★ ★ ★ TAG SALE!!! ★ ★ ★ 4 Days for the Price ef 3! ^ PLACE YOUR AD ON TUESDAY, BEFORE NOON, AND YOU’RE ALL SET iHanrli^Btfr HrraW ) Msnr.hesier A City of VillagR Charm

llottnifTl . • roam Cofan- lal, sitvatdd on i.t dutch, tires, brakes, 9 0 C «f ifB acres In Sdvfh Wind­ radiator,etc, WedfMBdBy, Jurw 3,1987 sor. 3 badraams, 1.5 lE N TL B M A N $1900/best otter. Will rOpwifwfor ^SSnJSETTrSSJtSST. 3 horsd born, 3 ferred. Central, POPS Inspection. 646- 7107. •M • M ^ FLUMIMIAIIEATM8 m m i« r«M tr«. V*w flrdplocds, now roof, sont, next to shower, IWRMltrDMitfGIt. PfM Florida room, boowtl- ptione, kitchen privi­ a M c Concord i M . lost tm. m m m t u m . MMttrvd.MS- ful location, mognlfl- leges, parking. Non offer. 646-7007. cont landscaping. smoker. 6494001. Reagan vows ROTOTILLINO' $334,900. JackskfM a wniiFcxziricsH aBT Jackson Rool btatg. Homa gardens, MMIMa A MM«A OMI hw «nP cWiimay rw* 647-0600X1 APMtmiBITI tree estimates. SCllNTON kwMtfInt. Tha cmmEii-n.viNUTR IT'S Flcn icflm a ill wfiot F M i m r Call Clyde and OMiYiLen sxoounw vPMMtde jwjat oowWIlfle# or* ontf* a bdoutlful yard and wsr ‘oSonStT^SvlSl ifM. Coll gftfr 4aw patio for a summor MANCHESTElTTraams, Sons. 647-B987. to strengthen sosM see mMNOMP on ctMnIna at low prlcM. w fo M o ri. t 0 4 m . borbocudl SpoefouB 0 available June 1. No MAMNAV. Air W room ovorslidd Rafoad no appliances, 1 SfODOGEOABAVAN *14,000 VrVIPY^WOnM ATWR*ubh WH m^W W i Ranch on Tlm ord Rd. cor. lecurlty and refer- 97 DAKOTA mu •11JN0 StoM wofti, wao4* ---- 3.5 boths, ffroploca, e n ^ . 649-1365. H u r M h s a ftoflH sf vfWW/MffffvnvTWspv* ifW ^^PflV« 97 FIFTH AVI (1) *14,300 B a n dotty. 4IT baths, 3 64941795 asked those In the audience to raise their they can do,” he said. "Countries but the evening had Its lighthearted moments, superintendent of Manchester schools. subsidies, restore stability to Inter­ In Ihs Osnsrol StrvICM' of- Ing oldor six room rooms. y 'h boths. good bodrooms. $131,900. M ANCHESTER. $1S4,M>. hands If they could hear him. "R aise your are positioned In different ways in flcs. 41 Csnttr $1.. Moncliss- homo with 3 cor dot- storogo. $137,900. MMCEUAIIEOUS "L et the road ahead be rosy, but let It be national currency markets and 537-3446. Boazloy Super large rooms EA ST Hartford. 1 bed­ t(M). hand If you would like to hear m e," he quipped. terms of their capabiltles, and so tor. CT until JUNE U. 1*S7at ochod gorogo. Updotod Strono Rool Estoto. F09 IALE When East Catholic High School senior Eric filled with challenges so that you who in eliminate barriers to International I1:t0 o.m. for tho following; Compony. highlight this beautiful room, $405 plus utlll- TAKE * LOOK Johnson had difficulty pronouncing some of we have to recognize that." kitchon with largo oot- 647-7653. □ 6 room Colonial 14 x 33 Griffith approached the podium a second time, reaching for those challenges can climb the the recipient’s names, but he was forthright trade. (1) REPAIR A MANCHESfER. (Invost- tles. Coll WO-IOM. FOOLOI WhH^heyTMfi Reagan said the talks also will REPLAiACEMENT____ OP THE Ing oroo, 3 full baths. 3 mont) 3 family. Convo- flreploced living room, William H. Johnson, the announcer, mistook highest.’’ Mayor Barbara B. Weinberg told the about the problem. One of the things that I largo bodrooms. Oak M ELLOW and Mlntod. dining room and 13 x 30 Mancliesler-3nd floor, 3 Now ovaHoble the re­ focus on East-West relations, arms UNDERCARRIAOE This 9 room Capo has 4 nlont. $139,900. bedrooms, 6 room volutionary new 31' the youth for E ric’s twin brother, Bryan, group of graduates. have never mastered — one of the many things AStEMELY- woodwork and built Ins fireplaced, panfried 1086 The Rev. Martin J. Scholsky of St. reductions, human rights prob­ CATERPILLAR SS3 throughout. Lovoly or 5 bodrooms, a hugo Respond Box A c/o apartment, 1 cor gar­ family slid swimming another award recipient. But this time the loke — Is the ability to pronounce anybody’s name Manchester Herald. kitchen with applian­ age, nice yard. Refer­ LINCOLN Bartholomew’s Church delivered the Invoca­ lems, regional conflicts and other (» PURCHASE A trood bockyord with first floor addition, ces and boy window. 14 pool with huge sun was on Johnson, who cracked a good number but my own,” be said. 15'x33' onhoncos not ences and security. deck, fencing, filler, during the the Manchester Scholarship tion. Manchester High School’s Round Table subjects. INtTAULATION OP ONE gropo arbor and fonc- X 35 master bedroom, Johnson failed In three tries to pronounce "Our discussion in Venice will Copter TRACTOR WINCH A ONE Ing. Groat location. only Its voluo but $675 o month. Coll 633- ladders, and warrantee TOWN CAR Foundation’s 22nd annual awards ceremony. Singers, under the direction of Penny Dalenta. TO CLEAN artificial flow­ screened proch. Fro- Kevin Romanewlcz’s last name, but the youth, help strengthen Western solidarity, THREE-POINT HITCH $133,900. Sontry Rool mokos It somothlng fesslonolly landscaped 6931 otter ^ m . for only 0970. Financ­ 3 to choosg from ‘‘If you noticed some similarity In looks, performed several songs. (3) PURCHASE OF ONE ovoryono will wont to ers, place them hoods ing Avallalblel Don't a student at Manchester High School who which is Indispensable to progress Estofo. 643-4060. □ down In o popor boo, odd lot garage. D. W. Fish ANDOVER. Near Bollon. White, Blue, Brown you’ll understand my confusion when I Although the evening began on a somber NEW VACUUM LEAP own. Locotod In tho Spacious 3 bedroom be left euti Act nowl plans to attend the University of Connecticut, on issues of contention between LOADER WITH TRADE solt ond shoko well. To Realty. 643-1591 or 071- Your Choice thought that the same one came up again,’’ note. Johnson, a director of the scholarship crashes Buckloy School district Coll Feter at 1-000-053- took Johnson’s mispronunciation In stride. LBOAL NOTICa 1400.0 apartment in country foundation and president of the Savings Bank East and West,” (4) STRUCTURAL on Clydo Rood. Hurry I Cleon out storogo oroos In farm house. $565 plus 7665.303-561-1161. Johnson said before he realized that Eric had. Romanewicz was the recipient of the Illing LUMBER A MATERIALS INVITATION TO BID $140's. 646-2403. Blan­ your homo or oorogo, COLUM BIA. Spacious i-4 Indeed, made a second appearance. of Manchester, quickly livened things up. Reagan said that “despite this FOR HIGHWAY ROOF heat and utilities. 743- H O T Foint air condltlon- $19,700 After foundation president Allan D. ‘Thomas award and a scholarship In memory of his The Town of Covenfry Is soll- chard a Rossotto. "Wo ploco on od In closslflod bedrooms. Raised 7165 evenings. It turned out that Eric was accepting his long agenda, we won’t find all the Ranch on 1.73 acres. ers.5000BTU,(3).Fold welcomed parents and guests. Johnson came father, Stanislaw Romanewicz. (SI WASTE GAS BURNER / dtlng sooled bids for tho G u a ro n to o O u r tolling our roodors who! $500 each, 1 year old. brother’s awards because Bryan was unable answers to those questions about in iorea IGNITION SYSTEM purchoM of fwo (3) IfBI Pol­ you hovo for solo. $165,000. 537-3446. Booz- MANCH^iTER. 4rond Moriarty Bros. our future at this summit — not by a Housos" □ new duplex. 3 bed­ $350 each. 643-9379. Tho Town of Monchottor Is ice Cruisers, one ef which Is ley Company. Used Car Specials long shot. ... But we will take on equal opportunity em- fo be equipped wifh g two room, 1V!i both, all Keep trying I______Dollar-Rant-A-Cars SOUTH WINDSOR - A ployor. ond roquirot on offlr- way radio. Interested bid­ INVITATION TO BID appllances,heat In­ USED Brick. (Approxl- steps.” helicopter with two people motlvo action policy foroll of ders may obtain copies of tho 1985 COUGARS He did not mention the tense Md spocincotlens from the G0N00MHIIUM8 cluded. Quiet dead end motely 700). Call 646- atx>aM crashed Bt IN Buck* Its Contractors and Vendors THE EIGHTH UTILITIES DISTRICT, 11 Mein St., Manches­ street. $050/month. Whlte-Rgd-Blue Persian Gulf, which officials said os o condition of doing busl- Town Managers Office, ter, CT., seeks bids to purefiese ond Install o complete cem- F O M M f 0 3 7 1 f o r Fortin suspect in 26 possibie assauits Land Road late this moming, iwss with the Town, os per Town Office Building, 1711 Leose, security, and orrongemenfs.o your Choice would be a major subject at the Mqjn Street, Cevent^Cenn. munlcotlon system at the Eighth UtllHles District Firehouse. but emergency otfidito had Podorol Order 11144. references required. W H E ^L Horse, sit down summit. S43M. Telephone 741- Bids specIBcaBens may be obtolned duHno normal ^»*neii JuTTOTelSITeaoMfurs 633-6100. victims, who was 14 years old at the these two Incidents, the affidavit no Information on whether Bid forms, plons and speclfl- 4114, hours (10:99 a.m. to 1:10 p.m.) Mondoythru PrldoyottMof- bedroom TrI-level Con­ tractor mower. Model By Andrew Yurkovskv tin’s second arrest was available in The president got a sendoff from Mlons ore available at the flee of Bm Eldlrth UtllHles District, n Main Stw Manchester, M ANCHESTER. 1 bed- 1100.3 years old. Excel­ 84 Mszds>6995 Plohup *4606 Hartford Superior Court Tuesday, time, was a runaway. says. his Cabinet, White House staff there were any InJuiiBB. Gonorol Services' office. The Town reserves tho right CUA tee of m o o will be e h e r ^ per sp^Bcotlens received dominium with one cor Hsrold Roporler room. Leose, no pets. lent condition. Call 646- when Fortin pleaded Innocent to all Jeffrey Ehrenfeld. a social Robert Digan, director of the members who are staying behind The crash was r ^ r t o d at TOWN OF to re I eel any and all bids and yflnch will be refunded en return et o Md. garage plus private 88 VW Jena *6606 to select tho suppllor In tho loundry room. Central $435. No utilities. 643- 5153. M-F.______charges. According to this affi­ worker for the state Department of Youth Services Bureau, said ‘Tues­ and the graduating class of Jam es 11:04 a.m„ according to a MANCHESTER, CT. best Interest ef the Town. Seoled Mds will be received ot the obom oddrew until 7:00 p. 4793 or 530-0776. 88 Arles Wagon *6,406 Walter J. Fortin, a former day that Fortin, on one occasion,- ROBERT B. WEISS, m. June 10,1997, ot wMch Hnse they will be puMIcty opened, dir, sliding glass doors UoAiA^LLA Table (1), employee of the town’s Youth davit, a police detective has com­ Children and Youth Services, told Madison High School from Vienna, dispatcher for the South All bids must bo rocolyod by ^ANCHEST^R. 88 Toyota CeMoa *0006 police that In March 1986helearned was told by Ehrenfeld not to have GENERAL MANAGER rood aloud and recorded. to privote deck. Call S '/i white with umbrella, 4 Services Bureau. Is being accused plied a list of 26 boys In the Va. Windsor Fire Department. I0;M A.M. on Juno IS, 1SB7. for showings. $134,900. rooms, 1st floor. Ap­ matching chairs and 1 B8 Colony Park Wg. *10,400 the teen-ager stay at his home. Bids sholl remain valid for Brtrtydoys from the Md enm l^ of assaulting as many as 26 boys, Manchester area who are "possible that the runaway boy had gone to Accompanied by his wife, Nancy, The Manchester Ambulance 004-M dote. The District reserves Bte rloM to releetenyoiWMI M * Realty World. 646-7^. pliances, on bus lines. matching chaise 88 MH. Qalant4dr. *11,400 Fortin’s home, the affidavit says. Digan said his understanding was one of them a 14-year-old, accord­ victims of the accused.” Reagan will arrive in Venice Service responded to the ter onv reason deemed to be In the best Interest of the DIv Lease, security, 0550. lounge, all with cu­ 88 Markur XR4TI *12,600 Fortin was told by Ehrenfeld that that Fortin had simply not in­ trict. Fortin, a retired director of the shortly before midnight local time call, a spokesman for the 649-4901. shions. Brand new. 86 Cutlass 8 dr. *7006 ing to court records. the boy should not be staying at his formed Ehrenfeld that he was going NOTICE JDSBPH TRIPP Fortin, 67, of 33 EldrldgeSt,, was Manchester Senior Citizens’ Cen­ and take up residence for five service said. PUBLIC NEARINO FIRE CaMMISSIDNER 83 Datsun 8008X *4006 home, but the affidavit does not say to have the teen-ager over. Digan I/UMO charged on April 15 with six counts ter, had been a part-time attend­ nights at Villa Condulmer, a hotel BOARD OP DIRECTORS Doted at Manchester, Conn, this 1st day of June 1997. gjIWEMiP 83 QMC Jimmy 40K *7006 whether any other action was said he did not recall a second A spokeswoman tor the TOWN OP MANCNRSTaR, CONNECTICUT S M i of fourth-degree sexual assault and ance Investigator for the Youth about 20 miles outside the city. •FACE 88 Lino. Town Car *11,400 Incident. He said he hasn’t “had a Federal Aviation Admhila* 901-99 BN DROLLS seven counts of risk of Injury to a Services Bureau for four years. His taken. On Saturday, the Reagans will Notico Is hereby given that the Board of Directors, Town of In May 1986, the boy’s mother complaint from a single one” of the tration said an invattisator Monchostor, Connecticut, will held a Public Hoonng at the ANDOVER. . Lovely 07Wi to e 84 Gran. Marquis L8 *8006 minor. On May 12, he was arrested Job was to check on children who make a day trip to Rome to meet LBOAL NOnca wooded lot, high on hill NEW LY Renovated. t to e l e e complained to Ehrenfeld that For­ youths with whom Fortin worked as was en route to the scene. Uncoln Contor Hearing Room, 494 Main Stroot, MandwetlK, 10% width • tor Isulu OLX PAJ *6606 again and charged with second- were skipping school. with Pope John Paul II, and on CannacHcut, on Tuesday, Juno 9,1997 at 9:00 p.m. ta con- rolling to 100' foot fron­ Close to 1-04, 1st and tin had again allowed the boy to an attendance investigator. There was no information In accordancolonca with the provisions of faction 119, TitleT n , ■must be up at I degree custodial Interference and The affidavit, prepared by police Monday, the president will move and act on the follewine: tage on pond. 3.3 acres. 3nd floor suites availa­ Office Ehrenfeld refused to comment available about where the U.$. os prgscrlbpi In the AidereDud Hlqhwa ble. Rent Includes utili­ MORIARTY when an arrest warrant was sought stay at his house, and Fortin Into Venice tor three days of .. oprlotlon to Special Grants iir^Menw y ^ V i^ ^ 7,Chfiilgr7,SoctlqnfdidodD___ Sdeted o!ecw^ 000,000. Klernan iThursday before 11 ain. I risk of Injury to a minor. admitted that he had done so, this morning on the case. Efforts to helicopter came from or II • Pheno-A-Rido 1907/00. ..S 7ai4A99 AdmlMstretlen, the Realty. 64M147. ties. Fetermon Bulld- : ‘The file related to the first arrest for the second set of charges, summit talks on San Giorgio, one of ____Bnoncod In port, 017,091.00, by a Pedoral nnqcNcyt Deportmo Ine Compony. 649-9404. BROTHERS makes no mention of when or where according to the affidavit. where it was going. &SE on iiQo rowoiToo AN 6 o V e A. Frimo loca- Was oidered sealed by a Superior the city’s 117 islands. OranLand tho bolanco by a Town contribution, gfrom the Olvislaa Admli 'erefthePsderol HlehMvAd- 301 Canlar Bt. the alleged assaults took place. But Fortin’s second arrest, on May 911,901.99. mlnistratiga design ____ for the Town ef Manchester's tlon. 1.14 acres. Flat O fflm for rent. Reasons Court Judge before his arrest. Please turn to page 8 Previewing the trip Tuesday, ble rates. Including all It does say that one of the possible 12, was made in connection with ______appropriation to Gonorol Pund - the reconstrucBen ef Telleed Turn- wooded lot. Walk to Automotive MBnehaatBr. CT However, an affidavit for For­ MlicNIanisui Budgot - Community Ooryloos...... S 19,49a9B I e r o l^ beelns approximately 400 teet eost of the private beach. $45,500. utilities. Call 643-7175 to bo Bnancod by rovonuos In oxcoss of budget ______I t t ^ end Adorns Street IntersecHen end enebot 137-3446. Beazley or 647-9313. S 4 3 - 5 1 3 B TODAY’S HERALD •agNiiM" Company. ^spsssd appropriation to Gonoral Pund - will one be recenstructed. CAM Abrams says U.S. MIscNIdnsaussnieegiianeeue Budgotnuopi • Transfer to Copital Im- FMIALE m ycK iI/VAN8 fire union to get 7% hike ' prpuamanf------RqsarvorvoPund I ...... 9 1174V.99 f m Tm / proceeds from sale of land at Marebandloe SALE Ballot reform paaaes Trial by lira 8e?re^4a/$H-II Ltd. Partnership. CORDOBA 1979 for ports. Town of Manchester firefigh­ under the proposed contract, Ion to Education Ipoclol 4 new Bogle ST's. Z- CH EVY Blazer 1977, 4x4. the firefighters would receive a begging ‘shameful’ A bill that would tighten the Newly nominated Federal Re­ COLUM BIA Lake. Seo- ters would receive a 7 percent ^pfocts puna ei ■ ror^ 1the tollawing PY 1997/99 bort, sunroof, 5 factory Best offer. Coll Foul of 0.8 percent wage hike, Werbner absentee voting process in Connec­ serve Chairman Alan Greenspan Is Brotsctsi sonal callage. 3 bed- 6464560. 9-5. M-F. wage Increase beginning July 1 wgy. North Mem itreet wih else be recenstructed reoms, fireplace. FUIMITUK aluminum rims, 380 under a proposed three-year said In a memo to the directors. ticut Ison Its way to Gov. William A. likely to undergo trial by lire as he I • PuMIc...... sHth spprsn iots topers te motch exlstlne cenditli motor runs, body good should be carried out by the State attempts to keep the U.S. economy i-lton-PuMIc.... •fS,00e. B to z ltv contract arranged between the ‘The current contract expires By Robert M. Andrews O’Neill for his signature. ‘”rhls Is ihPuMIc...... Thl|.prqlecl Is belnp hinded under the Federal-Aid Inter- LARGE Fine well built oxcopt roor quortors and Defense departments and the from derailing under multiple Public...... In Preerem, pFedsrel, Btote ond fecel co spero- Company. MOTORCYCLEt/ town and the firefighters’ union. June 30. Tho Associated Prtts substantial reform.” said Sen. Non-Public... Colonial dining room and passonotr door. CIA pressures, analysts say. Story on »improve tcmcclrculdtlen ond reodwovsofetv table. 8 arm choirs and All loothor Intorlor. M0FED8 ‘The agreement has already Jam es H. Maloney, D-Danbury. This p r# c t Is MenHBedby ftate Prelect No. In a plus for the town. WASHINGTON - Assistant Se­ "It should not be implemented co-chairman of the Government page 7, ix 6 m « K 1 ) . 4 sidt chairs, 3 II" Consol# and buckots. been approved by the union. ..9 A997.M MOTOR Cycle Insurance. Werbner said It was able to cretary of State Elliott Abrams through the National Security Administration and Elections Com­ ,$a BO Bnancod by o prtvalo contribution. ApuMIC i T ji m i loovos. 1600. 643-3359. Best offtr. Also 3 now Local 1879 of the International snows montod on rlms- Competitive rotes. reach an agreement that If town testified today ’’it Is shameful for Council staff, It should not be mittee. Story on page 4. I gpgrsBftoBon to Soodoi Oronts He ■ Ipt.l M A V t AAB5 4 board froa Some dov coveroge. Order of Firefighters, accord­ offices are closed because of to Implemented through private citl- Index Ns8lh BducaNon andRlsk Roduct- 'de^ Opmenf et the prelect ere eyiiloMe Hr pub- .Coll Joo 843-1790. □ ing to Assistant Town Manager the United States to go around len et the tsH ^np lecetlens: NO PAYMINTt flow. Exctllonl condi­ Many plans ovalloblt. bad weather or Martin Luther tens. It should not be Implemented .9 14,44a$9 i X A l U6 \ m . i door, Steven R. Werbner. The town rattling a tin cup,” but he solicited 24 pagoB, 4 atctlons Town Clork's omee Up te I veere. Klaa veer It- tion. 0100. 649-4364 bo- Coll Judy or Jontf at King Day, members of the by going to foreign governments nenclel dtfftcuHleo geedbye. twoon 6pm and Oom. oxcollont condition. tho Crockett Agonev. administration Is recommend­ 310 million from the sultan of IBWHmeOOTVi I VwVVf Only 40,000 milts. Air firefighters’ union would still Brunei because the Nicaraguan asking them for money,” Abrams Advice , , IB Lottery _ _ _ _ 8 Dreeseod eogMorleHen le Bond ond Oront ^Avold terecleeure. Cetch ue 643-1577. ing that the Manchester Board en lete eevments ouch ee Itret conditioning, power have to work. Contra rebels were starving. said. Fog movM In Butinaat _ 81*88 Obituerlea____ B Wia g W l-^ Mlowolor Troohnanl PtanT...... 91,4Vmt$ FOR SPARKLING wood­ of Directors approve the settle­ g b a anaBCod^ cornftnodM^ ond FssNrol Hrldev Otil o.m. te 4:10 p.m. or eecond merteeBe er even brakes, stoorlng, 5 In his second day before the Joint Abrams, who runs the State Clastitled _ 88*84 Opinion ■ ■ - 6 work, tilt, gloss and spottd, storoo ment when It meets ‘Tuesday. Other changes Include ex­ Department’s Latin American div­ Tonight, cloudy. Areas of tog. A Ogpertment et Trenspertetlon eutetendlne credB cerd Milt. House-Senate hearings on the Iran- Comlca__16 People—— 8 Keep veur heme free end palntod surfacts, add cossotto. 06200 . 643- ‘The union represents about 70 tending the number of vacation ision, added, “That Is not the way a 30 percent chance of showers. Low Hngs of tho Town St 4 AUTOMOTIVE Contra affair, Abrama said a Connecticut _A-8 Bporta . B-18 mSw deer without Hent. Bed throo loblaspoons of 0393. firefighters who make between daya for those employees with great nation should run its foreign 80 to 68. Thursday, cloudy with rain credR er tote eevment Me- woihlno soda to a quart of |I3,8M and $28,502, Werbner at least 20 years’ experience, central lesson to be learned from likely. A chance of thunderstorms. EntertalnmerU I t TeteuWen----- 17 terv It note eraMem. Klpdlv ALM M &IILI {uildss 0 X 16 cor trailer tondom the current controveray over the policy.” ,wgrm water and wosh. No Suporomo 73. Good said. and increasing the health and High 70 to 78. Chance of rain 60 Focus______13 U.B./Wortd 7 coll: whool with 3 tlocIHc Reagan administration’s Nicara­ rinsing rtquirtd. For running condition, broke durms. All lilts In the second and third years medical benefits. percent. Details on page 2. Local newt— 3, B Weather— 8 iconbof COMMISBIONBR TIM SwiBB gua policy Is that foreign policy Please turn to page 8 CONNBCTICUT OSPARTMaNT sparkling rosults whan notds minor body working with hoovy OF TRANSPORTATION CBBiervatlvB Orsua you hovt something to work. Asking 0500/bost duty romM. 6W foot till, use 0 low-coet od In , ConnocHcut BHsSWbday ot<6a».1$B7. HIBMI 1-4l4>4484Br effor. 