★ ★ ★ TAG SALE!!! ★ ★ ★ 4 Days for the Price ef 3! ^ PLACE YOUR AD ON TUESDAY, BEFORE NOON, AND YOU’RE ALL SET iHanrli^Btfr HrraW ) Msnr.hesier A City of VillagR Charm llottnifTl . • roam Cofan- lal, sitvatdd on i.t dutch, tires, brakes, 9 0 C «f ifB acres In Sdvfh Wind­ radiator,etc, WedfMBdBy, Jurw 3,1987 sor. 3 badraams, 1.5 lE N TL B M A N $1900/best otter. Will rOpwifwfor ^SSnJSETTrSSJtSST. 3 horsd born, 3 ferred. Central, POPS Inspection. 646- 7107. •M • M ^ FLUMIMIAIIEATM8 m m i« r«M tr«. V*w flrdplocds, now roof, sont, next to shower, IWRMltrDMitfGIt. PfM Florida room, boowtl- ptione, kitchen privi­ a M c Concord i M . lost tm. m m m t u m . MMttrvd.MS- ful location, mognlfl- leges, parking. Non offer. 646-7007. cont landscaping. smoker. 6494001. Reagan vows ROTOTILLINO' $334,900. JackskfM a wniiFcxziricsH aBT Jackson Rool btatg. Homa gardens, MMIMa A MM«A OMI hw «nP cWiimay rw* 647-0600X1 APMtmiBITI tree estimates. SCllNTON kwMtfInt. Tha cmmEii-n.viNUTR IT'S Flcn icflm a ill wfiot F M i m r Call Clyde and OMiYiLen sxoounw vPMMtde jwjat oowWIlfle# or* ontf* a bdoutlful yard and wsr ‘oSonStT^SvlSl ifM. Coll gftfr 4aw patio for a summor MANCHESTElTTraams, Sons. 647-B987. to strengthen sosM see mMNOMP on ctMnIna at low prlcM. w fo M o ri. t 0 4 m . borbocudl SpoefouB 0 available June 1. No MAMNAV. Air W room ovorslidd Rafoad no appliances, 1 SfODOGEOABAVAN *14,000 VrVIPY^WOnM ATWR*ubh WH m^W W i Ranch on Tlm ord Rd. cor. lecurlty and refer- 97 DAKOTA mu •11JN0 StoM wofti, wao4* ---- 3.5 boths, ffroploca, e n ^ . 649-1365. H u r M h s a ftoflH sf vfWW/MffffvnvTWspv* ifW ^^PflV« 97 FIFTH AVI (1) *14,300 B a n dotty. 4IT<MM. fully appHoncdddot-ln- 1 and If bedroom opori- SB DODGE CARAVAN *1 0 0 4 $ klfchon, lots of gfor- menf for rent. i Coll Western ties 990000Enuui«M *11400 <»4»*0^*¥4*90000»\ ago, largo utlHty shod, 649-3947.______________ •IRIWOOD prlvotd yard. Groot 9S1 p cord. $ feet lenglhs, 99 FIFTH AYE. PI *13400 p*lr». Qm , oil. and condifloni $349,900. 1 RdOMS. F'artly fu r - preen, delivered. Score mini­ ssooooseoooenv. *13jl00 By Ttrtnce Hunt Secretary of State GeorM P. ShuHz im Full iiSwrto. nlshdd. Heat. Working •loctrlo w M r hootof*. Jackson a Jackson mum. MASTHRAflSA CARD 99CHY. LeBABON *13400 The Aseoclaltd Frost said Reagan would underacore the Rool Estofo. 647-0400.O single male preferred. ■ellor NoploeoMOfil No pets, Leose. 643-3000 99 DODGE ROYAL FU *10400 need for an "adequate force" to PATW DOOR BLASS BACK on tho morkot If I WASHINGTON - President protect Persian Gulf oil aMpments Q m and Ott, Watar ITu&lAType. Fortlyfur- 99 LeBABON tor. *1140 0 Super 0 plus room L- 99PLV.VOYAOSB *14,000 Reagan, promising to seek ways to from becoming targeta in the Pump aalaa, aarvlea shcgiad ranch In He­ nlshdd. Working single 27MB1B IM male preferred. No 99 PLV. RELIANT t*. *0400 “strengthen Western solidarity,” Iran-lraq war. and Installation. t n s r - bron, 4 bedrooms, 3 set out for Italy today for an Taking a different tone from the baths, tlroploca, Iwga Lease. 643-3000. 99 PLY. HORIZON t*. •0,000 AOdllT BLASS Me dock, now wood siding, 4 S S d t0 apartment In 3 MMT8/IIMIME 99CHV.OTB *10400 economic summit likely to be one Reagan used a day earlier, 64t^71 Shultz said the prealdent may not S 4 7 « B t 4 S • unlauo floor plan, family. Appliances, EOWPIIENT 99 HORIZON *4400 dominated more by trouble In the ¥ i S CutnicUwi many extras. Beoutlful carpeting, parking for 99 VOYAGER *0400 Persian Gulf than by trade disputes ask the allies to increase their • • D 9__0 *490 0 CUBlQfll dSBlKBp GSflpBi MNI let plus groat location 3. $510 plus utilities. ^iBBROnr'omghys. SSNISeAN MAXIMA *11400 and currency imbalances. military partidpatloii in the gulf to IMNCBIMBNII 6434664. (1)0footand(1)9foot, MooMiNiMa fotM. Pro# 04044000.004 l0 r near Gay CHy Fork. 94 PONT. 9990 tS *0,000 Before boarding Air Force One to assist U.S. warMIps protecting I m v IC E l OuelMl,tnMka«MMar. $164,900. Jackson a rooms, heated, 3rd both with oors. $300 94PLY.RELMNT *4,000 embark on the 10-day trip, Reagan Kuwaiti oil tankers. ottlmotot. txoa- Stump lamewL Ffw p i m u n m n i Jackson Rool Estate. floor. No Fets. Refer­ each. 6494610. 9t HONDA ACCORD *3,100 appeared at a departure ceremony He noted that Britain has two rlMctd. M7-7ni MMMiM. apodal 647-0400.O COniiOinnwii— diMfOr rndDdmadMWOTny ences and security re­ St PLV RELIANT SW *3,000 on the White House’s South Lawn frigates and a destroyer in the gulf CORRfVEAUUWN dlorapM . ood aM for Oory wxsrpsm orTm M s. quired. 