...... a.....i T H E NE W Y ()RK IIERA % LD.


entreat cor fellow-cKliens. of all parti** and aactioas. to fanatical vagabonda. tboaa fanatical aoonndrela-thoai of to the ot this lnterestla u"nt«drracT. patty larceny villains- tfaoaa grand laroeny felona, «hth, 1840, via:. the dln-ot of and law In thli appeardid I Ibuu:m Banna* in thin riiy, with an aoaoapanyiBj Uting principle* Jnatiee manner before yon. Little expect beiug oalle4 I notice In your paper of the 10th init an extra**t pr<-aei)t«d rasanat-c. robbed the man of hla Thaaa an Mot# Irorn the M»jur, and for thu tear gliding 3l*t JJiotmbor. way, they proparty. > upen to adiirees ttile grant and glorious meeting, wblo h taken from the Ntv OrUam Caimerctal Bulletin o> It being desirable for th* p*soa, ooaoord. lad *f cares IMS', III* dupoaitori number !>;.. in who hare d»p"itcf harmoay the that make tba South feel that frre labor lii l« worthy of the Kmpirc City.worthy of the e the loth heeded with the Tele of whieh out THE VOICE OF NEW YORK th* I'aioa of these Statu, to sattl* and adjust amioably ill that itaelf I Kmpii January, "Kaaoallty 61. oul -A» jo ha* b»en drawia fl.7ttf,7ioby of between then, out of the better than alava. and tba inatitution lii State, and worthy of tba nlon which you same beie Ai this artiole aeems to refer exciuaiml; J6-IT Ae|» «tur», leavira a balaac* o( S". > iu f.h Hueettcai contiorsrsy ansiac worte fael wa bar* failed to J. graph." f haua; institution of slavery, upoa a fail equality and just bail*: They that repeatedly > to support (Great applause ) I tee before ma tb e to toe Washington and New Orleans telegraph line, 1j of the troatee* of 1L1* institrtion. The r V«ft ml ordorra ON Th*r«f*r*, them juatiea. and benea I aay. until wa do tbea Jua the wealth, tbe of this becomes dutr to stiate to the OB iii*. Intelligence, patrlotltui graiit mj that the pro> '* we public After otlti baatnrn* w»i tree « I, a Reeolved, That California, with suitable bonadariei, ought, tiee. have no eauaa ta aay that wa have done th»ci citj. voluntarily coming here for tk« purpose of au|». duotlon of the Imagination* ef those editors, at thai animportia: her to be adnittad a* van of the Statoo of no »m iflrred, to a runt Hf.'tri K K. Colli:, a « Co. resolutionthe as* upon application, injustice Let us aet to tn* constitution I g< > Union. I am an «- up porting that humble friend and d> particular time, wae entirely Ineorrect and withoutt of at t. to u « I u *ii«m THE UNION. this Vnion, withovt the imposition by Coigns* of me tfce pl«ra th* (*ot of Canal atrer b« any foi whole constitution. ud if It I* MHtrr tk*i I voted servant of that tame Union. I do not oall a to the exclusion *r introduction of slavery withinrestriction uiyee If foundation I found, upon careful personal examiu for their *te«n»liipe, at a reat of f> .'* i.or an. 't"B Attar a those boundaries. « should free the iltiN. let ua buy them, (great ap> a oltisea of the Kaat or of tha North, of the We»t or < >f ation into the matter referred to .that the cause* of ebon diauuMiea, it Wa* sent to lb* board of *a» a aat Their interests and their of for coBcurrencc. Rnsolved, Tbat as slavery daes not eilst by lav, and is ptau>e ) nopes protection , tbe Sooth. I have served that Union for neatly forty-tw lay of which they apeak, were produoed from the deo Aldermen, THE UlflON 11 ST AND SHALL BE PRESERVED. act to h* iatroduced lato any of the territory aoimred their glories in the future, depend M much apon thi i and feal'that I am a citizen of and of oourse. oontrol Tli* following *icm*k a fr >m Mayer H'oodhull wi> ' euhmittad likely years, every part pai treats, and, beyond human eler- to U.