646«46 ask tor axtis. a m . Scott or B7V99 1<4I4>1»8 doiilttod. Ftto. Anvtlmo after 4. Ike. 743-a75a.D I MANCHESTER HERALD Wadoaaiaa. June 9.1997 - 9 Highland Park Firewood 0 ‘-A_ ,'/EA'’ -^E Ace»»yM »ivr^tioivca8fayfmv Cv In rillo, Texaa. some of them said they were requirement. students as they are today. One way of fog. A 50 percent chance of showers. Low 60 to 65. Rotarlana In outar apaoa" — Oora TODAY'S TRIVIA ANSWSRSi (b) Expa- In the Case Mountain area. houses. letters to Planning Director Mark Rain and thunderatorma fell in trlata Amarloan danoar Joaaphtna Bak- Impressed by units they saw In Grove said that at a cost of students filled free time 100 years Vidal. The housing project Is being Town planning officials are re­ Pellegrini and Derekseth, the com­ ago was to practice writing and aectlona of New York atate, Thursday, cloudy with rain likely. A chance of ar atarrad In ravuaa at tho Follaa Avon. 1480.000 to $040,000 for six or eight mission said the project would portable classrooms, It Is more proposed by the Derekseth Corp, of questing that several houses and delivering speeches. Pennaylvania, Maryland, Dela­ thunderstorms. High 70 to 75. TODAY'S MOON) Day ba- Francis A. Matte Jr. said he has one roadway be moved out of the divide the wetlands among many fora Aral quahar (Juna 4). nawwAPia arraafiuia um. talked with teachers and students economical to open the school, Windsor and includes 180 acres off "Speechifying” was so much a ware, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Northwest Hills: Tonight, cloudy. Areas of fog. A 50 Birch Mountain Road. wetlands area. But the developers property owners and make It hard part of campus life that students Illinoia, Kentucky, Miaaouri, In Avon, and both liked the which he said has been ke)>t In good to preserve their natural features. percent chance of showers. Low 60 to 65, Thursday, condition and is already being The commission, which met in said this would squeeze houses were expected to show off their North Dakota, Minneaota, Arkan- classrooms, which are more mod­ together — something they are The Conservation Commission cloudy with rain likely. A chance of thunderstorms. ern than the rooms In the school to maintained by the town through the Lincoln Center hearing room, also wants Derekseth to build a talent at commencement. For aaa, Oklahoma, Texaa and New taxes. said It needed more time to discuss trying to avoid. much of the I9th century at the Mexico. High in the 70s. Astrograph which they are attached. Two proposed houses were elimi­ 15-lot parking lot In the area so the the subdivision and wetlands plans public has access to Case Mountain. University of Rochester, for exam­ before acting and would schedule a n a te from the plans because they ple. every graduating senior spoke were In wetlands. Alter said. However, the commission Is at commencement, mostly on today. If you want to uaa your tima pro- special meeting next week to Meanwhile, nine residents op­ against Derekseth's proposal to duotlvoly, tho motivation mual ooma discuss the plans further. place that parking lot on town- sweeping, general themes such as ^ b a r from within, not from an outaldar'a Andover Library posed the wetlands permit during "optimism vs. pessimism." Derekseth needs a wetlands the hearing, which lasted Just under owned land near Case Mountain, ^ r t h d a y prodding. saying It would be detrimental to Occasionally, a student ventured scoBCORPiO r iHo I(Del. 94-Nov. 99) The fulfill­ permit because Just under 2 acres an hour. They said runoff from the a more controversial topic, such as ment of your desires may be restricted of wetlands on the site would be development might flood lower- the environment and hard to a woman’s right to vote. PEOPLE because of lack of resources today. gets access ramp affected by development. The sub­ lying neighborhoods, adding that maintain during the winter. Thursday, June 4,1967 However, If you use your Ingenuity, division plan shows 98 single-family you'll conceive a way to get out ot the houses on large lots. Company In the year ahead, n looks Ilka you are box. ANDOVER — After nearly a year funds. The state money was made officials have said the homes would 3 "Commando," arrived with his SA aiTTA R lU B (Nov. 28-Oeo. 91) It your Q«ttlng award wife, Maria Bhrlver, for the star’s going to be given greater responsibility of planning, work Is scheduled to available to the town over the last sell for close to 9300,000. where your work or career Is con­ approach Is too self-serving today, start this week on installing a two years under a state plan to help Oaea Autry, who parlayed a unveiling Tuesday In Los cerned. A job well done will lead to In­ you'll arouse resentment In associates. municipalities repair roads, The commission held a public Angeles. If you want to be successful, be both wheelchair ramp at the Andover career aa a ainglng cowboy Into a creased compensation. Public Library, First Selectwoman bridges and make other hearing on the wetlands permit. The Austrlan-bom muscle man aiMBN (May il-J iu M 10) If your hiato subtle and unselfish. "(ITie developer) will take all multlmilllon-dollar bualneaa and CAPRIOORN (Dee. 91-Jan. 19) Don't Jean S. Gasper said Monday. Improvements. aporta empire, haa received the said friends took him to see the doesn't ^ r e e with you about a delloate Walk of Fame on Hollywood family matter today, don’t loros tha Is­ let your pride hamper you from asking The work will begin either Spirit of lioa Angeles award from sue. It'll only make things worse. Trying advice today regarding a problem Wednesday or Thursday, and In­ the business community. mu Boulevard after he arrived in to patch up a broken romance? The you're unable to soivs. No one will think volve the pouring of a concrete "’They couldn’t give me any­ 9k <5 California IS years ago. Matchmaker set can help you under­ leas ot you because you don’t have the ramp leading to the front door, and thing that I loved better than this “For young girls and guys who stand what It might taka to rastora the answer. a walk to the rear parking lot. "We're doing award, except to bring me a ^ 1 have dreams. It shows your relationship. Mril |2 to Matchmaker, ADUARIU8 (Jan. 90-Eab. 19) In your In- Gasper said the work will cost dreams can become reality. 0/0 this newspaper, P.O. Box 01428, volvaments with close friends today, SS-game winning ," said don't start comparing favors aaoh does 116,400. The work should he com­ 1 Work hard, and your dreams Cleveland, OH 44101-3428. pleted by the end of the month. something Autry, 79, who owns the Califor­ i OANOIR (June n-JiMy 99) Bubordl- tor the other. Time will eventually bal­ become reality," said Schwarte- nia Angels team. natas must be managed with tact and ance the ledger. The cost Is being paid with 122.690 Ttutry, honored Tuesday by the negger, whose latest film, "Pre­ toleranoe today. Trying to goad them P IB C iS (Eeb. 90-Mareh 90) Try not to In state surplus money the town has this Summer hot Angeles Headquarters City dator," opened Monday. Into compliance may evoke a defiant get drawn Into a partnership arrange­ received under the Town Improve­ Association, appeared In 96 mo­ reaction. ment today where you are teamed up ment Program. to help our LIO (July 99-Aug. 99) Before buying with someone whose alms are not In The town alao Is reviewing bids to vies and recoiled 698 songs. His d ' ' ' ^ jL ' Fomato boat any big Item today, do some compari­ harmony with your own. Install a wooden ramp to the rear "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Rein­ son shopping. The extra effort could A R liB (Mareh 91-April 19) Something door of the Town Office Building, child in deer” is the second-best selling Bartender and male chauvinist produos a savings. you are presently Involved In may get Gasper said. While a firm has not song of all time. Sam Malone will have to answer V tim (Aug. 9»>Bepl. 91) Today you stymied today because ot the failure of certain parta to come together. Don't been selected to do the work. school." to a woman boss when actress ifilghf have to try a different approach Gasper said the cost will he covered Klrstle Alley replaces Shelley to a current, peaky problem. The solu­ be Impatient. k 3 tion may only be temporary, but It’s bet­ TAURUS (April 90-May M) You might by the TIP funds. Protecting trees Long as the female lead on NBC’s ter than marking time. not be as financially lucky aa you think She said the work should be QENE AUTRY MR. T "Cheers." yob should be today. Don't let your ego The outcry raised when the UBRA (Bepi- n-Oet. 99) The aspects finished In July. . . . L.A. award . . . cutting trBBO Alley, 81, will play Rebecca Indloale that you could bo a slow starter impel you to take chances.sha Planning for both ramps began burly Mr. T took a chainsaw to his Howe, who is made manager of late last summer. They were two of wooded estate may lead to has been unavailable for cee helped him realise he was the Cheers bar after Malone; a number of projects the town restrictions on cutUng down trees comment. risking his future, he said. played by Ted Daneea, sells it to a considered using the money for. in Lake Forest, III., a Chicago "People looked at me and said, big corporation. Carrmt Qnotatioiis In a related matter. Gasper suburb named for its woodlands. ‘How could Paul Molltor, some­ “Sam Malone will not know outlined a number of possible uses Mayor Marshall C. BIrenger Drugs sasy one who has everything going for what hits him when he meets his for some 948,000 the town is eligible When my has asked City Manager John him, use drugs?’ to receive under the state Infras­ Milwaukee Brewers third base- new boss," said NBC Entertain­ "Filling Paul Volckar’a ihoea son showed us his ‘ Flaehbach to come up with a list "The reason that could happen ment President Braadea Tartl- Warren Gamaliel Harding, the tructure repair program. The list of options that would enable the man Paul Moliter says It’s not is peer pressure from your koft, who announced Alley’s will be a major challenge." — 99th president of the United States, Includes replacing the underground report card, we knew he needed help. community to protect its trees. hard to get caught up in drugs. friends, your family. It could be casting at the network’s affiliate Alu Oreenappp, who haa been was born In 1168 near Corsica, Ohio. tanks at the town garage, installing At the same time, he stressed "You nave to be on your guard because you are lonely, de­ nominated to replace Voicker aa a bathroom at the old Town Hall, His grades were low, but his attitude and meeting ’Tuesday In Los Angeles. chairman of the Federal tha Importance of “balancing all the time," he told about 600 pressed, angry or Just curious." Long, who played the Intellec­ renovating the lower vault at the self-confidence were even lower. 9 both civic and private rights, and elementary school pupils Monday Rasarva* Town Office Building and making tual barmaid Diane Chambers, Improvements to the town’s We were determined to find a way to help of resolving this Issue with sound In Waukesha, Wis. The baseball decided to leave the aeries after a "1 conalder thla teatlmony to L o t t C W and reasoned Judgment." player heads a statewide Jaycee Stopping on Arnold have been a great mlatake.lt waa ^ ballfields. him succeed in school, so we called "Center for program to educate people about fifth season to pursue roles in the worat day 1 had In alx yeara aa ■■■■■■■■■■ Gasper said that before the town Neighbors of Mr. T complain Now there’s a safe way to step movies. that the star of the now-canceled drug and alcohol abuse. anaaalatantBecreUry.’’ — BIUoM can receive the money, it must Learning". The 10-year veteran with the on AraeM Bchwaraeaegger. Alley first came to nubile AbraiBO, aaoiaunt aecretary (or Connecticut daily match 10 percent ot It with local TV series "The A-Team" has in The bodybuilder-actor has re­ attention as Lt. Saavik, a Vulcan Let Center for Learning provide your child recent weeks reduced bis estate Brewers said he tried cocaine at a In the movie "B ur Trek 11: The lnte^Ameriean affaire, on an Milwaukee party In INI, while he ceived a star on Hollywood’s appearance before the Senate Tuesday; 243 with an effective and comprehensive educa­ to a "war tone" dotted with tree Walk of FanM. Wrath ot Khan." Her other roles stumps. was recovering from an Injury. IntelllMnee (^mmlttee, one ot P lay Four: 7843 8 Schwartenegger, the lead in Include Vlrgilla Hasard in the which he deceived Color TV hat use tional pixtgram in reading and math. “More than anything, I asked aeveral In There have been reports Mr. T such hit movies as "Conan the mlnlseries "North and South" Lotto: 2-11-30-32-33-39 cut down the trees because of an Ood to get me out ot that situation and feminist Gloria Btelnem In Congreaa. This proven approach to learning will im­ once I had done it," he said. Barbarian," "Conan the Des­ In the medical lab allergy. Mr. T has no telephone tro y er,’’ "T erm inator’’ and "A Bunny’s Tale." prove basic skills and build self-confidencv to get listing In the Chicago area and Encouragement from his fian- ROCHESTER. NY (AP) - Color video monitors hove made your child back on grade level and even beyond! Msttchsstsr HsrskI their way from video games to personal computers to the medical Now is the time to learn more about our Comics Sampler USDS 387-600 VOL. CVI, No. 206 lob. At the University of Rochester, flexible Summer program, and to schedule a free 7 they’re now helping doctors diag­ atnsultation. nose heart disease. 1 eaeapt aundey aufoastod carrtor ratoa are 11.60 "Color Images are very helpful In WHAT A BUY kv the Man- weakly, IT to tor ono month. 193.10 showing the severity of heart eheeterPuhWMngbe.. taamlnerd tor throo months, 946.10 tor alx Call us today at (203) 646-4943 months and 101.40 tor ono yoor. ailments such as valve disease," Pleee. Mencheitet. Oenn. 06040. ■ays Dr. Raymond Gramlok. "Es- itage peM at aonlor ettinn rsMt ond mall mtss In this spaca, gamplaa of "M l...... Manchester, Conn. Peetmaster; aro avonoMo on roquost. perially In children with congenital DO YOU to the To ploco a claoaittad or diaploy heart disease, these images let us Center jfbr Learning naw oomlct will b* printtd COME HERE Mencheeter HeitM, P.O. aox 661. advortlaamont. or to lopert o nowt study Mood flow patterns that would otherwise be very difficult. If from tlma to tlma. Our aim la o m N ? • Mencheeter. Conn. 00040. Nom. ttory or pteturo Idao, con to got raadar raaetlon to naw Hyou don't roeolveyoufHoieidby 043-9711. Ottleo noura aro3:30 am. not Impossible, to obtain ” 483 West Middle TXimpike, 6 p.m. weskdsye or 7;M a m. to 6 p.m. Monday tnrougn PrMoy. Doctors at the university now r|Kl Min lARl) PKOMSSIONAl. uux; , SUIII: 200 eomloa, or to old oomloa that aatufdaya. plaoaa tataphona your Tho Monchoator Harold la a rely on a "Color Flow Doppler " r ' Manchester,CT06040 WD art thinking about drop­ oaittar. It youYa unaMa to roach member ol tho AeeedatedPreee, the Ultrasound Imager" to help them ping. Sand your eommanta your oantar, oaN oukaeHbar aorvloa Audit auioou otClrculellonaandtho In diagnoaing valve disease, prob­ it 047-6046 6y a p.m. weekdays tor Now ingland Nowapopor lems of the aorta, and aneurysms of to: Foaturaa Editor, Man- the heart, among other aliments ohoator Horald, E.O. I ok CnaaTKs^FeeMwSyndKeie p k WoA6 ngfes raearvea ggi, Manehaattr, 08040. MANCMEOTER HERALD. Warhiaaiiav. June $■ IfSI - i- 4 - M A W C W n m B gH A IJ). Wftfiwwiwr. ivm h lM L W d itia n ii'- H o m e Mils New history book chronicles Senate sends says Ross A ID S study a tale of one city: Bridgeport absentee-ballot r rap ed h e r for 1987 Llhtfa Stowdll was so much intematienal atten­ community and one night the Th# AtsoclotMl Frn s tion OQ the city that it fonwd peo|de owner, wto owed $16,000 hi back BRIDGEPORT (AP) - A 2S- to took at i t ... and it showed a city taxes. Just lifted the moorings and yesr-Md womao says Midiaef B. Sy J ikM Svarhort bill to O’Neill BRIDGEPORT — In a city where with a heart. People aren’t going to took off.” Rm s was the man who tHsarmad T h t AMOUottd Pr*»t cfT bomMnga are routine and laugh at Bridgeport anymore.” Grimaldi said U was these and raped her four years ago wMte Grimaldi, 2$, was bom in Bridge­ incidents that “captured the con­ bolding ber own knife to ker timoM. HARTFORD - Returmd to a Under existing law, anyone — •trange happeninga like a ferryboat By Judd Everhart including campaign workers—can port and has worked in the city of troversial side of the community, “I pvrt tbe knife up againal bis loglflatHro committee by the Houae The Associated Press difeappearing aren’t lo etranfe, the pick up applications and distribute people have learned to ihrug and 149,060 since be was 16. Only In but also ‘Only in Bridgeport’ iMart, but I couldn’t stab Mm of RepreieBUtivea, a bill caninf for captured the name of Its spirit.” a atudy of the iaaue of diacrlmina* them. The Mil leaves that proce­ •ay "Only in Bridgeport.” Bridgeport, his first book, was because be started dieddiM me HARTFORD - A Mil that would published last July and Is In its He said the city has made many harder and I dropped tbe knife,” tion agatnat AIDS victima baa been dure unchanged. NOW that common laying about d ^ ten the absentee voting process second edition. A former reporter contributions to world progress. tbe Moosup mother of three. ^ e c tiv riy killed. in Connecticut is on its way to Gov. But under the MU apivoved the aometlilMi tragic, lometlmea weird happening! in New Eng- and freelance writer, Grimaldi said “The city was the sewing ma­ Identified only as Vivian, testifled With the midnight deadline for William A. O’Neill for his Tuesday, each appUcotlon would chine capital of the country, of adjourning the aeaalon, there la have to be sIgiMNi both by the laM’i fifth largeat city ii aim the he selected the title because “it Tuesday ^ring the fifth weMi of signature. title of a book written by the captures the city’s unique aspects course, there’s the machine tool Ross’ multiple murder trial at virtually no chance the bill can “This Is subsUntial reform,” applicant and by the person who Industry, and we had the locomo­ return to the full General AaaemMy distributed It. The bill also retains a aniitant to. the mayor. and oddities.” Itoperior Court. said Sen. Jam es H. Maltmey, Only In Bridgeport would an bile which was the first luxury car "He wasn’t violent. He was thia year. requirement that town clerks to Author Lennle Grimaldi already D-Danbury, co-chairman of the arsonist set fire to a Christmas ever built” and sold for more than calm,” she said, occasionally cry­ Originally, the Mil would have keep a list of every one who takes if planning to write a new edition to Government Administration and Village and only in Bridgeport $11,000 in 1922, he said. ing. “ He’s not nuts. He could have outlawed diacrimination agalnat out absentee-ballot appHcations. hli book 'to add mention of the Elections Committee, after the bill would the city brag about being the He describes Bridgeport as a strangled me. He could have slit my victima of acquired immune defi­ L’AmMance Plaza collapie that won easy approval in the state The MU also requires supervised corset capital of the world. “tough old industrial community throat. He could have done any­ ciency ayiidrome, or thoae per­ kiQed 2$ men on April 23. He Senate. voting when 20 or more residents of Grimaldi said there were a rash which is stuck right in the heart of thing he wanted to.” Judge G. ceived to have the fatal diaeaae. beHevea the tragedy li going to go The bill was among several a nursing homes or similar Institu­ of Incidents in 1980 and 1981 that corporate Fairfield County.” Sarsfleld Ford told the Jurors to Hie Houae had approved that Mil proposals that stemmed from down In the city’i hiitory books ai J J “If you go down the Connecticut tion are voting by absentee ballot. caused the city’s image “to hit rock disregard the woman’s statement and sent it to the Senate laat month. the Incident that turned the city abuses in absentee balloting in The MU also calls for supervised bottom.” Turnpike through Greenwich and that Ross Is “ not nuts.” But in the meantime, there were around. Waterbury and Bridgeport last voting for residenU of nursing Bridgeport Brass, one of the Stamford you see all these shiny reporta that health-care workers ‘.