Appendix B—Nominations Submitted to the Senate
Appendix B—Nominations Submitted to the Senate The following list does not include promotions Samuel D. Hamilton, of members of the Uniformed Services, nomina- of Mississippi, to be Director of the U.S. Fish tions to the Service Academies, or nominations and Wildlife Service, vice H. Dale Hall, re- of Foreign Service Officers. signed. Submitted July 6 Jon M. Huntsman, Jr., of Utah, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Jonathan S. Addleton, Plenipotentiary of the United States of America of Georgia, a career member of the Senior For- to the People's Republic of China. eign Service, class of Career Minister, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Earl Michael Irving, of California, a career member of the Senior of the United States of America to Mongolia. Foreign Service, class of Counselor, to be Am- bassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Anthony Marion Babauta, the United States of America the Kingdom of of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Swaziland. Interior, vice Leslie M. Turner, resigned. Douglas W. Kmiec, Rafael Borras, of California, to be Ambassador Extraordinary of Maryland, to be Under Secretary for Man- and Plenipotentiary of the United States of agement, Department of Homeland Security, America to the Republic of Malta. vice Elaine C. Duke, resigned. Joseph A. Main, Gayleatha Beatrice Brown, of Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary of Labor of New Jersey, a career member of the Senior for Mine Safety and Health, vice Richard Stick- Foreign Service, class of Minister-Counselor, to ler. be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten- tiary of the United States of America to Burkina John M.
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