« Board ot A!d«ini7», for ih«It *i*w* the l aportaa* by the United States from tli* Rtoublie of Masio, it Is lntectnwd justice-toopen eyes bandage* of compromise and oooelliation. I oarne here. Manf 1 be *scocd was caused by the great and almost Orricr, Feb. 1H, uuii« v« wiuivuv ui« aaumua 01 and let bold the seales. Then, on* caua« i have Gratlfinen .The ljrwa relating to the public health h tra. at UI uvUi DVUlt nuu VVUOIB. vauiuttift, asj resiriouoa justice great thanks for the Undoes* you shown me. 1 am no cedented freshet*, covering the low oountry foruuureitmile*, w.iJ ApVVVUOB or condition on tin mb.iect of alaTery. of diaMtisfaotion will be removed, and we will ban i aa abolitionist nor an advoca'e of earioa* times. uuder*. stances, we would wish the South to have done w< uld hava militated with each other at thin tlemen were also mistaken with to the content* it which yivea to one ol the meoBtiv* o« on* marine league from in month, and running uu that river us incetinj regard gea; di-partm^nta to tli* *outj,trn lis* of Naw Mexico, thence with that line Let us perform eur duty, and when thattowardsti i I did not come here a« a whig or as a deuioorat I of the referred to. I waslnf >rm»d ot all matteia relative to the public health of the i 7>'tanoe*7 la of call, several thousand of private di*pat*h bj of New * «" pursuance signed by eu*tfkidly. and continuing in the Hue direction. to th* done we shall hear no more of the dissolution of th< ) have not attended a part? ";:»i.ng for upwards of fortj one of the editor* of tha Picayune, who mw it that It kcrk. aflotte aleo, very oasentiapy, <«« of th oa* and influential line M **tabli*hed bctwean th* Fnlted Sta'.ea and Sr.t-n. Union. But, m) friends, the Union cannot, must not 90mrm hnf kan ihm U that tha !Tnln« lei leailiuK roviMoBt. the hat >»en, that tlie » most respectable inhabitants, r, contained the arrival of the steamer at Halifax, lawa. aa to tkeir m< and w excluding an; portion of Maw Mexioo, ahiUir ing on tbo stall not. and will not be dissolved, as aa th rti a the uning practical operation, ha»* be the "oltltens of the and of New lj long and rally I* called /or support of tbe Unl >n, 1 bnt Dot one word if teamer'* news Be thl* as it cone involved in action* d'uuit and that * city ciuuty invitingei it or we*t of that river. ai hearts ami 1 a: d in the North and West to funUIi coward, recreant to unortrinty, pro- would be a and 1117 country, if I di d may. however, tha content* °f * dispatch makes during (tr»at etnbarravemeBt, not only to the ftj.irl of Ue'alth of who are la favor Hoaolved. That It be propottd to the State of T»im, that aud it. A few it those here this eve< York, irrespective party distinction, tba I'nitad Stat** will provide for the payment of all that support present ot respend to tb* oall. I mean to give my llttl a no diffeianee to u* Our business la to receive and and ite officer*, bn» to all 'heoiher health ott.'sre of the city the Union tbe weie cradled in the revolution. hare beci1 Id of th* Union, God as with reapoct to th« :»ro"*rij.*vrcuf ning Many strength support and, willing, I transmit all mattar Intrusted to in turn regardless and t' at State, contracted prior to it* annexation to the United l> rn nurtured, and raised by and under the Union will do so. I am not a strong but I have a littl of the mattar of the or tha foverumeut,powera dutiea. relaive or the great question now agitating the nation, upoa man; a subject dispatch l'ader tit,* cirrumatancea I would anbaiit t>» State*, and for which the dutiea on foreign import* wi re Heretofore we have stood by the star* and stripe* strength left. and I trust I shall be burled under th dividual handing it; aad wa have adhered to the Common re»j*etfjl!y tbe batli of ths resolutions introduced plrdirrd the laid Statu