‘Bridgeport’s history would not Police have said that Ross year. It’s designed to establish a homes and mental health facilities. glass structures, you drive through had contracted the AIDS virua after be.complete without L’Ambiance,” city’i anchoring industrial com­ confessed to the rape and told them paper trail for those handling panies, announced it would close, a Norwalk and Fairfield, and then working with AIDS patienta. Thoae Grimaldi said Tuesday. “There he didn’t kill the woman because it absentee ballots so that any abuses In addition, it gives the Elections police officer checking on a car in a you come upon Bridgeport with reporta alarmed lawmakers and was dark and he didn’t think she could more readily be traced. Enforcement Commission the au­ parking garage was shot to death smokestacks and people create the bill was turned into a study of would be able to Identify him. Sen. Fred H. Lovegrove Jr., thority to investigate alleged fraud and women were terrorized by the their own images of the commun­ the issue by the Senate. R-Fairfield, called the MU "no in any primary. The commission ity," Grimaldi said. However, the woman testified she R ep. P aul G ionfriddo, D- C o u rt "bumper rapist,” who for several was able to identify him because he reform at all” and tried unsuccess­ cannot now investigate primaries months hit the back ends of “I would add that a lot of the U u Middletown, cochalrm an of the fully to amend It with stricter to select convention delegates or politicans in Bridgeport in the past grabbed her under a street light. women’s cars with his auto and Public Health Committee, who had language. town committee members. then sexually assaulted them. have done a lot to hurt the city’s Also Tuesday, New London supported the original bill, said AS photo Among other things, his amend­ upholds "Bridgeport Is a reporter’s image,” he said. “But I think that State’s Attorney C. Robert Satti Sr. after the Mil was sent back to ment would have required signa­ Also Tuesday, the Senate killed a that image is turning around — the cut short his questioning of Dr. committee that he was “convinced bill that would have allowed regis­ dream and it kept me off the ture comparisons by local officials unemployment line because there image is more of a perception than Robert Miller, a state psychiatrist, that current state statutes clearly House Judiciary Committee Chairman ing a legislative session at the state trars to set up voter-registration when an absentee ballot is re­ d eten tio n is so much to write about,” a reality.” when Miller said he had not protect people who have been Rep. Richard Tulisano, D-Rocky Hill, Capitol in Hartford Tuesday. Both tables in state offices, such as turned. He was voted down, 23-11. Grimaldi said. “Only in Bridgeport Grimaldi notes there's $1 billion specifically informed Ross of his Infected with the AIDS virus. motor vehicles and unemployment left, gestures as he talks with Deputy houses will adjourn for the year tonight. The bill itself was then approved would a police superintendent turn in redevelopment going on cit­ right to avoid self-incrimination. "I believe our Commission on 31-8. offices. NEW YORK (AP) - A federal ywide. He also said Bridgeport has N Majority Leader Richard Balducci dur­ appeals court has upheld the the tables on an FBI sting attempt, Ross’ two public defenders are N Human Rights and Opportunities is always been a place for people to go interpreting our laws that way and legality of two Puerto Rican only in Bridgeport would a mayor trying to build a defense based on wear a bullet-proof vest during a to find work and bristles at the will continue to,” said Gionfriddo. nationalists’ 19-month detention insanity or extreme emotional political campaign. Only in Bridge­ suburban attitude that they’ll work Further, he said, a bill approved while awaiting trial for a $7 million AP photo disturbance. Housing bill attacked as thievery before approval port would the mayor's car be in the city and live elsewhere. earlier in the session sets up a task Well Fargo robbery in Connecticut. fire-bombed outside of his house. “The part that angers me is Before the questioning stopped. force to study AIDS issues. Another The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of “It was one thing after another Bridgeport creates Jobs and people Lennie Qrimaldi poses with a copy of the book he has Miller said, “People with personal­ bill expect^ to be considered House of Representatives on accounts and pay tenants 8 ‘/4 The fund would be guaranteed by Brooks said. Appeals, reversed on the issue of Bv Brent Laymon and people started saying, 'Only in come here and make a lot of money written about his native city, Bridgeport. His book is a ity disorders are capable of ade­ Wednesday sets aside $4.28 million Tuesday. percent annual interest on the the state, so tenants would be p ^ tr ia l detention last week by the The Associated Press The banks would be paid 0.8 Bridgeport,’” Grimaldi said. “It and then they go off to their palatial quate Judgment and controlling for AIDS research, counseling, “This bill is the most revolution­ money. assur^ of getting their 8‘A percent U,.S- Supreme Court, on Tuesday history of New England’s fifth largest city. The title is a percent annual interest on the didn’t end there. We had a ferry estates in Westport, which is OK, their behavior even though they testing and insurance for AIDS HARTFORD - A bill that would ary bill I have ever seen In this Under the bill approved Tuesday, annual interest plus their security amount they transfer into the trust u^ eld a lower court finding that but then they thumb their noses at common saying about the city. Qrimaldi is presently an don’t elect to control their General Assembly,” Rep. Jerry all security deposits would go Into a deposits refunded once they moved Filiberto OJeda-Rios and Juan boat Junction restaurant that was victima. allow the state to tap into renters’ fund to cover their administrative supposed to be the savior of the the city,” he said. aide to Bridgeport Mayor Thomas Buccl. behavior." Rep. Francis X. O'Neill Jr ., security deposits to help build low- Patton, R-MIlford. said before the trust fund that would In turn be — less any amount deduct^ by the costs. Segarra-Palmer posed a flight risk R-Guilford. who had opposed the and moderate-income housing is 77-73 vote. “It will allow the state of invested in the CHFA bonds. landlord for damage to the and should be denied bail pending Connecticut to confiscate private apartment. The House rejected an amend­ original MU, was outraged that it being attacked by some legislators ment added by the Senate that trial. was sent back to committee. funds that are sitting in private Rep. Walter S. Brooks. D-New It was the third time defendants as tantamount to legal thievery. Proponents of the measure would have taken the banks out of "You (Democrats) on the other bank accounts.” Haven, co-chairman of the Housing charged with the Sept. 12, 1983 The security deposits would be argued that banks already earn the process and required landlords side of the aisle are saying exactly The bill was sent back to the Committee, estimated the program robbery of the West Hartford, Conn. invested in Connecticut Finance higher than 8 ‘/« percent interest by to send the security deposits to the what we were saying, that there are Senate because of changes made by would generate between $100 mil­ Wells Fargo depot sought release Housing Authority bonds to finance investing the security deposits. The special housing fund. Brooks said adequate protections under the the House. lion and $200 million for housing, on ball. construction and rehabilitation of money might as well be Invested in eliminating the banks would have law,” O'Neill said. "This bill was a Landlords are now required to based on 400,000 renters paying an They are accused of belonging to housing under the bill, which was much-needed housing projects. made the program unworkable. mockery.” narrowly approved by the state place security deposits in escrow average $800 security deposit. a terrorist group known as Los Mecheteros — Spanish for “the machete wielders” — which seeks n e r to Rican independence. Rowland: U.S. is ‘asking for trouble’ 'The group has claimed responsi­ Connecticut in Brief bility for the $7 million Wells Fargo robbery as well as the 1981 bombing By Christopher Callahan attacked the president’s policy, a by the administration to divert “This yo-yo effect of going up 14 at Muniz Air Force base that The Associated Press Democratic member of the arms attention from the Iran-Contra percent one year and (down) 2 destoyed nine Puerto Rican Na­ Windsor teen dies after chase panel and a frequent administra­ scandal. percent the next is not good for the tional Guard planes and the 1979 WASHINGTON - U.S. Rep. John tion critic stopped short of optright “Are we going to start bombing industry... (and) is not good for the attack on a U.S. Navy bus in Puerto WEST HARTFORD — Authorities are investigating a head-on Rowland, usually a strong suppor­ opposition. Iran? Is that what we want to do? country,” he said. crash between a police cruiser and a car it was chasing that left Rico that left two sailors dead. ter of President Reagan, is criticiz­ Rep. Nicholas Mavroules, D- Or do we want to get attention away Five of the defendanu previously one man dead and another critically injured. from the Contra hearings?” Mav­ The five-term congressman re­ ing the administration’s policy of Mass., said he does not oppose the presenting northeastern Massa­ held without bail were released last Craig Gerbe, 19, of Windsor, was pronounced dead at John president’s plan “at this point.” But roules asked. putting U.S. flags on Kuwaiti oil chusetts called for a constant 3 year by U.S. District T. Emmet Dempsey Hospital in Farmington at about 3 a.m. Tuesday, a tankers to protect them from attack he too expressed reservations over Clarie of Hartford following pre- hospital spokesman said. The Massachusetts congressman percent annual real growth In the in the Iran-Iraq war. the policy, worrying that the rules defense budget over five years. Vipus rulings by the 2nd Circuit. Michael Dunn, 19, of West Hartford, a passenger in the car, was “It’s asking fo]; trouble,” the of engagement have not been made compared the Persian Gulf policy to the Beirut peacekeeping mission Mavroules said the Pentagon B u t Clarie continued the deten­ 3 in critical condition at the hospital, the spokesman said. Connecticut Republican said Tues­ clear by U.S. officials. tion of OJeda-Rlos. S3, and Segarra- 3 should cut back on the Strategic Officer Richard Nardi, alone in the cruiser involved in the day. "I think it’s absolute “We’ve got to be very clear in our that ended in disaster. “We got into trouble In Beirut Defense Initiative and other nu­ Palmer, 36, the appeals court crash, was treated at St. Francis Hospital in Hartford for head insanity.” mission,” Mavroules said at the clear programs and concentrate n a t^ , because both “had very Speaking io New England busi­ meeting of the New England because the rules of engagement and face injuries and released, police said. were horrendous,” he said. more on conventional weapons. limited ties to the community, ness leaders at a breakfast meet­ Council Inc. “If you’re going to do previously had attempted to flee Most of power restored, NU says ing, the House Armed Services something, either do it or get the But Deputy Assistant Defense Rowland, an SDI proponent, said and were charged as organizers of Committee member said the Uni­ hell out of there.” Secretary David J . Berteau de­ the United States should move to the robbery and leaders of the ted States was sending out the flag Rowland agreed. HARTFORD — All but about 140 of the nearly 10,000 custom ers fended the Persian Gulf plan, deploy Star Wars early “so we can Conspiracy.” “willy nllly.” “ What is our mission in the saying the president does not want decide for ourselves whether it - “liie sole Issue on this appeal, who experienced power outages as a result of thunderstorms had In a letter Tuesday to Defense Persian Gulf?” he wrote in the service restored by early today, a Northeast Utilities spokesman to “abandon the field to the really is going to work.” therefore is whether the passage of Secretary Caspar W. Weinberger, letter to Weinberger. “Is it Just to Soviets.” an additional 11 months” since the said. Rowland called the policy "most maintain a presence or are we The congressmen agreed that the Approximately 7,000 of those affected were connected to one of appeals court’s first ruling on the troubling.” considering ’protecting’ all the sea The breakfast meeting was defense budget process is becoming .issue violated the pair's due pro­ three large power lines which were damaged by lightning, Jeff less parochial, although lawmak­ “Quite frankly, I believe the travel in the region? Most Impor­ called to discuss how defense cess rights. Kotkin, the spokesman, said. He explained that one large circuit policy of flagging Kuwaiti tankers tantly, what action will the United spending impacts New England’s ers still remain protective of <'We hold that it has not,” the 2nd often carries over 2,000 customers in a neighborhood. companies in their home states. could serve simply to provoke a States take if a Kuwaiti tanker economy. Ultcuit ruled. The majority of those affected. In West Hartford and military action by Iran,” Rowland under U.S. flag Is attacked? Will we Mavroules complained that a “The days of picking up the ’ The Fifth Amendment states that Newington, were blacked out shortly after 8 p.m., Kotkin said. wrote. “We are simply placing retaliate? What will our response lack of consistency In defense telephone and forcing the Pentagon no one shall be deprived “of life, There were also scattered outages in East Hartford, more servicemen in jeopardy on a be?” budget increases over the past to give a (specific company) a liberty or property without due contract ... are over,” Mavroules Wethersfield, Farmington and Avon, he said. needless mission.” Both congressmen suggested eight years has hurt local defense process of law.” All but 140 customers had regained their service by 11 p.m., While the Republican lawmaker that the policy may be an attempt contractors. said. • Lawyers for OJeda-Rios and according to Kotkin. Segarra-Palmer argued before the ■three-judge panel last April that '4lMlr continued pre-trial detention. 300 protest gay-rights bill re|ectlon warned about '.Which began in September 1985. HARTFORD — About 300 people, many of them wearing white violated that constitutional right. , ■ "While it may be true that we masks to symbolise the repression of homosexuals, rallied possible ethics violation never before have sanctioned pret- outside the state Capitol Tuesday night to protest the General •rial detention lasting 19 months.” Assembly’s rejection of a gay rights bill. qm ancm g HARTFORD (AP) - Gov. Wil­ financial disclosure forms filed jioted the 13-page opinion written by “We’re willing to come out and say It’s wrong,” Betty Gallo, a ;Clrcult Judge Roger J. Miner, “it Is liam A. O’Neill’s office was warned with the commission in 1984 and lobbyist for the Connecticut Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Civil the stone d u a lly true that we never have set Rights, said of discrimination against homosexuals. in 1984 that involvement by a 1988, commission attorney Brenda member of the Connecticut Resour­ Farrell said. 'an absolute limit on such detention, “Together, we’re going to make it right,” she said. The most romantic rings of all are the ones you’ll rind and we decline to do so now.” The House of Representatives last month killed a bill banning ces Recovery Authority in a Bloom­ The apparent violations were field landfill posed a possible unintentional, the commission in our bridal collection. They express love so beautifully Circuit Judges George C. Pratt discrimination against homosexuals in housing, employment and Ellsworth A. Van Graafelland “EVERY INDIVIDUAL conflict of interest, state police found. in so many ways. Whether you’re thinking about a "THE NURSING STAFF c loseness to the East-of-the-River and other areas. Gay Rights advocates are vowing to work for concurred. I or a hospital to be a true WITH WHOM I DEALT documents show. Farrell will now attempt to WAS, WITHOUT EXCEP­ community in the teamwork they passage of the bill next year. classic solitaire engagement ring or perhaps one of the credit to its community it SEEMED TO GO OUT Asked about his white mask, a man who declined to give his Nevertheless, Milton Levine of negotiate a settlement over the traditional or modem bridal or trio sets, we'll be happy TION, HIGHLY SKILLED. display and in their concern for Bloomfield was nominated by the apparent violations. If no settle­ must be able to provide its OF THEIR WAY TO BE name said: "It symbolises the repression of gays who have to SENSITIVE AND CARING. their neighbors It's an attitude you 9 governor for another term. The ment is reached, the commission to help you with this important decision. Because we’re COURTEOUS AND Yale requires 9 I hide in the closet because they don’t have laws to protect them.” neighbors with a special kind I ATTRIBUTE MY PROMPT landfill issue didn’t come up again will hold a public hearing on the really romantic at heart ourselves! won't find just anywhere. INFORMATIVE. START­ of caring To achieve this AND COMPLETE RECOVERY until the CRRA announced plans in charges. Each violation carries a ING WITH THE PERSONNEL FROM MAJOR SURGERY IN Manchester Memorial Hospi­ DPUC approves hike In water rates December 1966 to buy the dump possible $1,000 fine. more science goal Manchester Memorial IN ADMITTING AND INCLUDING from Levine and his partners for Levine said he won’t comment on LARGE MEASURE TO THE tal's nurses, technicians, therapists, Hospital selects its staff THE LAB STAFF, THE OR PEOPLE NEW BRITAIN - SUte uUllty regulators have approved a 7 $2.8 million. the case until a final settlement is ,J4E W HAVEN (AP) - Yale QUALITY OF THE NURSING dietitians, aides, clerks, secretaries, for their excellence as healthcare AND THE INDIVIDUALS WHO percent, or $782,800, rate Increase for the Connecticut-American Levine was no longer a member reached. University has announced under­ CARE THAT I RECEIVED.” managers and support staff are a TRANSPORTED ME DOWN TO THE Water Co,, which serves 28,000 customers In the Greenwich and of the CRRA board when the Ethics Commission documents graduate students will be required professionals and for their sensitiv­ L.S., Manchester to take at least two courses in the special breed of professional. The Stonlngton areas. ,. impending sale, later scuttled, was released Tuesday show that state ity as caring human beings. OR AND BACK. EVERYONE MADE 8 The company had asked for a two-stage rate Increase of 28.0 announced. police raised questions about Le­ natural sciences beginning in 1989. compassion of each of these AN EFFORT TO MAKE ME FEEL 8 These qualities manifest percent, aald Toni Blood, spokeswoman for the Connecticut The state Ethics Commission vine's involvement in the landfill -Under the requirement changes themselves in distinctive ways that individuals reaps many rewards tor COMFORTABLE.” S.H., „Manchclter .a,. . Department of Public Utility Control. charged Monday that Levine prob­ during a background check con­ anhounced Tuesday, students must "THE SERVICE PROVIDED FROM 1 them and their community. The DPUC on Tuesday aUo set ths company’s rate of return on ably violated the state ethics code ducted in 1964 before, he was also complete at least three courses THE MINUTE I ENTERED THE go beyond our staff's dedication to In each of four general academic The warm responses we have equity, or profit, at 11.0 percent, down from the 18.8 percent set by when he failed to report his nominated for another term on the HOSPITAL THROUGH THE (juality medical care You'll also CRRA board. areas — languages and literature: "YOUR MATERNITY STAFF’S. involvement in the 23-acre dump on rompt a r e p r o c e s s w a s received in letters are some of regulators in 1904. . .. humanities: social sciences: and P C find canng in a friendly KNOWLEDGE AND PROFES- The regulators also modified a plan for equalising rates SUPERIOR IN EVERY RESPECT. THE our most gratifying rewards. They natural sciences, mathematics, SIONAUSM WERE OF GREAT between company customers in its Mystic Valley, in the STAFF WAS COURTEOUS greeting or in their willing­ computer science and statistics. COMFORT TO US. THEY reflect the caring of a good neighbor Stonlngton area, and Greenwich-Noroton divisions. MysUc Another change specifies that AND EFFICIENT AND THE ness to lend a helping hand 7 SHOULD BE COMMENDED pursuing the best interests of the 7 Valley customers presently pay more for their water. Blood said. advanced-placement credits, DIAGNOSIS PROMPT Because ours is a com­ FOR THEIR EXTRA­ East-of-the-River community. And The DPUC previously had ordered the company to achieve Discover America’^ grounded In work done In secon­ AND EFFECTIVE. WHAT equal rates over the course of Its next three rate cases, which munity-based hospital and ORDINARY CHEERFUL dary schools, may no longer be used IMPRESSED ME best of all, our staff is here, keeping Blood said would equal about three to 10 years. to meet distribution requirements. many of our staff live right here, ATTITUDES AND HELP­ CNily Flve^ln^Oneaaa MOST, HOWEVER, in touch through a special kind of The new requirements will Uke they have a special commitment FULNESS TO PATIENTS. effect for freshmen entering Yale WAS THE FOLLOW­ caring anytime you need them. *¥n t Round IMiiCoiitfortSyflMn to our patients You t an sense their D.T., Coventry Senate Mndt happy-houre bill back College, the university’s under­ UP PHONE CALL graduate school, in 1969. THAT I RECEIVED HARTFORD - ’The stete. Senate has approved a bill Fine Jewelry at Low, Low Prices TWO DAYS LATER 'a iM s ^Oools ☆ HumidEss i^DihumliBlw “These three changes show that p i^ h itliig happy hours In h an , but t ^ bUl’sJ*** tW6 Yale College faculty takes very Into doubt when an amendment was added, sending the bill back 141 Center Street, Manchester 649-4537 TO SEE HOW I WAS DOING." sieriously its goals for a liberal G.T.L., Manchester M a n c h e s t e r M em o r ia l H o spita l HOURS: Monday • Saturday 10-6:30, Thuraday Ml 6 pm education and its own efforts to totWative m iiim must adjourn by midnight tonight, and OSTERLUND REFRIGERATION aMure that its undergraduates «i«her Mite eiaggliig the en h B ^ r. lawmakers may not havO become fam iliar with fields other A Neighbor fo r Life tfiw to taka up tha happy^murs hill again. 37 Frunch Rd., Bolton • 649-2655 than their own,” said Sidney Altman, dean of Yale College. MAWCHEOTEH HERALP. Wt&net^. Jam$. H f y - 7_ OPINION v.s./woM bt BtUf I Greenspan has tough road ahead af a Britfsli hrakerags to Arm. “He Is a man af very small rapotatian.” _ RAMEBWARAM,^Mid - F M M f kMid loddsd with raUdf o n p a g e 21 m m -fldppMi and flyf^ f^dzs fldfi prafMHditdtMlfdi^ for M WiMOlfCnON- StilL tike cempiateto seemed Rent Income Ldflfcd's Twnil ewBfiRnftf, ae tHpiMBMNfe eadiaefo appeardd to aimed ntidn^ at Vriritor'a Isnvhsg MM SMfS VI61 rather tikmid OraeM M i's arrival. .la c k T s eoBfroMationirfdl tke firf Lm Sm a awvy. trM bylfe»«stoi was JUSTUN0 A : \ ' fo-ahead rifiiai frnn ffew D i ^ aid SRS Snpparim raid Greenspan, p fto VM, ' cenamlat to kto awn Amdmnom Madhavf ______as a valid way to OF ivewM«eusrs. eoMtIfiiator fa the soetiiem ladias fwrtdf Rameswarafn, tidd Tfea d have little trouble tale a j Senate eenflrmatian. Asadriafcd P tsm. wlisllngtagt v ite s fB M < w e j/ S T c w rr ^ ’T w e^ -a ve were loaded wffo twe tone each M food, “ W M e Paul Vricfcer's retire­ AM ttoM 0 Sffea af fsM, eaasidarad a ment is a real less, thia coMNry is m e^ne and fow for M LnAa'a Taadl-dominated Jaffna wmremeter af taflatiaa U learn values ST/4YC|£AK. Penlaaala, 19 miles from India aeroM the Palk Strait. very fortmde to tove a nuin of St to tifo Util Aim Greenspan’s csdtoer to take India, tom e to more than 99 mtilion Tamiis, says O e aupMiaa wM Msd tiw w i T t m sf a sals* IV e rsneton was aMy M gM y bis riace," said Senrie Mlnortty eractor aad tifo kMa af aa alsftaR last vfriant te Cangrass and to The effect of rental incoiro on tlie market repraaaat porely homanNarian aid to civilians caivbt in the Leader Bri> V t H e , R-Km. Mand nation's ethnfo strife. te eeceeed Is tiw aaw IsB. famfgn fltowclal centers. value of apartment buUdlnfs and commercial "ill CIA won’t But Me Sri Lanksn^govemmentsaidTiiesday ttosondiMwera Greaaapan has a taagk act M Sen. l ^ M n Praxmtos, D-Wis., Oreenspm, 91, won wfclemread centers cannot be d ^ te d . Income figures unnccoessary and unwelcome and threatened to prevent the frilow Is tiM dapaitisf P«il who is chairman of the Senate ^aise far Ms bamMag of two are used routinely by buyers and sefiera in jkmhrts from lanMng.. Volriwr, wto is afgM yw m as toad BanMng Gemndttae, rid not even preriom government Jriw: cfcair- real estate transactions. buy Pentagon • ItoHa has served onraceezefotly as a mediator in the 4-year-oId of Me central torit tod friaad hether te mention Oraenapan’a mauMpritheComcil of Economic worldwide stature as1 aafaliatioa- nMie wMto lamenting the depar- Advisers umfor Prmident Gerald The power of a municipal amessor to Sri Lanton civil war that pits Tamil separatists against the Mnhafez^ominated government and army. flgM er and ritampfon af aoeneinie tare af Vricfcer, wMM he termed a Ford from 1974 to 1977 and as bead require certain information about income and s ta M ^ . "aerians lees far Ma country." of a presidential Mae-riM>on eom- expenses of rental property as a means of Vricfcar’s standing was brengM “ Ttore is vary tittle respect far misrion which recommended ways line on drugs what is known of Mr. Oreeiwpan," to overhaul the flnancially troubled ALAN GREENSPAN determining property values for a revaluation dootz’t attomoy: I rtst my c o m home within ntinotas af Preridant Reagan's surprise aanoancemant complained Miehala OdOome, cMef Social Security system in 1993. . . . rnactlon mixed also cannot be debated. The state law NEW YORK — Bernhard Goetz’s attorney says he rested Ms authorizing appraisals based on income has WASHINO’TON —’The CIA no longer agruaa with .jcase without calling the subway gunman to testify because Jurors been on the books since 1M4. a line the Reagan adminlstraUon has been pushiiM jilready had seen Mm at his moment of troth— when to om f e s ^ But the town of Manchester’s decision to use determlnetfly for the past five years; that the 'on tape about shooting four youths. AIDS vaccine boosts immune systems In audio and video tapes made after his surrender in Concord, that method in the town’s current revaluation Cuban and Nicaraguan governments are smuggliiM drugs into the United States. N.H., Goetz told priice he frit he was about to to robbed by four WASHINO’TON

