/TAG/W/10 Rip Rap (Hardcore) 103.68 cum AE/ Reinforcements 9000 kg 3.3 HANDENI TOWN COUNCIL Tender Eligible No. Road Name / Type of Maintenance Estimated Quantities of Major Works Items Prices Tender Tender contractors Tshs. Maintenance of Kwakombo - Majili, Heavy grading 18.92Km Civil Works 150,000 Mwanga, Mwandoho, Bondeni, Graveling works 3,938Cum Contractors Chihumpu, PT Stone, Chenjele, Excavation of mitre drain 385Cum Class VI and BaloziBakari, Ujamaa, Masokola, Mtitu, Concrete pipe culvert 900mm 14m above. Kipande, Shehe Yusuf, Mpuluzi, Concrete pipe culvert 600mm 99m Kwechikunka, Tanesco - Sawe, Mwegole, Mkapa, Azimio, Kwakombo - Concrete class 15 49.5 Cum Majili, Mbelwa, Jamhuri, Sakibonge, Concrete class 20 91.04 Cum SokoKuu, Handeni Secondary, Kanka, BRC Mash 98. 6m2 Kingama, Seuta, Miraji, Machinjioni, Reinforcement bars 12mm 420Kg SheheAdait, Moto A, Ujenzi, Paulo Excavation of trapezoidal open drains 77Cum 092/2019/2020/TAG/W/13 Mokiwa, Mndela, Rexona, Sakia, Grouted Stone pitching 2320m2 Pango, Shell, Kihula, Karim, Lamanda, AE/ HaliyaHewa roads. Maintenance of Mandera - Malezi - Bush clearing by bull dozer 143,000m2 Civil Works 150,000 Masampata, Bwira E, Bwira B, Ngugwini Light reshaping 30.82Km Contractors - Wandama, Chanika - Kilimilangómbe , Heavy grading 11.62Km Class VI and Kivesa Secondary , Kwaluala - Graveling works 2,210 Cum above. Kwedikomba, Nderema - Kwedizando Excavation of mitre drain 1,150 Cum and Magarimabovu - Antakaye - Kobil Concrete pipe culvert 900mm 59m roads Concrete class 15 15.2 Cum Concrete class 20 56.45 Cum BRC Mesh 4.5m Excavation of trapezoidal open drains 220 Cum 092/2019/2020/TAG/W/14 Grouted Stone pitching 700m2 AE/ 3.4 KILINDI DISTRICT COUNCIL Tender Eligible No. Road Name / Type of Maintenance Estimated Quantities of Major Works Items Prices Tender Tender contractors Tshs. Routine maintenance of Kimembe- Heavy Grading 4.2 km Civil Works 150,000 Kilwa- Kwadundwa (2.0Km) and Gravelling 4510 Cum Contractors Periodic maintenance of Kimembe- Concrete C20 215.4 Cum Class VI and Kilwa- Kwadundwa (2.60Km), Spot Stone Masonry 253.3 Cum above. Improvement of Muungano-Kilindi Road G/W/16 (17.7km), Bridge preventive Maintanance of Kwinji, Muungano and major repair of Negero Bridge AE/092/2019/2020/TA Spot improvement of Bokwa- Lengatei Heavy Reshaping 10.8 km Civil Works 150,000 road (0.4KM) , Periodic maintenance of Gravelling 2,692 Cum Contractors Kiegea- Masagalu road (3.6Km) and Concrete C20 210.8 Cum Class VI and Muheza- Masagalu road (2.2Km) Stone Masonry 281 Cum above. Grouted Stone 560Sqm AG/W/17 AE//092/2019/2020/T Periodic maintenance of Sagasa- Heavy Reshaping 9.0 Km Civil Works 150,000 Lwande road (9.0Km) Gravelling 2,888 Cum Contractors Class VII and above. AE/092/2019/2020/T AG/W/18 Periodic Maintenance of Kikunde- Heavy Grading 5.2 Km Civil Works 150,000 Chamtui road (5.2Km) Gravelling 3,280 Cum Contractors Concrete C20 150.56 Cum Class VII and Reinforcements 3,430 kg above. Stone Masonry 62.7 Cum AG/W/19 AE/092/2019/2020/T 3.5 KOROGWE DISTRICT COUNCIL Tender Eligible No. Road Name / Type of Maintenance Estimated Quantities of Major Works Items Prices Tender Tender contractors Tshs. Routine Mantenance of Makole- Heavy Reshaping 6.6 Km Civil Works 150,000 Mkalamo , Mazinde- Toronto -Mkalamo Light reshaping 20.5km Contractors Roads and Spot Improvement of Bwiko- Gravelling 2,350 Cum Class VII and Manyata Road Concrete C30 75.7 Cum above. Stone Masonry 80.6Cum 0/TAG/W/21 AE/092/2019/202 Routine Maintenance of Mombo - Mzeri Light Reshaping 3.0 Km Civil Works 150,000 Road and Construction of box culverts Rock Excavation 1500 Cum Contractors (3Nos) along Magambakwalukonge- Gravelling 1,714 Cum Class VII and Changalikwa-Kibaoni Road Concrete C30 20.20 Cum above. Stone Masonry 46.3 Cum 0/TAG/W/22 AE/092/2019/202 Routine Mantenance of Makuyuni- Concrete C30 78.6 Cum Civil Works 150,000 Sharaka Roads and Construction of box Reinforcements 2,940 kg Contractors Culvert (1No) and Solid Drift (1No) Stone masonry 110.2 Cum Class VII and along Ambangulu Estate -Mlalo Road above.
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