t* it* creditor*, not the We seen of to our ine Council whether it would not be enped out t* compromise by exceeding have many thoee added nationalI I dIcd. Oi d grant that you may devlte or fall upoia this rule strlotlv. having no favorites, but wishing todo cauae an immediate reviews of the- health law» relating >» rum of dollar*, in consideration of th* dutia*. a* p'odgad. within our own and aftei seme mt« lat > tbe Senate of tbe United States by tbe Hon. Henry b«en bo to that after the aaia galaxy experience, stripe plan to that Union to which we are, ii justice to all Thoae gentlemen seem to think strange th* city of New York, an that a drat*, tor a lawir.ay be having longer applicable objcot m. *, tli.. l.*«i.i - ,. la»t la annexation, bnt having thenceforward become parable to tha stripe added to our flag. We stand fe aolen u *nd authaatic act of her Leiirlatur*. or miration, hnd an anxious world Is looking to us All enthusiastic and The tneetin were to use tha same and incur the *ame efpeciallj reapeetiiic the puol'.e health should be kept prolonged applaute g Industry ss free as poasrble from all oks< ur.ty and tmW«-ra "men's a* live time* as as it i«, it would not have of a convention, relin^nith to the United dtato* any claim th>- hope* of humanity are resting upon us; and shall shortly afterward* adjourned, giving three cheer* fo pease to obtain early Information that individuals do, t'j their true construction. capacious wliah it ha* to aty part of New Mexico. It be raid that because of some little dissensions exr C B. WOliOHlILI,. room for the we family General Scott and th« Union. their efforta might probably be crowned with eten standing thousands, and, atfordedKeaolved, Thut it i* incxredltat to abolixh slavery iu the these stare shall be obliterated for ever? ("No, no,"and result*. The whole number of documents S"ted upon Ink eeeoin*. of thousands or af all Piatrict of Columbia, while that initication continue* to satisfactory«ki sixty-thret, and within a lew momente-of S o cmen, Lite might say, ten* persona parties, in the Stat* of without the cone»nt of thatexiit great applause.) and that stripe after stripe shall b« Fi'aTHER Particulars ok tHr Mi'rhpr or Mai 1 frar the Interest felt by those gentleman la the Alderwaa from the Third, ni :s (> rie of never. ') l.et u«, then White .The Abingdon (Va ) I'lrginian contains a let Merchants' Vidian?* arises from aselfish motive. The to Tuesday evesiB«;; but Aid Shaw laid he wi .lied t» o(f r *u without to tL* owner* of liar** within the to the Sou'h. we will do and when w« the kn .» for wtwt w>ee their or their vote, in favor of a ju«t compensation sey you justice, t»r fr< m Andrew J. Dunn dated at Independence, Mo proprietor of the Heading Room in New Orleans amtb'iwent.liy letting public pur taey voice; give District. do that, we will tell them that the union Shall not b« Jan 1 tub, the of the mui a of steamer's d(»< and the New York adjourned at so < arly an hour. That it i* ta the Di»- giving following particulars gets despwtch regularly Aid. Shaw I would olfer an amendment that «* of the slavery question. We have witnessedcompromisea Resolved, expedient prohibit within that It shall be preserved inviolate; that w* d. r of bis Mr*. tbe Indians market* for their own use, and tbe UuiUlin, vlj^ara trade is ilavi * into it from State* or destroyed; *l*ter, White, by Apaehe by paying and proceed to at «nd th« me- tin ? "for ttoa Unioa." Irli't, brought place* will to remain busdled ia this " pr.servins great many publio meetings in tbi* metropolis, the limit* ot tli* bijtriot. either to he * >M therein, a* compel you up glorious I hasten to attempt to give you th* fate of ou r them a pittai.ee cI the charged tor their despatch, beinn held at Caatle Onrdm t--u.