jWBvv OTMMvrf ■FwCliW ■wTPy •! P^WIP IP ^ «fj| MH^W^W MOTVI f^PWWH •■wy ••1, M M M y <• MM*> ! vkfUVjr «rirr Antfret CMum h he leek ~ fwflk Wifll SB SWWttWHItBf dsfliss 7 h t 0ther mtm't) Mmffhwt w « VwN^w WwmmWw, The Ecu ed e m Red gene Rye eeie tMhig fitf«d f«t«r ft) tfw fl«y. to tfee-^net often to each ef hie prevleua two WMt 0 «rm M Boffs enonghtenwhedwl^UiWhonthe yfetortoe, hut he toeked toaehi B td m rw MM tfiMwtffii e1|fWh-«r«lrt alow day of Centw Court atert agetoat LeuA. AfiMrteM Jitntttf CMifion. «Mte NoyoM, who hadn't dropped a Oemea battled off three hraeh fo«rtfi-«*do(J6td Mtrt$ WilMMter of at tfiroim the Rrat three rewnda pOlfllP IBBI wvUlu BB t B plrBB liSBSI fNr«den w «f going againtf 8lstfi> nor gone miger than fonr aeto In Me M B-2 lead and broke for (he firat act juat one aet before Tueaday. MCded Yofintek Nooli of rrofwo. two other vietorlea, waa fMahed In wtHiayellcy. agatoat Navratltoya, that waa TIM WOflMfl'8 MrffrffllMl flCM WM leM than two honra. Modr hrohe But that war the pettom Lendl wiiere the comparlaon ended. eoinglotod Tooidiiy iHffi a pair of aerve for g-S In the final aot on a expected ef the player he haa new backhand eroaaeoart winner, hold beaten 18 cenaecutfye tlmea and 18 Navratilova used a aerve-and- J kMtf-tlflic rfrala. vofley game on clay to dominate the for 4-g on a backhand vafley Winner, of 18 overall. DafciMHflg ctiaffipfon Cbrfa Crort match. Charging to the net beMml gefcaiad Raffactla fleggi, tfie 14tfi broke again tor M with a roMilng "He can be like a madman at the forehand paaaing allot down the tine atart, but the chancea are he'e toe her aerve, she birift a SO lead to the aoed from Italy, t-2, $-2, wMIc second set bMore Kolpto-Kllach top-aeedcd Martina Natratifora and held for the match on tour one who'll tire out," Lendl aald. Novacek errora, the finaf one a Lendl broke for a S8 lead to the brtow on an error and held serve on downed algtitfi-flceded Claudia a fonhand volley winner. Kotide-Kileffl of Weat Germany g-1, aervice return Into the net. second aet on an eyerhead back­ Top-SMdiNdl Ivsn Lpndf kftjpg his eyei on th« ball as ha M. Medr hM wen four teHrmnienta hand volley. He held for S8 to a Navratilova then held with a miAaa a raturn In hla match with Ecuadorian Andraa Wlten tfiey meet on Thuraday In tMa year. II wfll he Ma aecond game that went to deuce seven flying forehand volley and broke for the aemlflnala. It will be the 72nd Grand 81am aemifinal, having times, then held for the aet with a the victory on a croascourt Qomaz Tuaaday at tha Eranch Opan in Paris. Landl won time the Americana hare fdayed reached the final of the U.8. Open aervice winner. backhand. In four aata, 5*7,0>4,6-1,6-1, to advanca to tha aamlf Inala, each other. Navratilova teada the laat geptember before loalng to Gomea held juat once to toe third set and made more and more The performance confirmed aald the top-ranked woman, who la Evert had trouble getting started aerlea 97-M, and thia will be the firat Lendl to atralglrt aeta. Navratilova'a feelings after a time aince the U.8. Openof IM l that Lendl haa won juat one touma' errors, eapeeially seeking her first tournament vic­ against ReggI, who was pumped up groundstrokea. morning practice. tory of 1M7. ‘"nils is toe best 1 have for the opening match on Center In the fourth set, Lendl broke In “ Today’s practice was better felt tMa year.” Court. Sporte In Brief the fourth game and held for S i, than ever. I didn't miss a shot," MHS girls tune up BakBrs Nina Balkum, left, and Carol Murdock are Murdock works on a cake using the Australia Icing style. In which oo-ownera of Classic Cakes & Pastries, which opened thin strands of frosting are pulled away from the cake. Card show Mt for Sunday at filing t ■ on Woodland Street In December, A baaeball card ahow will be held Sunday at llllng Junior High from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. with aeveral card doalera to be on hand. with win In fina le Form er New York Yankee pitcher Frank "Spec" Shea will aign autographa from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Manchester High girls' track captaln Mindy Forde and Michelle C/ass/c Cakes S Pastries Refreahmenta will be available. Admlaalon la gl for adulta, 80 team tuned up for Saturday’s state Hornbostel also performed well for ceiita for atudenta. Proceeda will held to defray the coat of the Class L champlonahip, which will Manchester. llllng Junior High croaa country and baaketball Invltatlonala. j be held at Pete Wlgren Track, by iMM^Ifles! 1. Holdffl tM) :t4.a, 7. topping Rockville High, 87-80, Tues­ Burr (SI, 3. HornbMW (Ml. ■t day afternoon In the CCC East loot r Crux (MlTf3.1,2. Ktnnedv (R), MH8 tannit playort advanct 3. Poetoro (M). Division finale for both schools. t|50:1. Jprvfs (M)):38,3. Verden (R), Manchester bakers sweeten the GHO WEST HARTFORD - Mancheater Hlgh’a Debbie Bray In Manchester winds up 4-8 In dual 3. furklnafon (R). meet action, the Rams 8-4. 480 rMoy; t. MonefiMtSr (Heldm, alnglea and Paula Lacey*Jlll BM gInl In doubler came through In Poctero, Hornbostel, Crux) :M.I. flying colora In prelim action Tueaday at the C IA C gliia* atate The Class L championship Is 300 hurdles; 1. Burr (R) ;4S.S, 7. Odell By Andrew Yurkovsky shoestring, and the owners admit that any slated to begin Saturday at l;80 . ond Nancy Pappas expansion will be gradual. F o r example, they are Claaa L L tournament at Conard High. 3;i*.5,7. verdon (Rt, Bray turned back Stephanie Scribner of South WIndaor 8-1,8-2 p.m. Herald Reparters working with another local firm to ring out a line of Junior co-captaIn Kim Jarvis and while the Bogginl-Laeey tandem, the No. 8 aeed with their ISO * 'W 0 :T ir^ (M) ;37.l,3. PoetoralMI, gourmet ice cream cakes, using liqueurs or freshman standout Alexia Crux mark during the regular aeaeon, awept paat Fermla* Sheila comMned to win six events for *'^;"r!)orv/e (Ml 13:43.3,3. TurXIna- When Carol Murdock and Nina Balkum were chocolate mousse In the fillings. Boreki-Sharon Butterworth sa, SI. ton (R), 3. Porde (M) trying to get financial backing for Classic Cakes It Fortunately, some expansion can be done Mancheater. Jarvis won the 1800 1400 relay: 1. RoeXvIlIt 4:34.4. and 8200 while Crux copped the 100, Javelin: 1. AndersM (R| 133',3. Pvall Pastries, they found that lenders were less than without any financial outlay. The two women will 200 and long Jump and anchored the (Ml, 3. TurXInaten (Rl. enthusiastic about putting up money for such an begin offering cooking courses In the fall, covering jihet i)u1: (..Pvall (M) 30'eM", 3. Neff 8oee«r camp optnt on July 6 winning 4 X lOO-meter relay. (Rl, 3. Obue (M) enterprise. They were told to come back when they basic baking, pastry work, icing techniques and Val Holden won the lOO-meter DIscut; 1. Obue (MJ «3‘10", 3. Ander, had established a track record. more. The Mancheater Soccer Camp will be offering three weeka of sen (R), 3. Oreeler (R), Awatwio hurdles, Beth Cool took the 800, Five months after opening their wholesale Murdock and Balkum hope within five years to aummer aoccer atartlng July 8. The aeaalona, all at Martin Hldh lurno; 1. Otypuk (R) 4'S", 3. Shelllna Fyall won the shot put and Wenfxel (R), 3. Hornbostel (Ml, bakery at 88 Woodland St., business Is far better expand Classic Cakes from the prcMiit two-women School, are July sio , July 1S17 and July 2S84. The firat aeaaion la Alyahaba, with axarolaa ridar Joa Patalino aboard, goaa a Lons lump; 1. Crux (Ml uMiS'', 3. Karen Obue secured the discus for than they had projected. They hope to have sales of operation to one employing a total of about Six tor advanced boya, agea 1S17, the aecond aealon la for boya and mile and a half gallop at Balmont Park Tueaday In the Indians. Sprinter Colette Fac- Holden (M), 3. Wens (Rl. 4M;l. Aberle(Rl».3, 3.. McKone(R), about 1100,000 by the end of the year. workers. But they don’t want to get too large. girla. The third aeaaion la lor girla only, lor thoae agea S17. preparation for Baturday'a Balmont Stakaa. tore, hurdler Rachel Odell, co- 3. Wono (R). Blat Stlmac will be director of the camp with Joe ErardI and Both women, each with about 18 years’ ” I don’t want to get to the point where I ’m not Greg DeNlea aaalating. _ experience In the food business, believe Classic making the product any more,” Balkum said. "We Fo r further Information, call Sal Altrul at 84SS028 or ErardI at Cakes fills the need of smeller restaurants that want to do the baking.” 84saS28. Van Berg under gun Sugar Ray In on rescue cannot afford to hire their own pastry chefs. Much of what Balkum end Murdock do would be Besides offering a catalog line of 18 cheesecakes, extremely difficult to duplicate in a home environment. However, with care, their fruit WASHINGTON (AP) - A Spaulding that Leonard would more than 18 different tortes. 3 Hartford golftrs In NCAA field I in Triple Crown quest Washington, D.C. man who hod want Spaulding to tell them They also offer to make specialty baked goods for strudels may successfully be prepared in a home told police he would only reveal where the missing 18-month-old restaurants. kitchen. Murdock said. CO LU M B U S, Ohio - The Univeralty of Hartford men’s golf the whereabouts of a missing child was located. "These are signature desserts,” said Murdock Include Bet Twice, second In the team haa recelveil Its third straight bid to the N CAA Division I By Dick Joyce child If he talked to boxer Sugar Police said Spaulding then Derby and Preakness, Cryptoclear­ last week. "They are items we’ll never sell to any Appla-paar strudel championships to be held at Ohio State University on June 10-18. The Associated Press Ray Leonard was arraigned told them the only person he ance, Avies Copy, Shawkllt Won, other establishment.” Hartford la the only team repreienting District I (New Tuesday In D.C. Superior Court would talk to was Leonard. 1 pound phyllo leaves (see note below) NEW YORK — Johnny Campo’s Gulch, Leo Castelll and the other England). The five-man team representing the Hawks will be on charges of kidnapping. Here's a closeup of the Australia loing style. 1 Rome apple advice to Jack Van Berg Is to stay half of Stephens' entry. Police called the recently A L L ITE M B A R E delivered fresh dally. senior John Paraona, Junior Tim Petrovic from Glastonbury, Tony Spaulding was ar­ 1 McIntosh apple busy and get a good night's sleep. retired world middleweight "Space Is a big problem with restaurants, and If sohomore Jerome Kelly, senior Fred Hyatt and sophomore Dave Conqustarose. raigned before D.C. Superior lemon Before Van Berg, who trains " I respect them all," Van Berg champion and warned him they you stock up your refrigerator with pastries — If It at an expensive restaurant. Each took a new trademark — a flying eagle. Ounaa from Hebron, a RHAM High graduate. Court Commissioner Paul thought the suspect was under 2 large Bose pears AlySheba, Campo was the last said. "Anybody can upset you.” doesn’t sell — It sits there.” said Murdock, who second-place ribbon In statewide competition at the Last year, before the bakery was formally Hartford didn't make the cut after 84 holes a year ago. Parson, Bauxbaum and was being held the influence of drugs. Still, 2 teaspoons cinnamon trainer to bring a Kentuclw Derby But Van Berg, who trained 1984 doubles as the truck driver and delivery person. Connecticut Icing Artist show lest month. incorporated, Murdock and Balkum baked sheet Individually, had a 201 for 24th place. and Preakness winner to Belmont Preakness winner Gate Dancer, a on 18,000 bond. Leonard agreed to come. Vt cup granulated sugar District police said they were Although Classic Cakes caters mainly to the Balkum. one of the first women to graduate from cakes In the form of the American flag for the Park In quest of the Triple Crown. sixth-place finisher In the Belmont, Spaulding then led authorities Vt cup cake crumbs (not chocolate), briefly making no progress in the case wholesale market, about 20 percent of its sales are the prestigious Culinary Insititute of America In But, In the 1881 Belmont Stakes, his said, "Gate Dancer Is a great horse to a wooded area In southeast Greater Hartford Open. The red stripes were made toasted In oven Monday — until one officer ' 1 colt, Pleasant Colony, was denied and Alysheba Is a great horse." Washington, where the child — retail. The bakery is open to the public on Hyde Park, N.Y., specialises in cocoa painting. of thinly sliced strawberries. 1 stick unsalted butter, melted and slightly TPC to host otitbiity tournty noticed the suspect was wearing sweep, finishing third to Van Berg will face the same Alicia Washington — was found Saturdays. Murdock’s work employs a technique known as Impressed by their work, the O H O contracted cooled the a T-shirt with Leonard's picture CROMWELL - The Tournament Players Club of Connecticut Summing. problem with Alysheba that he did tied to a tree, but otherwise The two ere proud of their cake decorating. "Australia frosting,” with tiny, lacy bits of Icing with Murdock end Balkum to create this year’s on it. cup raisins, soaked In warm tap water " I beat the Fat Man,” Summing's with Gate Dancer and that Is New unharmed. They are not cake decorators but "Icing artists,” are pulled out from the main body of a cake. cake, which will duplicate the tournament poster. In Cromwell will host the first "W ay to Happiness' Police said an officer told tablespoons chopped pecans or walnuto, divided celebrity-amateur golf tournament Monday, Aug. 8. trainer, Luis Barrera, screamed York’s ban on the diuretic Lasix. the two say. The difference Is as vast as the One of the bakery’s recent Jobs was to bake sheet The tournament will help raise funds to be used as prises to after the race In which his horse difference between a short-order cook and the chef cakes marking Pratt It Whitney’s changeover to a SO F A R the bakery has been operating on a Please turn to page to schools who join the program to get drugs oft school grounds. beat Highland Blade by a neck. The event, which will be played as a scramble with a shotgun Pleasant Colony, the odds-on favor­ start at 9 a.m., Is open to anyone and will Include a celebrity In ite, was another IW lengths back. "The pressure builds up and every group. For more information, call John NowobllskI at Tallwood there’s a tot of demands from the media,” Campo said. "You have to Country Club at 848-3487. stay busy, so you'll get a good night's sleep. Jack can handle It." B«ngalB’ Ktn Andtrton ratlrat Van Berg, 80, has trained almost 8,000 winners, an all-time tho­ C IN C IN N A TI - Pete Brown, the Cincinnati Bengals' director roughbred record, but until recent of player personnel, noticed something special about quarter­ years many of his winners came back Ken Anderson long before he started shattering records from the claiming ranks In places with his pinpoint passing. such as Ak-Bar-Ben In Nebraska. Anderson, 38, who announced his retirement Tuesday after 18 A man who used to shun publicity. professional seasons, caught the Bengals’ attention as an Van Berg has handled the spotlight unheralded passer ot tiny Augustana College In Illinois. well. “ I got to take a bath and go w lr l "Pete found him,” said Paul Brown, the Bengals' founder and general manager. Along the way, Anderson nullt a legacy of downtown,” he said Tuesday morn­ ing after putting Alysheba through 9 efficiency and credentials that should earn him consideration for his routine. "Got to look good for the Hall of Fame. TV." The 8-foot-3, 212-pound quarterback completed BI.S percent of "Downtown" Is Manhattan, his career passes for 32,831 yards and IIT touchdowns with 180 where the 8-foot-2, 210-pound Van Interceptions. He was selected for the Pro Bowl five times and led erg, who grew up on a farm In the N F L In passing four times. Sebraska, wouldn't tread without a When he was on, the records tell. guide. He set an N F L record In 1881 by completing 70.8 percent of his " I couldn't find It by myself," he 8 passes, topping the previous mark of 70.8 percent by Sammy said. “ It would take me a day to find Baugh In 1037. It. I got a chauffeur coming." He connected on 00.1 percent of his attempts In a 1874 game Van Berg has met the demands against Pittsburgh for another N FL record. for T V and radio Interviews, Here's a sampling from Classic Cakes & PaatrlBB. heading Into Manhattan each day. But he said he has a tough time staying up to watch Ute T V RaldtrB* Ray Quy oalit It quita Interviewa. E L 8KQUNDO, Callt. — Rstf Guy of the Lea AngeleB Retdem, Ha Is at the bam each nwming one of the ttneet puntera In N P L history, haa decided the time has heforeBt 88 a.m. ^ , 7 Van B m will haven lot of money come tor him to retire from football. Guy, 87, was selected to the Pro Bowl eevea Umea daring a coming If Alyiihi^ 'to day's race In a probable field of 10 14-year career which beinn when he waa the first paater ever aelected In the first roand of the N F L draft. *‘Ch*?*884nllllan guamntee It Gay led the nation In panting aa a aealor at Boathem Alyaheba wlna. Van Berg flgurea to In i m and begaa hla proteealoaal career wlUi the ^ the standard 10 percent f t a ld e r e ^ fellewInB year. tmlner*B cot, 4180,m ^ ^ ^ A native of Bwalaabero, Ga., Guy waald Tueaday that back The eon of Alydar haa beaten proMema In recent yeara coatrlbated toA hla dedaleadedalea. every home In the ftoM e x ^ 1 ^ Photos by Reginald Pinto Guy, who waa aelected to the Pro Bowl la each of hla firat ala Gene Wato. trainer Woo<^ i ^ aeaaoas (IW...... B-Tt)...... and la IN K puatod l,M8tlnMe.. ‘ Unsee far 44,4M yards phana' hope for hla alath straight I Nina Balkum, co-owner of Classlo Cakes & Carol Murdock, co-owner of Classic Cakes & durlas hla carew, the fourth- and thtidddihad totals, ErtmSwn»dNawBagta a d ^p ^ rwaoectlvaly, la N P L hlatairy. Manasoa Jack, a teeant additlen to i Paatrlea^ shows one of the tart shells which she and Pastries, rolls one of her firm's popular pear-apple ' ^ i S l i t e U h o Bald laeapactadta her partner bake. strudels. lU m m A M BL

i i i s u m s loisl,fu(lgy ready In a few minutes WBvwnilp NRiQBW will W Th ilik before ■VrrW m§ MVXlSffr i#0l WIIV SIW ^vw^w^OT ^Hv wW^V wi vURv w OMMdfAdkMi you iatwp. a w ^ ». e«'p «fl-ff«« am BTtFwBW, R Cmff wWi^B|pPW ^wiOv#*-^«. - - (flli' A ------f f l i c l M H i UMng sand sherteidng, BglHfe RMT IMKWRbVt In grenseBottom and sfdesOTentglg ■V^ vlRp^r IIWIRf wT^vlRVI ^TCvf vs ^wCwIIHRPf. .Jn^V SOIHRbv ^Snl^Wf vll§“ ; llifgw Chufchifl 1 Meb glass dM. tfest ASM flMBBtftt/ CiHrtt. BfdWdffdd if# grewufsfed sugar. Pfeeenwrgaemd Bimpiv Cv fim#y M al-qnerf befferbowf...... Mferewisve WeAwiey; OrMB«*pf alMlIt, mtifMto aatad, ftaflaft takfeg ffeiM, so tiiaf browtdM oan tiraad, a^la ertap. Tm CWV for 1 mMuies, retotfeg dish once er Parmar Brown aon^, be ready Mr Josf ffittafes. twKftf dVnflB CfWRflTp. R/OwT DvTvTV Ob, (hero ore so iiUMvy vorfetfem cutting. Yields 14 brownies. flah, Chaddar-toppo^ potafoaa. of bosfe browniM, that tote of f edpiRgw atawad tomatoaa, pompamlckal eboiees ore ovaffobfe from bfonde ife w e g p frDMnfB piNMbif eiAB J hraad, atrawharry afiortcaka. to rich and chewy eboeofafe. Eoten I fStospiiMivr 1 eup krswn sugtr, puehed atone, frooted, or oe tba hooe for a Y4A of shrimp butter ar. to each dish. Spoon remaining By Martin Sloune Friday: Orange Juice, toasted Her adventures In travel began • ELBOW MACARONI when her husband and boys would sauce over the shrimp. Crumble the United Feature Syndicate Clip *n’ file rtfundt fS **K K R U cheeae aandwicn, salad, fudge Feta cheeae and scatter It over all. • SHELLS cookies. plan ski weekends. When working Mom came home, they’d all go Place In oven and bake 10 to IS DEAR MARTIN: On CBS some months ago,, "M Beverages (File 8) right up north. You learn to cook minutes until bubbling hot. Minutes" did a story on coupons. At one point, theneshow si iw a m s Bolton tohoolB quickly and prepare exciting food followed a dedicated coupon clipper through a Clip out this tile and keep It with similar cash-ott The following lunches will be so as not to rely on eating out all the •lufftd BlIloHollBt supermarket, where she used cuujiuns to purchase coupons - beverage refund offers with beverage |(onB u< . served at Bolton Elementary and time. several hundred dollars worth of groceries tor a coupons, (or example. Start collecting the needed Center schools the week of June I For 17 years, MIgllore was In the • medium nr 4 large nrtlchokee ridiculously small sum — less than |f0. proofs of purchase while looking (or the required through II; personnel department at Society I inMeepnens batter Like most men, 1 like to get In and out of the forms at the supermarket. In newspapers and Monday: Flah and cheese sand­ tor Savings In Hartford. Now, she’s 1 elove gnriie, emshed supermarket quickly, but t also give a high priority to magatlnes, and when trading with friends. Offers wich, french fries, com, cherry thinking of doing other things, like I links llnlinn sanenge, easing saving money, so 1 decided to follow the example of the may not be available In all areas of the country. owning a three-story home on the removed couponer on television. Allow 10 weeks to receive each refund. PASTA upside-down cake. 1 enp enft Italian bread emmbt t have had little success. Even If I shop where ■ #: Tnesdny: Juice, meatball ocean and offering e bed & W enn grated Italian ekeeee Thla offer doesn’t reqaire a refund formt WAHCHKJER 3 breakfast with a fixed-price menu. coupons are doubled, moot of the items end up costing grinder, cole slaw, chips, pudding 1 inbfeejHMn ebnpped parsley me a dollar. The best 1 have done so far la to go from a REALtME Free Coupon Otter, P.O. Box TMO, with topping. Until then, ahe’ll continue to travel gait nod pepper subtotal of 184.80 before coupons to a total of ISO.fe Clinton, lA 61786. Receive a coupon tor a free Wedn^nyt Cook’s choice. and enjoy cooking. 4 taMeipoane olive nil after they were doubled and deducted.. On that bottle of ReaLlme. Send two ReoLemon front- GRAHD OWHIHfe Hinradnyt Cook’s choice. "You can’t produce a good meal 4 laUeepenno white wine shopping trip, 1 had a coupon tor atmoat every Item—a label panels with your name, address, city, state Friday: Fruit Juice, meat and without good food,’’ warns Mlglt- end SIP code. Expires June 10,1087. ore, "and the simplest things are 4 inMespaons water total of 78 of them. Moat of the items were also on sale. cheeae plita, salad, fruited gelatin LemeuI [nice to•taste 1 limit with topping. the best things.’’ She shops In local Based on my experience, t estimated that to reach Theee oftere require refund forms: I Offe pER^'^^^^SSARY. supermarkets, but has e speclel Cut stalk from arUchokea, trim savings of 80 percent. I would have to make couponing DOLE Holiday l^nch Refund Offer. Receive * o - . . I CUSTOMER. OFFER fondness for Franklin Avenue in leaves. Hit artichoke on flat surface a futl-Ume Job. So how do theoe avid coupon clippers we two iB-cent Dole Refrigerated or Froien too B U « I A N D t u r n pik e RHAM high tehoolB see on television get their groceries almost tor free? Percent Juice coupons and one 60-cent coupon _^G00DTHRUJUN?M987. Hartford, noted tor Iti diveree and to spread leaves. Sprinkle with O.W., 9 The menu at RHAM Junior and authentic Italian foods. She has tun lemon Juice. Fill leaves and cavity good for Refrigerated or Froien Ptneappte BAST BRUNSWICK, N.J. senior high schools for Monday, cooking and reading up on new with the following stuffing; Orapefrult Juice. Send the required refund form June I, Is hot dog, baked beans, recipes. Melt butter, add garlic and and the Universal Product Code numbers written buttered pens end sliced pears. For "You can’t be afraid It might not sausage, and fry until sausage loses DEAR O.W.t I have a surprise for you. The "Coupon down from five ll-ounce trosen cans or three the rest of the week, the cooks will (Meens" who displaylay their______akllt on television londonotuse do not use •4-outtce refrigerated cartons of Dole Pineapple. work," MIgllore eeld of a Hnit-try ink color. Btlr in seasonlnns and the same coupons tniat you cut out of newspapert and choose the menus. effort. "But never try a new recipe gread crumbs. It too dry. add more Pineapple Orange, or Pineapple Orapefrult magailnesigaiines. Bo while you were trying your best to Julcee, along with the cash-register receipt. ■ 1026 Tolland Turnpike on lomeone you're trying to oil. Imitate them,. youyo_____ really______didn’t have ■^ enuice._____ Andovtr Utmtiilary inytresB." j nil artichokes. Heat oil In Expiree June M, INff. She suggests using friends tlreti caiierole, put In artichokes and fry They go on theirleir shopping sprees with Iree-gtree-product Ht-C II Refund Offer. Bend the required refund - Rt. 83 Gateway Plaza The roUowtng lunches will be coupons they receiveecelve to thetill mall “ after they ‘ s«send “ for form end II Unlvereal Produce Code symbols cut 8 served nt Andover Elementary they’re ueuelly more patient. She one to two minutes before adding manufacturers’manufacturera’ refund offers. AimAlmost half of ell refund from the side uenel of any Individual unit of Ml-C eleo euiieets reeding cookbooks wine and water. Cover and cook offersfere are for tree-product coupona, rather than cash.coah. 3377 Berlin Turnpike •chool the week of June • through end magatlnee on food, end teklng over tow beet until tender, about In tha Drink Box, along with the cash-register II; bits and pieces from each to create one hour. It liquid evaporates, add .But...... before you feel decetved,I.letm let me compliment you receipt (si wtthIt the purchase prices circled. Mendnyi Pancakes, sausage. a unique dish. more. ArUehokee may be served on a tremendous accomplishment. Saving almoat |M ExpiresIxpIrM JuneJu N, INT. Juice, njweseuce. on an BM grocery bill (and this alter the markdowna ROOti-AlD |l Refund Offer from Oeneral Foods Iboomyt Bacon burger, buttered Food ehould look good, the hot with melted butter or cold with from I hlng to sneeae at. In fact, you are Inslsta, at preparing a dlin la an art. vlniiiette. I specials) Is notnlna b Corporation. Bend the required refund form end potatoes, green beans, gingerbread "Artlenokoi aren’t beautiful," ebe going to receive this week’s Bmat tppInjiAward. A nine Unlvereal Product Code symbols from any with teppTng. cony of my book, ‘‘TheOutdetoCouponaan aboard a fast movan train. Michael Red- ducer John Reid 1 1 :3 6 P M CD Entertainment Tonight 5. M urder. She W role (R> CRS rava, Paul Lukas, Margaret Lockwood. (James Read), Actor Rob Lowe. (In Stereo) ABC f938. to return to their 6. W ho’s Th e floss'^ (R ) 1 1 :4 0 P M [M A X ] MOVIE; 'A view to CBS 5 : 0 0 P M ( i ) QD (8) (SH ® News con-artist ways, • Kitr (CC) James Bond hunta a msntac 7 .6 0 Minutes ...CD Three's Company in CBS's "Shell attempting to take over the world. Roger NBC Moore, Grace Jones, Christopher Walken. 8. Unsolved Mysteries ,QD IMagnum, P,l. Game," which 1986. Rated PG. (In Stereo) 9. Bob Hope Specials NBC dS Oimma a Break returns WEDNES­ NBC DAY. JUNE 3. 1 2 : 0 0 A M CD Teal 10. MoRy Orxid ® 8 C T V CD 8 Ask Dr. Ruth 18IM*A*8*H GD Star Trek Ratings pomis are the pcrcerii fliiDoetorWho CHECK IISTINGS OVERALL RATING For EXACT TIME 8 Tales of the Unexpected of 87 4 m ibon T V rtotiseTiolds. “ f i ) Chatlla's Angela Part 2 of 2. 8 MOVIE: 'Pickwioh Papers' Middle- shares are the percent of NBC CBS ABC A W A I « M T fMfi OortbA "Does the frequent flyer program count ' # Q u (n c y aged 'bumblers' take an adventure tour of housefiofcls wtfh sets on 14 0 12 0 10 8 u r f iii....- (B) Reporter 41 Britain. James Hayter, James Donald, Her- the mileage we walk to the plane?” mione Gingold 1962 Rerun IB) MaoNall / Lehrer Nawshour house and become Involvad with their (2D Conaumer Discount Netwotit f S Fame (60 min.) Seata (C C ) Photographers Tony and Liz APgriphfe THI am zzwiut- by I tohorr Bomford reveal the lives of two species of wealthy, famous and glamorous neigh­ (S) Alfred Hitchcock Pretenta T (D I8 ] MOVIE: 'The Love Bug' Looking bors. WiHism Atherton, Susan Dey, Kim seal found In the Outer Hebrides off Scot- Si) HoHywood and the Stara ■’.(or a new owner, a Volkswagen with hu­ Isnd's coast. (60 min.) (R) Novak. 1983. Part 1 of 2. "W- man qualities chooses a former race driver [C N N ] Nawanight ( 8 MOVIE: 'Como Naxt Spring' An A r­ and his girlfriend. Deen Jones, Michele 9:30PM 8 8 Easy Street An accu­ [ESPN] French Open Recap m kansas man returns home to his family af­ mulation of personal crises. Including Bul­ A Nowipapor in EducMoa ProBram "Lee, Buddy Hscketl. 1969. Rated G. Tm? ter wandering for eight years. Ann ly's hospItaNzatlon, has L.K. grasping for [U SA ] Dragnet | 4poiiittr*i1 by [M A X ] MOVIE: The Bedford Incident' Sheridan, Steve Cochran, Walter Brennan The Quiz An American destroyer that comes In con- control of her stress. (R) (In Stereo) 1 2 k 0 5 A M d D Addarty Adderly tries to V 1955. The Manchester Herald fc-j . tact with a foreign submarine finds Ittetf In 1 0:00PM ( I ) The Equalizer (60 min.) locate the kidnapped mistress of a Belgian the center of a fateful controversy. Richard 8 MOVIE: 'Villa Rides)' An American (R) trade emissary (70 min.) (R) Widmark, Sidney Poltler, Martin Balsam. gunrunner. With the use ol Ws plane, aids 8 [C N N ] News 1 2 : 3 0 A M w k r p in CIncInrtatl woridsGope (10 polnie for ooch quoatlon ■nawfod eorroelty) '1965 Villa in hla fight against Mexico's revolu­ CE) GD CD TNiPHMrrOM by lee M b* by ■any tionary forces. Yul Brynner, Robert Mit- ® ) Arthur Hallay's Hotel (C C) Con­ Nightlife (In Stereo) \' [U SA ] Cartoons CE) CD chum, Charles Bronson. 1968. cierge Elizabeth Bradshaw Is assaulted by 8 PTL Club PIP NOreTBUL YOUR CKTJIM* a man she met in the hotel bar and a man is ,6 :3 0 P M (X) ® Too Close for Comfort GD Novala: La Gloris y al Inflerno , 8 8 Late Night with David Letterman ,C C ® ABC Naws(CC) swept off his feet by an heiress already 8 Survival Special: Wild Seas. Wild engaged to another man. (60 min.) (R) (R) {In Stereo) GD Benton Saala (C C ) Photographers Tony and Liz 8 Alfred Hitchcock Presante CNIBFb<« PLM bE. Bonif ord reveal the lives of two species ol CD Benny Hill . r r n K f (3) Best of Saturday Night seal found in the Outer Hebrides off Scot­ 8 Mission ImpossIWa 8 Dating Game CS) (SD NBC Newt land's coash (60 min.) 8 Wild, Wild West GD Gene Scott JS) Nightly Butlnats Report ® MOVIE: 'Lady of the House' This 8 8 NBC News Report on Ameriea: [ESPN] PBA Seniors Bowling: Show- CArrAIN lA S Y >!1)y Craehs AI ® Notlolaro Univltlon story Is based of the life of Sally Stanford, Life In the Fat Lana (CC) Connie Chung boat Invitational From Las Vegas (90 the famed San Francisco madam who later rhin.) (Taped) J m.JCNN] Bhowbli Today reports on America's obsession with I'M NO PVROl became the mayor of a woahhy Bay area weight loss Including the million dollar In­ [U SA ] Edge of Night • ,.[H B 0 ] MOVIE: 'Something Wicked suburb. Dyan Cannon. Armand Assante, dustry It supports, weight gain and loss i This Way Comet' A stranger brings his Susan Tyroll. 1978. truths, psychological obstacles and the fu­ 12:35AM [HBO] m o v ie : 'Ufaforca' s ' carnival to a small mid-western town and [C N N ] PrimeNsws ture generation of overweight children. (60 When astronauts send lifelike humanoids f ' "seduces the townspeople Iw futflWng their min.) from tira interior of Halley's Comet down «. >. dreamt and desires. Jason Robardt, Jona- [D IS] Ediaon Twins to earth for examination, the creatures i than Pryca, Royal Dano. 1983. Rated PG. [ESPN] Coltsgs Baseball: World Ser­ 8 Norfolk Chamber Music Festival break loose, causing mass chaos. Steve [ (In Stereo) ies. Qams 10 From Omaha, Neb (3 hrs , GD Muy Especial Railsback, Peter Firth. 1985 Rated R. (In Stereo) t,7:00P M (X) CBB Newt 30 min.) (Live) ® There Were Times, Deer Shirley [H B O ] MOVIE; 'Flash Gordon' Flash Jones and Len Csriou star In this drama (X) lai iH) M'A'B'H 1 : 0 0 A M CI3 Archie Bunker's Piece fights to save Earth from Ming the Merci­ depicting the problems associated with Al U.S. D«len»« Secreiary Caspar Weinbergerp left* UHii lo hit oldct • ■ > Pyramid Max Von Sydow 1980 Rated PG the burden of making decisions for her fa­ GD Joe Franklin mily after her husband Is diagnosed as suf­ Weinberger recently saW that Pertlan Cytf natlom thouM i OS Jaffarsons (CC). [M A X ] MOVIE; Fall Safe' (CC) A nrahl (H) Twilight marish situation develops when a SAC fering from a degenerative nervous system (CHOOSE ONE: defend Itie CuN fbemtclyc*, provide bate* lor : O l Caraon'a Comedy Clatsics disease Cynthia Ellbacher and Dana Elcar ® Maude Part 1 of 3. plane Is mistakenly ordered to bomb Mos­ American aircraft palraDbig the CuH). (S ) Wheal of Fortune cow. Henry Fonda, Walter Matthau, Dan co-star. (60 min ) [CN N ] Crossfire Women of the World: Women In [DIS] MOVIE; The Student Prince' IS ) MacNell / Lahrar Nawshour O'Herlihy 1964 GD 2 The Soirlel Union ha> flopped [U S A ] Riptide Sports and Adventure Profiles Include While studying at Heidelberg University, a Matchwards " 'IS ) Barney MIHar U.S. Air Force flight Instructor Sheila prince falls in love with a common bar­ jamming Voice of America radio (2 pelnl* for ooeft corroci match) Benny Hill 8 : 3 0 P M Columbo O'Grady, Australian undersea photogra­ maid Anne Blylh, Edmund Purdom, John (X) broadcaftf for the flrsl lime tIrKe 1- ]am o-lemporary ' GB) HoNywood Squares (XI 8 Head of the Class (CC) Charlie pher Valerie Taylor. Canadian track-and- Encson. 1954 Rated G. (CHO O SE O NE: 1940, 1943), assigns the class to trace their family field high jumper Debbie Brill and British [TM C ] MOVIE: The Sandpiper' An ar­ 8D Novela: Curia da Lobos equestrian Lucinda Green. Host: Chris Ev­ when heavy jamming coincided roots. (R) tist falls in love with the headmaster of a 2- colnclde b-*elze power ',„ IB ) Nightly Butitiast Report ert Lloyd. (60 min.) CE) 91,000,000 Chance of a Ufstime boys’ school Elizabeth Taylor. Richard with the rite ol Solidarity in '...fSFanauy [H BO ] Down and Out in America Inter­ Burton, Eva Marie Saint. 1965 [D I8] Danger Bay (CC) An adventurer PoUnd. 3- lrameC-lhworl tC N N ] Monaylina views with farmers, unemployed factory [U S A ] Search for Tomorrow goes on a treasure hunt, hoping to raise workers, divorced mothers and the urban 3 Many people were ihocked when .. .(T M C ] MOVIE: 'Ehrit on Tour' A behind enough money to buy new aquarium homeless provide insight into the financial 1 : 1 5 A M CD MOVIE: Bud and Lou' (CHOOSE ONE: hraeTt, France’*) 4- coup d-fcheme agabwl , the-scenes look at the preparation of El- equipment plight ol many Americans Narrated by Lee While bringing laughter to millionB of fans. ' vis's night club set and his performance on Supreme Court recently ruled 9 ; 0 0 P M (E) Shall Oama While eluding Grant (80 min.) Bud Abbott and Lou Costello faced rhany ! tour Elvis Presley 1972 Rated G. (In off-screen challenges Harvey Korman. that a loyal Modem army officer 5- tnierim e-ogrec txrllh I . . Stereo) her latest scam victim, Jennie finds herself [M A X ] MOVIE: 'Dr. Strangalove' In this In the middle ol her ex-husband's latest satire on cold war politics, psychotic Buddy Hackett. Michele Lee 1978 (R) had been framed by that nallon’i [U S A ] Alrwolf 160 min ) television production (60 min.) (R) General Jack D Ripper Initiates a nuclear 1 : 3 0 A M (X) Get Smart dometllc InleMIgence tervke. attack on Russia Peter Sellers, George C i '.7;30P M (X) PM Magailna (D 8 MacGyver (CC) A plane crash QD IN N News (* point, lor oaeh corroci ontwor) forces MacGyver and four probationers to Scott, Sterling Hayden 1964 4 According lo financial ditcloHire ' ' (X) Currant Affair Bizarre rough It in a rugged mountain area (60 1 QD Major Lssgus Baseball: documcnii, former Delaware 1 A manufcrlpl by (CHOOSE ONE ' ( I ) (8) Jaopardyl (CC) 0:30PM [C N N ] Newsnight Update min ) (R) New York Mats at Los Angelas Dodgers Governor Pierre Du Pont It the Mozart, Bach) containing nine *ym- fX ) Entertainment Tonight Actor Rob (T ) Just the Facts A retrospective ol the (2 hrs , 30 min ) (Live) [U S A ] MOVIE: Throw Out the Anchor’ phonte* wrHien In Hie 177B* zdnMMl Lowe An unemployed widower takes his child­ weahhieilParty prefidenllal "Dragnet " TV series focusing on the GD 8 INN News entirely in Hie compoaer'* own hand ; - GD INN News show's leading police officer, Sgl Joe Fri­ ren on a Florida vacation Dina Merrill, Ri­ candidate while Bruce Babbitt h 8 Honeymooners wa* *oM al Solheby’* recently for S4.39 GD Odd Couple day, played by Jack Webb Dan Aykroyd chard Egan 1975 the weallMetl - I - Patty condhiale. and Tom Hanks, who star in the new GD Noticisro Univlalon 1:55AM [MAX] m o v ie : 'Lov* CIr- mlWon. (8) 8 ) Barney Millar "Dragnet" movie, are the hosts lor this 1 1 :00PM ( I ) CD 8 8 ® News cles’ Playboy spins the world in '80 ways' 5 In a furvey ol 403 chief executive (H) Carson's Comedy Classics special. (60 min.) as men and women follow their quest for offkert, (CHOOSE ONE: Adania, 2 Current U.S. Secretary of Labor 8 8 Night Court Harry inadvertently CD GD Lets Show (In Stereo) former Virginia governor Charle* Robb * ( 8 ® Nawlywed Game love from France to Italy to the United Georgia, Botlon, Matfachuieltf) ' (B) Wild, Wild World of Animals becomes engaged to a South Pacific prin­ GD Odd Couple States Marie France. Lisa Allison. 1964 and *even other* were recently named Rated NR. war choten ai Ihe be*l U.S, cily [C N N ] Crossflre cess (R| 8 Police Story “role model" father* by Ihe National 3 8 Theatre In Connecticut; Shekes- In which lo locale a builneu. 8 Hogan's Heroes 2 : 0 0 A M CD MOVIE: Qo Naked in the 5 :0 0 P M ( C New Mika Hammer (6C peere's Love Scenes Falher** Day Committee. .'w 8 Motorweek W orld' A young man, fresh out of the min.) (R) GD Novels: Ese Muchacha ds OJos Cafe Army, meets and falls in love with a lady of 8 Tales of the Unexpected 3 Mr. T ol "The A-Team” ha* been In (T ) Koch on Call ® Fighting Terrorism; Inside the Ne- easy virtue, but a heart of gold Anthony trouble with hi* neighbor* recenHy lor 8 M^A'S'-H Franciosa, Gina Lollobrigida, Ernest Borg- '' "(1) ® Perfect Strangers (C C ) Balk! falls tionsi Security Council House Armed clearing tree* oil of hh Lake Foretl In love with a sweet-talking woman (R) Services Committee Chairman Les Aspin GD PELICULA: 'Caballo Prieto Afa- nine. 1961. Nawsname property. He *ay* (CHOOSE ONEt Ihe CE) News (D-Wls ) Is among the participants enact­ medo' J Miranda. A. 2armeno, A Tovar C£) MOVIE: 'Barracuda' A student tries (1* poinit II you can Idanllly Ihit ing key roles In this simulated White House ® BCTV to discover why the citizens in a Florida tree* are dhearml, he’* allergic lo Ihe GD MOVIE; 'Hunters Are for Killing' A National Security council session Illustrat­ town develop hypertension and the fish in paraon In Ih# naarf) three diamond tricks plus the spade former high school football star, wrong­ [C N N ] Moneyllns tree*). ing the formulation ol American policy in the waters surrounding the town exhibit a A jury recently ac- queen, look what happened as the fully Imprisoned for manslaughter, returns response to a mock nuclear terrorist ac­ [DIS] Bast of Oziie and Harriet strange behavior Wayne David Crawford, NORTH 4-M7 It looks like four quilled me ol all 4 Al Un*er recenHy won Ihe IndlanapoU* crossniff proceeded. South neat " to claim his rightful share of his family's tion Host Bill Kurils (60 min ) Jason Evers. 1978 ♦ J948 ' estate Burt Reynolds. Suzanne Pleshette, [H BO ] MOVIE: Hard Choices' After be S04, becoming Ihe (CHOOSE ONEt played A-K of hearts and ruffed a coming emotionally involved with a teen­ fraud and grand lar­ b s s but It’s only three > . Martin Balsam. 1970. [C N N ] Larry King Uve QD Twilight Zone heart In dummy as West discarded a ^ ------WASM'T age client lacing life imprisonment, a soda' ceny charge* alter | youngeil, olde*l) driver lo win Amer­ ♦ J74 1 G1 MOVIE; 'Think Dirty' An ad esecutlve [DiS] MOVIE: 'Kiss Me Kata' This muai [ESPN] Winner's Circle Horae Racing club. Another club was ruffed and worker in Tennessee helps the boy es­ Magazine an eighl-monlh trial ica’* grealefl automobile race. ♦ Aiei By JAmes Jacoby IJU 6 T \l'MP0UeUN& • . discovert a sexy new T V star right in his cal version of Shakespeare's The Taming cape Margaret Klenck, Gary McCleery. South led his last heart. West could not of the Shrew finds the stars battling as in New ViHk. Who HERE.,. TAUClMfr p ' own household. Shelley Berman. Marly John Seitz 1986 Rated NR 2:20AM [HBO] m o v ie : out of Con 5 Former (CHOOSE ONE: LA. Raider*. BAST When South made a game-try of afford to ruff (declarer would simply Y ’ Ftlldman. Judy Cornwell. 1978. much oH stage as on Kathryn Grayson. trol' Tw o high school seniors graduate to am I and whal cab­ [TM C ] MOVIE: Fire with Fire' A couple Green Bay Pocket*) wide receiver lame* ♦ Q107 ♦ 5 let a diamond go from dummy), so he Howard Keel. Ann Miller 1953 terror after their matriculation. Martin Hew­ three hearts, North was oMImlstlc to I MOVIE: 'The Out-of-Towners' A of kids from different backgrounds meet inet pofHion did b i o s bqj874 Vl [T M C ] MOVIE: 'Men In the Wilder itt. Betsy Russell. 1985. Rated R. LoHen wa* recenHy found nol guilty ol catapult to tour spades. But he had discarded a diamond. The heart was ■ man and his wile on a trip to New York are briefly by chance in the woods and embark oiKe hoMI ♦ K l l ♦ AQ8S ..beset by every disaster Including strikes, ness' A wilderness scout. In the Nor­ *eciNid-degree *eiual a**aull. confidence In hla partner's declarer ruffed In dummy and declarer ruffed thwest Territory of 1820. is mauled by a on a path that will change their lives for­ 2 : 3 0 A M ® Twilight Zone ♦ KQ1043 ♦ J76 I storms, looters, robbers and demonstra- ever Virginia Madsen, Craig Sheffer. Kale akills. Let’s see how that confidence another club with his last trump. He • '(o fs. Jack Lemmon, Sandy Dennis. 1970. grizzly bear and left to die Richard Harris. [C N N ] Sportx luetenlght YOUR SCORE: *1 to 100 point* — TOP BCORE: now had 10 tricks and the defenders r a |i « K John Huston, Henry Wilcoxon 1971 Reid 1986. Rated PG-13 *1 lo *0*^polnl* — Eacollonl. 71 lo tO point* — Oood. 4t-T0 point* - -Fair. SOUTH was Justified. ! (B) (8) Highway to Heaven (CC) When [ESPN] SporltCanter ♦ AK881 were left to divide the last three tricks 7 Rated PG. [U SA ] Alfred Hitchcock Hour It West had been clairvoyant, he • Mark wins SB million, he and Jonathan be­ 2 : 3 5 A M CD NIghtwatch * Knowtodg* Unllmitod, Inc. 61-S7______bAKII would have led diamonds. The defense between their high diamonds and the come the targets of con artists. (60 min.) [U S A ] MOVIE: 'Malibu' A midwestern 11 :30PM CD 8 NIghtllne (CC) couple's perspectives on life end love are ♦ 10 81 would quickly take three diamond queen of spades. '. (R) (In Stereo) GD Honeymooners 3 : 0 0 A M 8 m o v ie : 'Docks of Naw tested when they rent a Malibu beach Orissna' Charlie Chan is confronted by the b B tricks and wait to take the setting lo /rf / ) ( 8 Butvlval Special: Wild Seas, Wild mysterious deaths of three men who ANSWERS TO THE QUIZ Vulnerable; Eaat-West trick In siiades. Since he was looking A new book by James Jacoby and his shared a secret chemical formula Noland Dealer: South only at hu own cards, he led the club father, the late Oswald Jacoby, Is now Winters. Virginia Dale. Mantan Moreland. uagMg 4vg UMJ9-S !|*ap|o-* l*aoi| eqi o| PRANK AND IRNRBT Boh rhovo* king. * ^ 1 gave South his chance. available at bookstores. It Is "Jacoby 1948 *,aq-t !<1>oig ui(||HM-t iuiaow i >lHOniHOdS/H3iVM]1dOM Wo*t North Boat Bobia on Card Oames,"published by Pharos [CN N ] Nawa Ovsmight The unthinking declarer would win »-S !q-9 ip-C ■>-{ !>-l ISGIIOMH3LVIN 14 Cinema [DIS] MOVIE: 'Klaa Ma Kata' This musi­ the club ace and Immediately play A- Books. lo q ti |o AjtiazMS ‘ueaouoa puouiScR tJINVNSMlN P ui 14 Paa* IV K of spades. He would then have no cal version of Shskespeare's The Taming 44 PiM Pm * way to make 10 tricks. Instead, at of the Shrew finds the stara battling as p*** 12:30, 2:45, 5:05, 7:25, *:55. — Beverly much off stage as on Kathryn Grayson, t|Ut||vs !J(l»iJoui»a 'utJ||qnd*g-» f*jaei*|-t iBBSL-Z f||t»0 trick two today’s South played a club ^ .ElIw m ScH T— Hollywood Shuffle (R) HllltCoplI (R)ontwofcreens; 1,2,3,4, ^ e ? S ? — Gordon* of Stone (R) 7; 10, Howard Keel. Ann Miller 1953 The Caribbean nation of Saint Lu­ *;30. — Prolect X (PO) 7, 9:15. ■uiROJird ||ciii|t utJiJOUiv zoj aaaeq *p|xoid-i i]403SaillOM Opening lead; 4 K from dummy and trumped It. Then — Rrlek Op Your Bor* (R> 5, 4, 7; IS, 0; 15, t; 15,10:15. — Creepihow [ESPN] Collage Bataball; Worid Sarias came A-K of spades. Although It ap­ cia was granted Independence from iiso, tiS! - Gothic (R) 7;0S, *:4S.- 2 (R) 1:45, 3:45, 5:30, 1:05, 10:10. — (2 hrs . 30 min I (R| Great Britain on Feb. 22, 1979. Braett Ooei to Comp (P G ) 4:40. *:10. Summer Heat (R) 1:45, 3:45, 5:35, 0, 10. peared that the defenders would get — Platoon (R) 7:15, 0:45. — TMe WRST HARTPORD „ [TM C ] MOVIE: American Ninja' Sta­ Untouchable* (R) 12:D , 2:50, 5:05, 7:35, ■1m lS 2 — ProlectX(PO)7,*:30.— tioned in the Philippines, a Gl takes on nin|a ■ntwBftolNrt^^lRenM X 10. Tin Men (R) 7, 9:30. >- warriors to wipe out a corrupt weapons dealer. Michael Dudikoff. Steve James. 