643-5163 or 646- and spoke about some of the issues and the French "have ships in the PAINTING Shore exponsos In this 6113. that will be raised at next week’s vicinity.’’ He said It was questiona­ u j - i m SSS^ 87M311 well kdptSfamlly home 4W r o o m apartment in aMNMop wVvAAe Quality grooming at i00400000000400f TpOAY f$o woddey♦» meetings with the leaders of ble what the other allies could do PBN89 BVI Od III CfMBifiBd to . Each unit wIM 3 BoHon. Available July ORGAN. Sears Kent. • eeeddeesetFFeFFF Britain, West Germany, France, “because the capaMUtles else­ m O Miy imwod. M ymn •»• offordaMo prloaol bedrooms. Cemplatoly 1st. ftpve, refrigera­ Make me an offerl Italy, Canada and Japan. where are not so great." M 0 I u n m m ■ m ju r im m n ••■ASY 0 0 « ITMs ttia ^ "*t2£nttortiiyA separate utilities. tor, washer, dryer, 643-9379. Keep trying. Front porches, walk-up heat furnished. No CH^lkl^l^l^NC. ”I will look around the table and Asked specifically if Reagan • 4 9 - 4 4 1 1 m u M t n i attic with possibllltiqs pets. Ideol for protes- W U R LITZ^R 9 year old ROUTE S3, VERNON see — thanks In part to the would press for an allied buildup In ondwodottiaraati out your oam print. fun moker ergon. 3 generosity and wisdom of our the gulf, Shultz said that was "not tor third apartment. slonal couple. keyboards. Needs tun­ \ Nice deep lot. 3 cor $600/monfh plus secur­ 91 Bulek Liesbiu 4 dr. *7496 nation over the past 40 years — not necessarily, particularly” ing. Call after 5pm HenM ptioto by Tueher garage. D. W. Fish ity and referenes. 643- 646-3163. 99 Ohev. emston 4 dr. *39W the leaders of broken, desperate required. Realty. 643-1591 or 071- 0445. and despotic nations, but the Shultz Insisted "there Isn't any 1400.0 SS Buies BegM 4 dr. *6006 night. Griffith also accepted awards for his brother i p s FETtAN D 94 Buleh LiBMie 4 dr. *6466 East Catholic High School Banlor Eric Griffith, third from leaders of strong and stable democ­ daylight to be found between me HM 8ALE RNISSALE RM SAIE FOR SALE t6Lr<iiN .'aff,wr ie r t etBhyhevAddr.Wg *6096 Bryan, who was unable to attend. The brothers plan to racies, countries that today are our and the president’’ on the issue. fO box ceontemporory M IFFIJEI left, WB8 among 30 raclplants at tha Manchastar . 4 : FOR RENT ddRMereOeuFC *11,606 attend Trinity Collage In the fall. partners for peace on the world Reagan on Monday had said he with unlauo layout. 14 x Scholarship Foundation’s award ceremony Tuesday wanted to discuss common security GO VER NM EN T Homos TRANQUIL Country sot­ S Bedroom, 1M belh, fully FREE-to good heme 3 99 Chev. Bpeetrum 8 dr. *6706 stage,” he said. CHARMING Custom VERNON. For your now 33 living room and 14 x issues in the gulf that are shared by ' Copo. Bock on tho homo lot us custom from $1.00 “URopoIr". ting. .. Largo 3 bodroom 33 cathedral celllnged sppllsnoed Mtohen, no year old Gorman short The underlying question at the summit, Reagan said, is “how can the West, and declared that free morkot. 7 Rooms, plus build tor you on this 1 Also fox dollnouant homo foaturlng a kitchen, dining room, uUlHles, 1 yesr leeee plus haired Fointer. Heal- 99 Ohev. Oeprlee 4 dr. *6406 newly roddcoratod klt- security deposit. NO thy,llcense, has shots. we help make the next 40 years as nations "should not cower" before porch onO dock. 3 bod- ocro plus lot, o contom- proporty. Coll IOS-644- great room comMno- 99 Buberu GLXT Dpe. rooms. dinino and llv- pororv or trodltlonol 9533 oxtonslon 39$ for chon, formal dining PETS. *73Wmo. 6464703.______________ Local scholars receive awards, ribbing prosperous as the last 40? How can chatlenget or expect othon to stand tlen, 3 bedrooms In­ BBOMiOutllwIdr. Ino room, don . oot-ln typo homo. 3 or 4 Information. room, f ranch doors and cluding 15 X 34 master. 8 Bedroom Townhouse MOVING. Free fo good we help our peoples live in a world kitchon. oulot stroot. tlroploco. Coll today 99 Ford LTD 4 dr. to the podium and began fiddling with the But Shultz said the United States bodrooms. 3'/i baths, NICELY Locotod. FIreplaced 1st floor with fully sppllsnoed home. 3 RMle cots, By Andrew Yurkovskv to attend the ceremony. of even greater opportunities in the Asking $135,000. B/W tlroploco, family room, Foncod yard and fln- for dofolls.
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