*l... bejond unirn which we for whiob we prioa of of of natives, and of cltliens nj.tchaadne, or to be transported to other market* wU t by hive lived, and hope dear sister Ann. Aecording to th* statement c,f gets a copy at second baud for their publication In Aid. W«'0i>.1 cordially aovpt the am«adm«':t of my whig*, democrats, oompotedthe Diatriet of Columbia. our .successors will lite. We have flourished under It. in from K< this will see It is would colleague fro» t .e Teellth. «utthy Major Ogden. just ooming 8anta , wsy. you hardly ponnMe they oi bat we never saw a more more to The as *as and t^a- Irrespective party, Rxolvid, That cffacnal provition ought be mad by vast multitude;opinion, applause.)pressirn troop*. f) reputation Having published charges A petitiuu to rrg'ilate and a«t cuth and gutter ttnmai on an 1 the aduiafion or of from that exclusion alavaa krougiit was introduced th« went in of her. and gone some considers of the Bullttin in your circulated I avenue and that and that feutlmeut was, that, at* into another tf their JotirH L Whiis, F.sq then by pursuit having widely paper, hope Thud ana knhty-aixthetre.it. Referred to opinion them, depend*, exclusively, upon hie dlstanoe on th* track ot a drove ot wild horsei you will also this denial, in toto. of ou own particular law. Cbalrn.au to the meeting He said: Mr rrasid«nt. publish any Koala. Committee come weal or come wo. tbe uulun of this great and there was a tremendous of three c'leeri found tbeir mistake, and a different oour« clpatlon in any persons employed on this Una having fetitH n of John Wii^ht and n there, for a rier at t hi foot Mr. Jxmks DrrEvrrcR on* of our oldaat an! (bete outory pursued partl, glorioun and powerful confederacy must and shall be Onniv, ftrtieiieral Soutt, which were given enthusiastically.) Soon after.tbey found scattered upon the ground pi*04,i any connection or collusion with any individual or ot TweifutStreet, Nortii Hvur, referred to Couc«3«e on mc*t reapectabl* merchant*, addrened the m*otln,- Mr White then ..Mr ('resident and cf Ann'* dre»*ei, and in other places thread lace, \o a?soc!atinu reeking to favor ine of its patrons In Wbarvea. preserved, tbe efforts of di»unionlsts and factlonlsts, of Thl». fellow cltixep*. raid ha, Is a trrnoacti *«» proceeded Hrporfa «/ I'ommi tUtt ai llrjdi ot Dtpt rtirrnti.. meeting Citizens It has been nv fortune, on several tun from her clothing, that those who were after he lerence to another. Respectfully. pre,'J Prom Committee <a evening- iax'ie, Garden with Mrxlo i fernred to ua vast acceeji-.u* fay. meeting parties.it leaving, rian of the Board ot ilialth reports the weeklyThysiiMUM 13 North ooucorrii All", of teritory. i t children, ftcm who*e necks were tbe wb*el favor of old of foot of CUrksnn street. determined was tbe spirit manifested, that tbe In tha of that whether the ad- all trdicKt and tentlmeuts W« have mat hern this suspended ber of deaths and interments iu the city of Brooklyn rebuilding portion pier regulation Urrltrry by night to to the I nlon and to tbe worU tbe and car** of Mr*. White'* and Ann's watches. She wa s for the week ISM), to be males. North Kiver. pier 3J la-i River, and to build bnlkhaat at tbe cur rev j- mi-sion of new States or tha of territorial present ending kebruary 23, 41: W alnnt street Ou concurrence, concurred in. Alao. of States, heritage bequeathed by confederacy organization glorious sptolacle ot a pe p.« forgetting party and part; well clothed In her usual die**. She refused to g n females. adult*. children. 24. Inter .neat* at slip internment* the ijiumtion of slavery eomes up with all lit; 22; 17, r in lit I. d u K the rebuilding and extension of piet f>0l ef utli nsr !