1WILLIMANTIC 1985 Rated R Polly's Pointoro pH ; w N sH K IaU l — * I'SMJW# on U.A. The Cinema* — Schedule uncYOlloble. 3:30AM [USA] m o v ie . VandatU' A beautiful woman seeks revenge for her 9 DRIVB-INB father's murder George Dolenz, Faith Do- Police Acodemy IV; CIHien* on Potrol Mwnfletd — Reopen* Pridoy. mergue 1950 Paeb the eraage pieces la freeser ways worked for me. — Q.M.M. r S , 4:4S. 7:4), 10:15. — Ishtor (PG-1J) (PO) 7:20, f ;20. Freeze oranges eoatalaera aad caver witb the syrup la wblcb you’ve added H teaspeea DEAR POLLY — If you have an in a syrup pack aaeorble acid per quart el syrap. Seal, automatic-drip coffee maker, la M aad freeie. use It to make tea. I place tea h u b in the receptacle for the ground coffee, By Pally Flaber I’m eandlag yea a copy of n » aewa- rTL'TTENTION; Retirees / Housewives lettar “PreoBlag Prulte and Vegeta- then ado three cups water for each DEAR POLLY - I’ve froaeo Mae,” wbkb gives diroctlaas for tea bag used and brew u for coffee. 8 freailM all the popular frulle and DeUclousI - V.S. JUST A FEW HOURS •tnwbanlaa, rhubarb and peaebaa, Polly wlUaeadyoua PiOly Dollar but nan you tn e n oraaiea, V m T Wo vofMibtos, Incladkg the varloas w on given a buabel ei oranMa that I ■naar and Byrup packs for fruits, ( i l l It she uses yoiir favorite Pointer, Peeve or Problem In her column. OF YOUR TIME... oaa*t UN taM oaoujiA- - tiT— ■“-g ttanae far vegBtable^ geu- oral preceduree and spBoUlc UpajM WrttePfXXYV POINTERS In care of DBAB B.Q. — Omngea can be tre- of ------thk newspaper. Can give you unlimited ^ a h o i f s e ■an. ■•re’B the preeeBnre. weuli like a copy of this iaaue snaaia Wnsb, p ^ , aeetten and reeseve all sand SIH far iaan copy to P O L L W Oldest object ‘ ' earning potential!! ------M i Mois. OnageB P O IN tB lII, la can o iLlhls.n o w ^ 7 fiMna baa in a aynn pneb, ■■ pm- r, P.O. Baa M M I, Oevaland, The portrait of George Washington pn w a madInBBiyfupiCombine Icipa C l b l - U U . to todade the tt- by Gilbert Stuart, which hangs In the Set your own hours m iu nub 4 cona wnlar la a pan. B e .-P O L L Y B u t Room, la the oldest Item In the and earn extra White Hou m . Brought to the execu- DEAR POLLY — Hare’s my secret Uve mansion In 1400, it w u uved by income while working lew in eeel eeSWely. (Le h w m i^ tor HOMS unoy wiannovs Hnor Dolly Madiaon when she fled W i^ - from home. Work at ta loMiamlad In a awraroi akin. I rub iqaatard evenly over the Ington from British troops In the War Pridap A Satardap • StOO p.m. of 1412. your own pace on a riaraavaralwaabaj This has al- Nay 29 - 30 June 5 • 6 schedule that’s Bbtt Catholic High School AadHorium' tailor-made for you. Oonaral Adwl*«lon: BB.00 WOW. m KNOW.. auffig Call Jeanne or Susan at 6 4 7 - 9 9 4 6 today Bludint* a Bonlor CMnn*; 4S.00 and begin the perfect job • •bout CiMtifitd Advtrtiting. 2711 C.WA. .VJS-SSOS f)i- (il7-5)S2 1 A. MANCHMOTER HEBAtP. Wcdiwedav. June $. 1007 - if MAWcH«tmmaiAii>.jr« Computers compromise sensitive, strategic information REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITIES lodi alM helps." w ar* ' Yea wouMn't says BtoomBecker, prosecuting criminals. Industrial spiea or overly eager "It will deter amateur white- Investigators, their aMlIty to Kenny, chief operating ofllcwjsi IMV* four m»- But, he adds. It Is very expensive Racal-Mllgo, a data co n n m in l^; M)r In a bank to let the criminal be the one to collar criminals and encourage gather Information inside an Mec- businesses to establish cedes of tronlc system — and the Informa­ tlons company that pnwuceed m , r that laft ita discover the risk In a system. encrypters, irtileh prevent unauth-; darks eamptata Potential electronic targets In­ conduct for employees," accordliw tion HaeH — could prove embar- ortmd viewers from gaining acceea; to testimony by Doim B. Parker, a rassliW to a company or individual, REAL — No Photo Available — frsatfnn to alter Bi/Mm clude the Integrity of public and to Information. ESTATE THIS WEEK jrour aeconnt. private records that affect the senior management consultant and no matter what the subsequent As a Jobbolder, privacy and future of most cHisens. adviser to the Houae Judiciary prosecution. OTHER PROTECTIVE solotipna I According to BloomBecker, featuring: you may be Porter They Include; credit, school and Subcommittee on Crime. Inclode; scramMIng devlcer, elec-. Before you paint yourself V ernon equally picky Insurance records, business Inven­ ’The Computer Fraud and Abuse neitber thoae laws nor moat state tronhj fingerprint and signature; Act extends the 1N4 federal compu­ computer laws explicitly say that about wfio goes tories, payrolls, national security- verification. ^ ^ ; For your new home — through your related information, health and ter crime law. It makes It a federal the owner of data has to Indicate to guestlon; But can the true hacker, potential users that they need into a comei^ call us. files In the welfare records, electronic fund felony to braak electronically into or desperate data-tapper break the; Let us custom build, for you, office. transfers and other financial an Information storage system to authoriutlon to access certain parts of the computer. And If there oxles? . : Yet sensitive, strategic Informa­ Becker, director of the National Information. steal, alter or maliciously damage Answer: There always will h e . tion — Mlllons of dollars and many Center for Computer Crime Data, Actually, billions of dollars are computer data, when the data are no such stated authorisation smarter rats and the need for better. Call your neighborhood . any other. Give us a call on this one acre plus lot, a affect Interstate or foreign com­ limlU, it will be harder for victims of your personal records — Iseaslly this kind of crime can affect stolen yearly through manipulation traps. CENTURY 21® office. We're today, enough accessed and compromised virtually all of us — as employees, of electronically transferred dol­ merce. *11110 would cover such Items to prosecute computer frauds, he contemporary or traditional as credit and banking information. In electronic vaults. In computers, managers or consumers. lars. The FBI estimates the aver­ notM- "Sylvia Porter’s New Money; part of the real estate system valuable electronically transferra- age take for today’s computer The other bill, the Electronic Expensive and time-consuming type home, 3-4 bedrooms, Communications Privacy Act, es­ (even If unsuccessful) suits by, Book for the ’Ms," 1,»B pages o f; that sells more homes than Me Information remains vulnera­ WE HAVE hfOBT of the technol­ bandit at |4M,0M, with the "per­ down-to-earth advice on personal ^ sonal computer-wielding Billy the sentially updates the 1MB voice- stockholders against companies for ble to theft, vandalism and unauth­ ogy available to stop such crime, loss of unprotected data are possi­ money management. Is available ^ 2 V2 baths, fireplace, family orised use. but the Issue is political and social. Kid" more often a disgruntled oriented federal wiretap Mil, ex­ through her column. Send M.H phis; Congress and state legislatures For this reason. It Is difficult to get employee than the high school tending "datatapplng" coverage to ble In the foreseeable future. The Put Number 1 to utbrfi for you.* such technologies as electronic basis for these suits: An asset as II for mailing and handling to^ room, 2 car garage, all for have begun passing laws prohlMt- management to believe It is neces­ hacker. "Sylvia Porter’s New Money Book j, Ing the criminal activity of this mall, cellular phones and compu­ important as Information should be sary to prepare. terised paging devices — technolo­ protected. Just like Inventory or the for the ’Ms," in care of th ej just a little over *220,000. j Information Age. But a wiser "It’s like driving In twilight; How IN OCTOBER IfM. Congress Manchester Herald, P.O. Box > precaution: The information dark does It get before you put the passed two bills that even a gies already used by more than 10 physical plant. million Amertcans. "Laws exist to protect ho­ 41B1M, Kansas City, Mo. M M l.;. should be better protected in the car lights on? Many Information supporter said would be more Make checks payaMe to Andrews, Onlur Call us. valuable "In establishing cominiter meowners and banks against first place. managers wait to get hit before iMibers and thieves, but a strong McMeel li Parker. According to J.J. Buck Bloom- they put in a protective system," crime as a serious offense" than in WHETHER THE interlopers are l l T-l EPSTilN REALTY S43 N. MMn ttinet, Manoheeter, CT U&R REALTY CO. Advice 647-4 M8 Who Eats What ) 1986 Century 21 Reel Estate Corporation as trustee for the NAF. ® and**— trademarks 6 4 3 - Z S 9 2 of Century 21 Real Estate Corporation. Equal Housing Opportunity Ch Robert D. Murdock, Realtor Food haMts In salactad countries EACH OFFICE IS INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED. j Butter Sugar IS in % *

4t- chimes with untimely ManetiMter *123,fOO D.W.HSH N Ml mi:: Comm»relal-ln¥»9tm»nl Company / Charming oMsr six room homa with 1 enty of money ' 2 oar dslaetwd garaga. Updatad DEAR kHohan wtlh larga aating araa, 2 full FO R S A L E ABBY: In refer­ and if I wanted a quilt, I would buya '• batha, 3 larga badrooms. Oak EL'NGTN 5.000 SOLDS U L U . 1 4AC. stu.soo new one — 1 wouldn't' steal la i VEffliON 6.5 AC. GEN. IND. KIM,. mm ■■■ ence to "Hates woodwork g MlHlns throughout. Ding-a-LIngs" 50-year-old quilt that might dlslnl^ ; Lovaty traad backyard with grapa VERNON 12 AC. IND. (WILL - ) tOIM. — the lady who grate any minute. * ' arbor and foneing. Graat looallon. STAFFORD 6.004 S.F. IND. BLDG. 135.040 Shall I see my attorney aboBt ; VERNON 25.000 S.F. mo. BLDG. 291.000 hates wind Dear Abby Inal Hartford •hart Mpanaaa *1M,N0 awbawMWA chimes — I suing her for slander and defam|- ; WNh your Mnani In this wall kapi 2 tamNy homa. euper mrpe rveins Hg4.«00 VERNON 2.000 S.F. OFF. BLDG. 210.000 would like to Abigail Van Buren tion of character? Or should 1 see ; ia c h unN with 2 badmoma. Oomptalsty saparata Highlight Uric bsautthH 6 room colonial 14 x 23 firaplaead VERNON OFFICE t 4 APTS. 1B9.500 swap places her minister and ask him to tell her ^ utllltlaa. Prom porchas, walk-up attic with Hwng room,lom, ddkili M n g room end 13 x 30 flraptaocd, pai OTHER APARTMENT BLOGS (UNITS) 2-145 that a person can go to hell for lying, posdbMlilas'for third aparimam. Ntoa doop lot, 2 oar wtlh ippllincci end bw window. 14 x 20 n Cheese with her. ti. Soroanod porch. Profccoionally Icndccapcd lot. FO R L E A S E (R-Relail, O Of(ice) I live within same as stealing? — Oarage. E. HTFD (BURNSlOE) 360-5,000 S.F./0 O.OO/S.F. Have you any suggestions as to ^ Manditster *198,000 MARCH. (GREEN) 2.400 S.F./R 5.S0/S.F. 150 feet of a Solid location and priced dgm, this how to stop a liar, short of punching ! MARCH. (E. CENTER) 360 S.F./O 12.001S.F. church with a dallghtful duplax offars 3 ba< PiA. system that broadcasts hymns wind chime problems; her out? rooms, aach sMa, roomy living TOLLAND (RT 74) 660-1,900 8.F./0 7.00/8.F. twice a day — at noon and again at6 1. If a peson knows that he/she C.A. IN PAULS rooms, spadous aat In xltohans VERNON (RT (3) 300 S.F./R 10.00/S.F. VALLEY, OKLA. ! D.WHSH VERNON (RT 13) 1.400 S.F./R 12.00/S.F. p.m. These are lovely and enjoya-^^ can control the sound, that sound Is with appllanoas. Full basamants THE REALTY COMIWNY Me. However, once In a While and saparata utllltlas aach slda. VERNON (RT 03) 900 S.F./R-O 10.04/S.F. less likely to cause irritation, Nlea yard with ampla parking. VERNON (RT 30) BLD-TO-SUIT R-0 TBO somethingCoes wrong wlht the frustration and the loss of sleep. DEAR C.A.: Trying to "stop".^ liar is like trying to put toothpaste EL'NGTN. (CHURCH) 6,700 S.F./R S.S0/8.F. "timer,” and the machine throws 2. Annoyance from sounds in­ a 'N G T N . (W. PLAZA) (2) 1,440 S.F./R-0 10,50/S.F. the program off schedule. Like last crease if these sounds increases If back in the tube. The poor womin d could be disturbed, so I advise you EL'NGTN. (RT 03) 1,100-1,900 S.F./R 11.00/S.F. _JID0 nigt, the chimes were released at 2 those sounds are unpredictable and OTHER 300-45.000 S.F./R 3.76/8.F. a.m. This is not unusual. uncontrollable — especially those to do nothing. People who know her of high frequency and pitch. — and you — will consider the FREE HOME EVALUATION — WANTED Source: U.S. Depairiment of Agriculture NIAgrapMo source and pay no attention. •oNoii RaHhPx GotiUmponuy MANCHESTER AREA Once I asked a neighbor if she had I feel that no one should hang wWi unique loyoul 14 X 22 Hying room and 14 X 32 Cathedral heard the chimes In the middle of wind chimes outside without first • TO BUY - ioOO-6.000 S.F. COMMERCIAL BLDG. DEAR READERS: I need your eakingso kllehan, dining room great room oombinttlon. 3 • TO LEASE - 8.000 S.F.. FOR HEALTH SPA. Americans eat more beef and poultry annual per-capita consumption in the night and she Said yes, but she obtaining the approval of all bodroomo Including 18 x 24 Mootor. PIraplaood first floor was afraid to mention It for fear neighbors within hearing distance. cooperation for an important himfly room. Lower laval roo. room, 2 ear gorago. 1.18 acre 243 Main Street than people in Europe do, but they eat kilograms, come from the U.S. survey. people would think she was ALSO HATES DING-A-LINGS, tot with view. Manchester, CT 06040 leas sugar and butter than most Department of Agriculture. ‘ ‘fetched'' In the head if she said she DES MOINES. WASH. Question; Have you ever cheated REAL ESTATE SERVICES on your mate? How long have you 243llali^L!7nileilMtorjEFo^^ (203) 643-4616 Europeans do.. The figures, showing had heard hymns playing at 2 a.m. 63 East Center St., Manchester, 643-4060 643-lMl Dally a«oaoo JOE H. CROOKS. DEAR ABBY: I have an aunt, 77 been together? S71-1400 Vtniow Cf., VtmpH, CT 06066_____ SaLf;«HI«0 CALL LEN MATYIA RICHMOND. VA. years old, who "lost" an heirloom —You need not sign your name„ quilt her mother mode for her. Her but please state your age, and DEAR JOE; The wind chimes mother made one for each of her indicate whether you are male -or: letter rang a bell for many readers, five daughters. (I inherited my female. Send letter or post-card to; both pro and con — mostly con. mother's). I live next door to this Abby's Survey, P.O. Box 60440, Los 3 About T ow n Read on for a letter from a reader aunt. I've never had a key to her Angeles, Calif. 00069. who researched the subject; house, yet she has told everyone who will listen to her that I stole her To get Abby's booklet, “How to CONVENIENCE Ratslar haadt MMH auxiliary Eastar Seals sponsors softball DEAR ABBY: After losing too quilt! I thought she would atop her Write Lettes for All Occaslon4," thio 3 bpdroom colonial Is located near chopping, many hours of sleep because of a lying once she realized how ridicu­ send a check or money order for achoola, bus lino and racraatlonal areaa. Formal Carolyn Raesler of Manchester was elected Team registrations are now being taken for the neighbor's wind chimes, I did some lous it would be for me to steal her Easter Seal Softball Tournament to be held June 13 and $2.50 and a long, stamped (39 living and dining rooma, covarad front porch and a president of the Manchester Memorial Hospital research in the subject of sound. quilt. cents), self-addressed envelope to; barn atyla garaga. Prioad for Immediate aalel Auxiliary at the auxiliary meeting on April 27. 14 at Charter Oak Park. For more Information, or to The results of several studies In the first place. I'm 67 years old Dear Abby, Letter Booklet, P.O. Raesler succeeds Mar­ register your team, call Kelly Olsen at the Easter Seal indicate two points that pertain to with no children to leave the quilt Box 447, Mount Morris, III. 81054. lon Moore of Tolland, who Society, 1-800-874-7667 or 228-9438. has served as president Real tstate BRAND NEW LISTING!!! of the organisation for the South Windsor — Stately 8 room Colonial, past year. Health care services offered 6 4 7 - 8 4 0 0 lituated in 2.1. acrea in South Windsor. 3 COLUMBIA — Community Health Care Services How osteopaths treat illness bedrooms, 1.5 baths, 2 horse barn, 2 fireplaces, Lutx sponsors Inc. will hold office hours at the following locations and 168 Main Street, Manchester new roof, Florida rootn, beautiful location, times; DEAR DR. for family and general medical i magnificent landscaping. *324,900.00 Whalt Watch a June 9,5; 30 to 10 a.m. at the agency office on Route GOTT: What's practice. Interestingly, in the past ’ BOLTON RANCH 6, 0>lumbia the difference few years, M.D.s have also indi­ looking for the baautiful homa In the country to The Luts Children’s a June 10, 2 to 3 p.m. at the Coventry Town Office cated a renewed commitment to the i retire to or that JU ST RIGHT homa to atari your Museum will sponsor a between an os­ Building. teopathic doctor practice of family medicine. I family? Than thia 2 bedroom property can be the Whale Watch trip June 27 a June 11,1 to 2 p.m. at Coventry Pharmacy, Therefore, in summary, M.D.s : perfect oholoo. ALU M IN U M SIDING, BREEZEW AY, In Plymouth, Mass. The and a medical Dr. Gott a June 25, 1 to 2 p.m. at Village Pharmacy in doctor? and D.O.s are virtually equal ' NO BASEMENT, AN OVERSIZED GARAGE. cost for the trip Is $14 for Coventry. Peter Qott, M.D. partners In providing health care. $129,900.00. adults and 111 for child­ For more information, call 228-9428. The differences In the two groups ^ 7 ' ren under 12. Non­ DEAR READER: Os­ are more likely today to be due to ! members’ cost is $16 for personality and orientation than to adults and $13 for child­ teopathy has un­ dergone enor­ healing theory or quality of ren under 12. Lutz offers programs training. There will be a meeting mous changes IT’S PICNIC TIME!!! •WE GUARANTEE OUR HOUSES” June 25 at 7:00 p.m. at the The Luts Children’s Museum will sponsor a Whale since it was founded during the with M.D.s; they diagnose and What a beautiful yard and patio for a summer BACK ON THE MARKET!!! Watch trip June 27 in Plymouth, Mass. The cost for the 1860s. The basic tenet of osteopathic treat the same afflictions. DEARDR.GOTT: I am male, 87, museum to introduce Carolyn Raesler barbecue! Spacious 8 room oversized Raised Super 8 * room L-shaped ranch in Hebron, 4 trip is $14 for adults and $11 for children under 12. medicine is that the human body and have bursitis and arthritic whales and whale watch­ Non-members' cost is $18 for adults and $13 for children Many osteopaths continue to pain, especially at night in bed. I Ranch on Timrod Road. 2.5 baths, fireplace, bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, large deck, new Blanchard & Rossetto ing. Transportation details will also be arranged. has an inborn capacity to resist wood aiding, unique floor plan, many extrai. under 12. disease and that the body's muscul­ emphasize the primary role of would like to find a doctor who is fully applianced. eal-in kitchen, lots of storage, Reservations are necessary. muscles, bones and Joints In dis­ knowledgable about these ailments large utility shed, private yard. Great Beautiful lot plus great location near Gay City The museum Is also planning a trip to the American There will be a meeting June 25 at 7:00 p.m. at the oskeletal system plays a vital role RIAL ISTATI 646-2482 museum to introduce whales and whale watching. In overcoming illness. ease. However, D.O.s are very and who will not brush off what Is , condilionM242j222;2^^_^_„^___^_„„_^ Park. *164,900.00______. Museum of Natural History and Hayden Planetarium ’Transportation details will also be arranged. Reserva­ likely today to use the same happening as "getting old." Are* In New York on July 25. The price for the day includes tions are necessary. In most ways, medical doctors surgical techniques and medicines there specialists in this field? bus transportation and museum admission. The cost The museum is also planning a trip to the American (M.D.s) and doctors of osteopathy that are used by M.D.s Osteopaths for adults Is |1S and children under 12 are $16.50 Museum of Natural History and Hayden Planetarium (D.O.s) are similar. Both types of seem to have gravitated toward the DEAR READER: Doctors w ^ ^Century 21 Epstein Realty REALTY WORLD Non-members are $21 for adults and $20 for cMIdren in New York on July 20. The price for the day includes healers are required to complete use of more traditional, allopathic are trained to diagnose and treat (203) 646-7700 73 Weft Center Street 9 under 12. Reservations are necesary. bus transportation and museum admission. The cost premedical training, four years of (M.D.) methods. Conversely, many arthritis are called rheumatolo­ 643 North Main St, Manohastar H H H Frechette Atfociatet Manchester, CT 06040 9 For more Information, call the museum at 643-004$. for adults Is $1$ and children under 12 are $18.50 graduate work and at least one year M.D.s are now using manipulative gists. Ask your family physician fpr WE GET RESULTS Non-members are $21 for adults and $20 for children of post-graduate training (intern­ treatment, such as spinal a referral. • Crafts fair planned Saturday under 12. Reservations are necesary. ship). Like M.D.s, osteopaths may adjustment. For more information, call the museum at 043-094$. elect to specialise in three- or Dr. Gott's new Health Report dh *A DIVlilON OF THOMAt A. BENOIT ENTiltFW Hir St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, comer of Church and four-year residency programs. The American Association of f ii' AfSb, Park Streets, will hold a crafts fair Saturday from 1$ Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Alzheimer's Disease discusses *‘iPaTnN MALTY a.m. to 4 p.m. Craftsmen will come from Enfield, The distinctions between M.D.s points out that M.D.s still have symptoms, management and new WNERE THE INDIWDUAL QtTS ATTENTION ’Tolland, Norwich, New Britain and surrounding towns. Scandls Lodgs mtslt Thursday and D.O.s have dimmed over the more prestige than D.O.s, but I studies of this tragic and Irreversi­ ■eeh oNloo MependeMly owned end opereted. years. Osteopaths are now licensed believe that is leas true today. In ble disease. For your copy, send $1 8 Scandia Lodge 23, Vasa Order of America, will meet In many states by the same boards additlqp, the association Insists and your name and address to P.O. 8 Thursday at 7:M p.m. at Emanuel Lutheran Church. that license M.D.s. In my opinion, that tBT'Thruat of osteopathic Box 01428, Cleveland, OH 44101- Virginia Smith will present a program, "Speaking in qualified osteopaths are on a par training is to provM^ractitioners 3428. Be sure to mention the title.