*ihri« shall be sustained in all its intr»rity, prejudices. and unitedly lookiug up to iieaveu t'> catch when sbe got sight of the troop*, and they shot he r (>reenwood and other Brooklyn grounds, trim New Charlton etieet. North Kiver Adapted It* fore*, and give* to the subvert an Interest that no l and left. Krom her the had not In and handed down to a* as as other matter otuld It. W* al«o will have th* MM inspiration by which they may be coutr .1- la appearance an;T Vork and other place*, 24. Ki port of finance Committee of tnia I >ar l, reeonuiead.'u po-teriiy whole, perfect give their conduct fur the ervatlnu ot this «ay been abated, but looked thin and heart brok..ii concurrent'* in UaaiBg kxthange to 1.. W. K ram art before n* when the cecaua of the l'nlt*d Statai pre. great Poi n k Co> «t.- Justice Trnrasn Smith eiip 71smetrical, and u beautiful, in all 1U prop ortions an uoeetlon I ct me here an an bumble individual -on* of th« There were four Apaches killed, In whoee p ' yesterday Adopted. i* takes, which will an loor*a*« *f coaf-deracy of rases of assault and gros* of on Fire ia of fu '« when received tho«e immortal man who giTe r*j»re*entation bUBil li »t uot at to or were found Mr*. White's miniature and Ann's butter disposed eighteen buttery, Report Ccromittee Department, f»*or from founded In the I.ower Houa*. Fellow ar* aware among you belonging any party Intoxication, ko two of which were from New Etiitine Con psny 13 with a new <-n* ue. t'a citizen*, you MtofniM) In e on which knives, speens, and other little with her ini York, nithti.f it, and who cemented It with their life's blood. tl.at In thin be at bearing myhandasing plank thiugs. who came to to the Sabbath. conturttd in. c.uoorrenco, political supremacy. oouufry, may I cnce *tood. I be sol* remnant of tbe Butfalo tlal* upon them, and now in the hands of the express Brooklyn enjoy The rent in k eomru'iuioi tin. with an ilc o> u< in < i inis suojk-t, lor we Know tnat plitforoi Comptroller Throughout the day according to the request of the political - bearir tbls before fellow cltitenx mun at Mr. promises to send tbeia f! an additional of $ ". M rt i>slderati< ris mix with th*t g single plank you. Liberty. Ogden making approtnxtioa ord>nuia, Committee cf the national evfry question MM this as an element to ad 1 to tbe areh for me in a tew day*, also any other information he cat Polices liitrlllceix-e lerred to tbe finance i omniiue. Arrangement*, flsg.the b< lor* us i ou alio know t. at w« hare a to this evening great front !hr party tbe mod if our lulou. to ba built yet 1 here is a great loitement here and 1,000 mni *1rrnt for Muidrr .The mac l'hou>a< |Sxlth wh i I*i*j'rTt A.vird of Ahltrmm .A reaola'.loa ta stars and before era the e» called th* abolitionist* : and I would aik preservation safety up v 12 IkO to t04t exp. ue". incurred v ie glorious stiipis. which, this, uotry aoy this aicb surmounted with a are at the service cf the department at twelve hour) rtabbed Ixrratd MeOcwan the other day, with a knife. at propria) defray by cf man to tell me there *: is tbere measure, by ycu Light-an single rection ol the alio ial ruminittee for removing l!|( ru.na of th« erou Ft. Geerg* Las fallen.which commands re aoy ; aoy pavllliua. Laving amblainnsd upon It, the single nttlce. The ooart here. to-Jay. petitionea the Pre«i iu the abdomen, lutlietlng a fatal w<-und while lu aoine Noe. S and 7 atraet. Coneurn 1 tn. ported in favor.) luraiahiog a from them, tbat will lead to any praetioal retail? 1 I nlon," Tr?n.tndous sbout* of applauso.) Orntie band ef Apaches, and ail th* ravage tribe*. The oiti Krnuip wan arretted ye«terday by the police of the berth tirF. KColnae'ateeinahipa of the Nea Y. rk and Jborne victoriously over the valleys. and planted on the not ot their motlvea be oa the of "Ol at the loot ot Canal era tl and 42. wiiA apeak they may good.but men it ia a new. a- it 1* a singular, necessity whlob *ens here tbink that letter* will contain news of li'tiiu Twelfth ward, charge murder The ftt lite, Street, p u\ mouotaln of the American continent.which is I M«ak in reference to the interests of the eouutry. Jennie, who tbink Is still of the luai wait taken the telkhtaiif, to b.' put in au h oi ler a< i> uteo.-s arj I t the tops calls upon the citisens of tbe N»rth to e»me togatber they alive, but separatee siony dying .yesterday. by testl1 The coram t'ae >rt in Oeutlemeu. when our pMitical ' ky Is darkened, fnm Am and now net Oi*r, in nirrmit, ai It to be the of INi>BB«lsiien ef Ike stwsieis. rep the emblem ol bamaa freedom wherever it waves-that to temfy tbeir devotion to this 1 nlon. It may b« saii in their possession Col. Gllpli appear* opinionCoroI f itLli(.K the pn re lor ten fears, at t» ft« 'i por >**r. wikk w« ball with joy the star that guides us in the storm will not kill a little but will rait* It. 1f tbe do; tor* that the wounded man cinnot *urvlve favcr wai of the North tbat the baa never stooped from her bign says they girl, the privilege of renew in* the leas, at the eaptreiwn of that giorlou* fla; throughout the day. displayed from (< b<-ers ) Such a planet b.is in the person of mn. Col G is of that th* will t Smith »a« take* Mm JaatlM Mcirmlb, at euch lie* ai rhail ke a«r>-ed the Senator of appeared, In bis state to calculate tte value of tbl* L'nios ; wa think they oplnlou troops ^e theinjury term, 1 npoall y appiatiuaiont. thousand ships, from the Krenkliu House, (rem the Kentucky (Cheers ) It invalnable.u4 It 1* not for u* to oaloulata the lit 11« \ lrulLla if still alive If thev J». I am <1 > t»r who committed him to prison te await tbe ra-ult The report was, after a->me fiehate, adopted ia OoBSurrtuce be proposes to extend tbe olive to the S>uthresolutions.and of tbat which mlced to Santa >Y " Takni fiom a Thirf Officer Croaett arretted. aith tie Board of Alaeru «b. A.ijourned. American Hotel, from Florence's from the whl< and he a~ks u* if tbe to meet him Is abova all price and above valueall goto North half way value. or*ey or L>'Or*aj g medical book*, together repreoentr,of Bow a It Tuxatb The Dmotinwr," one of th does not ealst On that sound platform, tbe people of sprang instrument* Thtue article* und beautiful dramaa ever plajed at thia theatre, waa perfume A a roan d and aave It from tha assaults of those I, fir one. cannot that whila wa are late it Boatea. ft daudy negro. of the Kre 1 Uouglau elat surgical are, " rally it, this and State, and almost of the whol« Kast and ((.beers) forget *t< l»n were at latt evenik*. « ith the e< and oiuiatrian pi«e OarsSB." before a verp (I beers.) fiery action of our Southern brethren, wa, who ara etiett. near South *tr-et. yeeterday Th a property m norm* audionoe. To-aiglit the same ill will >H tbn euperlorlty of the Vfi callirn police cilice, Tomb*, applying ami MM i.ouee, wt are aure, will be orowdedta every depart- lumbia should he left to the of the dtttes that proverbially " Clerk of Pol lee the the world ever saw. people should act without our ilinstrious aaesstry, omi" ever Urn paie. paoy deacendantr of th* Anglo Ctobleet and holiest oeOad tbat He asks that laws be ia«s«d tirgetting " Thi Arm! Two lliTtr territory may end fhcu d in.Ilato their vli to thluk twice Saxon* Thl* colored C baralter D'Orfar averreiJ oj Thttrtl.Two gcn'lem n. Baoai'war Tmi *t**.-! » ( a »u estimates were formed as to the of of the which example, name* of nljht noteity Various number to enforce those principles constitatlon te'ore v>e are tc act onoe I Jo aot think our ?'