*^ CoUeae Noteu Public." Refreshments will be served. Raady For You to Qlvan acadamlc prize Amaranth group sata masting Mova In... Sana G. kieehaa. a graduate of East Catholic High Chapman Court 10, Order of Amaranth, will meet Joke bars scholar from graduation Sparkling, apaolout 2 bedroom, School, recently received the Newton Lloyd Andrew Friday at 7:45 p.m. at the Masonic Temple on East 1 H bath honia with attaohad gar­ priao In the classics at Colgate University. Csnter Street. Visiting matrons and patrons will be on this. But what has happened has happened and age. Lovely village tatting. NICELY LOCATED HOUSTON (AP) — A high school valedictorian Landtoaped, aaay to oara for lot. 7 7 He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meehan of Fenced yard and finished basement with hooored. Officers may wear colored gowns. There will had to sit out Tuesday’s graduation, barred from they can’t back out of their actions,” Wooeley said Prioa reduced to $134,g00. be a teacup auction. participating or delivering his speech because of as he entered the football stadium where com­ bar are oniy two features in this 6 room what he Insists was Just a Joke—paying a stripper to mencement exerdaee were held. Cape with 2 bedrooms and a den, or 3 RgoBlvM tchotaraMp visit his physics class. Wooeley q/atched from the stands In street clothes bearooms. 1>4 baths, good storage. Past com ^ndar gata award Banners supporting the teen-ager appeared as his robed classmates received their diplomas. A r m Moor M. FtoM y of Bunker Hill Rond, Coventry, outside his home, a ^ there were rumors of a police officer stood nearby. Tranquil Country Price Just reduced to *133,800. Past commander George Atkins ST. was recratly rotontlr reoelvetl the Sister Mary Hieotfore Student commencement boycott. But the ceremonies Batting... Oeveremeet Aaaodatlon echolarshlp at St. Joaeph awarded a Ufe membership in the American Ugion. proceeded as scheduled with no distractions. Caroline Williams delivered the valedictory ‘Putting You 1st Is 2nd Nature To Us!” Collate in Weat Hartford. The award was presented to him by the noembers of Mike Wooeley, 1$, was suspended for six days last address, although the program listed Wooeley as Larga 3 bedroom home (eeturing JUST LISTED • Beautiful 2 bedroom tri-level Condo vrith one car garage She la a lltaelunan this year. Post 102 for his devotion and leadership. week after a stripper posing as a police officer valedictorian. e newly redecorated kitohen, plui private laundry room. Central air, eliding gUas doora to private Friday night, fish night, will conUnue through the formel dining room, French deck. Call for ihowinga. *124,900. visited his KIngwood H l^ School class, questioned When the announcer passed over Woosley’s name, doora and fireplaoe. Cell today STRAND REAL ESTATE sumnner from $ to $ p.m. . . the teacher, and began removing her clo t^ , school some people began yelling "Woos! ’’ tw E. CENTER ST., MANCHESTER, CT tanM nursing dsgrst The post needs help with various functions, including (or detalle. RoaeonaMy priced at ems--a-----a----m* 9 no $«b offidals said. Wooeley said earlier that his prank had been taken $124,000. Marta nioB Jaanaatie of m Tanner St. was recently U m o ou Wodnoadays at 7 p.m. "I don’t think the (echool) board acted correctly wrong. CALL TODAY - 647-’’S0LD" ( 203 ) 646-7709 nwairdad a hachalor of adence decrae in nursiai at A__ tt: annual nMetlng and elertion of officers will be m m ani Coaaacticut State University. boM Tueeday at $ p.m. Manchester bakers sweeten the GHO VHamInt don’t provfd0 •ntrgy H E W Y O R K (A P ) - V i t n ^ mqijple iitedto w u u't g lfu y * « if e lS tearing them. Paid the remaining Torn apple piecea with the aure that it ia browning eaaily; if more energy, aceordiiw t« Dm Rdiook Aerobic Aerol Informatkm dough, wrap amgly in plaatic wrap clnnanMn-augar-cramhB mixture not, rotate your bakbigHwet a half S and return to the refrigerator. and place on top of peara. You will turn in the oven. Continue baking Eaergy (enlMfeW produeod fcy proMn, cnfboltydrnlei|^ W d tf Cover the five piecea of dough with have a "log” of fruit. for five mtaiutea morn. fata. V R n n ^ are needad h i the enaii y producing proceaa, out a Th a w the hex of ph|1lo learee plaatic wrap and then a angbtly Drain raiaina and pat them dry on Cool 10 mlnotca in the pnn, then Rolling over to a retirement plan means money oeemfght ia the refriferator. with- meiat towel. Thie will keep it from paper towela. Put them on top of the tranefer to a platter. Heat jelly Jna balanced diet of If to 2a percent protein, 2i to W perc«t email aaucepan, juat until it ia unaaturated faM, m tom foreoot complex cartwliydratea, wffl oat epcntaf the box. drying out while you prepare to uae applea. Sprinkle on 4 tableepaona of e U E i T l O N : the chopjped note, then top with melted to a liquid. Bratdi it on the give you all the vKamlaa you need, ft aaya. and cannot b « taken in a series of More commissions that way! QUEBTICm: My employer and I dirvetad IRA at a brekerag*. 1 Fbel and allce the apaiee. f ill a it. W Im . 1 retire aaneepan with water and aqaecie in ComhiiM the augar, ehmamon more cinnamon-augar-crumba. top of the atradel and uae to glue the 'The cumptex carhobyfbnfea produce glycogen, a M tw al periodic payments. You could check with many are both t2. He has a Keogh would lik « to ssH M rtain stocks I thia year, 1 will The 4$l (k) Is a qualified retire­ aome of the lemon jnlee. Brtnf and toneted cake crnmba, and toaa Lifting flrat with the wax paper, remaining 2 tableapDona chopped energy anger that la atored in the muaclea and Uver and auppHea brokers until you find one willing to •eif-employed retirement frten, in hold In that IRA and trsnsfsr ths have eavin^ in ment plan. ^ you can rollover the water to the boil, lower to a gentle thoroughly. Lay out one of the begin roiling the fruit end of the mita to the top. the fuel needed for work and exerdae. accommodate you. You can narrow which I am Indoded. The Keogh proesuds to anetber IRA I have wttfi three plana money your employer contributed ■Immer and add fnrit. Poach }aat aheeta of dough on a piece of dry dough, jelly-roll atyle. After the Cot into aix or eight piecea before InvcstorM * your aearch tv concentrating on plan ie inveetod in an insurance a no-load mutual fund. 1 have through my to that plan, plus ail the earnings discount brokerage affiliates of no recaived conflicting opinions on ontil the fruit ia a little pliaMe. waxed paper. Brueh all four edgea flrat turn, be aure to tuck in the t h ^ are c o m p le te cool, even if company annuity. Can this be company’s re­ that have accrued, into an IRA. Remore from liquid, drain and generonaly with melted hatter, then edgea of dough, and aeal with more you're going to leave them on the Guide load mutual fund organisations. A roiled over into an IRA without whether or not 1 can do this. Can 1? tirement pro­ Aseuming the stock purchase (air number of them accept sharee cool. bmah middle of aheet of dough melted butter. However, do not try platter. Serveae aix to eight. penalty? gram. Tiieae in- WilliafD A. Doyle arrangement also is a qualified of stock In rollover IWAq Peel and alice peara. Add a little ll^ ly with butter. Sprinkle with to tuck the dough too tightly agatnat Murdock aaya that H'a beat when aerved a little warm , witba acoopof elude a retirement plan, you can do the ANSWER: Yes, You can move more lemon juice and poach the augar, cinnamon and crumba. the fruit, or the atradel may burat ANSWER: The Keogh plan can vanilla ice cream. fixed-income same thing there. In order to put money from o m mutual fund to fruit in the aimmering water, juat Lay another piece of dough on the aa it ia baking. ' QUESTION: Exactly what ia be terminated and the money can Continue rolling, then place Note: Phyllo leavea are available ” ca«h” plan, a shares of stock into an IR A , you’ll another through a trastee-to- until alicea are fork-tender. Re­ flrat one. Repeat thia proceaa, meant by the term "qualified then be roiled over into an IR A. Ae move from liquid, drain and cool. atradel, aeam aide down, on a In iM nch and IS-inch longboxea, In stock purchase have to find a brokerage firm that trustee transfer. The shift can buttering and aprinkling, until all plan and a 4fl (k) plan. retirement plan?” long as the money Ie put into the (The peara and applea are done baking aheet lined with parchment the freexer caae of many grocery operates "self-directed” IR As and involve part or all the money from five piecea of dough have been When I leave the rettrement sum Astributlons from any and all rollover IRA wKtiin $0 days after aeparately becauae they cook at or wax paper. Braah entire atradel atorea. Fo r thia recipe, buy an which ia willing to accept stock. the first mutual fund to the second. atacked together. program, 1 plan to roll over the tax-qaalffled rstlrement plans into being received from the Keogh plan different ratea.) Toaa peara with more cinnamon, generoualy with additional melted IS -in ^ long box. A self-directed IR A Is one in ANSWER: The term refers to tax money from the caah phm into an roUover IRAs. K««p in mind that traetee, there will be no federal tax Contact the mutual fund organi- When you’re ready to uae the augar and cake crambo. Place a butter, but uae your braah gently. Vartailona: Uae atrawberriea which you can have virtually any qualifications. A qualified retire­ individual retiremont account to only the portions of the lump-eum penalty. xation and explain what you want to dough, open the box and cut roen row of pear piecea about 2 inchea 'Ihe moiat phyllo dough teara and bananaa with peara, in place of type of Investmenta. Most broker­ ment plan Is a private retirement defer taxes until 1 make wlthdra- payments that represent your But be cautious about the annuity do. That outfit will set up the the clear plaatic packet you'll And from one of the kmg edgea of the eaally. the applea. Do not poach the age firms run self-directed IRAs, plan that meets the rules and waia from the IRA. Can 1 do the crnpleyer’s contributions and the redemption. Many annuities have paperwork for the transfer. Then, inaide. Gently unfold the dough and phyllo dough. Pile until all piecea Place in a preheated 425-degree atrawberriea or bananaa, aimply bm many of those brokerages do regulations of the IRS. Contribu­ name with the 441 (k) monby? And aandng on your voiuntary contribu­ penalty clauses (or early withdra­ call the broker and order him to sell remove five of the piecea, wtthout are uaed. oven for 10 minutea. Check to be toaa with lemon Juice. not permit clients to put already tions to a qualified retirement plan how do 1 roll over afiarea of atock tions are eligible for this rollover owned stocks Into IRAs. Instead, are generally tax deductible: earn­ wal. Check that out with the the stocks you want to unload. When into an IRA? treatment. Also, the payments those brokerage Insist that IR A ings on such contributions are Insurance company. the brokerage gets the proper must amount to at least half of the participants put up caah and buy always tax sheltered until papers from the mutual fund, the AN6WER: You can put lump- balance hi the retirement accounts the stocks through their brokers. withdrawn. Q U E S TIO N : I have a self- money will be moved. Retirement Lighter restraints brings wanted by banks some fear Bill Menexes the Federal Reserve when his term The Associated Press expires Aug. 6. Voicker’s tenure as chairman of Rick Gladstone NEW YORK - Many U.S. The Atsoclofed Press' the Fed, which regulates bank bankers praise Paul Voicker’s holding companies and some state- performance as Fed chairman, but NEW YORK - Paul A. Voicker’s chartered banka, covered one of the they also hope his successor will do most tumultuous eras in U.S. NEVER STRIKES THE SAME impending retirement as chairman more to loosen regulatory res­ banking history. of the Federal Reserve Board has traints that many banks regard as stirred up fears of inflation and outdated and anti-competItive. The Fed’s tight monetary policy Injected uncertainty into the finan­ Bankers and industry observers of the early 19S0s, aimed at halting GAS GRILL cial markets that won’t end for •aid Tuesday that Alan Greens­ Inflation, pushed Interest rates to • Dttsl Burner months. pan’s reputation as a (ree-market record heights, battering many Foreign Investors, who have advocate — as opposed to Voicker’s thrift Institutions that were holding big portfolios of long-term, low- • Includes Tank become Increasingly important relatively conservative stance on PEACE TWICE... sources of capital for U.S. economic interest home mortgages. deregulation — made him more expansion and debt refinancing, likely to favor the sweeping Voicker’s term also Included the are largely unfamiliar with Alau changes proposed by the nation’s near-fallure of Continental Illinois Greenspan, Voicker’s designated biggest banks. National Bank in 1984, the con­ replacement. "I think there you’re replacing a tinued dismantling by states of Although the certain departure of person whose primary concern was barriers to Interstate banking, a AND NEITHER WILL A Voicker has removed one major the safety and soundness of the sharp rise In bank failures due to DEHUMIDIFIER cloud over the markets, they now financial system ... with someone the depressions In the nation’s (arm FAMOUS MAKS have much of the summer to fret who is very much a free-market and energy belts, and Increased over whether Greenspan plans any academic,” said Ken Guenther, pressure from major banks (or significant changes in Fed policy. executive vice president of the removal of Depression-era prohibi­ PERFECT Greenspan mutt win approval of Independent Bankers Association tions on securities underwriting SALE LIKE THIS! FOR the Senate Banking Committee of America, whose members are and other powers. H O M E OR before he can take over as Fed primarily small banks. In addition, Mexico nearly de­ OFFICE. chairman when Voicker’s second Many bankers added to the wave faulted on Its foreign debts In 1982, four-year term expires Aug. 6. of plaudits heaped on Voicker sparking a crisis among hanks Many overseas investors, partic­ following Tuesday’s announcement holding billions of dollars In loans to ularly the West Germans and he would not return as chairman of developing nations. Japanese, will be looking for substantial proof of Greenspan’s AP pfiolo abilities and expertise before mak­ ing major new financial commit­ Funnel vision Dollar low In trading; ments in the United States. The new Industrial VAX computer production floor. Baaed on Digital's "Although Voicker and Greens­ system from Digital Equipment Corp. of MIcro-VAX II computer, the system IN STOCK pan will follow the same policy, gold Is slightly down Greenspan lacks the stature Maynard, Mass., Is shown through a collects and communicates data and abroad,” said Monte Gordon, vice giant bearing sleeve on a factory controls manufacturing operations. LONDON (AP) - The dollar Voicker’s, the dollar likely will OVER president and director of research steadied but was mostly lower in regain ground, he said. 5,000 for Dreyfus Corp. in New York. "If Europe today after tumbling on The dollar fell to a closing 142.40 to there is any weakness for Greens­ news that Paul Voicker was quit­ yen In Tokyo from Tuesday’s 148.20. 500 AIR 33,000 BTU j / i pan, It Is In International Husky com sales last month ting as chairman of the U.S. Later, in London, It was quoted at relationships." Federal Reserve Board. Gold re­ 142.60 yen. iTTEHTIOr Nagging skepticism about treated slightly after surging about It made sharp gains In early CONDITIONERS! APARTMEN Greenspan by West Germany and $11 the day before. European trading, but then re­ Japan could have serious conse­ could signal Increased exports The dollar lost 2.80 yen In Japan treated and steaded at rates mostly DWELLERS! quences for the United States after a nine-day climb, then rallied tower than Tuesday’s closing ALL AT A because the Reagan administration In early European trading, which levels. Wa have in Mike Robinson begins as Tokyo’s business day Some dollar rates at mid- stock has been attempting to pressure HOT those countries Into stimulating The Associated Press The report said that the volume outlook for ends. ' morning, compared with late 6,000-12.000 their economies through lower Dealers attributed the gains to a Tuesday: PRICE. BTU Air interest ratea. WASHINGTON — Brisk corn the year starting Oct. 1 is bright, with 40.6 statement by Bank of Japan — 1.8040 West German marks, up sales to overseas customers are Conditlonara There is speculation that West million tons In exports giving the United governor Satosha Sumita that from 1.7965 German policy-makers, histori­ prompting a 8 percent rise In Voicker’s replacement by econo­ — 1.4898 Swiss francs, down from that allda Into US D A ’s export forecast (or this your alaava. cally paranoid about inflationary States a 67 percent share of the mist Alan Greenspan would not 1.4960 trends, may be less likely to year to 86.8 million tons. affect the dollar. — 6.0300 French francs, cooperate with the United States Purchases of 1.6 million tons by 60.9-milllon-ton world corn market. Sumita voiced confidence at a unchanged SALE because of concern that Greenspan Japan and 1.1 million tons by the news conference that Greenspan — 2.0340 Dutch guilders, down PRICEDI will be more tolerant of inflation. Soviet Union were the major would continue with International from 2.0345 (actors in the corn export market efforts to stabilise exchange rates, — 1,306.50 Italian lire, down from Some foreigners already suspect forecast of 27.9 million tons of over the last month, the Agriculture market. and that Tuesday's dollar fall was 1,311.78 Greenspan will be less independent The report said world demand (or wheat exports In the year just Department reported Tuesday. temporary. — 1.3446 Canadian dollars, up than Voicker, who enjoyed enor­ corn most likely would expand 5 ended. But the department said an Because the increased sales also Paul N. Migllorato, a Tokyo from 1.3413 mous respect abroad (or control­ percent next year largely fueled by initial projection for the new year reflect lower prices resulting from analyst for securities firm Jardine In London, the British pound was ling Inflation and confronting the Mexico, Japan and other East envisions a 20 percent Increase to Side by Side a cut In the price-support loan rate Fleming, said: "The dollar went quoted at $1.6410, compared with Reagan administration over what 33.3 million tons. under the 1985 (arm law, sales In Asian countries. down because Japanese don’t know $1.6467 Tuesday. he saw as a dangerous reliance on In contrast to the last three years, World trade Is expected to pick up with ice & water dollars have not kept pace with the much about him (Greenspan) and Gold surged in New York on (ears devaluing the dollar to stimulate demand Is expected to outstrip because of Increased Soviet and volume of exports. started selling dollars.’’ that Voicker’s resignation meant ONEONLYI growth and reduce the trade deficit. production and surpluses are ex­ Chinese wheat demand, the fore­ The report said, however, that As soon as they realize Greens­ more Inflation, but in London the This foreign ekeptlclsm was clear pected to drop 8 percent to 146.5 cast said. It also pinpointed the in the market reaction to President the volume outlook (or the year pan will follow policies similar to next day, trading was thin. starting Oct. 1 la blight, with 40.6 million tons next year, the report Export Enhancement Program as Reagan’s surprise announcement from the Foreign Agricultural the key to holding and regaining the ® FISHER Tuesday that he would nominate million tons in exports giving the ana United States a 67 percent share of Service said. Soviet, Chinese and North African Greenspan to replace Voicker. The There was no change in USDA's markets. H099 STEREO value of the dollar tumbled on the $0.9-million-ton world corn SYSTEM European and U.S. markets and WESTINGHOU8E prices of long-term Treasury bonds • Dual Caaaatta dropped sharitly. C X 440 RMFRIQKRATOR • AM/FM BEST And on the Hong Kong market • Turntable BUYI this morning, gold rose |7.1S an o lliie lll Portable Electronic Typewriter • 2 Spaakara ounce, opening at $455.48. It closed Tuesday at $448.28. Porfoot tor Qrad or D»d LOR TV Although Wall Street reacted FAMOUS MAKE more cautiously to the Voicker CHEST announcement, some analysts said $ 2 9 9 0 0 GIANT GREAT FOR DUAL CASSETTE DECKS they believed declines In the dollar 17 Cu. Ft. and bond prices inevitably would 3,3 BEACH cause volatility in the stock market. Complete with choice of o p R o t T r a n ^ with AM/FM "In terms of Greenspan’s views • AM FM on foreign-exchange rates, he’s an Spell Check m o l d * • AC DC OUTDOORS STEREO unknown quantity,” said David (80,000 word dictionary) fySLB** COLOR TV Rollei, a currency market special­ g lF ISIIIEK H E R TOSHIBA l u a n i B H ist at Wharton Econometrics, a or forecasting firm in Bala Cynwyd, Pa. ’’They know where Voicker Typewriter Stand $ price» 9 9 price ^ 7 9 stands, they don’t know where *199 Greenspan stands. Their instinct Is Each an * 80®® value. to sell.” Some analysts said they expected the dollar to (ace more selling . 1 *»FW Br* M* r ro oer to .- r-Z TBRMSt Features — Ji/lM BTFOTO H040 pressure until the markeU have a I CASH clearer picture of Oreenspan’e • Automatic Centering • Bold Typing MANCnesreR, C T. how you can I MASTER CARD objectives. A lower-valued dollar, • Automatic Underlining • 100 Character Daisy Wheel Printer I VISA in turn, will further depress the oU counV ckntkr^ ^ I MONTHLY RMT. bond market because of (ears that it • Automatic Carriage Return • Much More will make foreigners switch out of dollar-denomlnsted investments. Also — Optional Computer Interface SUPER DISCOUNT CENTER Other analysts said they ex­ pected continued volatility In the 39 Purnell Place wr ^AL t hartporo 445 HARTFORD ROAD-KEENEY STREET dollar based on a series of public ALLSTATE Manchester f.04 MANCHESTER, CONN. ststemsnts Greenspan has made In BUSINESS recent months, In which he has MACHINES OPtN DAILY: MON 6 THUNM TIL K TUKM, WtO, DAT-RL §, m iD A friL tPH, MUMDAY MOOM-i Indicated a further decline In the 643-6156 dollar’s valus Is inevitable. Despite deregulation, SNET custoiners may not pay more