*t *'1 black animal* are to wblta one*I, by the Andrew Van Hlaroon, Jr and Alfred di.eed at tbie bouaa, in the i>.ape of a fee a t oo«a»dy, wrltta*proi the ownn. will r in I r a l< ng pnriect!tl no, if Slavery tigmatiaej North was m«de up of tbe earn* 0«ry substance It and black men excelled la all the*e particular*. Th place, purpoae Long a piop'-r apprei lat.un u( ita nicrita la evtc*»n it not this country ban reached, theaffairssure ma.rlais While tb-y Spring from cilnraJ folkr are utrocg erary way. A flea laid lb* made the nod tbea entered the tavern for tbtrt why ahonld take U.a plate of ni tar k use of the officers of the meeti the not phlegmatic ' on ant deeatod to Ea«lieb life an manncra. llu urn and ( bevaller, I* the *trcnge*t quadruped on the faces,f tbe purpoae r'f refrething themsalve* ginger pop or p t" what be tbe ef disunion. and wh n in readiness to start fur Irtuiea" I* a liappy una. A c utiiiuti diaplay of A'aenoiuaItj ?:ob> the proseenlum bung a glgsntic American dag. depict might eon*e.juease* heals Looking bark upon the dl-Unt times of the the raith. contidering bin weight and alie-andafle something stronger, peculiarities. exhibited In tbelr eatreme Mc'it, am.) uiinj ..f Ibt human mind cannot contemplate the dark tuture reatoa re home en lor tbelr to their utter ) m media In front of the there was another reigns cf Ckltks and nf James, wa sen that Iba la black. That'# the he l* paraeonted. my h looking cooveyanoe. ciorre. to ilMltt tWurdiHu. Mrna 119 (lit aud -nee mi tcnd. td* (f > ngland weta the bra re meu who fougbtroundtful *pected bearer*," aald the eloquent b'Oraay. "Bntth eurprite gone, way only a faithful but a )odt<-r«ut pictute nf it' oxtremee t» national and the stand was covered must be Bade, and minds at to th»ai waa I however to New V nr mil wheu a*i<-d £ag, speakers' greater iAm mightier liberty sgaii.st the encroachmenta of the throne up f the revolution would the earni Lire another coarayanee lor that on uali.g aatirr. mirror, wbtreia Brae* Band need the audience, from the oountry. Roundheads with their sword s*ut down t the gravs teeth," cried Ktbiopian Tully. grinning at the purpose; ol - a Washingtonhever around us their Are would live In their ia the no could b« d at tba (iii cUeaea ridicul p p an a'ike af,o»L up, eartIand when the doors were thrown open until the apeient tbe dooulnei of j awive obedience and Jivine time, to »how bow hi* own month wa* furaUhed rising city, tiding* ut* of gow'b. the aod thebet»»en at Cnarlestcwo. in Masmcfcusi tta. whoancestor*tbe c<>l< red eopuUtloa. that can be mU. Thay aaUI r.<] »trlke fur New i ork a en pro.iuoe, all. the Th» q there WW Mill fur t ankee Uoodle'' their llbertlee (< beers ) Is I nl<~n und>r w» have ao Oen man, I never know d a to iteal in m;j was more certain ia la-ge n'v t1 t'ie country, t»Ju>Ditut anp|H>«#d Xtrdes situated In tbe centra of the Atlantic cities. She is which long flourished. nigger anything that beet eovlal >.artn"B)'. A »| irita ! and e»pr«pri*te uptl ,w III*. I'd tract a Bigger, any time, with a baehel of die and thinking to ml* la* ItH Out MlM whole the ctr.fr of the ci t.imeree of this rcuntrv ao 1 n-isr he at tbe uth waited >|||| k'l. aid tin. uuth ajplkuiti. It will »t with tremendous applauxe In tl.ie way the time was wblrb w. n us our liberties at the of the mon J* or gold riag*. without counting them. \ *, In given 8< ^rry. until betweennaturally | nattd it. If t*ta!i * ra' the of she will be tbe la-t to leave tb* point two o'clock and then oeeuj led aatil the pi exceeding' e u)tL*nc*d At auspice* lleaven, I think that, at I their desires and deed ger.tlemea ard ladia*. I d tru*k- 4 fort]r on»|aod yesterday morning erooa«4 ari'i'a a length, I'nl n she well ba called bajonet. vast, u'ggrr the ! ul (ii Officer of the Ei Tnr»r«r -I'.lf fa«», fhat aatu-ithttaaiUg tb»t I*, at half pa«t mtio o'clock the »« (irtmendrus applause), may wishes are entitled to acme consideration from b Ilea. »here I wouldat trott awhlte man the leagtb of ferry. Malouey, 8»coni ti e alB>i at 11[ rua of th« admirabi* meeting the of this arch, which time cannot who ba« * an r»'v\dentally Ion* oiled to order bj bey-stone mighty cur bte'hreti of the S^oth (IJood, good. the rop« 1 bat would da to bang him wlih. Mere tben for *u*pinloua t raady of 'Tf * !-«rlo«ia Tamily," lie l o ita ao'it*auaa to b« (tin at cetumotlon In the of the room character*, observed tbem drive from tbe aiuadod a> If were ao* 19 ( antral S«m.» in who mid It we* with no 'Tdioaey de-tioy body ) tLis is aot tba time nor the occasion, <>et.llemm,for the speaker ai-peart d to be mach affected; he put bla han I ferry a# angurroaaljr ft only It rtrtt ru>a to tu hsllow eltisens ftm are to- full of tbe subject on wblcb in blr coat.tall aa If U> bl.< handker to a tinern he In frulton atreet. and from th»lr w -k. "Ihie t tho brat ari'ertoa of I't e«--tlleoie. ia t »f feeling he propoae Iti oifiulntldB. Thl« dirrusMcn of any tem»(argum«nt. The .jue-tion which pocket, feel for tl.t B>aaltil« in »h b it la I jcu have b*en called npon to deliberate, to listen to Chief- leaked friuhtened then tried innthar n k»L appearance aad a-llen* rn-pertrj bad stolen eijle repreftntt by Unrtaa. the Brut time. In eightetn year* that he ha» partic n»w dnldes tte North acd the South .tbat Is the they Brviial a Krt. Kuai.ll. Mr. C md the ir abla brotbar are tcofull ol to mate It ." tbe horsa and on tbeir return lark', la a public moremeut and it l« only a »u\jeet of me-jcu patriotism cn which »a are assembled here tbls evening and bioaa cut wlih tha aiclamatlon : *VhKh olf wagon, therefore, a«t»rn. M e au(> ed a« r.e. h laat u tbt a» if trs ha 1 »< aa it Ij.«"ed for me to remind of tbe of the yurstlcn r. r m tn» itifru, nr rii->c*a dotn. in* ohm oaii«d national Ui>portaace that would Induce him oa thl» you Importance n*o*sF»rj We,the Housdbeads « f the North, ara met together this jou black tar) ant» b*a bookad w>y aaw hanjaana thait lor Hi but. ai.d we are tor* there we e many pr aeat ate then tat amid load cheers ) r Willmmi made but Korr . Matthlni ccaeloD a« he ha* done, to take part la the (Mr. Ogden down, subject.nigm ii.i *i 11 r.r union. io axirna to our coft ci ili abilllBga. in Naw l»»k Ivt Saturday' I ott b:«r*ci|# th* had *itaee*td It before, yet aajoyed tbe eomade aaJ the tun \\ O' t wrur»d, OBJ him to th- atatl a I 11 wilb iarreaael pl.aeur- Tha aatertalaneatt ol a men tag. He then the J R. I ss was the next bat bretbrra t f the South the band ol ami l« t< and «i»hiatrj 'aovhiattag wit* rourty'd poll** nffli>a, " public proposed deliberation* speaker, lellowtblp tally corrupt** by ot wilb a ait larte called M'lld Oiitka." IVaat of d a* officer* of . the eonibiaon was so *r- It was some time t* whit* and took ot ai*f alio the how »nat'ndtd aaa» geatleaiea tit* meeting loUowtag at, before < tnWa- tr pmei a principle which, in It* cobI>: tba trarb and taadlu* tha d-f t h* other r g>i* in twu of lua ifaTortta ro/et, had attracted tb<> Boatappeared til > HillHt*. mrjijcil In heart and noul to tb* doctrine ol free a ban I go back to Boating Thapollt* cnlnrad *11*1 t.un>erM>t audience we have yet Mea at thle alwayi m i r t t » »v*s»« «/ an 4* and to doubt >r*thl- him in " CoankLii W ItoekaT Amitm, <1 Ifloi t l.aa li n II, am fr#a to rmounea It for tba *ak« ol union lory, b< t llklrg tbla coara* Inntiand" and throatac*| tleyhae* eoatodf. Thin mi ltd tkaair* -,Bib k kj d hii»a», T'i»ee Veari Lawatnca, nul'a tin thm dMi