S M H ^ M O -d wlflitf malntoaaneo aordoaa am "In the absence of a ludldal stay from Installing and maintaining / CLASSIFIED ADS 643-2711 VKITAIN (AP) - A May S7 aad was foedpad thia wadr fM lftm N«w CHtmd Tctoooni' by tolophoM eompaniaa. It atoma If a preMom w ^ InMo wiring eompotitive, but tlw ovidenoe In of the F C C decision, we must take Inside wiring for all customers w ai S17.7 million while expenses worn mmtcatiofw Corp. optloml Wen t from a Fodoral ComimH^nUona occurs, SN ET ctwtomora who piw ComMcttcot Is that such services other stops to protoet Cennectleot N e tlcts euMMM kraewtv...... ";'35..- emtrtalnmont...... S3 Form kuoaiin dod edviatnont.. . ID tolophono customera," the D P U C S »,S million. Tho D P U C found that Motorf kroaorty...... v; M ■ •ooRkMRfftf/lAcom# Tmr...... orriM/eoMii eeuiomam...... 51 aerae: 1 ra t dmre W e«nti Mr Hm Mr day. monthly ctiargo for tho malnto- Commlaaion dodaton to doragulato tho iPoont n m M t foe o m got it am not eompotftivo...... t1 .. S4 7M If d«yt; lecftrtf Mr IIMMr dfv. 84 percent of residential customers r?fi4juir*...... AAtorfv^MfS ...... 37 Coraantry/Namadtlina...... ss Merodflondf Couiomonr...... 93 funnoo of h^d o MiophoM wtiwo natlonwido tho maintenance and fixod for so adtHtioanl e tiiv e , "T b s rastdt la that a monopoly order mads...... n Wontad ft Buy...... n r koiftdna/koaorlnd...... 56 Sodta dnd Morino edufomonf .. . 93 a tf M dmm: W Mnff Mr hm Mr dor. previdor, l.o. the toloidione com­ The ontor says; and 80 percent of singlo-lino busi­ Amrauncwiwnta...... n Minicol itaffi*...... 94 M fr m*rf dfyi: M ctnM Mr IIM Mr day. ihotild roiiMin lUiMo wMlo a Inetatlation of Inaldo wiring, the SN ET spekosman Michael Oemoa AwcIIWM...... M keoflnd/fidtad...... ;. 17 Mltdmwii cedTM: 4 NM4. pany, has a green 11^ to raise ness customers pay the optional kllMftCIM...... Hie R a n ta lo Fioorlna:...... ID. Cdmordt and knoto eaviamota. . 95 fodoral dorofufatton ordor la ap> wires ttiat run laMdo a hnUdlng said. o The eempanlos have agrsod to .....OT Cltdfteol...... JF..’ k«M and Svaotin...... 95 paalod, atat# ngailiton aajr. cmmoetl^ a MophoM to ouMda CuMtmiora can ask that tiM rates with Impuntty when there am monthly maintenance charge. eowiii fw Sonf...... 11 Hoollna/klumMna...... 59 MMcoMonaeuy Mr tdta...... 97 paAOUMSf: k«r ekmififd adyrtnoMitn M maintain their existing fees until ■mptawiMirt a Mocaiiaii Addrtanwfi f«r e«nf...... 33 Tdakdfn...... 99 Tho atato D o ^ rtm o n t of PuWfc w irM . charfs bo ramerod from thoir MUs, few, If any, viable consumer Coflddmtalum fdr eonf...... 33 Mtacfllanoeut ktrvlcM...... 51 M MMMMd Tuftdoy mrouen tMurdoy. th*, the F C C Is rostdved. korvicot Wontad...... 53 Wontad to Buy/Trod* ...... 9F dMdHtw l« noan t n m« day Mtff* MMlcaWwi.' but toon they become reaponalbte altoraativos." u p p n i Gomez said Tuesday that the Hfta wontoS...... 11 tfdmMfor Rtat...... 14 UtlHtjr CoNiral aald Taoaday ft waa The atate D P U C opposes the o Tho connMMitos will maintain tflueftan wanlM...... W tfdrd/Offlco lodca...... 3S kfr fdvtftlMmfnW to M puMMMd Mondsy. laaoliig aaroral orttora deregulation and haa ashed atate f o r n ^ r s to tho wiraa. T t ^ could Tho ordM' grow from a notifica­ company was still reviewing the BukfnkM Oeperlunlttat...... 13 Nkkorf kroodrfy...... 36 Merchanaise IMdMdllM H I :* p . m . m Friday. their records regarding Inside requirements. intfrucflsn...... 14 im o Attorney Oonoral io M fib liobor* pay SN ET or another busfnoM for tion to the DPUC from the three tadwMrlot kroaorty...... ^ ...... 37 HoUddyrkfOMnot...... Avtom otlve I M wfrfng fnatntonaiMO and wiring as If the practice was still BmWkvnwnf Itrvtaw...... 15 OorooM ond U trttt...... » BOAO roue AO. O omHIM odytrtMmanM art man to appeal It. Other atatea, as repairs or fix it themselves. Gomez state teloidione companies, S N E T, 1 Antlouok and CelltcfiMn...... 73 : Cort for kota.:. . 91 inatallatlon “to protoet Conmctlcut regulated. When fliing for the tariff revision, L Roomtndfn Wdnfod...... 3f C»«fWA«...... ;-73'- Truckx/Van« for Sol*...... 93 Mkfn by feWhoiw at a cbnvftMffK*. TM well as die National AModation of said Inddo wiring problems are Now York Telephone Co, and Im RRflf«r*«t...... 41 Marwtwttfr HoroM It rnoontlbfa ter atriy om tolophono eiiatomora" from poaal* S N E T said it would not adjust its Real Estate kurntfur*...... , 74 Comoork/Trottart...... 93 Incorrtcl inMftlen and tlwn on(v for tha tli* of Regulatory Utility Commisilonors, relatlyoly rare. WootHniry Tetophono Co, The com­ o The comiMinlos will list the TV/Sl4PM/ARRfl0nC««...... 75 AAof6revef«6/M69«ds...... 94 bio rata Mkoa until tho appoal la Inside wiring rates In 1887. Gomez He«n« far kata...... 31 Mtfchfrvtrv To«f6...... 75 AtftG 5RfViC59...... 95 tha triainia intortlon. Brrort wMch da Mt are also appealing the order, S N E T w in intailation costa MS panies said they Intended to mmove Inside w irliv charge as a separate CDweonuntatm far kata...... 33 ia rv ic g f ittttn tha voiwt of tha otfvtrllttmtnt wtll not aottlod, said the rates had not been changed Udwn and Gordon ...... 77 AwiM for R*nf/t*OM...... 95 M earroctad by on oddltlanat hitortlsn. “The authority h a alraath' aeon for Um first IS minutes and gS for the inside wlrt^l iMtallation and Item on m m tbly bills. Lota/Lond for kola...... a. CMIdCort...... SI Oood TMndi to Cot...... 71 MlKOllontovt Aulomoflv*...... 97 9 N E T , tho Mato’a largoat tolo- since 1081. Invnfnwnf kroaorty...... w Cloonind lorvlcM...... S3 kutt Oll/Coal/FIrowoed...... 7» Wanfad to Duy/Tfod*...... 99 phono company, p r e v lt ^ y haa tho deietorloiH offoeta of a doragu- each additional IS minutes, maintenance charges from ragula- o The companies will notify their fated cable monopdy and doM not "The FCC order places Connecti­ tion, baaed on the F C C ruling. customera of the new FC C rules and indicated It would not ralao inaldo Blood said she did not know how Intend to tot every telephone cut conaumen and mgulaton in a Blood said DPUC attorneys have explain the alternatives for inside wiring ratoa in ltl7 , a S N E T long the appeal process involving apokoaman aald. customer be harmed by the same dilemma," the DPUC order nads. determined that the F C C ruling Is In wiring maintenance, the FC C order would last. Tho D P U C order waa iaaued on erroneous federal policies," the "Th e F C C declared that Inside effect while the appeals are made. S N E T estimated revenues In 1080 NDME8 ED NELF WANTED GDHELP WANTED GDNELFWANTBI ED NELF WANTED ED NELF WANTED FDR DALE LFN or RN or port time AUTOMOTIVE. Motor SECRETARY/Rectptlor CLASSIC SplH Level fftot FLOWER Shop work. for full time office vehicle work plus gen­ Full or port time. Expe- let for psychottwropv ho8 acme of the loradit nurse In general proctl- eral office duflee. Lib­ csntsr. Must hove 3 WAREHOUSE roomt that we have rlancad or laorn on the cloner't office. 4 days eral benefits. Will lob. Apply In parson: vsors sscrstorial sxps- FbN TlRM/Part TIrm seen In a long tlmg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 per week. Reepond to train. Contact Phil of rlsncg, excsllent typ­ bedrooms, 2V!i baths, Krause Florlet, 481 Smsll fflenulaelurlng Bex Y c/o /Mancheefer Cardinal Buick. 449- ing sklllt, good organi­ family room with B lrd i Hartford Rd. Herald. 4571. eempsny, teeptad In Vamen, zational zkltls and a ta loeking (or • raoponilbla panelling and flrt- MMm Aniwtf to Pf4vtoy4 Pulita Acaoaa plsozant pgrtonoltty. parton for vprioM wsi*- ploce. Oorgeoue pink MItIr □raniii rnnan nnn Knowledge of One- Marble fireplace In IfV- rara M — - houH dultai. Oood boneflta. 97 nipvinfVE oonn ranran nnn Wrlte evetsm and filing In g room , 12X13 Noticos N EIf WANTED HELFWANTBI NELP WANTED NELP WANTED NELF WANTED HELP WANTED B Coktlt troop FMANCtAL GD Mtirrtta a n n o 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 TEMPORARY SECRETARY of medical Insurance screened In porch, 2 ED ED ED ID] ironntr ED UTrlvtlptaM §72-7375 aoo noon nnoo Our corporate offlog it looking to ggtabligh an gxgoutivg eforttariil pool forms helpful. Hours cor garage and ovtr on As o eendtilen preceOeni to SuSiNBS^LeomTvra^ BARTBNDCR/Pormlt- SEAMSTRESS for tailor­ MAINTENANCE Person. 41 ComiwM □Donno ooooo the pleeement ot onv oOvsr- MAKE Monev at home Port or full time. Oen- point 9-5. Rseponelbllltlse In­ acre of lond In Boltenl year low fixed rotas for too. 35 hour weak, 11am assembling electron­ ing and rgpolr work. □ooo nooo non to bo "on oall” for vaoatlong, unoxpootod absoncag and peak work loads. clude: Scheduling ap- 11 Dean Drive, Bolton. tlslne In the Monehester He­ eenselldotlon, stort- ImmiSlftfilmS^lfs HOUSEKEEPER erol maintenance du­ (Pttr.) 42IMIV rald. Advertiser hereby to 4pm. Salary, medi­ ics, crafts, others. Full tlmg. Excellent Companion for oMerty but llPikimn 44 Joy^ 0000 D o n o n Exoallant aaoratarlal skills Including a profaaslonal attitude and organi­ polntmsnte for 9 doc- 8379,000. Blonchord 6 Inp, oxponding or res­ SUfflflMP WUpptWWMAll ties. Excellent benef­ eorees to protect, Indemnity cal with Incontlvo In- ttofi orooram. TulorffM In Plwatf* More Informatlon- company benefits. active women. Own room 4« 8hlnt noonn ooon tore. Flsote coll or P/T S A LE S -M /F Roeeetto. 444-3483. "W e tructuring. Lonloney Is Apply to manager; its. Apply to manager; zational abilities ara a must. Will train quallfisd oandidataa in advanced and hold harmless the Mon- croosos. Coll for ap­ IM S jitH m . Miial » t Oartfto. (504) 441-0091 extension and bom m lovely West Hert­ 11/tudwr. 4tDraM 0OD ooon^ oDoo send rstumt to: Csntsr Guarantee Our our policy even If your pointment. VPW A*ed8M«jd ^---- ■ottlston's, 441 west Bottlston'e, 441 West mpM word proottelng gyeteme and other retated office equipment. CARKT choster Herald, Its officers 1390. Open 7 days. Coll ford eparlmem house. Must fflitaflnl nonno raonnoo for Individual and Haueet" d______. ond employees ooolnst any business Is not profita­ /Manchester. 444-9018. Middle Turnpike, Middle Turnpike, 14 Him tar Newt I drive. MlndPM 0OOO ooon ono If you havg the detlre to return to work, but are not ready for a full-tima Oroup Feychotherapy, EARN PROM 88.00 TO N l ^ f e L v Lo ca te d . end ell liability, Iom or ble. Coll Loodor Mort- Center for Loamln i M onchwter. Manchester______MAotor___ ^nnonoon onno F.O. Box 2333, Vernon, 810.00 PER HOUR SA­ expense, Includino attor­ oooo. I.80t>-47fe95ft5^ LI£SMII5 Wurrariit. mtllltMir.) Ttmlratf oommltment, LYDALL has tha opportunity you are looking for. Fenced yard and fln- Two days. Custodial ______M d U l ______TELEPHONE Operotor- GAS Station Attendants SHIRT Freeser. l^ull □□□ OODO ranoo LARY PLUS COMMI8- ithed boeement with neys' fees, orlslne from l^ ll^ ioiori /Typlst. Seeking full ttBdng M Row claims of unfair trade practi­ type core. Coll 449-3358. full and port time time. Good benefits. □□□ Boon DOBO Plaaag call 646-1233 for an Intarvlaw batwaan the hourg 8:30 a.m. and Oggyn sh k l tnefuaor 8ION. DAY AND EVEN­ bar ore only two teo- solos. Full or port time. C LiliC A L. Full time of­ time telephone opero- needed Immediately. HORTICULTURAL Tech­ ■ Apply In person; Bat- . In 17 Mwrlid ces, Infrineement of trade­ N7J>IRIBnC« 5 Romo fice position. 40 hour wenun'tiMf 6 p.m. Aak for: Horticulture to work ING POSITIONS AVAIL­ turee tn this 4 room marks, trade names or pot- Commission plus so- tor. Must possess effec­ Starting rotes up to 54 nician. tnterestlno ca­ tiston's, 441 West Mld- Health Aide for soml- week, Monday through reer coring for tropical ei Typt ot fWi with developmentally ABLE. NO EXPERIENCE Cope with 3 bedrooms ents, violation of riohts of lory. Overtime ovolla- tive telephone skills, per hour. Experience d l e Turnpike, tt StndirM CLAIRE ANN MATZKE and den, or 3 bed- privacy and Infrinoement of Invalid female In Cov­ Friday, 8am to 4:30pm. tvplng 35-50 wpm, apti­ felloot plants In com- disobled odults. Send NECESSARY. a bio. Bsnotits, pleosont net necessary, but Manchester. reeume to: Hockonum roomt. m botht, good copyrioht' ond proprietory working conditions. entry. 9;30-3,Sdovs per Reliability and accu­ tude tor figures, and marfclol accounts. Paraonnal Manager APFLt IN PERSON: must hove goood op- FROTUCrToFTRsIpiF. Induetrlse Oreen- etoroge. 8137,900. riohts, unfair competition 447-2233. week. 84.50 per hour. racy Important. Expe­ basic office skills to Good opportunitv tor ASK FOR MARK ond libel and slander, svhich Coll 742-9114 for peoronct. Coll Bob at Immediate opening for houte. Attention: Strono Real Eetote. rience using adding perform a varletv of 8751498. quality minded person. LYDALL INC. RICCIO may result from the publica­ Interview. machine, typing skills Competitive wooes. o wlllino worker Inter­ Sarah Btordslev, Mon- FLOOR COVERING 447-7453. o______tion ot any odvertlsment In clerical duties. Free ested In supportlno our Colonial Rd. helpful. Apply In per­ parking. Benefits. OT?vsir:"tJi;iaea^r Excellent benefits. Coll 1 oger, F.O. Box 134, DEPARTMENT M E LL G W and /lAlntoni. the Manchester Herald by floral shop on Sotur- assembly, monufoc- Manehestar. C T 06040 Monetleld Depot, CT. advertiser, Includino adver­ NELP WANTED son: Prague Shoe Co., Apply In person Mon­ 477-4477. POSITION8 AVAILABLE AT: This 9 room Cope hoe 4 ED 200 Pitkin St., East doys. Coll 443-1435. Be- turlno and ehlpplno de­ 04351. EO E. or 5 bedrooms, a hu#e tisements In any free distri­ SUMMER day through Friday, H)td£uYlVi Secretary £ Q £ Hartford, Ct. tv ra y 9-4. ______partment on 0 shared C T H m i m ... 'H'e'fp tlret floor addition, bution publications pub­ MACHINE operators LIFE OUARDS/ 8:30 to 4:30. Prague needed for friendly, time basis. Growth po­ RICKEL lished by the Manchester Shoe Company, 300 Pit­ FU LL time position open fast paced, eolet or- wonted. Mature, re- 15'x23' enhances not Herald. Penny Sleffert, able to operate various CUSTODIAN. Immediate for landMopIng and tential Into any of these conventional ma­ SSI POSITIONS kin St., E. Hartford. gonlzotlon to assist tponelble. Own trone- HOME CENTER only Its value but Publisher.______omMrtunIty for person lawn core molnte- areas. Heavy littino portotlon. 443-1499. mokes It eemethlng chines. Knowledge of Openings to begin In with experience strip­ VIca-PresIdant with and occasional drivino — ATTENTION: Retirees / Houeewivee 1028 TOLLAND TPKE. early Juno for persons nonce, will train. 447- protects, correspond MANCHESTER everyone will wont to blueprints, micromo­ ping, waxing and buf­ 1349.______Involved. Airtio Instru­ LOST with mlnumum 3 years ENVIINMMENTAL with soles Stott and own. Locoted In the tor and standard In- fing floors and per- ment Co., 53 Addison Buckley School dletrlct AND FOUND spcetlon ooulpment Is oxperlsnoo os a mental formlng other EMINEE6 foy for port time Interface with clients. Rd., Glastonbury. 433- JUST A FEW HOURS office person. 4 hours Must be self- on Clyde Rood. Hurry I roaulred. Apply at Cor- retardation worker or 2 custodial functions. tnvlronmsntal maiMgsflwnl 9455. THE f140't. 444-2482. Blan­ l o s t . Hoorino olds. Bor lyls Johnson Machine years of college training Complete benefit pack­ rtlilsS dsgrM prsfsrrsd. per day, Monday motivated, detail or­ FUJ.1IM I6 Insert. Color ,zklntone. through Friday. Fltxl- iented and well organ­ SANITARIAN Pori-time. BROWNSTONE chard a Roeeetto. "W e Co., 53 Main Street, In Special Education or age and excellent start­ Minimum a yn. tupsfvlsefy The town ot Andover Is OF YOUR TIME... PMTTHKNILP Guarantee Our Reword I 443-9508. Monehester, EOE. ing rate. Coll Manches­ sxptrlsnss In haiardeui ble hours. See David ized. Typing accuracy the Behavioral Sciences. Orlsweld, Carter Chev­ accepting oppMcotloni DINER BmadHgMOgetlMada Houses'' o tm o ll Pa AT time Pre-School ter Manor, 385 W. watts managamani and and speed ot 40 words Must have current WSI or rolet, 1339 Main St., per minute a mutt. tor 0 part-time position Can give you unlimited Msese ta ■ winntng eoniM- i^A b V for you to move block ond white mixed teacher needed. 8om- ALS per diem rate of |45 Center St. 444-0129. mtnlfatllng raquirad. os sonltorlon etortlno D37 (MUenwiMnNeemesloflnd- Working knovdadga of I.k.A Monehester. Career Inverztment op­ Csntsr ttrist tag the |eb. We eemMne In... Sparkling, tpo- fomole. Coll Bolton 13pm. Please coll 449- apply at: TELLERS. Full and port Immadlotsly. This po­ clout 2 bedroom, 116 Doe Warden at 444- 5531 for Interview. N .C .n .A . and D .t.P . portunities available. Miiwliistw. CT vw opponwwiy lo woni fOf time teller positions PART Time Receptionist Salary commenzurote sition conslett of 15 earning potential!! the wetMt taraMl eement- Both home with att­ M iniflild Trilning available In the brand ragulallona naeataary. tor very busy Man­ hours per week. PleoM eoee iwaltar wen the person­ OempalHhra wagat, axealltnl with experience. Coll ached goroge. Lovely L6it. imall block and new Glostonburv chester doctors office. coll the town office nel convsntanee of yyediing vlllooe Betting. Lands­ RECEPTIONIST S chool banalNt paMwga apply at: 449-4454 to orronoe on (Und9fN»w ta e smeM, frtettdiy end talor- whits Terrior. Vicinity nouts 44, Msnsflsld Ospol branch office ot Suf- Mature reliable person Interview. building 743-7305 or Set your own hours caped, eoev to core tor ot Kenwood and Union fleld Bonk, scheduled with pleasant personal­ apply at the Select­ Msntgtmtnt) ____your Raooptlonlsl naodad or call Susan Pswloskl NORTH AMERICAN A U T d io d v 6hop In Mon- pereenellty tnd eentnbu- lot. Price reduced to streets. Coll otter 3:30. to open In mid June. It ity. Light tvpIng, ap­ men's Office, School and earn extra Waltreesos wantodl U m reify make ■ dWer- 8134.900. 24 Bridle Path 444-5494.______for oomputar galas of- at 42S-SS41 vou enlov working with PRINTED CIRCUIT proximately 30-25 chezter oreo lookino Rood, Andover, Ct. for motivated workers income while working Lone. Century 21 Ep- ABANDO^J^D. Mole 8 M-SCS the public, appreciate Old Mungon Rood hours per week, after­ BrMkfest - Lunch. Rctpentlbllillet Ineluda eteln Reolty. 447-8195. o floa, axoallgnt phono professional surround­ tor auto retlnlshlng. AMBITIOUa INDIVIDUAL veors old poodle cross. Blatford.CTBB0078 noons and 1 svenlno. Full & Pert Time. eeehleflng, eeefetlng with T R A N Q U IL Countrv eet- skills, modarata typ­ ings and have an excel­ loa WT For Interview coll 444- Top pay, vocation. In­ needed who can learn our In- from home. Work at Block and white. She' OPENINGS Available. surance plan, advance­ dual ry from ground up. Grow­ Qood working general malnlenenea. These tlno... Large 3 bedroom don Rood. Please coll ing, soma oomputar lent moth aptitude, 5153.______49 47 Full time, benefits. take advantage of this ment, will train. Must ing oompenmy la looking for your own pace on a conditions. pesHlont era Mail for Wu- home featuring a the Manchester Dog RECE^tlONist/iecre- denit, Heueewtaei. Senior axparlanoo helpful, Poultry farm workers. opportunitv to be port be dependable and future menegomem end offers newly redecorated klt- Wordeno at 443-M43. HDME Htolfh Aides. tory. 30 to 25 hours per •3 schedule that’s ONtaent and oihara. formal dining for Intarvlaw oall; Laundry room person, ot the start-up team In hove transportation. profit sharing and ownership 520-9820 or . Chen, service person, 2nd Homsmokert, com­ week, nice appear­ topfy lodayl Plaaaa oall S47- room, french doors and this now location. We Immediate openings. pofentlal. 640-4863 17 tailor-made for you. shift washing vehicle. panions. Immediate ance, good telephone 447-9930. D40-4011 7880 or apply ta poraon pl: fireplace. Coll today otter competitive sa­ opaninos full or port personality and good 721-7780 Call Arbor Acres laries and excellent iE(^REtARY. Full time 90 fordetollB. Reasonably NELP WANTED M-P Farms 433-4481, John time. Fold on the lob office skills. Orsot 7-Elovon Stora priced at 5124,900. Cen­ ED componv paid benefits. training. Full benefit position. Excellent tvp­ Purcell. EOE. working conditions, J Call Jeanne or Susan at 6 4 7 -9 9 4 > 6 today 813 Center Streel tury 31 Epitein Realty. For further Informa­ package paid. In- lng Bklllt required. PERSONS to work In nice environment In wiseL. Pleoee coll RHAM Menoheeter, C T 06040 M 7 -y S . o______L00KIN6 ^or responsl- tion please contact: service, competitive ct. etete oertifloatlon kitchen making sand­ WORTH LOOKING Into... ble and dependable Isodlno real estate of- High School In Hebron and begin the perfect job • VERNON. For your new Phvllls Portler, In the wooes, mllsags reim­ ticsi. Coll Mr.LIndssy required In the area of I THAT SCHAMBLED WORD OAMB wiches and other kit­ the many bargains of­ person. General main­ Human Resource De­ at 338-9474 for applica­ CUSTOMER 7-ElgvTK aatl Yoa: home let ut custom chen duties. Call 449- fered tor sale every day In bursement. Coll 872- 449-4000. eolenoe. Contsot; Mr. by Henri Arnold ind Bob Lm tenance man. Must portment. Suttleld 9143 tor application and tion. EO E. SERVICE REP A Mflaalag build for vou on this 1 0305. the claulflod columns I PART Time or full lima Vena Herding, Tolland work weekends, and Bank, 157 Mountain Interview. EOE. Unpcrambta thosa lour Jumblos, We heiie • he Sms posWon CeatNaatlea acre plus lot, a contem­ flexible hours. Glos- Rd., Suttleld, Ct, 06078. days. Light bench Middle Sohool, 96 Old on. letter to oaoh 4quara, to form porary or traditional work, orsot for moth­ SECRETARY lour ordinary words. Meltable tor e paopta ort- tonburv Hills Countrv 203-448-1341 toll free Poet Rd., Tolland, C T MANCHESTER HONDA entad htdividupl who an- type home. 3 or 4 Club 433-5253. Ask tor 800-833-1013. E D E . ers with young child­ 08()S4 Pull-llma teorelsry bedrooms, 7 OtUdoel Ladder premoUoM • otter ohallanglns opportunitlae CXJU3SIFCEDAD8 : School will be o u t s o o n i Advertise your Summer In the countrv to retire b a § T Hortford. East MIddIg Tpkg...... 264-673 • kre-e«gter program m to or thot lust right • have a large outpatient oaaa load • Weekend sMmHkra program «/> 6 Shore expenses In this Franklin 8t...... all F O T O M A T r Services with us. Let the Herald help to make your home to etort your • otter 8tataK>MhaHirt taolllHaa and equipment • IndMduelkrad eitenteUen U l 0 EVERY 22 wellkeptlfomllvheme ...... fomllvr Then this 2 Perkar 8t . . 104-242 REGIONAL LAB • MedHled pftmeiy nuralns , DAY < . Each unit with I • Oneke ONM sera eenitr a tlek ehSd oera services known throughout the Manchester area. H bedroom property con bedroomt. Completelv N Prtgtloe Park Circle Join Our Winning Toam Todayll • Bxeeaeni Senemt kwhidlne Mt temtly hMNh Qrptn Road...... 204-330 w o n d e r jg"’ H be the perfect choice. separate utllltlee. East Hortford. CT 06106 Contact Employgg Rolatlona at •neurwwe eeMreee ter pert-Hme, ever M hour emetcyeee. Aluminum elding, 9 tia i* a » » a t»»»»••»ta»«»«k»aa»a»a*iek»ka»ikM ..201-318 t t 4 lines. $15 (prepaid), 7 days. Front porches, walk-up aos/M/k 423-0201, ext. 2364 For lurthar Information or to arrange an Intarvlaw, breetewov, no bose- attic with poselMlltlae ^rtOOG^On. kkkkikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkikkkkkkkkkkkki ..167-160 < oall amployaa ralaHone at 483-8801, axt. 8384. w o r k e r Says ment, an ovtrelztd tor third opprtmont. 9tk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ..124-163 WleDhaM CemmiMlty Memerial NeapHal Extra $ $ $ for your Summer Funll garage. 8129,900. Blan­ Nice atop lot. I cor ttlkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkktikkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkSlI 112 Mtinaflald Ava., Wllllmantio, C T WIrG mim CawmieiiHy NIamtrial Hespital . ManchestnrHerald c h ^ a Roieetto. "We 118 Manatlald Ave., Wllllmantio, O T 08888 (Thia appliaa to Studantt ONLY. You may cancal your ad at any tlmal Sorry no rafunda.) Guorontee Our CA LL NOW 643‘2711 / 647-9040 ■01 ao8 'i848-M8lfO